Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 13, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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The Brotherhood's Secret
Plans Discussed,
The Sensible Statements of Messrs.
Keefe and J. B. Day.
Opinions About the Pugilists and the Pros
pects of Battles.
The secret is out at last and it is a startler.
The designs of the National Baseball
.League, deep, dark and daring as thej- are,
have come to lisht in a very singular way.
Doubtless' the eatirc baseball -world will be
startled this morning when this piece of ex
clusive news is read in Tun Dispatch. I
will have to tell the news in the conven
tional way, that is, a third and behind-the-scene
man will have to be interviewed.
Here is the prominent but unknown busi
ness man's statement: "for weeks I've
been trying to unearth the plans of the Xa
tional League; that is the plans by which
they intend to foil the Brotherhood gang.
I have interviewed every player and mag
nate, but could learn nothing from them.
But my efforts have finally been rewarded.
I was down at the W. C. T. U. Con
vention, and bless you, they knew
all about it down there. Here is what
the magnates intend to do: All the high
salaried players will be made gatekeepers and
their places on the diamond will be filled by
the magnates themselves. Of course there is a
big demand on the quiet for Messrs. Nimick
and Young because their remarkable battery
work. 31ns demand is so geucral that tne
various clubs will ballot for the magnates.
This move, I ma say this coup de etat, will kill
all Brotherhood aspirations as dead as a door
nail. But tbee is a double clincher in store.
President Young lias not been eating idle bread
in Washington. He has gotten Congress fixed
and a law Mill be enacted making it a criminal
offense of a very serious nature to organize a
baseball league in opposition to that of the
National League next year. The law will also
provide for the pa; ing of umpires out of the
national surplus, hence there will be an umpire
to accompany each player and watch each
, Wlint Do Yon Think or It f
Sow what do you think ot a revelation of
that kind, gentle reader? I don't believe a
word of it, but its absurdity is no more glaring
than the will-o'-msp stories that have been
forced upon a victimized public during the last
few days. First, we hai e been told that Messrs.
AVard and Day were conjointly conspiring for
the overthrow of the League. Strangely
enough Mr. Ward condescended to emphatically
deny an insane rumor like this. Then we were
told that the best plajers of each club will be
blacklisted because of their prominence in the
Brotherhood. All that 1 have to say is: No
body can reasonably refuse to give the scheme
which 1 have above outlined as much credence
as those that are daily floating around the
country. Bnt to treat the matter seriously
it docs seem as f very many people write and
think the National League as if it was a
body o. absolute idiots who are in perpetual
session. "Th-. League has settled this," and
"the league bas decided on that," are state
ments th 4 greet our eyes every day. I am ex
ceed ly mistaken if the League has been in
feessio for many months, nnd surely nobody
short of idiots would determine on a policy
that concerns the weal or woe of a vast and
wealthy organization by telegraph or letters.
Amid all the st pid talk that has taken place
on the matter, the most sensible and undoubt
edly the truest, is a statement made by Tim
othy Keefe a day or two ago. He stated very
plainly that . brotherhood would determine
on nothing nn ll the annual meeting of the
League was h Id. .Previous to thit meeting, he
stated, the Brotherhood will meet and appoint
a committee to wait on the League
magnates and present a bill of grievances. Jioiv
this is just what men influenced by the good
common sense of daily lite would do; and it is
just what I haveall along contended the ball
players will do. If ever the plajers had en
couragement to do as Keefe has intimated they
will do, they have that encouragement now.
President Day, o' the New York club, is by no
means a lightweight in the arena, and he has
very pointedly declared himself on two of the
great grievances of which the players com
plain. I refer to the classification rule and the
eelling of players. Mr. Day condemns both. A
majority of the magnates may not think as he
does on the selling question, but I venture to
say that almost everybody is convinced that
the classification rule is a nonemty. However,
it is safe to sav that none of us will know defi
nitely what will be done until the annual meet
ing of the League is held. Until then it ma be
that we'll not be able to entirely steer clear of
the many foolish stories that will be placed be
fore the public; but if they are not too absurd
they may provoke a laugh, and a laugh some
times does one good.
The Association Race.
Baseball excitement is undoubtedly on the
ebb for this year. It is J ust about its last stage
as far as contracts are concerned, as Monday
will probably end the American Association
race, and with that ended we have nothing
morel eft. The pennant race of the Association
has not by any means been as desperate and ex
citing as that of the League, yet there is a pos
sibility of the former being very exciting, in
deed, at the finish. Of course it looks as if
Brooklyn would win, hut there is many a slip
between the cup and the lip. This being sc, it
maybe that Von derAhe and his club will
loom up as winners However, I don't think
there is much fear of the St. Louis people com
ing out in the van this time. If they do I will
be very much surprised indeed. The chances
are greatly against them. I don't think that
Brooklyn is a better club than St. Lents; I be
lieve the contrary to be the fact, and when the
latter is beaten the defeat ought to be
a very wholesome lesson to Mr. Von
der Ahe. ,The tact that the St Louis
clnb has held undisputed sway in the
Association for years has had a very injurious
eifect on tbe mind of Mr. V. d. Abe. I have
often thought that he thought a wave of his
hand ought to stop the bark of every dog.
Doubtless he has deemed himself Sir Oracle,
and from time to time became so inflated wifli
a notion of his own importance that he has
brought about his own downfall. One of the
chiet causes of the club's defeat has been the
game of cross purnoses that has been going on
between-Von derAhe and his players. Had
ihe latter been managed right tliev ccrtainlv
could have been far ahead of the 'Brooklyn's
to-day. In all respects the Browns are a better
team than the Brooklyns when each team is at
Its best. However, nnder the circumstance,
we may expect to see the great contest between
Brooklyn and New York. Their games will be
of the greatest local interest as far as the cities
of New York and Brooklyn are concerned, and
if the weather is suitable there will be plcntv
of money made out of the series. Certainly I
expect to see the Giants w in the series.
The Amntenr Flayers.
One of the local events of the week has been
tbe ball games between the East End Athletics
and the Pittsburgh I note the fact as an
event because the Athletics have earned the
County League pennant and, therefore, can
justly be termed the champion amateur club of
Western Pennsylvania. This being so, the
games had for their object a comparison of tbe
amateurs' work with that of the full-fledged
professionals. Beiorc Ihe two games men
tioned were prayed I cftnfess that I was labor
ing under tbe impression that the county cham
pions would make something like a reasonable
stand against tbe National Leaguers. How
eTer, in this I was greatly, I may .say miserably,
disappointed. I never in nivlife saw a more
veritable burlesque on good ball playing than
the two games in question. The amateurs
could neither bat, field nor could they do any
thing else conducive to good ball playing. The
reason of this I cannot tell. Most assuredly
the East End Athletics can play better
ball than they did on Wednesday
and Thursday. However, the games,
I think, will deter the management
of the Pittsburgs from entering into any new
engagements with local amateurs. The latter
may be all right among themselves and may
even be able to put up an apparently good
article of ball, but it Is quite another matter
when they face the strong men of the National
League. We all have heard of Dame Parting
ton, who, with her mop, could sweep to one
side any little pool of water that interfered
with her comfort: bnt when she tried her mop
against the flowing tide of the sea sne was an
utter failure. There is a lesson in this for the
The Local Leagues.
Speaking of tbe amateur ball players suggests
a few words about the local amateur leagues.
Sometime ago I expressed an opinion to tbe
effect that the County League was not as suc
cessful as its promoters and admirers antici
pated. One of tbe causes of lack of success, I
maintained, was the very loose and question
able method of one club in tbe league securing
players from another. Now that tb season is
over I repeat this opinion again and from now on
tbe gentlemen interested in the County League
ought to make up their minds to stop this
evil at all hazards. Most certainly I expect to
see the County League again in existence next
year, but I do no anticipate that it will be
made up of ten clubs. We have bad, I think,
tbe fact demonstrated to us that there are not
sufficient good players, that is, good amateur
players, in tbe neighborhood to Keep ten clubs
going at an interesting pace. I therefore ex-
Sect to see tne numoer reuueeu congiaerauiy.
ut whatever tbe number of clubs may be it is
absolutely necessary that each club should be
protected: that is, players should no be al
lowed under any circumstances to desert one
club in the league to join another.
A Bit Checker Tournament.
Efforts are being made to hold a week's inter
national checker congress or tournament as
soon as convenient, the meeting place to be
New York. The idea seems to be a good one,
and I feel certain that if willing hands
commence to work on it good re
sults will follow. Undoubtedly draught
playing is become more and more
popular and it really contains so manv excel
lent qualities that anything that may be done
to still lurther popularize it should be heartily
encouraged. 1 don't think that anything
oald give the good old game a greater impe
tus than a gathering of all the great "movers"
in the world. I win those ho are interested
in the movement every success, and I believe
they will be successful.
More Fot Sprinting.
The Britishers are making matters lively this
year, as far as foot racing is concerned. If
they are in tbe background in sculling and a
few other things, depend upon it that they
have some very speedy sprinters, and amateurs
at that. The latest achievement is the lower
ing of tbe 200-yard record. This was done re
cently by E. H. Felling at the sports of the
London Athletic Club The 200-yard race was
substituted for the 230-yard contest, so as to
give Felling a chance to lower his own record
of 20 seconas. The result was eminently satis
factory, for after winning his preliminary heat
in 19 4-5 seconds, he carried off the final by a
few inches in tbe still faster time of 19 3-5 sec
onds both records though the value of the
latterach.evement is unfortunately discounted
to some extent by the gale of wind which blew
at the runners' backs a decided contrast to
the trial beat, which was run in a comparative
calm, tbe wind having suddenly dropped as if
by pre arrangement.
IF 9
Pugilists and Pugilism.
Those who are interested in pugilism may
make up their minds that matters in that
line will be extremely dull this winter. At
least every indication is in this direction,as the
only place where there is opportunity for purse
fighting is at San Francisco. When contests
for purses and receipts are not numerous fistic
encounters will soon die out. At present there
are no prospects of any prominent encounter
in this country. Sullivan is devoting his efforts
toward organizing a combination to make a
tour of the country. In addition to this re
ports state that he is also devoting consider
able time to saloons. However this may be, 1
venture to say, that Sullivan's tour, if he ever
makes it, will not be a bonanza by any means.
He bas missed his golden opportunity. Had
he gone on the road as soon as he left New Or
leans he would have caught the public at a
high degree of excitement regarding pugilism.
Now there is no interest at all in that branch of
sport. It is also true that in many of our
largest cities boxing contests are not allowed.
I said a few lines previous that
there was no prospect of a prominent battle,
but I bad almost forgotten that Jack McAuliffe
is again on deck with a public offer to fight
Jimmy Carroll. It is likely that the California
Athletic Club will offer a purse big enough to
induce a contest between these two light
weights. Tbey would' certainly make a good
battle, bnt it will be soon enough to talk about
a winner when they agree to fight. There is
little or no likelihood of La Blanche tackling
anybody .for some time. He won't readily give
Dempsey another try, and as Jack Fogarty,
like McCaffrey, bas retired, there is no chance
of Fogarty and La Blanche coming together.
Certainly I think that McCaffrev and Fogarty
have done the best thing possible in retiring
from a business that to neither of them has
been very profitable. As I have alreadv re-
marked, there is about only one place where
public glove contests of any financial worth
are allowed, mat means that there is com
paratively little in the pugilistic business now.
Some time ago I remarked that PatFarrell
was thinking of going to San Francisco under
the guidance of John Hallahan. With tbe
present outlook so gloomy for boxers and pu
gilists it might be well for Farrell to leave fistic
affairs alone for a time at least. Pugilists who
are well located at present should bear in mind
that the "boxing boom," which lasted so long,
is spent. There is nothing in the business now,
and won't be until something of an extraordi
nary kind give it a new impetus.
An Interesting Opinion. -
Henry Sampson, probably one of the best
authorities on pugilism in England, makes the
following interesting statement on the modern
sport: "Mention of prize fighting a few lines
back reminds me that I have been of late read
ing in the sporting papers about some extraor
dinary preparations that are being made to
usher in the boxing season with due regard to
its present importance. How much of this
preparation is real, and how much is intended
to humbug a section of the com
munity who appear only too anxious to be
humbugged, I don't presume to say. PHIL
after what has taken place between boxers
and their managers on the one side, and the
dupes of both and the jay division generally on
tbe other, I should as soon expect to grow figs
upon thorns, or onions upon horse chestnuts, as
to find all tbe matches talked about, or even
those that are already in progress, are as genu
ine as they profess to be. Mr. J. Smith, de
spite the extraordinary manner in which he
has failed to f olnl anticipations, seems still to
have no end of friends who have unlimited con
fidence in him, and who are prepared to put
more money down on any one of his trials than
some of the greatest and best among real cham
pions had down in the whole of their encount
ers. The biggest stake Tom Sayers won was
200; in ono of his fights for the belt
only 150 was put down on each side: when
King and Heenan were matched for 2,000, old
ring goers shook their heads and said a thousand
was too much to risk in stake money on any one
man, as such figures were likely to 'lead to men
being bonght over, and, even if this could not be
done, no man but would be overawed by having
so much dependent on his abilities, and would
suffer in consequence. It is more than prob
able that both these views were shown to be
correct by means of this memorable match,
which certainly did more than any other match
that can be mentioned to scotch, or, as it then
seemed, to kill, pugilism in England. Dnnng
the nowaday revival or what has been digni
fied by tbe name of revival an endeavor has
been made to compensate for lack of class by
lavish displays of money. Not only do heavy
men, who only a little while back were but one
degree above dockers, sneer at matches for less
than thousands, but bantams of the bantamest
description won't look at anyone who wants to
fight lor less then his own weight in silver. It
and under exceptional circumstances, 100 a
side, thread-paper little creatures who are not
to be mentioned in the same breath think
nothing less than a monkey is worth going into
training for."
The Single Judge System.
The same authority, speaking of a referee
alone deciding a big boxing contest for points,
says: "Honestly, I do not myself believe that
any two professionals can be found both pos
sessed of sufficient confidence in any single
Individual's accurate knowledge, levelheaded
ness and impartiality, to agree to stand or fall
by bis decision, no matter how close the busi
ness at tbe finish might be; If the men them
selves would which again I, say 1 do not be
lieve their backers wouldn't, unless backers
of boxers, once almost akin to devils, have in
tbe course of tbe last few years become but lit
tle lower than the angels. And just as honestly
as I have expressed my belief that the boxers
would not consent to be judged by one man
only, when so much is at stake, so I will here
add that I do not believe any man really quali
fied to occupy the position would dream of oc
cupying it. He would be too keenly alive to
what sort of a task it was that stood before
him. You may now guess what I think of one
or two matches already on the carpet; as one
at least of them is to be carried through In
private, and as the folk who are finding the
prize, which seems almost too big to be given
unless the givers "knew something," are
cracked in favor of one of the combatants, it
looks rather as if tbe other must possess a 20 to
1 on natural chance before under the circs. It
would be worth talcing 20 to 1 about him."
This is a feature of boxing contests that I have
argued a dozen times, and that there is, indeed,
much truth In it.
Hnttetsou and Bnbear.
To-morrow Is theNl&y on which Neil Matter-
son, the Australian, and George Bnbear, the
Englishman, row in best-and-best boats over
the Thames championship course. The contest
will rot, I think, be of much interest to any
body except those directly connected with it
Bnbear can no longer enthuse the Britishers
any more than he can tbe Americans. His past
efforts have been of a kind that prompts one to
care nothing at all about any race that be may
take part in. But whatever may be tbe Inten
tions of the two rowers, I am inclined to
think that Matterson is a trifle better sculler
than Buber for a couple ot miles. If, how
ever, tbe contest is as it ought honestly to be,
and if Bnbear is at his best, he ought to defeat
tbe Australian1 over the Thames course. But
one never can tell what result will follow in
modern boat races. The race in question
reminds me that Searle intends to sail for home
two days after tbe contest takes place. He
stated this Intention recently when down in tbe
North of .England and if he means to carry it
out the offer of the Toronto people will be hi
vain. The Canadians offer a big purse for a
race between O'Connor, Teemer, Searle, Han
Ian and Uaudaur. If such a-contest were to
take place it would be a great affair. But I
doubt if it ever will occur. At any rate, Searlo
has pointedly declared that be has no desire to
come to America.
Axtell's Great Record.
If ever there was a season of trotting and
pacing surprise the one jnst closing is that one.
Not lone ago patrons of the trotting track
were astounded at a 3-year-old record
below 2J4 being made in California,
bnt the extraordinary effort of Axtell
at Terre Haute on Friday simply electrified
the trotting world. A mile in 2.12 and by a 3-year-old
stallion. Why.it is prodigious. Let
nobody talc about trotting growing less in pop
ularity in America after a performance like
that. If anybody needs proot conclusive that
trotting and trotters are growing in popularity
at a very rapid rate, tbe sale of Axtell is that
proof. Just think of it! S1O5.O0O for a 3-year-old
trotting horse. There must, indeed.be mill
ions in the trotting business. Of course, the
Srice is the largest paid for a horse of any
ind. If I am not mistaken Doncaster, the
winner of the English Derby m 1873, was sold
for an extraordinary price, but it was consider
ably short of the amount paid for the wonder
ful Axtell. PBK.GLE.
Fooling the Frenchman.
London, October 12. Copyright. Dennis
Gallagher, the ex policeman ot Buffalo, who
has some celebrity as a wrestler in America,
tackled a Greek named Piern, who weighed 60
pounds more than he, in Fans this week. Much
to the surprise of the Greek he could not throw
Gallagher. But neither could Gallagher throw
him, and the French sports were disgusted.
Robert Milton, of the figaio, the leading
sporting writer of Pans,sealedthedoom of both
wrestlers in France by reporting them as lying
down on each other for three bours,concluding
as follows: "It is said that Piern and Gallagher
will meet again. Be this as it may. they will
never again meet. Yours truly,
Nearly 500 of Them Recelre Reports From
the Shops One Week Allowed for Re
plica From tbe Firms.
A very large meeting of the moldersof
this city was held last evening in Imperial
Hall. rTearly 500 molders were present,
and the meeting was a long and enthusiastic
one. Master Workman Boss presided and
addressed the men, urging them to stand
together for their demand for a 10 per cent
advance. Beports were teceived from 43
shops, and of that number the molders in 39
shops are unanimous for the advance, and
report themselves prepared to stand out to a
man if the advance should be refused.
Only three shops were not represented at
the meeting, but they are not establish
ments which enter into competition with
the general line of molders work. The
principal of these is the molding department
of the "Westinghouse Airbrake Company,
where the men are engaged only in making
the specialties of that firm.
It was reported from several shops that
while no official answer has been received
to the request for an advance made on
October 8, quite reliable information has
come to the men that the firms will accede
to their demand. It is expected by the
men that several favorable replies will be
received within three or four davs. It was
decided that Saturday should be fixed as
the last day ior answers to the demand.
The molders will meet again in Imperial
Hall next Saturday evening to congratulate
those who have won, and to prepare for a
fight in the cases where tbe demand may be
refused. If favorable answers are not re
ceived from any firms by Saturday evening,
it was the decision of the meeting that no
molders should go to work on Monday
morning, October 21.
In spite of the general trend of the meet
ing, there was a large dissatisfied element,
who lelt before the session was conclnded.
The men from the Carnegie mills in Law
renceville are especially lacking in support
of the movement. The large majority of
the men in attendance, however, were con
fident of a successful outcome of their move
Fittsbnrg Lodge of the Nntlonal Association
Started The Membership Is Already
The machinists met at 81 Fourth avenue
last night and organized Fittsbnrg Lodge of
the National Association. Just 210 members
have already joined, and as there are abont
1,000 machinistsiin the city and they are all
favorably inclined, the promoters feel that
it will not be long before they 'will belong
to the new organization.
The new association was started in At
lanta two years ago, and since then 50
branches have been established in as many
cities. Since Local Assembly 791, K. of
L., became defunct, the machinists in the
city have not been organized, though many
of the members in the new society belonged
to the old assembly. The present associa
tion is conducted independently of the K.
of L. and Federation of Trades. The aims
and objects oflhe National Association of
Machinists are as follows:
1. To build np and refine the educational anft
social qualities of machinists and their rising
generation, and to more thoroughly instruct
them in the increasing improvements in tbrjir
business. 2. To adopt and carry Into effect a
uniform and effective plan of finding employ
ment for the masses of our brothers who are
now spending their bard earnings in searching
for employment 3. To raise a fund by contri
bution from its members for tbe purpose of
relieving the mstressed, sick and afflicted that
maybe among us. 4. We advocate the estab
lishment of a legal apprenticeship system, by
which an apprentice will be bound fyr a term
of not less than four j ears, and a master be
bound to instruct him in all branches of his
trade that is practiced in his shop. 5. That we
are opposed to strikes, and favor the settle
ment of all grievances by arbitration, and we
shall endeavor to create and promote har
monious relations between employes and em
ployers, and that we denounce a ny attempt to
antagonize the interests of labor- and capital.
The officers elected last night are:
Past Master Mechanic, Gijorge "W. Kirk;
Master Machinist, Harry D. Summers; Fore
man, John H. jolliffe; Financial Secretary,
Harvey Beecher: Secretary, K, M. Best; Con
ductor. T. A. Anderson; Chaplain, W. E. Wat
son; Outside Sentinel. P'iter Bcggs; Inside
Sentinel, Peter Ackerman,
Organizer J. N. Gallagher, of Harris
burg, will be here neVt Saturday night to
install the officers.
Locnl Assemblies Meet.
Local Assembly 6660, steel workers, and
6332, tube workers,' met last night at the
K. ot L. Hall and transacted the ordinary
routine business. Both Assemblies reported
an amicable feeling existing between the
employers and employes in their respective
mills. The other business done was not of
public interest.
A Dynamite Cap.
Albert Bauiner, a lumberman, was work
ing with some logs in the river at the foot
of Thirty-sixth street yesterday. He struck
some object iu the water with a pole that ex
ploded and knocked him about, but he es
caped with a Jgash on (the leg and a few
brnises. He has had some some very narrow
Crimlnnl Negligence.
The jury conclnded 'the inqueit into the
death of Ida Shannon, who was trampled to
death on Elm street a week ago. The ver
dict was that death was caused by the gross
criminal negligence ot a person supposed to
he Thomas Tracy, the driver of the wagon.
Tracy has sot been captured.
The Local Team Win Another Close
Game at Wheeling.
Manager Banlon Would Like to Hare the
South-Paw Twirler.
Some Interesting Games Among tie Amateurs 6n.
era) Baseball News.
The home ball club had another hot argu
ment at "Wheeling, winning the game by 2
to 1. The two runs were made by home
runs. Mark Baldwin again caused the de
feat of the Brooklyns. There were some in
teresting amateur games.
"Wheeling, "W. Va., October 12. To
day's game was one of the finest exhibitions
of good ball playing seen in this city for
many a day. About 1,000 people watched
the contest, and the result was uncertain
until the ninth inning was ended.
Pittsbnrg could do nothing with Burkett,
only getting five hits off him.whilehp struck
out 11 men. The home run credited to
Pittsburg in the third was a scratch, as it
would have narrowed down to a two-bagger
had not tbe ball became lost in the grass.
Galvin pitched his best and was frequent
ly applauded for good work. Still "Wheel,
ing got eight hits off him and got men as far
as third.
George's batting was the feature of the
game, he doing excellent work with the stick.
The fielding was clean and sharp on each side,
and both teams were on their metal through
out. Of the Pittsburgers, Beckley did proba
bly the best all-around work, while Dunlap ac
cepted his nine chances without an error.
Mlllpr. rf. 1 S 1 0 0
kl.hnl.nn 9 0 1 1 4 A
Kowe. 0X141
J. Miller, 3... 110 10
liecklev. I... 1 2 II 0 0
tields, 1 0 0 0 C 0
White, a..... 0 0 J 1 0
Carroll, c... 0 0 7 0 0
Sunday, r... 0 0 1 0 0
White, w., s o i i b o
George, r... 0 2 10 0
Wnrtlov. 1... 0 1 12 S O
) Haller. m... 0 10 0 0
Westlake, c. 0 0 S 1 1
Dnnlap, 2... 0 0 3 6 0
Galvin, p.... 0 0 0 11 0
wnite, o.. i. u i u u u
Burkelt, p.. 0 0 0 14 0
Total..... 2 5 27 22 l
Totals 1 8 24 27 1
Wheelings ' 0000000 0-1
Fittsburgs 0 0100100' 2
Earnetf runs-PltUbnnrs, 2; Wheelings, 1.
btruck out-By Burkett, 11; by Galvin, 4.
Uwo-basehit-W. White.
Home runs Beckley. Miller.
Double plays Ualvin to Dunlap to Beckley,
Kowe to Dunlspto Becklev, White to Dnnlsp.
Faescd bnlls-U'estlake 2.
Hit bv pitcbed ball-Burkett.
Sacrlflce hit George.
btolen bases Kowc. Berkley, Sunday and Bark
ley. 1 lme of came One bour and SO minutes.
Umpire Westlake.
Think Well orBorketr.
The local ball team returned home last even
ing from Wheeling, having won two games
there. Speaking of the little trip Manager
Hanlon said: "We met a good nine on both
days, the nlayers being excellent men who
winter at or near Wheeling. Our club cleared
about $150 on the trip. Burkett, of the Wor
scester club, pitched to-day. and he is a cork
ing good man. He is left handed and a nat
ural ball player. I hear that Indianapolis and
an Association club wants him. I would like
him, but we cannot make any deal yet. He
has not made up his mind as to where he will
play next year."
Mark Baldwin Once More Downs the
Brooklyns The Colonels Defeat tbe
Cowboys In a Good Guide
Tbe, Athletics Win.
CottTHBUS,' October 12. Columbus defeated
Brooklyn to-day in an interesting game. By
bunching bases on balls, an error and a hit
Brooklyn scored four runs in the Of th inning,
but in tbe ninth Columbus scored five on some
fine hitting by Marr. Daily, Baldwin and John
son and a base, on balls. Baldwin's pitching
was a f eature. Score :
McTara'y, m 0
Marr, s 1
Dally, 1 1
Crooks, 2. . . 2
..'(uinson, r. 1
Orr, 1 0
Blclly. 3 0
O'Connor, c. 0
Baldwin, p. 2
1 0
I 8
1 0
3 O
3 0
12 2
0 0
O'Brien, I... 1
Collins, 2.... 1
Burns, r.... 0
Foutz, 1..... 0
V lncknev, 3. 0
Vlsncr. c.... 0
Carntbers, n 0
Corkhlll. m. 1
Smith, s 2
, 7 io -a 18 1
Totals S 4 27 S 3
Columbus 0 000100167
Brooklyns 0 000401005
Earned rons Colnmbns, S.
Two-base bit Johnson.
Home run Baldwin.
First base on balls- By Baldwin, S; by Caruth
ers, 5
Hit by pitched ball-Smith, Kielly.
btruck out By Baldwin, 4; by Carntbers, 3.
Passed balls Vlsner, 1.
Wild pitch. Baldwin,
Time of g.n?e Two hours and 7 minutes.
Umpire Ferguson.
Tbe Athletics Give tbo Baltimore a Terrible
Pbxladelpbxa., October 12. Kllroy was
hit freely this afternoon, and the Athletics
won almost as they pleased. McMahon was
very effective and received excellent support.
Griffin, m&2.
Shindle, 3...
Wood, r
Kcrlns. 1....
Mack, 2.....
Miller, m..
Holland, ..
Hornnng, ,1,
Tate, c
Kllroy, r...
Welch, ra....
Larkin, I...
Lyons, 8 ....
Stovey, 1
B'rbauer, 2..
PurceR r. .
Fennelly, s.,
Robinson, c.
McMahon, p.
3 3
1 6
Totals 7 9 18 8 1
Totals 3 6 18 8 5
Baltlmores 0 2 0 0 0 1-3
Athletics 0 3 13 0 0-7
Earned mns-Baliitnores, 1; Athletics, 2.
Two-base hlts-Uriffln, Eerins, St07ey, Fen
nelly. .First base on balls Kllroy. 4.
Struck out By McMahon, 6; by Kllroy, 5.
Passed balls Tate, Boblnson.
Wild pltch-Kllroy.
Time of game One hour and -40 minutes.
They Beat tbo Cowboys In the Lnst Inning.
Louiyille, Kt., October 12,-Kansas City
was defeated here to-day after having the
game won. Ebret pitched a good game for
Louisville and was well backed up by Kyan
while Pears and Donahue did fair work for
Kansas City. The fielding was nearly equal.
In the ninth, with Kansas City two inns ahead,
Louisville hit safe four times, and this with
two wild throws and two bases on errors,netted
them four runs. Score:
Shannon, 2 0
Wolf, r 1
Weaver, m. 0
Strattos. 1 . 0
Karraond, 3. 2
(iaillgau, 1.. 1
Ehret, p 0
tourney, s... 1
Eyn, c 1
0 1
1 2
2 l
2 l
Long, S..
Hamilton, r
Barns, m..
Plc't. m&i.
Stearns, 1..
Manning, I.
Alvord, 3...
nittman, 2.
Pears, p....
2 3)1
1 2
1 1
0 0
2 2
Totals 6 10 27 II 3
Totals 4 8 27 18 3
Louisville 0 00000114-6
Kansas Cltys 0 0010102 '-4
Earned run Kansas cltys, I.
Two-base bite Long, Manning, Weaver.
Three-base hits Ehret, Alvord.
Stolen bases Hamilton, Burns, Stratton, Tom
nev, 2.
First base on balls Off Pears, 3.
Hit bv pitched ball-By Pears, 2; by Ehret, 3,
Passed balls Kyan, 2.
Time of game One hour and 25 minutes.
Umpire Gaffney.
Schedule of Their Exhibition Gomes An
Enthusiastic Boston Dinmmer.
Indianapolis. October 12. The Kansas
City clnb will tackle Indianapolis next Tues
day and Wednesday, and from the reputation
of the Cowboys some lively work on the dla.
mosd can be expected. Wednesday night tho
Indianapolis team will go to Columbus and
play there Thursday, Friday and Saturday, re
turning home Sunday morning. Columbus
will play here on the Wth, 35th and 6tb. Cin
cinnati willbe here the 36th and 2eth.and Indian-
apolis will play at Cincinnati October 30 and 3L
While away from bomb the club will be in
charge of Denny or Glasscock, and Daily will
leave at Columbus. Buckley -will play third,
Denny short and Sommers will pitch.
It there is one thing above another that a
Boston drummer loves it is the Boston ball
club, and be stands by this club through thick
and thin. "Ob, wo could have bad the pennant
as well as not," said a prominent Bostonian to
day, "but as we did not get it we are not shed
ding any tears. New York got the rag, but
Boston made more monf y than any two clubs
in the League. The money suits ns better than
the first place."
How the Law Is to be Evaded In Clncln
Cincinnati, October 1Z Prevented by legal
authority from announcing a game of Sunday
baseball, the local club has given notice of an
outdoor concert at the park to-morrow after
noon. The gates will be barred at 3 o'clock,
and St Louis and Cincinnati will appear in
"chorus," with Dnryea and Chamberlain, per
haps, as the soloists. Police interference is not
expected. It is too near election for any mod
ern official to interfere with a little thing like
Jireventing a State law, that has been dead so
ong, from being broken once more.
"Der boss" President a little disfigured and
some pounds lighter in weight arrived in town
this morning confident that the pennant could
not escape St. Louis. He saldr "The matter
of tbe championship will probably bs settled
by Tuesday next. Will there be many changes
in my nine next season 7 Well, I don't like to
talk about coming cbanges before tbe present
season closes, of course. It would not be at all
wise to do so. There will be some changes cer
tainly." The Keystones Won.
The Keystones, of this city, defeated the
Greensburgs yesterday in a well-contested ball
game. Douglass pitched for the Keystones
and did well, as also did Manafee, who was in
the box for the Greensburgs. Score:
'Keystones 0 0 0 10 0 10 0-2
Greensburgs o 0 0 0 0 10 0 0-2
Association Record.
Perl Per
"Won. Lest. Ct. Won. Lost. Ct.
Brooklyns.... 91 14 .674lBilt!morei....70 82 .530
St. Louis 83 44 .BS7Corambo 61 76 .445
Athletics 72 59 .550 Kansas Oltyt.. 53 82 .392
Cincinnati. ..74 61 .MSlLonlsTillei....27 109 .199
They Secure That Plaee In the Connty
Lengue by Dentins" Brnddock.
The Braddock Bines were vanquished in the
game yesterday at Braddock by the McKees
port club for second honors in the Connty
League race. Tbe game was very poorly con
tested, the ground being in a very poor condi
tion. The members of the home team were
over confident and made matters worse than
tbey otherwise would have been.
But six innings were played on account of
darkness or it might have resulted differently.
In the third inning Shields bad his finger split,
which proved another setback to the home
nine. He was filling the position behind the
bat, while Killen was occupying the pitcher's
box. At tbe conclusion of the third inning
"Bud" Bennett relieved him.
The McKeesport club hadan'imporied bat
tery Mallory and Patterson, from Bridgeville
which accounts, in a measure for tbe signal
victory they secured. Only three hits were se
cured oil Killen's delivery, while Patterson was
pounded for four, one of which was for two
bases. Ont of tbe six runs secured by the Mc
Keesport team not one of them was earned,
while the only run gotten by tbe Blues was
earned by B. Bennett in tbe last inning.
Cooper, the center fielder for the Blues, fin
ishes the season with the best batting average
of the club's players, thereby winning the gold
chain offered by a well-known jeweler of this
place. The score:
r.... o
10 0 0 Marberger, s 0
1 8 3 OlHartman.1.. 0
0 0
0 fi
2 1
Beiit,B.2Lc 1
binds, ss, c. O
Parker, m.. 0
Gillen.ss... 0
Ben't W., 1. 0
Killen, p.... 0
Kftzell, 3.... 0
Baker. 1 0
Patterson, p 1
Martin, m... 2
Llston, 2.... 1
Qalnn. 1.... 0
Mallerv. e.. 1
Phillips, r... 1
Totals 1 4 18 S 4 Totals S 3 16 5 1
Braddocks 0 0 0 0 0 1-1
McEeesports o 4 2 0 0 06
Earned runs Braddocks. 1.
Two-base hits "Bnd" Bennett.
Bases on balls Braddocks, 2: McKeesports, 3.
Struck ont-By Killen, 1: by Patterson, 5.
Time of game One hour and 20 minutes.
Umpire Bose.
The Homesteads Defent the, Allegheny Ath
letics With Ease.
The Homesteads and Allegheny Athletics
played a one-sided game at Riverside Park yes
terday at Homestead. England, the one-armed
pitcher, did some fine work for the visitors,
bnt Homestead batted hard and aided by the
Athletics errors, won the game. Homestead
tried WillianvHorfman, a new pitcher, who did
good work in the box for the first time. Mana
ger Jones says he will make a good one with a
little more practice, and will keep him practic
ing during the winter. Following is the score:
Armor, r... 4 3 0 0 0
Sullivan, 1.. 3 2 1 0 0
Meale, c 0
Dnnsh'ncm 1
0 1
1 O
0 0
A.uoigan,z. z 3 2 4 1
ColweiL r...O
.Colgan,c. 2 112 0
YounKn,3.. 0 14 2 0
Bulmer, 1... 2 19 10
Johnson. 1.. 0 2 10
liarrin. 3.... 112
scranton, z. l
Beame, 2.... 0
0 o
1 2
1 0
0 1
0 1
Kowe, m.... 0 0 10 0
Woods, s.. 3 0 0 2 0
Hoffman.p.. 2 0 0 2 0
fcnzisna, v. o
Kobe, s o
Wiggins, l.. o
Totals IS 11 18 13 1
Totals 3 617 9 8
Bclmer called out; hit by batted ball.
Homesteads 4 4 1 0 S 4-18
Athletics 1 10 0 0 1-3
jarned rnai-Homesteads, 2.
Two-base hits H. A. Colgan 2, Youngmanl,
Johnson I.
Three-base bits Armor, Bulmer.
Stolen bases Homesteads. S; Athletics, X
Struck out By Hoffman, 2; by England, 3.
Base on balls By Hoffman. 4: by England, 3.1
Bit by pitched ball-Beame, H. A. Calgan, Hoff
man. Double plays Toungman and H. A. Calgan;
Boheand Johnson.
Passed balls-C lgan. 2; Neile. 8.
Wild oltches Hoffman. !; England, 2.
Umpire Charles Atwood.
Time of game-One hour and 5 minutes.
Eniy for the leavers.
BBnaEvn.LE, Pa,, October 1Z Tbe C. P.
Mayers had an easy time with a club from
Venetla, Washington county, to-day. In the
absence of the regular battery Gibson pitched
a good game, striking out 17 men, and sent
them home with only two hits. P. Patterson,
the new catcher, did well, and the club played
with only two errors. Score:
C.P. Mayers 0 12 0 2 0 0 1-8
Venetla 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2
Earned runs Mayers, 4.
Two-base hit blbson.
btolen bases Mayers, 7; Venetla, J.
Double plays-Mayers, 1; Venetla, 1.
Bases on called balls Venetla, 1.
btruck out-By Gibson, 17; by Jones, 8.
Passed balls Patterson, 3; Evans, 3.
Base hits Slayers, 14; Venetla, 2.
Umpire Hahn.
The Grounds Were Bnd.
CnfcnrcrATLOctober ia The game between
the St. Louis and Cinclnnatis was not played to
day owing to the bad condition of the grounds.
A Lawsuit Abont It Cost a BInn a Life
Interest in a Vnlnnbte Fnrm.
Some lawyers were talking yesterday,
about the pugnacity of some people, which
goes far to sustain the legal profession,
when one of them told of a suit that was
tried in the days when the late Hugh
Fleming was Sheriff. jV man in
Moon townsnip, named mlson, owned
a cock which by some means or
other got on the farm of a neighbor,
named McCormick. "Whether the fowl
got there of his own volition or
in some other way was never definitely as
certained, but be that as it may, Wilson
sued McCormick before a twelfth ward Al
derman and got judgment for $10. McCor
mick appealed the case to court, and there
got a hip-lock on Wilson, throwing him on
his head, legally. The costs in the rase were
$117 by this time, in addition to counsel
fees, which were not small, two prominent
attorneys being engaged. Wilson owned a
life interest in 100 acres of valuable land,
and this was sold at Sheriff's sale to make
tbe costs, and lie lost it absolutely. Subse
quently suit in ejectment was brought to
recover the land, but the plaintiff failed to
get possession.
The suit was an expensive luxury to both
sides, that one"chicken costing the victor as
much as would have bonght 300 chickens,
while the other party, the one who institnted
it, was ruined.
Score Tied Bt End of Ninth Inning.
This, often occurs in Williams' Indoor
Game. At sporting and fancy goofls (tores .
How an .English Trainer Won the Big
- Czarwitch.
Baceland Defeats Firenzi in a Great Bace
at Jerome Park.
Winners at the Latonia and Monti Park Eacts
General Sporting.
There are some interesting facts abont
how an English trainer kept his young
horse in the dark and easily won the great
Czarwitch race. Baceland defeated Firenzi
in a great struggle at Jerome Park. Wash
ington meeting closed with a big surprise.
London, October 12. Copyright.
The race for the Czarwitch this year was al
most as remarkable as when Sosebery
'landed tbe stakes many years ago, and even
more interesting, as there were two dark
horses that-had been worked so skilfully as
to take in the handicapper and get in aV
featherweights. Both horses were owned
by trainers, Primrose Day rnnning for
Goater and Ingram for Alec Taylor.
The stable got their money on
both horses in the qnietest manner
possible, at odds varying from 68 to 25 to 1
against them. Every effort was made to fog
tbe racing world. Ingram was only taken for
walking exercise each day. The touts, one and
all, swore that he was off and couldn't start,
but the wily Alec used to give his horse train
ing gallops by moonlight and got him into first
class condition. Almost similar tactics were
adopted with Primrose Day, and it was only 43
hours before tbe race that the public had the
faintest notion of the winner's capabilities, and
then there was a rush to invest on him.
The race itself was practically between these
two, bnt Primrose Day, aided by a slight ad
vantage in the weights, came in the easiest of
winners.three longtbs ahead. ,Now the horse
is being backed in earnest for tbe Cambridge
shire, the next of tbe great autumn handi
caps. Tbe enormous sum won this season by the
Duke of Portland received a further addition
by the success of Memoir to-day In the Pren
dergast stakes. The value of that race being
572, his winnings now amount to 72,818 10s,
and adding the amount secured last year, he
is credited with 99,630.
The owner of Signorlna, the 2-year-old filly
who won the Middle Park plate, bas refused
20,000 guineas for her. This is the highest
Erice ever offered here for a 2-year-old. The
uke 6t Portland's Semolina, which was also
considered a flyer, only finished fourth In this
race. Ayeshire, the great horse of last season,
was decisively beaten by comparatively moder
ate horses in the Champion stakes at New
market this week. The critics are severely
blaming the Duke of Portland for starting the
horse when he was evidently out of condition,
and all for such a paltry stake as 800. Aye
shire pulled np lame and seems to have in
jured one of the ligaments of bis leg. He will
now probably be sent to tbe stud.
Axtell, lha Famous Trotter. Will Join Bnddf
Doble's Stable. '
Txbbx Haute, Ind., October 12. There was
good weather and small attendance for the
closing day of the meeting. First on the
card was the unfinished 4-year-old stake trot
Noble was withdrawn, being reported sick. All
pools were declared off.
Warren Park stake, purse 700
Virginia Evans 2 2 112 1
Laurabel 2 3 2 2 12
Harryfloble i i dr
Time. 2:22K, 2:S. 2:26K. 2:28, 237JT. 2:29.
The second race was for 2:32 class trotters, and
was won handily by Clara P. after losing the third
heatbyabad start. 2:32 trot, purse SI, 00O
ClaraP i i i
uense.... ................. .4213
Carrie C 5 3 2 2
nciuejncuregor. ...........z 5 3 s
Lorna Doone 3 5 6
King. 444
Time, 2:28K, 2:25. 2:2sX.2:28X-
The 2.27 class trot went over till Monday, the last
heat beinc trotted in darkness. 2:27 trot, purse
81, 000 (unfinished)
Earl . 1 2 1
M'Llss :. 9 1 .5
Jennie B 3 8 18
Ella Clay 4 4 3
Battle Hawthorn 3 s 4
John Dickson ?7 3 9
Colonel Walker ..5 6 S
Waymart 6 9 8
Frank P 8 7 7
Axtell will be shipped to Lexington to-night
with Doble's string. The great horse will go in
tbe 3-year-old race al Lexington and will then
be shipped to California tor tbe winter, and
will stand at Warren Park bere in the spring. .
A Lot of Tenrllnts and Racers Sold for
Good Prices.
, Moeris Park, October 11 Horse fanciers
had a good opportunity to-day to purchase
some fine young stock. Dlxiana yearlings, be
longing to Major Thomas, and racers from, the
stable of Mr. Green Morris were sold in the
Catelan, ch. c., by Cymbal!, P. Lorillard... 11,000
Asben. b. c., by Petrarch, W. Walden 2,000
Busn Bolt. ch. c bv Hlmvar. Dwver Bros.. 2.203
Hlmlex. b. c, by Hlmyar, UwyerBros. 2,200
Craft, b. c., by Fellowcraft, J. S. Campbell 900
Blmrock, ch. c, by fellowcraft, C Llttle-
fleld 900
Ben's Pet. b. c, by Hlmyar, Ed Brown 1,100
AuntBetsy.br, f by Longfellow, P. Loril
lard 850
Lost Ban, ch. I., by King Ban, J. Borers.... 1,500
Correction, b. ., by Hlmyar, W. W. Wal
don 850
The following were from the stable of
Morris :
Panama, b. f.. by King Alfonso, Ed Trooter.fLIOO
TheTIirress, b. f by Billet, Milton rounir. 1,350
Kins Idle, br. c. by Wledldle, J. J. Carroll. 2,050
Barrister, c h,, by Bramble, J. J. Carroll... 2,400
From the stable of Walter Gratz:
'Blue Bock, b. e., by Billet, P. Walbaum 13,500
The property of A. Kramer:
Gramiuercy, br. c, by Emperor, Georze
Bandall A 2,500
Property of Jere Dunn:
Village Maid, cb. f.,-by Bayou d'Or, Amos
Wilkinson fklOO
Raceland Defents FIrenzl In an Excltinff
Jerome Fabk, October 12. The largest
crowd of the meeting was present to-day, and
the grand stand, both up and downstairs, was
filled. The bookmakers had their last drawing
for the meeting. Twenty-five firms paid 300
each. The Grand National handicap was tbe
feature of tbe card. Tbe race between Bace
land and Firenzi was one of the best contests
of tbe meeting; , j
First race, one and one sixteenth miles-Starters:
Benedictine, Ben Harrison, Winona, King of
Norfolk,' Boodle Fire Fly, Jennie McFarland,
Klnn mate. Benedictine won. Jennie McFarland
second. Ben Harrison third. Time, l:53)f.
Second race, six furlones Starters: Volunteer
11. Eollan. Strideaway, Fitzlamcs, Orator. Tne
Belle. Strideaway won. J'ltzjames second, Volun
teer II third. Time. 1:17. .
Third race, Grand National handicap, one and
one-half mllei-Starters: Firenzi, Raceland, Los
Angeles, Tarajron, Lavlnla Belle. Baceland won,
Flrenil second, Lavlnla Belle third. Time,
Fourth race, Kenslco handicap, 2-year-olds,
1.40O yards-Starters: Burlington, Honduras,
Padlsha H, Fan Fan colt. Fan Fan colt won.
Burlington second, Padlsha H third, lime. 1:23.
Klfth race, one mile Starters: Kinsr Crab,
Tristan, Esmont, Grenadier. Diablo, Hair Spring-,
Enndiry.- Klntr Crab won, Tristan second, IMablo
third. Time, MioA.
(sixth race, 1,400 yards-Starters: Mute, Prince
Edward. Freedom,- Arab, Laclalre, Oracle.
Drumstick, Lady Pulsifer, Big Brown Ju;.
Drumstick won, Mute second, Arab third. Time,
Consolation Cansei the Blfgest Sarpriso of
, the Illeetine.
Washington, October 12. The fall meeting
of tbe National Jockey Club dosed to-day. The
attendance was fairly good. Tbe talent was
dazed by Consolation taking the place in the
second race. He was a rank outsider, and paid
iW 60 in tbe mutuals, tbe biggest pool of the,
meeting. The track was In good condition, but
First race, six furlonfi-Sttrteri: TomFInley,
Seymour. Prince Howard. Guardsman, Koyal
Garter, Mineral Mede, Dsleiaian and Blanche.
Tom Finley won, Seymour second, Prince How
ard third. Time, 1 iflj. , ,
Second race, six furlongs Sttrterii Stanley
Sharpe. Consolation, Keystone, American, Mary
T. Tlfno T.lni Hmmrsan and JnOffa Bnffln. Stan-
lev Hbarpe won. consolation second, Keystone
Third race, v seven furlonfi-Starterii Meriden,
Beet, Iceberg, Beyaoor, JfeaaleB sad U1 Bter-
ritt. Meriden won. Beck second. Iceberg third.
Time, ItiBH. &
JToorthrace, one mile Tannle H, Bob Fisher,
Souvenir. Jndge Murray, Long Time and Both
well. Fannie H won. Bob Fisher second, souve
nir third. Tims 1:43.
Fltth race, steeplechase, gentlemen riders: the
regular steeplechase course Apollo, Cracksman,
Bonnie. ApollO won. Cracksman second. Ho
time taken.
A Heavy Track. at Latonia, But the Races
Wero Good.
Cincinnati, O., October 12. To-day's races
at Latonia were run In the mud. The weather
was cloudy early in the afternoon, but tbo sky
cleared later; and there was no rain during the
races. Tbe attendance was quite large, and
tbe crowd backed Its favorites. Riley, a. 3 to 1
horse, captured tbe Kentucky Central stakes
in tbe last race.and Betlna, a good favoritc.won
the sweepstakes.-
First race, selling purse for 3-year-olds and up
ward, seven farionzs-Starters: Clamor, Josle
M. Cot. Gore Cassella. Event. Llttrol. Lizzie B.
Alta, Brewster. Consignee, Panllnr. Post odds
Clamor 4 to 1. Col. (lore 9 MI, Consignee 10 to 1,
Brewster 3 to 1, others 10 and 31 to I. Clamor
started off first. Col. Gore second. At the first
quarter the horses began to string out, and
Clamor. Col. Uore and l.lltrol were in advance of
the others. In tbe finish Clamor won, Col. bore
second. Consignee third. Time, 1:56,'4.
Second race, parses fbr3-ye&roIds sndupwards,
three-quarters ofa mile Starters : Business, Daniel
B. Catalpa, Leontlne,Montrose, PTobus,Devonla,
BlUy Plnkerton. Beth Brook. Waldo Johnson.
Post odds: Billy Plnkerton. i Io 1, Catalpa 3 to 2,
Beth Brook 6 to 1. Montrose and Leontlne 4K to 1.
others 15 and 29 to J. -Billy Plnkerton ran second
at the half mile post, but at tbe three-qaarterpost
be led by a length and kept ahead, winning by a.
neck from Catalpa. -.Beth Brook third. Time. 1-21.
Third race, selling parse for i-year olds, are
furlongs. Starters -Ballyhoo, Hopeful, .King For'
tune, Bomalne. Oracle Jl, Zelica, Progress. Billy
W. Post odds: Ballyhoo 3 to 1. Hopeml 4H to i,
Komslne 6 to 5. others 6 and IS to 1.
Bomame led at the start, but Ballyhoo passed
him before the halt mile post was reached and
kent first place, winning three lengths ahead of
Hoperul, half a length in front of Bomalne, third.
Time, 1.06J4.
Fourth race, sweepstakes for 3-year-olds and
upward, one mile Starters: Famine, Marcbma,
Warneak, KateMalone, Bettlna; post odds. Bet
tlnaJtol, Famine even money, Warpeak 15 to 1,
Marcbma 5 to 1, Kate Malone 6 to 1. i amine not
away last at the start, bat soon came to tbe front
and kept first place to the stretch. Here Bettma
came np and won by a length and a half. Famine
second, Warpeak third. Time, 1:49.
Firth race, the Kentucky Central KaUway stakes
for 2-year-old colts and fillies, one mUe-Starters:
W H-Morris. Biley, SJs Uaxlee, CortlcelU, Ban
Chief, Goodbye; post odds, Ban Chief and Good
bye2tol. sis Oaxleestol, Bfley 3 to 1, W G
Morrfi 4 to 1, CortlcelU 8 to 1. Biley was first at
the start, but gave way to Sis uaxlee. who was
three lengths ahead of Biley at tbe quarter-post.
At the three-quarter post Goodbye was stiU.
three lengths ahead ofhlley, who was six lengths
ahead or the field. In the stretch Biley came on
and won easily by a length and a hair. Goodbye
second, W G Morris third. Time, l:r.'y(.
The following, are entries and weights for
Monday at Latonia:
First race, maidens, nine-sixteenths or a mile
Filer 94, Twilight 100. Cecil B 103. Emily B 103,
Madumma 112, Mary H 112.
Second race, maidens, three-quarters of a mile-
x- j. otacy xunanoa jt. in. aiarlon u 110,
Waldo Jonnson 117. Cassella 117. Uold Broeck
117. Cinch 117, Golnaro II 119. Warpeak 122.
Third race, fivs-eightbs of a mile Ballymena
113, Kenllworth 113, Mr Bevys 113, Prince Albert
113. Thatcher 113, PolemusllS.
Fourth race, one mUe Bally Hoo77, Estelle77.
EberleeSO. Great Scott 80, Retrieve 100, Bettlna
10O, Princess Bowling 100, Nevada 109, ArundeL
Fifth race, selling, thirteen-slxteenths of a,
mile Chestnut Bell 100. Bonnie Kittle 102, Cora L
(byHeTolver) 102, Sletal 103, George Bright 1S8L
Koko 105, EatleS 107; Electricity 108.
Sixth race, selling; thirteen-slxteenths of a
mile Bnckler 101, Censer JC3, Fred Wooley 104,
Tommy K 106, Lizzie B 109. Event 110, Lltral 110,
MayOUl. - -
Bad Weathor Prevents a Memorable Day at
Morris Park.
RACE Tback,Morbis Paek, October 12.
If the severe rain storm., had, deferred iu visit
until after the racing this would have been a
memorable day in tbe track's history. The.
Fall Test stakes for 2-year-olds was a big bet
ting race. Livonia won cleverly with son.e to
spare. Tbe stakes; are worth abont $3,000.
First race, 2-year-oIds.i one-half mile Starters;
Pordham, Geraldlne, Minuet. Geraldlne won,
Fordham second. Time, i46.
Second race. Fall Test handicap. 2-year-olds,
one mile starters: Livonia. Gloamlnjr. Folly,
Prodigal Son. Kings Own. Livonia won. Prodi
pal SonFsecond. Kfnirs Own third. Time. l:Ci.
Third race. Good Luck, handicap, J-Tear-otdi,
one and tbree-slxteen miles Starters: Long
street. Benorita, Buddhist, Eric. Sorrento, Phi
lander. Senorlta won, Lonzstreet second, Budd
hist third. Time, 2KB.
Fourth race. 2-year-olds, five furlongs Start
ers: Civil Service, Falrv Queen, Kubv. Koyak
Ozone. Mamie B. Pall Mall" The Abbess, civil
Service won, i'slry .Queen second, Pall Mall
third. Time, 1:05.
Fifth race, S-year-olds, seven furlongs Start
ers: Lotion. Zephyrui. Harzburjr. Pelbam,
Biepname. tun oiag. vivia, apariing. riewonrg.
Deception. blls. Zephyrus wonj Deception sec
ond. Sparling third. Time. r.-31.
Sixth race, ope mile Starters: Jow or Never.
Glemnon, Emotion. Defaulter. Emotion won.
Defaulter second, Mow or Mever third. Time,
Pat Killen's Windfall.
Br. Paul, Mere.. October 12. Pat Killen,
the pugilist, hai received alerter from his-at-torney
In Philadelphia in which he is notified
that a contested -will of one of his ancestors
has just been settled in his favor. The amount
that Pat will receive is in the neighborhood of
S17.000or J18,00. The heavy-weight will go to
Philadelphia on tbe 19th to receive tbe amount.
His windfall is a portion of the estate of his
mother, who died recent.y in Philadelphia pos
sessed of property worth upward of $100,000.
Trottlnjc at 'Frisco.
Bah Francisco, October 12. The event of
tbe initial meeting of the Pacific Coast Trot
ting Horse Breeders' Association, which opened
at tbe Bav district track to-day, was the na
tional stallion race for the 220 class.
Dawn r........
Jnnlo.. .......... .. .....j..
Time, 2:18, 2:19& 2:19.
..1 1 1
.,2 3 3
..3 2 2
An Interesting Race.
Andy Sieber?. and James Ray, the English
heel and toe walker have agreed to have an
Interesting race, next Saturday. Siebertisto
run ten miles whilo Kay walks seven miles, for
a purse of $50 and all the gate receipts. The
contest, which Is a novel one, will likely take
place In the Palace Rink, East End.
A Vnlnable Colt.
Lkxinotox, Qctober 12. Constantino, the
great 2-year-old colt by Wilkes Boy, dam by
Mambrino Patchen, was sold to-day by T, C.
Anglin, of this city, to W. H. Crawford, this
county, for 120,000.
Snorting; Notes.
Ot.d Spoet Q alvct is still waiting for Man
ager Mntrle-'s $10a
These Is a letter at this office for, William
Sunday, the ball plaver.
Feed Caeeoll leaves for his home at San
Francisco to-day. He promises to report early
next season. -
The world's championship contestants might
do worse than play a game here. Mutrie and
Day slighted ns last year.
EFFOBTSare being made to have a rae at
Exposition Park next Saturday between E. C.
McClelland and a trotting horse.
The Climax defeated- tbe Elizabeth Blues
yesterday by 10 to 3. The battery work of
Pennington and Stenkle was the feature.
TnEBEisan unknown English pugilist lo
cated near this city. He Is a heavy and his
father was a prominent man in the English
Secbktabt 8candeett says that nobody
has any license to say what tbe League is going
to do at its annual meeting, vs not a move has
been suggested yet.
-The bad condition of the grounds at Recrea
tion Park yesterday prevented the game be
tween the Times nine and the Onmberta. The
game will be played next Saturday.
There will be six davs' trotting and oacim?
at Lexington, beginning to-morrow. It will
undoubtedly be the biggest meeting of tho
ear. The purses aggregate $30,000, and all the
best horses in tbe country are entered.
DoxovAX, king of the English turf, is the
largest winning race horse the world has ever
known. His winnings now amount to over
$225,000, He ran 13 times as a 2-year-old and
won 11 first moneys. This year he has run six
times and lost bnt once.
Twist, a roan filly, 3. years old. owned by
Thomas M. Marshall, of Pittsburg, made the
fastest time" at Dover, Del, last week, ever
maoe by a 3-year-old on the peninsula. Al
though, the track was three or four seconds
slow, theffiree heats were trotted in 2:11.2.32
and 22834. Happy Bee was the only opponent
of Twist. Eortemon.
A Mansfield Man Fell Down.
"William Burns, of Mansfield, aged 21,
came to town last night, got drank and fell
on the 'pavement on Fifth avenue. He
screamed as if in great pain and called for a
doctor, saying-his leg was broken. A couple
of gentlemen 'carried him io Qnincy Bob
isons cigar store and the patrol wagon took
him t the Central station. Here Dr. Mover
examined Burns', leg, but found nothing
wrosg wka'Ut, aid. lea ia disgust. Mr.
Bant will tore an opportanitv to enlai
UfMHftfettM Mogfrtrik tMmwtog.
And Committed to JaH en a Warrant tart
Ida. Shaman's Beats. i
"Detective Fitzgerald yesterday afternoon.
arrested Thomas Tracy, on "the Coroner's
warrant, for the death, of Ida Shannon. The
police have been looking' for Tracy sisee t&e "
accident, and it was supposed tfeat as he
had sustained abroken ankle when bk horse
fell in running over the little girl, he had
gone to one of the hospitals. Yesterday it
was learned that Tracy lived on Alieaaippa
street, Thirteenth ward, and when the de
tective went to the house lie feasd
Tracy in bed with his broken ankle;,
and his legs and arms badly bruief
Tracy is only 19 years of age and a mas of
honest appearance. He lives with his wid
owed mother and is her onjy support.1
Mother and son.were both deeply affected?
when they learned of the object of the de
tective's visit. Tracy said he had sot sees'
the child until the horse was almost on tept
of her, and then, in his efforts to cheek the
Dorse he drew so bard oa the reins as to
throw the animal to the ground, ot top otjj.
himself. Tracy was committed to tfee hos
pital department of tbe jail until his in
juries will allow him to be plaeed ia the
prison department. t ...
J. G. BllNNKPT & sCO,;
I A niCO wishing to puresase deaoitSy
LnUICO Alaska Beat Garaeats eM.MtLr
mem at Dennetts.
We are direct importers of Seajscias. -' "
We know good Sealskins. , J$
We cannot bo deceived in bad "IniTnHniT .
We are manufacturers of Seal Garinoni.E
We are the only manufacturers of Seel 6ss, ;
ments in Pittsbnrg. "3!
We can eive you a perfeet fit. If ye .
your oia eeai uarments made over or
Into any other shape, no diSereBde how dM-13
cult it should be, we can doit. Our wericwH-
always be the best, our fits perfect and ottrT
prices the lowest. eg.
, Shoulder Capes lathe most tepraved pat-ir
terns in Seal. Astraehaa. Persksa. .Mtek
xaue. etc.ifl mock ana maae to otaer la
totice. '
.Hatters and, IHfUTiera.T
"Isrv J)
IsfliBBRSa? n
5? "rap
Any DP:coe-SV .;
AH ttiiUiUJ l sjJgcraA V WtyWIUBhttWKMfflJ Z
Pure Eight-Year-CHd Eaoperi
T , , - wss?a
uucnenntimer rrntsiey rt
Has a very fcrge patrosace la every Quarter is '
this section of tba oesntrv Anrt va trmt tfu.
most gratifying reports regarding the genuine
character of the goods front every pete .
shipped, xne price ol OM ISxport betes
Only Oig Mir for a Fill Quit.
Bottle is more than appreciated by aH wheC'J
hare used it. When a pure whisky has had'V
good care and has tbeagedttSBoasease to try
to improve it. Therefore we say no .dealer in
liquors can sell yon a better whisky than
The Eight-Year-Old Export We Offer
You for $1, Full Quarts,
or Six for $5.
Aii mu oroers receive prompt awenwosua.
We most respectfully solieit year osleesaed"
patronage when you need a good, pare wWeky'
i i .4,a1
It is an old tat true saying, "Eeesaay reWl
to wealth," for seh was tbe advlee given by i
the good old schoolmaster to his elass.aBd.tiB
no better way eaa bis advice be put Into prae-'
bcal operation than by sending to DIuKSOX,
the Tailor, 65 Fifth avenue, your old clothes to
be cleaned and made to look like new.
Telephone 1538. ccl3
n.irirn . i i-ir.ri-.i- i-.r....
madrygoods store. Apply atonre toT.
C. FEKUUSON, IS'o. m WyKeave.,Plttsbnrff,
Pa. oeis-m
it uslnzan ax1 to go to the country. Csum
HOTZI. CKE3CENT, gaHiileld street, tc-mor-f
row, Monday morning, between the hours of I.
auaqo'ciecK. oci-io"
ok s A irE tfi.wrr.-ci. ass boarding
J? house, H rooms, lully ocenpied: permsneMs
lodgers: positive bargain owing to sickness. . aq -; .
UIXMll OBCe, BWU AttUAl.-, uujiswu --
vrrimiiui o-otiitrr iimYB YOIJJfS
.W min. wittsomekncrwledgeofbokeeptof.r
and one willing to make himself S",enSrllT.Vlw
abont musln atnre- references reaulreU. 133-?-
DUSiysr.. Aiuotuuiv. pew-wr'
, ,. r
-s.-rnTT.TK'v n n
I w.n h-. nU Tuim No. 978. 1. 0. ' Q. ;
W. ui .--- ux-u. w.lL M8 and M4 OMs i
sfc,AHegbe-.y, on MONDAY, at 1 P.-Cfjcj
the tsSmil sataadinc- tas fuaeftj P.i
D. D. , JC, X. a igard, of eaI
V-r J ml It. fJ.-
i Vwi-rSV 1
.Skounjs .
1 'Zj
V .isTnir
i Z--H6
ilsc ""
11 , L
4 W
,.,,, , ...v.-iJasskAflfcM-!