," P5 K 53'-'?; FSTTttDAY, OCTOBER il3Wl889. V ' -. 'te .V"o.ra w H K ,-, --?-x fr g I . I A PLEA FOE THE POPE. Archibisliop Corrigan Issues a toral Letter Condemning Pas- HUMBERT'S TREATMENT OF LEO. The Tatican Will let be the Seat of Tem poral Power. A CHUECH MUDDLE. Tho HOW H1STOEI HAS EEPEATID ITSELF :ppecial iiLraiuH to the dispatch.! New York, October 12. Archbishop Corrican has issued a pastoral letter an nouncing the annnal collection of Peter s pence, which is to take place on the last Sunday of this month, in which he deals at length with the question of temporal sover eignty. It will be read in the Catholic churches this morning. In it he says: Without dwelling on the wrongs perpetrated in the violent occupation of Rome in Septem ber. 1870, the memory of which is still fresh in our minds, let us turn our thoughts to one or two facts of recent occurrence in the pontifi cate of Pope Leo XIII. Elected to his nigh of fice in a most critical period of the Church's history, he has succeeded, unarmed and de fenseless, in winning from the cinlized world a new recognition of tho inherent strength of the papacy, and has again brought out In stronc relief the immense moral power which belongs, as of right, to the successor of St. Peter. His great gifts of rumd and heart, his Tast erudi tion, his long experience of men and affairs, his consummate tact and prudence ought to make him pre-eminently successful in extending the OLIVE BBANCH OF PEACE. After acting as the arbiter between Spain and Germany in the affair of the Caroline Islands, the Holy Father, on the approach of his saceraotal jubilee, intimated in his allocu tion of May 23. 1S57, his desire of establishing satisfactory relations with Italy, the land of his birth and of his special predilection. Still more clearly in his letter of June 15. 1SS7, to the Secretary of State he expressed the same desire In moderate and conciliatory language. Acting on this suggestion, the faithful of Italy, on their part, took up the matter with alacnt. In accordance with law and with custom, it was croposed that those who had the right to suffrage and whose names consequently would carry great weight, should address a monster nctition to the Government. There was no question in this petition of the restora tion of temporal sovereignty: nothing, there fore, that could wound the susceptibili ties of thoe in power, but simply the expression of the earnest wish that a more satisfactory state of affairs might be devised and the Pontiff enjoy necessary freedom. When the petition had already received the signatures of 500,000 names, the strong arm of authority intervened to forbid any further action, and not only prevented any additional expression of opinion out Tisited officials who had taken part in the movement with depriva tion of office. Such a course of proceeding goes far to show the policy of the actual Govern ment and to prove how little it is disposed to keep the promises so plausibly made to the Catholic Courts of Europe immediately after the forcible occupation of Rome. The aim of the Government is plainly to reduce the Sov ereign Pontiff to the condition of a private citizen, so that the possibility of his restora tion to his lawful rights may be more and more difficult. FEESECTJTIlrG THE CLEBGT. In further illustration of this point, attention may be called to the royal sanction of the new penal code which was promulgated on June SO of this year, and which goes into effect on the first of January, 1890l This new body ot law legislates with marked discrimination against the clergy, especially by making it impossible for them to advocate the rights of the Sov ereign Pontiff without danger of pecuniary fines and imprisonment. After quoting the sections of the code re ferred to, and comments upon them by more Catholic writers, the Archbishop contmnes: Hence, on and after the first of January next, any Bishop or pastor of souls in Italy who dares to address his flock on the rights of the Holy Father, is subject to fine and imprison ment. Comment is superfluous. Bv royal sanction, micht becomes nsht. Justice. honesty, smcenty sink to the level of words without meaning. If the Holy Father be relegated to the condi tion of an Italian subject, the next logical pro cedure would be to sail further restrict his personal liberty whenever he raises his voice in protest against the outrages which have been heaped upon mm: and as for the strongest rea sons, the Roman Pontiff cannot cease to pro test, his life would simply be life-long imprison ment. While it is hardly probable that the Government of Italy will venture to proceed to this extremity, in the face of public opinion, yet there can be no reasonable doubt from facts constantly occurring in Rome, that it is its set tled determination to deprive the Supreme Pontiff slowly bnt surely of all vestige of real independence. TIIE CHUKC1I IS SUPEESTE. According to the public press, the Prime Minister of Italy has declared his intention of reducing the Holy Father to the condition of simple bishop of Rome, so that having no juris diction over the Church at large, there may be no grounds for his claim to temporal sover eignty. All Christian antiquity proclaims the world-wide spiritual j ansdlction of Peter and of Peter's successor. Every Catholic is bound to admit this primacy of the Apostolic See as an article of faith. fow, while the Almighty, in His infinite wisdom, may devise many ways of securing the perfect liberty of thepontif,despite all human opposition; still, as far as human pru- wings actuauy Trustees Decline to Accept a Pastor Appointed by the Bishop. Buffalo, October 12. Quite a stir has been created among the trustees and congre gation of the Delaware Avenue Methodist EpiscDpal Church, in this city, by the action of the Lockport Conference. Ber. Dr. Bashford, pastor of the church, had been appointed President of the "Wesley Univers ity of Ohio, but by an arrangement with the university he was permitted, on certain con ditions, to retain his pastorate here for an other year. Notwithstanding this, the Con ference appointed J. D. Phelps, of the Uni versal Church, of Rochester, to fill the pastorate of the Delaware avenue church. Tne stewards of the church met in secret session last evening, and elected Dr. "Went worth as temporary pastor. They also passed caustic resolutions on the action or the Bishop. One of the trustees stated this morning that the meeting voted unani mously to respectfully refuse to receive Ber. Mr. Phelps. If the Bishop refuses to re consider "his action the church will con tinue to refuse the appointment of Mr. Phelps, and will engage its own minister. A dispatch from Rochester says that Rev. Mr. Phelps has been ordered by the Bishop to proceed to Buffalo and preach in the Del aware Avenue Church to-morrow, accord ing to his appointment. If the trustees of the church hold to their determination not to accept Mr. Phelps there is likely to be an interesting conflict of authority. LTKCflED HIM. A Negro Strong Up on a Tree for Annulling m. Woman. Memphis, Tests., October 13. Robert Biggs, alias Charles "Woods, colored, was lynched at Hernando, Miss., at an early hour this morning by a mob of several hun dred men from Lake View. Biggs was con fined in the Hernando jail on a charge of havincr assaulted Mrs. J. 2T . Raines, the wife of a farmer living near Lake View in August last. He was arrested near Mem phis on September 27 and subsequently taken to Hernando. He made a full con fession at the time, but claimed that the woman's husband had hired him to murder her;that he was drunk and assaulted her in stead, and that Raines was satisfied with what he did and connived at his escape. Raines was also arrested and for a time it was thought both men would be lynched. At the preliminary examination yesterday Raines was discharged and Biggs was re manded to jail to await the action of the grand jury. About midnight Jailer "Wal lins was aroused, and, going to the door, was seized by the mob, tied to a tree and gagged. Biggs was taken from his cell and led with a rope tied around his neck to the Court House Square, where the rope was thrown over the limb of a tree and Biggs was soon dangling in mid-s.ir. The mob dispatched its business in a quirt and or derly manner and left town as soon as the negro was dead. MOTHER STANDARD SCHEME. A Rate on Tank Cora Which Will Drive Out Independent Dealers. fSPECIAt. TEI-ralliM TO THE DISPATCH.! Lima, October 12. A bombshell was ex ploded in the camp of independent oil dealers to-day by a circular which was sent out by the Central Traffic Association notify ing all railroads to change the rate of tank cars to nearly double the former rate. This is supposed to come from the Standard Oil Company, who have adopted this device to drive all independent dealers out of the market. A protest signed by all the lead ing oil dealers in the city has been forwarded to George P. Blanchard, Chairman of the Central Traffic Committee, Chicago. The question seems to be one of vital im portance to the independent oil dealers, (driving them all out of the market, and have the way cleared for the Standard. As the btandard pipe line to Chicago has a capacity of 8,000 barrels a dayand is rnn at about 3 cents a barrel, the difference be tween that and 23 would make a handsome income. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS. Some Decided Change Are to be Mndo at the Brooklyn Navy Yard A Big Fresh Water Basin In Which Tcueli Can be Placed. tSPECIAt. TSXXGRAH TO THE DISr ATCH.I ' New York, October 12. The improve ments contemplated at the navy yard by the special board, of which Bear Admiral D. L. Braine is chairman, are in accordance with the estimated expenditure of $8,000, 000. One of the most important is the con struction of a fresh water basin for the dockage of the new steel ships when they are not in service. There will be large pipes through which there will be a con stant flow of fresh water from artesian wells so that the deterioration by fouling and cor rosion by contact with salt water will be removed. A big stone wall is to be built all around the dock, with great gates com municating with the "Whitney basin, through which vessels may pass and be closed in. The yard will be supplied with an electric plant for lighting and for motive power. Electricity will take the place of steam in shops, storehouses and docks where com paratively light motive power is required for construction and repair. The electric plant will be in that part of theold machine shop near the dry docK which is now occu pied bv the large pumping engine. The yard will be so well lighted bv electricity mat woric may be done at night as well as by day. Big-derricks are to be placed at all of the wharves. 3ins capable of holding 16,000 tons of coal, to be kept filled to avoid em barrassment by labor strikes, will be built. The new boiler shop, an annex to the ma chine shop, is now in process ot construc tion. A float dock for the landing of rail road trains from barges is to be"crected, and with this improvement big guns may be taken direct from the Washington gun foundry without trans-shipment. About five miles of railroad track is to be laid in the yard. It will connect with every build ing and wharf. Beechah'S Pills cure sick headache. Peaks' Soap, the purest and best ever made. E. & V.'s Pittsburg beer pleases better every time.. Can't be excelled. Use A. & P. Baking Powder. Marriage Wconse Granted Yesterday. ' Keijdence. Kune. fBobert Chester - ?J S!n "UISiS ! Laura Fish Mifflin township George J. St. Clair. ::. M?6lci i Annie D. McCoy .. Cecil township J William H. Davis iom!!;!!2 Lizzie Roberts Homestead 5 John 8. B. Hammond KSlSSlSS 1 Lizzie White Washington t Charles Underflng-er 4S25i!lI Matilda Soatag...?. Allegheny 5 John Horn Sm!iSJ2S J Barbara Killlan Hmlthton Lulgio Regal SKSSm Maria Dabesantre Pittsburg NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IT STILL LEADS BOSY BRUSSELS CARPETS. The Best Lowell and Hartford Slake Re dneed From $1 40 to 81 Per Yard. A lare line, with borders to match, all patterns at 51 per yard; have been selling at $1 40 all season. We have made this reduction on account of having a great number of patterns which will not be reproduced by the manufac turers. Come and see them. Ton never before had the opportunity to buy the best makes of these two factories at this price. Edward Groetzingee, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. DIED. DALY-On Saturday-October 12, at 10 30 A m., Bridget, wife olHugh Daly, in her Situ year. Funeral from her late residence, Forty-third street, Seventeenth ward, on Monday, Octo ber 14, at 9 a. m. .EARNER On Saturday. October 12, at 10:20 A. x.. at his residence. Thirty-fourth ward, op- dence can determine, and as exist, temporal sovereignty is the most natural means, and indeed, humanly speaking, a neces sary means of securing the good government of the church. Demonstrating this proposition, the Arch bishop quotes extensively from a pamphlet entitled "The Truth About the Roman Question" recently published by the "Vati can press. The concluding quotation, and the Archbishop's comment upon it, are as follows: One hundred and seventy-one times the popes were depoiled of their dominions bv their ene mies, and as often by an example unheard of in the history ot every other dynasty have they been re-established on their thrones, under cir cumstances and in times the most varied and dissimilar. This is a fact both unique and mo mentous, because it reveals an order of special and unfailing Providence. What wonder, then, if Catholics hope to see it reproduced, even in our own day, for the 172d timet A HISTORICAL PHENOMENON. This phenomenal fact leads to most im portant conclusions. It is the exeinphhcation of a constant law of dinne intervention in Dehalf of the Church. If anything similar oc curred In the Department of science it would he regarded as the operation ot a natural law and treated accordingly. Now, the reasons that brought about the restoration of the pontiffs in the past continue to exist in all their force and fullness. In the present case 19 vears. Indeed, have lapsed since the usurpation of Rome, but these 19 years have not yet bronght to the kingdom of Italy official recognition from a single court of Europe, and the Roman question, that has been so often pronounced 'dead and buned,,' makes its voice of indignant protest resound at this hour from land to land, from continent to continent, "to show that it Btill lives." And even If to human kin the Roman ques tion should seem to have lost its vitality, the ' spirit of God can breathe as Be will over dry bones and make them instinct with lire and grace and surpassing beauty, renewing their strength like the eagle's. Of this we must rest assured, if our Lord wishes that His church, which ig to last "all days even to the consumma tion ot the world" be protected by other means than by temporal power. He will manifest His counsel In Bopdseason;butmeanwhlle,and until His vicar assures us to the contrary, it is our dnty to hasten the freedom of the Holy Bee by our prayers and good works and by every legit imate channel of defense. The Archbishop's letter concludes with a long extract from the letter of the Pope upon university of tbc Pontifical States and Now a Word To Pittsburg's Exposition visitors this week. You're welcome at Gusky's. We're perfectly honest with you, and say we want your trading. We have the biggest store in this part.of the country, and of course we've got to offer inducements to get you here. All of you who read this ad. call and satisfy vbnrselves as to the unparalleled offerings we make in clothing for men and boys. Gusky's. C. P., P. D., E. & G., Thompson's Glove Pitting, Her Majesty and all other corsets 25 per cent below regular price at the clos ing out sale ox P. Schoenthal, 612 Penn avenue. YUltors to rmsburc! Ton know that Gusky's have the biggest stock in this part of the country. If our in ducements were not bigger'n other folks' we dwouldn'task you to come. Lowest prices jalways guaranteed. ' EULES ESTABLISHED. The Honra When VUtiora Will Be Received nt the Wbite Uouin. Washington, October 12. The neces sity of making some preparation for the meeting of Congress has compelled the President to establish the following rules for the daily transaction of business at the Executive Mansion, which will be strictly adhered to: Senators, members of Congress and others having business with the President, will be received every day, except Sunday, between the hours of 11 and 12.30 o'clock, and at no other time. The public receptions in the EastJRoom at 1 P. M. on Mondays, Wednes days and Saturdays will be held as nsual. The President regrets the inconvenience to which friends may be subjected by the en forcement of these rules, but he is sure that they will see the necessity of his having some hours each day that are absolutely free from interruption. THE D00K DE0PPED. Several Passenger Injured la a Railroad Wreck. Wilmington, Del., October 12. A south-bound Wilmington and Baltimore train dropped an iron door on the tracks be tween Charlestown and Northeast Mary land, which derailed a passenger train about 9:45 o'clock this morning. The train was partly wrecked, and 15 persons were injured. The following are the names of those most seriously injured: Mrs. W. B. Guild, Evansville, Vt, seriously; J. M. Beno' Youngstown, O.; Robert Van Bogart, Bing hamton, N. Y., badly hurt about the face and head' C. W. Lawson, Pullman car con ductor, badly injured; William Beckley engineer, leg broken and badly injured: j B. Bartaletee, Fleetwood, Pa., seriously injured. DITIDED THE PE0CEEDS. Two Railroad Conductors Arrested Holding Oat Tickets. Buffalo, Octoberl2. Joseph Hammond and John T. Springborn, two well-known conductors of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, have been arrested hefe onj bench warrants, charged with hold ing out tickets to the amount of several hun dred dollars and giving them to John J. Myers, of Jamestown, to dispose of, then dividing the proceeds. Myers was also arrested. With the Greateit Difficulty we waited on the immense multi tude which thronged our stores on Satur day, all coming alter our advertised bar gains. Our overcoat department was the busiest in the whole store, so we have marked for to-morrow a special lot of men's kersey and melton overcoats from our $22, $25 and $30 line at the one price of $14 for choice. P. C. C. C, Opp. the new Court House, cor. Grant and Diamond streets. Now a Ward To Pittsburg's Exposition visitors this week. You're welcome at Gusky's. We're perfectly honest with you, and say we want your trading. We have the biggest store in this part of the country, and of course we've got to offer inducements to get yon here. All of you who read this ad. call and satisfy yourselves as to the unparalleled offerings weiznake in clothing for men and boys. Gusky's. 112 Styles of Coned, All leading makes, including P. D., the O. P., Her Majesty' Dr. Warner's, Poy'B, Ball's, the Peatnerbone. extra light; Looiner's Cutaway, Ferris Waists, etc., at lowest prices, at Rosenbaum & Co.'s. Overcoats. Montenac and chinchilla' overcoats ready rnade and to order at Pitcairn's, 434 "Wood street Visitor to Pittsbars! You know that Gusky's have the biggest stock in this part of the country. If our in ducements were not bigger'n other folks' we wouldn't ask you to come. Lowest prices always guaranteed. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. is the place to get your teas, coffees and bak ing powder. Beautiful presents. Use A. & P. Baking Powder. Furs that have just arrived will be sold at cost at the closing out sale of P. Schoen thal, 612 Penn are. Visitor to Pittsburg; This week are respectfully invited to make Gusky's their headquarters; to make Guskv's their stopping place. No matter whether a purchase is made or not, a hearty welcome is extended to an. rmsite Point Bridfre. BERNARD EARNER. Funeral services from St Malachy's Church to-mokrow, at 9 A. jr. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. FRIESEL At the residence of her grand mother, Mrs. Robert Curry, 4916 Penn avenue. Twentieth ward, on Saturday, October li 1889, at 8:10 p. m., Edna Boyd, daughter of John A. and MaryE. Friesel, aeed 2 years 7 months o days. Funeral services on Monday, Ilth inst.. at 2 p. m. Friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 GALLAQER-On Friday. October 11, at g o'clock p. St., Mary, wife of John Gallager, 01 Sharpsburg, aged 02 years. Funeral will take place from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Thomson, Cecil street, Sharpsburg, on Sunday, October 13, at 2 JO p.m. Friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend. HUMBERT At Cresson, Saturday, Octobe 12, 1889, Chahi.es H. Humbert, eldest son of Charles H. and Josephine Smith Humbert, aged 10 years. Intermont at Cresson, Sunday, October 13. KEARNS-On Friday, October 11, 1SS9. at 12 10 P. sl, Frank J., son of John S. and Mary Reams, aired IS vears. Funeral will take place from the residence of H his parents. No. 72 Sontn Seventh street, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 LAGARD-On Saturday, October 12. 1889, at 7 o'clock, Emory C. Lagahd, in the 45th year of his age. Funeral services at his late residence. No. 34 Grantham street, Monday, at 2 o'clock. Fu netal at a later hour. LUTOMSKI Friday. October 11, 18S9, at 2 o'clock p. H..LEONHARD, son of Corry Lufcom ski, deceased, and Agnes Lutomski, aged IS years 1 month 11 days. Funeral on Monday, October 14, at 3 o'clock P. 1L, from his mother's residence, corner of Somers and Bedford avenue. Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. MCCARTHY Saturday, October 12, 1S89, at 8:45 p. sl, Daniel McCarthy, in his bSth year. Funeral from his late residence, 142 Cherry alley, Monday horning at 8:30 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend. McVAY-On Thursday October 10. 18S9, at 5 o'clock a. Jr., James Mo V ay, aged 7s years. Funeral took place from, his late residence, Flnleyville, Washington county. Pa., on Sat urday, October 12, 1SS9. (Philadelphia (Pa.) papers please copy. NELSON On Saturday, October 12. 1889, at 5-.20 p. m., Caroline Nelson, wife of William Nelson, aged 52 yean 1 month and 8 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. NESTLER On Saturday. October 12, 1889, at 5 A. M., John Nestleb, in his 69th year. Funeral from his late residence, 1910 Wharton street. Twenty-sixth ward, Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Services at St. Michael's Church, Pius street. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. PRENDERGAST At Mansfield. Saturday, October 12, 18S9, at 12 o'clock noon, Mary. wife of Michael Prendergast, and cousin of Thomas McCaffrey, in the 45th year of her age. Notice of funeral hereafter. ROBlNSON-At his father's residence. No. 102 King avenue, Columbus. O., October 6, 18S9, of nervous prostration and brain trouble, W. VT. Robinson, formerly of the National Blank Book Company. He was a member of Federal Council, No. 100, Royal Arcanum. 2 SHANNON On Thursday, October 10. at 450 p. jr., at herfather's residence.No. 119 Elm street, Ida, only daughter of Y. E. and Mary Shannon, aged 13. Notice of funeral in daily papers. fsu STOTJFFER On Friday, October U, 1889, at his residence, corner Fifth avenue and Vine street; Wilson Stouffer, in the SOth year of his age. Funeral from tho M. P. Church, corner Fifth avenue and Vine street, on Monday, the 14th inst, at 2 o'clock p. M. Friends of the family respectfully invited to attend. 2 TELFORD On Saturday, October E, J8S9, at Los Angeles, CaL, George Telford, aged 33 years. Funeral services Monday, October 14, at 2 o'clock, at residence, 107 Part way, Allegheny. Interment private. Portiere Bed at $12 00. This bed is giving all the advan tages of higher priced fold-; ingbeds,and when hand somely draped, is a richer piece of furniture than most heavy wood front beds. HEWADVERTISEMENTS.' KEW ADVXRTJSKbTWM. j Ml L "" 35TEEX .A- P. Ca Schoeneck, 711 LIBERTY ST. PITTSBTJBa-. N. B. Our Exposition exhibit is In north west end of main building. Goods there dis played are but a small sample of the enormous stock shown at warerooms. Visitors welcomed at our warerooms at all times. oclS-fvau Fall Oyebcoat? HIMMELRICH'S SPECIALTIES IN RUBBERS Must be seen to realize their usefulness. QUR OUNCE RUBBERS give you the necessary pro tection and can be stored in a pocket when not in use. Ladies' Over Gaiters in all shades. Children's Leggins, lamb's wool soles, and all kinds of shoe trimmings, at moderate cost. We never before had suoh a ran on Overcoats nor sold so many us during the last few weeks a sure Bign of low prices and nobby stylea We have, however, replaced all broken lots, and yon will find our assortment the most complete. Prices, $7 50, $10, 811, 812 and up ward. All patterns and shades from the lightest Meltons and Di agonals to the plain black Chev iots. All the different styles of seams and edges plain corded, double stitched and strapped. You should examine our line. SUITS and PANTS . incomplete variety for everyday wear and for dress are also selling freely our low prices cause it. HATS in the best grades and newest styles at popular prices. s5rTE"3 r? ? ti A GOOD-BYE SALE! rOP- l. & Tailors, Clothiers aid Hatters, , 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. Small Boys' Clothing. ii -sSs ""if We are dropping this department and- are net particular tekfkg nrlrpmnf. net. ftyftnhn.f. 4a left. Win ne.pjl the. rnont o htzjliu -Torn -"-- ; a-- ""-- '-- y - ::: " - rr-aa rapidly growing vioaK-unu. nrun uepurimenntHK we arepremmrem mi to sacrifice our SMALL BOYS' CLOTHING. HIMMELRICH'S, MarksetSSt,, Entrance 430-436. BraddockgHouse, 916tf raddock Ave. oel3-su ANTHONY METEK, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold i Co., Urn.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1131 Penn avenue. Tele phone connection. mylO-69-jroTSu ITiifK watches, a specialty, low prices a certainty, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. TJSE A. & P. Baking Powder, for Visitors to the Exposition This week will please note that Gusky's erer popular one price store Is open to visitors and residents alike. You should visit Gusky's sure before leaving town. Foe a finely cut, neat-fitting suit leave your order with Walter Anderson, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in the market; imported exclusively for his trade. gu Visitors to the Exposition This week will please note that Gusky's ever popular oue price store is open to visitors and residents alike. Yon shnniri visit Gusky's sure before leaving town. ISM JAMES M. FUIiLERT01, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Sevknth Steeet. Telephone 1153. ap27-82-WFSU Gained. 15 Pounds. "I nave been a great sufferer from Torpid Liver and Dyspepsia. Everything I ate dis agreed with me until I began taKing Tutt's Pills I can now digest any kind of food; never have a headache, and have gained fifteen pounds in weight" . VT. C. SCHULTZE, Columbia, S. C. Sold Everywhere. TTSSC BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood Street, XHETALK" Of the town is tjiis great store, where the largest business ever done In this city is now being done. Everything sold at prices named. LOOK AT OUR PRICES. 112 piece decorated dinner Bet only $8 SO. 10 piece decorated toilet set only 52 00. 66 piece decorated tea set, only 2 69. COdoz. steak dishes, white granite, only 10c 200 doz. square dishes, white granite. 10c to 25c. 90 doz. white granite -aouii plates only Sc 120 doz. white granite dinner plates only Sc. 70 doz. gilt band handle) enps and saucers only 10c 20 doz. square decorated! china cuspldores omyouc ocS-wvsu 4-qt 35c,5-qt. 41c, tf-qt. 49c 8-qt. 69c, 10-qt. 69c 100 iron pots and kettles. Nos. 7, 8 and 9, your choice for 25c Flat irons, 6 0, 7 lb andSB, jottr choice for 25c Chamber pails, ass't. colors, only JSc Acme fry pans only 6c 2-qt. covered pails only Sc TVash tubs, all sizes, from 10c to-SttvOO. Brass bird cages 50c 89c and Jl ODl. Howell's ammonia water only 7c GREAT BARGAINS KT DOIlLS. Jointed doll, bisque bead, flowing- hair, 12 inches long, 19c Kid body doll, bisque head, flowing liair, 20 inches long, 25c Patent head doll, flowing hair, shoes ind stockings, 23 inches long, 50c Dressed doll, bisque head, flowing hair, stow ing teeth, 17 inches long, cheap at $L onijo9c. Rubber dolls from Id tn S3 fin- Beautiful dolls, all kinds, from 5c to S3. Albums, full sizes, silk plush, 59c Hundreds of different styles of vases, So to $3 00. Also a full line ot glassware, tinware, cook-"-ing ware, silverware, wooden ware, willow ware, i uib irames, ataiuea, toys oi au sunos at one alf the price sold elsewhere. Immense bargains on our 5c and 10c counters H. G. HAYDEN & CO. oc6-WSu ACTUALLY UNEQIMLED In the ArtTm.B ot the Dry Goods Trade. FEENCH BEOADCLOTH8, SO Inches wide, ?1 per yard. This Is the best valne ever shown in the way of Broadcloth. It has a superior finish and is of medium weight, and is the quality sold by other merchants at $1 50 a yard. DOMESTIC BEOADOLOTHS. inches wide. 65c per yard. In this line we excel any house in the city. We are showing all the leading colors. The cloth is strictly all wool and is the quality sold everywhere at$l. Two Special bargains-in PLUSHES. 300 pieces pure Silk Plush, 19 inches wide, all the latest colors, 69c. 150 piecesTine SILK PLUSH, beautiful assortment of colors, and at the price an assured bargain, 39c. NOTTINGHAM UCE CURTAINS ' BOYS' OVERCOATS. Boys3 Overcoats at $3, reduced from $4 60. Boys' Overcoats at $3 75, reduced from $5. Boys' Overcoats at $4 reduced from $G. Boys' dvercoats at $4 SO, reduced from $7. Boys' overcoats at , reaucea from yy. Boys' Overcoats at $7 GO, reduced from. $10. Boys' Overcoats at $8, reducecCfrom $12. Boys' Overcoats at $9, reduced from, $15. ' 1 .m J BOYS' KILT SUITS.! Boys' Kilt Suits at $2 50, reduced from $3 75. Boys' Kilt Suits at $3, reduced from $4 50. Boys' Kilt Suits at $3 50, reduced from $5. Boys' Kilt Suits at $4, reduced from $6 50. Boys' Kilt Suits at $4 75, reduced from $7. Boys' Kilt Suits at $5, reducedfrom $7 50. Boys' Kilt Suits at $6, reducedfrom $9 50. Boys' Kilt Suits at $6 50, reducedfrom $10. Boys' Kilt Suits at $8, reducedfrom $12. JM Af H W4 .M THE MISSES', CHILDREN'S -AND- INFANTS' m All Run Down from the weakening effects ot warm weather, by hard work or from a long illness, you should take Hood's Sarsaparllla, which will purify your blood, expel scrof ula and all impurities, regulate the liver and other organs, cure headache, give strength and create an appetite Be sure to get Hood's. highest p: gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, "Wylie ave. prices paid for ladies' Call or send by mail. ?su Me. Peatt's fifty-second annnal sale of new dooks win open to-morrow at 428 wood street. He has a splendid collection this year, and sells at less than half regular prices. Visitors to PJittburs; This week are respectfnlly invited to make Gusky's their headquarters; to make Gusky's their stopDing place. 3Jo matter whether a purchase is made or not, a hearty welcome is extended to all. FREE TICKETS ! A round trip excursion ticket from all points within 80 miles of Pittsburg and admission to the Exposition will be given FKEE to any per. son buying the best set ot teeth; price flu, or having S10 worth of filling done at the follow ing low rates: Gold fillings .'-..51 00 and np White alloy fillings .... 1 00 Silver fillings 75 Amalgam fillings. .. ....... 60 Extracting teeth 25 Administering gas 50 Fine gold filling and gold crown work a spe cialty. Buyyour excursion ticket, the cost of which will be deducted from your bill when the work is done. OR. I. S. WAUGAHAN, DENTIST, 311 Smithfield street oelS-99 The makers of the Ball corset have a bon-fire two or three times a year to burn up the corsets that women have worn a week or two or three, and taken back to the stores because they didn't like 'em. How many corsets get burned, do you think? One in three thousand. That means that when three thousand women try the Ball corset, one of 'em makes up her mind that it isn't the corset for her. That's too bad! A corset that's right for two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine women ought to be .pretty nearly right for the other one. Her husband must have his hands full? There's a primer on Cor sets for you at the store. Chicago Corar? Co., Chicago and New York. D ATEITT S - O.D.LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents, 811 Jffftb avenue, above Smithfield. next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. seaS-GQ CLOAK DEPABMNT Has been very busy since the cool spell. Still onr assortment is complete, and prices just as pleasing as the styles and finish. Be sure and. examine onr line of these goods before you purchase. You will save money. Ages 2to lit HANDKERCHIEFS 1 New and pretty styles just in. Plain and em. brotdered, for ladies. Children and Men.at 10c, 12KC 15c, 25c, SOc, S5c, 10c, 60c, up to $4. Splen did values. Corsets and Corset Waists ! The Double Veand Ferns Waists for Infants, Misses and Ladies, are selling in large quanti ties, they being indorsed by all advocates of dress reform. All the best makes, of- Corsets here. Get onr prices. Special values Saturday la HOSIEBY, GLOVES AND UNDEBWEAE, MEN'S FURNISHING .GOODS, Etc Open until 9 f. u. Saturdays. A, G, CAMPBELL & , 710 Pann avenue, 710. PENN BUILDING. Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. OC13-TUF80. -Airr- CURTAIN, NETS. Nottingham Lace Curtains, fully worth $1 CO, at 99c a pair. , Nottingham Lace Curtains, fully worth S3, at $1 25 a pair. Nottingham Lace Curtains, fullv worth $3, at $1 99 a pair. Also Fine Brussels Lace Curtains, $1 50, worth $6 0 a pair. Irish Point Lace. $5 25, worth $10 50 a pair. ' Nottingham Lace, for Sash Curtains, at one-half original price, 8c, 10c, 12c, 15e and 18c per yard. Special Bargains in Portieres at 51 99 per pair. Special offerings in all Chenille Portieres at ?5 50 per pair. Special and Extraordinary Offer ings in Blankets and Con- fortables. ' 10-4 Gray Blankets, fl, ft 99. f2 60 per .yrtir. 10-4 Scarlet Blankets, 52 50, ?3 25, J4.93 piw pair. .10-4 White Blankets, $1 75, f3 99, $4 9ft per pair. IlU Gray Blankets, $4 99 per pair. H.v ScarletBIanfcets, $4 99, J7 99 per pair. II-1 "White Blankets, 53 99, $4 50, $7 99 per ptftr. Crib Blankets, till colors, ?1 75, f2 99, ?3 25 pnr pair. Large V Comforts, 99c, 51 50, $2 25, $2 99. $4 25eaci. ' ' Special attention is called to our large and varied stock of HOSIERY V for Ladies: Mi iks and Children. Also Men's Hose in Natural "Wool,, uameis Hair, u&snmere, etc,, and all at our famous LOW PBICES. BOYS' PANT SUIT $ Boys' Bant Suits at $3 50, reducedfrom $5. Boys' Bant Suits at $4 50, reducedfrom $6 60. Boys' Pant Suits at $5, reduced front $7 50. Boys' Bant Suits at $5 50, reducedfrom $8. Boys' Bant Suits at $6, reducedfrom $9. Boys' Bant Suits at $6 50, reducedfrom $10. .. T, C'.tfa n 0V Kft ,Iw,.r'A.ni D.ia T, C,H n 0O suio? Au o-fsr - JLIVyO JL-Wfl.V VflfrF lW V; Mfcy WV IJK. 0 -tA V-M BOYS' ODD PANTS. Boys' odd Fonts at 75c, reducedfrom $1 10. Boys' odd Bants at 87c", reduced from $1 25 Boys' odd Bants at $1, reducedfrom $1 60. Boys' odd Bants at $1 25, reducedfrom $2. t Tji Vi ',g FLEISHMAN CO. New Department Stores, 504-506-508 Market Street, Pittsburg, LOVE COMES LIKE A SUMMER SHOWER! SOFTLY O'ER YOU STEALING;! BUT 10 YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE SHOULD GO TO HOUSEKEEPING WITHOUT FIRST VISITlHfr m ZFiaiE:Ei,:R,x:iiT(37s Ever Popular Household Furnishing Bazaar; "Where the best of terms and the lowest prices are. obtaiaakk. , ARE jSJDVERTISEMENTS EEAD?r Yes, most emphatically we declare that OURS are watched for i eagerly read by thousands of Contemplating purchasers whenever tty UUKb iVKfc C.au, we assert, because ot Jfcel make their appearance. phenonemal response, fiction, hut facts only, terest our interest. .vtt ..n-. t v. a T-. . . . . -T uuKh AKBKfiAU Decause we arlwrtvMi mm OURS ARE READ because we make yewigl wm SIXTH ST. AND PENN AVE. ocl3 TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold nlllnirs from SI up. Amaizarc, 60c; silver, 75cj white alloy, L Cold Crowns a specialty. OB. 3. M. McCLAKEN, ; Corner Smithfield and Fourth arena, leas-TTSn .- - k pEr",Fg ik in iiiMffii'ffliT FliiiiMfflfllil 4 fca wnjIrX y DESKS lA. BPECIALir. The Moirr complete Stoc-I in tie city. BED- RO-CK PRICES We also maiHVtactnre toe wonderful combination Easy COialT. STEVENSGHAIRCO. No. 8 81XXH-SX, ml2-86.su PITTSBURGiPA t&rr&L OUR PRICES TELL I OUR PRICES SELL! Stock, Quality va&Jm We, are away ahead of all competitors in Prices. We offer the grandest stock of HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CARPETS In the city. We name the Lowest Prices, we offer the best terms. Onr naae k sraiwj mons wltn eYeryiniDjj r,oou pertaining 10 oar uasmess. This is the last xreek. ot the Exposition, and ve want tou to call and see now we'll make yon. whether you purchase or not. "We pay expresaze for the deUrerr of. a purchases, and give a FKEE TICKET to the Exposition with eTery purchase askS Again we say, come ana see usi m OUR GREAT EXPOSITION SUITE, tittiasggm Tie wing it, is for sale. Oners for same will be received a t our exhibit at the lKrpariiiMAl REMEMBER, CASH OR CREDIT. )- PHOTOGRAPHER, 19 SIXTH STREET Anne. lanrecsaTon portrait SSfiecsee.tfaea before ordering eluewnere. CabbetkJt Mw x super dozen, rivwauri. iJBUAYJtai. aplt-lS-jrWTSB N PICKERING' OLD RELIABLE HOUSE, si Corner Tenth Street and EennA.1 o5i K ieel Tfe 4 f. - -j: m tJr . jSlj&..a A.-., R8i'JJiitWi