Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 13, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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OCTOBER 13, 1889
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Mr. Wilt Withdraws His Or
chestra From the M. M. P.TJ.
A Spirited Interview Behind the
Scenes Last Evening.
The H. 1L P. U. Will Hold a Meeting To
Day to Discuss the Subject
The downfall of the local branch of the
Musical Mutual Protective Union was very
strongly indicated last evening daring a
very spicy interview between Manager E.
D. "Wilt, of the Grand Opera House, and C.
"XV. Euhe. President of the M. M. P. U., in
which Manager Wilt notified Mr. Bnhe
that, in consequence of sundry broken con
tracts, the Grand Opera House Orchestra
was withdrawn from the M. M. P. TJ., so
far as his pergonal adherence to the rules
and regulations of the M. M. P. TJ. went.
The small office adjoining the greenroom
of the theater resounded with the angry
tones of the disputants, and those who paced
up and down between acts wondered what
could be the matter.
The history of the matter is interesting.
As long ago as last Monday Mr. "Wilt was
notified that Mr. Rudolph Aronson's
"Brigands" company would not bring any
orchestral musicians, and that he would
have to furnish 26 first-class musicians. Mr.
"Wilt immediately notified President Euhe,
of the M. M. P. U., that ten first-class artists
on certain instruments were required for the
"Brieands." This notice was under a con
tract made last summer by which Mr. Euhe
bound himself to furnish extra musicians at
any time to Manager "Wilt, no matter if
the men had to come from elsewhere, the
M. M. P. U. to pay all expenses and Mr.
"Wilt to pay nothing but salaries. Mr.
Euhe skirmished Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, and on Thursday handed Di
rector Schwartz, of the Grand Orchestra, a
lis-t of musicians all local. Mr. Schwartz
would not accept the musicians, claiming
that they were not able to play the opera
music This assertion is easily borne out
by the testimony of other musicians, who
Bay that Mr. Schwartz and anybody else
are right in saying that the Euhe's musi
cians were unable to play the music. Mr.
Euhe then told Director Schwartz to en
gage whom he pleased, and it would be all
So the genial director hustled around and
secured hornplayers Leblich and Gallwitzer;
Becfcert, aboeist; Musser, bassoon, and
Freibertbeiser lor drums and tympan, with
a celloist and several violinists in view.
Xone of the above belong the M. M. P. V.
and some are even expelled members. The
mere fact of playing with them would get
Director Schwartz's men in trouble, but Jor
Mr. Eune's agreement to allow the state of
n flairs.
Manager Wilt, however, was indignant
at Mr. Euhe for saddling so much work
upon Mr. Schwartz when there was an ex
plicit contract in existence by which Mr.
Euhe was to furnish the extra men. Mr.
Wilt maintained with some show of reason
that the contract has been broken. Mr.
Euhe claimed that the Triennial Conclave
had ' scattered Cleveland and Cincinnati
musicians, npon whom lis depended. He
stated that the furnishing of tec musicians
from Philadelphia or New York was a
financial impossibility for the M. M. P. TJ.
Manager Wilt said that the contract, hav-.
ing been broken, he was done with the M.
M. P. V. Mr. Euhe danced excitedly
around the office, and said he would give
bonds to furnish SO competent players by
Monday morning. Mr. Wilt rejoined that
lie was through, and Mn Euhe
said that the Grand Opera' House
matter would be attended to by the
M. M. P. TJ. at its regular quarterly meet
ing to-morrow (to-day). Mr. Wilt said
that as far as he was concerned the M. M.
P. TJ. would fail to speak as they passed by,
and so the breezv interview ended with Mr.
Wilt provided for next week with Mr.
Euhe's incautious allowance of outside
musicians for the "Brigands," and Director
Schwartz pleased to be in good shape with
an adequate orchestra assured.
Director Schwartz was asked if he had
concluded to go into the new musical union
(K. of L.) and leave the M. M. P. TJ. He
said: "I understand that the charter of the
sew assembly has been protested and as
Master Workman H. Eatthay refused to
state just in what shape his organization is
In we don't feel like taking a leap in the
The M. M. P. TJ. has certainly violated
its contract with Manager Wilt, and thrown
an onerous and troublesome task upon my
shoulders, but Mr. Euhe has absolved me
from any future complications in the matter
of securing outside musicians for this week's
"What constitutes the M. M. P. TJ.?"was
"The Grand, Bijou and Academy orches
tras. It has not been able to furnish ac
ceptable substitutes for quite a while, and I
am not going to allow indifferent musicians
to jeopardize the reputation of my orchestra.
I haTe heard that the Bijou and Academy
orchestras intend to withdraw, but we see no
reason why they should wait for our or
chestra to move. We have rigorously ob
served the by-laws of the M. M. P. TJ., but
if it is to be left by all its members, the
Grand Orchestra would not remain with all
the others elsewhere. I believe in going
slow, and haTe not made up my mind what
I will do."
Mr. Wilt said that he had formally with
drawn his orchestra from the M. M. P. TJ.,
and had notified the musicians that if they
did not desire to stick to the new regime
they could quit They were free to join any
union they pleased, but he declined to have
anything more to do with the M. M. P. TJ.,
either officially or personally.
7t is hinted that this action of Manager
Wilt will prove a death blow to the M. M.
P. TJ., especially as by his own and Director
Schwartz' statements there seems to be a
broken contract An effort was made to
find Mr. Euhe, bnt he was not at his usual
haunts, and the hour was so late as to pre
clude an extended interview npon the sub
The Examination Too Severe for Tiro
Thirdi of the Applicant.
Twenty-two ont of the 03 applicants for
registered pharmacist's licenses passed the
examination before the Pharmaceutical
Board, which has been in session here for
the past week, and 26 ont of CI qualified as
assistant pharmacists. Thirty-eight of the
applicants were from this vicinity.
No Truce of Mollis.
Mrs. Hanlon, the mother of Mollie Han
Ion, who disappeared Ircm her home on
Jones avenue, can give no reason for her
conduct She Bays she rebuked her daugh
ter for familiarity with railroad men, and
she thinks she got mad and left on that ac
count The - mother has searched the sta
tions to Greeuburg, but has found no trace
of her.
BalMlng- Inspectors Find Many Dangerous
Homes at the Point Liable to Collapse
Without Warning.
Building Inspectors Hoffman and Brown
yesterday spent the day in quaking a tour
in what they termed thcslnms of Pittsburg,
being that portion of the city known as the
Point district As a result of their tour
they will report to the Chief of the Depart
ment of Public Safety that there are at least
50 buildings in that portion of the city that
should be carefully examined as a measure
of safety and to protect the lives of the in
digent occupants. The examination ma'de
by the Inspectors yesterday was only super
ficial as they had no authority to go further
than that Under the law, complaints must
be officially made by at least two property
holders in the vicinity before the Building
Inspector has any right to enter a building
and make a technical examination
to determine its safety. Nothing of this
kind has been done about any of the build
ings in question, but the Inspectors, while
they refuse to specify for publication, say
they will report to their chief the condi
tion in whieh they found many old build
ings in their tour.
The locality specially designated by the
Inspectors as containing many decrepit
buildings was the Schenley property on
which stand the oldest buildings erected in
the city. The habitations of many
of the people in this district are rotten and
shaky in the extreme, and several buildings
arc in snch a dilapidated condition that the
withdrawal of two or three bricks would
cause them to come tumbliog down over the
heads of the occupants. Ono house in par
ticular, situated in an alley in the rear oi
the old foundry of Warden & Nicholson, on
Pcnn avenue, and located near the old
block house, is specified as a very danger
ous abode. That house is said to have at
one time sheltered General Washington for
several days. It was built about the same
time as the block house was, on a level with
the street, as it was at that time, but the
streets have since been filled up in that
neighborhood and now aceess is gained to
the first floor of the old house by the descent
of six or seven steps. One feature of nearly
all these old buildings noticed by the In
spectors was, that they are built in the style
known as the "old Jackson trames." being
first put up with frame joist and the space
between the joist filled in with brick.
The Inspectors had some amusement along
with the many discomforts and disagreea
ble odors they encountered in making their
way through the narrow courts and alleys at
the Point At one house which they de
sired to enter to examine they were met by
a big red-laced Irish woman who mistook
them for Law and Order detectives looking
for speak-easies, and she compelled them to
depart with considerable more baste than
dignity by her forcible use of the broom
stick. At another place they encountered
a group of boys wrestling with a jack-pot in
an old deserted shanty. The lads supposed
the Inspectors were police officers alter
them, and they skipped out, leaving their
hats, deck of cards and the jack-pot of IS
cents lying on the floor. Several groups
infantile gamblers were discovered by the
Inspectors, but the boys all beat a hasty re
treat at their approach and their antics
were very amusing.
How the Stolen Bonds of a Savins Bank
Were Returned.
Disorderly conduct is a charge which, like
"suspicious character," covers a multitude
of sins in the public blotter. In looking
over the records last night a disorderly-conduct
case preferred in Philadelphia was
found to give a clew to a Southside bank
It was in 1872, before the Southside was
taken into the city of Pittsburg. The Iron
and Glass Savings Bank was located at 1203
Carson street The office ran back from
Carson street to a small alley in the rear.
On a pleasant Thursday afternoon in July a
man went into tne alley in tne rear, climbed
through an open window, and, going to the
safe while the bank clerks were busy in the
iront office, took away bonds worth 21,000
and $700 in postage stamps which were de
posited there by the then postmaster, Philip
Hoerr, now one of the City Assessors.
The loss was not discovered until the fol
lowing Friday, when a large reward was
,offered by the bank for the recovery of the
stolen property. Philip Demtnel, now a
special officer on the police force, but then
constable of the borough of Birmingham,
received a letter about ten days after the
robbery lrom Police Captain Burke, of
Philadelphia, asking if any bonds were
missing. Demmel at once replied, relating
the story as told above, and, after some cor
respondence, went to Philadelphia with the
necessary papers to arrest the bank robber.
Some days before the correspondence had
commenced a man had been arrested on a
charge of disorderly conduct on information
of a woman living with them at the time.
When searched at the Cential station in
Philadelphia, one of the missing bonds was
tound in his possession. Constable Dum
mell traced the bonds to New York, where
they had been sent for hypothecation as
well as the stamps. The thief was brought
to Pittsburg, and under promise of interces
sion for clemency on the part of the officer,
sent for and returned both the bonds and
the stamps.
The woman who caused his arrest was
heart-broken over the result of her dis
orderly conduct charge, and died a few
years ago. She was known as one of the
beauties of Philadelphia, but never recov
ered the shock which the arrest of her lover
and his conviction for bank robbery occa
sioned her. He was sent to the penitentiary
for three years, the mitigation of the sen
tence being secured by the return of the
A Bridegroom's Father Interviews tbo Mar
riage License Clerk.
An old gentleman called at the marriage
license office yesterday afternoon and in
quired if a marriage license had been is
sued to Patrick Duddy. He was informed
that Patrick Duddy had taken out a license
on Friday to marry Miss Lide Lally. Both
parties were from the Thirty-fourth ward.
The man said he was the young man's father
and had learned they were to be married that
evening and he wanted to stop it.' The re
cord showed Duddy to have sworn tfiat he
was 21 years of age and was born in Cin
cinnati. The father' said that was a lie for the boy
wonld not be 20 years old until next March
and he was born in Ireland. He added that
he had gone to Father McTighe about the
matter but he said that if the boy had a
license he could not refuse to marry him.
Mr. Duddv said tbey did not like thefgirl's
family and further that he had a large fam
ily and only the boy to helphim keep them.
He was advised to talk to the boy and if he
would not obey him he could have him ar
rested for perjury. He departed saying that
he would do so and didn't care it his son
would go to jail for what he had done.
Over 400 People Viewed tho Fictnrcsqae
Allegheny Mountains.
The school teachers' excursion toEhodo
dendronPark via the Pennsylvania and
Bells Gap Eailroads yesterday was a great
success. Over 400 school mistresses, princi
pals and pupils were present They went
in a special train of six coaches in charge of
Passenger Agent Daniel Domer. The
scenery along the Bells Gap road was pic
turesque and everybody was delighted. A
stay of five hours was made at the park and
everybody came borne laden with rich botan
ical specimens. The party returned to the
city at 10 o'clock.
De. B. M. Hajtka. Eye, car, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su
The Fast Amount of Coal Now Lying
' in Pittsburg's Harbor.
A Conference Yesterday With One of Those
Bridge Men.
A meeting was arranged yesterday after
noon, at the office of the Time Coal Com
pany, on Water street, between Captain S.
B. Kodgers, S. S. Crump, D. B. Blackburn
and I. N. Bunton, representing the river
shippers, and one of the members of the
firm of Baird Brothers, bridge builders, in
relation to the Wheeling and Lake Eric
bridge across the Ohio river at Wheeling.
That bridge has two piers in the river,
making three spans over the water. Imme
diately below the central span there is a low
j&iuuu, nuicu luieueres wim uic passage u
vessels with tows through that span. The
span next to the Wheeling side ot the river,
or the left hand side, is used as the channel.
The contractors propose to close that span
for the purpose of completing their work on
the eastern end of the bridge, intending to
leave open the central span tor fall naviga
tion. The rivermen pointed out to Mr. Baird
the impracticability of using that central
span during the fall freshet. There are over
10,000,000 bushels of coal in barges
and when the freshet comes, late as it must
now be, the tows taken down will neces
sarily be large. It would be necessary to
break such tows up into several sections in
order to get them through the Wheeling
Mr. Baird said that the work of his firm
on the bridge structure had been delayed by
the slow building of the piers. He would
prefer to let the work rest until the river
were either closed by ice or until the dry
season next summer, bnt his firm is under
contract with the bridge company to com
plete the work within a limited time. He
suggested to the rivermen that they should
send a committee to Wheeling to confer
with the members of the bridge company.
This suggestion was considered by the river
operators to be a proper one. A committee
will be made up to-day and will probably
leave to-morrow morning for Wheeling.
One of the gentlemen who attended yes
terday's meeting said: "It is possible, and
indeed probable, that we cannot agree nith
the bridge company. I sincerely hope, how
ever, that we can. We have come to an
amicable understanding with the builders
of the Louisville bridge, and may get mat
ters fixed up with the Wheeling people. If
we do not, however, we intend
and a stong one, to obtain the interference
of the Secretary of War. It is not much use
to send only two or three men to Washing
ton. We will endeavor to get Colonel
Bayne, Mr. Dalzell and, if possible. Senator
Quay to accompany our committee and lend
their influence to secure action in our be
half. Colonel Bayne has already promised
to go with us. Of course, Captain Wood
and Mr. Bryant were in Washington early
in the week, but they only saw General
Schofield and leit a written statement for
Secretary Proctor. A written paper of that
sort has little effect compared with what
can be accomplished by a personal inter
view. One way or the other, the river men
are determined to secure their rights in this
matter. The bridge business has become
such a heavy impediment to the free navi
gation of the river, that every water operator
haa become stirred upon the subject As a
last resort we will see lawyers about the
thing, and appeal to the courts for1 relief."
The Pleasant Valley Railway Will Not
Precipitate a War.
In court routine report yesterday, occurs
the statement that "from the Citizens Com
pany who leased the old Transverse line to
the Allegheny Traction Company that the
Federal Street and Pleasant Valley line
obtained permission to use the tracks in
question," i. e., the crossing of the Citizens
Traction Cable road at the intersection of
Penn avenue and Ninth street Attorney
George Wilson filed a motion ,for an in
junction in behalf of the Citizens Traction
Company to prevent the Federal Street and
Pleasant Valley Company from proceeding
with the work.
Mr. Graham an official of the Federal
Street and Pleasant Valley Company, made
the following statement yesterday in regard
to the matter. He said: "We have engaged
as counsel to argue against the motion
for an injnnction. Colonel W. A. Stone and
D. T. Watson, Esq., and have no uneasi
ness as to the result
"The simple fact of the matteris that when
the Citizen's Traction Company desired to
put in the cable across our tracks we con
sented providing that they put in a crossing
which would give our cars a smooth pas
sage over the cable conduits. As to onr
right to dominate the crossing the records
show it to be indisputable. We .grew
weary of asking for a proper crossing and of
the nromises made, and finally had acasting
for the crossing made, and it now lies near
the place. We had intended to put it in
at onr own expense, but the legal wrangle
has caused a suspension of work. Oh, no.
We will not attempt to lay it until the
courts decide. But there is no doubt that
the decision will favor us."
He Is Charged With Embezzlement His
Ft lends fcpcali Well of Him.
George L. Drum was charged yesterday
with embezzling $2,130 40 from H. Peck
ham before Magistrate Gripp. He was com
mitted to jail in default of bail. Peckham
had a, contract to build a well at the Brad
dock water works, and Drum was made his
agent. Last July Drum was authorized
to cash a warrant "for $1,800 to the O'Neil
Pipe Company. He drew the money, bnt it
is charged he appropriated it for his own
Mr. Drum has always borne a good repu
tation for industry and probity. His
friends feel very sure there must be some
mistake about it, and when the proper time
comes that he will prove his innocence.
Two Cases Before the Committee on Con
ference .Relations.
The Committee on Conference Belations
of the M. E. Conference yesterday afternoon
had but two cases before it They were
those of the Eev. J. C, Castle and the Eev.
T. J. Shaffer. Mr. Castle was recommended
for a location with the privilege of being a
supernumerary for the present year. In
Mr. Shaffer's case it was recommended that
he be contined in the supernumerary rela
tions. Last evening a session of the Conference
was devoted to hearing the annual mis
sionary sermon by the Ilev. E. J. Knox. A
large crowd was present
A Few More Fine Buildings to bo Erected.
In Pituburp.
At the Building Inspector's office yester
day Leonard Rauwolf took out a permit for
the erection of a three-story brick store and
dwelling-at C936 Penn avenue, Twentieth
ward, to be 20x103 feet and to cost $10,000. A
permit was issued to E. M. Hill for two two
story brick dwellings, 2Gx36 feeteach, on
Margaretta street, Nineteenth ward, to cost
$10,000. Sarah J. Jamison took ont a pei
mit to erect a two-story frame dwelling on
Collins avenue, Nineteenth ward, to cost
Its Promoters Say a Lot Will be Bonsht,
Enemies to the Contrary.
A site for the Southside hospital has not
yet been chosen. A member of the board
stated last night that estimates were being
taken on various properties, and that real
estate agents were examining titles and
other features that required careful in
spection. He stated that it was of the utmost
importance to start right, and that no move
ment would be made until well settled upon.
The conversation drifted to the charges
made that the hospital is maintained as an
advertising scheme for the benefit of a few
doctors. A director who refused to talk
except on condition that his name was not
mentioned said: "The trouble is that some
people cannot get into the organization, and
they are dissatisfied and make trouble in
consequence. There are good doctors on
the Southside who are not in the organiza
tion, and it is not our purpose to reflect
upon them, but some people have rushed
into print and their statements are a tissne
of falsehoods. The statement that physi
cians are dropping off the various staffs is
not true. These doctors are sacrificing their
time for the good of the hospital and they
are not doing it grudgingly."
Dr. J. M. Duff, when asked about the
matter, stated that a Jot would be purchased
as soon as one was found that wonld suit,
and further said: "I consider the publica
tion regarding our hospital and its manage
ment beneath my notice, and do not care to
express any further opinion regarding it."
All spoken to concurred in stating that
the Southside hospital enterprise waB not in
any danger of prematnre death.
Why a LnwreuceTille bldcwalk Is to be
Widened nt Last.
The Seventeenth ward is about to lose the
last mark that distinguished it as the old
borough of Lawrenceville. That is theVery
narrow sidewalk on Forty-second street,
above Butler street. An ordinance has
passed the City Councils, and been approved
by the Mayor, to widen the east side of that
street, from Butler street to Davison street.
The houses from the points indicated in
the ordinance were built before the street
was located. After it had been laid out it
was found this row of houses had been
built on the footpath, the result being that
it narrowed it and necessitates its widening
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Heading.
A box of strawberries was left at this office
yesterday, by James Crawford. He has just
stripped his vines of a second crop down at
Emsworth. Strawberries gathered in October
taste exceedingly luscious. They are fairly
large and sound inside. The like has never
been knonn around Emsworth before, and Mr.
Crawford has certainly a prize in those vines.
Officer Kennedy, of Allegheny, arrested
Albert McMillen yesterday on a charge of as
sault and battery preferred by Mrs. Mary
Brenan. She alleges McMillan struck her in
the eyo and cut her face. Edward McMillen, a
brother of the accused, was also arrested for
disorderly conduct, having been implicated in
the assanlt
Peter Wise, a farmer living near Wild
wood, on the A. V. R. R., woke up one morn
ing this week to find that one of his fattest
hogs bad been slaughtered in its pen, and the
meat carried away. He would like to be
invited to the roast. Wise suspects huckster
butchers of the bloody theft
H. F. Johnston and F. C. Hodkinson are
organizing Company A, Twenty-second Regi
ment, National Cadets. The company now
numbers 20 members, and the Washington In
fantry has granted tbem the use of their
armory for a meeting next Wednesday
Bagoaoehasteb McGuike. of the Pennsy,
was bringing home an eagle from the Knights
Templar Washington parade. The game bird
was full of fire, and at one stage of the journey
jumped on McGmre and clawed him. He
escaped with a few scratches.
Annie Kane, alia' Annie Evans, has sued
her mother, Mrs. Mary Kane, for the larceny
of a. lot of bed clothes from the bouse of
Thomas Robinson, on Jones' avenue. Annie
has been living at the home of Robinson. The
parties are all colored.
The Waverly Society will hold its quarterly
meeting on next Tuesday night at the resi
dence of Mr. D. S. Thompson, 153 Bnena Vista
street, Allegheny. There will be a melange of
music and literary exercises, Interspersed with
good things to eat.
Ordinance Officer Copeland, of Alle
gheny, made information to-day against Fred
Westphal, a grocer or McClure avenue, Alle
gheny, for violation of a city ordinance in keep
ing a lot of building materials piled up about a
fire plug.
1 The Republican County Committee was to
have met yesterday afternoon, but owing to the
failure of the secretary to send out notices,
there was not a quorum present. The next
meeting will be hefd on Saturday, November 2.
Meat and Mile Inspector McCutcheon
made 40 tests in Lawrenceville, and as a result
made two informations. At Risher's creamery
he made 20 tests and found two cases where it
had been watered and the cream skimmed.
Charles E. SWANSONwas killed at Suters
station yesterday. He attempted to board a
moving Baltimore and Ohio train, but his foot
slipped and bis leg was crushed. He died
shortly 'after being taken to the hospital.
Fred Cuddy, a driver for M. J. Alger, of
West Liberty borough, was last night driving
toward town, when his wagon upset, falling on
biin and crushing him to death. He was a
single man and lived with Mr. Alger.
A farmer came to the city to dispose of a
quantity of potatoes. He left one sack lying
against the fence of Recreation Park. He
went away for a short time, and when he re
turned the potatoes were gone.
Michael Joyce was released from the
Workhouse yesterday by the court. He was
sent there by Magistrate Brokaw for disorderly
conduct His offense did not warrant snch a
severe sentence.
James Gray was 'arrested yesterday on an'
infoimation made bytAgent Dean, for cruelly
beating bis children. The cise will be heard on
Monday before Alderman Porter. Gray gave
bail for $300.
Georoe Hoeyelee, a train dispatcher at
the Baltimore and Ohio station, has been miss
ing since Thursday. He is sober, industrious,
and his friends wonder what has become of
Lee Hamilton, of Sewickley, had his leg
badly crushed in the Davis well at Crafton.
Other parts of his body were terribly lascerat
ed, and fears are entertained for his recovery.
Matthias B. Sharp, aged 17 years, was
killed on the Ft Wayne Railroad at Laurel
station yesterday. Ho lived at Lanrel station.
The Coroner will hold an inquest to-morrow.
Malachi O'Donnell's house, situated m
the Eighteenth ward, was bnrned to the ground
yesterday. The loss is about 81,000. It is sap
posed to have bee s an incendiary tire.
Jacob Sharprith's store, 217 Fifth
avenue, was broken open by burglars last
night, but before any valuables were secured
tho thieves were frightened away.
James Fox. Jr., swore out an information
against his father, James Fox, Sr., for surety
of the peace. The case will be heard before
Alderman Leslie on Monday.
Car No. 15, of the Center avenne line, com
menced to slide on Overhill street, yesterday
morning, badly searing the passengers The
horses were thrown down.
Martin Sheffler fell down a Iflignt of
stairs at his home, No. 4612 Penn avenue, and
sustained severe injuries. He was removed to
the West Penn Hospital.
Samuel McMasteks was held under ball
by Alderman Bums for a hearing next week,
on a charge of assault and battery, instituted
by Paul Krawza
Controller Morrow is beginning to cat
down the supply of printing for city officials.
One official wanted 15 worth yesterday; ho cot
Andy McAloke made an information be
fore Alderman Warner, alleging that Alfred
Kline stole a keg of beer from his wagon.
'alvis Kettleman sned Jacob Bosscll be
fore Alderman Leslie, alleging that the de
fendant has a trunk belonging to him.
Elmer Dickson, 8 years of age, was bitten
by Mr. Miller's dog, 477 Fifth avenue. The dog
was shot at the owner's request
George Tetcholm sued Charles Beckle
man before 'Squire Beekleman for delugincr
him with crease.
John Flanniqan sned Peter Conrad yes
terday before Alderman Doughty, for misus
ing mi cuiiu. -
Interesting Bits of Conversation
Caught Here and There.
It is Appended to City Salary Warrants
Thousands of Times.
City Controller E. S. Morrow has go
down again to the dreary .monotony by
signing his name an average of 1,000 times
a week in the public service in addition to
doing it occasionally on his own account
He writes his signature at a 600-an-hour
gait, so that he spends 100 hours each year
in this part of his vocation, and he says it
sometimes becomes as monotonous as a
steady diet of quail on toast Mr. Morrow's
pen thus travels about four miles a year in
tracing his own signature alone on official
The legal idea of attaching solemnity to
an instrument under seal may appear ab
surd, now that its original significance no
longer exists, but the absurdity does not
attach to a signature, and the legal require
ment that a man must attach his own signa
ture, if able to write, and his mark (X)
duly attested, if unable to write, is a wise
one. No matter how many different ways a
man may sign his name there is a certain
resemblance rnnning through all his
signatures and which may be rec
ognized by an expert and thns
settle grave questions. As for instance in
the famous "Bond of Friendship" case, ex
pert testimony decided that it was William
McCully's signature and on which de
pended the ownership of $75,000 of that
estate. "When Herron Foster was Provost
Marshal, during the Civil War, he grew
tired attaching his signature and had a fac
simile type made of it The execution was
so perfect that 99 out of 100 people would
accept it as Mr. Herron 's signature without
question, but one trial convinced him that it
wouldn't work. He attached it to a check on
Holmes & Sons' hank, and the bank re
turned it immediately, convincing Mr.
Foster that, while it might answer for his
ordinary correspondence, it would not work
in business where a question as to genuine
ness might arise. "Were type written
signatures allowed, ja forger might work in
calculable injury by stealing Ihe type and
using it on commercial paper. As in the
laying of brick, labor saving machinery can
nerver take away the drudgery -of signing
your name.
He Does Not Share in he Conning Factory
George H. Beckert, of the Diamond
Market, does not share in the rather preva
lent belief that a canning factory in this
city wonld pay. He points to the price of
green corn in this market as proof that
there could bo no competition with other
points engaged in the- business. He does
not, however, decide that it wonld not pay
to can tomatoes. It may be that business
men know their own business best, in a gen
eral way, but it does not always follow.
Ten years ago yon; could not induce
capitalists to build houses in Pittsburg.
Now there is a rush of capital in that direc
tion. The returns of theaverage tanner in
Allegheny county is poorer than that in any
other county in Western Pennsylvania. He
has next to no market at all, since the rail
ways lead from everywhere and foreigners
undersell him. But he has his land and
must pay taxes on it, whether it pay or not,
and he can raise 500 bushels of tomatoes
to the acre on it and not half trv.
These at 25 cents a bushel will
pay him better than grain or cattle raising.
Apples grow as well on Allegheny county
hills as anywhere else, and yet you cannot
buy a gallon of cider vinegar at retail for
lessthan $1 60. It is true you get what is called
cidervinegar at retail for 40 cfents, but the
stuff is fully three-quarters water. By means
of a small steam boiler jellies and apple
butter can be made with but littler labor,
and a boiler can be purchased for
a small amount of money. It is
beginning to dawn on a few people that
brains and some education are necessary to
make a successful farmer, but the obscuring
mist hasn't yet left the hilltops. If jellies,
apple butter, etc., were furnished at about
half present prices and they could be, and
with profit, the condition of the poor would
be greatly ameliorated. Their daily bread
costs comparatively little compared with the
adjuncts required to make it palatable.
People Living In West Tirslnia Wild Live
Well, nnd nre Happy.
Mr. C. Kimberland has been doing Marion
county, W. Va., lately, and he says it is
fully as good as the best of Washington
county. The farmers have an abundance of
everything that heart can desire and though
distant lrom railways do not miss them.
They have an abundance of beef cattle
weighing from 1,400 to 2,000 po nnds a head,
and though they get but 3j4c
for them on foot, they manage
to make money raising them. If they see
fit to drive them a couple of days they can
do better and the cost ot driving is but a
trifle. But little grain is raised, as it will
not pay to haul it to market Hay stacks
dot the entire country, and yellow-legged
chickens that wonld make the mouth of any
circuit rider water can be had for 12j cents
apiece, and eggs are correspondingly cheap
and squirrels abundant.
Some ot these days the farmers will
awaken to find themselves made very rich
by the advent of railroads and other institu
tions of the "evil one," but Mr. Kimber
land doubts whether the guileless inhabi
tants will be made any happier thereby.
There is a vast trade in that section for
Pittsburg business men if they can awaken
in time to secure it.
He Gives a Theory for tho Present Shortage
of Natural Gas.
Wes. S. Guffey, speaking about the nat
ural gas shortage, says: "No matter how
great a quantity of goods you have on hand
you cannot deliver them without adequate
transportation facilities.- This great in
crease oi consumption has not been taken
into account and provided for by a sufficient
pipe line capacity. Now there was the
Southwest lines which had only an 8-inch
main for about one-third of the road, the
other portions being 10 and 12 inch. It ran
short because the 8-inch line could not sun
ply the number of consumers. When the
TJniontown end was sold to the TJniontown
Gas Fuel Company there was found sufficient
gas for all along thie region originally sup
plied through 33 miles of pipe."
The Pooh-Bah Business Is Not Censing Him
Any Worry.
Collector S. D. Warmcastle was "asked
yesterday what he intended to do in regard
to the occupancy of two offices, the Internal
Revenue Colleotorship and the Council
manic offioe. He said: "I really have not
bothered myself about the thing. Of course,,
I do not desire to hold all the offices in the
city, bnt if there were anything improper
about it, I have no doubt I would hear
from the department One is a Federal and
the other a cityoffice. I may inquire into
the subject after a while, but there is hardly
any hurry abont it" The Collector inti
mated that he ma too busy with important
v- v -r
work to bother abont fine distinctions in the
domain of Pooh-bahism.
The Son of the Celebrdted Tower Builder
Having a Look Around.
Messieurs Edmond Eiffel and Alfonse
Gre, of Paris, France, are staying at the
Seventh Avenue. Monsieur Eiffel is a son
of the celebrated engineer whose name is
connected with the lofty tower at the Expo
sition, and with Monaieur Gre has been on
a lengthy tour through the States. The
latter gentleman is an engineer and the
former is a student in the same pro
fession. Since their arrival in this
country in July they have made an ex
tended pilgrimnge through Northern New
York and Canada, have visited Victoria,
B. C, and San Francisco and came through
yesterday from Chicago. They displayed
professional interest in the many large
bridges they saw, and sad that those of
Pittsburg were not behind hand in point of
design and serviceability. They had not
heard anything of the proposed tower at New
York, but M. Eiffel said that a tower on
the same design as that of his father's would
be erected at Athens, Greece, bnt on a
smaller scale. The tourists paid a glowing
tribute to the comforts of American railroad
traveling and marvelled at the activity and
keenness for business which they witnessed
on every side. Mon. Gre remarked that
after all, America was peopled by En
ropeans who had greater facilities
for the exercise and exertion ot
their natural abilities in the States than
in the parent country. As they leave for
Europe in a few days they doubt whether
they ' can devote time to an examination of
some of our prominent indnstries. They
seemed much interested in the natural gas,
which they had not before met with.
Among the places they visited where the
Pullman car shops at Pullman, and they
said they received a few hints in the more
practical part of their profession while
there. M. Gre had just come in from a
stroll round the city, and he said that the
crowds of sightseers and brisk appearance
of everything reminded him of Paris.
Movements of Plttibargera and Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
Bernhard Bemark and his two sons,
Peter B. and Jacob, of the Southside, have just
returned from Europe from a four months'
tour after traveling throughout the principal
points in Germany, tbey took in the Paris Er-
Eosition. Mr. Bemark says that many changes
ave taken place at his old home in the past
five years, but admits that bis mother country
Is at least 60 years behind the age compared
with America.
President Campbell, of the Window
Glass Workers' Association, returned from the
East yesterday. He said that all the wage
differences have been satisfactorily settled in
the Eastern and Northern districts. The fac
tories which intend going into operation win he
at work in a few weeks' time,
W. D. Patterson, Superintendent of
the Cleveland Workhouse, and who formerly
ocenpied the same position at Elmira and
Claremont, i3 staying at the Anderson.
Burr Mcintosh is now playing with the
Arthur Beban Company. Bnrr was at the
Union depot yesterday en route to Titusville.
He says he has made the hit of his life.
Willis J. Hulings, the oil operator of
Oil City, is a guest at the Monongahela.
W. P. Bend, of Chicago, is a gnest
at the Anderson.
Sir. Falrbnih and a Lady Thrown Ont and
Badly Braised.
Last evening Henry Fairbush, of the
Southside, was driving along Penn avenue
in company with a lady, when nearing
Twelfth street the bit loosened from the
horse's month, the animal reared and then
started madly down tbe .avenue. The light
buggy rolled to and fro like a boa tan
troubled waters. At Sixteenth street the
horse gave a jturn to the right, the vehicle
struck the lamppost at the corner, twisting
it into a most fantastic shape. The .occu
pants were thrown out and severely bruised.
The horse disengaged himself from the
buggy and rushed up Liberty street, where
he was captured at Twenty-sixth street very
little injured.
The lady fell into a swoon, but she was
able to return home about an hour after the
accident occurred.
Electricity as Applied to Sorcery
Becomes more important every year. The
most progressive surgeons in this country
use electrical apparatus such as has been
shown by Dr. Waite, of New York, at the
Exposition, for surgical operations. These
mechanisms have attracted unusual atten
tion by their beauty and rarity. Dr. Waite
yesterday informed a reporter that he had
supplied electrical apparatus to Drs. Mc
Cann, Jos. Dickson, X. O. Werder, Lippin
cott, Christy and Hanna, of this city; Dr.
Haworth, of Hazelwood; Dr. Harris, of
New Castle; Dr. Sloan, of Salineville, O.;
Dr. Bussell, of Canonsburg, and to the
West Penn Hospital.
For Monday
We name a $14 sale of men's fine imported
melton and kersey overcoats, and we mean
to include all our finest $22, $25 and $30
garments. Many of them are silk lined,
some are silk faced, and they come in all
the new and fashionable shades. $14 (four
teen dollars) takes your choice to-morrow,
and remember it's an offer not to be
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
Cornice Poles.
We have a large variety at 25c, 40c and
50c each one-nan last season s prices.
eqnipped ready to put np.
Edwaed Geoetztnoeb,
627 and 629 Penn avenue.
Cut peices For child's plush coats.
Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
MusiiiK underwear, made expressly for
fine trade, at closing out prices.
F. Schoekthai., 612 Penn ave.
600 Stockinette Jackets,
Perfect fitting, from $2 75 to $9 75; best in
the city for the money, at Bosenbaum &
Anfrecht, Photographer,
Takes more pictures than any other three
places in two cities. uooaworK ana iow
prices tell. Bring the little ones. 516 Mar
ket street, Pittsburg; use elevator.
Soveeeigk of industry cards recognized.
Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty..
TJse A. & P. Baking Powder.
Fine Trouserings.
The finest and largest assortment English
trouserings at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood st.
Fine watch repairing "at Hnuch's, No.
295'Fifth ave. Lowest prices.
gTJsE Thea Nectir Tea.
Visitoes noix Buy vour blankets, com
forts, underwear, child's dresses, ladies
wrappers this week at reduced prices. Busy
Bee-Hive, corner Sixth and Liberty.
344 For Brand New Organ.
Echols, McMueeat & Co.,
123 Sandusky St, Allegheny.
The Last Week
of the Exposition. Alterations, of course,
will be plenty, but none so attractive as
Gusky's low prices for men's suits and over
coats. 7St. Cabinet Photos. 75c.
Bring the little ones this month if yon
want fine cabinets for 75c per doz., at Yeager
& Co.'s gallery, 70 Federal street, Alle
gheny. The nun is immense. No stairs to
Will Save Yon Of oney.
One of the sights of Allegheny is the
corner of Ohio and Sandusky streets in the
morning. Prompt at 7 o'clock eight wagons
are backed up to the curb in front of the
store. The men in charge of the loading
are divided up iufo gangs ot three each,
and then ensues a friendly race to see who
will get his wagon off first It is certainly
one of the liveliest corners in the two cities,"
and more groceries are started off before
7:30 than any other store sells during the
entire day.
We have had a wonderful boom in busi
ness, and trade has increased 50 per cent
in the last few weeks. This increase has
been especially noticeable in our mail order
department People are beginning to real
ize how easy and convenient it is to mail an
order for groceries and have.it delivered
without worry or bother; and the honse
keepeiv 200 miles away can buy just as
cheaply as tbe one next door to us.
We have three men constantly packing
goods for shipment, and weendeayor to snip,
all orders on the day they are received.
But they came in so fast we were not able to
do so during the past week. We have in
creased our force of men till now we have
40 clerks, and hope in the future to ship
everything promptly.
Send for our large weekly price list and
compare prices. I will guarantee to save
you 20 per centall around onyour groceries.
I do not deal in "leaders" and I do not
want to get your trade, by advertising a few
low prices. All my prices are low, and I
issue 5,000 price lists every week. Give me
a trial; I will save yon-money. ,
79 & 81 Ohio st, cor. Sandusky, Allegheny.
At H. Kieber fc Bro.'a. 306 Wood Street.
It really seems as if the entire city and
country was bent on buying their pianos and
organs at H. Kieber & Bro.'s on Wood
street. Seven pianos a day is the brilliant
record of this old and trusted music house.
The peonle know that the Klebers' have
the monopoly of all the best, most cele
brated and most desirable instruments,
ranging in price ftpm 5225 to fl,500.
A full warranty for eight years is given
with each piano and organ. Purchasers are
absolutely Safe in dealing at Klebers', for
they (Klebers') take the smallest profits
ana offer the very best assortment of instru
ments in their spacious warerooms, 506
Wood street five big floors of which are
filled up with the great Steinway pianos,
the wonderful Conoverpianos and the popu
lar and lovely Opera pianos and Emerson
and Gabler pianos.
Then they offer the phenomenal Yocalion
church organs and the famous Burdett or
gans. Kieber & Bro.'s store is the center of at
traction for all music loving and music
buying people, and to say "I've bought my
piano at Klebers " is a sure guaranty that
the purchaser has got the best instrument in
the market, and at a lower price and easier
payments than can be had elsewhere.
Two Very Lone Jonrncn. ',
There were shipped. last week Ey Messrs.
J. Kevan & Co., No. 12 Sixth street, this
city, two White sewing machines to points
thousands of miles distant One of these
was forwarded to Bev. E. E. Fife, at
Jhelnm, Pnnjab, British India; and the
second was sent to the Bey. Win. M. Nichol,
Mansoorah, Egypt.
A short time ago the firm sent one of the
White sewing machines to Japanl These
are of course very notable cases, but the
great majority 'of these excellent sewing
machines, sold only by J. Kevan & Co., go
into families in Allegheny county, where
their splendid qualities make them more
valued as time passes. Those who know
them best do not -wonder that the White
sewing machines received the highest
honors and the gold medal at the Paris Ex
position for "the best family sewing ma
chine." See advertisement on the twelfth page of
this paper.
Mellor & Hoene.
We can furnish yon with the best pianos
and organs made, and can give you the best
and easiest terms of payment. We have
been established . since 1831 (nearly 60
years), and, being the, oldest musio firm in
the citv, we have had more experience than
any other house.
Pianos: Hardman, Krakauer, Harring
ton. Organs: Palace, Chase, Chicago Cot
tage. Persons buying from us can be satisfied
they are getting the full worth of their
money, as the pianos add organs we sell
are the best made in the United States.
Send for circulars and foil particulars of
onr easy payment plan.
Mellob & Hoehe,
mwfssu 77 Fifth-avenue, Pittsburg.
Off coloe -Negro dolls" given away
with $1 purchase. Busy Bee Hive.
The Great Atlantic Ss Paifio Tea Co. is
the place to get yonr teas, coffees and bak
ing powder. Beautiful presents.
Foe mother's daexino Beduccd
prices this week for infants' cloaks, clips,
caps, etc. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and
We oive them away A negro doll
with $1 purchase. Busy Bee Hive.
Akgostdea Bittebs are the best
remedy for removing indigestion. Sold by
Best set teeth $8. Taft's Dental Booms
cannot be beat at any price.
TJse A. & p". Baking Powder.
Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 02 Sixth st. , ttsu
F. & V.'s Pittsburg beer pleases better
every time. Can't be excelled.
TJse Thea Nectar Tea.
silk warphTene,iettas
These goods are' 10 inches wide and
range is price at SU II 23 and up. The
material is a combination of the best
Italian Silk and the finest Saxony Wool,
thus giving yon a fabric that will not
weigh you dowmrbile walking or prove
cumbrous in the drawing room.
We strongly recommend our Silk Warp
Henriettas for durability and effect,
for lightness and strength, for
French, English and German Combi
nation Dress Patterns In new and Origi
nal Designs. Prices, tS, f 10, 112, 115 to
150 each.
Take the Elevator for
Garments, for Ladies', Misses' and
Children In immense variety at
505 'and 507 -MARKET STREET,
ocl3-TMeu . :: , ,
jl woru ffjui jruui rJZZwsk
Bo many reputable houses do theaselvM d
credit by careless advertising;
Bnt joa all, ormoK of you know tka "B.-
B." method. . A
We tell the truth wo save the goods mate
truth is sufficient p
j ' Please read on. . ,7, yP
a via nui yy itiifcicvvet cra pvuwtb isS
If we speak of onr woaderf al Sfflts, Dnsvl
Goods and Cloak Separtaaeats aewr t&erejsj
plenty of interest to the men at tile stares.
A special sale of Bflksi- v'TrSfc
" oyismii iuhoi superior value:
Black All-Silk Surahs, 15c
Colored and evening shades S arahg, TSe.
Fine Black Baadames, 66e and 76c
Extra Heavy Black Raadames, 75e.
Black, All-Silk Faille Francaisse, 73c
An extra. quality 31-inch Faille Francaisse, R.
21-inch Black, extra heavy, Sarahs, 75c.
24-inch Black Gros Grains. 86c aad 86c ,
A great bargain G G.314aefi(weri$136)t8Bc '
Black and Colored Araoxes,extra qualltT.73c
Black Peau de Sole (worth H 36), t L
The only line of low priced aoveUiM is tbe .
city. 60 to S 69. '
Novelties in the most complete aad elegist -
assortments, rich aad beautiful, new asd novel, .
np to 125 a yard. - .
All the elegant new weaves la Haec SG&a at '
interesting prices. ,;
The Celebrated Cotter's
Evening Bilks coming their s
Apiece at time is tee way we began frajte
Black Mohairs this season. Bat toeirnepa-,
larity has grown to a wonderful degwe.'We '
have to buy now by the whale ease lets. 'Ti
Special value IS-inch Mohair Tamta?; SeeCwe."
70c, 73c, 77c, a and II 25 a yard. F'&
Extra Heavy Mohair BriHtenae, 7Se,'86e; H.
SO-lnch Black Slafifae&e, 59c '
5 best lines of Black SSk Warp Castaaeres ia
the world.
40 Inch, 9Se, , 813J and 26V
incb. SI 26, Si 40 aad il L
All super values to SB 50 a yard and u io
finest qualities made. :i
Fine to finest qualities Dress Goods that we
save you S to 30 per ceston over any house 1st,
America. t
An endless story. If yon eaa oeaato tfca
stores the goods speak for taeasetves. It yea;
cannot come to the stares, getting aUaeof
samples is the next best teteg for yea efceer-
fully seat you anywhere oa request.
A Cloak Kooa. oars. werateasrific- b&m ss
see a faaltless stock, as endless aseortffljrtj
and;prices that will pay.ia cHarifeacecai
s s mwi
'J 1T
Biaek Hte.ofc
ease. -Jfl& 4.
long trip. ,' - , Jgg A
Thousands of Jackets, S2 59 ta 185 08. : j v
Thousands of lose garments. SB to J59. (
Hundreds of little ones flttea oat last : "i
week In our Children's Department at "as-1
much to show them this week. '". ,
Boys' Department Fasatieroys aad KBts, '
S3 50 to $12 60. Overcoats, So to JM. 'w
Extra quality Fine Wool Blankets, CeaBsry.
Emlenton, Bradley aad otter
TCiriArdnwn Camfartm Sfinn . :
Imported patent ventilated, IB up.
115, 117, B aina FEfflAL ST,- v'
P. a Gents' Furnlssiags, Underwear,
iery. gloves. ' -
Ten Show Booms filled with the latest pro3
ductions ot the Furniture and Upholstery!
Art from the recognized manufacturing eea-
ters of the world.
Novelties of London production.
fioTeiuesoi raris pfouncuon. .-,j
noveiuoa ui v lenna proaucuoa. Msaai
Our own Importation. E
Novelties of American production, Inetadtat;"
those ot our own manufacture. - "s
Visitors to New York are cordially iavMed to
call and examine our stock aad pries.TB
central location of our estabHsamont (aajete
ing Eden Husee) makes It easy of aeeess froa
all partt of the city. se8-t86-TTsa
9bs eeo
. lee-ieo-ie-Mo-ioo
.$8 88
Complete llae of Dinner, Tea and Chaster!
Bets, SUver Plated Ware, Cutlery, La?, etcj
OtH 1W y
J "Kji
m 7-
Mwt J
-rtrifl "SL
2s i$
r sh
... siT T
t j ' "