Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 13, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 14, Image 14

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Dr. H. McClelland Describes the
Appearance and Mannerisms of
Dr. Joseph Parker's Glowing Eulogy of
EeT. John MceilL
iwmiim roK ins dispatcii.3
WHILE in Europe
this summer I beard a
number o f famous
pulpit orators. The
best sermons for edifi
cation I heard in Scot
land were preached by
Prof. Laidlaw.of Free
j Church College, and
by Dr. Whyte.ot Free
Church.Glasgotr- Ihe
most original preacher
is the "blind preach
er," Dr. George
Jr. Maclaren.
Mathewson, of whose peculiarities we often
hear. But at the first sentence of his pray
ers, you would sav there is one who knows
what it is to need to pray. If Dr. Mathew
sdn head has pone wrong in theology on
some points, his heart seems still to be fixed
upon the livint; God.
"We heard Dr. Maclaren, of Manchester,
preach a "Wednesday eTening sermon on
Revelations iL, 19 "I know thy works and
charity, and service and faith, and thy pa
tience and tby works; and'the last to be more
than the first." Dr. Maclaren is very pre
cise in his use of terms, and impresses one
as a food man, of good mind, in a rather
poor body. There was a large audience,
more especially so for a week eTening, but
those who attended got something for eoing.
Dr. Maclaren, with a limited amount of
physical power, well used and husbanded,
manages to feed his people from the "Word of
One Thursdav at noon we heard
Joseph Parker at his church, the City Tem
ple, ne urew me
heads of hiB sermon
from the first ten
verses of the first chap
ter of Ephesians. But
the stress of the
thought rested upon
the tenth Terse: "That
in tne dispensation of
the fullness of times.
He might gather to--j
jretner in one all
things in Christ, both
which are in heaT
en, and are on earth;
even in Him." Here
Dr. Parker took the Jtev. John McMetlL
opportunity of soaring, and whether he
soared to any particular point of the com
pass, or whether to all points simultan
eously I know not I do know he took a
grand flight. He lit don occasionally,
once upon the present generation for refus
ing to hear good preachine. And again,
like Elijah upon Carmel, upon those who
think that all things in heaven and earth
can be written in books in materialistic,
scientific phrase
The floor of the large church was well
filled hv the audience with some OTerflow
into the gallery. The doctor seems
vigorous and able lor many more
flights and hard knocks, oi which he
receives quite a number. He has
been in the world since 1830. I was not
impressed with any particular arrogance or
conceit in his manner, although some say
he thinks too much ot himself. Dr. Parker's
mannerisms are indescribable. He im
pressed" me as like what men of "Western
Pennsylvania 3y of an extraordinary man
whom they are at a loss adequately to de
scribe, "He is a queer genius." And yet
doubtless a man ot tremendons energy and
of highest intellectual power. But that
sermon was a performance; it was not a life
or death grapple with or for souls.
of the Begent Square Presbyterian Church,
Loudon, is a Scotch phenomenon. He looks
like a strong man. and is a strong man. His
accent marks him Irom the north of the
border, and he does not try to minimize it.
Often while he is preaching he seeks to
make a point more effective by putting it
Scottice. He appears to love long passages,
and chooses them as biographical or pictur
esque. "We heard him on Thomas, 2faaman
the Syrian, and Isaiah's vision He excels
in treading on one's spiritual corns and in
making one thoroughly miserable and un
comfortable. As a fault finder, I have never
heird him surpassed. Yet he can comfort
ir he will. He quotes Scripture and poetry
with fine effect. He impresses you with the
fact that he is laboring, but it is the labor of
one who is in a hand-to-hand conflict with
the powers of darkness. He is wrestling lor
souls, and we can excuse the creaking of
the windlass if men are being saved from
the depths.
Bev. Joseph Parker, D.D., said of Mr.
McNeill: "I have no hesitation in saying
that I could not name a nou-conformist
preacher in London who is Mr. McNeill's
equal in the pulpit" Dr. Parker sent
through the .British IFeeWy this message to
Mr. McNeill: "Tell him to go on just as he
has begun, and not for a moment to listen
to any cne who would have him alter his
style. Tell him to pay no attention to spite
ful criticisms. Tell him that prosperity al
ways excites jealousy. Above all, tell him
that God is the
strength of His serv
ants, and that God is
never so near and so
accessible as in the
day of trouble."
It may be said that
Mr. McNeill pos
sesses a voice of great
compass, and capable
of great, variety of
modulation. That be
' usually preaches in
an animated conver-
fere Hyacinth. sometimes rises into a
cry loud and harsh, but effective withal.
He has no notes with him, and would and
does tear off his gown, aud tramp the high
pulpit into a platform. The fact is I have
read that the pulpit has come down, and
most likely the gown will follow.
At St Paul's Cathedral, on the Sabbath
before Easter, we heard Canon Liddon. Our
seat was under the northeast rim of the
great dome of St Paul's, while the preacher
stood in the high pulpit under the south
west rim. The voices of the readers, who
had been much nearer to us, were so at
tenuated in the great space, that to us they
were only quivering sounds without sense.
"We were afraid that the same would trans
pire in the case of the Canon. But from
text to close, for nearly an hour, that mag
nificent tenor voice rang out through the
treat cathedral, and we did not lose a word.
He argued that justice is an essential
attribute of God; that it is as easy to
imairine no God as to imntnne God without
junice. xne justice
must be preached.
"To put it bluntly,"
said the Canon, "the
oretical justice which
is not practical justice
is practical injustice.
Christ could be our
substitute by assum
ing human nature.
His is an important
likeness to Adam, vet
there is a most import
ant difference. All
ttre united to Artam
who derive their nhv-
Lanun jurrar.
irl life fmm him nnf all on.
united tn I
Christ who derive their spiritual life from I
Him. Christ could atone for sin, for all the I
Mf !3? fS3
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ay ygmm
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if J
wvss?y rnrnf.
sin, because of His divine nature. Con
sider how great sin is, but consider how
much greater is God than sin.
The Canon appeared to be a large, vigor
ous man, with smooth face and radiant, iron
gray hair. He preached from manuscript,
but I forgot all about that as the enchanting
power of the learned, earnest eloquent man
carried me along the lines of his high dis
course. SB. dale's discotjkse.
I shall CTer consider it one of the privi
leges of my life to have beard the sermon
preached by the Bev.B,"W. Dale, L.L.D.,at
Great Queen Street Chapel, London, on
Friday, April 20, in connection with the
Wesleyan Foreign Missionary Society. He
took for his text the words, "Wherefore we
henceforth know no man after the flesh;
even though we nave known Christ after the
flesh, yet now we know Him so no more."
The lollowing sentences will give some clew
to the trend ot the discourse: "The historic
Christ is the object of memory; the present,
the living Christ is the object of faith, the
source of power, the inspiration of love and
the author of salvation. Are we, then-to
forget His earthly history? Ah, no! We
know Him even during His earthly life, not
as His cotemporaries knew Him, bnt with a
larger, deeper knowledge. That poverty,
that loneliness, thot physical exhaustion,
that agony behind them all we see the di
vine glory."
Then insisting upon the necessity of per
sonal assurance of the love and saving
power of Christ Dr- Dale said, having
reviewed the early days of Methodism,
"You must "recover your looses, that full
assurance and that great devotion and
knowledge of Christ,
that your fathers had,
if in this country or
in foreign lands you
preach the gospel as
they preached it."
We must see men not
merely in their place
in the visible and,-
temporal order, out
environed with all
that is glorious and
all that is terrible in
the invisible and
eternal order." This
sermon is considered
Jtcv. Charles U. one ot rue mosi aoie
Spurgeon. ever preached on the
missionary theme.
Dr. Dale is a shrewd, substantial-looking
man, of square figure, medium height,
square features, black eyes. His voice is
clear, his tone quiet, but with great power.
He read his sermon, bnt more intense in
terest and substantial attention I have never
seen than that which these Wesleyans gave
to this Independent brother, as he told them
with glowing eloquence how Israel ought
to do.
The Sabbath morning was one of the
wettest l have ever seen, yet a grand audi
ence, filling almost to its utmost capacity,
the Metropolitan Tabernacle (it will seat
about G.O0O), gathered to hear Bev. C. H.
Spurgeon. He oegan wearily, he had been
watching, we were told, by the bedside of
bis sick wife, and sat during tne intro
ductory services. But there waB that silvery
voice, and that blood earnestness which
tame attributes to this great Baptist divine.
His text was Proverbs xiv, 10, "The heart
knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger
doth not intermeddle with his joy." As the
subject opened the weariness vanished like
the morning mist The sermon fell, of
course, into two main parts. The preacher
took us into his confidence. He won our at
tention and sympathy at once. During the
first part of the sermon my spirits fell lower
and lower as the discussion ot man's utter
desolation went on. Among other depress
ing matters was an allusion in terms of
bitter grief to some in the ministry who had
been the preacher's own loved and longed
for, but who had departed from the laith.
Then came the second part,and my spirits
began to rise till at the end I was up in the
regions of the hallelujahs. There was no
creaking of the machinery on the part of
the preacher. He was talking good, crisp
English, the very best with a pleasant
voice, earnestly appealing to experience,but
he did not strive nor cry. It was life, free,
unsophisticated, abundant, flowing on at
full tide, not as a wild freshet, but as the
steady fullness of perennial springs.
There was only one bit of drollery in the
discourse. That was when the stream of
thought,emerged from
the lower depths of
gloom and still rising
had turned out of the
dumps and dolorous
ness. "Why should
the children of a King
live in a cellar when
there are are plenty of
good rooms at the top
of the house" Then
stepping to the edge j
ot tne piattorm, ne
looked over and called
M . ... n vnnet m n tta.
of lact way, "Come A
up out of that cellar, w
.Mr. bpurgeon witn
allhisafflictions.looksJDr. Oeorge McDonald.
as if he might be a power for good, for a
score of years yet It is very surprising,
bnt equally gratitying to hear all parlies
and denominations speak of him in terms of
the highest personal regard.
The saddest sermon 1 heard was by Dr.
George McDonald, in one of the principal
Baptist churches in the west end of London.
He supplied the pulpit in the absence of the
pastor. His theme was Christ coming to
seek and to save the lost, and yet he wound
up a most delightful and earnest talk by
exhorting those present to save themselves
by following the example of Christ, saying
"I am an old man, I an trying to get home."
Somehow or other, if he was on the "Bock
of Ages" his feet seemed to have lost the due
sense of touch.
H. T. McCLELLAKD, L.L. D., D. D,
The Conrse of Empire
Toward the West is pursued bv hosts of emi
grants from the East totally unfit to encounter
the vicissitudes of a new climate, without a
medicinal safeguard. Newly cleared forest
land breeds malaria. Against this Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters is the grand acclimating safe
guard. Nothing like it, too, for bowel, liver,
stomach and Lidtiey disorders.
The Erereit Clab Piano This Week
Will be delivered to certificate No. G8,
held by J. C. Sharrer, 4010 North street,
Pittsburg. Mr. Sharrer will receive a mag
nificent upright grand Everett piano, and
only pay 51.00 per week. This is the lourth
piano we have delivered on these payments.
Now why don't you join our club? We are
offering you the opportunity of your lifetime
to get a piano which has no superior on pay
ments and at a price impossible to obtain
on any other than our co-operative or
common sense plan. Call and see us or
send for circular. Alex. Boss, "Man-
ager," 137 Federal st, Allegheny.
Fine $600 Upright Piano S200.
An excellent "Cabinet Grand" upright
piano, with all improvements, splendid tone
and richly carved case. This instrnment is
good as new, and will be sold, fully war
ranted, for $200. Also a tquare grand piano
at $150, and a parlor organ for $50, cost
S150. Three great bargains at the music
store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smith
field street
S44 For Brand New Orpin.
Echols, McMueeat & Co.,
123 Sandusky St, Allegheny.
Time is the true test F. & T.'s Pilsner
beer grows dally in popularity.
61 Fonrth Avenue.
Classes every evening "next week. Four
classes entirely for beginners, and opening
of advanced class to-morrow evening.
Seasonable goods below cost at the
closing ont sale of F. Schoentbal, 612 Penn
TJmbeellas at nearly half price at the
closing out sale of F. Schoenthal, 612 Penn
Kew Peasant Cloaks
Made of fine broadcloth, $9 75 upy just
opened at Bosenbaum & Co.'s.
am. " . sr
WWVt "1- .Ufc
f- J . mk
ta, wwm
Bessie Bramble Takes Up Their Side
of the Marriage Problem and
Benedicts Should Study
World's History and
rwamiK fob thb dispj.tch.1
A correspondent, evidently in good, sober
earnest, has sent us a letter of praise for
what he is pleased to call our "scathing
criticism of men before and after marriage,"
but he ardently urges us "to give the other
view of that important subject as well, be
cause the side presented against the 'dear
brethren may mislead many young minds
who are candidates for matrimonial sweet
meats." He then goes on and requests us
to write another article on the same subject,
3nd "go for" the women, and show how the
average young lady assumes the character
of an angel before marriage, and "strains
every nerve and faculty to appear kind,
loving, bright, intelligent, thoughtful
and appreciative a modei lover and
sweetheart and a candidate as a
model wife." He ardently asks
us to discourse upon the millions of poor
men who have been cheated, deceived, de
frauded out of all they had counted upon,
hoped for, dreamed about, and labored for,
when they sought to obtain intelligent,
thinking, appreciative helpmeets and com
panions, and find instead, after marriage,
that they have been beguiled by artlnl
creatures, who relapse into their natural
stupidity, and who are wholly unfitted to be
the companions of the men they have won
by power of fascination and artifice.
Well, really the picture presented is
, Millions of poor men being cheated and
defrauded with their eyes wide open in the
light ot the nineteenth century, with the
whole experience of the world's history be
fore them since the celebrated scene in the
garden of Eden, where Eve ate of the tree
ot knowledge, and then beguiled Adam to
eat the apple likewise. Despite of their
claim to superior sense, wisdom, judgment
logic, and brain";, millions ot men are de
ceived into marrying by a lot of silly,
stupid women, away off from
Think of it With that plain story of the
first marriage with the obvious moral at
tached having been preached in every
Christian pulpit in the world for over 1,600
years; with the history of Samson and
Delilah; of Bathsheba, who held power over
David, and who gave to Solomon bis crown;
of Athaliah, who pushed her way to the
throne of the kingdom of Jndab; of Jezebel,
who converted Ahab to the worship of Baal
with all of these and more of Bibical
"awful examples" drummed into men's ears
for centuries," they have not grown wiser as
to the ways oT women. With the history of '
Helen, who through her wiles laid proud
old Troy in ashes; of Cleopatra, who, as the
poet says, lost Marc Antony the world;
with Aspasia, who held the great Pericles
tied to her apron strings; with Messalina,
who ruled Claudius to his shame by her
charm of person and power of mind may
with even the more modern instances of the
beguiling powers of Madame de Main tenon,
Madame de Montespau, Madame de Pom
padour, who ruled kings and made and
marred men's fortunes, with the picture of
the miseries of Milton, caused by his wife's
tantrums, the woes of John Wesley over his
wife's temper, and many other good men
who have wedced vixens aqd scolds with
all these examples and many more in his
tory, with the writings of the ancients, and
the press of the present teeming with
diatribes against women and their wiles,
with all the knowledge to be obtained
everywhere around them among friends,
neighbors, in society, and in the divorce
courts fully before their eyes and within
their knowledge, yet, notwithstanding
millions of men who claim for themselves
reason, intelligence and common sense go
on marrying Xantippes, and Jezebels, and
Messalinas, and Mrs. Wesleys, and then
they moan and groan and claim to have
been cheated, and deceived, and defrauded
out of their ideal wives.
As a matter of course they will say, as
did Adam of old, "The woman whom Thou
gavest to be with me she gave me of the
tree of knowledge and I did eat." .But the
fact is they fell blindly into love with the
"stupid, thoughtless, irrational beings."
who, by beguiling smiles, winning ways
and artful deceptions, capture their hearts
aud fill their fancy and marry them in hot
haste. Then, ub the old saw goes,
they repent at leisure. There is just
one little piece of consolation for them if
it can be called such and that is: If they
believe marriages are made in heaven, they
can accept their unbappiness in matrimony
as a means of discipline to teach them such
a degree of patience and long suffering as
will win them shining crowns hereafter.
Socrates, with calm endurance, accepted, it
is said, the sharpness of Santippe's tongue
as an incentive to fortitude and philosophy.
Mrs. Wesley's vixenish temper seems not to
have had a bad effect upon the good John,
who became more saintly, more earnest,
more bent upon the spread of piety than
ever as tne years passed on. Perhaps he
needed just such manipulations of wrath to
keep him on the straight path to the estab
lishment of Methodism.
It may be said here, however, that when
history is consulted, it 'will be found that
none of these renowned begnilers, infamous
characters and notorious scolds were as
black as they have been painted. Brother
Talmage calls her who gave the mighty
Samson into the power of the Philistines
the "infamous Delilah." But she herself
was a citizen of Philistia and doubtless a
red-hot hater of its enemies. Employed by
the Philistines to aid them, and conscious
of her power, she bv stratagem and wiles
despoiled Samson of his strength and de
livered him into the hands of her country
men. Her woman's wit was more than a
match for the tremendons power of the man,
who with simply the jawbone of an ass had
killed a thonsand men. Charlotte Corday
delivered France from the tyrant Marat by
stratagem and murder. Brutus killed
Caar in behalf of his country. In them
these crimes are called patriotism the
highest Boman virtue so as Delilah deliv
ered her country from an enemy so formida
ble that he could, single-handed and alone,
slay a thousand Philistines nt one time, it
seems plain that she can, at least, be cred
ited with patriotism and superior mental
Even Cleopatra with all her sins was true
to the interests of her country and people,
while Marc Antonr was a sorrv and igno
minious traitor. Milton, as can be learned by
his life, was an ugly man to live with, and
it is little wonder his wife was cross and
unhappy, and had ample provocation for
her misdeeds.
It is a well-known fact that many men
rush into matrimony with a blind foolish
ness that is absolutely amazing, considering
their keenness of judgment, quick insight
and cool calculation as displayed in other
matters. Onr correspondent tells of how
women who want husbands deceive men and
captnre them. But why do not these poor
men hare their wits about them, as they
have when a real estate agent wants
to sell them a house or a farm
or when a book peddler trys to in
veigle them into buying a compendium
of slush? When a man buys a farm or a
house or takes a big contract he cits down
and counts the cost He surveys the pur
chase all around abont, and puts his mind
to weighing its advantages and disadvan
tages. He ponders over it by day, and
sleeps on it at night He takes little stock
in the palaver or fine words of the seller. He
makes up his mind for himself, and if he gets
"stuck" he has only himself to blame. In
all business matters most men show a
marked capacity for taking care of number
one and for keeping a keen look out for
their own interests. But when it comes to
marriage the most important con
tract of their lives very many
of them show themselves to be
"blooming idiots" of the first order.
A man of this class seeks no sweet, sensible,
intelligent woman for a wife who, asa con
genial companion, will give joy to his sonl
and make his home "the resort of love, of
joy, of peace and plenty; where supporting
and supported, polished friends and dear
relations mingle into bliss."
Oh, no. He is charmed by the giddy,
rattling girl, the belle of the ball, the be
guiling coquette, who slyly angles for him,
or the "mercenary, artful being who only
wants his money and a home. He sees not
through their wiles, nor marks the insincer
ity of their smiles. No advice of friend or
warning from relatives makes an atom of
impression upon his mind. Instead of
going slowly, and taking time to consider
and inquire, instead of waiting until time
shall have tested the strength oi love, he
marries and speedily rues his bad bargain,
when he finds that marriage has marred his
life that instead of a wife to his mind he
has caught a Tartar that instead of domes
tic peace he finds disappointment, neglect,
nnhappiness, and realizes to the full that
as Shakespeare puts it: "War is no strife
to the dark house and detested wife."
Everybody wonders over the wives that
manv men marrv. A pretty face, perhaps,
or some inexplicable fascination, covers
over with them every defect of character
and eJucation, and then when the awaken
ing comes it is usually "the woman thou
gavest me"who is heidtoblame,and is given
as an excuse bv the husband for going to
the bad. But such men should learn phil
osophy and patience under a nagging wife
as did Socrates, and grow in grace and
goodness as did Wesley under the fire of a
scolding woman's tongue. It never pays to
go the bad. To make the best of it is the
beginning of wisdom. It is fitting that men
should do penance for their own mad folly.
Marriage is a lottery, as everybody says,
bnt the prizes and ideal wives are plenty, if
men would only seek for them where they
are to be found. There are any number of
"maidens withering upon the stalk," as
Wordsworth puts it, who would make an
gelic wives, if men in search of them had
only gumption enough to perceive their vir
tues, but alas the poor tomnoddies go out
into the world and pick up the crooked
It is constantly being said that intelligent
women are growing averse to marriage are
becoming chary oi bartering their freedom
and independence for a so-called mess of
pottage. Supposing this to be trne, what of
it? Has a woman not the same right to decide
-whether she will marry or live single as a
man? Young women every day take vows
of celibacy in the church and become nuns,
yet no reproach is flung at them, so why
should intelligent women be particularly
assailed if thev choose a life of single bless
edness? A Boston editor has said that the
marriage rate among men of the better class
has declined owing to the higher
education of women. But if men of
such sort so sadly want ignorant wives
they can very easily find them among the
illiterates, and if the supply should run
short in this country thev could draw upon
Italy or Hungary or Kamschatka. Then
again we are told that rich men are grow
ing more unwilling to marry and prefer the
luxuries ot club life without the incum
brances of wife and children. If all this be
true it only shows that history repeats itself
and that w'e are getting back to the manners
and fashions of the primitive Christians,
when celibacy was esteemed as the highest
But perhaps the chief cause of the unbap
piness of many marriages may be found in
the remarks of a Cincinnati judge, who said
recently that, "When a man gets the idea
that he is a lord of creation and his wife is
the ground he walks on, he can't make a
good husband. It is my experience, he
continued, in hearing proceedings for di
vorce, that
considers the average wife only a little above
his domestic, and that his will must be
obeyed or she is made to suffer for it." From
these remarks, coming lrom a learned judge,
it seems pretty clear that if the average man
will mend his manners in the domestic
sphere he will have a much better chance of
happiness, and will have much less reason
to complain of his wife. All women, or at
least most of them, desire above all things a
happv, peaceful home, and if they were
gifted witn good sense they would use their
best -endeavors to promote it But alas!
there are some women who use their wits
as do gamblers, sharpers and swindlers,
who prey upon their fellows. When a good
man marries one of these his fate is in
deed pitiable, but he receives as little
sympathy as does the victim of a "bunko
steerer." He shonld have known better.
He has married of his own free will and
must bear the penalty. "Experience is a
dear school, but fools will learn in no
It cannot be denied that some wives make
a great deal of their own nnhappiness. Some
set up standards of righteousness, and if
their husbands do not live ur to them, the
poor women are disquieted in their souls,
and feel as if destruction were impending.
They besiege heaven with prayers, and go
around looking as melancholy as a dilapi
dated tombstone. These should take note
of the text: "Be not righteous overmuch."
Others will give a man a cold, cheerless,
miserable dinner, with perhaps sour bread
and strong butter, on the only day in the
week when he has time to enjoy a good hot
one. Others will gad abont the neighbor
hood gossipping, with every thing at sixes and
sevens in their homes in a maze of dirt.
They will dress as slovens in dingy, ragged
wrappers, and look like the "old scratch"
as to hair. They become careless in con
duct, vnlgar in speech and disgusting in
manners.. Do such as they hope to retain
any husband's love and respect and fond at
tentions assuredly a vain, dead hope. Such
women foster the saloons, fill the clubs and
crowd the street corners. They are ruining
their own best interests; they "are bartering
happiness for misery; they are laying up
for themselves much tribulation, xneir
husbands have a hard row to hoe, bat, as
Brother Talmage observes, it is "their duty
to bear and forbear, remembering that the
longest life is short and for those unhappily
mated, death will grant quick and complete
bills of divorcement in letters of green grass
written upon quiet graves."
But after all men are to be held responsi
ble for most of the ills and woes of matri
mony. They have made the laws of mar
riage and divorce. Women have had no
voice therein. Men have usurped the
province of public education, both as to girls
and boys. They have constituted them
selves as rulers, and women as subjects.
For all the evils ot marriage and divorce, as
regards legislation, they are directly re
sponsible. When women themselves can
take a hand in matters, which so nearly
concern their interests as marriage and di
vorce, a better state of affairs than at pres
ent exists may be confidently expected.
Bessie Bramble.
M. G. ConEN, diamond expert and jew
eler, formerly cor. Fifth ave. and Market
st, now at 533 Smithfield st
M. G. Cohen, diamond expert and jew
eler, formerly cor. Fifth ave. and Market
st, now at 533 Smithfield st
Bancrleln Brewing Co.,
Bennetts, Pa. Telephone 1,018.
Established 1815.
Opposite Forty-third st, Pittsburg, Pa.
Extra standard Wiener and Knlmbaeher
lager beer. Families and the trade supplied
in bottles, quarts or pints, or in the wood.
Furniture upholstered and repaired.
Household goods packed for shipment
Hauoh & Keenan,33 and 34 Water st,
Phone 1626.
,For family use Wainwright's beer is the
best Insist upon having this make, zusn
Mrs. Ashton Dilke Writes About Dis
tinguished English Spinsters.
Investigating the Hardships of Poor Work
ing Girls.
London, October 2. Should any one in
America still be old-fashioned enough as to
regard spinsters as a necessarily narrow
minded and comparatively useless portion
of the commnnity, I think they ought to be
converted by a single glance at all the work
English spinsters have done during the last
30 years. To be sure, we have here in
England three-quarters of a million more
women than men; in other words, 750,000
women for whom marriage is an absolute
impossibility; but even with this immense
surplus they have reason to be proud of all
they have accomplished. Putting aside for
the moment the vast army of lady novelists
and lady artists, many of them unmarried,
and turning to practical social
work, either political, educational
or philanthropic, we find -the erst
while despised spinster distinguishing
herself all along the line. Best of all, our
spinsters have ever been true to their own
sex, and their work tends invariably
toward the development and ultimate en
franchisement of women.
If one fact more than another points to the
truth that "the old order changetb, giving
place to new," it would be found in the fact
that even that time-honored and most con
servative of institutions, the office of Alder
man, has been invaded by the female sex in
the person of a spinster. When last winter
the nomination of Aldermen for the new
London County Council took place, it was
felt that not even the difficulty of finding a
suitable feminine equivalent for the title
was sufficient reason for excluding the whole
sex from the office, and Miss Emma Cons
enjoys the distinction of being the first Lady
Alderman on record.
Miss Cons' metier is practical benevolence
on a large scale, and her sphere of work has
been that vast area constituting South Lou
don, so little known to the ordinary dweller
in the West End. Ever since she was 17
years of age, when she began to teach in
Bagged Sunday schools, Miss Cons has been
busy working for somebody, and such ques
tions as the better housing of the poor, the
drink traffic, the erection of people's palaces
and polytechnics, are only a few of the
many subjects with which Miss Cons has
qualified herself to deal by the experience
and study of a life time. For 20 years she
has had the management of various blocks
of working men's dwellings, and some years
ago she formed a company for the erection
of a block of model dwellings, which in
1884 at the "Healtheries" Exhibition was
awarded the only silver medal accorded to
any block in London for sanitary construc
tion. On this one subject alone, her pres
ence on the new county council, whose
duties embrace the whole sanitary system of
the metropolis, ought to be invaluable.
Perhaps the.work with which our Lady
Alderman has endeared herself most to the
poor dwellers in Sonth London, has been as
manager and trustee of the Boyal Victoria
Hall, better known as the J'Old Vic."
Theater, the only place in the district which
supplies really healthy and enjoyable re
creation at an extremely cheap rate.
Miss Cons has never taken part in any
political agitation, and is by natnre a quiet
motherly woman who would never court
publicity; thus the outside wcrld even in
London has remained very much in igno
rance of all she has accomplished, although
among her own people there is no one more
warmly loved and respected.
The founder among women, of what may
be called the new school of enlightened phi
lanthropy, as distinguished from the old
fashioned virtue of indiscriminate almsgiv
ing, is of course Miss Octavia Hill. She it
was who originated the "lady rent collec
tor," who has since become a well-known
feature in London poor districts. The lady
rent collector, as a rule, takes charge of a
"block" of workingmen's dwellings; she
not only collects the weekly rent, and keeps
a watchful eye on sanitary'arrangements,
but she generally "mothers" the whole con
cern, finds work for the boys, and places for
the girls, cheers up the over-driven wife,
and does her utmost to keep the husband
from the public house. The whole system
depends, of course, for its success on indi
vidual character, and power of sympathy
and discrimination, and it was in this that
Miss Hill excelled. She is quite an old lady
now, and I have only once had the pleasure
of meeting herandhearing her make a short
speech on some benevolent scheme; but I
remember being much struck by a sense of
her quiet strength and evident power of dis
cernment Among Miss Hill's numerous disciples is
a lady who his now entered the bonds of
matrimony as Mrs. Leonard Courtney, wife
of the Chairman of the committees of the
House of Commons, but who, as Miss Kate
Potter, was extremely successful as rent
collector to a large block of dwellings in the
poorest part of Whitechapel.
A younger sister of Mrs. Courtney, Miss
Beatrice Potter, ought hardly as "yet, in
point of age, to be reckoned among English
spinsters, except for the determined manner
in which she has given up fashionable so
ciety, and devotes her whole time and inter
est to the social and economical problems of
the day. At the time when the horrors of
the sweating system were exciting particular
attention in London, Miss Potter worked or
a whole month, disguised as a common
"hand," in one of the East End tailoring
workshops in order to master for herself the
real conditions of female labor, and the re
sults were published in a most ably written
article in the Nineteenth Century. Since
then Miss Potter has written a large share
of "Life and Labor of the Feople," edited
by Mr. Charles Booth, quite the most valua
ble book of reference which has yet been
published, on the conditions of life in the
East End. She is now absorbed in a study
of co-operation which will probably keep
her engaged for two nr three years, i
A very energetic worker, of a less intel
lectual sort, although a member of a very
intellectual family, is the Hon. Maude
Stanley, daughter of Lady Stanley, of Al
derley, and sister to Lynlph Stanley, a great
educationalist and member of the London
School Board. Maude Stanley is the founder
of a large and particularly successful girls'
club in Oreek street, Soho, which has been
the model for many similar institutions. It
requires great tact and much judicious
supervision in order to make a club of that
Bort both attractive and useful to girls; but,
when I went over the building a few months
ago, I was quite charmed with all that I
saw. A large and lofty clubroom was made
bright with red curtains and lots of pic
tures and flowers; there is a lending library
and a refreshment bar, while classes for
dressmaking and singing are held on the
premises. Upstairs are neat little bedrooms
for girls living away from home; everything
is charged at a wonderfully low rate, the
club subscription being, I think, only two
pence a week. As a result, the place is im
mensely popular among shop and work
girjs, and Miss Stanley has conferred a very
practical boon on one of the poorest districts
in London.
If I say that in the political field the
spinisters have led the way for their married
sisters, I shall only be admitting as a fact
what for many years was thrown at us as a
taunt. Nevertheless, "honor to whom honor
is due," and we have to go no further afield
than Miss Lydia Becker in order to find
combined in her person the first lady school
board member, and the original Secretary
of the Manchester Women's Suffrage Society.
It was the study of John Stuart Mill, which
first aroused Miss Becker's interest iu the
question of the suffrage, and in 1867, stirred
to actionby a paper read by "Madame Bodi-
. 1889.
chon before the Social Science Association .
at Manchester, she started the Suffrage
Society. Twenty-two years' hard and
persistent work have not yet been
crowned with success, as far as the
primary object of the society is con
cerned, but from every other point of view
more has been gained for women than prob
ably Miss Becker herself originally con
templated. And for many years, in the
eves of the general public, she was the cen
tral figure in the fight for women's political
ricrhts. Nevertheless she is now the mouth
piece of that les.-advanced section of the
Suffrage party, who do not wish to grant
the vote to married women, apparently on
the grounds that married women are not in
need of the benefit, and that, in her own
words, "a good husband is worth all the
votes in the world."
Miss Becker's energy and power of woTk
are simply phenomenal. She works as
hard to-day as she did five-and-twenty years
ago. For many years she was secretary to
both the London and the Manchester Suf
frage Committees, which necessitated al
most weekly journeys to and fro. Since the
recent split in the original society, she has
been elected secretary of the National So
ciety, whose headquarters are at 10 Great
College street, Westminster. When it is
further recollected that since 1870 she has
sat uninterruptedly on 'the Manchester
School Board, it will be readily admitted
that the old taunt of women's physical in
capacity forpublie life does not in any way
apply to Lydia Becker.
An early co-worker with Miss Becker, bnt
one who has recently almost entirely re
tired from active political life, is Miss Helen
Taylor. As the adopted daughter of John
Stuart Mill, she imbibed a belief in her own
sex at a very early age, and enjoyed special
educational advantages. A clever speaker
and a thorough Liberal, she exercised atone
time considerable influence with the wotk
ingmen. She also sat for several years on
the London School Board.
As regards the status of actual popularly
elected women, our doyenne on the School
Board, Miss Davenport Hill, a most valu
able member, is theonly one among us who
has never married; on the Connty Council,
both Miss Cons and my friend Miss Cobden,
of whom I have spoken in a previous letter,
are, of course, spinsters, while on the Board
of Guardians, out of about 70 lady members
indifferent parts of England, at least two
thirds are unmarried women.
I have left myself no room to do justice
to a whole row of spinster ladies, heads oi
schools and colleges, to whose energy we
owe the higher education of women. One
of the first and oldest among them is Miss
Frances Mary Bnss. She is now a kind,
placid-faced old lady, with smooth gray hair,
and her life's work is to be seen in the fine
large buildings of the North London Colle
giate School in Camden Boad, which spe
cially prepares students for the London Ma
triculation examinations. Forty years ago
when Frances' Buss was barely out of her
teens, girls' education was in a hopelessly
deplorable condition; there were no colleges,
no high schools, no university examina
tions, and worst of all, no women teachers
fit to instruct the girls when attempts were
first made to fill the blank. Now all is
changed, and no one rejoices more heartily
than Miss Buss. Only this summer H. B.H.
Princess Christian made a publio recogni
tion of her great services by coming in per
son to distribute the prizes at the North
London school. Among other claims to
distinction, the college has the honor of
being one of the first girls' schools to build
a proper gymnasium for the use of the
Finally I must not forget to say a few
words abont one whose clever kindly face is
almost as well known on the lecturing
platform in America as in England I mean
Miss Emily Faithfull. She has turned her
attention principally to opening np remun
erative employments for women, and' as
early as 1860 she collected the first band of
female compositors and set up a typo
graphical establishment, in which only
women were employed. Since those days
Miss Faithfull has seen many of her
schemes oi improvement carried into prac
tice; quite recently she has given great
help and encouragement to our most promis
ing lady decorator. Miss Charlotte Bobinson.
Miss Faithfull's unselfish goodness has won
her friends in every rank of life, and her
Majesty Queen Victoria, who is always
quick to appreciate talent in her own sex,
has on more than one occasion displayed a
gracious interest in her" labors.
. M. M. DlLES.
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stock are variety, handsome
manship ancL low prices. We
beauty, upholstered first-class
catelle, rrench Flush, batin, Damask, etc., with artistically-hand-carved
frames and various choice woods, mahogaayirei'
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111 l 1A III it II till I 11
Ll ft lll K U -r LI I I Wf
selves on the excellence of this seasons display. Never have4'
we been able to show such a large assortment, and never hav
the styles been so commendable
Feeling that the importance of Dining Room Furniture
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shades of finish.
This room should be the
and cheerfulness. You can
pense, by patronizing Keech. From the large assortmenfco&J
Sitting Room Furniture, displayed by this house you can
select anything comfort and economy can suggest No otfier J
house in this city can offer you
many styles, from the simple
pensive Kinas. x aDies ana cnairs to matcn.
In our
UAKrt 1 .
specially important one. It is important not only in. the
magnitude of assortment, but also in the special care which
we bestow on the styles under each different heading. We
feel that even an attempt to do
space inan we care 10 aevoie xo it, outwui say mat we mvuq
everybody who visits our store to inspect our offerings, and
we feel that they will agree with us that it is by far the most"
varied and complete.
UXx. .L-lxlJ I 't tnis department wnicn is in cnarge
of a gentleman familiar with every detail of the business; and f -whose
extensive acquaintance with leading manufacturers en- 5
ables him to select such goods as are sure to givesatisfactidfl-ia. f.
wear, and be up with the markets in the matter of styles.
We keep everything necessary to. a complete department, and
never allow the price to lose a sale, as we flatter ourselves yG
purchase a little closer than most houses.
1 111-. .111 1 UllJUlX
corner of the house we keeo
of the larder. Stoves and Ranges innumerable andifrom thtei
four-hole, one-thing-at-a-time
ana luxurious Kina, wnere a wnoie ten course spreaa can ue
produced simultaneously. . .
Years ago, when we first commenced selling-these goods,
we made it a rule not to keep anything trashy, and to this
rule we have strictly adhered ever since. The results seen
in our large and ever-increasing trade. It seems strange, but
it is a fact nevertheless, wMe- our main business is Furni
ture, we nevertheless sell more Silverware and' Cutlery than.?
most Jewelry Stores in this city.
the notoriously exorbitant prices
are noted. Uur usual moderate
It has truly been said that nothing will- add. more tothe
coziness of a house than a few pieces of bric-a-brac. A quaint
vase, a handsome statue, a unique figure of somekindanH,
above all, a pretty clock, are ornaments so cheap and usefuL
that everybody can afford to have them. Good housekeepers
are ever on the alert to adorn and decorate their'homes, and
here is a cHance for them to
atttention is invited to our stock of Newmarkets. We showt
all the new styles, and fashionable patterns manufactured, and4
guarantee' our prices to be the lowest in the city. rJig induce-,
ments in Wraps and Modjeskas. Excellent bargains in Pluslr
Garments of every style A lull
k AfKlff fM f-T
Overcoat can select no better
KEECH'S. You will find here not only a complete variety
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If you contemplate purchasing take our advice and do so
right now, while our stock is at high water mark.
923 and 925
: WtOvva. iatarfer.KiffMl
-r' -L jl
The leading
features of our
styles, thoroughly good work- T1
show Parlor Suites of regal,
in best French Tapestry,Drf$f j
M l(ll 1 Tl Til Hat-p aln-
ti.i JL X U liHi, weprideour
11 I I IS U ww -
and artistic.
very acme of comfort, C02
make it so. without great jex
equal inducements.
We zhcntA
"&fnl?raML ifv
-"'' -. :-to
set of shelves to the more ex.-
position of complete Housa
we make this-departmemva
- v 1
it justice would occupy-more 1
devote considerable space;to .
ust not be forgottei1 " oar J
category, ana tor tnis important
everything' exceot the stocking-
specimen to the more elaborate
Of course, we. don't charge
lor wnicn exclusive aeaiers
pront is quite surnciantiar us.
do it at a very small outlayjof.
line ol Misses .Newmarkets;
ffMft The man who
rWi needs a Suit or
place to supply this want thari
Penn avenue;
- bii
! ,, '
fi. ,
i. "V i