?sr mi :v: ;.. - THE ' PH?TSBTJKG DISPATCH, -'SATURDAY, " O'CTO'BER" 12, " 1889; Tf .. j!a - ,-A , v APEELIMIIARYYIEW The Board of Viewers Begin Work on the Widening of Cecil Alley. IT WILL COST 100,000 DOLLARS, Property Owners Favor the Plan and Xo Trouble is Expected. AXOTEERKEW OUTLET TO ALLEGHENY The Board of Viewers held a meeting yesterday morning on the ground at Cecil alley, for the purpose of faking a prelimin ary view preparatory to widening that thor oughfare. The view was taken to ascertain the amount of damages the improvement would incur to property, and whether or not the property would be sufficiently benefited to pay for the improvement. It was found that the improvement would cost about ?100,OO0, and the property could not possibly be benefited to this extent. This was be cause the thoroughfare was to be improved only from Duquesne way to Liberty street. The adjoining lots will not have sufficient depth from the new street to be worth very mnch money There is practically no opposition to ttie widening of the alley, and there will be no Diamond alley litigation. There are only three properties interested and the owners ot them are willing to sell at a fair figure. If est week they will be asked to put a price onthe ground to be taken. If it is not too liigh the laud will be purchased immedi ately and work begun on the new street SIAKKC IT 50 FEET -WIDE. The width of the alley at present is 20 feet, and it is proposed to widen it to 50. The 30 feet is to be taken from the east side, or that nearest Sixth street The owners of the three properties are the Citizens Traction Company, Henry Phipps and the JIcAuley heirs. The former own a strip from Penn to Liberty, through which their cable runs aud the whole of this strip would have tojbe taken. Another large narrow strip belong ing to the late James McAuley and a piece of the old Jones foundry site owned by Henry Phipps, would have to be taken, between Penu avenue and the Allegheny river. Colonel E. Jay Allen, of the Board, i,aid yesterday: "I do not tnink there will be any opposition to the widening of the alley. The owners of tne property to be taken are disposed to do about the right thin?. If they do not ask an exorbitant price for the narrow strip we will probably be able to settle with them without troub'le. The street is so short that the price of the betterment would sot come near the cost HELPING THE EXPOSITION. "When the improvement is made, fifth Rvenue will be open clear down to the river. The new street will be another out let to the Exposition and the proposed park on the whdrf. If the bridge proposed by the Manchester Eailway Co. is built, there will be another route to Allegheny Citv. Pittsburg will see the time, and "it will not be many years, when every other street running into" the river will lead to a bridge to Allegheny. The constantly grow ing business ot the town demands rapid transit and more rapid facilities. This year Pittsburg will build 4,000 houses, as is shown by the reports. This is five or six times as inany as Sew York has built. In proportion to the population we have a larger shipping tonnage than London or any other city in the world, aud we are growing more and more each year." The world's best designers' art and skill have been exhausted in the manu facture ot the grand stock of children's cloaks shown by Kaufmanns.' The prices, too, are more than reasonable. Here is a special bargain for to-day: 40 children's cloaks, sizes 4 to 12, di rectoire, peasant and accordion styles, Dutch waists, loose fronts, etc, at onlv $5. Kaufiiakxs Cloak Depabtmekt. The Beit Fitting Linen Shirts In Oar Fur nishing Department Both the cnlaundriedandlaundried our J. H. & Co. brand and also the celebrated "Star" make all the latest novelties in fine dress shirts on sale until 9 o'clock this evening. Jos. Hokite & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Specialties for evening wear in brns aels net, crepe du chene and mouseline de Eoic; latest novelties, direct from the Paris market Hugus & Hacke. TTSySU Men's teck and puff scarfs at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. Fkatjenheim & Vilsack's Iron City leer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. The entire stock must be sold quick. iCome at once and see the bargains. F. Schoenthal. C12 Penn avenue. Visions of Fairyland will rise in your mind on looking over Kaufmanns' gorgeous and splendid array of children's plush cloaks. They come in various rich colors and shades, some made with belts, others with girdles, still others with cnte vest fronts or the ever popular capes. Sizes from 2 to 8. Prices from S1.50 up. Kaufmanns' Cloak Department. Hundreds of New Jackets To-Day, $5 00 Up to 548 00 the best fitting and newest styles are ebown here in this cloak room. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Trusses, Trusses. The largest assortment in the city and at prices that defy competition. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Remember the place and save money. Jos. Fleming & Son, Druggists, WS 412 Market street The most fashionable and popular ladies' wraps ont this season are the Modjeskas which Kaufmann's will offer at $ll.to-day. They are silk embroidered and braided in a truly magnificent manner, and are made of choice diagonals, corkscrews and camel's hair cloths. Get one. . Kaufmanns' Cloak Department. Mules, Mules. "We have just received 3 large lot of draught and pit mnles, all sizes; also a lot ot general purpose horses, which will be sold at reasonable figures. We have in our stables 100 head of choice animals. Call and see them. Aknheim Live Stock Co.. Limited, 2 Second ave., between Market and Ferry streets, Pittsburg, Pa. MEETINGS. -VTOTICE- J There will be aspecial meetlngof machin ists of Pittsburg and vicinity at No. 81 Fourth ave., on SATURDAY NIGHT, at 7:30. to form a lodge of National Association of Machinists. ccll-33 rE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co. will bo held at their office, No. 115 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, October 23, 1SS9, at 12 o'clock noon, for the election of seven directors for the ensuing year, and such other business as may ' bo brought before tbein. AUSTIN M. FURVES, Secretary. se26-2-TTS OFFICIAL- riTTSBURR. PlTTSBCBG. PA October 3, 1S89. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE l report of viewers on the grading, paring ana curbing of Cargfll street, from Thirty third street to Jewel street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be flnaf. unless an appeal is filed in tho Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) aays from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. iocJ-48 Continued on the Seventh and Tenth Paget. M3-Vitplay advertisements one dollar par square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, Dor Bale, To Let, eft, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts With TnS DIS PATCH, ( rrrrsBUKG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. S5u9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, !h street and I'cnn aye. E. G. STUCKEY a CO., Wyllo ave. and Fultonst. If. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. TV. WALLACE, 61H l'enn avenue. OAKJ.AXD. . MCALL1STEK & SHEIBLEB, 5th av. & Alwood It. 6OUTH6IDE. JACOBSPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. H.A. DUNALDbON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEU, 9 Federal street. H. J. McBRIUE. Market House, Allegheny. FRED IT. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. B. EGGEKS SON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENEY, Western and Irwin ares. G. TV. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. i'EKKYM. GLEIM. Kobecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BlfKOUUH. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Male Hcln. WANTED -TINNER -INQUIRE GRAFF, IICUCS 4 CO., 633 Liberty street. QC12-11 -rrrAjTEi-3 toby kolleks, also 2 V strippers. Apply 1805 IENN AVE. oclS-14 w ANTED-A GOOD COATMAKEB. APPLY to LADLE &CO., Federal et., Aiiepneny. OC9-64-W6 -rrrrANTEii assistant t.miivkek. IX- V QUIRE VTB. ASUWOKTH. 602 Liberty St. oci:-3 WANTED-TWO GOOD WOOD CARVERS at once. 1IAUGH 4 KEfcNAN. 33 434 Water st. OC12-77 WAXTEIl-A PLUMP.EKANDGAS FITTER immediately at Wil. COLLIN h', 218 Filth ave., city. OC12-1 -rrjATED-AN EXFEE1EI.CEDPACKEB OF V boots and shoes. Apply at once to 110 MAR KET STREET, city. ocl2-74 WAXTED-AN ACTIVE. EXPERIENCED salesman ror rainliy tea trade. Address UTILITY, Dispatch office. ocH-54 WAXTED-A WATCHMAKER FOR A CITY store: must give reference. Apply to GODDARD, HILL 4 CO., 43 Filth ave. oclf-72 -Tf ANTED COMPETENT DRUG CLERK FOR V one or the finest stores in the city. COM MERCIAL AG E.N CK. 163 Fifth avenne. OC12-12 WANTED-SD DITCHERS APPLY AT DE HAVEN station P. AW. B. R.:wagesl SO and f '. 75. H. F. GETTLEMAN, Contractor. oclZ-79 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED ARCHITECT twoor three evenings a -week for private lessons in drafting. S. 11. A.. Dispatch office. ocl2-3 WANTtD-3 FIRST-CLASS ENTERPRISING real estate salesmen; liberal commission. ALLE4 4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. o 06-32 WANTED-A GOOD BARBER FOR STEADY work. Apply this morning at No. 8 SM1THFIELD ST., opposite Monongahela House. oclz-17 WANTED-SALESMAN TO SELL GOODS BY sample: good salary paid. Write to CEN TENXIALMFG. CO., Cincinnati. O., or Chicago. se3-75-TT8Su T17"ANTED A BRIGHT, INTELLIGENT BOY, V about 12 to 14 y-rs of aee. Apply at DAN ZIGER4 SHOENBERG'b, Sixth st. and Penn ave. ocM-53 WANTED-A BRIGHT. ENERGETIC MAN to sell office specialties. Address OFFICE SPECIALTY M'F'G CO., McCance Block. Pitts burg. ocll-81 WANTED-A HAMMERMAN FOR MEDIUM and small sizes tool steel: must be a (rood workman ana steady. Address HAMMERMAN, Dispatch office. oclO-23 WANTED-MALE NURSE FARM HANDS, man for hotel kitchen, hotel housekeeper, seamstress, child's nurse, dining room girl, 3 nurse clrls. MEGHAN'S. S45 Grant street. oc8-D WANTED-COMPETENT SALESMAN FOR wholesale business: mnst be w ell acquaint ed with city and surrounding trade: none but nrst-class man need apply. Address M., P. O. B. S13, city. 0C12-5 YT7"ANTED-AGENTS-f3 TO P A DAY AT V home made selling ray good: the best novel ties in the world to sell: no canse to be Idle: either sex; catalogue free. Address W. B. ALLISON, Box 60, Moundsville,W. Va. OC12-60 WANT EU-REL1 ABLE LOCAL ANUTRAV EL1NG salesmen; positions permanent; special inducements now: fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurseryinpn, Rochester, Si.Y. sel7-70-TTS ANTED-BUS1NESS MEN AT SMART'S COLLEGE. No. 4 Sixth St.- exper'. book keeping and balancing, arithmetic penmanship, shorthand and typewriting tanght thoroughly for 5 per month to ladles aud gentlemen; open dally 9 A. 11. to 9 P. M. OcS-TTSSU ANTED BUSINESS MEN AT SMART'S COLLEGE, No. 4 Sixth St.; expert book keeping and balancing, arithmetic, penmanship, shorthand and typewriting taught thoroughly for ts per mouth to ladles and gentlemen: open dally from 9 A. M. to 9 P. K, OCI2-65-TTSSU TIT ANTED AGENTS S5 TO J10 PER DAI Y made easllyLno experience required: our "fastenings" sell themselves: costnc, sell for 80c: profits over 300 per cent: send 2c stamp for circular. SAFETY TUG FASTENING CO., 304 Vine St., Cincinnati. O. ocl2-61-12,26 WANTED-MALE HELF-tSO SALARY, S40 expenses In advance allowed each month. Steady employment at home or traveling. No soliciting. Duties delivering and making collec tions. No postal cards. Address with stamp, HAFER 4 CO., PIqua, Ohio. ocSS-TTSSu -T7-ANTED-AGENT8TOSELLTEA. BAKING V powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can makemoney In their spare time: special Inducements to per sons haying established trade. YAMASHUtO TEA CO.. !S Jackson su, Allegheny, Pa. an20-79-rrs -nrrA.N'TF.IJ-SJV.1'131111 AT (75 PER MONTH V salarv and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Bartlculars and sample case or goods free. STAN AKD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. SC24-90-D WANTEO-CANVASSEK3 AND GENERAL agents everywhere to sell a ladies' patent adjustable shoe: over one million palrsoldln New England; every lady purchases at sight; large profits, exclusive territory. Address, with stamp. TAYLOR ADJUSTABLE faHOE STORE, No. 19 Euclid ave., Cleveland. Ohio. oc6-73-ttssu WANTED-GENERALANDLOCALAGENTS to handle the new patent chemical ink eras ing pencil; greatest novelty cier produced; erases ink in two seconds: no abrasion of paper; 200 to SOO per cent pront: one agent's sales amounted to 620 00 in sir days-another 32 00 In two hours: territory absolutely free: salary to rood men; no ladles need answer; sample 25cts. Tor terms and full particulars, address, THE MONROE ERASER CO., manufacturers. La Crosse, Wis. OCI2-62 Female Belt). WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK: German preferred; pood wages. Inquire at 1120 PIKE ST., near Eleventh stl, city. ocl2-75 TrrANTED-LADY AGENTS FOR THE NEW VV hygela corset: most sattslactory and best money making article out. For terms, etc.. apply to WESTERN CORSET CO., St. Louis, Mo. sel4-66-ssu WANTED TWO LADIES TO TRAVEL IN Pa. or. West Virginia: mnst be intelligent (teacher preferred), have business tact and give reference: salary SOO a month. Call on THE G. B. CLINE PUB. HOUSE, No. 5 Sixth ave. ocli-4 WANTED-LADY AGENTS FOR OURNEW Mcintosh raglan; superior cloth, in wide stripes fra outside: vulcanised rubber on Inside; close fitting; very stylish: never spots: beautiful as the finest cloth garment ever made, and is abso lutely water-proof; agents sell six a day and make S3; great opportunity: also fine line other goods. Address . H. CAMPBELL, 4S4Randolph St., Chicago. ocI-CG-tts -r Male and Female fleln. WAXTED-FRENCH NURSE TO TAKE charge of two children, cooks, dining room girls, chambermaids, nurses, 100 houseglrls, Ger man and colored girls, larni hands, drivers, man for dairy. MRS. K. THOMPSON, 60S Grant St. oc7-JIlhS Situations. -TT7-ANTED-A SITUATION AS CLERK BY A V young lady who has had two years' experi ence. L. C R., Dispatch office. ocli-86 -TTTANTED-PERMANENT POSITION BY AN V experienced lady stenographer; best refer ences given. Address A. N. Y., Dispatch office. OC12-64 Rooms, Bonses. Etc WANTED-TO RENT HOUSE OF ABOUT 10 rooms, with modern improvements and stable: tlos. East End preferred state price and loca Address RENTER, Dispatch office. OCIZ-Z7 Financial. WANTED-TO CORRESPOND WITH EAST ERN party of some means and large exper ience in negotiating coal lands; no better prop erties have ever been offered. Address I O. BOX 390, Kansas City. Mo. oc6-84 Trrj-AXTKD-TO liOAN t200.'000 ON MOBT VV GAGES: 100 and upward at 6 per cent: t5(ia,B9oat Vi per cent on residences or business property: aiso in aojoiniug counties. S. H. VltENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. 'ocXI-eS-9 WASTED. Financial. TTTASTED -MORTGAGES OW IMPROVED VV city Tirnnerf v In li,n A emnll aminnta. Kpn W. A. HERROX 4 SON'S oO Fourth ave, ocl-96-rrs TT7"ANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN TV In sums to suit at 4), S and 6 per cent. ALLES 4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. pl9-14-TTSSU WANTED-MORTGAGE3 ON CITY PBOF- ERTY. over S4.O00; 4 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER 4 CO., S2 Fourth avenue. mb2-a22-r "rrTANTED-fSOO TO 500,000-TO LOAN ON V .mortgages, 4M. 5 and 6 per cent. JA8. W. DllAPE&CO,, 129 Fourth ave., rmsburg. Tele phone No. 975, oc9-37-MwTS WANTED -MOHTGAGES)-fl. COD, 000 TO LOAN In large and small amounts at 4H, 5 and 8 VSfJtSk1" or Mate tax; no delay. REED B, C0YLE4 CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21-60 WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OB small amounts on Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. OCI2-S1-KWB WANTED-TO LOAN J350.CCO ON MORT GAGES In amounts to suit, In city or coun- r li -'? ?cr cent- w security; no ueiay, SAaiujcu w. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth ave. ANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts on Improved city or Alle gheny county property. McCUNE 4 COULTER, Heal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 93 Fourth avenue. ocl2-8j TTANTED-TO LOAN SMXXOOQ. IN AMOUNTS V V of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)i per cent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at Sand 6 per cent. BLACK 4 UAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. e21-d26-D TTT-ANTED-MORTGAGF-S-f 1.000, COOTO LOAN T V on city and suburban properties at 04, 6and C per cent, and on larms in Al cent counties at Sper cent. SON, 105 Fourth avenue. 1. M.PENN0CK4 ap7-f41 Miscellaneous. TITANTED- SPANISH STUDENTS-AN EX NT onnnrtnnlty for learning the VV CELLENT Spanish, tor business or commercial purposes. Address C. A., Dispatch office. ocS-39-TTS WANTED-TO bELL STORE; GOOD LOCA TION ; suitable for lady or gentleman; about f 1.10c" required, or would take part cash, or trade city lot. R. R. B., Dispatch office. OC12-52 WANTED TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one In the clnb at II 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX SOL and I -will call and show you the watch. Jy3-40 WANTED-THE PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT YEAOER 4 CO..70 Federal St., Allegheny, will make cabinets of anybody during this month for 75c per doz.: bring the little ones: don't miss; No, 70 federal st. These cabinets will not fade. ocl-91-D ANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING THO TOGRAPHER. 96 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mh!3-3 WANTED-1ROX AXD GLASS WORKERS to take notice where employment is steady, at Cochran station, and purchase cheap lots in the Patterson Plan; cheap; on easy terms; month ly or yearly payments. J. R. WYLIE, Agent, Duquesne, Pa., or No. 8 Wood street, room 5, Pittsburg, Pa. OCI2-92 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. FOB SALE-CHEAP-MABIOX ST. BRICK, having 6 rooms, hall, marble mantels, nat. and art. gas: lot 24x104. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth avenue. ocl2-35 FOR SALE 2,C00-EASY TERMS: WYLIE ave.; almost new brick house. 7 rooms, hall. marble mantels, both gases, etc s. iaj., ioi ourtn ave. OC12-33 FOB SALE-OXLY $3,000 FOB A PROPERTY in the seventh ward that will rent readily for 900 per year: for description and location call on J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. OC12-35 T710RSALE-COXGRESSSTREET-GOODTWO-JD story brick, 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, both gases; house In first-class repair: low price to quick buyer. J. B. COOPEB 4 CO., 107 Fourth avenue. OC12-35 TTIOR SAL E- AT 2,000-PAYMEXTS CAX BE 5 ner month, or reasonable terms: T made at 25 per month. aneat brick bouse. 6 rooms: 13J0 Virginia ave.: send for particulars. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ocl2-93-W8 FOB SALE-DESIRABLE CENTER AVENUE residence near Fulton st.; one of the most desirable residence locations In the city: 9 rooms: late improvements. For terms see W.A.HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ocS-44-TUS FOR SALE LOMBARD, NEAR DINWIDD1E St.. Eleventh ward 2-story and finished attic brick dwelling of 6 rooms; nat. 'as, city water, etc.; lot 24x116: small cash payment, balance to suit. BLACK 4 BALHD, 95 Fourth aye. 2E 81. OC9-57 FOR SALE DO YOU WANT AN INVEST MENT? We have 3 new dwellings on 8. S. that will pay 10 per cent, and by building on real1 of lot (which is 50x140), will pay 15 percent. Call at once on BALTENSPEBGEB 4 WILLIAMS, 151 Fourth ave. odO-40 FOR SALE-MT. WASHINGTON, SOUTHERN ave.. Thirty-second ward: frame dwelling honse, 6 rooms, good location, large grounds; a very pleasant place for a home: price reasonable: terms easy. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. oc9-S9-10.12,14,16.u FOB SALE-LAWRENCEVILLE-6 BRICK dwellings on Hatfield St.. near Forty-eighth, containing 7 rooms each: also 6 5-rooni bricks on Blackberry St.; all brlnKlntr good rent: this is a good investment. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth axe. C105. oc-57 FOR SALE FOR 2,200, AT 5 PER CENT IN TEREST; terms J5, and 25 per month until paid for (no other payments required) a good brick house, 8 rooms, late Improvements; 1318 Sycamore su. Ihlrty-fitthward. only 25 minutes from P. (. : a rare chance to get a home. See W. A. HERRON Jt SONS, 80 Fourth ave. oclO-97-TUB FOR SALE LOCUST ST., BETWEEN MAGEE and Chestnut streets, fine new brick dwelling of 7 rooms, bathroom marble mantels, cemented cellar, both gases. Inside shutters, sewered: house Jnst finished; possession at once: 3,600: cash 1.000; balance to suit. ALLES 4 BAILEY, 164 jt fourth ave. Tel. 167. oc5-27-iuWTbSSu East End Residences. FO B 8 A L E-1,200 FOB BOTH-BLA1NE street, near Boquet, Oakland 2 two-story frame dwellings of S rooms and finished attic; each well sewered; lot 40x130. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2d 85. OC9-57 FOR SALE-MEADOW- ST., NEW FRAME bouse of 7 rooms, reception hall, china closet two nnisneo attic rooms, Dotn gases, porches, good cellar, etc. ; lot 24x100 to alley. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. 0C12-35 P (OR SALE A HILAND AVENUE RESI DENCE at a moderate nrlce and less than valne, as the owner's business Is such that be can nut live In It, bis business being away from the city. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. Ocl0-4-IhSSu FOB SALE-A NICE NEW HOUSE AND corner lot. in tbe East End, 6 rooms, hall, cellar, etc.: fine corner lot, fruit trees, etc., etc.: price onjy 3,850: on small payments; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DBAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC12-89-D FORSALE-FRANKSTOVNAVNUF, NEAR Brushton ave., East End a 2-story Queen Anne of 6 rooms and finished attic, reception hall, nat. gas, city water, all conveniences: lot 50x150; reasonable price and terms. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3 A 300, OC9-57 FOR SALE-SYLVAN AVE., NEAR BOQUET St., new frame house 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, large pantry, h. and c water:handsomelv grained and painted: large porches: slate mantels: whole house complete In every way. J.R. C00PER4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. OC12-35 FOB SALE -BOQUET ST.. OAKLAND. ON line of new'electrlc road; new press brick dwelling, 6 rooms, finished attic, double parlors, hall, bath, range, w.c, tile hearths, well finished, large porches, etc.; lot 24x175. J.R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. OC12-33 TTIOR SALE ELEGANT 9-ROOM HOUSE; J large, handsome grounds; everything la per fect order: 10 minutes' ride by cable from center of city: will take smaller house or good vacant round In exchange; cheap at 10,000. CHARLES 0MEBS4CO, 313 Wood St. oc8-77-TuF6Su FOR SALE-S500 CASH, REMAINDER ON exceedingly liberal payments, low rate of In terest, for a complete brick house 9 rooms: every thing complete to smallest details: handsomely finished and papered: 15 minutes' ride from P. o. by Fifth ave. cable line. F.r terms see W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. oc5-68-W8 FOBSALE AN EXCELLENTBRICKDWELL 1N G with fine lot 70x240 feet In the East End ; 10 rooms in house with batb, lavatory, natural gas, laundry and all other modern appliances: everything in prime order: a quantity of fruit and shade trees and shrubbery on the lot: price $9,500. Particulars from JAS. TV. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. oclo-29 JU property: elegant new Queen Anne style brick dwelling, 10 rooms, reception hall, etc; tile hearths, state mantels, electric bells, gas. water, etc.; handsomely papered and decorated throughout; this is a paved street and excellent neighborhood: convenient to cable lines and P. R. B. SAM'L W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. OC8-97-TT8 FOR SALE-A FINE. NEW BRICK RESI DENCE property, with beautiful, large lot, sltnate on one of tbe most pleasant avennes In the East End; a gentle elevation, affording a charming view of Liberty Valley, and securing a perfect sewerage system! 12 elegant rooms, wltn spacious reception ball, billiard room, bath and lavatorial facilities with patent Scotch closet; laundry, nat ural gas and all of the more recent appliances, and everything in the most perfect order; wide piazza covering the entire frontand side; It will pro c In teresting to any one in quest of a handsome East End home to examine this valuable oropcrty. Par ticulars from JAS. W. DBAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ocl2-87-uwa Hozclwood Residences. FOBSALE-ON FLOWERS AVE., TWENTY THIRD ward. 4-room bouse, with lot Mxm, and 7-room house with finished attic, lot 24x100. MCCUNE 4 COULTER, Agents, 93 Fourth ave. OC 12-84 Allechenr Residences. TTOB SALE AN EXCELLENT BRICK JTj dwelling with large corner lot In Allegheny; near parks and streetcars; 9 rooms, with bath. w. c, laundry, natural gas, wide hall, dry cellar, finished attic etc.. all In crime order; almost new; price and terms reasonable. JAS. W.. DRAPE 4 CO. , 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. OC12-87-JTWS - 170ESAIiE-IMPKOVBD BKALE8TATK Alleflheny Residences. FOR 8ALE-N0. 3! REBECCA ST., ALLE GHENY, Woora house with large lot: price S5.000: cost owner J8.500. MCCUNE 4 COULTER, Agents. 93 Fourth aye. QC12-84 FOR HALE-A HANDSOME NORTH AVE. residence, corner lot: one of the best loca tions In Allegheny. For full lnlormatlon see w. A. HERIiON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. 0C12-49-WS TTiOR SALE-OX YOUR OWN TERMS-NICK A" 1 npffbrivim frnmfl lmntp. Allegheny: conven ient to ricasant Valley electric cars and market house: price low. W. W. MCNEILL 4 BRO.. 105 Fourth ave. oelM FOR BALE-A FINE Z-STOKY FKA.ME house Just completed, of grooms, hall, front porch, slate mantels, and has lot 50 ft. front on California ave., Allegheny, by 165 to Colorado st. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. oclO-42-MThSSu FOB SALE-CLIFTON AVE.. ALLEGHENY, near street cars and electric road, 8-room frame dwelling, in good condition; large well kept grounds; surrounded by large forest trees, an excellent place for a home; must be sold at once; prlCo low. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 00., 9aFourth ave. 0Cl2-t8-12,lil6,la,22,2t,26 FOB SALE-EXCELLENT CORNER FBOP ERTY In Allegheny, located near freight depot and siding; lot frontlne two good streets. 21x100, all occupied by new brick building, with good storeroom; property well adapted for light manufacturing, wholesale feed, grocery, milk, or any business requiring large frontage; a good in vestment; 8,000. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO.. 313 Wood street. ocl-ws Suburban Residences. FORSALE-AT EDGEWOOD. P. B. R.-FINE new brick dwelling, 7 rooms and reception hall, hardwood mantels, tile hearths, nat. gas, etc; Urge lot. Address LOCK BOX 104, Wllklns burg, Fa. QC9-7 FOR SALE AT WILKINSBURG FRAME house. 6 rooms, with corner lot 45x126; 5 min utes from Brnshton station and 7 minutes from Wllkinsburg station: 2,700. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smlthfield St., Pittsburg, and Wllkinsburg, Fa. oc9-16 FOB SALE AN ELEGANT SMALL PLACE or 9 acres, with all kinds of fruits: good house of 8 rooms, also one of 5 rooms and large bank barn: 10 minutes' walk from Glenfield station, P., Ft.W. 4C. R.R. O. BERINGEB 4 SON, 103 Fourth are. ocl2-82-m POP. SALE - AT WILKINSBURG - BRICK honse, 12 rooms, with 1 acre ground; 5 min utes from station; fruit of all kinds on Place; beautiful location; will be sold cheap. W. E. HAMXETT, 484 Smlthfield St., Pittsburg, and Wllkinsburg, Pa. oc3-16 FOR SALE-A NICE SMALL HOUSE, WITH large lot, at Ingram station; 2 minutes' wall from station; 6 rooms, hall and cellar, natural gas, water, etc., etc.: fine double lot: small amount down, balance monthly payments: Imme diate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ocI2-84-D FOR SALE AT EDGEWOOD FRAME house, 7 rooms, reception hall, b. r., laun dry, inside w. c. electric light and bells, nat, pas, slate mantels, finished attic and all modern im provements; lot 64x150; 7 minutes from station; H500; terms easy. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Sinltb held st l'lttehurg, and Wllkinsburg. Pa. QC9-16 FOR SALE LOTS. Miscellaneous. FOB SALE BY CHABLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 WOOD ST., Convenient, desirable city homes at moderate cost. Two new brick houses, 6 rooms each, in perfect order, bright, clean surroundings; health tut location, within one square of electric road; 10 minutes' ride to heart of city. Cheap at 2,600. OC10-69-ThSSU FOR SALE BY CHABLES SOMERS 4 CO.. 313 WOOD STREET. An Interest in a prominent Pittsburg wholesale establishment located In heart of city; the con cern is widely and favorably known as a perma nently established, conservative and money making enterprise: an active man, ambitions to become an equal partner In a live, progressive and growing buslress, will find a rare oppor tunity offered In this; capital required 6,000 to 7,000. oclO-70 FOR SALE' 'POWELTOX,"CEXTER COUN TY", Pa.: this tract of land embraces abont 200 acres of the B vein of seml-bltumlnonscoal and 600 acres of the A vein of 6eml-bltumlnous coal, 42 miners' houses, 2 stables, granary, 1 large store, 1 large firebrick works; farm under good cultivation; the entire property is underlaid with a vein ot fire clay: the veins of coal and fireclay are subject to 1-ases. For particulars address A., at room 8, 419 Walnut street, Philadelphia; offers In writing will be there received np to October 23. oclO-25 FOB SALE-TO THE PUBLIC-O. R. TOUDY desires to inform his friends and the public generally tnat owing to ill heaitn he has now located at Ashevllle, N. C. and offers his own and entire property, consisting of lots, houses, etc, aggregating In value to 72,550, for sale at very reasonable prices, located on some of the princi pal streets of tho Southslde;lots. fJODand npward, and houses 1,500 and upward: have good Home stead property cheap, also two fine properties at Scott Haven, P., McK. 4 Y. R. R. cheap. Call soon at his office. NO. 1721 CARSON ST., Pitts burg, S. S., Pa. Mr. F. W. Schneider, his mana ger, will cheerfully give you a list as well as all other information. ocl2-6 FOR SALE BY CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood street: We are authorized to negotiate the sale of an interest in a Western Pennsylvania newspaper that we believe to be earning larger dividends on the capital invested than any other publication in this part of the State outside or Pittsburg. An investment of 5,000 will secure a one-halt owner ship and an equal voice (If desired) in the man agement. A man desiring to become actively interested In a newspaper of high character, now paying hand somely, and in a field rapidly and permanently enlarging, can do no better than Investigate this. OC9-60-WFB FOR SALE-BY CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood street: An interest in a first-class city business. We desire to negotiate with a man of good business ability, middle age preferred, for the disposal of an Interest in an established business of a hlsrh class and of a choice character. An opportunity is offered that Is rarely secuied, except through long year.i of application. An Investment by a silent partner will be ac cepted, bnt an active man qualified to assume charge of the financial affairs or the concern is referred. We are prepared to showand intro uce an accepable man to this. An absolutely sound money-making enterprise, giving promise of extended growth and enlargement. An invest ment ot 5,0001s required, which Is to be applied to the business. In which 10,000 Is now in use. We care to deal only directly In person with prin cipals, who will be treated with strict confidence. OC9-60-WPS T7I0R SALE-BY THOS. MCCAFFREY. REAL X' estate and Insurance agent, 3509 Hutler st. 800 each On Forty-Sixth St. 4 lots, 20x93 ft. each; easy terms: monthly payments If desired. 3,200 Property on Ella st., near Liberty ave., corner lot, 40x1.17 ft,, with frame dwelling or 4 rooms and kitchen: one-half cash, balance to suit. 3.400 On Bayard st., Twenty-first ward, lot 63x131 ft (near Henry Bea's residence); 1,000 cash, balance to suit. 2,200 each On Holmes st., bet. Fifty-third and Flrty-fburth sts., 4 new framo dwellings of 4 rooms and attic each on lots 20x100 ft. each, fenced separate; 500 cash, balance to suit; or 82, ico cash; they are the finest finished houses of their size lu the city. 5,500 Property No. 125 Frankstown ave., lot 30x130, with brick dwelling of 7 rooms, wash house, etc.: 1,000 cash, balance to suit. 3,000 No. 317 Cedar st., lot 20x122 ft., with 2 story brick dwelling of 6 rooms, hall, etc, at terms to suit. 10,500 Property corner Thirty-ninth st. and South St.: brick house of 9 rooms on corner, 1 brick business house on alley and double frame house of five rooms In each; very easy payments. 10 years If necessary. A500-On Bidge st Thirteenth ward; lot 20xB6x 90 feet, with new 2-story frame dwelling of 6 rooms: 1,500 cash, balance to suit. 3,750 On iranklln street, East End, formerly Waverlyst., nearri. E. ave., Brushton. lot 50x110 ft., with new frame house of 8 rooms, hall, vesti bules, bath, etc.; K cash, bal, to suit. 3.500-No. 4431 Penn ave., lot 25x100 ft, with 2-story brick dwelling of store, 7 rooms and fin ished attic; H or H cash, balance to suit. (2.500 For cor.Thlrty-fourth and Charlotte sts , lot 72x44 ft., or will sell corner lot 24x44 for 8900, and two lots 24x44 ft. each for 300 each; all cash preferred. 9,500-No. 262 Main St., lot 50x120 ft., with a two-story brick dwelling of 10 rooms, batb, pan try, stone cellar, hall, vestibule, etc. : all modern improvements: everything sewered; 1,000 cash, balance very easy payments. (2,000 No. 4919 Kincald St., lot 25x110 ft.. with two-story frame dwelling of 5 rooms and attic; all or H cash, balance to suit. 5.500 tin Evallne St., near Liberty ave., lot 37x 19UX37J4 tt., with 2-story brick dwelling of Slrooms. hall, vestibule, bath, etc; grape arbor, iron fence; one-third cash, balance to suit. 6,000 On Evallne st near Liberty ave., lot37 X133 ft., with new 2-story Queen Anne house of S rooms, bath, etc. ; all or one-half cash, balance to suit: possession at once: beautiful location. 7,000 No. 154 Forty-fifth street lot 24x100 ft., with nmr double2-storvand mansard brlp.k dwell ing of OTOoms in each; also on rear of lot 2-story frame honso or 4 rooms anu finished attic; the whole will rent for 1672 ner annum. $5,000 Cor. Fortieth st. and Liberty ave., with double frame dwelling of 4 rooms and attic in each; one-half cash, balance to suit. 7,600-No. 4053 Penn ave.; lot 20x100 ft. with 3-story brick dwelling of store and 9 rooms; a cash, balance to suit ?13,000-No. 23 Penn ave: lot 24x130 ft., with 3-story brick dwelling, ot store, 10 rooms, finished attic, ball, vestibule etc., and on rear of lot 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms, the whole rent ing for (950; Kcash, balance to suit. S3, 600-No. 4927 Harrison st: lot 20x100 ft., with 2-story brick dwelling of hall, vestibule, 5 rooms, etc., and on rear of lot 2-story brick bouse of 4 rooms And attic; 2,OOOc.ish, balance to suit. On Rebecca st, near Liberty ave., E. E , 2 lots 50x133 ft at 00 per foot front; one-fifth cash; bal ance to suit Si250 On Rebecca St., near Center ave, E. K, lot 80x150 ft, with brick mansion of 8 rooms, bath, w. c, etc: large stable on rear of lot; on very easy terms, or will sell above dwelling, with lot 8UX2S0 ft., for (12,500. Cor. Atlantic ave. and Harriett st, E. E.. lot 170x230 fl. at 850 per root front, and lot 131x230 ft at 40 per foot front (a,00u-No. 364 Main St., lot 20x130 ft., with 2 story brick house or rooms and finished attic; one-third cash: balance to suit (3,200 On Baker and Summit sts., Butler st ex tension; lot 106x100 It, with brick dwelling of 6 rooms and attic; being Sam Garrison's old resi dence: very easy payments. (6,500-Xo. 232 Main St.: lot 24x100 ft, with new 2-story brick dwelling ore rooms, hall, vestibule, etc : at terms to suit 83,000No. 234 Main St. : new 2-story brick dwell ing of 9 rooms, bath. etc. ; all modern couveulences, baywlndow, etc; at terms to suit purchasers, 11,750-Oor. Penn ave. and Fortieth St.; lot Six ICO; A. Schlllo's beautiful two-story and mansard dwelling of8 rooms, hall, porches, Datb, etc: all the latest modern conveniences; one-third cash, balance to suit. . o12-24 FOR SALE LOTS. Miscellaneous. FOR BALE-IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTER H3T to secure one of onr new revised cata logues with supplement Oust published) before buying elsewhere; we have a large variety of new properties coming la dally, and can supply your wants without delay; lots and dwellings In all parts of the 2 cities and suburbs; all prices and terms; call or sendfor this valuable book. BLACK 4 BAIRD. 93 Fourth ave. oc-W East End Lots. FOR SALE A FINE BUILDING LOT ON Center ave,. East End, 125x150 ft.. extending hack to Ellsworth ave. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood St. 0012-80 FOB BALE-A GOOD CORNER LOT 21x128 feet, one square from Center avenue cars and new cable line: price only SS53. JAB. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenge, Pittsburg. QC12-65 FOR 8ALE-AT SHADYSIBE, ON ELLS WORTH ave.. the best lot on the street for the price; must bo sold on account or removal of owner. See rt. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ocl-97-ws FOR SAL1. BEAUTDJ'UL AND LEVEL building lots, 24x25 ft. front, on Homewood ave. and Clawson street lust at Homewood sta tion, at 1850 upward. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se4-65-ws FOB SALE-LOTS IN THE BAUM GROVE plan, tho finest location for residence In the city; secure colored plan and investigate. See MELLON BROS., East End, or JOHN F. BAX TER, Agt., 512 Smlthfield St. ocl2-51-TUF8 FOR SALE-EAST END LOTS-ylM AND SOO each: good streets: high elevation: conve nient to P. R. B. and cable fines: these lots are in thsfast growing part or the city: enhancement sure. BLACK & BAIUD, 95 Fourth aye. OC2-88-D FOBSALE-A FINE LOT 50 OR 60x150 FEET on Fifth avenue near llellefield Presbyterian Church; oue of the mostellgible lotson the ave nuc; price for W feet K, 000 and Tor 60 feet 2,250; Scbenlev nronertv. 48 Tears lease: rare bargain. IAD. Y. usaris S tu., Pittsburg. . r. wt r ..r. . .; . . . ., . 129 Fourth avenue. OC1Z-89-D FOR SALT-847 FEB FRONT FOOT. LINDEN aye.; a paved street near Penn aye.: this is the cheapest piece ot property in the E. E.. because it faces east, is only four minutes' walk jrom new jj inn ave. station jr. is. xt., aou aujmas the Boulevard: a good speculation. W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. -SAMUEL OClO-43 Alleshcnr Lots. P OR SALE-ELEVENTH WABD. ALLEG NY Choice lots in Mrs. Cooper's plan, i ALLEGHE rs plan, near New Brighton road and Wvlle avenue, lot 40x125 at 5C0: best lots for the price: long time. A. LEG GATE 4 SON, Agents, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. oclJ-29 Suburban Lots. T710R SALE-CHEAP-FOUR OF THE MOST V desirable and best situated lots in Allison Park: terms reasonable. K., Box 4, Allegheny. OC12-43 OB SALE-10 ACRES AT WILKINSBURG, near P. R. R.: would make an excellent plan of lots. McCUNE 4 COULTEB, Agents, 93 Fourth ave. oc 12-84 Forms. FOR SALE-A DESIBABLE FARH OF 235 acres, well located near Bakerstown. Alle gheny county, Pa.; price reasonable; terms easy. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. OCS-44-TUS FOB SALE-FABM 300 ACRES, WELL IM PROVED: will divide to;ad vantage: at sta tion 10 miles from Pittsburg: must be sold to settle estate. ED. WITXI3H, 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg, Pa. ocll-D FOB SALE-FARM AT HAYSVDjLE, ON THE Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chicago Ball way, 10 miles from the city: will exchange for city property or merchandise. A. J. PENTECOST, 114 i Grant street. SC24-3-TTS FOE SALE-GABDEN AND FBU1T FARM, first-class residence Darn, greenhonse. etc; fine selection small fruit, 12 acres rich garden land, adjoining town: sales some 83,600 per year and Increasing fast; price 4,000. C. H. FOLSOM, Lima, O. OC13-30 FOB SALE-A FINE LAYING FARM OF 74 acres In Trumbull CO., O., nearSharon, hay ing a flno sugar camp of 300 trees; good house of 7 rooms, new barn, etc.; convenient to churches, schools, etc.: price 1,500. C. BERINGEB 4 bON, 103 Fourth ave. oc12-82-tts FOB SALE-TO CLOSE UP AN ESTATE-A fine farm of 100 acres, 2 miles from Freeport, West Penn R. B. : farm lays to the east, well wa tered, good fences, an abundance of good fruit, with a brick dwelling of 7 rooms; large hank barn; about 20 acres In good timber, and land underlaid with coal. C. BEB1NGER 4 SOX, 103 Fourth aye. 0C12-82-TTS FOB SALE -FABM OF 297 ACRES IN FAY ETTE county. Pa., 6 miles from Connells ville, 4 miles lrom railroad station: 150 acres cleared, balance in good timber: orchard, excel lent water, etc: brick honse, 10 rooms; new bank Darn ana otner ouiDunoings; win exenange lor city or East End property: price very low. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, a J Wood St- OC12-80 OB SALE-A FABM OF 175 ACBES IN VIR G1N1A, convenient to 'a good town, schools, churches, postotfice. stores, market etc.. In an exceedingly desirable part of the State; soli rich and productive! plenty of timber, good water. etc.; an enterprising northern farmer owns and occupies the adjoining farm; nrlce only 2.500; would exchange In part tor small city or sub urban: one or our firm has been on the farm and can give full particulars. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.. 129 Fourth avenne. Pittsburg. ocl2-84-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOB SALE-A M1LL1NEBY 8TOBE-IN A good locality: estaollsbed In 1878; a bargain. Apply at 1928 CABSON ST.. S. 8. oclO-lOO-na'iU FOE SALE-A GOOD PAYING GENERAL store at a bargain: storeroom and dwelling. For particulars address S. P. FOOBBAUGH, Glencoe, Pa. oc8-3t FOB SALE-GBOCEBY-ONE OFTHE FINEST in tbe State; large cash trade: best location and fresh stock; Invoice (2,400: rare oargaln. C. H. FOLSOM. Lima O. ' ocl2-30 FOB SALE-GOOD OPENING GBOCEBY store in live growing town near citv: trade good and mostly cash. BALTENSPEBGEB 4 WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. oclO-40 FOB SALE-GBOCEBY STOBB ON ONE OF the best streets In Allegheny: owner inter ested in other business and must retire: must be sold soon. Address J. E., Dispatch office. OC12-63 FOB S ALE-DBUGSTOBE, STOCK AND F1X TURE3 at a sacrifice if sold Immediately; proprietor has business calling him away for winter. Address SQUIBBS, Dispatch office. OC9-15-W8 FOR SALE A NO. 1 MILK DAIRY AND good route, with 12 cows, 3 horses, wagons and all necessary articles for the business; near the city aud price low. U BERINGEB 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. oc9-33-w"rhs FOB SALE-A SMALL BAKEBY AND CON FECTIONERY business, with horse, wagon, etc, in the city, on a good business thoroughfare; value about (1.000: a good opening. JAS. W. DBAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC12-S4-D FOBSALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FAM ILY grocery on one of the best thoroughfares in Allegheny: a fine paying business, mostly on a cash basis: this Is one or the most desirable stands lu either city. Particulars from JAS. W. DBAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth asjjjnne, Pittsburg. oel2-86-D FOB SALE-A FINE CONFEC1TONEBY store, centrally located on Fifth aye.; doing a business of 18 to (50 per day: leasehold on store, ice cream parlor aud 4 dwelling rooms, only 30 icr month; stock and fixtures will Invoice about LSOO: will be sold cheap if sold at once. THOS, 1GGETT, 114 Fourth avej oelO-99-uWTSSu FOB SALE-GENERAL STORE-AN OLD established stand, doing a prosperous and paying business in a good railroad town; excel lent farming neighborhood, coal mines, etc; a very desirable business location; stock clean and fresh; reason for selling, continued 111 health ot owner. Particulars from ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood st, Pittsburg. OC12-80 FORSALE-2 FINE BAKERIES AND CON. FECT10NERIES,ln excellent locations, large grocery store In Pittsburg, (9,000 or Invoice, doing yearly business of (100,000; smaller grocery stores, S400 to 5,000; cigar stores, small bakeries, confec tioneries, boarding houses, drygoods and notion stores, feed store, printing ofilce and many other business chances for males or females: free par ticulars. SHEPARD4CO., 54 Fifth ave. oc3 Business Stands. FOR SALE-LIBERTY ST. PROPERTY FOR sale; an A No. 1 location for a produce com mission house. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. OClO-4-Tb8Stt T7AOR SALE-R00O-WYLIE AVE.. 6 ROOMS X' and storeroom: lot 21x139; a bargain. UAL TENSPERGER 4 WILLIAMS, 151 Fourth ave. OCI0-40 FOBSALE-ON FOURTH AVE., ADJOINING the Dollar Bank, lot 45x85 ft : must be sold to settle an estate, W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, No. ) fourth ave. ociz-w-ws 1 TTiOKSALE-COK. ROSS 8TKEJETAND F1BST -i.- avenue, a good oui nought cheap. See w. A, Fourth avenue. IIEliKON ft SO.NS, 80 oclO-96-WS FOB BALE-HOTEL, FUBlSlTUltE AND lease: new brlcx house; furnished nicely; some 60 rooms; fine bar; larfre transient trade; price only f 5, 1)00: rare chance for a hotel man. C. H. FOLSOM, Lima, Ohio. OC12-30 F OK SALE-PENN AVE.. EAST END 11 CS1 NES3 property, between Hiland and Collins aves.; lot 26x145 reel to a street; will be sold at a bargain If sold st once: enhancement certain, SAMUEL W. BLACK.& CO., 891rourth ave. Oc9-9 FOB 8ALE-f7,600-KENT, STM; BUTLEB ST., corner property; two brick houses or 7 rooms and storeroom each: mansard and slate roofs: lot 44x110; the createst barcaln yet offered. For terms and full particulars call on J.R. COOPEB CO., 107 Fourth aye. oclJ-35 FOB 8ALE-THE VALUABLE BUSINESS , property Mo, 1123 Penn avenue, city, between Eleventh aud Twelfth streets, to be sold at Mas ter's sale, by order of the Court of Common Pleas, on next Thursday luornlnc, October 17, at 11 o'clock, on tbe premises: get handbUl or full Dsr S?,laIl t our office. JAS. 8. YOCNU, Master. JAS. VT. DBAPEACO.,129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. OCH-8S-MTTS Mnnnfacturlnir Sites. J?ORSALE-EXCELLENTMANUFACTCBING-A: Bite, near FlTty-fourth street, city, front Iue 800 feet on Allegheny Valley Railroad by SOO reet deep to a street: one of the most ellcible sites In the city "manufacturing purposes; will sell at a bargain on long, easy payments; owner being a non-rei- -DBAPE 4 CO., TS9 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. FOR SALE-BCSINBSB. Mnnnfactnrlns; Sites. , t?oUDALiU(;KLLEN'rAlANflFAfliOJiiN(i JJ site near Fifty-fourth street, city, fronting 300 feet on Allegheny Valley Railroad by 390 feet deep to a street; one of the most eligible sites In tbe city for manufacturing purposes; will sell at a bargain on long, easy payments; owner being a non-resident, wants to sell. Particulars from JAS. W. DKAFE4C0., 129 Fourth &Yenue,PItt8 bnrg. Pa. oc5-67-mtts FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc FOB BALE-SECOND-HAND BAKOOCHE, as good as new. Can be seen at C. WEST & CO.'S, Carriage Makers, 420 Duquesne way, Pitts burg, Pa. ocio-ss FOR SALE-BTOKE POG1S, BT. LAMBERT, A. J. C. C. H. R. heifers, the dams sold have records of 2 pounds 2 ounces butter per day with first calves; chestnut gelding 16 hands, i years, .',100 pounds, can pull buggy 50, can road 12 miles hour, dead game, extra gentle: If trained will trot three or more heats In 1:33 or better, wears no boots or pads, absolutely sound, free from vice or blemish; 3 champion coon dogs, one a still hunter, with record 45 coons last season's hunt: champion rabbit dogs with big records unexcelled; come and see; no letters answered unless stamp Is in closed. H. C. GRAFF, Kensington, O. OCI2-58 niachlnerr and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS XKW and refitted; repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOU NDRV AND It ACHINECO., LIM below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOB SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 slixper, and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks. Shinen valves, castings, etc VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Thirty-second st asd Penn ave. 3t21-91-tts Miscellaneous. FOB 8ALE-GBEAT SACRIFICE OF PIC TURES, odd pieces or furnltuie, etc; auc tion sale Thursday, October 10, aud Saturday, Oc tober 12, at7 p. li., at 55 Ohio St.. Allegheny. ROBINSON 4 CO.. Auctioneers. odO-D-Tlig TO LET. City Residences. TO LET-CHEAP-A NEW:BBICK HOUSE: 8 rooms: lsqr. irom Fifth avenue: only a few minutes waif from P. O.; 27 per mo. W. A. HEBRON 4 SON S, 80 Fourth ave. ocS-45-TTS TO LET BRICK DWELLING, C BOOMS, front and rear halls and stairway,, natural 5 as, bath; 4 minutes to cable cars; 20 per month. OHN ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave. OC5-94-TT8 East End Residences. LET HOUSE OP 14 BOOMS. STABLE Ta and outbuUdlnsrs: large grounds: on Negley avenue near Penn avenue cable cars. Inquire of jittNKY ku ufcitTa, at Oliver anoDerts wire Co., Southsldc sei9-10 TO LET-VEBY CHEAP TO GOOD TENANT until April I next Bates st, Oakland, 8 roomed residence. Inside shutters, and all modern conveniences; very large grounds. JJLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 0CI2-47 Alleaheny Residences. TO LET-ON BOYLE BT., ALLEGHENY, brick house 3 rooms at (9 per month. ALEX ANDER &LEK, 313 Wood St. 0(12-60 TO LET-SMALL HOUSE, 4 BOOMS, FOURTH ward, Allegheny. One or 2 rooms. Sixth ward, AUegheny. W. J.PBEXT1CE, 10C9 Liberty st ocl2-78 Suburban Residences. mo LETT NEW HOUSE, 6 BOOMS, BET.L& JL VUZC. N. W. SHAFEB, 93 Diamond st OC12-33 TO LET-BELLEVUE, P., FT. W. 4 O. B. B., elegant residence, 14 rooms, complete In every respect; large lot fruit and shade trees. SAMUEL W . BLACK 4 CO. , 99 Fourth ave. - OC12-8-MWTS ADartments. TO LET-3 ROOMS ON FIB3T FLOOR 117BUSH ST., Allegheny: water in kitchen; marble mantels, etc.: rent (11. OC12-70 TO LET THREE ROOMS ON 8MITHPIELD St., near postofflce, to a small family. In quire at 614 SMITH FIELD ST. oclJ-67 rTW LET A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED Jt large iront parlor ror one or two gentlemen rent very reasonable to right party. 43 THIRD AVI. OC12-3Z Business Stands. rpo LET-A BRICK STORE AND DWELLING X. la Mansfield, on Main st; a good location for drygoods, notions, etc.; rent low to a good tenant. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave, OCl0-4-ThSSU TO LET-WAREHOUSE, NEW,6-STOBY AND cellar, 40x80; power elevator: convenient to Market st.: first class for any wholesale business. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. ocS-99-liTTS Offices. Desk Room. tf;c TOLET-INSTANDARDBUILDING LARGE and well lighted offices, cheap; Wood, near Sixth avenue. . A. HEREON 4 SONS'80 Fourth avenue, oc5-45-tts TO LET-THBEE LABGE CONNECTING rooms suitable for club rooms or offices, cor. Ohio and East Diamond sts.. Opposite Carnegie Free Library and Market House, AUegheny. In quire of F. P. THOMAS, 55 Ohio st OC12-69 TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 apd 79 Diamond street two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent (200and 300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. M. and 1 r. M., or between 2 and 4 P. M. Jy23-67 PERSONAL.. PERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTEB DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 Smith field street: fresh oysters received dally; orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMERLE, Mgr. sal.92-P -0ERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKSI BOOKSI JL7 New and old, ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30, 000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. 900 Liberty st au3-93 "PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY BE- TUBNED: recently thev had not been on the best or terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to icuuvaiu uis wearing apparej. ana wnicn, oi course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 63 Fifth ave, corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1558. auSO LOST. LOST-DOG-ON BIDGE AVE- ALLEGHENY; a small Yorkshire temer answering to name of Rag. Reward offered IT left at 24 LINCOLN AVE., Allegheny. OC12-98 LOST-ON THUBSDAY, E1THEB ON FED EBAL st, Allegheny, or Sixth St.. Pitts., a bunch of keys; the finder wlU be liberally re warded by returning same to AUFBECHTS ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pg. OC12-I5 LOST-FRIDAY AFTERNOON. EITHER BE TWEEN Atwood St.. and Oakland ward school or on Oakland ave. : baby afgbsn, light tan color, trimmed In lace: a suitable reward will be given ir left at DOCTOR M. W. EVEBSON'S.No. 3608 Fifth ave.. Oakland. ocl2-76 FOUND. FOUND-SICK, WEAK, NERVOUS MEN AND women permanently cured by tbegreafTa-Va-Zoa Remedies;" read the miraculous cures lu " Herald of Health:" call or send two stamps. DR. ORIFFI ru DBUG CO., 301 to 307 Grant, cor. Third ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. ocl2-23 RESORTS. THOMASVILLE, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December 4. 18S9. M. A. BOWER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, etc., address WM. E. DAVIES. Manager, Thotnasville, Ga., or F. A. BUDLONG, WindsorHoteL N.Y.City. OC12-87-TTS PROPOSALS. Office of Countt Controller, i PrrrsBtnio, October 1L 1889. ( QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE BE j5 CE1VED at this office until 4 o'clock P. K. THURSDAY, October 17,1389, for wideniun and extending approaches to bridgo over Char tiers creek at McCabes. Bids to be by the lump sum for work complete. Work to be completed on or before December 1, 1SS9. Specifications can be seen at the office of the County Engi neer after MONDAY, October M, 1889. Bidders should visit site before blddlntr. JOSIAH SPEEB, ocl2-33 County Controller. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by tbe nnderslcned, at the Mer chants and Manufacturers' Bank, at Detroit, illchu, until OCTOBER 20, 1889, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purchase of 150,000 of the Baraga Graphite Mining Company's 6 per cent first mortgage coupon bonds, in sums of $500 and npward, reserving the right to refect any or all bids. The property consists of 8S0 acres of land in Baraja county, Mich., with a vein of graphite or black lead 170 feet In thickness now worklne, and a personal guarantee given by a good party if required. Further information given on inquiring of Fred Carlisle, 61 Campan Building. Detroit, Mich. F- CARLISLE & CO. OC12-21 p A. BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 134L. seo-38-TTS mHE PnTSBUKePHOTO-ENGRAVIN G COM JL PANY.lncorporatedlS!a.DlSPATCHBUILlJ 1NG. "5, 77 and 79 Diamond St. Engravings of buildings, machinery, portraits, cuts for csta lognes, etc I reproductions of pen and Ink draw ings, ivood cut prints, manuscripts, etc. ; print ing, binding, blank boots, etc. se4-42-ws Trl PT 17 9 1 1UGI7S in and ou -tHit'-IIIYLE JiAliUXia bura-UtherJbitct of an interesting t..ursica ornate m tomorrow ACCTI9M HALBB. MASTERS.-SALE. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ISO. 1, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTT. JANKM.RAM8BY VS-i- WILLIAM J. MOYER. Et ux. et a.; No. 620 June Term, lSeSJn equity. By authority of. an order of tbe Court, sade (September 19, 1869, In the above entitled ease, I will expose tbe following described real estate for sale at public auction to the bichest bidder, viz: OiMOnuay,oSi8rlil889, At 10 o'clock a. M., on the premises, that cer tain lot situate in the City of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, on the west tide of East Diamond st, begtnrilfig at a point 120 feet south of South Diamond st. and extending; southwardly along said Ease Diamond St. 33 feet, thence westwardly.at right angles with said street and preserving even width 55 feet, having thereon erected two two story briclrdwelllne houses. At 10:15 o'clock A. K., ot the same day, on the premises, all that certain lot of ground situate in the Fourth ward of the city of Allegheny, county and State aforesaid, on the east side of Pioe alley, beginning at a point 100 feet south of South Diamond st and extending south wardly along said alley 20 feet, thence at right angles with said alley eastward!;, preservin even width, 55 feet, having thereon erected one two-story and basement brick dwelling house. At 10:30 o'clock A. v. of the same day and at last mentioned. place, to wit. Pine alley, near South Diamond street; all that certain lot situ ate in Reserve township, county and State aforesaid, consisting of 5 acres and 30 perches, being purpart No. 3 m the plan of partition at saldnumber and term, and bounded and de scribed as .follows, to wit; Beginning at a point on the public road at he southeastern corner o lot owned by Mrs, Ford, distant 256.77 feet east wards from the line ol land of Swindell, thence northwardly along the line of land ot Mrs. Ford 1,017.16 feet to the line of land of William Haztett, thence north 87 3a east 220.88 feet to line of land of Mrs. Cahill, thence southwardly along the line of same 1,009.26 feet to the publln road, thence along tbe line of same south 76 iy west 225.39 feet to the place of beginning. Terms of Sale 10 per cent at time of sale, one-half on delivery of deed and the balance In one year, secured by first bond and mortgage, with interest payablo semi-annually, and with 30-day scire facias clause, or cash, at the option of the purchaser. A. J. BARTON. Master, Cor. Fifth ave. and Grant st, Pittsburg, Pa. J. 1L CALDWELL. JOSEPH P. SPLANE, Attorneys, 83 Diamond St., Pittsburg; Pa. seZl-I-a ASSIGNEES' SALE. AT AUCTION J. H. BORLAND, Auctioneer. Important to the public. The stock of a large drygoods importing honse, over ,150,000 worth of foreign and domestic drygoods, car pets, rugs, druggets, eta, etc, by auction, at J. H. BORLAND'S Large and Spacious Commission Rooms, NOS. 723 and 725 LIBERTY STREET, at the head of Wood street, opposite the Ar buckle block, commencing MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1B89. Sales will commence dally at 10 A. v., p. st and. 720 7. If., and continue from day to day until the entire stock. Is disposed of, and. in quantities to shit the purchaser. ContetBg;pf English, French and German Cloths and Cas slmeres. Beavers and Fine Overcoatings, Ladies and Children's Fine Fancy Cloakings, Broche, India Kashmyr, Real Camels' Hair, French and American Velvet Reversible and other fashionable and desirable Shawls. Tambour, Brussels, Nottingham, Madras and Antiuno Lace Curtains, Portieres, etc etc. DRESS GOODS In great variety, such as Black and Colored Silks, Satins and Satin Rhadaraas, Figured and Striped Brocades, etc., of the latest designs and patterns. Black and Colored Henrietta Cloths and Cashmeres, "finest imported," all-wool Fancy Plaids, Tricots, Serges, Combination Suits, Fine Silk Plush Suitings of the latest designs in Suits- or by the yard, Velvets and Velveteens. Irish, Scotch, German and French Linens of every description. Prints, Ging hams, Chambrays, eta. Bleached and Un bleached Cottons from one to three yards wide, a large assortment of Ladles. Gents and Chil dren's Hosiery, Underwear, etc. English and American Blankets "of the finest makes." Flannels, Marseilles, French Reversibles, Turkish and other Choice Quilts, together with a large and elegant assortment of Carpets, Turkish, Oriental, Smyrna, Crossley's Velvet and other rich and rare Ruga, Druggets, eta, eta, with an immense variety of other goods too numerous to mention. This is without exception the largest sale of Fine Drygoods, Carpets and Rngs ever offered in Pittsburg, and is well worthy the attention of the public generally. Tbe entire stock must be sold regardless of cost or price in order to make a prompt settlement with the creditors. All goods sold at this sale positively guar anteed and warranted as represented. Special accommodations provided for ladies. oclO-31 BRUCE & SHIELDS, Attorneys at Law, Cor. Fifth Ave. and Grant St. MASTER'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL estate. No. 1123 Penn avenue. In the Court of Common Pleas No. 2, of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, sitting in equity, at No. 209 October Term, 1B87. Robert W, Wright vs David Garrett, trustee et al, to the highest and best bidder, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. '89, at U o'clock A. it, all that certain piece of real estate of Robert Wright, deceased, late of the city of Pittsburg, in Allegheny county, situate in the Ninth ward of said city, fronting on Penn avenne, and beginning at a point two hun dred and sixteen (216) feet west of Twelfth street, running thence parallel with Twelfth street, one hundred (100) leet to Mulberry alley; thence along said alley twenty-four (24j feet to lot or property nf James Mcclain, and now of Margaret McClain and Isabella W. Meeds; thence along said lot or property oue hundred (1U0) feet to Penu avenue; thence aiong Baia street twenty-iour (i'4) leet to the place of beginning being the same which John Wright et ux by deed dated 24th March, 1819, as recorded in tbe Recorder's office of said county, in deed book, vol. 93. page 95. granted and con veyed to tbe said Robert Wright; see also deed of Robert Wright with Susan, alias Susannah H. Wright, bis wife, to David Garrett, dated the 21st day of December, 1251, as recorded in said Recorder's office, in deed book, voL 118, page23L TERMS OF SALE One-third or one-half In cash on delivery of deed; and the balance in two equal annual payments, to be evidenced by common bond, secured by tight morteace on the premises, with Interest semi-annually, or all cash on delivery of deed. 10 per cent of purcnase money to do paia a own on uay oi sale. JAS. 8. YO UNO, Master. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, OCI2-100-D 129 Fourth avenne. Pittsburg. LEGAL NOTICES. Wm. Ross, executor, eta, et al, 1 No. 2, Sep vs StemberTerm, Elizabeth Donneil, et al. U889. 310 WM. ROSS, EXECUTOR, ETCL, Joseph Donnell. John Donnell, Thomas onnell of John, John Montgomery and: Mary A-, his wife. Asa Derrick and Eliza P., his wile. Thomas" Donnell of William, James Donnell, Joseph Donnell of William, Peter Ward and Martha H., bH 'wife, Henry Donnell, Minnie M. Donnell, Margaret It. Donnell and Margaret Donnell: You are hereby notified that the writ breve de partitlone lacienda has issued in the above case, and that the inquisition will be held on the 19th day of November. 1889, at ll'o'ciock A. ST., upon the premises situate in Fawn town ship, Allegheny county. Pennsylvania: begin ning at a white oak, thence N. 2U W. 2C0 perches to a post; thence N. 87V E. 2U) perches to a post; thence 8.2E.200 perches to a white oak: thence S. 87 W. 200 perches to the place of beginning; and that said Inquisition is returnable on the 28d day of November, 1869. ALEX.a.McCANDLESS, Sheriff. OC12-57-S CI MALL EXPENSES-SMALL PROFITS. lO Friend, if you want a flno gold wateh go to Fourth. ave.;mtee Is good yet. Itwasafet w years. ago at vrj-Lisuivs. feuna aye.. I n ..inii.j x-ia-Btmrfr.' m ateo, asms; asa je' ryrapgjihit; fj 'V-fKEALBSTATK. REAL' ESTATE -m- BOOMING ' -AT- COCBRAN STAHOl "ST ' d . '-: The greatest tedaeegaeattteftK mmmmt permanency or speculattea yet oSereo. Because tbe PATTERSON Pill OF LOTS? -AT- . ' " COCHRAN STATION OntheMoBOBfakeJa DirieJes, P. K. situated that they are easy of xeese hour in the day) to three or fear of the mannfacturteg works la AHefcey and they . CAN BE BOUGHT ON FAIR 5-Good chaace for steady work) Howard. Plate Ghvss Works. Aflojhoui'l mer Steel Works asd DaqaesM ' J. R. WYLIE AGENT, DTJQTJBBNE, PjU, Or No. S Wood street, AXDSaUB5 GRAND OPERA HOCSB E.D.WTLT Lessee ami SEW W88K. Six nieats. Wednesday asd Sal Annual engagement of then ' RUDOLPH .ARONSCt COMIC OPERA COMFAMY. Presenting the First Operatic Vouif-at Season. THE -:- BRIGANDS; As presented attkeNewYoekl : .raperzeraaacesaaafweeui The original east, inetadtaf; 1 js auny xuce, xsaoeu urqswui, ard Carroll. Max .Lube. Henry : Hallam, A. W. Tarns and others. uon oi tne opera nnaersM on MAX 'FREEMAN. HusmsJ GU STAYS K.KKK-EK. SEATS NOW ONS iet'ctretsLi Prices Parquet; S Sfc Parwet I $1: Dress Clrele. Tee, 58c; GaUery, ate, - EXPOSITIONS EVERYBODY'S DAY." ' ONLY ONE-MORE OF THE GREAT SHOW. HEAR THE FAMOBS THIRTEENTHS OC12 jlTRS. JENNESS MILLER, THE LOVELY DRESS : ADVOCATE, Will deliver another leetara- OLD CITYllALL, Market Street ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBE Seats now on sale at Hamilton's mnsie Fifth avenue, city. oeJi-S-n pRAND OPERA HOUSE-TO-MGHT. HELEN BARRY, bv SBeetel l A WOMAN'S Sf RATAOES qeK. , z October Hth,Rudolph Arossea Cfis4e I Company in "The BngaBdev" oat TliIJOU THEATER. MATINEE TO-DAY. HARRY LACY asd the . STILL ALAls;l uci. 'ii j. ju, jtuus Arosuue case i 0C7-23-W3 ARRIS' THEATER EVERY NOON and eventee. WILBUR OPERA CO. With SUSIE KDSWlirJ Saturday Matinee "Jf ANON. a nlcM "PRINCES OF TREBIZONDE." V week October M SHE. TTARR WILLIAMS' ACADBKX : To-night, Matinees Tuesday, oasaraay, t GU 8 HILL'S WORLD OF NOVELTIES. w ORLD'S MUSEUM- ALLEGHENY CITY This wee. Oct T. 4 - RUSJS.1'ili!; WILD Q11U. Oct. 14- The Great World's Circa. osMIl EDUCATIONAL. CURRY UNIVERSITY SIXTH STREET, PITTS8UJI.V? 1,117 i'UDlUN'l LABX XKAK. Classical, sciestiac. Ladles' Semteary. ; Musical, Elocutionary. Business Ce Shorthand departments. Send for new logue. correspondence with young 1 slrlntr a better edncatlon regMitfB.fi JAMES CLARK WILT.TAMB, A. 1 JJ..J-W....O. a-$i FTTSBURG ART SCHOOL, BSKAi TJHHBD 1864. offers advantages tit thorough Academic Setwoit Art, com Dined wits prtvM. traction: each nat ioint direction of G zex (uusseiaorc Aeaaeayj, w. Deatry (Musies. Students who cannot a wtt enter for limited 1 days a week. For prospectus address ,' ; JU-fcUN W. ISfcATXX, n au3BK-Tu8 413 wood street. SIXTH AVENUE'DYE WORXsS M. MY SONS & m HiiuM iiitta anu shajuj And eeneral renovators of texltta dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded 1 neatly cleaned or restored is celer. of every description carefully attended 1 M. MAY SONS & jeU-TTS 56 SIXTH AVE.. WALTEBJ.OSBOTJBirE. HKRABB T ARROWS 4 OSBOURNE JJ . JOB PRINTERS. Telephone No. 812. P iTANOti, ORGANS. .AJK .-. fI UTJf ?S.5m, . oeMstSfe.. His iMf a.etvNHK CS Piwsfcwmfl vrmg rvntl-jn0-. xusrAZCH. .-.3. t - viv "t . .- Zf .iJiai,. .r,v.-eS--i