MB pjB r'&v fj ViV i v jteT 5t(p f ,l LOCAL LIYE STtJCK. Shippers Are Kow Complaining of Lack of Transportation FfiOM PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY, TVljicli is Boosting Buffalo at the Lxpense of Pittslnre. "WEEFS WORK AT TIIE LIBERTY TARES Office of Prrrsntmo dispatch. J Thursday, October M. ISKm There is of late a good deal of growling on the part of live stock shippers in the territory known as the Middle division, be tween Crestline and Ft. 'Wayne, against the railroad management of the Pennsylvania Company lines. The grievances were thus put by a Liberty stockman in an interview this morning : "I know a number of shippers through the territory west of Crestline who last week brought their stock to stations along the Pennsylvania Railroad lines, and being un able to secure transportation, were forced to take the stock borne or send it on to Buffalo instead of East Liberty. These shippers bad sent in their orders several days ahead. On complaint being made to Mr. Clarke, of Ft. "Wayne, whose business it is to look after transportation on the Middle division, lie said he could not furnish the cars, and it was uncertain when he could. Up to date there has been no live stock received at East Liberty from the section referred to," The Cnrs Were There. The gentleman who gives this information also states that be traveled on those same rail road lines within a day or two and saw empty live stock cars in the Bucyrus and Crestline yards, and anj number of the same kind of cars traveling Westward bearing coke, iron, etc. Another stockman reported that he started with some live stock from Mansfield at 9 p. M. Tuesday last for East Liberty, ducat Alliance at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning. Ho arrived there about two hours behind time. On top of this delay came another of three hours a short distance Irom Allegheny, where his stock was sidetracked for a Western tram to bo made up, when the latter should have been sided and permitted the cattle cars to go on to their destination without further deten tion. The result was that the live stock reached East Liberty seven hours behind the time they should have reached it. Said the gentleman quoted abore: -There is no difficulty petting stock from Chi-' caco or Indianapolis promptly through to East Liberty, but little attention seems to be given by Pennsylvania lines to local shipment",which I bad always supposed paid the company best There is general complaint of late by shippers concerning detention of local stock, and par ticularly acainst the managemei ot lines be tween Ciestline and Fort aync If the Penn sylvania Company don't want this trade stock- men would be pleased to hae notice served to that effect so we can ait accordingly. Buffalo is receivirg trade of late winch belongs to Pittsburg, and which we would undountedly have if the proper facilities were furnished by tbe railroad system tbat centers here." Week' Work at Liberty Yards. It will be seen from report of the week's work, as given below, that the receipts and sales of cattle for the local trade were unusual ly large. Weighmaster Dunkeld reports that he has weighed more cattle this week than for any one week tor the pat five or six years. A rather strange coincidence, as shown by our re port, is that the receipts ot sheep this w eek and last are identically the same. Hogs and bog products are weakening. Re reipis at Chicago to-dav were 22,000 bead. From the present outlook October's receipts will exceed those of last October by 100.000 to 150,000 head. It is estimated that Octobers re ceipts there will reach 600.000 head, aua No vember co 200,009 better. If this is not an over estimate hogs must go still lower. The outside price at Chicago this morning was SI 30. Following i the report of transactions at Libert) yards for the week past: KECEIPTS. HOGS. 1 E1IEEP Thro'. I Local. Thursday ...... r-riday . Mturday. fcunday Monday . Tuebday A eduesday ... T00 420 SvSO 53)1 10 60 6,300, 4,300 ICi1 s,ao 330 2.640 2.640 1.870 1,540 S 1.760 6.WS 4,3)0 1.175 3,53' 430 31 10 Total Last week., 3.3S0 3.610 a, soo 13,3X1 4.520 2,830 S.590 IS, M0 Thursday ...... Friday baturday. Monday. Tuesday Wednesday.... Total Last week. ... 4 2.491 2.236 SS 1. 123 S10 4,203 8,246 1.&SS 1,63 1,819 610 5 IS 2,663 895 3,606 13,4Gb 6.CS0 2.931 IL7I2 10,716 By Tclccrnph. CHICAGO The Drovers'' Journal reports: Cattle Receipts. 19.500 head: shipments, 4,500 head: market steady for choice: others 104315c lower: choice to extra beeves, $4 00"i 00:stecr S3 0C4 40; stockers and feeders. $1 G52 SO cows, bulls and mixed, Jl 002 Ml: Texas cattle. El 2i2 90; Western rangers, $1 753 50. Hog! Receipts, 20,0u0 head: shipments, 8,500 head; market steadv to strong; mixed. 4 004 40 heavy. J3 904 35; light, 3 934 45; skips. S3 00 4 la Sheep Receipts, 11,000 head; shipments. 4.000 head; market low and closing lOffiloc loner; natives. $3 60o 00: Western. J3 504 15; Texans. S3 001 25; lambs lower at S4 50S5 75. New York Beeves Receipts, 11 carloads xo bt sold and 22 carloads for exportation alive no -admg in beeves: dull for dresd beef at Kc per pound for native, 4U5Kc for Texas and ranee stock. Calves Receipts, 500 head: dull market and not all sold; veals went at SKRc per pound: grassers and Western calves at 2g4c, bhecp Receipts, 6.400 head; dull and lower; extremes for sheep, S4 005 50 per 100 pounds Hogs Receipts, 4,300 head: about steadv for live hogs at f4 505 00 per 100 pounds. Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 7,000 head; shipments, none; market steady and 510c lower; common to choice cornfed, S3 004 40 stockers and feeders. SI 603 10: cows. SI SO 2 40: grassers. SI 502 60. Hoes Receipts. 5,400 head; shipments, none; market 510c higher good to choice light. S3 931 10; heavy and mixed, S3 904 00. Sheep Receipts, 400 head; shipments, none: market strong; good to choice muttons, S3 S54 30; stockers and feed ers. 2 0563 3a ST. Locis Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; ship ments, none; market steady; choice heavy native steers, J4 004 50; fair to good, do 53 34 00: stockers .rnd feeders. SI 752 60: range steers, S2 103 5a Hogs Receipts, L500 bead; shipments, none ; market strong; fair to choice heavy, 3 S04 15; packing grades, S3 70g4 10; lnht, fair to best, 54 004 25. Sheep Receipts, 500 head; ship ments, none; market steady: fair to choice. BAinMOEE Beef cattle Market only fair, quality better, values unchanged: best beeves, 44Jc; generally rated first qnalitv, 83J4c; medium, 3Jjfc; ordinary. 2j2c; Jtnnst of the sales were Irom 2S'4Jc; receipts. 8.tf6 head; sales, 1,251 bead. The arrivals of sheep and Iambs were 1,707 head; sheep, S& ic Iambs, 4g6c- Buffalo Cattle slow and irregular: re ceipts, 49 car loads through: 1 sale. Hogs slow and unchanged; receipts, 25 car loads through; IS sale. Dry Goods New Yoke, October ia The condition or tho drygoods market and trade was of a sat isfactory character. Business with jobbers was very fair, and large orders were placed on new fabrics Tor next season. Stocks at the hands of both agents and jobbers are unusu ally low for this period, though in some direc tions there seems to be a fair supply. The inar- XC was unouauuu anu bieauy. . l'LEKTT OF WATIK. Bnpt. Stengel, .of the Mononcnbcla Water Companv, Talks Bnck. Superintendent Stengel, of the Jlononga hcla "Water Works, says there is plenty ol water on tbe Sonthside, and he is not afraid of damage suits. At the Oliver fire the men had nine streams playing on the build ing, and tbe boys told him there was plenty of water. The place wasso full of oil and grease that it was impossible to put it out in a few minutes. He says the reservoir gate is kept open and the pings are fnll of water. To-Dnx You Can Buy a genuine kersey overcoat, any sire, for $13; sold everywhere else at 525. -ru. u. u., cor. Urant ana xii&mona els., cppTTthe new Court House. MAEKETS BY WIRE. Bnlll.h Feeling in tbe Whent Pit, With Gains All Itcnnd at I ho Close Corn and Onts stronger Pork Quiet. Chicago Trading in wheat was very exten sive to-day, and a decidedly bullish feeling pre vailed. Yesterday's big buying -by prominent local shorts started the market, and to-day's Influences started a further sharp appreciation in values. A large trader sola quite freely. The view taken by some of the traders is that tho short interest is accountable for the sudden turu, while others predict an era of active speculation and still higher prices. To-day's movement did not have the appearance of a strained market The opening was KKC higher than yesterdaj's closing, ruled a trifle easier thereafter, prices receding about c. This movement was followed by a steady ad vance of llj$c and the clo-due wasjc higher for December ana Hc bicher as for May than yesterday. A rumor that the Government crop report would show a further shortage of some 20,000 000 bushels no doubt was one of the prin cipal influences which care lmnetus to the ad vance of to-day. The liberal export clearance bad a decidedly strengthening effect. A good trade was reported in corn, and the feeling was firm and trading was at higher prices. The better tone and advance was at tributed to covering by December and May shorts, as .also the strongest feeling in wheat. The volume of business was quite large, espe cially in May, which ruled firm on good baling by a large local speculator and one or two com mission houses. Offerings of the near futures were quite li:ht at times, but there was some changing of October to May at 2c premium for the latter month. The market opened Arm at yesterday's closing prices, and under a good local demand advanced 4c, became quiet but firm, and closed c higher than yeiter da. There was less doing in oats to-day, but a stronger feeling was developed and prices re acted Wc from the recent break under a good demand to cover shorts. One prominent opera tor covered a large line. Tho cash .end of the market shared in the strength shown by May. Provision traders obtained a ltttle rest to day from the October pork deal. A few lots of new pork, tendered on October contracts, were refused to-day and sold out at auction at S10 47K10 SO. The straight October delivery closed nominally at $10 So. In the general product trade the leading f catnre was increased activity. January pork sustained an advance of 5c and October and January short ribs of 2c. November short ribs were unchanged. Fur January, the favor ite month, pork sold at 9 Sl43) 45, lard at J5y05 97 and short ribs at $4 54 77$. Cash buyers made rather email purchases. Shipping and exporters were under an average. Theleading ruturcs ranged as follows- Wheat-No. i Octoher, 81M&v81 82c; December. SlSuftS3wS4c: j ear. o& S3HieW0e31c; K4a Denember. 30?f 31K305i3Ic: May. &533tf33033ic. OATS No. "A October. 18?f$19lffiIJ18&c; November, lSlgllic; December. mWHWW3XH May, 21J21 C. 8 37. Lard, per 100 fis. October, J6 10: Novem ber, S6 00o 005 955 95: year, $5 92U; Jan uary, 5 2K5 Uo5 9065 90. Short Ribs, per 100 2s. October, So OTK 5 10; November. S4 854 85; January, 7i 77KQ4 75614 77K- Casn quotations were as follows: Flour in fair local demand and firm. No. 2 spring wheat, 8-eS2c: No. 3 spring waeat. 68 G9c: No. 2 red, 8ftfS2Jc. No. 2 corn. 31c. IS a 2 oats, 18c Na 2 rye. 41Wc for October. No. 2 barlev, blc No. 1 flaxseed. SI 2a. Prime timothy seed, $1 2a Mess pork, per bbk $10 45 610 5a Lard, perlOOnounds, S6 20g6 25. Short ribs sides (loose), So 255 3a Dry salted shoulders (boxed), M254 50: short clear sides (boxed), So o7o 50. Sugars, cut, loaf, 8Kc: granulated, TJt; standard "A," TJSo. Receipts Wheat. 107.000 bushels: corn. 213.000 bushels; oats, 249,000 bushels; rye, 15,000 bushels; barley, 143,000 bushels. Shipments wheat, 20.000 bush els: com. 266,000 bu-hels; oats, 135,000 bushels; rje, 8,000 bushels; birley, 85,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-dav the butter market was tame; creamery, 1623c: dairy, 13g20c Eggs very firm, fresh, 1819c. New Yoke Flour stronger; export demand less active, home demand eood. Wheat Spot moderately active and Klc higher; options unusually active under Wall street buying and large orders from f ore-gn houses, besides fuil local buying; prices are JX?4.c higher and strong. Barley dull. Barlev malt quiet Corn Spot less active and strontrer: options fairly active and strong. Oats Spot fairly active and stead: options firm and quiet. Hay firm and in fair demand. Hops weak and quiet. CoSee Options opened steady nnd unchanged to 5 points down, closed steadv. 54815 points nn: nalcs 42, 000 baps, IncIndincOctober. 15.004SJ5.10c; November. 11 9o15.05c; December. 14.9515.05c; February, 14.95c: March. 14 9015.10i-: -May, 14.90 15.10c; June. 14.90c; Julj, 14.to145c: Septem ber. H65!4.70c; spot Rio firm and quiet; fair cargoes, WXc. Sugar Raw nriminal; fair re fininc. 5J&5Kc; centrifugals, 96 test, 6J6ic; refined steady and in fair demand. Molasses New Orleans quiet. Rice firm and quiet Cot tonseed oil steady and quiet. Tallow stronger; city (S2 Tor packages!, 4c Rosin quiet and firm. Turpentine dull and firm at 4T48Xc Eggs dull and lower; western, 20c; receipts, 7,821 packages. Pork lower; mess. S12 0012 50; extra prime, S10 25310 50. CutmeaU quiet ami Arm: pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7c; pickled shoulders, 4Vilc; pickled hams, 9J lOJc. Middles steady; short clear, J5 75. Lard easier and quiet; sales western steam at S6 70 6 75, cloine at S6 70; October, S3 616 62, clos ing at SO 60 bid: November, 56 43; December, SO 316 35. closing at S6 31 asked: January, 55 326 35. closinc at $6 32 asked; February, 56 37 asked: March, SO 42 asked. Butter quiet and easy; Elgin. 2525)c: western dairy. 9 14c; do creamerv. 1224c; do held at 1220e: do factorv. 713c Cheese quiet and steady: western, 910a PniLADELPHiA'-Flour Demand moderate and prices steadily held. Wheat firm and higher; No. 2 red October, S3KS4c; No- vember.S4K84Ke:Dece tuber. b5e&ifc; Janu ary. t6?s6c. Corn quiet; No. 2 mixed in grain depot, 40Jc; No. Shich mixed on track, 41$c: No. 2 mixed October, 4040ic; Novem- .n. Oo3njnx.. TtA..,..k.. miAiw.. t. "" STSfsss.?' i'-Ii"'":, -""XjiawaMc; Jan uary, 3Sa,39&c. Oats Carlots steady; No. 3 white, 2bXc: No. 2 white, in Twentieth street elevator, 28c: do in grain depot, 2SJc; do choice, 2S?29c; futures quiet, but steady: No. 2 white, October, 272Sc: November. 2S2sKc; December. 2&2ic; January. 2SJi29Jic. Eggs Bteady; Pennsylvania firsts, 23c MlLWAtTKEE Flour steady. Wheat firm; cash, 74jc: December, 76c: No. 1 Northern S2c. Com quiet: No. 3. 31c. Oats dull; No. 2 whfte, 21K22c. Rye quiet; No.L 43Jic Barley easier; No. 2, October, 55Vc Provisions Arm. Pork, $10 25. Lard, S6 15. Cheese unchanged. Toledo Cloverseed active and lower: cash S3 72; NovemberS3 75; March, S4 Ott A MUKDEUEK CAUGflT BEEE. Chas. Sannden Who ia Wanted for BInrder In Hnsreratovrn. Chief Kirschler and Detective Glenn yes terday arrested Chas. Saunders, alias Henry Hentzelman, who is wanted for murder in Hagerstown. He was working as a hod car rier on the Westinghouse building at Wil merding. Last April the Chief was fur nished a description of the iellow and he declared he had seen him on the street, but Saunders had skipped. He was finally traced to Wilmerding. Saunders admitted he was the man, and that about a year ago his victim, named Harr, insulted him in a parade, during the day. They met again in the evening, quar reled ovpr it and he struck Harr with a stone killing him. His wife and two chil dren joined him abont two months ago. ASSESSING THE DAMAGES. Tbe Board of Viewers Hill Start on Dia mond Street nt Once. Yesterday afternoon District Attornev Jloreland notified the Board of Viewers by letter to proceed with the work of ascertain ing the cost, expense and damage, and at sessing the benefits arising from widening Diamond street, from Smithfield street to the Market square. Colonel Alien stated they wonld begin the work at once, and it involved abont 8500,000. Various claims have been made by property holders, and the Colonel says it will be hard to satisfy them. He favored the widening. Some butchers claim $10,000 damages for the loss of stands, but the Colonel states tbat the actual worth and not their trade will only be considered. Cnllloe Him Off. B. F. Stejrart, the colored man who en tered snit some months ago against Alder man Porter, has received a letter .signed "Influence, asking him to let up on the case. Alderman Porter says he can't un derstand it, and doesn't know anything about it. The vade-mecum of traveling men Dr. Bull's cough syrup. Price 25 cents. TPt a TTWTrvrtjr fir. "Ttt.q a nv'a Tn PK lbeer grows in favor every day. 'PJb 1196. J .v. 2 4 THE CHEER FROM ABROAD, 1 Former Tiltsburger Gives the Good Old City a Friendly Boost. HE IS SURPRISED AT ITS GROWTH. An Iron Broker Speaks a Word of Caution to Busy Manufacturers. BOW A T0UNG MAN SECURED A HOME The following communication needs no comment. It tells its own story: Philadelphia, October 9. To the Financial Editor of the Dispatch: As an old Pittsburger, having been born and raised there, I am glad to see, from the reports in The Dispatch, that the city ir crowing. I always thought it had a great future before it, and now I know It. When I was a boy the suburbs were either open fields or covered with timber. Now I am Informed they are covered with One houses and are thickly populated. Years ago I was told that the city was finished and ready to be fenced in. The men who held this opinion, it they are living, have certainly changed their minds. The rapid growth of the city, as I understand it, is marvelous, and is at tracting attention here and in other Eastern cities. PittAburg real estate is talked of almost as much as stocks and bonds, ana lam informed that a great deal of Philadelphia capital will be invested in it next year. Let the good work go on. A city that builds 4,000 bouses a year cannot be kept in tho back ground. With natural gas and other advant ages for manufacturing, I can see no limit to the growth of business and population. Local enterprise will expand and outside capital be drawn In until the good old town will occupy the same position in tbe manufacturing world that New York does In tbe financial. lam proud of my native place. It was a great thing to be a Roman citizen. It is a greater one to be identified in any proper way with the great cityofPittsDurg. A Fobmeb Citizen. w Increased and increasing activity is the great feature of the iron trade this week. At tho meeting of manufacturers in New York a few days ago structural material was advanced $6 a ton. Bessemer pig is now quoted at 21 75 to $22 5a Other brands of pig havo moved up pro portionately. Rails are firm at S32 to $33, an ad vance of about SS a ton within a short time. The mills are all pushed to their utmost cap acity. The only drawback is the occasional failure or shortage in tbe natural gas supply. With all tbe orders ahead tbat can be filled in the time specified, and others coming in for later deliveries, it is a bad time to run short of fuel, a steady supply of which should be pro vided somehow, even if the mills havo to go back to coal. A prominent iron broker said yesterday: "Business conia hardly be better. The mills have more than they can do. It looks very like a boom, the very thing we don't want I am afraid tbo result will be that many old and abandoned plants will be rehabilitated and started up, and overproduction killthemarket. ThU will certainly be the case if prices go much higher. They are now almost or quite up to the point where foreign material can he brought into competition with the home product, and such would nodonbt be tbe case but for the very large demand on the other side of the ocean. With this danger before them manu facturers should move slowly and carefully. Prices are high enough." At a building association meeting in Phila delphia, a short time ago, a young roan who paid tbo first monthly installment ot dues on his mortgage was followed in the line of depositors by another young man, who purchased a home about five years ago and has it partly paid for. The latter remarked to the secretary: "That man, who has just paid his dues, saved bis first dollar through my persuasion. When I bought my house," he continued, "I was obliged to bor row from a friend $500 for the necessary reason able margin, and as I fonnd it uphill work to pay my dues with regularity and at tbe same time pay off the $500 in $30 lots, I eznlalned to the person just referred to tbe great value ot having $500 or $600 saved up to be used in pur chasing a home or starting in business. I begged him not to wait, as I had done, for years without saving a penny. "The next meeting night he called at my house and went with me to the association meeting and subscribed for stock. That was several years ago, and last month be took out of the association nearly $1,000, used it in part payment for his home, borrowed the balance from tbe association, and is now in his own home. I feel that I have done some good in the world." If the Pennsylvania Water Company keeps its promise and it will unless something un foreseen occurs the good people ofWilkins burg will have a supply of Allegheny river water by this evening. Connections havo been made with abont 200 houses in the borough. The reservoir will not be completed for a month or six weeks, and water will be pumped directly into tbe pipes. Nothing definite has been done in regard to the fireplugs, as there is a hit ch between the company and the borongh officials. The latter, it Is understood, demand a full supply of water for street sprinkling and other purposes free of cost. Ine company asks tbe usual rates. The difficulty will probably be compromised. Citizens are jubilant over the prospect of an abundance of water forthwith, and think that, as it will lessen the danger from fires, there should be a drop in insnrance rates, which are as high in some localities as Z per cent. ON ITS FEET AGAIN. Electric fttnkln Rapid Strides Toward the Par Line Central Stronger. There was an unusual amount of apathy dis played by brokers at the Stock Kxchange yes terday. There were some orders, but they were for cheap stuff, which is becoming scarcer every day. Klectric continued its advance, with very small offerings, closing at 47 bid and 48K asked. It is on the high road to par with an 8 per cent dividend among the proba bilities. On account of the great public interest in Justice Bradley's decision, the company has is sued a pamphlet edition of the opinion, with a preface, of whlcn the following is an extract: "The case will be immediately appealed to the Supreme Court of the United otates, and the question of the validity of the patent can not be finally settled until tbo appeal is decided bv that court. If tbat decision is in our favor, all users of incandescent lamps having carbon ized fibrous or textile illnminants will bj liable to us; if against us, they will not be liable under this particular patent, although we believe that they will be liable under other patents owned by us. It will be about turee years before the case can be reached in the Supreme Court. In the meanwhile, all persons making and using incandescent lamps having carbonized fibrous or textile illnminants will do so at their own risk. If this Sawyer-Mann fibrous carbon pat ent were the only patent for the manufacture of incandescent lamps, it might be thought that the public wonld be freo to make them. But such is not the case. There are other pat ents owned bv us which are just as essential to the manufacture of an incandescent lamp as the fibrous carbon patent. Whatevermaybetbere sult of our appeal in the fibrous carbon case, we feel confident of ultimately securing control of the manufacture of incandescent lamps under these other fundamental patents." Central Traction was stronger at 31 Tho others were nominal. Pittsburg and Western preferred was wanted, but it was not cheap cnougn. Nothing was done in Philadelphia Gas which is ample proof that holders are not easily scared. It closed at 31 bid and 35 asked. The other natural gas stocks were weak and neglected. Bids, offers and sales follow: UOBXING. AVTBnyoOIf. Bid. Asked. Did. Asked Diamond Is nt. Bank... 1T0 Uasonlc Bank. H .... Allegheny Gas Co.. Ill 3Si .... as .... Consolidated G. Co., Ill SouthsldeGas Co. III. Allegheny Heating C. Chanters Val. Oas Co. Pennsylvania Uss Co.. Philadelphia Co Wheeling Was Co H.lwnAJ fill fin . IS Jll so 16 35 34 "w M3 .... 29 "H 77 SI YXTn.hlnt-tnnfltl fin 77 si 21 "i so 'If Central Traction 31 Pittsburg Traction MJ Pleasant valley Pltti. June B. H P. C. St. L.K. nt.... Pitts, ft Western K. K. P. ftW.1t. B.Co. pref 18V 27 IS 30 20 27 12 25 3 UK 1SX "a '.'.'.'. IM .... xo' , M .... . Mouongahela Bridge, point linage Union bridge Hidalgo Mlnlntr Co.... La Nona Mining Co... kl&lluui&iiki TPirSBTE& DISPATCH Allegheny Co. Electric M Weatinehouse Electric 4TJ( Union S. A S. Rn.nn-f. 51 ka m 4S Westlnirhnii.o A. It 113 114 111 114 t ive shares of Pleasant Valley Bold at 1BK BJ the morning call. At tbe afternoon call. 1-0 shares ot Central Traction went at S1J. E. P. Long sold 60 shares of Electric at4TM,; 40 Union Switch and Signal at 2 and luO Pleasant Valley at 19. H. M.Long sold 200 shares Pleasant Valley Street Railway at 19 and 20 shares Union Switch and Signal at WA. Geo B. Hill fc Co. bought in New York 100 shares Plttsburs and Western preferred at 1BK and sold 60 shares Pleasant Valley at 19. The total sales ot stocks at N ew York yester day were 285,013 shares, including Atchison, 61.883; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, aofc: Louisville and Nashville, 15,300; Missouri Pacific, 11.725; Northwestern, 3,170; Northern Pacific, 3,700; JS orthern Paoilio preferred, 8,415 New England, 51,170: Oregon Transcontinental," 13,125; Reading, 17,300; St. Paul, 10,800; Union Paclhc, 3,005. IN GOOD SHAPE. Local Bankers Report a Fnlr Demand for Ponds Speculation Slow. There was a fair demand or money yester day, and rates were steady at 607 per cent. The exchanges wero large, indicating a brisk movement in mercantile and manufacturing circles. Nearly every dollar represented in tbe Clearing House reports is legitimate money, speculation cutting so email a figure as to be scarcely worth mentioning. In a large sense, tbe same is true all over the country. Tbe speculative interest is subordinate to more im portant affairs to moving the crops,to build ing mills and factories, to constructing and im E roving railroads, to buying lands and building ouses and to other important concerns of life. That money is being put into these enter prises instead of stocks is 6bown by the com paratively small transactions in tbe latter, and by the attempt to get up a money panic for the benefit of Vall street. All this denotes ar healthy condition of the great interests of the country, and gives assurance of a protracted period of activity. The exchanges were $2,254, 170 S3, and the balances $335,002 84. .Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, ranging from 5 to 6, last loan 6; closed offered at 6 per cent Prime mercantile paper, 56. Sterling exchange quiet but firm at $4 S$i for 60-day bills, and $4 86 for demand. Closing Bond Qnotntlons. U.S. 45, rep m IM. K. 4T. Gen.SS . SIX V. h. 4s. coup 127 Mutual Union 6s.. ..103 U. S.4X&, reg 10oH N. J,C. Int. Cert.. .113 U. S. 4&s, coup.i.. 105 Northern Fac. lsts..114J4' raeiflcssof'95. 118 Northern !' Ms.-lll Iioulslanastamped (s &6) Northw't'n consols. l5f Northw'n deben's..H2 Oregon & Trans. 6.1W! St. 1,. &I.M. Uen.5aS6M St. I..4b.r. Uen.,11.116 bl. faul consols ....1-6S St.lM. ChlAI'c.lsU.113 Tx., PC.L.U.TT Rs.WK fx.,lc.JC.G.Tr.Kct Kh Union Fae. lsts H3S West Shore lOoft missoun us lui lenn. new set. 6a... 107 Tenn. new set. 5s 101 Tenn. newsct.33.... 73H Canada So. 2ds 9G uen.i-acinc.ists mji Ben. AU. a., lata. ..121 Den. &E. G. 4s 7s!1 u.su.u.vesi,i3cs. no Erie, Ms IM U.K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 63 S Government and State bonds were dull and unchanged. New Tons Clearings, $143 883,349; balances, $5,527,235. Boston Clearings, $17,085,156; balances, $2,551,742. Money 3 per cent. Baltimore Clearings. $2,030,338; balances, $241,780. Philadelphia Clearings, $10,331,851; bal ances, $1,371,043. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from tbe Bank of England on balance to-day is 143,000. Paris Three per pent rentes. 87f 55c for the account. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows a decrease of ,21,000,000 francs gold and 6,875.000 francs silver. Berlin Tho statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows a decrease in specio of 15,920,000 marks. Chicago Money closer. Call loans, 6 per cent; merchants' discounts are still 67 per cent. Clearings, $12,314,000. PltOOF AGAINST CONDITIONS. Bullish Figures Have Very Little Effect on tbo Oil Market. The publication yesterday of the pipe line re port for September, showing a decrease in pro duction of 600,000 barrels, in round numbers, made a very slight imnression upon the oil market, which has reached a stage to be in dependent of conditions. The market opened at 9!c, Jc better than tbo close of the previous day, advanced to 99a receded to 98c, rallied a little and closed at9Sc Trading here and elsewhere was light A broker said: "I well remember the time when such a report as is posted up there would have caused a perfect furore and sent the market sky high. Now it causes scarcely a pas-ung remark. Could anything show better than this the utter absence of interest in the stuff: There is no business in it neither in side nor outsider Oil .trading is a lost In-" dustry." Fentnrea of tho Marker. Corrected daily by John M. Oaniey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened SSII.owcst... 9SH 93 Barrels. GO. 514 76,890 62.C33 ail llKbest., . 99iUosed.. Average runs Average shipments Average charters. Ilcflned, New York. 7c. Ucnnei', London, 5 7-16d. Kenned, Antwerp, 'Ht Kenned. Liverpool, 6fd. A. B. McGrew & Co. calls, 99Jc. quote: Puts, 98Jgc; Olber Oil JInrkets. Oil city. October 10. National transit certificates openpet at SSJic; highest, 09ic; lowest, 9S?c; closed, 9SJa Bradford, October 10. National transit certificates opened at 99c; closed at 9S3c; highest, 9c; lowest, 9Sc TrrrsviLLE, October 10. National transit certificates opened at 9Sc; highest, 99ic; lowest. 9SJc: closed at 98?ic nF Vftttt. n.t.lia, in P.tHil.i. ...... ...a steady at 9Skc, and after a slight advance in me eariy trading sagged oit and closed steady at 9SJfc. Stock Exchange: Opening, 98Jc; high est. 9SJc: lowest, 9SJc: closing, 98Jc. Con solidated Exchange: Opening. 99c; highest, 99c: lowest, 9SJ4c; closing, 93 5-7c Total sales, 330,000 barrels. EEALTT. MOVING. Several Good Sales na tbo Result of a Dnj's nnstlins;. Reed B. Coyle fc Co., 131 Fourth avenue, closed a mortgage of $3,500 on a property in the Firstward, Allegheny, for three years atSper cent; also, one of ECOO for three years at 6 per cent on property at Homewood. John F. Baxter, 512 Smithfield street, sold to Howard Welch, of the Citizens' Insurance Company, lot No. 223 Baum Grove plan, front age of 40 feet on Amber street by 110 feet to a 20-foot alley, for 51,800 cash. Mr. Welch will immediately commence the erection of a fine residence. Black $. Baird, 85 Fourth avenue, sold for J. M. Reed to N. J. Braden a six-roomed frame dwclliner, situate on Reiter street, Nineteenth ward, city, lot having a frontage of 52 feet and extending back 135 feet to an alley, for 3,400 cash. L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler srrcers, soia ior Mrs. Harriet a. LoemerJNo. 3922AIifflin street, Sixteenth ward, a frame dwelling of five room', lot 20x101 feet to a 20 foot alley, to Peter Werner et ux for J2.000 cash. W. A Herron &. Sons sold a six-roomed frame house, with lot 03x132 feet, on Holmes street, Brnshton, Pennsylvania Railroad, for 2,500. Samuel W. Black fc Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold a propertv on Hazelwood avenue. Hazel wood, lot 72x100 f ecr, with a six-roomed frame cottage thereon, for $4-250 cash. Ewing & Bvers, No. 93 Federal street, sold for Thomas Rarferty, of tho East End, to Peter O'Reilly, the property No. 244 Arch street, Second ward, Allegheny City, being a two storv frame house ot six rooms and attic, with lot 20x80 to a paved alley, for $3,000. BUSINESS IMPB0YING. Stocks Bullish nc tbe Upenlnc, but GIvo Wnj Under a Persistent Bear Raid An Active Close nt Frac tional Declines v New York, October 10. The improvement in the condition of the money market made further progress to-day, and the restoration of passenger rates to Denver with the continued encouraging traffic returns gave tbo stock I market a bullish tone at the opening of busi ness. Tbe fluctuations, nowever, aio still con trolled to a large extent by tbe professionals, who are at present on the short side of the ac count, and thus the history of the day's trans actions is chiefly comprised in the efforts of tbe bears to break prices by determined attacks upon a few stocks. Atchison 'and New En gland were more consplcuons among these, and pressure to sell the former found little de maud and absolutely np .support whatever. A tumor that tho reorganization plan was meet ing with, unexpected opposition was circulated, but could not be confirmed. There were points out to sell new England before the open ing, and it was said that a large block of tbe stock was to be sold. Tbe two stocks men tioned furnished nearly half of the total busi ness done and they overshadowed the entire list X The bears gave considerable attention to Cot-J - FRIDAY, OCTOBER -.J top Oil also, and reports of a seriou' disturb ance in the trust wete out, though it was be lieved tbat the selling was for tbe purpose of breaking the price to cover shorts upon. Sugar weakened in sympathy with Cotton Oil and Missouri Pacific in sympathv with Atchison, though the impression upon neither was of special importance. . The general lists were affected to a limited extent by the weakness in the leaders, but tho fluctuations as well as the business done was confined within narrow lim its, and the declines-established outside of the stocks mentioned and a few specialties were not worthy of ulentlon. The strong feature of the day was the Northern Pacific group of stocks, which were advanced on what appeared lite inside buying, and which was accompanied bya8torythatMr.Villard had obtained the necessary proportion of tha stock to carry out his scheme Orppon TransnoTitiliftntal waft specially strong, and shot up 3 per cent from its lowest figure, but reacted and lost a good prcion oi tne improvement. Tne northern Pacific's were mofe quiet in their movements. Louis and Nashville was strong, but the tendency to advance was checked by the per sistent selling of the leading shares and St. Irani sold off slightly on tbe decrease in tbe earnings for tho first week in October. Man hattan was strong on the report of a decision in favor of tbe company and Chattanooga and San Francisco moved up. Tbe Chesapeake and Ohio stocks and the Wisconsin Central were also conspicuous among tbe low-priced shares for strength. The opening was made at ad vances extending to per cent, and after further slight improvement the wnolo market Rave way and drooped throughout the fore noon, while Atchison reached tho ldwest price in its history and New England Its lowest price since June. The spurt in tbe Northern Pacifies helped to rally the list in tbe afternoon, buttbe improvement was only partial and did not hold to the end. The market closed fairly active and heavv at something under tho opening figures. The majority of stocks are materially lower to-night. Cotton Oil is down 2J, sugar l,New England IK. Atchison 1, Missouri Pacific Hi and Rock Island 1 per cent, while Oregon Iranscontinental is up 1 and Man hattan 1 per cent. Railroad bonds showed a little more anima tion to-day, though the increased business was entirely due to the animation in tbe Chesa peake and Ohio 6s. which furnished $140,000 out of the total day's business of $31d,000. The tone of the dealings was much better than dur ing tbe past few days, and the market even showed some strength in spots doling the lat ter portion of the day. Ihere were a few Im portant changes, and among the advances were St. Panl, La Crosse 7s, 1. to 114: Denver and Rio Grande western certificates 1. to 85; Detroit. Mackinac and Marquette land grants 1, to 3 Iowa Central firsts 1, to 8b: Northern Pacific seconds 1, to HI, and Union Pacific sinking funds 1, to 11 The declines include Hocking Valley 5s 1, at 72U; Gul', Colorado and Santa Fe firsts 1, at 1S1; Lincoln and Colo rado firsts lfi, at 101, and Utah Southern ex tension 7s 1, at 113. The foliowine tame snows tne prices oractive stocks on the .New York Stock hxenange yester day. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whitney A htzphevkow. oldest Pittsbnrr mpm. bers of .New York Mock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: . Clos ing Bid. 42 265( 70H 53 12!H 24 S$ vnn 7I 1HM 99 14 S6 Si W ink 141 73 9 31 17 am Ui 174 51H 11 K 1S!4 64 105 U 91 11 71 H 107, 29 17 Ra 34 46J4 IS 32 1W 22 62 15 3 2034 18SH MS 79 117 24 64 107 10 64 Kh tH 85! 70 Open Am. Cotton OH UH Atch.. lop. a. .... 29X Canadian Paclflc 69!i Canada Southern 54 Central oriiew Jerser.lSS Central faelfii. UK Chesapeake A Ohio.... 24j, C. Bur. A Qull.cT. ....108 C., Mil. ft St. faul.... 71$( C, MU.ftSt. P., pr....ll4tf ft, KockL&I 101M ft. bt. L. a Pitts i. i... c, st. h. &i'itts. vr. ft. St. i. M. 4 O C. ft Northwestern.. ..1I2H C.4 .northwestern, pf. .... ft, ft, C. A 1 75 ft, ft, C. ft I., pf 99! High est. 44 : 70 S4 126 3th iosH 7I's IMS 101M Low est, 42 26K mii S3 115 31H 24 WU 71M 114 112 111 76X Km 3I 18 145 152K 75 il 144K voi. uosi ft iron 34 Col. ft HocltlaK Val . V.H Oel., L.A V. 145 Del. ft Hudson 152tf DenverftKIoa Denver ft BioU.. ol E.T.. Va.ftOa 10 E.T..Va. ftOa.Ist pf. 76 E.I.. Va.ftGa. 2dpr. 23 Lake Erie ft Western.. Wi Lake Krle West. Dr.. 64 Lake Bn ore ft it. 3 Ifoft Louisville ft Nash vllle. 80 Michigan central 9l Mo.. Kan. ft Texas Missouri Pacific TVH New rork Central lOMf N. V.. L.. ft VI 29H M. .. C. 4 at. L, . x.. u. ft St. L. Dr.. .... N.X.. c. ftbt.L.2d nr .... N. Yft .H. E 47 n. r.. a ft v is Norfolk ft Western Northern raclBc 32J$ Nortnern Pacific Dret 74Jj' Ohioft Mississippi..... a Oregon improvement. .. . Oreeon rranscon 33 X PacifioMMl 33 l'eo. Dec. ft Evans 2lH Phlladel. ft Keidlnir.. 5H Pullman Palace Car.. .183V KIcbmona ft W. P. T .. 23W Richmond ft W.P.T.nf .... St. P., Minn, ft Mn..llfiH St. L. ft San Fran 23M St. L. ft San Fran pr.. 55 St.L. ft San JT. 1st pi. Texas Pacific UnlonPaeine 65 Wabasn Wabash preferred 32 Western Union 5V Wheeling & L. . 71 Sugar trust KH National Lead Trnst.. 23 Chicago Gas Trust.... 57 11 78 21 IS 64 1W 81 9K rai 1C6H 29X 10K 76 ah na $4 105)4. soil 91H 71!i lCS 29ii 47 19 ii 7'ijf 23 ii 325$ 2m 46 189K 23J, lif i 2 55 M tHK 31 Sotf 71H il 22 67 67X Boston Stocks. Atch. ft Toe. 1st 7s. 10S A &T. LandUr'tTs.lOO Atch. ft Top. It. K... 263 Boston ft Albany. ..215 Boston ft Maine.... .213 ft. a. ftu 108 Kastern R. It 105 Flint ft PereM. pro. 93 U Little it. ft Ft. S. 7s. 97 MexlcanOen.com. 14X Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. 66 N. V. ANewEng... 46S N. Y. ft N. E. 7S....127 Ola Colony. 175 Bntland, com 4 Rutland preferred Is. Central, com. Wis. Central pf.. MlouezMgCo Calumet ft flecla.. Frantlin Huron Osceola, Pewablc , QolncT Bell Telennone... 45 8 9 J . 1054 2 SO 192 Boston Land 8 Water Power 5 Tamarack 105 San Diego 2ljf Philadelphia Stock. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 67 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Exchange. SM. Asked. . MX 54 . 2211-18 22IS-18 9M .53 UH . 54 64 Pennsylvania Kallroad , Keaaing Uurlalo. Pittsburg and Western., Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Northern Pacific Northern pacific preferred 74 Business Note. Electric is in a fair-way to reach par before tbe week is over. Wilkinsborq will rejoice in a supply of Allegheny river water this evening. Joseph A. Murray has applied for mem bership in the Exchange. So, also, has E. B. Jenkins. TrtE Anthony Loan and Trust Company, an other farm mortgage concern, has gono into liquidation. It Is reported that Messrs. Rockefeller and Flaclerbonght 100,000 shares Cotton Oil on the break this week. Pennsylvania Gas Company officials say they are earning mints of money. The with drawal of the mills Is money in their pockets. Western Union has made a good statement for the year, the gross revenue being $20,783,000 and net 6,218,041 against gross last year of $19, 711,000 and net 85,070,571. Its current earnings arc the largest in the history of tho company. The Director of the Mint has prepared a statement of the gold, and silver coin in the United btatcs at present, which shows, in ronnd numbers, 617,000.000 in gold coin, S340,COO,000 In silver dollars and $76,000,000 in subsidiary silver coin, besides $64,000,000 of gold bullion held in the coffers of the Treasury as security for Its equivalent in paper certificates. It is the impression of some of tbe very best traders in Wall street, tbat if the bullish specu lation is temporarily confined within very re spectable limits, there need be -absolutely no fear on the monetary question, but if dealings are revived on anvthmer like the extensive scale of the first part of last month the mone-1 tary spasm will return so quickly- that it will make the beads of tbe bulls swim. Tiie following building permits were granted yesterday: M. F. Moore, two-story frame on Brcreton avenue, $S00: C. J. Amnion, two-story brick, Virginia avenue, $3,850; J. 8. Foster, threo two-story brick dwellings, $5,000. A syn dicate composed of Mesers. Doerfiinger, Booth, Crawford and Letche will pnt up three two-story bricks on Gilmore street for $2,975 each. George Wilson intends improving Smithfield street between Third and Fourth avenues bv tbe erection of a $7,100 brick store and dwelling. John Fuerst will start work on a 14.300 house on Center avenue, and F. L. Camp will erect a dwelling at the corner of Marchand and Shady avenue, which will cost him 810,700. ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO,, CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This Is now conceded to be the best In the, market, is witnessed bv the fact that we have lust secured tbe DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing bcld In Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, , SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBER, il'y18Qti domestic markets. Speculators in Potatoes Kot Jubilant Over Situation. DAIRY PE0DCCTS ARE UNCHANGED Wheat MoTing Upward, and Choice Oats and Corn Ire Eteadj. SUGAR L0WEE ASD COFFEE WEAKER Office of PrrTSBUBG DispAtch, J Thubsdax. October 10, 18S9. ( Country Produce Jobbing; Price. Potatoes still rule quiet, though some dealers report a better feeling. The short supply two weeks ago has brought an over-sopply to mar kets, and some money has been dropped by speculators who figured on a scarcity. The cost of bringing potatoes from Iowa and Min nesota is close to 25c per bushel. Tbe price on track here this morning was 40c Apples move slowly. Grapes are in good supply and fair de mand. There are still a few peaches on the market at a range of $2 50 to $3 a bushel. Bnt as their season is practically over, demand is light. Dairy products are active and firm, but unchanged. Choice eggs are very firm at'out side quotations, and at these figures are lower relatively in Pittsburg than at any trade center of the country. Butter Creamerv, Elgin. 2S30c; Ohio do, 2627c: fresh dairypacked, 225c; country rolls. 2122c. Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 2o2 40; medium, $2 302 40. Beeswax 2830c IR & tot choice; low grade, 18020c Cideb Sand refined, $6 507 50; common, $3 504 00; crab cider. $8 008 50 jf) barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c gallon. Chestnuts 54 004 50 per bushel. CHEESKOhio, llli;ic; New York, llc; Limburger, 9M10Ke; domestic Sweitzer.iug 13c: imported Sweitzer, 23c Eogs 20c jl dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $2 00VJ2 75 V barrel: grapes. Concords, 45o f) pound, Catawba. 68c, Delawares, 79c; Bartiett pears, 55 00 f barrel; quinces, $6 007 09 barrel; cranberries, Jer seys, $3 0O3 25 $1 bushel box. f'EATHEES Extra live ceese. 5060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c jR ft. PouLTBTLIve spring chickens, 4045c f? pair; eld, 6570c ft pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lis to bash el, $o 00 5 25$ bushel: clover, large English, 63 Bs, $5 So; clover, Alsike. 58 00; clover, white, t9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 lbs, SI 50; blue grass, extra clean, 14 Sis, 90c; bine grass, fancy, 14 &s, $1 00; orchard grass. 14 lbs, $1 65; red top, 14 lbs, 51 25; millet, 50 lbs, $1 OU; German millet. 0 &s, $1 50: Hungarian grass, 50 fta, SI 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 fl bushel of 14 Ss. Taliow-Country, 4c; city rendered, 4Jf 5c Tkopical Friths Lemons, common, 15 00 5 50; fancy, $6006SO; oranges, $4 505 00: bananas, $2 00 firsts, $1 50 good seconds, "tl bunch; cocoanuts, i 004 50 ft handled; figs, 8K9c f? lb: dates, 5KKc fl B. Vegetables Potatoes, $1 752 00 W bar rel: tomatoes b575c ft bushel; wax beans, 75c 37 bushel: creeii beans, 4050c gl bushel; cu cumbers, $2 S52 50 f! bushel; cabbages, $4 00 65 00 a hundred: celery, 40c $1 dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, 2 002 25; Jerseys, $2 75. Groceries. Sugars have at last yielded to the downward pressure, and our quotations are reduced 14c all along tbe line. It becomes more apparent every day that tbe Sugar Trust has lost its grip. Coffee options are off, but packages are un changed. Geeeu Coffee Fancy Rio, 22J423Jc; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio. 20c; low grade Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c; Mar acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos, 20 23c; Caracas. 2123c; peaberry, Rio, 2325c; La Ouayra. 2223c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 23c; high grades, 2526c: old Govern ment Java, bulk, 31ii2c; Maracalbo, 26 27c: Santos, 21823c; peaoerry. 26c; choice Rio, 24c; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21c; ordi nary, 21c Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c; cassia, 8c; peppor, 18c; nutmeg; 70QS0. Fetboleuu (Jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c: Ohio, 120, 8c; headlignt, 150, SKc; water white, 10c; globe. 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, HKc; royalme, 14c syrups corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrups, 33S8l; prime sugar syrup, 30QS3C; strictly prime, S335c: new maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; medium, 43c; mixed, 4012c Soda Bi-carb in keg-, 3X4c; bi-carb (a Ks, 5c; bi-carb. assorted pacxages,. 66c; sal soda in kegs, ljc; do granulated, 2c Candles star, fnll weight, 9c: stearine, $ set. 8c; parafilne, ll12c RICE Head, Carolina, 77Vc; choice, 6V 7c; prime. 56Vc; Louisiana. 66Kc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 6ffl6c; gloss starch, 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers. $3 10; California London layers. $2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, $1 85; Valencia, 8c; Ondara Valencia, 910c; sultana, SKc; currants, 554c; Turkey prunes, 45c; French prunes, 813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, fl 100. $6 00; almonds, Lan.. fl lb, 20c; do, Ivica, 19c: do. shellpd, 40c; walnuts', nap.. 1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, L216c; new dates, 5Gc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans,'ll15c; citron, fl lb, 2l22c; lemon peel, fl ft, 1314c; orange peel. 12&c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 6c, apples, evaporated, 8c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 12K15c; peaches, evaporated pared, 2223e: peacues. Calif ornia, evaporated, unoared, 10lzc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpltted, 5ESc; raspberries, evapor ated. 242Hc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries, lOffilic. Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, ejc; granu lated, "Kc; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A. SWc: soft whites. 7Ji7KC! yellow, choice, 7 7c: yellow, good, 3ic: yellow, fair, 6c; yellow, dark, 6c Pickles Medium bbls (1,200), $5 75; medi um, nan oois touui, to zo. Salt-No. 1. fl bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. fl bbi, SI 05; dairy, fl bbl, $1 20, coarse crystal, ft bbl, $1 20; Higglns' Eureka, 4-bu. sacks, $2 80: Biggins' Enreka,16-14 lb pockets. $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. S2 00 2 25; 2ds. $1 50 L 85: extra peaches, !2 402 00, pie peaches, 95c: finest corn. 31 001 50; Hid. Co: corn, 7090c; red cherrie, 00c51: Lima beans. $1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do, 7585c: mar rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked pels. 7075c pineapples, $1 40l 50; Bahama do, $2 75; dam; son plums, 95c; greengages, 31 25; egg plums, $2; California pears. $2 50; do greengage. $2; do, egg plums, $2: extra white cherries, $2 00; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c: raspberries, $1 401 5U; strawberries, $1 lu; gooseberries. $1 301 40; tomatoes, 90cl 00: salmon, 1-2 31 752 10; blackberries, 8uc: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked; 99c; do green, 2 lbs-, $1 25t oO; corn beef, 2-ft cans, $2 05; 14-fi cans, $14 00: baked beans, $1 45 1 50; lobster, 1-ft, $1 751 80; mackerel 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 0; saraines, domestic ks, $4 254 50; sardines, domestic, s. S7 25j7 50; sardines, imported, lis, $11 5012 50; sardines. Imported, s. $18; sardines, mustard, $3 60; sardines, spiced. $3 50. FISH Extra No.l bloater mackerel. $36 ft bbl.: extra No.ldo, mess, $40; extra Na 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed. $38; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Xc ?1 ft; do medium, George's cod. 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, G7Kc Herring Round shore. $5 00 fl bbl; split, $7 00; lake, $2 00 fl 100-lb half bbl. White fish, $7 DO fl 100 1b halt bbl. Lake trout. $5 60 fl half bbl. Fin nan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c f) lb. Pickerel, K hbl. 2 00; t bbl, $1 10; Poto mac herring. So 00 fl bbl. $2 50 fl ) bbk Oatmeal SB 8006 60 V bbk Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, o557o fl gallon. Lard o", 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. There were no receipts reported on the Pan handle at tbe Grain Exchange to-day. Re ceipts by the Pittsburg. Ft Wayne and Chicago, 10 cars, as follows: One car of hay-, 3 of oats, lot middlings, lof teed, 3 ef flour, 1 of bran. By PittsDurg and Western, 1 car of corn, 2 of bay; 1 of bran. By Baltimore and Ohio 2 cars of hay. Total receipts as bulletined 16 cars. Sales on call, 1 car sample oats, 26c, o days, B. & O.; 1 car 2 y. s. corn, 40c, spot, free in eleva tor; 1 car mixed corn, SSJSc o days, P. R. R.: I car 2-w. oats, 27c, Tree in elevator; 1 car mixed liay, 10, 5 days. P. R. R. Choice grades of sats and corn are stiifer. Good bay continues firm. The drift of wheat is upward, and flour is stead). Prices below are tor carload lots. Wheat ew No. 2 red, 8485c; No. 8. 80 81c. Conn No. 2 yellow, ear,4115c; high mixed, ear, 42i3c: No. 2 ellow, shelled. 40c; hlch mixed, shelled, S810c; mixed, shelled, 38K S9c. Oats No. 2 white. 27J2Sc; extra. No. 3, 2UKffl27c: mixed, 242aa Kye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, S051c; No. 1. Western, 48019c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio, 4toi8c Floub Jobbing prices Fancy winter and sprlne patents, S3 0OQ5 SO; winter straight, U 'Zmi 60; clear winter, H 004 25: straight XXXX bakers', $3 603 75. Rye flour, S3 fiO 4 75. MlLLFSED-Mlddllugs, fine white, (16 003 16 60 W ton; brown middling". 12 6013 00: win ter wheat bran, til 6011 76; chop feed, S15 50 016 (A HAY Baled timothy, choice. U 0014 26; No. 1 do. 812 0012 60: No. 2 do. (11 00U 50; loose from wagon, (11 0013 00, according to quality; No. 1 upland prairie: SS 50g9 00; No., (7 007 50; packing do, (7 6007 75. Stuaw Oats, KSO7 00: wheat and rye straw, K Vm 26. " Provisions. Bngar-cnred ham. large. 10Je; SBgar-cared hams, medium, llc; sugar-cured bams, small, llc, sugar cured breakfast bacon. lOe: sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sngar-enred boneless shoulders, 7c; sugar-cared California bams. 7c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9fc: sugar-cared dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12Ma bacon shoulders. 5c: bacon clearSides. 7c: bacon clear bellies, TKc; dry sail snouiaers, oc; ary sail ciear suies, c Mess pork, heavy, 311 &H mess pork, family $12 00. Lard Refined, In tierces. 6Xc? half barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs, ejc;. 20-ft pails, 7c; 5C 6 tin cans. 6Kc;3-& tin prnls. c;5-MJn palls, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10 & tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, fie; large, be Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, lOKc Pigs feet, half barrel, 34 00; quar ter barrel, $2 15. j Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. famished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 650 lbs, 5c; 550 to 650 ffis.6c; 650 to 750 As, 6a7c Bheep, 8c f) ft. Lambs. 9c fl lb. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins. 8c The Great Exterminator o Blood. Poison, I AH of the opinion S. S. & should stand at the head of the list of blood remedies. I ar rived at this conclusion Irom the testimony of scores of persons who have told me of the good results from Its use. I have been selling S. S. S. for years, and it has won a large sale. C. A. GRlFirrn, Mayflower, Ark. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The 8wttt Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ua. aulS-55-xwr 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTeSBURG, PA. Transact a General BanMni Wm. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STEELING, Available In all puts of tbe world. Also issue Credits IN DOLLARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Booth and Central America. an7-SI-M'WT WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week ia SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, - SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesale"exclusively fe22-rRS-D OFFICIAL-PITTSBCRG. PrrrsBURO. Pa., Octobers, 1S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on tbe grading, paring ana curbing ol Cargill street, from Tnirty tblrd street to Jewel street, bas been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) aays from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. OC3-4S Prrrs-UTHO. Pa October 8, 1S89. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of viewers on tbe opening of Riverside street, from Maloney alley to South Main street: Tripod alley, from Meadow street to Shetland street; Post street, from Forty-second street to Forty-f outtb street; Garden alley, from Main street to Brown alley; Rural street from Hiland avenue to Negley avenue, and Hampton street, from Hiland avenue to Neg ley avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal Is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas wltbin ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIQELO W. oc3-lS Chief of Department of Public Works. No.ll?.! AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE acceptance of tbe sewer, in Sachem (formerly Smallman) alley and Declaring the umfl to be a nnbllc sewer. Whereas; The owners of property abutting 1 on Bacnem (iormeny emaiimauj aiiey, in toe Seventh ward ot Pittsburg, have, at their own cost and expense, constructed a pipe sewer 13 inches in diameter in said alley, from Hazel street to a connection with tbe sewer on Clark street, said sewer having been constructed under the direction and supervision and accord ing to tbe rules and specifications of the High way Department of tbe city, and which sewer appears upon tne plans oi sewerage oi ine city: therefore, Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That tbe sewer constructed by tbe owners of the abut ting property on Sachem (formerly Smallman) alley, from Hazel street to a connection with a sewer in Clark street, be and tbe same is hereby accepted and declared to be a public sewer, ana the Department ot Public Works is hereby di rected to take possession of the same Just the same as Is done In case of construction of sewers by authority of Councils, and protect and keep it in good condition. section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as tbe same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 30th dav of September. A. D. 1S$. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAV, President rf Common Council. Attest: GEO.BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. October 7, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTKRM AIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in ordinance uook.toi. i, page in. s 9th.day of October. A. D. IBS). ocll-28 STEAJIEItS ASP KXCPKMOKS. HiTESTABLlM!- w rOB QUEEHSTOWN AND L1VEKPOOL. Boyal acd United States Mall Steamers. Ten tonic. Oe.lS. 10:30a m Teutonic, Sar.iZ. 9am Germanic, NoT.WJpm Germanic, Oct. 2S, 3 p m BrlUnnic, Oct. 30,10am Adriatic. Nov. S. 3 D m un tannics ov.zj, giauam Adriatic, Dee. 3 p m JTrom White Star dock, iootoi nmiezuiii. Second cabin on thew steamers. Saloon ratei, S50 and upward. Second cabin, fas and upward, accordlnrto steamer and location or berth. Ei cnrilon tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. S3). White Star drafts payable on demand In alLtbe principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap plytoJOHN J. 41CCOKMICK. m SmlthSeld St.. 1'ltUbnr?, or J. BKliCEiSMAi, General Acent, 41 Broadway, MewXorK. ocll-D STATE LINE To Glasgow, .Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin cassaice tSj to S30. according to Jocatloa of stateroom. Excursion (63 to (90. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN CO., General Areata, S3 Broadway, Mew Yort. J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. sel9-D ANCHOR LINE. Atlaniio Express Service; LIVERPOOL Via QUEENSTOWN. nteamihlp "CITY OK i r home." from New York, W t-UMrtUAl. vn. is. Saloon passage, tSO and upward: second-dais, ISO. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday rrom t ew York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Gtasgow, Londonderry, Liver pool, (SO and SO. Second-class. Sso. Steerage passage, either service, (SO. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. . Travelers circular letters or credit and drafts, for any amount Issued at lowest eurrent rates. ' For books of tours, tickets or Information, Apply to HEN DKH60N BBOTHEKS. N. Y or 3. JT. licCOKMlCK. Fourth and Smithfield; A. D. SCORER A SON, M Smlthseld ., IttUbart; W. tZMXUB, it., MIX sacralst., Afsgaeay, ., . sesjsw 1.11 twin. DU GOODS aod ITK NBW'ABTWTHraOBTrs; When baby was sfek, we gave ber Castovta. When she was a CMM. eried far Casterla.- Whenskebeeaae Miss, se oJaeg te Casterisi WheaiebAdCWWfsegTflfcCaWri; ap&.77-jnrrs CLOAK : MAKUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE 'EXCLUSIVELY, . Merchants yktting the oKy wW ted it to , their interest to tespeet osz GOMFLBUC? Use of 4 t Ladies', Misses' and Children's, OLOJLZS. . SAMPUNER & RICH; 810 UBEBTY ST or9-ol-TWT nttstrang, T?s , BROKERS FINANCIAL. Apt TXTHiraBY STBPHENSOS, CT FOURTa AVSNUS. Issne travelers' ereAtes through M esws. Bismol Morgan & Coi, New York. Passports srogawdt ap-a-i -f JOHN M.OAKLEY CO.? BANKERS AND BROKBSA. Stocks, Bonds, Grate, Petroleaa. Private wire to New York and Caiisga. 45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. A Home SecnriQf ?drA FiYe Per Cent Merest FREE Ot TAXES; Jii Tbe Fidelity Title aad Trust Corny j afun a fnrnAlA At Si CfR and u.rajui 1 lted number of JB-year first mortfase tiih ui :i ,asm, the H. C. Frklc Coke Corns fBftmf. tM SSfSMK , stock or which is ie.oea.oeo. f miy tM ). These bonds are redeemable br a fund at tbe rate of Hefl,G80 per usaa, M. commencing J ulv 1. lSBi, Interest Mac semi-annually, January and JaJy i office of this comoany. ' We have carefully examlBedists tbe ness of this security, aad can rteownsd IM1 one ot the most desirable iavestmenls sa7M market. - FTDELITr TITLE 4TRTJ8T COMFAXT, 121 128 Fourth tsm seises PHtsfcmifcl MI.PV. HEBICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN A VXNDE, PITTSHBRS, FA..' As old residents know and back lies at PMss. burg papers prove, is the oldest sstsbllsinil and most prominent physician ia tfce esep, de voting special attention to an earome oNOFEEUNTILCUREB MCfrnilCand mental diseases pfeyaMasVj llUll'V uuuaeoay, nervous aeeimy,MK; energy; ammtion ana nope, lmpairea isiiin disordered gienr. self dtatrnsr.. bashrataew. H dizziness, sleeplessness, piBples,eruptiaM. lea- . poverisbed blood, failing powro.ergaaie weak- w ness, ayspepsia, constipation, coDiosipraM, m. p-' nuing ine person ior Dunnew.sooietBaa iwwr' riage, permanently, safely and privately sissg BLOOD AND SKIN&T.JU blotches, falling hair, bones, paJoe, otaBaMar iwelling", ulcerations of toofrne.moath, tawat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, wi M't tioisons thoroucrhlr eradicated from the tvilewi. 1 1 DIM A DV kidney and WuHer dersaae UnllNnn Ijments. weak bae. avftveJ, 8a- tarrbal discharges, inflammatioa aad otter painful symptoms receive searcbiag trsanaeat, nromnt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's life-lone, exteaslve- ence. Insures scientific andjeilable tre on common-sense prt&cipics. viww mwmi jrqy. jrauenu ab uisutsco aa vAicianj woww v here. Office hours 9 a. x. to 8 p. x. Busaay.' WA.K.tolP.K.only. DR. WH1TTIB8. 8 Penn avenue, PittsDurg; Pa. oc8-4-DSn-wk. mmmmMm mummnhmmnm How Lost! HowReflairWl, KXQV THYSELF, A Scientific and Standard Popular MediesJ TjMaas am the Errors of Ton th, PrematureDeelbM,NtveBS and Phydcal Debility, ImporKies of tbe Stood, RMnltlner from Follr. Vlc lrasrsaee. cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating aad oaftt. ting the victim for Work, Business tbe Mar riage or Social Relations. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this Sreat work. It contain J 300 pages, royal Sva. eautifnl binding, embossed, full gilt. Fries. , only SI by mail, postpaid, concealed la pleas - wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, If yn-. apply now. The distinguished author. Wm. K. Parker. M. D., receivedtbe GOLD ANO JEW-3 ELED MEDAL from the National Medlesl As-, soeiatlon, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOWS ' and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker sd a ,' corps of Assistant Physicians may be e--suited, confidentially, by mall or in person, at ' tbe office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL W 8TITUTE, No. 4 BulHnch SL, Boston, Mais., to whom all orders for nooks or letters for adnea should be directed as above. auM-97-Tarsawk; GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. roll particulars In pampaletjj Specific sold by druggists only In " yellow wrapper. Price, ft per- pacsage, or six I or at, or oy msta. on receint of nrlee. br addraw- Eg TBE GRAY MEDICINE CO- Buffalo, nr X. Sold InPltUburg byS.S. UOLLANO, cstmk Bmlthfleld and Liberty sts. ant- , i DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS Id all c quiring scientific and conadsa , tia treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lajcsw , ll.E.aF.8. Is tbe oldest -a4 most experienced speeiaNat Ja i the city. Consuitatloa ftesaael? xtrletlr confidential. Ottaa ' ., ifni nd T to 8 p. v.: Sundays. 2 to 4 p.- H. Consult them personally, or write. BncTOM LAKE. 32 renn ave arituuuis, ta. jel2-4S-DWlC a OOLLOXL COMPOUND icosed of Cotton Soot. Taaer I Pennyroyal a recent discovery t 'flM nhrtlrtlan. IM ntnhtRfit- KffaotuaL Plies SL ar aaaH. sealed. Ladies, ask your drasgist jar flssil Cotton Root Compound and take aa ssjaaaaaSa. or lseloee 3 stance tor swueaaarnsatass. dress fond ijLy comi-aSi,. S 1 Heek. m. woodwwa ave, JNrs, mum. "WsoW ia FttWHWt Pa., ay Jassfh Big hob, abswi earn wmmmwm. 'rm. LaaaW jmmmmr af-TB TT.T3Bb j Bx i zvk s."! n T O-mBI V v Axfsaua sMMac '.-3&5E - fi - .JLs