P PITTSBTJBGr DISPATCH,; , ,PRIDAT;. fcOGTOBEK3l$ . 1889 6 THE v MADE A SORRY SHOW The East End Champions Get a Terrible Drubbing " BY THE LEAGUE SLUGGERS. President Day Explains a Point About the Club Charters. JOHNNY WARD SAYS A FEW WOEDS More Exciting Gaines Among the American Association Clubs. K GEKEEAL BASEBALL KEWS OF THE DAI The Pittsburg Baseball Club played an other game with the East End Athletics and pulverized them. President Day states why the charter for the New York Ball Club was applied for. John II. Ward makes a statement. The Association pennant con test is still exciting. It is some time since the baseball patrons of the East End were treated to such a"bur lesque of the national game as they were yesterday afternoon in Liberty Park. The Pittsburgs again tackled the champions of the county league, and the work done by the latter was of such an inferior quality that to style them champions is a prostration of the title that can scarcely be defended. It was thought thatalter Wednesday's game the East Enders would brace up a little and show some to'craDly fair work. However, yes terday's playing was not even np to the stand ard of 'Wednesday. Judging from the two games between the Pittsburgs and the Athletics it would seem folly to arrange games between the amateurs and the proiessionals. Of course there are en gagements already made for games between tbo home club and county league aggregations at Braddocfc and McKeesnort. but after these arep'ayed it ought to be a long time before any more amateur clubs are asked to face the the Pittsburgh HAD SOME STEANGERS. The East Enders had several "borrowed" men in their team yesterday. Among the bor rowed people were: Hutchinson. Blair and McShannic They did not improve matters. Gumbert went in to pitch, but was glad to re tire at the end of the nfth inning. Lauertook his place and was also thumped hard. The fielding, with the exception of D. Barrs work, was ranV. Barr really played excellently and he promises to develop into a first-class outfielder. The Pittsburg played extremely loose and careless and evidently gave the people to un derstand that ball playing wasn't altogether a luxury. Sowders pitched "a good game. The amateurs made a lively start and looked as If they were going to have things pretty much their .own way. However, the third inning settled everything in this respect. During the game there were lots of fun. GOT GUSIBEKT'S SIGNS. Before the second inning was over Miller, Dunlap and Beckley got "onto" Gumbert's signs and they coached every batter that went to the place. As a result 11 good hits were made. netting 12 run. aided by some errors. In the fourth inning Fields knocked the ball over the left field fence for a home run. Hits, errors and bases on balls got all the Pittsburgs runs in. At times the amateurs were kept rnnnmg about the nark as If they were being chased by tigers. However, it is to bo hoped the Pittsburgs and tbe Atbletics will not meet again until tbe East Enders are capable of doing better work. Tbe game was called at tin end of the first half ot tbe seventh Inning and tbe game went back to even innings. Following Is the score: FITT.BUECSB B T A. Z (ATHLETICS. E B F A E Miller, c... Kowe, s.. . ISecklev. 1.. Holds, 1 While. 1.... Carroll, c... bnnday. r. . Dunlap. :. bowderc, p.. 0 Hntcba'n. 6. 1 OiLauer. lip. 0 ll).Barr.l... 1 2 Humbert, 1-p 0 OlUlalr, m .... 1 0 McShannlc,3 0 1 Dillon. 2 ... 0 0 bchoyer, c. 0 Oi V m. Barr, r 0 Totals .... 3 SO IS II 41 Totals 3 611 81! I'lttsbnrjrs 1 Oil 5 1 6 23 Athletics. 0 1 S 0 0 0-8 Earned runs Wttibnrgs, 4; Athletics, 1. Two-base hit Berkley. Tluce-base lilts Kowe, Blair. Home rnn Fields. Total bases on hlt Pittsburgs, : Athletics, 8. Sacrifice hits MrMmnnlc AY. Barr. Stolen bases Miller 2, Kowe, 'White, Sunday, Dnnlip 2. Double play Gumbert. Laner and McShannic First base on errors Pitta' urjrs. 9; Athletics. 2. First base on balls Off fcowdcrs: Hutchinson, Gumbert. OS" Gumbert: Carroll 2. off Laner: gunday2. Struct out By Sowders: Gumbert. By Gum bert: Kowe. By Laucr: bowders. Hit bv pitched ball-Carroll. Passed balls bchover, 3; Carroll, 2. Wild pitch Laucr. Left on bases Plttsbures, S: Athletics. 5. Time of rame One hour and 30 minutes. Umpire Zacbarlas. ASSOCIATION GAMES. Tina Pitches a. Great Game for Cincinnati and Wins: Tbe Browos Scorn An other Victory The Brooklyn! Easily Bent the Baltimore!. CnfcnrSATi, October 10. Up to the ninth inning of to-day's game Kansas City club se cured but one hit off Vlau's pitching, tut In the windup they batted ont two triples and a double. The Cincmnatis batted Swartzel's pitching hat3 all through the game. The bat tine of Halllday and AIcFhec and the catching of Donahue were the features. Score: CCT'TI. ig B r A E.KAS'SCI'TSE B PA X Tebean. I.. 114 10 Long. sil.. "5 "5 1 Z "l ilcl'hee, !,.!!! 5 1 Hamilton, r I 1 1 0 0 Hal'day.nS.. 3 2 0 0 0 Pickett, m. 0 1 0 1 o Meol, r 0 10 0 Oibtearns, 1.. 0 0 IS 1 1 Kelllr. 1 0 1 17 0 0 pian-jr. lis. 113 2 1 Mullane, 3... 0 12 1 fl l)'huc,c ...01340 Heard, s 0 I 2 4 ljAlrord. 3 .. 0 0 13 1 Kernan, c . 2 1 I 1 OjBltlman. 2. O 0 1 4 0 Ylsu, p 0 2 0 3 o.bvrartzel, p. 0 0 0 10 Totals 8 14 27 15 1 Totals j"j.7li4 Cincinnati' 2 011111008 Kansas Cltra 0 1000000 12 Earned runs Cincinnati. 3- Kansas Cltys, 1. Tworbasc hits Hcfcctt, McPhec, Tebean, Kee nan. , Three-baie lilts McPhec, Halllaay, Mullane, Hamilton. Manning. Double plavs AUord,Lons and Stearns: Do na bue and blearns; Mullane. Mcl'hee and Kellly. First base oo balls By Tlan. 3; by bwartiell, X. Mrnclc out-By Viau, 2: by SwarlielL I. Time of frame One hour and 45 minutes. U oiplre Hecker. SEAT THE31 AGAIN. The bu Lonls Browns Win Another Game From the Lonlsrlllea. Louisvtxxe, Kt, October 10. Tbe Louis ville team was defeated to-day from the -start. EwiDg's weak pitching, and fine batting by the Bt. Louis club, with ineffectual beating of the air by tbe Louisville?, did it. Stivetts pitched a strong game, and Milligan was a good back stop. Robinson's errors were not excusable. Louisnlles' errors were all oostly. Score: Lotnsn'Es. b b r a i ST. LOCI6. K B F A bhannon, 2.. 0 olt r 0 Nantftm, c. 0 leaver, m. 1 Kayroond. 3. 0 balliiran, 1.. 0 Tomnev, a... 0 Btratton. 1.. 0 twine P 0 McCarthy, r. 1 O'Aell. 1.... 0 Comlskey, I. 2 Itoblnson, 2. 2 Milligan, c. 1 Bovle, 3 1 Dufiee, m... 2 Fnllcr. s 0 1 0 1 1 2 19 1 4 4 3 1 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 Stivetts, p .. 0 Totals . 1 3 22 18 4 Totals . . 9 16 27 18 4 Louisville 0 001000001 Bt, Loms 3 001041009 Earned runs Bt. Louis, 6. Two-base hits Milligan, Fuller, Stivetts and Weaver. Home run Dnffee. Stolen bases Baymond, 2; Comlskev, 2. Double plays Weaver and btratton. Raymond and btratton. First base on balls OffBUvetts, 3. Btrnck ont By Ewlng, 2; by Stivetts, 2. Passed ball-Mllllean Time of game One hour and 33 minutes. Umpire Gaffney. BUNCHED THEIR HITS. Too Brooklyns Hake n Rally and Bent Borate's Boys. Balttkobx, October 10. Baltimore lost to day's game in the seventh inning, when the Brooklyns bunched their hits and. secured a winning lead. But eicht innings were played owing to darkness. Clarke's batting was the feature. Scare: SALTOJOKE. n B r a z BROOK'NS. B B r A X Griffin, 2.... 1 Shinrtlc. 3... 1 Kcrlns. 1.... 0 Kllroy, r... 0 Slack, in.... 0 Miller, s 0 Horunng, 1. 0 Tate, c 0 Cun'g'm,p.. 0 O'Brien. L.. 0 Colllus, 2.... 1 Burns, r.... 0 Foutz. L.... 0 oll'lncknev, 3. 0 2 Clarke, c... 4 O.Tcrry.p 1 llCorkhlll, m. 0 0 Smith, s 1 Totals . .2 7 24 11 4 Totals 7 11 24 10 3 Btltlmores 1 01000002 Brooklyn 0 100104 17 Earned runs BalUmorcs. 1: Brooklyna. 3 Two-base bits Grlffln, hjlroy, O'Brien, Fonts. Three-base hits Clarke. btulcn baws bhlndle, Collins, Burns, Clarke, 2. Double playt bmlth and Koutz. First bane on balls Cunningham. 3: Terry, 3. struck out Cunnlncbam, 3: Terry, 8. Passed balls Tate. 1: Clarke, 1. lid pitch Cunnlncham. Time of frame Two hours. Umpire Hengle. BALDWIN SHUT THEM OUT. He Does Great Work Against the Qanker City Ascrecntlon. Columbus, October ia The Athletics were closed out to-day by tbe superb work of Bald win in the box. Reiily opened the game with & home run. Attendance, 1,200. Score: conmncs. k b p a x ATHLETICS. B B r A X McTam'y. m 0 1 2 Larktn, 1.... 0 13 Lvons. 3 .... 0 0 1 Marr, s 0 0 2 Dalley, I.... I Crooks, 2.. . 1 Johnson, r. 2 Orr. 1 0 Rlelly. 3 .... 1 O'Connor, c 0 Baldwin, p.. 0 1 9 1 2 1 0 I 12 1 0 1 0 0 stovey, 1 0 0 0 B'rbaucr, 2..' 0 0 3 Purccll, r. . 0 0 2 enneur, a., o o z Koblnson. c 0 0 11 beward,m... 0 10 ucManon,p. o o o Totals.. r 27 14 2 Totels 0 2 27 13 3 Columbus 0 120200005 Athletics 0 000000000 Earned runs Columbus, 2. Two-base lilts Johnson, Orr. Three-base bit Crooks. Home runs Welly. First base on balls By McMahon, a; by Bald win, 3. btrnck ont By Baldwin, 9: by McMahon, 3. Time or game One hour and 45 minutes. Umpire k ergnson. Association Kecord. Perl Per Won.Ixist.Cl. Won.Lost.Ct. J Brooklyns.....Sl 43 St. Louis 83 44 679 Baltlmores....70 fil .Ml S67iColumbus 58 76 .433 .S54lKansaiCltys..S3 81 .396 .SUlLoulivlllea....2S 108 .193 Athletics 71 S3 Cluclnnatls...4 01 A TALK WITH WARD. Johnny States That the Association Players Have No Scheme. Philadelphia, October 10. Ward, tbe well-known short stop of tbe New York club and President of the American Brotherhood of Ball Players, was seen at the Continental Hotel this afternoon by a reporter. He refused to say anything about the alleged scheme of the Brotherhood, but stated tbat if (with great emphasis on the if) anything did come of it the American Association players would not be touched, and that all statements of Association players to the contrary were made, so far as he could judge, to produce beneficial results to themselves only. Ward said tbat tbe letter from him, the signature of which Arlle Latham bad shown to a correspondent, was a letter di rected to W.L. Latham. When Ward received a letter from W. L. Latham he wrote asking if W. h. Latham was Arlie Latham. He received in reply a letter stating tbat tbe first letter was from tbe only and original Artie, which he then answered. He refused to state the nature of the com munication, but said that it was on perfectly legitimate business. In answer to an inquiry Ward said he thought that St. Louis would win tbe American Association championship, and that New York would win the world's series without trouble. President John B. Day, of the New York club, says only enongh games will be played in the world's series to give one club a majority of the series. Eleven games will be scheduled, and Ward says New York will have won the requisite six when not more than nine have been played. PRESIDENT DAY EXPLAINS. He Says the New Charter is to Protect the Giants. New York, October 10. A stir was made in baseball circles this moraine when the fact be came known that two New York baseball clubs had been incorporated at Albany within the past week, each club having for its incorpora tors an entirely different set of men. It ap peared as though Gothamites were to be di vided into hostile factions by having two rival clubs bearing tbe same name and each claim ins to be the champions of the world. President Day, of the New York club, when asked this morning concerning the dual incor poration of "The New York Baseball Club" said: "I was fully iwarp of tbe first incorpora tion, but was not named as one of the directors, because I was not here to sign the papers. The first incorporation was tbat of The New York Baseball Club.1 Tbe second was The New York Ball Club.' Both incorporations are for the Giants, and both were made merely to guard against any other than our club playing under that name." A Tie Game at Wheeling. IETECIAI. TELEGKAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Wheeling, October Ml Wheeling started nicely to-day, but the Phillies pulled up and got in 11 runs. Then they pnt Mr. Anderson in the box in the eighth and in the ninth he gave four men bases on balls which, with Hallman's errors, Westlake's hit, White's double and George's home run, the latter two hits being made off Sanders, brought in 8 runs and tied the score amid the wildest excitement. The Phillies had to leave to catch a train and tne game was not played to a decision. Score; Wheelings 1 110 0 0 0 0 811 Phlladelphlas 0 0 2 3 2 3 10 0-11 Earned runs Wheelings, 3; Phlladelphlas, 6. Base hlts-W heelings, 7: Phlladelphlas, 14. Errors W heelings, 2; Phlladelphlas, 5. Won Tbclr Last Game. rgPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THI DISrATCH.1 Meadville, October 10. The last game of the season was played here to-day and resulted in another defeat for the Girards, this time by a score of 13 to 5. They were again unable to hat Campfleld. Score. McadTllles. 3 10 4 0 10 2 2-13 Girards 0 200000125 Earned rnns Mcadrilles, 3. Home run Maskrcv. Two-base hits Borland, Moyer, Helneman and Campfleld. Bfsehlts lleadvilles, 17: Girards, 3. Errors Mead vlllcs, 2; Girards, 6. Umpire J. P. Lyois. Time of game One hour and 33 minutes. Gomes To-Dny. American Association Brooklyns at Bal timore; Athletics at Columbus. Sporting Note a. Jones will likely pitch for the Pittsburg to day. There is a letter at this office forW. A. Sunday, the ball player. Miilf.u, White, and Garrison will play with the Keystones at Grcensburg to-day. The Pittsburg club will go to Wheeling to day, where they will play to-day and to-morrow. In a ball game between the High School Boys and tbe Western TJniversitr Boys, yester day, tbe former won by 4 to 3. The losers caused the game to be stopped in the seventh inning by kicking. New Styles In Ladles' Lone Wraps. All the latest novelties that have come out within the last week as well as a big line of plainer madegarments blacks and colors. Plain cloths in plain colors and in fancy jacquard suitably trimmed and winter weights, very stylish and rich in materials and trimmimr in short shonlder wrans. 'Mourning wraps and old ladies' wraps in mantle shapes ana in long ragians and new markets $10 00 to $15 00 shoulder capes in black and wool astrakhan; black and col ored broadcloths in all the shapes; plain seal plush shoulder capes; and in a combination ot seal plush and astrakhan, very new all these coming in daily by the hundred, and for quality we aim to sell these goods lower than any house in the country. JOS. HOKNE-& CO. '8 Penn Avenue Stores. MARRIED. MOORfiCARD-On Thursday evening, Oc tober 10, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. W. W. Card, Penn avenue, East End, Miss Nellie Cabs anr? Mr. Daniel acnew Moore, of this city. Dr. J. P. E. Kumler, of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church, officiat ing, assisted by Rev. D. D. Mather, of Dela ware, O. DIED. BUSHFIELD At theresidence of his father. No. 226 Fifth avenue, at 12:40 A. St., October 11, 1889, of diphtheretlc croup, James s. son of George-T. and Martha Hornar Bush field, in tbe ttn year of his age. Notice of funeral hereafter; THE LUCKY CAPTAIN. Pitlsburger's Horse Wins a Great Eace at Morris Park. M'LADGHLIS'S NABROW ESCAPE. Kingston and Cracksman Ban an Exciting Dead Heat. PAST PACING AT TEKRE HAUTE EACES. 'Winners at Latonia, Jerome and Washington Local Sporting Ntws. Captain S. S. Brown's Buddhist won a great race, after an exciting accident, at Morris Park. Kingston and Craftsman ran a dead heat. There was some very fast pacing and trotting at Terre Haute. The races at Jerome Park, Latonia and "Wash ington were good. Morris Park, October 10. The real sport of to-day's meeting occurred in tbe second race when Cracksman and Kingston ran a dead heat for the $1,000 purse. It was claimed by many that Cracksman repeatedly bumped against Kingston in tbe final quarter. It was a mag nificent struggle. Buddhist, witb Jimmie Mc Laughlin up, was backed ofl tbe boards for the protectory stakes, and as one of the crowd ex pressed it, "Captain Brown had a bar'l of money on him." What might have been a eerl ons accident happened to McLaughlin as be cantered past the stand. When a few feet be yond the stand, and just as he was preparing to turn about to go to tho post, Buddhist stumbled and McLaughlin went over his head and landed squarelv on his back on tbe ground. Tbe horse jogged leisurely down tbe track, McLaughlin arose to his feet and with some assistance limped painfully down tbe track to the paddock. After a short delay he re mounted and went to the post. He landed Buddhist a n inner by a good margin, and was again handsomely applauded. First race, five nrlonps Starters: Umpire, Madstone, Blue Bock, Puzzle, Glory, Kuperta, Uunwait, Drnldess. Blue Kock won, Kuperta, second, Maastone third, lime, 59Ji. Second race, mile and a sixteenth Starters: Kingston, Wilfred, Cracksman, Woodburn. Kington and Cracksman ran a dead heat. Wil fred was tblrd. Time, 1:50. Third race, for 2-Tear-olds. tbrce-ouarters of a mile fatarters: June Day, Pefriry Dawdle colt, Jinirsuwn, llllia liiacaourn, cancan, x-earioet, Slnaolall. June Day -won. Tulle Blackburn sec ond, fearl Set tblrd. Time, l:13)j. Fourth race, Protectory stakes, for S-vear-olda, mile and a sixteenth Starters: Bnddbist, Sor reito, bluggard. Holiday, Stephanie. Buddhist won, Sorrento second. Sluggard tblrd. Time, 1:11. Firth race, mile and three-sixteenths Starters: lirotber Ban, Bell Wood. Castaway 11, The Lioness, Bronzomarte. Bronzomarte iron, Cast away II second. Brother Ban third. Time, 2:03. blxth race, one mile King Idle won. Heyday second, Belmont tblrd. Time, 1:43. i-mries at Westchester are: First race, five-eighths mile Clavs Stockton, CoraL, Swift, Speedwell, Question, amotion, 109 pounds each, Kalph Bayard 83, Frelolsl07. Holldarl04. ilnntoon becond race, one and one-sixteenth miles Kleve. Pontico. Coots, Larchmont, ilacbeth II, Equality, King o!orfolk. Berlin, Dutch Holler, Subaltern. 100 pounds each. Third race, five-eighths of a mile-Pall Mall 83 Sounds, Punster, Jr. S3, Ozone 111, Llslmony 111, enwood lou, tiunwad 103, Bessie K 101, Maudlna Ally 91, Czarina 65, St. James 108, Veronica 97, Grace My 91, Jessie 111. Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile Umpire 112 pounds. Vivid 100, clay Stockton 10 Pontico 103, Colonel Hunt 103. Scbnorcr 1(11. Arab 104. Key note 104, Iewburg, Oalop. Glory 99 each. Belmont hs. t aicon 1U7, uipsy Queen ius, Lantte ire. Fifth race, mile beats Barrister 110 pounds, DunboynellO, Castaway II. 106, Ilnntoon 99, Gny Grey VJ, Elgin IDS, Maid of Orleans 105. SOME GREAT SPORT. Excellent Racine nt Lntonln, Woodcraft Wins tbe Queen City Hnudlcap. CiNCnnf ATI, October 10. The sixth regular day of the Latonia races was one of the best of the present fall meeting. The track was very fast and excellent time was made. The weather was clear and mild and quite a large crowd was present. Tbe feature of the day was tbe Queen City handicap which was won by Wood craft. First race, selling pnrse, for 3-year-olds and up ward, three-quarters of a mile-Starters: Devo nla 1G2 pounds. Passion 105, Phillips 105, Narker 107, Elsie B 107, KoslynS5, Cinch 95, Story Teller 95, Governor Boss 100, Koto 100, Climax IOC. Post odds Elsie B I to I, Narker J to L KokoUtol, Devonla 10 to 1; others 6 and 75 to 1. At the start Koko took the lead and kept it till In the stretch when Elsie B, who had been run ning about fonrtb, came to the frqnt and won by half a length. Koko second, four lengths In front of Devonia third. Tlmel:l6.V. Second race, selling purse, ior 3-Tear-olds and npwaro, inree-quaners oi a mue starters: tn sor lis pounds, Renounce 110, Mirth 110. Dutch man 110. Walker lis. Buckler 100, Dahlia 102, Fred Katie S 107. Post odds-Censor IS to I, Renounce 8 to 3. Buckler and KatleS 4 to I; others 8tol. Fred Wooley, who was second at the start, led from the half-mile post to the stretch, where be was passed by Kenounce. who won In a driving finish by ball a length from Buckler, half a length In front of Censor third. Time. 1:17. Tblrd race, purse lor 2-Year-olds, three quarters of a mile Starters: Aunt Kate 102 pounds. Jaka 100, Estelle 108. Prince Fonso 107. Oracle M 100, Palisade 107. Major Tom 105, Fly 105. Ballyhoo 111. Post odds Milton 4 to 1, BallThoo5)j to 1, Prince Foiiso 4 to L Estelle 2 to 1, others 8 and 40 to 1. Palisade was first at tbe half-mile post, and was not heided till the stretch, wbeu Milton swept past the others and won In a clo.-e finish, beating iTince f onso oy a neck, wiin .uauynoo inira, nve lengths behind. Time. I:16K. Fonrtb race, pnrbe. for 3-year-olds and upward, one mile Starters: Cams lot! pounds. Prince For tnnatns 111, Nevada 104. Bonalerta97, Kate Ma lone 100, .Pantalette 90. Monlta Hardy 108. Leon tine 112. Post odds Carus 10 to 1. Nevada 2i to I, Prince Fortnnatus 3 to 1, Monlta Hardy 3 to L others 7 and 15 tol. Monlta Hardy alternated with Bonaletta for first place till the stretch, while Carol ran third. At tbe 6tretch .Nevada and Cams began to come np, and In an exciting finish Cams beat Nevada bra neck. Prince Fortnnatus third. Time. l:t:i. Fifth race, the Queen Cltv handicap, for 3-year-olds and upward, one and three-sixteenth miles Starters: Arundel HI pounds. Woodcraft 112, Heron 114, Wary 118, Sportsman 100, Brandolette iai Famine 103, Retrieve 109, Catilpa 110. Post odds Heron 3 to I, Famine 4 to 1. Woodcraft 6 to L ldtrtcve 3 to 1. others 5, 8 and 15 to I The flag fell wltb Brandolette first In a good stark Famine and Retrieve close behind. At tbe stand Famine was a bead In front of Retrieve and this was the order to the halfmlle post. Coming down to the three-quarter post Woodcraft began to slip forwardand in the stretch was a length In front or the othcrE. Aearlng the Judges' standhe Increased his lead conldcrablyand finished first. Famine second, three lengths away. Heron tblrd. Time. 2:02). . Sixth race, selling purse, for 3-year-olds and upward, fifteenth-sixteenths of a mile Starter;: Koxan 105 ponnds, Cassell 103, Irish Dan 105. Birthday 113, Bonnie Kittle S3. Iago 100, Clamor 105, Spectator 105. Post odds-Irish Dan 7 to 10, Birthday 3 to 1, Clamor and Spectatore to I, otbors 10 and 30 to 1. Spectator was on first at the start, but at the first quarter Irish Dan took the lead and kept It to the last, a length ahead of Clamor, second. Birthday third. Time, l:33)f. Entries at Latonia to-morrow: First race, one-half mile Flyer 97 pounds. Twilight 106. Scmipltere 106. itettle H. los. Mar tha Page 109, Nannie P. 109. Emily 8. 103, Silvir Lake 109. Chantress 112, spite uz. , Catherine 112, Beltle Maddlll 105. MarvII 103. Second race, tbrec-qnartcrs of a mile Lady Jones 90 pounds, Holland 95, Koko 98, Governor Ross 96. Snnnybrook 103. Pell Mell 103, Glen Pearl 101. Walker 101, Gulnore II 104, Zulu 105, Atios A. 108. Third race, seven-elgbths of a mile Dolllkens 86 pounds, Avondale94, Adrlenn& 94, War Peak 102, Llederkranz 102, Pantolctle 104, Argenta 107, Harry Glenn 112, Tom Hood 112, Arlstl 112, bailie Byrnes 114. Fourth race, one mile Iago 109 ponnds, Coral 94, Leo Brigel 97, Lucy P. 93, Pritchett 104, Cora Fisher 104. Lizzie B. 105, Tenacity 112. Fifth race, three-quarters of a mile Kenll wortb 100 pounds, Joe Blackburn 104, EvallnalOS, Pullman Its, Salnte 106. Fakir 108, Camilla 110. Washington Winners. Washington, October 10. The attendance at the races of the NationalJockey Club to-day was only fair, although tbe weather was dc lichtfuL The track was slow, and clouds of dust at times made tbo colors of the jockeys almost indistinguishable. First race, six furlongs Starters: Sonrlre, Prince Howard,' Mary T, Glenluco, Bob Fisher, Mede, Velarian and Consolation. Sourlre won. Prince Howard second, Mary T tblrd. Time. 1 :18. Second race, one mile Martcrs: Wild Cherry, Battersby, Souvenir, Keystone, llotbwell. Fiddle head. Blue Line and Dave S. Wild Cherry won, Battersby second. Souvenir third. Time, 1:46. Third race, the Capital stakes, for 2-year-olds, six furlongs-Starters: Little Ella, Bavarian and bam Doxcy. Little Ella won. Bavarian second. Time. 1:17. Fourth race, seven furlongs Starters: Kedar Khan, Leander. Howerson, Glenluco, Repudlator, Lorrts, Souvenir, Bob Swim and Stanley Sliarpe. Kedar Kban won, Leander second, Howerson third. Time. liSSW. Fifth race, the Washington Cup, steeple chase, gentlemen riders Starters Mogul, Cracksman, Apollo, Cock o' the Walk. Mogul won, Apollo second. Cracksman third. No time taken. The entries for the races of the National Jockey Clrib to-morrow are: " First race, three-fonrths mile Leander, Jndge Buffln, Kalph Black and St. Swltbln, 122 pounds each. Lily 119, Mede and Long Time ill each, Madeline colt and Hemelt 94 each, Cornelia SI. second race, one and one-sixteenth miles Bat tersby Hi pounds, Prather 112, Bothwell J10, KU larney. Blue Line 107 each, Mary T 106. Tblrd race, one and one-sixteenth miles Golden Rule 109 rjonndt. Itoril ffarter 104. Revmnnr irt Fannie H 99. Tom FlnlerM. Fourth race, three-fourths mile Consolation 114 pounaa, juaacaeiug, xxna yearns iw, jriaoie-neaa 103, Glencoel05, Staley Bharpe.100, Bob Swim 100, Faustina 109. , Fifth race, seven-eighths mile-Lorris, Kedar Khan, 122 pounds each, Bess 118, Persuader, Beck, 117 each. Wild Cherry 114. GREAT PACING AND TROTTING. Some Records Broken in Good Races nt Terre tlnntp. Terre Haute, f nd., October 10. A red let ter day was tbe third of tbe trotting meeting. The dav was perfect and attendance large. To have had six consecutive heats in a hotly-contested race paced in tho average time of 2U5 1-6, thus beating all previous records, should be glory enough for one day, but in addition to this Johnston paced a mile in 2:08, the three quarters of which were done in 1:31, a 2.-051-3 gait. A 3-year-old reduced 'her pacing record to 2:1K, giTing the incomparable Williams an other 3-year-old In the 230 list in addition to his Axtell and Allerton. Scioto Girl, a 4-year-old, reduced her record to 2:18, and three heats in the 3-year-old trot had an average of 224. Ihe 225 trot was well contested between Billy Beverly and Solong for second money, Diamond winning easily. 2.3 trot, purse f 1,000. ... Diamond... J J Billy Beverly ? ? Solong 2 liloomfleld 2 .North Anna ? MagnaWilk.es J Shadeland Onward 6 7dlB Time, 2.21X, 2:21, 2:22. 1116 2:16 pace, purse 1,000. Hal Pointer. 8 8 Wlllard 31 1 1 Doctor M 5 4 Fred Arthur 2 2 Gray Harry 3 3 Daisy C... 4 3 Wilcox 8 7 Budd Dohle 7 6 1 1 7 3 2 2 3ro 4ro 6ro 5ro dr Time. 2H4H. 2:14. 2:13, 2:15, 2.17, 2H75I . A match race Tor 8500 between Annie Dickinson, by Lumps, and Scioto Girl, bv Ambassador, best two In three, pacing. The last beat a blanket would have covered them from tbe first to the tblrd quarter. Annie going to a break, the heat was won by Scioto Girl. Pacing match for 8500 Scioto Girl 2 1 1 Annie Dickinson I 2 2 Time, 2:19),, 2:20)4, 2:1S. Tangent, bay pacing stallion by Onward, was sent for breeders' record to beat 2:30. which be did with plenty ofreserve power In 2'22. Johnston to beat 2:08K. The liorewaa a little rank, the rains In the last three weeks or the cir cuit having prevented bis receiving sufficient work to keep him up for the effort. The quarters were made as follows: 0:32. l:03t, 1:34, 2:06. Four good fillies scored up lor the 3-year-old stakes. It was a fight from wire to wire. Dark ness compelled tbe postponement, tbe race going over for to-morrow. Edgewood stakes, 700 Fortuna 1 3 1 Mattle H 2 1 3 Baroness 3 2 2 Lucy B 4 dr. Time. 2:23, 2(244, 2:25. Guelph, black stallion by Prlnceps,' dam by Messenger Duroc, to beat 2:28, did tbe mile nicely in 2.25. GLASS WOULDN'T SHOOT. He Declined to Contest Against Captain Mc Clara In Their OIntch. The proposed shooting match between Charles Glass, of New Castle, and Captain Q. A. McClure, which was underlined to take place yesterday at Squirrel Hill, fell through. About 200 people were assembled to see the contest, but Mr.Qlass objected to the Captain's birds, claiming they had been tampered. This excuse was strong enough to prevent Mr. Glass from shooting. Tbe Captain shot one bird and was awarded the match and stakes, $100 aside. Captain McClnre's friends state emphatically that his birds were all right and had been sent by gentlemen who supply birds to almost every big contest in tbe country. Their tails, as usual, at ere slightly cut, but this is invariably done when birds are sent in boxes. It is claimed tbat Mr. Glass thought he had a task in hand tbat was too difficult for biro. One of his backers offered him $3 it he would contest. An exhibi tion contest took place between Captain Mc Clure, Cbarles Ricbardson and J. P. Andrews. Tbe two first named won by each killing ten straight. Mr. Andrews killed nine. The Fairlnwn Horse Sale. Lexington, Ky., October 10. The Fairlawn sale of trotters began here to-day with fine weather and a big attendance of horsemen from all parts of the United States. Sixty-six thousand dollars was realized for 83 head. Best prices were: Mary Josephine, by Happy Medium, W. G. Bryan, Lexington, 31,050. Falrflled, by Aberdeen, George AgnleL Preston, Ind., tLQSO. Happy Promise, by Happy Medium, W. T. Withers, Lexington, $1,900. Happv Belle, by Happy Medium, A. M, Christie, Uagerstown, Md., tl.07). Antrim, by Aberdeen, Thomas Bonon, Dayton, Washington, fl,250. Waverly, by Happy Medium, G. W. Patterson, Ashton, Iowa. ft,32o. delphla, fl.flO. uceana, dt nappy .oieaium, a. .n. ioore,rjiiia 110. Aberdeen, bv Hambletonlan. James E. Clar. raris, .&;., S3,uuu. Grace Vernon, by Nutwood, J. K. Weed, Still burn, VL, fl,900. Crape Myrtle, byAlrnont, A. H. Moore,!S3,150. Sara Meade, by Happy Medium, U.Lanjr, Buffalo, Luka, by American Clay, George F. Hit e. Paris, Ky., ,25o. Asall, by Aberdeen, Mat Gardner, Nashville, Tenn., 1,U75. Juditli, by Aberdeen, W. H. Patterson, 1,32S. Alice, by Alecto, to same party, f LOOO. Myosotles, by Aberdeen, Speedwell Stock Farm, Pa., 11,100. Happy Courier, by Happy Medium, Ben John son, Bardstown, Ky., tl,6o0. On Jerome Park Track. Jerome Pare, October 10. The track was in excellent condition and the attendance was a little larger than us lal. Tbe Mahopac handi cap was the feature of the card. First race, one thousand fonr hundred yards Starters: Detaulter, Eollan, Belle d' Or, Climax, Egmont, Kingsmate. Belle d' Or won, Egmont second. Defaulter third, lime 1:22H. Second race, Mahopac handicap, one and one eighth mlleo Starters: Kaceland, Laragon, Re porter, Lavlnla Belle. Kaceland won. Reporter second, Lavina Belle third.. Time 1:58S. Third race, six furlongs Starters: Mr. i'elham, Iago. Hawkstone, Robespierre, Chieftain. Spaniard, Addle T, Maria filly. Chieftain finished first, but was disqualified on account of a foul and the race was given to Robespierre; Hawkstone second. Addle T third. Timel:19. Fourth race, five furlongs, straight Starters: Volunteer II., Gregory, Cartoon. Salisbury, Freedom. Autocrat, Radiant, Font lac, Fitz laincs. Cruiser. Callente, Wheeler T, Lady Pul sller. Louise. .Volunteer II. won, Pontiac second, uregory third. Tlrael:0IM. Fnt' race one and one-sixteenth miles Refund won.Mcn la'es-cond. Vigilant third. Ulme 1.54X, bixth race, one and one-slTteenth miles -Bruise's won. Uzln second. Valet third. '11 me, 1:55. Entries for races at Jerome Park to-morrow: EIrst race, half mile Carrie C, Sophist, Eltn stnnehS pounds each, Mr. Pelham 105, Auitralltz 102, Shakespeare 101 Sam Morse 99, Lady Agnes 99, Mabel Glen 06, Miss Annie flllv 94. Nomad 93, LaurcntlaOO, Rosemary Murray colt 89, Index 89, Liiy ai on. becond race, one and one-sixteenth miles King Crab 115 pounds, Salvator 113, Conncmara 112, Auranla 11 Umpire 105, Benedictine, Charley Dreux, Tbcodoslus, Zephyrus 105 each, Darling 93. Ihlrd race, six furlongs Livonia, Successor. Gramercy, Elkton 113 pounds each, Lord Dalmeny 103 Rosette 105. ' Fourth race, one and three-sixteenth miles Tristan 110 pounds, Huntress 108, Vosburg 105, Charley Dreux 101, sluggard 1M. Refund 100. Firth race, one mile Ban Hag 125 pounds, Bo hemian 120, Brldgellgbt 120. Prose. Leclalr, Bertha 117 each, Diablo, Hyperion, Philosophy 111 each. Sixth race, one and one-sixteenth miles Sir Roderick 112 pounds, J.J. O'B 112. Lctrltla 109, Glemlale 3C9. Lancaster 107. Not Guilty lu7. New burg 106, Bellalr 103, Bela 95, Burnslde 92. Blaiclird to Skate. ISFXCIAt. TUSPBAM TO THB DISPAICH.1 East Liverpool, O., October la James Delaney, of East Liverpool, O., and Eugene Hauke, champion boy roller skater of Amer ica, have been matched to skate a three-mile race at the Fifth street rink, East Liverpool Wednesday evenlnc, October 16. Both parties are very evenly matched and the prospects are tbat the race will be one of tbe most exciting ever skated here. The stakes are flOOandthe entire gate receipts. Grrenburff Races. Greensburg, Pa., October 10. The races at the fair tills afternoon attracted one of tbe largest crowds ever seen at an exhibition here. Summary: 2:40 trot -Louie C, William Fisher, Allegheny first, with Mr. Prcdmore's A. B. Donaldson sec ond. Time 2.41. Free-ror-all pace BIllv B won, owned by Mr Hrntt. Plttsbnrf: Donald R second. Nn llmi ' One or two of the Pittsburg horsemen are great-1 ly dlsgnsted with tbe decision of the Judges this aiteruuuii. nicy ciauu wue o mc nurses in tha .2.40 class was given his place after running almost .IjU.lKt, cuu OB w 1UU1, .u.. . ItUUlViC, 1. 18 thought, will not start In the free-ior-alt trot to morrow. There were 10, COO tickets sold at the fair to-day. Primrose a Winner. London, October 10. This was the fourth.) dayof the Newmarket second October meeting. The principal event was the race for the Ozare witch stakes, for 8-year-olds and upward. As sa'Bln and Mercy led tr the bauhes, where Primrose headed them, and coming on wop by three lengths. Mercy was a bad third. The winner's starting price was 11 to 1 against. The race for tho Champion "takes was won by Prince SoltykoiTs Gold: Mr. Manton's Antlbes was secondand tbe Duke ot Portland's Ayrshire third. Fine goods st prices far below the uriea of common goodj at the closing-out sale of IF. Schoenthal, 612 Penn avenue. SCHOOLS AND SHOPS. The Delegates to the International American Congress PAY A VISIT TO YALE COLLEGE, And Also Inspect a Number of the New England Factories. ANOTHBE BANQUET IN THE EYENING. An Original Scheme Proposed by a Member From the United States. The delegates to the International Con gress are continuing their tour of inspection throughout New England. Yesterday they visited Yale College and other points of in terest in Connecticut New Haven-, Conn., October 10. Soon after the excursion party returned to the train last night, in Hartford, the rain began j to tall, and a steady down pour lasted until 'the cars started for Collinsrille at 7:30 o'clock this morning. "When that place was reached the rain ceased. The sun made its appearance, and the quarter oi a mile walk through the fresh country lane run ning from the station to the works of the Collius' Edge Tool Company was enjoyed by the party. As time pressed it was necessary to make the visit too short to afford a proper oppor tunity for a complete understanding of the complicated processes through which the steel passes from the ingot to the shining broad-ax or slender machette, and the South and Central Americans saw for tbe first time how the bush-hookr and machettes with which they are so familiar are produced, and learned with surprise that one-half of the 600 employes engaged in these works were making Spanish azes and tools for shipment to South and Central America. PRESENTED WITH KNIVES. After the inspection of the works the visitors were presented with souvenirs con sisting of metallic pincushions of oxidized silver and with murderous-looking bowie knives. At 10 o'clock the train was again boarded, and the party started for Meriden, which was reached at 11:30. Mayor "Wallace, at the head of the de ception Committee, led the party from the train to the works of the Meriden Britannia Company, where the evolution of plated ware from blocks of white metal to the fin ished prodnct was witnessed. At the hnge brass mill the party saw the workmen pro ducing 1,000 hanging lamps per day, and later were taken to the Meriden Opera House, where there was a display of goods which had been manufactured in the town. The range of goods comprised hand coffee grinders, exquisite onyx and brass goods, iron vises, bronze clocks, iron screws, har ness goods, pianos, cut glass, gnns and rues. Many of the business interests distributed price catalogues with trade discounts plainly printed, and these were eagerly taken by the delegates from the South. WELCOME AT NETtf-HAVEN. At 10:30 o'clock places were resumed on the train and at 2 p. M. New Haven was reached. Mayor Peck and a committee re ceived the party. Thirty-eight carriages conveyed the delegates from the depot ont from the city and up to the top of East Bock, which 'is beine laid out by New Haven as a park. Here the foreign visitors' saw the finest sweep of American scenery that has yet greeted them. Descending again into the city, the Yale College buildings were visited. In the old library hall President Dwight briefly wel comed tbe visitors. He said it was well that they should be received in that place. The university represented the universal brotherhood of mankind. Education and religion made all peoples one. He weicomed the Southerners as friends. They were strangers in their coun tries, in their language, and, in somv de gree, in their customs. Bat the freedom which embraced the peoples of the "WFestern Hemisphere made all men fellows and brothers in freedom. Each memberof the party was introduced to President Dwight, and all were then driven to the train to pre pare for the Chamber ot Commerce banquet ANOTHER BANQUET. At the banquet this evening President Dowell, of the Chamber of Comvnerce, pre sided. After an address of vrelcome in Spanish by Prof. Knapp, of Yale, ex-Senator Henderson responded for the Con gressional delegates. He strongly urged that after the Congress should ad journ, one of the new wr.r ships be loaded witn tne goods ot our nation and sent South to be unloaded among the merchants there, that they might see the goods and learn the prices, and be convinced that reciprocal trade would be well for them and for us. That would lie what a Yankee would call business, and he (the speaker) professed to be a man of business. (Ap plause. President Dwight, of iYale, next spoke briefly He dwelt upon 'the relation of the university to the people, and welcomed the delegates as a citizen of Connecticut and a citizen of the United States. t Delegate Calderon, of Columbia, in Spanish, ex pressed tbe cood will of his people to the United States, and his hope for closer re lations. Tbe gnests were then driven to their train, whicb leaves during the night for Sprine field, Mass. ' " Don't Catch Cold For want of a good overcoat Call and see the ones we sell to-day at $13, worth 525 of any man's money. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. New Blnck CIc.th Jnckefs In Clonk Boojn To-Day, Plain; with embroidered vest fronts; with directoire lapels; silk faced; astrachan trimmed, and other novelties also plain black diagonal, satin lined all through, five grades. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. The exhibition will be permanent of high grade wares at popular prices in the china store of "W. P. Greer, 622.Penn avenue. Exposition 'Wagner night and fashion able night Splendid music. Fine goods at prices far below the price of common goods at the closing-out sale of F. Schoenthal, 612 Penn avenue. Featjenheim & Vilack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. Exposition Hear the grand "Wagner programme by the famous Thirteenth. Onr Overcoat Department Is always crowded, and the most popular garment is our $13 light-colored kersey, which is sold everywhere else at 25. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court Honse. Exposition Fashionable night the Thirteenth Begiment Band, of York. Hear New Fbauenheim & "Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. ' To-Day Too Can Buy a genuine kersey overcoat, any size, for $13; sold everywhere else at $28. P. 0. O. 0., cor. Grant and Diamond ata.. I opp. the new Court Bouse. Exposition Hear the grand "Wagner programme by the famous Thirteenth, h SCHWAB APPOINTED. The Homestead Manager Succeeds the Late Captain Jones. Charles M. Schwab was yesterday pro moted to the position of General Superin tendent of the Edgar Thomson Steel "Works in succession to the late Captain "W. It. Jones. Notices to this effect, signed by H. C, Frick, Chairman, were yesterday posted throughout the works. The appointment was a great surprise to many of the em ployes, but considerable satisfaction was expressed at the fact that the new Superin tendent was not an entire stranger, Mr. Schwab having passed sometime at the steel works in the capacity of civil engi neer. He was Assistant Superintendent of the Homestead works, under Captain Jones, for the last two years, and succeeded in be coming as popular with the men under his charge as he stood well with the members of the firm. He was for a time Captain Jones' private secretary and richt-band' man, so that he will have no difficulty in assuming his new position. Sir. Potter, the new General Superintend ent's chief assistant at Homestead, has been promoted to the superintendency of the lat ter works. Both appointments are in the line of the policy carried out by the firm, which holds to promoting young men who have prop erly qualified. PDDDLEE8 DISSATISFIED. The Yearly Chancre In Time of Tarns Not Acceptable to Them. A great deal of dissatisfaction exists among the pnddlers of those mills suffering by the shortage in the gas supply, by reason of the change in the time ot the turns. As yet nothing has been said with- regard to what the men will do in the premises. In some quarters the kick is likened to that which occurred last year from the same cause, and though the pnddlers then ac cepted the temporary change without ex hibiting any disposition to make a question of it, it is more than hinted now that those concerned are averse to accepting the change as a yearly occurring affair. Though this is the view taken by a prominent official of an organization, elsewhere it is held that the pnddlers will put up with the alteration in the time rather than throw themselves out of work by walking out. LOW BLACES EAIDED, Tho Police Cleaning Oat the Nest Near tbe Union Depot Inspector MfcAleese, Captain Silvius, De tective Fitzgerald and Officer Moran yester day raided the establishment of Henry Bowman atiNo. 117 Liberty street, captur ing Bowman, two men and two women. They gave their names as Adam Long, Mollie Bennett, Julius Kinfeld and Annie Pleugh. In addition to this raid the inspector notified "-'Italian Dan," who keeps a place at No. JJ.57, Jennie Huntsman, at No. 1163, and Cailie Lyons, at 1155, to vacate their houses, within 24 hours or he would arrest the proprietors and all their inmates. Tbj Inspector says the row of houses from 1147 to 1157 Liberty street has been one of the rorst nests in the city, and he has se cured evidence enough to convict everv one of -he parties mentioned above for illegal liquor selling, and keeping disorderly houses. Bowman is the only one against Trhom such charges have been entered, but the others will be treated to the same dose if they are found in the houses this afternoon. Bowman, it is alleged, is worth $50,000, but lived in the midst of misery, crime and squalor. The property on which this row of houses is located n reported to be tbe property of a well-known business man, and the police officials say that it their present efforts to remove the vicious characters from tbe houses prove ineffectual they will serve notice on the owners and make them re sponsible. Some quite respeotable families are living in the buildings and they, of course, will not be disturbed. Bowman had a hearing last nieht before Magistrate McKenna and was held for court, Daniel Salvincci, known as "Ital ian Dan," of No. 1157 Liberty street, was also arrested and held in $2,000 bail. Their OEHcera Elected. The Pittsburg and Allegheny auxiliary to the National Indian Association met yesterday on Stockton avenue. Mrs. Press ley presided. Mrs. Henry Strickler and Mrs. David Craig were elected delegates to attend the National Convention. The fol lowing named are the officers for the en suing year: Miss M. M. press ey, President; Mrs. Howarth and Mrs. McBoberts, Vice Presidents; Miss E. Mahon, Secretary; Mrs. David Craig, Treasurer, and Miss M, Mor rison, Corresponding Secretary. An Interrupted Reading. Pnck.i Small Boy Pop, how do you spell new? Pop (busy reading) Go to the diction ary. Small Boy How do you spell Jersey? Pop Go to the cycloDedia. Small Boy Say, Pop, why do folks make, such fun of New Jersey. Pop Go to Jersey. Crashed by a Heavy Weight. Young James Kerns was crushed to death by seven tons of iron fallinsr on him yester day morning at Oliver Bros. & Phillips' mill on the Sduthside. The boy lived on Sixteenth street. More Open Henri h Fnrnacei. The Carbon Iron Company is going to erect two 50,000 pound open hearth furnaces. They will be built on the Lash patent. The patentee will supervise the erection of the furnaces. BACING BY GASLIGHT. Novel and Interesting Trial of Speed at Lancaster, O. rSFXCIAL, TZLZOlU-ITOTIlEDlSrATCH.l Lancaster, O., October 10. Fiftoen thous and people attended the Fairfield county fair to-dav, which number was augmented to over 20,000 to-night to witness the races by natural gaslight. Probably no more novel scene was ever before presented on a race course. The 20-foot stand pipes at short intervals encircled the halt-mile track, and dotted the entire grounds with iarper stand pips within the track. A hnrmnp lake of fire and water 100 feet in di ameter and as many feet high, and the two largest eas wells in tbe country, "The Old Man Himself' and "City WellNo.fi," with capacities of 25,000,000 and 15,000,000 cuhic feet resDective ly, were turned on to complete the illumina tion. , , In tbe midst of this wonderful and awe-inspiring display, V. J. Morgan's famous trotter, Guy. without! runnine mate, attempted to beat his record of 210, Millard F. Saunders, driver. Ha onlv made, however. 2ui. equiva lent to 2.17 on the Cleveland mile track. It is expected that he will beat this greatly to-morrow night, never having trotted by night or artificial light before. A three-fourths mile dash, with a $100 purse, was a beautiful sight, with the followlngstarters: Colonel 8. Tommy G, Nellie HeglerTJrbana, Breyf ogle, Dewdrop, Whalebone and Vidette. Colonei S Tommy Q and Nettle Hegler took first, second and third money respectively; best time, liX. The nightraces were grand successes,and the first of the kind in the world. THE SCHEME A GOOD ONE. Pitcher Keefe Predicts the Success of the Lenane Brotherhood Plnn. fSPrCIAL T-XZGBAU TO THI DISPATCH. I Boston, October 10. Pitcher Keefe. of the New York Baseball Club, was in the city to day. Mr. Keefe fs Secretary ot the Brother hood of League players. He said that tbe players had grievances and vital cues, and tbat there was no reason why the League should be trusted after the way it baB previously violated faith with the players He said: "We want the abolition of the classification of the players and we want the sale of players entirely done away with." t He added that the Brotherhood scheme for playing ball, would be a success If carried out, ANAWTJIfBTJTCHERY. - Details oMIw Negro Uprising Upoa the island of Navaaso. WHITES KILLED IN COLD BLOOD. The Sioters Use -Dynamite Bombs to De stroy a Frail Shelter. RESCUED BT AN EKGL1SH CEU1SEE, The Officers of Wlich Tessel Showed in Unusual Amount of Kindness. Details o the recent riot on. the island of Navasso show it to have been even more serious than at first intimated. Several white men were killed and the balance barely escaped with their lives. But for the appearance or an English cruiser all would have been murdered. PHnvADELPIirA.October 10. Thehrill ing story ol the negro insurrection on the 'island of Navasso on September 14 was told to-day by a handful of the intended victims of the mutineers, who were fortunate to es cape butchery. The British 'steamship Dorian, which arrived here, brought six of the white officers of the Navasso Phosphate Company, against whom the attack was made. These survivors are 0-. D. Smith, M. D.; C. "W. Bob, BT. A. Jones, H. N. Vail, John O'Bourke and John Jacobson. They brought with them three colored men, who were among those friendly darkies who as sisted in preserving their lives. They sailed from Jamaica on September 20, and al though the account of the insurrection has been published m detail, the. individual stories of these survivors are interesting. x BESCIJEI BT ENGLISHMEN". They were rescued by the British man-of- war a orwara, upon which they sailed from the Island of Navasso to Kingston, Jamaica C. "W. Eoby Is ar$ elderly man of robust physique, ,wno was the nrst one of tbe offi cers of the cord pai y assaulted by the rioters. He was brutally bit-on the head with clubs. and left for dead in a ditch where the ne groes were working at the time. He has 30 stitches in his scalp where it was torn open by the blows. The fact that he is alive seems a miracle. Strong, healthy H. A. Jones has his face scarred with ugly cuts and bruises, and his scalp has likewise been sewed up in many places. He is a young man about 35 whose people live in Baltimore. He was attacked by the rioters while attempting to arrest one ot tne ringleaders under orders from Dr. Smith. He was knocked down by tbe mob, and stamped' upon, kicked and beaten and nearly clubbed to death. Dr. Smith, in giving his account of the riot, said: HO "WAHNING GIVEN. "We had no warning of the outbreak what ever, we did. not even suspect It, There are 137 negroes employed in the phosphate mines. and they were all sent there from the city of Baltimore. The worst element of them were ship bands who had been arrested for desertion and other offenses and sent there bvthe United States Shipping Commissidner instead of being sent to jail, so you can see that they were a pretty bard Uasa of men and up to all kinds of viciousness anu uevuiry wnen tue opportunity cresented Itself. if they bad been unsophisticated natives of that region it might bave been an easy matter to subdue them. but. being colored laborers picked up m an American city, they were an entirely ainerent class to aeai witn. mere are no natives on tbe Island of Navasso. It is en tirely barren. The bouse we took refuge in when the attack was made was no protection whatever from bullets. The doors were only maae oi mosquito netting ana ine wans were a mere shell of thin boards. Before weot into the house I fired into tho mob that baor Jones on the ground, and hit one of them. They -concealed themselves behind trees and stones, so tbat our fire bad little ef fect on them. "The dynamite bombs tbey threw weighed a pound apiece, and I snppose the only reason the building was not shattered to pieces was because they were thrown on the piazza Instead of under it. THE. LITTXE JAETT. There were, 11 of us, comprising the white officers of the company. When we were com pelled to abandon our shelter to escape being blown to pieces by the blasting, cartridges, we made a rash, but the blacks gathered around ns and closed In upon us, using knives, clubs and revolvers. The men who fell were Thomas N. Foster. Joseph Fales and William T. Shea. The blacks literal! v butchered them with knives and clubs. Mr. Foster was the Superin- .enaeni. We reached a small bouse, in which we hid for safety for the time, and in tbe interval the negroes ransacked and pillaged the Superin tendent's house in which we first took shelter. The shooting of. James Mahon was one of the most bloodthirsty acts of the day. The negroes came to our hiding- place and promised us safety from attack if we came to supper. We came ont and found that some of the negroes were disposed to intercede for us. wemarcnea aiocgin Indian sie, when one of the villainous blacks known as George S. Key, stopped And used a revolver within six inches of Mabon's face, the ball going tbron-b his cheek- As he fell the fiend fired another bullet Into Mabon's back, which pierced his heart. Jones felt tbat bis .time had come, but if it had been tbe negro's intention to shoot Jones, something caused him to bPSitate and the man's life was spared. An English vessel was lying ofl the coast but heavy storms were prevailing and we had no means of communi cating with her "WELCOME ASSISTANCE. I, however, got a note to the captain, and he sailed to Jamaica and sent the British man-of-war to our assistance. When the vessel came to the island the negroes were thoroughly frightened. A part of them were still thirst ing to finish the job. by killing those of us who had survived. The captain of the Forward got his galling guns ready for service and threat ened to shell the Island nnless every man of ns was turned over In safety. We were taken aboard tbe vessel on Thursday; after being in imminent peril of our lives since tbe previous Saturday, when tbe insurrection took place. As we ascended the steps up the side of the vessel the officers paid us tbe compliment of hanging the American flag over tbe side. We were treated royally by tbe officers of tbe man-of-war. He took us to Kingston, where we were taken to a club-house and entertained as if we were distinguished people, and put safely aboard tbe steamer Dorian, destined to this port. We bave been treated like princes from tbe moment of our rescue by the English cruiser. There was only one sad accident to mar the jdy of our rescue. Samnel March, one of onr men. Who had his head frightfully cut and brnised, died on tbe Forward on tbe way to Jamaica. The accounts of Mr. Boby and Mr. Jones were in the same veiu as that of Dr. Smith. The survivors left by rail this afternoon for Baltimore, GEN. BLAKELT WOULD ACCEPT. . Soldiers Aik to Pat Him Forward for Cor poral Tanner's Place. General "William Blakely has received a communication from a nnmber of old soldiers asking for leave to submit his name to the President to fill the vacancy in the office of Commissioner ot Pensions, from which Corporal Tanner resigned, and the General Tenlies, defininghis views and giv ing the writers permission to present his name to the President for the place, should their views accord with his. General Blakelv states that "tbe soldier should re ceive the utmost farthing due him under the law, but anything inexcessor that, by way of sympathy or sentiment, is a wrong upon the Government Rogers' Royal Nervine la warranted to be PURE, HEALTHY and unadulterated by poisonous or injurious drugs. Read what ihe talented actress, Helen Dsuvray, thinks and writes about ROGERS' ROYAL KERYINE TONIC: lh.TetucdUosers'ltov.l Nervine Tonic, and And it an excellent tonic for exhausted nerves, sleeplessness and niter fatigue which comes from over-taxation of the brain. Newport, Mayl889. HELEN DAUVEAY, It GIVES NEW LIFE and Strength when the body Is tired and weak from overwork, mental or physics!- $1 per bettle. Bold by BrnfRlsts. tiwrekettit.. - Mr 1 - WMaf WW vrr mm Til WI ATM. Far Wetttrn -Bw-tyhania, olrjM- tlonary 'temperature, vesterlv winds. ' fair, tiationary tem.k perature, earfaWa' y uimii. ,. VJ. PrrrSBtTBO, October lfl, lag.,, The United States Signal Berrtea oaioerla this city lunuane tne renewing: Time. Ther. s a. r.. -...M 12:00 X.. 611 10 P. M - 2:00r.x S9 5-S-".x ...- 3o r. x ss l.- -r Metateras aftc- maximum temp... ni, 344Blraoa taa J7W-7 PreefpMaMes. ...... .00 tTP--m. Kirer . j -. hours. 3.9 feet, no change laM sts-fa River Telegram. UPECI-JL TXLXOJIAXS TO THI BttrATe&t MOHOASTowir-Kher 3 feet 8 teebes awl stationary. Weather cloudy. TBenaesaeter mPjtl lfr 3 IT Jta, jSBOWXSvrxiz River 4 feet' i taehes.awt;. stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer,. 43-a.7p.JC -' -aaWSI U.UUUiiry Ha .OW HVKg S mark. Weather clear and nlunnt- WA-BWWW I7fa. ..., -i . . ? PEATEE BOOKS ASD MISSIMS.1 Proceedings of the General Coaventfoa of the Protestant Episcopal Church. New Yohk, October m The General Con vention of the Protestant .Episcopal Church went into regular session again to-day at IS o'clock, with Eev. Dr. Korean Dix ia tbe chair. Tbe Secretary. Rev. Mr. HutehiM. reada nam- -t ber of messages from the House of SfefeoBS in-' forming the House of Deputies that a number " of changes In the Book of Common Prayer had been resolved upon, and, tbat tbe Hesse of r Deputies cincturing; notiScattoa of these changes should be seat to tbe several dfeeeses preliminary to action upon them at tbe next General Convection. ' . ..." A large missionary meeting was heM is tfce"' Academy oCMnsic this aftemooB. BfebepTat-V ue. ot iHissoun, conuuciea tut preaama services, and the other BfeboBS and eierzv copied seats on the stage. Bishop Dadter.'of Kentucky, presided. Speeches were saacte by Dr. Courtney. Bishop of Nova Beetle, fieri Philip Brooks, of Boston, the rniiBwyO naaops o. wyommg ana laaao, ana t&e jish. oem iiow, tne newiy-eiectea .rresMe&t of lamoia uouege. AN IMPOETAIfT 8I1FMMT. Jr Two Hsndred Tons ol Steel Bteeses Sent to New Zealand. , An important shipment was maae from this city yesterday to Auckland, New Zea land. It consisted of 289 tea of steel blooms manufactured by the Junction Iron and Steel "Works at Mingo Junction, and wa3 forwarded by Mr. Evan Francis, the well-known steel Toiler of tbe Apollo Iron and Steel "Works. The desti nation of the shipment k Wbnoa go. New Zealand, where a coniDanr oi Colonial and British capitalists is about - to engage in the steel business. Mr. -Fninck' -leaves on Monday to take charge of the new plant. The object ot buyinz. the Meom here is to ascertain the relative cost of plates -v made from the imported bloom as compared ; with those manufactured from bloom made r atjthe works at Wonongo- If it is found! -cheaper to import the bloom, a verr large ; trade may be looked for in this directios. as " . the coIonistSjhave fairhr recovered from the monetary depression of the last few years, .. and are now looking around for methods of r s manufacturing for themselves what tkey-tk now depend for supply of on England aud . the States. - ' What a Comfort!: ""t,t h'cDii! faFussf hoBacUchJ ! LASTS LONGER, LOOKS BRIGHTER, and makes the Shoes WEAR BETTER. Don't 1st tic women have all thebest things, but Be WoIfrsAGMEBIacking ONCE A WEEK FOR MEN. ONUS A MONTH FOR WOMEN.'. , I find it a tip top Harness Dressing. WOLFF & RANDOLPH.PhiladelpMs. - XWTSU BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA. 150 CUPS FOB n. CHOICEST, PUREST. BEST., TRY IX JeM-wrr Pears1' Soap (Scented and UnscentedJ SECURES -V BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. OI5" JLLL DRUGGISTS. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. No. 110.1 A N ORDINANCE AUUr N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING: THE J construction' of a aewer on Cabot alley. from a point aDout 10 leet east 01 soutn ruia street to a connection with a sewer about SB feet east of South Sixtb street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted br tbo city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Cous-I cils assembled, and it is bereby oidained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That tho Chief of the DeDartment of Public Worts iba and is hereby authorized and directed to fad-'" vertise, in accordance with the acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of said city of Pittsbure relat ing thereto and regulating the same, for pro SDsals for the construction ot a pipe sewer on abot alley, from a point about 75 feet east of South Fifth street to a connection with a sewer about SO feet east of South Sixth street, com mencing at Cabot alley distant about 75 feet east ot South Fifth street, thence along Cabot alley in an eastwardly direction to a connec tion witb a sewer about 50 feet east of South Sixtb street, size of sewer to be IS inches in diameter, the contract therefor to be let in tbe manner directed by tbe said acts of As sembly and ordinances. Thecostandexpenseof tho same to be assessed and collected in accord ance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of tbe second class." annroved the 16(h day of May, A. D. 1S89. Section 2 That any ordinance or part or ordinance confllntlni- with thn nrovisions of this ordinance be and the same is bereby re pealed so far as the same affects tnis onu- Tianrf Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils tmsaotbdavo. September, A. D. iw- H T PORIV PrMllnl of Select C0UB ciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk ot Belect Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, Prest- dent ol Common Council. Attest: u&u. HOOTH. dork nt ('nmmnn ColinCU. MiTr rwtnhr 7. 1SS9. ABSTOVedt WM. McCALIAN. Mayor. Attest: ROB-OaTi OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerlc.-T3 SEifi! JMoeroea a Ufessaace-MOK, jau t, oyucwer,A.ii.-es-. "e- flSiO U" a . 3T t r -a-a,i 4 i arT - s SIEPtt