IHipiPPBP1 T If 1IPW1P4! Tlia$SCTK3KnF ''fflBi j&yafc-" vv-- 3PflSw r- ;-a r , . 1 J J i&urj!&&sfms,. T" R P4BL3 r i -TJi, .TW i 'rt ' ?xSi ; jt? W? ,--- r fr llflll ' ' t" - - - - ' J" ' THE BITER BRIDGES. What Captains Wood and Bryant Ac complished at Washington. APPEAL TO THE WAR DEPARTMENT Timorous Protest Against the Obstruction of Navigation. BELIEF RIYEK5IEN HOPE TO BECDKE Captain John A. Wood, of this city, and Mr. J. "W. Bryant, of New Orleans, te tarned to the city yesterday from AYashlng ton, where they went to fiie a protest with the Secretary of "War against the delay in ihe repairs of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie bridge at Beaver. Secretary Proctor was not in "Washing ton, being in New England with the American International Congress delegates. The visitors called upon the acting secre tary, General Schofield, and presented to him the bridge resolutions adopted by the National Board of Steam Navigation, pho tographic views of the Beaver ana "Wheel ing bridges, and a written statement of the Grievances of the river operators against the bridge builders. The river men complain of the tardiness with which the work on the Beaver bridge is being done. Mr. Bryant said: "It seems almost as if the contractors were dragging the work along for the express purpose of obstructing navigation." General Schofield declined to express any opinion as to what could be done, but promised that the War Department would afford all the relief in its power. The mat ter will be referred to Colonel Merrill, at Cincinnati, the engineer in charge of the Ohio river. On his report of the condition of affairs the department will act. COULDN'T "WAIT FOB PKOCTOB. Secretary Proctor is expected to return to Washington to-morrow, but Messrs. Wood & Bryant were unable to wait until that time. The delegates met a number of the principal river operators at the office of John A. Wood & Son yesterday fornoon, and reported to them what had been done. Mr. Brvant said to a reporter for The Dispatch: "An appeal to the Secretary oi War is the only action practicable for us. The work on the Beaver bridge has been authorized by a special act of Congress, and it is doubtful if it could be stopped by the courts. It the river men would appeal to the courts for an injunction or writ of mandamus it would be incumbent on them to show that they have suffered actual damage. This they could not do at the present time. The damage is prospective, nd consists in the fact that when the ixpected fall freshet comes the operators will be unable to take advantage of it. Besides that, it would cost a great deal of money to prosecute legal action. The rail roads employ their attorneys by the year, and like nothing better than to get a man into court and wear him out by legal delays. A PIXE of only 5500. We were to secure the aid of the Attorney General of the United States. He could ob tain the infliction of a penalty on the rail road company ot only 5500 a month, lhe company could pay that for one month, and proceed right along to continue the obstruc tion. What would a railroad company care for a fine of $500 a month in such a work? There is, thus, no practicable relief for us under the law. "The Secretary of War cannot, I sup pose, take any summary action either to stop or expedite the work. About the only thing which we hope for him to do is to recommend prompt piocedure by the rail road company. I think that a communica tion from him would have eficct, because the railroad people have many reasons tor cultivating the good will of the War De partment. "The work aboutto be done on the bridge of the Wh.eel.ng jjiid Lake Erie Railroad at Wheeling wilt it -the. intentions of the con tractors are carried out, be a serious obstruc tion to navigation. They are preparing to close the right hand span channel, which is the channel used by boats and tows. They will leave the central span open, bnt jnst below that there is an island, so close to the bridge, that vessels with tows have not room to make around to the right of the island." The river men are determined to file pro test upon protest with the War Department until some relief is secured. The Wonder nt the Exposition. There is nothing remarkable to see a pyramid of bottles piled on high, nor in deed anything wonderful to know thai they contain'Klein's "Silver Age" Eye. Yet, withal, come when you will, you can see crowds of onlookers standing in front of his display wondering why such respectable and well-known physicians and superin tendents of hospitals recommend so highly this particular brand of rye whisky. To these we would say Ask those who have used it Get the truth trom those who have been benefited by it. Do not mind petty sayings of would-be competitors. You will not fiud many of them who will speak well ot an article that leads them all. It is use less to attempt to humbug the public. Merit is the only thing that will bring suc cess. Physicians and others indorse it be cause they know its worth. Ask your drug gist for it. It is pure; it is old; it is reliable; it h palatable; it is cheap, only 51 50 per full standard quart. Our wines, and other well known brands of rye whiskies, we will sell cheap as the cheapest, and will send them neatly packed to anywhere in the country. Send for complete catalogue and price list, and be assured of fair and honest dealing. Try us and be convinced. Max Klein, 82 Federal st. Allegheny, We have a little lot of 1869 Gibson pnre rye fer sale. 21 wf Oar Busy Cloak Department. More arrivals here of new goods for to day's sales for young, miadle-aged and old ladies; jackets, short mantles, ulsters, new markets and directoire styles in the newest materials prices to suit all. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. SIS 00 Good for S3 50 and $4 00. S12 00 silk brocades 3 50 and 54 00. 512 00 satin brocades 53 50 and 54 00. 10 00 velvet brocades 53 00 and $3 50. 55 00 velvet brocades SI 50. Evening shades. Evening shades. 4 Enable & Shcstee, 35 Fifth ave. 1 Loot! Piano Very Cheap. 5175 cash will buy a nearly new upright piano, full IVi octaves. Call at once if you wish to secure a bargain. Echols, McMubbat & Co., 123 Sandusky street, Allegheny. London Neckwear Thin Week. Choicest styles in onr Men's Furnishing Department. Jos. Eobne & C.o's Penn Avenue Stores. A Positive Fact. C. A. Smiley & Co. have the fine trade of this city in gentlemen's hats. d Hendbicks & Co.. 68 Federal st, are gaining in popularity in their new photo parlors by low prices, good work and prompt deliveries. Cabinets 51 a dozen. Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big (5 Wylieave. Call or send by mail, wsu FOR family use Waiuwrigbt's beer is the best. Insist upon having this make. Tusu Fbacenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in lavor every day. 'Phone 1186. Cloth capes, very stylish, brown and tan, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. Mek's fine neckwear, gTeat Tariety. Jakes H. Anntw & Co., 100 Fifth ave. v fc gpuiift VIMwIWmTRfl- TTTRPATOTL WE CHURCH COUNCILS. Lutherans and Methodists to Assemble Here This Morulas A 83,000 Memorial for tbo Rct. Dr. Kramh. The Lutheran Church intheUnitedStates now stands fourth in the list of Protestant denominations. Of the four general bodies that make laws or this polyglot Com munion, which numbers over 1,000,000 members, the General Council is the second in size, covering New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Minnesota, Dakota and parts of half a dozen other States, with its 1,461 congre gations with 244,000 members. The convention which meets to-morrow in the First English Lutheran Church, Grant street, is made up of delegates from nine synods. These decide upon the interests of the Council's foreign mission in India, the extensive home mission work carried on all over the country, and such doctrinal matters as may be referred to it by the Synods. While the chief interest will center about the mission work, much discussion will be provoked by the question as to whether, and under what circumstances, Lutheran clergymen may affiliate in the pulpit with brethren of other denominations. The opening of the convention will take place at 1050 to-morrow with the full litur gical service and the holy communion. Rev. Joseph A. Seiss, D. D., of the Church of the Holy Communion, Philadelphia, a well-known author and a man of remarka ble eloquence, will preacb the sermon. The business sessions will begiu in the after noon, and the evenings will be devoted to public exercises in the interests of mis sions. The Sunday morning service will be made notable by the consecration of a re production of " Thorwaldsen's "Angel of Baptism" as a memorial to the late Kev. Dr. Charles P. Krautb, one of the most dis tinguished leaders in the Lutheran Church. It is the gilt of a well-known citizen and is said to have cost $5,000. Another important religious event to-day is the Methodist Episcopal Conference, which convenes at Emory M. E. Church in the East End. Nearly 100 ministers had arrived in the city last night. Most of them were housed in the East End. Bishop Cyrus Foss was among them. He will pre side at the deliberations of the body. The Conference represents 40,000 people and con gregations presided over by 175 pastors in Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. It will open at 9 A. jr. to-day with sacra ment. Committees will meet in the after noon. In the evening will be celebrated the anniversary of the Conference Historical Society. Kev. William Lynch will deliver the address. Washburn Guitar. No better evidence as to the superiority of the Washburn guitars over all other makes could be required than the enormous de mand for these elegant instruments. The ready sale of the Washburns has surpassed the most sanguine expectations of the manu facturer, and it is only with the greatest effort that the supply can be kept up to the demand. In view of this fact, H. Kleber & Bro., who are the exclusive agents for the Washburn instruments, a few months ago placed an order for 150 guitars. This lot has just been received and can be seen at Klebers' music store, No. 506 Wood street. The scale of the Washburn, from the smallest three-quarter to that of the grand concert size, is guaranteed absolutely cor rect. The manufacturers deeming this of great importance, being the foundation of the whole instrument, have perfected at much expense and labor an invention whereby, the scale of everyone is made an exact duplicate of its predecessor, no varia tion or exception being possible. The neck, also an important feature, is constructed upon the same plan and is identical, one with another, and made after such a per fect model that all posses that pleasant feeling in the hands of a performer so much desired. The tone of the Washburn is rich, full and mellow, at the same time powerful, without harshness. The finish is the finest of French polish, being bril liant and lasting, the inlaying rich and ele gant. As the Washburn guitars are made in 25 different styles, all tastes can easily be suited; the low prices bring them within the reach "ot everybody. Special rates to clubs and to the profession. Everett Piano Clnb. The piano this week will be delivered to certificate No. 140 held by Wm. E. Hunt, 20 Mulberry st, Allegheny, on payments of 51 00 per week. Just think of it. We are giving our club members a magnificent up right grand piano on these payments, and at the same time are saving them 575 00 in the price. It is not possible to sell this piano on any other plan less than 5425 00; our members pay only 5350 00. The club is not yet lull; we commenced delivering pianos before we promised in order to con vince the public that wc mean business, and are now sending out pianos every day. Do not wait longer, but send your application for membership at once. Onr plan provides for the immediate delivery of pianos to members who pay cash, or 525 cash and 510 monthly. We want all exriert judges to call and see the piano. Circulars free. Alex. Boss, Manager, mwsu 137 Federal st, Allegheny. Buy Elder Down Quilts Novr nnd Here You will never buy them as cheap again Booth & Fox's best goods medium and extra sizes they're selling fast. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Seasonable Garment. Summer past, and autumn here, renders necessary changes in clothing. The fall fashions are pleasing, the materials in vogne are unusually handsome, and the quality unexcelled, at Sailor's, 68, 60, 62 Sixth street wp Tictorj for the New No. 0. At the Exhibition TJniverselle, Paris, 1889 (the great World's Fair), the highest possible premium, the only prize for sewing machines, was awarded to the Wheelpr & Wilson Mfg. Co. Office No. 6, Sixth street, Pittsburg. Beit All-Wool Country Blanket $3 75 a pair (nearly B pounds weight) and up to 810 for extra fine fleece, in our big blanket room fall stock of baby and crib sues. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn avenue stores. 811k Slaughter. Evening shades silk brocades. Evening shades satin brocades. Evening shades velvet brocades. To go at one-third their former prices. 512 00 goods to go at 53 60 and 54 00. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. Buttons Large Buttons Buttons. Pittsburg's completcst stock of buttons is here, including all the newest and at quick selling prices. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Winter! A beautiful bust (representing winter), made of silver bronze, for $30; cheap,-at the jewelry establishment of Henry Terheyden, No. 530 Smithfield street mwf London Neckwear TbU Week. Choicest styles in onr men's furnishing department Jos. Hobne & Co.'s ' Penn Avenue Stores. The exhibition will be permanent of high grade wares at popular prices in the china store of W. P. Greer, 622 Penn avenue. MWF Natural Gas Bills Hednced IS Per Cent. O'KeefeGas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth av. Fbauenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. 1 Men's kid and dogskin walking gloves. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. HELD OUT FOR A TEAK The Pittsburg Traction Cable Beats All Previous Records. IT COVERED ABOUT 115,000 MILES. The Great Coils of the New Caole Pat in Position in 48 Minutes. A CLEYEK JOB DOSE WITHOUT DELAT The last car for East Liberty had rattled away from Oakland at 33 minutes past mid night yesterday morning. The big engine that operates the cable running from Oak land power house to the Washington street power house slowed down gradually and finally ceased its mighty pulsations. But Superintendent Davis did not allow the en gineer and firemen to leave their posts of duty. There was some vigorous work to be done before the morning run began. Down below the engines, where the cables thread their devious way to the center of the street, a group of men were waiting the signal to go ahead. In the uncertain light at the rear was the huge wheel which makes the cable endless, and attached to the wheel could be seen the weight of many tons, which allows the cable an elastic play and yet keeps it so steadily under control as to prevent undue looseness of motion. A huge spool, ten feet through, wound with many thicknesses of new cable, was poised upon a spindle awaiting the commencement of the night's work. At last Superintendent Davis said "Cut it, boys," and two brawny men, armed with a tremendous pair of shears, commenced, cutting the cable at a place be tween where two sets of vises clamped the cable to prevent the weight from running away. THE CABLES UNITED. The strands of wire finally parted, and an expert splicer deftly united one end of the old cable with the end projecting from the spool containing the new cable. Then a lever was arranged upon the spindle of the 6pool in such a way as to prevent the new cable being played out too speedily. A gang of workmen passed the other severed end of the old cable around a windlass. All was ready, and the word was given to start the engine. Tt commenced to revolve very slowly; the spool also moved, and the spliced joint of the old and the new cable glided out into the darkness on its journey of 20,000 feet befere it would reappear in the power house. The usual journey of the cable is performed in 11 minutes, but there was plenty of time, and if was deemed best to move with deliberation on account of the innumerable curves between Oakland and Washington street, as well as the extra ordinary gradient of the Fifth avenue hill down to Soho. ABOUHD IN 48 MINUTES. Meanwhile a man was watching closely the cable that came in from the street. In 48 minutes from the time the joint left the power-house the lookout shouted to the engineer that it had got around. The engine was stopped, and the long coils of old cable lying on the floor indicated that the old cable cad been superseded. The new cable was laid. The ends were again put into clamps and within two hours the splice was so neatly made that even an ex pert would have been puzzled to tell where the joint had been made. Then a huge pan of coal tar mixed with raw linseed oil was placed near the grip vanlt, and several journeys were performed by the cable in order to allow of a thorough bath in the murky liquid. At each round trip the speed was increased, thus giving the cable a thorough test. By this time it was about time to start the morning run, and the engines were oiled and everything prepared for the first day of work for the new cable. Before the cars started each gripman was told of the new cable, and informed that it would not be necessary to set up the thumbscrew on the grip when coming from the new cables of the road on to the old cable, this having been necessary on acconnt of the difference in size between the new cables and the old. The cable just dispensed with has broken all previous records by its tenure of office. It was of very good materials, and was ac tually operated a year and several days and that, too, upon a very exacting run. The averrge life of a cable in such service is six months. The average distance traversed by a cable is 60,000 miles, and the cable in question ran nearly 115,000 miles. It was operated during the last month at some risk, the strands shredding nearly every day and requiring very expert work in splicing. By reason of the peculiar sys tem of weights,required to keep the cable taut, a break in the cable would toss the cars backward or forward like eggshells in a cyclone before the engine could(be stopped. In order to provide against accidents the company maintains a perfect electric alarm service with boxes every 600 feet, from which the engines can be stopped by the pressure of a button. The company never slates what new cables cost So information upon that point is not attainable. FOR HEADACHE Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. L R. San ford, Sheffield, Mass., says: "Most excellent in derangements of the nerv ous system, such as headache and sleepless ness." To Bur Black Dress Goods Right, Bar Here. We have the largest stock and not an inch of trash in it, and prices the lowest. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Ijookl Piano Very Cheap. $175 cash will buy a nearly new upright piano, full 1i octaves. Call at once if you wish to secure a bargain. Echols, McMuebay & Co., 123 Sandusky street, Allegheny. Beginning Wednesday, Oct. O. 112 00 silk brocades to go at $4 00. 512 00 satin brocades to go at $4 00. $10 00 velvet brocades to go at 53 50. $5 00 velvet brocades to go at $1 50. All choice evening shades. Kxasle & Shustek, 35 Fifth ave. The Best Broadcloths, SI to 82 50 a Yard, Best made and best at the price and largest assortment of colors you see them here. Joi Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Seasonable Garments. Summer past, and autumn here, renders necessary changes in clothing. The fall fashions are pleasing, the materials in vogue are unusually handsome, and the qnalitv unexcelled, at Sailor's, 58, 60, 62 Sixth street rr Only 35c a Yard, Silk Stripe Snitlngs, A bargain purchase. Be,sure to see them in onr dress goods department. JOS. HOKKE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Photographer Must be Busy Considering the immense patronage yester day at Yeager & Co.'s gallery, 70 Federal street, Allegheny. Cabinets 75 cents per doz. Exposition The famous Cambrian chorus, with the great Thirteenth Eegiment Band. The featherbone corset, very light and comfortable, 85c up, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. Fbatjenheih & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. Exposition Onr sweet Welsh singers and the great Hew fork band all in one day. Natural Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth av. Men's natural wool underwear. JAiffis H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. X3mDisplav advertisement one dollar psr tquare for one insertion. Classified advertise meats on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line or each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at taqfollowing places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements "will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The D1S- rATCIl. P1TT8BUKQ. THOMAS MCCAFFBEY, S5o9 Butler street EMIL G. BTUCKEY, Mth street and Penn ave. E. G. BTUCKEY A CO., Wylie ave. and Fulton st N. bTOKELY; Fifth Avenue Market Home. XASTXSD. 3. TV. WALLACE, Sin Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHEIBLEB,Sth ST. & AtWOOd It. SOUTHBIDZ, JACOB 8POHN, No. I Carson street H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEECHEK, 89 Federal street H. J. McBRIDE, Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVEfcSON. Arch and Jackson street. THOMAS McHENBY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEBKYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W.TV. FLOCKER, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Male Ileln. WANTED-SHORT ORDER COOK. APPLY 609SMlTqylt,mST. OC9-69 w ANTED-PATTERN-MAKER, AT JACOB u. juwjsa', ziui renn ave. oc-n w ANTEU-GOOD BABBEB. APPLY P. LEIN1KUEK, 434 Fifth ave. OC9-K1 w ANTED-TWO GOOD TINNERS. APPLY at NO. 6200 PENN AVENUE. OC9-K w ANTED-A GOOD BABBER-INQUIRE OF AV. VAkiJAXAtoVA.lV7t AUUUU, A. O WV.J".i W ANTED-A GOOD CUA'IMAKEB. APPLY toLADLEY&CO., Federal St., Allegheny. ocS-M TfTANTED-IMMEDlATELY-l GOOD TOBY W maker at 62) Main street, Braddock. JOHN KLOUSE. OC9-24 W ANTED-A LIVE MAN TO SOLICIT AND sell .real estate. J. K. COOPER & Co.. 107 Fourth ave. ocS-S3 W ANTED-A GOOD CANVASSER FOR THE Century Dictionary. H. WAITS 4 CO., 431 Wood st. OC9-54 WANTED-3 FIBST-CLASS EKTEBPEISING real estate salesmen: liberal commission. ALLE3 & BAILEY. 154 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. ocS-JB WAN TED-BOY 18 TO 20 YEARS OLD; strong, active and honest to drive retail grocer's wagon. Ad Jress A. B Dispatch office. oc9-31 W ANTED-A NO. I BUTCHER AND SAUS AGE maker at once. Call at RED LION HOTEL, between 12 M. and 3 p. M., October 9. 0C9-76 WAED-1MMEDIATELY-A BOY WHO has had some experience in the plumbing and jras fitting trade. Call immediately at 633 SMITHFIELD AT. OC9-41 TT7-ANTED-AN AMERICAN GENTLEMAN V of good education and appearance, some what familiar with art: salary at start (15. Oil, 10 to 12, ROOM 7, S3 Ninth St. oc9-43 WANTED MAN CAPABLE OF TAKING charge or a set of books; must have knowl edge of the Honor business; reference required. G. W. MEREDITH, East Liverpool, O. oc9-39 WANTED-MALE NUBSE FABM HANDS, man for hotel kitchen, hotel housekeeper, seamstress, child's nurse, dining room girl, 3 nurse girls. MEEHAN'S, 845 Grant street ocS-D -TIT ANTED T!SPEK1KNCED SALE3MEN V V good salaries will be paid to those coming well recommended and possessing the necessary qualifications; call at once. SEMPLE'S STORES, 165 Federal St., Allegheny. oc9-67 W ANTED-A GENTLEMAN ABOUT 30 years of age to solicit orders from private houses; one that could All the place we offer a good salary and a permanent position. BOOM 3, 103 Fourth avenue, secondfloon, oc6-94-W8u TTANTED-FOR THE UNITED STATES VV army, able-bodied, snmarrled men, between the ages of 21 and 35 years; good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance. Apply at NO S15 PENN AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. JjrH-30-WSu WANTED-ENEBGETIC MEN TO TAKE EX CLUSIVE control of our goods in their Io callty; we make an article that will have an Im mense sate, and yield at least JI, 500 yearly: no capital required, o. o. iu. a. i. Box 1191, Phlla.. Pa. oc- rVTA-NTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING V V salesmen, 35 to 40 years: good wages to right parties: In a strictly one-price store; none out those who have nad a long experience need apply. S1ABKS CLOTHING HOUSE, 47 Main st, Bradford, Pa. oc9-5 ANTED-SALESMEN AT 175 PEE MONTH salarrand expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Bartlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ABD SILVEBWABE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D Female HclD. WAKTED-A GOOD GIBL FOE PLAIN cooking: must be able to wash and Iron; reference required; also a good seamstress: must come well recommended. 135 CBAIG STREET, Bellefield. oc9-l WANTED-EXPERIENCEDSALESLADIES-good salaries will be paid to those coming well recommended and possessing the necessary qualifications; call at once. SEMPLE'S STORES, 165 Federal St., Allegheny. oc9-68 WANTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN wishing to earn S3 to 15 a day at home; no canvassing: work lurnished and sent by mall. Address, with sump, CRYSTALIZED PHOTO CO., 112 West Sixth st, Cincinnati, O. 0C9-49 Slale and Peinale Helo. -rrj-A.NTED-A LADY OB GENTLEMAN WITH V small capital, to take half interest in new enterprise; quick sales and large profits. Address L. A., Dispatch Office. OC9-62 TTJANTED - LADY AND GENTLEMAN agents for city and surrounding towns: a household necessity; Just out; no kitchen com plete without it; it recommends and sells Itself. Call at KARTELL'S, 411 Bmlthneld st. OC7-32-MWF Situations. WANTED-SITUATION BY FIRST-CLASS D. E. bookkeeper with excellent references. 8HEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. OC5-37 WANTED POSITION AS 8HOBTHANO and typewriter by a young lady: can give best of reference. Address O. ft., Dispatch of fice ,oc9-U WANTED-EMPLOYMEKT FOR A VIR GINIA family, mother and two daughters, 16 and 17 years old, well raised, for baoy nnrses, assistant house cleaning: mother excellent cham bermaid. Address O. BROWN. No. IS Townsend st, city. i OC9-77 TTJANTED -A BESTECTABLE WIDOW VV lady'desires a situation as housekeeper for a widower; no objections to infant or small chil dren, or would take a motherless Infant or child to board. Address HOUSEKEEPER, for two weeks. East End postoffice, Pittsburg, Pa. OC6-135-WSU W ANTED-A RAPID AND ACCURATE AC COUNTANT, thoroughly competent to handle con espoudence ana general office work, at present In charge of books of rolling mill and nail factory, at liberty Oct IS, desires an engage ment; highest recommendations from present em ployers. Address X. Y. B., Dispatch office. OC8-6 Partners. WANTED-PABTNEB, WITH 13. 000 TO H 000, to take an active interest in a light manu facturingbuslness. Including a specialty on which we control the market Address MONOPOLY, Dispatch office. oc9-22 Financial. TTJANTED-S500 TO f500.000-TO LOAN ON TV mortgages. 4H. 5 and 6 per cent JAS. W. DUAPE& CO,, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Tele phone No. 975, 0C9-37-MWTS WANTED-MORTGAGES-tl. 000,000 TO LOAN in large and small amounts at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax; no delay. RE. no delay. EDB. uo I le & CO., 131 Fourth a lave. my21-C0 "VTJANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS TV of 3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on AH per cent free of tax: also smaller Vmounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D TTJANTED-MOBTG AGE3-SLO0O, 000TO LOAN TV on city and suburban properties at 4H, Sand 6 per cent and on iarms in Allegheny and aq la- cent counties at 6 per cent 1. Jd. l'ENNOCE. A BON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-TO CORRESPOND WITH EAST ERN party of some means and large exper ience in negotiating coal lands; no better prop erties have ever been offered. Address P. O. BOX 390. Kansas City. Mo. oc6-84 TTJANTED-TO 1,0 AN 1200,000 ON MOST TV GAGES: flOO and upward at S per cent; fo00,000at 4K per cent on residences or business property: also In adjoining counties. S. H. FREN CH. 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D w ANTED-PEBSONb TO KNOW THAT BY arreelnp to nav SI Tier week von can set (tossesslon of fine gold or silver watches, clocks, ewelry, diamonds, silver ware, etc. J. M1TSCH, 30 Federal it, Allegheny, Pa. sel2-Mwrsu WANTED-CONTHACTORS IN BRICKWORK wanting bricklayers and ourneymen brick layers wanting work can have their wants regis tered free of charge at the headquarters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIA TION, 93 Fourth are., first floor, front offlce. Open until 9 r. jr. Bat It80-J-M WT6U "J , " iDNESDAY, OCTOBER WANTED. Financial. WANTED-MOBTGAGES ON CITY PEOP- ERTY, over S4.000; 4K per cent; -no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D Klscellaneons. TTTANTED-FARMEBS TO BRING FALLEN T T apples suitable for cider vinegar to 170 Sec ond ave. H. J. HEINZ CO. se2S-S2-D WAN TE D-SECOND-HAND PLATFORM scales to weigh 2,500 to 4.000 pounds; state price. Address G., Dispatch office, oc9-27 WANTED - TTARMERS WILL RECEIVE cish for apples suitable for apple butter at 168 and 170 Second ave. H. J. HEIN Z CO. VTTANTED - THE ACQUAINTANCE OF A T V middle-aged lady by a gentleman having a good business. Address N. Y Dispatch offlce. ocS-23 WANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for second-hand furniture, carpets and honienoia goods of all kinds. 1211 PEN St AVE- NUE. aiUD-.-MW- T7"ANTED-TO SELL STORE; GOOD LOCA T V TION ; suitable for lady or gentleman; about fl, 100 required, or would take part cash, or trade city lot. B.R.R., Dispatch office. oc9-28 TT7-ANTED-TO&TABTACLUB OF 42 MEM VV BEES to secure a fine gold watch for each onetn the club at 11 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX sol, and I will call and snow you the watch. Jy30 w ANTED-SOBER AND HONEST MEN TO sell nmhrAiifiR. nlhiimR. hlnnkpta and silver ware on payments in the city: eood salaries paid to persevering men. UNION CBEDIT CO.. 103 Fourth ave. oc3-9S-mtwxp WANTED-THE PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT YEAGER & CO..70 Federal st., Allegheny, will make cabinets of anybody during this month for 75c per doi.; bring the little ones: don't miss; No. 70 Federal st. These cabinets will not fade. OC1-S1-D WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to uwn uiai ue is nja&inK uuv unumeis nt f a w yw dozen; photos delivered when promised; instan- taneons nrocess. FOE SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. FOR SALE BY S. L. CUTHBERT, 97 FOURTH avenue, house seven rooms, large lot on a paved street, one minute from kicllne, Mt Wash ington: a choice location, 0C5-28-WS FOB SALE-LOMBARD, NEAR DINWIDDIE St.. Eleventh ward 2-story antf finished attlo brick dwelling of 6 rooms; nat. gas, cltyatcr. etc.; lot 21x116: small cash payment balance to suit BLACK A BAIRD, 95 fourth ave. 2E81. OC9-57 FOR SALE-LAWRENCEVILLE 6 BBICK dwellings on Hatfield St., near Forty-eighth, containing 7 rooms each; also 6 5-room bricks on Blackberry St.; all brinzlne good rent; this Is a good Investment. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. C 105. OC9-57 FOB SALE-LOCUST ST., BETWEEN MAGEE and Chestnut streets, fine new brick dwelling of 7 rooms, bathroom, marble mantels, cemented cellar, both gases, inside shutters, sewered; house Just finished; possession at once: S3, GOO: cash f 1,000; balance to salt ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. oc5-27-MWThSSu FOR SALE-S500 CASH, REMAINDER ON exceedingly liberal payments, low rate of in terest for a complete brick house 9 rooms; every thing; complete to smallest details; handsomely finished and papered: 15 minutes' ride from P. O, by Fifth ave. cable line. Fr terms see W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. OC5-68-WS East End Reslaences. F OR SALE-H200-COTTAGE 7 ROOMS, LOT 50x170: a nice nronertv: excellent location: near Hlland and Walnut CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St OC8-75 FO R 8 A L E-11.200 FOR BOTH-BLA1NE street, near Boquet Oakland 2 two-story frame dwellings of 5 rooms and finished attic; each well sewered: lot 40x130. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth are. 2D 85. oc9-57 FOR SALE-FRANKSTOWN AVENUE, NEAR Brushton ave.. East End a 2-story Queen Anne of 6 rooms and finished attic, reception ball, nat gas, city Water, all conveniences: lot 50x150; reasonable price and terms. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3 A 300, oc9-57 FOR SALE-SUMMERLEA STREET, NEAR Elmer, a 2-story Queen Anne frame of 8 rooms and finished attic, bath, reception ball; all the latest Improvements: lot44xl6l to an alley: price very low; only (7,000; a real bargain; you should see It. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 0C2-57-D ' FO B 8 A L E-OAKLAND, FOURTEENTH ward, a new 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing, 8 rooms, bath, w. c, hall, laundry, etc, slate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, fine chandeliers, both gases, city water and house wired for. electric lights, plate glass windows, electric bells, good sewerage, street paved with asphaltum and paid for, beautiful shade trees In front of house, a few minutes from cable cars; price S6,5O0; a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time: immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. seS-4-D Allesheny Residences. FOR SALE-ON LACOCKST., ALLEGHENY, centrally located, only 10 minutes' walk from Pittsburg P.O., a very desirable property; lot 21x100 feet well improved: brick dwelling T rooms In front; frame house of 4 rooms on street in rear: at a low price. W.A.HERB0N&6ON8, 80 Fourth avenue. oc2-tO-WTH FOB SALE-SMALL HOUSE 'AND LOT, AT auction; No. 8Taggart st, near Washington ave.. Second ward, Alleghenv, lot 20x43; frame house, six rooms: rents for J18 a month; sale on the premises Friday. Oct. 11, at 4 o'clock: bargain at L600; look at it and attend sale. A. LEGGATE ft SON, Auctioneers, 31 Federal st, Allegheny. ocS-92 Suburban Residences. p OB SALE-OR TO LET-IN BELLEVUE, nice house. Olarse rooms, each 15x15. newlv painted and papered: lot 45x145; grapes, fruit water, gas; 3,000. CHARLES SOMEBSft CO., 313 IT uou &b. OCS-3 FOBSALE-AT EDGEWOOD, P. R. R.-FINE new brick dwelling, 7 rooms and reception hall, hardwood mantels, tile hearths, nat gas, etc; large lot. Address LOCK BOX 104, Wllkins burg, Pa. oc9-7 F OB SALE AT WILKINSBUBG FBAME house. 6 rooms, with corner lot 45x13!: s min utes from Brushton station and 7 minutes from wiikinsDurg station: p.oo. w. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smithfield st, Pittsburg, and WUklnsburg, Pa. oc9-16 FOB SALE AT WILKINSBUBG BBICK house, 12 rooms, wlthl acre ground; 5 min utes from station; fruit of all kinds on place; beautiful location; will be sold cheap. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smithfield st, Pittsburg, and WUklnsburg, Pa. oc9-16 FOB SALE AT EDGEWOOD F B A M E house, 7 rooms, reception hall, b. r., laun dry, inside w. c. . electric light and bells, nat gas, slate mantels, finished attic and all modern Im provements; lot 64x150; 7 minutes from station; HW; terms easy. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smith field st, Pittsburg, and WUklnsburg, Pa. QC9-16 FOR SALE LOTS. Enst End Lots. FOR SALE AT SHADYSIDK, ON ELLS WORTH ave.. the best lot on the street for the price; most be sold on acconnt of removal of owner. See W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, SO Fourth ave. ocl-97-ws FOR SALE - BEAUTIFUL AND LEVEL building lots, 24x25 ft. front on Homewood ave. and Clawson street Just at Homewood sta tion, at S650 upward. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se4-65-W8 FOR SALE-SECURE ONE OF THOSE VERY desirable lots for a home or investment Villa Park plan: now is the time to secure a selection. Colored plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent 511 bmlthfield street. oc6-K-hwbu FOB SALE-EAST END LOTS-fKO AND $500 each; good streets; high elevation; conve nient tc I. R. R. and cable lines; these lots are In the fast growing part of the city: enhancement snre. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 0C2-53-D FOR SALE--A FINE LOT 5U OR 60x150 FEET on Fifth avenue, near Bellefield Preihvteiian Church: one of the most eligible lots on the avenue: price for 50 feet tlCOO and for 60 feet $2,250: Behenley property, 43 years lease: rare bargain. JAS.- W. DBAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC5-68-MWS FOB SALE-HEBRON HILL PABK, A BEAU TIFUL plan of lots In the center of tbe city. Just at the terminus ofthe Wvlle ave. cable Hne,ls the place to bay a lot for a home or Investment; prices and terms very reasonable; grand view, pure air, all conveniences: call or send for col ored plan. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. OC2-55 FOR 8ALE-IF YOO ARE LOOKING FOR A beautiful residence place, buy a lot in the Herron Hill Park, Just at the end of the Wylie ave. cable line, within 15 minutes' ride or the P. O. : elegant lot, 40x100 feet fronting on wide street and extending back to 24-foot alleys; magnificent view, pure air, all conveniences: call at office for colored plan. BLACK ft BAIRD, 13 Fonrth ave. OC2-55 Farms. rOR SALE-A DESIRABLE FABM OF 100 acreaandrarm hnlldlnsr. 18 tnllpa n-nm Htr ri u... r-.-i a v. . . -r.r."-'.i uiusonia, on r. & iv . It. is. W. A. HEKBUN ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. OC2-39-WT FOR SALE-CHEAP FABM-75 ACRES, 4-room house, frame barn, good fences, lays well. 19 milesfrom Pittsburg, forfftSOu, to close an estate. N.F. HUBST, Lock Box 19, Rochester. Pa. se29-144-EOD FOR SALE-FARM 320 ACRES, WELL IM PROVED, at station and good town; in, best wheat country In Dakota: would exchange for mdse or other property. ED. WllTISH,4lOGrani St.. Pittsburg, Pa. oc5-d FORSALE OB EXCHANGE-KANSAS FARM for city or Allegheny county farm property; 456 acres, 7 miles from Leavenworth City, one half cleared, balance In timber; soil rich and very productive: excellent springs and small stream running through ono part; small orchard; 2-story frame house: frame stable; lies nicely; fronts on the main road: neighborhood excellent. I. M. PENNuCK ft SON, 105 Fourth avenne. 0C6-57-UWS Ullscellnneons. FOB BALE-IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTER EST to seenre one of onr new revised cata logues with supplement Oust published) before buying elsewhere; we have a large variety of new properties coming in daily, and can supply your wants without delay: low and dwellings In all parts of the 2 cities and suburbs; all prices and if ffi'iffl1 ,rlend for this valuable book. BLACK , uu(, w ji ouxin ave. 00948 . '9, 1889." FOR SALE-LOTS. Glenwood Lot. FOR 'SALE-LOTS AT GLEN WOOD, NEAR the station: graded streets, sidewalks, city water, houses and lots lor sale. 11,350. St 750. Z.O0O, ten per cent cash, balance on monthly payments: Second Ave. Electric ItaUway will pass In front of these lots; B. ftO. Railroad fare monthly tickets, 5Ji cents per trip: 12 minutes from Smithfield st GEORGE C. BURGW1N, 150 Fourth ave. Jy24-I2-Mwsn FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR 8ALE-A GOOD PAYING GENERAL store at a bargain: storeroom and dwelling. For particulars address S. P. POORBAUGH, Glencoc, Pa. ocS-3t FOR SALE-DRUGSTORE, BTOOK AND FIX TURES afa sacrifice ir sold immediately; proprietor has business calling him away for winter. Address SQUIBBS, Dispatch office, OC3-15-WS -! FOR SALE-A NO. 1 MILK DAIRY AND good route, with 12 cows, S horses, wagons and all necessary articles for the business; near tbe city and price low. C. BEBINGEB ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. oc9-33-wTbs FOB SALE-A WELL ESTABLISHED REAL estate business, with large list ot salable property and good Insurance and renting busi ness; Sf,00O will bny goodwill, safe, offlce ana lease: furniture and everything complete: good reason for selling. G. A., Dispatch office. oc9-2S FIR SALE-1N THE LIVELIEST TOWN IN Western Pennsvlvanla-tbe stock and fixtures of the New York Clothing and (Jems' Furnishing Goods House, located at 135 Fifth avenue. Mc Keesport. Fa.; can reduce stock toriooo; posses sion given at once. with a long lease; this is a rare chance; no better location In the city. Inquire at 135 Fifth avenue. McKeesport F. S. GLEASON. (.C12-70 FOR 8ALE-J FINE BAKERIES AND CON FECTION ERIES, in excellent locations, targe grocery store in Plttsbsirg, S9.000 or invoice, doing yearly bnslnessof 1100.000; smaller grocery stores, I ICO to 85, 0U); cigar stores, small bakeries, confec tioneries, boarding houses, drygoods and notion stores, feed store, printing office and many other business chances for males or females: free par ticulars. SHEPARD ft CO. , 54 Fifth ave. oc3 FOR SALE-Br CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood street: An Interest in a first-class city business. We desire to negotiate with a man of good business ability, middle age preferred, for the disposal of an Interest In an established business o( a hlch class and of a choice character. An opportunity is offered that is rarely seemed, except through long years of application. An Investment by a sUent partner will be ac cepted, but an active man qualified to assume charge or tbe financial affairs of the concern is referred. We are prepared to show and lntro uce an accepable man to this. An absolutely sound money-making enterprise, giving promise of extended growth and enlargement. An invest ment ol 85,000 Is required, which is to be applied to the business. In which 10, 000 Is now in use. We care to deal only directly in person with prin cipals, who will be treated with strict confidence. OC9-60-WI8 Business Stands. FOR SALE-THE VALUABLE BUSINESS property No. 1125 Penn avenue, city, at mister's sale, Oct. 17: see hand bill at our office. JAS. W. DBAPE ft COM Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Plttsbuig. oc5-66-MWS FOR SALE-J'ENN AVE., EAST END BUSI NESS property, between Hiland and CoUIns aves. ; lot 20x145 feet to a street; will be sold at a bargain if sold at once; enhancement certain. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. 0C9-9 FOR SALE-EXCELLENT CORNER PROP ERTY In Allegheny, located near freight depot and siding; lot fronting two good streets, 21x100. aU occuDled bvnew brick buUdlntr. with good storeroom; property well adapted for light manufacturing, wholesale feed, grocery, milk, or any business requiring large frontage; a good in vestment: (6,000. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., S13 w ooa street. .. ocmh-wb FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. tc FOR SALE-BICYCLE-AMERICAN CHAM PION, made to order; ball bearlng-s; full nlckled; 2 sets handle bars, bell, etc ; splendid con dition; ridden less than 200 miles; cost SI40: will take (55; no time to ride. Address E. E. McFAR LAND, 31 Federal st, Allegheny. oc9-56 Slachlnerr and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOU NDRY ANDMACH1NE CO., LL1L, below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes apd styles kept in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWT FOR SALE- HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second hand; wire-and manllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Alleghenv. au5-17-ltWT Miscellaneous. FOR SALE -HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, carpets and ceneral housekeeping roods. queeiisware. tinware, wooden ware, etc., etc., at aaministrator's pnniic sate, on inursaay morn lnirof thlsweefc Oct. 10. at No. 65 Beech st. Allegheny: sale at 10 o'clock; everything to be sold without reserver-by order of administrator. JAMES W. DRAPE ft CO., Auctioneers. 12) xounnave., .rwsourg. ocu-43 FOR BALE-BY CHABLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood street: We are authorized to neeotlate the sale of an interest in a Western Pennsylvania newspaper mil we oeiiere 10 oe earning larger oiriaenas on the capital invested than any other publication in this part of the State outside of Pittsburg. An investment of (5,000 will secure a one-halt owner ship and an equal voice (if desired) in the man agement. A man desiring to become actively interested in a newspaper of high character, nowpaylng hand somely, and in a field rapidly and permanently enlarging, can do no better than investigate this. OC9-60-WF8 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTER DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to C41 Smith field street; fresh oysters received dally; orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMERLE, Mgr. sel-92-D PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKSI New and old, ancient and mouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to setect from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st au3-93 PEBSONAL-MAUD, COME BACK: ALL will be forgotten; I have bough t-you a pair ofthoso "voltaic diamond" eardrops at ft 50, a "voltaic diamond" ring for S6 50, and an elegant voltaic diamond stud for myself for (2 75. BAR NEY ARONS is sole agent for them ; they are more brilliant tban genuine diamonds; 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood st. oc9-91 PERSONAL -HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family jar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate, bis wearing apparel, and which, ol course, was done in a bungling manner; in order to prevent tbe trouble iney agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything lslorely and peace and happiness again reign in their household. Telephone 1558. au30 LOST. T OST-ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. PLAN JJ of honse on Wall's ace, P. R. K.; suitable reward wui be paid if left at DISPATCH OFFICE, OC9-70 LOST-A LADIES' CUFF AND CAMEO CUFF button, on Water st. bet foot or Liberty and B. ft O. depot; a suitable reward paid for same if left at THE DISPATCH OFFICE. OC9-55 LOST OCTOBER 8, BETWEEN FOURTH avenue, Smithfield st. and Sixth avenue, pocketbook containing small sum of money, ros ary and key. Kinder will obtain suitable reward if returned to M. BRADr, 64 Webster avenue, city. QC9-71 LEGAL NOTICES. JNO. A. WILSON, Attorney at Law, 119 Fonrth ave. TESTATE OP GEORGE GLASS, DE Pj CxSASED. Notice is hereby- given that letters testamentary on tbe estate of George Glass have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those liavlne claims against the same should make them known without delay. MARY A. GLA-B and DAVIS GLASS, executors. No. 57 Wylie ave,, Pittsburg. Pa. se4-43-w BRUCE & SHIELDS, Attorneys at Law, Fifth avenne and Grant street TN THE COURT OF QUARTER 8ES- I SIONS of the Peace in and for the county of Allegheny, No. L22S of March sessions, 1889. In re petition of James McKay, execntor of the last will, etc., of John McKay, deceased, for transferor wholesale liquor license to himself as such executor. Notice Is hereby given that said Court has fixed Saturday, the 19th day of October, at 10 o'clock A. it, as the time for bearing the appli cation of James McKay, executor, etc., for the transferor the llcetsn of John McKay as a wholesale liquor dealer for the place of busi ness No. 1005 Liberty street, in the Fourth ward ot the city of Pitfsbure, to himself as the executor of the last will, eta, of said John Mc Kay, deceased, at which time the parties in In terest or all persons having objection thereto will be heard. D. K. McGtJNNIGLE, oc9-10 Clerk of Coons. BTJSINESS CHANGES. TOTTCE-I HAVE THIS DAY AS80CI JM ATED with me Mr. Albert Pafenbacb, who has had ten years experienco in the whole sale jewelry business, which assures torn in creased facilities for securing goods of the best and latest designs at the lowest prices. The business will be conducted under the name of Witzel Pafenbacb. Thanking you tor yonr past patronage, we hope for a continuance of your favors. A. WITZEL. Jeweler, 342 Fifth avenue, on line of Fifth ave nue caDie cars, near juagee sireow PiTTSBURg, October 1, 1S89. oc9-23 rpHEPITTSBUHOPHOTO-ENOBAVINOCOM-X PANY,incorporatedl88S.DISPATCHBUILD 1MG. 75, 77 and 79 Diamond st. Engravings ot buildings, machinery, portraits, cuts lor cats' logues, etc; reproductions ofpen and Ink draw ings, wood cut prints, manuscripts, etc.: print ing, binding, blank books, etc, se4-4.wg TO LET. East Sad Residences. TO LET NEAT HOUSE OF 9 BOOMS. LATE Improvements, at only (38 34 per bo,, oa Dlthrldge st, near Fifth avenue, Oakland. W. A. HERRON t SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. oe9-W TO LET-HOUSE OF 14 BOOMS. STABLE and outbuildings: large grounds ; on liegley avenue, near Penn avenne cable cars. Inquire of HENRY ROBERTS, at Oliver Roberts Wire Co., Southslde. sel9-10 Allegheny Residences, T 10 LET-FURNISHED OB UNFURNISHED, a new Oneen Anne honse in Alleshenr. "of nine ruoms. oatn ana launary; au uvuuu am venlenees: Immediate possession. Inquire of Dr. W. 8. YATES. 802 Penn ave. ec9- -.- ' - - - ----- .. -. - - .. Apartments. TO LET TWO LARGE THIRD-STORY rooms; both kinds of gas: suitable for light housekeeping. Inanlre 820 FUTH AVE. city. ocO-3 TO LET-ONE OR TWOFURNISHED ROOMS with natural gas and electric light for two or more gentlemen. Inquire of A. W. LINDE MAN. corf Sheridan and Hoevelersts., EsstCnd. OC9-75 Business Stands. TO LET-BAKERY IN SPLENDID LOCA TION: will also, if desired, rent dweUlng with bakery. Apply, ON PREMISES, No. 2iW Sarah st, S. 8., Pitts. oc9-3 rflO LET-FRONT STORE ROOMS ON CORNER JL Penn and Third, and corner Fourth and Liberty, and rooms suitable for hotel: rood busi ness stands. Inquires. MUSORAVE, 44 Fourth at ocS-83 Offlces. Desk Room. dee. TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street twoorthe roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent poo and (300 per annum, including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 x. u. and I r. v., or between 2 and 4 P.M. )y237 AMTJBE31JEOTS. y BRAND OPERA HDUHE. E. D. WILT, Lessee and Manager. COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER It Six Nights and Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. Annual Engagement of the Famous RUDOLPH ARONSON COMIC OPERA COMPANY, Presenting the First Operatic Novelty of tha Season, THE -:- BRIGANDB ! As presented at the CASINO, NEW YORE; for 125 performances and four weeks. In Boston. The Original Cast, Including Lillian Russell, Fanny Rice, Isabella Urquhait, Anna O'Keefe, Delia Stacey, Laura Russell, Alice Greeway, Eva Johns, Nellie Suglass, Clara Randall, Fred. Solomon, Geo. OlmL Henry Hallam, Richard Carroll, A. W. Tama, J. A. Furry, Henri Leoni, Chas. Priest, Max Lube, Chas. Renwlcfc SALE OF SEATS BEGINS THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10. The production under the direction of MR. MAX FREEMAN. t Musical Director, Mr.GUSTAVE KEREER. The costumes and scenery are the most elab orate and gorgeous ever seen in an operatic production. o&31 EXPOSITION. WELSH NIGHT, WITH THE FAMOUS THIRTEENTH REGIMENT BAND ' OF NEW YORK. oc9 A WEEKDF FUN. q Tbe Laughable Comedy, A POSSIBLE CASE, Next Week at the BIJOU THEATER. Sale of Seats will commence THURSDAY, OCT. la One of the best plays presented here last season. FULL OF FUN FROM 8TART TO FINISH. Secure Seats Early. ocS-73 pi RAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. HELEN BARRY, "Love and Liberty." October llth.Rudolph Aronson Comic Open Comoany in "The Brigands." oc7-25 TIJOU THEATER; 3IAT1NEE TO-DAY. HARRY LACY and the TILL ALARM. Oct H J. M. Hill's A Possible Case Company. 007-23-173 TTARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTEB 11 NOON and evening. WILBUR OPERA CO. ) Wednesday, With THE BEGGAR SUSIE KIRWIN. ) STUDENT. Week October 14 SHE. oc6-0 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEHV To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, GUS HILL'S WORLD OF NOVELTIES. oc-3 -vrrORLD'S MUSEUM ALLEGHENY CITS'. This week, Oct. 7, ROSE, THE WILD GIRL. Oct 14-The Great World's Clrcns. oc7-18 OFFICIAL- PITTS317KG. PROPOSALS FOR WORK TO BE DONE and apparatus furnished at Central Office of Fire Alarm Telegraph. Proposals will be received up until 2 P. M. of OCT. 12, at tho offlce of City Controller, f orone main switch board and all necessary electrical connections on same, Including galvanometers, annunciators, testing apparatus, etc., accord ing to plans and specifications on file with Morris W. Mead, Superintendent Bureau of Electricity. Bonds in double the amount of tbe estimated cost must accompany the bid. The Board of Awards reserves the right to ccept or reject any or all bids. . J. O. BROWN. oc2-64 Chief Department of Public Safety. PrrrsBtnto. Pa.. Octobers. 1889. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE .1M reports of Viewers on the construction t sewers on Ellsworth and Center avenues from Penn avenne to Euclid street; Mayflower street, from Lowell street to Larimer avenne; Larkins alley, from South Twenty-fourth street to,apolntl50fceteat: Wilberforce street from Penn avenue to Ellsworth avenue; Beltler street and Hiland avenue, from Shakespeare street to Ellsworth avenue; Fifth 'avenue, from crown east of Wilklns avenue to Amberson avenne, and Bhakespeare street, from Pennsyl vania Railroad to Ellsworth avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal la filed In the Court of Common Pleas, within ten (10) days from date. E.M.BIGELOW. Chief of Department OX Public Works. A00IMM SALS6. A DMTNWTItATOB SALE OF A. HOLD fanMan. bookoase. carpets, etft, at 35 Beeeh street, AHstfrasfr;. IBUHeVAi SU1U.LHU of this week, October it, at 19 o-efe.'; There is 'parlor Isnrtww, sot m eas chairs, marSe-sep saKe, what-aot, Am- Man case-seat ofcalr. tadiea' reeeptiea efessr. ' extension taMe aa4 (hatBt-rooffl eaam, SMe- hnarrt Ib larm honVeasfl with wlnts oa otter r Ma har-.ir rfrautBo hwag. hedstftttds asat ..!! "".vt ." -"": . - -- - --- ------- -a Deoame wasfistaira. earvew, wnw, jw ja ware.oatiery, eooklK ateaetis, etc netttre tale, by order or aummmrawf. JAB. W.IUIArE X UU,aimwi ,3 OC&oB i20 roans! are., Iinnvii, iUHUiN 0L,C. &1 TTniTpr m irvT nuuot n.iNJL L.wi, SATURDAY, OCTOBER M, Mb, j. At 3 o'clock p. jc, on the vnmAMS, at Mmi; field Vallev. on the Pasbaadio R. R.. 8 ssflM from tbe city. The hosse is large oasUsH- , able, having Brooms, nail, eta xste tot m ssk - lTfii it well or gooa water ac swsr. Abundance of fruit choice varieties; stMto. CHiiiftii Wwu .sire..., nut. wna w ub.uh.wh, - walk from Mansfield station. TntiM to Union statiosf at 1 P. jr. Term on day at sots. v.ir.y.iK. u. hai.mkk. on W a Bremtots. ALEXANDER frU ocM6-WT Auetfemeefs, 3M Woe sC ' AUCTION- SALE. DESIRABLE PITTSBURG FBOPSlTLMj AT AUCTION ' 03f THURSDAY, OCTOBER M, - at 4 o'clock p. H., on the promfao,; BBort, Liberty or Ltgonier street, an ward. Bear Thirty-fourth street Howard nubile scbeolaouset mast be soMiM' close an estate; lot 90 feet front on Short, LSfc-..' ertyorLigonier street, ana 100 feet doosiM 0)iuicuc;, im niuua ao ciccMm lira nu story dtick nouses, wttn snisnea oojomsis.r containing 6 rooms eacbjalso two two sossj vj of said lot, three two-story frame dwefflsm ot" rooms eacn, ana a two-room irame this property will be offered as a whole, or mav be sub-divided into two parts; First Misso diatelyadjolniBg Howard public scaooiae lot about as feet front on Lieonler street tending back 100 feet to Spring alley, i tneaueyououjwieer, on wmen are te story frame houses. S rooms each, aad ail cottage. Second Adjoining the same- Is' 6884.106 feet on Lteonier street, ami sml deep to Spring alley, with same front oa aMsjt on w wen are two two-story. oricE noat,at V.s'd rooms eaon, ana tnree two-Kory irsuse ot 4 roams each; these properties are ' and cannot fall to be a rood pari Be lav near Penn avenue and Butler street roads, and in the Immediate vicinity of l manufacturing establishments: always mandlnz good rentals; terras of sale, osmSI casn on aenvery oi mea; Balance ia and three years, secured by bead awl i on tne premises jot mrtner i -Hi ... r r zjvTwnrrtr m. anur avenue. Plttsburc Pa., or A. J. P&N1 AnfiMnnAAr. !S frant stTMt: aaeJN.m ' AUCTION SALE-. DESIRABLE PITTSBURG PROPS) AT AUCTION v . 3- THURSDAY, OCTOBBR Mt, at 2 o'clock 7. Jr.. oa fee the corner of Thirty-fifth aad a-.- T-!--..t. -J Uu V - a OUECH, ufceeutu ..to .miss iro sn j dose an estate. Lot 96 ft 7 in. beat oa Bat- "v 210 feet to Psnn avenue; thence atesc Peasv avenue 79 ft. 6 In. to a polBt; theaee9ltt,K in. toward Butler street to a wrist: tbeaee- allel with Penn avenue 3 ft to a point; tfceaea 89 ft 11 in. to Butler street, tbe triaee of ke- nnning, on which are erected, froeliag oa penn avenue, 3 two-story Dricic aoasef, warn Penn avenue, 3 two-story brick finished basements. On Butler si finished basements. On Butler street. 3 story frame houses and one frame Thirtv-flf th street are 6 brick aad Irmm Ings. Tha above described property wM e . xerea as a wnoie, or wiu ue soa-aivieea raws parts, to wit: Lot 79 ft 6ia. oaPeaa arenas, extending back along Thirty-filth street tewtwt J cuuer;nir,i4 lit, oa waen are a twsaiery - ones: nouses, containing o reeme aaa jeesssr each. Lot corner Thirty-fifth aad Batter streets, with 48 ft 3 In. front oa Batter street extenainc along Thirty-nlth street afeeat Ma. feet, on which are 8 brick and frame dwsWiasff.'. - tuo aamc a Bineuuni utMnung; vvt- with 48 ft 3 in. front on Butler street, ezteatK - ThMti nTonArties are sittiatA htwAAn tha twa . $JrA lines of cable cars oa Penn avenue and Ban or street: convenient to a larra number of axtea-. sive manufacturinr establishments, aad very '4 favorably located for business or dwaWng 'a is dailvInftTftajiInf. invalid- and nanisAtfall Sd prove a good paying investment Tense ot XjM ance in 1, 2 and 3 years, secured by bead aad . ' matlim amilv to L M. PENNOCK 4 SOU. Ml Fonrth aTenue,orAJ.PENTECOST,448G &JH4 street PIttsbnnr. Pa- oS,-i ?'V.3 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. PrrTSBtmo. PAA October 3. 1888. NOTICE IS HlSREBY GIVEN THAT THH' renort of viewers on the paving aad Garb ing of "Boggs avenue, from Bailey aveaae to south line of property ol Louis JJepe, has bees' ' innrnT.il nv rTnnnHIa ivhirh antlna vttl & 41nl nn1sBa,n.nn.aH,fl1iw1 In f,a rVut a4" Jl Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E.M. B1GELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. oc-B , PxrrsBCBO. Pa.. October 3. 1888. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK report of viewers on the grading, pavtae and curbing of Cargill street, from Thirty third street to Jewel street has been approved by Councils, which action will be flaal, oaMss an appeal Is filed in the Court ot Cosaatea Pleas within ten (10) aays from date. v E. M- BIGELOW. ' Chief of Department of Public Works. , . oc3-43 PrrrSBUBG. Ya Octobers. 188ft. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK renorts of viewers on the OBesiae of' Kiverside street, zrom uaioney aney to soaw. ; j Main street: xripod alley, irom meadow street to Shetland street; Post street from Jf orty-tee ond street to i orty-lourtn street; uaruea alley, from. Main street to Brown alley: Rural street. frnm TTllanil ftTMnfl ta N (wlAY atmiul aad A; Hampton street, from Hiland avenue to Net- ' ley avenue, nave oeen approved oyLoaaeus, which action will be final unless an appeal Is filed in tho Court of Common Pleas within tea (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELO W. OC3-48 Chief ot Department of Public Worka. OCTOBEK&leW. A70TICE W HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB 11 Eureau ot Health of the city of Piete burg has this day established and provided, and doe' hereby designate the foot of Seven teenth (17) street in the city of Pittsburg, at the Allegheny river, and Clark's dumpeeat, immediately above the north end of tbe tieattt Tenth street bridge, in tt? city of Pittsbarg. on tbe Monongahela river, as tha places where 1 are to be received and deposited the contents of all privies as they shall from time to time be-j cleaned and emptied, and all other offensive substances found upon the public highwav. THOMAS W.BAKER. Superintendent of tbe Bureau of Healtav OC4-80 rt EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE-. -73 O CEIVEU at the offlce or city controller -' ,-j UUU1 UUXWUAJAI. U 1- X. mmv, M m A. .. -w constructing an influent chamber at Bedford rjumnlntr station. A bond of five thoasasd - (&0U0) dollars, probated before the Mayor at, i a city cierK. mast accompany cacu uiu. '? specifications, blanks on which bids must be made, and all other information, apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Supply aadt Distribution. j7 The Department of Awards reserves toe ngK to reject any or all bids. ; E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Publio Works. i$ oci-is P isnost ORGANa a HAMILTON, SI AND 98 FIFTH AVENUE, ! Plttsbure. Pa. ap3&7t-Btj SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY. SONS &.0(y STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS j And general renovators ot textile faeries, f. 4,$ dies ana gentlemen s soneu or iauu s5' "" ft of every description carefully attended te. M. MAY SONS & Co. jeU-TTS 68 SIXTH AVE,, Pittsburg, Pa. mHE AIR BRAKE X BUILDING AND LOAN A8SOCUTK)iCv 01 Aiiegneny 1 connuctea oa tae Beet aaa latest imnroved methods, and offers arst-eeaeaM Inducements to subscribers. FoH iefonsAtieai will be given and subscriptions te Ms received at the store of JOHNVBWJT. HU-U-nsa WKgtfolKi ABnawgg 5 .. - ,,., t.iifiSifiiftE.jfc..r.tu,.