Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 09, 1889, Image 1

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    V .
lr wmm . nnnt. KAtifna.
Help, advertise In TBE DISPATCH.
Purchasers can be foaml-for everything
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DIbPATCH I the best advertising
medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try It.
Magnificent Parade of Knights
Templar at Washington
Fully 20,000 Uniformed Men Take
fart in the Display. -
Only One Other Commander? Surpasses
Tbnt ofllie Gas City Kevlewed by the
President and Cabinet O (Seers Banquets
nnd Entertainments of Various Kinds A
Lantern Bicycle 1'nrndo at Night Tho
Iowa Trouble Comes Up nt tbe Secret
Meeting of tbe Conclave The Delegates
From That tate Excluded Progmmmo
ol Various Outings by the Homo Com
manderies. The narade of tbe Knights Templar yes
terday in Washington was a brilliant dis
play, and the day was exactly suitable for
it Pittsburg Commandery carried off a
large share of the honors.
"Washington, October a A more per
fect day for the occasion could not have been
made if it had been made to order, than
this day of the great Knights Templar
parade. It was just cool enough to take
the Knights oyer the several miles of the
route without perspiration, and for the more
portly of them there was a gentle breeze that
fanned and encouraged them without rais
ing the dust It was undoubtedly the finest
parade, though not the largest, that "Wash
ington has ever seen, with its over 20,000
Knights in gorgeous regalia and waving
plumes, and the hundred musical bands in
magnificent costumes. In all this, the
Pennsylvanians have a prominent part,
having more Knights in line than any other
State, and of Pennsylvania, Allegheny
county did really more than its share in
contributing to the great display.
The Pittsbutg Commandery, with 128
men in line, claim to have made a more
numerous showing than any other Com
mandery, except the "Washington, of this
city, which, being at home, was ont in lull
force. All of the Allegheny county Com-
manderies made a fine exhibition in their
evolutions, and were frequently and heartily
The officers of Pittsburg Commandery here
are James 8. McKean, E. C; James 8. Yonng
son. Gen.; David R. Torrence, C. G.; Facer J.
Soidle, a"W.; Dand E. Collingwood, J. W.;
W. G. Reister, K. -Sarrcjl Steel, & R; Harry
Dunbar, H'rtHl tfs.ulel F. Klnger, J. G.
Morrw, KoVti- Lonald. Tbe officers of
Trancred CoJBHj.ry.are James S. Arnold,
E. C; AV. fa. UroWn, G.; G. B. Bahrain, C G.;
L T.Brown, George N. Munro, James Kerr,
Jr., William McConway, D. W. C. Carroll, C.C.
Boer, and A. V. Holmes, P. E. C. The officers
of Allegheny Commandery are George C.
Johnston, E. O.; W. R. Heckert, C. G.; James
E. Porter, E.; W. H. Walker, a W.; Andrew
Williams and Edward Coates, P. C.
Most of the married gentlemen in all of
tbe oommauderies are accompanied by their
wives. Tancred had a few more than 100
men in line, Allegheny about the same
number, and Pittsburg 128. The com
manderies and guests number about S00
persons. The fact that all of the com
maderies brought a larger number than was
expected has cansed a deal of inconvenience,
notably in the case of Tancred, which stops
at "Willard's Hotel. There acco mmodations
for only 100 persons were engaged, and to
put 175 into the space intended for 100 has
led to much grumbling, both on the part of
tbe hotel people and members of Tancred.
Soaie of the ladies had their tempers sorely
tried, but altogether the situation was taken
philosophically, and this evening at the
commandery headquarters, which are beau
tifully decorated, good cheer is being dis
pensed unsparingly.
One of the officers of the commandery
states that the proprietorof "Willard's offered
them 500 to relinquish their bargain with
him, as be could have let the rooms occu
pied at much higher figures than the 4 50 a
day charged. The Pittsburg Commandery
is pleasantly located at the new Hotel John
son, and, in private rooms near by, Alle
gheny Commandery have elegant and quiet
quarters at the Irvington flats, on K strtet;
they have taken the place entire.
This evening Pittsburg Commandery gave
a short exhibition drill on the street in front
of their hotel, and were much applauded.
They, and perhaps tbe other commanderies,
contemplate a trip to the Lnray caverns on
Thursday. The remainder of the week will
be taken up with receptions, river excur
sions and seeing the thousand novelties of
the national capital.
The city was profusely and gorgeously
decorated all along the route of the parade.
., The main body of the procession formed
"in the streets about the Capitol by 1130
o'clock and awaited the arrival of the offi
cers of the Grand Encampment with Gen
eral Charles Boome, Host Eminent Grand
Master, and his personal staff in carriages,
tinder escort of the First division. The
Knightly escort, with Eminent Sir Myron
M. Parker, Chief Marshal; Sir Knight
Harrison Dingman, Chief of Staff, and a
host of Sir Knights as aids-de-camp lead
ing, soon approached and halted on the spa
cious plaza at the east front of the Capitol.
A few moments later a word from Chief
Marshal Parker put the head of the column
of tbe grand parade and escort of the Grand
Encampment in motion.
At 1230 President Harrison entered the
reviewing stand leaning on the arm of Secre
tary "Windom. He was followed by Secre
taries Tracy, Noble and Busk, Attorney
General Miller, General Schofield and Gen
eral Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General.
They were accompanied by Mrs. Harrison,
Dr. Scott, Mrs. Scott-Lord, Mrs. Halford,
Miss Sanger and several Indiana friends.
The entrance of the Presidental party was
the signal for loud applause.
The parade moved in 12 divisions in the
following order:
First Local commanderies, Colonel W. C.
Moore, Commanded escorting officers and dele
gate to the Grand Encampment in carnages; :
llnnra up
detachment of Cccnr delieon Commandery, No.
23, New York City, as special escort to the Most
Eminent Grand Master, Charles Roome, of
New York.
Hecond Nicholas Van Slvck, Commander,
Graca Commandery and Knights of Massa
chusetts and Rhode Island.
Third Austin C. Wood, Commander, Grand
Commandery and Knights of New York.
Fourth J. L. Beck, Commander; Knights of
Virginia, Delaware, Vermont, New Hampshire
and Connecticut
Fifth Henry Perkins, Commander; Knights
of Ohio, Maine and Kentnckv.
Sixth Torrence G. Hippie, Commander;
Commanderies of Pennsylvania, 2S in all.
Seventh Duncan G. Bacon, Commander;
Knights from Indiana, Texas and Michigan.
Eighthf-Norman T. Gassette, Commander;
Illinois delegations.
Ninth Samuel Hopkins Waginer, Com
mander; Knights of California, Wisconsin, New
Jersey and Tennessee.
Tenth A. G. Howard, Commander; Knights
from South Carolina. Georgia, Missouri, Ala
bama, Mississippi ana Louisiana.
Eleventh Walter H. Sanborn, Commander;
Commanderies of Kansas, Minncsota,Nebraska,
Maryland, Arkansas, Colorado, West Virginia
and North Carolina.
Twelfth Vf. D.Stites. Commander; Canadian
preceptories and commanderies of Montana,
Dakota, Wyoming and Washington.
The last commandery passed the Presi
dental reviewing stand at 3:30 o'clock. The
procession went the remainder ol its long
line of march and was finally disbanded
about an hour later.
The Grand Encampment began its ses
sion immediately upon arriving at
Masonic Temple at the close of the parade.
Mr. Myron M, Parker delivered an address
of welcome on the part of the local com
mand, and introduced Commissioner Doug
lass, who welcomed the Knights on the
part of the city. To both addresses the
Grand Master responded, and this closed
the public exercises. The encampment then
began its business in secret conclave.
The Iowa trouble immediately loomed up
and a resolution was offered excluding the
members from that State from the session.
This resolution was carried and the
Iowa members somewhat indignantly
withdrew. General Boome, who, as
Grand Master of the order, had
declared the Iowa Commandery and its
members in rebellion, had nothing to do
with offering this resolution, but simply
placed it belore the convention. It is au
thoritatively stated to-night that he took so
side in th- matter during the discusssion of
the resolution. .
The annual address of Grand Master
Boome, who presided over the session was
then read. His address opened with a
reference to the Knightly dead during the
past three years. He recommended selecting
Ascension Day, as a day of especial com
memoration and religious services by the
order throughout the country. He then de
voted a great deal of space to the Iowa
trouble, reviewing the whole matter from
beginning to end. He said the Grand
Commandery of that State had
the deliberate will of tbe Grand Encamp
ment and though still professing loyalty to
the Grand Encampment and the constitu
tion, its deeds had belied its empty words.
He admitted that the ritual adopted by the
San Francisco Conclave in 1886 has not
commended itself to all State commander
ies, but insisted that while it wasin force it
was the bounden duty of Knights to obey it
He declared that he had no ill feeling for
bis erring Iowa brethren, and what be had
done bad been intended solely to promote
the dignity of the Order. Soon alter the
reading of General Boome's address the
conclave adjourned until to-morrow.
Although Iowa senta number of Knights
Templar to "Washington, none of them took
part in the parade to-day, as they were for
bidden to do so by the Grand Master,
who has placed them under a ban.
A lantern bicycle parade to-night of about
800 wheelmen closed tbe entertainment of
the day. The procession moved up the ave
nue into the "White House grounds, and
was reviewed by the. President-ifrom the
portico. This evening has been given up to
serenades and receptions; Music-loving
"Washington never heard so many bands at
one time. It is said that there were 83 bands
in the parade to-day, and all of them seem
to be blowing their bravest to-night. The
Golden Gate Commandery, of San Fran
cisco, have been the recipients of unusual
and marked attentions.
This evening a public reception was given
by Golden Gate Commandery. The ladies
and Knights all appeared in lull dress. The
reception rooms were thronged for several
hours and great numbers of persons enjoyed
the liberal open-handed hospitality of "the
Califormans. California Commandery, No.
1, of San Francisco, also attracted much
Two Persons Killed and Several Others Se
verely Injured at Kokomo, Ind.
Kokomo, lND., October 8. The citizens
of Jerome, a small town 14 miles cast of this
city, arranged for a gas well display last
night, and took for the purpose the Diamond
Plate Gla-i well, just drilled there, and the
strongest well in the State. A60-fbot, 4-inch
pipe was laid from the well and to this was
attached a four-foot elbow vertically.
"When the torch was applied the end which
projected upward was pushed over on the
ground, and the immense pressure hurled
the CO feet of pipe among the spectators
with terrible force.
Most of the younger people in the crowd
were able to escape from the roaring flames
which burst from the pipe, but several were
caught Among these was Chusa "Warmon,
pastor of the Friends Church. The flames
struck him full in the face, and he fell to
the ground a corpse. He was burned to a
Frank La Bue's leg was broken. John
Hague was fatally burned, the flesh falling
from his body. He cannot live through the
night Hiram Overman' skull was crushed
in the flight for life. He was dead when
Millionaire Soell to Bo Suitably Remem
bered by His Widow.
Chicago, October 8. Mrs. Henrietta
Snell is to erect in Union Park a magnifi
cent memorial to her late husband, the
millionaire, whose death is supposed to have
been the work of burglar Tascott'a pistol.
At a meeting of the park board this aiter
noon $25,000 was tendered by Mrs. Snell and
accepted to build a Romanesque structure
which will serve as a shelter, a drinking
fountain, a clock tower and a support for
electric lights.
The tower is to be constructed of granite
and gray sand stone and will be visible the
whole length of Ogden avenue and the
Democrats Blake a Clean Sweep In Indian
apolis Sim Coy Re-Electcd.
Indianapolis, October a The Demo
crats made a clean sweep at the election for
Mayor, Council and Aldermen to-day.
Judge Sullivan, Democrat, for Mayor, has
defeated General John Coburn by from
1,000 to 1,500 majority. President Harri
son's ward shows a Democratic gain of 218.
The Boards of Council and Aldermen are
Democratic. Sim Coy is re-elected to the
City Council. The city has been electing
Republican Mayors and Council with but
occasional intermissions for 30 years.
I Sinn nnd Money Missing.
Chicago. October 8. A. B. Peck, con
fidential bookkeeper in the Chicago Office of
P. Lorrillard & Co., has disappeared. He
has overdrawn money belonging to the" firm
to the extent of possibly several thousand
dollars. Peck took his wife aud two chil
dren with Mm,
Mrs. Michael McDonnld Returns From
Europe She Says She Did Not Run Off
With Father Sloysant Mod
at Detectives.
rsrsciAZ. telegbau to tux disfatcim
New Yoke, October 8. Mrs. Michael
McDonald, wife of the famous Chicago
politician and sporting mac, who disap
peared from Chicago on July 24 last, at the
same time as the Bev. Father Joseph.Moy
sant, of Notre Dame Church, is at the Fifth
Avenue Hotel. She arrived on Saturday.on
the" steamship City of Chicago, traveling
under her maiden name, M. Noonan. Her
husband heard of her coming, and a private
detective was on the pier awaiting the
steamer, with a photograph to identify
Mrs. McDonald. He didn't recog
nize her. The detectives told the
steamship officers that Mrs. McDonald had
cabled to her husband that she was coming
home on that steamer and he is said to be
ready to receive her. The detective who
was looking for her told the purser that she
had sailed with the priest on the Nor
maudie, of the French line, and had gone
on board disguised as an elderly nun, with
spectacles and a gray wig.
Mrs. McDonatd talked in the hotel par
lor with great animation about what she
termed "the scandal." She denied em
phatically that she had eloped with the
priest She had left her home
in Chicago, she, said, because her
father-in-law made her borne life unhappy.
If the' priest disappeared the same day as
she did, she said, that was a mere co
incidence, for which she was not responsi
ble. She had not seen him, but she heard
that he was in a monastery near Paris. "I
am not going home to Chicago," she con
tinued. "I am going to stay here and work
for a living."
She was furious at the detectives that she
said had been dodging her about. She called
them "rats," and said that her husband
would gain nothing by keeping them at her
heels. "If he should send a gentleman to me
to bring me home, or should come himself,
why the matter might be adjusted. It sever
can be with detectives, though."
Tho Distinguished Statesman Not Likely to
Appear In Congress.
Philadelphia, October 8. Ex-Speaker
Samuel J. Randall is a very sick man, and
those who are fully advised of bis condition,
will be very much surprised if he ever re
sumes his seat in Congress. Neither Mr.
Bandall himself nor the members of his im
mediate family are fully aware of his con
dition. Mr. Bandall has for more than a
year been treated for internal hemorrhoids,
and reports are every now and then put out
to the affect that he is much better, but his
doctor knows that he will never be really
any better, and so do the members of the
medical profession in Philadelphia gener
ally, by whom the case of the distinguished
patient is closely watched and often dis
cussed. These encouraging reports are
given out for the salutary effect on the
spirits of the patient, which it is hoped they
may have.
Dr. Martin, "Mr. Band all's physician,
said to-day that he expects to accompany
Mr. Bandall to "Washington on Thursday
and had no doubt but that Mr. Bandall
could stand the strain. He did not say he
expects Mr. Bandall to recover.
It is hoped that the removal of Mr. Ban
dall to his own home in Washington from
the rented country place where he now is
may be temporarily beneficial and tend to
prolong his life.
A Stock Broker Arresie'dTar-'Stetllntt Oil
Margins From a Customer.
New Yobk, October 8. Albert Falk, a
stock broker at 66 New street, was arrested
to-day at his home at 223 "West One Hun
dred and Twenty-sixth street by Detective
Sergeant Hulholland, of Inspector Byrnes'
staff. He was arraigned at the Tombs, and
pleaded sot guilty to a charge of larceny.
Edward S. Percival, a broker at 10 "Wall
street, alleges that between the 15th and
27th of August, Falk came to him and said
he had straight tips on oil. Hc suggested
that Percival should give him money to in
vest Mr. Percival invested $700 with the
understanding that Falk was to enter his
name in an account with A. DeCordova &
Co., bankers and brokers in "Wall street
Instead of doing this, Percival says, Falk
entered an account in his own name,
pocketed the profits, and made off with tbe
same. Falk was held for examination on
A 10-Year-Old Boy Hangs Himself In tbo
New Yoek, October 8. George Lehnert,
16 years old, committed suicide in the
House of Befuge on Randall's Island to-dav
by hanging himself from an iron brace in
the basement of the bakery with
a piece of window sash cord. Leh
nert formerly worked for George Mindorff,
a baker at 33 Avenue D. He came to this
country from Germany about 18 mouths ago
with his brother and got a place at Min
dorfPs through an advertisement. One of
the workmen missed some clothing from his
room and it was found in the boy's posses
sion. He was arrested, reprimanded by a
police justice and let go.
Not long afterward he was found to have
stolen some clothingand a watch, and he
was indicted on a complaint of Anton Feser,
of 210 East Third street He pleaded guilty
before Judge Martine in the General Ses
sions on November 28, 1888, and was sent to
Bandall's Island.
The DIen Who Bobbed and Chloroformed
Two Brooklyn Families Caught.
Elizabeth, N. J., October 8. The po
lice authorities of this city, aided by In
spector Byrnes, have secured all the burglars
who robbed Mrs. Susan Mulford's aud Mrs.
Mary J. Boss' houses here last week and
chloroformed the inmates of the latter place.
The arrest of John Jennings on suspicion
furnished a clew to the capture of his con
federates. Jennings made a clean breast of
it and said his accomplices were Charles
Deigle, alias Butch Miller, and Charles
Schmidt, alias Frank Miller, both of New
York. They took the stolen goods to that
city and disposed of them, while Jennings,
who remained behind, was nabbed.
- Deigle and Schmidt were arrested in New
York. Chief Austin arrested to-night a res
ident of Elizabeth on a charge of being in
correspondence with the burglars and fur
nishing them with pointers.
Meeting of the Body at Carlisle, Pa. Large
Cablisle, Pa., October 8. This even
ing the Potomac Synod of the Reformed
Church of the United States convened in
annual session in this city. To-day several
hundred delegates and ministers are present
The opening sermon-Was delivered by the
Bev. W. B. H. Deatrick, President of the
The Synod will be in session for one week,
Mil 4 Via tMAA1tifTsl Will YlA infaMalSnn
throughout A number of prominent divines I
will be here. , 1
Gen. Boulanger Safely Lands on the
Famous Isle of-Jersey.
The Idol of Paris ia in Conference Witt
Military Friends.
The Conspirator's Companion Sleets With an Accident
en the Yoynre.
In pursuance of his plan of once more en
tering France, General Boulanger is now
upon the Isle of Jersey, within 15 miles of
the coast of his native land. At midnight
he was in earnest consultation with a num
ber of military friends who have joined his
London, October 8. Copyright Gen
eral Boulanger crossed the channel in the
small hours of the morning through the tail
of a big storm, which for 48 hours past has
been devastating the British Islands. Tbe
sea was high and the General prostrate
throughout the voyage. His fair friend
fared far worse, for in addition to the ago
nies of seasickness she was thrown from her
berth with great violence and sustained an
ugly cut on the right eyebrow. The wound
was roughly dressed aboard.
General Boulanger was too ill to assist,
but he gave orders that when the vessel
touched at Guernsey a telegram should be
sent to Jersey for a surgeon to be "on hand
on their arrival. Then he retired to his
cabin and was seen no more nntil the
steamer was safely moored in St Hellers
harbor. The party put up at tbe Hotel
Pomme d'Or, but.were scarcely in a condi
tion to draw omens of good or evil from the
classical story about Paris and Helen and
the golden apple. So far as the lady was
concerned the application might have been
too personal. Dr. Chappins, who was in at
tendance at the hotel, put sticking plasters
upon the lady's eyebrow and prescribed a
tonic for General Boulanger.
A number of military looking French
men in mufti called at the hotel during the
day, ana this evening the General dined
privately with about a dozen of them. Lit
tle wine was drank, and after dinner a con
ference commenced which was still in session
when your special correspondent cabled at
Inventor Eiffel Proposes to Build Another
Tower for America's Benefit.
London, October 8. A well known Lon
don engineer, who was one of the 250 mem
bers of the Iron and Steel Institute who
were entertained in Pans last week by M.
Eiffel and the President 'of the French So
ciety of .Engineers, gives an interesting ac
count of a conversation he had with M.
Eiffel, in which that gentleman gave his
opinion of the feasibility of constructing a
tower of such dimensions as are proposed
ior tne one to oe coosirucieu on toe Bite 01
the New York "World's Exposition of 1892.
In this conversation M. Eiffel expressed his
unbounded confidence that tbe plan of the
Paris structure, with some slight modifica
tions which experience had suggested to
him. could be safelv adopted for a tower
twicoits heightaad tbawith this planjf'
towifrof any altifuaVdesTrea presented no
engineering difficulties whatever, but was
simply ajuestion of outlay.
It the American Exposition Committee
were ambitions to possess a tower of 1,500 or
2,000 feet high they had simply to pro
vide the funds and the structure would
spring from the ground in nine months
after the order was given. Of course
great care would have to be exercised in the
selection of a suitable site, as upon this
would very largely depend the stability of
the structure. "When questioned as to
whether he would have any professional
connection with the construction of the
proposed American tower, M. Eiffel said it
was too early yet to reach any definite un
derstanding, but he was already in com
munication on the subject with New York
The Turks Have Been Guilty of Many Abases
In Crete.
London, October 8. The Daily News
prints a letter from Crete which confirms the
report that Chakir Pasha, the Governor, al
lowed the Turkish troops to pillage and per
secute the Christians after gaining their con
fidence by promises of protection.
The letter gives a list of the banished and
imprisoned, and describes the atrocities in
A Mother and Her Child Swept From tho
City of Paris.
Queenstown, October 8. The steam
shipCity of Paris reports that her decks were
swept by heavy seas yesterday. A female
steerage passenger and her child were sweot
overboard and drowned, and ten other pas
sengers were severely injured. The saloon
was flooded.
Pcoco tor Several Yenrs.
Berlin, October 8. The Berlin Tage
blatt construes as a peaceful sign Bussia's
decision to adopt smallbore rifle, inasmuch
as it will take several years to make the
A Victory for tho Tenants.
Dublin, October 8. The plan of cam
paign has been successful on Sir James
Mackey's Knockage estates. There is
great rejoicing over the victory.
Tho Crew All Drowned.
Dublin, October 8. The brignntine
Zuleika, of Belfast, was wrecked off Valen
tia in the storm yesterday. The crew were
A Ulan Who Passed Ono Forged Check
Tries Two More. i
New Yobb October 8. In December
last a well-dressed young man about 20
years of age, presented to Paying Teller
George M. Lawrence, of tbe Columbia
Bank, Forty-second street and Fifth ave
nue, a check for $35 op the American
Exchange Bank, drawn by J. W.
Douglass, payable to the order of
Alonzo L Davis, and indorsed by G.
B. Boynton. The Beceiving Teller
cashed it It was bad. This morning the
sound of a voice at the paying teller's
window recalled vividly to his mind. the
voice of the man who had got the best of
him in December last Mr. Lawrence, who
is now receiving teller, looked up quickly
and recognized the young man as the very
one.' The young man held in his hand two
checks for 97 50 each on the Natiopal
State Bank, drawn by Heminway Bros.,
payable to the order of Alonzo I. Davis.
Mr. Lawrence came out from behind his
desk and collared the young man just as he
was leaving the bank, with the checks, the
paying teller having refused to cash them.
He was locked up.
Ho Is Sentenced Fifteen Days, and Fined
8230 for Contempt of CourtHe
Will Serve Ont His
"Columbus, O., October 8. Allen O.
Myers, who was indicted, tried and
acquitted of complicity In the tally sheet
forgeries of 1885, occupies a ' cell
af the t county jail to-night, and
states he will serve out his sentence of 15
davs, which was imposed this afternoon, to
gether with a fine of ?250 for alleged con
tempt of court during the trial of Mont
gomery, who was indicted for the same of
fense. The contempt consisted of the publi
cation of an article in the Cincinnati En
jutrer reflecting upon the conduct of the
case by Judge Pugn. It also questioned
his motives in various rulings.
At the first hearing Myers was fined the
same amount and sentenced to Berve 90 days
in jail, and the case was taken to the Su
preme Court on error, with the result that
we higher court remanded the case for re
hearing on the ground substantially that
the sentence was severe. Therehearing was
had last Saturday and the sentence pro
nounced to-day. Myers refuses to allow his
lawyers to take any steps to get him ont on
a writ of habeas corpus, and it is understood
will do some writing while he is in jail.
"Were it not for the fact that it is un
popular to champion Myers' cause, even
among the rank and file of the Democracy,
there is no doubt that the action of tbe
Judge to-day would cut quite a figure in
the campaign, owing to the prominence of
the prisoner in connection with the Demo
cratic management. As it Is, however, the
effeot will be slight Myers discharged bis
attorneys and appeared in court alone, and
evidently was surprised that he got time.
After the decision he sent for an attorney
and was advised to serve the time, as it was
impossible to get the Circuit Court judges
together at this time to ant in an error case.
There are a great many Democrats, as
well as Republicans, who thought the ends
cf justice would have been served by the
imposing of the fine without the time sen
A Theatrical Manager Succeeds In Getting
Away With SS.OOO.
Philadelphia, October 8. Several of
the best-known men in Philadelphia are
anxiously looking for the return from across
the sea of a prominent theatrical man, with
"an accounting for several thousand dollars
each, with which they entrusted him some
months ago. Every theater-goer in Phila
delphia recalls the engagement of the Lon
Jnn Gaiety Company at the "Walnut Street
Theater last spring.
Among the steady patrons of the show was
iWiiliam H. Comly, a theatrical manager,
not without experience, and long identified
with James Barton Key in the manage
ment of the Comly-Barton Opera Company.
Comly saw the show, met the financial head
of the company and conceived the bright
idea ot purchasing the properties of the
company, scenery, costumes and score books
and repeating tne Gaiety successes in a
smaller way through the Eastern circuit
and the Western cities.
Mr. Comly set about organizing his syn
dicate at once. Eight thousand dollars, it
was stated, would be all that was required
to buy the costumes and stage properties
and furnish a working capital for the Amer
ican Gaiety Company. Of this. Horace
Disston contributed $3,000, ex-Governor
"William H. Bunn, of Idaho, a like amount,
and other members of the club testified
thefr confidence in tbe venture by smaller
amounts until the desired sum was com-
"3Ue moneys paldf
departed, presumably to buy the scenery
ana arrange tne date ot the show. Now
Mr. Comly cannot be found. It is said that
he is in Europe, and has gone there without
consulting any of the members of the com
pany. No contracts have been made as far
as can be ascertained. The members have
taken legal advice, and some scenery which
,was purchased was recovered in New York
and brought back to this city. In the mean
time Comly is badly wanted.
A Shoemaker Shoots His Better Half, bat
, X Sho Will Live.
Newabk, October 8. John Huber, a
shoemaker, shot his wife Ellen last night as
she was sitting at the window of her resi
dence, 72 Plum street, Newark. The curtain
was raised and the lamp placed behind her
on a table so that anyone passing in the
street could see her plainly. Huber stood
close to the window on the sidewalk, and
takingcareful aim, fired deliberately at his
wife with a 32-caliber revolver. Mrs. Huber
fell to the floor with aliullet in her right
breast Au ambulance was called and she
was taken to the German Hospital where
Police Surgeon Clark extracted the bullet
and pronounced the wound not necessarily
fatal. .
Huber was not captured and is still at
large. A year ago Mrs. Huber had him ar
rested for assault and battery. Since then
he has lived in Brooklyn. It is supposed
he attempted to kill his wife because of her
having had him imprisoned.
Each Is Trying to Control a Now York
Senatorial Nomination.
TJtica, October a The Twenty-third
Senatorial district comprises the counties of
Herkimer, Madison and Otsego. Six Be
publican delegates from each county
have been in session at Baggs' Hotel
and have taken 250 ballots, and
on each Titus Sheard, of Herkimer
has bad 6, Frank Arnold, of Otsego, 6
and ex-District Attorney "Wilson, of Madi
son, 6. To-night they adjourned till to
morrow morning, and each delegation ex
pressed a determination to stay till election
day bdfore deserting their candidate.
The fight is really between Piatt and
"Warner Miller. The Herkimer delegates
are all for Miller, Otsego all for Piatt and
Madison equally divided, though some say
four are for Piatt and two for Miller.
Tho Wife of Georgo Francis Train's Son
Granted a Divorce.
New Yobk, August 8. Judge Barrett
has granted an absolute divorce to Lucy "W.
Train, from George Francis Train, Jr., son
of Philosopher Train. The case was heard
before a referee, Bbyal S. Crane. Mr. Train
made no defense to his wife's charges of infi
delity. It is said that Mrs. Train has money
of her own. i
The husband is in business and snares, It
is said, none of the eccentricities of his
They Had Nothing to Do With That Alleged
Dynamite Explosion.
New Yobk, October 8. A mass meeting
of union butchers was held to-night to pro
test against the accusation which they claim
Scanlan Brothers, sheep butchers, made
against them ot attempting to blow up their
building. v
Besolutions were adopted denying that
the union men were in any way connected
with the crime, and deprecating any such
dastardly acU -
One of the Leading Characters Falls
in a Faint, From Which
Profound Sensation in One of the Metro
politan Theaters.
Apparently the Best of Spirits and la a Few
Hinntts Is Ko More.
At thevLyceum Theater, New York, last
night, the leading comedian fell in a faint
as he left the stage at, the end of the first
act. He died in a few minutes. The occur
rence created a profound sensation.
New Yoee, October 8. Charles B.
Bishop, a leading comedian in E. H. So th
em's "Lord Chumley" Company, died sud
denly at the Lyceum Theater last night just
after be had left the stage at the end of the
first act of the comedy. Bishop had been
tronbled for several days by what he be
lieved to be an attack of dytpepsia, and
when he'went to the theater last night bis
wife, Josephine, accompanied him.
She had been his constant companion for
the last 20 years, and he said that he wanted
her near in case he should be taken with
another attack of dyspepsia. He was low
spirited and weak when he went upon the
stage, but no one in the large audience was
able to detect it in his bluff and hearty im
personation of Butteraorth, the retired
his last impeesonation.
Just as he stepped from the stage into the
corridor leading to his dressing room he fell
in a dead faint Mr. Sothern and the stage
manager sprang to him and bore him to the
latter's room, just back of the stage, and
the actors and actresses gathered about him
with pale faces.
A messenger dashed off and brought two
a It took ten minutes to get to tbe theater
and just as one of them, Dr. Powers, reached
the stage manager's room the actor breathed
his last. His wife was hanging over him
crying as if her heart would break. Bishop
never recovered consciousness after he fell
fell in the corridor.
"When he was carried into the manager's
room Mr. Sothern believed that the attack
was not serious, attributing it to dyspepsia,
and he went before the footlights and tola
the audience that Mr. Bishop had been
taken ill, but that it did not appear to be
serious, and that he would be able to con
tinue his part in a few minutes. The inten
tion was to allow Bishop's understudy to
take his part The curtain was lowered,
and remained down nntil his death.
Mr. Sothern announced the death to the
audience. It made a profound sensation.
Mr. Sothern added that the money would
be returned to the audience at the box office.
The audfence filed out withsolemn faces.
Bishop's fellow actors were terribly shocked
by the associate's untimely death. The
actor was a jolly, wholesouled sortof fellow,
and everbody around the theater liked him.
The occurrence brought tears to young
Sothern's eyes. Bishop had been his lead
ing comedian ever since he started out is
Dr. Jenkins. (Joroner Lew's de
the,;-AKighest. JJidder,:'- and' there vTva si
Dr. Jenkins, Coroner Levy's deputr. was
sent for at.be gave a permit for the- re
moval of the body. Manager Frohman was
summoned from Niblo's Garden and took
Mrs. Bishop to her home. She was com
pletely prostrated, the couple lost their son
Charles three years ago. He was about 22
years old aud was also an actor. The son's
death was a blow from which neither parent
recovered. It permanently saddened the
Mr. Bishop was perhaps the best and
most refined exponent of broad comedy on
the American stage. Before he went on the
stage several years ago, he was a medical
practitioner in Baltimore. He was fre
quently called doctor by his associates, but
it was a title he did not care a great deal
Mr. Bishop first starred in "The "Widow
Bedott" He made the piece immensely
popular and it had a run for several years.
But Mr. Bishop will be best remembered in
his delineation of the drummer iu the play
of "Strictly Business." This play he pro
duced everywhere and was always received
with enthusiasm.
During Mr. McKee Bankin's manage
ment of the California Theater Bishop was
induced to shelve "Strictly-Business," and
join forces with the California Theater
tock company. A grand revival of old
comedies was the result, Mr. Bishop always
assuming the part of the grotesque charac
ter. "When Shakespeare's tragedy "Mac
beth" was produced at the California two
years ago, Mr. Bishop played one of the
witches. He took the whole house by storm.
The great actors in the play were almost
ignored, while the rotund little comedian
was applauded to the echo. About this
time Mr. Bishop was at the zenith of his
popularity. A yearago the deceased joined
the "Lord Chumley" Company. Mr.
Bishop was a man below the ordinary
height and very corpulent He could play
Sir John FaU'taff without adding any ap
pendages to look the character.
Attempt to Exact a Penalty for Violation of
a Statute.
New Yobk, October 8. An argument
was heard to-day in the general term of the
Supreme Court upon an appeal by the New
York, New Haven and Hartford Ballroad
for an order overruling a demurrer in a suit
brought by the people to enforce the pay
ment of 57,000 penalties for Using stoves in
their cars after November 1, 1888. The
company maintained that the law did not
apply to them, as only 26 miles of their
road was in the State, the act not applying
to railroads less than 50 miles in length.
The demurrer was overruled on the
ground that this provision didn't refer to
trunk lines like that of the defendant, but
to short roads within the State. Decision
was reserved.
New York and London Capitalists Invest
82.000,000 la Mexico.
St. Louis, October 8. One of the biggest
mining deals yet made from St Louis, in
volving $2,000,000 cash, and taking in New
York and London, has just been closed by
Judge TJ. F. Cleary, of this city.
The property is located in Mexico and in
cludes all of the mines located on the Ye
gonia vein, and a 100,000 acre grant contain
ing nnmerous gold, silver and copper ledges
of untold riches.
Secretary Halford Will Recover.
"Washington, October 8. Private Secre
tary Halford is lying at tbe "White House,
where on Sunday a surgical operation was
performed on him by Dr. Sowers It was
successful, and the doctor says that with a
few weeks' rest he will have entirely recovered.
LV i'
Tho International Delegates Warmly
celvcdlnMakeand NewHsmprtlri
Samples of Good Takes by
Them A Banquet Is
the Evening.
Manchestee, N. H., October 8. The
International excursion party last night for
the first time in the experience of many of
the delegates and attaches of the Interna
tional American Congress slept in the cars
of the special train. The special train re
mained in the Boston and Maine railroad
station nntil 2 o'clock in the morning,
when it was run, slowly and without jolt
ing, to Manchester, and the members of the
party opened their eyes in the State of New
Hampshire, the seventh of the great Amer
ican commonwealths which they have en
tered. From the display of Manchester's com
bined product of manufacture each foreign
delegate tooK away samples and price-list.
"When the special train had started on the
four hours' jonrney the samples of goods
and cloths that had been secured were
Spread out The Secretaries were then em
ployed in writing brief memoranda and
comments dictated by their chiefs, and, as
the work went forward, the impressions or
remarks of the delegates concerning each of
the various products, when committed to
paper, were fastened to the respective sam
ples and pacted away for reference and fut
ure use.
The train reached Portland, Me., at 4
o'clock. Carriages were in waiting, and
the excursionists started on a drive through
the city. The citizens were prepared for the
visitors, and flags floated from many build
ings, almost every window on the route
was filled with faces, hats were raised,
and the children turned out in numbers.
Just at dusk the Falmouth House was
reached and the guests were escorted to the
reception room, where Mayor Melchen and
a committee of 40 citizens welcomed them.
Senator Hale and Bepresentative Nelson
Dingley were among the first callers, and
found among the foreign delegates some
whom tbey had met at diplomatic recep
tions. They were afterwards entertained at
a banquet, at which over 200 gentlemen
were present
Testimony Slay Begin Next Week- la the
Cronln Trial A Threatening Letter.
Chicago, October 8. Eight jurors have
finally been secured in the Cronln case after
six weeks of weary examination of venire
men. The last four jurors are Henry D.
Walker, Frank Allison, George L. Cooke
and William S. North. They were sworn
early this afternoon. North is considered a
great man for the State, and his acceptance
by Lawyer Foster created consternation
among the rest of the lawyers for the de
fense. It is now hoped that the taking of
testimony will, begin Monday. Dr. J. P.
Cass, the veterinary surgeon from whom
Cougnlin tried to first purchase and then
hire a fast horse, has received the following
anonymous letter:
Chicago, III., October 7.
To Mb. Cass Look; here, old boy, we are the
friends of all men who mind their own busi
ness, but we want none of your kind, lfyjudo
hot keep quiet about this Cronln affair we will
deal roughly with you. It Is none of your busi
ness, you old.reprobate, and we want you to
bear that in mind. You are an impostor,
rascal, ant) if you don't take warning we'll show
you up in your true colors. If wen ere to handle
you we would not give your old bones a trunk,
as was dons with Dr. Cronln. Now bear this
in mind and remember that secrecy Is your only
safety. CoirirrrEK.
The police have the letter. It is written
in a, bold hand- Yount? Carroll, who escased
somysteriOntly frea Otteer Witeen. i.wU,
missing, aab is eapposea to us wiuag wnu
friends of the Clan-na-Gael.
David Snyder Taken Oat and Whipped
Nearly to Death.
Oabbondaxe, Pa., October 8. The vil
lage of Bush is' highly incensed over a
brutal assault committed a few days ago by
alleged White Caps on David Snyder, a
respectable citizen. Mr. Snyder says:
"About 8 o'clock in the evening I was
standing in the road in front of the hotel
when lour men, disguised, threw a rope
around me and dragged me down to the
bridge. On the bridge were three or four
more men disguised, who joined the first
party. I g)t loose from the rope and tried
to defend myself, for I thought they were
going to kill me.
"They then threw me down and stamped
on me. They took o2 my trousers, and
dragged me over a fence into a lot and tied
me to a tree, saying they were White Caps,
and it I made any noise they would kill
me. They then ordered ten stripes, which
thevgaveme. Then thev ordered 15 more.
which they also gave me. I begged them to
kill me. They whipped me until I was in
sensible and left me tied to a tree. When I
came to tbey were gone. I hallooed, and
Isaiah Hairs came to me and took me
Snyder was black and' blue from his
ankles to his shoulders, and on his legs were
cuts in the flesh from two to ten inches long.
The affair has caused a sensation. No ar
rests have been made.
The New York Sapreras Court Makes an
Important Enle.
New Yobk, October 8. The Judges of
the Supreme Conn of this judicial district
held a meeting this afternoon, and, after a
discussion that lasted nearly half an hour,
Judge Barrett announced that hereafter all
testimony in actions for divorce will be
taken in open court at special term. The
following resolution was adopted:
That tbe rules of this court In this district In
relation to the special term calendar be
amended so as to read as follows: "In actions
for an absolute divorce, where no answer Is in
terposed reference to take proof will not be
granted. Bach causes must be placed upon tbe
calendar of tbe special term for the trial of
Issues of law and fact: and the testimony
must be then taken, and the causes there
heard, and the evidence written ont by tbe
stenographer and annexed by the clerk to the
Judgment roll. Such cases will be placed upon
the calendar Immediately after tbe demurrers.
Notes of Issue In such cases must be filed eight
days before the first Monday of each term.
The rule to take effect Immediately."
Judge Barrett said that the judges had
no power to interfere with the law that pro
hibits the inspection of the divorce papers by
people otherwise than those directly inter
TfaeBesnlt of Australian Election Methods
In a Tennessee City.
Chattanooga, October a The first
election in this State under the Australian
system of voting occurred here to-day in the
municipal election. It was the quietest
election ever known in the city, less money
was used at the polls and there was less
illegal voting than in any previous election.
A light vote was polled and the election re
sulted in the selection of John A. Hart, Be
publican, for Mayor by 482 majority and 10
Bepublicans out of 16 Councllmen and two
Councilmen a tie.
The Bepublicans will continue their
efforts to test the constitutionality of the
new election and registration laws.
Tery, Very Moist la Connecticut.
Habtfobd, October 8.With a dozen
towns to hear from the official returns give
26,884 majority against the prohibitory
Proasat mimm aseana. ' -i
1 WANTS He always T"yJSLTlZ!!?M
M Trfcea advertised la THB MMMMKH.
Real Estate eaa be aeM rtroaah ,arer.
an Wko is tot fto Metat IkMfl
a flail art Talks
o jffUf
neTKEir Trades, aad BaeA&ItMi
rambler aa& a Tlkf,
The AttHeaea So Hub. Immet That the
Kay begnalnam. ,
4 j
A. Leominster. Mass., iadivMwJ.-wwtel
wealthy and not overly mediae, wta !
to the Legislature. His moraod' ef s
nouncing himself, asd hk fVaak stery ef bJM
life proved such a ho velty t be bmt n'
nominated. ' '
r j -jfJ
uuaig.i, iuiuuer a. a. icirBsnwg
ration in the political line was the i
tioa for Bepresentative by himself of Beaty
A. Cook, of Leominster. Mr. Ceefc wtki
never noted for his modesty, and he k
of these who believe a man shonHwikl
office every time. ' The propositie wi
simple, he said. He wanted to ge te.'
Legislature, so he put an advertisoaiat ml
the local paper, hired a hall, asd
himself in nomination before s oeavwiieSl
of his enthusiastic fellow citim.
asked no one to ratify the noaiaatiM, htj
he ratified It himself.
In plain, everyday Anglo-SaxM Im MMJ
his constituents why he was a geed i
the honor, and that, being seasibk peeptaft
he knew tbey would take his advlee aasli
voceiormm. us proposea to be gimHsyi
too, and would be surprised if he war Vi
ilis platform was "I am fee Coec.
said that there, were now eight or teat
dates in the Bepnbliean party all ready s
go before the convention, asd tfcat be I
tended to lorestail them ana spike u t
guns by telling every mean thiBg be
ever done, together with sese of hi i
deeds, and thus forestall the possltittn fj
being slandered by bis enemies. f s,
He began with his birth, said he weals! g
through his ute, ana hoped wM IM-
through with his story that he wftUp
home to Bis wife witu
A nnort ivran
...Mtva.. .. i-VH
no saiu mhk ma laiaer, at tme sum ,msj
tne poor larm at nnasou, iflat Be ksmot mi
good deal about poverty tbea, and mm. rl
since. He showed that he had beem a aosMssj
a peaaier, a irsmp, a gToeeryssaa,, a an
man, a chairmaker. a eoab saakwr. a
penter, a piacxsmitn, s mantmsewrer,. aj
gambler, a thief, a large feal estate dealer, a
lawyer, a detective, and that his praseactr
occupation was seekkg the efisa of Ifii '
sentative. ,-?
He wanted it understood that ha -ms-of
total abstainer, without being a Pi uhlhiltoii !
1st and by war of recommending Hmulf-
to the cold water folks he told how he WMi
up to his principles.
his only nmT. i
. - ii
Whea he was a hostler at Gardner, im.
he said his boas insisted that be ahswM 1
the bar at the hotel with which M i
was connected.. He deeUoed to iM i
tute himselfVaad lost hk joh ia
quesee. -acturaisg to sum Siossa, .
himself oa n, a mum.
larM-ewMutdiaM 'd
new ham. He seared ft doc ;
dropped the hasa. which. he -oaiekiy i
nriated. He knew it was wroar.
under the circumstaBees " said the atoM?!
genuous office seeker, 'T oealda't insW
afford to make too many inquiries ahoaV
that nam." This was his only Men, Mtl
his enemies might magnify it, se
fessed it " vH
His only gambling was rolliBg a-gae 5ft
drunken man with a starving faailyhad
lost S12 to the sharpen bat he (Ceokr awa!
so many ten-strikes the sharper had to d.J
gorge. He gave the money to tne araB-,
ard s family.
The humor and franknessof the weald-hej!
legislator made him hosts of friends aad hej
is now sure of the nomination. He k towaS
assessor, quite rich and has done mere to 3
build up .Leominster than any otaeroaej
man. However, "his eminent fitness" fori
the office never dawned upon the town aatU I
last night.
Are Making a Determined Attempt to Be
troy a Missouri Tows The Catorka '
Will Probably be Lynched aa
Boob aa Captured.
Mexico. Mo., October 8. Great aceito- -
ment exists here over an attempt made last r
night to burn the principal resideaee pay-
uon 01 tne town. jMotesstnan rear laeea-
4Iam A... A..W.MH .wtflltvi a anaAA if ai . S
u.oxj iuw vwuA.tt n..w.w . uyvm v 0&4t
hours, and tne incendiaries were drive. w
away from their work: in two instances be
fore they could apply the torch to thebsilaV
ings which they intended to burn.
The barns of John Savinets, Bev.P.B
Cassill, ex-State Senator Webb, M. BuBy .
and John Wright were all set oa are be- f
Ivaon ft nVlnlr nnf) mldnlplbt- ntul wu.
t...j.i1 f.afliAw .vtfli Anntont. A. J?fi
In each case it was with great dif&ealryv-;
that the residences or tne persons aaaied
were saved from the flames. Shortly after
midnight the police surprised the iaeea-
diaries at their work in the barns of Coles4 ,
jonn x. wiiuams ami ux. j. a. jaiinr...
Two negro girls were arrested for cosaplieif
in the crime, out were reieasea to-aay fas
lack of evidence. .
This attempt to burn the town is supposed
to result from the arrest and conviction last,
week of several members of a band of neero
burglars, who are believed to be seekiag re-4; a
vpnw. Two members of the band wba anV
still awaiting trial, were heard to boast thatv -
the people of Mexico would saSer for the if fML
arrest of the band. Twelve extra peliee' VJJJ
were put on guard to-night. There is great
indignation over the occurrence of the area.
and there is plain talk of lynching the la-d
cendiaries should they be apprehended. yp
Another Lineman Meets With a Horrible)
Fate nt the Metropolis.
New Yobk, October a Charles Bd-
mann, aged 40, a lineman employed by taj
Manhattan Electric Light Company, waaj
instantly killed this afternoon while re-t
pairing a wire in 155 Grsnd street. He re- d
ceived a shock from a wire which came lafj
contact with his body and which rendered 4
him senseless and caused him to fall aereag ,
a string of wires, and thence to the street,
landing on his head and crushing ia halS
skull. He died a few minutes afterward. Tka
bole which he ascended is 20 feet high aad
has two cross arms in which annaber off
wires were strung.
Edmann reached over to roll a pieee of ;
Insulation around a naked portion of a wira
and in doing so his shirt was pulled ap a&d .'
a portion 01 iis dack was iaia Dare, rr aaa
he resumed his sitting position a live 1
wire touched his back aad the eerreateaU
tered his body. The wire baraed deep lata!
his flesh aad the people ia the street aawaf
blue name aad a gray tea saeke risJeg i
. A
B1- ' rjit
. -
&&.: ..."SLS.5-Cai-
'At ..iyV?