'"Sip sswsa H-'H,-Jl 'flUSf '-."? TT 53 ,-- . i . . ' .r-' 1 "j . - --. i&M. 'w-. .', : 3?HB PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1889. t.t V , -i.V'1 Btgpfcfj. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY S, 1S46. Vol.. iJo. 143. Entered at Pittsburg Fostoface, ICovember 14, 1JS7, &s second-class matter. Business Offlce--97 and 09 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House75, 77 and 76 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, lioom 45, Tribune Building, New York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of THE Disr-ATCHfor six months ending September SO, 16S3, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,095 Copies per issue. Average net circulation of tbe Sunday edition of The Dispatch for four months ending Septem ber S, 18891 54,188 . Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE ntlE IK THE UNITED STATES. DAILT DISPATCH, One Year S 8 M DAH.T1MSPATCH, rer Quarter 2 00 Dailt Dispatch. One Month 70 DilLT Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 Dailt DisrATCH,lncludlnKSundaT,3m'ths. 250 Dailt DisrATcn, Including Sunday, 1 month 90 SCKDAT Dispatch, One Year 1 50 Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 S5 The Dailt Dispatch Is delivered bv carriers at Hcents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at a) cents per week. PITTSBURG. TUESDAY, OCT. 8, 1SS9. A POSSIBLE BAILBOAD EXTENSION. The report that Mr. Andrew Carnegie is about concluding the negotiations which will give him control of a partly completed railroad from Akron to Fort "Wayne, thus giving the Pittsburg and "Western a direct connection with Chicago, is full of interest to Pittsburg. The report may of course be a new install ment of the rumors which have, been so abundant concerning Pittsburg's railroad connections; but it has many features which give it weight. The most salient of these are the rapid growth of the Pittsburg and "Western to a prominent position in the competition lor Pittsburg's freight traffic; and Mr. Carnegie's active work in securing the advancement of the competing influence. The acquisition of the connection on terms which will make the Pittsburg and "Western a direct and solidly capitalized line from Pittsburg to Chicago appears to be a prac ticable and promising measure. One thing may be taken as certain, Pitts burg will never again be without competi tion for her magnificent freight traffic A PEESISTENT MISSTATEMENT. The views of Representative Milliken, of Maine, as reported by our special dispatches yesterday, show that the Maine Congress man has accepted the usual cheap misrep resentation with regard to the Standard Oil Company, that the agents of that monopoly have industriously spread for the past few years. The Sugar Trust, Mr. Milliken thinks, is a very bad thing; but the Stand ard Oil Trust as "the pioneer in furnishing illuminating oil" did a great public service People who know anything about the sub ject know that the Standard Oil Company much less the Trust was not the pioneer either in the development of wells, the transportation of petroleum by pipe-line, or the refining of petroleum. It was the pioneer only in the business of monopoliz ing by the aid of freight -discriminations. But the representation lias so frequently been made that a great many people, like Mr. Milliken, honestly believe it For the Standard purposes a lie, well stuck to, is better than the truth. COUETSAND V0TE-B1TYEES. The dissenting opinion of Chief Justice Eorton, of Kansas, in a county seat case, takes occasion to severely characterize the acts of Soule, an Eastern millionaire, who invested large amounts of money in buying votes in favor of the county seat where his interests were located. The outspoken lan guage concerning such acts is very perti nent, and is probably fully deserved. Men who use their wealth in buying votes for any purpose should be held up to public con temp-; and the higher the authority by which the reprobation is made, the more telling will be the effect But the views of Chief Justice Horton fall short in two respects. The first is the strongly intimated idea that such acts of corruption by one party in a county seat contest, justified the other party in resorting to wrongful measures and illegal acts. The Chief Justice joins others in condemning these wrongs; yet he says "that these acts were caused to a large extent by the unparalleled iniquity of Soule and his agents." To intimate that one wrong is caused by another in such a manner as to justify the latter is rather dangerous doctrine for a high court to dis seminate. Provocation and cause are two separate things; and should not be confused with the result of producing an idea that cue wrong is justified as retaliation to an other. Another very salient point takes the form of a question why, if the New York million aire has by his agents committed the acts of corruption denounced by Chief Justice Hor ton, the Kansas courts do not take an early opportunity to land him in the peniten tiary. This is the duty of all courts with regard to all rote-buyers who come within their cognizance. SENSE FOB THE SOUTH. In view of the large amount of silly talk about "the race problem in the South," it is encouraging and should be instructive to the Southern people to find a positive Dem ocratic paper like the Philadelphia Record telling them that the way to solve the diffi culty is to adopt the means of enlightenment and civilization. That paper declares that the true method of solving "the negro problem" is to give the colored people their legitimate social and political rights; to protect them iu their citizenship, and aid them in obtaining the education which wqnld make them better citizens, and to frown down partisan appeals to race preju dice. If the Southerners can pay attention to this solid truth from a steadfast Northern Democratic journal, and abandon the shot gun for the school, they will soon dispose of that trace of barbarism which is dignified by the title of the race issue. LAW IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. There is a Sunday school superin tendent at New Castle who is evidently a reformer with a Big B. Last Sunday morning when the Second M. E. Church Sunday school had assembled, Superin tendent Reynolds is said to have told the scholars that if any of them were caught whispering while anyone was addressing them they wonld be prosecuted before an alderman for disturbing a religious meeting. Some of the scholars were guilty of being surprised ai such remarks in a Sunday school, and it is said that the attendance at the school is likely to fall off- "We trust that the Superintendent will not be led to abandon the firm position he has taken. We never remember hearing of a Sunday wk school being run with a law court and jail as an annex, but we can readily imagine what a comfort the annex would ba to the teachers. Superintendent Beyuolds, we trust, has thought out the scheme to a conclusion. It will never do to stop at the indictment of whispering scholars. Scholars who are late in arriving at school should be hauled up before the nearest magistrate and charged with contempt of court. The rosy-faced boy who climbs in at the back window, and reveals his presence by the rending of his knickerbockers on a nail, can undoubtedly be charged with burglary. The little girl who takes two picture cards of that superb artistic order only known to Sunday schools where one is her due, is guilty of larceny. The babe who bor-. rows a pencil and swallows it with out due notice to the owner might possibly be tried on a charge of larceny by bailee but we are a little foggv on this point. The Supreme Court could decide upon it, and for once earn its large salary. "What offense in law the hardened villain in kilts or muslin skirts who makes faces at his or her dear, kind teacher would be guilty of, is also hard to tell, though prob ably disorderly conduct tending to provoke a breach of the peace would cover it Under a strict administration, with a magistrate and two of the largest-sized po licemen obtainable in the vestibule to carry out the law, a Sunday school might indeed be made a fearful and gorgeous institution. "What respect for the strong arm ot the law and the gentle hand of religion would be instilled into the hearts of the little ones! THE DIAMOND STEEET DECISION. The decision of Judge Ewing in the suit to restrain the city against the appropria tion of property for the widening of Dia mond street, is in favor of the city, but not so emphatically as to remove all doubts as to the possible outcome or litigation against the constitutionality of the act of 18S9. The injunction is refused; but the vital point qn which the case turns is regarded as subject at least to doubts, which it is expected that the Supreme Court will settle. As to the claims that property taken for public purposes must be paid for by general taxation; that (he widening of the street is not a local improvement; and that the con- I tents of the act are not sufficiently set forth in the title the Court is quite positive in re jecting them. But on the pivotal question whether legislation with regard to the assessment for improvements, and the opening and improvement of streets, is of the character which re quires different treatment in the different classes of cities, the Judge is by no means so positive. He does not take much pains to conceal the fact that the Supreme Court has not been wholly consistent on this point; but on the ground that the weight of cases favors the constitutionality of the act, refuses the injunction. Of course it is desirable for the city that the matter shall be finally settled by the Supreme Court Not only on account of the importance of this single improvement, but for the sake of definitely showing where the city stands on all" improvements, the case should go to the tribunal which can place the law on one side or the other of the mysterious line which divides special legis lation from legislation for the different classes of cities. PABKS AND WATER The announcement that the Bedford ave nue basin is to be abandoned and its site used for a pars: may be presumed to apply only to the lower basin, near the High School building. Otherwise there would be decided public objections to the change. Even as it is, there may be room for discus sion as to its advisability. A park on the site of the basin would be a welcome addition to the open spaces of the city, where it would do much good. But there is other open ground available; and even the much desired parks are not as important as a constant, abundant and pure water sup ply. It is not so very long since the lower part of the city was suffering from a water famine, caused by a break in the pipes con necting it with the Hiland reservoirs. The Dispatch pointed out at the time that if the Bedford avenue reservoirs were put in proper condition and kept full as storage reservoirs the danger of such shortages would be materially lessened. If the upper Bedford avenue basin can be made to retain an ample supply to guard against interruptions of the mains, the abandonment of the lower basin is permis sible. But it should be made absolutely certain that the supply kept available for the lower part of the city is ample to avoid all danger of shortage. As to the talk of "local impurities" in the Bedford basin, it is hard to conceive that they refer to any thing more than the assertions that drainage from the surrounding hills has been per mitted to get into the basin. It ought not to have been difficult for engineering skill to prevent that in the past, nor should it be, in the future. On the proviso that the water supply be kept ample for all contingencies the new park will be a great improvement But without that condition fully met, the project is questionable. NOT A CONCLUSIVE TEST. A test of the Australian ballot system is reported to have been made in Montana at tbe election held there last week, and tbe report of its operation is quite favorable, The votes were polled rapidly, and all the voting was done early in the day. The fact that neither party made a clean sweep of the offices, and that marked gains and losses were made by each side in their re spective strongholds, is held to indicate that the secret ballot had its due effect. This is very well as far as it goes, but it can hardly be taken to furnish a conclusive test. Montana has no crowded election districts, like the Eastern States, where the whole day is required to get in the votes. It is not likely "to have much of a class like that of the Eastern cities whose rote is often made a matter of merchandise; nor is it likely that the settlers and ranchmen are so lacking in independence that the gain of secresy makes any material difference in their vote. The changes shown in different places are easily explicable by the character of the election; and we can see little reason to think that the vote would hare been ma terially different if it had been cast by the ordinary method. The Australian system may be the specific for our political ills, but it requires a more thorough test than that which Montana gives, to make certain of it. Jodqe Gresham's assertion to a North Carolina correspondent, that he has no doubt the Federal appointments in that State "will be controlled by the local poli ticians," is tantamount' to an assertion of the Judge's conviction that water will ran down hill, unless it is forced to flow up. The general dissent of newspaper writers from Miss "Willard's proposition to abolish the smoking compartmentin Pullman cars, on the ground of the comfort of the smokers, is not very considerate to the non-smokers. The whole dlseussion Is making a good deal of a decidedly unimportant affair. The amount of' cigar smoke which reaches the other parts of a Pullman car is rather infini tesimal; and, on the other hand, if it de tracts from any one's comfort, the smokers can very easily seek the separate smoking car in order to satisfy their nicotian crav ings. A very little of the mutual courtesy aqd consideration which is as necessary in traveling as elsewhere, will prevent any warfare on this subject The gentle granger is understood to ob ject to Uncle Jere Busk as Secretary of Ag riculture. This will make it necessary for the energetic Secretary to ride on a mowing machine in order to conciliate the farming interest The unique argument is offered to the public, through tbe local columns of an esteemed cotemporary, that because manu facturers contracted with competing gas companies in times past, at low rates, and have had to pay from two to ten times as much, after the competing companies were absorbed, therefore their experience is a warning against patronizing opposition com panies. Considering the remarkable con trast thus presented between rates under competition and under combination, the manufacturers who are now starting com panies of their own may be pardoned if they think the argument shows the desirability of keeping up the competition. TnE London bakers' combine, which ad vertises an expected dividend of twenty per cent on its capital of $2,500,000, is making a more strenuous effort to squeeze investors than bread buyers. It is rather amusing to observe the second big insurance company to follow the example of the -Etna in withdrawing from the New Hampshire, represent its action "as a precau tionary measure which we hope we may have an opportunity to recall." As no one prevents the desired recall, this is Pick wickian language to express the determina tion that no other company shall get the whole of the profits ot New Hampshire business. The insurance boycott is at an end. Like a good many other cases, that Navassa riot turns out to have two sides; and when the other side is heard from it puts matters in a decidedly different light The reported dissent to Mr. Blaine's Presidency of the Pan-American Congress now appears to have been considerably exag gerated. Nevertheless, in view of the Span ish effort to arouse race prejudices against the commercial union of the Anglo-Saxon and Spanish-American nations, it will be no more than good policy to be on our guard against anything that will arouse the Latin sensibilities. It is hoped that New York will raise the money for the "World's Fair and Chicago ' will get a Cronin jury, in time for the cele bration of 1992. The chronic car famine on the Pittsburg railroads might suggest a doubt as to the wisdom of abandoning the old policy which permitted shippers to furnish their own cars. Since that liberty is now denied there is a good deal of force in the claim that the railroads are nnder obligations to provide rolling stoSk enough to meet all regular demands upon them. PEOPLE OP PBOHINENCE. Admiral Pobteb is dangerously ill at home, Jamestown, R. L bis Little Ben McKee imitates to the life the walk of his grandpa, the President. Ex-Governob-Pkeet, of Florida, is re ported to be dying at Bandera, Tex. Jet person Davis built a sawmill in Wis consinthe first In the West ten years before the Mexican war. The daugbter-ln-law of the poet Tennyson has entire charge of the dairy connected with the poet's estate on the Isle of Wight. By a strange coincidence, the son-in-law of James Russell Lowell has a famous dairy at Southbor ougb, Mass., and supplies tbe poet's table, too. The estate of the late S. L. M. Barlow, which was thought to be worth over $2,000,000, now turns out to be worth hardly anything at all after the debts are paid. His magnificent resi dence at tbe corner of Twenty-third street and Madison avenue. New York, will be sold imme diately. Eugene HiGQrss, of Baltimore, the famous ex-Appointment Clerk of the Treasury Depart ment has retired from politics for good. "It is an ungrateful business," says Mr. Higgins, "and as I have had more than my share of abuse, I think 1 am entitled to rest for the re mainder of my life." Dr. W. A Leonabd, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, preached his farewell ser mon to his congregation in Washington, Sun day, prior to leaving for New York, where he goes to be consecrated as Bishop of the Diocese of Ohio. Dr. Leonard expects to be consecrated next Saturday and will then proceed to Ohio. Rev. Joseph Cook has bought an acre of land at the summit of Mount Defiance, Ticon deroga. Tbe place includes the site marked by the old drill-holes where Burgpyne's block- honse stood, from which he drove out General St Clair from Fort Ticonderoga. Mr. Cook calls the spot the "Memorial Acre," as it is his intention to have a memorial tablet erected tbcre as a monument commemorating the sol diers of Ticonderoga who died in the civil war, and also Ethan Allen and others. Mr. Cook hopes that some day there may be a memorial park at the top of the mountain. H0RNBL0WEES VS. AETISTS. Different Decisions In Reference to the Ad mission of Foreign Brass Bands. IETECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.' Washington, October 7. The Detroit Com mandery Knights Templar came into conflict with the alien contract labor prohibitory law in tbe employment of a Canadian band to attend them to tbe conclave now in progress here. Detroit bands objected and threatened the commandery with prosecution. Officers of the latter addressed the Secretary of the Treasury on tbe subject, asking for a special dispensa tion in tbeir behalf, but were Informed the law is imperative and tbey could not make a con tract with the alien musicians. Tbe contract was annulled, tho foreign band gave a concert in Detroit, and while playing there a new con tract was made on American soil, thus evading the law. If suit be brought however, it will require strong proof under the circumstances to establish tbe position that it was not a de liberate intent to evade the law. There have been some curious decisions in regard to alien musicians. A foreign band which came to New York under contract was prevented from leaving the vessel by the customs officers. A writ of habeas corpus was granted against the officer and tbe musicians were brought ashore. When the case wastried in the United States Court tbe Judge decided tbe hornblowers were 'artists,uaclassexcetted from tbe operation of the law, and the band was allowed to play. A Cuban band had a different experience at Key West A local band appealed to tbe Dis trict Attorney, who decided in sympathy with the New York Judge. The local band appealed to tbe Secretary ot tbe Treasury, who decided tbat the members of the band were not artists, and tbat tbey were liable to prosecution under the law if tbey performed under contract; In the case of the New York decision there was no appeal from tbe decision of tbe Judge so tbat in one case the band has the title of artists and the other of musicians, or common craftsmen. Political Progress In Mexico. From the Chicago Times. Mexico is npidly taking an advanced place in tbe revolutions of progress. A movement is on foot there to reduce the representation iu Congress one-half. A Test of Power. From the Baltimore American. 1 The Czar has ordered 12,000 horses for his eavalry. The Russian ship of state Is ap parently anxious to test her horse power. THE TOPICAL TALKER. Pitcher Clarkson of tbe Bostons A Fact Who Can't bo Spared Sir. Booth's Uenltli. , Although the Boston club did not win the League pennant Clarkson, tbe great pitcher, will receive a very comfortable reminder that his loyal endeavors have been appreciated by his Bostonlan admirers. A fund of $7,000 has been raised by a number of Boston brokers and other wealthy .men, and this will be presented to Mr. Clarkson on bis return to Boston. If he had won tbe game ou Saturday he would have received a $1,000 In addition from the managers ot tbe club, and several other band some presents in all probability. Possibly the thought of how much "depended upon his pltcbing on Saturday affected bis skillful band a little, as it seemed to demoralize his support ers in tbe field. Mr. Clarkson has a number of friends In this city, and be spent Friday night playing wbist with a party of them. Everyone who has met him speaks well of blm. His quiet, gentlemanly manner is somewhat of a surprise to tnose wno have met many stars of the ball field. The talented gentlemen who compound the personal paragraphs for the great journals can not be expected to confine themselves strictly to the domain of fact The paragraphs would not be ready every day if their makers were not permitted to resort to their Imaginations from time to time. Hence it was, doubtless, that we were favored recently with the report that Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox had resolved to write poetry no 'more. Nobody believed the report, and it must have comforted tbe poet to see what widespread discussion of one sort and an other, but mainly flattering to her, the rumor evoked. It would be unfortunate indeed if Mrs. Wilcox were to make any such cruel resolution. Every thing she has written since ber marriage has shown a great Improvement in taste and style over ber earlier red-bot poems of passion. And poets with ideas and the ability to set them to tbe music of poetry are so uncommonly rare at this day that we could ill afford to lose Mrs. Wilcox. A poem of, hers In last week's bulletin, entitled "Success," conveys a truth that very few are called to comprehend in a very graceful, tuneful way. There are solid sense and sincerity in such work as this that one must look for in vain in the same writer's "Poems of Passion." V Fob a few minutes on Saturday 'evening in Manager Wilt's room at the Grand Opera House I had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Booth. It was not more than 15 minutes after ho bad concluded his very trying performance in "The Fool's Revenge," and that may account In part for tbe exhausted appearance of the great actor. He told me, too, that he had been suffering from a bilious attack, the most distressing symptom of which was dizziness, more or less all day. "The doctors told me," he said with a grave smile, "that It is too much smoking again but " he didn't finish tbe sentence but intimated plainly enough tbat he didn't intend to take much stock in that theory.' To tell the plain truth as it appears to me, Mr. Booth's health is such as to give him and his friends considerable anxiety, although the wonderful will-power and intellectual force of the man enable him to keep up the appear ance of physical strength on the stage. His manager, Mr. Chase, laughed at the idea that Mr. Booth was not in good health. "He never was better," he said to me five minutes before I saw the actor myself, but Mr. Booth's face and his own words gave something very like tbe lie to tbat assertion. If Mr. Booth continnes to appear in seven performances every week for a season of thirty odd weeks, I shall not be surprised if he does not decide to retire next summer. It is too much to ask of him. Four or five appearances a week ought to be tbe limit. Madam Mod- jeska, in her chosen plays, would draw well enough without Mr. Booth, and to my mind she would be seen to better advantage alone. In nearly all the plays wherein she supports Mr. Booth the feminine character is distinctly sub ordinate. In'this way both would be benefited, Madam Modjeska artistically and Mr. Booth physically. THE SINGLE-TAX THEORY. One of Its Advocates Hays It is the Onlr Barrier Against Socialism. CHICAGO, October 7. Judge James G. Magnire, of San Francisco, for some years a prominent figure in California Democratic politics and more recently distinguished as Henry George's chief lieutenant on the Pacific Coast, Is in tbe city, the cuest of the Chicago Single Tax Club. He delivered an address on tbe single tax question here this evening. In the course of an interview this afternoon be said: "Tbe adoption of the single tax is, in my opinion, destined to be the next great step m tbe order of social evolution. The times are ripe for it and the thinking men -of tbe world are beinc attracted toward it. Discoveries and invedtions within the last 45 years have in creased tbe average wealth-producing power of man more than eleven-fold. This enormous disDlacement of labor has been of immense ad vantage to the world, but the great masses of the laboring people have not adequatelysbared tbe advance. Under such conditions the tend ency of wages has naturally been toward the starvation standard, and tbe laborers not suc cessful in finding employment have been transformed into mighty armies of tramps and paupers such as no previous age in the world has ever known. These conditions have natur ally produced strikes, boycotts and Incipient revolutions throughout the civilized world all substantially unsuccessful, out all tending to aid In preparing the different classes, trades and callings now acting separately for the cer tain terrible crisis, when, maddened by con stant injustice and previous failures, these classes will rise together like human tigers to destroy the civilization which; to them, has been so harsh. These people have a real grievance, which the friends of modern individualism must ascertain and remove, or they must be prepared at no distant day to fall Into the gulf of state socialism, toward which all of our present wealth and labor combinations are directly and rapidly tending. Against this tendency to socialism, tbe single tax Is the only rational barrier which is being raised." DEATH OP AN AERONAUT. Ho Falls From a Parachute and la Drowned In the Ohio River. tSrXCIAt TELEPEAM TO THE DISPATCH. Mt. Vernon, Ind., OctoberT. Prof. George T. Rice, of Lexington, Mich., and an aeronant with "Wallace & Co.'s circus, made a balloon ascension and parachute descent here this afternoon. In dropping he fell into the Ohio river and was drowned. He became entangled in the ropes of the parachute. He said Just before going up that it was his one hundredth ascension. AnnanI Missionary Meeting. NEVT York, October 7. The Eightieth An nual meeting of the American Board of Com missioners of Foreign Missions will be held in this city at"the Broadway Tabernacle, Tuesday, October 15 to 18. Tbe last annual meeting held in New York was in 1832. Extensive prepara tions have been made for tbe entertainment ot persons who come from a distance to attend tbe meeting. DEATHS OP A DAT. Rev. John B. Graham. Stebbekville, October 7. Kev. John B. Gra ham, of New Lisbon, O., died suddenly last even ing at Holiday's Cove, W. Va., where he had preached In the morning. He was 83 years old. For about 24 years be had officiated at the cove. Els wife, in feeble health, three sons and one daughter survive, and of these John Is a lawyer In New York City, Joseph a missionary In India, "Wm". T., the Secretary of the Standard Iron Works, of Bridgeport. t and Carrie lives with her mother at Tew Lisbon. The deceased stood very high in the councils of the .Presbyterian Church and waB greatly beloved and respected by the people. Mrs. Letilia W, Gazzam. Mrs. Letitla Gazzam died yesterday In her 82d year at the house of her' niece, Mrs. A. J. Kankln, In Allegheny. Mrs. Gazzamwas a devoted Chris tlan iromuv noted for her charity. She was very fond of children, and opened a school for little ones In Sewickley which attained local, renown. Her married life was spent on an Alabama plan tation, where the enslaved condition of the ne groes toucbedber. She was well and favorably known In this section. Rev. Dr. McKaiff. Kev. Clement Vallandlgham McKalg died early yesterday morning of paralysis of the brain at bis borne, corner Penn and Dallas avennes. Kev. Lisbon in 1815, and graduated at the Washington ana jenersoa iwiiege. Daniel O'Donoghnf, Bf. P. LONDON, October 7.' Daniel O'Donoghce, of theUlens, commonly called "The" Donoghne, Is dead. He represented Tipperary In Parliament from 1857 to 185 and sat for Tralee from ISM to 1SS5. i-iSiaKii. v.i- .ii-i.K-;.'.. : - , - -. : -. -2, .'.--',.,' .Wxds JSUd. vs. HA - . j: .-.-., . ,r V'-rfJYf -"Sh --n' ffi.ttfra,4ilmiihiaifefti''i'-itffctri- -Mfraasw73ssWsiC' THIS THING OP MOVING. The Wives of DIetbodUt 'Ministers Rather Enjoy the Short Terms Ynrlety la Going From Place to" Place. From the time I became of movable age and condemned to pack my grip at a moment's no tice for foreign parts, I have placed on a pedes tal, and surrounded with respect, admiration and sympathy, the class of women known as Methodist minister's wives, obliged by tbe Itinerancy to move on an average once in two years. In my limited experience of packing, how often have I bemoaned the fact that I was not a man, so that I might put a fresh collar and pair of cuffs in my coat-tail pocket, and discard the Saratoga altogether, hut think of breaking np a home and packing the entire furnishings of -a house once in two years or oftener. And the packing np is not the worst of it either. It is the unpacking, tbe "saving tbe pieces" of some choice bit of china or dainty bric-a-brac examining tbe nicks and marks on some cberisbed article of furniture tbat you thought so securely wrapped, tbe long con tinued search for an almost indispensable article that "must have been lost in the pack ing." In tbe face of all these things what an amount of love, devotion and religion a young girl must possess who will voluntarily doom herself to such a Bobemian sort of existence. A Mistaken Idea. The foregoing was my style of reasoning up to last Saturday, when I interviewed a number of these wives, knowing tbe coming Methodist Conference wonld make a great many changes, and wondering how and in what spirit they would accept the inevitable. One wife said: Why. there is something fascinating in the prospective change. You know hope springs eternal in the human breast, and no matter how pleasantly we may be situated, we always expect au luipiuvement in toe new. 11 we are disappointed it is gradual and we don't mind it much. There is something so interesting in going from place to place, ft is an edneation. we meet so many characters. Human nature is the same the world over, but we find it under different circumstances. Of course we are compelled to meet all of our church people on the same basis, bnt there will be some con- genial souls tbat will become nearer and earer than others; still we trynottosbow a preference for any one's society in partic ular. Yes, it is true the physical labor of moving is great and the expense ditto, but where is there a professional man who is carried about on flowery beds of easeT What religious de nomination can boast the superb system of supplying churches with pastors and pastors with churches that the itinerancy does. Other, Churches No Better Off. Investigate any other denomination, and you will find numbers of churches without pastors, and numbers of pastors without charges; and then it is so unpleasant for a congregation or a committee to inform a minister that they are tired of him. In our church nothing ot tbat kind is necessary,! or the Presiding Elder super vises the whole district, and if the people are dissatisfied with the pastor all they have to do is to mention It, and at the end of the year he is removed: but he is still sure ot a pastorate, and while he may not give satisfaction to one congregation, in another field he may just fill tbe bill. The Presiding Elder endeavors to appoint ministers to the places they are best adapted to fill. For instance, if ajchurch is in a bad finan cial condition he sends some live, rustling, wide-awake man that will clear it of debt and put it in a flourishing condition, but according to the rules tbey are not allowed to monopolize him very lonov Borne other church needs him, and so in tbat manner all tbe churches have a fair show. The most unpleasant part of it and really the only unpleasant part is the breaking of ties with "kindred spirits, tbe saying goodby. So said one and all of these ministers' wives. and really tbey take such a cheerful view.of their life I am inclined to wonder if I haven't been mistaken regarding their trials and tribu lations in moving. Thobne Branch. Their Crystal Wedding. David McDonald, clerk at the Soutbside mar ket for the past 18 years, last night celebrated the twentietb anniversary of his marriage, at his home on South Fifteenth street A large number of friends were present In a Social War. The amateur theatrical entertainment given Saturday evening at Moorhead's Hall, on Grant street wa3 largely attended. Misses Emma and Margaret Saunders, Maud Locke, Mary Kaufman, and Messrs. Charles Long, Will Priest and others represented the differ ent characters. Mrs. James Marshalt. gave a very enjoy able theater party last evening: At the close of the entertainment her guests were royally supped at tbe Duquesne Hotel. MES..G. P. Ikekt, of East Liverpool, gave a very swell little lnncheon yesterday after noon to a number of ber lady friends. There past was served by Hagin. A BEAR IIONT IN CHICAGO. A Wild Animal Gets Loose, Frightening Ladles and Fighting; Policemen. Chicago, October 7. There was an exciting scene in an alley near the intersection of North avenue and Larrabee street about 1 o'clock this morning. The principals were a big black bear, a woman and two police officers. The bear was -the property of Noble & Long, of a Westside show, and was kept in a cage locked up in a barn. The animal, having been con fined in the cage all day without anything to eat began to get uneasy about evening and broke out of his cage. Several persons knew that the bear had escaped from -tho cage, but supposed that the barn was locked and that tbe animal was safe. So it was for six hours and more, bnt about 12 o'clock tbe animal managed to loosen one of the boards on the side of the building and climb down. Then he began a silent tour of the' streets in that vi cinity. As near as can he learned Bruin went down Halstead street to North avenue, and wandered about Uhere without meeting any body until it came to Larrabee street As the animal went aroAnd the corner a woman came around the Bame corner, going in an opposite way. What followed can be easily imagined. The female screamed and ran, the bear roared nnd gave chase. It was a race for life, the woman afterward told the officers, and it is reasonable to believe that it was, for tbe tanlmal was hun gry and not any too tame a beast Fortunately Sergeant Frenzen and Officer Maloney heard thelady's screams, and they hastened to her assistance. As tho officers rounded the corner of an alley both fell headforemost over the hear. The fight that ensued was bloody in the extreme, and It was not until both men had discharged the contents of their revolvers. U shots In all. into tbe carcass of the bear that Bruin was killed. A search for the lady was made, and she was found in a dead faint about a block away. MUST .PAT THE WBISKI- TAX. Shippers Can't Escape by Sending It Abroad and Bringing It Back. WASHiNGTOir, October 9. Some time ago the Collector of Customs at New York wrote to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in rezard to 25 barrels of American whiskv n-r- ported to Hamburg and subsequently re turned. Tbe whisky was produced between the 8thandl2th of January,1886, and was withdrawn for export January 30, 18S9. The Collector gave Has his opinion that the exportation and re-importation of the6e goods within a short period pi time, tendlne to result in the escape from the payment of an overdue internal revenue tax by a temporary deposit abroad, furnishes presumptive evidence to indicate an original Intention of the persons Interested in the ship ment to return the whisky to the United States. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue re ported the case to tbe Secretary of the Treas ury with a recommendation that tho Bpiritu In question be not admitted to entry under Sec tion 2,500, Revised statutes, but that they be treated as subject to internal revenue tax. The Secretary approved this recommendation and anthorized the Collector at New Yorlr tn ti, the steps prescribed by Article 100 of the in ternal revenue rules .for the delivery of the goods to the Collector of Internal Revenue for the Second district of New York; DEPBAUDED BI THE AGENTS. Insurance Companies Cleverly TCheated by a System of Reissuing Risks. New Yore, October 7. Suits were begun in the United Btates Circuit Court to-day, by the Union Insurance Company, .of Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania Insurance Company against the Continental Insurance Company, of this city, to recover sums of money which they assert are due them from the defendant companies, through a plan of systematic fraud perpetrated against them by a Buffalo firm of insurance agents, composed of Thomas G. Crosby and Lorenzo Detnid. The Union In surance Company's claim is for S75.O0O. while tbat of the Pennsylvania Company Is for 833,16a The complaint says that the insurance agents had for tbe past six years regularly reissued marine insurance risks, or portions of such originally made by tbe defendant company to the complainant corporations. f. ' 4 " u. -- A'jifaag. ,,Tjfc ; -t ar AT THE THEATEE3. Helen Barry In a New Flay The Still Alarm and Other .Plays, Two novelties were Introduced to a tolerably large audience at tbe Grand Opera House last night. Miss Helen Barry, an English actress, and "Love and Liberty," a French play turned into indifferently bad English by T. Malcolm Watson. Without discourtesy to Miss Barry, we may say a few words about tbe play first. "Love and Liberty" is' a play which should never have been taken from the French. It belongs to the German-hating and war-loving nation, and its appeal is to them and to them only. Americans cannot be expected to go crazy with joy over a play In which the villains are all German or French traitors. Frenchmen would ask for nothing better. There are some powerful situations in the play, but they lack J cvou a prefceuse ot pussiuimy. ao characters are crudely drawn and Incon gruities, such as- an Irish low comedian as a sergeant in a regiment of Zouaves, are conspicuous. There is no sustained interest in the story patriotic sympathy being impossible heie and as a matter of conrse the play fell very fiat last night The change to Eugene Scribe's "A Woman's Stratagem" promised for to-night will be very welcome. NowastoMlssHelen Barry, who sustamedthe heaviest part In this very dreary romantic drama. She is a woman of grand proportions Tall and-stout in figure, and blessed with a pleasant pretty face, and a voice that has sweetness, conpled with a very true English accent; Miss Barry must be pronounced a very comely woman to Slook upon. There is an amiability about her that should disarm criticism. It cannot wholly do so, however. The truth Is that In no way does the character of Adrtenne a1 Angers fit Miss Barry. In the romantic or tragical episodes Miss Barry was slow and heavy; and her playfulness when she adventured awhile in soubrutte style did not become her at all. In the lighter work indeed she was less artistic than sbewas in the more dramatic situations. What prompted her to assume an extraordin ary patois of broken French and English, which reminded one of a London schoolgirl's efforts to speak the language of Gaul, in her somewhat aimless excursions into the camp of the Zou aves, heaven only knows. It was not funny and it was contrary to art Perhaps in pnre comedy the woodenness of Miss Barry's movements and her curious habit of throwing the emphasis upon the wrone word in critical passages would not be so noticeable. Romantic drama is cer tainly not Miss Barry's forte. Nor can we speak well of ber support. For the most part ft was unsympathetic, and un real, too. Where an actor acted naturally and with some force it was generally out of place, as in the case of Sergeant SeiUy (Mr. Walter Fletcher), who made a Zouave camp echo with Hiberniclsms, uttered with a fine Irish brogue. Miss Amy Busby as Louise Reichfelz looked extremely charming, and her acting was toler ably good. Mr. Ralph Delmore, in a ridiculous part, often came near being impressive. He is an excellent actor. The costumes were natur ally gay and taking most of them French army uniforms. The scenery was very good. Bijoa Theater. "Standing room only" at an early hour last evening affords the'bestlndicatlon of the draw, ing powers of the ever popular "Still Alarm." Mr. Harry Lacy, as Jacb Manly, the daring fireman, was as realistic as ever. So much so, indeed, that the excited gallery gods called upon him In good earnest to "Kill him," as he confronted the villain at the climax. The vil lain himself, iu the hands of Mr. Byron Doug lass, was certainly sufficiently audaciously ex asperating for the most exacting taste. Miss Harned, as Elinore Fordham, came out well in the strong parts, and was acceptable at all times. Charles Lothian and Miss Vivian handled tbeir characters in a verv pleasing manner, while Mr. Joseph Wilkes, as Doe Wiu our. as all that could be desired. The natu ral presence of Mrs. Selden Irwin, as Mrs, Manly, should not be forgotten. The equine artists, too, came In for their full share of ap plause. Harris' Theater. When light opera is given so nicely and at such low prices as Manager Wilbur is furnish ing it this season there is no encouragement too great for It. Tbe second week's engage ment of this comnanv beran vAfltArriav. nnd At: both performances the bouse was filled nearly to the last seat. "Nanon" was the operette, and it was exceedingly well done. The chorus is large, well costumed, even richly, and Is com posed of pretty girls, not elderly and gaunt females, but really shapely and handsome young girls. The costumes of the principals are costly, Miss Alice Verona, as Ninon de VSnchs, wearing In the act a combination suit that cost 8250. "Nanon" was a great success, and should have been kept on for several days." World's Museum. - Pxof. Fox's Novelty Company drew the cua 'tomary good audience at Manager Geary's place of amusement Maurice Cathcart ap peared In his latest comedy, "Nancy McGee's Birthday Party." Frot Fox himself imitated almost all the known birds and animals, while Carrie and Frank Smith gave a pleasing mu sical performance. Harry Williams' Academy. The usual large audiences yesterday applauded at this house, the ever-popular Gus Hill, who Is the present season accompanied by a coterie of performers who are "all stars," as the bills say. Tbe same bill will be given all the week, to be followed by Hyde's specialty company next week. Sirs. Jcnness Stiller Again. Those ladies who failed to be present on the occasion of Mrs. Jenness Miller's recent ap pearance in this city will be delighted to know tbat she is coming again. She willlecture at Old City Hall Wednesday afternoon, October 16, upon ber favorite tbeme of "Dress Reform." Dramatic Notes. The announcement in this paper, on Sun day, of the different musical numbers that have achieved distinction in Rudolph Avon son's successful production of "The Brigands," which will be given its Inaugural performance at the Grand Opera House next Monday even ing, has been the cause of many inquiries at the music stores of this city and also at the theater if such is published. As tho version of "The Brieands" Is the exclusive property of this management it has been limited and is only for sale after the company arrives. ABAKB WIRE TRUST NEXT. Secret Meeting for the Supposed Pnrposo of Forming a Combine. Chicago, October 7. An attempt is being made. It Is reported here to-night to form a barb wire trust The latest of a series of secret meetings supposedly to tbat end was held this afternoon at the Leland Hotel. It is said that tbe rise in pig iron and the expiration of pat ents have demoralized the trade. G. S. Doug lass, of New York, and J. W. Gates, of St. Louis, are credited with conducting the nego tiations. This afternoon they held a confer with W. R. Stirling, the First Vice-President of the Illinois Steel Company. To-night Mr. Gates left for St. Louis. He declined to talk, further than to deny that a trust was contemplated, and to admit that a general meeting of manufacturers was to be eld here October 17. HATES IN MASSACHUSETTS. Tho Ex-Prcaldent Makes a Visit to His Grandparents' Old Home, BrAttxeboro, Has3 October 7. Ex-Fres-ident Hayes arrived here this afternoon and immediately proceeded to the home of the Bigelowsat West Brattleboro, where he will spend tbe night Mrs. Bigelow is a consin of Mraj Hayes, and the place is known as the Old Hayes Mansion, having been occupied by tho grandparents of tho ex-President His last visit here was during his term of office. For Appearance' Sake. From the Youngstown Telegram.! It is just as easy to die in a poorhouse as in a palace, but the account of the former event does not show up so well In the newspapers. Some attention should be given to appearances and the good opinion of the world. TO DAISY. Crowned with all sweet girlhood's graces, Yonng and gentle, fair and true; Darling namesake of the daisies. Let me breathe a wish for you. Homage oft the world will render Unto those with beauty blest; I wonld speak with words more tender: Ah, more heartfelt, than the restl As beneath the waves of ocean. Spotlessly tbe wblte pearls lie; Bo, through all of life's emotion, Hay its sorrows pass you by. -. As upon yonr namesake flower, Stain nor soil is ever found; 80 may yon, through every hour, In all Innocence abound! May Its all-unsullied whiteness All yonr fair, young life enfold; Fill your days with constant brightness, lilke the daisy's heart of goldl Keeping all your girlhood's sweetness, Good, sincere and calm and true; Show us, In Its mil completeness. What true womanhood can dbl - -Mary tr.Xobinion in Tatlt Tali, ' J1ITI0POIIS HIW8 SOTK. FoBBBt Oil to Loss the CHtU raxw tosjc bubsau spxcuuu -New York, October 7. A few weeks ago) young August Glelsfash met Miss Hernials Hess at a picnic, danced with her, 'drank, with her, accompanied her home and kissed her goodby. Tbe next day be told his fellow work man, Gnstave Bauer, all about it Bauer scraped an acquaintance with Miss Hess with out delay, and a day or two later took her to tbe theater. Pretty soon both men were badly In love with the girl, but tbey did not mention it to each other. One day Glelsfash called to take Miss Hess to a picnic only to learn that she had already ?one with his false friend Bauer! Glelsfash hurried off to the picnic, met Bauer with Miss Hess; knocked him down and carried off tbe girl. A week later tbe two young men fought an indecisive round at the workshop where they were employed, and both were laid up In bed for two days. To-day they had a fight to a finish, and Glelsfash got knocked out He bad Bauer arrested and came into court all done up in bandageso-day to secure his conviction. Bauer, however, was only put under bonds to keep the peace. After court tbe two men, agreed to go to Miss Hess and have her choose between them once for all. When Miss Hess learned of their errand on her front doorstep, sherefused to -see either of.them again and slammed the door In their faces. Opening of Barnnrd College. Barnard College, the Columbia College An nex tor women, began work to-day. Mrs. Frances Fisher Wood, Mrs- Barnard, Dr. Mary Putnam Jacob!, Mrs. Abby B. Long street and many other woman of learning and repute helped to formally open the first year ot instruction. The Bar. Dr. Henry Van Dyke made the prayer, tbe Ber. Arthur Brooks delivered the introductory address, and Frederic R, Coudert, President of tbe Colum bia almnnimade the oration. Tbe freshman class in the annex has 18 members. No elrl under IS years of age will be admitted. The annex will confer the degree of Bachelor bf Arts. Columbia College, the parent of Bar nard, also opened to-day, beginning Its one hundred and thirty-sixth year. Paid for the Kiss. Joe Chow, a Chinese lanndryman, was fined S25 in a Harlem police court to-day because he kissed a pretty young American girl on the Boulevard this afternoon. Chow said be was drunk when he stole the kiss. He paid his fine without a murmur. Blade Insane by Cigarettes Louis Da Castro, a young West Indian whose nabit has been to smoke two packages of cigar ettes daily, became, insane a few weeks aeo. ToHiay jn a hotel at Scotch Plains, N. J., he shot himself dead. Dpctors who examined Da Castro say his insanity was caused by excessive cigarette smoking. Thanks far His Sentence. John Fitzpatrlck, better known as 'liver pool Jack," was this morning sentenced to nine years in State's prison by Judge Cowing in Part J, General Sessions Court for abducting men to work in Yucatan. When sentence was passed the prisonerin the coolest possible man ner addressing the Court said: "Thank yon." His wife and two children were In court Tha former had to be led out of court as she cried bitterjy and seemed in a dazed, fainting condi tion. TBAIIT7AXSIIPERINTENDE5TS MEET. Various Interesting Topics Ditcnsied at Their Session In New York. New Yore; October 7. The Association of North American Railway Superintendents had a meeting In the Hotel Brunswick to-day. Among those present were C.S. Gadden, Presi dent of the association; James Donnelly, Lehigh NValley: J. B. Morf ord, Michigan Central; P, S. O'Rourke and J. M. Metheany, Grand Rapids and' Indiana; John F. Devine, Atlantic Coast line; TT'K. Huger, East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia; and K. H. Wade, of the Wabash Railroad. The proceedings; rrere held with closed doors. The Committee on Permanent Headquarters reported as inexpedient the plan for permanen t headquarters In New York. A new constitu tion was adopted, and tbe'name of the society cbMgedto-&Xbe-.Anierictajaociety of Rail road Superintendents." 'The now constitu 1 tion extends tbe scope of membership, and provides for honorary membership. It also allows the President Secretary and Treasurer to hold office for two years. Tbe Committee on Roadways made a very full and Interesting report on the follow ing subjects: L Form of rail sections. 2. Methods of securing the rails to the ties. 3. Rail lolnt fastenings. 4. Metal or wooden ties. 5. Safety appliances. 0. Award or prize on best treatise on track work. Prof. C. Koyle, of Philadelphia, brought before the meeting a new parabolic semaphore and read a paper in relation to it An interesting exhibit of rails used on tho main trunk lines was made, with the object of showing the difference In wear. The committee favorably recommended the rail used on the Michigan Central road as the standard. President C. S. Gadden presented a paper on tbe form of rail sections. He also spoke In re gard to better protection against open switches auu Dbruagiy auvocacea me use 01 tae axop lever. The committee then adjourned. LEAD ORE IMPORTATIONS. Farther Efforts to Secure a New Ruling' Concerning Mexico. rSrxCIAt. TEXZOBA1I TO TOX DISPATCH.! "WASHEraTOir, October 7. Tbe'lead ore men of the West have renewed the effort to Induce the Treasury Department to make a now ruling relative to the importation of silver lead ore from Mexico. This afternoon a committee composed of D. Sheedy.of Denver, President of the Globe Smelting Refining Company, and Vice President of the Colorado National Bank, Edward A. Caswell and Hugh N. Camp, of New York, made an argument before Assistant secretary xicnenor, and later tbey talked to Secretary Windom. They then had a few moments' conversation witn President Harri son, and from the White House went to call upon Secretary Blaine. They refused to say what particular point they urged upon tbe treasury officials to-day and Secretary Tichenor would only say that they were on the same errand, seeking more restrictions in tbe Importation of ore. TVOMAN'S CONGRESS PROGRAMME. Some of the Topics to Be Discussed at the Denver Convention. rSRCIAt. TELEGRAM TO TBS DISPATCH.! Denver, October 7. The annual convention of the Womanls Congress of America will com mence in Denver to-morrow and last until Fri day. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, president of the association, and Mrs. Edna D. Cheney, arrived here on Sunday, while every train brings doz ens of prominent members of the congress from all portions of tbe country. Tbe pro gramme for to-morrow (Tuesday) evening will be as follows: President's address, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe; "What Authors Are Influencing Most tbe Minds ot tbe Young in America," Mrs. Annie Nathan Meyer, New York. Various other top ics will also be discussed. Officers for the en suing year will also be elected. TRI-STATE TRIPLEa Frank T. Garnet, a Northampton county farmer, won't hire another tramp to work for him. Last week he engaged one, and strange to say, the fellow worked; but only for a few days." Then he was missing, and to was 100 of the farmer's hard-earned money. A Lancaster youth of 13 years has built a toy engine. Two men attempted to test it and got badly scalded. A boo and a hawk were seen In fierce com bat near Norristown recently. The bird was victor. AciiKSTmrrburr found on Sharp Moun tain contained seven nuts. With the close of the seaside resort there is a glut of the servant girl market. Among the aged domestic animals owned by Farmer Brown, of Tuscarawas county, O., are a dog 16 years of age, a cat that is nearly 17, a rooster of 13 summers and a cow of 22. Thirteen trasips called at one farmhouse near Wheeling, one day last week. AT a fair in an Eastern Ohio town a young lady invested 10 cents In a ticket and drew a pig.- A touno farmer and his best girl, living In Tyler connty, W.-VahaTe established a code of signals whereby they communicate witn'nna ano'theiwhen both are at home. Their abodes are on opposite hilltops nearly two" miles apart CUEI9VB CNlMISATIOKt,- r "sss Our vaseline is used te Japan to see&e the stings of tattooing. Americans can get .trust for alasest' say amount la the stores of Barope. A crazy negro in the Milwaukee Jail labors under the impr esftion that he istele phone. Johnson M" undy. a Tarryiowa sculptor, who Is nearly blind, is modeling a states of Union soldier by the sense of toaetu A Chicago husband and wife both filed petitions for divorce on the same day, eaofi without tbe knowledge of the other. The gride ft the cogged-track railways which Is being built at Pike's Peak, Cot. will be 25 feet to tbe 100, or 1,320 feet to the mile. People who object to shutting np shop 52daysinthejear would not make goodeHi' zens of Servia, as it is statedihat a law. rigidly enforced, compels all business to stop on Sea days and holy days, wbJeh coast up ISO In the year, Farmers in the yiofaity 0f Anderson Ind,, are excited over tbe appearaaee of a gang of young wolves in their wood lots. A nam ber of sheep and chickens have bees killed. Abig hunting party has been organized to k off the prowlers. Charles P. Honnt. of GeraaatowB. re cently sold an old Bible for tU&.It was a urauDury edition, published ia PbWaaeJpWa, and one of the first printed ia this ceestry. Very few copies of this edition areowiBex istence. The purchaser wa a doBccndaat ot the publisher. There is a family at Eoseaff, rrasee, In which there are fire generations now Hrfaft The oldest member Is a great-great-graad-mother of 98; and the youngest a " sssaH. descendant, age 1 month. They all .west to church together the other day when the newest was christened. The smallest circular saw ia praeMeal use is a tiny dlso about the size of a shSlteg, which is employed for cutting the slits ia gold pens. These saws are about as thick as ordinary paper and revolve some 4,880 times per minute. Tbeir high velocity keeps them rieid, notwithstanding their extreme thin ness. Dr. Alon Garcelon, of LewisiOB, Me.. remarked the other morning that he was now treating a member of a' family ia that city which he tyas professionally attended for five generations, great-great-grandfather, great, grandfather, grandfather, fatter and oaHdren. And tbe doctor sees no reason why tha sixth shouldn't come under his charge also. A little bit of a shaver, net over tea years old, dropped into Frank Ron roup's clothing store at Bay City and said tttouaalo would be in pretty soon and then they weald buy some of the very best olotoes fas the bosses ' . . Wlthan"Anright,buV'Mr.RossBBaBtsiB4 A his back and went about his duties, wkiea was . where he made an error. When he looked far the lad again he was gone and so was a JW bundle of greenbacks from the till. " A Cincinnati man went fishing, first promising his friends a supply of his eaten. He fished all day, but didn't get a bite. Sar prised at this, he examined his taeklo and. found that there were no hooks on Ms line. When he returned he bought several do8ara worth of fish and sent them around to his friends. Tbat night at the club be Began boasting about his success and was laughed at. The same men who received the flsn bad cut the hooks from his lines. In the steeple of the Congregational Church at Bingham, Somerset county, Mev there bangs an ancient bell that has bees, swinging in various belfries 100 years or more. On its outer surface Is stamped "Revere, Bos ton," and it is supposed to have bees made by Paul Revere, who, after tbe peace of 1788; es tablished a foundry in Boston," where he cast the first cannon and bells manufactured la Massachusetts. Tbe old bell has a good tone, and seems likely to last another eeatary. A Cinclnnatian has a dog named Prince which he compels to wear a mask when out of doors. Tbe other day while the boys were playing ball. Prince was sitting athisaccus- ' tomed place behind tbe bat when the hall hit htm a fearful blow on his nose and hud him. out senseless. The boys gathered about their four-legged, companion and anally restored him to consciousness. Prince sat to one side after that for several Innings, Bathe was un easy until an Idea seemed to eater his little flat head, an'd giving a yark of joy, he ran into the house and emerged in a few minutes wearing his mask. Taking bis old position near tha catcher, he peered gravely through tbe wires atJhajp,Uyezs.asjniuchM.tosayi.'Tbrow aH tbe Dafisyon please this way Fa protecfedTt well as the catcher." In 1884 Sergeant Malloy, who acted as police sergeant at the Soldiers' Home at Togus, Me., was shot while in the discharge of his duties. He owned a large Newfoundland dog, which was an inseparable companion, and was with him at the time of the shooting. The dog would have torn the murderer in pieces but for the Interference of other Inmates, and ever since the animal has displayed peculiar symp toms at the time of funerals. Whenever a burial is to take place at the Home and the band begins to play the dead march, the doc wm uiue tuuune uis uuso.es nnmraenrss volley nf mnafratiMr ! flrMl nvAr th. in ,,. w.. .. ... will rush upon the firing squad with every symptom of madness, and it is with the utmost difficulty that be can be kept off. No matter what the weather, the big 'Newfoundland at tends every funeral at the Home, and he has not missed one since the burial of his murdered master in 1SS4. In raising Egyptian com, A. J. Allen, of Warnek, Dafc, on the Milwaukee road, claims to have had suecess this season. He said; "I saw a statement la a newspaper last season about corn having been brought from Egypt by a certain explorer, and wrote to him for some. He responded, sending me seven kernels, which, he informed me, he had taken from an underground tomb near the bank of the Nile, and that they were,like Mark Twain's mnmmy, 3,000 years old. He made no charge for the seeds, and thinking, as I do yet, that ha found them as be said, I cultivated them with, care and interest Each kernel produced three stalks, and on each stalk -grew an ear about eight inches long and two to three inches In "' diameter. These ears are well filled with ker nels about tbe size of popcorn. The stalks at tained the sizo of our Indian corn, and were soft and nice for fodder, even when the grain, ripened. I think a great deal of tbe seed, and shall sow it next year on a good-sized patch." FANCIES OF FUNNY MSN. It is said that "castor oil is down." This will please the small boy. He has frequently tried to get castor oil down, and failed. Young lady (to young man who kissed her) That's very singular, sir. Yonng man Ah I well, allow me to nuke it pla n.Budgtt. "If I were an oyster," sighed the crab, ' 'I wouldn't know what to do, For they're most always being embroiled; Or getting into a stew." Sew Jork Strata. In the matter of selecting a national flower, tbe baseball field has not yet been can vassed, but It Is believed that the vote would be almost unanimous for the pitcher-plant. Iforris town Htrald. Bather Ambiguous. Yonn g author (meeting friend) Ahi You are'jost tbe man I want. You can help me. Friend Help you In what? Yonng author I've been looking for a villain for y new story all day. Sea York Sun. ' ' "Mister OfBcer, I'm the absconding St, Louis cashier who got away with (390,030, and I. wanttogivemyseurop." - Great heavens! What for?" ' 'If I escape the Chicago papers will print por traits of me. I'd rather serve a term than die of shame. Sea York Herald. ' All Alike "Papa," she cried, quite breathlessly, as she took offher bonnet "is not my dress a besuty? See the prettr flmres on it." "I've noticed," said her pa, as he smoothed with his hand her tresses, "that pretty flgnres seem to be attached to all your dresses. AM Tort Sun. Tommy (in the presence of yonng Sweet ner, sister's beau)-You told ma a lie the other night. Clara. Bister Clara-1 gness not, brother mine. Tommy Yes, slrree. You said tbat when Mr. Bweetner called he acted so silly that yoa never could keep a straight face, and your face Is ax straight as mine now. Kearney Enterprise. THE DEAD LETTER ROUTE, You wives who cannot understand why friends so long delay Jn 'answering the letters which you last year sent away. JBhould remember ere you undertake tbeir slow ness to assail. That likely 'twas your husband took yonr letters to the mall. . ' - If you Into tbe secrets of their pockets dare to - Borne wrKl'ng In a hand you've seen befere wistful K reet juur eye, 7, And toward the cerrespondents who you're ee-, ...area jou'H west; jror tste, letters vmk yea wrote mtimkiH . sever yet seea seat, -i-wnas "My SfcrtaS ,i. mm.sr-wF ntf 4 m sa imwfh -y MtvTflmBiiirmtWtiWBtlF'wrrW' 1 El 1 1 ti'i T Tatf Smn1gMPBWiSsWBaMBIBTMMBBBMBMBlBMBPBBBBBMBBlBBBMBMB