vvr , WC nm f , .."-,, v "' -Zt.ij. t THET PETTSBUEG- XHSPATOH, ' ' TUEJ3DAT, .M DCTOBER -8;- 1889. Tj -"i ft WALL STREET LIGHT. An Executor's Bill Reveals Facts About the White Learl Trust, HOW STOCK IS SOLD OB 'CHANGE. Judge Ivnng Decides That Diamond Alley Can be Widened. OTHER GEKERALKEWS OP THE COURTS A hearing was had before Judge Over in the Orphans' Court, yesterday, in the case of the exceptions of the heirs of B. It. lahnestock to the amount of commission claimed by B. S. Fahnestock, executor of the will. Messrs. Schoyer and Duuseath represented the heirs, and the executor was represented by Slessrs. Schmidt and Eeed. The commission claimed by the executor is 4 per cent, amounting to about $30,000, The heirs contend that this fee Is excessive f or the amount of wort performed. In the argument of the case some light was let into the affairs of the National White Lead Trust and a reflection of the light was cast upon tbe wajs of Wall street. The attorneys for the executor, in showing to the court that the services of the executor were worth vihat he claims, explained what some of his services consisted of. Upon the formation of the Na tional White Lead Trust, it was stated, B. L. Fahnestock and the other mem bers of the Fahnestock Lead Compony entered the trust. Their works were turned over to the trust at their own valua tion, and in lien thereof they received four times the valuation thus placed on the worts. In the stock of the trust Mr. Fahnestock's in terest in the works was valued at $6S,0f0, and he received stock to the amount of S250.00U. One of the conditions made when the trust was formed was that none of its stock should be put on the market for a 3 ear after the date of the agreement. In the meantime Mr. Fahne stock died. When the year had expired, and it was de sired to sell the stock to settle up the estate, it was found that there was no market for it. The managers of the trust, when they found that this was the state of affairs, put the stock on the New York Exchange, beveral brokers were cngagea to manipulate it, ana tney am bo. Their plan was to put up the stock for sale and one of them would buy it. An other broker concerned in the game would then buy it off the last purchaser at an ad vanced price. Thus the stock would go round the ring, being constantly boomed. While this scheme was being worked, B. S. Fahne stock, the executor of II. L Fahnestock, engaged a broker to co in and sell short. He did so. and unloaded $250,000 worth of stock, at Si! per share, the par value being 5100 per share. The other brokers bought the stock as soon as offered, thinking tbat there was no stock to be delivered, and that it was only a paper sale such as they had been making. They soon lound that it was a bona fide sale, and despite a big kick in the Exchange against the consummation of the sale, NOW FOR THE RUBBER. Bills Found Against the Defendants In the Mar Snllivnu Cose. The grand jury yesterday had the MaySulli Tan case under consideration, and found true bills for misdemeanor aga'ist Laura Bailey, Florence Donaldson and Minnie Fleming, alias Minnie Shope; Jacob Bobbs and Walter Her rington were returned on a felonious charge; the case of Frank Hill has not been acted on yet. The other bills returned were Robert Crooks and Charles Wachter, aggravated as sault and battery; Robert Moore, assault and battery; George Dott, John Monday, Chris Speer. H. W. Smith and Leopold Sorshing, lar ceny; Jos. Florence and Fred Helfnck and J. M. Shallenberger, nuisance: Fred Kraus, sell ing liquor on bunday; Fred Kraus. Jos. Marx, Abbey Oliver, John Brown and F. B. Voltz, selling liquor without a license;Thos. Wheeler, Alec Stewart and Frank Conway, misde meanor. The ignored bills were: Robert W. Liddell, aggravated assault and battery; Peter Conway and Martin Koedler, assault and battery; Rose Gallagher. selling liquor on Sunday; Alex. Maedcr, selling liquor without license; John Harkin, attempted larceny. A BIASED LOWER COURT. A Philadelphia Judge Receives Judge Sler- rett's Censure. , One hundred thousand dollars Yrasatsttfce" in the case of Rclchenbach et al vs Ruddacb, Philadelphia. Dr. Buddach married on No vember 13, 1884, made a will bequeathing his estate on November 15, same year, and died the next day. The plaintiff alleged unsound mind on the part of the testator, and inherited taste for liquor, and undue influence. Tho charge was made that testator's father had been con fined In an insane hospital. Justice Green reviewed the case, saying: 'When the will was made no evidence what ever existed of general insanity. The answer to that charge should have been qualified so as subject the testimony to action of the jury, which, falling to be satisfied, would throw the burden of proof upon the defendants. This assignment must be sustained." The action of the loner court in allowing undue prominence of one side of the testimony is censured and the following extract from the charge of tho lower court is esteemed prejudiced: "Their anxiety about the safety of testator's propertv and mind seemed to have commenced after his death." Judgment reversed. THE PETITION IGNORED. Judge Ewing Decides the City Can Widen Diamond Alley. Judge Swing yesterday refused to enjoin the city from widening Diamond street, as asked by the Howard estate heirs. He decided that the city had a right to widen the street and that such a widening is a new improvement for which local property can be assessed. The serious question raised by the proceedings, he raid, was that assailing the constitutionality of the 6trect act, under hich th'e improvement is Bought to be made. The act did violate certain provisions of the Constitution if it is not saved by the power of the Legislature to classify cities and legislate for them. The Supreme Court has decided that there can bo three classes of cities, so this cannot be doubted. Judge Ewing cited a number of cases where this had been upheld and then refused the in junction with leave to the complainants, on an attempt of the defendants to take actual pos session of the property, to move the Court for an injunction. MRS. M'COXNELL WINS, Bui the Supreme Conn Will Ilear the Case Arsucd This Month. The case of Matilda G. McConnell vs Reese Lindsay was decided by Judge Ewing yester day in favor of Mrs. McConnell in the sum of $32,000. The case was an amicable one. Lind say boughta piece of property in the East End from Mrs. llct'onnell. who had inherited by will of Mrs. Emeline Gros, widow of the late A. H. Gross. Under the provisions of the will it was doubtful if Mrs. McConnell could give a clear title, and the suit was brought to decide this point. Under an agreement the case was at once appealed to the Supreme Court, and will be argued in the last week of this month. This will set at rest the title of the large Gross tttate in the East Liberty Valley. TO RESTRAIN THE B. & O. Braddock Citizens Claim the Road Is En I croncblnz on Public Property. A bill In equity was filed yesterday by the borough of Braddock against the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. It was stated that the railroad company, whoso tracks ex tend along Halket street, have, without au thority or right, been gradually encroaching on the balance of the street. They now have an additional track all along the north side of the street, and propose to put one along the south side. An injunction is asked for to restrain them from lajmg the track on the south side, and a decree to compel them to remove the track on the north side. To-Day'a Trial Lisis. Common Pleas No. 1 Barton vs Smith et al; Ifonnine, executor, vs Bauersmlth; Davis vs Allen et al; Lewis vs Katz; Stout et al vs Pierc6, administratrix; Cills vs Lang et al: Bar rett vs Russell; Elton vs Williams; Allers vs Bierlem et al; Schomaker Furniture Co vs Younker: Kinsey vs Sauer; O'Connell et ux vs Balph; Glewvs Jones; Schaviscat Machine Co vs Maloney. Common Pleas No2 RalsbonsevsDuquesne Natural Gas Co. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Joseph Chnsticwisg: Mary Kamp, Patrick Manicn, Dennis Davis, Thomas Aldridce, Kate Schi mile, Kate McAully, Mary Vick. John Bur ran et aLJohn Rodgers, John Hanlon, Eu gene Holdner. Pauline Keller, Antonio Pauline etaL Louis Fleming, Ella Crossby, Jennie McCormack. Thomas Kearney, Isaac Jones, Charles McClure. Alexander McCune, Mary Conrad, Charles Carter, Phillip Keller, Ed. Mc Donald, George McCagon, William Weimer. 1 Wltnt T.airyers Hnve Done. i ? THE 8Dit' ot s)BOn EoU gainst Henry Petrie, an action on an account, a verdict for 67 46 for the plaintiff was given yesterday. Bart Turnky was found guilty of assault and battery on Christ Bickelbart Sarah A Savage, yesterday, entered suit against David Lindsay for 55,030 damages for slander. . James P. Sterrett was appointed commis sioner in the divorce suit of Daniel Nash against Harriet Nash. A VEKiiiCT for the defendant was given yesterday in the suit of A. J. Pentecost against Frank Eatmaier, an action on an account. A verdict for J176 92 was given for the Iilaintiff, yesterday, in the case of George twin against Philip Wensell, an action on an account. Johk Fkllioas-, tried for aggravated assault and battery on John Pelucher, was found guiltv of simple assault. He was fined six cents and costs. O. P. Robertson, Esq- yesterday was ap pointed commissioner to take testimony in the suit for divorce brought by Mrs.Rankin against her husband. Dr. Rankin, ot Allegheny. In the case of B. F. Stewart, the colored barber, against Alderman Porter, to recover damages for alleged illegal fees collected, a rnle was issued yesterday, on Stewart to show cause why the case should not be quashed. The suit of Thomas White against John Dawson, to recover damages for injury to property caused by Dawson building a dam in Bull creek and the water overflowing White's land, is still on trial before Judge Ewing. The case of the heirs of James Marshall against the Second National Bank of Alle gheny, to recover stock pledged by James Marshall, Sr., which was decided Saturday in favor of the Marshall estate, was appealed yesterday to the Supreme Court. W. H. HOLMES ib SON, 15S First Avrnac nnd 120 Wnter Street. "holmes best" instituted in 1858. Attention is directed to the very fine stock or whiskies carried by this bouse, compris ing Holmes, Gibson aud Finch of all ages, selected in a careful and consistent manner for family and medicinal purposes. It is also the headquarters for all the leading im ported goods, viz: French brandies, wines, gins, rums, cordials and champagne of un doubted character and worth. The specialty of the house is "Holmes Best," a whisky put on the market 31 years ago, the standard of which has been sustained in a marked de gree ever 6ince. Testimonials of its purity and excellence nave been furnished by Uov ernment officials and chemists, whose in dorsement is unimpeachable. Physicians likewise recommend this article as a stimu lant ol great worth in cases of typhoid fever and disorder of the digestive organs. A remedial agent so dependable is surely a boon to convalescents. The fame 01 .Holmes Best hag reached beyond the seas, and visi tors to the great Exposition at Paris have been supplied with the genuine article through Mr. A. D. Gaillard, No. 30 Boule vard des Capucines. This foreign agent testifies in an emphatic manner regarding its popularity, not only among Americans and Britons, but has found that the true Parisian has learned to use and enjoy it as a very excellent American drink. The Chicago branch of Messrs. "W. H. Holmes & Son is at No. 261 South Clark street, and the citizens of the Western me tropolis unite with Paris and Pittsburg in their indorsement of this favorite beverage. Visitors to our own Exposition and fami lies in our midst should not fail to seek the aid of W. H. Holmes & Son in supplying their wants in this direction. Anything needed can be ordered by mail, or telephone No. 305, and every attention will be given toward meeting their wants promptly and satisfactorily. A Bargain Fine Upright Piano 8190. A magnificent 7-octave upright piano, with very latest improvements, excellent tone and richly carved rosewood case. This instrument is in perfect order, and will be sold, fully warranted, for $190. Also three excellent square pianos and two organs of the most celebrated makers at enormous bargains. Call at the music store of J. M. Hoffmann & -Co., 537 Smith field street. , ' Agents for the unrivaled Sohmer pianos, Colby pianos and Hallet & Cumston pianos, Newman Bros. ,snd Pelou'pet reed , pipe or ganfir ' " ' Victory for the New No. O. At the Exhibition TJniverselle, Paris, 1889 (the great "World's Fair), the highest possible premium, the only prize for sewing machines, was awarded to the "Wheeler & "Wilson Mfg. Co. Office If o. 6, Sixth street, Pittsburg. Notice to School Teachers. A delightfnl ride to Lloydsville (Rhodo dendron Park) over the Alleghenies will be afforded to all those who desire such by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Saturday, October 12, 1889. A special train will leave Union station at 8:10 a. m., stopping at East Liberty, "Wilkinsburg, Swissvale, Braddock and points East, arriving at Altoona at noon, where stop will be made for dinner, arriving at the park at 1 p. M. Fare for the round trip 53 00. Anyone Can Call At our store to-morrow, and with 513 secure one of those elegant kersey overcoats, which have completely taken the attention of every nobby dresser in the city. Bear in mind that they are worth reaUy 523: price to-day, S13. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. IfOoL! Piano Very Cheap. 5175 cash will buy a nearly new upright piano, full 7J octaves. Call at once if" you wish to secure a bargain. Echols, McMueeat & Co., 123 Sandusky street, Allegheny. Flannel NIsht Shirts and Pajamahs, Also bath robes in Turkish toweling and flannel a large assortment here in our men's furnishing department. JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Wainwright's pure beer is justly esteemed for its delightfnl flavor. No bad effects can possibly arise from using it freely Kept by all dealers, or may h ordered di rect. Telephone 6525. Tusu A Positive Fact. C. A. Smiley & Co. have the fine trade of this city in gentlemen's hats. d Extea good value in ladies' cloth, 62 in. wide, 60c a yd., worth 80e; all leading colors. Hugus & Hacke. ' TTSSU Exposition "Watch for Wagner's great "Albumblatt," by the Thirteenth Begiment Band. Stilish New Capes With accordion pleatings just opened at Hosenbaum & Co.'s. Fbatjenheim & Vjxsack's Iron City beer grows in lavor every day. 'Phone 1186. A Positive Fact. C. A. Smiley & Co. have the fine trade of this city in gentlemen's hats. x Natural Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth av. Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop nlar Gallery. 10 and 12 Sixth st. TlSu Featjenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. Exposition Hear the "Palms" trom bone solo by Innes, of the Thirteenth Regi ment Band. In novelty combination patterns we are showing some handsome new effects at $12 50 and 15 each. ttssu Hugcs & Hacke. A Positive Fact. C. A. Smiley & Co. have the fine trade ot this city in gentlemen's hats.' , d " . . . ? . ... v Fine Trees. On account of the sale of a poition of our nursery land we are compelled to remove the trees thereon, and in order to dispose of them quickly we offer a reduction of 30 per cent from regular prices. Persons placing their orders within 30 days will be entitled to this, and can have the trees delivered any time until April 20, 1890. This stock is very fine, and consists ot shade and orna mental trees, from 6 ft. to 30 ft. in height; maples, elms, birches, chestnuts, alanthus, honey locust and Carolina poplars, the best city street tree known; evergreens for the lawn and hedges, and many desirable stand ard and dwarf fruit trees, grapevines, flow ering shrubs of large sues, hardy plants, etc Persons intending to plant are invited to see them. B. A. Elliott Co., 54 Sixth st, Pittsburg, Pa. Nurseries: Perrysville ave., on line of electric cars. Tu Took First Highest Prize at the Paris Ex position. 1 The cut glass made by T. G. Hawker, of Corning, N. Y., took the highest prize at the Paris Exposition, acknowledging it to be the finest cut glass made in the world. We are sole agents and have a beautiful as sortment at our new store, 37 Fifth ave. Wattles & Sheafeb, Jewelers. Best Values In All Wool Ribbed Underwear In ladies' undtrwear department also in French cotton and pure silk ribbed vests. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Do Von Want to Know Where to find the best assortment of gentle men's hats ? Try C. A. Smiley & Co. D Visitoes to the Exposition, don't fail to call at Steinmann's and see the most elegant line of new novelties in jewelry in the two cities, at lowest prices. 107 Federal st. TT 24-in. plushes, 75c. 1, $1 25 and 51 50 a yd.; the best values shown; all the new col orings. Hugus & Hacke. ttssu S3. 32 50 and 83 Hats in All The latest shapes at C. A Smiley & Co.'s. D Exposition Hear the "Palms" trom bone solo by Innes, of the Thirteenth Begi ment' Band. Stetson's Renowned lints Always to be had at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s. Stylish Now Capes With accordion pleatings just opened at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. Fbauenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. Natural Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co.,34 Fifth ay. Cabinet photos, 21 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. ttsu MEETINGS. THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE stockholders of the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co. will be held at their office. No. 115 Chestnut st, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, October 23.1SS9, at 12 o'clock noon, for the election of seven directors for the ensuing year, and such other business as may be brought before them. AUSTIN M. PURVES, Secretary. se26-24-TTS LEGAL NOTICES. CHARLES E PAYNE, Attorney-at-Law. 173 Fourth avenue. ESTATE OF WM. A. PAYNE. DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of Wm. A. Payne have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. D. H. WALKER. sel7-62-TU Option, Pa. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN L application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on THURSDAY, October 31, 18S9, by Charles 0. Smith, A. Clark DrW Dominlck 0. Cunningham, Abner U. Howard and Robert Cunningham, under the act of As sembly entitled "An act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corpora tions," approved April 29, 1874, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called Pittsburg Consoli dated Window Glass Company, the character and object of which Is the manufacture and sale of window glass, and for those purposes to have, nossess and emov all the richts. benefits L and privileges of said act ot Assembly and sup- 0(51-TU OFFICIAL-PITTSBURG. PittSBUBG. PA.. Octobers. 1889. NOTICE IS HISREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the paving and curb ing of Boggs avenue, from Bailey avenue to south line of property of Louis Nepe, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. B1GELOW, -Chief of Department of Public Works. 0C3-1S PITTSBUBG, PA., October 3, 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the grading, paving ana curbing of Cargill street, from Thirty third street to Jewel street has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. oc3-4S PrrrSBUBG, PA.. October 3, 1S89. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE X reports of viewers on the opening of Riverside street from Maloney alley to South Main street: Tripod alley, from Meadow street to Shetland street; Post street from Forty-second street to Forty-fourth street; Garden alley, from Main street to Brown alley; Rural street from Hiland avenue to Negley avenue, and Hampton street from Hiland avenue to Neg ley avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGElfc) W, oc348 Chief of Department of Public Works. " OCTOBEB 3, 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Bureau of Health of the city of Pitts burg has this day established and provided, and doe hereby designate the foot of Seven teenth (17) street in the city of Pittsburg, at the Allegheny river, and Clark's dumpboat, Immediately above the north end of the South Tenth street bridge, in the city of Pittsburg, on the Monongahela river, as the places where are to be received and deposited the contents of all privies as tbey shall from time to time be cleaned and emptied, and all other offensive substances found upon the public higbwav. THOMAS W. BAKER, Superintendent of the Bureau of Health, ocl-90 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City ControUer until OCTOBER 10, A. D. 18S9, at 2 P. M.. for constructing an influent chamber at Bedford pumping station. A bond of five thousand ($5,000) dollars, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk, must accompany each bid. For specifications, blanks on which bids must be made, and all other information, apply at tho office of Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribution. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. EM. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. oc4-18 PROPOSALS FOR WORK TO BE DONE and apparatus furnished at Central Office of Pire Alarm Telegraph. Proposals will be received up until 2 p. m. of OCT. 12, at the office of City Controller, forone main switch board and all necessary electrical connections on same, including galvanometers, annunciators, testing apparatus, etc., accord ing to plans and specifications on file with Morris W. Mead, Superintendent Bureau of Electricity. Bonds in double the amount of the estimated cost must accompany the bid. The Board of Awards reserves the right to ccept or reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. oc2-61 Chief Department of Public Safety. PITTSBUBG. Pa., October 3, 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Ellsworth and Center avenues from Penn avenue to Euclid street; Mayflower street, t rom Lowell street to Larimer avenue; Larkins alley, from South Twenty-fourth street to a point 160 feet east: Wilberlorce street from Penn avenue to Ellsworth avenue; Beitler street and Hiland avenue, from Shakespeare street to Ellsworth avenue; Fifth avenue. from crown east of Wilklns aveune to Amberson avenue, and Shakespeare street, from Pennsyl vania Railroad to Ellsworth avenue, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas, within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. .oe3- tS"Ditplay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such at Wanted, For Sale, To Zet, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transientadvertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except whore advertisers already have accounts with THE D18 PATCH. PITTSBTJKQ. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY, 35g9 Butler street EMIL G. STUCKEY, 2h street and Tenn ave. E. G. STUCKEY &CO., Wylie ave. and Kultonst. N. STOKELY. fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J". W. WALLACE, 61Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK4SHEIBLER,5thav. SAlwoodst EODTnglDE. JACOB 8POHN. No. 2Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEB, BO Federal street. H. J. McBKIDE, Market House, Allegheny. FRKDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsvlvania and Beaver aves. PEBUYM. GLEIM. Kebeccaand Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOKOUGH. W. W. FLOCKEK, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Male Hcln. -fTT-ANTED-STONECUlTEIlS AND fcABOR VV EK3 at Smllhfleld street bridge. J. FRI DAY. OC6-H2 WANTFD-TWO UNION BOX MAKEKS immediately. JEANNETTE PLANING MILL. OC8-I WANTED-3 GOOD TIN ROOFERS IMMEDI ATELY. C. J. AMMON, 56 Sblloh St., Pltts bnrg, S. 8. ocS-43 WANTED-A LIVE MAN TO SOLICIT AND sell real estate. J. K. COOPER & Co.. 107 Fourth ave. ocS-85 WANTRD-COAT MAK.ER3-ON.. CUSroMEU work; also machine girl on pants; 2309 1LHA AVI- uto-o TITANTEU - SALESMEN, EXPERIENCED VV clothing salesmen. Inquire at 605 LIBER TY ST., upstairs. ocS-60 WANTEU-A FIBST-CLASS COATMAKEK. German preferred, by KODGEBS i. FKED ItlCK, Latrobe. Pa. ocS-72 -YTTANTED-ONE FIBST-CLASS WOOIJ-TUB-V NEK. Apply to W. B. MCLEAN, Thtrly tuird St., near Webster ave. ocS-57 WANTED-3 FIBST-CLASS ENTERPRISING, real estate salesmen; liberal commission. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. OCS-32 TTTANTED SALESMAN TO SELL GOODS BY VV sample: good salary paid. Write to CEN- TENNIAL1IFG. CO., Cincinnati, O., or Chicago. seS-75-TTSSU WANTED-AT ONOE-2 GOOD TINNERS, inquire at F.A.FKISHKOKN'S,Zellcnople, Pa., or GUST FB1SHK.OBN, 47 Federal St., Alle- cneny. ocb-k: TTTANTED-BANDS TO MAKE MEN'S, VV boys' and children's coats. Apply at M, OPPENBE1MEB 4 CO.'S, 713 Liberty St. and 712 Penn ave. ocS-74 WAIsTED A MAN WITH SIO.000 FOB A good opcnlne for Investment In rolling- mill business, with position if desired. AddrcsslRON, Dispatch office. ocS-58 WANTED-DRIVER-(COLOKED) FOR BA KOUCHE, to milk and take care or place: good references wanted. Inquire 83 FOURTH AVJ!, secona iioor. ocs-mj WANTED-a FIBST-CLASS COATMAKEB togoto Washington, Pa.; steady employ ment and city prices. Apply to M. OPPEN1IEI HER & CO., 713 Liberty st. ocS-1 WANTED-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN of neat appearance for our order depart ment; position permanent for right party. P. WAKD. room 2, 1030 Penn ave. oc8-76 WANTED-GENTLE3IEN Wno DESIKE A wife or a lively correspondent to send their address and stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Uox3, Clarksburg, AV. Va. selS-45 TTTANTED-TOUNG MAN TO GO TO MEK- V CEK, a?rd from IS to 19, to make himself generally useful about a clothing store: Jewish preferred. Call on or address A. LEVINO, Mer .cer, Pa. ocS-73 WANTED -TWO MEN OF GOOD ADDRESS can have a traveling position on salary to solicit orders for portraits. Call at Hotel Albe marle Tuesday at 9 A. ir. aud 6 P. M. and ask tor McLUBE. ocS-Sl WANTED-FOUE FIBST-CLASS MEN TO canvas, salary or commission paid; also two good collectors. Call between 9 ana 11 A. Jf ELECTRIC PHOTO. COPYING CO., 10 and 13 Sixth St., top floor. ocS-80 WANTED-ENERGETIC MAN OR FIBM TO sell advertising show cards and novelties for New York house: liberal commission. Ad dress or call Tuesday between 5 and 7 P. as., VAS S1LIADES, fet. James Hotel. ocS-63 WANTED-KEL1ABLE LOCAL ANDTRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special Inducements now: fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BBOS., Nurserymen, Kochester, N.Y. eel7-75-TTS WANTED-AGENTS TO SELL OUR ELE GANT albums on easy payments; these albums are the finest In the city, ' and you can make big money selling them. E. GATELY & CO., 25 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa. 0C6-25-TTSO WANTKD-MALE NTJBSE FOB HOSPITAL, farm hands, man for hotel kitchen, hotel housekeeper, seamstress, child's nurse, 60 cooks, 20 chambermaids, 100 house girls, dishwasher, dining room girl, 3 nurse girls. ilEEHAN'B, 645 Grant street. oc8-D WANTED-BUSlNESS MEN AT SMART'S COLLEGE, No. 4 Sixth St.; expert book keeping and balancing, arithmetic, penmanship, shorthand and typewriting tangbt thoroughly for ts per month to ladies and gentlemen; open dally 9 A. M. to 9 P. it. OC&-TT6SU VTJANTED-MALE HELP-S80 SALARY, 0 VV expenses In advance allowed each month. Steady employment at home or traveling. No soliciting. Duties delivering and making collec tions. No postal cards. Address with stamp, HAFEB & CO., l'lqna, Ohio. ocS-6S-ttssu WANTED-SALESMEN AT (75 PER MONTH salarv and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc. ; by sample only; horse and team furnished . free; write at once for full articular and sample case of goods free. STAN ABD SILVEBWABE CO., Boston, Mass. S624-90-D TTT-ANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING VV powder and pure spices; gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmen can makemoney in their spare time: special inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMASH1BO TEA CO., S3 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. au20-79-TTS WANTED-CANVASSERS AND GENERAL agents everywhere to sell a ladles' patent adjustable shoe; over one million palrsoldln New England; every lady purchases at sight; large profits, exclusive territory. Address, with stamp, TAYLOR ADJUSTABLE SHOE STORE, No. 19 Euclid ave., Cleveland. Ohio. ocS-78-TISSu Female Hcln. WANTED-AN AMERICAN LADY-WILLING, quick to learn and well recommended; salary S10 weekly; call after 9. E. W. WALKER & CO.. 53 Ninth St. ocS-59 WANTED-LADY AGENTS FOR OUR NEW Mcintosh raglan; superior cloth, in wide stripes on outside; vulcanlted rubber on Inside; close fitting: very Btyllsh; never spots: beautiful as the finest cloth garment ever made, and is abso lutely water-proof; agents sell six a day and make 3; great opportunity: also fine line other goods. Address E. H. CAMPBELL, 484 Randolph St., Chicago. OC1-66-TI8 Illalo nnd Female flelo. WANTED-AGENTS, MALE OR FEMALE, In all country towns, to sell photograph albums; latest designs for fall trade Just received; big profits and quick returns to energetic agents; write terms, etc. UNION PUBLISHING CO., 103 Fourth ave. seZi-SO-TTFBu Situations. "VTTANTEo-SITDATlON by FIRST-CLASS VV D. E. bookkeeperwlth excellent references. 8HEPARD & CO., 64 Fifth ave. OC&-37 WANTED-A POSITION BY A YOUNG man; any kind of work; good references. Address G. 1'.., Dispatch office. ocS-37 WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN (20) OF FAIB education a situation; out-door work pre ferred; would like to work for teamster or general delivery company; reference given. Address LINN, Dispatch office. oc8-52 TfTANTED-SnUATION NOV.'l BY YOUNG VV man aged 22, or good business ability: high est recommendations from present and former employers: 6 years experience ls bookkeeper; good reason for changing. Address N. A., Dis patch office. oc$-S2 Rooms, Bouse. Etc WANTED-ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN FURNISHED, with board, for three and baby; In good location, city center: first-class references given and required. Address W. V. !., Dispatch office. ocS-47 TTJANTED-BY SINGLE LADY, EMPLOYED V V during the day. unrurnlshcd room in Alle gheny, convenient to Western avenue cars (Arch street preferred); best of references furnished; small private family preferred. Address, with terms, BOX 797. Pittsburg, Pa. oc8-78 Parmer. WANTED-HALF INTEREST IN PHOTO GRAPH business or a first-class artist to go i?.1.0. Slf .bv?sInes5 wlu. me Address .PHOTO GRAPH, DlBpatca olhce. , ' . .. ocS-49 WANTED. Financial. TTTANTED -MORTGAGES OV IMPROVED V I city property, in large or sman amounts, bee W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 00 Fourth ave. OC1-96-TTS TtrANTED-MOBTQAGES-MONEYTOLOAN VV In sums to suit at 04, i and S per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, IS4 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14-rrssu TTTANTED M0BTGAGE3 ON CITY PBOF VV ERTY; over 4,O00; 4K per cent; no tax. HENRYA. WEAVhR&CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-p TTTANTED-MORTGAGJ!3-1.000,C00TOLOAN TV In large and small amounts at 4H. Sands per cent, free of State tax; no delay. BEED B. CO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. ' my2I-eO TTJANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MOBT V V GAGES on Improved real estate In soms of IS'io and upward at AH, 6 and 6 per cent. L. O. FBAZIER, Forty-unhand Butler sts. OCS-30-TUSSU TTTAHTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS V of 33,000 and upward, on city and suburban luupercy, on v$ per cent, iree 01 tax; aisu suiaucc amounts at a n anu 0 per cent, jsiiauu. k haw. 85 Fourth avenue. se2l-dS-D TTTANTED MOBTG AGES-SI, 000, 000TO LOAN V V on city and suburban properties at H, Sand S per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and aqja eent counties at 6 per cent- I. M-PENNOCh. & SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-Hl WANTED-TO CORRESPOND WITH EAST ERN party of some means and large exper ience In negotiating coal lands; uo better prop erties have ever been offered. Address P. O. BOX 390. Kansas City. Mo. ocS-81 TITANTED-TO jAIAN 200,000 ON MORT VV GAGES; tlOO and upward at per cent; ?500,000at i per cent on residences or business property; also in adjoining counties. 8. H. FREN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D BTJacellnncous. TTTANTED-FARMERS TO BRING FALLEN V V apples suitable ror cider vinegar to 170 Sec ond ave. H.J. HEINZ CO. se2S-82-D w ANTED-TOTAKEHOR3ESTO WINTER; heat of rare will he taken of them. JOHN HALLS, one mile from Hulton station. oc$-53 WANTED - FABMEBS WILL RECEIVE cash for apples suitable for apple butter at 168 and 170 Secona ave. U. J. HEINZ CO. SC2S-82-D TTTANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKEE'S VV dozen (13) of Stewart 4; Co. '8 line cabinet photos for il, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv28-49-TT8u TTTANTED-SPAN1SH 8TUDENT3-AN EX VV CELLENT opportunity for learning the Spanish, lor business or commercial purposes. Address C. A., Dispatch office. ocS-39-TTS TTJANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM VV BEES to secure a fine gold watch for each one in the club at 1 1 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 601, and I will call and snow you the watch, Jy3-40 w ANTED-SOBElt AND HONEST MEN TO dpII nmhrellas. albums. blankets and silver ware on payments In the city; good salaries paid to persevering men. UNION CREDIT CO.. 103 Fourth ave. oc3-9S-mtwtf WANTED-THE PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT YEAGER & CO..70 Federal St., Allegheny, will make cabinets of anybody during this month for 75c per doz.; bring the little oucs; don't miss; N o. 70 Federal St. These cabinets will not fade. ocl-91-D WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING FHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making fine cabinets at tl 60 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; instan taneous nrocess. mnl3-63 FOR SALE-IMPROVER REAL ESTATE. Cltv Itenidcnees. FOR SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAE COLLEGE, new brick bouse, 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement; all late improvements; lot 23 ft. 9 in. by 133 ft.; terms to sulL BOBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Blutt st. aul-87-TTSSU FOR SALE-DESIRABLE CENTER AVENUE residence near Fulton st, ; one of tho most desirable residence locations In the city: 9 rooms: late Improvements. For terms see W. A.HERRON &. SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ocS-H-TUR FOR 8ALE-CHATHAM8T..2-STOBY BRICK dwelling, 6 rooms; also on rear of lot front ing on State alley, 2 Z-storv frame dwellings, all renting at t50o per year: price H600;, lot 20x96. J. C. BULLY, 77 Diamond st. ocO-123 FOR SALE-OR WILL TBADE FOR A HOME In East Liberty, a very desirable 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 9 rooms, with all modern Improvements, Penn ave.. near Thirty-third st. J. L REILLY, 77 Diamond St. octt-123 FOR SALE-FIFTH AVENUE, NEAR THE market house, 2-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences; also frame dwelling, 5 rooms. In the rear; terms reasonable. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. OC5-83-TTS FOR-. SALE-p,500, HATFIELD STREET, Seventeenth ward, brick dwelling 5 rooms, attic, hall, cellar, slate roof, side entrance; lot 20x75 feet to a paved 20-foot alley; easy payments. L. O. FBAZ1EB, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. OC5-30-TUSSU FOR SALE-CLARK ST.. NEAK REED, ONE of the finest dwellings on the Hill, contain ing 10 rooms, with all conveniences, marble man tels, fine chandelleri!, etc.; housenerfect In overy detail; lot 20x120 to street. J. C. REILLY, 77 Dia mond St. ocS-123 aat End Realaencea. FOB SALE-H20O-COTTAGE 7 ROOMS, LOT 60x170; a nice property; excellent location; near Hiland and Walnut. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. ocS-75 F OB BALE-OB TO LET-ON ELLSWOBTH avenue, Shadyslde, modern-styled house, S SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. OC4-SH-TU1T FOR SALE-52,700. LIBERTY AVENUE. CON VENIENT to cable line, new modern frame dwelling 6 rooms, attic, nail, vestibule, inside shutters, side entrance, slate mantel: lot2Dtloo feet to alley; very easy terms. L.O. FRAZIEB, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. OCa-tU-TU3BU FOR SALE-ELEGANT 9-ROOM HOUSE; large, handsome grounds; everything in pes feet order: 10 minutes' ride by cable from center of city: wlil take smaller house or rood vacant ground la exchange; cheap at 110,000. CHARLES SOMEBS & CO , 313 Woodst. oc8-77-TnFSSU FOR SALE-HANDSOME BESIDENCE, JUfcT finished, late style or architecture, reception hall, 8 rooms elegantly finished, thoroughly lm- F' roved, electric lights, cor. lot, 64x115 ft., 1 square rom Shady avenue: onlv(7,000; terms reasonable. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. oc4-93-TnP FOB SALE-SUMMERLBA STBEET, NEAR Elmer, a 2-story Queen Anne frame of 8 rooms and finished attic, batb, reception hall; all me latest improvements: lot 44X181 to an alley: price very low: only 87,000; arealbargaln; you BUUU1U OKV lh. AJJAVA Ot DA1U1S, UO Fourth ave. OC2-57-D FOB SALE A NEAT BESIDENCE AND good lot near Bnadyslde, 10 rooms, with bath, w. c. natural gas and other essential conveniences and everything In prime order; house almost new; Jould exchange in part for a smaller property. AS. W. DBAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pitts burg. ocS-65-D FOB SALE-SJ00 CASH-BEMAINDER PAY ABLE 8500 per year. Interest low on deferred liaymcnts: neat new house, late style, well finished and convenlenced; Btreet Improvements made; centrally located in Oakland, near Firth avenne cable line. W. A. HEREON SONS, SO Fourth avenue. oc1-94-tuf FOR SALE-P.700-GBOSS STREET, TWEN TIETH ward, 3 minutes' walk to station; new modern frame dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic, hall. Inside shutters, etc., grained and nicely finished; lot 21xlu0 feet; 8500 cash, balance long time and easy payments. L.O. FBAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. oc5-30-Tnssu FORSALE-fl0.000-FIFTHAVE., NEAK J U MONVILLE St., modern 2-story and man sard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, batb, laundry, pan tries, nat. and art. gas, speaking tubes, 2 stair ways, etc, etc. ; also 2 new 2-story 4 room frame dwellings In the rear; lot 22x13): terms 13, 000 cash, balance long time. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fonrth ave. oc5-83-tts FOR SALE-t9,O0O-RlPPEY STBEET CORNER property; elegant new Queen Anne style brick dwelling, 10 rooms, reception nan, etc.; tile hearths, slate mantels, electric bells, gas. water, etc.; handsomely papered and decorated throughout; this Is a paved street and excellent neighborhood: convenient to both cable lines and V. H. B. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave, OC8-97-TTS FO K S A L E-OAKLAND, FOURTEENTH ward, a new 3-story and mansard brick dwell ing, 8 rooms, bath, w. c, hall, laundry, etc,, slate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, fine chandeliers, both gases, city water and bouse wired for electric lights, plate glass windows, electric bells, good sewerage, street paved with aspbaltum and paid for, beautiful shade trees in front of house, a few minutes from cable cars: price (8,600; a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time; Immediate possession. SAM UEL W. BLACK 4 CO. , 99 Fourth ave. se-4-D AllcsbcnV Residences. FOB SALE-CHEAP HOMES, EASY TERMS Your eholce of five new six-room frame bouses, ranging In price from (1.600 to 82,200, situated in Second ward, Allegheny; near Pleasant Valley electric cars; you will buy cheaper now than next spring, W. W. MCNEILL & BKO 105 Fourth ave, oct-52 FOR SALE SMALL nOUSE AND LOT, AT auction; No. 8 Taggart st, near Washington ave.. Second ward, Allegheny, lot 20x43; frame house, six rooms: rents for (18 a month; sale on the premises Friday, Oct. 11, at 4 o'clock; bargain, at 1,600; look at It and attend sale. A. LEGGATE t SON, Auctioneers, 31 Federal st.. Allegheny. ocB-92 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-OR TO LET-IN BELLEVUE, nice house, 6 large rooms, each 15x15, newly painted and papered; lot 45x145: grapes, fruit water, gas; (3,000. CHARLES SOMEBS & CO., S13 Wood st. ocS-76 FOB SALE-NEW FBAME HOUSE, 8 BOOMS (4 rooms on a floor) and attic, on Edgewood ave., Wllklnsburg; excellent location; lot 100x200 feet; only (6,600; this is a bargain for someone. W. A. HEBBON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. ocl-75-TTB FOR SALE LOTS. , Miscellaneous. FOBSALE-ALLEGHENYDWELL1NGSAND business properties on all desirable sts.; all sizes and prices; easy terms; many reasonable bargains; send for property list. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. ?' -. vC--TTTSSn, I FOI SALE LOTS. CltX Lota. "" FOR SALE-LOTS ONBLUFF ANDVICKBOY sts.. near colleger terms to suit. BOBT. COWARD, 20 Bluff St. aul-87-R8SU FOR SALE LOTS-HEAD OF TWENTY SECOND Street Incline; we have the most desirable lots In tbat vicinity: 25x100 for (230 each, and your own 'time to pay for them. J. C BEILLY, 77 Diamond St. ocS-123 East End Lota. FOB SALE-LEVEL BUILDING LOTS fronting east, 24X100 ft,, on Homewood ave,, one square from Homewood station, P. R. B.; terms easy. W. A. HEBBON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. oc4-77-tup FOB SALE-EAST END LOTS-(450 AND (500 each: good streets: high elevation; conve nient to I. B. B. and cable lines; these lots are In the fast growing part of the city: enhancement sure. BLACK &BAIRD, 95 Fourth aye. oc2-S8-D FOB SALE-THE CHEAPEST LOTS WITH greatest advantages are the Banm Grove lots: no extra cost for sewers, grading, curbing, stone walks, etc; easy of access; prices low, terms easy, and monev to build If desired. Soe MEL LON BROS., E. K. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 512 Smlthfleld .street. oc6-43-TTSu TTHIR SALE-HEBBON HILL LOTS, THIB X TEENTHward, fronting on Jlerron ave., Clarissa and Adelaide streets, 20x100 feet each: these lots will enhance rapidly In value upon com pletion or new traction line: prices (400 to (600 each: very easy terms: call or tend for plan. L. O. FBAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. OC5-30-TUSSU ITIOR BALE-HEBRON HILL PARK, A BEAU ? TIFUL plan of lots In the center of tbe city. Just at tbe terminus or the Wylle ave. cable line. Is the place to buy a lot for abome or investment; prices and terms very reasonable; grand view, pure air, all conveniences; call or send for col ored plan. BLACK A BAlRD, 95 Fourth ave. OC2-55 FOB SALE-IF YOO ABE LOOKING FOB A beautiful residence place, buy a lot in the Herron Hill Park, Just at the end or the Wylle, ave. cable line, within 15 minutes' ride or tbe,y. O. : elegant lot, 40x10 feet, fronting on wide street and extending back to 24-root alleys; magnificent view, pure air, all conveniences: call at office ror colored plan. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth aye. OC2-55 J' Suburban Lot". FOR SALE-THIBTEEN BUILDING LOTS, being the balance unsold of 27 lots, fronting on Wood's Bun avenue, near Brighton road; no grading, no climbing of bills to reach them; will sell one or all on easy terms. SAM DYER, 43 Park way, Allegheny. OC3-35-D FOB SALE-LOTS AT A8PINWALL STA TION, on the West Penn R. B., adjoining faharpsburg, only 7 miles from Allegheny City; prices lew; terms very easy; to those building on lots at once great inducements are offered.. Call for plans at W. A. HEBBON & SONS', 80 Fourth ave. ocl-94-TUP Fnrou. ' FOR SALEA DESIRABLE FARM OF 233 acres, well located near Bakerstown. Alle gheny county. Pa.; price reasonable; terms easy. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. " OC3-44-TUS FOB SALE-FABM AT HAYSVILLE, ON THE Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago BaU way, 10 miles from tbe city; win exchange for city Jiroperty or merchandise. A. J. PENTECOST, 13 Grant street. se24-3-TTS FOB SALE-FABM 320 ACRES, WELL IM PROVED, at station and good town; in best wheat country In Dakota: would exchange for mdse or other property. ED. W1TTISH, 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg, Pa. oc5-D FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Buslnegj Chance. FOE SALE-A GOOD PAYING GENERAL storoata bargain: storeroom and dwelling. For particulars address S. P. FOORBAUGH, Glencoe, Pa. ocS- FOR SALE-GHOCEBY STORE DOING NICE paying business In growing town near city; stock will run about $00. li ALIEN SPEKttEK & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. OC5-53-D FOB SALE-1N THE LIVELIEST TOWN IN Western Pennsylvania tbe stock and fixtures of the New York Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods House, located at 135 Fifth avenne, Mc Keesport, Pa.; can reduce stock to (X 000; posses sion given at once. with a long lease; this Is a rare chance; no better location In the city. Inquire at 135 Fifth avenue, McKeesport. F. S. GLEASON. se!2-70 FOB SALE-2 FINE BAKERIES AND CON FECTIONERIES, In excellent locations, large grocery store In Pittsburg, (9,000 or invoice, doing yearly business of (100,000; smaller grocery stores, (400 to (3,000; cigar stores, small bakeries, confec tioneries, boarding houses, drygoods and notion stores, reed store, printing office and many other business chances for males or females; free par ticulars. SHEPABD&CO.,64Flfthave. oc3 BlnnufactnrlnB Sites. FOR SALE-EXCEELENTMAN nPACTUBING site near Fifty-fourth street, city, fronting 800 feet on Allegheny Valley Ballroad by 300 feet deep to a street; one of the most eligible sites In the city for manufacturing purposes; will sell at a bargain on long, easy, payments: owner being a non-resident, wants to sell. Particulars from JAS. W. DBAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. Pa. oc5-67-MHg FOB SALE-M1SCELLANEO0S. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dee. FOB SALE-BAY MABE GOOD IN DOUBLE or single harness; wt, LOOO and T years old. 4562PENN AVE, City. OC8-5C Machinery and metals. FOB SALE-ENGINES AND BOILEES-NlSW and refitted; repalrlngpromptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY AN DMACHINE CO., LIM, , below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 TTIOR SALE -NOW -ONE SECOND-HAND X! tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 shaper.and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, 8Iemen valves, castings, etc VELTE MCDONALD, Thirty-second st, and Penn ave. Jv2l-9I-TT8 miscellaneous. FOR SALE AT A GREAT SACBIFICE A Henry F. Miller parlor grand piano, as owner Is going West. Piano can be seen at H. KLEE BEB&BBO.'S. Woodst. OC8-35' PERSONAL. PERSONA1, MALTBY'S OYSTEB DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 Smlth rteld street; fresh oysters received dally; orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMXRLE, Mgr. sel-92-P PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKSI BOOKS! New and old. ancient and Mouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. 900 Liberty st. au3-93 PERSONAL-SICK, WEAK, NERVOUS MEN and women permanently cured by tbe great "Ta-va-zon Remedies;" read the miraculous cures In "Herald or Health:" call or send t sumps. DR. OBIFFI1H DRUG CO., 301-J07 Oram St., cor. Third ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ocS-88 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently tbey bad not been on tho best or terms owing to a little famUy tar occa sioned by tho wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done In a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, C5 Fifth ave.. corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1568. auM AMUSEMENTS. EXPOSITION. THE FAMOUS TH1RTEKNTH REGIMENT BAND OP NEW YORK. y F. N. INNES, Director. oc8 TIJOrj THEATER: TONIGHT, HARRY LACY and the " STILL ALARM, Oct 14 J. M. Hill's A Possible Case Company OC7-22-MTTF pRAND OPERA. HOUSE TO-NIGHT. HELEN BARRY, "A Woman's Stratagem." October 14th,Rudolph Aronson Comic Opera Comnany.ln "The Brigands." oc7-25 HARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTER NOON and evening. WHjBUR OPERA CO. ) Tuesday With J THE TWO SUSIE KIR WIN. J VAGABONDS Week October 14 SHE. oc&CO TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY Tonight, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, GUS HILL'S WORLD OF NOVELTIES. oc6-3 TTTORLD'B MUSEUM- ALLEGHENY OITY. This week, Oct 7, ' j. , ROSE, THE WILD GIRL. ' Octll-The Great World's Circus. ocWSru UCt Mi TO LET. Cltv Residences. 3PTO LEf-rBBlCK'HOUBE OF BOOMS' AND L. flulshed attic, bath, gas, etc ALEXANDER LEE. 313 Wood st. ocS-60-Tus mo LET -CHEAP ATEWJBEIUK HOUSE: 8 X rooms: lsqr. rrom Fifth avenue: only few minutes walx from P. O. : (27 per mo. W. A. HERRON iSONS, 80 Fourth ave. OC8-46-TTS rrvr let-no. 1 seneca st., 7 booms, JL natural gas; 6 rooms on corner Oranuvlew ave. and Plymouth st, natural gas; 4 rooms on WyUeave. alios, natural gas; 2 and 3 room on Frances st with natural gas. near Center ave. Inquire of WM. M. JOHNSTON, K Wylio ave. OCS-M-TTSU East End Residences. TO LET-BRICK DWELLING, BOOMS, front and rear haUs and stairway, natural J as, batb: 4 minutes to cable cars; (20 per mouth. OHN ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave. oc5-94-TTS rpp LET-HOUSK OF 14 BOOMS, STABLE J- and outbuildings; large grounds; on Negley avenue, near Penn avenue cable cars. Inquire of HENBY BOB ERTS, at Oliver A Roberts Wire Co., Southside. eeiS-10 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF 4 BOOMS, NO. 9 THOM AS st. First ward, Allegheny. Inquire ON PREMISES. oc7-3 TO LET-BOYLE STBEET, ALLEGHENY, brick house 3 rooms and cellar, at (9 per month: no water rent ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st OC5-S0-TU3 t Apartments. TO LET-SOME FINE UNFURNISHED rooms suitable for housekeeping; 5-room house; storerooms with dwellings, suitable for hoteL Inquire at 44 FOURTH STREET. OCl-fil-TWTSU rflO LET-FENN AVE. AND FIFTH ST. X Elegant doable parlors, suitable for profes sional men or offices; unexcelled location; Imme diate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth-aye. oc6-12 j Business Stands. TO LET-A LABGE AND WELL LIGHTED basement cor. Federal and Isabella sts., Alleghenyonly (15 per mo. W. A. HEBRON & '8QN3. 80 Fonrth avenue oc3-lS-Tra TO LET-WILL CHANGE FRONT TO SUIT the occupant: In good repair; N 0. 105 Smlth fleld st . a good business stand and dwelling W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. OC3-15-TTS TO LET-WAREHOUSE JlEW,-STOEY AND cellar, 40x80; poweceleyator: convenient to Market at. : first class for any wholesale business. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. OCJ-W-itllB TOET-FBONT STORE ROOMS ON CORNER Penn. and Third, and corner Fourth and Liberty, and rooms suitable for hotel; good busi ness Bunas, inquires, jiuou.uav, 4-irronrtasi. oco-w mu IO' LETj-ON PENN AVE., NEAK BIXTH St.. apart of a good storeroom: renttB ner mo.: a good chance foraconfectlonerv. dmzor notion store. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue oc3-is-rrb TO LET-FORTY-FIFTH ST. -GOOD CORNER business stand, containing storeroom, 9 dwelling rooms, ball, cellar, etc.; good location for butcher or grocery; shelving and counters complete; rent low to good tenant L.O. FBA ZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler its. ocS-30-Tnssu TO LET-IN THE NEW BUILDING, CORNER of Federal and Boblnson sts., Allegheny (for business only), one large and elegant photo graph gallery, two front communicating rooms su 1 table for architect dentist etc. ; six front office rooms In second and third stories. SAM DYER, 43 Park way, Allegheny. oc3-35-D Offices. Desk Boom. &c TO LET-IN STANDARD BUILDING LABGE and well lighted offices, cheap; Wood, near blxtb avenue. W. A. HEBBON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue, oc5-45-TTS TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two or the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In tbe city; rent (200 and (300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating; Apply between 10 ju H. and I r. x., or between 2 and 4 P.M. JT23-57 TO LET-8TOBE OB OFFICE BOOM, WITH large vault suitable for Insurance office or similar business, in Germanla Savings Bank building, No. 419. Wood street; room formerly-occupied by George Beineman as saloon, and now temporarily occupied by the American Express Co. ; It Is two steps below grade, making a first class basement Inquire at THE BANK. le3-CS-D LOST. LOST-BILVEE-HANDLED UMBRELLA ON Sunday evening, at Soho, from cable car. Finder will please leave at FIFTH AVE. POWEK HOUSE and receive reward. oc8-41 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR STEEL CASTINGS for six-inch central pivot gun-carriages for Navy Yard. Washington, D. C Septem ber 21, lsaJ Sealed proposals indorsed "Pro posals for Steel Castings; to be opened October 13, 1&9" will be received at tbe Bureau of Pro visions and Clothing. Navy Department Wash ington, D. 0 until 12 o'clock noon, OCTOBEB 15. 1889, and publicly opened immediately there after, to furnish and deliver, at tbe Navy Yard, Washington, D. C, about 215,000 pounds of steel castings ford-inch central pivot gun car riages, consisting of box slides, pivou, circles and racks, pivot nuts, training-worm wheels, elevatin&-worm wheels, clips and tracks. Blank proposals, showing number, weight; ana physi cal characteristics of each class of castings re quired, together with blue prints of same will be furnished upon application to the Com mandant of tbe Navy Yard or to the Bureau. Tie bids decided by lot The department re serves the right to reject any or all bids not deemed advantageous to the Government JAMES PULTON, Paymaster General, TJ. a Navy. se2442-Tnr PROPOSALS H-OR MATERIAL BE QUIRKD for use In tbe construction, at the iNavy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y of the machinery for two cruisers of about 3,000 tons displacement each. Navy Department Wash ington, J). C, Octobers, 18K9. Under authority conferred by the act of Congress making ap- gropnations for the naval service, approved eptember 7, 1883 (Statutes at Large, vol. 26V page 472), sealed proposals are hereby Invited ana wiu ue-receiyeu at ima uepanment until A3 o'ciock noon, on wxunJuaxiAi, me otn aay of November, 1889, for furnishing and deliver ing tbe following classes and quantities of ma terial at said navy yard, for use in the con struction of said cruisers: Class SO. Fuel for foundry. Anthracite coal and oven or kiln coke, about 100 tons of each. Class 35. Pat tern maker's lumber. About 37.000 feet Class 33 A. Finished and rough-turned steel shafting. Crank, thrnst and propeller shafts. Class 33 B. Corrugated steel furnaces. FUty six In ail. Class 33 C Condenser tube sheets and packing. Eight tube sheets, about 80.000 glands, and about 35,000 cotton-tape packings. Class 89 A. Anti-friction metaL Five thou sand pounds. Class 89 B. Pig tin. Ten thou sand pounds. Class 89 C Steel castings. About 100 tons. Class 42. Pig Iron. Three hundred tons. Class H A. Steel plates for boiler Shells. About 200 tons, trimmed to Bhape. Class 4443. Firebox steel and Hanged plates. About 125 tons, trimmed t o shape and Hanged. Class 44 C Steel rods, shapes and forgings for boiler bracing; About GO tons. Class 44 D, Steel engine forgings. About 100 tons, comprising connecting ana piston roas, valve-gear, etc. Class 63 A. Boiler tubes. About 8,600 lap-welded or seamless-drawn steel tubes. Class 53 H. Condeuser tubes. About 18,000 seamless-drawn brass tubes. Class 65 Steel rivets. Abont 30 tons of open-hearth or Clapp-Gnffltb boiler rivets. The tons of the material herein called for to be of 1240 pounds earn. AH of said material to be of such detailed dimensions, weights and shapes as may be required, and to be deliv ered at such place or places in said nayv yard as may be designated by the commandant thereof. The material to be delivered promptly in ac cordance with the requirements of tbe sched ule. All material to be of domestic manufac ture, and to be accepted only after passing such tests as may be prescribed therefor by the Secretary of the Navy. Proposals must be made in accordance wi:h forms which will be furnished on application to the Bureau of Steam Engineering, and any one or more of the classes designated may be embraced in the same proposal, but no bid for a portion ot a class will be considered. Each proposal most be accompanied by satisfactory evidence that tbe bidder is able to furnish and deliver the material for which he bids: also, by a certified check, payable to the order of the Secretary of the Navy, for an amount equal to fivtfpercentof the bid. Tbe check received from the successful bidder will be returned to him on bis entering into a formal contract tor the doe performance of the work and giving bond for the Same, with satisfactory surety, in a penal snm equal to twenty-flveper cent or the amount of bis bid; but in case he shall fall to enter Into such contract and to give such bond within twenty days after notice of the accept ance of his proposal, the check accompanying such proposal shall become the property of the United States. All checks accompanying proposals which are not accepted will be re turned immediately after tbe award shall have been made. A schedule of the material re quired and all other Information essential to bidders will be furnished on application to the Bureau of Steam Engineering, Navy Depart ment Proposals mast be made In duplicate and inclosed in envelopes marked "Proposals for material for machinery of cruisers Nos. 7 and 8," and addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, Navy Department Washington, D. C The Secretary of the Navy reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or the bids on any class or classes as, in his judgment, the Inter ests of the Government may require. B. F. TRACY, Secretary of the Navy. ocS-69-tu Walter j. osBoinurs. kiciiabdBabeows. BARROWS A OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 812. au31-6-TTS piANOb, ORGANS. - .. S TTAVTf.TfYW . . ' riBAto 98 FIFTH'AVENTJE, & PittsbaifrVFa, . ;ap8e-74-B4 ,ATTrvrTnrvT IcatU: nuvi-j.'juii j.ri.i,cr. !i '-. :im DESLKAJSLE "n"f llll 1111 ' M AT AUCTION THUBSDAY,, OCTOBER 18, at 4 O'clock p. K., oh tfce premises, .em" Short, Liberty or Liffesier street, axtoesrtm . waro, near iaww-ienHra nrem acm zm Howard public soboolhonse; mast be set v , FI close an estate; jet 90 jeemimt vs uiiuit, xo ; cny orugonier sweet, aaa w jeet aeepia), Snrinir alley, on wkk are ereeted two-4w-' story brick houses, wttb finished baosmeetm, i containing 0 roosu esea: ao two twosiwy frame bouses, containing 5 roosas eaeh: ea mtr 01 said lot three two-story irame nwemnasy c , 7 j 4 rooms each, and a two-room frame oeMMM 's this property will be eSered as a whole, or wW ' be sub-divided Into two parts: Firs Jmmst-i dlately adjoining Howard public setoottoec-v lot about 32 feeffrost oa Llgosler street , the alley 30 SaiOO feet, on whleh ate twetwa-4'V (fwvfnm. himut A vnAraa nn nil And tfnas cottage- Secoud Adjoining tee sewie. 1J 6SW.1UO feet on Llgonfer street, awt JVWUil - fi oeep V3 spring auey, wish Kuaeaiuin aHVI ua KMKU ttic knu kniawijr mn uuwjuh, v r g near Penn avenue and Batter snoot tttitt-- roads, and in the immediate vtetBtty ec vartiM manuiactoring eeiBonsaHieBia; mwajv maaoing gooa reason; term ot we, 1 casn on delivery 01 oeea; nejasee m ana three years, secured By Bona on the nreniiees. For forteer apply to L.M.EKNNOCK&SON. M81 avenne. Pittsburg. Pa or A. J.PMTJ Auctioneer. 413 Grant street oe-i ' AUCTION SALE. DESIRABLE PITTSBURG Y2QBW AT AUCTION '" 1 ,! THURSDAY, OCTOBER, M, ,! at 2 o'clock P. TL, on the the corner of Thirty-fifth streets, Fifteenth ward. Host be. close an estate. Lot 98 f 1 7 is. free ier street, extending, along Thirty- 240 feet to Penn avenue; thence alesf. a venue 79 ft 6K in. to a point; tbeaee M in. toward Batler street to a Boiat; thai allel with-Peaa avenne 34 ft to a MtM: 1 m 1 1 u.j in. to Butler street the pttwoef jl tinning; on waicn are ereetee, aeaoB) Penn avenue, 3 two-story briek hoesm. finished basements. On Butler street. S story irame nooses ana one frame Thirtv-fifth atrnat ar R hrtatr and fx Infra TTia alutm iiMA4hAt ..,. MftXK9 t ered as a whole, or will be sab-dime J parts, to wit; LotTHItoin. onFe extending back along Thirty-fifth street 1 cutier vi it v4. in-, on wmen are 3 brick houses, contalnine 6 room a earn. Tie Rnrnnr Thfrtv.flftfa sad .V..T.. ZT.kSVZ 5i iy.TTT. J&JW'- o.iccba, njuiDitaiu.aiuu, uu aiuuui 1 extending aioae Thirty-Hi ta street .C,UU NUIVU MQ V Vllb M Xttl IWVHkL - a.. ,,. nhlnl. nA tL V U .d 4 A. A.. the same, a splendid boniHrm t with 48 It 3 la-front on Batler street, lag back, toward, Penn avenne 80 r. These properties are situate between: linevof cable cars on Penn avenue aac ouch, wuveuieut h mtgo unaiHa m owl si& m4ftilfi(Arnriir nnrnlil,rilm.i.Ml --J a - . -M-.l . ... -,- - 1 . favorably located for boeinee er ttdlf. nouses, always commanding gooa rontaji.aeM isdailyIncTea3inein.vaIne.aDd rannet 1swL"t prove a good paying Investment laimtMi , sale One-third cash on delivery of deetg tfc aiivo in j, a auu a years, aecurea py mi ova. mortgage on we prefiuses. not lartMr : mation amlv to I. M. PONOCK fc SOI Fourth arenue.or A.J.PENTECOBT.41 street Pittsburg, Pa oeSr BY" HENRY A.DCTION CO UK. A1 X AUUXIUN XllJUiUAX M.Oi October 8. at 10 sham Parlor sua: ana crtunea jnid, sue nan atelle and tapestry, rep and hair ototk easy cnairs, lounges, lancy roocezs, bookcase, secretary and cabinet ana aeso. one nail raclu, rrurtaisa. gets, pictures, iinoieum, crnsecig carpets, bedding, hair -and husk mirrors, cablnetaoak,walnnt and cherry Der suits, dressers, waraiooee,waw steads, chairs and rockers, tables. glassware, cusnes, toiletware. clocks, pictures, tinware,, mattietlaew. I also consignments of ladies' and eStldtsOTi meu,-notioas, blaeilng, tea, ete etc; tiv&saleto highest bidder. HeMF HON CO., Auctioneers, No, oil Mwk KJW EDUCATIONAL. 33 CURRY UNIVERSITY? SIXTH 8TBEET, PITTSaOTW ti i,iu aiuiuifliSiUaai iaa. -.a:, uiassicai, ocienunc, ajuues' oemiBary, jiewi Musical, Elocutionary, Business Consaeta Shorthand departments. Send for new aa logue. Correspondence with youagparsone j siring a better education respectfully seitm JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. X,iei jyiO-03-TTB. TUTTSBURG ART. BCTHOnL. T LISHED 1834. offers advantages otiafl buuxuugu ausuvbug pqow . .art, commnea witn prtvsne. jb-s stnfction; each pupil saM joint direction of Geerae' JM-j zei (unsseidon Acaoeeryj, w. ucaitv luanica Ai Students who cannot attend tend eMK anmbereT, may enter for limited number days a week. or prospectus aanress JOHN W. BiLATTY. Pi au368-Tns 413 Wood street P1J THE OAKLAND PARrl To be located on the Schesley estate, if attracting purchasers to that locality, aa I Oakland Square la so situated ttetCSI while on a level with Fifth avenue, rt J commands a splendid view that, cannot , be obstructed of the new park. We hayfl the exclusive sale ot 2. handsetaa " now brick dwelling In Oailaad Sqaar&A5' The house Is just completed. buHt bjr JP&' " day work and not by lowest bidder, aad.fji fi Is complete throughout eight rooea.,3 -t j hall. batb. etc.; laundry, ranee, tee V mantels, handsome chandeliers, eieetrie' ' bells, tiled fireplaces; both gases and. n,.w ir ,n .,,,.. f1.a ,...,..,0 fc t i ,..j ,..... ftA. K. nuauvvo, IM J !1 window, front and rear porches, street Ji paved with aspbaltum, and sewered and? paid for. All the houses faciei? ta? square are set back from the street aad '"? have lawns and shade trees In fn Within half a block of Fifth cable cars. Price, 3,500; a small cash payment's down and 8X0 annually is all that la rejj quirea. xne oesc indorsement 01 taei advantages claimed is the rapidity wMavi which the rest of these houses sold. J SAM'L W. BLACK & QM - frfi 89 FOURTH AVENUE. ; J 0C2-52-TT8 SESTH AVENUE DYE WORKS,! .4 i. my m$ & qoi STEAit DY AND SCOTJREDSl And general rei dies' and genth neatly cleaned of every descri of textile fabrieevla-l soiled or faded gai mental red fn color. Cartana jrelullj attended te.j M. MAY SONS & Co. iell-TTS 68 SIXTH AVE- PittrimHr. HaSWR mTTTJT AIT? TIT? ATTTT. -m JL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCkATlStl ot Allegheny is conducted on the baataril latest improved methods, and offers ftfSt-4aMl inducements to suDscrioers. fan InfnrmaltMl will be given and subscriptions to Ma ataSI receirea at tne store 01 JOHN Timrii' S sel4-I4-TT3n 89K Federal st. AHeefceM QM ALL EXPENSES-SMALL PRO l ij c neuu,ii jou wansanne goa v Fonrth ave.; mine Is food vet it 30 years ago at WILSON'S, Al Foanhfa itiwuiuib ly Bivti, vw& oa jeweirv t a nfMfAltv - 0. , BALPH, -- BUILDING CONTRACTOIt?! 41 Seventh areww.- .jrJ T VJ i. " - T-i mimf sLMmmmmmm. . TiniMgrti . IMtSStLV .4mM zEasWD mbut v-iTJj j & ms Tp?t---. .. rxrsmssi BV TfT' .- . . J ?. i S&-, L.-.Y-Kaii