Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 08, 1889, Image 1

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If Ton mint Board, Room, Home op
.u Help, advertise Id TOE DISPATCH.
Purebaers can be found for everything
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH I the best advertising
racdlanrln Western Pennsylvania. Try It-
Boulanger Takes His Charger
and Military Men for a
Coup d'Etat.
To Make tlie Yoice of Paris
To-day the Slogan of
France To-Moriw.
Until He Gets Within Five Miles of
the City, When He Will Issue
a Manifesto,
And Raise the Standard of the Empire in
,- a Final Play for Power or
for Prison.
Two continents will now watch Bonlanger
with keener interest than ever. His start
line plan of campaign involves nothing less
than the supreme effort of his lite. He hopes
to take Faris by storm. Once within five
miles of the city, lie will raise the stand
ard of the .empire, appeal to the
army, and hope to convert France on the
morrow. He has decided to play this as his
conp d' etat He is willing to play it alone.
His black charger and military men have
gone on to Jersey ahead of him. Eochefort
and Dillon have deserted him, and the latter
is said to be coming to America.
LONDON, October 7. Copyright Gen
eral Boulanger is about to make a supreme
effort He has deterxined to play his cards
his own way, and the result has been a most
serious disagreement with Eochefort and
Count Billon. The former has washed his
hands of General Bonlanger, and Count
Billon is seriously considering the advisi
bility of a trip to the United States.
Boulanger sees that the elections have
gone against him. There will be no other
chance of appealing to the electorate df
France for four years, when, naturally, the
"War Minister who cnt such a figure
On a Capering Black Charger
wonld be forgotten. If Boulanger, there
fore, is to become more than a rapidly
fading vision, some clever stroke must be
delivered, and the General has decided that
this shall be the coup d'etat
These views he put before his comrades at
a conclave in Portland Place last night,
and, with the exception of Senator Naquet,
all were against it
Notwithstanding this, the General means
to follow his own inclination, and his plan
of action, as at present arranged, I am as
sured on most trustworthy authority, is
To Make n Sndden Landing
among his friends on the coast of France,
to issue & manifesto calling upon the people
to join him, to raise his standard, appeal to
the army and march toward Paris with all
speed. He is playing Vor a big stake
power or prison.
Of course circumstances may alter all this,
but the present intention is exactly as I
have, given it The first steps have already
been taken, and with the utmost secrecy.
The black charger Tunis and four other
horses were dispatched last night to Jersey
In a Mysterious Way.
The General himself, in mufti and ac
companied only by his mistress and his sec
retary, left London by the mail train to
night, looking somewhat paler, but with an
expression of what looked like determina
tion on his face. None of the servants at
his house in Portland square knew anything
to-night about his departure. He left the
bouse with little more than a carpetbag;
but it may be taken for granted that his
most gaudy uniform was not omitted in his
hasty packing.
A Mighty Deceptive Show.
Portland Place was lit up as usual. The
drawing room was brilliant, and a steady
light beamed from the General's empty
library. The usual stock of flowers was
ordered this morning to grace the table, and
' stores were bought to last the household a
' week. But to-morrow all will be changed.
The landlord will receive a month's rent in
lieu of notice, and each servant will receive
four week's wages on the same grounds.
Boulanger lands at Jersey to-morrow, and
in the evening will meet in conference five
of his trusted military adherents, when
Tbe Plan of Campaign
will be arranged. The meeting will take
place at the principal hotel, where four
rooms have been engaged for the General.
This conference has teen in process of ar
rangement for a week past The military
members of the party have especially urged
that it should be held. They have held out
to the General the inducement that several
regiments will join his standard directly it
is raised.
Their contention is that if they can get
within five miles of Paris the victory is won;
for Paris
Wonld Go for Bonlanger.
and, what Paris thinks to-day, the whole of
Prance sometimes thinks to-morrow.
The lady who dined with Boulanger at the
ttation hotel, and shared the private com
partment reserved for him in the train, is
not initie first bloom of youth. She wore.a
long traveling ulster with a long far boa.
Boulanger wore a brown, fur-lined overcoat,
and did not look chipper.
Tbe Opposition Greatly la tbe Minority in
the French Chamber.
Paris. October 7. According to the
latest estimate, the new Chamber of Deputies-will
have 365 Republican and 211 Oppo
sition members. The estimate includes the
colonial members.
The Tempt, commenting upon the fact
that the Moderates, headed by MM. Say
and Ribot, have a dominating influence in
the Republican party, says it considers the
time propitious for a policy of reconcilia
tion toward all classes, with a view to a con
solidation of the Republic and the perma
nent establishment of peace and order.
Of the new Chamber of Deputies, 287
members belonged to the last Chamber. The
remainder consists of 43 members of former
Chambers and 239 new men. The gains
both of the Boulangists and Moderates have
been at the expense of the Radicals, who
have lost 50 seats. The Moderates are liable
to be outvoted by a coalition unless they
secure the support of 30 members of the
Right, or 30 Radicals.
A Novel fehlp. Railway Scheme Proposed
by an English Engineer.
London, October 7. The Chamber of
Commerce to-day discussed a scheme sub
mitted by "William Smith, a harbor engineer
of Aberdeen, for the construction of rail
ways to convey ships from"ports to inland
manufacturing centers. The project was
regarded with favor.
Irish Formers Arrested.
Dublin, October 7. Thirty farmers have
been arrested at Tipperary for relusing to
pay market tolls on Smith Barry's estate.
A Famous General Dead.
Paeis, October 7. General Lebrun is
dead. He became famons during the Franco
Prussian war of 1870.
lie Falls Exhausted Upon a Ship In Mid
Ocean Driven by a Hurricane.
New York, October 7. The steamship
Ludgate Hill, from London and Havre,
brought in a distinguished traveler from a
Southern latitude to-day. The stranger
runs largely to legs and neck. He boarded
the ship when she was three days from
Havre, or about 650 miles out. He was
observed on the morning of September 26,
wearily circling above the ship, as if debat
ing whether it were better to fall in the sea
and die of exhaustion or trust himself to the
mercies of man. He followed the ship for
an hour belore he made up his mind. Then
he alighted, or tried to alight, on the bridge.
He was too weak to stand, however, and fell
panting on his side. A sailor scrambled up
and got him. He offered not the slightest
The ship's officers pronounced him a splen
did specimen of the crowned crane. He be
came extremely docile and companionable
after getting something to eat and drink. He
is fully four feet high, and of a light slate
color. His crowning glory is his hair,
which is of a golden yellow hue. He
probably was bcrne northward from his
genial island home in the South Atlantic
on the bosom of a.ruthlessraTfIffSSr!?
Complaints Blade Abont the Slowness of
Work on the Postofflce.
"Washington, October 7. Citizens of
Pittsburg in the city report a good deal of
gossip about the slow progress of the work
on the Government building, and wonder
what the department is about that it does
not stir up Superintendent Mahone with a
sharp stick. They say there is an immense
lot of cnt stone on hand, all of which might
have been in the building, and if any more
stone is received now it will have to be
piled in the streets. A gentleman accus
tomed to such matters asserts that Mr.
Malone occupied a month, or nearly a
month, raising the rigging, which work
ought to have been done in ten days at the
outside. The same gentleman asserts that
not half the quantity of stone is laid in a
month that onght to be, and ventured the as
sertion that it Mr. Patterson were yet Su
perintendent everv foot of stone now lying
on the ground would be in the building.
When the remark was quoted to Super
vising Architect Windrim to-day that gen
tleman exclaimed: "Ah, yes; but there are
few Pattersons." Mr. Windrim went on to
say that he had not had any formal com
plaint, but he would look into the matter,
and if Malone were found to be delaying
the work unnecessarily he wonld be asked to
change his policy.
Ho Tells tbe Veterans That They Should
Respect Themselves.
New York, October 7. Three hundred
gray haired, and more or less bald, veterans
of the Seventh Regiment, sat down to the
annual dinner of their association in the
big dining room of the Metropolitan Hotel
to-night. General Tremain presided.
General W. T. Sherman made the speech
of the evening. "I recognize," he said,
"that I am a veteran of the veterans. I
have seen many men in action
and in war, bnt I have yet to see
the first one who was anxious to get
killed or wonnded or be made a prisoner.
They were all willing to let their generals
or some one else get killed. That's the way
with the young fellows who have taken you
young veteran's places. They are willing
yon should go. But if I were you I should
say to them: 'I will see you first'."
Every speech bore more or less on the
same subject Some letters of regret were
also construed to refer to the controversy
between the Actives and the uniformed
The Young Business Manager Skips and
Creditors Seek Him In Tain.
New York, October 7. An excited
crowd of creditors to-day filled the office of
H. F. Van Gelder & Son, dealers in dia
monds, at No. 10 Maiden Lane, looking for
EmilYan Gelder, the youthful manager
of the business here, who could not
be found. Three creditors obtained at
tachments against the firm, aggre
gating $11,965, the largest being in
favor of Marks J. Xasar for S9,
C00, on the ground of fraudulent
disposal of property. When the Sheriff
made tbe levy nothing of value could be
found. Emll Yan Gelder, it is said, bad
not been to theijffice since Friday.
Creditors who were present said he had
bought $20,000 worth of diamonds on credit
since September 30, and about a week ago
Bhowed about 526,000 worth of dia
monds to one of his creditors and
said he had 540.000 worth of
diamonds altogether. Henry F. Van Gel
der, the father, resides at Amsterdam, Hol
land, and is said to be worth $100,000.
Young Van Gelder's liabilities are placed at
Samuel J. Randall Suffering n Decided
Change for the Worse His'Condl
tlon Seriously Aggravated by
, an Attack of Diarrhea.
Philadelphia, October, 7. It was felt
among the friends of Samuel J. Randall in
this city, to-night, that the chances of his
return to his place in Washington were
smaller than they had been at
any time since he came from the
Capitol at the end of the, 'last session
of Congress. It was even feared by some
that his career was ended, and that his
strong vitality would slowly succumb to the
inroads of the disease against which he has
fought so long and patiently. For the last
three days Mr. Randall's condition has
been one of great pain and weakness, a vio
lent attack of diarrhea having both pulled
down his strength and aggravated his local
So severe had grown the pain to-day that
the patient was placed under the influence
of opiates, and there were those among h!s
friends who feared that he might never
come out of the artificial slumber into which
he had been thrown. Mr. Randall's
condition has been a matter
of anxiety among his friends
ever since his return from Washington to
Wallingford, and from time to time visitors
to the latter place have shaken their heads
and said that they feared the Democratic
leader would never take his place in the
House again.
At other and recent times Mr. Randall
has been invisible to his closest friends.
The news of the bad turn in his case will
not be found to have been unexpected by
many well informed people, who have hoped
against hope to tbe last
Genernl Mahone Has Many Prominent Re
publican Callers Heavy Gains.
Petersburg, Va., October 7. General
Mahone has arrived in Petersburg from his
campaign tour through Southwest Virginia,
and to-day he has had a large number or
callers. Among those who are here to talk
over political matters with fiim are some of
the most prominent Republicans of the
North, and their presence here is being
kept as secret as possible. Among them are
Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson,
Colonel Borbiere, of Pennsylvania, and
Colonel Burress, of Michigan. General
Mahone is looking well and says that he
has had large audiences wherever he has
spoken. He speaks very encouragingly of
the prospects for his election, and thinks
that in some sections the Republicans will,
in the ensuing election, make heavy gains.
General Mabone will speak at Pamphlin
City to-morrow. On the 21st mst he will
speak at Courtland, in Southampton county,
in the vicinity of where he was born. This
will be his first visit to his native county
for many years. Hon. John E. Massey will
speak at Courtland on the same day that
General Mahone does.
Captain Phil McKinney the Democratic
nominee for Governor, arrived here to-day
from the eastern shore, where he has been
speaking for the past week. He was ou his
way to visit his family at Farmville. He
is in excellent spirits, and thinks that the
Republican ticket will be deteated by a
handsome majority.
Another Day Passes and the Cronln Trial
Rlnkes Little Progress.
Chicago, October 7. This morning At
torney Browne renewed his petition for a
writ of habeas corpus for his client, Frank
Woodruff, which Judge Baker granted,
making it returnable at 10 o'clock Wednes
day. Mr. Browne's grounds for asking the
writ are substantially the same as those
presented in his petition last month, namely,
that the statutory time within which his
client is entitled "to trial has passed. No
jurors were secured.
The Journal says: Tbe name of the farmer
at whose place it is alleged that Coughlin
and O'Sullivan met and talked about tbe
Croniu murder, after the commission of the
crime, is Cornelius Sullivan, a horse breeder
and trainer at Riverside. The witness,
Carroll, who made his escape from the sur
veillance of a policeman, was, it is said,
employed by Sullivan at the time. Sulli
van has always borne a good reputation, and
it is not believed that he had any guilty
knowledge of the murder. Coughlin and
O'Sullivan both deny that they were ever at
Sullivan's house.
The Kabbl's Brother Puts a Black Eye on a
New Yobk, October 7. Charles Cohen,
of 204 East Broadway, was arrested to-day
on an order of arrest issued by Judge Ehr
lich in a snit for damages. Joseph Jacob
son, of 193 Henry street, is the complain
ant, and the ?2,000 he sues for is princi
pally to pay for a black eye. The fight oc
curred in the Sons of Israel Synagogue, at
15 Pike street, while Chief Rabbi Joseph
was conducting the Yom Kippur service.
Chief Joseph's radically orthodox methods
were severely criticised "by Mr. Cohen, and
he failed to see the logic of Mr. Jacobson's
point that if he did not like the way the
prayers were read he could go outside."
Mr, Jacobson is the rabbi's brother, and,
as the worshipers were being disturbed, he
undertook to put the objector out Mr.
Cohen was very vigorous in his resistance
and Mr. Jacobson blacked his eye. He
furnished $300 bail to-day.
He Will Not bn Republican Candidate for
Governor of Mississippi.
Jackson, Miss., October 7. The with
drawal of General J. R. Chalmers, who was
recently nominated by the Republicans of
Mississippi for Governor, is confirmed. It
is generally believed that the little
General has accomplished his object, which
was to be regarded as the leader
of the Republicans of Mississippi. The
full text of the letter of withdrawal of Gen
eral Chalmers has not yet been seen here,
but it is said that he made as a pretext for
his action that he would not be permitted
to speak in the State, as he had proposed
to do.
It is said that in response to a letter to
Columbus, Miss:, asking if a white audi
ence would give him a respectful hearing,
he was told tbat there was no white audience
in Columbus that cared to hear him.
An Oregon Mnn's Practlcnl Illustration of
His Method of Suicide.
Portland, Ore., October 7. John S.
Silvers, 25 years old, committed suicide
near McMinnville last night "If you were
going to use a pistol, how would you use
it?" ho asked a friend who was in his room,
thrusting the weapon into his hand. In re
ply, the friend held the pistol in front ot
' "I would not hold it that way," said Sil
Ters, taking the pistol." "I would hold it
this way," and as he spoke he cocked the
weapon and held the muzzle at his breast,
fired and died instantly. , ,
Their Big Machine Shop, on the South
Side, Totally Bestroyed.
Natural Gas Thought to Have Been the
Cause of the Conflagration.
The Work of fiebnlldtti? the Black Enins Will Be
Commenced at Once.
A sudden and mysterious fire in the ma
chine shop of the Oliver Iron and Steel Com
pany, on Muriel street, Southside, last even
ing, caused a loss of 580,000, about two-thirds
of which is protected by insurance. The
work of rebuilding will begin at once.
The Oliver Iron and Steel Company suf
fered a fire loss of $80,000 last evening. A
rather mysterious blaze destroyed the three
story brick building on Muriel street, which
occupies the entire block from South Tenth
to South Eleventh street.
The building was about 400 feet long and
90 feet wide. It contained the machine
shop, blacksmith shop, hinge shop, engine
room and offices of the company. The en
gine room was at the western end of the
building, and it was there that the fire
started. The flames were first seen a few
minutes after the 6 o'clock whistle Imd
the completely
blown by a man named William Lewis,
who called the attention of John H. Jones,
one of the watchmen. An alarm was at
once sounded.
The flames spread with marvelous rapidi
ty, and in ten minutes it seemed to men who
were on the spot tbat the entire brick build
ing was in flames. Opinions of the work
men and watchmen as to the cause of the
fire are diverse, but the best opinions o(
those on the spot indicate that natural gas
js to blame. During the afternoon tbe
pressure throuirfaoat tie- baUding" wai'ex"
ceedingly weak.
not much gas there.
A number of fires were kept going, and
although the valves were opened wide, there
was only sufficient gas to feed a very small
flame. At 6 o'clock, when work was
stopped, a number ot the fires were turned
out This naturally increased the pressure
on the one or two fires left, but it is thought
by Superintendent Evans that the pressure
in the pipes was, from some cause, increased
at the same time. In the stove in the
engine room the gas and flame shot forth like
a burst from Vesuvius. Several cans ot oil,
used in steel cutting, were touched by
the fire, and blazed up like so much powder.
Waste and grease in that part of the build
ing spiead the flames rapidly, andtheentire
building was ablaze so quickly that a few
workmen who had lingered in the second
floor were able to escape only by a bridge
leading to the rolling mill, between the
burning building and tbe river.
four alarms given.
In response to a fonrth alarm, sounded
quickly, the engines of the Southside, and
Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the main portion
of the city, were soon at hand. For some
reason there was a delay in securing water,
but many streams were, within 20 minutes,
playing upon the building. It was im
possible to save any part of tbe structure,
and at 8 o'clock only the outside brick
walls were standing. A small portion of
the top of the wall on the Muriel street side
lell, but no person was injured.
Fortunately the wind was blowing strongly
from the northeast, and this kept the flames
and cinders from the rolling mill north of
the brick building and the factory on the
east side of Eleventh street. The fire was
confined to the brick strncture. Much of
the machinery in it was new. and the loss
will reach, at a rough estimate, $80,000.
Several members of the firm visited the
scene of destruction, but were either un
willing or unable to make any estimate of
the loss or insurance.
The stiff breeze blew the flames far and
high, and the murtv sky was brightly red
dened by the conflagration. Hundredsjof
people in the city viewed Jhe fire from win
dows and housetops, while in the vicinity of
the destruction an immense crowd gathered.
The police were on hand in sufficient force
to maintain order and keep all disinterested
persons outside of the ropes.
The main body of the works of the com
pany, which was not injured by the fire,
will continue work as usual to-day. The
company will at once begin the work of
clearing up and rebuilding. The structure
burned was very old, baring been built, in
its main portion, nearly 30 years ago. The
end which contained the offices was of more
recent construction. The walls will have
to be torn down and rebuilt. Of the
400 men engaged in the building, asmany
as possible will be employed in the work of
tearing down and rebuilding, while others
will be set to work in other departments of
the company's shops.
Major W. G. McCandless, the fire insur
ance agent, stated- last evening that the in
surance on the burned building was $62,000.
Of the $200,000 in policies held by the firm,
$50,000 was covered by Pittsburg compa
nies. ' The M. & M. have $6,000, the West
ern $6,000 afid Boatman's $6,000 more. Their
loss will be only 31 per cent of the $6,000, or
about $2,000 each. Had all the buildings
burned the companies would lose, the full
amount of their policies. The other Pitts
burg companies interested will lose about
the same as those mentioned above. The
balance of the insurance on the burned
building, $12,000, was placed by the firm in
foreign companies.
Louisiana's Missing Bonds Recovered.
New Orleans, October 17. The grand
jury to-doy, reported that $383,400 of the
missing bonds, known as the Constitutional
bonds, had been recovered and turned over
to the Attorney General of the State. The
amount of the bonds still out is $70,000. Most
o( them are believed to be in this city, and
it is thought that all will be recovered. .
-Ss -v j. y
O0TOBER 8, 1889.
Captain Slattery Was Spending Money
Freely With a Gang of Toaghs
Evidence That He Wns the
Victim of Conspiracy.
St. Louis, October 7. The strange case,
of Captain D. P.SIatfery is the talk of the
town to-day. Late developments shpw the
Captain to be the victim of a conspiracy and
the police will rearrest Klosterman, who.
was released this morning, and his wife and
Sallie Klosterman. V, H. Horn U the
name of an acquaintance of Captain Slat
tery who Kirned up to-day-with a story that
puts a quietus on salfonal, the drug that the
tfjbysicians assert is responsible for Captain
Slattery's condition Saturday. Horn says
he met Captain fllattertarly in the morn
ing and they went the rounds of the saloons
in the neighborhood. " "
Slattery drank whisky and scattered his
money around Iti great profusion. Ther
visited all the saloons In the neighborhood,
and shortly before 12 o'clock -they entered
Klosterman's placed Captain Slattery wns
then under thM influence of 'liquor. He
treated everybody and' never took any
change back. His diamonds and his money
attracted the attention of the gang in the
barroom, and -Horn "sirs" he escorted Slat
tery out and made him promise to go home.
He saw Slattery start toward home and he
(Horn) went directly to his own home.
The pdlice are id-night working on the
theory that Captain- Slattery was followed
br some one and taken back in the saloon.
There he was primed with liquor until he
lost his head. Tfle gang then stripped him
ot his diamonds and .money and oarried him
upstairs toward Mrs. Klosterman's apart
ments, slugged him, and then told the
story of the victim!s raid on the woman's
apartments. The setting of the 51,500
ruined building.
solitalre was found in Alex Hunt's cell this
morning, and he is supposed to have swal
lowed the diamond.
Klosterman and Hickey the bartender,
assert that they never saw Slattery until
they discovered him upstairs half dressed.
James Alger, a witness. of the assault, says
that he saw Hunt take the diamonds from
Slattery's person after throwing him down
stairs. Captain Slattery is better to-night
and may pull through.
Lvvr k.. . ,-..-,- -
A Great Organization, Which Takes In Sev.
eral States, for Mutual Protection.
Baltimore, October 7. The wholesale
cake, cracker and biscuit-bakers of this city
have entered the combination formed by
bakers in this section of the United States to
regulate prices. All the wholesale bakeries,
with but few exceptions, in New York,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Maryland-and Virginia are
said to be in this combination, which ar
ranged a uniform price list on the first of
September. They made a com
bination abont seven years ago,
but it is said that many of then
violated their agreement, and frequently
sold at prices less than those agreed upon
from time to time. On September 1 a new
association was formed, and each firm de
posited with the association's treasurer a
certain percentage of their average yearly
profits as a forleit The same amount of
forfeit was not demanded of 'all the bake
ries, as it would be an injustice to the weaker
While the prices now are little, if any,
higher than those prevailing jnst before the
Dew combination was formed, the retail
grocers look upon the new arrangement
with disfavor. They are now obliged to
make their payments within a shorter time
than that formerly allowed, which is very
embarrassing to some of the dealers.
Fears That nn Old Editor Has Taken His
Own Lite.
Habrisburg, October 7. William P.
Coulter, who conducted a nnmber of weekly
journals in his early years, and who, 21
years ago, was city editor of the Harnsbnrg
Patriot, last Thursday left his home os
tensibly for the office of the latter paper, on
which he was employed us a compositor, but
nothing has been learned of his whereabouts
since. His aged wife proposed to fill his
lunch basket before his departure, but he
said he would have it filled elsewhere.
It is feared be committed suicide, as he
made an attempt to drown himself in the
Susquehanna river a few years ago. Mr.
Coulter's age is over 70 years.
The Zenith City Relolces Over the Estab
lishment ofa Big Manufactory.
Duluth, October 7. The final transfer
of the Minnesota Car Company property to
the Minnesota Iron Car Company took place
to-day. This will make Duluth the most
important mannfacturing point of iron cars
in the world. George W. Ettinger becomes
treasurer and R. L. Ettinger general man
ager of the new company, Its'capital stock
is $2,000,000. cash pSid" in $1,000,000.
The works, which cover many acres, are
of the most modern construction and filled
with the latest improvements in the line of
machinery. It will be the most extensive
car works in the Northwest.
Several Children Ininrcd by Jumping From
tho Second Story Windows.
Toledo, O., October 7. Fire broke out
in the South street school house at 3 o'clock
this afternoon. A panic ensued and a num
ber of children jumped from the second
story windows. Tbe injured were: Maggie
Holmes, 9 years old, living at 842 Sonth
street; Emma Errain. 12 years, and Annie
Jagear, 11 years, of 726 Orchard street The
teachers exhibited remarkable presence of
mind, and it was owing to their discretion
that more accidents were avoided.
None of the children suffered fatal in
juries. The fire was soon under control.
The loss will not be over $200.
rm", ZAjM. JL. r ' - k. . A- - At .'.'.. jKjL. PATCH. ff
a hi i ui i ir
iiu.MsaaaaVr sWHsr "w ssssr" .attrVBsF arsssW
Negotiating the Purchase4 or the1
American Midland Eailway. ,
v'i 'o ft" " 2
The Road to Be 'Made -an Extension of tne
' Pittsburg and. Western.
Financial Difficulties of the Present Owners the Cinso
fcf the Sale.
' An apparently well-grounded rumor is
current that Andrew Carnegie is making
negotiations for the purchase of the Amer
ican Midland Railroad, in Ohio, with the
intention of completing it as a western con
nection of the Pittsburg and) Western Rail
Findlat, O., October 7. It is reported
here to-day that arrangements have been
completed whereby Andrew Carnegie will
acquire possession of the American Midland.
Railroad, a line having headquarters in
this city, and in process of construction be
tween Akron, O., and Fort Wayne, Ind.
The road was begun nearly two years ago,
under the name of the New York, Mahon
ing and Western.the original intention being
to build from RedJBank, Pa., to Plymouth,
Ind., where a connection with Chicago
would be made, the Eastern connection at
Red Bank being with 'New York, thus1
lorming a route irom .new xorn. vu wuiuagu
42 miles shorter than any, now in operation.
The management, however, failed in, re
ceiving the financial aid expected, and
abridged their plans to such an extent, as to
make Akron the eastern terminus and "Sju
Wayne the western. , f .
The division between this city and Ottawa'
25 miles west, is- completed and in opera
tion, and the grade from Ottawa to Ft.
Wayne is reedy for' the irqn. The com
pany, however, is in deep water, and cred
itor's will force a sals of the road within a
few days. 7
This condition o'f affairs is said to "have
brought about the opportunity Carnegie
has long sought, to secure a Chicajgo con
nection for the Pittsburg and Western,
which he is now onerating to Akron. The
American Midland will enable him to do
this, and afford hi mat the same time the
shortest route available between Pittsburg
and Chicago. '
An agent who. it is said, represents the
Pennsylvania iron king, has been here for
several days examining the road and 'its
financial condition with a view of
of the .property when it goes to sale, which
it must do within a short time, as the pres
ent management are at theend of their finan
cial rope, and creditors . are coming for
their money, and the sale of the entire line.
The American Midland from Alcron to Ft
Wayne is about 130 miles, over half of
which is graded ana zo miiet oi wntcn is in
operation. The company have extensive
shots in this city, and the general hope is
expressed that Carnegie will obtain the road
and finish it, as it is without doubt a Tery
valuable property.
CjN. Haskell, the General Manager of
tbe Midland, was seen by the dispatch
correspondent to-night regarding the Car
negie rumor, and in effect confirmed it al
though he was reluctant to permit any'of the
details from reaching the public for certain
reasons which, he said, mignt affect the
sale. From other sources, however, it was
learned that the creditors, who are more in
terested in the sale than Haskell, had
brought about the negotiations with Carne
gie, and that the arrangements were all
perfected for the Pennsylvania man to pur
chase the outstanding claims against the
road, force it to a sale, and then buy it in.
Further developments are expected to-morrow.
The Now York Girl Hilled In a Street Fight
Was One of Them.
New Yoke, October 7. Julia O'Connor,
the young girl who died at the New York
Hospital on .Saturday last from in
juries received in a street fight with
other girls of her age, will be bur
ied from the hospital at 10 o'clock
to-morrow. Maggie Miller, the 16-year-old
girl who is charged with being Julia's
principal assailant, will be brought
before Coroner Messemer to-mbrrow. Six
other girls, none of whom is over 16,
who tooK part, or were witnesses of the
fray, were taken from the police station
this morning to the Yorkville Police
Court, where Justice McMahon remanded
them lor the Coroner. All are bright
looking and several of them are pretty.
They marched laughing into the Commis
sioner's office, unmindful of the seriousness
of the charges against them. Most of them
are small-sized and shabbily dressed.
They are all said to be members of the
"Gas House Gang," an organization whose
headquarters is anywhere along the East
river, near Twentieth street, where the big
gas tanks are. Coroner Messemer sent them
all to the House of Detention to await the
Business Troubles Cause a New Yorker to
Shoot Himself.
New Yobk, October 7. A. J. Campbell,
of Brooklyn, opened his carpet store, at 633
Fulton street, this morning, and when the
first clerk arrived, half an hour later, he
went out At 9 o'clock Mr. Campbell was
found lyine unconscious on a mound in
Prospect Park, near the main entrance, with
a bullet wound in his left temple and a re
volver clutched in his left hand. He was
taken to the Seney Hospital. The bnllet
lodged in the brain and the doctors held ont
no hope of his recovery.
The carpet store until February last was
owned by Mr. Campbell and Louis Joslin.
The latter retired at that time, but left some
money in the concern. Since the partner
ship was broken up Mr. Campbell has been
low spirited, and his business affairs have
not been satisfactory. .
This and worrlment over the illness of his
wife are supposed to have driven him to sui
cide, He leaves three children; the eldest a
boy of 10. He was 45 years old.
A Dress Improver Proves to be a Millinery
Shop Valuable Jewelry.
New Yobk, October 7. Customs In
spector Anna M. Parks gathered in to-day a
miniature millinery shop, consisting of
laces, lace shawls, silks and silk handker
chiefs concealed in a dress improver worn
by a woman on La Champagne.
Customs Inspectors Brown and Donobue
captured 8 gold watches, 6 gold chains, 1
watch set in a bracelet, 20 crucifixes, 51
strings of beads and 19 religious medals,
found on a man who gave his name as A.
Normandie, and said he was bound for Mon
treal. Normandie also came over on La
Champagne. ;
In Oregon and Missouri Adj&lKed' tVlfce- P.
E. Organisation Missionary 'Work
4 Among TaaMaas ana African
New YobbT, October 7. In the Protestant
Episcopal General Convention to-day Bev.
Dj. Hauckel, Chairman of the Committee
on New Dioceses, presented a report on the
memorial from tbe Missionary Diocese of
Oregon, asking that it be admitted as a dio
cese, and that Missionary Bishop Morris be
made the bishop of the diocese. Alter'some
discussion the question of establishing the
diocese and that of making Mr. Morris
bishop were voted on separately, and both
adopted. There, was then presented by Rev,
Dr. Hauckel a report recommending the ad
mission of a new diocese in Missouri, and it
was adopted with but one dissenting vc-te..
At the session of the Board of Missions,
Bishop Hare, of South Dakota, spoke, tell
ing of the difficulties with which he and the
clergy under his charge were obliged to con
tend, and of the progress they had made.
There are six self-Bupporting parishes and
12 new churches there. Tbe Sioux. Indians
in the new State number only from 25,000 to
30,000. While tho white popula
tion i's 350,000: yet there are more Indian
than white communicants. Among tbe In
dians are 46 missionary chapels, 1,050 com
municants and nine men in sacred orders.
Other speakers were Missionary Bishops
Paddock, ot Washington, and Walker,, of
North Dakota. Both reported good progress.
In North Dakota the nnmber of churches"
has inoreased from 4 to 17, and of these only
three arejn debt
At the afternoon session the first speaker
was the Rev. Robenr Shaw Locke, who for
the past 15 years has been a missionary in
China. He said that the only hope of con
verting foe Chinese, the .Japanese or the
natives or India, was by 'having native
missionaries. The next speaker waa col
ored m,an, Rev.sPa"uluTMoore, of Cape
Palmar, Africa. He! suggested 'that the
United States should subsidize a line of
steamers to Liberia. This, he urged, would
benefit the' commercial interests of tbe
United States, and benefit the interest of the
church in Africa. Missionary Bishop
Talbot, of Wyoming and Idaho,' spoke of
the work progressing in hTs diocese, of its"
neeas, ootn an -money anu men. .
"-At the conclusion of Bishop -Talbot's ad
dress the Board of Missions adjourned as a
token of respect to, the memory of Bishop
Vail, of Kansas, who died" 'yesterday at
Brvn Mawr, Pa., while on, his way to the
Connecticut Goes Ovenvhelraingly Against
the Proposed Constitutional Change .
I ' , r
The Vote at Least Two to One
' Against the Amendment.
Habttobd, October 7. The conditions
for testing the, new ballot law to-day have
been favorable. The day was, damp, cold,
and'there has1 been.no interest attached to
any of the town elections. The amendment
attracted what attention was bestowed upon
the election. , In Hartford there was one
arrest early in the morning. JohnB. McCar
thy was arrested for offering.tickets within
the 100-foot-Umfi His case was'adjonrhed
iunder $100 bonds. There was almost no
confusion resulting from the new law in
Hartford. At the noon hour, when the rush
came,.in none of the wards were more than
two thirds the nnmber of booths provided
in use.
iThetBAre no cases nf confusion reported.
Reports from 90 towns in this vicinity .agree
i. saving: tiatihe. ne wballet law. walked
'rapidly and Simpry7"At this hour .returns
are in from 24 of the 167 towns in the State.
,which give 14,331 majority against the
amenameniy.ana meiuuiuauuuB axe tiut uio
nnjoritjr against the amendment will reach
30,000. The total vote .will not exceed
60,000. As far as reported now, ten towns
in the State voted for the amendment
The prohibition vote is larger than an
ticipated, and apparently the, full party
strength was brought out Below is given
the vote on the amendment in some of the
largest towns in the State:
State. Yea. Hay.
New London 313 Kg
Norwich 079 1,941
Uroton 143 ai
Hartford 1.010 i,S83
Bristol : an
Enfield 231 . 639
Manchester 310 507
New Britain 831 1,317
Sonthlnnton 231 653
Litchfield 109 243
Winchester 330 567
Greenwich 281 333
Nocwalk i 685 1.3711
Stamrprd 418 1,197
Putnam 2S3 303
Windham , 339 tSl
MIddletown 333 K7S
New Haven 1,557 5,715
Ansonla 214 SC7
Derby.... 145 512
Merlden 1,021 1.W3
Nangatuek 184 424
Vernon 321 879
Bridgeport 620 233
The Chilian Construction Company Sued
for Fraudulent Acta.
Louisville, October 7. A suit involv
ing a contract with the Government of
Chili, calling for 3,542,000 pounds sterling,
or abont $18,000,000, was filed here this
afternoon. Henry C. Comegyes, of New
York, and George F. Wyman, of Kansas,
are tbe plaintiffs, and the North
and South American Construction
Company, George -S. Field, Charles
McDonald. Julio Bernstein, of Chili, are
made the defendants. Fraud is tbe charge,
against the defendants. Tne contract with
the Chilian Government was made the 17th
of last October, and the railroad lines
to bo built under its provisions were
to exceed an aggregate distance of 800
miles. The work progressed satisfactorily
to the Chilian Government without any
complaint until the summer of 1889, when
Field went to Chili. Then, without any
authority, it is said, he discharged
Jared S. Xewis from his position of
Manager and Superintendent of defendant
construction company in Chili, in spite of
the fact that he had been duly appointed by
the Board of Directors and fully invested
with all power to act for the company in
that country.
They further charge that Field, to make
moner for himself, illegally and without the
authority or consent of the directors of the
company, entered into a contract with Julio
Bernstein, a resident of Chili, by which,
for the nominal consideration of fl7,
500, the company undertook to sell
and transfer its property, contract rights
and obligations to Bernstein. The plaintiffs
ask that action to ratify the contract with
Bernstein be declared void.
Democrats Gala Control of Norwich, Sonn.,
for the First Time In Years.
Nokwich. Cojtn.. October 7. The new
secret ballot jaw worked beautifully in this
town for the- Democrats, to-day. For the
first time in the history of the Republican
party here, the Straight Democratic ticket
was elected at a town election. Since the
civil war this old town has been known all
over Southern New England as the "Citadel
of Connecticut Republicans." To-day the
citadel tumbled. The secret ballot helped
to uo u; lor in nu pari vs. mo union ou
nolitical bulfdozing on the nart of the mill
owners been more flagrantly and audaciously
exercised. .
The Democratic nominees for Selectmen,
Thurston B. Lillibridge and Horace A.
Bnggs, were elected to-day by a trine over
500 majority; the Democratic town clerk,
Samuel H. "Freeman, by over 400 majority.
The average Democratic majority was
abont 330. The Democrats of this town
are celebrating with bands and' bonfires to
night -
m&A .
WAKTS ars always nitT respoaded . ,
to whes advertised la THE MeWATOS.
Real 'Estate can fee soM lliroh adver
tlseraent la TH DISPATCH.' ' "
;t WaufagtM Ire AHa
Itba ITatea Frefutd Jkv i
-"-' " '. 333
irtuiy lo.uw feepw fxpMM tmh raw-
la tie GrawL Fuafe
the prrrsBGiG tsxp&an ah
a Pet 5ess itoff
Washington is orewded with J
Templar and gay.witk doaaratfiM.JtfaS
estimated tfiatis.ww orvytm.
participate la the pja4eto-dy. TkeMM-
burg- delegation arrived late, Ikmt wjaastkl
accident t
Iv midnizht when the first seetteas IcaHifel
Pittsburg Knights came info the "BUtimitm,
and Ohio station. The cars were illM 1
abont 150 members of Tasered '
Tnnnt?rv A 4w nfnntM l&La. 4Sia'
tion arrived with about 309 luousfrsJMj
of the Pittsburg Comraanderv.
hour later a third train brought afcwin
members or Aliegaeny twasaasry. "!
were tagged out wun tneirJesg. nae 41
road was so crowded with JfnMis, all daft ig
was impossible to make .we. ajnU
The train of the Aliwrkawr CmssM
was further unfortunate is a'lsX fcncj
then in a leaky boiler oaa laMaM'
live. v .:
Tancred has quarters at
burg at the Hotel Johsea 1
at the Irvlngton oa K itftat.
latter was the dwelling; :
bv Senator O.aav. The
wili'form the sixth dirhlsn
parade to-morrow, andafsst t
aooat 3,uw. unignts.
A brisk, chilly, northwest
fluttered the .flags and'stpearaeM :
the.bnildiflga aloag the Jiae at mil nil KM
will be followed by the Kaigats Sssnis ',?
to-morrow, provea iaw8ra,gq, wbjwb
to the visiting coaaaadiriw," jafce
came during the "efcyY" '
the warm receptees- HrMeir fcer
received from the crowds on Mm iMMi
acted as an offset TIhs otganiW ;
ready comfortably eseoaeed fit tfee4rbM
and Other hostelries, together wWhssj j&
ladies accompanying them, were ongog ,.
viewing 'the public bnildiBgi aaa! sltnc'
points of interest
The district 'commanderies.
in ostrich'plumes and bright aaifefBS, wtrt
busily engaged in escorting the arrMMr,
guests to their headquarters The peM S ?,'.
drums and tbe blare of trumpets eieij wfctra .
filled the air, as commandery after -
manderyfiled up the wide awamsw'Ww'
city is a city of waving plants,' ibwtiaV
flags, and glittering coetasses. "--'
Among the . commanderles to auiy..
oav were tnoee 01 ueevrey
Albemar, Toronto; Pert Hwbms,
Huron. Mich.: Salens, galea. O.:
tan, Cantos, O.; KassiUes, Mai'siHais, flkx
JtreBBSTiYaaia avaww wa smmm spr
iBgTKe whole day with, the, Hsldhw f 'V'
Cross, with Swords at their sides ad,sWr
coat fronts resplendent with ssaaf Mbm
and emblems. Tin crowd grew lwMr a.
day grew older, and to-night the Bab
sues and the hotel lobbies are Arengedwifc .
visitinrr Temnlars and their Jtfeadk. Jw-
ceplions and serenades are the order sf Nm' -
cvcuiug, aim uuu wuuu Amjmvfiav',
shipabonnd. tj ,
To-nigbt trains are constantly imvHMr m
bofh railroad stations brinzinz gniehMswt
their friends. Everything is en&lyjMMl
well arranged, and there is but Utile .
and confusion. Quarters have been ongnpA
for 22,000 Knights, but 18,000 M pros'
conservative estimate ot the BBaher wfcst"
will be here. It is expected that at
IS (WW or1B OOO ticmni v!H K) In HnA ia-
,--. ,... , T,i
morrow morning.
The Northwestern States h&se Sent a i
ly representative body of men here. Dakotsij
maKes a goott impression wun nve oe"-4
manderies. Washington sends only XL ,
members of the Grand Commandery, the rcl
cent severe fires in the State ceaMlK.
ing the Sir Knights there to resssiaSj
at home. Montana sends commandants
from Helena and Butte City. Damasew.
of St Pauland Zion, of Minneapolis, are,"..,
representative minnesuia orgaausuew.
Wyoming has only one commasdery, mat?
from Cheyenne. Tennessee. Georgia aad.
Virginia are the only Southern States.,
which send a good representation to tste
conclave. ,
The banner States in the number of
Knights and comxnanderies are Illiaois: Ia-i :
diana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York 84 "
Massachusetts. Kentucky sends only three J
commanderies, bnt two of them are crack ,'!
organizations and widely Known, 'am im ,
Molay Commandery bring with them a j
magajuccufc vauu ui auuut 11 pieces, acra
one that greatly resembles the fawntM
Marine Band.
Cincinnati andHanselman Commanderies,
of Cincinnati, have a monster petition tethe'
Grand Encampment from the Cincinnati
Chamber of Commerce, and another signed"
by the leading business men and maauMet
urers of Cincinnati, asking that the next
conclave be held there. Denver is seeead is.
the race, they say. The Cincinnati m
Hanselman Commanderies are using every
effort to secure the nrize for Cincinnati. 1
Thr Golden Gate Commandery of CsH-f
fornia arrived at 3 o'clock this mornloz. hetf s
boxes on the commissary car being . Hkyi
cause 01 iu iaie arrival. Afcjuarcueu uireewyAg
to the Normandie. which waa prefaseir!
decorated in its honor, aad te-cJ
J .u- t -ff 11. 1 J.,ri
uay tue ujeuiuera ui iub cuttiisMtttxrcM
having recovered from the fatigue of their
long journey, were busily engaged in vlew
in? the sights of the Gamtal citv. The set' -
of the commandery, a bear called ZeraW
oaoei (,iue menu 01 tne juuiu is as ovjwe
of much curiosity and admiration fros the 4
- 1 lf J 1 it. f!i ' 5
many visitors who c&iieu 10 sets we vaijror
The California Knights received several,.
serenades at their headquarters this even
ing. The Golden Gate Commandery is that
talk of the town, and its members are evaryv;
where received with open arms.
That la the Indication of the latest Legtaajj
Intlve Returns. .. '
Heleka, Mont.. October7. The StreMj
has advices' tc-nipht tbat the KeBaMt-i
cans have elected their whole rleg-'i
islative ticket in Madison By,;j
one member for which has herbtonisi
been conceded to the Democrats; aad aia';
that the Republicans gain one meBiberim'i
Vanma rnnnlT. If other "RlLlialsal-5
can claims hold good, this wWLfc
make the State Senate a Mad
and the House Republican by from eae toll
.mw mnin.ltw rh.lTCM.N flAllfVmaw a.I!
1UU1 uinjuA.Kj wuai.u.u wi..wa,n.a9
Kepnoncan state wrammee, sun etat
the Legislature, and does not concede
election of Toole for Governor.
Shot a Woman aad HleaseMl
Btjetos-, O., October 7. This aft
John Devault Jr.. shot Mis Lain
iamson, wounding her slightly, ehee ?
nimseu aeaa.
v . " v