Meme&SL' .'i-' - .--' Bassa-T" i ! s i i i skst. -JO" L2- m J I PHEffONDMJSTAIR. Talmage Announces a Trip Palestine and discourses fcABOUT THE WORLD'S EXPOSITION. plhe Fairs of Tyre a Text for Presenting America's Opportunity. PONICIPAL DETKACTOES ALL WKONG 16PSC1AL 2XI.EQBAM TO TZXE DISPATCH.! fc. .Brooklyn, October 6. me iiev. x. ue CVitt Talmage, D. D., preached in the Tab Icrnacle this morning on the subject, "The '' Coming World's Fair; Shall it be Made a kBlessing or a Curse?" r- After announcing his subject Dr. xnage said: "With the hearty consent of ifthe elders and trustees of this church I cleave on Wednesday, October 30, on the 'City of Paris,' for the Holy Land, Pales tine, to be gone about two monies, l am sure all my congregation will unite with the officers in trivins their consent fc-ffhen I tell you why I go. First, mv F-l.: . : j .: 1 VUJCUk IS CUUCHIIUUIU 1U IUJOC1I ..uu fc congregation. I want to see the places as P Eociated with our Lord's life and death. I rbelieve I can make my pulpit work far more efficient when I hare seen with my own eyes Bethlehem and Nazareth and .Tprnsftlcm and Calvarv and all the other ' places connected with the Savior's ministry, f Those places cannot be visited healthfully j in the summer and in time of usual vaca tion. "What I learn and see, you will learn I, and see when I come back. My second reason for going is that I am writing the life of Christ and I can be more accu rate and graphic when I have been an eye witness of the sacred place." T1TE FAIRS OF OLD TYRE. ' Dr. Talmage's text was Ezekiel ixvii., I ,12: "They traded in thy fairs." He said: ( Fairs may be for the sale of goods or for the j exhibition of goods on a small scale or a large scale, for county or city, for one na tion or for all nations. My text brings us to the fairs of ancient Tyre, a city that is 1 now extinct. Part of the city was on an island, and part on the mainland. Alexan derer, the conqueror, was much embar , .rasscd when he found so much of the city "was on an island, for he had no shins. But f his military genius was not to be balked. Having marched his army to the beach, he ordered them to tear up the city on the mainland and throw it into the water and , build a causeway 200 feet wide to the isl- and. So they took that part of the city which was on the mainland, and with it built a causeway of timber and brick and ' stone, on which his army marched to the cap ture of that part of the city which was on the island, as though a hostile army should put Brooklyn into the East river, and over t it march to" the capture of New York. That Tyrian causeway of ruins which Alexander's army built, is still there, and by alluvial deposits has permanently united the island to the mainland, so that it is no longer an island but a 'promontory. The sand, the greatest of all undertakers for bnrying cities, having covered up for the most nart Baal bee and Palmyra and Thebes and Memphis and Carthage and Babylon and Luxor and Jeri cho, the sand, so small and yet so mighty, is t now gradually giving rites of sepulture to t what was lett of Tyre. Bnt, oh, what a " magnificent city it once was! Mistress of the sea! Queen oi international commerce! All nations casting their crowns at her feet! ("Where we have in our sailing vesselsbenches 'of wood, she had benches of ivory. Where we have lor our masts of ships sails of coarse canvas, she had sails of richest embroidery. BARE BEASTS ASD JEWELS. The chapter from which my text is taken after enumerating the richest countries in f all the world says of Tyre: "They traded in f thy fairs." Look in upon a world's fair at Tyre. Ezekiel leads us through one depart ment and it is a horse fair. Under fed and over driven for ages, the horses of to-day give you no iaea oi me spienaia animals (which, rearing and plunging and snorting nnd neighing, were brought down over the plank oi the ships and led into the world's lair at JLyre until .tzetiel, who was a min ister of religion and not supposed to know much about horses, cried out in admiration: "They of the house of Togarmah traded in thy fairs with horses." Here in anotner department of that World's Fair at Tyre, led on by EzeUel the prophet, wp find everything all ablaze with precious stones. Like petrified snow arc the corals: like fragments of fallen sky are the sapphires; and here is agate a-blush jjWith all colors. What is that aroma Swe inhale? It is from chests of cedar which we open, and find them filled with pall stvles of fabric But the aromatics in crease as we pass down this lane of enchant ment, and here are cassia and frankincense and balm. Led on by Ezekiel the prophet, we come to an agricultural fair with a dis- ipjayof wheat from Minnith and Pannag, rich as that oi our modern .Dakota or Michi igan. And here is a mmeralogical fair, with (specimens of iron and silver and tin and lead and gold. i But halt, for here is purple, Ty 'rian purple, all tints and shades, deep almost unto the black and bright almost unto the blue; waiting lor Kings and Queens to order it made into robes for coronation day; purple not like that which is now made trom the Orchilla weed, bnt the extinct purple, the lost pur ple, which the ancients knew how to make out of the gasteropod mollusks of the Medi terranean. EVERYTHING A LUXURY. Oh, look at those casks of wine from Hel ton! See those snow banks of wool from the back of sheep that once pastured in Silead. Oh, the bewildering riches and Fariety of that World's Fair at Tyre! But the world has copied these Bible men . tioned fairs in all succeeding ages, and it lis had its Louis the Sixth fair at Dagobert, md Henry the First fair on St. Bartholo . lew's day, and Hungarian fairs at Pestb, q md Easter fairs at Leipsic, and the Scotch Jains at Perth (bright was the day when I as at one of them), and alterward came the London world's lair, and the New York world's fair, and the Vienna world's fair, and the Parisian world's fair, and it has been decided that, in commemoration of the discovery of America in 1492, there shall be held in this country in 1892 a World's Fair that shall eclipse all preceding national ex positions. I say, God speed the movement! Surely the event commemorated is worthy of all the architecture, and music, and pyro- iccuuica, auu ciwiucukoiiu biupenuous plan ning, and monetary expenditure and Con gressional appropriations which the most sanguine Christian patriot has ever dream ed of. Was any voyage that the world ever heard of crowned with such an arrival as that of Columbus and his men? After they had been encouraged for the last few days by flight of land birds and floating branches of red berries, and while Columbus was down in the cabin studying the sea chart, Martin Pinzon, standing on deck and looking to the South westjcried: "Landl Land! Land!" And "Gloria in Excelsis" was sung in rain ing tears on all the three ships ot the expe dition. Most appropriate and patriotic and Christian will bea commemorative World's Fair in America in 1692. A. BELITTLING RIVALRY. Leaving to others the disenssion as to the site of such Exposition and I wonder not that some five or six of our cities are strug gling to have it, for it will give to any city to which it is assigned an impulse of pros perity for a bundled years 1 say, leaving to others the selection of the particular lo cality to be thus honored, I want to say 'some things from the point of Christian patriotism which onght to be said, and the -earlier the better, that we get thousands of people talking in the right direction, and that will make healthful public opinion. X )r. Ft I beg you to consider prayerfully whatI feel called upon of God as an American citizen and as a preacher of righteousness to utter. My first suggestion is that it is not wise, as certainly it is not Christian, to continue this wide and persistent attempt of Ameri can cities to belittle and depreciate other cities. It has been going on for years, but now the spirit seems to culminate in this discussion as to where the World's Fair shall be held, a style of disenssion which has a tendency to injure the success of the Fair as a great moral aud patriotic enter prise, after the locality has been decided upon. There is such a thing as healthful rivalry between cities, but you will bear me out in saying that there can be no good to come from the uncanny things said about each other by New York and Chicago, by Chicago and St Louis, by St. Paul and Minneapolis, by Tacoma and Seattle, and all through the States by almost every two proximate cities. All cities, like individu als, have their virtues and their vices. All our American cities SHOULB BE OUB EXULTATION. What churches! What public libraries! What asylums of mercy! What academies of music! What mighty men in law and medicine and art and scholarship! What schools and colleges and universities. What women radiant and gracious and an im provement on all the generations of women since Eve! What philanthropists who do not feel satisfied with their own charities until they get into the hundreds of thous ands and the millions! What "God's acres lor the dead, gardens of beauty ana palaces of marble for those who sleep the last sleep! Now stop your slander of Amer ican cities. Do you say they are the cen ters of crime and political corruption? Please admit the fact that they are centers of intelligence and generosity and the mightiest patrons of architecture and sculp ture and painting and music and reservoirs of religious influence for all the continent. It will be well for the country districts to cease talkinc arainst ihe cities, and it will be well for the city of one locality to stop talking against the cities of other localities. New York will not get the World's Fair by depreciating Chicago, and Chicago will not get the World's Fair by bombarding New York. Another suggestion concerning the coming exposition: let not the materialistic and monetary idea overpower the moral and re ligious. During that exposition, the first time in all their lives, there will be thou sands of people from other lands who will see a country WITHOUT A STATE RELIGION. Let us by an increased harmony among all denominations of religion, impress other nationalities, as ther come here that year, with the superior advantage of having all denominations equal in the sight of govern ment All the rulers and chief men of Europe belong to the state religion, what ever it may be. Although our last two Presidents have been Presbyterians, the previous one was an Episcopalian, and the two previous Methodists; and going further back in that line of Presidents, we find Mar tin Van Buren aDutch Reformed, and John yuincy Adams a Unitarian; and a mans religion in this country is neither hindrance nor advantage in the matter of political ele vation. All Europe needs that All the world needs that A man's religion is some thing between himself and his God, and it must not, directly or indirectly, be inter fered with. Furthermore, during that exposition, Christian civilization will confront barbar ism. We shall, as a nation, have a greater opportunity to make an evangelizing im pression upon foreign nationalities than would otherwise be afforded us in a quarter of a century. Let the churches of the city where the exposition is held be open every day, and prayers be offered and sermons preached and doxologies sung. In the less than three years between this and that world's convocation let us get a baptism ot the Holy Ghost, so that the six months of that World's Fair shall be 50 Pentecosts in one, and instead of 3,000 converted, as in the former Pentecost, hundreds of thousands will be converted. A BETTER OPPORTUNITY NOW. You must remember that the Pentecost mentioned in the Bible oreurred when there was no printing press, no books, no Christian pamphlets, no religious newspapers, and yet the influence was tremendous. How many nationalities were touched? The account says: "Parthians and MedesandEIamites," that is, people from the eastern countries; Jrhrygia and Jrampbylia, that is, the western countries; "Cyfene and strangers of Home, Cretes and Arabians, that is, the southern countries; but they were all moved by the miehty spectacle. Instead of the 16 or 18 tribes of people reported at that Pente cost, all the chief nations of Enrope and Asia, North and South America, will be represented at our World's Fair in 1892, and a Pentecost here and then would mean the salvation of the round world. But, you say, we may have at that fair the people of all lands and all the machinery for gospelization. the religious printing presses and the churches, but all that would not make a Pentecost; we must have God. Well, you can have Him. Has He not been graciously waiting? and nothing stands in the way but our own unbelief and indolence and sin. May God break down the barriers! The grandest opportunity for the evangel ization of all nations since Jesus Christ died on the cross will be the World's Exposition ofl892. God may take us out of the har vest field before that, but let it be known throughout Christendom that that year, be tween Mav and November, will be the mountain of Christian advantage, the Alpine and Himalayan height of opportunity over topping all others tor salvation. Instead of the slow process of having to send the gospel to other lands by our own American mis sionaries, who have difficult toil in acquir ing the foreign langugc and then must con tend with foreign prejudices, WHAT A GRAND THING to have able and influential foreigners con verted during their visit to America and then have them return to their native lands with the glorious tidings! Ob, for an over whelming work of grace for the year 1892, that work beginning in the autumn of 1889! Another opportunity, if our public men sec it, and it is the duty of pulpit and printing press to help them to see it, will be the calling at that time and place of a great peace congress for all nations. The conven tion of representatives from the Govern ments of North and South America, now at Washington, is only a type of what we may have on a vast and a worldwide scale at the International exposition of 1892. Bv one stroke the corgon of war might be slain and buried so deep that neither trumpet of human 'dispute nor'of archangel's blowinrfcould resurrect it. When the last Napoleon called such a congress of nations many did not respond, and those that did respond gathered wondering what tniD that wily destroyer of the French .Republic and the builder of a French Monarchy might spring on them. But what if the most popular Government on earth I mean the United States Government should practically say to all nations: On the American continent, in 1SB2. we will hold a World's Fair, and all nations will send to it specimens of their products, their manufactures and their arts, and we invite all the Governments of Enrope, Asia and Africa to send representa tives to a peaco convention that shall be held at the same time and place, and that shall es tablish an international arbitration commis sion to whom shall be referred all controver sies between nation and nation, tbelr decision to be final, and so all nations would be relieved from the expense of standing armies and naval equipment, ar having been made an everlast ing impossibility. TEULY COSMOPOLITAN. All the nations of the earth worth considera tion would come to it mighty men of England and Germany and France and Russia and all the other great nationalities, Bismarck who worships the Lord of Hosts, and Gladstone who worships the God of Peace, and Boulanger who worships himself. The fact .is that the nations are sick of drinking out of chalices made ont of human skulls and filled with blood. The United States Government Is the only Government in the world that could suc cessfully call snch a congress. Suppose France should call it Germany would not come: or Germany sbonld call It Franco would not come; or Russia should call it, Turkey would not come; or England should call it, nations long jealous of her overshadowing power in Europe would not come. America, In favor with all nationalities, standinp on t independent and alone. Is" the spot and 1892 will be the time. May it please the President of the United States, may it please the Secretary of State, may It oleace tuo Cabinet, mav It pleas the Senate and Hoose of Representatives, may It please the printing prases and tbo churches THE and the people who lift up and put down our American rulers! To them I make this timely and solemn and Christian appeal. Bo you not think people die fast enough without this wholesome butchery of war? Do you not think that we can trust to pneumonias and consumptions and apoplexies and palsies and yellow fevers and Asiatic choleras the work ot killing them fast enough? Do you not think that the greedy, wide open jaws of the grave ought to be satisfied if filled by natural causes with hundreds of thousands ii corpses a year? WAR'S LAST GLORY GONE. Bo you not think we can do something better with men than to dash their life out against casements or blow them into fragments by tor pedoes or send them out into the world where they need all their faculties, footless, armless, eyeless? Bo you not think that women,mlgbt be appointed to an easier place than the edge of a gravo trench to wring their pale hands and weep out their eyesight in widowhood and childlessness? Why, the last glory has gone out of war. There was a time when it demanded that quality which we all admire namely, courage lor a man bad to stand at tho hilt of bis sword when the point pierced the foe, and while he was slaying another the other might slay him; or it was bayonet charge. But now it is cool and deliberate murder, and clear out at sea a bombshell can be hnrled miles away into a city, or while thousands of private soldiers, who have no interest in the contest, for they were conscripted, are losing their lives, their general may sit smoking Hne of the best Havana cigars after a dinner of quail on toast It may be well enough for graduating students of colleges on commencement day to orate about the poetry of war, but do not talk about the poetry of war to the men of the Federal or Confederate armies who were at the front or to some of us who. as members of the Christian commission, saw the ghastly hospitals at Antie- um ana uagerstown. An: you may worsnip the Lord of Hosts, I worship the "God of Peace, who brought again from tbo dead our Lord Jesus Christ that great Shepherd of the sheep." " War is an accursed monster and it was born In the lowest cavern ot perdition, and 1 pray that it may speedily descend to the place from which it arose, its last sword and shield and musket rattling on the bottom of the red hot marl of hell. -Let there be called A PEACE CONTENTION for 1892, with delegates sent by all the decent governments of Christendom, and while they are in session, If you should some night go ont and look into the sky above the Exposition buildings, you may find that the old gallery of crystal, that was taken down after the Bethle hem anthem of 18 centuries ago was sung out is rebuilt again in the clouds, and the same an gelic singers arc returned with the same li brettos of light to chant "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will to men." Again, I suggest in regard to tho World's Fair that while appropriate places are pre pared for all foreign exhibits, we make no room for the Importation of foreign vices. America has enough of its own, and we need no new Installments of that kind. A world's fair will bring all kinds of people, good and bad. The good we must prepare to welcome, the bad we must prepare to shun. The attempt will again be made in 1892, as in 1876, to break up our American Sabbaths. That attempt was made at the Philadelphia Centennial, but was defeated. The American Sabbath is tho best kept Sabbath on earth. We do not want it broken down, and substituted in the place, thereof the Brussels Sabbath, the Vienna Sab bath, tlie St Petersburg Sabbath or any ot the foreign Sabbaths, which are no Sabbaths at all. 1 think the Lord is more than generous in asking only 52 days out of the 363 lor his serv ice. You let the Sabbath go and with it will go your Bible, and after that your liberties, and your children or your grandchildren will be here in America under a despotism as bad as in those lands where they turn the Lord's Day into wassail and frolic atwo " DOWN UPON BLUE BLOODED VICE. Among those who come there will be, as at other expositions, lordly people who will bring their vices with them. Among the dukes and duchesses and princes and princesses of other lands are some of the best men and women of all the earth. Remember Earle of Kintore, Lord Cairns and Lord Snaftsbury. But there is a:snobbery and fiunkeyism in American society.that rnns after a grandee, a duke, a lord or a prince, though he may be a walking lazaretto and his breath a plague. It makes the fortune of some of our queens of society to dance one cotillion with one of these princely lepers. Some people cannot get their hat otf quick enough when they see such a foreign lord approaching, and they do not care for the mire into which they drop their knees as they bow to worship. Let no splendor of "pedigree or any pomp and paraphernalia of circum stance make him attractive. There is only one set of Ten Commandments that I ever heard of, and no class ot men or women in all the world are excused from obedience to those laws written by finger ot lightning on the granite surface of Mount Sinai. Surely we have enough American vices without making any drafts upon European vice for IS92, By this sermon I would have the nation made aware of its opportunity and get ready to improve It and of some perils and get ready to combat them. I rejoice to believe that the advantages will overtop everything in that "world's fair. What an Introduction to each other of communities, of states, of republics, of empires, of zones, of hemispheres! What doors of information will be swung wide open for the boys and girls now on the threshold! ADVANTAGES BEYOND CONCEPTION. What national and International educatlonl What crowning of Industry with shoaves of grain, and what Imperial robing of her with embroidered fabrics! What scientific ap paratus! What telescopes for the infinitude above and microscopes for the infinitude be neath, and instruments to pnt nature to the torture until she tells her last secret! What a display of the munificence of the God who has grown enough wheat to make a loaf of good bread largo enough for the human race, and enough cotton to stocking every foot and enough timber to shelter every head, making it manifest that it is not God's fault, but i LEATEOTNG POWER Of the various BoMng Powders illus trated from actual tests. H0YAL. (Pure) i Grant' (Alum) ...a Stanford's (fresh). Hanfbtd'8 (when fresh) . Charm (Alum Powder) ..I Davis and 0. K. (Alum) I Cleveland's Pioneer (San Francisco) . Dr. Price's Snow Flake (Grocrs) ... Congress Eecier's Gillet's. Harford's (None Such), when not fresh Pearl (Andrews & Co.) Eumford'S (Phosphate), when not fresh Eeports of Government Chemists. "The Eoyal Baking Powder is composed of pure and wholesome Ingredients. It does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious sub stances. Epwaud G. Love, Ph. D." "Tho Royal Baking Powder is mndonbtedly the purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. HESRrA.MOTr.M.DPh.D." "Tho Royal Baking Powder Is purest In quality and highest in strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge. " WM. MCMtTETBIE, Ph. D." All Alum BaUng Powders, no matter how high their strength, are to be avoided as dangerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas too lreely, or nader climatic changes suffer deterioration. Oc3-lu-JlWFSU SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSFHITES of Lime and Soda is endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians because both the Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphltes are the recognized agents in the cure ot Consumption. It is as palatable as milk. Scott's Emulsiin & is a uxmdcrful eiexh Prodttcrr. Zt it the Dot Remedy tor CONSUMPTION, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wasting- Dis eases, Chronic Coughs and Colds. Ask tor Scott's Emulsion and take no other. oefrnS-XYrrau PITTSBURG DISPATCH;' either man's oppression or Indolence or dlssl- patlon u there do any witnouc snppiy. TTnrtpr thn arr.hea of the chief building Of fct A-rnnaltlnn Iptnanttal and Labor, too lone I r, ,. ,.- T-. .j .-.. !-, ,., Lestrangea, at jbsi uo xnaixieu, eauu iis f hand of each in pledge of eternal fidelity. while representations oi an nations nuiuu round rejoicing at the nuptials, and saying: "What God hath joined together let not man put asunder." Then shall the threnody oi the needle woman no longer be heard: Work, work, work I Till the brain begins to swim: "Work, work, work! Till the eyes are heavy and dim. Seam and gusset and band. Hand and gusset aud seam. Till over the buttons I fall asleep, And sew tuein on In a dream. . BETTER BE PREPARED. O, Christian Amerlcal Make ready for the grandest exposition ever seen undor the sunl Have Bibles enough bound. Have churches enough established. Have scientific halls enough endowed. Have printing presses enough set up. Have revivals of religion enough In full blast. 1 believe you will. "Ho sanua to the Son of David! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord!" Through the harsh voices of our day A low. sweet prelude finds Its way: Through clouds of doubt and creeds of fear A light Is breaking calm and clear. That song oflovc, now low and far. Ere I6ng shall sw ell from star to star; That lleht. the breaking day, which tips The golden spired Apocalypse! Among the places at which Dr. Talmage will probably preach during his extended trip are Rome, Jerusalem. Nazareth, Bethlehem, Beth any, Samaria, Joppa, Athens and Corinth, and Mr. Louis Klopscb, the reverend gentleman's press agent has perfected such arrangements as will enable him to promptly and regularly report this exceedingly Interesting series of discourses for tho columns of this paper. FOR HEADACHE Use Uorsford'a Acid Phosphate. Dr. L R. Sanford, Sheffield, Mass., says: "Most excellent in derangements of the nerv ous system, such as headache and sleepless ness." Some Give Christmas Presents, Others a free lunch and a shave, with each dozen cabinets, but Yeager & Co. only give one dozen good cabinets of anybody for 75 cents, at 70 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. A Fnll Assortment of Dnnlap's celebrated hats always at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s. D Clonk Department. In this morning, more "directoire capes" in black, blue, green, tan and mode cloths. Also, in astracbau, Persian lamb, plush, seal, mink, sable, far cloth, $5 to 58; fur capes, 560 down. Campbell & Dick, Fifth avenue. The exhibitiou will b e permanent of high grade wares at popular prices in the china store of "W. P. Greer, 622 Penn avenue. ' MWJf Cheap Pliotosraph" Must Go Because of the fine work made at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg, at lowest prices. , Photographers Astonished and Mad At Yeager & Co., 70 Federal street, Alle gheny, because they make fine cabinets lor 75 cents per dozen. They can't compete, as these cabinets will not fade. Bring the little ones. Come early. v A Foil Assortment of Dunlap's celebrated hats always at C, Smiley & Co.'s. , A. D Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, are gaining in popularity in their new photo parlors by low prices, good work and prompt deliveries. Cabinets $1 a dozen. Monday Mornlnc. October 7. Silk site! Silk sale! Remnants of silks below cost Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. Frauenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. S2, S3 30 and S3 Hats- In All The latest shapes at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s. A Iilfe-HIze Crayon for S3, Also one doz. cabinets of anybody for $1, at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 616 Market st, Pittsburg. Bring baby. Use elevator. D rAmTrnVM 'Cured vhv i - n !' ..Cf vvl ' 8 EM33iaU Wll-flf BAWD'MD JHEUHAS-MflBElEREil JOHNFLOOKER & CO., MATJUFACTUKEKS OF Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOB RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines. Chalk Lines, Night Lines. Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc. WORKS East street, Allechenv Cltv, Pa. OFFICE AND SALESROOM S Water St. ttsbure. Telephone No. 1370. myS-lTWS D ATEHTS. -- O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents, 311 Fifth avenne, above Smith lleld. nextLeader o-- '. (No delay.) Established 20 years. 8015-60 t RAILROAD. "OAIriMOKK AND .OHIO ItAII.KOAII XJ I Schedule In effect Mav 12, 1SS9. For Washing. ion. l. j.. iuitunore, ruiiaaeipnia and Ntir York. "8i00 a. m., and 90 p. la. For Cum berland, 8rtX) a. m., tPfO, "9.20 p. m. For Con liellsvlllc, tS:40 and "8.00 a. id.. 1:0c. 4:0C and 9:20 p. m. For Unlontown, $6:40, "8.00 a. m.. ?1 :00 aud ;4:00 p. m. For Mount Fleasant, tS:4Q and 8:00 a. m.. and tl.-OD and t4:00 p. m. For Washington. Fa , :45. 9:40 a. m "3:35, tt:W and "s-Sup. m. For Wheeling, "G.45, $9: a. m.. 3:85, "8:30p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. "6:45a.m.. "8.30p.m. ForColumbus. "G:J3andO:lC a. m "8:30 p. m. ForMewark. "6:43, $9:40 a. m "3-35, "8:30 p. in. For Chlcaeo, "6:45. $9:40 a. m., "3:35 and 8:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, "6:Mn. m. and "8.50 p. m. From Columbus, Cin cinnati and Chicago. "7:45 a. m. and "9:00 p. in. From Wheeling, "7:15, "10:50 a. m, t5:00, "9.00 p. in. Through bleeping cars to Baltimore, wash ingtoaand Cincinnati. wheeling accommodation. 8:30 a. m., Sunday only. ConncUsvllle accommodation at S8:35 a. tn. "Bally. tDally except Sundar- SSundayonly. The Pittsburg Transier Compauy will call for and check baggage from hotils and residence! nnon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, cornet Fifth avenne and Wood street. CHAd. o. SCULL, Ucn. Ful. Agt. J.T.OUKLL. Oen. 11 gr. PmSBUKO AND CASTLE SHANNON K. It. Slimmer Time Table. On and after May 1, 1S89, nntll further notice, trains will ranaarollows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving l'UUbnrg 6:3) a. m., 7:10 a. m., 8.1X1 a.m., 9:3b a. m.. 11:30a. m.. 1:40 p. m 3:40 p. m., 5:10 p. m.. 8:60 p. m., 6:30 p. m., 9:30p.m., 11:30 p.m. Arllua:ton-t:40 a. m., 6:20a. m., 7:10 a. in., 8:00 a. m., 10:20 a. m., 1:00 p. m 2:40 p.m., 4:20 p. m 5110 p. m 5:90 l. in., 7:10 p. m 10:3t p.m. Sunday trains, leaving l'ltlsburs 10a.m.. 12:50 p. Tn.. 2.30 p. in., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. to., 9:30 p. m Arlington 'J:U a. m., 12 m 1:50 p. m 39 p. m. 8:30 p. m- 8:00 p. m. JOHN JABN. Snpt. A LLEGHENY VALLEY BAILUOAD Xi-,1 Trains leave Union station (Eastern Standard limeii Klttamrlnff Ac. 6:55 a. m.: KlaearaEx.. dally. 8:45 a. m.; Helton Ac, 10:10 a. m. ; Valley Camp AC, :;-Sp. m.: Oil City and Dubois Ex-preS3,3.-W p.m. ; Hultcn Ac 3 :00p.m. : Kittannlng Ac., 4:00j.m.t.Uraetram'Ex., Klttasn Ins Ac. o M p. m.: llraebnm Ae..60n.m.: Hul- ton Ac, 450 p. tn.; Buffalo Ex., dally. .4 ilHI iulton Ac, 9:45 p,m.:iiraeburn Ac,, ircn trains jjraeouni, iz:jp,jsu l'nllman Bleeping Cars between Pittsburg and Hnn-lln JAR. 1 ANDF. TRADE FSlsSIIIMARIC , fHrti .tt?i 'VUMUTlv. ff. AllW w$ " U.X. Aft 1. 1 uAviu saouAHou. own m MOITO&f - 00T0BERJ7, THE ELI'Xik-OF'riFE! j s What Prominent New York Doctor hit to Say upon the Subject which is Attracting o much Attention. "Do you believe In the Elixir of Life?" I asked of a prominent NewYorfc physician, recently, The, doctor thought a,moment, carefully, nnd saldt "Certainly I do,.but not In the way In which Doctors JJrown-Sequard or Hammond have been describing It All that has beea said In the press of the land for the past months proves that something Is needed to assist and tustaln the vlUl and often falling forces or life, but Mature never intended the human body for injections, and they arc always Injurious becausernnnatural." "But is It not often done. Doctor?" ' "I am sorry to say It Is. Morphine Injections are far too common, and they are the great cause of that fearful living death known as the opium habit There Is but one way to properly reach or sustain the vitality and life, and that is through the stomach, and there Is no discovery of modern times which, if rightly used, does this so thor oughly, keeps back disease and prolongs life, as pure whiskey. Mind you, I say pure whiskey, for all else Is injurious. The effects of a pure article like Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey are practically those of an 'elixir of life. It tones up and strengthens the system, wltbont Injurious reac tion or without the formation of any habit. It tends to renew life In the aged and restore It to those In middle Hie. For women especially, who are weak, languid or suffering as most women are, it Is almout invaluable. All physicians learn these things from their practice, and canuot but be believers In a true and sensible 'elixir or life like this pure article of which I have been speak ing." The Doctor himself seemed to be a good example of the truths he advanced, for his strong frame and clear eye showed him to be in perfect health, and I left blm much impressed by the clearness, truthandcommonsenseofhlsstatements. oc7 DR. SHAFER. The success that is attending the physicians of the Pblypathlc Institute in the treatment of all forms of kidney and urinary diseases Is truly wonderfni. Among the many patients who have been cured and have given testimonials for publication, are Mr. H. Robertson, kidney disease and dropsy; Mr. A Schermerhorn. who had severe hemorrhages and lost three quarts of blood at one time; Mr. J. V. .Smith, whose disease caused him to be in constant fear of becoming insane: a lady who had a tumor, measured five feet around her ab domen, and bad been unable to lie- down for over three months, received an operation and over SO quarts (60 pounds) of dropsical fluid was taken from her; Mr. Hobry Walter, rheumatism of many years standing. The complication of diseases that aro the outcome of diseased condition of the kidneys is really alarming. If you have weakness or pain across the small of the back, tired feeling, with lack of ambition, scanty or copi ous flow of urine, with pain in voiding it, with a red or whitish sediment, a pale, sallow or waxy skin, or pain in different parts of the body, you have symptoms pointing unmistakably to a diseased condition of the kidneys, and you should lose no time in con sulting some one who makes a specialty of your disease. Br. Shaf er and his medical associates give especial attention to this class of diseases. Consultation free and price of treatment within the reach ot all. Remember the Folypathic Medical Institute is permanently located at Pittsburg, 420 Penn avanue. Office hours, 10 A. M. tolP. M.,andC to8P. K. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. M. SOH-D JJEECHANT & CO., importers and deal ers in roofing plates, sheet copper, sheet brass, 'etc.. New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, are issning to the trade a neat little illustrated descriptive pamphlet of 24 pages, entitled "A Tin Boor," descriptive ot the manufacture, sizes, thicknesses, weights and brands of the various kinds of tin plate used in roofing buildings. The treatise fully describes the kinds of tin roofs, how to put tin together, and the special advan tages of standing seam roof, the allowances for a greater amonnt of expansion and con traction over that of the 'flat seam. Also treats of the gutters, fire walls, soldering, painting, suggestions, as builders' and car penters' specifications, etc. This little work has already entered upon its fourth edition, evidencing the fact of its merit, and the favor which it has met at the hands of the trade. These will be mailed on application to the head office or any of its branches. Industrial World, September 8. OC7-83-MWP PROPERTY OWNERS DOUGLAS fcMACKIE Haven't time to particularize, but would ask your perusal of following bargains, which are merely samples of values, obtainable In every, department, throughout our mammoth stores. A most gorgeous array of lovely all-wool, 40-inch, striped and nlald dress coods. are marked to sell at 50c a yard, and they're wonderfully cheap. A beautiful display all-wool.silt striped and checked dress coods. will be offered to sell at 89c a yard, they're worth 60c at least. ' We've got an elecant range of Ladies' Cloth, 54 inches wide, in all the newest and prettiest shades at 50c ayard and you wouldn't grudge 75c for them anywhere ilPES1AIf7VERYTE'onr real'y extra numbers of 48-lnch all-wool Black Henrietta Cloths. JjJJl be LPffered for your inspection at 50c, 75c, 87c and Jl yard, and they're certainly worth from And we've eot a most wonderful line in Rich yard, unmatcbable nnder $1 25. . -.AIirTE?H.IJSCTTETe.ryJ,,?wn ".'y1?;. conceDtlon an'd design in fashion, wear and ma terial, in Ladies. Misses' and Children's Cloaks. Wraps, eta. Blankets, Flannels, Comforts. Hosiery. Underwear, eta, eta, ALL AT OUR EVER-POPULAR, REMARKABLY LOW 151 and 153 FEDERAL FURNITURE AND CARPETS GRANDEST VARIETY! BEST QUALITIES! r NEWEST STYLES! KERCH'S Oasli axi-cL CozecLLb House, 923 and 925 Penn avenue,, near Ninth street. mm THE D-w kadeom-yby in the yy uhlu Geo.A.Macbeth&Co.Pittsburgh,Pa. 1889; ' IfEW APTEKTiaBacteTS. ' f !lSN"T IT.'ABpTJT,TIME' T.QTHINK.OF A CHANGE OF; CLOTHING? , Wo are ready for, yon -with, a stock that's simply immense. Mere .cold type cannot, dolt justice. .You'll more than appreciate when 'you see it you'll leave your order. That is why we address you. Our Black and Blue Cheviots, Tweeds and Cassimeres are without exception the finest in America. These cloths were specially gotten up for the fashionable D. B. Back Bolt which we make to order for $20. 4cc$j rmor 313 SMlTHi'IHLD STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. Samples and self measurement rules mailed on application. oc7-HTh YOU WONDER! THEY ALL WONDER! -AT THOSE- Wonderful ShoeBargains Now Opening in Latest Styles of Fall and Win ter BOOTS and SHOES. Youth's heavy sole tip Button at ?i oo Boys' heavy sole tip Bals x oo misses neayy sole sewed .Button x oo Ladles' sewed grain Button I oo Ladies' cloth flannel lined foxed bals x oo Ladies' bright dongola kid Button i 35 i as i oo I 35 i 75 a oo Gents' tap sole Up Bals Heavy sole Youth's Boots at Heavy sole Boots for Boys at Men's good heavy sole Boots at And a fine calf Boot at COME AND SEE THE EXPOSITION IN BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS G.D.SIMEN'S 78 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Corner of Sandnsty street. se25-MW ANCHOR REMEDY COMPNY, 829 LIBERTY STREET, Anchor specialties. Rheumatic Catarrh Remedy, Remedy, KIDNEY REMEDY, - Dyspepsia Remedy, Beer, Wine and Iron, Beef, Wine Iron and Cocoa. Cod Liver OIL Barsanarllla- Pills. Liniment, and extra larze strength ening plasters. We have thousands of testi monials from people who nave used the ANCHOR REMEDIES and all commend them as being the best prep arations in the market. We guarantee satis faction in all cases where the directions are carefully followed. sel8-MWT Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KOBNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. SO Fifth avenne, near Wood street Telephone No. 168a. selS-nsu BTflAIIFD MTOC! Tn,s season's catch of BLUAlM KLuOU Bloater Mess Mackerel MACKEREL, 3astrece,TetL GEOT K. STEVENSON & CO.. SIXTH AVENUE. jaU-69-HW Blact n, n.n uiih uww.Mj.iiih STREET, ALLEGHENY. oc7-irwy LOWEST PRICES! EASIEST TERMS! BEST TREATMENT! e23-5TW LAMP W Liver rST IH MNEY5 iiTAnrn I NEW AWCHTMCWCtrra, BUSINESS BOOMING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ' -A.T- KAUFMANNS' .This is the laconic message we friends and patrons. ? , Ever since the cool weather has set in we have beea crowded crowded in .our Clothing Department, crowded, in our Cloak Depart-. ment,-crowded in our Hat and Furnishing Goods Department, crowded! in our Shoe Department, crowded ment crowded all over our store everyone of 'emtmying Fall and Winter Goods. "$ Verily, thoroughly reliable and low prices, never fail to draw crowds oi intelligent buyers. It has been a rather common remark of late that the miMfe dMa'tt' respond to newspaper announcements these days as they did some years . , ago. Well, they do, reader, when the advertisement is above a reputable ; firm's name. The truth of the matter is, the schoolmaster is abroad , the land, and the people are growing more and more intelligent day by' day, are Ies3 gullible than they used to be; consequently the crowds of buyers are found . at our house, because the goods at present prices demonstrate beyond a doubt that we are giving the people big value for ' their dollars. Men's and Boys' Fine Clothing. M" "llTJf. nTTTmfl SiDSle and Double-Breasted Sacks J 1 V VI I I'l'V Three and Four-Button Cutaway Frocks, I1V.1 .MIMA Prince I I II 111 II Ilia Toils limited only by the number of sew styles made; make, fit and trimming equal to the best custom work, prices the lowest consistent with the modern, ideas of merchandising1. ins Fill Overcoats range from $6 and colors. Prices finest qualities. indescribably large assortment o Well, you know ours always are lower MEN'S BOYS' YOUTHS' NT ' fflRR SHOES If there is one department in our house that more .than all others is increasing its trade it must be our popular Shoe Department? And this fact is attributable directly and only to our superior Solid Leather Shoe's and bottom prices. No footwear of trashy make or material finds shelf or counter room in our Shoe Department. We positively handle nothing but what will give absolute and entire satisfaction to the wearer. HANAN'S worn country. They can't be beaten for Ask for them. Try a pair. KAUFMANNS v Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street fl-STRANGERS, visiting the Exposition, don't fail to call and see our establishment RAILROAD. rEN-NSYlVANIA JUIL.KOAU OH AND after September H, 183D. trains leare Union Station, PlUsburjc u follows, Eastern Bundard Timet MAIN LINE EASTWARD. Hew York and Chicago Limited of tollman Ves tibule dallr at 7:13 a. m. Atlantic xnress dallr res dallr for tne East, 3.20 a.m. Mail train, dallr. eicept Sunday, 5iM a. m. Sno dar. malL 8:)a. m. Day express dallr at S.-C0 a. m. Mall mc I exDresa dallr at 1:00 d. m. riilladelphla express dally at:J0p. m. Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m. x ast iiiDB uaiiy at ouu p. m. GreensDurcexpresaouop. m. weekdays. Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days. All Ltttl ronrn tr "ifrook ffdonble ronrh trains connect at Jersey CHtwIBi feoatsof 'Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. x, i. !m InnfT'i trtr Kroaklrn. avoldlngdonbleferrlaxe and Journey througn ii. Y.Clty. Trains arrtra at Union Station as followsi Mall Train, dally smjl m. Western Express, dally TUSav-nu Pacific Express, dally 12:ijp. m. Chicago Limited Express, dally 80 p.m. Fasttrne. dally 11:55 p. in. SOUTMAVESr PENN KADVWA1. Tot Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8.3Sa. m. and4:28p. m.. without change of cars: 12.50 p. m connect ing at Oreensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m.. 12.20. 5.35 and 8:10 p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDERAL er. sTAflON, Allegheny City. Mali train, connecting for WalraTille... : a. m. Express, for illalrsTiDe, connecting for Butler ....! Jf-JP'- Butler Accra: 8:20 a. m- 2125 and 5:45 p. m. BnrlBgdaleAccom9HUa.m.3-ande:20p;ra. rreesort Aeeom 4:15. 8:30 and 11:40 pm. On Sunday , . .12:50 and gop. nu North Apollo Aecom Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Bnticr .S-?' Blalrsrllle Accommodation i---lS:,5- " TralnsarmS at FEDEKALaTKKErtfTATjONi Express, connecting from Butler 10a. m. Mail Train. ; ; P- BntlerAceom 9:10a. m., 4:40and7:20p. nu KUtMlllA AoAtnTnndatlon ........m9mSd. m. Freenort Accom.7:40a.m.. 1:25, 7)andnnip. m. On Sunday 10:10a. m- and 7:00 p.m. Sprlngdale Aeeom... .a7,lt:43a.m., 3.23,6:30 p. m. NorUiACollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 6:40s. m. MONONO AHEL.A ulVlSlOll. Trains leave Union station. Pliisoorg, as follows-. For Moaongahela Cltr, West Brownsvtlle and Unlontown. 10.40a.m. For Monongahela City and WestBrownsym&7:05nlM:W,l-m-n,14:)P.m. On Sunday, 3:01p. m. For Monongabela City, 6:49 p. m.. week days. Dravosburg Ac, week days, 1.20 p. m. West Elisabeth Accommodation, 8:3 a. nu 2:00, 6:20and 11.35p.m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenne and Try street and Union station. CHAS.E.PUOH, J.K.WOlfD. General Managex. Oen'l i'aas'r Agent. T-AN1IANDLE ROUTE--JULY 8. USSL UNION Jl station. Central Standard Tin-1, Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:35 awm., d 8-00 and d llilS p. m. Dennlson, 2:45 p. m. Chicago, 12:06, d llllS p. m. Wheeling, 7 JO a. m., UM, 6:10 p.m. BteubenviHe. 5:55 a. m. Washington. 5.65,8:35 a. m.,1, 3:30. 4:Hk4:55 p. m. Bulger, 10:B a-'m-i Bnrgettstown. 311:35 a.m 6:25 p, nu'Man. flelO, ,7:li 8:30. 1140 a. m.,r ltf5, 6:30. d 8:36: 10-.55 n. m7 ' McDonald, d 4:15, d 9:45 p. m. From the West, a 2:10, d6.0S a. m.. 846, dSlST p.m. 'Dennlson. 9:30 s-nu 8teubenvllle, 5:06p.m. Vbeelln7 10, S:a.m.. 346, 6:55 p.m. Bnrgetts town, 7:15a. nh, Washington.' :16,T, 8:40, 10:36 a."nu, 2:35, 6:46 p. m. Mansfield. 596, 8:30, linos, nu. 13:45. 3:55. M.-90 and 3 6:30 p. m. Bulger, l:40p. nu McDonald U 6:36 a. BL, d 149 n. m. Hi LA A'J'rl J Suadayoalyi otter trates exeat are able and pleased to send to osr . UM in our Merchant TailoriBg ' Depart j with people, intellieent people aaowy. stylish , goods, when, coapled with & Alberts. Chesterfields. Swallow,: Planiol t..m.) .f. ir , i.hA in Prince Charles styles, if front styles, English Sack styles, Box styles, etc,iia.a" dashing, superb and briUiamt array of patterns, shades to $12 for good to 15 to 30 for Kilt Suits, Short-Pant Suits up to size 16, Jersey and Stock inette Suits, Long-Pant Suits, and Overcoats for Boys of all ages are to be found herein an new and desirable styles. Prices than others. LADIES' MISSES' CHILDREN'S Men's Fine Dress Shoes, for which we aa exclusive agents in Allegheny county, are by tne best classes or people in the ' comfort, shapeliness and durability. OC7-D KA1XKOADS. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LINES . Sept. 22. 18891. Central Standard Time. TRAIN DfiPAKT As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7M a. m., d 12:20. dl:0Q, d7:4i except Saturday; UO p.m.: Toledo. 7:23a. m d 12:20. d 1:00 and except Saturday. 11:20 p. m.; Crestline. 8:46 a. m.: Cleve land, 6:10 a. mn 12:46 and d 11 KB p.m. and 7:2 a. m., vis 1, F. W. A C. Ky.: New Gastto and xoungstown. 746 a, m.. liae. J:S p. m.: Youngstown and Nlles, d 12:30 p. m.r MeadrKle, Erie and Ashtabula, 7:88 a. m., 12:20 p. m.( Nile and Jamestown, 1:4 p. m.:MaasUlon. 4:10 p.m.: Wheeling tnd Bellalre. 6:10a. m., 13:46, l:J0p. m.: Beaver Falls. 4KB. 5:05 p. nu, Beaver Falls. 88:39 a. oi. Jjccbsuaic buu a. nu ALLEOHJMY-Boflhestei. M0 s. a.) Bearer Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 1:00 p. m.; Leeta dale, 10.-OQ. 11:45 a. m., 2.-C0, 4:30, 4:46. ItiB, 7030. 9:99 p. m.; Conway. 10 JO p.m.; Fair Oaks, a 11:49 a. m. : Leetsdale. 8 8:30 p. m. TRAINS AKK1VE Union station from Chicago. except Monday 1:50, d 6:00. d 635 a. m., d 6:50 p. m.; Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d6:36a.BU. t-M S. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: Youngstown and ew Castle. 9:10a.m., lfia, 6:50. is:!6p. m.:NUrs and Youngstown. d 6 JO p. m. Cleveland, d 5:50 a. m 2:36, 7:00 p. nu: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9:09 a. m 2:26, 7:00 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, irZ, 10:15 p. m.: Masslllon, 10:09 a. m.: Nile ani Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Bearer Falls. TdO a. m 1:10 p.m.. Beaver Falls, 8 tat p. m.; Leetsdale, J0i4O"p. m. ARRIVE ALLEGHCNY-From Enon, 80 a. m.: Conway. 6:50; Rochester. 9:40 a. nu: Beaver Fails, 7:10 a. m 5:45 p. m.: Leetsdale, 8:30, 6:15, 7:46 a. m.. 12:00. 1:45, J3l0. 6:30, 940 p. m.: Fair Oaka. 8 R'JA a. m. t .Mtul!. AK4t m . Mftrr 'Falls. 3 3:15 p.m. a, Dimaw omy: a, aauyt otner trams, except Sunday. fe29 PrrrsBUBo add lake ebie railroad GOMPANY-Sehedule in effect June 2, 13891. Central time. DxrasT ror Cleveland. 540. 840 a. m., 1:35, 4:10, -9: Jo p. m. For Cincinnati. Chi cago and. St. Louts. 3:00a. m "3:36, ,9:30p. m. For Buffalo. 840a. nu. 4:19, "9.30j. m. For Sala manca, "3:00a. m.. 4:p. nu For Youngstown and New Castle S.-OO, 880, 30:15 a. m., 'lOH. 4:10, 9:30 p. m. For Beaver Falls, 44a 80, 8J0, 10:1S a. m.. '1:35. 1:3a 4:18. 6:B. SOp. m? For 8 06, 8:30, 8:25. 10:15 a. m.. 1246. 12lS 1:40. 3:30, 14:30. 4150 'SaB. 6:16, "8166, 5.X p. ml Abbivx From Cleveland. sd9 a. m., '12:30, :i- J?'5 'i Bi m- "roB Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis. 1 2:3a 7:55 p. m. Frcm Buffalo, """Jir JFu'"1,:tft ' J- T"m Salamanca- "12:30. 7Ap. m. From Youngstown and New Castle. ndO, 9:30 a. m., '12:30. 5:36V "7:55 9:4op. m. From Beaver rails, gas. "6:30, JOB, 9:29 a AY. trains from Mansffeld. 8-J0 a' nu, 3:30, 4:50 p. m, For Essen and Beechmont, 8.30 a. 5,v.1.'.30 Pi UY. trains from Mans field, Essen and Beechmont, 748 a. m., 11:53 a, m. x. McK. AY. H. K.-DPABT-ForNew Haven. ! . "" iT:'P " 'or " e" Newton, -a- iuiws.inM :Jt o:ii .m. ABSIYX-From New Haven, t"7:50 a. nu, "540 p. m. From West New ton, 6:15, 7:W a. nuf 1:26; "540 p. m. For Me- ii,.. :duh o:i n. Aeespon, anaabeth and Monongahela City, sw !2$?rni-i "l:a8. 5:t6pm. From Monongahela City, jaixabeth and McKeesport, "7:50 a. m.. 15. "540p. Bl. "Dally. ISnnday sonly. 2 Will run one hour late on Sunday. I will ran two hours late oa Sundiy.iUty, ticket ofice. 0l Smltbneld street. I-1TSBUH9 AND WESTERN RAILWAY; . .i rasas (-i Kan. a time) Leave; Arrlve- :.. Akron. ToledoKane 6:40 a m j.-oo'a ml 7J7p m s-eop ra accom&Daiyfla i... ago Extra fdallru -... 12:40 J ml n jo a m ' CaHe AeeoBsaodaKoB. -: n oil 740 p m ad rtissrrAc. 5:30 p' ml 5:89 a mi fare te (JUeace. W S9. Svcead l oar M W jsrBi balKnv.'?' 1 VJJ 9 , & $ lvfc sv- Ur.'a& w