ISSli Kfsasgg .IfWTJRW J?" 2 , r 'a-S- T THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1889.. FIGTJKIM THE VOTE. Eepublican State Chairman Conger Says Foraker Will Win. THUEMAU OPPOSED TO CAMPBELL lie Denies That Ho Was in Pittsburg After Campaign Boodle. CHICAGO IS FATOEED FOE THE FAIR Coionel A. L. Conger, of Akron, has teen a guest at the Jlonongahela House for a few days. He has been consorting mys teriously with Pittsburg politicians and moneyed men who desire to see Governor Foraker "get there." Colonel Conger figures in the bitter Ohio fight as Chairman of the State Bepublican Executive Commit tee, and is also Ohio's member of the Na tional Republican Committee. He was joined by his wile yesterday, and left for Washington on the limited last evening. Colonel Conger is a veteran politician, and his views of the Ohio situation will prove of general interest. Prior to his departure for the Masonic Mecca he said to a DISPATCH representative: "There is not the slightest doubt in my mind as to how the Ohio Gubernatorial con test will end. Foraker will be elected and by a large majority. I am the more certain of the result for the reason that Campbell is on the ticket against Foraker. I shall be very curious to know how Campbell will excuse his connection with the 'ballot-box stuffing' episode of some years back, when dealing with the politics of his party, as he must during the campaign. His principal supporters are among those who were con. cerned with him at the time I allude to, and with their support alone he has not the smallest chance. The only hope for the Democrats is in his withdrawing his name from the ticket, for the higher-toned and more respectable members of the party (as, for example, theThurmanites) are altogether antagonistic to him. This means a split in the ranks of onr opponents, of which we shall, ot course, take every advantage. "With regard to the fight for the Legislature, everything looks very encouraging. "We expect to win all along the line; we are entirely united, and look to the result with the greatest confidence. BIG GUNS TO OEATE. "Senator Sherman, Butterworth, Mc Kinley and half a dozen more strong speakers win enter tne right very shortly, and they may be depended upon to prove equal to the emergency." "Has your visit here anything to do with the acquisition of funds for the furtherance of the campaign?" "No, I am here to look after business matters; to close some deals for my metal interests. I know that Pittsburgers take a great interest in Ohio political affairs, and of course, if any funds were handed in for the purpose of the campaign, we should not reiusjLthem. 1 am not aware, however, that fljk- suggestions of this kind have been madeo party managers here. If so I should probably have heard of it, aid I am without information on that point You must not suppose that the campaign will be one of money. It may be a close campaign, but the fight will be won on its merits, and although money is required for necessary expenditure, such as in the distribution of documents, of which we are sending out very large quantities, the question of boodle will not enter into it FULLY INFOESIED UPOS ISSUES. "We are taking care that the people shall be rightly informed upon questions of the day, and with a proper representation of facts before them we nave no fear for the result" Mr. Conger had a word to say regarding the locality ot the World's Fair. He favors Chicogo, and in this connection said: "The question of its site, as you know, will be decided by Congress. While repre sentatives from the Eastern States and Philadelphia may favor New York, mem bers from Pittsburg and the Western States will cast their vote in favor of Chicago. For every reason that city should have the fair. The people have the money and the requisite push to carry through such an undertaking, tor an undertaking of large size it will be; they have the space, accommodations and railroad facilities, and are well situated. Visitors from across the water will be af forded an opportnnity of seeing the country, and there is the probability of their making the return tour through the Southern States, whose Representatives in Congress will no doubt be influenced by the possible increase in trade and traffic, and opening up of their country, to vote lor Chicago. I think that city will have the big show, and I hone so." Speaking of the steel trade, Mr. Conger sain mat prices wouia, ne inougnt, take an npward tendency. The outlook for trade was particularly good, and he feared that anyone who had not closed contracts by this would be badly left. Pro cress. It Is very important tn this age of vast ma terial progress that a remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy In its nature and effects. Possessing these qualities. Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. Heitbt Tebheydej,-, at the old estab lished jewelry house. No. 530 Smithfield st, is now opening for the fall trade a fine se lection of goods, consisting iu part of Mexi can onyx tables at $20, f22, 24, $26, S30, ?35, ?40, $50, 560. ' ' ' Onyx clocks, beautiful and accurate time keepers, from ?25to $60. Bronze figures, royal copper vases, tiiano lamps, the latest designs, very handsome. Bronze vases, bisque and royal Worcester; also, a choice stock of diamonds, watches and jewelry. The goods cannot be excelled, and he cannot be undersold. aivrsn HAHVEST EXCURSIONS. The Pennsylvania Lines Will Sell Cheap Ticket!. On October 8, 1889. the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg will sell excursion tickets, at one fare lor the round trip, to principal points in the Northwest, West, Southwest and South, good returning 30 days from date of sale. For full information apply to Samuel Moody, D. P. A., 1127 Liberty street The Black Silk We Have the Bargain Here Waiting for you to see be sure to come for them. JOS. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Horrible Slaughter! In high prices. The finest productions of the best known factories of Europe at ridicu lously low prices; call and be convinced of the truth of this assertion at the china store of W. P. Greer, C22 Penn avenue. itwt . ' C A. Smiley & Co.'s Special Stylei In gentlemen's hats are a great success. Call and see them. C. A. Smiley & Co., ' B 28 Fifth avenue. Monday, October 7. Silk remnants below cost Silk remnants below cost Black silk remnants below cost Colored silk remnants below cost Enable & Shustee, 35 Fifth ave. PmsBUBG Beef Co., wholesale agents for Swift's Dressed Beef, sold during the week ending October 5, 150 carcasses, aver age weight per carcass 611 pounds; average price per pound, 5.53c. 32, $2 SB and S3 Hats in All The latest shapes at C A. Smiley & Co.'s. D Don't miss this great opportunity of buy ing fine goods far Below the priceorcommon goods at the great closing ont sale at 612 jPcou ave. Special Nervous DIiemc. How little the average man knows and appreciates the snfferine entailed on woman. She may look the picture of health, fine complexion and in full flesh. In no dis ease, uncomplicated, are appearances so de ceptive ana it is for this reason her suffer ings are underrated. It is eminently a de ceptive disease. The chief agent of this de ception is the great sympathetic nerve. Pains, as a rule, are felt at the extremity or nerve terminations. The result is burning on back and top of the head, soreness, a feeling of weight or pressure, and throb bing; a sensation as though the back would break in two; dragging sensations on stand ing or exertion; pain over heart; palpita tions; limbs feel like lead, and at times pain in the knee and instep; flushing, easily startled, and most excessively nervous; sinking or f"lling away called fainting spells and finally, in aggravated cases, confined to bed, and in other eases sleeplessness. Thousands of women are con stantly being treated for neuralgia, nervous prostration, spinal disease and paralysis, vainly, because the true seat of the trouble has been overlooked. Few women suffer from these troubles but that experience one or more of the above sensations. In appearance then such a case may be the picture of health, bnt in extent of suffering, language could not depict it too strongly, is such a disease common i said in a former Dispatch article that 20 per cent of adults suffer from dyspepsia. In this plague to the sex three-fourths are doomed to its tortures. It is alarmingly common. Imagine then the amount of suf fering entailed on women. This treatment is not only mild and most effective, but a point of equal importance it can be conducted as effectively by letter as in town. In other words, ladies can treat themselves. Dr. Moore has given this sub ject special attention for about 14 years. Female- Weakness, Itesaltlnc In Ncrvoai Prostration, Trented 11 Ycnra Ago. Good Intent, Washington Co., Pa. Dr. S. G. Moore, 54 Arch it, Allegheny, 1'a.i Kind Sik Eleven years ago I was so run down and prostrated by this disease, and having failed to obtain relief Irom some of the best doctors in this Co., I determined to consult you, having heard that you con fined yourself exclusively to the treatment of nervous and chronic diseases. In 1878, 11 years ago, as you will see by your case book, I applied to you, being at that time most thoroughly discouraged mentally and prostrated bodily. What can I say strong enough to express my gratitude as to the re sults? I followed your treatment nine months and obtained what I reared I never should regain health. It is only after the loss of it that one most fully appreciates health it is truly beyond price. It is now over 10 years since your treatment, and I have had no return ot that dreaded disease that so completely prostrated me. Dr. S. G. Moore has my heartfelt thanks and best wishes for his future success. JIes. Sophia Stout. Kerrom Prostration. Dr. S. U. Moore, M Arch st, Allegheny, Pa.: Deab Sik Five years ago I consulted you for the above ailments, from which I had been a great sufferer for over fonr years. Your treatment in mv case has been verv successful. That distressing aching and pain in my side, the weak spells and ex hausted feelings have left me and I may truthfully add that I have not felt so well for years. I can heartily recommend Dr. Moore, not only as being skillful in his spe cialty, chronic" diseases, but also as a kind Christian gentleman, and one worthy the confidence ot the afflicted. Mrs. Maet A. Shiga, 219 Liberty st, New CaBtle, Pa. The Far Business of This City Has grown 'wonderfully of late years and with this increase the honse of C. A. Smiley & Co. has kept well in advance. The pres ent season finds them busier than ever and their factory well filled with orders. A department is given over entirely to the repairing and refreshing of seal garments, and the successful manner in which it is done is talked about among ladies having work of the kind. There are no misfits, and complaints about the work are never heard. A sacque made over is sure to bring others and to this they attribute their great success. FOB NEW SEAL GARMENTS. They have said so much about the impos bility of buying made-up goods that here only a word is needed. STOCK S ACQTJES WON 'l FIT, as expensive articles like these ought to, and a garment made to order at this house is sure to, and the cost is likely to be a little less. LADIES, ASK YOUE FRIENDS about this fur establishment and you will go no other place to have your furs repaired or made over, and it you want a new sacque or wrap to get perfect fitting and positive sat isfaction try no other. C. A. Smiley & Co., Hatters and Furriers, S 28 Fifth avenue. Everett Piano Clnb. The piano this week will be delivered to certificate No. 140 held by "Wm. E. Hunt, 20 Mulberry st, Allegheny, on payments of (100 per week. Just think of it We are giving our club members a magnificent up right grand piano on these payments, and at the same time are saving them $75 00 in the price. It is not possible to sell this piano on any other plan less than $425 00; our members pay only $350 00. The club is not yet fall; we commenced delivering pianos before we promised in order to con vince the public that wc mean business, and are now sending out pianos every day. Do not wait longer, but send your application for membership at once. Onr plan provides for the immediate delivery of pianos to members who pay cash, or $25 cash and $10 monthly. "We want all expert judges to call and see the piano. Circulars tree. Alex. Boss, Manager, Mwsu 137 Federal st, Allegheny. Royal Kersey Overcoats. For to-day we will offer the imported Royal Kersey overcoats, medium weight, silt-faced Italian lining and satin sleeve linings, sixes from 33 to 48 breast measure; regulars, stouts, fats and extra sizes for ?13. We positively guarantee this coat sells at other stores for $25. Our price for to-day is $13. When you enter our store ask for the $13 overcoat. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court House. The Black Silks We Have the Bargains Here Waiting for you to see be,ure to come for them. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Ladles' Conncmnras In this morning, in black, gray, brown, blue, green, tan, mode. Also in fancy stripes, from $5 to $13 50. Campbell & Dick, Fifth avenue. Stetson's Renowned Hats Always to be had at C. A. Smiley & Co.'. Cheap Photographs Must Go Because of the fine work made at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg, at lowest prices. C A. Smiley & Co.'s Special Styles In gentlemen's hats area great success. Call and see them. C. A. Smiley & Co., D 28 Fifth avenue. Underwear! Underwear! See bargains at our store. Arable & Shustee, 35 Fifth ave. Feattenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. A E. unkenheimerj ARCHITECT, .M5 Smithfield street Pittsburg, Pa. Frelholts .Prettnd EulldlnE. second floor. mh24-S0-itwr J WDfjptaj advertisements one dollar per square Tor one insertion. Classified advertise ments on Vits page such at Wanted, lor Sale, To Let, efe, ten cents per line for each inter lion, and none taken or lett than fifty tents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of tha public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisement! are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts within DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5o9 Bntler street EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn are. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fnltonst N. bTOKELY. Filth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER &SHEIBLER,SthaT. ftAlwoodst EOCTIISIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. H. A.. DONALDbON. 1J07 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEBCHER, 59 Federal street H. J. McBRIDE, Market Uon-e, Allegheny. FBKD H. EGGEK3. 2 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. bTEVEKSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwlnaves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PESKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ayes. M1LLVALE- BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCK.EB, Stationer. M). 4 Grant aye. WANTED. Male Hcln. WANTEO-A GOOD BARBER. APPLY 2803 PENN AVE. OC7-13 WAhTED-40 LABORFRS. CORNER WYLIE ANDTDNNEL STREET. 0C7-12 WANTED-STONECUTTEKS AND LABOR ERS at Smithfield street bridge. J. FRI DAY. ocG-112 TTANTED-I GOOD BUTCHERS IMMEDI VV AT ELY at No. 850 Main St., Braddock. JOSEPH L. EBNER. OcS-18 WANTED-A TINNER-STEADY WORK TO the right man. by THEODORE HAERTEL, 893 Beaver avenue, Allegheny. oc7-H WANTKD-r3 FIRST-CLAbS ENTERPRISING real estate salesmen; liberal commission. ALLES & BAILEY, 1H Fourth ave. Tel. 167. OC6-32 WANTED-10 OR 12 UNION PLASTERERS. Apply at KEYSTONE LAND CO.'S HOUSES, on Charles St., Allegheny, near Pleas ant Valley stables. oc7-8 WANTED-20 STONE MASONS AND STONE cutters. Apply at COR. WESTERN AVE. and FULTON 8T..orPlTT3BUEULOCOMOrlVE WORKS, Allegheny. ocS-39 WANTED COACHMAN, SINGLE MAN; must come weU recommended and roaice himself generally useful. Apply at 52 'WASH INGTON ST., Allegheny. oc6-19 TTTANTED-A LIVE BUSINESS MAN TO YV take charge of and manage the selling of a manufactured article In or out of Pittsburg. No. 118 KIR3T AVE., third Boor. oc7-15 -rrr anted salesman fob- teal's YV burglar-prooradJnstabledooKlock; sells at sight: large profits; apply after 9 A. u. AMER ICAN TRUST CO., 5M and H Smithfield st OC7-S1 WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to send their address and stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, BoxWJ, Clarksburg, W. Ya. selS-45 w ANTED-25 CASH BOY8; MUST BE brleht. Intelligent wide awake and over is years oi age: wages ft week. Apply Monday, 7:30 A. M, JOSEPH HVBJH& & i;u.. .renn ave. stores. OCS-95 WANTED-A MAN OK ENERGY LOCATED outside Urge cities, to represent an old established honse In his State: salarv about 875 per month: references. MANUFACTURER. Lock Box 1810, N. Y. OC7-4S-K WANTED-20 LABORERS FOR FACTORY, 50 laborers for pipeline, 100 railroad la borers, 10 wood choppers for Mississippi free fare: stone masons, stone cutters, coal miners, rarm and gardeners. In 640 Grant street. AUG. P. GEISLLR, General Agent oc7-24 -TTrANTKD-SA,:'ESMEN AT I75 ER MONTH YY salarrand expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full art!culars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D Female ITelD. -TT7-ANTED-23 GIRLS AT ONCE AT GAR W NIEK'S DRESSMAKING AND CUTTING SCHOOL, 31 Church avenue, Allegheny: we agree to teach the trade In three months, and then give each scholar a position at wages: scholars can do their family dressmaking while learning, free. Cutting and fitting taught at re duced rates next week only. oc6-150 Male and Female flelo. WANTED-50 MALE AND FEMALE AMA TEUR dramatic and specialty nerformers. Call at WONDERLAND MUSEUM, 27 Sixth St. OC6-157 T w ANTED -PANTRY MAN, YARD MAN, boy 16 to 18 rears, coachman, hotel cook. dishwasher, 3 dlnlngroom girls, cook and cham bermaid, 100 house girls. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant street ocl-D WANTED-KRENCH NURSE TO TAKE charge of two children, cooks, dining room girls, chambermaids, nurses, 100 Louseglrls, Ger man and colored girls, farm hands, drivers, man for dairy. MRS. K. THOMPSON, 608 Grant st oc7-HThS Situations. WANTED-A SITUATION AS WET NURSE. Inquire of MRS. JAMES SULLIVAN, No. 84 Pike st OC7-29 WANTED-S1TUATION BY FIRST-CLASS D. E. bookkeeper with exccUent references. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth aTe. 0C5-S7 WANTED-SITUATION BY A FIRST-CLASS gardener and florist: single man; under stands care of horses and cattle. Address G. W., Dispatch office. oG-39 WANTEO-POSITION FOR FIRST-CLASS female cook In country town: we also want a first-class cook In city, 2 chambermaids and 20 house girls. KIRK, 67 East Diamond, Allegheny. oc7-6 -TfTANTED A SITUATION AS A FIRST YV CLASS stationary engineer, and has bad experience In electric light plants and heating ap paratus: a good reference given. Address EN GINEER, Dispatch office. oc7-U Booms, Houses. Etc WANTED-FURNISHED ROOM, WITH OH without board, not far from Fifth avpnnn and Liberty street Adderess F. M. G., Dispatch nfflaa AnT.IJI office. oci-16 WANTED-ROOM-BY A SINGLE GENTLE MAN in Allegheny, wltbln five minutes' walk of Stockton and Federal streets: private family preferred. Address stating terms, W. H. P., Dispatch office ocs-14 Financial. WANTED-MORTGAGE3 ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M.000; 4W per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-r WANTED-MORTGAGES. IN LARGE OR small amounts, on city or suburban prop- ertles at lowest rates. Alexander SLHi, 213 Woodst 0C5-49-D WANTED-MOBTGAGiaS-ll.OOa, 000 TO LOAN In larre and Email amounts at 4k. o and 6 per cent free of State tax; no delay. REED B. COYLEft CO., 131 Fourth ave. myZWJ) -TTTANTED-TEMPORAHY LOAN S300; 8U YY burban real estate security; regular Inter est and bonus; principals only: no agents. DAL TON, 34 Church ave., Allegheny City. 0C6-149 w ANTED-TO LOAN 6350,000 ON MORT GAGES in amounts to snlt In city or coun try, at 4 to 6 per cent, as to security; no delay IA11UL Y. tJja,un. a wu,, w xourtn ave. lyM-ie-itThs TiTANTED-TO LOAN 1500,03a IN AMOUNTS YV of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on Hi per cent free or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK & BAIRD, 85 1 ourth avenue. sca-d26-D TIT ANTED MORTG AGES-p, 000, 000TO LOAN YY on city and suburban properties at 4K, 6and C per cent and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent 1. M. PENNOCK A bON, 105 Fourth avenne. ap7-f41 W ANTED-TO CORRESPOND WITH EAST ERN party of some means and large exper ience In negotiating coal lands; no better prop- ertles have ever been offered. Aauress r. j. BOX 390, Kansas City, mo. 0C6-84 TTTANTKD-TO 1.0AN 1200.000 ON MORT. YY GAGES; POO and npward at 6 per cent; (500,000 at H per cent on residences or business propeny; aiso iu bujuiuiuk FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenne. .Iso in adjoining counties. S. H. 0C31-eS4-D Miscellaneous. WANTED-PERSONS IX) KNOW THAT BY agreeing to pay II per week you can get possession of fine gold or silver watches, clocks, jewelry, diamonds, sliver ware, etc J. M1TBCH, 130 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa. sel2-jrwrsu WANTED-THE PEOPLE TO KaOWTHAT YKAGER CO..70 Federal st , Allegheny, will make cabinets of anybody during this month for 75c per dor.; bring the little ones; don't miss; No. 70 Federal st. These cabinets will not fade. ocl-fll-D ANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGKAFHEB, 86 Fifth avenne, Pittsburg, and Federal street Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-G3 -fTTANTED-CONTKACTORS IN BRICKWORK YV "anting bricklayers and journeymen brick layers wanting work can have their wants regis tered free of charge at the headgnaiters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIA TION, 98 Fourth ave., first floor, front office, opon nntll 8 r. u. Bat e30-S-rwrBa WANTED. nnscelloneona. Trr-AMTirnif Til BRING FALLEN VV apples suitable for elder vinegar to liOSee- unci ave. a. J. nun a vai. seI3-82-D WAMED-TO BUY OR HIRE JO GOOD horses and carts. Apply W. E. HOWLEY CO.. Woods' Knn. Allegheny. OC6-90 WANTED FARMERS WILL RECEIVE cash for apples suitable for apple butter at 168 and 170 Second ave. H. J. HEINZ CO. se28-82-D WANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for second-band furniture, carpets and household goods of all klnUl LUl PENN AVE NUE. au26-25-Mwp . W ANTED-TO SELL A GOOD BARBER shop, doing a good business. Apply at 275 FRANKSIOWN AVE. East End; proptletpr wants to quit business. oa-i W A NT ED -LADIES TO IE AVE THEIR nrian rnv r.ill anrf wlntdf (nettltTieS At uAlN NIEK'S DRESSMAKING EMPORIUM, 34 Church ave., Allegheny; a perfect fit guaranteed. ocS-151 W ANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one in the club at Si 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 501, and I will call and snow you the watch. JyS-40 WANTED-SOBER AND HONEST MEN TO sell umbrellas, albums, blankets and silver ware on payments In the city: good salaries paid to persevering men. UNIotf CREDIT CO.. 103 Fourth ave. oe3-93-MTWTT FOK SALE IMPHOVED REAL ESTATE. City BeHldeneea. FOR 8ALE-rCHATHAMST..2-STOEY BRICK dwelling. Grooms: also on rear of lot front ing on State aUey, 2 2-story frame dwellings, all renting atJ50 per year: prfce $4,500; lot 20x86 J. C. REILLYT77 Diamond st. ocS-123 FOK SALE-OR WILL TRADE FOK A 11UMK in East Liberty, a very desirable 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 9 rooms, with all modern Improvements, Penn ave.. near Thirty-third st J. O. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. ocg-13 FOK SALE-CLARK ST.. NEAR REED, ONE of the finest dwellings on tbe Hill, contain ing 10 rooms, with all conveniences, marble m in ters, fine chandeliers, etc.; houseperfect In every detail; lot 20x120 to street J. C. EEILLY, 77 Dia mond St. ocS-123 FOR SALE-ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM THE Court Honse a new complete brick house, 8 rooms, thoroughly Improved, on Locust near Mlltenbergerst; adesfrable location; price low and terms easy. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. oc8-51-MF OR SALE-A SMALL HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, hall, perches, water, etc , and large lot at Ingram station; board walk to the property; only 2 minutes' walk; price, only J2.610; small pay ments; Immediate possession. JAS.W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. 0C5-65-D FOR SALE-LOCUST ST., BETWEEN MAGEE and Chestnut streets, fine new brick dwelling of 7 rooms, bath room, marble mantels, cemented cellar, both gases. Inside shutters, sewered; house Just finished; possession at once: 13,600: cash 1.O00; balance to suit ALLES & BAILEY, 164 fourth ave. Tel. 167. oc5-27-MWTh8Su FOR SALE INVESTMENT PROPERTY ON S. S.;3 dwellings In first-class repair and rented to good tenants; pays 10 per cent at pres ent and by building three houses on rear will pay 15 per cent: lot 50x140; this Is a very desirable Sroperty, and can be bought right BALTEN PERGLR & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ae. 0C5-53-D East End Hcslaencea. FOR SALE IU750: MAHONE AVE. (PAVED), frame house of 6 rooms. In good repair: lot 24x100 to st BALTKNSFERGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. oc5-51D FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT 7-EOOM FRAME house, well situated, near cable line and steam cars. East Liberty station; lot 43x110; shade and fruit trees: only 14.000. See KELLY & ROGERS, No. 6315 Station street, East End. OC6-46 P I0R SALE-A FINELY FURNISHED 7-ROOM frame house, new: 1. w. c. bath, slate man tels, tile hearths, back and front porches, gas, etc.; lot 27x100, with shade trees; near East Ltb ertv station; will be sold low. See KELLY & ROGERS, No. 6315 Station street East End. or.6-46 FOK 8ALE-SUMMEHLEA bTREET. NEAR Elmer, a 2-story Queen Anno frame of 8 rooms and finished attic, batb, reception hall; all the latest Improvements: lot 44x161 to an alley: price verylow: only $7,000: a real bargain; you should see It. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 0C2-57-D FOR SALE-A NEAT RESIDENCE AND good lot near Shadyslde, 10 rooms, with bath, w. c. natural gas and other essential conveniences and everything in prime order: house almost new; wonld exchange fn part for a smaller property. JAS. W. DRAPE t CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. 0C5-65-D FOR SALE EAST END HOUSE AND LOT at a bargain on monthly payments: house almost new; 6 rooms, hall, attic, cellar, natural gas, water, etc , and good lot with side entrance; grlce, only 2,500: monthly payments; immense argaln. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. oc5-Cj-D OR SALE-A FIN E, LARGE EAST END RESI DENUE and amplified grounds, having for est foliage and environment of trees, copious flow of pure spring water, etc., etc ; residence is brick; rooms all large and luxurious; bath and lavatorial facilities; natural gas, furnace; cedar closet; everything in prime order throughout Particu lars and terms from J Ah W. DRAPE & CO., Agents, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. 0C5-65-D FORSALE-BELLEVUE P. FT.W. 4 C. K. R. Elegant modern residence, 14 rooms, wide hall, hard wood finish, large porches, hay win dows, bath and w. c. stationary washstands, fine mantels, electric bells, closets, pantry, laundry, furnace, cemented walks, cemented cellar, com plete stable and carriage house: lot 140x200; choice rrultand shrubbery; very attractive; near new electric road; will be sold cheap. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO. 99 Fourth ave. 0C5-84-D FOK SALE-A VERY FINE NEW RESI DENCE, with large lot In the East End, on one of the best avenues, near cable cars and R. R. ; 12 spacious rooms, with reception hall, batb, lava tory, natural gas, laundrj, furnace and all other of the more recent appliances; one of , the most complete residences In tbe East End, and tn a lo cation that cannot be excelled for beauty and comfort; will be sold on accommodating terms: immediate possession. Keys, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC5-65-D FOU 8AL E-OAKLAND, FOURTEENTH ward, a new 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing, 8 rooms, batb, w. c., hall, laundry, etc, slate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, fine chandeliers, both gases, city water and bouse wired for electric lights, plate glass windows, electric bells, good sewerage, street paved with asphaltum and paid for, beautiful shade trees in front of house, a few minutes from cable cars: price 6, M0; a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time: immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. seS-4-D ADeslieny Residence. FORSALE 12,800-BRICK HOUSE 4 ROOMS, attic ball, etc, on Juniata st , Allegheny. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. 0C5-39-D FORSALE-S2.750-HOUSE 4 ROOMS, ATTIC, halt etc; natural gas: side entrance; lot 2UitJ6 feet: good location; No. 92 Page St., Alle gheny. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Alle gheny. OC5-39-D FOR HALE-J2.600 WILL BUY HOUSE, 6 roomt, hall and side entrance; natural gas and water: lot 20x55, on Ann st.. near School st, Allegheny. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal at, Alle gheny. 0C5-S9-D FOB SALE-ON LACOCKST., ALLEGHENY, centrally located, only 10 minutes' walk from Pittsburg P. O.. a very desirable property: lot 21x100 feet well improved: brick dwelling 7 rooms In front; frame honse of 4 rooms on street In rear: at a low price. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. oc2-40-wtji FOK SALE-CHEAP HOMES, .EASY TERMS Your choice of five new six-room frame houses, ranalitelntiricefrom 11. GOO to 12.200. situated In Second ward. Allegheny; near Pleasant Valley electric cars; you will tray cheaper now than next spring. W. W. MCNEILL & BKO., 105 Fourth ave OC5-52 FOR SALE HOUSE AND THREE LOTS ON line of street cars, and near parks, Allegheny; 6 rooms In house, with batb, w. c, natural gas, etc, and everything In prime order: will sell house and one fot or with the three lots; most ex cellent place to build for renting purposes. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. 0C5-65-D FOR SALE THREE BRICK RESIDENCES, near parks and on line of street cars, Alle gheny; one has 10 rooms, bath, lavatory, natural gas and replete throughout with all modern re quirements; the other two bouses have 6 rooms, gas, water, etc. and are all In nice order; proper ties almost new; to be sold now on account of owner leaving the city. Particulars from JAS. W. DRaPE&CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. oci-65-D Subnrbnn Residences. FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD. P. K. E., ONE acre of ground, with fine dwelling, 15 roous, elegantly finished; fruit and ornamental trees. For Information see W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue seW-SSrhM FOR SALE LOTS. Glcnwood Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS AT GLEN WOOD, NEAR the station; graded streets, sidewalks, city water, houses and lots lor sale. (1,350. 1 1,750. 12,000, ten per cent cash, balance on monthly payments: Second Ave. Electric Railway will pass In front of these lots;B. to. Railroad fare monthly tickets, bH cents per trip: 12 minutes from Smithfield st GEORGE C. BURG WIN, 150 Fourth ave. Jy24-12-ttWSU Farm. F0;B SALE-CHEAP FARM-75 ACRES, 4-room house, frame barn, good fences, lays welt 19mllesfromPlttsbnrg,forS2,80u, to close an estate. N.F. HURST, Lock Box 9, Rochester. Fa. sea-144-EOD FOR 8ALE-A SMALL FARM OF ABOUT acres, only 1 mile from railroad station and convenient to the city, for only 13.500; a bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts- luiKa www-w- 6' w"-- IOB SALE-FARM 320 ACRES. vV'ELL IM- F s-' 1', aiswiuuuauu gooatown; in uesi wjic&i couinry iu iauu. nuuiu exciiauge lur rodse or otl-er property. ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg, Pa. oc5-D TTOR SALE OK EXCHAN GE-KAN SAS FARM SJ for city or Allegheny county farm property; 458 acres, 7 miles from Lea vea worth City, one half cleared, balance in timber; soil rich and very productive; excellent springs and small stream running through one part; small orchard; 3-story frame house: frame stable; lies nicely; fronts on tbe main road; neighborhood, excellent L M. PENNUCK & SON, UttFosrth avenne. : OOOWJYir FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lota. mop hit.itt.iith irtoiii iv nrirvTV- J? SECOND Street Incline: we have the mosv desirable lots in that vicinity; 25x100 for zzso eacn, and your own time to pay for them. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st oca-123 East End Lots. FOR SALE-SECURE ONE OF THOSE VERY desirable lots for a home or Investment Villa Park plan: now Is the time to secure a selection. Colored plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent U bmtthfield street. oc6-50-wsu FOK SALE EASr END LOlS-450 AND 500 each: good streets: high elevation: conve nient to P. R. K. and cable lines: these lots are In the rast growing part or tbe city: enhancement sure. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. OC2-58-D Fl IOK SALE A FINE LOT 50 OR 60x150 FEET on Fifth KTpnnp. near Kellefleld Presbyterian Clmrch; nnn at thn tnnst pllirlbla lots on the avenue: price for 50 feet 2,000 and for 60 feet 12,250; Schenley property, years lease: rare bargain. JAS. W. -RAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. oc5-66-wg FOR SALE-HEURON HILL PARK, A BEAU TIFUL plan of lots in the center or tbe city. Just at tbe terminus ofthe Wylle ave. cable line, is the place to buy a lot for a borne or Investment; prices and terms very reasonable; grand view, pure air, all conveniences; call or send for col ored plan. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. OC2-55 F OR SALE-IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A be&ntlfnl resldenrn rjlaee. bur a lot in the Herron Hill Park, just at tbe end of tbe Wylle ave. cable line, within 15 minutes' ride or the P. O.; elegant lot, 40x100 feet'frontlng on wide street and extending back to 24-foot alleys: magnificent view, pure air, all conveniences: call at office for colored plan. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. OC2-65 Allegheny Lots. FOR SALE-LOT 150 FEET FRONT ON FAY ETTE st. Allegheny. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal .st Allegheny. oc5-39-p FOK SALE-LOT 77 FEET FRONTON FAY ETTE St. near Bldwell. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal street Allegheny. oc5-39-D Suburban Lots. FOR SALE-THIRTEEN BUILDING LOTS. being the balance unsold of 27 lots, fronting on Wood's Run avenue, near Brighton road: no grading, no climbing or bills to reach them: will sell one or all on easy terms. SAM DYER, 43 Park way, Allegheny. oc3-35-D FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Bnslncss Cliance F'OK SALE-GROCERY STORE DOING NICE paving business In growing town near city; stock will run about 00. BALTENSPERGEK WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. OC5-5S-D TJIOK SALE THE BEST STOCK OF DRY XT GOODS, notions, millinery and trimmings In the two cities: owner wants to quit business; call at once. D. BEUEN & SON, 4112 Penn ave. ocS-11 OR SALE-STOCK OF HARDWARE AND mill supplies, located In a manf. town of 12,000 Inhabitants near Pitts.; will Invoice about ts, ouo; rare chance; good reason for selling. Ad dress G., Dispatch office. oc2-69 FOR SALE-A SMALL CORNER GROCERY IN Allegheny; excellent stand, an old established business and good plant for doing a cash trade; stock worth about 81,500. JAS. W. DRAPE CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. 0C5-65-D FOR SALE AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FAM ILY grocery on one ofthe best thoroughfares in Allegheny: a fine paying business, mostly on a cash basis: this Is one of the most desirable stands In either city. Particulars Trom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. oc5-C5-d FOR SALE A HOUSE FURNISHING AND tin store In a Drosperous mannfee taring town on line of railroad: a first-class business and making money: best stand In the town; satisfac tory reasons for selling. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. 0C5-65-D FOR SALE-IN THE LIVELIEST TOWN IN Western Pennsylvania the stock and fixtures of tbe New York Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods House, located at 135 Fifth avenue Uc Keesport, Pa.; can reduce stock to 2.000; posses sion given at onccwltha long lease; this Is a rare chance; no better location In the city. Inquire at 135 Fifth avenue, McKeesporL F. S. GLEASON. sel2-70 FOR 8ALE-2 FINE BAKERIES AND CON FECTIONERIES, In excellent locations, large grocery store in Pittsburg, 9,000 or invoice, doing yearly business of lOO.COO; smaller grocery stores, JMOO to $5,000; cigar stores, small bakeries, confec tioneries, boarding houses, drygoods and notion stores, feed store, printing office and many other business chances for males or females: free par ticulars. SHEPARD CO., 54 Fifth ave. oc3 FOR SALE-A COUNTRY bTORK AND STORE ROOM, warehouse, dwelling, etc, at a good point on line of railroad; fine country place, ex cellent point for business; this Is an old-established stand; present owner nas made a 6nng com petency and wishes to retire on account' of ge; will sell the property with or without the stock. Particulars from JAS. W. -RAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. oco-65-d P IOR SALE AN INTEREST IN AN OLD established and nrofltable business In the city, requiring considerable outdoor work; a small Interest would be sold to a gentleman possessing good business qualities, with ageneral city ac quaintance; capital no object; efficiency is the de sideratum; to Insure replies applicants will re quire to give real name and references, which will be used In strict confidence. Address A. C. Lock Box 128, Pittsburg postoffice. ocS-65-D Business Stands. FOR BALE-LOE. WYLIE AVENUE AND High St., fine business property, lot 25x70 ft.: now paying a good rent. W. A. HERRON & SON S, 80 Fourth ave , sel9-36-TMi FOR SALE-THE VALUABLE BUSINESS property No. 1125 Penn avenue, city, at master's sale, Oct 17; see hand bill at our office. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Plttsbutg. oc5-6G-MWs Mnnnfactorlnn Sites. FOR SALE-A1 FORTY-THIRD ST., ONE of the most desirable manufacturing sites in Lawrencevllle; river and railroad fronts: price very reasonable. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se22-36-MTh FORSALE EXCELLENTMANUPACTURING site near Fifty-fourth street city, fronting 300 feet on Allegheny Valley Railroad by 300 feet deep to a street; one of the most eligible sites In the city for manufacturing purposes; will sell at a bargain on long, easy payments: owner being a non-resident wants to sell. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pitts burg, Pa. 0C57-MTT8 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dec. FOR SALE-HORSE-FOR WANT OF USE; IS well broken, reliable and safe; does not scare at cars. Inquire at JACKMAN'S STABLE. 536 Penn ave. ocO-32 Machinery and Metals. "CTOK SALE ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW J? and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOU NDRY AND MACH1NECO..L1M., below Suspension bridge, AUegbeny, Pa. aul0-29 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. J . S. Y O UN G, Allegheny, Pa. 1a3-92-MWF F OR SALE HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second hand: wire and manilla rone, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN 'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. au5-l7-MWS' AMUSEMENTS. EXPOSITION. THE FAMOTTB THIRTEENTH REGIMENT BAND. F. N. 1NNES, Director. oc7 B UOU THEATER. Tn.NIRHT. HARRY LACY and the STILL ALARM, Oct 14-J. M. Hill's A Possible Case Company. OC7-22-MTTF pRAND OPERA HOUSE- TO-NWHT. HELEN BARRY, "Love and Liberty." October Hth.Rudolph Aronson Comic Opera Company in "The Brigands," oc7-25 HARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTER. NOON and evening. WILBUR OPERA CO. 1 Monday With J BUSIE KIRWIN. J NANON. October U-SHE. oc6-60 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY- To-nlght, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and oaturuay. GUS HILL'S WORLD OFNOVELTIES. ocW W ORLD'B MUSEUM- ALLEGHENY CITY. ' - " This week, Oct 7, . J-" , ROSSLVrHE WILD GIRL. V wefc ujwiMK wotta'a wrens. ;oe7'i8S TO LET. Anecheny Residences. TO LET-ON BUENAV1STA ST., HOUSE rooms: all modern Improvements; only HS0. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. OC5-39-D TO LET-ON KIRKPATRIOK AVE., HOUBE 8 rooms and all modern Improvements; 830 per month. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Alle gheny. OC5-39-D TO LET-GOOD BRICK HOUSES, 8 BOOMS, laundry, etc.; have all modern Improve ments; Nos. 109 and 117 Pagest A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal st, Allegheny. ocS-39-D TO LET-NEW BRICK HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, laundry: all modern Improvements; front and back yard: on Fnlton st, Allegheny: Im mediate possession. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal st, Allegheny. oc5--D East End Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF 14 ROOMS, STABLE and outbuildings: large grounds; on Negley avenue, near Penn avenne cable cars. Inquire of HENRY KOBEKTS,atOUverABoberts Wire Co., Southslde. sel9-10 Apartments. TO LET-PENN AVE. AND FIFTH ST. Elegant double parlors, suitable for profes B'onal men or offices; unexcelled location; Imme diate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. ocS-12 Farms. TO LET-A SMALL FARM WITH GOOD dwelling and outbuildings; plenty of water, orchard, etc ; In Butler county, in the new oil field; a coal hank on the property; rent low to good tenant. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. oc5-65-D Business Stands. TO LET-WAREHOUSE, NEW, 6-STORY AND cellar, 40x80: power elevator: convenient to Market St.; first class for any wholesale business. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. OCU-99-HTTS TO LET-IN THE NEW BUILDING, CORNER Of Federal and Robinson sts., Allegheny (for business only), one large and elegant photo graph gallery, two front communicating rooms suitable for architect dentlstetc; six front office rooms in second and third stories. SAM DYER, 48 Park way, Allegheny. oc3-35-P Offices. Deslt Room. 3kc TO LET-ALLEGHENY" OFFICES ON FED ERAL, near bridge; price low. W. A. 'HER EON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. se'.9-99-MTh TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD IN G, 75, 77 ahd 79 Diamond street two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent 200 and 300 per annum. Including elec tric lights, Janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 A. H. and I P. M., or between 2 and 4 P.M. jy23-67 mO LET-STORE OR OFFICE ROOM, WITH JL large vault, suitable for Insurance office or similar business. In Germanla Savings Bank building. No. 419 Wood street: room rormerly oc cupied by George Relneman as saloon, and now temporarily occupied by the American Express Co.; It Is two steps below grade, making a first class basement Inquire at THE BANK. le2J-8-D PERSONAL. PERSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTER DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 Smith field street; fresh oysters received dally; orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. UEMMXRLE, Mgr. ael-92-D PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKSt BOOKS! New and old, ancient and swuern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st auJ-93 PERSONAL -HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner; in order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 63 Fifth ave., corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. auso LOST. L0SrOR STOLEN-Ltf- OAKLAND - A pure white lox terrier: height 16 inches; a little black spot on ear; registered collar. Any Serson returning the above to F. T. MOORHEAD, 0.24 Lincoln avenue, AUegbeny, win be re warded. se30-9 PROPOSAL!). PROPOSALS FOR PLATE AND BAR steel for monitor Terror" September 14, 18S9 Sealed proposals, indorsed "proposals for steel plates, etc, to be opened October 8, 1889," mil be received at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. Navy Department Washington, D. C, until 12 o'clock noon, October 8, 1889, ana publicly opened immediately thereafter, to far nisb and deliver, at the Navy Yard. New York, 121,871 pounds of steel plates, and 14,506 pounds of steel bars, for the monitor "Terror.'' The material is to be subject to the regulation tests' and conditions as prescribed by tbe Nary De partment and pass the usual naval inspection; the bids decided by lot Blank forms of offer and specifications can be obtained upon appli cation to the Commandant of the Navy Yard, or to the Bureau. The Department reserves, tbe right to reject any or all bids nof deemed advantageous to the Government JAMES FULTON, Paymaster General U. S. Navy; sel5-3l-M PROPOSALS FOR STEEL FOR USE IN J7 the construction of two cruisers, of about K000 tons displacement each, for the United States Navy, one of said cruisers (No. 7) to be constructed at the navy yard. Brooklyn, N. Y., and the other (No. 8) at tbe navy yard, Ports mouth, Va. Navy Department, Washington, D. 0., September 27. 1889. Under authority conferred oy the act of Congress making ap- Sropriations for the naval service, approved eptember 7, 18SS (Statutes at Large, vol. 25, page 472), sealed proposals are hereby invited and tvill be received at this department until 12 o'clock noon on THURSDAY, tbe 31st day of October, 1S89, for furnish ing and delivering the following classes and quantities of material at each ot said navy yards, for use in the construction of said cruisers: Class A. Steel Plates. About six hundred and seventy-two (672) tons of steel plates, 2 to 25 pounds per square foot. Class B. About one hundred and ninety (190) tons of steel plates from 40 to 80 pounds per square foot Class C. One armored tube of wrought steel. 80 pounds per sqnare foot; diameter in clear inside, 12 inches, to be in one piece 15 feet 3 inches long; weight about 5,000 pounds. One conning tower, oval shape, size in clear inside, 7 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 9 inches by about 5 feet 10 inches high, of wrought steel, 80 pounds Ser square foot; weight about 9,000 pounds, no top to conning tower of wrought steel plate of 60 pounds per square foot the edge to be flanged down about 0 Inches to shape of conning tower; weight about 2,700 pounds. One shield or guard plato to tower ot wrought steel plate ot SO pounds per sqnare foot: weight abont 4,480 pounds. One top plate over entrance extending from shield to tower, of wrought steel plate of 60 pounds per sqnare foot; weight about 1,200 pounds. In all, about ten (10) tons. Class D Steel Shapes About one hundred and six (106) tons of steel angles of various sizes; about fifty-six (56) tons of steel angle and T-balb beams, with proper cur vature, from 15 to 25 pounds per foot; about thirty-eight (38) tons of steel Z-bars, 12 to 14 pounds per foot. Class E Steel Rivets About seventy (10) tons steel rivets frominch to Vyi inch diameter. Class F Steel Castings About eighty-three (83) tons of steel castings of various shapes, stem, stem post rudder frames, shaft tubes, shaft struts, hawse pipes, bitts, eta Tbe tons of material herein called for to be of 2,240 pounds each. All said material to be of such detailed dimensions, weights and shapes as may be required in the construction of the vessels, and to be delivered at such place or places in tha said navy yards as may be designated by the respective commandants thereof. Deliveries to commence within thirty fSOl davs from the date of contract and to be completed within six (6) months from such date. Tbe material to be delivered promptly, in accordance with a detailed schedule prepared by the Naval Constructor at said navy yards, respectively, and in tho order required to carry on the work to the best interests of the Government All material to be of domestic manufacture, and to be ac cepted only after passing such tests as may be prescribed therefor by the Secretary of the Navy. Proposals mnst be made separately for the material for each vessel, in accordance with forms which will be furnished On applica tion to the Bureau of Construction and Repair, and any one or more of the classes designated may be embraced in the same proposal, Dut no bid ror a portion of any class will be consid ered. Each proposal must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence that the bidder is able to furnish and deliver the ma terial for which ho bids; also, by a certified check, payable to the order of the Secretary of the Navy-for an amount equal to 6 per cent of the bid. The check received from tho success ful bidder will be returned to him on his enter ing into a formal contract for the due perform ance of the work and giving bond forthesame. with satisfactory surety, in a penal sum equal to 25 per cent ot the amount of his bid; but in case he shall fail to enter into such contract and to give such bond within 20 days after no tice of the acceptance of his proposal, the check accompanying such proposal shall be come the property of the United States. All checks accompanying proposals which are not accepted will be returned immediately after tbe award shall havo been made. Information relative to tho dimensions and shapes of material, and all other information essential to bidders, will be furnished on personal application to the Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy Department Proposals must be made In duplicate, and in closed In envelopes marked "Proposals forsteel for U. 8. S. Cruiser TNo. "). and addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Eachclassof materials will be bid for separately, and the Secretary of the Navy reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or tbe bids on any class or classes, as, in bis judgment the Interests of the Government may require. B. F. TRACY, Secretary of the Navy. se29-104-M P lAKOb,' ' OBGANa S-HAMILTONji. 01 1 MTiOJIIi'liTTH'AVlCNIIIt. &. r va a.' J't- ZT ' r ia.iW Lfumwii, ?jfll,W w MEETINGS. NOTICE MEMBERS OF HBNRY LAM BERT Lodge No. 475, L O.O. F- are re quested to meet at the lodgerooa, Fifth Ave nue Bank building, this (Monday) aftetaees at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, P. G R. V. Barker. Members of sister lodges Invited to loin na. By order of W.M.NESBIT.N.G. a T. TURNER, Secretary. oc7-9 BROTHERS OF GAS CITY COUNCIL NO. 273, Jr. O. U. A. M.. are bereby directed to attend the funeral of Brother Geo. W. Robin son from his late residence. No. 20 Crawford street on MONDAY, the 7th Inst, at 2 o'clock P.M. Meet at Council Chambers at 1 o'clock. Members of Sister Councils are respectfully invited to attend. By order Attest J.H.MEGOWAN. J. G. GRAHAM, Councillor. Rec. See. ocS-148 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Pittsbubo. Pa.. October 3. 1889. NOTICE IS HISREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the paving and curb ing of Boggs avenue, from Bailey avenne to sooth line of property or Louis Nepe, has been approved by Councils, which action win be final, unless an appeal Is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. B1GELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. OC3-4S PnTSBTjRO, Pa.. October 3, 1S8B. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of viewers on the opening of Riverside street from Moloney alley to South Main street: Tripod alley, from. Meadow street to Shetland street; Post street from Forty-second street to Forty-fourth street; Garden alley, from Main street to Brown alley; Rural street from HUand avenue to Negley avenue, and Hampton Street from Hiland avenue to Neg ley avenne. have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal Is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELO W. 0C3-43 Chief of Department of Public Works. October 3. 1889. SOTICE IrJ HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Bureau of Health of the city of Pitts g has this day established and provided, and doe bereby designate the foot of Seven teenth (17) street in the city of Pittsburg, at the Allegheny river, and Clark's dumpboat, immediately above tbe north end of tbe South Tenth street bridge, in the city of Pittsburg; on the Monongabela river, as the places where are to be received and deposited the contents of all privies as they snail irom time to time be cleaned and emptied, and all other offensive substances found upon the public bfgbwav. THOMAS WBAKER. Superintendent of the Bureau of Health. OC4-90 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at tbe office of City Controller until OCTOBER 10, A. D. 1889, at 2 P. K.. for constructing an Influent chamber at Bedford pumping station. A bond of five thousand (S5,0U0) dollars, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk, must accompany each bid. For specifications, blanks on which bids must be made, and all other information, apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Supply and Distribution. Tbe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E.M.BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. OC4-18 PROPOSALS FOR WORK TO BE DONE andaDparatus furnished at Central Office of Fire Alarm Telegraph. Proposals will be received up until 2 p. M. of OCT. 12. at tbe office of City Controller, for one main switch board and all necessary electrical connections on same, including galvanometers, annunciators, testing apparatus, etc., accord ing to plans and specifications on file with Morris W. Mead. Superintendent Bureau of Electricity. Bonds in double the amount of the estimated cost must accompany the bid. Tbe Board of Awards reserves the right to ccept or reject any or all bids. j. o. brown: oc2-64 Chief Department of Public Safety. Ptttsbuhq. Pa., October 3, 1889. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JJ reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Ellsworth and Center avenues from Penn avenne to Euclid street; Mayflower street from Lowell street to Larimer avenue; Larkins alley, from South Twenty-fourth street to a point 150 feet east: Wilberforce street from Penn avenue to Ellsworth avenue; Beitler street and Hiland avenue, from Shakespeare street to Ellsworth avenne; Fifth avenue, from crown east of Wilkins avenne to Amberson avenue, and Shakespeare street from Pennsyl vania Railroad to Ellsworth avenne, have been approved by Councils, which action will ibo final, unless an appeal is filed In the Courrof Common Pleas, within ten (10) days from date. r KM. BIGELO W, Chief of Department of Public Works. 0C3-48 ANal05.J K ORDINANCE-SETTING ASIDE THE ground around Hiland reservoirs for public park purposes and authorizing the Chief of the Department of Public Works to Improve the same and designating the same Hiland Park. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe same,- That for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public park there shall be and is hereby set aside, dedicated and appropriated so much of the ground belonging to said city as is not in dispensably necessary for the safe and proper use of the reservoir known as tha Hiland reser voirs. Section 2 That the Chief of the Department of Public Works of said city he and he is hereby authorized and directed to Improve all said ground lying around, adjacent to and connected with said, reservoirs and which shall not be found actually necessary for the operation of said reservoirs to be used and enjoyed as a public park to be known as and by the name of the "Hiland Park." Section 3 That any ordinance or part ot ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 9th day of September, A. D. 18S9. H. P. FORD. President of Select Coun cil. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select CoundL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, Presi dent of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, September 13, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: HOBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 16L 30th day of September. A. D. I8S9. oc4-7S No. D9J AN ORDU7ANCE-AUTHORIZTNG THE opening of Meadow street from Park avenue to Larimer street 8ection 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be andisberebyauthonzedand directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, Meadow street from Park avenue to Larimer street at a width of SO feet in accordance with a plan on file in the Department of Public Works, known as Collins Park plan, approved February 27, 187L The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay tbe same to be assessed and collected in ac cordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsyl vania entitled "An act relating to streets ana sewers in cities of the second class," approved tbe 10th day of May, A. D. 18SV. Section 2 Thafany ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same fs hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordin ance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils thls9thdavof September, A. D. 1S89. H. P. FORD. -President of Select Coun cil, Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, Presi dent of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, September 13, 1889. Approved: WM.McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 157, 80th day of September, A. D. 1889. oc4-78 No. 103.1 A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT TO AN ordinance entitled "An ordinance granting the Pittsburg. Knoxrille and St Clair Street Railway Company the right to use cer tain streets, roads, lanes and alleys of the city of Pittsburg for the purpose of their railway," approved June 22, 1SS6. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the said Pittsburg. Knoxville and St Clair Street Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall have and are bereby given the right and privilege to erect and place wooden or iron poles for the use of said company upon Thir teenth street la the Twenty-eighth ward of said city, between Breed and Carson streets, being a distance of about 800 feet more or less, the said poles to be erected and placed at such places as shall be approved by the Chief of the Department of Public Works ot said city; provided, however, that the right to erect poles is granted subject to tbe right of Councils to require the removal thereof upon CO days notice being given by the proper officer to the said Pittsburg, Knoxville and St Clair Railway Company, theirsuccessorsor assigns. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is bereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, this 9th day of September, A. D. IS. H. P. FORD. President of Select CounclL Attest GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Seleet Council. GHO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common. CohbcH.. AKem.:.GBO- BOOTH." .Clerk of Ceases CeaefJ.'Sf-fe . ", $t$ ?tHFgtMM,liaiwrll; mUWTtk 1 ePPICIAE PTXTSBtfBCE. : VVM-McCALIIN.MayoE. Attest: nnTWsMiiTrrfT Assistant VavsVa c Reetw4 to Oraaee Boek. vet. 7, i 36th day of 4Hombor. A. D.t 1m. C&ntUte4 on Fifth. Page. aVOieK SALBB. auction sale: DESIRABLE PITTSBURG PBOPSJITWi AT AUCTION- ON . THURSDAY, OCTOHHR V at 4 o'clock P, x., 08 ttte Short Liberty or Lwesier nw tste iTsmtseasMal street, aammifcj ward, near TMrty-foBrtis .stsoct riartl Howard public schoolBouse; nrast be nMisni close an estate: lot SO feet f rose oa SbertXMt-J erty or Ligoaier street a W9 Mtt Aeeatltwi opring auey, on waica are ereoses iwe ni story brick houses, with Balstted baaimi containing Brooms eacb:alsv two mm-s4 i;mmsVJ of said lot three two-story fraaM dwmng,'t 4 rooms eacn, ana a two-room name sisa this property will be offered as a whole, ae i do suD-uiviuea into two pena: l dlatelvadiolnlne Howard pabHe lot about 33 feet front on Ltcoaier tending back 100 feet to SpriBtf ay, a4 me auey 3Uuuu leer, on wnwa ate twi story irame nouses, o rooms eaea. aaa ai cottage, secona Adjoining Me sosm 5884.109 feet on' Liconier street awil deep to Spring alley, with same frest oa ; on wmen are two two-story ories ueaw rooms each, and three two-story fraae I ot 4 rooms eacn; tnese properties are 1 and cannot fall to be a zood Darine lav near Penn avenue and Batter street roads, and In tbe immediate vteishy manuiactunBg estaDitsameBts; manuing gooa rentals; term ot cash, on delivery of deed; balance la osml'1 and three years, secured by bosd and hmAss oVw5 on ine premises, pot turtaer apply to LM. PENNOCK SON. avenue, PittsDurg, P3or A. J.P. Auctioneer, 413 Grant street AUCTION SALEJ DESIRABLE PITTSBURG AT AUCTION rOJT THURSDAY, OCTOJ3RR M, at 2 o'clock P. H- on (fee the comer of Thirtv-ftfte streets. Fifteenth ward. Matt be close an estate. Lot 36 ft 7 la. frest ler street, extending along TMrty-Bftfa zwieetto penn avenne; tuesee avenne 79 f t B41d. to a point: tlw in. toward Butler street to a eoiatr ajiei wim trenu avenue an.w a potet;. 89 ft 11J5 in. to Bntler street, the alnaa at ginning, on which are erected, ireaMag renn avenue, s two-story nrteK story DTteK aoaset,,' finished basements. On Batter street. l'M-j ad one fraae steak' . story frame houses and one fraae Thirty-fifth street are 6 brick and fiaaatiiiwp' ings. The above described propel u wjfcaaasV f ered as a whole, or will be seb-dtnaed sa t parts, to wit: Lot 79 ft 6K in- a Peaa aaeaaa. -extending back along Thirty-fifth strew tenasst Butler 94 ft ll4 in., on which are 3 twsutyy brick houses, containing 6 reow aaji Wfpr, each. Lot corner Thirty-fifth aad, JuMr streets, with 48 ft 3 in- frost oa Bnttar street. extending along Thirty-fifth street aaoat. Hi -iHnlnlnr. tho UTna & ftntatutbl 1 nil it. Kfc-' - with 48 ft 3 in. front on Batter street; sAtiaV in j; back toward Penn avenue 88 . 11 ia. xnese properties are situate Between lines of cable cars on Penn avenae aw street; convenient to a large number of give manufacturing esta busumeats, t favorably located for business or conses, always cemmanmng good is daily increasing in value: and eaasetJ prove a good paying investment sale One-third cash on delivery of anceinl.2and3 years, secured by mortgage on the premises. Forfar mationatrolv to I. M. PENNOCK i Fourth avenue,or AJ.PENTECOBT,. street Pittsburg, Pa- BY HENRY AUCTION CO, Lflt " A T AUCTION -TUESDAY MOM!,' Jti. October 81 at 10 sharp Patter tmm m, silk and crashed plushes, Uka)dsMd)(aK atelle and tapestry, rep and haireieta, aoaeaat, , etaJMaB pronfcaKffajjM at wmmtS 9: ri taoam aasp-r HSU m. yjg mPJkJ tnufc . .i.rrr":..::- 'Tzxd uvuaiMO sgudhui auu vBintrtT uuutm.aPsasa-eo and desks, fine half racks, curtaias, foM, f--gets, pictures, linoleum, Brussels aad iaswat. carpets, bedding, hair aad hrafc aMtttofees, mirrors, cabinets, oak. walnut aad efcerry aha. ber suits, dressers, wardrobes, waeeste, bed steads, chairs and rockers, tables, ndoaaawlBV trlassware. dishes, toilet ware, stoves. wriaaMa. clocks, pictures, tinware, mattler. !. eta.-' also consignments of ladies' and clttWretfa fm merits, notions, blacking, tea, etc., etc;, mtt-tive-salo to highest bidder. HENRI AW TION CO, Auctioneers, No. 3U Market t. . !223L.--, ELECTIONS. ATOTICE-AN ELECTION FOR CAPTAlt XI for company u wui tie held after the Inspection on the 15th of Oetafcer. JOHNHJBN.r. Second Lieutenant ot Company G, Fsnrtodata.' Regiment oT- j LEGAL NOTICES. m OFFICE OP FIDELITY TITLE AN1J Tli T71STATEOP TIMOTHY BOWE. DBCl SLi Notice is hereby given that letters of a lstratlon on the estate of Timothy late of Plttsbnrir. Pa., have been granted t undersljtned. to whom all persons Indebted ' Baia estate are requestea to maze lsuneaiavei men t, ana loose naving claims or acsHaoss tbe same will mare them known without FIDELITY TITLE AND TKUST CO., A 4 trator. DAVID Q. EWLV0, Attorney. seSM-K,, BRUCE t SHIELDS. Attorneys atvLaw., Corner Fifth avenne and Grant street "J TESTATE OF JOHN McKAY. DECEASS? . Pj Notice is hereby given that letters testa-V Tnrmtarvnn thft ARtatA of John "afetraV- lata at I Penn townahit). Alletrhenr con&tr. Pa., da- i ceased, have been granted to the undersigned. 1 1 to wnom au persons inaeotea to said estate are. requested to make immediate payment and ' those having claims against the same shoaldy make them known without delay. JAMES McKAY, Executor. oc6-61.lf 1006 Liberty street Pitts burr. Pa. JOHN F. COX; Attorney at Law, 448 Grant at ' Dlttahnxr T SOTICEI3 HEREBY GIVEN THATLET TERS testamentary on the estate of Jobs ch, late of Mifflin township, Allegheny, county, Pa have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the sa&e should make them known without delav to WILLIAM A.WILLOCK, Option postoSee. Allegheny county. Pa., or his attorney, sel 99-H, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to tbe Governor of Pennsylvania oil OCTOBER 15, IS, by John i W. Haney, K. F. Pearson, James F. Keesaa. H. a. ToynDee ana luiwin B. carpenter, uuaec. tne act oi Assemory enuuea -An act to pre- vide for the Incorporation and regulation of, certain corporations," approved April 29, 16u and the several supplements thereto, far tbe I charter or an intended corporation to ne easeaf the Pennsylvania Storage Company, the obar-s acterandoDjectotwmcn is to carry on a ajea-s era!, warehouse and storage business, aad tact these purposes to have, possess and enjoy a J me flouts, ucucuu Auu uiiuictn vuu'vtfBQ 7f yr said act ot Assembly and supplements tbereteAT. EDWIN S. CARPENTER, SoIIciier. JT se22-33-K lio Diamond. rTHE ORPHANS COURT OF ALLE GHENY county. Estate of Isabella W.C.?-?,SemJf' Comlngo, deceased. J To John Beckley. of .Raleigh C. a. West t Virginia; isaac u. tsecaiey. ot uatioa. mo sourl; William G. Becklev, of Am Vasse, Mis souri; Alfred Beckley, of Fincastle, Vlrgiate; Mary Isabella Bloss, of Wayne C. H., West J Virginia: Emma Strickland, of Noble, minotst Robert Becklev. Alfred C. Becklev and Mrs. Annie D. Parsons, of Spencer, West Virginia;. C3 neviiie uecaiey, Jr., or. Illinois; uuoerx jjee Beckley. of East Las Vegas, New Mexico, aad , Clarence J. Beckley. of Roanoke. VirgleU.' Vnn .m YiotaIiv mntlflal that -int Innnlnljitnn . .. will be held In nnnnance of the above mea-' tioned writ of nartition or valuation ob ttatW? premises in the Fourteenth ward. Pitts&aff,"' n corner of Center avenue and Craig street A1- -d legheny county. Pennsylvania, on weanesasy,,-j th.niffl4nrnAh.. A Tk 1R8Q nt innMAAjrt' i A. M., to make partition to and aaaoag MmI heirs of said deceased In such manner aad itO, j such proportions as by the laws of thiaCoav'i Mminanlth la l-Attaf at. fit whtl-FI -' . V-t u.uuno.M. ..,-, ---.-.- - .( place you rnavaiiena it yon mintx proper. fl ALEX. 2E. MCCANDLESS, h.2 oneruiB uuice, jrinauuit, dcuicubct. m, a D.iesa. seawwoci FOR RENT. Second Story Front Roo dttiie w HAMILTON BUILDINGS M The most desirable aad eaovwim-'e roots la the city; coataialat; mmt area vault steam heat, aad natural gsiAaaajbh an I weU. Allwarrwd4BSBteWmol8saa4dtaas-J t'zr'IiallBBH" a" Bial 1 &. -- Kj.