Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 9, Image 9

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ZB"X" (3 -
O DOWN, grand
father. I -will keep
'ill '"' But the old man to
whom the words were spoken shook his
shaven head.
"But up here you will get no rest"
"And the stars? Or even below; rest, in
such times as these? Throw my cloak over
me. Best, in such a feariul night'."
Tou are so cold; and your hand and the
instrument shake."
"Then steady my arm."
The lad willingly obeyed the request; but
after a short space he exclaimed: "It is all
in vain. Star after star is swallowed ud in
black clouds. Ah, and the hitter cry of the
city come up. iTay, it comes from our own
house. I am sick at heart, grandfather;
only feel how hot my head is. Come down,
perchance they need help."
''That is in the hands of the gods, and my
place is here. But there, there, eternal
gods! Xook to the north across the lake!
2fo, more to the westward. They come
from the city of the dead!"
"Oh, grandfather, father, therel" cried
the youth, a priestly neophyte, who was
lending his aid to an elder whose grandson
he was, the chief astrologer of Amon-Ea.
They were standing on the watchtower of
the templeof the god at Tanis, the capital
of the Pharaohs, in the north of the land of
Goshen. As he spoke he drew away his
shoulder on which the old man was
leaning. "There, there! Is the sea
swallowing up the land? Have
ine clouds lalien on the earth to
surge to and fro? Oh, grandfather, may the
immortals have mercy! the nether world is
yawningl The great serpent Apeo is come
forth from the city of the dead! It comes
romng past tne temple. I see it, I hear it!
The great Hebrew's threat is being fulfilled!
Our race will be cut off from the earth.
The serpent! Its head is set toward the
Southeast. It will surely swallow up the
young sun when it rises in the morning!"
The old man's eye iollowed the direction
of the youth's finger, and he, too, could dis
cern that a vast, black mass, whose outline
was lost in the darkness, came rolling
through the gloom, and he, too, heard with
a' shudder the creature's low roar.
Both stood with eye and ear alert, staring
into the night; but the star-gazer's eye was
fixed not upward, but down, across the city
to the distant sea and level plain. Over
head all was silent, and vet not all at rest
for the wind swept the "dark clouds into
shapeless masses in one place, while in an
other it rent the gray shroud and scattered
them far and wide.
The moon was not visible to mortal ken,
but the clouds played hide and seek with
the bright Southern stars, now covering
them, and now giving their rays free pas-
Xameri and His Grandson Watching the Start.
Bage. And as in tbe firmament, so on earth
there was a constant change from pallid
light to blackest darkness. Now the glitter
of the heavenly bodies flashed brightly
down on the sea and .estuary, on the polished
granite sides of obelisks in the temple pre
cincts and the gilt copper roof of the'King's
airy palace; and again, lake and river, the
sails in the harbor, the sanctuaries and
streets of the city, and the palm-strewn
plain surrounaing it, were all lost in gloom
Objects which the eye tried to rest on
vanished in an instant, and it was the same
with the sounds that met the ear. For a
while the silence would be as deep as though
all life, far and near, were hushed or dead,
and then a piercing shriek of woe rent the
stillness of the night Andthen, broken by
longer or shorter pauses.that roar was heard
which the youthful priest had taken for the
voice of the serpent of the nether world; and
to that the grandfather and grandson
listened with growing excitement ,
The duskv shape, whose ceaseless move
ments could "be clearly made out whenever
the stars shot their beams between the
striving clouds, had Its beginning out by
the city of the dead and the stranffers'
quarter. A sudden fanio lad fallen on the J
of "UARDA," "SERAPIS," Etc.
old man as on the young one, but he was
quicker to recover himself, and his keen
and practiced eye soon discerned that it was
not a single gigantic form which was rising
from the necropolis to cross the plain, but
a multitude of moving creatures who seemed
to be surging or swaying to and fro on the
meadow land. Nor did the hollow hum
and wailing come up from one particular
spot, hut was audible now nearer and now
more remote. Anon he fancied that it was
rising from the bosom of the earth, and then
again that it fell from some airy height
Fresh terror came upon the old astrologer.
He seized his grandson's hand in his right
hand, and pointinc with his left to the city
of the dead, he cried in a trembling voice:
"The dead are too many in number. The
nether world overflows, as the river does
when its bed is too narrow for the waters of
the south. How thev swarm and sway and
surge on! How they part, hither and
thither. These are theghosts of the thousands
whom black death hath snatched away,
blasted by the Hebrew's curse, and sent un
buried, unprotected from corruption, to de
scend the rungs of the ladder which leads
to the world without end.'"
"Yea, it is thev!" cried the other, in fall
belief. He snatched his'hand from the old
man's grasp, and struck his fevered and
burning brow, exclaiming, though hardly
able to speak for terror, "They the
damned! The wind has blown them to the
sea, and its waters spew them out and cast
them on the land again, and the blesed
earth rejects them and drives them into the
air. The pure ether of Shoo flings them
back to the ground, and now look, listen!
Thev are groaning as they seek the way to
the desert"
"To the fire!" cried the elder. "Flame,
nurifv them: water, cleanse them!"
The youth joined in the old priest's form
of exorcism, and while they chanted it in
unison the trap door was lifted which led to
this observatory on the top of the highest
gate of the temple,' and a priest or Humble
grade cried to the old man:
"Cease thy labors. "Who cares now for
the stars of heaven when all that has life is
being darkened on earth?"
The eld priest listened speechless, till the
messenger went on to say that it was the as
trologer's wife who had sent for him, and
then he gasped out:
"Hora? Is my son then likewise stricken?"
The priest then bent his head, and both
his hearers wept bitterly, for the old man
was bereft of his first-born son, and the' lad
of a tender father.
But when the boy, trembling with fever,
fell sick and sorrowing on his grandfather's
breast the elder hardily freed himself from
his embrace and went to the trap door; for al
though the priest had announced himself as
the messenger of death, it needs more than
the bare word of another to persuade a father
to give up all hope of life for his child. Tbe
old man went quickly down the stone stairs,
through the lofty halls and wide
courts of the temple, and the lad
followed him, although his shaking
knees could scarcely carry his fevered
frame. The blow which had fallen within
his own little circle had made the old man
forget the fearful portent which threatened
the whole world perhaps with ruin; but the
boy could not get rid of the vision, so when
he had passed the first court and was in
sight of the outermost pylons, to his terrified
and anxious soul it seemed as though tbe
shadows of the obelisks were spinning
round, while the two stone statues of King
Barneses on the corner piers of the great
gate beat time with the crook in his hand.
At this the lad dropped fever-stricken on
the ground. A convulsion distorted his
features and tossed his slender frame to and
fro in frantic spasms; and the old man, fall
ing on his knees, while he guarded the
curly head from striking the hard stone
flags, moaned in a low Yoice: "Now it has
fallen on him 1"
Suddenly he collected himself and shouted
aloud for help, but in vain, and again in
vain. At last his voice fell; he sought con
solation in prayer. Then he heard a sound
of voices from tbe avenue of sphinxes lead
ing to the great gate, and new hope revived
in his heart
Who could it be who was arriving at so
late an hour ?
Mingled with cries of grief, the chanting
of priests tell on his ear, the tinkle and
clatter of the metallic sistrum shaken by
holy women in honor of the god, and the
measured -footfall of men praying as they
marched on.
A solemn procession was approaching.
The astrologer raised his eyes, and alter
glancing at the double line of granite col
umns, colossal statues and obelisks in the
great court, looked up, in obedience to the
habits of a lifetime, at the starry heavens
above, and in the midst'of his woe a bitter
smile parted his sunken lips, for the gods
this night lacked the honors that were their
For on this night the first after the new
moon in the month of Pharmutee the sanc
tuary in former years was wont to be gay
with garlands of flowers. At the dawn of
day alter this moonless night the high festi
val of the spring equinox should begin, and
with it the harvest thanksgiving.
At this time a grand procession marched
through the city to the river and haroor, as
prescribed by the Book of the Divine Birth
of the Sun, in honor of the great goddess
Neith, of Bennont who bestows the gifts of
the field, and of Horns, at whose bidding
the desert blooms; bnt to-sjpy the silence of
death reigned in the sanctuary, whose court-
yards should have been crowdedat this hour
with men, women and children, bringing
offerings to lay on the very spot where his
grandson lay under the hand of death.
A broad beam of light suddenly tell into
the vast court, which till now had been but
dimly lighted by a few lamps. Could they
be so mad as to think that the glad festival
might be held in spite of the nameless hor
rors of the past night
Only the evening before the priests in
council had determined that during this
pitiless pestilence the temples were to be
left unadorned and processions to be pro
hibited. By noon yesterday many had
failed to attend, because the plague had
fallen on their households, and the terror
had now come into this very sanctuary,
while he, who coujd read the stars, had
been watching them in their courses. "Why
else should it have been deserted by the
watchmen and other astrologers, who had
been with him at sunset, and whose duty it
was to keep vigil here all night?
He turned once more to tbe suffering boy
with tender anxiety, but instantly started to
his feet, for the gates were opened wide and
the light of torches and lanterns poured into
the temple court A glance at the sky
showed him that it was not long past mid-
night, and yet his fears were surely well
grounded these must be the priests crowd
ing intothe temple to prepare for the har
vest festival.
Not so.
For when had they come to the sanctuary
for this purpose chanting and in procession?
Nor were these all servants of the divinity.
The populace had joined them. In that sol
emn litany he could hear the shrill wailing
of women mingled, with wild cries of despair
such as he had never before, in the course of
a long life, heard within these consecrated
Or did his senses deceive him? "Was it
the groaning horde of unresting souls
whjch he had seen from the observatory
who were crowding into the sanctuary of the
Fresh horror fell upon him; he threw up
his arms in prohibition, and for a few mo
ments repeated the formula against the
malice of evil spirits; but he presently
dropped his hands, for he marked among
the throng some friends who yesterday, at
any rate, had been in the land of the living.
Foremost, the tall figure of the second
prophet of the god, then the "women devoted
to the service of Amon-Ea, the singers and
the holy fathers, and when at last, behind
the astrologers and pastophoroi, he saw his
son-in-law, whose home had till yesterday
been spared by the plague, he took heart
and spoke to him. But his voice was
drowned by the song and cries of the coming
The courtyard was now fully lighted; bnt
everyone was so absorbed in his own sonow
that no one heeded the old astrologer. He
snatched the cloak off his own shivering
body to make a better pillow for the boy's
tossing head, and while he did so, with
fatnerly care, he could hear among the
chanting and wailing of the approaching
crowd, first, frantic curse's on the Hebrews,
through whom these woes had fallen on
Pharaoh and his people, and then, again
and again, the nameof the heir to the crown,
Prince Barneses, and the tone in which it
was spoken, and the formulas ot mourning
which were added, announced to all who
had ears to hear that the eyes of the first
born or tbe King on his throne were also
sealed in death. ,
As he gazed with growing angdish in his
grandson's pale face the lamentations for
tbe prince rang out a'resh and louder than
ever, and a faint tense of satisfaction crept
into his soul at the impartiality of. death,
who spared not tbe sovereign on his throne
any more than the beggar by tbe wayside.
He knew not what had brought this noisy
inronE w ' Bnsuanri - ,j
He went forward with such haste as his
old limbs would allow to meet the column
of mourners, but before he could join them
he saw the gatekeeper and his wife come
out of the gatehouse, bearing between them
on a mat the corpse of a boy. The husband
held one end, his frail, tiny wife held the
other, and the stalwart man had to stoop
low to keep their stiff burden in a hori
zontal position that it might not slip down
toward the woman. Three children closed
the melancholy party, and a little girl
holding a lantern led the way.
No one, perhaps, would have observed
them but that the gatekeeper's wife shrieked
forth her griefs so loudly and shrilly that it
was impossible not to hear her cries. The
second prophet or Anion turned to his com
panions; the procession came to a standstill,
and, as some of tbe priests went nearer to
the body, the father cried in a loud voice:
"Away, away from the plague-stricken I
Our first born is dead I"
Thn mnhaw moantvhild hart enafnnpn tnA
lantern from her little daughter, and, hold
ing it so as to throw a light on the face of
the dead bov, she shrieked out:
"The god'hath suffered it to come to pass.
Tea, even under our own roof. But it is not
his will, but the enrse of the stranger in the
land that has come over us and our lives.
Behold, this was our first born; and two
temple servants have likewise been taken.
One is dead already; he is lying in our little
room yonder; and there see, there lies
young Bamus, the grandson of Bameri, the
star-reader. "We heard the old man railing,
and saw what was happening, but who can
hold another man's house up when his own
is falling about his ears? Beware while it is
yet time, for the gods have opened even the
temple gates to the abomination, and it the
whole world should perish I should not be
surprised and never complain certainly,
not My lords and priests, I am but a poor
and humble woman, but am I not in the
right when I ask: Areour gods asleep, that
a magic spell has bound them? Or what
are they doing, and where are they, that they
leave us and oar children in the power of
the vile Hebrew race?"
"Down with theml Down, with the
strangers! They are magicians; into the sea
with Mesu, the sorcerer!"
As an echo follows a cry, so did these im
precations follow the woman's curse, and
Hornecht, the old astrologer's son-in-law,
Captain ot the archers, whose, blood boiled
over at the sight of his dying, fair young
nephew, brandished his short sword and
cried in a frenzy of rage: "Follow me, every
man who has a heart! At them! Life for life!
Ten Hebrews for each Egyptian whom their
sorcerer has killed!"
As a flock will rush into the fire if only
tbe ram leads the way, the crowd flocked to
follow the noble warrior. The women pushed
in front of the men, thronging the doorway,
and as the servants of the sanctuary hesitated
till they should know the opinion of the
prophet of Amon, their leader drew up his
majestic figure, and said deliberately:
"All who wear priestB robes remain to
pray with me. The people are the instru
ment of heaven, and it is theirs to repay.
"We stay here to pray for success to their
Baie, the second prophet of Amon, who
acted as deputy for the now infirm old head
prophet and high priest Buie, withdrew
into the holy ot holies, and while the multi
tude of the interior ministers of the god pro
ceeded to their various duties, the infuriated
crowd hurried through the streets of the
town to the strangers' quarter.
As a swollen torrent raging through a
valley carries down with it everything in its
way, so the throng, as they rushed to their
revenge, compelled everyone on their way to
join them. Every Egyptian from whom
death had snatched his nearest and dearest
was ready to join the swelling tide, and it
grew till it numbered hundreds of thousands.
Men. women and children, slaves and free.
borne on the wings of their desire to wreak
ruin and death on- the-dtserted Hrfcews,..tneirregniar occupation and' come to the'
flew to the distant quarter where they
How this artisan had laid hold of a chop
per or that housewife had clutched an ax
thev themselves scarcely knew. They
rushed on to kill and destroy, and they had
not sought the weapons they needed; they
had found them ready to their hand.
Tbe first they hoped to fall upon in their
mad fury was Nun, a venerable Hebrew,
respected and beloved by many a man
rich in herds, who had done much kindness
to the Egyptians; but where hatred and re
venge make themselves heard gratitude
stands shy and speechless in the back
ground. His lari?B estates lav. like thn linnspn and
huts of the men ot his race, to the west of
Baie, the High JPriett, MeditaUt on the Fuiwt
of Egypt. i
Tanis, tbe strangers' quarter, and were the
nearest of them all to the streets inhabited
by the Egyptians themselves.
At this mornitng hour Nun's flocks and
herds were wont to be taken, first to water
Mesu is the Egyptian form ot the name of
v Wlsafe? J&fiw&J srwwassw mwii95hMi,iilxBJ
OCTOBER 6, 1889.
Gathering the Grapes That Make the
Famous Wines of France.
Singing to and From Work lite Comic
Opera Peasants.
ABIS, September 21.
A grape vine grow
ing in front of one's
own house, stretching
out its many tendrils,
and laden in the early
autumn with vermil
'ion bunches, is a
pretty sight; but you
should see the hill
sides and high valleys
of those parts of
France where wine is
made if VOU would
like to know something about the nectar for
which this country is so famous. Name me
other wines that equal those of France.
"Where else can you find such fluids as her
Medocs, Burgundies and sparkling wines?
I am fondest of the grand cms of Sauterne,
or those Bordeaux that have bouquet, lim
pidity and the transparent color of a ruby,
but champagne is at the head of all of them
a3 a social wine. Let me tell you, then, of
grape gathering as it goes on in valleys or
among the hills, where sparkling wines par
excellence are produced, and of which Ay,
Bheims and Epernay are the chief places.
The mam road from Paris to Strasbourg
is filled with these vine-gatherers, as they
call themselves, but thousands of them are
vagabonds. The rascals tramp in separate
bands, and frighten the country people,
from whom they exact food and lodging,
beyond all endurance. Gendarmes are few
in number, and if all the scamps were
caught their captors would be puzzled to
know where to put them. At Ay these
gentry establish themselves on the banks of
the canal; and it is a strange sight to see
them in their improvised camps of an after
noon. Some are washing their clothes or
haneing them to dry on bushes; others are
cooking stolen potatoes over fires of wood
sneaked from adjacent vineyards, and some
are stretched out on the earth asleep of
plaving with dogs resting themselves for
the exploits of the night to come. Acer
tain number go through the town under the
pretext of searching for work, but in reality
to beg here a piece of bread, there money
or liquor; they are always insolent and
menacing, to old people. t
In the daytime pickets are placed
wherever the necessity is felt, and at night
the inhabitants take up arms and guard
their vineyards. It is imprudent to go
from Epernay to Ay or vice versa a dis
tance ot two miles at most without a good
revolver. Every few moments a shadow
emerges from the hedge, and asks you the
time or for a light, and talking is heard
under the bridges where the gangs take
refuge when it looks rainy.
The greater number belong in the district
or are from tbe environs. Laboring men
vineyards where they can earn more than
usual. There are also a good many who
come from Sainte-Menehould and from Lor
raine. These latter, or at least those who
bring them, are already known by tbe pro
prietors. They have been employed in pre
ceding years and are informed by letter
when their services will be required. Those
who hail from Lorraine arrive in four
wheeled wagons drawn by mules long carts
in which 25 persons manage to pack them
selves the women wearing a small blue
bonnet or a handkerchiet on their heads, tbe
men in stout high boots and blouses. Hang
ing from the wagon are baskets for the vint
age, also packsaddles, which will be hired
at a good price to convey to the main roads
the barrels of crapes that are gathered on
the slopes of Hautvillers, Ay and Avenay.
Each party calls immediately on the pro
prietor, and he at once forms "hordons,"
that is to say, groups of workmen whom
he requires to vintage such and such a field
in the shortest time possible. Everyone,
then, has a sleeping place allotted to them,
usually in a granary, where a thick, bed of
straw has been laid down.
At 3 o'clock in the morning reveille
sounds, but already the market place, or the
square in front of the Mayor's' office, is
crowded. It is the time ot hiring, and those
overseers ot the vineyards whose hordons
are not vet complete, come here to get the
men and women they need, or the mules and
wagons that they are in want of. Wages
and prices are established according to the
state of the vintage, the weather and the
number of hands seeking employment
These recompenses vary from one year to
another. In 1888 wages went down as low
as 1 franc, while in the previous year 5 or 6
francs were paid. The porters of casks are
better paid than are the gatherers ot grapes,
which is easily understood,considering their
work is ever so mnch more fatiguing.
Mules fetch IS or 20 francs the pair, some
times more, and one-horse carts bring about
the same.
Engagements made-they go to the propri
etor's house, or to that of the overseer,
where there are boilers of steaming cabbage
soup emitting an appetizing odor. Ven
dangeurs and vendangeuses sit down to the
table, and soup and bread quickly disap
"When all is ready for the start away they
go, stout porters at tbe bead of the column,
and they sing love songs, patriotic songs
and ditties.
The vines, humid with dew, lie under a
floating mist, which, however, slowly disap
pears with the first rays of sun. "Serpettes"
or knives are drawn; the vintagers gather
with the greatest care the .grapes, which are
placed in casks, and porters convey them to
the road with even more care than ever, for
it is very important that they be not
crushed before being put in the press, other
wise the must is liable to take a reddish
tint that diminishes its market value.
At noon they eat dinner. The repast con
sists ofbacon, cheese, plenty of bread and a
little wine. Then the hands lie down for an
hour to sleep,, or they go into the woods on
the border of the vineyard at the top of the
hill. At nightfall there is a general de
parture of everybody. If the vines are
finished, the "hordons" carry a branch of
flowers decorated with ribbon, they sing the
songs, not quite so lively, perhaps, as they
did in the early morning, and from all sides
in the calm of that same evening are herd
distant choruses, in which dominates the
soft voices of women and children.
Now the pressers come on the scene.
"Under the orders of a master, men fill the
box, then, seizing the large wheels of the
old machine, they put in action an enormous
screw. Crush the cranes, and thfl nmher infon
flows into an oblong vintage tab called tbe J
cave. This work is all done by candle 1
iiKut, ana so tne entire night passes, divided
betueen the working of the press, which is
filled and refilled, and games of all sorts,
largely dosed with red wine.
Nearly all the wine produced in the
champagne district is known as the spark
ling kind, and very little red wine exists In
The same black grape which was the mother
of those dark wines yields at present the
juice for that pale kind which in its spark
ling state ranks uppermost in the estimation
of the wine consuming public Tbe grapes
of Ay, Epernay, and elsewhere that cham-
fiagne is made, has to be passed very rapid
y from the press to avoid all fermentation
in the berries and all coloring of the must
The must is not immediately barreled, but
lies from 12 to 24 hours in the vats so that it
may deposit all its coarser dregs; then it is
drawn in to scrupnlnnsly clean and sulphured
barrels. In these the wine generally fer-
"Ufa im3KAliJmym r.rfIf-i T
Siring the Gatherer.
ments until Christmas. If rich in sugar
this fermentation will progress very slow
ly, and will be the more rapid the less
sugary particles the must contains.
In the second half of December the wine
is drawn off for the first time, without tak
ing any notice of the particular state of the
atmosnuere. Now is the time to mix the
different qualities. After this operation
the wine is cleared with gelatine or ising
glass, and then drawn off again through a
double sieve of hair and silk, which is
placed on the funnel. Generally speaking,
very little gelatine is used; bnt in most
LXgkxf --dSC
cases a little tannin in the liqnid state is
added to the wine as a preservative against
various maladies. By the month of March
it is all in bottles, and six weeks after it be
comes brisk. The sediment that collects in
the neck of the horizontal bottles has then
to be removed by taking out the corks,
emptying part of it and adding fresh wine.
In July and August the hundreds ot
thousands of bottles that are stored in the
limestone cellars at Ay and Epernay and,
Bheims flv and shatter bv .scores, and. work
men have to-fvdown with vrire- masks oaJa
try and stop the popular effervescence.
The pressure which this gas exercises in
the bottles amounts to four, five, or even six
atmospheres, but infallibly burst tbe bottles
lousing the Grapes.
when it attains the height of seven or eight
atmospheres. As to the sparkling canacity
of the wine, it is generally the case that the
kind of wine which explodes loudest
sparkles but little when standing in the.
glass; whereas, on the other hand, the wine
that sparKies Drissuy and lively explodes
with but a weak sound. The temperature
the wine is kept In is all-important) for the
higher it is the easier the carbonic acid de
velops itself. Champagne that has been
placed on ice for a considerable time will not
foam at all; and in all Paris there is not a
single restaurant or hotel where you can find
champagne on ice ready for immediate use.
Henby Haynie.
A Congressman's Smart Dor Jokes at tbo
Old Man's Expense.
St. Louis Bepabllc.
Ex-Congressman John J. O'Neill has a
brieht bov who is a veritable son of his
.father, in that he knows a good story when
he hears it The other day O Neill pere was
in one of his, most joeular moods, and
rattled off a string of conundrums and an
ecdote s for the deelctation of the lad.
Finally the little fellow looked up and
said: "Papa, I want you to buy me a gray
"Indeed, I won't Squirrels are very un
pleasant house pets. Go out to the Zoo
when you want to see 'em, but we can't be
bothered with such things at home."
"Well," said the lad with a twinkle in
his eye as he got ont of reach, "I've got to
have something to crack your chestnuts,
and I thought a gray squirrel would do it."
Objected to a Syndicate.
Blownup Herrlngton Can't yer help a
poor blind man?
Sawmill Veteran No, I can't; you jest
move on. I ain't foroin' no charity trust
An Aged Sotber Practice Penmanship for
Her Son's Benett.
Brooklyn tUen.J
I heard a minister say that during the
Civil War he was preaching toa congrega
tion in a little country town in Pennsyl
vania, and among his members was a woman
65 years old who had a son in the army. She
was telling the clergyman, one day when he
called at her house, how glad she'd be if she
knew how to write, for there were so many
family secrets that she did not like
to divulge when dictating a letter to be sent
to her boy. The parson said:
"My good woman, 'never too old to learn,'
why not learn to write?"
To his surprise she immediately brought
him some foolscap and asked him "to write
her some copier," which be did, and in
three month from that time he had occa
sion to call at her house, and to his utter
astonishment she brought him a plainly
written letter to read that she intended for
her son. An indefatigable will, persever
ance and love for her son accomplished
what she desired, in spite of the drawbacks
of old age.
Tlionsht Be Blast Kit on the Pump to Write
a Composition.
Atlanta Journal.1
Tommy Jones was not a very bright boy,
and when his teacher, at the close of school
one afternoon, told him he must write a
a composition on the pump to-morrow, he
took her at her word. The next morning,
therefore, instead of starting to school at the
usual hour, he mounted the big wooden box
pump in the yard, and with, his slate on his
knees began to write the desired composi
tion, But Tommy's father happening to pass
that way discovered him and asked why he
was not off to school. And when the boy
replied that the teacher had toll iim to
write a composition on the pump, lit.
Jonesburstoutina hearty laugh, much to
Tommy's surprise.
An explanation followed and the. boy
jumped down from the pump and started for
school, convinced that he needn't ait on a
pump to write a composition on a pump or
about a pump.
FccaUar.0rIs.lB of tWVsrasofalKeehy jIU
,A. . - -n., in taa Bound. " -j , .
How York HeraloVT i
The name-of Louis Mathot will go thun
dering down to the ages, not in history, per
haps, but in geography. An uncommon
honor has been paid to the genial French
lawyer Louis Mathot in the christeningof an
island. Ton may not find Mathot Island
on any existing chart, bnt it will doubtless
appear in the due coarse of time. It is in
the Sound, not far from City Island, and it
now boasts two inhabitants, a man and a
dog. A census taker would note two
structures there, a very small house and a
very tall flagstaff, from which the French
tri-color floats under the Stars and Stripes.
Mathot Island is a ragged rock, nearly
oval in shape. It is a favorite resort for a
small number of enthusiastic fishermen, in
cluding several members of the French
colony. One of these gentlemen thought
that the outline of the island was like that
of Mr. Mathot's bald head, and this marked
resemblance resulted in the formal baptism
of Mathot Island. Of course Mr. Mathot
feels highly flattered, for if there is any one
thing he is proud of it is of that shiny pate
that he would not lose for all the world. It
is one of the great sights of the French quar
ter, where the lawyer exercises a consider
able influence in politics as President of the
French Democratic Union.
A Party of Visitor. Who Canght the Hostess
t Unawares.
Washington Post
All the music lovers of Washington know
the brilliant contralto, Lizzie Macnichol
(Mrs. Frank Vetta). It is only a few
months ago since she gave np her Washing
ton home to go to the one her husband pro
vided for her in Philadelphia. Like the
plain, matter-of-fact little woman she is, she
plunges into the mysteries and duties of
housekeeping with a perfect delight The
change from stage life to domesticity is al
ways hailed by her with joy. She does not
hesitate even to arm herself with a brush
and scrub off the white marble hearth stones.
those lares and penates which do dnty for
doorsteps all over Philadelphia.
She was engaged in that soulful occupa
tion one morning not long ago, with a hand
kerchief tied down around her head in the
good old way she learned in Washington,
when a party of her nwell friends drove up.
"Is Mrs. Vetta in?" the supposed servant
was asked.
"Mrs. Vetta is not In at present," was the
very truthful answer.
"Can you.fell us when she will be-in?"
"Just as soon as she finishes washing the
front door steps," she replied with a merry
laugh, disclosing her identity at the same
Microbes That Eat the Hair and Make the
Scalp Smooth.
Medical Joornal.1
Saymonne claims to have isolated a
bacillus, called by him "bacillus crini
vorax," which is the cause of alopecia. It
is, he says, fonnd only on the scalp of man,
other hirsute parts of the bodyjmd also the
fur of animals being free from it The
bacilli invade the hair-follicles and make
the hair very brittle so that they break off
to the skin. Then the roots themselves are
attacked. If the microbes can be destroyed
early in the disease, the vitality of the hairs
may be preserved, but after the follicles are
invaded and all their structures injured the
baldness is incurable.
The following is Dr. Saymonne's remedy
to prevent baldness: Ten parts crude cod
liver oil, ten parts of the expressed juice of
onions, fire parts of mucilage and the yolk
of an egg are thoroughly shaken together
and the mixture applied to the scalp, and
well rubbed in, once a week. This, he as
serts, will ceminly bring back the hair if
the roots are not already '-destroyed, bnt
the application of the reaedy must be very
distressing !to tb.8 patittt'i fiisds and
Edwin Bootk's UBipe fteUisa
the ArseraaH Stags.
Toungr Edwin's Tint Appearaaee
The Foetllfkte.
The actor is born, not made. He Bwy fc
wuuc, UWilW, UUtBUil Bit oWKir, xMtwmi
BootH combines the Genius of Baton, w4l -
AvTIriA m mhwSaa Lm k111 . ... TJV
the power of an educated, sitMIe teapedftMU vf
florists style the breaking of a seedrwteiif j
10,000 dingy flowers,-then one with
divine streak. It Is a surprise. There k-
nothing to account for it Nature k ki
nf wllltor. talla,? nft ..l.'.u U11li
the world's a stage, and all the es astelj
women merely players." Wbat a wetMf
this would be if all the actors were tea
like Edwin Booth I Oar standard woaH 1
raised, that is all the theater would JUt
and Shakespeare's Hamlet become
place. Because there is but oaeBeetfc iJ
all the great world of actors, hero w
falls in its rizht dace.
Just 40 years ago Edwin Booth sa4e Vvf
nntmtr 111 Rrfin n? Vjfonn wan f mUu.JJ
ance as dresser. One of the actors' irinhisM-r
to avoid his dufy ior the evening,, paraaaifolj
x.uwin to taste nis part, all wltMtKi
eider Booth's knowledge, who beeasae awi
of the change in the nroeramme oalv a i
minutes before the curtain rose. ,"JPel?I
nM.u.OHlU. .& X4UWU. 1T&S rVT Sl
lace nis part, nis eccentric lamer, vte
1.: :! t. 1 s.t. i" - a
uioi criucauy, oai mill apparw ib
ence, asked him if he knew that he was
posed to have been riding far asd 1
Tes. sir." "Where are voar h
But the young actor had JteiJ
thought of these- "Take mine." Tfcl
boy took the boot spurs and went oa. fer H
little scene with Henry TL He retaxMd i
find his father sitting smokisg as a-sgl
gently aswnen ne xeit nun, aad.au ike re--,
mars: onered was, "Oive me xaj" spv"i
This was all the comment that SdwiaJ'
Booth's first professional appearance bro agist '
from his father, then the greatest tragedian ;
of the world, bnt to his delight afterw"
jearnecunat nis peculiar parent ad w&iefeod T.&
hi tl-t ..r. with ! !-.- - V"J
bnt had hurried back to hi pose Is ' J
dressing room before yaasg Bdwifi'-w-
A more singular being thaa the &sfcer oft
Edwin J3ooth biographers do set reooaat. .
He was tbe victim at times of straage sal-',
ancholyor humorous fancies. Ose am
aote is toia ot mm wnen net had taxes a
IM1UV M UD Ui BUW1UW VBgCftttriaUi, iUttt M-f-l
steam Doat travel at taoie was placed oppe-, .'
site a benevolent Quaker who insisted apesj j
neipmg nun irom time to time, first Ml
chicken, ham. etc. "Then thee ant take i
piece of the mutton," persisted the ged" efclj)
.t-! 3 T . L a 1L t X 1
4Ta.I a-nA T nmfa. tkat - TV1. auuf . f
voice that had electrified aadieneos. aV
annihilated the Qoaker, aad another m ml; i
1UQBU jus seat t ueunr wc. t
To-day Bdwi. Booth is the ldiaac
in America, If Mtldflwcwotdd, aad wh,
England, with all hertBMMfial
isaStl "eertalft oeml osoobstosi Jsit .sin
haa IaiUH wrfe elMtiiUiiMi
of America's actor we can ask no m
place. Edwin Booth's life, associated ht'H
vears with his father in all his waadertBOts.;
strange and sad adventures, left a- gleea enf t;
nis naturally meiancnoiy ttmperam eat, bt-
lt has made mm tne greatest Aamiet of my
century. This greatest of ShakeepetkH.'s ,
plays, though loll ot incident, its ssaia ta- '
terest is centered in thought aad character.
in the moods of mind throneh wbiefa;
Hamlet passes, Edwin Booth bries ,-
fore his audience the reauzaUoa oti
Rhs1rjumirA'a haunted nriraivh a. fin 1,7 n i
moral nature that sinks beneath a bwdeal
which it cannot bear. A bomPriaee, )m.
was-to be the delight of Denmark, bat th
superstitions of tne times nad mm to betteve
his father's spirit walks. A horrid saaider.
seizes him. In tbe melancholy darkness of.'
Ilia n?n)if Ita Dat 4rS ariivM KAttrttn Jiini ba .
follows it to hear: "If thou didst ever thyVs
UG umu av dvm uv militia uvuotuu w. iv
dear father love, revenge nis foul and raew
unnatural murder. Adieu, adieu! resaecs- '
ber me," and the ghost vanishes, but leaves' ;
a hero, with an oath upon his seal, to'
avense his father's death. In this character ;
ot Hamlet Edwin Booth leaves not a single ta
line nnstndied. not a point that he has aefr
thoroughly settled. In the thousand little? -
things, too, that dramatic performances are -
madft nn of he observes. In the irravevardi :
scene he directs that one of the skaJkf !
thrown np by the Oravt-JHgger shall have
a moldy fool's cap. As Hamlet "he syta
bolizes that religion to rhicti Momlet oo
often refers, by holding his sword, hilt fore-1
most; toward the receding specter as a pro
tective cross."
There is a magnetism, a fasolnation, a
nameless delight in Booth's acting. Her
electrifies until the eloquence of lesser lights
sounds like ceaseless gabble. Booth, is a poet
as well as an artist, and the poetic warmth
and glamour that he gives to his ideals is the) "
secret 01 uu power, as Awwiim no iiYiag
actor can stand a comparison with him. la
his repertory he is extraordinary ia its
range, but more in the average exeelleaea
throughout the breadth of this ranee. Edwia
Booth in his stage life has acted every kiaeV
of character, even to a dandy negro, bat no.
other actor in our day nas equaled, mm ia
-noetie traeedv. As a man he has bees tried'
by every vicissitude and sorrowful experi-r j
ence.1. bnt his strong character has- eaabled. :
him to bear bravely, and while ha is la
-i . . ..... .. r
manner eccentric, yet tnose wno Know nimi
heat sav he is full of playful humor aad t
tenderness of heart, and for the stately use)
he has made of nature s gut, for the teapta-,
tions he has resisted, we reward hits with,
hero worship, while he, with his goodness i
ancThis genius, in the old story book of lite,,
illustrates the pages with the glories of art.
Looking for Iiost hot:
Philadelphia Inqolrer.I
Eastern Capitalist Yes, I'tb got soawAS
money to invest, but where are your lots?
Western BoomerJest wait a minnte,
straneer. till I eet two diving suits and we'lll
go down and look st 'em. Been a party wet I
season, yon know.
Ia a Tight Place.
Long Slle (the stage driver) Ceaw
here a minnte, Scars.
Scars (the cowboy) Can't Jest baw, 1
ner. This stranger's got t' drsa M.w
With W MHBIsK Kv& TSa &Y4C Mfc-
(B Nil fc&sV9
film prafi JL 1
sscssssVS ust m 1 -oS
JfiMiil . 7