s9vaaBla.BiBBfsaBaBBMBaiBlaBafBKafeaBp yflBBJ WffBrWymE -PITTSBURG b3OTAT0ifOT "Z- .Ji: : 1 - ' r IHEGZAR IN DAGGER. Precautions Taken to Prevent an Attempted Assassination OK THE TEIP THROUGH GERMANY. He Will Positively Start for Berlin on Thursday Next BISHAECK FINALLY SCORES A POINT. The Bnsslan Monarch Consents to Talk About Inter national Affilrs. The great event of the coming week in Europe will be the visit of the Czar to Ber lin, which will probably hare a great effect upon the relations of the countries interested. The monarch of all the Eussias has con tented to discuss matters with Bismarck. Every precaution is being taken to insure the Czar's safety. tconrBiairr, isss.etthk new yoek associated FSESB.3 Berlin-, October 5. Official telegrams from Fredensbourg received at Potsdam and the foreign office to-night say that the Czar will start for Berlin on Thursday next. Ac cording to the present programme, the Czar will co to Kiel, journeying thence by way of Oldersloe and Schwarzbeck to Berlin. This programme is subject to alteration. II. Schirinkine, Chief of the Czar's Secret Police, passed through Berlin to-day on his way to Kiel. He is accompanied by the In spector of Imperial Tracings. The Czar's special train, once owned by the Empress Eugenie, lies at the station here, having come from Wirballen. There are swarms of Bussian police here, at Kiel and at the stations along the proposed route. EVEKT PKECATJTIOJT TAKES'. Bussian troops Hue the rails from "Wir ballen to Moscow. The precaution taken far ezcells those on the occasion of the for mer visit of the Czar and are due to his in tense fears of an attempt upon his life. -Lne Czarina leaves Copenhagen on October 1 for Konigsberg, rejoining the Czar at some point on the homeward journey. Only Court Minister "Worontzow Dascnkoff and Aids de Camp Generals Teherairnd and Sichter will accompany the Czar. Under the pressing insistence of Count Schouvaloff, the Eussian Ambassador to Germany, the Czar will accord Prince Bis marck the desired interview. As soon as the promise of a conference was received, the semi-official press was instructed to deny the statement that the Government in tended to apply to the Beicbstag for a mili tary credit ot several hundred million marks. To-night the Xational Gazette turns upon itself, declaring that no money demands of any importance were ever contemplated by the Government, The statement that the movements of Bussian troops were threat ening the safety of the frontier is likewise pronounced exaggerated. JUST A LITTLE VISIT. ' The Czar will pass 48 hours between Pots dam and Berlin. Nothing ia expected to result from his meeting with Prince Bis marck. The Moscow newspapers ridicule the idea that the Czar will accept any con ciliatory overtures unless they are well backed by solid concessions. An uneasy feeling appears to prevail in the Austrian official circle, it being feared that the Chancellor is about to make a new move by offering to assist in restoiing Eus sian dominance in Bulgaria as an induce ment to draw the Czar Irom a French alli ance. The "Vienna Fremdenblatt't article advocating the recognition of Ferdinand as Prince of Bulgaria has been quoted by the Jforth German Gazette without comment. Other semi-official papers believe German support donbttul, although the Vienna Cab inet is known to attach supreme importance to the question. Prince Bismarck is sus pected of playing a double game. It is thought that on the one haud he will threaten the Czar with a movement looking to,a firm establishment of Bulgarian inde pendence, while, on the other hand, he will offer an entente, based on a proposal that Euesia shall have a freer hand to deal with Bulgaria and intervene Armenia. THE CHAXCELI.OB'S PLAJCS. It is certain that if the Czar refuses Prince Bismarck's proposals with coldness, recog nition of Ferdinand by the Porte, the powers forming the triple alliance and En gland, will be the immediate sequence. The Sultan has already agreed to recosrnize Ferdinand, and only awaits the visit of Emperor William before issuing a formal proclamation to that effect The Kreuz Zcitunj to-day reproduced Emperor William's article in the Jieichs zanger rebuking the attack on the Cartel parties. The Zeifuno frankly adds that it assailed the National Liberals' because con vinced that that line of policy of the Cartel parties, underthe influence o"f the National Liberals, was injurious to the state and bv virtue of the spirit of loyalty that has ani mated its criticisms it now bows before the opinion of the Emperor. The response of the Kreuz Zeitung is gen erally admitted to be dignified and well put, and conceals its mortification at finding that the Emperor has unabated confidence in the Chancellor's international policy.and that he is also ready to resent toadyism from the ultra-Conservatives. XS IMPERIAL EEBUKE. The weight of the Imnerial roii,Vo ;. . d r. .HWAW . vl4- hanced by the announcement that it was written by the Emperor solely on his own initiative, and without the knowledge of Prince Bismarck. All parties feel the im portance of the utterance for the coming elections. It will help squash the ultra Conservatives and enormouslv strenethen the United Conservatives and National Lib erals. The news from Athens that a fever is rav aging the populace there, and that several court officials are among the victims, aiarma the imperial circle. The Emperor is due at Athens on the 28th inst. If the epidemic continues the marriage fetes will be cur tailed. The present programme of three days' fetes and a review of 23,000 troops will be reduced to a quiet marriage cere mony. The preparations that are being made at Constantinople for the reception of Em - peror William indicate a prolonged stay. It it reported that he will remain two weeks at the Turkish capital. He will be accom panied by Count Herbert Bismarck. The length of the Emperor's visit is attributed to an intention to inquire into the condition of the Turkish army, and to test the state ment of German officers that the Porte is still able to maintain a standing armv of 400,000 men. J FEEET FOE MIXISTEB. Herr Bette, the French Ambassador, re turned to Berlin last evening. It is re ported that he will be replaced by Jules Ferry. In spite of some displeasing acts of Ferry while in power, Bismarck is ready to accept him. Princess Margaret, sister ot the Emperor, is betrothed to Prince William, the heir of the Duke of Nassau. Her mother favored the suit of the Crown Prince of Denmark, while Bismarck favored the Prince of Nassau. Lieutenant Fischar, with two batteries of artillery, has sailed from Hamburg to rein force Captain Wissmann in East Africa. The alarm over Captain Wissman's position increases. He is threatened by large bodies of well armed Arabs and natives, who are cutting off his supplies. Tfae Bank Reorganized. The stockholders ot the new Manufac turers' Bank, Southslde, yesterday reorgan ised under the charter of the old Farmers and Mechanics Bank, which they pur chased. The officials elected some weeks ago were rechosen, and the capital stock fixed at 100,000. ALL CUT AIM DRIED. A Congreman Resign, but Standi Oat for Oil Salary The Amount to be Blade Good by llta Lo cal Party Leaden. rsfeciAi. Tzxxosjm to tiu dispatcem Oswxqo, N. Y., October 5 The resigna tion of Congressman Nutting is said to be already in the hands of the Governor. The gossip about it U interesting. It is to the effect that Congressman Nutting, knowing that his health would not permit him to re sume his seat in the House of Bepresenta tives,signiedhis willingness to resign under certain conditions. It was then, so the story goes, that General John N. Knapp, of Auburn; John H. Vancamp, the boss of Wayne county, and ex-Congressman Serono Payne, of Auburn, got their heads together, and fixed up a scheme to send Mr. Payne to Congress, to serve out Mr. Nutting's unex pired term, if Nutting could be induced to resign. A conference was said to have been ar ranged, at which Congressman Nutting agreed to resign if the salary he would re ceive in the event of his remaining in office was made good. This amounted to $7,500, and was no small amount for the bosses to raise. Mr. Pavne, it is said, was willing to pay $1,500 of tfie amount, with the under standing that the nomination should be given him without a contest of any sort, as he did not propose to hand over that amount and have a wearisome and expensive can vass in addition. Help w.is asked from the Bepublican State Committee, it is said, and in varions ways the 57,500 was raised and paid to Mr. Nutting, who thereupon wrote his resigna tion. The Twenty-sixth Congressional district is composed of the counties of Oswego, Cayuga and Wayne, and it is said that the bosses in these counties have things so tightly corked that there is no question of the nomination of Mr. Payne. It is ex pected that the special election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Nutting will be ordered by the Governor to take place on the day of the general election, next month. BI AN IRISH MESSAGE. How William Armstrong; Was Discovered in Montreal. Intelligence was received in the city last evening that William Armstrong, brother of Frank Armstrong, the coal man of Pittr burg, had been found in Montreal. It will be remembered that some three weeks since Mr. Armstrong disappeared from an asylum, near Camden, where he had been placed for treatment, while suffering from a fit of tem porary mental aberration. Search wasmade everywhere for him, but without avail, un til on Wednesday, a message arrived Irom Dnngannon, Ireland, stating that the miss ing gentleman was in Montreal. How the news came from such an unlikely and distant quarter is explained thus: Mr. Armstrong made his way to Montreal with only 52 in his pocket. He obtained a position there and went to the Young Men's Christian Association. Some peculiarity in his manner and appearance led the Secre tary to snspect his head was not all right, and as he bad declared his native place to be Dnngannon, a letter of inquiry was sent thither. Dnngannon was really the place ot nativity of the Armstrongs, ana Mr. Armstrong's description being recognized there, a cablegram was sent to Mr. Frank Armstrong, ot Pittsburg, relating the where abouts of his brother. KILLED BI HER FLATMATES. A LltlleSQlrl Die From Wound. Indicted by Five Children. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 New Yoek, October 5. Julia O'Connor, 14 years old, ot 614 East Sixteenth street, died this afternoon in the New York Hospital of injuries to her .head and spine, received in a street fight with other girls on the night of July 17. Maggie Miller, aged 14, is in the Catholic Protectory, under arrest. and iour omer youne gins who toot part in the scrimmage, Julia u.euv, JeJJie and itatie Beagan, sisters, and Mamie McMalion will be arrested. Mrs. O'Connor, the mother of the dead girl, said to-night that on Jul v 16 she sent Julia out on an errand. There" he daughter met Maggie Miller, and the girls had a quarrel. The next evening little Maggie Quinn called at the house and told Julia she was wanted on the corner of Avenue B and Sev enteenth street. Julia went with Maggie, and when she reached the corner.Mrs. O'Con "" Bavl Maggie Miller struck her and Julia Kelly and the Eeagan sisters and Mamie McMahon pitched in too. They dragged her daughter a block, threw her down on the sidewalk:, kicked her. and jumped on her. THEY WANT THEIR LEGACIES. An Executor Arremed on the Charge of Misappropriating; Fands. NettaBK, N. J., October 5. George B. Lawton, of East Orange, was arrested on a capias this afternoon and lodcred in the Essex county jail in default of 548,000 bail. Mr. Lawton was sole executor of the estate of Jane Mull, of Newark, who died in 1879, leaving bequests amounting to $193,000 to her eight children. It is charged that Lawton, failing to pay the bequests, disappeared, returning to Or ange only a few mouths ago. The amount of his bail is the sum which Jennie Mull Allain, one of the heirs, claims as her share of the estate. DIED OF ASPHYXIATION, Though Heart DIaeaae May Have Hastened the Event Somewhat. HTECTAL TELEGRAM TO TOTE DUPATCIM New York, October 5. Daniel M. Sea man, a well-known real estate auctioneer and broker, and a member of the Real Estate Exchange, died at his home early this morning, of asvhyxiation by illuminat ing gas. Heart diseise may have helped on his death. The father died of heart disease, and Dr. Seaman's own health has been such that for years he has carried with him a paper con taining his name and address, in case he should die suddenly away from home. He was 52 years bid. ' A LABOR CONSOLIDATION. The Engineers and Firemen to Unite With tbe Knlglii of Labor. Omaha, Neb., Oatober 5. An agree ment has been signed by the joint commit tee of the Locomotive Engineers and Fire men for federation of tbe Brotherhood of Engineers and Firemen, KnighU of Labor, Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association and Brotherhood of Railway Brakemen. The articles of agreement are to be sub mitted to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at its meeting in Denver on Oc tober 16. Died Just After Dancing. IfrrCIAL TELEGRAM TO THXPtsrATClt.l New Yoek, October C Captain David Cook, Assistant Quartermaster of the Da vid's Island post, died suddenly just after dancing at a hop there Friday night. Heart disease is blamed. Chicago Triumph Again!!! Paris cablegrams, under date of September 30, announce: The "Grand Prix," the highest award ever bestowed, has been given to the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company ot Chicago by the Paris Expo sition tbe greatest and grandest show ever held on earth. Thus another,grand prize is added to the already long list of well-earned laurels. Truly, the "McCormick" is king ofthe harvest fields. Well, may Chicago feel proud (as she does), that she is the home of "McCormick," and equally proud is McCormick that Chicago, the truly representative American city, where the great World's Fair ot 1892 will undoubtedly beheld, is bis home. There is but one Paris and one Chicago. SHAMEFUL 0UTEAGE. A Beautiful Young Girl Torn From Her Bed and Sprinkled With Cold Water Her Asaailanti Placed Under Arreat. I SPECIAL TZXXOBAK TO THE CISFATCII.l BEADiNG.October 5. MissEva Eebecca Strasser. a beautiful girl of 17, residing in the household of Adam Shappell, a wealthy farmer, near Hamburg, this county, was the victim of a shameful outrage last night, at the hands of two young men. At 10 o'clock, after she bad retired and was sound asleep.'young Wil son Eubright and Monroe Kershner en tered her bedroom, struck a light and awakened her. In a fright she asked what they wanted. They replied they had come merely to have some fnn. She protested against the intrusion and screamed for help, but they paid no heed, and coolly proceeded to pull the blanket and coverlet from the bed, leaving her ex posed and shivering in her night dress. Then, despite her screams and struggles, young Eubright seized her bv the shoulders, while Kershner held her by the feet, and to gether they lifted her out of bed. Standing her upright in the middle of the floor, and holding her arms with an iron grasp, Eubright kept her in that position while Kershner sprinkled her trembling body with cold water. After this performance they carried the terrified girl down stairs into the presence of the farmer, who sat alone by the fire, quietly smoking his pipe and offer ing no reproof. Then they released the girl and she fled to her room. This morning she arose early, came by the first train to this city, and swore out warrants for the arrest of the two young men and Farmer ShappelL "Detective Kramer at once went to Hamburg and made the ar rests. All three gave bail. "Farmer Shappell owns one of the largest farms in that section, and, like Eubright and Kershner, has hitherto borne a good reputa tion. The three men are reticent about the affair, but their friends say no harm was in tended to the farmer's protege. SMART EN0UNGH TO BE A IANEEE. An Italian Stowaway Succeed ia Beating Uncle Sam' Agents. New Yoek, October 5. The forces of tbe United States Treasury Department have been beaten by a modest but bright Italian youth who arrived several days ago on the tramp steamer Scaw Fell from Palermo. When the ship was a couple of days out the boy crawled from his hiding place in the hold, and tremblingly presented him self to Captain Stanhope. The bluff old commander took a liking to the lad after a few days, and his trick was forgiven. Upon arriving in New York Collector Erhardt decided that the stowaway must be sent back on the same vessel. The situa tion looked a trifle odd when it was learned that theScaw Fell was picking up business here and there around the globe and might not reach Italy again in a year or two. Giuseppe Lese, which is the name of the young man, was held on board ship until she sailed for Savannah a few days later. Colonel Erhardt telegraphed the Treasury authorities in Washington, who instructed the customs inspectors at Savannah to look out for the tramp steamer and the tramp boy. In dne course she reached that port, and the officers immediately sought the youth to prevent his landing, when, lol the captain came forward with the ship's arti cles, in which the name of the little chap appeared as a "seaman." Giuseppe coolly walked ashore without interference and disappeared. A N0-ACC0DNT COUNT. He Present Check Which the Bank Be. fase to Honor. Ottawa, October 5. A man calling himself the "Count De Vermont" came here with introductions to some of the Civil Service people, from many influen tial men, among them one from Mr. White, one ofthe proprietors and editors of The Montreal Gazette, to Mr. Griffin, the Parliamentary Librarian. Mr. Griffin turned the "Count" over to a French col league, Mr. Decelles. By this influential man, the "Count" was introduced in tbe clubs, and given a standing in social cir cles. He lived high and ran up a considera ble wine bill. He is credited with having won a good deal of money at billiards and cards. Early in September he passed a check of $30 drawn by himself on the Gar field National Bank, of New York city, and got it cashed at the Bussell House, where he was boarding. He then left the hotel sur reptitiously, haying first got his baggage secretly removed, leaving his acconnt un settled. Nothing more was heard of him till to-day, when bis check was retnrned to the Bank of Montreal from New York, marked "No account" MADE MAD BY FEAR OF SIN. Pretty Hattie Bartlett Climbed Tall Tree to Get Nearer Heaven. Wilkesbabbe, Pa., October C Miss Hattie Bartlett, a pretty and well-known young 'girl, living in West Pittston with her parents, wai removed to the State Asy lum for the Insane, at Danville, yesterday. She has become violently insane on the sub ject of religion. About a month ago Evangelist Yatman began revival meetings here and Miss Bart lett was among the first to be converted. Since that time her desire has been to get away from the wickedness of this world and nearer to heaven. In her insane endeavors to do this she would climb to the top of tall trees in the vicinity of her home. On other occasions she walked miles in order to get into the attics of the tallest buildings. It was with great difficulty after being found that she conld be induced to leave her sup posed heavenly places of refuge. ' When her father and mother refused to follow her stepsshetermed them "devils" and would not associate with them, saying she was afraid she would be contaminated by their in fluences. WILLIAM THAWS DEBTORS. A Humor That They Woald Have to Pay Seemingly Confirmed. Legal notice has been given that a repre sentative of the administrators of the estate of the late William Thaw will receive all the amounts due the estate ofthe dead phil anthropist, and some apprehensions have been created by a rumor that a numbefof those who were beneficiaries of Mr. Thaw's bounty, and who were entered in his memo randas would be expected to return the amounts loaned to them. One of the administrators was asked about the rumor and answered laconically: "We shall collect everv dollar we can." A SERIODS CHARGE. Armstrong I Sned for Detaining Hi Chll dren' Character. An information was made by Michael Dean before Alderman Porter yesterday, in which it is alleged that Jacob Armstrong, living at the corner of Thirty-sixth and Charlotta streets, had defamed his children's character by false imputations. Armstrong has four daughters and three sons. One of his daughters is lying at the West Penn Hospital in a precarious 'condition, owing tb the hard work which she was forced to do bv her father. The case will be heard next Tuesday. Bail given for hearing. Ulrlcb Wo Coreleaa. The coroner held an inquest yesterday Into the death of TJlrich, wdo was run oyer by a cable car aU Thirty-third street Tho jurv returned a verdict of oarelessness on Ulrich's part attaching no blame to J. J, George, the eripman. George, who had 1 given himself up to the police, was released I after the verdict was pronounced. i A .GRAND (JALA DAT. Extensive Preparations at the Na tional Capital for the GEEAT KNIGHTS TEMPLAR PARADE The Decorations Will be of the Host Beautiful Character. WHEELMEN TO TAKE A LEADING PART. Itey Will be One of the fcpedal Features of tie MarcalnV Column. Washington is busy preparing for the great parade of the Knights Templar on Tuesday next It will be the finest non military display witnessed in this country for many years. 1 SPECIAL 1ZLXOBAX TO THS DISPATCH. 1 j Washikgtok, Octobers. The numerous 'cyclers of this city will parade as a sort of an annex to the procession of the Knights Templar on October 8, Washington, with out the shadow ot a doubt, can assemble more wheelmen than any other city in the country. Where is the city, possessing such a fine avenue upon which to display the graceful evolutions of the men who ride the wheel? Each bicycle will be decorated with lanterns of unique design, and the sight of hundreds of slow-moving wheels, each with its flaming lights, will surely be an interesting one. The ladies who ride a "bike" have been invited to take part in the novel parade. The committee having the matter in charge say that if the ladies will favor them with their presence, the shall have the post of honor in the procession. Skirts always add so much to any entertainment. MRS. ZOOAK AT WOBE. Mrs. John A. Logan is busily engaged with the details of the reception, to be given to the local Knights, on the evening of Oc tober 9. She will be assisted by Grand Master Boome. The illumination of the grounds of the Logan mansion at Calumet Place will beperlect The avenues leading to the house will be flooded with the rays of ten calcinm lights, while within the grounds thousands of tiny lanterns will help make night like day. A star seven feet in height formed of gas jets inclosed in red. white and blue globes, with a passion cross in the center, will be suspended above the front entrance to the mansion. That the ladies accompanying the Sir Knights to the conclave may be afforded facilities for witnessing the parade, the Treasury Department has given the local committee authority to erect a stand on the south end of tbe Treasury building similar to that used on in auguration day. On that occasion some 6,000 people were accommodated with seats. Other stands are in course of erection along the line of march, and there will be others put up on the day prior to the parade. The peoplewho putup stands in Washing ton, are a little cautious about going into ventures of that kind especially since In auguration Day. ' wisdom by expebience. Then thousands of the seats on the stands along the avenue were unsolt) and unoccu pied, owing to the drenching downpour of rain which characterized that day as one of the most disagreeable upon whichN a Chief Executive was ever inducted into office. Tancred Commandery No. 48, of Pitts burg, will be quartered in the historic Wil lard, while Commandery No. 1, of the same citv, will receive their triends at the Hotel Johnston. For the information of the members of these two commanderies of your city I might add that a committee of ladies will be on duty at the Masonio headquar ters from the 8th to the 11th inst Their especial charge will be the entertainment of the ladies of the visiting Knights. General J. P. S. Gobin, oi Pennsylvania, the present Deputy Grand Master of the order, will be advanced to Grand Master. This is in accordance with the custom of ad vancing the officers at each conclave. Into the Capital City from every quarter of the country visitors are pouring to par ticipate in, or witness the parade, which will be the greatest strictly non-military procession ever seen in Washington. Fa miliar as Washingtonians are with grand demonstrations, they will find much of in terest in the parade of the Knights. Instead of the blue uniform of the regular army and militia, to say nothing of our gorgeous diplomats from foreign shores, we will see the black broadcloth, , THE WAVING PLUMES, and jeweled swords of-the Knights Templar. The choice of Washington as the place for the encampment was made at the last con clave under rather peculiar circumstances. The committee having the matter in charge reported in favor of another city, much to the disgust of a majority of the members. The report was yelled down by tne members, the Grand Master refused to receive it, and substituted tbe nine of Washington, after which the report was accepted with the greatest enthusiasm. One peculiar effect of the conclave on Washington is the nnmerous applications during the past few months for membership in the local lodges. It is thought by tbe Secretary at Masonic headquarters here that they will outnumber the applications for the same period of time for many years. This is the experience ofthe lodges in every city which has been the scene of a grand encampment, and, is largely due to the prominence which such an event gives to the order in the minds ofthe people. It is more than probable that the coming conclave will be the last of the grand gatherings of the Knights Templar. In quite a number of places the idea of having the encampment meet transact its busi ness and adjourn has been strongly favored. Who knows but that the splendid parades which to the unitiated seems to be the crowning glory of knighthood will in a few years be a thing of the past a mere mem ory. This explains THE DEEP INTEREST manifested by all who belong to the order, and each commandery here seems to be vieing with its neighbor in endeavoring to excel past records. This spectacle of thou sands of handsomely unilormed Knights with which we are "so soon to be regaled had a very humble beginning. Formerly a local procession escorted the Grand Master to the place where the encampment met to transact its business. As jears went by the parades became more grand and im posing in character, until to-day thousands flock from all parts ofthe country to see the immense processions of the greatest order in the world. The committees in charge of decoration and entertainment are doing their best to make this encampment tbe most splendid ever held. The houses along the line of march of the big parade will be profusely decorated with flags, streamers and the various Masonic emblems. The head quarters of the DeMolay Commandery on Pennsylvania avenue will be brilliantly illuminated by means of many colored lights thrown upon the building from the opposite side of the street Aldridge, the man who decorated the Pension building on the occasion of the last inauguration, has the decoration of the Masonic Temple well under way, and it promises to be a thing of beauty. Ga Line Laid. During last summer nearly 150 miles of natural gas pipe was laid, on which over $400,000 were expended. There were more pipes laid in the city than at any time in the history of the natural gas business. Large pipes especially have been in great demand. ' A Mistake Corrected. Mrs. M. M. Schroyer, who lives at 199 Second avenue, denies that Kate Clark and Madcfe Castleton were fonnd in her hnnu. They were taken from some place on First avenue. A PBIEST TO HANG. Rather Boyle) Seotcnccd to Expiate BI VI Crime on the Scaffold How Gen. i era Wullnker Wrong Are,- to Be Avenged. Ealeigh, N. C., OctoberC The Catho lic priest, Father Boyle, was convicted to night of the charge of criminal assault on Miss Geneva Whitaker. The crime of which Boyle is convicted was committed last May. He was sentenced to be hanged November 29. Solicitor Argo made a powerful speech in closing for the State. He explained the re lation of a priest toward members of his congregation, and insisted that Geneva's conception ot this relation clearly explained her trustfulness in going to Boyle's room. He described what consti tuted criminal, assault, one of the four capital crimes known to North Carolina law. and said to Boyle that death now stared him in the face, but that it did so by his own invitation. Ho asserted that finger marks and bruises on the girl were overwhelming and absolute evidences of brutal force used byBoyle. The girl's good character had been proved beyond doubt, and the medical examination pointed con clusively to violence. Geneva had cried ont wbea assaulted, and one of the leading witnesses for the defense heard that cry. Boyle's story and that of Charles Young, his servant, that there were no cries, he Baid, were manufactured. His denunciation of Boyle at times was terrible. Argument closed at 630 P. M., and Judge Armfield at once began his charge to the jury. The jury was out three hours, when they returned a verdict of guilty... NOW FOE THE PAEADE, The ArmatroDE Monument Committee Making- Preparation. The Executive Committee of the Thomas A. Armstrong'Monumental Association met in the rooms of the Amalgamated Associa-. tion vesterdav afternoon. Dr. D. B. Sturgeon presided. The sub-committee for tbe selec tion of a site for the monument reported the selection of a beautiful piece of ground in the Allegheny Park near Marion avenue and Ohio street Their selection was ap proved. The sub-committee on the dedica tion, which will occur on Thanksgiving Day, renorted in favor of a demonstration, a large number of labor organizations in this county and adjoining States having signi fied their intention of turning out They also recommended theselectionof William Weihe, President of the Amalgamated Association, and President of tbe Monumental Associa tion, as chief marshal for the day, he to have full power to appoint his aids, ar range divisions, etc. The committee also chose the Hon. Miles S. Humphries as orator, and Dr. D. B. Stuigeon as Chair man of the exercises of the day. The report of the committee was unanimously appr&ved. The secretary of the association was author ized to communicate with the Pittsburg Railroad Association in regard to securing special rates from outlying towns. A prominent feature ot the ceremonies will be the massinz together or a number of brass bands for the purpose of discoursing a few choice selections. The committee has delegated this part ot the programme to Mr. C. H. W. Kuhe, with full power to act, and he will be officially notified ot the same. A number of the Amalgamated Associa tion lodges have yet to report but undoubt edly all will turn out, as unofficial noticeto that effect has been received. SILLS STILL PRESENTED. Tho Pittsbnrg- Belief Committee Subject to More Delays. Treasurer'W. E. Thompson has recently checked over $400,000 to the General Fund of the Johnstown Flood Commission, retain ing' only enongh to meet certain small bills which are contingent in nature. It is a re markable fact that bills supposed to have no existence are springing into view almost every day. Several came in last Friday, and npon them the local committee will shortly pass judgment at another meeting. That bills of any nature should be withheld for months after having been due is what puzzles some people. It will not be long, however, before the final accounting will be made to the public by the Pittsburg Belief Committee. Governor Beaver's offer to pay for the tools in lieu ot returning the $125,000 is still said to be open to consideration at the hands of the Belief Committee. Doughty Again. S. B. McLean, formerly a clerk in Alder man Doughtys office, had the Alderman arrested Friday night for disorderly con duct He claims Doughty called him vile names while they were drinking. Poverty ! rjo Dlnn'i Friend! "I believe in saving all I can and that's why I came here." It was a hard-working man who nttered this remark. He hadn't much money to invest in a suit and still less in an overcoat but he wanted his money to go as far as possible. Ten dollars was what he limited himself to for a suit and $8 was the extent of his pile for an overcoat Now mark you well! For $8 he got from Gusky's a better suit than he could have purchased -at any other store in town for $10. Seven dollars was all he spent for an overcoat which couldn't be equaled in value outside of Gusky's for less than $9 and perhaps $10. Four dollars, and probably $p, was what he saved by patronizing Gusky's on an invest ment of 515, and every one can depend on it that on Gusky's lines of higher-priced snits and overcoats thesaving is still greater. Everyman in town is invited to attend Gusky's great sale, which commences to morrow. A saving of a few dollars can be effected by every purchaser. The Far Bnslne ot This City Has grown wonderfully of late years, and with this increase the honse of C. A. Smiley & Co. has kept well in advance. The pres ent season finds them busier than ever and their factory well filled with orders. A department is given overntirely to the repairing and refreshing of seal garments, and the successful manner in which it is done is talked about among ladies having work of the kind. There are no misfits, and complaints about the work are never heard. A sacqae made over is sura to bring others, and to this they attribute their great suc cess. EOE KEW SEAL OAEMENTS. They have said so much about the im- Eossib'ility of buying made-up goods that ere only a word is needed. STOCK SACQUES WON'T PIT, As expensive articles like these ought to, and a garmentmade to order at this house is sure to, and the cost is likely to be a little less. LADIES, ASK TOT7S FEIENDS About this fur establishment and you will go no other place to have your furs repaired or made over, and if you want a new sacque or wrap to get perfect fitting and positive satisfaction try no other. C. A. Smilet & Co., Manufacturing Furriers, 28 Fifth avenue. 82, 82 30 and 83 Hat In All The latest shapes at O. A. Smiley & Co.'s. POSTPONEMENT OF CLASSES. Thumn.' Dancing Academy Will be Closed ' One Week. On account of accident death in family, classes will be postponed as above. Do Ton Want to Know Where to find the best assortment of gentlemen's hats. Try C. A. Smiley & Co. Hekdeicks & Co., 68 Federal st., are gaining in popularity in their new photo parlors by low prices, good" work and prompt deliveries. Cabinets ?1 a dozen. SieUno' Renowned Hat Always to be bad at 9. A. Smiley & Co.'s. Hat for Ble Head ' A. specialty at O. A. Srnilejr & Co,f "gf" "a EQUAL-RIGHTS ASKED Colored Clergymen Ask Episcopalians Hot to Discriminate. THEY WAKT TO BE USED WHITE. Colorado Admitted, as a Diocese, Considerable Discussion. After SOME LEHGTHY ARGUMENTS ADDUCED On the Subject cf the Compulsory Pse .of the Bleene Creed. Colored clergymen appeal to the Episco pal Triennial Convention to prevent dis crimination against them on account of their color. A committee will consider their petition. Considerable business was (considered yesterday. f SPECIAL TZZ.XGBAK TO TBX DISrATCK. 1 New YobkT October 5. When the Epis copal Triennial Convention reassembled this morning, the Bev. Br. Hunting ton, of Grace Church, presented to the House of Deputies the memor ial framed by colored clergymen at their meeting, ten days ago, asking for recognition nd praying that discrimina tion against Christians on account of their color, such as now exists In the Sonth, should no longer be tolerated in the church. He moved that the mem orial be referred to a joint committee of the two Honses, to be composed on the part of the Honse of Deputies of five clergymen and five laymen. The Bev. Faulus Moore, colored, delegate from Cape Falmas, Liberia .called on the convention to see that colored Episcopalians got fair play. Dr. Huntington's motion was adopted. The Bev. Dr. Hankel, on behalf of the Committee on the Admission of Dio ceses, now presented a report authorizing tfae admission of the missionary district of Oregon as a diocese, and moved its adop tion. It was referred back to the Committee on Admission of Dioceses, for the determi nation of Oregon's canonical fitness for ad mission. ANOTHEE OBJECTION. When Dr. Hankel read the committee's report, authorizing the admission of Col orado as a diocese, Dr. Goodwin made a similar objection. A delegate declared, with petitioners, that Colorado had 31 cler gymen who had been installed a year. The report was adopted, and the Centennial State was declared a diocese by the Centen nial Convention. The question of making the reading of the Nicene creed compulsory on Christmas day, Easter Day, Ascension Day, Whitsunday, and Trinity Sunday, came up again for discussion. This compulsory reading is enjoined in a rubrio added to the commu nion service by the twelfth of the 18 resolu tions embodying the changes proposed in the general convention of 1886 for ratification by the present convention. The House of Bishops has already adopted all the resolutions, while the House of Deputies has rejected the eighth, which per mits the omission of the litany on Christ mas, Easter and Whitsunday. The House adjonrned on Thursday, while the debate on the twelfth resolution was in progress. The Bev. Mr. Yaulx, of Arkansas, who had the floor when the debate closed on Thursday, opened with the declaration that he opposed the passage of the twelfthesolntlon. WHTHE IS OPPOSED TO IT. J "The creed which it compels us to use," he said, "is not a Catholic creed. It was forced on the Church by the civil authorities. It is a crown creed and not a church creed, and the national church of America should not be compelled to accept what is not the accepted .creed of Catholic Christendom. What is called the Kicene creed is a Boman creed just as much as the dogma declaring tbe infallibility of the Pope is a Boman dogma." , Said Mr. Yauix: 'T am giving reasons why we should not be compelled to use that creed. Not only is it not catholic, but the Church of England and the church of the United States have never called it the Nicene. Kowhere has she branded this as the Cath olic creed. This creed is not Nicene. We should not be compelled to accept this creed, because both English and American bishops have declared that nothing should be required of belief which is not set forth by the general councils. What is only accepted by Borne we are therefore NOT COMPELLED TO ACCEPT. "Supposing it is accepted by tlje English Church? Are free American citizens to be bound by the state church of England? I call on you as American churchmen, as freemen, to preserve the liberty you still possess." The Bev. Dr. B. A. Holland, of Mis souri, argued nearly as follows: "The creed called Nicene is a creed of the church. It has been authorized and said by, the Christian churches from the beginning. Although we inherited it from the Western church, we cannot uncatholicize ourselves by calling it Boman. If we repudiate it, we repudiate what gives us warrant for our worship. Are we coming together for a few days, once in a lifetime, to settle by our common sense the creeds which have been produced by the wisdom of the ages? To attempt to un derstand the doctrine of the Trinity re quires especial thought, which we are not ready to give to it, while we cannot go wrong if we approve what the bishops have done." The resolntion was pnt to a vote by dioceses and adopted by the following vote: Clerical, 38 ayes, 9 noes, 2 divided; lay, 29 ayes, 14 noes, 4 divided. The Honse of DeDnties then adionrned till Mondav. The House of Bishops at their session took up the question of dividing tbe church territory into provinces, and notified the House to that effect. HAS HIS EYE ON THE1L A fionthslder Who I Not Afraid" or White Cap Threat or Blnflfn. Mr. George B. Eoesler, of 1822 Sarah street, Southside, writes. to The Dispatch to say that he, too,, has received an "irri tating notice" from White Cans. He says: "It caused a great deal of annoyance in my family circle and made me considerable trouble. I haye my eye on the party who I think wrote the article, committed the in cendiarism and created the dynamite scare. If all goes well I will expose him at the proper time, and in tbe meantime if they dare attempt any overt action they will re ceive a warm reception." The last two words are viciously underscored. Tal Is tbe Lilt. The following is given as the correct list of delegates who will represent the unterri fied hereabout at the convention of' Demo cratic societies to be held in Philadelphia onthel5tfainst.: D.J. Boyle, Dr. C. C. Wvlie, J. M. GufiV, W. J. Brennan, G. T. Ba'ffertv, P. Foley, J. W. Giles, E. S. Ken nedy, Thomas Mullin, Edward Fox, James Fox, Peter Carr, William Sterling and B. McKenna. A Foaltlve Fact. C. A. Smiley & Co. have the fine trade of this city In gentlemen's bats. Plttiburger Agnln Intereited In tbe Fori Exposition. We are advised by B. Dunlap &.Co., New York, they have been awarded the gold medal at tne Paris Exposition for ex cellence in gentlemen's hats. f 0. A, Smilet & Co., -rittsburg Agentt. TBADE3 C0UI0IL IIITJ. Matter of In tercet ts Brewer and Heroe- -hor Handled A Bfareetorr of AH Union to bo Takes. The meeting of the Central Trades Cow cil last evening, was largely atteaded. Joseph Ii. Evans presided. The sew dele gates Initiated were: 'Xouis Iiepper, of Ty pographia No. 9, D. A. T.; .Elmer E. Bailie, Armor Lodge No. 64, A. A- of L and S. W., Homestead; D. C. Mcintosh. Plasterers' Association No. 57; E. B. Con nolly, Eocal Union No. 142, Carpenters and Joiners. The committee on the case of Dolan, the barrel manufacturer; hiring non-union men, reported that the matter was in a fair way to be settled. The committee on the brewers scale reported that they had con ferred individually with a number of tfae Brewers' Association and arranged to have a meeting between, the Brewers' Associa tion and committees of Trades Council and German Trades Assembly. The committee on tho case of S. Ewart & Co. and DM worth Bros, signing the warehousemen's scale re ported that they couldn't arrive at a settle ment ofthe matter. The Executive Board reported on a griev ance of the horseshoers that was before them. It was asserted that a committee of boss horseshoers had issued a circular to other boss horseshoers requesting them not to hire certain union men. The circular referred to is marked private and purports to be a series of resolutions adopted at a meeting held September 13, 1889. The resolutions are: First, that no member of the association should give em ployment to journeymen who have refused to work in shops in which they were form erly employed; second, that no member of the association should shoe horses belong ing to customers of boycotted shops. The circular then goes on to mention the names of Pat White, William Irving and William McGorin, as having left their former em ployers without just cause. The report was received and a committee appointed to visit the varions boss horse shoers. John Ehman was elected to fill the va cancy on the Executive Board created by the withdrawal of Fred Aschelman. A letter was received from Samuel Gcmpers, President ofthe American Feder ation of Labor, with regard to taking the census of the various unions. It is the in tention of President Gompers to compile a directory of all the unions, to be published in the next census. The Secretary was re quested to furnish Mr. Gompers with all the information he could rather. A circular was also received from Presi dent Gompers requesting that federal unions be organized. It was placed on file. TO 0CGUPI A GE0WIHS FIELD. A New Transfer and Trait Company With x Capital of 835e,eee. In accordance with Legislative enact ments a charter will be applied for by sev eral Pittsburg gentlemen for the Union Transfer and Trust Company. Mr. George L Whitney, who is to be one of the incor porators, said yesterday in regard to the objects for which the corporation is to be created: "The company will have a capital of $250,000 and will occupy the entire sec ond floor of the Fidelity Trust and Title Company, on Fourth avenue, having re cently secured the space. It will be in no sense associated with the business of the Fidelity Company and yet will transact" a certain kind of business which would come to the company did it choose to handle it. The transfer business now refused by the Fidelity Company will form a nucleus of our busi ness. So that in one sense the new concern will be an adjunct to the operations of the Fidelity Company without being at all con nected with it. There is a large and grow ing amount of transfer and trust business in this and other communities which has called into being a number of institutions'de siened to act with reliability in the handling of real estate in all its phases and In the care of the real property of estates. Philadelphia has a laree number of trust, title and safe deposit companies, and the large amodnt of business awaiting corporation nanaung is shown by the successful results attained in a few months of operations by the Fidelity Trust and Title Companies. The stock of the new company is all taken, and, I under stand, by a very fine list of business people." The incorporators of the Union Transfer and Trust Company will be A. W. Mellon, George L Whitney, George J. Gorman, John G. Holmes and George P. Hamilton. BLACK BAST OUT OF BUSINESS. The Notorious Stage Bobber Believed ts Have Fled the Country. Sak Fbahcisco, October 5. It is the belief ofthe Wells-Fargo detectives that Black Bart, the most notorious and skillful "lone highwayman" who ever operated In California, has gone to China or the Austra lian colonies. When Bart was released from San Quentin, after serving five yean, in January of last year, he declared that he was going to lead an honest life; but in six months he was on the road again, and had perpetrated three robberies. The officers are satisfied that he robbed the Ukiab, Shasta and Camg tonville stages within the last year. The Gamptonville robbery was his latest exploit, and in it be obtained a gold bar worth $2,200. the property of the express company. This has never been offered for sale, so far as known; aqd the pre sumption is that Bart has too much discretion to negotiate for it in this country. The special officers of the express company have lately sent out photographs of the "lone highwayman," with descriptions, and it is thought this agi tation made him decide to take a foreign trip for his health. Over 30 roDDenes or stages ano express boxes are attributed to Bart, but so shrewd was he that evidence sufficient to convict him was never obtained .except in two or three cases. When he was finally caught, in 1883, he pleaded guilty, and secured the light sentence of seven years. He was a model prisoner, with a strong taste 'for reading devotional works, and never made a confidant of a single convict or attendant during the years he spent at San Quentin. A Father's Frotest. Boston Trsnscrlpt.1 "Great Scott, Maria!" exclaimed a Chi cago father, as be saw his infant son with the daily paper in hi chubby fist, "don't you know you musn't allow that?" "Why, what's the matter, James?" replied the mother. "Tommy's amused, and what harm can there come of It?" "What harm? Can't you see that he is likely to receive certain impressions regarding tbe Crnnin case, and that when he grows up he will he disaualified from sitting on the jury? If you women had your way tbe Cronin mur derers would never come to trial." IT A pumpkin weighing 130 pounds took the first prize at the Westchester County Fair a few days ago. On the closing of the exhibition it was promptly purchased by a large New Yort hotel. An American has been discovered in New York who gives lessons in Turkish to his pupils at their homes two hours a week for the magnificent sum of 35 cents. Ha Is acquiring a fortune rather slowly. Do Yon Want to Know Where to find the best assortment of gentle men's hats. Try C. A. Smiley & Co.. Wa Will Continue To sell on Monday those special price men's suits and overcoats at t6, $10 and f 13. They are creating a big sensation in town. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. eketea' Reaowoed Bats Always to be had at C. A. Bailey Ss Co.'. plash urn iSrV Irs. Ifitort Ij laailteg fe - a ia mc smm, lBKHitiM, :.), HE& 1911 FOIL' A C0UPL1 TIAIM A Tory Iukt lie Mm 7ml Say's hnOttg u TmiM, 15 OKDIg 10 ATM ALL mUOmS ': a BterV wa Aimminitu lr li Mrs.Bobert Say KmIHmi if at lUt JA t !.. -W rM "-' --- . afcv bv a roundabout rosea ts aM'wUiaaW33 Kn. Hamiltea was greatly afltijlsd wWj she eatered toe pfeee wHstk te test bas far' ik nrt'ln iu home for the next' two years. rsraexAx. TKBenUar e zn j is Tbbttoit. N. J:. OetefcwJL afow 1 Say Hamilton -was kdged k ttrt WMaj prises about 4 o'eleek tick having been, brought over a 4 by Sheriff Jehases, ot Atlnnwi Uxu Joke, the SfeeriTs wt, paaiedhias aad the prisoaer. !Hm mv! left May's LandJBg abeat seea ad ojyti a train at Laades, oh the Dew JeM-i-l Southern Bail way. From there Itttj weatj to j&ea .Bans: and these to Aasfeey tney cnaaged oars, ooattamiBg their 1 on the New Jersey Central via and Bound Brook. They arrived ia Treats at ZM el There were maay people afeeat tfeei but none reeeeaized the SherifC or tit ; convict. The former hired aoarriatof. wnicn tne wree were dnvea dews ' prison. The Sheriff had takes Mk 1 winding route' to avoid pa Mloity. GBKAXL? AdrXAXHEV Mrs. Hamiltea was greatly agitate! tbe carriage stepped In front eC ttoi and the door of the vehiele her. The prison fe a greats ghtrnjif wita nign stone walla aad tmrotg. aad 1 iron-barred windows and heavy oek dboiW A She trembled from head to mi, aH''e5'i back with a shudder as tee gfcerai urged her forward. She wore a 1 dress, tailor-made, a Use wras aadadaajc Gainsborough hat. A "ffitdiig vest eV cealedher face. i . Sheriff Johnson aad hk w4fe quite as much emotioa- as tbe jrfaaair?! Mrs. Hamilton was mferined that & wiMJ be assigned to a cell at oaeet weei: peli. as nr'x SWOOK J . in the arms of Doorkeeper Wniitm.39kmkrA revived aeon, However, sag wrar a MMIkfK ! voice bade tae bnerix aad Ma wtfe -as i War. -" "I shall never forget year kinhm,", stejt said, addressing both-. "Yea's mr "- friends, and I hope I shall serjaet.seit? again. - "Within three minutes Tfrn TTunHlni waa? in charge of Mrs. Patterson, the ,'wife of Mm keener ofthe prison, aad-herselfthe aMaaiaf of the prison. Keeper Pattenea was town. Mrs. Hamiltea will be hreaaat et ' into the prison o&ee oa MesaWv. ntn'-.' Chief Clerk Beaney will take her dee tioh for entry ia the books. 2Te uuiiilitfTj male or female, are sabrected to this idlt until they have grown a little need ta tMcj surroundings ana wen. worn oS. CQgPOIAL XEBIg NAB.. A PopakrTwti BoMie ta Batted WHe Of Hharr Honors. ' ,, Corporal Miehael Kefe, of Ceapaay j Fourteenth SsgiaeeBt, died oa "rTrdaonifnf' moraine Cameal Teefa wm mTiiMinr popular araoaz his comrades and his doa. r"jei is deeply mourned. His funeral teesrjsiaea't fgj yesterday afternoon, aad he was kid ie rest' U with military honors, the entire '' I turning out. The floral offerings wereMf; an unusually neaHtuai character, tfcesaosttt- ' remarkable being a keystone, presentsd hf K,,v the members of Company B. f jv TWO OP A KIND. Unfortanate Men Have Lea Crashed ea raa 44 Vf VTavaa. T- li.' ,-".-'. i m xtans j&egesi,a noes a j&w rerryaMB, t fell under a coke car at Superior ste the Ft. Wayne, yesterday, aad hadhlslegt badly crushed. vici Jerry. Collins also fell from a freight traia I on the'Ft. 'Wayne road la Allegheny yea A leraay, nu uaucia ioot aauieg erBaaea. jt'tf. no is marriea ana uvea on oiurgeoa tareec- 1 looking- for Scaaltz. jfi Charles Sehaltz, who has been eapJeyedr as a waiter in Miller's restaurant on Fifth,; wiinn Til at anfTifanlw r1na aitewf ii 11 n aV 11 1 city, leaving behind him many ereditencF jjunng last wees: ne Dorrawes d ana j, from every possible acguaintaaee, and 0 J Thursday took a train lor the East. Several 1 ox Ills icuow wuiera arc uul ui pwabct. lb 3T is supposed that Schultx'haa geae ta Gsr -J. many, wnencs ne came. Saipected EfoBement. John Currington, Jiving on Webster ave nue, left yesterday for Wheeling, where he stated he had secured work. Mrs. Curiae; ton reported to Inspector McAleese that he 4. had departed, and at the same time Ids Sir, ,-' a cirl with whom he bad been on friettdlr . terms, also left. She desired the Inspector ' to investigate tne matter, wr we nan ne eloped. Not Worried DCnch. That speeeh made by Dr. MeCosh oa re- J&i vising the Confession of Faith has set free- jO byterian ministers to doubting that the dee- ' J tor was quoted correctly. If true they aw J?M not inclined to indorse the ex-college presvfJ dent a ideas. Placing the Light. The work of placing the ine 1I7UU in UiC HIHGI V. IUB U4.nro Mtsm i ! 1.1 2 Al. j. 4j..w 9 tl. l . T t ri .n r 1. went on yesterday. The lamps are to bei-J 28andle power each, and four wH1'b t.1i4 liaolr of aafc dial. The basd of ok. dock will thus be visible by night. ,, j "JBM II 1 u 7 tj a df Tl WEATiflS. iy, IS tylvania, fair, prt-il Js'.Js ceded by rain on U' lakes? much esoiarM 7 ,p northwesterly winSit For WettTirgima and Okie, fitir M Tuesday nijAf, oealer' Sunday and Monday ' northerly windi. . v PrmnVBO, OetoeerS,MSV. ' The United States Signal Servtee oatoeria' this dVr turntshe tns f ollowbtg: Tten- ThcT.I ' 1hc" SftHA-W .... IMOBUSp...., i3flJ JC. .. ...TO JtUHBBS 1 l.-eor. x . mnhnamt IWf J(aaaaaaMaitve Jpe3arVeB 1401 x FreolpEklaOm. , JW P X a 59 J Brmattl.iL,f.7 Met, a rise of Ml una, ?jra ?.& f1 1 Cd SMiMl