F PITTSBTraGl!0ISE.T ft Si. J i A-REVIEW OF SPORTS, Opinions Abont the Eesult of the Pennant Eace. TflEHOMETEAM'SDEFEATS. An Important Cause for Them Pointed Out by Fred Dnnlap. THE LEAGUE'S ALLEGED EIVAL. Seasons Whj the Players Should Eemain VThere They Are. fe'SOlIE GOSSIP ABOUT THE PUGILISTS The baseball championship season of 18S9 is over, and if ew York has iron one of the most remarkable and exciting contests there has ever been for the National League pennant. It mar be years before such an other finish is seen, and, doubtless, that just concluded will be remembered by all base ball historians. The New Yorks have iron a noble victory, and won it on its merits. They deserve all credit In this connection I may be permitted to modestly remind readers of The Dispatch that I have steadfastly plumped for the Hew Yorks since tbe season opened. Even when they were away down the list, and when it needed nerve to predict the Giants' final success, I stood them to win. There are qualities abont second-time pennant win ners that make them extremely formidable. Boston at one time had a long lead, but that vim and accomplished m ork which hare characterized the Giants soon told its tale. Steadilr but surely they forced ahead, and hare won what is theirs by merit. True, Boston has given them a very hot argu ment, indeed, and for this Clarkson is almost entirely responsible. He has proren himself to be a wonderful pitcher, and it is a thousand pities, as far as he is concerned, that be is not on the winning side. It may be argued that the lack of pitchers was a factor In the defeat of Boston. All that I hare to say in reply to this is: Could the Bostons hare secured a pitcher who would hare done better than Clarkson ever since ho commenced to pitch al most dailj ? Until this is answered affirmative ly the excuse in question is worthless. I don't think that anybody will for a moment attempt to try to prore that better work than Clarkson's could hare been done. On an average Clarkson has done stead ier work lately than either Keefe or Welch. However, 1 bare always maintained during the last two seasons that tbe New Yorks, as a team, is the best team in tbe coun try. Once more they have demonstrated that fact. Another remarkable feature in the race is tbe close finish between the Clerelands and Pittsburgs. Tbe former bare finally been com pelled to play second fiddle to the Pittsburg delegation, and they haTe cone down in a Tery desperate struggle, indeed. I don't think there is a team in the League deserving of more credit than the Clerelands. From first to last their work has been remarkable, considering tbat this is their first season in the League. Lately when all clubs bare been at their best the Clerelands hare kept us all guessing, and the games they have lost by one run tells how heroically they hare fought. Tbe lead of Pittsbure over Cleveland at the finish is really so small that one can hardly muster nerve enough to blow about it. The Local Tenm. K ow that the championship season is Orcr it may not be out of place to say a few words about tbe local team. Probably tbere is not a team in the country that has been more disap pointing than hare the players of the Pittsburg aggregation. As has been stated time and time again, they started tbe season amid the applause and admiration of almost all tbe base ball world. According to all authorities their prospects were as bright as a summer's sun. However, before they had fairly gotten started they collapsed, and tbey hare remained so until now. Tbere must be a cause for this, or else there is no truth whatever in tbe old argument of cause and effect. Tbere is a cause, and lam inclined to think that .Messrs. Rowe and Dun- lap stated that cause rery forcibly to me some time ago. Ounlap, during a conversation, frankly stated that not a man in tbe team was in condition to start the sea son. It was weeks before any of the players got into anything like reasonable shape to play and some bare never been in fit condition dur ing tbe season. Now, if anybody should know about matters of this kind tbat person is Fred Dunlap, because be was captain when the sea son opened and remained so for a lone time. Well, now, if this is or has been tbe cause of so much disaster and disappointment why can't it be remedied? Tbere may, of course, have been other causes, but I am firmly conrinced tnat tbe one in question has been the primary one. It is not impossible to remove it before another championship struggle commences. If ever Pittsburg is to have the League pennant money must be spent iii no niggardly way. No man is prepared in first -class style to win some big event without extra expense, and the same rule applies to a baseball team. I look upon money spent on training players as an mi e&t snent rather than an item of expense. Tbe les sons of this season may teach some important truths. W 9 Tbo League's Rival. Nothing more definite has been said about tbe alleged Brotherhood scheme during tbe week, although tbere has been considerable talk about tbe question. As far as any tan gible evidence ot any serious intention on tbe part of the League is concerned we are just where we were at the beginning. President J. 21. Ward, of tbe Brotherhood, has been in the city daring the week, and he maintained a notable silence on tbe subject, beveral of the business men whose names hare been con ceded with the alleged gigantic scheme have denied all connection with it, and so the matter stands. However, Mr. "Ward, while here, made one rery important statement, and that was to tbo effect that if the grievances of which the players complain are remedied there will be no attempt on tbe part of the players to wreck the League. Tuis really ought to be consoling to those magnates who have so many thousands invested in tbe business. If tbey will only travel in a righteous path their salvation is at band. What more cheering assurance could they require than that of Johnny Ward? Surely the magnates ought to be thankful. However, it seems as if a rery im portant fact was being lost sight of. The ruination of tbe League means ruin ation for tbe players. I am aware tbat some people will not indorse this opinion, but it is as true as tbe fact that we live. If the players wreck the League, they'll kill the goose that lays tbe golden egg, and, indeed, it is supply ing golden eggs without stint to the very Dlayers who are kicking most. Tbe National League as we know it to-day is tbe result of enormous cost and labor and remarkable busi ness ingenuity. It has not sprung up in a night like Jonah's gonrd. but it has taken years to buil I and establish it. It is cow a powerful and influential organization, and, generally speak ing, managed by some oF the best business men in America. Will anybody, then, tell me tbat the plavers or anybody else can replace it with anvthing that v ill be of greater service to the players? Will all of these "wealthy" people who are crying aloud about tbe slavery of baseball plavers give tbe cse of their capital for nothing of next to nothing? To bear tbe various rumors one would almost imagine tbatdozens of millionaires were prepared to donate millions of dollars for the special benefit of tbe poor baseball plavers who receive no more than $100 or 8200 per week. If these business men bave the betterment of workers for wages or salaries at hart, I ren ture to say that they'll find plenty to keep them busy if they look at home. In this instance the old prorerb, "Chanty begins at home,"isyery appropriate. There Are Grievances. . However there are grievances under which the players labor, and which I think will be remedied. Tbe loudest complaints seem to be about tbe classification and reserve rules, and, doubtless, the League will be prepared to deal with both, but whether one or both of them will be modified or abolished is another ques tion. Headers of these reviews well know that from the very first day the classification rule was adopted I hare steadfastly opposed It. Al most everybody was lauding it to tbe skies be fore it was anything like currently understood. It object was all right, and tbe ma jority of people seemed to see no fur ther Into it. However. I argued that the rule was based on principles that could not operate successfully because they were un sound and opposed to the common business principles or everyday life. However, since last spring almost all a' thonties bare become conrinced that the rule is not a ood one. To hare it changed or modified will e as beneficial to the magnates as to tbe players. The reserre rule is quite another matter, bowerer, and I fear that if it is a griev ance in principle to the players it will still hare to stay. There is one interesting truism that has been bequeathed to us by the late Professor Jerous, viz., that we must deal with human nature as it is, not as it ought to be. The ques tion then is: What would baseball organiza tions be without a reserre rule? In my estima tion ot it tbey would be like as many ships in a storm at sea without a helm. I am aware that considerable stress has been laid on the fact that in the theatrical business actors and actresses are not reserved from year to year. Howerer. those who use this as an argument should remember that there is no analogy between the theatrical and baseball business in this connection. Theatrical companies do cot con test against earn other as do ball clubs, and it entirely is the evenness of the contests that keeps baseball alive! How would it be, then, if one or two clubs were allowed to buy ud all the star players in thecountrv? I fancy a rery lamentable result. Whatever may be tbe shortcomings or alleged oppressions of the principle of the reserve rule I fear it will have to Stav. or if it does not thnre will be a collanse. It may be modified, ana probably will be. Comlskey's Price. There really Is something extraordinary about base ball in more wajs than one. If newspaper reports are true the Athletic club directors, of Philadelphia, bare offered 215,000 for Captain Comiskey, of tbe St. Louis club that is $15,000 have been offered for his ser vices. However, Von der Ahe evidently thinks that Comiskey is indispensable to the existence of his team, and refuses the offer. The offer of such a large sum for the services of one player opens np the question. Is there a bail player in tbe country worth $15,000? Of course the utility of a man or article may be greater to one person than another, but as far as practical results are concerned, I don't see how either Comiskey or any other player pos sesses qualities worth 515,000. But there is another feature. Does not these enormous prices Tor players indirectly operate to the dis advantage of less prominent but often just as useful players? I think they do. Snppose a club pays 515,000 for a player. That amount has to be made up in some way, and most as suredly one of the ways will be, and has been, to keep down tbe salaries ot players. I am mindlul that some will sav tho "star" will at tract lots of additional receipts. "Wbenaplajer attracts $15,000 worth and also as much as the worth of his salary, I'll be convinced. V w Association Affairs. Among the many things that we may look for in the immediate future is a very stormy meet ing of tbe American Association. It seems that Mr. Wikoffs official days are cumbered, and that be is in the hands of his Philistines; indeed, it is rumored that he has made up his mind to resign tbe Presidency of the Associa tion. This resolve has undoubtedly been hast ened by the 'crusher" that Byrne and his friends received at the recent Association di rectors' meeting. It has been generally under stood for some time that Wikoff was only tbe teflex of Mr. Byrne, and the peremptory manner in which the former ruled or decided in tbe late St. Louis-Brooklyn dispute at Brooklyn brought the tumultous state ot things in the Association nearer a climax. Then Wikoff was Byrne's friend, but now it seems that Mr. Byrne is even prepared to assist in the Jeposition of his friend, for tbo Brooklyn President cow says that be has no objection against Mr. Kranthoff, of Kansas City, being President. Well, the presidental contest will be one stormy featnrc of tbe meet ing, and tbe storm will be aggravated by tbe 101 quarrels and squabbles tbat hare been going on from time to time among the Asso ciation magnates. AH this is to be regretted, ana will only hasten a state of things that may culminate in the utter destruction of the Association. Pm sure we would all regret that rery much. O'Connor's Return. One of the interesting events of the week has been tbe return of William O'Connor, the sculler, from England. Ho returns, of course, defeated, but not disgraced by any means. He rowed a good, honest race, and was, as far as I'm able to judge, beaten by a better man. Bnt O'Connor does not think as I do. He is of opinion that he can defeat Searle. and states that if the latter will come to America he can get a race for $5,000 or $10,000 a side. It is pleas ing to find O'Connor still so confident in his own superiority, that is, assuming be is speak ing what be honestly believes to be true. But it would seem strange if O'Connor returned and frankly stated tbat he was beaten by a better rower. When Jimmio Hamil was beaten by Harry Kelly so easily, Jimmy still ex pressed the oninion that he was the better man. I'rickett after being beaten by Hanlan twlcevd Cn.A4 t.n. ,... n.lM .I..... ..(a I. ....,., Jr .. ..."1 OMHW bUAI. UC DUU lUUUjU, UB VOUIU UCiettt (DO Canadian, and even William Elliott ran away with the idea tbat if be "was in a little better condition" he could beat Hanlan. Elliott had this notion, or at least expressed it, even after Hanlan paddled nearly four miles in front of him. It is rery rare, indeed, that we meet a defeated man who has not an excuse which on tbe face of it seems plausible enough to ac count for defeat. O'Connor thinks be was overtrained. When it is considered that Searle began to overhaul and leave the Toronto man as soon as he. Searle, got down to his "long swing," the "orertrained" idea is not a rery forcible one. O'Connor must indeed have been fearfully overtrained if orertrainlne caused him to succumb the lead as early in tbe race as he did. O'Connor also com plains about Searle's rough and "uncultured" style of rowing; but as I understand matters, Searle's great object, like O'Connor's, is to get speed and keep it up. Good style or bad style Searle certainly did this in a most extraordi nary way; much faster than O'Connor. After all, that style is best for a man by u hich he can make most headway. I don't say this to de preciate good style of rowing, but I say it be cause one man may bare a style natural to himself, though it maybe ungainly to tbe eye. Any other style would not be so useful to him. It seems to me that tbe extraordinary reacn of bearle is tbe very thing that makes him so for midable. That reach outweigbs all of his other shortcomings. Harry Kelly couldn't possibly have rowed a race in an ungainly style no more than Hanlan can, w bile Tom Blackman got remarkable speed on his boat by a very clumsy effort. I once knew a rery speedy and promis ing rower named Finnegan. who could show extraordinary speed, and erery stroke he Eulled he seemed in danger of falling out of his oat. The style that is most natural to a man is generally the one that is best for him. At any rate, Searle with his unaccomplished method is the best rower we know of. About tbe Pugilists. It is some time since things were so quiet in tbe pugilistic .world as tbey have been this week. There even has not been much talking done and tbere are indications that pugilism and boxing are rapidly on the wane in this country. Nothing definite has been heard from La Blanche regarding Fogarty's chal lenge and nobody need be surprised at that. La Blanche, as I previously pointed out, is victor now; he is Dempsey's ranquisher and he states tbat be is in no hnrry to fight again. A contest for the middleweight championship may, therefore, not be expected for some time. But, I often wonder tbat amid all tbo contests at San Francisco tbere is not one between Jack McAuliffe and Meyer. Tbere is an unsettled question of superiority between these two lightweights. Some time ago, as we all know, they were very well paid for showing the public how not to fight. After the affair tbey had much to say about their respective abilities but never entered tbe ring. If tbey would go to San Francisco I feel certain tbat tbey would get excellent inducements to flebt for the cham pionship. They would hare to fight there and they know it. That may have some effect on them and their managers. Sullivan is, accord ing to bis latest statement, busily engaged pre paring for a tour throughout the country with an athletic and boxinc combination. Doubtless John expects to reap big rewards, but be may be disappointed. It may be that all tbe enthu siasm and extraordinary interest in pugilism that was created by tbe late fight for tbe cham pionship has subsided. Sulliran has done his best to kill it; so much so tbat the public will not place much reliance on him. It is also cer tain tbat boxing will be stopped in many of tbe principal cities and this will be a blow to bis show. Howerer, after the tour is erer, whether it lasts as far as intended or not, we may not tie surprised if we learn that John 1 is entirely done with ring contests. In the meantime, howerer, we will have to look across tbe Atlan tic for pugilistic contests and I expect tbat be fore tbe newyearamres there will be a definite and business-like challenge for Sullivan. It seems certain that the victor of tbat trio Smith, Jackson and Slarln will be eager to tackle anybody, in tbe hope of reaching the topmost rung of tbe ladder in their business. I hare strong presentments tbat Jackson will be tbe man. Ot course, there is nothing definite yet to leaa one to any conclusions. However, even If Jackson does defeat Smith in their glove contest, I don't think that tbe Smith party will be satisfied with that. Jackson in a glove fight may be one man, and Jackson in a it-foot ring on tbe turf may be quite another. If Jackson should turn out to be the champion of tbe three big men cow In England, then Sullivan will hare no scruples in declining to fight Jackson. Already Snlllran has declared that be will cot meet a colored man, and an in teresting controversy will ensue if Jackson should claim the championship. PlttNOLE. Come and see what money will do at the great closing out sale at Schoenthal's, 612 Penn are. DID THE BOSTONS UP. The Home Team Play Ball and Step to Fifth. NEW I0RK GETS THE PENNANT. Old Sport Galvin Does Some Great Work in the Box. CHICAGO FINISHES IN THIRD PLACE. Brooklyn is Beaten and tbe St. Louis Browns Win a Game. Yesterday was a great baseball day. The home team beat Boston and went tip to fifth place. New York won the pennant and Chicago finished third. The Association race is beginning to be exciting. "Well, it was a good 'an for the last, and doubtless Boston will remember it Prob ably there has never been a more excited crowd in Becreation Park to witness a ball game as that of yesterday. It was the final event of the championship season, and on its result depended some very important issues. Bnt whatever chance Boston had of getting the pennant was totally extinguished by the local delegation of players who faced them. To use an old phrase, tbe Bostons were never in the hunt, and their defeat was a real crusher. It not only settled all of Boston's pretensions to the championship, but lifted the home team into fifth place. Results like that in one day are surely significant enough to be remembered. At any time there is mnch to be prond of in defeating the Bostons. They are big and rugged fellows, who invariably commit whole sale slauehter among those who are less power ful than themselves. BEMEMBEBED OLD SORES. They haTe, during the present season, treated the home team in a most unmerciful manner, and doubtless memories of this treatment spurred the homo representatives to do the Bostons yesterday or die. Important as tbe home club's victory was, however, as things tnrned out, it was not needed to blight tbe Bos tons' pennant prospects. The New Yorks also won, and that clinched the affair. That settled all possibility ot protests about tho alleged il legal game between New York and Philadel phia, which tbe former won. The New Yorks can throw that game out and still hare the pennant. There were between 4,000 and 5,000 people in the park to see the last contest and enthusiasm, it is safe to say, tbat fully 20,000 were rep resented. The weather was warmer than it has been all week, but huge black clouds hov ered overhead all afternoon and rain threat ened strongly during the latter part of the game; indeed it was so dark that tbere were loud demands to call the game at the end of tbe eighth inning. Umpire Powers, however, very wisely continued tbe contest to its legitimate end. SOME GOOD PLAYING. As far as tbe home players were concerned the game was a bnlliant one. Tbey nerer played with more energy, carefulness and abil ity this season. Thestrongestcine were on tbe field and they cerer made a mistake. Bowe, Dunlap and Beckley fielded to perfection and the outfield couldn't be surpassed. Without doubt, tbe entire cine were out for tbe stuff. And Old Sport Oalrin was there as gay and J chipper as a youth just starting out on bis vaca tion. Jeems pitched with a vengeance, and the "Only Kel" was the only Bostonian that could get near the old man's deliverr. Out of the fire hits made by tbe entire nine Kelly made three of them. Jimmy was in form, and no mistake. The Bostons played a poor game, in fact their performance seemed to indicate that some of them were very shaky because of the import ance of the occasion. "Pop" Smith made two very bad breaks. Nash, Kelly and Qulnn also contributed to tbe error column. Ibelr com bined efforts resulted in placing tbe home play ers so far ahead that tbe game became one sided. However, there was always a possibility of tbe big sluggers from the East letting loose and knocking tbe covers off several balls. Tbis kept the crowd on the anxious seat. But the big bitters did not do any damage and all went merrily. ' CLABKSOX DID WELL. Clarkson pitched a splendid game, although be was wilder than usual. He gave five men their bases on balls and tbat Is pot customary with him. He had the sympathy of the crowd with him because of his recent extraordinarv work, and he was occasionally cheered. How erer, it was evident that the crowd was almost entirely for the New Yorks, for when the New York-Cleveland score was announced showing tbe former to be winninz, a loud cheer went up. The first inning settled tbe game, as tbe home players made more runs at tbat early stage than the visitors obtained during tbe entire game. It was a merry inning for tbe home team and seemed to inspire everybody with a certainty of victory. STARTED TO SCORE. Carroll led off and got first because of four bad balls being pitched. Howe then knocked the ball over tbe second baseman's head and it dropped right in the midst of Johnston. Kelly and Quinn. As a result Bowe made two bases on his hit, Carroll going to third. Beck ley then knocked a grounder to Quinn, who threw the runner out at first, but Carroll scored on the play, Bowe reaching third. Miller came next and banged tbe ball splendidly into center field for a base, and Rowe scored. White sus tained the fun by knocking a grounder to Pop Smith, who fumbled the ball, and the Deacon was safe. Miller reaching third. White stole second and then Fields knocked up a foul fly, wbicn Bennett caught. Hanlon knocked a grounder to Smith, and the latter made a wild throw to first, Hanlon being safe and Miller scoring on the error. This was jolly, and tbe yells and shouts can be better imagined than described. Dunlap, however, ended tbe inn ing by knocking the ball to Brouthers. STILL GETTING ETJNS. The third inning, after White was out. Fields got his base on balls, and got around to third on Hanlon's single to right, Dunlap then went to tbe plate, and a foul tip from bis bat split Bennett's finger. He retired from the game, Kelly coming in to catch and Brown going to right field. Dunlap went out from Clarkson to Brouthers, ana a muffed throw by Kelly allowed Fields to score. Oalrin struck out, retiring tbe side. In the fifth inning there was more run get ting, owing to mistakes and hittinir. White led off and cot his base on balls. Fields then reached first on a fumble by Nash, but tbe hit would hare sent White to second bad the field ing been perfect, Hanlon knocked a fly to Johnston ana tbe latter caught it in bis usual brilliant style. Dunlap came next and thumped the ball to tbe right field fence, sending in White and Fields. Dunny tried to make third on tbe bit but was put out. Galvin again re tired the side, going out at first. That ended the rnn getting for the home club. The risitors made their only run in the sixth inning. Kelly led off with a two-bagger to left field and sacrifices by Nasb and Brouthers sent him borne. In tbe next three innings tbe risi tors went out in order and thus ended tbe last championship game of the season at Pittsburg. Following is the score: FITTSBCKGSR B P A. E BOSTONS. B B P A X Carroll, c... 1 1 ituwe.8 1 2 Becklev. 1... 0 0 Miller, r..... 1 1 White, 3..... 1 0 fields, 1 2 0 Hanlon, m,. 0 J Dunlap, 2... 0 1 Galvin, p.... 0 0 5 0 0 Kichnrdsonl 0 0 4u Kellr. r&c.. i SOU Nasli. i. 0 4 0 0 Brouthers, 1. 0 0 0 0 Johnston, in 0 6 0 0, Qulnn, 2.... 0 2 0 0 Smith 0 3 2 0' Bennett, c 0 0 1 OiClarkson, p. 0 Browner.... 0 0 2 3 3 1 2 0 12 0 4 t 1 0 0 0 1 0 O 0 2 aoiais .... 00S7V , Totals 1 S27U 5 Pittsburg! 3 0 10 2 0 0 0 Bostons 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 Ksrnwl rntm PltfRhnrcR. l:Bostons. 1. o 6 0-1 Two-base hits Carroll, Kowe, Dunlap. Kelly 2. Total bases on hlts-l'ittsDurps, 9; Bostons, 7. Sacrifice blu Beckley. Fields, Dunlap, Mash, Brouthers. Stolen bases White, Hanlon. Kelly. First base on errors-Pittsburgs, 4. First base on balls-Carroll z, Miller, White, Fields, Nash. Struck ont-Whlte, Galrln, Smith, Bennett, Brown. Passed ball Carroll. Left on bases Pittsburgh 8: Bostons, 5. Time of jrsme One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Powers. THREE SriMIGHT. Tbe Boosters Again Dcfent tbe Senators hi Easy Style. INDIAKAFOLIS, October 6. The Hoosters batted young Keefe at will to-day and conse quently ended the season by taking the third straight game from the Senators. Busle was wild, but received fine support. Weckbecker. j of Burlington, caught the first two innings anp then retired on account of an injured finzer. Weather cold and attendance'small. Score: IXBl'FOLIS. B B r X XlWASn'TOX, BJftt Beery, I i i Andrews, m. 2 0 Hines, 1 4 3 Denny, s.... 3 4 Buckler. 3.33 J. Irwin, 3. Hoy, m Wllmot, 1... Wise. 2..... Mack, r. .... Clarke, ... Daly. 1 Kiddle, c... We'kb'k'r.c 0 flommers.c. I McUeachyi r 0 Basse tt, 2.... 0 Kusle, p .... 0 Keefe, p ... Totals t 9 24 9 6 Totals IS 19 24 8 I Indianapolis 5 0 0 4 2 0 4 0-IS Vi ashlngtons 5 00000106 Earned rnns Indianapolis. 8; Washington, 1. Two-base hlts-Hlnes, 2: Daly. I. Three-base hlt-'rt lse. Home runs-Buckley, Denny. Sacrifice hlts-Bassctt, 2: Wllmot, Clark, 2. Double play Denny to Bassett to Bines. First base on balls Bv Kusle, 8: by Keefe, 3, Struck out-By Kusle, 7: by Keefe, 4. Passed balls -V eckbecker. 3. Time of game One hour and 45 minutes. Umpire Knight. GRATIFIED CLEVELAND. New York's Victory Plensca the Babies and Tbelr Friends. Cleveland, 0., October 5. Abont 3,000 people filled a portion of tbe seats at League Park this afternoon in, spite of the cold weather to see tbe outcome of the great Leagtle race. Keefe pitched for New York and Gruber for Cleveland. Each man did great work, but the supremacy of tho Giants as hard hitters won them the game. The New Yorks began scoring in the first inning. Gore was given his base on balls and Tiernan followed with a terrific drive over Badford's head for four bases, both men scoring. In the fourth the Giants got another run. Bichardson went out to Faatz and Connor followed with a single. O'Bourke hit to Tebeau, and the latter hesi tated slightly before throwing and then let tbe ball drive wide to Faatz Whitney nearly knocked ember's foot off with the ball, but was thrown out, while Connor scored. Cleye land scored two in the fifth on Faatz's single, Sutcliffe's base on balls, amber's sacrifice and Badford's two-base hit. New Yorks scored in the sixth on hits by Richardon and Connor, and O'Konrke sacri ficed. Cleveland's last run was dne to a fumble by Bichardson, Faatz'a hit by pitcher and Sutcliffe's long sacrifice fly. Tho champions left for New York at 8.25 to night via tbe Erie road. Huge banners decorate their special car, and they expect to reach tbe metropolis abont 4 p. M. to-morrow. Score: CLIVILA'D 11 D P A IINEWTOBKS. B B P A E KadTord, r. Strieker, 2.. McKean.8.. Twitch'1,1.. Tebeau, 3... Gllka, m... Faatz, 1.... Sutcllffe, c Gruber, p.. . Gore, m 1 13 0 12 0 0 13 0 6 1 Tiernan, r. z Ward, s..... 0 Ewicg. c... 0 1 3 0 2 110 0 3 0 0 'Klch'dson,:. 1 1 2 Connor, 1... 1 2 11 U'Kourke, 1. 0 1 2 Whitney, 3. 0 1 1 Keefe, p 0 0 0 Totals "i 7 2712 1 Total J . 3 6 2413 4 Clerelands 0 0002000 1-3 .New rorks 2 0011100 '5 Earned runs-Clerelands. 1; New rorks, 2. Two-base hits KadTord, Twltcbell. Sacrifice hlts-btrlcker. Tebeau, Sutcllffe, Gru ber, Ewing, U'Kourke, Whitney. Home run -Tiernan. Stolen base Tiernan Double plays-Rlcbardson, Ward and Connor. First base on balls Cleveland. 3; New Yorks, 4. Hit by pitched ball-Fasts, Whitney. btruck out Clevelands, S; New Yorks. 3. Time of game One hour and 39 minutes. Umpire Lynch. CHICAGOS FINISH THIRD. Anson'a Tenm Bents the Phllllea In Their ' Lnst Game. Chicago, October 5. Tho League season ended to-day by Chicago beating the Quakers in a finely contested game. It was a pitchers' contest, Hutchinson keeping bis hits well scattered, wbile Chicago bunched theirs in the sixth, and, with a fumble by Thompson, won the game. This pats Chicago in third place. A beautiful running catch by Delehanty in the fifth was tbe prettiest feature of the game. At tendance. 2,500. Score: fhilas. b Brnl chioaoos- b b r a x Deleh'ty. 1.. 0 Myers. 2 0 Fogarty. m. 1 Thompson, 1 1 Ryan, m.. 1 Van Halt' n, 1 1 Dnffr. r 0 1 3 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 Tener. 1 1 0 10 Mulvev. 3. rrerrer, z.. o 1 4 Clements, c. Sanders, p... Farrar, 1.... Hallman. .. WlU'mson, 0 Burns, 3. ... 0 Darlinr. c. 0 0 1 0 0 0 S 1 0 211 0 0 H'tch'son, p 0 Totals. 2 6 24 12 1 Totals. .3 4 27 13 1 Phlladelphlss 0 000000022 Chicago 0 0000300' 3 Earned run s Chlcagos, 2; i'hlladelphlas, 2. Two-base hit Mulvey. Sacrifice hit-Clements. Stolen bases-Duffy, Pfeffer, Mulvey, Fogarty, Hallman, Thompson. First base on balls By Sanders, 2; by Hutchin son, l. Struck oat By Hutchinson. 3: br Sanders. 2. Time of game One bour and IS minutes. Umpire McQuald. bhortest game on record. MAKING MERRY. The New Yorks Make the Corks Fly nl Cleveland. Cleveland, October 5. The New York ball players were in an exceedingly happy frame of mind to-night, and corks were drawn at tbe Hollenden Hotel in great numbers. Tbe pennant belongs to them, and persons residing, aiong me juie xiauroaa win ail know it, too, before another sunset, for the Giants started home at midnight in a special car on wbich was a banner bearing tbe words, "The New Yorks: Winners of the National League Pennant." The train bearing them will draw up in New York City to-morrow afternoon at i o'clock. Tbis morning the weather was threatening, and the man at tbe Signal station predicted rain. Tbo clouds hung low all day, and gave promise of emptying tbelr contents at any mo ment. However, no rain fell, acd at 3 o'clock, when game was called by tbe nmpire, 3,000 spectators were present to see tbe final struggle of tbe season. Keefe pitched for tbe Champ ions, and was bit hard, but none of the Cleve lands were lucky. The New York infield was like a stone wall, and wbat appeared at first to be a base hit was easily gathered in and the runner put out at first base. The Giants did not make an error untlftbe ninth Inning, when Dan Bichardson muffed a grounder from Gilks' bat, and that was tbe only bad play they made during tbe game. Both clubs did their best, Tbe game was in doubt until the last Clevelander was declared out, and "Buck" Ewing said tbat he was not sure of the pennant until the contest was over. The ticore board showed that Boston was losing at Pittsburg, but tbat only made tbe Giants play all tbe harder. To-night tbe cham pions received many telegrams of "congratula tion. One came lrom tbo Boston club, and others from enthusiasts in New-York, Chicago and Pittsburg. A number of actors were also beard from. Tbe scene at the Hollenden to night was a rery lively one, and every New Yorker in town was exceedingly inflated in the region of the head. How They Finished. ' The following table shows how the League clubs stood at tbe finish of the season, and doubtless it will be studied with exceeding in terest by all interested in baseball. The records show how keen and desperate the finish of the race has been. The first six clubs fougbt for positions until the last game. Tbe table further shows how many games tho clubs bare won f rbm each other, and in this respect Pittsbure has a tolerably fair showing: ZZ j5 2 8 clubs. ss-58s : h " : : E T ? 2 ;:: : New Yorks - 1 13 12 12 14 13 13 "5 Ik9 Bostons..... 8 10 13 10 12 II) 4 f,Z .643 Chleajros 0 7 8 10 11 n 12 67 .503 I'hlladelphlas 7 6 10 9 9 13 9 e? 4B3 Pittsburps , 7 3 9 913 10 10 61 .42 Clevelands 4 8 9 10 7 9 14 61.453 Indianapolis 7 10 7 4 10 10 11 50 -4u Washlngtous 5 5 7 7 7 3 7 41.331 Games lost 43 45 C5 64 71 72 75 83 Sli They Get Ihe Monry Anyhow. Boston, October 5. The Globe, which re cently offered to dlride $1,000 among the play. ersof the Boston Baseball Club if they suc ceeded in winning the championship this year telegraphed the club at Pittsburg to-night that in appreciation of their efforts to win. the $1,000 will be divided the same as it would hare been had they won tbe pennant. A Homo Victory. ISrECTAL TELIORAM To THS DISPATCH.1 KrrTAjrNESG, Pa October a To-day ended the basebaU season at this place. Tbe final game was played between "the J. B. Kennedy and tbe Leechburg clubs, resulting in a vic tory for tbe borne team br a score of 16 to 6. Tbe features were the batting work of Reese and Johnston, and the patting of Biehlforthe home club. Martin Claims the Title. John Martin, the local amateur (culler, states that, despite the talk of several alleged amateurs, be still claims the title of champion amateur sculler of Western Pennsylvania, and will be prepared to defend that title when the proper season arrives. USSOCIAPIOK GAMES;1 Chamberlain Again on Deck nnd Wins for tbe Browas Cincinnati Easily Beats ' Louisville Baldwin's Wild Pitching Favors the Baltimore. St. Loots, October 5, Chamberlain made his reappearance in the box at Sportsman Park to-day. and the way in which he pitched showed that he had lost none of his cunning. He also showed up strong at the bat, making three slashing safe drives, one a two-bagger. Conway puzzled the Browns for the first three innings, but after tbat was hit hard and often. The game was marked by free hitting and fine fielding. Score: bt. Louis 0 00 501100-7 Kansas Cltvs 0 000010102 Base hlts-bU Louis. 13: Kansas Cltys, 7. Errors-SL Louis, 4; Kansas Cltys, S. Earned runs St. Louis, S. Two-base hits-O'Neil. Fuller, Chamberlain, Hamilton. Btruck out-By Chamberlain, 5; by Conway, 2. Umplre-Hecker. BALDWIN WAS WILD. He Gave tho Baltimore! a Victory and Downed Columbus. Baltmobe, October a The Baltlmores won the game to-day through Baldwin's wildness. The visitors did the better batting, bnt usually alter chances had been offered to retire tbe side. But six innings were played, owing to darkness. Attendance 970. Score: Baltlmores S 10 10 4-U Columbus 0 3 3 0 1 310 Base bits Baltlmoi-es, 8; Columbus, 10. Errors Baltlmores, 6; Columbus, 4. Earned runs Baltlmores, S: Columbus, 2. Two-base blts-Shlndlc, Mack, Crooks, Three-base hlt-Urlffln. Home runs Tucker, Esterday. Struck out--Br Kllroy, 2: by Baldwin, 5. Passed balls O'Connor, 2. ,Wlld pltches-Kilroy, 1; Baldwin, 1. Umpire Kerlns. WENT TO PIECES. The Colonels Collapse miserably and the Reds Win. CrNCENATl, October 5. To-day's game be tween the Cinclnnatis and Lonisritles was a pitchers' battle up to the eighth inning, when the visitors went to pieces and allowed the Beds to score tour runs. Beilly's home rnn hit and the fielding of Holliday and Tomney were the features. Attendance 700. Score: Cinclnnatis a 0100104 2-8 Loulsvlllei o 00001000-1 Base blts-Clnclnnatls, 8; Loulsvilles, S. Errors Cincinnati, 2; Loulsvilles, 4. Earned runs Cinclnnatis, S; Loulsvilles, 1. Two-base hit Nlcboi. Three-base hit Keenan. Home run Keilly. Struck out-By Vlau, 2; McDermott, 3. Umpire iilttman. BROOKLYN BEATEN. The Athletics Wallop Byrnes' Champions Without Mercy. New Yobs, October 6. The Athletics easily defeated the Bridegroomsat Washington Park Brooklyn, to-day. Fire thousand eight hun dred persons were present. Score: Brooklrns 2 M 10 00 0-1 Athletics 4 10 2 0 0 3 0-10 Base bits-Brooklyns, 1; Athletics, 17. Errors Brnoklyns, 5: Athletics, 4. Earned runs Athletics, 3. Two-Jiase bit Lyons. Three-base hits Seward, Bauer. Umpire-Ferguson. CINCINNATI GOSSIP. A Bis Offer for Latham Refused by Von Der Abe. rSFSCIAL TXXXQBAM TO THE DISPATCn.l CrKcmNATi, October R "King" Gaffney aid cot umpire this afternoon's game for the reason tbat be was suffering -from tbe temple gash over his eye made fey the mask broken by a foul tip the day before. It was a serere wound, yet Gaffney pluckily played ontthe game. In his stead "Bed" Bittman, late cap tain of the Eransrilles, did remarkably well. Tbe game was marked by another accident. Beard being bit in the month with a swift in shoot by McDermott. Ho dropped with a groan but recovered in time to resume his play at short. ' Cincinnati has been trying to unload two good players this week, but there is no wild grabbing for the talent and tbis leads tbe club to beliero that the death knell of tbe sale of players ha3 been sounded. It wouldn't be re markably surprising to see Cincinnati favor Kansas City's pooling idea after the millenium plan alter all. Von der Abe was offered $5,000 for Latham's release this week, but ho hesi tates and wants 3,000. Cincinnati doesn't think h is worth as much as President Stem has bid. Association Record. Perl pt Won.Lpst.Ct.! Won.Moit.CU Brooklrns.... 87 12 ,.675iCluchintls...70 si .S34 lit. Louis Si 44 .65SC'olumbu M 74 .431 Athletics 71 54 .66 KanssC1tys..M 77 .403 Baltlmores ...m 53 .S43iLonlsvUles....2S 105 .193 ANOTHER BOAT RACE. Hanlan and Teenier to How a Mils Bt Loalsville. (SPECIAL TXLEOBAU TO TIDS DISPATCH. 1 McKeesport, Pa, October 6. Arrange ments bave been complotedf or Edward Hanlan and John Teemer to row a race of one mile, at Louisville, two weeks from to-day, October 19, for 500 a side. When Hanlan's representative, E. L. Sutcr, of Louisville, telegraphed Teemer to ascertain whether or not he wonld giro the Canadian a race, Teemer wired back that he would if Hanlan would agree to row the mile for tbe stakes he (Teemer) named. Suter wired to-day that he would, and that October 19 would suit. Teemer answered to make the race for $500 a side or more, if Hanlan desires, and be immediately arranged with his Pittsburg back er to furnish tbe funds. Should nothing occur to postpone tbe race or declare it off, Teemer will go to Louisville next week. He says that he weighs a good deal more now thin what he dida few days since, but tbat he can train outside of his boat and go to Louisville and defeat Hanlan in a mile race with ease. Hanlan was willing tor a race for 500 a side and divide tbe gate receipts. Teemer. in accepting these terms, worded his answer in sucb a way tbat Enter misunderstood it, and as a resnlt Teemer was compelled to night to send another telegram of acceptance of Hanlan's terms, which makes the race pos itive unless the Hanlan people should conclude to the contrary. Won In Straights. Kansas City. Mo., October E. Last day of the extra fall meeting of tbe Exposition Park Driring Association. Dan John Taylor. MattleH. Eullh .1 Billy S , Time. 2:3SJ. 2.4I, 2:42. Consolation nnrse. fornacp. 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 4 ::::d 4-3 fi Score: Louis B 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 John Hazzard , 2 Hnnegan... 3 Time, 2i23!, 2.21, 2:I8K. A Mnn for BIssell. A local sporting man called at this office last evening and left the following challenge, ac companied by a forfeit of $25: "Hearing that William Btaell is talking considerably about fighting, I will match Jim McCoy to fight him to a finish for $50 or $100 a side. If lilssell wants to flcht he can be accommodated if he is at The Dispatch office next Wednesday night at 8 o'clock and puts up his money. I now put up $25 to show that I mean business." An Unaccepted Offer. Thomas F. Hughes, the well-known local sporting man. offers to match a mare to go three miles and draw 250 pounds while McClel land is running one mile and L400 yams for $200 aside. The McClelland party state tbat now their man is matched to run they cannot ac cept the challenge. Deferred a Fcvr Days. The arrangement for a match race between young Stockbridge and Harry Hontas has been deferred for a few days. J. B. Forner, who issued the cballence in bebalf of tbe first named horse, writes to tbo effect that be could not possibly be in tbe city yesterday. He also bas other gentlemen to see before making tbe match. Sporting Notes. Ahd New York wins a second time; We told you so. H. G. C1.EVEi.A71 has cot been In first place. Weli, well, welll We are in fifth place to stay, after all. Gcskts Wkappebs defeated Kaufmann's Wrappers yesterday in a ball game by 35 to 0. To-day's Association games are as follows: Loulsvilles at Cincinnati; Kansas Citys at St. Louis; Athletics at Brooklyn. The Climax beat the Elizabeth team yester day by 10 to L Pennington pitched well for tbe Climax, only two hits being made off his de livery. The friends of Billy Corcoran are arranging a benefit for him at Mansfield. He offers Bis sell or Hayes $25 It he dors not best either of them at tbe benefit. Wn.l.lAJrBESETT was detested In a skiff race of two miles by Thomas Hunter on the lower Monongabela- course yesterday for $25 a side. , The winner won by a length and half. Tfrn An Exciting and Serions Accident on tbe Latonia Txack. THREE BACE HORSES COLLIDE. British Opinion About Jem Smith and Jackson, the Pugilists. PEIDDI ANDE. 0. M'CLELLAND MATCHED They Agree to Enn a Mils Eace at Exposition Park for $1,000. There was a serjpus accident at Latonia race track. Three jockies were seriously hurt. English sporting authorities think that Peter Jackson will defeat Jem Smith, the English champion. Peter Priddy and E. C. McClelland were matched to run a mile for $500 a side. There was good racing at Morris Park. CtacunrAH October 5. The fourth regular day of the Latonia races was marked by good running and lively betting. The track was very fast and good time was made. The attendance is dally on the Increase, and to-day saw by far the largest number of spectators since the be ginning of the meeting. The only unpleasant feature was the accident in the third race, in which three Jockeys were more or less Injured. Magee, the one who was worst injured. Is still unconscious at present writing, and Brown la thought to be ont of danger. First race, selling purse, for a-year-olds and upward, three-fourths of a mile Starters: De ronlca 103 pounds, Cora L 103. Benounce 106, Glen Pearl 110, May Laps 112, Aunt Jennie 05, Climax II 95, story Teller 97, Censor 93. Governor Boss 101. Fost odds: Censor 8 to 1. Kenounce 2)1, Governor Boss 8 to L others 5 and 30 to 1. In a good start Story Teller was first, Climax H second. Censor third. At the half mile post Be nounce was in the lead, and he kept first place until the stretch when CensorWho had been run ning about the middle, came out and won, Be nounce second, Governor Koss thlruV Time, 1:18. Second race, selling purse, for three-year-olds and upward, three-quarters mile Starters: Bon Air. lOSpounds: Dutchman, 109: Petulance. 110; Irish Dan, 112; Mamie Fonso. 114: Pauline, 89: Pell Men. 103: Electricity, 105; Boy Blue. 108; Passion, 108. Fost odds-Irish Dan, 8 to 5: Fell Meli. 10 to 1; Dutchman, Mtol; Mamie Fonso, 4tol; others 8 and 30 to 1. Mamie Fouso had tbe best of the start, with Pell Mell second. At tbe half Mamie Fonso sur rendered the lead to Irish Dan, who kept a length and a half in front of Pell Mell second, Dutch man third. Time, 1:1734". 'third race, selling, purse, for 3-year-olds and upward, one mile Starters: Swamp Fox 107 pounds, Mamie Hunt 107, Spectator 107, Billy Pinserton 110, Unlucky ill Deer Lodge IIS, Clamor 101. Event ioi, Cora Fisher 101, Lacy 110. Winning Ways 101, Derochmont 107. Post odds: Cora Fisher 8 to L Winning Ways 2 to 1, Deer Lodge 5 to L Spectator 2 to I, Clamor 10 to 1, Billy Plnkerton 15 to 1, othirs 8 and 30 to L Billy Pink erton led at the start, but Swamp Fox was ahead at the quarter post and kent first place to the stretch. Here sn accident occurred. About hair wav down the stretch Clamor Jostled Billy Plnkerton, wbo was In the lead, knocking him against Unlucky, wbo in turn, lell against Event. Event got up and was in at the finish. Billy Plnkerton, howerer, fell and rolled over, dnlncky (ailing over BlUy Plnk erton. Clamor came In first In the finish, a length In front or Cora fisher second. Winning Ways third. Clamor, however, was disqualified on ac count of the foul In tbe stretch and Cora Fisher was given first place. Winning Ways second. Deer Lodge third. Tlme,l:H. Jockey Hailing, who rode Event, was badly bruised, but Jockeys Brown and Magee, riders respectively of Unlucky and Billy Plnkerton, -were quite seriously Injured. Fourth race, purse for colts and geldings, z-year-olds, five furlongs Starters: Abellne ilia pounds.Henry Mack 113. J. R. Freed 111, G.W.Mor ris ill Fakir 100. Carter B 1111 Milton 113. Post odds: W. C. Morris and Abellne 9 to 5. Fakir SOtol, Milton ven money, others 20 and SO to 1. Fakir was first at the start and led to the stretch, where G. W. Morris headed him and won, Fakir second. Milton third. Time, l:u3)i. Firth race, purse for 3-year-olds and upward, nine furlones Starters: Long Alight lOSpounds, Cams 1 10, Trust 105, Bonlta 109, Burch 110, Catalpa 114, Qulndara Belle 90; "Woodcraft 104. Nevada 117, Bonnie Kitty 90. Post odds: Woodcraft 4 to 1, Long Alight 7 to 1. Nevada 4 to 1. others 40 to 1. Trust got away first on tbe start with Nevada second ana Woodcraft third. At the stand it was Nevada and Catalpa, and Nevada was first to tbe finish, when Woodcrart dashed forward, and won br a length from Long Alight second, a nose In frcnt of Nevada third. Time, lOKi. Sixth race, the Zoo stakes for 2-year-old fillies, three-quarters of a mile Starters: Kitty Cheat ham 120 pounds, Bally Hoo 110. Llllle L 107, Dilem ma 110, English Lady 110, Bis O'Leet 110. Lizzie C 110. Hearts Ease 110. Post odds English Lady 3 to 5, blsO'LeelOtol, Dilemma 15 to 1. others 4 snawioi. w uen ins nag leu tngiun uay was ahead with Lizzie U second. Bally Hoo third d. at the quarter post. English Lady was still ahead at the stretcn n&u jacreaseu uer inu tiro irnguiB. ah the finish English Laay won, three lengths ahead oi sisirt.ee secona, lJiiemma tnira. two and a half lengths behind Sis U'Lee. Time 1:17. AT MOKRIS PARK. Captain Brawn's Budblst Shows Up Among ths Winners. Race Track, Mobeis Park, October 5. The entire string ot Mr. "Walter Gratzs' race horses were sold at auction prior to the races to-day. Among the lot was the famous Iflk wood, who won the 1883 Suburban in 2.-07, carrying 119 pounds. He his two splints, and in ail probability will nerer be sent ont to race again. Quite a representative gatheringwas present, and the bidding for Elkwood was spirited. Mr. Kittson was tbe highest bidder, and be secured Elkwood for $5,000. It is understood that he will be taken to Mr. Kittson's Erdcnheim stock farm and used for breeding purposes. Blue Bock was attached, and will not be offered for sale until the attachment is removed. After Mr. Gratzs lot bad been disposed of a number of youngsters from the stock farm of Milton Young were sold. The notable features of the third regular day of the fall meeting were tho three stake events the Becord stakes for all ages, the Trial stakes fot 3-year-olds and tbe Country Club handicap for 3-year-olds and upward. The event of the day, though, was the Country Club handicap. It will be a race that will go down in turf history. It was one of the grandest finishes of the 'season. First race. Becord stakes, five furlongs-Start-ersi (jcraldlne. Gorgo. Oregon. Keporter. Uorgo won. Keporter second, Geraldlne third. Time, 1: 1U. Second race, five furlongs-Starters: IlmayB, Blchard K. Fox. Tupstaff. Glory. Frejols, Minuet. Frelolswon, Minuet second, HmaB third. Time, l:0ik. Third race. Trial stakes, mile and a quarter Starters: lenny. Longstreet, Bnddhlst. Castaway IL Sorrento. Ilolldiy. Buddhist won in2:10J4, Longstrect second. Castaway II third. Fourth race. Country Club handicap, mile and a quarter btartcrs: Taragon. Dnnboyne. Lavlnla Belle, Elevee. Lavlnla Belle won. Taragon sec ond. Dunboyne third. Time, 2:10. Fifth race, for maiden 2-year-olds, three-quarters or a mile-Starters: Dundee, Tenneisee, Hockey. Benefit, Express, Flambeau. Kings Own, Chieftain. Golden Horn. Nosegay, Benga Une, Flossie. Flossie won. Golden Horn second. Kings Own third. Time. 1:15M. Sixth race, seven furlongs-Starters: King Idle, Portico. Lafitte, Bralt. Bell elmont. vigilante, key note. Kopert, Subaltern, Fairy (jueen. Jennie McFarland. Lafitte w..n. King Idle second. Key note third. Time, l:is,'i. Jerome Park Winners. Jerome Park Race Teack, Octobers. The prospect of seeing Firenzi, Salrator. Kace- land and other cracks run prongnc out tne largest crowd of the meeting to-day. First race, one and one-sixteenth miles Start ers: Salrator, Ganymede, Hyperion. Salrator won in H5SJ4; Hyperion ana Ganymede ran a dead beat for second. becond race. for2-year-olds,l. 400 yards-Starters: Magnate. Burlington, Tournament, Judge Mor row, Fernwood, June Day, Livonia. Judge Mor row won in 124, Tournament second. Magnate third. , .... Third race, one mlle-fctarters: Kacelsnd. Vol unteer and Badge. Itaceland won In l:wj(. Badge Fourth raie, five furlongs Starters: Bradford, Carnegie, Drumstick. Tatlan. Grenadier, liver, Ncwberg. Arab, Oracle, Vendetta. Ueronlmo, Enquiry, Tony Pastor, Adolpb, Mazle, Vlnai- Srette. Bradford won in 1:00. Adolnh second, irumsllck third. ,f , Fifth race, one and a quarter miles Firenzi walked over the course. . . Sixth race, one ana one-sixteenth miles-Starters: King of Norfolk, Lancaster. Glendale, Maid or Orleans, Burnslde. Mala, Brussels, Letltla. Bill Karnes, Lonely. Brussels won In V.UX, Le tltla second, Elgin third. MATCHED AT LAST. Prlddy and MeCIellnnd lo Bun a Mile for 8300 a. Side. Peter Priddy and E. C. McClelland bave finally been matched to run a mile race. The backers of each man met at this office last evening and agreed to run a mile for $500 a side on November 18. tbat is six weeks from yesterday. There was somo controversy about tho time, tbe McClelland party wanting the race to take place in five weeks from yesterday. Finally six weeks was agreed to. It was fur ther decided to tun on the date named at Ex position Park, rain or shine. Each party pet up a forfeit of $50 and a second deposit of $2(X each will be pnt up on tbe 28th, and the final will be made good one week before tbe race. Tbe race is sure to be an interesting one. as each man la considered a stayer for a mile. There Is considerable rivalry between the parties for supremacy. The runners will go into training ati once. It is understood that Sam Day will look after Priddy. JOCMES'B'AWHTJRE . SPvHHPMr X99-A p JTaeksM Thmsakc ( ke Better Vsmi Tlwa rST CABtX TO THI WSPATSB.t TjOirsoir,OcteBerS-Copyright TMkexfas match between Jem Bmlth and Jaek"WaBep this week, for 408; watae hollowest poselalo mockery. Undoubtedly the whole affair had been arranged beforehand, and the respective shares of the proceeds quietly settled. NeMher man was in condition. Smith was est ateae over his proper' weight, and when it came to boxing, it was of the tardest possible character. The skin was of the poorest, tbe hitting of the lightest, and the vast audience showed their appreciation by hissing each ronnd rigorously. The sale of tickets for this fraud realized over 2,000, so that the champions and those who manage them must have made a fairly eood haul. Peter Jackson made his first public appear ance In London this week; boxing three rounds with Jack Fallon at "West to luster Aquarium. Fallon was obviously oat of condition, and made a poor show. The critics were Impressed with Jackson, aad bis physique and ability bave met with hlghpralse from sporting. writ ers. He has not yet-shown his qualities as a boxer, bnt next week, when some better men will oppose him. he win bave an opportunity of proving his mettle. On the whole English sports believe TJackson a mnch cleverer boxer than Smith, and when tbe two meet .at the Pelican Club, the colored hoy should win, un less it bas been found" convenient to arrange another draw before hand. The white champion of Australia, Slarin, who had some difficulty in arrangine matches to suit blm, la now training for his match with Bill Goode, which 'takes place October 17. Slavin has also challenged "Woolf Bendoff and has agreed to stop him In eight rounds. Parson Davis bas made a match for Fallon with Wan nop. For the Csarewiich race, which Is run on Thursday next, Davenport at S to 1 agalast, Vasistas at S tol against, and Mercy at 100 to 9 against, are the leading favorites. Large amounts have been invested upon the- hrst named this week. For tbe Cambridgeshire run. a fortnight later. Zanzibar. Philomel, at 100 to 7 against. Qoldseeker and Clara Bell at 100 to 6 aeainst, have been backed this week, but only to a limited extent. The Massachusetts riflamen, who had such a pleasant time here last summer, will be inter ested to know that some of tbe old antagonists of tbe North London Rifle Club, whom they met at Nunbead range, hare been doing some wonderful shooting this week- nnder tbe Queen's prize, third stage conditions, ten shots at 700 and 900 yards. Sergeant Fulton made 15 bulls' eyes, 4 inners and magpie or a score of 94 points out of a possible 100, establishing a record for those distances. At shorter ranges, beginning at 600 and finishing at 200 yards. Cap tain Cowan made 99 points out of a possible 186, scoring the blgbesd .'possible at 00 yards, Doyle's favorite distance; Private BosenthaL Honorable Artillery Company was a good sec ond with 93. t la not improbable that tbe North London Club will send a team to Canada and the United States next year. Rnclng at McKeesport. tSrZCIAL TXLXGBAVTD THI DISPATCH.l McKeesport, Octobers. The McKeesport races to-day attracted a large delegation ot people to the Driving Park. The races were commenced late, and several of the important contests were postponed until Monday ic con sequence. The trotting race, 2:30 class, was won by Nellie, owned by Joseph Cangbey, Mc Keesport; purse, $75; time, 3 minutes. The pace, 20 class, was won by Sailor Boy, owned by W. G. McBride, of "Washington; purse, tlOO; time, 2.4S and 2:52. Tbe free-for-all pace, purse $75, was won by Baby Mine, owned by Albert Shaw, ot Burgettstown; time, 25SL Tbere were horses entered In the above from this piace and many other towns in the Immediate vicin ity, and tbe races were interesting and excit ing; Tbere were several other races, but those above named were tbe Important contests of to-day's programme. St. Louis Races. St. Louts, October" 5. A light attendance witnessed two trots and one pace at the races to-day. The first was the t-SB class. SLSOO. 1750 5o the first. $375 to the second, $225 to .the third, $150 to the fourth, mile beats, 3 In a-Starters: Bethlehem Star. Frink Mtadleton. Lew "White. Jeremiah. Genera 8 and Betty Jones. Geneva S took hrst money. Fran. MlddletAn second. Jermlah third and Bethlehem Star fourth. N o time given. Second race was the Gaseonda stakes, mile beats, 3 In i, fora-year-old colts and fillies. $30 entrance, $800 added. 60 per cent forfeit. Entrance sub scription and added money to first horse. 25 per cent to second. 15 Tier cent to third Starters: Dora Cossack. Optimist and .Lucy Kj Lncr K took first money, Dora Cossack took second. Best time 2:3). The special race for 2:30 pacers was declared os, it being too late to start. 2RQX.-2BE FOURTH ST0SI. ' Frank Tbuma Falls to. .the Ground and la Instantly Killed. Last night Frank: Trramft fell from a, fourth floor window at No. 64 Fourth ave nue and was instantly killed. The acci dent occurred at 10 o'clock. Mr. Thnma was preparing to retire. The upper sash of the window was lowered, and be stood upon the window sill to raise it. As he did so he lost his balance and fell to the sidewalk. He struck on his head, fracturing his skull and breaking his neck. Death was instan taneous. Coroner McDowell was notified, viewed the body at once, and ordered an inqnest for to-morrow morning. Mr. Thuma was 03- years of age. He leaves a widow, two sons and two daughters. One of the latter conducts a dancing school at the building where the accident occurred and is quite well known. Grlpp's Neat Ax. Judge Gripp gave Daniel "Watten, of McKeesport, 48 hours lor drunkenness at the Central station , last night. Meade Tiobinson, of Sewickley, got a like sentence for a like fault. Margaret Bielly and El- don Boss, two "hayseeds" were drunk and disorderly at 102 "Water street, and were fined $10 and costs. James Shea, of West moreland county, was fined (25 on Thursday, and was picked up again last night by Officer Kress, witn his head cut and his pockets empty. He was let go. Frank Wnllin was fined $5 and costs for disputing about a fare with a car conductor. Burglaries-1 Oakland. The carriage shop of Thompson & Boyce, at Oakland, was entered on Friday night by burglars, who got a chisel and forced their way into two other places in the vicin ity. Thev pried open the door ot William Lewis' store, at No. 3608 Fifth avenue, took SI 65 from, the money drawer, and then went to the residence of W. A. Nimick. on Fifth avenue, near Jones' lane, where they stole an orecoat. Killed on the Bond. William Naugher, a married man, 60 years of age, was killed yesterday on the railroad near Crafton station. His body was removed to the morgue. An inquest will be held to-dav. A TRUE ELIXIR OF LIFE, Such are the remarks mads by our best physicians regarding the Pure Eight-Year-Old Export GUCKENHEIMER Eye ":Wb-s3s:3r:T Which we sell you at $1 per quart bottle, or six for $5. For Family Use it Has No EquaL Its mildness makes It acceptable to the aged and convalescent. We also carry in stqck (our own importation) Scotch, and Irish Whisky, Pure Holland Gin, , Cognao Brandies and Imported Wines. One of our specialties it pure old California wines, of which, we carry the largest and finest grades only, and, sell at tbe reasonable price of 60o per quart bottle, or 16 per doien. Purity taken Into consideration, these wines are superior to the imported. - JOS.JFIjEMJlSG s soy, DRTjaaiars,.4U market street, Oel-TTSBO, HBHI$Hal RNkWLnia ' y&" Tkej YtiH Ik CmhMt Imkm Ofcwi ' pidBshif FMMftt. M'OKSPORT EASILY MiTW.. (DHJofi Pitcieaa Great Gmw 4 Phs; Terreysea's Sea. Til leXESTEADS DEFEAT Q&IUMfi IateretUagSeiHAassttaeAattfar HwMk aaaJl-r-' 11, M...V , ? . .nmi. i The East Bwl AtMeties w the CMaty League peasant, defeatJag the MeXseserts; easily. Homestead defeated Hew OaUaacS The HokeMperta Mrsl the BtMeek teaV will play Mr m seend honew ot ifeti! Countv LeaeM. There were other iititast lag amateur eveste. lj The final mmtait hniwnan the Bast Ssd Athletics and the MeSeetyerts tomK4 hi J&fr nTrnrTinTnili ii 1 r i r il i IfsTi nsmalf aaJ V' ', the cultured youths from the Bast Ba4 wW fn $, the Pratt pennant for 188 oa the krftestiee. V to be found in this rieiatly. Tbe game was reolece with Bftttatatar aad the mostnotaUefeatares were tbe tfteadtsV prosing oi union for the Athtettes, the NaMrv stick work of Qumbert aad Seheyer's biBMaat" work behind the bat Gray aad (Hirer atssf nemo, ineirpoattioes la fine stvle, feet the whole team put up a spleadid article of hatl. auej promise to raaxe tee ABegheajr hustle for the local ooamplonsbip os ivi uay ana xnursoay next. Yesterday's was superior to anv Countv learns wm this season. Tbe McKeesporta were oat, is force but were outplay ed. Score: ATHLXT1C8. E B r A I it'XXBSF'XT X B P A M Gray, J....- 0 Laner. 1 1 D.Barr.l... 2 Gumbert, a, o Ulllon, p.... I Oliver, 3.... 1 Bchoyer, c 1 Wm.Barr, rl Swift, m.... 0 0 3 011 Marbericer, s 0 Hartmaa. I.. 8 Torreysoa, 3 8 Smlat, mJfctO Maxtia, r... 0 Patterson, p 1 LMta, JtaO Mallerr. o. O a, o 1 a 3 0 I 0 a 2 1 0 1 7 1 1 1 : o o QfllBB. Li.. 0 Totals;.... 7 8 3411 S Tettb..... I 4 Jill 3 E. E. Athletics. I 0 I 3 1 V 1 0-T McKeespert ......0 0000010-1 jarned ruas-AJWetles, 3. ., Two-base hlts-1). Bur. Oliver. Three-base hits-Gumbert, Patterson. . Stolen bases AtbleUes, 9-, MeKeesaert, S . ... ouuci. out sy lniHw, z; raisetsoa . , Base on balls-By IMUoa I: Patter, 1. , Hit or pitched ball-By IrrBea, 1: FaHeAssV AJVUUm DtOT LTHIUB, UrT Btttt Passed ball-Mallery. Umpires Kose aad Laager. Time of game One hour aad 50 minutes. ONE FOR BSSttSTSAM. They Defeat the New OakJaaea la si 6aa4v Game. - There was an interesting County Loagae ajasaV yesterday at Homestead betweea the Be-" steads aad the New Oaklaads. The ieaaser wonanlnteresttegcofitest. SalHraa's daittug was the feature of the game. BaefcCeBtag did well as umpire. Following la the score: HOMIST'DS. tlllll OAXL'SBS. B Armor, r... 1 Sullivan. 1.. X A.Colgan.m 1 E-Colgan,c 0 Youne'n, p. 1 Buhner. 1... Z Howe, 1 0 i 6trptcfl 1 lope. 1 1 Howler. r...l Morzsn, e... 0 Barnes. 1.... 1 Butler. M... 1 Owens, jb..- . JLjBwcrSOBf b w Leaser, 2.. 0 tt. woods, I. o J.Woods, s. 0 0 Totals ..... 7 10 18 IS 3 Totals.. S 5MM Homesteads ................... ....4 3 0 0 Oakland ,1 0 10 Earned runs Homesteads, 3. Two-base hKs Yoaaman I, Marfan L ' Three-base hit Sullivan, L Btrncc out By Tonnrman. ; by Aaeersea. 2. Base on balls Ob" louugman, 5; o Ander- son. 3. i Bit by pitched ball-Leaser, Double plays J. Woods. Kowe sad Baton 2, Passed balls Colgaa, 1: Morgan, L Wild pitches YoeBgaua, 1; Anderses, 1. . Umpire beneflter. . . i -Jt County League BtaacHag. xne oniy remaining game so Be puyea ta te . County League is betweea the Braddoeks e4 McKeesporta on next Saturday to dooMo The Bast Baa AtaleMasIharr second place. won the peaaaat after bam sght."' ""?' .K s. tins -woa. r j East Xnd Athletics 31 s MeXeesports 3) 7 Braddoeks 18 7 Homesteads 14 11 Etna Stars 8 12 Oakland!, 3 2t PerCt 25 " .730, .440! .480 1 .ue CNell Didn't Appear. William Verner calledat this oSee last erea lng prepared to make a match to fight Jaek O'Nell, of Homestead The latter failed to -show np. howerer. Verner states tbat if O'Nell refuses to fight for a stake he, Verner,-!. will fight any amateur feather-weight la West-J . WHAR Y0 GIT DAT NEW SUIT? Ton's a foot, dat's not new, man: dat's ray last winter's suit cleaned 'and made to look like new by DICKSON, do rtlstie taHor.OS Filth aVe., cor. Wood st, second floor. Tele pbone 1558. oc8-sn TOO LATE TO CLASSIFT. -VTTANTED-W MALE AND FEMALE AM A- vv TEUK dramatic and specialty nerformers. Call st WOaDKBLASD MUaEUM, 27 lxth st, ocs-isr "TTTANTED-TEMPOKAKY LOAN neo: Sli er: rerular Inter V V Durban real est ate security ; est and bonus: nrlnelnals onlr: noa&rents. DAL- TOJ. 34 Church are., Allegheny City. ocS-149 WANT ED -LADIES TO LEAVE THEIB orders for fall and winter costumes at OAK MIEE'8 DRESSMAKING EMPORIUM. 34 church are., Allegheny; a perfect at guaranteed. ocS-31 XTTAXTRD-X GIKLS AT ONCE AT GAK W NIEK'S DRESSMAKING AND CUTTING SCHOOL, 34 Church avenue, Allegheny: ws agree to teach the trade la three months, and then give each scholar a position at wares: scholars can do thelrUsmlly dressmaking whtts learning, free. Cuttlnrand fitting taught at re duced rates next week only. ocs-uo 10. H. MONOSGAHELA CONCLAVK No. 138 will meet this SUNDAY AFTEB-, nfYW At thai, halt Kn T9 U'nnvfh imin tA take action oa the death of their archon. R. V. Barker. JOS. B. EATON, Secretary. BROTHERS OF GAS CITY COUNCIL NO 273, Jr. O. TJ. A. M., are hereby directed to attend the funeral of Brother Geo. "W. Robin son from bis late residence. Ho. 20 Crawford street, on MONDAY, the 7th lnst., at 2 o'clock p.x. Meet at Council Chambers at 1 o'clock. Members of Sister CouneHs are respectfully Invited to attend. By order Attest J.H.MEGOWAN. J.G.GRAHAM, Councillor. RecSec octS-113 "VTOTICE THE MEMBERS OF JOHN J. IN Darts Co. No. 12. A. O. K. of the M- 0. are requested to meet at their armory, 2514 Peun avenue, 8UNDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock, to make arrangements for funeral of our deceased brother, R. V. Barker. Members of subordinate castles and commanderies are Invited to be present. Bv artier K. G. PADEN. Councilor. Attest: WILLIAM M. GILLMOR, See-v. PrrTSBtrae, October 6. 1SS6. ocB-lU SOTTCE-I HAVE THIS DAY AS30- CIATED with me Mr. Albert Pofen s. who has had ten years' experience m the wholesale Jewelry basin ess, which aasareau to us tan-eased xaefnHeefor securing goo of the best and !ate designs at tte loweejl the name ot Wetsel 4 Poftnbacb. ThanM" rea ier rust ratraoare. we hope for a eea- ttonaaeeofyoarfaTors. A-WETZHL, Jeweler. SIS Fifth areaus, on line or Fifa ai aaeeabte caw, near Mageestreet. .M rTrzKBvae, uewter ,! " irii -m i"i"o 'M o a o o W oooo I40O a o a i o M 3 3 13 J? oooo J oo3i' -yK 0 2 2 0,- .TT -J r-, m :$ IhJ tfMt8t-VftH m 3 l-a "tr 'bcliA i&m ZSVsSi m-t "& Sfc s, JsW ;?' i JM.-&milL.'! Lr.-. !. ttM'jJBBtjAiSk'ri VM j i3a