Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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"- t ' r .(A"Jf . '- . , . "aw-- rife
"The Grand
Old Man Spotted as the
Author of an Article That Has
Seasons for the Belief That He Wrote About
the Triple Alliance.
.Maidstone to address a meeting of Conserva
tive Home Rulers, and he did this with
great tact and discretion. The amusing
part ot the story, however, is in the obsta
cles thrown in the way of the meeting being
held. Lady Maidstone called the gathering
at a house she had rented from an irreconcil
able Tory. He protested against the meet
in? beiuj held there, but without avail.
Then the landlord build up walls, erected
barriers and locked the gates on all ap
proaches to his tenant's house. But this
procedure only whetted the appetites of
those who wanted to' attend.
Walls, barriers and gates were swept
away, and Xmbouchere had the pleasure of
addressing a larger and mach more enthu
siastic gathering than he had ever expected.
Tories Bring Heavy Forces to Bear to Betain Tbeir
The anonymous article on the triple al
liance in a late English magazine, which
has set all Europe by the ears, is generally
attributed to Gladstone, though some think
labonchere wrote it. Home Eulers still
find it difficult to hold meetings. Belgrade
comes again to the front in the world of
European politics.
Loxdon-, October 5. It is now univer
sally believed here that the article on
the triple alliance and Italy's place in it, in
the Contemporary Review, which has set all
Europe to talking, is by Gladstone. He
himself says that the Daily Xetcs was not
authorized to attribute the article to him,
which is considered to be an admission that
"he is the author. The article was written in
Paris, which gives another proof of the ex
traordinary activity of Gladstone's mind, in
that, while be was doing the Exposition, re
ceiving callers and attending banquets, he
yet found time to derote to a now historic
article on the relations of England to the
triple alliance.
The Paris Temps points out a curious
piece of internal evidence of authorship in
the nom de plume by which the article is
signed. "Outidanos" is no doubt suggested
by "Outis," in the Odyssey. "Outis,"or
nobody, is the punning name that Odysseus
gives himself when he enters the cave of
Polyphemus, whom he afterward blinds.
When the deed is done and Polyphemus
'calls aloud for aid, he can only identify his,
assailant as "Outis."
Another circumstance that tends in the
same direction is that a friend who was with
Gladstone in Paris says that be spoke very
constantly of the folly of Italy and the ruin
its present policy was bound to bring to her
nnances, and that some of the illustrations
and facts which Mr. Gladstone employed in
his conversation reappear in the article in
the Contemporary Review. The press of
London in dealing with the article take for
granted that Gladstone is the author, and
give him praise or blame according to' their
politics. The Paris newspapers generally
eulogize it Liberte discusses it at length,
and gives it warm praise. It thinks it out
of the question for anyone but Mr. Glad
stone to have written tbe article. In any
case, it says, the tone and style and manner
of dealing with the European chess board
are statesmanlike. If Italy is treated with
rough sincerity, it is-also the object of warm
Naturally enough, Italy is not so well
pleased, as it is thought in Home that
justice is not rendered to the motives which
induced Italy to enter the alliance. It is
remarked that since 1870, Prance has
systematically opposed Italy, not only in
her foreign policy and in her attempts to
extend her commercial influence, but lias
even attempted to create internal difficulties
by tendering clandestine support to the
Vatican and to the Ultramontane party.
The only other theory as to the author
ship of the article than "that it was written
by Gladstone is that Labonchere, who is
known to hold similar views in the matter,
is "Outidanos." Labonchere is part pro
prietor of the Daily iTeu, which first
attributed the authorship to Gladstone, and
it is just possible Iiabby might have been
guiletul enough to originate the Gladstone
theory in order to secure wider attention to,
and greater prestige lor, his own opinions.
Chlcaeo'a Grand Jury Rcfusea to Bride In
Any Iodiclmeuta An InveHlIon of
the Smoke Knitance Tbe-
Judge's Action.
Chicago, October 5. The grand jury fin
ished its labors for the term and filed into
Judge Horton's court this afternoon and
presented its report, as follows:
The Civil Service Examination Paper
Mads Public Were Obsolete
Tbe Fullest Inrestlg-llon
U Co'nrted by tbe
Washington, October 6. Civil Service
Commissioner Lyman was seen to-day and
assed if he had anything to say concerning
the publication in thejmoming Washington
JPOst, and replied that his preference was for
a thorough investigation by a competent
tribunal, rather than any explanation or de
fense in the newspapers, and that he sin
cerely hoped that such an investigation
would be had. In the meantime, however,
and pending such an investigation, he
would say the statement that the set of
papers given out by Mr. Campbell were
current papers, given out in advance of an
examination, is untrue. They were papers,
he said, that bad been previously used and
bad become obsolete, such as the commis
sion now publishes to the world in its an
nual reports.
As soon, he said, as the investigation
made at the time by the commission devel
oped the fact ot Mr. Campbell's connection
A Brain and Nerve Food,
For lecturers, teachers, students, clergymen,
lawyers, and brain workers generally.
Do Ton Want to Know
Where to find the best assortment of gentle
men's hats? Try C. A. Smiley & Co.
The crand inrv has been hnsllr enraged -ur
ine almost the entire term In investlsatine lail I -;il, .t... . ., , : ... . i
and bail cases and miscellaneous cSmplaints. ct""fTl tTs ' i ? SHrE
Over 600 cases have been acted upon. With "v ot " taking part in it, and said so to
this amount of business in band, larger than at
any previous session of the grana jury, scarcely
any attention could be given to the three
charges presented bvtne Presiding Judge of
the Criminal Court. Judge Horton. The smoke
nuisance was taken up at such times as we
could gain a spare hour, and many witnesses
were heard in regard to it. There remained so
many more that it was simply impossible to
listen to their evidence, and the matter was
passed to the uext grand jury. All the lottery
cases which have been presented have been
acted upon. But one gambling case was pre
sented and acted upon.
Then followed along special report on the
smoke nuisance, in which the results of the
examination of witnesses was given and
various devices for the prevention were
recommended. Judge Horton commended
the industry and diligence of the grand jury
and added:
Gentlemen, when I made this charge I did not
mean that you should investigate the different
patents and advertise certain firms. But I
meant to have you look into this abominable.
nuisance and see if something could not be
done. There is a remedy. That wo know.
What we want to find out is why some men
persist in maintaining a nuisance when it Is so
seriously objectionable. Another thing that I
thought was not in accordance with the usual
plan of procedure. That was the sum
moning of the offenders before vou to
testify in their own cases, as was done in al
most every instance with regard to this smoke
investigation. Nor do I think it was necessary
to hear the testimony of agents for patent
smoke consumers. I think this jury has worked
hard, and I realize the fact that there was a
tremendous pressure brought to bear upon its
members in their investigations, and now, if
there is nothing more to be attended to, I will
dismiss tbe jury.
The Xeus intimates that the tremendous
pressure referred to by the Judge was polit
ical pressure, and that it was exercised to
prevent the indictment of tbe gamblers. It
declares that the case of gambler John Con
don was investigated and a complete case
made against him, but no indictment was
found, so the attorney thought it useless to
proceed further.
Ex-Qaecn Natalie's Determination to llnve
Her BJebts.
Lokdon, October 5. Belgrade is again
attracting the eyes of the political world.
Queen Natalie is determined to have what
she considers her rights, while the Begents,
backed up by the Ex-King, are as resolute
in refusing them. The young King is kept
away from his mother and his affections
appear to have been estranged, if any re
liance may be placed upon the official tele
grams. Bussia and Austria are watching
events closely, but at present there is no
sign of their proceeding beyond that stage.
In the meantime, judging from one
special correspondent's message, misfortune
does not seem wholly to disagree with Queen
iatalie. He says the Queen wore a tight
fitting dress ofshepherd's plaid, a narrow,
dark ribbon tied on one side round her
neck, and her only jewels were diamond
bangles on her wrists. Her splendid black
hair fell unrestrained over her neck and
shoulders, making a most effective frame
for the handsome face. Her year of trials
has added softness to her beauty, and her
dark eyes shine with a veiled luster.
Wide A watte People
Are always on the lookout for bargains at
Thompson's New York Grocery.
13 lbs granulated sugar $1 00
Extra sugar cured hams per lb 11
Extra sugar cured shoulders per lb. . GJ
Extra sugar cured breakfast bacon. . 104
6 lbs large prunes 25
California evaporated peaches 10
California evaporated apricots 10
7 lbs rolled oats 25
4 quarts navy beans 25
1 dozen parlor matches 12
8 lbs large lump starch 25
1 can Blue Back mackerel 10
5 lbs Carolina rice 25
1 lb desiccated cocoanut 15
4 bottles home-made ketchup 25
Ivory soap per bar 4
1 sack choice amber flour 115
1 sack Thompson's amber 1 25
1 sack Thompson's "White Swan". 1 30
1 sack Thompson's St. Louis 1 0
lb canister Thompson's, pure bak
ing powder 20
61bs20-centtea 1 00
4 lbs 30-cent tea. 1 00
31bs40-centtea 1 00
Goods delivered free to all parts of both
cities. To those living out of the city will
prepay freight on all orders of $10 and up
ward. Send for catalogue. Issued this
week. M. E. Thompson,
Opposite Gusky's. 301 Market st.
Commissioner Oberly, who concurred with
him and thereupon left it to be completed
oy mm, requesting that he get at the bot
tom facts. He subsequently reported to
Mr. Lyman "what he had found and his con
clusion that Campbell should not be re
moved, but reprimanded. "I expressed my
satisfaction with his conclusion," said Mr.
Lyman, "based upon the statement of the
case as made to me by him. This matter
occurred nearly or quite two years ago, and
has not since that time been the subject of
consideration bytthe commission I de
sire," he added, "to make one other state
ment now, and that is that there has never at
any time been an appointment or a promo
tion made at the'office of the commission in
violation or evasion of the civil service
rules. In every ..case the rules have been
scrupulously complied with, as the records
will clearly show."
Mr. Roosevelt said:
The charges, in so far as they are directly
made, refer wholly to matters affecting the old
commission when Messrs. Edeerton and
Oberly were members thereof: they do not
touch anything done in the commission since
the first of May, when Governor Thompson
and myself took office. They should certainly
be investigated beforo a competent tribunal,
and as theV affect the m&narament. nf the mm.
mission under the previous administration, that
muuuiu tuouiu contain democrats as wen as
Republicans. In other words, the matter
should be investigated by Congress as soon as
it meets, and I not only court Buch investiga
tion, but will regard it as a real misfortune if
it does not take place. As regards anything
that has been done since I myself came upon
the commission, the accusations have been
carefully put In the form either of inuendo or
of some sweeping generality, so I shall merely
say that any accusations of misconduct on the
part of the commission during my term of
service are false: and I particularly desire to
see those making them do so before a tribunal
where they must speak under oath.
Remember This, Gentlemen!
Gusky's great sale of men's fine fall over
coats commences to-morrow. For full par
ticulars read Gusky's ad. in to-day's paper.
82, $2 SO and 83 Hats in All
The latest shapes at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s.
DIothers Are Particularly Xnvlted
To attend Gusky's great sale of boys and
children's clothing this week. Money, yes,
dollars, to be saved, mind you, and you
surely should take advantage of the golden
Hnti for Big Heads
A specialty at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s.
Remember This, Gentlemen!
Gnsky's great sale of men's fine fall over
coats commences to-morrow. For fall par
ticulars read Gusky's ad. in to-day's paper.
ARTHUR On Saturday, October 5. 1SS9. at
iSO A. , THOMAS F. Abthttb, aged 46 years.
Funeral from his late residence, 1711 Sydney
street, Boat-side, on 110SDAT, at 830 A. M. 2
AU3TOT-On Saturday, at 150 P. K., RtpH
Wilson Atjamr, oldest son of Edward F. and
Clara Austin, aged 6 years and 6 months.
Funeral at 289 Federal street, Allegheny, at
BARKER On Saturday. Octobers, 1889, at
6 o'clock a. c, Richard v. Baekeb, in the
40th year of his age.
Funeral from his late residence, No. 57 Vick
roy street, Monday. October 7, at 2 o'clock P.
sr," Friends of the family are respectfully in
vited to attend.
DICKINSON On Saturday, Octobers, at 11
A. c, Fuedebick Dickinson, aged 40 years.
Funeral fromtlate residence. Mulberry alley,
between Twenty-eichth and Twenty-ninth
streets. Monday. October 7. at 2 P. at. Friends
ot the family are respectfully Invited to attend.
HAHN On Saturday morning. October 6.
18S9, Mary A. wife of G. W. Hahn.
Services at the family residence Sharpsburg,
Monday, at 2 p. jr. Private interment. Please
omit flowers. 2
MCCLELLAND Of diphtheria, on Friday.
October 4, 1SS9. at 6:15 p. M., Susie, daughter
of William fad Mary McClelland, at their rest
dence. 638 Penn avenue, aged 9 years 6 days.
Funeral on Sunday at 2 p. K. Friends of
the family are respectfully invited to attend.
O'BRIEN-At his residence. 48 Tunnel
street, on Saturday. October 5, 1889, at 435 P.
H., William, son of Timothy and the late
Wmf red O'Brien, aged 32 years.
Funeral from bis father's residence, 74 Mar
ion street, on Monday morning at 830, to pro
ceed to St. Paul's Cathedral.
P1FER At the residence of his parents.
Raymond, youngest son of Fred and Emma
FiXer, Saturday evening, October 5, 1S39, at 7
o'clock, aged 3 years, 9 months and 16 days.
Funeral Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
from his late residence, Morningsido road.
Eighteenth ward. 2
ROBINSON-October 6, 1889. at 130 P. at.
ueokqe w. kobinson, aged 37 years.
Funeral will take place from the residence of
his parents, 20 Crawford street, on Monday,
October 7, 1889, at 2 p.m. Friends of the' fam
ily are respectfully invited to attend. 2
RICHARDS On Saturday morning. October
5, 1889, Chari.es Richards, aged 69 years.
Funeral from residence, Woods Run avenue.
Tenth ward, Allegheny, on Monday, October
7, at 2 p. m.' Friends of the family are respect
fully invited to attend. 2
ROWBOTTOM-On Friday, October 4, 1889.
at 6 a. st, William Rowsottom, in his 61st
Funeral from his late residence. No. 222
Washington avenue, Allegheny, on Sunday,
October 6, at 2 p. it. Friends of the family are
respectfully Invited to attend.
Cincinnati paperi please copy.l 2
SUnLTVAN On Saturday, October 5, 18S9,
at 335 p.m., Margaret, daughter of John
and Bella Sullivan, aged 21 years and 11 days.
Funeral will take place from her late res!-'
dence, rear of 2001 Penn avenue, Monday
horning at 9 o'clock, ifriends of the family
are respectfully invited to attend.
Worcester (Mass.) pacers please copy.
TAYNE Suddenly, on Saturday, October 5.
18S9, Edna May, daughter of William J. and
Elizabeth Tayne, aged 1 year and 4 months.
Funeral from the parents' residence, 134
Allen street, Thirty-first ward, on Monday,
October 7, at 10 a. m. Friends of the family
are respectfully, invited to attend.
WILSON October 6. 1889, at 2 o'clock
Elizabeth, the wife of Wm. T.Wilson and
tbe daughter of Captain James Thompson.
Funeral from her late residence, Springdale,
on Monday, at 2 o'clock, on the West Penn
Railroad. The friends of the family are re
spectfully invited to attend.
Portiere Bed at $12 00.
This bed
is giving all
the advan
tages of
priced fold
ing beds.and
when hand
somely draped, is a richer piece
of furniture than most heavy
wood-front beds.
imttx'z&'irsjL ; ysMmmmmfmwf.-?- ' j m?3rH
It Ms a Tain - iO IM
ffffl m is. cuiiiii
P. C. Schoeneck,
N. B. Our Exposition exhibit is in north
west end of main building. Goods there dis
played are but a small sample of the enormous
stock shown at warerooms. Visitors welcomed
at our warerooms at all times. oc6-wsu
We have already been compelled
to purohase a second stock of
The same, unrivaled excellence
in quality and style at low prioes,
whioh sold the first lot quickly, has
put thejiew one on the move. Our
assortment is now the most com
plete, and you will-find both your
taste and your form anticipated.
Prices, $7 60, 810, $11, $12, $13,
$14, $15 and upward.
Extra good values also in
Fall Suits for Men,
Fall Suits for Boys,
.Fall. Suits for Children,
Fall Hats,
Fall Underwear.
Tailors, CIotMers aM Hatters,
161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny.
Best fitting. Best for
wear. Most stylish and
XL any that have ever
been produced. The
price is only
81 SO.
Every pair bears trade
There'll be Many a Stormy Day
To test the robustness of schooibovs. Pro
Tide them with the proper sort of "clothing
and so keep out both cold and dampness. Be
sure you visit Gusky's for what your boys
want in the shape of fall and winter suits
and overcoats. Eemember, lowest prices for
reliable goods always.
f A Full Assortment of
Dunlap's celebrated hats always at C. A.
Smiley & Co.'s.
The Greatest Show on Earth to Head the
Lord Slayor'a Procession.
lONDON, October 6. Restraining im
pulses that have hitherto led him to court
obscurity, the original and only Barnum
has already succeeded in making himself
prominent before the English public. The
seven hundredth Lord Mayor's Day in the
history of London is to be celebrated on
November 9, with a pageant that for pomp
and grandeur will eclipse anything ever be
fore attempted in the metropolis. The cir
cumstance that the occasion is one of the
most awful solemnity, did not deter the
agents or the original and only from offering
to help out the procession by adding to it a
section of the "greatest show" on earth;" and,
more remarkable still, the Celebration Com
mittee have accepted the offerjconsequently,
Barnum's elephants, lions, tigers and other
beasts of his menagerie are to figure in the
Lord Mayor's pageant, as representing the
fauna of the colonies.
I violate no confidence when I state that
Barnum's name will not be painted out in
the circus wagons used in the parade.
Tories Bringing Heavy Forces to Bcnr to
Retain Supremacy.
London, October 6. The Tories are
making strenuous efforts to retain the repre
sentation of Bucks and Peterborough.
The greatest pressure is being put upon the
rural laborers by the clergy, and as in the
case of Stafford, tbe followers of Lord Salis
bury are sanguine that this will bring about
tne aesireu iesuiu
The Gladstonians are, however, by no
weans disheartened, despite the forces they
are compelled to fight against it In Peter
borough, particularly, the influence of the
Fitzwilhams family is fading, and without
Fitxwilliams, Peterborough would be a
Gladstonian stronghold.
Wall, Gates nnd Barriers Swept Away by
the Home Balers.
rer casus to the dispatch.
IiOXDOS", October 5. Labonchere has,
this week, had a .somewhat peculiar expe-
rkace for him, He was invited by Lady
A Great Day.
You never saw such a sight as was wit
nessed yesterday by a reporter as he passed
the large store of the Pittsburg Combination
Clothing Company (P. C. C. C.) cor. Grant
and Diamond sts. The entire store and
both entrances were crowded to overflowing
with bargain seekers, and it was with diffi
culty that he forced his way in and inter
viewed the manager. Yeswe've been very
very busy to-dav, that genial gentleman
said (as he quietly directed six stockmen to
unload a table of overcoats) and it's all due
to that big special Saturday sale of ours. I
think our salesmen are the" finest in their
line in the city, and though the store is now
black with people waiting to be served, they
all will receive polite attention. V"e 'shall
continue this sale of men's suits and over
coats ror Monday. P. C. C. C.
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the' new
Court House.
Remember ThU, Gentlemen!
Gusky's great sale of men's fine fall over
coats commences to-morrow. For full par
ticulars read Gusky's ad. in to-day's paper.
Mat-rinse ZJcenaea Granted Yesterday.
Name. , Beildenee.
(R. J. Brand 1 WellsTllle, O
(Liizle FrlscVfcorn iiurgettstown
("William U. Hand Chicago, 111
( Mamie Sanders Allegheny
Dora Loth Pittsburg
Andrew Sabow Natrons.
MaryDusko Natrona
(N. (i. Patterson .'. Pittsburg
Carrie M-Vcyman Plttsburit
(Archibald Osborne Allegheny
Alice Holligan . Allegheny
(Gust Doesterm Braddock
J Josephine Benson Pittsburg
I Daniel L. Luti Mifflin township
J Theresa K. Jordan Baldwin township
( Harry Meredith McKeesport
1 Lu;y Mathlas McKeesport
(Chris. F. Portcous Pittsburg
J Elizabeth J. Wright Plttsbnrg
(John A. Kllnesnlth Freedom
Charlotte Clinton Chartiers
( Michael Malcney Pittsburg
Bridget FaUen Allegheny
(Successor to Meyer, Arnold fc Co., Llm.,)
Office and residence, 1134 Penn avenue. Tele
phone connection. mylO-bD-srwrSu
Market St, Entrance 430-436.
Braddock House, 916 Braddock Ave.
f No. 6 Seventh Stkeet.
Telephone 1153. ap27-82.'WTSu
"W. D. Edwards. Palmyra. O.. writes: "I ham
been a great sufferer from Costiveness and
Sick Headache, and
cines, nut
have tried
(Patrick Ward...-
(William Martin..
Mary Kran
t James Sevenson..
i Kachel Cbaplan.,
(John Basky.,
Tuft's Pi
iy modi-
is the only one that gave me relief. I find that
one pill acts better than three of anv other
kind, and does not weaken or gripe.'" Ele
gantly sugar coated. Dose small. Price. 25c
Sold Everywhere.
Office, U Mueeay steeet, New Yobk.
Misses, Children and Infants
A superb line of beautiful and stylish garments
in mixtures and plain at exceptionally low
Boys' Kilt Suits and Overcoats,
. in. is a oriu,i&ii Department, xne Roods
iuuuu uere are ail s
V Mf
Vjfc,, J
r W mm mi
We may say we- don't care what Mrs. Grundy sayylliffij
we do care. She is a terrible old lady and we are all 6rr?oS
less under her dominion. If we1 are conscious of h&yinggmi
a last year's Bonnet or an old fashioned Wrap the? words
"What will Mrs. Grundy say?" are words of terrib1ekgitj
to us. Independentof Mrs. Grundy and her terrible? f"sayj
we all feel more comfortable to be seasonably and rKaw
dressed. For STYLISH .and SEASONABLE HAJ&m
WRAPS where, if not at FLEISHMAN & COJS.'afaijm
find a full assortment of BONNETS, ROUND HATS
jl j ftiinii j, yjLT.iJ-,ur.LLx o iixxa, Aju.ix jri.Afj;i
ERS, eta
-s I
I r
f VKW0 " 1 T V
I r l l r-i.v,
Sr A v
i, if w ,
. I I fill I
w If fill .1
: :f, . I f V I-
T " ' I I I
I d
' I I .1
I " Mi
Mr ,r tvJrA
The styles, finish an
db iouna eisewnere.
made to out order.
fit are perfect, and not to
see qnauty ana prices.
Will Ton be Disappointed? No.
Gusky's grand sale of men's all over
coats commences to-morrow morning and
the attention of gentlemen who usually
patronize merchant tailors is called to the
sale. The prices commence at 510 and run
np to $30, and it is safe to say that never
previously were such overcoats offered for
the money. Stylish and careful dressers
be sure you visit this grand sale. '
C. A. Smllry & Co.'a Special Styles
In gentlemen's hats are a great success.
Call and see them.
C. A. Smilet & Co.,
28 Fifth avenue.
There'll Bo Many a Stormy Day
To test the robustness of school boys. Pro
vide them with the proper sort of clothing
and so keep out both cold and dampness.'
Be sure yon visit Gusky's icr what your
boys want in the shape ot fall and winter
sujts and overcoats. Eemember, lowest
prices for reliable goods, alwavs.
$, 82 50 nnd $3 rial. In AH
The latest shapes at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s.
Gusky's are ready for the greatest fall
season's trade. They are experienced in their
business career, with a stock of clothing,
hats, famishing Goods and footwear three
times larger than what is carried by anv
other house in Pittsburg. Prices lower by
25 per cent thau elsewhere guaranteeJ.
Gentlemen Accnitomed
To patronizing merchant tailors shonb! r
member that beautiful fall overcoats, equal
m cine, cm, uia&e, dimming ana material
to what merchant tailors turn out, can be
obtained to-morrow at Gnsky's great sale of
fall overcoats at all prices from J10 to 530.
To gentlemen accustomed to having their
clothing made to order these overcoats will
be a revelation.
The Uor Are Dellchtcd
With those "flying tops" which we present
with every suit sale. They fly 1,000 feet in
the air, and .are the nearest approach to an
air ship yet invented. Boys' suits, sizes i-
m a, so, , co. jr. u. U. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., odd. the new
Court House.
Do Yon Peel all tired out, nervous, irritable
and without appetiior Hood's Sarsaparilla
will overcome tbat tired feeling, tone yonr
nervous system, purify your blood, sharpen
your appetite, cure indigestion and sick head
ache and make you cheerful and happy. Be
snre to get Hood's Barsaparilla.
"There goes my corset lace
And it generally happens
at an inconvenient time. Do
you know why it breaks? The
eyelet cuts it.
Eyelets are going to cut no
more; for the two best corsets
are eyeleted with loops of
corset lace, which neither cut
nor show through a thin
The Ball is the easy corset
that has sott eyelets; the
Kabo has them also. The
Kabo.may be called the cor
set that stays where you put
it. ' .
Wear them two or three
weeks; and then, if not satis
factory, take them back and
get your money.
Chicago Cobset Co.,Chicago and New York.
Linen, Flannel and Silk Blouses.
Our line is verv large. Wa also mannfanttiro
to order anything desired in the above. THE
ONLY house in town that carries a stock and
also manufactures, certainlya great advantage.
We can show two to one more NEW AND
PKETTY styles in this department than any
house in the two cities. Our own manufacture
has had a wonderful sale, because they are bet
ter shapes, styles and finish than factory or con
vent goods, and no higher in price. Compare
our goods and prices.
New Chatelaine Baga ;
710 Penn avenue, 7f0.
Between Seventh and Eighth sts.
Open until 0 p. m. Saturdays. se29-Tarsu
A round trip ezenrsion ticket from all points
within SO miles of Pittsburg and admission to
the Exposition will be given FREE to any per
son buying tbe best set of teeth; price 510, or
having SUFworth of fllUnR done at the follow
in; low rates:
Gold fillings SlOOandnp
White alloy fillings 1 00
SilverflUlnes 75
Amalgam fillings. GO
Extractinc teeth 23
Administering gas.... 0
Fine gold filling and gold crown work a spe
cialty. Buy your excursion ticket, the cost of which
will be deducted from your bill when the work
Is done.
y3 fflBjjgt
HisIbI II m If fsl
1 &"ffitvy
The Most complete
KTocKin the city.
We also manufacture the
wonderful combination
Easy Clialr.
lml2-86-su PITTSBURG,PA
406 and 408 Wood Street.
Of the town is this trreat stare, when trm
largest business fever done In this city Is now
being done.
112 piece decorated dinner set onl
Evemhlnff sold at Drices named.. xu r".
LOOK AT OUR PRICES. specialty.
This cut represents our uew Dlrectoire
Jacket made of fine imported Beaver cloth
in all shades and colors; the vest is tight
fitting, and taken altogether it is the most
popular and stylish Jacket shown this sea..
Bon; price, $9 98. The customers in our
Cloak Department increase daily, because
quality, prices and styles of our garments
mace tne lames our mends, in regard to
Flushes, as we handle only the best quality
of London Dyed Seal Plushes, we can
guarantee every garment we sell to be per
fect in material, style, fit and workmanship,
while our prices are away below what others
asK lor mucn interior qualities. Don't take
our word for this, but make us prove it, is
what we want you to do. Note these prices,
see the goods, and then judge for yourself.
Genuine London Dyed Seal Plush
Sacques, $15 98, $17, $20, $25.
Genuine London Dyed Seal Plush
Jackets, $10 49, $12 50, $15, $18,
Genuine London Dyed Seal Plush
Wraps, $9 50, $12, $14 50, $20.
Ladies' Fine Broadcloth Jackets,
$2 24, $3 99, $4 74, $6.
Ladies' Tailor-made Stockinette
Jackets, $2 99, $3 50, $4 99, $6.
Children's Gretchen Coats, Newmarkets
and Jackets in endless variety, and an as
sortment large enough to please the most
fastidious, while prices are right fl 49 to
Infants long and snort coats a
The above cat represents a Ladies'
40-lnch Seal Sacque, quilted satin lining,-
four real seal loops and chamois
pockets. Price, $16.
ulluiu uJlll "lfl
-. "?-a
. r, ,
' - '".Y'ffI
The shove cut reprooontq a.
.Ulster, -with, loose front, araig
In back and long1 storm cape.
Price, 916.
New Department Stores,
504-506-508 Market Street, Pittsburg, PS
$16 00.
"Who have teen thronging our streets for the past week certainly have not b 1
sion short of attractions. Hot only the Exposition, hut the regular places of nnnnnmsiit
with lively attractions, have contributed abundantly to the aterta-et of the eye m!
.... ... .. ....... . "Rj
ear, but the. greatest entertainment to xB;ja,ornrre0rYite imittm.
found at
12 00.
311 SmitMeld, street'
A fine, large crayon portrait tit GO: see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets. S3 and
12 60 per dozen. PROMPT EVbVT
- O. D. Id-VIS, Solicitor of Patents,
SU Fifth avenue, above Smitnfleld, next Leader
office. (Nodalar.) Established 20 venn.
I K2&3Q , " -
10 niece decorated toilet set on!
6 niece decorated tea set. onlv i
0 doz. steak dishes, white granite, only 10c.
200 dob square dishes, white granite, lOo to
90 doz. white granite soup plates only 5c.
120 doz. white granice dinner plates only 5c
70 doz. gilt band handle cups and saucers
only 10c.
20 doz. square decorated china enspidores
only 60c
100 doz. heavy pieced tin dish pans, 8-qt 10c.
GOO enameled lined kettles, 2-qt. 25c, 8-qt 29c,
4-qt 35c,6-qt. le, tt-qt. 49c, 8-qt 69c, 10-qt. 69c!
100 iron pots and kettles, H os. 7, 8 and 9, your
Choice for 25c
Flat Irons, 6 fi, 7 B and 6 ft, yonr choice for
Chamber pails, ass't colors, only 18c.
Acme fry pans only 5c.
2-qt covered pails only 5c.
wash tubs, all sizes, from 10c to St 00.
Brass bird cages 60c 89o and 81 00.
Howell's ammonia water only 7c
Jointed doll, bisque head, flowing hair, 12
Inches long, 19c
Kidfrarlv rfnll rtfsniiA rtAful. flnwfne. Tial 9n
inches long, 25c. '
Patent head doll, flowing hair, shoes and
Stockings, 23 inches long, 60c
Dressed doll, bisque head, flowing hair, show.
lag teeth, 17 inches long, cheap at SI, only 59c.
Rubber dolls from 10c to S2 50.
Beautiful dolls, all kinds, from 6c to Jo.
Albums, full sizes, silk plusb, 69c
Hundreds of different styles of vases, 5c to
$3 00.
Also a full line of glassware, tinware, cook
ing ware, sllverware,wooden ware, willow ware,
picture frames, statues, toys of all kinds at one
half the price sold elsewhere,
t immense bargains on our 6o and 10o counters.
TEETH, $5, $8, $10
Gold fillings from' $1 uu. . Amalgan, 60c:
Silver, 7oc; white alloy, H., '
uoiu .rowus specialty,
w Coraw tolthfleW and Fourth m&uc,
Just opened 100 pieces Black Cashmeres,
12Ko per yard; these goods are not strictly
10OJ nieces Black Cashmere, 33 inches
widethis is the usual 40-cent quality; our
price)25c per yard.
200 pieces extra fine Cashmere, full dou
ble width, fine finish; the usual fiOo quality,
34c perVard.
lOOpieces all-wool Cashmere, extra -weight,
full count, superb luster, usual 65c quality,
60c per yard. '
78 piece- nil-wool Henrietta, 47. inches
.!. .MLni.ti mj1 injtAmnavqnla ,n voltia
tvlUC, oli. UUUU iU UI-J lavib Jii fs(
60o per yard.
50 pieces' all-wool Henrietta, 47 inches
wide, Guillimet's celebrated dyes, full
weight, usual- U 00 quality, 76c yard.
100 pieces Black Henrietta, 47 inches
wide, gastonian finish, rich luster, full
count, Guillimet well-known dyes. Ihis is
the usual $1 50 quality, $1 00 per yard.
The Keystone Beater, now on exhibition
and in operation afc our stores, is attracting
much attention from liousewivea. It is an
ingeniously contrive article and is a sur
prisingly useful one for the purpose for
which it was designed, namely,, for beating
eggs, whipping creant, etc. It is operated
by an agent, who is constantly surrounded
by a crowd of interested -pectatora. "Every
housekeeper, whose arsis have ached after
manipulating the usual makeshifts for
beaters, should examine this one at our
store. . j
Sixth St, and PenniAve,.
Ever Popular Household Furnishing Bazaar!
"Which has been crowded with eager buyers from far and near. "While othw Sealers iavB
been depending for patronage on their loud-sounding, yet withal most ridiculous. a-Tsr-jS
tisementa, Pickering appealed to the good sense of the people, with the result tbat
HOBE THAN DOUBLED any previous week's business. Many of hi Gssioaan visited?
other Cash and Credit Houses before T-Hting his, hut they found that thy ceH vei
spared their trouble and saved themselves much annoyaace by making a -ee-lhw fer tfca j
.. . . ........- J n, .
popular store, comer Tenth, ana -'eon, where could be obtained for Cass or Time h i
and most complete stock of
In the city of Pittsburg. They not only found this, but they also found aaoir ft-MT
which was a very acceptable discovery to the wives and daughters ot the working eksi
This was nothing more nor less than the choice of .all the latest and newest styles of ,
Ladies' Cloaks, ladies' Jackets, Ladies' CiKnilarsS
Ladies' Dolmans, Ladies' Wraps, Etc;
Money-saving bargains all over the store! Call and see how welcome we'll je'ye7l
-whetherjou purchase or not. "We pay expressaze for delivery of all purchases a4 girt
aPETICSTto-l9 Exposition with every purchase made. Again we aay,
Corner Tenth Street and PennAvenucl
. . rtfjr.i y