Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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It ' rTBraHHFT
Vol., Ao.141. Entered at Pittsburg l'ostofflce,
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Poor Boulangerl The hardship of having
to come down to a pitiful score and a half of
members in the Chamber, as the sum total of
the party which was to take possession of
the Legislature, was bad enough; the disap.
pointment of runninc away with the expec
tation of being called back again, and fail
ing to receive the call, was bitter; but neither
of them has half the sting that attaches to
the announcement that the people who were
putting up the money for his campaign have
got tired of the job, and will let the bold
Bsulauger goon his own resources hereafter.
It also comes out in this connection that
the people who were furnishing the funds
which made Boulanger's campaign so great
an attraction for the political adventurers,
v ere no less than the wealthy leaders of the
monarchist party. The stories about a rich
American who was backing "le brave gen
eral" or the enamored duchesse who was
elevating him to greatness prove to have
been alike pleasant examples of French
political fiction. Boulanger was simply a
paid agent of the Orleans princes, hired on
his own representation that he could sweep
the French elections and turn France over
once more to the representative of the Bour
bon and Orleans dynasty. Having failed
to deliver the goods, he loses the supplies
and his political light is blotted out.
This pnts both parties to the transaction
in an nnenviable light It exposes Boulan
ger as making merchandise of a bogus
political power, and the Comte de Pans as
buying his way to the throne, and at the
same time exemplifying the old proverb
about the promptness with which a fool and
his money part company.
Elsewhere in this issue will be seen the
copy of a circular and agreement to be cir
culated among owners of houses and real
estate agents for the changing of leases to
expire on Hay 1, instead of April 1 as here
tofore. So much has been said of this change
that it is hardly necessary to repeat the ar
guments in its favor here. The old custom
of terminating leases on April 1 probably
liad.its origin in the early days, when that
date was necessary in order to let farmers
plant their crops and smaller tenants their
gardens; but it is entirely antiquated and
out of date now. The advantages of a
change from an inclement season to one
which is likely to be pleasant are so obvious
that it should secure universal support We
hope that landlords generally will sign the
agreement and secure the beneficial and in
expensive reform.
Amid all the talk of shortage in gas and
possible failure of the supply, the record of
new lines laid furnishes the most convincing
evidence of the opinion of those who are in
the best position to judge of that question.
The men who lay gas lines and put hard
earned money in them are not likely to do
it without satisfying themselves that their
money is not thrown away.
We have already alluded to the construc
tion of the big steel main by the Philadel
phia Company at a cost of nearly a million
dollars. Including this, the Philadelphia
Company is stated to have laid a hundred
miles of pipe this year. Five competing
companies have laid mains costing probably
$2,500,000 from different fields to the city.
The total mileage of pipe laying is stated
to be 150, and the total cost in the vicinity
of $1,000,000.
These facts convey not only the assurance
Of permanence in supply but also the prom
ise of competition. Both are equally grati
fying to the public of Pittsburg.
One of the arguments by which Mr. St.
John, of New York, supports his proposi
tion to make silver coinage take the place
of the legal tender issue, is that the increase
of silver coinage to the amount of $1,000,000
monthly will "importantly enhance" the
price of silver bullion by increasing the
total consumption of silver somewhat be
jond its present production.
But what right has the United States
Government to undertake a policy for the
purpose of enhancing the price of silver as
a metal? It would be very pleasant for the
interests which produce iron to have the
Government buy 1,000,000 worth of iron
every month; but the people whose money
pays for it would interpose the objec
tion that it is not the Government's bnsiness
to seek to enhance the price of iron any more
than of grain, beef, pork or cotton. What
ever effect the Government purchases of iron
or steel for its proper needs, such as the
building of ships or the manufacture, may
Lave on Upmarket islegitimate enough; but
to urge that the Government should go into
'wholesale purchases of iron merely to bull
the market would be a remarkable effort ofj
logic in support of an even more remarkable
The same rale holds good with regard to
silver. Whatever public need there is for
more silver coinage, the Government should
meet by the purchase of silver bullion. But
it is not the business of the Government to
bull the silver market any more than to
bull the prices of East End real estate. The
sole question to determine is whether the
increase of silver coinage is needed to sup
ply the public with a convenient and suita
ble currency, or whether it is not
This question may be answered in differ
ent ways, according to the extent and pur
pose of the coinage. When the proposition
is to retire'the legal tenders, which for nearly
twelve years have been convertible into
gold, and which for convenience 'and popu
larity have never been surpassed, in order
to let silver take its place, there is little in
it to show how a public benefit would be
The electric light decision of Justice
Bradley, which was made public yesterday
gives the first round of the contest very de
cidedly against the Westinghouse interest.
Of course, the case will go to the Supreme
Court, and may possibly be reversed there.
But the authority of Justice Bradley in
such cases is high enough to furnish a
probability that the claim of the Sawyer-
Mann patent will not be upheld.
Beside the uncertainty of appealed litiga
tion, there is also the question what the
effect will be if the ruling is affirmed. The
representatives of the Westinghouse in
terests say that it leaves open the manufact
ure of incandescent lamps with fibrous
carbon filaments to everyone. This
would bo very satisfactory to the
public as indicating a decided
cheapening in the cost of lamps and a prob
able reduction in the cost of electric light
ing. But the decision does not make it
quite certain that this is the case. It de
cides that the Sawyer-Mann patent is not
valid; bnt it does not say that some other
patent either is or is not The Court refers
to it as "supposed to be the discovery of
Edison," but adds that it may be the dis
covery of some other person.
The practical effect ot the decision will,
of course, be that the carbon filaments will
be manufactured under competition, until
the claim is set up in the courts under Edi
son's or some other patent If there is no
such valid claim we may look for a near ap
proach to an era of cheap electric lighting.
The reply of President Boberts to a com
munication from the officers of the Belt
Line Bailroadin Philadelphia, says that "it
has always been the policy of the Pennsyl
vania Bailroad Company to open its tracks
to all railroad companies which will in re
turn afford it equal facilities."
Possibly the exact amount of faith io be
placed in this profession may be somewhat
minimized by the fact t hit the Pennsylvania
Bailroad has rushed through PhiladelDhia
Councils an ordinance permitting it to build
tracks where the Belt Line is planned to go.
But the assertion of such a policy is so im
portant to Pittsburg that it would be well
worth the trouble to make the attempt to see
if it cannot be put in force here.
A large share of the difficulty and cost of
shipment in Pittsburg is the time and labor
expended in bringing freight to and from
the terminal points of different railroads
With free transfer between all the railroads,
or the joint use of terminal facilities, such
as President Boberts professes thatthe Penn
sylvania Bailroad is ready to make, the
trouble and expense of shipment would not
only be minimized, but a great expenditure
in parallel lines could have been saved.
Since President Boberts declares the will
ingness of the Pennsylvania Bailroad to
make such an arrangement, the Chamber of
Commerce, the Grain Exchange and the
City Councils should take prompt steps to
secure its realization here. And if Penn
sylvania Bailroad ethics do not apply the
same rules to Pittsburg as to Philadelphia,
the sooner that fact is made evident the
It is a little difficult to estimate correctly
the reports that there was objection among
some of the Sonth American delegates, to
the election of Mr. Blaine to the Presidency
of the Pan-American Congress. The dis
patches leave no question that there was
some dissent, but whether it was of such
serious character as to be any obstacle to a
successful attainment of the objects of the
Congress cannot be judged at this distance.
It should be evident, however, that if
there is any serious dissent as to his Presi
dency on the part of a minority even, it
would be wiser for Mr. Blaine, both person
ally and for the public interests, to decline
to let his individual position in the Congress
become a stumbling block. The clear pur
pose of the Congress is to conciliate and cul
tivate the friendship of the South American
nations. Especially in view of the attempts
made by European nations to put the Con
gress in the light of an attempt to establish
Anglo-Saxon leadership over the Latin
nations of this hemisphere, it is indiscreet
to let any personal issues hamper
the success of the commercial pur
poses of the assemblage. As the
objections are reported to come from Chili
and the Argentine Bepublic, the two most
progressive and important of the South
American republics, and are conjectured to
grow out of Mr. Blaine's position toward
South American politics in 1881, the im
portance of even extreme steps in the direc
tion of conciliation, is evident
This is the more plain, because Mr.
Blaine's personal credit is most involved in
the complete success of the Congress.
Whether he serves as its President or not,
nothing can rob him of the prestige of or
iginating and constantly urging the policy
that has brought the Congress together.
That prestage, simply for him personally,
will be much greater, if the commercial and
diplomatic aims of the meeting are fnlly
realized, than if they should be only partial
ly attained, on account of personal feeling
and international susceptibilities.
It is probable that the importance of this
feeling has been exaggerated. But if it ex
ists to the extent intimated, Mr. Blaine's
personal credit in the matter will be greatly
increased by a gracelul retirement
"The Congress of American States con
vened in Washington on Wednesday, had
its photograph taken, and then started for
Pittsburg to be interviewed," remarks the
Chicago JTetcs. It is true that Pittsburg
will try to interview the delegates and will
do it to some purpose. But the esteemed
Neva is hereby informed that tbe important
thing in that line will be to let the dele
gates interview, our steel and glassworks,
gas fuel and coal mines. Thus we will
efface the unpleasant impression left in the
minds of the visitors by the memory of
Chicago's art in slaughtering bogs.
The decisioi of the Ohio court that the
Standard Oil Company does not own the
.. ? i .1. , -r.il
earth, is satusfactory to ptherpeople, ButJ
of course the Standard will appeal from
such an infringement of its vested rights.
The statement is made by B. H. Dana that
the postmasters of this country hold the
balance of power in national politics and
the party in power controls the postmasters.
This looks plausible enough on the surface;
but when we come to reflect that in the last
two elections each party, in power and con
trolling the postoffices at the time, has been
beaten, there would seem to be exceptions
which disprove the rule.
The fatality on the Citizens' cable line
yesterday should warn everyone against the
danger of jumping off cars and crossing the
track without making sure that no car is
coming from the opposite direction.
The New York Grant Monument Asso
ciation has been roused by the comments on
the subject to the extraordinary activity of
expressing the hope that the corner stone
can be laid by 1892. This creates the hope
that by the next centennial of the discovery
of America, New York will have the mon
ument finished if it has not forgotten its
promises in the meantime.
Yesterday's grist of 'railroad and
steamer collisions did not kill anyone, so
far as reported. Consequently they present
no hindrances to letting the smashing busi
ness go right ahead as usual.
With prohibition adopted in. South
Dakota and defeated in North Dakota, a
fine opportunity will be given for studying
its practical results. Four States, Kansas,
Nebraska, North and South Dakota have
alternately accepted and rejected that meas
ure. Tho respective effect in each ought
to furnish a decisive test of its value or
The awful news that the Eiffel bonnet
has come out in Paris, will make it neces
sary to elevate the stage to the level of the
galleries, in order to let unfortunate theater
goers have a glimpse of it
The description of the fine organ which
is to form a leading feature of the musio
hall in the Carnegie Library bnilding,
shows how splendidly the Norlhside people
are to be supplied in that respect It also
emphasizes the abiding poverty of Pitts
burg's music hail and library facilities.
The dangers which lurk in the small but
business-like pickle, as set forth in a special
article elsewhere, warn the pickle-eater to
pause in his mad career of arsenic, copper,
lead and sulphuric acid.
The information thatthe German miners
who made a successful strike recently, got
their wages raised to the magnificent sum
of 75 cents a day, is calculated to make the
American workmen-feel satisfied with rates
of wages in which double that sum is con
sidered a small day's pay.
One constable, at least, who is reported
as having taken money to omit returning a
"speak-easy," is likely to learn that the law
has very distinct and disagreeable penalties
for that sort of thing.
The career of Burke, the Louisiana de
faulting treasurer, is recounted elsewhere
as "a meteoric career." As meteors are the
greatest possible examples of irregularity,
the term is decidedly descriptive of Burke's
wholesale financial irregularities.
The price of ?15,000 offered for a base
ball player by the Philadelphia club, indi
cates that baseball players are rising in
value like pig iron and other leading staples
of commerce.
The discrepancies between the form in
which the Michigan high license law was
passed, and that in which it appears, looks
as if the same hand that monkeys with reve
nue bills in this State must have got in its
work in the Michigan Legislature.
The new postage stamps are out in Ger
many, which permits the hope that Mr.
Wanamaker will soon bring out the new
fall styles in stamps for this country.
The surprising report comes from Boston
that Mr. Michael Kelly, the $10,000 beauty
of the Boston baseball team, is losing his
popularity in that city. This almost pre
pares us for the dreadful news that Boston
will go back on John L. Sullivan.
The electric light decision sheds a good
deal of light on the value of some patents
that are capitalized at a big valuation.
One hundred and fifty miles of gas pipe
laid from the wells to Pittsburg during tbe
present year, furnish the most cogent evi
dence that experts in the gas business do
not believe that the supply is going to fail.
The Hon. James Russell Lowell will soon re
occupy bis old home at Cambridge.
General Daniel E. Sickles, ot Now
York, who was in Congress in 1867, is talked of
as a Tammany candidate for State Senator.
Colokel William L. Shown, who, like
Sunset Cox, was born in Ohio, is now spoken
of as a candidate for the tatter's seat in Con
gress. Ex-SeCbetaby Bayabd'S wedding with
Miss Mary Willing Clymer is to occnr early
next month; the exact date has not yet been
Mb. Williak W. Thtjbston, President of
the Bethelehem, Pa,, Iron Company, finds
his health failing and on that account will pres
ently go to Cuba for the winter.
A few days ago at the meeting of the Kan
sas Equal Suffrage Association, Susan B. An
thony said that every State in tbe Union within
the next 40 years will accord women the liber
ties asked fur by tbe association.
Assistant Private Seobxtaby Pbtjden
has been at the White House for 25 years. He
asserts, and be is high authority, that Ruther
ford B. Hayes was tne most liberal entertainer
who ever occupied the Executive Mansion.
This is contrary to popular belief. Mr. Fru
den's word is not to be doubted, however.
Commodore Jons G. WALKEK,who has for
several years been the real head of the Navy
Department, has been ordered to sea as com
mander of the European squadron. The Com
modore Is every inch a sailor and looks it. He
is abont G feet 10, solidly built, and his gait
shows that he has trod the deck for years. He
pays little attention to dress, but devotes some
care to his "Dundreary" whiskers and wavy
black hair. He is considered a martinet by the
drones in the service, but he Is nothing more
than conscientiously faitbfnl to his duty.
The poplar shows the sliver of Its leaves;
The giants that have slept are all awake;
Tbe lightnings split tbe oak; tbe thunders'sbake
Tbe hills and mountains; and the great wind
His breast almost to bursting, and achieves
Uy one great effort, o'er the sea and lake,
A victory. Lol the white-capped warriors
And, in their sight, make bavoe that it grieves
Tbe mind to think of such is Nature's storm,
And, in the storm OT human passions, 'tis tbe
Tbe great arise then from obscuring sleep
The kings of men whom only gods can form.
And nations, staring, .wondering1 whence they
e,t7 ... , . ,. .. ,
See tbem reach glory's summits by a leap. I
- w(awi;wn(inxj?iw, ia Washington Pott.
A Blno-Stocklnged Phenomenon Wisdom
In Babes' Months A fat Pnrso for
AS a quartet of reporters were making their
customary survey of the Chicago limited at the
Union station the other evening, they espied
through the windows of one of the sleepers a
strange looking object protruding from an
upper berth. They might have never known
until this day what the phenomenon was had
not there luckily happened to be among them
a married man. After they had gazed in
mingled wonder and curiosity at the sight for
a minnte it was Benedict who spoke. Said he:
"Candor compels me to tell you that that pe
culiar manifestation is nothing less than a
feminine foot and ankle obscured somewhat by
a blue silk stocking."
It is sad to relate that the reporters con
tinned to rivet their eyes upon the errant foot
even after this explanation. Several passen
gers, including an old gentleman, became
spectators also. The old gentleman could not
see what was the object of all this attention.
Ho was short-sighted, and patting on his eye
glasses got as close tn the car as ho could. Jnst
as he was comprehending the full beauty of
the scene a yonng woman, evidently the .maid
in attendance upon the owner of the foot and
ankle, came down the aisle of the car, and
taking In the situation, jerked down the blind
in an instant The sigh that the old man gave
startled the engineer and set him to examining
his locomotive.
The father of twins recently started on a
journey, leaving his hostages to fortune behind
with their mother. Four or five days after he
had started the twins began to miss him, and
one night after snpper their mother overheard
one say to the other: "I wish dad would come
"Lord," said the other hero in kilts, "don't
speak of it. I'm about dead to see hlin."
And yet five years has barely flown above
these forward youngsters' heads.
The son of a well-known musician in this
city chose an odd occasion to show his piety the
-other day.
The yonng man is about 2 years old, and o(
late he has been demonstrating his nimbleness
by climbing up the trellis ot a grape arbor in
the paternal garden. Afraid of some ugly acci
dent, bis father warned his Bon and heir that
the next time he caught him clamborlng about
that arbor be should spank him. Hardly had
he uttered the warning and turned his back
than the acrobatic youth was half way up the
arbor. As soon as his father caught sight of
hiln the child, realizing his fate, cried: "Come
ana spank Eddie," and the executikner seized
his victim and took him to the scaffold, or in
plainer words, the parlor. There, as the unro-
mantic preliminaries of the execution were in
progress, the little hero exclaimed: "Let me
say my prayers flrstt"
Who could carry out a sentence of any sort
upon a young martyr with such spirit as this;
It is extremely Improbable that any theatrical
organization has ever taken out of Pittsburg a
larger sum of money than the Booth-Modjeska
company. Ail sorts of extravagant figures
have been named as the amonnt actually taken
at the doors during the engagement, but as
near as I can figure out the sum is not less than
$15,000 nor more than $20,000, and if a mean be
tween these two extremes is struck about
17,000 say you have the correct sum. Surely
$2,600 a performance, repeated seven times. Is
a comfortable result to actors and managers
alike. The bulk of this goes to the Booth
Modjeska company. '
A Bcranton Dion's Locks Made the Snbject
of n Novel Bet.
ScitANTON, October 5. A Bcranton man,
whose hair is uncommonly thick, lately won a
bet for one of his acquaintances and lost it for
another. They were talking one day in Sep
tember about tho man's remarkably thick
hair, when one of them said he would bet the
oyster suppers for six and three quart bottles
of champagne that the thick-haired man could
stand to be lifted a foot from the floor by the
hair of his head. The other took him up. and
off they went to find out whether the owner of
the hair would consent to be handled in that
way. He said be was willing to let them make
one trial on him, bnt be was very much in
doubt, he declared, whether his scalp would
stand his weight of 153 pounds. Anyhow, the
man who bet on him might try.
Then the bettor got upon a carpenter's bench,
and the man with the thick hair backed up to
the bench, stnek his hands in his trousers'
pockets, set bis jaws, and was ready. The man
on the bench then grabbed the bushy hairwith
both hands and lifted slowly. The owner of the
hair made all sorts of laces,but he had lots of
grit, and be didn't squeal. Be was lifted 11
inches from the floor, and tho third man owned
up that he had lost the bet fairly and squarely.
Tbey had the. suppers and the champagne
mat nignt, tnree otners joining tnem. or a
week after that, the thick-haired man said, a
circle of his scalp just above his ears, felt as
sore as a boll.
Mulatto Confidence Men Cleverly Victimize
n Georgia Farmer.
Sumiierytlle, Ga., October 6. Edward
Boilings, living on a farm near here, has been
swindled out ot $300 by two clever mulatto con
fidence men. The latter came here two weelys
ago and claimed to be looking for buried treas
ure. They said they were Creeks from the In
dian Territory, One of them had a chart with
tho spot where the alleged treasure was buried
plainly marked, and this spot proved to be on
Boilings farm.
Tbe swindlers produced musty documents to
Erovo that $3,000 worth of sliver in bars was
uried there six feet under gronnd. Tbey pro-
iessoa to oeueve ine otaio wouia not let tbem
keep the treasure, and offered to sell the claim
for $300. Boilings gave them that sum, and as
tbey disappeared he began digging. The de
luded farmer, after sinking a bole 20 feet deep,
has jnst come to the conclusion that he has
been victimized.
Representative Wblto Again Rises to a
Question of Privilege.
From the St. Louis Bepubllcl
Representative White, of Illinois, who arose
to a question of privileg last spring to deny
the printed report that be bad drank water
from a finger-bowl at a fashionable dinner. Is
again reported in a protesting mood. While
attending tbe Chicago Exposition a few days
ago be strolled into a xasmonaDie restaurant
and called for oysters. He did not designate
the style of service further than to Indicate
that be wanted tbem raw. Tbey were brought
to him on tbe half-shell. Looking at them
with a puzzled air, he wanted to know how
thev were fixed.
"On the half-shell, sir," said the waiter.
"Take them back, then," said the legislator.
"I pay fnll prices and want full measure.
Bring me the whole shell or nothing."
A Clnb Reception.
The Carlton Clnb, on Fifth avenue, gave an
elegant reception Thursday night Tho rooms
were beautifully decorated for the occasion,
and a very enjoyable time was spent. Tbe
members of tbe club and their friends did
ample justice to the good things provided.
Not nn Uncommon Case.
From the Kansas City Star.?
A Topeka man bas sned for a divorce on the
ground that he fears his wife. Would it not be
establishing rather a dangerous precedent to
allow a legal separation in Kansas on such
Richard T. Barker.
llichard V. Barker, the well-known pilnter.
died at his home, N6.ST Vlckroy street, about 7:30
yesterday morning. The cause of death Is said to
be heart failure. When Mr. Barker was going up
stairs on Friday evening be fell and was hurt In
ternally. He went to bed shortly afterward, bis
family little suspecting that the shock was fatal.
Yesterday morning Barker was called at his
usual hour, but he complained of feeling unwelL
and desired to remain in bed awhile, saying be
would rise later. About 7 o'clock he got out of
bed and attempted to walk across the room
While be was in the act be dropped lifeless. His
wife found him on the floor a fetr minutes after
ward. Sister Mary Clare.
Sister Mary Clare, or the Convent of St. Michael,
bouthslde, died on Friday, at 8 P. I to the great
grief of her pupils and friends. The Sister's
name, when in the world, was Mary Bose. She was
a native of Buffalo, and was sister to the ltev.
Mother ol St. Michael's Convent.
Bister Mary Clare bad been a member of the
Franciscan order for 15 years, most of which time
ch.nAntlnRt MljT,firlifi- KMniptn Tn.,, w tt k.
sung at 8 a.m. to-day. and the Sister's remains
wm oe Bunea ai s in me mihmwu.
Booth and Modjeska Tako Their Leave of
Pittsburg In Three Dramas.
The versatility of Mr. Booth was magnificent
ly illustrated yesterday. In the afternoon he
was a gallant lover, courtly and comely m the
gaib of Benedict, stepping to the merry meas
ure ot Shakespeare in "Much Ado About
Nothing;" in the evening hump-backed and
deformed, with grisly dwarfs face and
a court jester's coarse wit, he shone
in the grim tragedy of "The Fool's Bevenge."
In both roles he was the great actor, the
supreme genius, but we have no hesitation in
saying that the atmosphere of tragedy suited
him far better than that of comedy. There was
a physical reason for some of the defects of
Booth's Benedict. Mr. Booth was suffering
from dizziness and biliousness yesterday. It
made it hard Indeed for the actor to simulate
the merry air of raillery that is Benedicts chief
characteristic. And yet there was rare art in
his delineation of the character. Everything
Mr. Booth does Is born ot art.
To his Benedict Madam Modjeska was a
wondrously charming Beatrice. A sunny,
laughing, capricious woman, in whose month
the sparkling lines were quite at home. The
charms of face, figure and admirable taste in
dress which Madam Modjeska invariably brings
to any part she may assume weredonbly po
tent engrafted unon the personality otBeatrtcc
The part is beloved by the actress, and in It
she has won thousands of hearts. Yester
day she scored another conquest in
it Miss Marda Cralgen as Bero,
Mr. Otis Skinner and Mr. Charles
Hanford were as usual very satisfactory, and
tho Dogberry and Verges of Mr. Ben Rogers
and Mr. Owen Fawcett were classically excel
lent in their presentment of the humorous
scenes allotted them.
ine play was marred by the poverty of the
scenery, the bad acting of one or two in the
cast, and by the fact that only Mr. Booth was
letter perfect None of the others knew their
lines. Hence, the performance resembled a
dress rehearsal.
The evening performance was more satis
factory. The somber character of Tom
Taylor's drama "The Fool's Revenge" was
never more brilliantly enlightened by great
acting than it was last nleht. Mr. Booth was
Bertuccio, the jester. With a flump-back,
twisted, misbapen limbs, and features drawn
awry, the lithe, graceful figure and calm
intellectual face of Mr. Booth was hardly
recognizable. Tho makeup was very hideous,
and so a tribute again to art. Not less repul
sive were the gestures and grimaces with which
the actor emphasized his lines. It is something
to remember how Mr. Booth compelled one's
sympathy to co out to the ill-used, vengeful
monstrosity be personated. Grotesque and un
canny as is the story, the main motive of the
plot is intensely natural and human, and it was
this motive upon which the auditor's attention
was forcibly riveted. The climax in the story
and In Mr. Booth's impersonation comes at the
point where Bertuccio discovers that Instead ot
betraying his enemy's wife into the hands ot
licentious lords, it is his own daughter
whose voice he bears within the banquet
chamber. The plteonsness of the jester's at
tempts, by pretending a merry contentment
with his daughter's ruin at such lordly hands
to enter the chamber and rescue her, was the
note which Mr. Booth struck with tbe grandest
effect The sublime pathos of the jester's
death showed the actor at his strongest. It
was a fitting finale to the many triumphs of
the week.
A yonng and graceful actress. Miss Maida
Cralgen, had the (arduous task of supporting
Mr. Booth. She played the pathetic role of the
jester's daughter with a modest force and fin
ish seldom found in young actors. Tbe tender
ness of tbe scenes between tbe girl and her
father took on a rarely natural sweetness be
cause of Miss Cralgen's aptitude to suit
tbe key of her impersonation to Mr.
Booth's. Once more it is pleasant to
say that Mr. Otis Skinner made every line al
lotted to him tell. Though bnt a minor part,
the poet Dell 'Aguila in his hands became a
very gracious and romantic character. There
is no one else to praise, and again must the
fault be found that several of the actors had to
depend upon Mr. .Booth to prompt them in
their lines.
The performance of the comedy "Donna
Diana," concluded at such a late hour close to
midnight that nothing more than the faet that
Madame Modjeska revealed herself in a rather
novel and decidedly pleasant character can oe
now recorded. Hefbubx Johns.
Its Strange Antics Astonish tbe People of a
Booster Town.
Wabash, Ins.. Octobers. Mr. JohnH.Pef
fley, a resident of Dora, this county, has a well
on his premises which is cutting up some of the
most peculiar capers ever beard of. The well
was bored last spring, is 60 feet deep, and tiled
for the entire distance. It furnishes an abund
ant supply of water for the family, and in many
respects is a superior well. But it has period
ical spells, when it appears toJbe bewitched.
They can Dest be designated as "blow-offs" and
"suck-ins.!' During the period when tbe latter
phenomenon is noticed the air appears to be
sneked Into tbe well around the pump and
through tbe crevices with great force, making
a noise that can be heard for rods.
This continues for a few days.and then comes
the blow-off, when the confined air rushes out
of the top of tbe well with a noise like that pro
duced by a miniature gas gusher. Mr. Peffley
has closed all of the apertures around the
pump and bored an auger bole in the platform
over the well, into which he has placed the
neck of a large bottle. The air is forced into
the bottle, making a shrill noise like a factory
whistle, which can be heard for over a mile
when the mysterious well is blowing off. Thern
is no gas about tbe place.
Now England's Oldest Clergyman Celebrates
His Ninetieth Birthday.
Boston, October 5. Tho Nestor of the Now
England Conference of tbe Methodist Episco
pal Church, the Rev. Dr. Frederick Upham, of
Fair Haven, celebrated to-day his ninetieth
birthday, after a service of nearly 70 years in
the ministry. 63 years having been in effective
relations with this Conference. Dr. Upham re
ceived his first appointment in 1621, to the
pastorate of Scituate. Subsequently he served
In nearly all the stations in that Conference.
" He is tbe father of Prof. Samuel F. Upham,
of the Drew Theological Seminary, at Madison,
N. J. Tbe venerable clergyman has not
wholly relinquished ministerial duties. To-day
he received tbe congratnlations of numerous
friends at Fair Haven. His two grandsons aro
preachers, one a member of the New England
Conference, and the other, Frank B. Upham, is
pastor of St. Francis Church, Brooklyn.
An Evldenco of Progress. '
From the Washington Post.I
The New Yorkers are progressing with the
Grant monument much faster than we had ex
pected they would, y Already they have printed
pictures of it in their newspapers.
Still Hope for Him. ,
From the Minneapolis Tribune. 1
Herr Most Is branded by bis fellow anarch
ists as a capitalist and a coward. Now, if be
will only take a bath he may yet be respected
and honored.
Bnllt for Business.
From the Chicago Tribune. 1
Jay Gould bas not a mobile face, but his fin
gers are wonderfully prehensile. Nature made
no mistake in fitting him out for business.
Two Herculean Tasks.
From the Chicago Herald.l
It seems to be about as hard work to get a
Commissioner for tbe Pension Bureau as to
get a jury in the Cronin case.
Stbacuse Merald: Nothing will so soon
make a person hot as cold treatment.
Boston Herald: The next Commissioner of
Pensions is preserving a discreet silence.
Baltimore American: The popular actor
mounts tho ladder of fame on rounds of ap
plause. 9
Chicago Times: "General court news" ac
count of tbe engagement of one yonng man to
several yonng women.
Louisville Courier-Journal: All the Kofi's
of Russia sympathize with the Czarina in her
recently acquired cold.
Atchison Globe: When a girl falls In loye
she stops saying her prayers, bnt after she is
married she begins tbem again.
Yokkebs Statesman: When a husband
comes home with powder on the sleeve of bis
coat his wife is very apt to show fire. Then he
is blown up.
St. Paul Pioneer Press: "Nowadays most
dinner eaters start from a given point a Bine
Point." And most good diners wind up with
Yoxkzbs Statesman: The nights are get
ting longer, but the young man who occupies
half of a parlor chair with his girl every even
ing doesn't realize it.
Boston Transcript': Frances Hodgson Bur
nett's husband Is an ocnlist of reputation, and
Mrs. Burnett herself has produced things
which are good tor sore eyes.
Hahtfohd Courant: Somo of the com
pound Kalamazoo Greek names suggested .for
tbe killing of murderers by electricity are more
terrUyiDgflianthejthiDs Itself.
Arguments In Favor of It Leagtheataa' tk
Terras and Increasing the Salaries of
Congressmen Changing Inauguration
Say The Merry Legislator.
Washington, D. C, October 1 A strong
sentiment in favor ot continuous sessions of
Congress is springing up among Congressmen,
and in fact among all who are interested di
rectly in legislation. Of course, we who live
here want them. We like to have Congress
with ns as long as possible, because it brings
life and money to the city. It is much merrier
when the festive Congressman parades the ave
nue and makes Borne howl in tbo restaurants,
as he often does. He does so with complete
immunity, you know. The police may caution
him, but they never arrest him. Once in a
while one is taken in betore he can prove his
identity, bnt after that he is suddenly released.
.Sometimes it is difficult to establish their iden
tity, however, -as all men in a state of sin look
very much alike to the average policeman, and
in that case there is nearly always in the neigh
borhood a good Samaritan in the person of a
newspaperman who knows everybody, and he
assists the statesman ont of his difficulty. But
these are secondary considerations. Tbe coun
try at large cares little about the merriment or
the business men of tbe'capital, but it cares a
great deal about the conduct of tbe supreme
legislative body of the land and tbe orderly
progress of legislation.
Time for a Change.
It is certainly time for the abolition of many
ot the old laws and customs which have been
in voene since tbe beginning of the Republic.
and which were good enough in their day, but
are obsolete and in the way as machinery now.
The country has grown too great for a session
lasting a few months after the organization of
a new Congress, a long adjournment, and then
a abort session from the lstol December to the
4th ot March. Legislation piles mountain
high and is never touched. Of course much of
it never should be touched, but the trouble is
the beneficial legislation cannot be reached,
except by unanimous consent without wading
through the entire mass as it is numbered on
tbe calendar. Thus vicious legislation is often
enacted simply because tbe supporters of such
bills can block the progress ot Congress unless
they are granted their wish, and this Is tbe
easier to accomplish toward the close of a
session, when everything goes with a rush.
With continuous sessions this would not be
tbe case. Then no recess would be taken until
commendable legislation was ont of tbe way,
even though the sittings, were to last from the
beginning to the end ot the Congressional term
of two years. Bnt with this reform others
would necessarily come. The date of the regu
lar assembling would have to be changed to a
date Immediately following the expiration of a
Congress, that the new Congress might-come
together at once. Tbe time ot the inaugura
tion of Presidents would probably be changed
from the 4th ot March to the 80th of April. A
great effort would be made to extend the
length of the terms of members of the House
to three yean, or perhaps to equal those of the
members of the Senate, against which there is
no good reason in tbe minds of many Repre
sentatives. Tbe pay would probably be in
creased. That $5,000 a year is not enough for a
man of ability who leaves his home and busi
ness for perhaps a single term in Congress, goes
in this day without saying. At the increased
pace at which all well-to-do people now live
that sum is not more than 3,000 was a few
years ago, and a Congressman who wants to be
anybody and do anything in Washington must
spend money freely. It is evident thatmany ot
the old landmarks and traditions will soon be
wiped ont with the vast increase of population,
the consequent increase of necessary legisla
tion, ana me cnangea social conaiuons oi ine
country and its capital.
The Merrr Congressman.
Speaking of the merriment of Congressmen,
I am told of a funny scene that happened on
the avenue the other day. Two new Congress
men had made a descent on the capital to look
around and familiarize themselves with things
so they would know all about them when they
came to swear to support the Constitution and
laws and maintain tbe dignity of the House.
They took alook at hotels and swell boarding
houses, and engaged rooms for the session.
They went to tbe capital and talked about the
place they would like to sit, so they would be
certain to catch the Speaker's eye, yon know.
Every new Congressman wants to get where he
can catch the Speaker's eye, but he never does
it. That wandering orb is more capricious
than a comet. No one can tell where it is going
to alight. But anyone can tell where it isn't
going to alight, and that is on the new member
when he wants to make a speech. At all other
times It will beam on him with infinite tender
ness, bnt never when tbe new member begins
to fidget in his seat, get up, sit down, look wise
and foolish in the same moment, raise his
linger toward the man m the chair and indulge
in other gymnastics that are sure Indications
of a speech that la ready to explode. Well, in
tbe course of their walks and drives the two
new ones stopped frequently at doors with
screens inside of them. At noon they were
warmed up for a good dinner. When told at
the hotel that they could not get dinner till
after S o'clock P. si., they swore at the barbar
ous fashion of Washington, tnd went to a
swell restaurant where they ordered the whole
bill of fare. At home dinner time came at
high noon, and they were not going to change
for anybody. They had a bottle or two of
champagne'before soup, and a bottle or two
between each course, as they had been told
that was the proper thing. At the end of abont
ten courses they had to be helped from the
room by the waiters, Their hotel was only a
short distance away, and they concluded to try
to get there. They braced well against each
other, bnt one being much the heavier tbey
could not balance that way, and they both
went bang up against tbe wait. That suggested
an idea. It would be a good tblnz to feel their
way alone the walk That was about the only
thing that seemed stationary. This would
have worked admirably, no doubt, had not a
shop with sundry empty tubs and baskets been
in tbe way. Tbe larger man stumbled against
a tub, toppled for a moment, and then sat
tilnmn down in it as irracefully as could be ex
pected, his arms and legs sticking up and wav
ing and swinging in the air like the fans of a
windmill. Tbe smaller man, in attempting to
assist his companion, sat down in an immense
basket and was literally burled in it. His
struggles started tbe basket rolling and it
careered over the pavement and out into the
street at a great rate, while, the other fellow
sat helpless in the tub, his arms and legs gy
rating tremendously. Tbe crowd that col
lected could not help shouting at tbe ludicrous
sight, which might not happen "with a merry
Congressman once in a lifetime, and it was
quite a little while before the most serious of
them could get over tbelr paroxysm and assist
the two poor fellows to their hotel. Only one
or two persons knew tbem, and it is not likely
the little episode will ever become known in
connection with them.
A Smart Texan.
I have just heard another little story about
anew Comgressman, who like the stalwart
Texan who blew out the gas when be came on
to begin the first session of the last Congress,
hails from the Southwest. He knew all about
gas and, when joked abont tho experience of
his colleague, swore that he was no gree one,
and could not be caught with any of the new
fangled contrivances of the hotels. On the eve
of his arrival he did as much of the town as
could well be done in one evening and came
into his hotel very late. He bad carried his
key in his pocket, and thought be would slip up
to bed as he had been in tbe babitof doing at
home wben out after tbe usual hour. He got
into his room all right after trying his key in
several wrong doors, reached up to the chan
delier after many experiments and tnrned on
the gas. Then he struck a match and stuck it
un to the burner, but there was no response.
He got a cbair and put his nose to the
burner, but could not detect tbe faint
est odor of gas. Feeling around for
another branch of tbe chandelier he tnrned
another stop cock, when prestol a brilliant
light flashed in his eyes before he could scratch
a match. He dropped off the chair and stared
agbast at tbe illumination. "Great Heavens,"
he exclaimed, "have 1 got 'em at last. Never
Shaw gash afore 'shwould light 'shelf. Bet
hundred zcres no light zere. I'll toush a match
After several attemnts he (rot on a chair and
put the bead ot a match to the light. Appar
ently be touched tbe flame, but tbe match
wouldnot burn. He tried another and another
with similar results. Ho tried to blow the
flame but there was no flicker. It was a
steady, strange glow, tbe like of which he had
never seen before. Cursing the quality of
Wasblngton whisky, he felt around the room
until lie found bis cane. Balancing himself
be aimed as straight as possible at the impish
light and strnck a tremendous blow. Ihere
was a sound ot crashing glass, and the light
was gone. He slept late the next morning and
had something brought to bis room before be
was out of bed. As tbe waiter served blm that
ebouy worthy exclaimed: "Hello, mister, how
d'ye smash that electric light!" Aatbe new
Congressman tells this on himself It must be
true? E.W.D.
Quay's Annan! Belaxatlon.
From the Chicago News.1
The Hon. M. S. Quay has been celebrating
his 56th birthday by talklrg about tbe weather
This is his annual relaxation. On the other
days he does not talk at all.
-So Pay Wo All.
From the Detroit Journal. r
A-h-h-hl Thank-gracious this baseball season
,lfl over, -
A Bather Exeltlea; TNae.
New Yosx, October .& Early this ateratag
wqrd was received at the Hobokea petiee bead
quarters that a mob, led by Xke arstsmt ot the
steamship Blba, of the North GerssaaLleyd
line, was killing Policeman" Ryan. Setffeaat
Ratfajen hurried off alone to the soeaeot the
riot, while a squad of policemen was Beta
summoned. He found Bran, lying 'UtumtA
and unconscious, ia the street with a deaea
German sailors and' a hundred or more 1-eog-
horemen and boys howling around fetts.
Ern est Marco, a fireman, as besting the Weed
ing and insensible officer with his ownolsB.
Batbjen plunged into the' crowd, and craecee!
heads right and left till he, too. was over
powered and forced to tbe ground. Justuses
reinforcements from headquarters charged os
tbe rioters, and drove them down to the North
German Lloyd pier. Batbjen wiped the
blood front his face, bound up sis
wounds with his handkerchief, borrowed a
club, and called to his men to come on.
They came. The firemen retreated to the
steamship, and the uniformed omcers of the
steamship formed a Use across the bead of the
pier. The first o&eer of the ship refused to
allow the police to pass, The peHee broke
through the line, aad going aboard of the ship,
arrested Brnest Marco, Hugo Qerker, Adolph
Kurne and Adolph Schalk, aad took them to
police headquarters. At 9 o'clock this morning
a squad of policemen boarded tbe Blbe aad
arrested five more rioters. The first officer and
the engineer of the Blbe were arrested at noon
for haviag resisted the police and participated
in tbe row. They were released after giving
1,500 bail to appear in December. The firemen
were held for trial, and at U o'clock the Elbe
sailed without them. Ryan, who is recovering
in a hospital, says the firemen of the Sbe were
drunk and were fighting in tbe street shortly
after midnight, when he ordered thesa to more
on. Tbey immediately set upon him and
knocked him senseless, as Sergeant Batbjen
found him. The whole affair has stirred up
tremendous excitement in Hobokes, aad is
especially notable on account of the invasion
by the police of a German steamship, which,
according to International law, is a floating hit
of imperial German territory.
A Sorry Xiooklag Cralt. I
The North German Lloyd steamship Aller,
which came Into port to-day, is the sorriest
looking craft Castle Garden has seen for many
months. The Alter had hardly gotten out of
Bretnerbaren, on September 25, when a
tremendous storm from the Northeast swept
down upon her. Water in huge masses was
churned up over her decks. All of her star
board railing was torn away; her) biggest life
boats, davits and all, was carried away, and
three other lifeboats were started. Among
the Aller's 1,000 passengers was Fraulein
Sophie Possert, the German actress, who will
appear at Ambergs Theater, this season. '
Christian Versns Heathen thinamsn.
Chinese laondrymen and Chinese Sunday
school teachers crowded into the Third District
Court this morning, to see Chin Bon Pon, a
Christian Chinaman, tried, for trying to de
fraud his younger brother. Chin Fon Pon, a
heathen Chinaman. Chin Bon baa been wash
ing clothes in America since 1888. A year ago
he transferred his business from San Francisco
to New York, and imported Chin Fon, in defi
ance of the exclusion bill, to be his hired
assistant Chin Fon was a bad lot. He spent
his S2 a week in hitting- the pipe and playing
fan tan, and soon got the reputation of being
the typical tough of Mott street. Chin Bon
was Industrious and attended Mrs. Charles
Earle's Bnnday school. Two weeks
ago he decided to go to China for
a few months. Yesterday he drew his 1260
from the bank and bought a ticket for San
Francisco, with the Intention of starting this
morning. At 4 o'clock this morning he was
dragged ont of bed by a city marshal, at tbe
instance of young .Chin Fon, who bad sworn
that his brother was trying to ship without
paying him 16o baBk wages. In court this
morning a half dozen of Chin Bon's Snnday
schoot teachers got around the wicked young
Chin Fon and pleaded for their pupil till he
consented to withdraw his suit Then the
young sinner went off with a score of chatter
ing compatriots, while Chin Bon's Christian
friends took him ont to luncheon.
A'.Tagboat Basic
The tugboats J. h. Hammond ami Charles F.
Senff collided this morning near Wells, Fargo
Co.'s North river pier in Jersey City. The
Hammond was badly smashed, and went under
like a chunk of lead. Three of her crew were
saved by an Erio tug, and the other one was
plckedup bya rowboat. The smokestack of
the Hammond sticks about two feet out of
water, directly in the course of the Erie freight
Count, Edison Nearly Home.
Count' Thomas Edison, who has been doing
the Paris Exposition and visiting the crowned
heads of Europe for the last seven weeks, is
expected here to-morrow on the steamship Ia
Champagne, from Havre.
The Queer Costumes to be Worn by a .South
Carolina Couple.
Balsioh, N. C, October 5. The Farmers'
Alliance is jubilant over ia triumph over the
Jute Trust, and as a fitting celebration of that
important event; it has been arranged that Mr.
A. M. Bateman. of Washington, N. C, and the
yonng lady tcrwhom he is engaged, shall be
married on Tuesday, the 15th of this month, in
tbe grand stand of tbe North Carolina Agri
cultural Society in the presence of tbe multi
tude who will be in attendance at the State
fair on that day.
The costnmes to be worn by bride and groom
will be made of cotton bagging, which is now
known as tbe "Alliance nnlform." The Seer
tary of the alliance has issued a card to this
effect. People from all over tbe State intend
presenting the married couple with all kinds of
No Necessity for Halts.
From the Globe Democrat!
President Harrison does well to take his
time in selecting a new Pension Commissioner.
There Is no reason for haste, but a good many
reasons for care and prudence. In the interest
alike of tbe administration and the country.
A Multiplicity of Duties.
From the New York Evening Sun.l
Sheriff .Flack is a Pooh Bab. As Sheiiff he
has tbe custody of all indicted parties, ar an
Indicted party be is in his own custody, and it
is partof his official duty to call a jury to try
WniLE Mrs. Joseph Whitlock, of, Pittston,
was absent from her bouse for a few minutes
on Tuesday a monster rat attacked her 6-montbs-old
child, which had been left sitting
on tbe floor, and bit tbe little one's hand in sev
eral places.
Titxeves made aDunkard's meetinghouse
in Heldelburg township, Lebanon county, a re
ceptacle for stolen goods.
A 6-yeab-old tot. who Is a pupil in the Bris
tol Methodist nlscopal Sunday school, has
collected 13 90 for the new Methodist hospital
in Philadelphia.
West VxBQtHiA capitalists have bought the
EUIjay gold mine in Georgia.
Mr. chables W. Bkowit, of" Cbartestown,
W. Va has in his store window a watch which
was plowed np in a field of Colonel H. B. Day
enport a few days ago. It Is supposed to have
been lost by a Fcdnrai or Confederate soldier,
tn some one of the minor engagements In that
vicinity over a quarter ot a century ago.
Air Eastern Ohio Invalid thinks he contract
ed rheumatism from a horse-chestnut which he
carried in his clothes as a preventive. He
picked the nut up In the street, and now be
lieves some one else had thrown it there after
loading It with the disease.
Some of West Chester's jolly jesters' threw
a balf dead snaks on the roof of theEast Brad
ford scboolhouse, and the varmint created more
disturbance than Mary's famous lamb. '
A BEATrrxrtJL spring of crystal water, where
WestCbester folks were wont to tarry, has
proved to be aa outlet to a fllthy sewer, the.
water being purified by percolatiea throagh
-siwnwTie of npiw.-
" L pMMSti s-gfJVVr , -JMS SSWSSi SBMK -SjJI
H.W,ee years Hrttiwt dM as";
&. oitfaea of Xortfc Btwase. IT. H..
kMbseaaJtistieeef ttw PssMe I t mm ttaa
Aeeeraing io a paper wd ai AeeegMM
at Strasburg, at per eeet of raSway passengers
w. Vrlte travel f ear last. Mt MM thM
das. X.6 aeeoBd ad omtJsJitMT
-Two ladlM skelte,'0M of ea thai
ot aohUd,werennenh4ia a gravel pMoaa
fmBar Colombos. IsmL Tk jeraw ako
Mberof the Iowatrfee ot IatitM
are very weB at. TheyhTe aeea Metaedia
5?$rHJ?i!Sefi.a,Hl ve38Mfte
rich farmteKiMHl, wbieb they are to sen to tbe
Qoveruraoaf -aa average of over 2,48) aetes
Uw Jin TJairfB Chars, of QsAwt.
Mass., celebrated Ms aSOth aaatrsruwy last 1
Sunday. Jeta Baeefc, ftrtfeer ot Dm ttmtr 5
ot tbe Deohtrattosi of ladeyoBdonge, wm w
dalnea as Its ywtor fe 119$, aad weaahea these
In Gaelph, Oat., tbe otlwrday every
man, woman and oMM,m far as oeaMba as
certained, suffered for akoat fear hers wMfc
headaohe, and tke kearsisieMran TnosW
awful wise aad attfay atost awmros la iw
carta and the eeeape otuatmni gats.
-The Indians of the Tire -MaWem tak
Sreat interest la news Jroa tbe stmonnitfas; '
Wtes,asweUMwiOia tk k(deM at tMc .
i2SaU,?Sr Tea weekly newspapers aw a-." ;
Bshed wilhia tbo Terrfcery, aid "amitat r
tho todiaai. " " " j
A cheek for several thnainnd sk
aniio ropo Loo XIII, from Newark. N. J
bas been retained through the rnralar ohaa
nels to th Nnwuir K.-V . ZJL,. L. .
S5.f?,:r ,1lor?d by tne Pope. TSe aaad-
kept as a souvenir.
Ia Haaultoa, O., a man died a few days
ago, who bad (See ia money laid op, aad a pay.
25?.?! !?-? dB v W e. His
riS?w-?00k,tt.aHHW K Bnyaflaoasfeet,B
expoHtfve lot in the cemetery. d to aire
ksfrttfeeresl6a,Bd taaa need every
dollar aad letter Heme go by dfaat. J
Joha Carpeater is stopping at Apfeiew,
Minn, for a few days oa his way xrem Steg
8lBg,Weeehester oeaaty. N-T., to tbe Pa
dne coast by team. HeleftSfa Mae Hay as
hut. He is a mat, 58 years of age. This Is hn
second tris bv teon ta tint Aaau. "Wm u, u
soldier aad betoagg to SmgSiBg 6. A. X. post
Miss Ebbs Satlia, of SerwayXe..
hasaaaqaariam. Near tse pier at her soMaoe
she has a school of taaoaosv Tawast et
chubs, horaposu aad flat ask. iKraMSo
well trained as to eat oeaas oat of a : AM &
has the tergoaMa&aMd.aadMaaril9BlK
toner. MJSsritt&MleBfedBlBrJ'
size. t
The whole or the work easkeUlp'
farm, Lose Itlaad, is doae by the aMtaeaae
patients who lire there. Many of then we ex
cellent laborers, skuUalaadBwady.MBr.Kae-
penaId,waohaiad charge oftaa wek there
during tho pas sumawr, can testify.. 2k
farm, whloa was formerly poor JeaaVtalaaaaa
state of cultivation, btgaly proansUva aad
nleaaasttobAbAld- Tt u u. -j j .
the lwMwaded farmers ot Leag JHaad who
At the recent State ekeUea. ia Ma.
marck, Lam TClsg, a Chinese lauBdryman,
took oat oHtiomhip payers aad voted, oastJaR
bJsbaHettortbe BepabUean tieket.-This is
the first ease of the kind la tbo bJstery'of
North Dakota, and tbo event la ta saMeetof
muse gossip. LumHlng is 38 rears of age,
and says be will remain in tee United States
dartegtfae remainder of hie days. He ntar
return to China to visit his people, bat fcewsS
alwaysbea"MeleansUisea.', " '
Edgar Sargent, of South Britten, Me.,
had a queer axperieaee wita a Jex the ether
day. HeiUseoTeredafexwitaoaaofatsBeas
near toe house la broad daylight. Tho ex was
by no means Beared by tbe ateseaeeef Mr.
Sargent, who walked np to ate, grabbed aba
hen. wben Reynard refused to let go bis hatd.
After kicking aim several times. Mr. Sargent
made him give up the hen. bat still tho fox de
clined to run, for he stood aad barked Sargeet
cat of sight 1st great rage at his sarreadna of
thespoils. ' T
Amoakeyreeeotly Bfeaehta criminal
to justice at Sisgapore. A native, wMaaHttie
bOTl& sM&l- aUlli A. tt)AAlrv- HwaIsuI tt .1,
the BtraKS Settlements aadmade a .eudj jaBttfrutgi
of. money BjShis aaisaals' trfeks. One day ho
was foaa&wlthMe throat eatrtae h atf tittu. ,
bear lying dead oksebywhlle the BWBterhad' v
escaped no a tree. Tho boaie, with, the mea
key, were being taken to the police Stetteo, V
wbea tbe monkey suddenly rushed at a maa ia
the crowd, seised his log aad weald sot let as.
The man proved to be obo of the murderers.
At South Salem, Boss county, O., Hm
Ella Wilson, a popular yonng lady of tea
neighborhood, is reported as being at tbe peter
ot death as tbe result of internal iajaries
caused by being hogged tooUehUv bvWiHL.
Layery, a young maa. The gkl. ia fas, threw
a glass of water oa yoaBg larery, aad ho gave
her a tight squeeze. As ae is a very stoat maa
he squeezed a little too bard, and broke seae-
uung. j-uogirnaiareaaaaioraloBgHmewaa
in an unconscious state, but may recover. The
voung man is broken up over the res alt of what
hi intended as merely a Bttle fun.
A man who drives a pretael wages
around Chicago has a- ereat cariosWy aad
patent adrertJMmeatia the shape of ayeHow
dog. This dog is a sen of a Beaten terrier, aad
he is wonderful because be does not sit oa the
seat with the driver, Hke ordinary dogs, but bo
jumps on the horse's back, runs up toward hM
shoulders, aad, with forefeet oa tbo horse's
collar, he rides taroagb the streets as though
perfectly at Hume la his straege position. The
horse trots along with a lumbering gait which
must be most uncomfortable, to "bis canine pas
senger, but the dOR hoWs bis "seat," some
times on three feet, sometimes oa two, and sel
dom on all four. He seems to like It, too, and
appears to enjoy the wondering stares aad
amused glances of people who see-aHBia bis
great featf or the first time. The driver ap
pears unconscious of the sensation bis pet a
making, but all tbe same he enjoys It aa maaa
as un uog ooes.
We don't see why, if Pity is aeWnto
love. Pity don't love. Harper osar. '
The woman who cuts her hair short rarely
applies tbe same process to her speecbl Xrw
It is the maa continually cramped who
finds difficulty in keeping his head above water.
Texas Syitngs.
Mamma What did yon do at the cook-lngschoolto-dayr
Lanra-O, we roasted tbe girls
who weren't there. Terrs Mauls Erprtit.
Some of the daily papers are commenting
on the appearance la active life or lady burglars.
This is no novelty, however. Only a ftw years
ago almost every lady you met regularly held np a
tnln.-Battimors Amtrttan, -
Smith The City of Paris, I hear, con
sumes more coal than any other ship.
Jones That's aralstake.
Smith What ship beats It. then?
Jones-Courtship. UunstyU WttUy.
"That man has had the entree to many of
our best houses." Z- i
"What, that vlUalnous-looklnicreaturel TVboi
is be?" vS&S.
wuuu.. jnw, U19 OUTaia. jniMwew 3
'Been saw! n imrnnAf " Innnlnd lm AT?iu
"Worse than that" panted the bank president,
wlnlna; tbe perspiration from his brow and throw
ing himself exhausted into a chair. "Irbave
been talking to a lady depositor. Whew!" CAf-
eago Tribune.
Maternal ancestor (sorrowfully) Willie,
yon have been willful, disobedient and selfish to
day. If you don't become a better boy you will
go to tbe bad place wbea y oa leave this world.
Willie (reflectively Do people do any traveling
in tbe bad place, mamma?
Mamma I presume they do, Willie.
Willie (triumphantly) Then I'll travel In a re
frigerator car. Chicago Tribune.
the BtrsxBonr.
He used so sharp a kaife to cut a tart
He sliced bis as rer osT. with bitter err.
His friends remarked-aad thus they broke US
"Again be's got Ms finger in tbe pie."
Harper's Baser.
A Good Title. "What I want," said th
playwright. "Is a good Mae for my drams."
"Why don't you call it Tnra About!'
fiat ttku Ytti &lwn1Jlf.n0-v
"It hat, certainty. Tourdrsma Is a fairptayj.
Isn't It?" Uarptr't Baxar.
A Fair Judgment. "How does your!
toe aoctor, net along?' jj 1
"ji oi very aaccaasruuy. '
lam sorry to hear Ibat. Onwbatc
Tnar onto las'
"WeH. be's beta attending Mr. Birensf ssterl
three years, asd ae hasn't kHJea mat ere
1 i