Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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nrainmHrauu mhuu1 vv,m3Lw vK&rwwwsrzgrsr wvrffswmmwsFwamBPm-r- - w j-
(.v l H-" ----- . y . -, THE
Westinghouse Worsted in His Suit
Against Edison, the Wizard.
Pittsburg and Western Thieves Sentenced
in the Criminal Court.
The decision of Justice Bradley, of the
United States Supreme Court, in the suit of
the Westinchouse Electric Light Company
vs the McKeesport ElectricLight Company,
or Edison's interest, was yesterday received
by Clert Gamble of the District Court.
The case, it may be remembered, was argued
here last spring, since which time Justice
Bradlev has been occupied in formulating
his opinion, which covers six pages of legal
The result of the decision leaves the
"Westinjrhouse Company where it was prior
to the suit. While losing its suit, for the
bill was dismissed, it neither gains nor loses
by the proceedings, excepting that had it
won, it could have materially altered ihe
commercial standinc of the Edison Com
pany. The effect of the decision is that any
one can now go into the business of making
electric lamps, subject, of course, to the
payment of royalties ou their manner of
treating the carbon filaments, to the "West
inghouse people.
The bill, dcclson on which has just been ren
dered, as for the alleged infringement of a
patent sled December, 1SS7, and the date of the
alleged infringed patent is May 12. 1SS5. and is
fur improvements in electric lighting. The
vital point in the suit was whether the patent
fucdon was valid, so far as it involved a gen
eral claim for the use of incandescent carbon
conductors made of fibrous or textile substan
ces, and the Court decided that it was nor, and
so the bill was dismissed. The idea of a patent
on the form of the glass lamp was dismissed
because it had been in pse in electric lighting
since JS45.
Justice Bradley went very fully into tbe his
tory of patents aealice with tbe various forms
of electric lighting and of carbon conductors
from their earliest use. .tie gave as nis opinion
that "neither Sawyer and Mann nor Edioncan
maintain any just claim to the exclusive use of
charcoal generally, in any form, as an incan
descent conductor in an electric lamp. This
view of the question is sufficient to decide the
case acainst tbe complainants.''
The opinion further states on an examination
of tbe original application of Sawyer and Mann,
it shows a decided difference to their amended
application, which was made after Edison's in
vention has been published to the world.
The last claim of tbe original application was
for an illuminating arc of carbonized fiber, but
a special clause was inserted for the arched
form of the conductor, more importance being
attached to it than to the materials of which it
was composed. But in the amended applica
tion a complete change of base was made, tbe
plaintiffs claiming that their improvements re
lated especially to the incandescent conductor.
The arc was everything, and changes were
simply rung ou it. Sawyer and Mann were
unaware of tbe fact that the arc was not new,
and were under the impression they could ob
tain their patent. On learning, however, that
such was not tbe case, they changed about and
made the-conductinc material the particular
Ihe opinion further says: "We are not atall
satisfied that Sawyer and Mann ever made and
reduced to practical operations any such in
vention as is set forth and claimed in the patent
in suit. These principal experiments were
made in 1&78. and perhaps in the beginning of
1879. Tbe evidence of what tbey accomplishes
in tbe construction ot electric lamps is so con
tradictory and suspicious that we can with dif
ficulty give credence to the conclusions sought
to be drawn from it. We are not satisfied that
tbey ever produced an electric lamp with a
burner of carbon made from a fibrous material,
or any material, which was a success."
Cocitable Blnree Wont. Constnble Wll.on'a
Commission JZevokrd.
A hearing was bad before Judge White yes
terday morning, in the petition of Bartley
Maree, constable of tbe .Ninth ward, Alle
gheny, to have the commission of Bobert Wil
son as deputy constable I evoked. In his peti
tion Constable Maree alleged that WiWan toot'
all the business in Alderman Foley's office, and
that Alderman Foley and Constable Wilson
were a pair of schemers, etc
Yesterday Aldeiman Foley and Deputy Con
stable Wilson appeared with their attorney, T.
J. Keenan. Constable Maree was represented
by Attorney McFJrov. Wilson's answer was
read, denying all of Maree's allegations as to
fraud. As to Maree's assertions of his own
honestr, etcx. be said that he forbore to speak,
"even "speak easy," leaving that to the affida
vits of others.
An affidavit from Alderman Foley was next
read. He stated that be could not give his work
to Constable Maree, because he was an habit
ual drunkard, and used insulting language, etc.,
in his office He added that on one occasion he
committed a prisoner to jail and Maree started
off with him. On the way both Maree and the
prisoner got drunk, and both were arrested and
lodged in tbe Allegheny lockup. Wilson, he
stated, is a good and efficient officer.
When the assertion was read that Maree was
an habitual drunkard, that gentleman jumped
up and exclaimed: "And it's not a drunkard I
am: Squire Foley and Wilson are the drunk
ards." Alderman Foley retorted that Maree
was the drunkard. The gentlemen were inter
rupted by their attorneys, who proceeded to
take up tbe argument in legal form.
Judge White, after hearing them for a time,
finally stated that Mr. Maree's pention was de
fective in its construction. The petition had
been drawn up by Maree himself, and tbe
Court postponed the case to give him time to
amend it.
A Widow Thinks Her Husband's Partner
is Claiming Too Much.
A bill in equity was filed yesterday by Mrs.
Jane Miller against Thomas M. Morrow, the
former partner of her late husband, William B.
Juller. Mrs. Miller states that her husband
died on March 17, 1BSS. By his will sbe was left
one-third of his personal property and a life
Interest in one-third of his other property
She, ho ever, refused to accept under the will
Morrow and her husband were in the livery
business on Ohio street, Alleghenv. and the
building and property tbey had belonged to the
After Mr. Miller's death Morrow letained
the business, and claimed that the buildmcs
and ground had belonged to him individually.
He was also one ot the executors of Mr. Millers
will, and arranged with John Thompson, the
other executor, to have Miller's share in tbe
business sold at auction. It was bid iu by a
friend for Morrow at a very low price. Ihe
whole proceeding, Mrs. Miller claims, was a
scheme to obtain the business tor Morrow and
she asks the Court to set aside the sale and ap
point a receiver to settle up the business.
The Marshall Estate Recovers Pledged
The controversy over the estate of the late
James Marshall, Sr, was concluded in the
Orphans' Court yesterday. The case was in
stituted by Thomas M. Marshall, M. W. Watson
and Matilda Marshall, executors and trustees
of James Marshall's estate, to recover stock
ceipnging to mm, dui picagea dv James Mar
shall, Jr., as collateral seenrity for notes. The
money was borrowed by James -Marshall, Jr., to
put Into the business ot James Marshall d. Co
whicn afterward failed. It was held that James
Marshall, fer- had no interest in the firm, and
bis estate could not be put into the business.
Judge Hawkins decided in faror of the plaint
iffs, and yesterday decrees were made. The
stock in dispute was 693 shares of tbe AUe
Cheny Gas Company, and 12a shares of stock of
the Farmers' Deposit Rational Bank, all held
by the Second National Bank of Allegheny
and the American Bank.
Trial Lists for Monday.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Joseph
Christicevici (2), James Gilbert, Mike Wild.
Patrick Manioc, Burt Terney, John McCurdy,
Thomas Powers etal, Dennis Davis, Thomas
Aldridife. Kate Schiminds, Kate McAully, I
Mary vica. J" """" mi, .mun itoagers,
John Hnlon (3). John Falligan, Eugene Hodd
ner and Pauline Keller. Antonio Polanta et al,
Isaac Rosenblatt, Louis Flemming. lilla Cross
Ipv Jennie McCormack, Thomas Kearney,
Isaac C. Brown and Charles JlcClure, Alcx&n
dr McClure, Mary Conrad.
Common Theu . 1-F oy vs. Tlerney; Mc
Clarv vs. Hopn; Van Voorhls. trustee, vs.
oSbert et al.; Boll vs. Petrie; Adlcr et I vs.
Hiikie: Cronm vs. Wolfe et nx; Irwin vs.
Wcnseil' McDoweU vs. Topping: Smith vs.
Eynon: Normine. executor, vs. Banertmlthi
Carson vs. Marks et al.; Badeer et nx. vs.
Hutchinson; Allegheny County LightCom
pany vs. Delp; Davis vs. Allen et al.; Lewis vs.
Ka: Stout et ai vs. Pierce, administrator.
Common Pleta No. 2. White vs. Dawson.
. v XfM , , . . ---V r iffiiti-i riiVtV.Vin.ifrtfil.tf.i.T ateuJJ jaMiaiSteiai
ill Sashimi Hams i iimmhm ph w ip'wwm nsnini. mm urn iMiw mi 'iii ii i ! 1 1 i ii i Himanr7iMnriMgTMimri i mm I ' I mil HI'
The P. 3t W. Robbers Receive Their Medi
cine A McKecsport Constable Mixed
Up In a Speak-Easy Case.
Judges Slagle, White and Magee were on the
bench in tbe Criminal Court yesterday, and
passed sentence on. those convicted of various
offences during the week. In the case of James
McGill and others, convicted of stealing from
railroad cars. Judge Slagle refused a new trial.
The application was madeby W. D. Moore.
The first reason for a new trial was cited as
error in the Court in allowing the prosecution
to order a juror to stand aside after the Com
mons ealth and defense bad each exhausted
their challenges. The proceeding is a common
one, and the Court ruled it was not sufficient
for a new trial. On tbe second reason it was
argued that a tipstaff, Felix Negley, had at
tempted to influence a jnror by saying in his
hearing that the defendants were "a bad gang."
The evidence did not justify the statement that
he tried to Influence tbe juror, and the testi
mony of the juror was that he bad not been in
fluenced, nor did he tell any other juror what
he heard. Negley did not know he was within
hearing, and made the statement m answer to
a remark addressed to him by another.
The motion for a new trial was then refused,
the Judge dwelling on the Importance of
nunty in the jury box. He said that if a juror
heard a casual conversation reflecting on an
accused person, and that was considered good
ground for a new trial, justice might be de
leated in any case by auone So disposed. The
defendants in the case, James McQill, Thomas
Davis, Sr and his son. Thomas Davis, Jr., were
then sentenced by Judge Slagle. McGill got
one year in the penitentiary. He was consid
ered the most guilty of the three. Thomas
Davis, Sr.. who is very infirm, and has been in
jail six months already, was given SO days to the
workhouse, and his son one year to tbe same
Before Judge White Mrs. Bridget Flaherty
was brought for sentence. She bad been con
victed of selling liquor in McKeesport without
a license. She was very slow in answering the
Judge's questions, but lie finally got ont of her
tbe statement that she had given her landlord,
John Hamilton, 20, to give to Constable J. M.
Piper in order that he would not return her to
tbe grand jury. She also said sbe bad eiven
Piper J2 as a present. Judge White thought
the matter rather important, ana oraerea tne
woman remanded to jail until next Saturday,
when sho will be made repeat ber accusations
before her landlord and the constable. An
order was issued for tbe appearance of both of
them, together with the agent of tbe company
that delivered the beer to her. The latter's
name Mrs. Flaherty did not know.
KlijahHart, of Scott township, convicted
also of selling liquor without license, came to
the rail tottering on a walking stick. His hair
was white and he seemed very infirm. Sen
tence was suspended in his case until next
Saturday to allow him an opportunity to pay
the costs.
Alois Bruno, for keeping a disorderly house,
got three months to the workhouse. Charles
McGirdy, larceny, one year to the same place.
W. B. Sbaner, assault and battery, three
Be Claims He FnrnUhed All the Capital In
the Partnership.
W. M. Granger, yesterday, filed his answer
to tbe bill in equity against him presented by
Emma E. -Miller. Granger claims that he
furnished all ttje capital used in the partner
ship and his accounts will show he is correct.
K. S. Miller was appointed receiver.
Assistant District Attorney Haymaker has
Eromised Clarence Burleigh, the defendant's
iwyer. to hurry up the case.
A Canceled Contract.
Johns McCleave, Esq., entered suit yesterday
for Frescott, McCleane 4 Co. against E. D.
Wilt and F. H. Phelps, of the Grand 'Opera
House. The plaintiffs claim damages on a con
tract that was canceled by Mr.Wilt. The com
pany was to have played here during the week
of September 9. bnt in May last they were noti
fied not to come. Only the first formal steps
were taken in the case, a precipe having been
filed and the defendants notified of the suit of
plaintiffs. The amonnt of damages is not
What Lawyers Hnve Done.
George B. Mitchell yesterday sued for a
divorce from Anna B. Mitchell, alleging indig
nities to bis person.
Suits for aivorce on the grounds of desertion
were entered by Thomas Cook against Marga
ret Cook and Annetta J. Snyder against John
M. Snyder.
In the divorce case of W. W. Neshit against
Virginia E. Nesblt, Mrs. Nosblt jesterday ob
tained a rule on her husband to show cause
why he should not tile a bill of particulars.
Ik the divorce case of John P. Reis against
Louisa Reis a rule was issued on the plaintiff
to make lus wife an allowance for her support.
A similar rule was issued in the case of Wm,
Jloore against Elizabeth V. Moore.
George Cohen says his suit, acainst S. P.
Stern for $183 is a civil action to recover the
value of goods stolen by a boy and taken to
Stern's store. Cohen says he does not charge
Stern with having stolen the watches.
John Boldoff yesterday filed a suit for
damages against C. W. Cook and John Fergu
son for malicious prosecution. He claims that
they sued him before Alderman Cassidy for a
bill he did not owe. Capiases were issued for
the arrest of Cook and Ferguson.
A statement prepared yesterday by the
County Treasurer shows the following balances
in the county funds on October 1: County
fund, 0S.i6 03; poor tund, $30,074 50; sinking
fund, J2&412 50; liquor license fund, $309,558 23:
State tax. $199,283 90. Total, $9?4,C98 18.
Henkt Gkant yesterday entered suit
against Carnegie, Phlpps fc Co. for 525,000 dam
ages. Grant states that be was a beater's
helper in the defendants' mill. A cinder-tap
exploded and one of his ejes was burned out,
and bis arm and body were badly burned.
Judge Collier issued an order yesterday
appointing u. u. juontootu commissioner to
take testimony as to the sanity of Mis Char
lotte Wallace. Mrs. Wallace is now confined
at Dixmont, and on Thursday an argument
was had on her application for release on a
writ of habeas corpus.
Commissioners were appointed in the fol
lowing divorce cases: Frank Hancock against
Eliza G. Hancock, George R. Cochran ap
pointed commissioner; Elizabeth McD. Kartell
against Martin E. Farrell, commissiouer, W.A.
Boothe; John Kenna against Julia Kenna, com
missioner, R. D.Totten.
John Vogei. and G. A. Menzemaier yester
day entered suits for damages against the city
and the Pittslurg Traction Company. The
suits are for damages for injury alleged to have
been caused their property on Fifth avenue by
changinc the grade of the street at tbe time of
the construction of the traction road.
James Butler, yesterday, entered suit
against tbe Pittsburg and Birmingham Street
Railway Company lor 510,000 damages. Butler
states that he was on one of the company's
cars going along Carson street. The car was
crowded and he was on the lower step of the
front platform. The car struck a mortar box
near Tenth street, and he was knocked off
and the wheels went over his leg. He is per
manently injured, and claims that the accident
was due to the company's negligence.
Some Results of Electricity.
The lollowing important statements are
clipped from the United Presbyterian, of
this city, September 19, which says:
The accomplishments of physical elec
tricity are not more astonishing than are the
resnlts of that subtle agent in its scientific
therapeutic application to diseases of the
body. The eminent electrician, Dr. John
son, of this city, is, to onr personal knowl
edge, performing some very remarkable
cures. Tumors, goitres, and cognate
growths yield readily to his peculiar treat
ments, as do pneumonia, typhoidal, and
other acute and malignant fevers. We are
a living monument ot his ability in paraly
sis and almost hopeless nervous conditions.
In diseases peculiar to "suffering women,"
the doctor has been made a great blessing,
as many can testify. But in his "brain
diagnosis and treatment'! his own discovery
he possesses a wonderful power for good.
Already a nnmber of cases of serious
brain troubles, which had been pronounced
"incurable" some coming hundreds of
miles lor treatment Dr. Johnson has saved
from goingto the insane asylum.
We publish this for the benefit of suffer
ing hnmanity, and because we personally
know of the great and grand work Dr. John
son is doing.
The Bora Are Delighted
With those ''flying tops" which we present
with every suit sale. They fly 1,000 feet in
the air, and are the nearest approach to an
air ship yet invented. Boys' suits, sizes 4
tol4,f3,H,f5. P.C.C.O.,
Cor. Grantjand Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
The Diamond Tat Lady, tbe largest
woman on earth, at Casino Museum this
If yon intend to leave the city have yonr
honsehold packed by Haugb.v& Keenan, 33
aud 34 "Water street.
.-M r ,. mrm.i--Tt-i j n" jtOjVf.t , . o. . v i itaUB'JWJ.u , i . -".r j ......
n-k. .. .. -t .9- t .: i-u-i. .S j. . .t EJOa ' .t.'ui. "4 - ' j-r tt.lH i-jga iJS.. . . ". -3L ".- . vtij-X'rCfgl' JtttSPtti- -I.. c. . U- aiKtiWk..a. .. . .. ".Milttlivl" -
The Great Thirteenth Regiment Band
Coming to the Exposition.
People Are Eeminded That the Show Will
Close October 19.
The Great Western Band finished its en
gagement at the Exposition last night. The
famous Thirteenth Begiment Band, of New
York, will take its place until the great
show closes on October 19. Many will be
sorry to see the Great Western go, but the
band coming has a world-wide reputation,
and something fine in the musical line can
be expected. The leader is one of the best
trombone soloists in the country. Ihe
Thirteenth will begin its short engagement
The flower show of Friday was continued
throughout yesterday, and the elaborate
designs exhibited by the competing florists
were admired by thousands. Many addi
tions to the original display were made, so
that the floral exhibition 'yesterday was
practically a new one.
Many of the exhibits, too, have been
completely renewed within the past day or
two, and the visitor now sees a display that
is entirely different in many of its features
from that of a week ago. As time passes
the exhibitors seem to rise to the occasion,
andthe resnlt is that the Exposition is very
similar to a kaleidoscope in its constantly
changing displays. The management,
moreover, by dint of much hard work, have
got things to running as smoothly as a well
greased engine, and the big show moves
along with no friction anywhere.
The programme of the famous Thirteenth
Regiment Band, as arranged bvDirector Innes.
is in keeping every way with the record, and
worthy, in an artistic way, of both himself and
his musicians.
The following will be the programme for
Monday, and no doubt music lovers will be de
lighted at the showing:
L Overture Jubeb Weber
Introducing tbe hymn made to serve the pur
pose of Tour national airs "God Save the
Queen," for England: "Hoch, Kaiser," for Ger
many: "Our Own Fair Land," for Switzerland,
and. far America, "Our country, 'tis of thee,
sweet land of liberty."
2. Pilgrim Sone of Hope Batiste
3. Solo for cornet Light of My Life.... Jordan
air. w. .ram unamoers.
4. Grand Fantasie. . . .Reminiscences of Gounod
Introducing all the soloists in the band in the
principal airs from the best-known works of this
immortal writer.
5. March Kreutzfidele. Hobile
past n. 5 p. St.
8. Overture, "Merry Wives of Windsor"..
7. Trombone solo, "Non E'Ver". Mattel
Mr. F. N. Innes.
& Grand popular fantasie, "Melodies of
the Fatherland". Hartman
9. Duet Clarionet and flute "Lo, Hear
the Gentle Lark". Bishop
Messrs. Norrito and Wadsworth.
10. Galop (humorous), "The Barnyard'..
Musical Director and Conductor. Mr. F.N.
parti. 7 p.m.
1. Overture "Rienzi" Wagner
2. Grand Aria "The Lost Chord" Sullivan
3. Grand Prise Fantasia "Le Prophete"
The performance of this great Fantasia by
the Prussian band took tbe first prize at the
Paris Exposition in 1S67. This transcription
used is from tbe original score by Herr
Wieprecht. late Band Master General of tbe
Prussian Army.
4. Concert Polka (Descriptive) "Our Baby"..
5. Hungarian Gipsy March (First time)
Arranged by Innes
part n. 9 p. m.
6. Overture 'Gulllaume Tell" Rossini
7. Trombone Solo "Sea Shells Waltz"... Innes
The rendition of this number by Director
Innes has attracted a great deal of attention,
and it is considered one that has helped earn
his fame as a soloist.
& Grand International Fantasia Con
gress of Nations Innes
This introduces tbe folluwing national and
popular airs: "Heart of Oak," "Wacht Am
Rhine." "St. Patrick's Day." "Austrian
Hvmn," "Marseillaise." "Russian Hymn,"
"Yankee Doodle" (with variations for flute
and petite clarinet), Messrs, Lax and
Schneefus), Piccolo, Mr. F. Wadsworth.
?uintet of cornets (under the leadership of Mr.
nomas Clark). The tuba and string bass
brigade (under the leadership of Mr. Otte).
The clarinet corps (under Slgnor Nerrlto, etc,
etc.) concluding with the grand old "Star
Spangled Banner" with cannon accompaniment
firtd by electricity, the latter being one of tbe
greatest renditions of this air ever prepared.
At the Pittsburg Exposition.
This manufacture has a world-wide reputa
tion. Tbe excellence of the product is exempli
fied in tbe superb collection of gates shown at
this point of observation.
The Barnes safe was established in 1845, and
from its being an infant has grown to tbe im
mense proportions of a giant during this lapse
of time, new 44 years.
The Barnes, safes are onlv manufactured bv
"The Barnes Safe and Lock Company," Nos.
124 to 131 Third avenue, Pittsburg.
They have no other office In Pittsburg, nor
any connection with any other establishment
Over 200.000 of these safes are now in use in
the United States, and testimonals have been
received from tbe owners of safes which stood
the test of the great fires in Chicago, Boston,
Eolyoke, Seattle and Spokane.
The chief object shown in this collection is a
bank burglar-proof safe weighing 7.000 pounds
with a Sargent & Greenleaf time lock. This
Is one ot tne handsomest bank safes ever made
in this or any other country. It wonld be
worth the time of any man, interested in keep
ing his valuable securities intact from rogues,
to examine tbe superior qualities of this safe.
A full line of materials used in the manu
facture of burglar proof safes is shown and
fully explained. These exemplify all the parts
entering into the construction and how they
are put together at the factory. In fact every
thing that modern science has developed in the
way of security for books and valuables against
depredation and robbery is employed in the
Barnes system.
Around and in the space is an attractive col
lection of fireproof safes of all sizes and va
rieties, finished in the highest styles of artistic
ornamentation. Some of them have been sold
since the Exposition opened, and tho. names of
many prominent firms appear upon them as
A vault door stands in the center of the rear
end of the exhibit. In this class of work Barnes
stands at the bead. There is scarcely a build
ing of importance in Pittsburg where vaults
are used, except those supplied from the
Barnes factory.
A ladles' jewel casket mounted on an orna
mental stand is shown near the entrance. This
small safe should be found in all families who
are possessed of jewels and heirlooms.
A Yale time lock is also shown which shares
attention with the Sargent t Greenleaf. It
is a most beautiful piece of mechanism.
While Pittsburg is the headquarters fo. the
Barnes industry, the sale of safes is not con
fined to this territory. The ramifications of
this business extena into every state and Ter
ritory of the Union.
The exhibit of Barnes' safes is the finest that
has ever been shown in any exhibition from
Maine to California, and so acknowledged by
traveling men visiting the buildings. By way
of parenthesis, it may be remarked that sales
are made every day, as these safes are looked
upon as prize specimens, and parties desiring a
safe take pride in securing one which hasap
parently been built for expert criticism.
The Barnes representatives at the Exposi
tion, Messrs. Koerner. McLain and Seymour,
are very courteous gentlemen, and have made
themselves most popular by their manner of
welcoming visitors, and clearly explaining the
uses and interims of the exhibit under their per
sonal supervision.
Parties looking for reliable safes need seek
no further than this exhibit for the best article
of the kind manufactured.
Of the Grognn Opening.
It is not well to describe too many of these
wonderful objects of art which are among the
"chefs d'esuvres" which Mr. Grogan imported
for his opening, and three of tbe subjects will
give a fair idea of what they are.
the first impression
shows Guttenberg intently perusing this first
result ot bis arduous undertaking. Two figures
xompose tbe group; Guttcnberg erect, fairly
quivering wiw excitement, tne iace augmvnui
. y- iaW'fcJt . -. J-.'
k -kvMt&?&9F' "';
Erlde and joy: the assistant, gazing at him with
is heart iuhis eyes, to learn Just how far they
have been SuccesfuL Any one who has seen
tbe portraits of Guttcnberg will be struck with
tbe faithfulness of the likeness, for it is simply
remarkable. Beside this stands the musical
group, entitled
in which a violinist and a flutist have encoun
tered a musical phrase rather beyond their
powers of execution. Each knows he has
played his part correctly, and the expression of
anxious interest as they twist themselves to
survey the page of notes held in position on
the knee of the flutist as he sits ou bench is
natural to the life.
A single figure is the third piece of this series.
The artisan holds at arm's length a sword
Just completed, in his left hand, the mallet in
lis right hand, resting on the shoulder. The
look of Ineffable satisfaction which perfectly
irradiates his countenance so instantly wins
your sympathy that you are at once as pleased
with him, as he is with himself. The worn
leather apron, with its ragged edges, upon the
superbly poised figure, and the tools of his
handicraft besidehlm, make this a most real
istic representation.
This Is found in an example of hand chasing
in silver, that has never been equaled in this
country, the work of a French artist in the
employ of the Gorham Silver Manufacturing
Co.; it consists of a coffee pot and square tray,
upon which have apparently been thrown hap
hazard, handf uls of pine rones and spines. The
cones stand up and out in all directions in full
life size, while the spines are each
so perfectly defined, that the desire
to push them about can scarcely be
resisted; a twig which rests on the coffee pot
looks as thoufrh it would actually feel resinous
and sticky if touched. Certainly the most as
tonishing piece of work ever executed, and one
that will probably never be repeated, for the
genius who evolved anything so brilliant could
never sit down tamely to make a second, but is
doubtless far away iu another line of thought
long ere this.
The Louchet vase described in these columns
yesterday is exhibited at Mr. Grogan's store,
443 Market street, corner of Fifth avenue, and
not at the Exposltiod building as some have
surmised. The Exposition exhibit is still a
matter of intense interest to the crowds of vis
itors which is increasing every day.
Sanitary Plumbers und Gna Fitters.
The space In the gallery occupied by tbe
above firm has received a large amount of at
tention from practical people seeking tbe best
ideas and methods with which the
fertile resources of this bouse teem.
All the latest improvements in
fitting up a bouse with gorgeous plumbing,
such as porcelain lined bathtub with brass
covering in repousse work and standing upon
brass feet is styled the Royal Albion. All tbe
water pipes, faucets and trimmings are .of
brass burnished so as to hold its color. Other
trimmings can be had silver-plated. The other
bathroom fixtures are in keeping with this
massive bathtub. The specimens of tine gas
fixtures, arranged alike for incandescent lights,
snow some oi tne newest conceits in this line.
has revolutionized the old notions regarding
heating houses. Furnaces will gradually give
way to this more excellent system. Already
many of them have been put up in this section,
and it is believed that this nfnler will settle
the question of its superiority over all other
competitors. A most valuable treatise on tbe
subject of "How Best to Heat Our Homes" is
luraisuea oy rteinecge uo. ou application.
It contains many hints and much sensible in
formation on this subject. It tells us. among
the advantages of the hot water system, which
are conducive to health are: Freedom from
noxious or poisonous gases, evenness of tem
perature throughout the building, whether the
outside temperature be very cold or moderate.
The air being heated very slowly and steadily
is soft, not too dry, and exceedingly beneficial
to those who suffer from chest orluug troubles,
and it is well known that in bouses where the
flerco heat of hot air furnaces or steam is used
house plants will not thrive, but in cases where
hot water is introduced the same varieties of
plants are grown successfully.
This is the finest collection ever seen at an ex
hibit of the kind, and receives more attention
than any other display in the building.
Relnecke & Co. have always been famous for
handling the best pumps that are made, and
"The Keystone" double acting force pump
stands at the head of the line, as its perform
ance at the tank testifies. There are over 100
varietiea,on exhibition to which special atten
tion is directed.
The Hozelton Pianos at the Exposition.
For nearly 40 years these very popnlar Instru
ments have held sway as a leading factor at
concerts, piano recitals and orchestral gather
ings, besides embellishing the homes of thou
sands, where they iform the "pivot of tbe mu
sical idea round which tbe family revolves.
Tbey are fast becoming favorites in this sec
tion, their elastic touch, singing Quality, deli
cacy and power of tone being fully appreciated
by their adherents. As an instrument for re
hearsals, either for chorus, or orchestra, they
have no superior. For these reasons the
"Vested Choir" of Trinity P. E. Church has
been drilled for nearly two years with the
tones of a Hazelton to guide them.
Hazelton Bros, have made a consistent study
of all tbe details of constructing pianos, hence
tbe admirable results. No lumber is used until
it has been from three to five years in stock,
and only the thickest, hardest woods are used
by them; especial regard is paid to the 'bound
ing boards," to obtain the greatest strength,
combined with tbe utmost delicacy, to maintain
and increase the vibrating power; the greatest
exactitude has been attained in the arrange
ment of the leverage power, without which no
piano can havd a perfect action ; they have made
a study of the higher branches of acoustics and
applied them to the manufacture of pianos;
greatest care has been taken to prevent uneven
and irregular vibrations, which produce false
and discordant tones, and the result is a piano
with sweet ringing, full, sustaining and power
ful tone. Tbey are all good, from the noble
Concert Grand to tbe smallest among the
squares and uprights. Consult the firm whose
name heads this list If you vi ould have a piano
containing the best qualities, especially dura
bility and capability of being kept in tune, and
especially note tbe fine specimens in the ex
hibit in South Gallery.
North Gnllery, Exposition Building.
No further changes have been made in this
exhibit recently, from the fact that everyone
has been more than delighted with it just as It
now stands, and it seemed unwise to break the
spell which has made this display the favorite
in the building. However, those who have
further requirements, such as the furnishing
of a more roomed house, where different con
ditions are to be considered, hare only to go to
the store, 307 Wood street, to, find such variety
in the immense stock carried by this firm that
it will be as simple a matter to furnish a dozen
or more bed and other rooms as it was to make
the four now exhibited. It saves time and
ill-humor when you can find at once
the articles appropriate to your wants, and not
hare to plan and devise some means to make
an object that really does not suit, answer the
purpose after a fashion.
Persons going to housekeeping, and others
about to refit, and remodel their rooms, will
benefit themselves materially, and secure artis
tic yet thoroughly "homey" homes, by intrnst
inr themselves to tbe competent and trust
worthy hands of Messrs. Hopper Bros. & Co.
Grand FlornI Display.
At the exhibit of floral pieces during tbe past
week the efforts of this firm to-excel in novel
ties and elaborate designs was so successful
that they were awarded the meed of praise by
all visitors, who crowded their space, giving the
warmest expressions of admiration that rould
be desired. It was thought that this firm dis
tanced all competitors in the race. They were
complimented on all sides for the very merito
rious manner in which the work was done.
Among the pieces was a canopy composed of
adlantum La France roses, buttercups and
carnations. A very grand piece.
A bridal boquet composed of miphetos and
lilies ot the valley, an exquisite conception.
A bndemald's bouquet, charmingly con
structed of Perle des Jardins, FapaGontier
and Catherine Mernet roses.
A mantel was literally covered with exceed
ingly beautiful roses, tbe Duchess of Albany
variety, anew rose grown exclusively by tbe
B. A Elliott Company. No other honse in this
country possesses this charming new flower.
There were other attractive pieces which gave
visitors some idea of tbe capabilities of this
house in a high class of floral work;
At the Old-Established Jewelry Store,
NO. 630 SMUnFIELD street.
To those who are In Pittsburg taking in tbe
Exposition an invitation is extended to call and
examine the elegant line of goods now on view
for tbe fall and holldy trade.
There is an elegant stock of diamonds, watches
and jewelry ot tbe latest and mosfrecherchs
styles. '
In Mexican onyx tables a beautiful line ll
shown at prices ranging from K0 to 60.
Clocks of Mexican Onyx, most beautiful in
decorative architecture, all warranted as ac
curate time-keepers, ranging In price from S25
to tea
A rich collection of' bronze figures and
vases, royal copper vases anu piano lamps ot
the latest designs and exceedingly -handsome.
A choice stock of Bisque and Royal Worces
ter specially selected as presentation pieces.
All the goods at Terheyden's can neither be
excelled nor undersold.
Dlplnyed In Tempting Proration at the Ex-
position by the H. J. Heinz Company.
The gardens where tbe principal product is
cultivated are pictured in the background of
the exhibit on an enormous painting, covering
uue enu or, tne great ouuaing. xpe leruie
grounds so skillfully portrayed In detail by the
ilesome starting place lor
not disappointed in receiving at least a sweet
pickle at the stand.
Taylor 8c Dean, 205 Market St.
Not until tbe lapse of a year will there be
such another opportunity as the present for
examining the great fire-escapes, iron shutters,
fencings, etc., now on view at this exhibit near
Floral Hall. All persons interested in property
of any kind should make it their business to
know all about these valuable articles and
know for themselves that these specialties of
Taylor & Dean are ot the highest excellence.
Do Ton Love Comfort
Of all the useful and comfortable chairs In
this world Stevens' improved adjustable chair
is one of the most satisfactory. A blessing in
every household. Pleases everyone old or
young, sick or well. For the luxury-loving or
the weary, delicate person, it is a source of
comfort unattained in any other chair, lounge
or bed. This wonderful chair combines all in
one. Comfortable, durable and elegant. For
birthday or holiday present it is eminently ap
propriate. Terms and prices moderate. Physi
cians' chairs, wheel chairs and Invalids' goods
a specialty. Besides chairs, we carry an enor
mous stock of office desks. Selling cheap.
Stevens Chair Co.,
No, 6 Sixth St. (near Suspension bridge),
Pittsburg. Pa.
Bartlelt'a Furnaces and Ranees.
Nothing gives a person a greater zest for a
good meal than to have it well cooked. This
the Bartlett system insures, and adds a sance
piquante to tbe banquet through the knowl
edge of tbe economy which ft insures. See the
ranges in Mechanical Hall; also in operation in
the Exposition cafe, where tbe J. O. B. grand,
active, wrought iron range holds sway. The
furnaces are fuel savers and great heaters.
See tbe specimens at tbe stand. Mr. J. O.
Bartlett is city agent for the DeHaven ranges,
stoves and repairs. A separate exhibit of these
standard goods is found in the main building.
The double safety pipe for convevlng heat
through partitions and walls is another of his
A Very Important Matter to Persona Needing-
The expert opticians, Messrs. Gilch Man
mon, in charge of "Tbe International Optical
Company's" display in the west gallery, are
without doubt most proficient in thelF line, as
the thousands tbey have treated will testify.
Persons go away happy every day who had
already given up all hope of deriving further
benefit from glasses. These skillful opticians
accurately test the sight, furnishing only such
glasses as will best remedy the defects In each
individual case. Consultation free. Thssu
What It Js Costing to Erect the New Federal
It is estimated that only two ship cargoes
of granite from the Maine quarries will fur
nish enough stone to complete the new post
office. One of those cargoes is now being
loaded at the quarries. Since Mr. Malone
took charge of the work last May, three
cargoes have been received. There has been
set in the building, including the basement
112,648 cubic feet of stone. The basement
contains 27,800 cnbic feet; the first division
which comprises the tall first story, 22,248
cubic feet;'the second division, including
the second and third stories, 67,922 cubic
feet; the third division so far 4,678 cnbic
feet. There is now on the ground, not set,
15,524 cubic feet of gra ite.
The total amount received is thus 128,173
cnbic feet. The granite has all been cut
and carved at the quarries, ready to be put
!d place. Pieces of different size and dif
ferent finish cost varying prices, and Su
perintendent Malone is not prepared to say
what the exact cost of all the stone has
been. It is estimated to average abont $5
per cubic foot, so that the stone received up
to this date has cost about $640,000. Each
cargo contains from 10,000 to 11,000 cubio
feet, so that (100,000 worth of granite is yet
to-be received and used in the magnificent
Her Husband Spent an Hoar and a Half
Bidding Her Farewell.
Mrs. Harry Flann, wife of the ex-bookkeeper
of the Marine Kational Bank,
wishes to correct the statement that her
husband was only allowed about 25 minutes
to bid her good-by before being taken away
to the penitentiary. Through the kindness
of Warden Berlin of the jail, he was al
lowed nearly two hours to say farewell to
his family. An affecting scene occurred
when the young man took up his baby and
kissed it affectionately. The little fellow
seemed to know his father, although not a
year old. A pleasant farewell supper was
given Mr. Flann by his wife's family at
the Hotel Dnquesne.
Within Easy Reach ot All Parts of the Old
There has been much discussion in the
newspapers recently about public parks.
All will admit the necessity and advantage
of' the same.
It may not be known by everybody that
just over the hills of the Southside, within
easy reach of the entire city by street cars
and incline planes, there now is a mo$t de
lightful park of many acres in extent, where
the tired, weary toilers of the city, sur
rounded by charming beds of flowers and
lovely lawns that Skirt the borders of the
handsomely shaded avenues, may enjoy
the beauties of nature and hear the notes of
the many feathered songsters as they will
fill the air with their joyous strains and
where they can revel in the bright sun
light and" enjoy the boling winds, which
bring health and color to the cheeks of the
children and invalid and Joy to the heart of
This park is accessible to all, and what is
better, any one can have a beautiful home
in tbe very midst of it, which can be secured
on such terms as have never be equaled
Knoxville borough is an entire park.
Every street is a pretty park.
Every house is a lovely little park.
A walk along its. shaded avenues is a
promenade through a park.
Just read what chances for a home in the
midst of this beantiful park ate here given:
A splendid 7-room brick house with all
modern improvements for
(500 cash and $35 per month.
a. line o-room bricK house,
$300 to J500 cash, 530 to $33 per month.
A 4-room brick house,
$300 cash, 25 per month.
A 5-room frame house,
$200 cash, $20 per month.
A 4-room brick cottage,
$200 cash, $17 50 per month.
A 3-room brick cottage, i
$200 cash, $15 per month.
You are cordially invited to visit the
Knoxvixm: Land Improvement Co.,
Knox avenue, Knoxville Borough.
Take Southside cars to Twelfth and
Mt Oliver incline to Knoxville; only 1
miles from Postoffice.
Photographers Astonished and Kind
At Yeager & Co., 70 Federal street, Alle
gheny, because they make fine cabinets lor
76 cents per dozen. They can't compete, as
these cabinets will not fade. Bring the
little ones. Come early.
Monday, October 7.
Remnant silks belnw eost.
4 Knable & Shustzb, 35 Fifth ave.
Good cabinets cannot be made for less
than $1 a dozen. Come to Hendricks &
Co., 68 Federal st,, Allegheny. Their work
cannot be excelled.
Dok't fail to see the Earl mm 1 1 .Tnr.nll.
Opera Co, at the Casino Museum this week. I
The Law Taxing Canines is a Qneerly
Formed Piece of Machinery.
Dogs Urban and Suburban Appear to be
Blended in Confusion.
Dr. J. B. Grimes is a lover of dogs, and
has a lotof money invested in them and
everything relating t o them. He was found
the other day with corrugated brow trying
to reconcile the general dog law with special
enactments that dot the statute books as
stars do the sky on a clear, frosty night.
As a key to the solution he was conning an
article in Forest and. Stream.
Peonle uninterested in doeroloev mar not
know that there has been as much legisla
tion bearing on their regulation and manage
ment as on the subject of the sale of intoxi
cating drinks, and some of it is fully as crude.
Pnrdon's Digest, after enumerating general
and special acts, repeals of acts, etc., says,
"Consult each gear's enactments, for there
have been special laws passed at almost
every session' of the Legislature." There
are special acts for Allegheny, Lancaster,
Philadelphia, Northampton, Schuylkill,
Bucks, Chester, Delaware, York, Carbon,
Clinton, Franklin and Lycoming counties.
Then, 'as Dr.Grimes remarks, judges dis
agree. A judge who likes a dog is apt to
construe him as personal property,- and one
wno aoesn't mases a nuisance or mm when
ever he can strain the law in that direction,
and old English laws were averse to consid
ering the animal as property, from the fact
that most of the makers of laws at one time
regarded ihe dog as a nuisance.
The act passed at last session making
dogs personal property, subject to taxation
and the snbject or larceny, provides in Sec
tion 6 "that this act shall not repeal or affect
the provisions of any special law relating to
the same subject in any county, township or
borough in this Commonwealth."
Now most of the valuable dogs in the
Commonwealth are owned in cities, and in
most of these cities the snbject is governed
by special laws, and these by the act are
not repealed. Then, are these dogs to be
taxed for the benefit of sheep growers and
the school fund? Did the Legislature sup
pose that dogs in cities were too well bred
to kill sheep and therefore not the snbject
of the ban? As all dogs in this Common
wealth are spoken of, the doctor is inclined
to think that Section 6 is an Interpolation or
possibly an afterthought, and that the idea
may have been that the late law should
apply merely to the counties not provided
for. He regards the title of the bill as de
fective, as it does not set forth the purpose
of the enactment.
It seems. there are $2,000,000 worth of dogs
in the State and perhaps $500,000 wor.th in
Allegheny county, and 'as the tax is 50c on
a male and $1 on a female, whether of high
or low degree, the matterjiossesses consider
able interest, aside from that of wool-growing
and that of education. Heretofore if
you had a "purp" you valned you took him
to the Clerk of Courts ana paid him $1 SO
for registry. As this law is unrepealed
must a citizen of Allegheny county in order
to throw the mantle ot dignity and seenrity
around his dog, still pay the $1 50 and the
tax also, or will the payment of the tax pro
tect him?
In some quarters doubts are expressed as
to whether the law can be carried into effect
on account of the obsenrity surrounding it,
nntU after another Legislature meets.
Special laws for'special purposes are not re
pealed, and it is thought doubtful whether
'the act will pass legal scrutiny, and sheep
and education may continue to languish
until 1891. Once a registered dog always a
registered dog, but if this plebian enact
ment is to stand and operate along side of
the registry law, what becomes of the dollar
and a halt's worth of aristocracy iurnished
by the registry? The act is entirely too
leveling. It puts the common stump
tailed cur or the pumpkih-and-milk
vagrant on a level with the Italian grey
hound and tbe majestic mastiff.
"Will deliver another lecture on
Wednesday, Oct. 1 6, at 2 P.M.
Seats will be on sale at HAMILTON'S Musio
Store, commencing THDBSOAY MOBNINO,
October 10, at 9oclocx. Admission, 60c; re
served seats, 75c and fl. ocS-124
Boys' and Children's
653 nnd 655 BROADWAY,
That heretofore! appeared on
this page of THE DISPATCH
will be found on the Eleventh
Page, in the Second Part of
this issue.
The Wants, For Sales, To
Lets, Business Chances, Auc
tion Sales, etc.; are placed
under their Usual headings on
the Eleventh Page. Adver
tisements handetUn too late
for Classification will be
found on the Sixth Page.
Keech's Fnroitiire Rwas
Touavill at once be struck with the cleanUneta, hrightneaa and ohter-
ftdness prevailing everywhere.
quite forgotten in the contemplation of the grand and gigwnHc s4k,
of fine furniture here exhibited.
play of Parlor Suites will impress
Knero now tow Align jin Jiummure
vVs4 sr 4 nTtTa 41 mi 43ao4 jm3
V. w . M v ta
m wv v mj-(s4' ww w g jTiivo ssnrwwr
fairly amaze you. And then, if you but take the. elevator for ihe nmmi
floor, another surprise is awaiting you. Mere yeu will find hundredei
upon hundreds of fine Chamber Suites, from the plainest up If fttoj
most artistically carved designs. -The prices, too, will mere tmam.
please you. We can supply you
Suite, for instance, at the unequaled low price of $18. - M,..
A a. Jt Jmm a. a..T wmmmtA I 1 ml m Mm Tf m. Jm. m . mm, - - - . . - mm mm. "mLm .
tension Table, a Sideboard, some
Back, a Cabinet or Wardrobe, etc., you can supply thete wants ,
far better than at any other-house in this section of the country.
House Furnishing M
of every kind, make, grade and
in the greatest variety and at the
Buy any of these goods at KEECH'S and you'll never go otos-jd
where. The reason is clear. Every purchase means a saving of
tnntuni to f.h mumhntun:
"---w4 w --- Jf - --- -
Keeco Garnet Room
You will behold perfect mountains of choice Body and Tamostryi
Brussels. Moauettes. Velvets. Inarainst-OU Cloths. Mattinas. Lino-.
leums, and, last but not least, the finest Smyrna, Persian and Do- V
mpjt1.fr. TtiuiKm Anil. t-4rthf. hevp. Ittt thn fttrt htt rri-ayfl nrt. thxtt. iia. alt. r-r -
mestic Bugs. And right here let
of floor coverings Keech's loom head and shoulders above competi- - -7f
torn. Thin is no irtlei hntmt. hut simnlti thj. vnira nftlte. "--- " -"
LT l "mZ.ZLmVmmm.mZVmm.lmZm . l ,- ... 7 ZLZIZmT- - T
4m. im-m-... 4T-Zm fmrnrnThmmMm. mJ? mmm mmmmmm Xm mmmm Mm
WJ CffrO .v.? rj UHrtfluin IW
ranks of these satisfied patrons yourself? If ow is' the most excellent
time to fill your wants in the Carpet tine, because Keech's stock never
was so large or prices so low as at present.
If you enjoy a beautiful sight then be sure and take a look at
our new importation of Zace Curtains, in such celebrated makes as
Irish Point, Ifottingham, Swiss Tambour, Vitrage, etc.; also ewJg
magnificent variety of Chenille and Velour Curtains and -Portieres. M
Silverware and Cutlery, Clocks, Bronzes,
and Bric
Tlie notorious high profits charged by ihe exclusive dealers of
these goods have thus far enabled only a favored few to possess them.
But when Kcech took hold of the business there opened a new.erafor
prices, and, as the direct result, the workingman and mechanic can
now afford to rejoice in the possession of these "luxuries of. life" as -
.mJJ rta 1.t nv-tr.trni ml M.nittll.iltt.- ' V - '
MVVV ... . .w. .. .. J-"
Dry Goods, Cloaks and Wraps Clothing.
The excellent fall trade enjoyed by these departments proves
theiv popularity and the satisfaction the goods invariably give to the
patrons. We are now showing all
ofJDry Goods the most elegant
HTmMmmm.m ViMim,(M&tf. TVZlff S.1s7
rrrujio. jn,imwiw "" .
and stylish makes of Men's Suits and Overcoats. Call and see ut.
Groods Sold for Cask
or on Credit, -as
Yon Like It
Cash and Credit House,
923 and '925
HSTeax JST1 -rvbJn. Stoee-b-
tW Open frtorday Klglite till 10 o'olook,
But this praiseworthy ftmtwe i
The department devoted to the 4fe-t,
you most favprabVy You never
-. Mt9 .- tmtWJZ-1!
c oe eoMynz k iwi-f mi
Am4mmJ taCLArfa rat naanjafiWvkJ. iiMIfi
vfvtvvoi ww wi t- mvn vw w
with a first-class Antique Chambor1
Chairs w a Hall Stemd r -Kfl
description are to be had at Keeoh's
lowest vossible vrices. '
P '
ihe fact be recorded that in aU hlnda
Vj.ai.il T7..4 .MB., mm m4 . M.TT JL.
.&&,&,, JLV nngi nvir 0WMr ftA0 ,45
- a - Brac.
the best and most desirable staples
and fashionable styles of Ladies'
Tl,lmi'hftftmmtmm.iXa.47ti.aa'o4 MJllf,Um.'
j. w. v., ""; v mvran icnim j
Perm avenue,
' i