samm 5Si?r THE PITTSBURG-1 DISPATOHf 'SWDAY?O0TOBER'(T63Tl88 '.:- r- tf A 01 AUGUST WILKEE COLLINS' Written from His THE DISPATCH. CHAPTER L THE PBOFHECY. HE "War of the Ee bellion had began. Missouri was about evenly balanced between secession vrith the Southern Stales and. loyalty with the Northern States. The time was August inlSSGl. There had been struggles of legis lation over the question whether Missouri should go to the South or stay )Vwith the Xorth. VW Every city, every ,W town, and many a family, was dis tracted and di vided. All was turbulence. Gen eral Fremont was in couimaud of the Unionist military department, and he had sent General Lyon with a small army to drive out the Confed erate troops, who had entered the State from Indian Territory under com mand of General Ben McCulloch. The movements of both commanders were for awhile as chaotic as the diverse sentiments of the people, for the Governments of the United States and the Confederate States were alike indecisive in their policy con cerning the uncertain territory. The battle of "Wilson's Creek was not far off, and the immediate region was loosely possessed by Confederate troops. But peaceful quite was the yard of a farmhouse which overlooked tne stream at sundown of a summer day. Four persons were unconsciously grouped in a way that made a fair picture. They were two men and two women, not one of whom had gone further in life than a few years beyond maturity. One woman sat negligently on a bench, with one arm hanging over its back and the other swinging at her side. Her face was so perfectly regular and proportion ate in its features that it might have been expressionless but for large black and won denully lustrous eyes. He who stood be hind her leaning on the back of the scat was a very manly fellow. A tendency to slouchiness in his clothing was in keeping with free and careless ways, and indicated his rural rearing as certainly as the woman's nicety of dress showed her acquaintance with the exactions of a fashionable life in the city. The other couple were in a swing that hung from the limb of a tree, the brawny man clasping the ropes with his hands, and the slender woman clinging to him with more energy than her position seemed to require. She jumped down of a sudden, and perverted the fact by saying: "You were hugging me, Tudor Bo ne." She ran out of the yard, he following, and . clumsily protesting'his innocence of intentional ini i propriety. The pair that remained had listened with the air of being still diverted bv something that was by no means new to them: and the woman said: "They are amusing, Mr. Willett." Her tone was lazy, like her atti tude and her manner. "Whether she was aflected by the listlessness that comes of I summer lounging in the country, or whether her calmness or surface was a careful cover ing of activity underneath, young Oliver Willett had been trying to discern. He courageously determined on a more direct way to the desired knowledge than guessing, and precipitately began, in thoughtlessly chosen, but ardent words, an avowal of his passion. A woman came to the open window of the house and stood eaves-dropping. This was May "Willett Oliver's sister, and older than he. She waited only long enough to comprehend what her brother was doing and then interrupted by presenting herself before them. Oliver walked into the house without saying another word. May took the place that he had left at the back of the seat, and said quietly, but with a firm mod ulation: "Mrs. Armytage, 1 have been listening. I heard what my brother said, and I know what he was going to sav. I am going to speak frankly it is my duty. You and Mrs. Dimmock married women came here to spend a few weeks. I wel comed yos. as a school-day friend, and her as your friend. You asked me not to tell anybody that you were wives." "That was her freak, not mine," Mrs. Armytage repl ed; "I was ashamed of it from the start." e "You acquiesced, at least, and I gave you my word not to let even Oliver know. I did not foresee that you would so quickly be come lovers. He has been commissioned an officer in the Confederate army, yet he lingers here, away from his duty, and in dangerous proximity to the Unionists' ad vance." Mrs. Armytaee's manner was placid as ehe said: "Am I to blame? I have not undertaken to control his conduct or his heart. I am the wife of a United States annv officer, and who can sav that I am un faithful? I have tried to discourage your brother, and it is not my fault if I have not succeeded. But if you order me away, I will not hesitate about going." Mrs. Armytaee arose with stately dignity, but May drew her back to the seat, saying: "Forgive me." "I impose only one condition," Mrs. Armytage said. "Promise never to unde ceive your brother. Let him continue to think of me with respect." "I promise," May said. Tudor Bowne and Mrs. Dimmock returned to the yard, and saw nothing in Mrs. Army tage'a beautifulty immobile face to show that a gust of feeling had swept over it. Mrs. Dimmock was clinging to Tudor's arm with a clever mockery of affection, and he was exhibiting an exaltation of delight. They were bringing along an aged negress, whose gaudily turbaned head and tatterdemalion garments made her a singular figure. That was old Judee, of familiar repute in the county as a witch, but an engrossing novelty to the guests. A wandering vagabond she was, and she told fortunes with all the werfdness of which she was capable. She was regarded as a voodoo necromancer, and among the blacks she was feared, if not quite reverenced; while the whites were not tree of superstition regarding her charms, spells and prophecies, although at the "Wil lett homestead there was an intelligent dis position to treat her jocosely whenever she visited the place. But she was quickly the center of a group comprising all the persons of the premises, and she shrewdly chose the two strange ladies to especially impress herself upon. The account which is hereto be given of her prediction and what ensued, is to be con strued as the reader pleases either as a nar rative or something occult, or of something altogether explainable as matters of chance coincidence. The writer Ib merely a his torian, with no disposition to theorize upon the incidents which he sets forth. Old Judee was formalin her method as a prophetess. She proffered her services to Mrs. Armytage first, and then to Mrs. Dim- znocK; due tnose ladies, conscious of their roguery in having figured be- lore their two wooers as maidens, were Be. cktwi nv .n na i - at, ... ..... ....... And refused to have their fortunes told. L . . A l, NIGHT IN '61. LAST STORY PLOT. Original "Sketch "Den yo', Mass'r Oliver," old Judee said, "lemme tole yo fortin'. Dah's fo'tellin in yo' case sah impo'tent fo'tellin. I kin see dangah, Mass'r Oliver dangah right ahead o' yo'." "That's not hard to foretell in these war times," Oliver laughingly responded. "Ax' me, Mass'r Oliver ax' me," she droned. "Tell me what you see," he said, aiming only to satisfy the curiosity of the ladies. "I sec yo' in de middle ob a soldier com p'nv marchin' marchin'." "Well, I trust they're Confederates in gray. Aunt Judee. And can't you put me at their head? I am to be a captain, you know." "Dey yan't in gray. Dey's in bine, sah. Dey's Union soldiers marchin' marchin." and she swayed her body, and held up her head, as though in unison with the tread of the troop which she saw. "An' yo' yan't in de command. To's wearin' de same clothes yo' got on now. Oht I see dat yo's a pris'ner, fo' yo' arms is tied, an' de com p'ny guards yo' close." Her eyes turned slowly away from Oliver, and she seemed to be watching something that was moving steadily away. "Marchin' marchin' marchin'," she repeated over and over, but in a lower and lower tone, until she finally whispered: "Dey's gone out'n sight, sah, an' I don't see no moah." "But I'd really like to know what be comes of rue," Oliver remarked carelessly. "I trust that you," and he covertly ad dressed Mrs. Armytage, "have some regard as to that." Old Judee turned her gaze on that lady, and stared steadily, yet vacantly. ""Well, well," Mrs. Armytage asked; "and what are you seeing now?" "I see yo' on horseback, lady ndin' hard ridin' fast. Great trouble in yo' face great trouble." Suddenly she ceased to speak, and spread one hand to her ear in the attitude of listening. "I heah's yo' say somefing. 'I must sabe him I must sabe him!' Dat's what you' savin'. An now yo' rides into de woods." She had seemed to follow with her eyes the course of the equestrienne, making recognizable the movement of a person in the saddle of a running horse. "Dah yo's gone. I doan see no moah." "Trv again." "No, missy I doan' see no moah." Even those who had seen Old Judee be fore in similar exhibitions were soberly im pressed. There was martial excitement in the air, and the woman's rude yet moving description of Oliver a captive in the hands of a company of soldiers stirred them. "I'm afraid, Aunt Judee," said Oliver, halt jesting and half iu earnest, "that you're indulging your Northern sentiments. We're old, old friends, yet you make the Yankees capture me." "But she sends a rescuer after you," Mrs. Dimmock suggested. Had the negress merely indulged her wish and fancy in describing the Confederate officer as a prisoner? And had she, taking an easy cue from his manner and words to Mrs. Armytage, sought to mollify him by representing the lady as seeking his deliv erance? She had the cunning of the South ern voodoo votaries, whether she possessed any of their supposed supernaturalism or not. "Look again," Oliver insisted. "You've put me into a predicament now see me through it." Old Judee took his hand, and reached for one of Mrs. Armytage's, too. Still kneel ing, and with the hands tightly clasped, she gazed steadfastly at the young couple, and then beyond them into the distance. "I see yo both," she said. "Yo, Mass'r Oliver, is in front ob de soldiers." "Ahl4at last you've put me in command," he interjected. Dey am de Union soldiers standin still standin' solemn. Yo am facin' dem. (Dey lifts dar guns. Dey fires at yo an yo falls. De lady am dar, too; pale as death. She am lain tin'. She drops on degroun. De smoke ob de guns gets thick. It hides yo both. I can't see. Dat am all." Old Judee arose to her feet, rubbed her eyes, had a minute of apparent bewilder ment, and then was sufficiently wide awake to take the coin which Oliver handed to her. "All humbug," he said. "Of course," Mrs. Armytage assented. But they gazed in silence after the black Aunt Judee's Prophecy. woman, as she walked away, and nobodv was prompt to ridicule her prophecy. It had made, at least momentarily, a serious impression on all who heard it. CHAPTER IL ' ' LOVE JOiD TAB. Half an hour later, Mrs. Armytage and Mrs. Dimmock were alone in the garden when a lumbering carriage rolled to the gate. Colonel Armytage, of the Union army, was the man who alighted. His hair was white enough for 70 years, but his skin was sufficiently ruddy and smooth for 50; and his age was a fair compromise betwixt tne two that is, CO. He kissed his wife, and said, "Your color indicates some sort of emotion, and that is unusual in you." She replied with perfect equanimity that a wife ought to be pleasurably agitated on meeting her husband after a separation. "I have come to take you back to Spring field," said he. Mrs. Armytage was frightened, and she furtively scanned his face for information of the reason; but there was no anxiety be trayed in her tone when she asked it they were to go soon. There was more feeling in the exclamation, "lam glad," after he had said, "Immediately." "I'm not," said Mrs. Dimmock. The arrival of a carriage was not so com mon an event as to be uninteresting, and from the house emerged several servants. As they came toward the Colonel, he hastily said to his wife and Mrs. Dimmock: "Gen eral Lyon has arrived at Springfield. There is to be a forward movement. We can't leave you any longer in a rebel household. Hush thev must not hear." May "Willett came out, and Colonel Armytage was presented to her. She wel comed him gracefully; and being told, that her visitors were about to go away,said that she was very sorry, which was a lie that politeness required of her. Mrs. Armytage hurried the preparations for departure with all her might, because she hoped to avoid a meeting between ber husband and Oliver or Tudor. She whis pered her purpose to May, who gave aid to. us accompusaraeni. Colonel Armytage went into the house for glass of water before starting. May ac- I comoanied turn. The two wives were wait- An.ani.n rum -nn rm nn J ing iiapatiently in the yard, when Oliver V2r$'i('9ri "r' Willett and Tudor Bowne sauntered into it together. Mrs. Armytage fled 'like a coward into the house. Oliver attributed her withdrawal to,displeasure at his recent half-made avowal of love. From Mrs. Dimmock he learned of the intended sudden departure, and he connected it instantly with his previous guess that his love-making had given offense. Mrs. Dimmock made a bold stroke by saying: "Colonel Armytage is in the house her father," repeating the latter words so as to fix tbem in Oliver's mind, "and he will take us away within five minutes. Now, listen to me, and she put her arms care lessly through those of the men. "He says the condition of this section is dangerous. He is a Union officer, and the folks around here are rebels. Now, if his identity be came known he might be treated roughly. So please avoid mentioning his name, or his relation to Miss Armytage." Oliver did not answer, but Tudor said: "When you command I obey," and went into the house with the able young falsi fier. Mrs. Armytage soon came out, wearing a hat and a light cloak, in readiness for the ride. On seeing Oliver 'alone she would have retired, had he not detained her. "Here in Missouri," he said very earn estly, "our ways are blunter than yours of the Eastern cities. I love you you know it." She endeavored to get past him, but he stopped her by a clasp of her wrist. "A second, I beg. I recall the avowal. I do not wish to violate usaze or propriety I will ask vour father's consent to woo vou. He is here, and will speak to him frankly." Mrs. Armytage perceived the error into which Oliver had been led as to Colonel Armytage's relationship to her. She said entreatingly: "No, no don't speak to him!" "Why not? My love is honorable." "Mine is not. This was her hasty thought, uttered be fore she had considered how much of con fession it conveyed. "Then you do love me?" said Oliver, catching only at one phase of her meaning. He would have clasped her, but she drew back, saying: "Hush! He is coming. In heaven's name, Oliver, do not say anything to him. I will tell you why some time. I have written a message to yon. It is be hind the mirror in my room. Look for it after I am gone." He seized her hand, and was about to kiss it, when Colonel Armytage and the rest came out of the house. He stepped back into a shadow, from which, unseen, he heard them bid adieu to his sisters and saw them ride away. "Drive fast," said Colonel Armytage to the negro who held the reins. He added to the women, "This neighborhood is not over safe for us." "It is full of peril," said Mrs. Armytage. The journey of ten miles to Springfield was made in the early evening, and it con veyed Colonel Armytage and the two ladies direct to the house where he had for a week been provisionally quartered. The town was a hubbub of military occupation. General Lyon meant to advance upon the Confederates next dar, and the preparations were confused, for in those early days of the war the operations had little of the pre cision and orderliness subsequently achieved. uoionei Armytage s absence, though brief, had left his duties co accu mulate, and he had no time to devote to his regained wife. Frivolous Mrs. Dimmock, interested by the hurly-burly, had no thought of the farmhouse that she had so recently quitted; but Mrs. Armytage wandered away into the garden. She sat on a bench, leaned against the tree that made a back for it, and turned her face toward the bright moon, which had risen just high enough to shine over the wall that lined the garden on that side. Externally she was the placid, cool, young beauty. In her mind, so well hidden by her characteristic self-control, was being formed, and not without a struggle, a firm resolution to think no more of Oliver Wil lett. A noise at the wall startled her, and Oliver leaped over. He stood before her, took off his hat and bowed low. His en trance to the garden had been rapid and resolute; but now he was hesitant, as though a little confounded by his situation. Mrs. Armytage rose, and looked at him with wonder in her lustrous eves as she said: "What brings you here?" 'You," he answered. "You are reckless." "A lover knows no fear." "But he should not let his own fearless ness be the destrnction of the woman he loves." "What do you mean?" "Did you get the message that I left for you?" "Yes; and came with it to its author." They had spoken so rapidly that their dialogue thus far had been as - inconsiderate as it was exciting to them; yet she main tained bv for the most composure, and when he would have grasped her hands she stepped back with a show of displeasure. "My letter told you," she said, "that you must never see me again that there was a sufficient reason why we must not meet." "It told me, too," he said, uncooled by her repellent manner, "what your lips had refused to tell. I had begun to believe that you were heartless, and the sudden knowl edge of the truth that you loved me was like stimulant to an invalid potent to make the blood tingle, the heart bound and the brain whirl. What could do but come to you?" "Forget it if I wrote anything to encour age your madness. I was thoughtless I scrawled hurriedly to escape observation. Remember only that I said we must not even think of each other." "I know the letter word for word." He took from a pocket a crumpled sheet of paper that looked like a page torn from a diary; but he scarcely glanced at it as he recited what was penciled on it. "It says: 'The past two weeks were to me like a brief existence in another lite than my own. I had never loved any man. My situation forbade me to entertain such a sentiment, except for one who was powerless to excite it. You made me love you.' " He held the writing before her, and added triumphantly, "they are your words." "Blot tbem out and read the rest." She stood with folded'arms as passive as a statue. He read, aided by his recollection and the bright light of the moon: "I am free to confess it because I also tell you that I must abjure the passion that makes me irresolute, while I write out my own sentence. I cannot bear to explain to you the reason why we must be strangers, .but it is absolute, irresistible, final." I "Why do you come here after that?" she fcaid, still calm. "I come to learn what the thing is that can part us." "I will not tell you." "Is it that you are a Unionist and I'an officer in the Confederate armv?" "No; that is not the reason." He argued no more, but said, "You puisle me," as he thrust the paper into a JJue&st pocket. cmo loosed toward the house, with a thought for tho first time of being observed, so absorbed had she been, despite her self-possession. "Somebody will come," she said. "Go at once. If you were recognized here you might be put under arrest." He instantly concluded that her repulse of him had been caused by her tear for his safety. That was pleasing to his vanity, and allaying to the doubts that had been taking shape in his mind as to whether she did love, after all. He clasped her passion ately. She did not struggle to escape, but resolved instead on the course that she well knew would be more effectual, and which she was convinced she could not now avoid. She said: "Oh, must I abase myself Before you? I desired vou to forget me, or remember me respectfully. You compel me to tell you what it is that must keep us apart. I am a wife." She was freed instantly. Not that he, with intention recoiled from, her; but his arms relaxed involuntarily, and he stood with the limpness of a man who had re ceived a terrible physical as well as mental shock. He gasped out, after a pause: "A wife, did you say?" "Yes; wife of the man you thought was my father." The first definite sentiment that was formed out of the jumbling of ideas in his mind was resentment; and he began: "Your deceit" "You will forgive me," she pleaded, in tone as well as in words, "when you know that at the first, I had no deliberate thought of seriously deceiving you, when you con sider the self-condemnation I have suffered, when I tell you that the determination to be an honorable wife is made at the cost of a breaking heart." Her attitude of supplication, her eye3, that he had never before seen bold tears, her voice, that he had never before heard to express passion these drove the resentment out of his thoughts, and left only the over mastering knowledge of the reality of her love. Therefore, it is not surprising that he said: "Struggle no more, but go with me now. I will take you away from your un loved husband." He again put his arms aronnd her, and partly through an effort to free herself and partly through an unconsidered impulse, slid down to her knees. She clung to his hands while she said: "Don't break my good resolution! Don't use 'your influence tor evil, but sustain me in my honor!" He lifted her tenderly to her feet and said: "Your rebuke makes me ashamed omyself. Good-by." "Farewell; and remember that my good repute is in your keeping." He took her hand respectfully. "I swear!" he said, with all the solemnity that could attend a more formal oath -taking, "by the hand that I may never hold again, by my unalterable love, that I will sooner give up my life than this secret." He started toward the wall, but turned OLIVER'S SUCCESSFUL EUSE. back as though to say something raore. He saw her standing rigid and white in the moonlight, and people hurriedlj approach ing. Colonel Armytage was at the front of the party, but they were led by k man in the uniform of a sergeant, who pointed and said: "This is an officer in the rebel army. He is a spy." . "He is Mr. Willett, at whose) home I have been a guest," said Mrs. Armytage, with wondenul calmness; but, while she spoke with a steady voice, she leanefl against the seat for support. I "Young man," said Colonll Armytage, "it will be necessary tor you imder the cir cumstances to explain your presence here, at the headquarters of the j Union com mander. I hope you can dp so satisfac torily." i Oliver said firmly: "I havei no explana tion to make." I "General Lyon has been .warned," Col onel Armytage continued, "that a spy would visit these premiseso-night, to get information as to our plans for to-morrow. I sincerely regret that my wife's friend has rendered himself liable to detention, and I trust that he has not 'endeavored to use knowledge that he may have gained in social intercourse. Guards, conduct this gentleman to the General! Oliver thought vaguely of trying to escape, but the grasrV of soldiers was upon him. Then he recollected Mrs. Armytage's letter, and his hands' went involuntarily to his breast She saw 1 the gesture and knew what it meant. She (clung to the seat, only by a hard resistance preventing herself from falling into it. Colonel Armytaie also saw the move ment, and said ai Oliver was marched away, "Search him (for documents that he may be carrying. CHAPITER III. TWO OP OLD JUDEE'S VISIONS EEALIZED. At midnight Mrsl Armytage was the sole occupant of a room in the second story of the spacious house! which Colonel Armv tageand his staff occupied. The windows looking out on thesame large garden from which Oliver Willett had been taken as a spy not long before, were wide open, for the atmosphere was sultry. Mrs. Armytage sat by a table. During an hour she had scarcely stirred from one petition. Slowly she had come to a clear appreciation of what had happened, and she was waiting, as one strapped -to a guillotine might, with awful dread awaiting the fall of tho blade for her husband to coijoe witli the letter that she felt must eie this have been taken from Oliver. The 12 strokes of a. clock at mid- night sounded to knell: and from t her unreasonably like a at she went into a da of wondering why the bell's familiar noisn suggested such an idea to her. As nersnm in ureams conucn ;e nours into seconds, so her thoughts hac wandered iar and wide before the twelfttf stroke; and then, looking up, she saw her husband standing before her. "Not abed yetf " he said. That was not like what she expected, and she thought it wis a trivial preface for the real matter; butt he seemed to expect a replr, and so shh said: "How could I sleep?" j "True," he answered, while she listened with every fiber strained to meet an acensa tion; "the sad evenfof to-night has shaken my nerves, and they are stronger than yours." He kissed her on the forehead. She took the endearment with a heart-bound, as an indication that somehow the calamity had been averted, and hesitatingly asked, 'What-what was the result? He explained that" '"He explained nothing,' It was not possi ble for him to clear himself. He was caught at the enemy's headquarters on the night before an important movement Probably he supposed that his acquaintance with you would be a plausible excuse for his presence, and he was brave enough tp take the phance. His hold plan aUgutWe been successful had he not carried a paper that condemned him." "Condemned him?" "Yes; for although he managed to destroy the paper before anybody read it " "He destroyed it?" "The careless guards gave him the oppor tunity. Doubtless it contained memoranda of what he had learned." Mrs. Armytage understood full well that Oliver had kept his vow to protect her rep- utaiiuu, unuuui;u in uuiug so ne nau ae- stroyed the proof that he was not a spy. In LUC Ulav nmuttu v. u fjlAHIUUG DUG glUWCLl with a blind desire to save him in return. Hence she exclaimed, "The paper con tained no such thing." "How do you know?" The question brought her to the point of confession, if she intended to make one; but instead she shrank from it. "Who knows that it did?" "Well, he refused to deny it when a reasonable account of the paper's contents might have saved his life." "Is his life in danger?" "He has only a few hours to live. He is sentenced to be shot at daybreak." Once more the woman forgot herself in her appreciation of the sacrifice that had been made lor her, and she exclaimed: "Oh, it will be murder! He is not a spy." "I would like to think so, but he will not plead not guilty," he added, as she sank back in her chair, covered her face and wept. "I know it is shocking to you to know that the man who was your host yes terday is to be shot this morning, and that your husband is in a sense his executioner. War necessities are brutal." Mrs. Armytage stood up and put her arms around her husband's neck. "You never denied me anything I asked, reasonable or unreasonable. Save this man's life. Help him to escape, if it can be done in no other way." Her impulsive action was astonishing to him, and he was by it distracted from her words; but when he comprehended them he said: ' "Your proposition is dishonorable." "Would you be a murderer?" She was as vehement now as she had just been wheedling; and she took her arms from around his neek. "He is not a spy I know it. By saving him you would keep yourself clear of an innocent man's blood." "Proof 4hat he is not a spy would save him. Can you furnish that?" and he gazed searchingly into her face. "Yes," she answered quickly- and some what defiantly; but, being thus brought to the point of confession, she again fell short of heroism. "No, nol" she said; "I mean tbat a woman's discernment is sometimes better than a man's. I have seen him in his home, and have become acquainted with his qualities. He is honorable, brave" "Those are qualities that would fit him for a mission of peril."' Angered by her arguments for Olivet: being turned against "him, she broke out, petulantly: "You are heartless." "You know I am not," said the old man, kindly, but chidingly. My affection for you, scarcely reaulted, is proof to the contrary. Were I naturally jealous, your plea for this young man might arouse suspicion in my mind as to your motive." She crouched down at bis side as he took a seat and pnt her arms around him in a caress ing way that was not common to ber. He saw that sbo was weeping. In spite of an exertion of the will, such as was wont to steady her nerves under any circumstances, she trembled like a coward. At length she said: "You lovo me very dearly. Would it disturb you to know tbat some other man loved me, too?" "ADd that you loved him?" He said that with a quickness that startled her. She leaned on his knees, as she responded: "Why need you como so readily to that sup position?" "Who is the man?" "Oliver Willett." He stood up so hastily that she was pros trated on tho floor He did not help her up, and she arose unaided. This rebuff at th - out set of a confession made her waver in her pur pose. She asked herself why a partial revela tion or. tne lacts would not do as well; and, hoping rather than believing that it would, she said: "He made mo a proffer of his love. I re pulsed him. I told him that he must never see me again. He followed me to tho city and then asked me to fly with him. Then he was ar rested. Tbat is the truth, as I live. He is no spy. Now you will save him will yon not? There must be some wiy of doing it, when you are convinced th? t ho did not come here on the errand imputed to him." "Is that all yoa wish to say?" "Is that not enough?" she replied, a little be wildered, and feeling that her determination was melting away. "You are trying to deceive me. Your motive I do not condemn, but the device fails. Your pity for him has impelled you to a desperate effort to save his life. You have exceeded what duty to your friend required." 'I have told you the truth, as there is a heaven above usl" "Stop!" Could this cold, stern old man be the petting husband she had known? She 'looked at him in wonder and fear. "You have forcotten one point tho document that he de stroyed." She felt that this was tho time and the last to tell all that she had left untold. She raised her eyes to his face, and saw thai he was iron. Agiin she resorted to a fragment of the truthl "That was a letter from me to him, com manding him not to seek me." "If that be so, why should he have destroyed it? There is nothing in such a letter the hidin" of which wonld be worth a man's lire. She could have met this objection with the little that remained unconfessed that the let ter contained her confession of lore for Oliver Willett She had intended to tell that, and to trust to her husband's indulgent lore for for giveness; but now she was convinced that he would not forgive tbat one fault She was silent, and ere she knew it he bad quitted the room. The Colonel went at once to the Improvised cuardliouse, where Oliver Willett was await ing the execution of the sentence of death Tho young man had repeatedly asked himself why he had destroyed the proof that he was not a spy, and as of ten he vividly remembered his promise to Mrs. Armytage. made in the sol emn nature of an oath, that he would sooner die than reveal the secret of her love. Then the idea would get uppermost in his mind that he was throwing hfs life away in an unworthy cause. Swayed by these opposing considera tions and oppressed by physical dread, he was fast settling into apathy something tbat was beyond bis previous agitation, and a relief from it, when Colonel Armytage entered. "Air. Willett," he said, "vou have but a few hours to live, unless you can yet prove that your errand was not that of a spy." Oliver guessed that the Colonel suspected the truth, and, on the quick impulse of shield ing the woman otbia worship he exclaimed: "I cannot do it I expect to die." "Have you no desire to live?" "No man a stronger; but I voluntarily took upon myself a solemn obligation, and I must not be a coward because the worst has come of it" "Yes, you might hare had some other errand that of a lover meetinc his sweetheart, for example. Was that it in your case?" Oliver was certain now tbat bis surmise was correct He said as conscientiously as any man ever lied, "No." "If it were so, and vou could prove it, your life would be spared." "I can prove no such thing." "That removes a sorrow from me, and seals your fate. Withfn an hour my wife has told mo that yon were her lover that you came to see ber, and rot as a spy from the rebels." Believing tbat she had confessed the wholo truth instead of only an ineffectual part of it, Oliver's only sentiment for the instant was pride In bis own saennce. The Colonel left him to himself. An hour later a muffled woman was in his presence. When she showed her face It was so cioso kukdc leic ner breath fall hot on his pheefcandltwasMrs. Armytage who spokej "I could not let you die with the thought that I i I. safe in your sacrifice, had not Med to save you. I told my husband why you came to the city, bnt he would not believe me. I conjure you to convince him tbat I told the truth." It fs not always true That men are braver In premeditating heroism than when the time of action comes. Oliver bad, even since his inter view with Colonel Armytage, wavered from his determination to die possessed o this woman's secret He had balanced bis obligation to ber against his family's grief and his own dread of aeatb,and which was weightiest be had scarcely been able td determine. But now, under the powerful influence of her presence, and in the .Tel fi ,-j .--.1 l 'j :. r. ; vow. He said very quietly: "Your husband nas Deea nere. "And you told what I saidt" "Yes." "You assured him that it was truer They will believe It, and yon will be saved?' She waited with affright for his answer. She hon estly believed that she hoped be would say "Yes;" but In her mind was a shadowy, awful fear of what might be the consequences to herself. "It is too late to alter my purpose If I would," he said, taking her hands in his. and feeling tbat they were Hot and nervous. "Your letter Is destroyed. If I were to tell its con tents now, 1 should not be believed. I have thought it all over. My life is very precious to me; but mine or yours must go for what would be left of yours worth retaining if the world regarded you as a faithless wifeT I will ale in the flush of a high resolve. You would linger, if I had proved cowardly, in years of death. No; I have kept my oath and your secret." When Mrs. Armytage was once again In her room, the first gray light of dawn shone into the window where she sat Her husband bad not returned. The horrible duty of the execu tion of the court martial's sentence devolved on him, and, although he assigned its details to a staff officer, it added to bis other activities of the night and kept him awav from her. Boon she heard the beat of a muffled drum, mark ing the tread of marching feet Looking out through the shutters, she saw a company of 60 soldiers coming down the street In their midst was Oliver Willett The first vision of Old Jndeo was realized. The prophecies of the negress had not been recalled by the distracted woman, but now she felt that Oliver's march to death had been foretold. With a dumb, still sense of despair for ber lover, she watched the dreadful pro cession until it passed beyond her sight and hearing. "What was it that Old Judee told next!" she exclaimed. "I remember. She saw me riding on horseback toward a wood. She heard me say that I must save him. HowT I can't con celve a way." She was In a condition now in which quletuda was not possible. Her saddle-horse was in a stable near by. She did not consfder what she meant to do, nor hardly realize what she was doioc. Old Judee's prophecy Impelled her. She hastily dressed, herself in her riding habit, aud reached the stable unobserved. There she saddled and bridled the norse, impetuously mounted him, and rode In the direction that the detail of executioners had gone. Once beyond the limit of the town, she discerned at a distance the company just entering a grove. Urging her horse into a run she dashed after them disappearing into a wood just as the prophetess had professed to see her do In the second vision. CHAPTER, IV. SHOOTING THE SUPPOSED ,SPT. The place selected for the execution of the death sentence on Oliver Willett was in a grove two miles from the- town. The motive in the selection was to have the spot as near as pos sible to the section inhabited by Southern sym pathizers, that the fate of the supposed spy might readily become known among them. The first ot those directly interested in the event to arrive on the ground was Mrs. Army tage. She knew the spot chosen, and she reached it by a detour on her fleet horse ahead of the soldiers afoot She sat still on her horse, and, bearing the birds sing, fell to mar veling that they sang at such a dreadful tune. Pleasant sounds seemed to her shamefully out oi Keeping witn tne occasion, one cnea to de vise a plan of action on behalf of her lover. One thing alone she had not confessed to her husband that Oliver's love of her had been reciprocated by ber. Should she publicly avow It? What good would it do? "You here, ma'am?" She turned and saw Sergeant Brickson. He was a soldier of the regular army, and had for several years been in her husband's regiment He continued: "You will be seen If you stay. The prisoner and the squad the firing squad, ma'am are i't more'n five minutes away. Your husband's coming too. I beg pardon, bnt I didn't suppose you wanted him to find yon here.-' "I do not care," she said impassively. "Well, ma'am, you said at least I know young Willett's your lover, and I?' "You are ready enough to ascribe the worst to my interest in him. I wish my husband wonld be as uncharitable." She was speaking meditatively, but seeing that herwords puzzled the Sergeant she added, "I would at this instant give all I possess for proof of what you are so ready to believe." "I can give it to yon,'" and the Sergeant dis played the letter that had drawn Oliver to the city, tbat had been partly burned and hidden, and tbat he had giren to Major Dimmock. He held it up so that Mrs. Armytage could see it and asked. "Isn't this your letter to your lorer? "Yes, yes." she eagerly answered. "How did you get it?" "I got it where he hid it after he tried to burn it." "Give it to me." She reached for it but he drew it away. "Excuse me, ma'am. I'm a man tbat sees an unexpected chance before him to rise in the world. I did a service for you last night and you're under promiso to pay me to pay me with a promotion in the army. I let you get to the prisoner, who was in my charge, and you agreed to have your husband make a captain of me." ' "And I will keep my promise." "I've Eot no right to doubt you, ma'am, but a man's first duty's to look ont for bis own in terest That mayn't be scripture, but it's sense. To put it plain," and here he rested bis hand on his horse's mane, and went closer to her, "it seems to me as it this letter's a kind of a written note, payable on demand payable in promotion on demand. Of course I don't un derstand it all. but I do know this is a love letter from Colonel Armytage's wife to this young man that's going to be shot Before I got it I had your bare word tbat I'd be made a captain. Now I hold something that'll compel yon to keep your promise." sergeant, near me." xnere was uut a trace of discomposure in her manner: but her bril liant eyes seemed to the soldier to be Dlazlng at him. "You reaon shrewdly, yet you are at fault You think I dread your showing that letter to my husband. You are mistaken. If I had it I would put it in his hands myself. The man they are going to shoot is not a spy. He came to meet me, and he is going to die because he has suppressed this evidence. That latter is proof ot the truth, and I would nse it if I could, for his salvation and my destruc tion." "Your destruction?" "Yes: but what ot that?" "I'll tell you what of it ma'am, as fax's it concerns me." The Sergeant had been dam founded at first by her avowal, but he had, nevertheless, comprehended the new bearing of the letter. "If your husband discarded you, how could you pay me what you owe me? Where'd be your power to hare me pro moted?" She still sat calmly on her horse; but her eyes were so burning in their gaze tbat the Sergeant no longer dared to meet tbem. "Will you let an innocent man be shot when yon can save him?" she asked. "He deserves it doesn't he?" and the Ser geant's lack of confidence in bis argument was shown by his retreating a step, it's not for me to go betwixt him and Ills resolution." "Give me the letter I Implore. You see that it will give no power over me, for I only desire! to maae it public." A "You do now: ma'am," and the Sergeant's! tone gained boldness as hfs argument grew logical, "but you will not after your lover lsj dead when no good to him could come of youij diserace. Than it will be worth to me' 1 "How much? Name the sum, and I wi! pay it" "You haven't enough money about yoi ma'am." 'i can obtain It YousbU be paid to-mor row. "What wonld be yonr to-morrow if this lette: came to iigntr xoua Deuomeiess, jjouuucj tor Colonel Armytage would turn you into t bucbu VI o iu luo nnuauuwuu UA.U 0iu you don't." The sound ot drums mmec tance was heard, "They are coming you nv Mrt. Armytage Pleads for Forgiveness. not be sees." "I will not go away," she sold, irmly. "Hide yourself, tfceu." "No." ,Tha Sergeant looked at her face, and saw by it that no entreaty or command of bis would move her. His hope of advancement was fad ing away. The beating of the drums came nearer and nearer; and even the measured tramp of feet was audible. In sheer despera ation be caught hold of the horse's bridle. The' spirited beast reared. The movement was, quick and violent Mrs. Armytage was thrown heavily to. the ground. The Sergeant had only time to see that the smooth white of her fore head was flecked with red, and that she was unconscious, before the soldiers came conduct ing Willett His terror and dread were in creasing as he felt that death was close: but hfs face, ashen from Its whiteness and rigidity of resolute expression did not disclose bis mental agony. He with the rest saw Mrs. Armytage lying on the ground. The blood was trickling over her face from a cut near her temple, and there was no sign of returning consciousness. He went to ber so quickly that the soldiers thought It was an attempt to escape, and muskets were leveled at him in a twinkling; but no hindrance was made to his gently lifting ber. She lay on bis breast with her head on bis shoulder and his arms sustalningly around her on instant so, and then Colonel Armytage was there, looking on in astonishment But the brief time had been sufficient for a strong effect on Oliver. The helplessness of the un conscious woman; the face so close that be might have kissed the parted lips: the belief that she bad come to the place of execution to save him it she could these things aroused him out of the awful fear of death Into which he had been sinking, and made his heart burn with heroic resolution. Colonel Armytage stood mute at the sight of his wife In Oliver's arms, and. in a mistaken feeling of anger, he 'muttered a curse. The wound on her forehead, however, partly ex- Elained. and the Sergeant only added tbat she ad been thrown from her horse. She was gently pnt on the ground again and a drummer was hurried off for water. It was only natural that the accident to Mrs. Armytage should seem, even to the Colonel, of small comparative consequence. The deliber ate shooting of a human being was a horror that was not to be crowded out of minds by an event that at a timeless fraught with thrilling interest would have been exciting in itself. The Colonel dispatched a messenger for a physician, saw for himsif that his wife's hurt was not very serious, and then turned to Oliver. "I would not have come here." he said in a tone too low for anybody but Oliver to under stand, "but that I wanted to give you a lost opportunity to prove yonr innocence if yoa could. I will take on myself the responsibility ot delaying thi3 execution on your assurance that you are not a spy." He pointed to the woman at their feet and continued! "Perhaps it is her persistent friendship that moves me to make this offer." Her friendship! Oliver knew it was her love. His thoughts ran fast like those of a drowning man, leading him like a flash through his terror of death, through bis adoration of Her, through his following of- her after she had forbidden him, and so to his own promise. "I will sooner part with life than vour secret" "You hesitate," said Colonel Armytage. Mrs. Armytage uttered a low moaning the first indication of returning consciousness. "I must, not hesitate!" Oliver exclaimed, with some impetuousness of manner. "Tho cause that I serve will not permit me to waver in my duty."" "Is there nothing I can do for you so mes sage I can bear to your family?" "My poor sister she will be left alone. Her' heart will be broken. Where is she!" "The sad sews was sent to her several hours ago." Oliver thought it was strange, knowing ber strength of resolution and love, that she did not come to bid him farewell. Be gave to Colonel Armytage a goodby message for her, and the two men shook bands. Preparations for the killing of Oliver Willett were swift and simple. Much of the celerity was due to the sergeant who glanced often un easily at Mrs. Armytage, fearing she would be come conscious ueiuro ino aeaaiy vouey noa been fired. The 20 musket bearers were ranged, and Oliver was made to stand in readiness. He requested to face the executioners, with eyes unbandaged, and was indulged. At the same time, under Colonel Armytage's direction, Mrs. Armytage was lifted by two of the drummers to be carried a short distance away. The Col onel was glad of a reason for avoiding the death sight; and the excuse was good, for his wile was fast coming to consciousness. "He had barely turned his back, however, before he heard a new voice, tbat of Tudor Bowne, who did not go to Oliver at first, but addressed Col onel Armytage.' ' "I come to ask a favor," he said. "Friends ot Oliver desire to secure his body. They await your permission." "You have permission." Tudor waved his bat as a signal to eight men to approach from where, at a distance of a hundred yards, they had stopped. Then he went to Oliver, grasped his hands, and said: "Goodby, old friendf ' In a whisper be con tinued: "Heed whit I say, Oliver: your life deDends on it When the command is riven to fire drop instantly to the ground. Stand firm when you hear the order, 'Make ready; don't stir at the command, 'Almf bnt fall flat on the ground lust before the word 'Fire.; Don't fail." The eight men walked into the field. They carried a long, rough box, which they sat down close by. Oliver looked at it and Shuddered as he saw that it was a coffin. "Are these men unarmed?" the Captain in command asked. "Search them," Tudor suggested. The officer gave the command, "Beady!" and the muskets were leveled. "Remember my parting words, Oliverl" Tuder shouted. Oliver was like a stone In immovability and almost as devoid ot sensation. He thought but not very clearly, that Tudor had resotted to a device to give him courage through a false hope. Should fie drop to the ground before the fire would be not simply prolong the ordeal, and be open to the accusation ot cow ardice? He knew that it was owing to con fidence in Bis bravery that he was not bound and blindfolded. Ought ho to flinch? Time and again throngh the nicbt had Old Judee's vision come into bis mind. All the way from the guardhouse to this spot the tap or the arums naa Kepi time witn her woras. "Marchin' marchin' marchin'." Upon seeing Mrs. Armytage on the ground, with her saddled norse ciose uy, ne nau Known oi ner naing to the place in accord with what the negress hadl professed to see in her the second prophetic view. Now it flashed upon him that her third phantasm had de picted his fall before the muskets of soldiers. Was be to strive against a fate so manifestly foreordained. Or, would his voluntary pros tration, as directed by Tndor, satisfy the pre diction? These thoughts were almost instanta neous. His mind was suddenly as clear as crystal, and his nerves and muscles tense and stroner. "Aim." commanded the Captain. Mrs. Armytage slid out of the arms of the men who bore her, and who had been detained by Tudor's words with the Colonel. She opened ber eyes and saw Oliver facing the ready muskets. She tried to scream, but could not make a sound. The Colonel quickly grasped her, to turn her away from the scene that hor rified her so perceptibly. Oliver saw her fall in a faint and. even in that fateful moment he recalled that as a part of the thud vision. "Firel" Oliver fell on his face, so brief an instant be fore the rattle of the volley that the soldiers did not know he was unhurt Their attention, too. was BtartlinelT diverted. Tudor and his eight companions sprang to the long box, flnng off the cover, and took out muskets. The amazed soldiers with empty guns, found them selves confronted like magic by these stalwart armed ones. The first to stir was Oliver, who was quickly on his feet alive to the truth of the situation. The second was the Sergeant who was on him with a drawn sword, suddenly and furiously. There was a brief wrestling struggle, and then the Sergeant was on the ground, with his own sword held by Oliver at his breast Then there was a bargain wordless and quick, but bind ing. Then the Sergeant bought bis life with the letter tbat he bad refused to sell to Mrs. Army tage. He pulled it from bis pocket and held It up. Oliver recognized it and comprehended the offer. He clutched the crumpled, scorched pacer, and permitted the Sergeant to get up. Here the story of one August night ends with the rescuers and the rescued starting for the near stream, where boats were ready for tbem, witn the soldiers cowed and practically unarmed, gaziw: irresolutely at the retiring victors; and with Old Judee's reputation as a propnetess urxuiy cautujiaucu m uuuiwwra Missouri. The reader may believe that her foresight of the marching Unionists, with Oliver as their prisoner, was a conceit inspired by ber war sympathies, for she might reason ably have wished for the capture of any Con federate officer. Having thus disposed ration ally of tbat matter, it is easy to regard Mrs. Armytage's ride as merely as circumstance caused by the piediction. Bnt the third vision alleged by the woman, tbat in which Oliver fell before the discharge of musketry, and Mrs. Armytage fainted at the spectacle well, it is left in this plain story for anybody to ascribe to either singular coincidence or veritable witchery, as he pleases. THE EOT). Copyrighted, 18S9. All rights reserved. OrcnnUt nnd Preacher Blind. Bridgton (Me.) Mews. J The organist at the Congregational church last Sabbath was John Burnham, who, like the aged preacher that day, is totally blind. has so home in the wide world, save the South Boston, Perkins Institute for the Blind, where he passes a greater part of his time. A Tnll, Unfolded. Punxsutawney Spirit, "I will a plain, unvarnished tail nnfbld," remarked the blacksaake as it unwound it self from the limb of a sapling and started JLia pursuit of a chipaajik tor its diaser. 'fi? Pretty little insa's Bm& leftro 1 AadieHce of Tteuudg. A TABLEAU HOT 05 THE BILIaI Tsmilta of ippkwe HUmdj C!tUfJ to Criw of lerrfH. , - IBJNA'S LAST KEQDEST PAPA 18 1 rwarrrer job th nmrxTQB.1 Circus dar had arrived. After week ot- adverMemg, the great ForejUBgfe shew w in town. The citLBoas of and vkiaitv hadi turned oat in large numbers, aadtfcehoge'' pavilion was pasted from top tobetteo. DIED ; Iff-THE Little Ireoa, the okild bareback; rider, . ' tares of whoa h& Jer days deooroiadlfcs ie walls and windows, was goisg to appear, -and the vast audience was las high state of. excitement. The clowns were fa despair; 1 vain theyexertedtbeaselves; AeieiesteH flat The principal riders aad gymnasts were at their best, bat their defebreogfci but slight recognition frees fAe andfanee.. Little Irena was the atiraeiiea Aer"id come to see, and for ker tfefcj reserved aH ' their applause, Vif-jt At last the ring-master announees .Iter? the arums roll out a graad triamfet frntre, the curtains separating the dreasiajr! teat irom the great pavilfea arepalieA aside, and with one bound a kae MaekJ horse, bearing upon his back a tiay figure' in white, springs into the arena. As the star of the evening appears a wave ol ap piause, mingled with murmurs of admira tion and surprise, burst from the great audience. The rare, spiritual beauty of. the child, for she is sot above 10 years of, age, -' TAKES ALL HZABT9 BT ST0E3C As the horse hears the applause his eyes sparkle wickedly aad he rears slightly, bat is quickly brought down by the whip of his small mistress. "Sella is w one of his tantrums to-night," whispers tie olown to the ring-Hiaskr. "Yes; God ferhW that anything should happen," the latter re turns. Twirling asd throwing kisses frsa her tiny hand, the little artist dashes amend, the ring. The ordinary sets, joaspteg, baa ners asd dartisg tbroBgh heaps, ae geae through with, and bow; comes the groad closing act of his performance, the eseape ef a Circassian girl from her Turkish eaptersj Lying close to the bone's baek, the efcild urges him to a swift galop. As she passes the second time around the riag, frees, the dressing tent dashes a rider, habited as art Oriental. He beholds the flying figure and, with a yell of triumph, be sweeps la swift Irarsait. Then begins tee aepareai rase for ife and liberty, With vuioas of the slave life that awaits her, the sapeesed. fsgiliva urges on her animal. "With the iastiact of rare dramatic talent the child enters heart ily in to the play. Ber sweet faee grows pale, her eyes take on a haaated. vet de termined expression:- wife jwhip aad ea tess she encourages THE JT.LX.LN Q SZEED. Faster and faster arouad the ring sweep pursuer aad pursued. Slowly bat sarely the Turk gains upon the ofcild. Now cease the climax. Glaneiag ever her shealder the supposed Circassian beholds the near approach ot the would-be captor. With the recklessness of & last chance, she rises to a stasdiBg position, aad drawiag a re volver from herbelt she fires twice at the pursuer. The Turk reels in hk saddle. For a -moment he struggles to maintain his po sition, and then with 'an imprecation he slides from his animal's back aad lies pros trate in the dust. The play has been aa exeitiag one, aad the audience has watched its dieret phases with breathless interest. As the' Turk falls a roar of delight rises to their ' lips, but It never.find vest, aad the next ) instant changes to a murmar of horror. -' ' J To properly finish.the ait aad to illustrate the tender forgiveness of woman, as the Turk falls the girl is supposed to jump from her saddle and bend over her toe, rais ing bis bead to her lap and attempting to relieve his sufferings, forming a pretty tableau which always brought qaietreeeg' nition from the audience. Hitherto the black horse has always stopped at the re port of the pistol, but to-night, with a snort of rage he seizes the bit is his teeth'aad continues his mad race around the traek. la vain the child attempts to cheek him. Sad- deuly he slackens his pace and spriaeine. into the air, throws himself down aad rolls! over.the tiny figure on his back, then jump- ing up he rears and brings his fere feet down upon the prostrate child, thea turns ana aarts into tne dressing tent. A SCZ3TE OP -WILD COXYVSlOZt. The tumult that follows baffles descrip tion. Women aad children faint, hundreds of men spring to .their feet and start for the ring, jc oremost in the rash is a stout, gray, haired, middle-aged man, who throws aside with unusual strength the men who stand in his way. It is the old showman himself. He kneels beside the little bruised form and gently lifts the small head. The clustering golden curls are damp with blood. The She suffers terribly, yet as she feels the touch of old Adam, the soft blue eyes open, and mingled with the pain comes a look of love unutterable, asd the little fcaad seeks his. Since the death of her father, a member of an excellent English family, who had been dis owned by his family for marrying her mother, a circus rider, who died at the birth of Irena, old Adam has been the being upon which she had lavished all her affec tion, and In turn the sweet adoration of the childhas won heraplace in the old showman's heart, and never had she seemed so dear as now. Now as she lay dying, for little Irena was dying, at the first glance the old showman knows that the child is doomed. What a scence that wasl The dying child lying in the thick sawdust for they dared not move her her head resting on old Adam's knee, surrounded by the mem bers of the troupe, in their bright-colored costumes, and hundreds of her late auditors. HEB DYISO BEQUEST. "Papa Ad," the sweet voice murmured; between her sobs, "I'm so glad you came, I wanted yon near when I die." The tears spring to the old showman's eyes, and his gruff voice assumes an almost womanly tenderness, as he says, "Poor little sunlight, don't talk of dying; yoa must live little one." .. "Ob, I .hate to leave you, the child're- turns;" "yon have been so kind to meybut I am going to my own dear paps', but I waut yoa to promise me one tbing;iyoa loved me as if I was your own little girl, didn't you?" "xes, darling, yes." "Then promise me when I die yon will bury beside me my own papa, won't you? Don't put me with strangers." Aloud wail from the clown, down whose cheek the tears have made channels through the paint, is answered by the sobs of the as sembled auditors. Old Adam bends oret thaxhild, his lips press her brow, bis utter ance is cnosea, as ne says: "It shall oe as yoa wish, little one." Low as his voice is, the child hears the promise, and a sweet smile for a moment wreaths the pallid lips. The next instant a spasm shakes the little form, the face crow's livid, the eyes open and close rapidlv, the lips quiver. lYon wnn'tLlM-tr-t mv nana." The sweet voice stops, and little Irena is dead An instant of utter silence, then tha audience steal quietly away, and the old showman asd his troupe are left alone withj their dead idoL That sight the hugep3 vilion H in darkness, and in the parlor at the hotel the company are congregated around a little coffined body. tl The child's wish was sacredly earned oat,1 and in thn ppmptrv at Braiaard. Miaa.r stands a marble monument of exqaiette'de-' sim. nam which is written "XiHtoflreM aaa her owa paps," exeeated byjpaf' "AB," . A i m 1 ' - U i?0rr SM 4 Tii i 1tfeiili n" ' .J'r.j&si jtkt-'" '"--iiyL X