Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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How Three lads lave Been
. Puzzling the Police.
The Peculiar Manner in Which They
Eluded Detection.
Two of the Boys On! j Eleven and the Third
Hine Tears Old.
A startling instance of youthful deprav
ity or maliciousness was revealed by the
police last evening. It was simply a dis--closure
of the fact that three lads have, for
several months, been engaged in stealing
horses in this city, and have, by a peculiar
method, eluded the police for a long time.
For three or four months the police have
been greatly puzzled by their inability to
discover lost teams. It scarcely ever hap
pens that a horse and buggy or wagoa are
stolen -without the sending of a report
to the police. The officers usually depend
upon the description of the wagon
more than upon the description of the
horse, in their efforts to find the missing
team, because wagons differ more in their
make-up and color than do horses. During
the summer cases have come where a bay
horse was attached to a buck wagon and a
white horse to a red grocer's cart. The po
lice, after two or three days, would discover
the bay horse attached to'the grocer's cart,
and were greatly puzzled. It rarely hap
pens that so much difficulty is experienced
in recovering missing rigs as has been the
case during the past summer, but the clew
was at last discovered.
Among the cases reported to the police
was that of a man named William Singer,
a teamster, who lost a horse and wagon
about three weeks ago. Pat Dean reported
the loss of a horse and wagon about a fort
sight since. The same misfortune hap
pened about that time to Charles Cella, of
Bedford avenue. On Friday an Allegheny
grocer reported to the police that he had
lost a bay horse and a red wagon. He gave
a good description of both beast and vehicle,
,and during Friday night the wagon was
louud standing on Tenth street, near where
the wagons of P. D. Casey and Adler,
.Boedelheim & Co., wholesale liquor deal
ers, usually stand. The horse was not dis
coverable at that time.
Early yesterday morning the theft was
'reported of a horse and wagon from
Mrs. W. Joyce, who keeps a grocery store
on Trv street, near Old avenue. A young
man started out witn a horse and buggy to
search for the missing rig. Shortly before
dark last evening he came across the wagon
on Fifth avenue. A strange horse was at
tached to it and three small boys sat on the
seat. The young man pulled up beside the
outfit, when the boys, who evidently knew
him, jumped off the wagon and ran away as
-last as their small legs would carry them.
The young man conveyed the horse and
wagon to Mrs. Joyce's store, and reported a
careful description of the horse to the police
at Central station. The horse was discov
ered to be the property of the Allegheny
grocer. The young man said he believed
'that one of the boys was "Willie Sullivan,
whose parents live at No. 112 High street.
The others he did not know.
Detective John McTighe was sent out to
search for the boys. He was given a good
description of young Sullivan, and in a few
minutes ran across him by accident, on
Grant street. He was accompanied by an
other lad of about the Fame age, and Detect
ive McTighe took both lads to the Central
station. There the second boy gave his
-name as Willie Fitzpatrick, living on "Wil
son street. The boys conlessed that they
had been stealing horses and wagons for
some time. They said that it was their
habit to unhitch a horse from a wagon aftr
they had driven it a short distance, and
'hitch it to another stolen wagon.
Thus they baffled the police in a manner
which Inspector McAleese says would do
credit to old professional thieves. The boys
said that they used the stolen rigs to haul
garbage, ashes or anything else they could
get, by which means they made "enough
money "to buy cigarettes and pies. "When
they had used the unmated horse and wagon
for a day or two they would leave them
standing in the street, to puzzle the police.
Both lads gave their ages as 11, and as their
companion in the work they named Charlie
O'Donnell, of No. 15 High street. Charlie
was arrested at his mother's house. He
roved to be only 9 years old.
Soon after the boys were locked up the
Central station was thronged with women,
the mothers and sisters of the juvenile pris
oneis. Assistant Superintendent O'Mara
(and Inspector McAleese wereappealed to bv
pretty faces and tear-stained countenances,
but in vain. Mrs. O'Donnell was especially
plaintive in her entreaties for the release of
her boy, promising that she would keep him
for the officers to-day if they would only let
him go home forthenight. All supplications
were unavailing, but Inspector McAleese
finally consented to telegraph to Mr. O'Don
nell, in Wheeling, to come home and looc
after his son. The Sullivan and Fitzpat
rick families sustain good reputations in the
hill district.
The boys were charged on the blotter with
being suspicious persons. To-morrow morn
ing they will be arraigned before Magistrate
Gnpp on charges of larceny, and the police
say that they will probably be sent to Mor
But Sir. Blelvln Refuted to Inform the Police
of His Lobs.
C. L. Melvin, a passenger to the Lake
Erie depot last night, had his overcoat
stolen in front of the waiting room. He
left his overcoat and umbrella on the
bench and went away for a few seconds.
When he returned the coat had disappeared,
while the umbrella, which was an old and
mnch worn one, was untouched. Several
gentlemen tried to persuade Melvin to
notify the police, but he declined to do so,
declaring that he would have to spend more
money in getting back his coat than the
article itself t as worth.
The Till exes Dropped the Plunder In the
Clinrch Tard.
Sneak thieves last evening stole 18 over
coats from the store of J. Fmk& Bros, at
If o. 712 Smithfield street. The store was
open at the time, but only two or three of
the clerks were in. One of the members of
the firm heard a noise near the rear of the
tore, and going back saw a man carrying
an armful of clothing, dart out of the rear
door into the night. The police were no
tified, and on visiting the place, fonnd IS
overcoats in the yard of the Oak Alley Be
formed Presbyterian Church.
r A Gas Expiation.
Canon street, opposite the Clinton Boil
ing Mill, was badly tore up yesterday morn
ing by an explosion of natural gas In the
street main, caused by a spark from the
mill. A little girl who was passing was
The Ulnnnfactiiro of Incandescent Lamps
Brcome rnblle Property Not Worried
by tho Adverse Decision.
George Westinghouse, Jr., President of
the Westinghouse Electric Company, in an
interview last night on Justice Bradley's
decision said:
"This decision leaves the Westinghouse
Company just where it was before, and can-not-under
any circumstances affect it ad
versely; although, of course, we would have
much preferred a different result We have
strong hopes of obtaining a favorable deci
sion from the Supreme Court, on appeal,
but whatever happens our company will
still be able to manufacture and sell incan
descent electric lamps as freely as it did
before. The worst that can happen "is that
the incandescent lamps shall be finally de
clared public property, as is already the
case with the arc lamp."
"I should be remembered that this deci
sion affects only one of our many patents.
We own several others, covering essential
details in the manufacture of incandescent
lamps, which we feel confident of sustain
ing, and which all users and makers of
lamps not licensed by us must infringe.
The strength of our patent position, even
with this decision against us, is evidenced
by the tact that, under its contract wiih us,
the Thomson-Houston Electric Company
will still have to pay us the same royalties
as before this decision. While the Edison
Company will, if the decision is affirmed by
the Supreme Court, destroy the Sawyer
Mann fibrous carbon filament patent, they
will have no patent for the same themselves.
In fact, they will have to face our patents on
the other features of the incandescent lamps.
Therefore, while this decision is against us,
it is not in favor of Mr. Edison or his pat
ents. "The business and profits of the Westing
house Electric Company will not be ad
versely affected by this decision. On the
contrary, if the impression gets abroad that
the incandescent lamp has become public
property, the demand for incandescent
lighting will be greatly increased, and our
company will come in for its share of the
Secretary A. T. Bowland, of the West
ing'bouse Company, expressed his views of
the opinion last evening. He said, inter
"The decision, unless reversed, simply
throws open the manufacture of the incan
descent lamp to the public. Edison cannot
now bring suit against the company for the
reason that he has no patents for the carbon
filaments, the United States Supreme Court
having decided that they were invalid. On
the wnole the opinion is a com
promise. Should it have been favorable to
our company we should have been in a po
sition to close Edison up. As it is we are
just in the position we occupied before. We
could not have lost anything; Edison alone
would have suffered. We intend to appeal
against the decision immediately.
Although the status of the Westinghouse
stock was the principal subject of coversa
tion in local stock circles yesterday, there
was not very much excitement at call time.
Mr. Long bid 50 for 25 shares and obtained
them. Immediately after Mr. George B.
Hill offered the stock down in a hundred
share lots to 48, at which figure SO shares
changed hands. The general impression
seemed to be that any downward tendency
which the stock might assume owing to the
adverse decision, would be quickly dis
counted by good buying orders.
A Lock Gats Baa Broken This Time and It
Ii Difficult to Fix It.
The Davis Island dam has gone wrong
again, but not to the extent that the water
need be let out An axle that carries one
of the gates in the lock is broken, and a
diver in armor is at the bottom with a screw
raising the gate so as to get a new one in.
The three-inch axle heretofore in use, and
which is broken, will be taken out and re
placed by a six-inch one. It is a difficult
job, as the cement work is hard to cut out
It is important that the gate be put in
working order by the time there is water
'for ordinary navigation, so that the packet
boats can pass through. Were a big freshet
to come, so that the wickets could be let
down, the break would not be material.
That dam is a great institution in some
respects, but it is as hard to manage as a
hysterical woman.
Movements of Plttsbnrgers trod Othen of
Wide Acquaintance
William A. Springer, of Moon town
ship, who has been a regular visitor to Pittsburg
at least once in two weeks for the past SO years,
was, in July last laid up by an accident which
resulted in a double fracture of a leg. The
mlshaD was canted by the overturning of a
load of hay. Yesterday was the first time since
the accident that Mr. Springer was able to
come to the city on crutches. He says the time
has been very long, and rejoices to be able to
visit the city once more, even if he has to do it
as a cripple. Mr. Springer Is of the third gen
eration who have occupied the farm where he
cow resides. The pioneer Springer built his
cabin on this farm more than a century ago
and before It was a certainty that the United
btates had established its rights as an inde
pendent Republic
Dr. W. H. Winslow, of Penn avenue,
his two sous, Bert and John. F. E. Richardson,
of Sewlckley, and J. D. Heard have returned
from a yachting trip along the coast of Maine.
They visited many places of interest and en.
joyed good weather generally, having but one
rough experience, in Camden harbor, where
they were overtaken by a gale, but by good
management succeeded in weathering it
Al Carlisle, of this city, has returned
from Ohio. He said yesterday that Campbell
might yet defeat Foraker, because in off years
Ohio Democrats had pretty fair luck. He
thinks they will capture the Legislature, and
that either Henry B. Payne, Colonel Brice or
John R. McLean, of the Enquirer, could be re
turned to the federal Senate.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kerr, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A Phillips, C. V. Krugh and his
nephew, Will Krugh, of Neville Island, leave
for Dallas, Tex., this week to attend a big fair
to be held there, to look alter property Interests,
and for recreation all combined. They propose
to take their time and enjoy themselves.
Mrs. Judge Fetterman and son arrived
home from Colorado last evening. Mrs. Fetter
man states that there is no view so enchanting
to be seen between Pittsburg and the Pacific
slope as that obtained from Hie hill on which
the Sit Lebanon Presbyterian Church stands,
and that hill Ss in Allegheny county.
Peter Bell, of the Black Diamond Steel
Works, and Mr. Gledbill, of Carnegie, Phipps
Co., left last night for a trip to Washington
and Baltimore. They were accompanied by
their wives.
Thomas McCaffrey, of the Allegheny
Columbia Engine Company, who was recently
married, was presented with a set of cut glass
ware by his fellow firemen.
AL J. Meister, recently connected with
tho Philadelphia Times, is in Pittsburg enjoy
ing a visit with a number of his journalistic
John J. Davis, Assistant Controller,
was thrown to the ground while trying to board
a Citizens' cable car. He was not hurt much.
Mrs. Hampton Houghton, of Wilklns
burg. returned yesterday from a prolonged
pleasure trip in the East
Mrs. William Proctor and maid, Miss
Proctor and Percy Proctor, of Cincinnati, are
staying at the Dnquesne.
A.Edlis, of A. Edlis & Co., has left
the city for an extended trip in New York State
and New England.
William Barnett Bidgeley, of Spring
field, a well known iron operator, Is a guest at
the Duquesne.
Albert Staf? of Oakland, left yesterday
for Kentucky, where he will permanently re
side. W. W. Robinson, of Allegheny, is sick
in Columbus with nervous prostration.
MasteeJohn Cohen, 698 Forbes st.,
hat been made to see the same thing with
bcth eyes at once. Formerly when one eye
was tending to business the other was looking
out over his shoulder. Five minutes in Dr.
Sadler's operating chair, at 801 Penn are,,
did it
Pilgrimages From the United States
Bound to Washington.
All Arrangements Made for the Grand
Conclave and Parade.
The 45,000 Masons of Pennsylvania are
very much interested in the preparations for
the triennial conclave in Washington next
week, and ont of the nearly 9,000 Knights
Templar in this State few but will be en
route to the modern Mecca to-morrow.
Pittsburg Sir Knights are to receive an un
usual attention in the grand parade of
Tuesday, owing to the fact that Pittsburg
Commandery, No. 1, will lead the Pennsyl
vania cohorts as the escort of Bight Emi
nent Grand Commander T. C. Hippie, an
honor never before secured by Pittsburg
Knights. Two eminent Pittsbnrgers, Lee
S. Smith and Colonel T. J. Hudson, are to
act as aids-de-camp. This, with the spe
cial effort that both Tancred and No. 1 are
making to have in line all their members,
will enable Pittsburg to show up bravely.
Allegheny commandery's ranks will be
swelled by the members of Ascalon,
so that the sister city's Knights will be
strongly repreoented.
In the matter of accommodations No. 1
has secured the whole of Hotel Johnson as
headquarters. The hostelry is located at
the corner of Thirteenth and E streets in
Washington. -Tancred Commandery will
share Willard's Hotel with the Hlfnois
Knights Templar. Allegheny Commandery
will be domiciled at the Arlington and Na
tional Hotels. The local commanderies
will be arrayed in regulation nniform and
will all carry their handsomest Danners.
The Knights from Beaver, Beaver Falls,
Kittanning, Brownsville, Monongahela
City, Greensburg and surrounding cities
will march with one or the other of the
local commanderies.
The special train of seven Pullman cars
which will convey Pittsburg No. 1 to Wash
ington over the Baltimore aud Ohio Bail
road was run into the depot yesterday to al;
low decorations to be applied. Bunting
festoons all the cars and K. T. emblems
have been placed on every available inch of
outside space. At the corner of each car
flies a pennon upon which is inscribed
"Pittsburg No. 1. Upon the middle car
is a 60-foot streamer with "Pittsburg Com
mandery No. 1" as the inscription. The
train will stop at McKeesport, Conuellsville
aud Cumberland, dinner having been ar
ranged lor at the latter place for the Sir
Knights and their ladies. Upon arrival in
Washington a special escort from Columbia
Commandery will escort the commandery to
the Hotel Johnson, the ladies being mean
time cared for byt he Triennial Committees
of Washington 'ladies. The remainder of
the conclave programme is the parade, in
which the Athletic Military Band, of Phil
adelphia, will accompany the commandery.
The exhibition drill will be on Wednesday,
and the receptions by President Harrison
and by local commanderies will be in the
evening. Pittsburg Commandery No. 1
will call in a body upon Mrs. John A.
Logan, widow of the great "Black Jack
Logan," who was an eminent Mason. The
train will leave from Washington for a trip
over the Fredericksburg branch to the
wonderful Luray Caverns in West Vir
ginia, the arrival in Pittsburg being on
Friday evening.
The following is the rosier of the Penn
sylvania Division No. 6.
Right Eminent Sir Torrence C. Hippie, Com
manding. Vice Eminent Sir John J. Wadsworth, Chief
of Staff.
The aids-de-camp are:
Eminent and Reverend 8ir W. Henry Piatt,
Right Eminent Sirs George W. Kendnck. Jr..
Len S. Smith. Eminent Sirs Joseph S. Wright.
James H. Caddlng, Charles C. Baer, Irving P.
Wanger, M. Richard Mnckle, Charles E. Meyer,
John A. Vanderslice, Samuel S, Yohe, Daniel
B. Else, Harry O. Chapman, Edward It. Spen
cer, Henry H. Knhn, Colonel Thomas J. Hud
son, frea a. .newer, .aarry m. van y,anat
Geakd Coiimandery Pennsylvania, as
follows: Pittsburg Commandery No. 1. Pitts
burg; Philadelphia No. 2, Philadelphia; Jaqnes
De Molay No. 3, Washington; St John's No. 4,
Philadelphia; St John No. 8. Carlisle; De
Molay No. 9, Reading; Mountain No. 10, Al
toona; Pilgrim No. 1L Hamsbnrg; Jerusalem
No. 15. Phcenixville: Northern No. 16, Towan
da; Allen No. 20, Allentown; Baldwin H. No.
22. Williamsport: Kadosb No. 29, Philadelphia;
Mt Olivet No. 3(5, Erie; Ivanhoe No. a, Tam
aqna; Hutchinson No. 32, Norristown; Alle
gheny No. 35, Alleghenv; Mary No. 36, Phila
delphia; Knapp No. 40, Ridceway; Constantino
No. 41. Pottsville; Reading No. 42, Reading;
Dien La Vent No. 45, Wilkesbarre; Hospitaller
No. 46. Lock Haven; St. Albans No. 47, Phila
delphia; lancred No. 43, Pittsburg; Corinthian
Chassenr No. S3, Philadelphia: Kensington No.
54, Philadelphia; Chester No. 66, Chester.
In the parade order Pittsburg Com
manderv No. 1 heads the column of the
sixth division as escorts to the Grand Com
mander. Then follow the aids de camp and
then the commanderies.
Pennsylvania is one of the few Stales
having a complete division, an honor de
served, as by reference to the most recent
report, it will be seen that the Keystone
State heads the list of States in the number
of Knichts Templar, Pennsylvania having
8,390. New York and Ohio come next in
gross numbers.
The following letter received yesterday by
Mr. James S. McKean is self-explanatory:
GnANDCojtstANDEKY or Illinois, i
Headquaetebs Triennial Committee.
Chicago, III., October 2. 1BS9. )
Sir James S. McKean, No. I, Pittsburg
Deab Brother The Illinois Knights
Templar extend Knightly greeting to yourself
and commandery, and will' be pleased to have
you call at their headquarters at AVillard's
Hotel during the Triennial Conclave of the
Grand Encampment.
Courteously yours,
Tkiennial Committee or Arrangements.
Henbt S. Ttfpant, Chairman,
James P. Shenoni, Secretary.
Messrs. Lee S. Smith aq,d James J. Bu
chanan, of this city, go to the conclave with
an added dignity. At the meeting of the
Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish
Bite, held in New York City on September
17, Messrs. Buchanan and Smith were elect
ed 33d Degree Masons.
Tancred Commandery, of Pittsburg, has
made elaborate preparations for its journey
to Washington via the B. & O. Bailroad.
Drillmaster Captain Lew Brown, now East
on his bridal tour, will meet the command
ery in Washington on Tuesday morning,
and will conduct the evolutions during the
parade. In this connection the general or
ders state that only at certain portions of the
parade will evolutions be permitted.
In the trip over the Baltimore and Ohio
there will be three sections of seven cars
each. Tancred goes first with Traveling
Agent Jos. T.Love, ot wneeung, in charge;
Pittsburg Commandery will be piloted by
Division Passenger Agent E. D. Smith,
and Allegheny will be bandied by City
Passenger Agent C. E. Gregory. Eighty
two Pullman carloads leaving over the
Baltimore and Ohio alone from Chicago
will pass through Wheeling to-day and to
night, run in fast following trains of seven
or eight cars.
Among the commanderies passing through
Union depot yesterday were: Marion, 40
Knights; Wyoming No. 10, from Cheyenne,
15 Knights; Mt. Moriah, Lincoln; Mt.
Hermon, Beatrice; Mt Zion, Plattsmoutb,
and Mt Carmel, York, all of Nebraska,
numbering 250, accompanied by as many
This morning the Knights and their gal
lant ladies from California, Ipwa, Colorado,
Dakota, Illinois. Kentucky, Ohio, Ne
braska and other Western States will arrive
at the Union depot, over the Pennsylvania
road. They will be met there by Colonel
Samuel Moody, District Passenger Agent,
and City Passenger Agent A. F. Bead, of the
Pennsylvania Company, who will see that
the travelers get ' their ' breakfast. The
Knights from each State have handsome
programmes of their pilgrimages printed.
For the information of local com
manderies. Division Passenger Agent Smith
states that Tancred will leave the Baltimore
and Ohio depot promptly at 9 o'clock to
morrow morning on the first section, Pitts
burg will occupy the second and Allegheny
and Ascalon the third. The sections will
start within five minutes of each other and
run close together.
Mln Dora Morrill Takes a Doie of Lauda
num Tnrned Into the Street by Her
Scared Mistress.
Dora Morrill, a rather handsome looking
girl, 22 years old, is at present under the
care of the matron at the Central station,
aud is a very sick girl from the effects of an
overdose of laudanum, taken with suicidal
intent Miss Morrill, according to her own
story, has Deen an inmate of Laura Bailey's
house, No. Ill First ayehue. Lately she has
been drinking considerably, and having be
come dissatisfied with the life she was lead
ing she concluded to end her life by taking
a dose of laudanum, the drug having been
in her room for some time.
Miss Morrill reports that when Miss
Bailey discovered what she had done, fear
ing the results of her dying in the house,
she turned her out into the street at 3 o'clock
in the morning. The girl wandered about un
til she found Officer Maxwell, to whom she
appealed for help, as the drug was making
her deathly sick. The officer took the girl to
the Central station, where Sergeants Gray
and Metz dosed her with coffee and mus
tard, which had the effect of making her
purge freely. Dr. Mayer meanwhile was
called and worked with the girl until 6
o clock in the morning and succeeded in
getting her to purge the greater part of the
drug. Miss Morrill states that she must have
taken five or six ounces of the laudanum.
and to this overdose is the cause of her life
being saved.
The girl comes from Colnmbiana county,
O., where her parents are well-to-do. She
is now sorry for her rash act, bnt does not
want to go home, as she is ashamed to face
her parents.
Naturalizing Appears to Have Been Mainly
Dono Before Jane 18.
Yesterday was the last for taxpaying and
naturalization, the last on which a vote
could be claimed on a taxpaying basis, and
there was more rush to pay tax than
to get naturalized. Mr. Fox marshaled a
crowd of nascent Democrats before Judge
Magee and had the finishing touches put on
them. The Bepublicans also had a few
polished off, but the naturalization business
has dragged in this county since the 18th of
June. Before that it was unusually brisk
and the decadence since proves conclusively
that the effort then made to get into the ark
of safety was for the purpose of keeping her
"right side up with care" lest her cargo of
booze should be spilled.
Politicians of both parties say this cam
paign so far has verged on stupidity on both
sides. The popnlar heart, it seems cannot
be fired and some think that it election day
be dry and pleasant for work the vote will
be light There is still time for warming
up. While there hasn't been much said
there may have been considerable quiet wood
They Were In Hiding for a Month, bnt
Finally Were Kan Down.
John Buffner, John Cairnes and Pat
Cairnes, of Crab Tree, and Joseph Mc
Cormick, of Latrobe, and Elmer Johns, of
Bradenvilie, were yesterday captured by
Special Agent H. Houghton, off the Penn
sylvania Bailroad, and charged before
'Squire Morris, of Greensburg, with assault
ing a conductor of the Johnstown accommo
dation on the 4th of September. They be
gan to fight on the train between Greens
burg and Crab Tree, which terminated in
an incipient riot
Warrants were sworn out for their arrest,
but when search was made for them-they
had disappeared, and had been in hiding up
to yesterday, when the detectives succeeded
in locating them. They were held for trial
at the November term of conrt at Greens
burg. Johns is a brother of the girl who
was shot by her father on September 3.
Another Death Aznlmt the Citizens' Trac
tion Line.
A shocking accident occurred yesterday
morning before 7 o'clock on the Citizens'
Traction road near Thirty-third street, re
sulting in the death of Louis Ulrich, aged
23 years.
Ulrich, who lives at 4525 Penn avenue,
boarded the Penn avenue cars to go to his
work at Beiley's wire fence works, on Thirty-third
street The moment he jumped of!
car 228 approached and struck Ulrich, in
stantly killing him. His left leg was sev
ered and other parts of his body were dread
fully lacerated.
Chns. Scott's Mnrderer to Spend Kino Tears
In the Penitentiary.
James H. Lehr, of Allegheny, was tried
at Somerset on Friday morning for the mur
der of C. A. Scott, of the East End. The
jury brought in a verdict of murder in the
second degree. Judge Baer sentenced the
culprit to nine years in the peni'entiary.
Lehr was defended by Thomas Marshall
and W. H. Koontz. The line of defense
pursued was a plea of insanity.
Incidents of a Day la Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Kcadlnc.
The Colored Men's Political Association, of
the Thirteenth ward, has been organized, with
the following officers: T. J. Gatewood, Presi
dent; Scott Taper, Vice President; Robert AI
len. Secretary; J. W. Gatewood, Treasurer.
This association is fortheprotection of the col
ored voters ot the Thirteenth ward. Four del
egates were appointed to attend the county
convention, to be held October 15 in the War
ren Mission M. E. Church, on Fulton street
Habbt Howabd and A. Henrickson had a
hearing yesterday morning before Deputy
Mayor McKelvy, of Allegheny, on a charge of
larcenv. A double set of harness was stolon
from William Watson's stables, on Jnnlata
street Howard was discharged and Henrick
son was lodged in jail to await further investi
gations. A meeting of the Teachers' Academic
Ouild was held yesterday afternoon at the
rooms of the Central Board of Education.
Samuel Andrews was elected Chairman; J. p.
Cameron Secretary, and Miss M. J. Graham
Treasuier. There will be a meeting of the
institute next esaturuay ai iu a. si.
Robert Abbott, of South Eighteenth
street was charged with assault and battery
and desertion by his wife before Alderman
McMasters yesterday. Mrs. Abbott alleges
that her husband has done nothing toward
supporting his family for a year, and has fre
quently beaten her.
Geobge Pbice, in the carpet cleaning busi
ness on Duquesne way, is wanted for breach of
trust in failing to pay over $700 placed In his
hands for safe keeping Price has skipped,
but the dogs of the law are chasing him.
The Young People's Auxiliary to tho
Indian Association met Friday night and
elected officers. They have decided to further
educate a graduate from the Government f
Indian School.
Oic Monday next the Pittsburg and Lake
Erie Railway passenger department, will open
a new ticket office at No. 639 Smithfield street.
Captain J. J. McCormick will be in charge.
AN ordinance has passed Councils compell
ing contractors to pay 15 cents per 1,000 gallons
for water used in erecting buildings at McKees
port A bfeciaXi meeting of Company G, Four
teenth Regiment will be held In the Central
Armory October 8.
These was a landslide on the B. 4 o. road
vesterday near Wheeling, delaying trains Ave
John Hall was sent to the workhouse for
SO days for begging la the Allegheny Market
Erroneous Notions Created bj Dime Hovels
and the Stage.
The letter written to Superintendent Al
len, of the Gilkinson Detective Agency, by
an ambitious young man in Plattshurg,
Mo., is bat a sample of the nnmerous in
quiries in the same line which are .constant
ly received by professional detectives. It
is, indeed, not to be wondered at that there
is a widespread notion that detectives con
stantlyresort to methods of disguise in their
A Dispatch reporter had an interesting
talk with Superintendent John F. Allen on
this subject yesterday. Mr. Allen is but a
boy in appearance, yet he has been working
as a professional detective for five years. He
began when he was only 18 years old. He
is an Allegheny boy by birth, and was as
sisted to his present position by such men as
D. B. Oliver. Gamble Weir. John Gripp
and A. A. Heiner. Mr. Allen is known
among his professional associates as the
Boy Detective, both because of his youthful
appearance and his diminutive form. To
the reporter he said:
"Detectives scarcely ever use disguises.
There is really no need of them, because it
is almost always possible to put a man into
a piece of work where he is not known by
the people among whom he mnst laoor. J.
don't wonder much that yonng men who
imagine, like that Missouri man, that they
will make detectives, think that they must
wear false whiskers, goggles, plumpers in
their cheeks and all that sort of nonsense.
"The detective stories published in the
New York fiction papers and in cheap
novel form, all represent detedtives as going
about their work nnder the most outlandish
disguises. A little reflection, it seems to
me, ought to satisfy any person that those
disguises would be instantly apparent in
real life. In plays, also, detectives wear
disguises, bnt if you sit in the farthest cor
ner of the gallery yon can discern a pair of
laUe whiskers. It would be ridiculous to
attempt such a thing in actual practice.
Novels and dramas are responsible for the
idea. There is scarcely a week that some
person does not come to ns and ask our ad
vice on the best forms of disguises."
During the years that Mr. Allen has been
in the business he has not resorted to dis
guise, although he has been engaged in some
ot the most important and difficult cases in
this city. The same experience is given by
Gilbert B. Perkins and Albert A. Heiner,
who conduct detective bureaus in this city.
They laugh at the novelists' tales of deep
There has rarely been a more complicated
case for detective exploration in this citv
than the celebrated Panhandle train rob
beries in 1886. On the court records of this
'county it stands as "the Commonwealth
against Lavellei and others." In that case
the Pennsylvania Company engaged Mr.
Allen's services', and although the most
astute and dangerous work was required,
which in the story book would require a
room full of disguising paraphernalia, noth
ing of the kind ras resorted to. It is true,
as Mr. Allen savs, that men in his business
must resort to many subterfuges and be mas
ter? of many li(ies of work. Their experi
ences are, in actual life, often as interesting
as the romancer can devise, even without
the disguises. Mr. Allen's experiences in
that case will illustrate the true manner in
which detectives do their work.
The case will be remembered bv many
people in this! community. In 1886 there
were innumerable robberies from freight
cars on the Panhandle Bailway. Goods
shipped irom the East to Western points
were transferred here from the Pennsyl
vania to the Panhandle Bailroad. When
they reached their Western destination and
thepackages were opened, it was discovered
by the consignees that part of the contents
had been removed en route, and the pack
age or barrel carefully reclosed and re
sealed. Claims for shortage were continu
ally coming to the general office, and the
mysterions robberies were finally put into
the hands of Detective Allen, then a mere
lad. He was at first given a position as a
clerk in the freight yard, near the Union
depot There he made it his business to
make the acquaintance of employes of the
freight department of the two roads. His
youthful appearance diverted all suspicion
as to his real business. After a fey months
in that work he was made what is called, in
railroad parlance, a crew caller. It was his
business to go to the sleeping rooms of the
brakemen and other employes and call them
for their trains. This was the position he
desired. It gave him access to the apart
ments of the men. He discovered in that
way stolen goods, which, in nearly every
case, tallied with the goods specified lu the
shortage claims. He did not meddle with
the goods, bnt noted the men who had them,
and these men he specially cultivated. In
every instance they were trainmen on the
Having secured the confidence of the
men, he took another step. He opened a
cigar store at No. 67 Webster avenue. He
had a peculiar card printed. On one side
was a plain business announcement for
tobacco and cigars. The reverse repre
sented a fine-toothed comb, and in
the middle were printed these words: "This
side catches a great many; the other
side catches them all." The store was lo
cated in a section where many of the railroad
men boarded. By careful feeling, the de
tective secured the confidence of the railway
Silferers, and finally induced them to sell to
im goods which they had stolen from the
railway cars. Thns he secured the best evi
dence against them. It appeared that the
property was stolen from the cars after the
trains left Pittsbnrg for the West
When all necessary evidence was obtained
by the beardless boy who had worked the
matter so shrewdly, the case was put into
the bands of the police, and they arrested
over 200 employes of the Panhandle Rail
road. Eighty-three freight crews were im
plicated. It 'was one of the widest conspira
cies ever unearthed in this country. Lavelle
received three years in the i penitentiary.
Four or five others, shown to be the leaders
in the work, received various terms. The
great body of the defendants were let off
witn tne costs, as me raiiroaa company
simply desired to put a stop to the plunder
ing. All, of course, were discharged from
the company's service.
In other cases the detective resorts to the
scheme of representing himself as a book
agent This is frequently employed. It
was in this manner that Mr. Allen worked
up some of the best evidence against Mrs.
Hettie M. Garfield, Dr. A. T. Campbell and
Chris Martin, who were arrested last spring
for attempting to defraud the People's
uutuai Acciuent insurance vjompanv,
Decoy letters are employed not infrequent-
ly, as in luciuing xjieuieuaui ityan, the
naval officer who ran away with Minnie
Parsons, of Anderson .street, in the sprint:
of 1888.
These are only incidents of the strange
and exciting career which belongs to a de
tective, even in such a prosaic and matter-of-fact
city as Pittsbnrg. They can be, found in
the records of any one of the agencies
located in Pittsburg, and if time and space
would permit, Interesting tales could be told
from the day books of either the Perkins,
Gilkinson or Heiner agencies.
Db. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose- and
throatdiseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa, ,. &su
How Detectives Actually Perform
Their Difficult Labors.
The Good Work of the nurture DossBttJe
Training School.
The Pittsburg Domestic Training School,
which occupies the building next to the
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, com
menced its second year on September 16,
and now that the various departments of
work, in the domestio training of children,
young girls and women have been started it;
is necessary that the board of managers,
composed of 35 prominent ladies from the
Protestant churches in Pittsbnrg, princi
pally in the East End, should know the
financial support which will be given them
daring the coming year. To this end Mrs.
O. A. Ashburner, Chairman of the Advi
sory Committee, has sent throngh the mail
circulars, giving full information about the
cooking and housework departments of this
school. Scholarships may be obtained at $10
each, which will entitle the pnrchaser,
during one year, to place one pupil at a
time in any of the plain courses of instruc
tion. It is desired that a number of perma
nent annnal scholarships be subscribed for,
to be paid regularly each year, in order to es
tablish a permanent fund. Contributions
may be sent to Miss Lizzie B. Mackintosh,
Treasurer, Ellsworth avenue, East End, or
to any member of the Board of Directors.
Work Being; Poshed on the Second Avenue
Rente to Hazolwood.
A. E. Townsend, the contractor, has a
large force of men at work on Third avenue
putting in the underground electrie wires
for the electrie line oh Second avenne to
Hazelwood. The overhead wire, with over
contact, will be used as in other electric
lines in this city, and the underground wire
is put in simply as an extra safeguard.
There will thus be two currents for use, and
it is extremely improbable that both will
fail at the same time. The contractor be
lieves that the work will be completed in 30
days. New rails will be laid on the out
ward end ot the line, where the rails manu
factured by the Johnson Steel Street Bail
Company, of Johnstown, will be employed.
William Post Decides to Rejoin His Yonng;
i Deserted Wife.
Six month ago William and Edith Post,
a young couple, were married. After a few
weeks William grew tired of his Edith and
fled ungallantly from her side. Edith
waited quite a time, and as the recreant
knight did not turn up, although living in,
the neighborhood, she swore an infor
mation against him. Post was arrested, and
had a hearing yesterday. He displayed
great penitence and begged his wife's lor
givenesSj promising to behave in a proper
manner in future. Mrs. Post agreed to try
him once more, and the matter was settled.
Will Save Too Monev.
"We received our goods last night and
are very mnch pleased with them. We
have not had such groceries in the house
since we used to send to Philadelphia.
Everything is so nice and good we can't
begin to get that grade of goods here, and
then we have to pay almost double what
these cost us.
"Everything came well packed, nothing
broken, and we are so mnch pleased with
all I will do all I can, to get you as mnch
custom from here as I can."
The above is an exact copy of a letter we
received from a new customer in an adjoin
ing town. It is bnt a sample of the many
we receive from time to time, and we are
very grateful to our friends for their kind
Honesty and'fair dealing win every time,
and onr rule to "guarantee satisfaction" in
everything wins us a trade which is not only
large but permanent in character.
Newspaper prices don't amount to much.
The old, worn-out trick of "leaders" has be
come so gauzy sensible people give it no at
tention. I have no "leaders," but have all
prices uniformly low, and I guarantee them
20 per cent less than what you are paying.
Send for my large weekly price list, half
tne size or a daily newspaper, ana see lor
yonrself. I issue 6,000 each week, and guar
antee prices asquoted. Orders amounting
to $10, without counting sugar, packed and
shipped free of charge to any point within
200 miles. Give me a trial. 1' will save yon
money. Mabshell,
79 and 81 Ohio st, cor. Sandusky, Allegheny.
Immortal Lincoln
"You can fool all the people
Some of the time,
And some of the people
All the time;
But you can't fool all the people
All the time."
There's a good deal of "solid horse sense"
in the homely phraseology of "Honest Old
Abe" as quoted above, peculiarly appli
cable to the clothing business in these days,
when newspapers overflow with announce
ments which must convince all readers of
the fact that there are too many "One Idea"
men in the clothing business nowadays,
who believe in Barnnm's theory that
humbugged." t
This moss-grown theory is not pursued at
Gusky's, whose mammoth business proves
that the public has found the place where
business is done on the foundation of actual
merit and one price only. For proof of
merit and lowest prices on record, visit
Gusky's great sale of men's fine fall suits
and men's fine fall overcoats, which com
mences to-morrow. The great assortment of
suits and' overcoats at $10; the elegant
styles at $12 and $15, and the extraordinary
values at $18 and $20, will surprise every
one. This great sale commences to-morrow
To tho General Pablie.
On Tuesday, Oct 8, J. J. McCormick,
401 Smithfield st, respectfully informs his
numerous patrons and others that he will
open up a branch steamship and exchange
office, the citv ticket office for the Pittsburg
and Lake Erie Bailroad, and the East
bound ticket office for the Baltimore and
Ohio Bailroad at 639 Smithfield st Please
give my new office a visit
J. V. McCoemick, Manager.
Exquisite Clothing; for Gentlemen.
The latest and finest novelties are to be
found on the counters of J. F. Maeder s
emporium. Ko. 142 Fifth avenue, opposite
the Cathedral. He has exclusive and
snperb patterns of suiting?, trouserings and
overcoatings, of both foreign and domestic
make, that be makes up at the lowest prices
lor first-class work. Call and inspect the
stock aud be convinced that you can secure
perfectly fitting and stylish clothes.
We Will Continue
To sell on Monday thoe special price men's
suiU and overcoats at $8. $10 and $12. They
are creating a big sensation in town.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
The Boys Are Delighted
With those "flying tops" which we present
with every suit sale. They fly 1,000 feet in
the air, and are the nearest approach to an
air ship yet invented. Boys' suits-, sizes 4
to 14, $3, $4, $5. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
All Is Not Gold That Glitters.
Do not be misled by showy windows and
fancy photographs at 75o a dozen, but pat
ronize Hendricks & Co., who do all their
own work, andmake vou 12 good cabinets
for$l. Bring the children to 68 Federal
St., Allegheny.
The society and advance classes of Chris
ty's Dancing Academy will meet on next
Tuesday evening, Octobers. Academy, 1013
fens are,
aM.J-vj t !.
H,KIeber ie Hre.Take tie !&.
The old music houseof H.Kloiet&Bw.k
doing double the aaaonnt of bnsintM of aajr
other mnsicstore. Thereaseais that they
have a monopoly of all the bttt pta
made in Aaerioa, and that they sell the
cheaper ana ob easier time payaaeawHa
other dealers; and- also, that they warrant
them for eight years three years longer
than other dealers. The great Bteinway
and Conover pianos, and the beautiful Gab
ler. Opera and Emerson pianos can he
bought at BUebers' at as low a price as their
competitors ask for their second and third
class instruments. And the same favorable
terms on their organs the wonderful Vo
cation church organs and unrivaled Bnrdett
organs. All these fine instruments are the
choice of the whole country, and the
BUebers' took. them in preference to the rest
of the makes sold here, although they were
offered and refused the agency of them,
as they were convinced that none of
them could at all compare with the
makes they.now offer and represent. More
over, the Messrs. Kleber & Bro. are thor
oughly educated musicians, and their fa-j
perior judgment ana nonesty Js ireeiy ad
mitted by all their rivals, aud Tience, the
public prefer to deal at BUebers' rather than
take any risks at other stores. 506 Wood at
is their place of business.
Boys' Benotlfal ClothUc
The words are mild. If you bat under
stood how mnch' they meant you would
crowd Gnsky'a store until yon emptied it.
There never was, in any clothing store in
the whole world, shown more luxurious
clothing of every sort for boys of every size
than can be seen at Gnsky'a. Equally true
is it that none can match the low prices
named. Parents, this surely deserves your
Ko Ton Don't. Yon ean't beat our
prices on winter underwear, blankets, cess
forts, girls' cloaks and dresses, ladies'
calico and flannel wrappers and tea g6wns,
jerseys, corsets and infants' coats, slips,
etc. Bust Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and
Same Give Cbrliiram Pretest,
Others a free lunch and a shave, with each
dozen cabinets, bnt Yeager & Co. only give
one dozen good cabinets of any lady for 75
cents, at 70 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa.
Fob all the latest styles in ladies' long
and short wraps, jackets, etc, for fall and
winter wear, visit onr cloak room.
ttssu Hughs & hacks.
We Will Continue
To sell on Monday those special price men's
Buits and overcoats- at f8, f 10 and $12. They
are creating a big sensation in town.
P. O. C. CX, con Grant and Diamondefts.,
opp. the new Court House.
A Positive Fact.
C. A. Smiley & Co. have the fine trade of
this city in gentlemen's bats.
FuBNiruBE upholstered and repaired,
household goods packed for storage ana
shipment by Hangh & Keenan, 33 and 31
water street.
C A. Smiley fc Co.' Special Styles
In gentlemen's hats are a great success.
Call and see them.
0. A. SMH.ET & Co.,
28 Fifth avenne.
Chtxdben's Delight. Dolls' ham
mocks given away with $1 purchases this
week. Bust Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and
A Fall Assortment of
Dunlap's celebrated hats always at O. A.
Smiley & Co.'s.
C A. Smiley & C'c's Special Style
In gentlemen's hats are a great success. Call
and see them. C. A. Smilet & Co.,
23 Fifth "avenue.
If vonr complaint Is want' of appetite,
try1 half wine, glass ., Angostura Bitters be
fore meals. " - " ' .
Hats for'BIc Hexds
A specialty at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s.
Wainwbight'S beer is refreshing, pleas
ant and beneficial. The favorite family bev
erage. A Positive Fact. '
C. A. Smiley & Co, have the fine trade of
this city in. gentlemen's hats.
Cabinet photos. $1 per doz. Lies Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st nsu
A Foil Assortment of
Dnnlap's celebrated hats always at C. A.
Smiley & Co.'s.
1 i
Fbauenheim & Vhsack's Iron City
beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186.
Stetson's Renowned Hats
Always to be had at C. A. Smiley & Co.'s.
Big Thinq, Kid body doll, with shoes
and stockings, only 25c; doll caps, fie; doll
corsets, gossamers and parasols, 25c. Bust
Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty.
505 and 507 MARKET STREET,
Fob men, women and chdldken.
We carry several lines that are of the
highest standard of excellence, equal Is
every respect to the best English made,
goods, perfect In shape and guaranteed
to give entire satisraction.
We offer these goods at low figures.
1 .
Ladles', Misses' and Children's
Take Elevator for Cloak Booms.
SEPT. 10 AND 21 AND OCT. 8.
The Pittsburg and Weitern Railway will sell
round triD tickets to all points in Kansas, Ne
braska, Texas, Dakota, Colorado. Iowa aad
Minnesota at tho fare one way. Good thirty
days. For full Information apply to
Ticket Agent, P. fc W. Depot,
H7-JM .. Allegheny. Pi. -
' U
- EL iB.j
4 . a! 4
TELX. "'
It a meet gratifTteg to seta theweateM
teereaee is oar Fall business over aay prerieeeFs
season. Unprecedented Is aH we eaa say. &$'
-v-ALUBB JlHMe 5,
...-...j LT-... ijm
fKMM. j j
xrees isw iuuuui ) bks ami VTSSMMM
saythattheseerstof esrsueeessistBmtweia?
TariftM j gre tfco very behest grade of vsIm
possible Ht the teweet spade priee.
-uwajv see jaxsjesf
of everytfeiag
A a sjjHusUltji
erffcH Vy UIM epz
Ftae Dress Seeds
Never before realise.
We begin at the Bettesa.
- ii
4eayrd for as seed feeMe4f asjM anr
saw fer 6 to 10 easts. it
UcandI5ca, yard for Rood rtsmiMf,
Extraordinary bsrgxlas at age.
Aspeelal ate aeearteeat mtewUeksjeedt
worth c and 56c often go. Yoanev arises,'
bargain la this department
Large assertsieu of Platf sad Strifes, las
ported all-wool douHe width, SSe.
A special Use of handsome imported Stripes
sad Plaids, doable width goods, aH weal, 18c x,
yard exact paKera copies of the ftaeFreaek.
noveMles. AdeeidedbarBatMe.
AtSSe ISO different styles of nereKy drees
goods, aH eeeeeivaMe com bteatkras of patterns;
aad cote-riBgsaadqgallUeg seldom seeala'goodst
at 600 a' jsJt
AtKe a yard a wpeetsl drive pries, jeed ,
worth TBe aad sesae dettw feeds at see ad over
100 digereat styles ofdesjga aad colors aHnew
Caolcslteeof otes.68 teefces wMe. at He a
yard-often seldW Broadcloths at vie
price 75c. .
Oar Broadoioshs-' afl the riest ntdslssjt
colors of the seases to g 58.
An elegant new Use of Br eadetetas at
A new line of EngHsfl.Bitegs,ia tjs,V'
choice colorings, 25. '.
BeaatUal Claa Tartan PlaMsat ttatbe
brightest and most BeaatUal eeterisg sb w'siekj
they come. t A,
A new Use of 50-mch Camel Hate Bettings.'
choice rich colorings, II 46 a yard.
Asfeeial departmest for fee Closxiags, aH
thefashteaaWe materials of tie sesaea, at the
IvnCof JQ8flTBx8 jflxQtwm
Our extensive departments affetd as oppor
tunity for selection that you eaa Had nowhere
in these cities. Ton always find the very latest
aad best goods from the beet makers in opr
own aad foreign eoaatries. We alsoeeatV
deatly ctelai teat wafle not la every case, at
least in most eases (say four oat of Ave), we
sell good goods far under all competitors the
large assortments which we always carry make
tall the saore possible for us to do this, and
our goods are here to preve that we de it.
We don't1 ha ve to praise oar BLACK CASff
MERB3(the7Saad90c lines espeelaHy), when
the customer has tee goods ia her TiitiiIt They
can say more for themselves la a minate than
we could write in aa hoar. 4
The place to study shades Is ia ear Colored -
Cashmere Department the ateee together
gains too.
Oar trimmteas .threacaeet the "weadarfel
stock la this extensive departseat have seeai
boBght-QVnatch aH the aewetiaMesJaij
weight, stjle and colors. , We baveaheT 1
goods and all the trimmings. Tea eaa deiao rfJgl
better than visit our great stores. " f"
The earlier the better. ' V''
The popular lines go first. "
The many exclusive tilings wa shew w8t7
hardly be duplicated.
Onr Cloak Room
Crowded from morning to night
At) iO U raDiUVH J HH VtUttlUh AiUAa 99 V
T tm siM atvuu1Ia wm jm.. .ul4.')i
Newmarkets, Greteheas,Coaemarraa.
Boys' SuiU (3 to 8 years).
Boys' Overcoats.
115, 117, 119&12l:MEMST.l
t i.r i
. jrfil
B. J. HOMER k G0
Ten Bhow Booms filled with the latest pro.
dnctlons of the Furniture aad Upholstery
Art from the recognized manufacturing eea
ters of the world.
Novelties of London production.
Novelties of Paris production.
Novelties of Vienna production.
Our own importation. . J
Novelties of American production, Indadtee v
those of our own manufacture. i. SfgKV
Visitors to New York are cordially Invited toWnss
call and examine our stock and prices. X TWlp
central location of our establishment (adJojajjC'
ins Edea Mosee) makes it easy of access freaSM
all parts of the city. se2-166-TTSsi4Nr
MR. D. A. MATHEWS, of New Yerk City ,
begs leave to call the attention of the ceases-
sieurs of Pittsburg to his
MASTERS, and to bespeak for the as
the boeor of their patronage, at
(Rear Gallery)
No. 436 Wood Stn&1
Oa ezalsMea Iresa 9 A. Jfc to t. x.
f 5j
ft. v.3mj1
tSM T.j I- -. . .. t J- -T; ..-. -, . T-