Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, THIRD PART, Page 17, Image 17

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How Rich Turks Sleep and Poor
Turks Fast During the
Month of Ramazan.
Kight Service in the Wonderful
Mosque of Santa Sophia.
A Fast Observed br 100,000,000 niohnm
medans How the Saltnn Keeps Lent
The Secretary of State Refuses a Clcnr
ettc Turkish merchants Who Read
Their Bibles and Fray In Their Stores
The Koran and Temperance ome Car
Ions Beliefs and the Mohnmmednn Story
of Adam and Eve.
I arrived in Con
stantinople during
the month of Rama
zan, and I fonnd the
whole city observ
ing the Mohamme-
dan Lent. The
, cook shops of Stam-
bonl are closed dur
ing the day for lack
.of enstom, and of
j the half million
Turkish women and
children in this city, not one eats anything
Jrom sunrise to sunset. They do not drink
a drop of water, and the more devout will
not even swallow their spittle. The Turks
are the most inveterate smokers of the
world, and they like to titilate their nos
trils with snuff and to gratify them with
perfumes. During Eamazan they do not
smoke during the daytime, and theyentirely
abstain from snuff and the use of ottar of
roses. This is so not only in Constanti-
nople, but also over the whole Mohammedan
It is 6 o'clock P. m. as I write, and 100,
000,000 Mohammedan stomachs, scattered
from the wilds of North China to the tropi
cal regions of Central Africa, are howling
with hunger. One hundred million
parched tongues are now scrap
ing against the dry roofs of 100,
000,000 months, and I doubt not
that something like 200,000,000 eyes are
anxiously witching the going down of the
setting sun. The moment it drops behind
the west these millions will grab for the
food that has been prepared for them and
for the next hour or so the fasting will be
turned into feasting. The nights of Con
stantinople are now nights of revelry. The
Koran does not prohibit the Turk from eat
ing what he pleases after sunset and the
people gorge themselves to make np for the
fast of the day. The city is lighted at night
and crowds throng the streets. All the
cafes and eating houses are open and the
lemonade peddler and the sweet meat man
are out in all their glory. The Turks are
very hospitable and during Eamazan thev
give many dinner parties. Such as are
wealthy enough to do without work stay np
the whole night in order that they may the
better sleep through the fasting hours of the
It is a time for religious observance as
well as pleasure. There are services at all
the mosques everv evening, and ail the men
go to prayers. The mosques nreilluminated
and tne hundreds of minarets which rise
high above the somber city of Stamboul are
girdled with light, and between them are
stretched great figures of fire, made by
stringing countless lamps upon wires.
Here is one composed ot gigantic letters,
forming the Turkish word for God or
"Allah." There is one representing a can
non a hundred feet long, and between the
towers of another mosqne hangs a mammoth
star and crescent ot fire.
There are between 200 and 300 mosques in
Constantinople, and the Eamazan ceremo
nies in these are most interesting to the
stranger. I witnessed them in the largest
mosque of the world last night. This was
the mosque of Santa Sophia, which was
built as a Christian church in the Fourth
century and which was for ages the finest
Christian church in the world. It took 100
architects to superintend its construction
and 10,000 masons worked upon it at the
same time. It bad doors of ivory, amber
and cedar, and its altar was made oi precious
Etonei embedded in gold and silver. It
was decorated with beautiful paintings,
which the Turks destroyed when they took
possession of Constantinople, and its roof
has still enongh mosaic to carpet an acre
field. The great temples of antiquity have
been robbed to build this church. Within it
there are four pillars ol green granite, which
were taken from the Temple of Diara at
Ephesus, and there are other columns
from the temples of Thebes, Athens,
Borne and Alexandria. If you
.will take a two-acre field and plant
within it a forest of columns, roofed with a
dome bigger and grander man mat oi the
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Capitol at "Washington, hang thousands of
lamps in the air between the dome ana ine
floor, scatter richly carved pulpits about
various parts of the building, put immense
fountains here and hang gigantic Turkish
inscriptions there, yon may have a mazed
idea of how the mosqne of Santa Sophia
looks when entering. You will wander for
hours through the corridors of its columns,
finding new beauties at every step. You
will note that the great walls are lined with
precious marbles, and that the cornices and
the freizes of the arches are of gilded
bronze. At night, when the thousands 01
lamps are lighted, when great stars of flame
float in the air between the dome and the
floor, when everv pillar and every alcove is
ablaze, and. when the various galleries are
wallea with flame, the wonders of the
mosque take on. a new grandeur, which,
added to the picturesqueness of the wor
shipers themselves, make a Eamazan
night in Santa Sophia one of the greatest
sights in the world.
By the liberal use of backsheesh, accom
panied bv my Mohammedan guide, I bo
tained admission to the gallery of Santa
Sophia last night. It was 9 o'clock when I
arrived and the acres of floor below me were
covered with worshipers. In long regular
lines, with their faces toward Mecca, sitting
on their knees were at least 5,000 Mohamme
dans. In tnrbans and gowns with their
bare, or stocking feet looking up at the gal
ltrv they formed long lines of curious color
on the white mats away down there under
the floating flames. From the back of
the church came the shrill voice
of the Iman who was leading the
devotions. It was a wonderful tenor
which penetrated the remotest recessesof
the vast mosque, and in response to which
these 5,000 turbaned men rose and fell like
clockwork in their devotions. They moved
as one man, and when they sunk to their
knees the striking of 10,000 legs upon the
floor made a noise like the rumbling of a
cannon in the distance, and when they
bowed their heads to the floor the sound
came up as though it had been made by the
fall of some great weight rather than by the
touch of 5,000 heads. In the front of each
worshiper was placed his shoes, and at the
close of the services each Mohammedan took
these in his hands and walked with them
out of the mosque.
A faithful Mohammedan, he prays five
times every day and he does not care for his
surroundings. At the hours of prayer
Mohammedans will begin their devotions
in the midst of a crowd. They will stop
their business transactions, and whether in
the store or field, they will drop down on
their knees and pray. I remember entering
a rug bazaar in Alexandria and calling
upon a gray-bearded turbaned Turk while he
was engaged in his devotions. He was
standing on a rug in the back part of the
store looking toward Mecca and mumbling
the Koran. He must have seen me as I
entered with a party of Americans, and
though he knew I intended to buy, he paid
no attention to me. He continued his
kneeling down and rising up for fully 15
minutes, and I sat down and waited until
he was through. There were many other
rug establishments near by, and he must
have known that he stood the chance of the
loss of a sale by not attending to me. This
made no difference, howeyer, to him. It
would be a curious thing to see a merchant
in New York or Chicago stop his sales in
the middle of the day and drop down on his
knees and pray in the presence of his cus
The Mohammedans are much less ashamed
of their religion than we are. They are, in
fact, proud of it, and you can count the
Mohammedan conversions to Christianity
by hundreds. It is only in the rarest of in-
Turks at Prayer.
stances that missionaries are able to make
any impression upon the followers of the
prophet, and such conversions as Christians
make in Mohammedan countries are, as a
rules lrom other sects than Mohammedan
ones. Speaking ot the Mohammedan ob
servance of religious duties, all of the of
ficials of the Sultan keep Eamazan, and
when I called upon the Secretary of State
yesterday in the Sublime Porte, which con
tains the great Government offices of Turkey.
I did not see a single clerk smoking or
drinking coffee. The Secretary of State,
who is one of the leading men of Tnrkey
and who ranks here as Elaine does to
President Harrison, asked me if I would
not smoke and I, thinking nothing of
Eamazan, assented. When the tobacco
came in I asked him why he did not take a
cigarette and he replied that it was against
the rule of his religion and begged me to
excuse bim as it was Eamazan. Upon this
I refused to smoke myself, and on the same
ground refused the coffee, which was after
ward brought in to me, In calling at a big
Mohammedan TJniversity..which is loc&trd
in the English quarter.of Constantinople, at
uuuu me uijjci uajr( A- iuuuu me classrooms
deserted and the professors absent, and I
was told that it being Eamazan, the pupils
were trying to sleep through the day in
order togetridiof the fast. The Sultan
himself keeps Eamazan, and when he went
the other day totiss the mantle of M&hnm.
et, he remained la Stamboul until sunset!
and ate a lunch there before coming back.
Cart loads of provisions were carried to his
palace in this part of the city and the mo
ment that the sunset cannon fired, himself
and his ministers began their feast.
This fast of Eamazan is most severe on
the laboring classes of the Turks. Forced
to work in the hot sun all day without food
they become almost famished by sunset, and
their eyes sometimes bulge from their
sockets as they watch the approach of even
ing. The Turks are inveterate smokers, and
I note that their desire for the cigarette or
the water pipe often surpasses their longing
for food. At about the time for the firing
bf the evening gun if you will stand upon
the bridge at Constantinople, you may see
hundreds of boatmen with matches in their
hands and cigarettes held up ready to light
the moment that the cannon is heard. You
will see their food before them, but you will
seldom see them touch either before the
gun goes off. A Mohammedan who would
eat publicly during Eamazan would be sure
to lose caste with his fellows, and if the
There is No God but God!
Sultan dared to act contrary to the Koran
he would be liable to dethronement and
assassination. As it is the only time he
comes out of his palace is when he must
perform his weekly religious worship at the
There are many different sects among the
Mohammedans, but they are more liberal in
their treatment of each other than are the
Christians, In this alabaster mosque a half
dozen different sects were worshiping, and
in one part of it the dancing dervishes were
whirling through their religious gymnas
tics. These men and boys had dark yellow
faces, worn thin by fasting. They were
dressedn long white skirts, fastened jn at
the waist with black belts, and on their
heads were high sugar-loaf hats. One of
them played the flute, another the tarn
borine, and the others, alter kissing the hem
of the robe of the chief, held out their arms
and began to whirl slowly around to the
music As they continued to whirl one of
them sang verses from the Koran and at in
tervals there were prayers by the chief.
After the prayers were over the whirling
became more rapid until they at last went
around at the rate of '60 revolutions a min
ute. At this time their skirts stood out like
those of a ballet dancer, they became red in
the face, and I noticed that one of the boys
fell to the ground and was carried off in a
fit. The howling dervishes are even more
horrible, and there is a great society
of these at Constantinople. I cannot de
scribe their religious gymnastics, but they
work themselves into a frenzy and in the
interior of Turkey where they are away
fromtherestraintof the "Western civilization
they often take knives and cut themselves
and each other in their religious ecstacy.
They often go into epileptic fits and foam at
the 'mouth, and they are as dirtr a set of
long-haired heathen as you will find in the
world. They are, however, the cranks of
Mohammedanism and are not a fair sample
of the Mohammedan world.
The Mohammedan religion, as it is ob
served in the East, has more good in it than
many Christians suppose. Its followers are
by no means savages and its teachings are
such that we could in some instances follow
them with profit. The Koran prohibits the
drinking of spiritouus liquors and the Mo
hammedans, where thev have not been con
taminated with our civilization, are total
abstainers. They not only abstain them
selves but they make their neighbors keep
from drinking.
The Mohammedans believe in God and
the prophets. Tbey look upon Christ as the
great prophet, and believe that Mahomet
and Christ will act together as the judges of
all mankind at the last day. One of the
minarets of the noted mosque at Damascus
was bnilt in memory of Christ, and Damas
cus is one of the fanatical of Mohammedan
cities. They look upon Adam as a pattern
of human perfection, and they believe that
the Garden of Eden was originally located
In heaven. "When Eve seduced Adam in
eating the apple our parents were cast out
of the Garden of Eden and Tell to earth.
Adam landed on a mountain in Ceylon and
Eve dropped down near Mecca. Adam for
his sins spent 200 years in looking for Eve
and at last 'lie found her in Arabia,
end the two lived in a mountain there
together until they died. The mountain is
still known as Adam's Monnt. The Moham
medans consider Abraham a great prophet.
He is called in the Koran the friend of
God. They call Moses the speaker of God,
and they have, all told, 124,000 prophets.
The greatest ot these are Adam, Abraham,
Jesus and Mahomet. The Koran includes
charity and brotherly love. It prohibits
lending money at interest, and it fixesi the
general laws of the Mohammedan world.
It inculcates belief in a future state, in the
heaven of which each devout believer shall
have four beautifnl and ever young maidens
to wait upon him and to administer to his
wants. It is in many of its chapters so
much like the Bible that it is believed that
Mahomet got a large part of its teachings
from the Scriptures and from the Hebrews
with whom he was acquainted.
Frank G. Cabpjenteh.
A Dinner of Congratulation.
BennyWe children have lots to be
thankful for, don't we, mamma ?
Mrs. Eodman Yes, dear; but what made
yon think of that ?
Benny B'pose you'd had a hand like
that jnst after you caught me In th' jam
closet yesterday ? Judos '
Miss Anderson in Good Health and a
Social Success, but
What People Bay Who Have Just Beturncd
From England,
rwniTTEir Ton, rai pispxtcit.i
The return to the slums of a very large
proportion of the women who have been
posing as actresses, on the strength of no
toriety and effrontery, lifts into unusnal
prominence one of the most respected,
blameless and brilliant figures of the co
temporaneous stage. Mary Anderson's
fame is considerably more than national.
If ever a woman deserves well of her coun
trymen it is she, and yet she has been the
victim of the most cruel and inhuman
treatment conceivable. The attitude of a
certain portion of the press of America to
ward her is a reproach upon journalism.
All of this is emphasized now by the re
turn of the vast army of Americans who
have been in London, and who find no sub
ject more eloquent for denunciation than
the attacks on Miss Anderson; the state
ment that she is insane; has been incarcer
ated in an asylum in London, and so on.
From Cbauncey M. Depew and Mrs. Mac
kay, all the way down to the lower strata
of stage people returning from Europe
the reports are the same. A few days ago
an Associated Press dispatch announced in
a casual manner that the Prime Minister of
Great Britain, the Marquis of Salisbury, and
Lady Salisbury had called on Miss Ander
son and spent two hours with the American
actress at the home of Baroness Von Hugel.
When the Prime Minister left he had se
cured from Miss Anderson a promise that
she would go down to his country place for
the latter part ot September, it was an
incident of no particular importance in one
way, but it showed the difference between
art in Europe and commeroe in America.
A woman wnom the most stalwart, impos
ing and important man in Great Britain,
and one of the three great powers in the
politics of the world, pays the most respect
ful sort of homage to, is absolutely driven
out of her own country by the scurrility of
newspaper abuse, while Mrs. Leslie Carter
and the rest of her frowsy crewed creatures
of scandal have their beauty praised by
these newspapers and are photographed
from one end of the country to the other,
and pose as heroines.
I do not know whether most people would
consider the Prime Minister of Great
Britain a more important person than the
President of the United States or not, but if
the President of the United States and Mrs.
Harrison should call upon an actress, it
would be considered rather a startling thing.
MissAnderso belong: to the most exact
ing and exhausting of professions, but it is -J
a profession nowau.i ana tne art ot acting
has been so thoroughly, so universally re
cognized and respected in the great art cen
ters of Enrope that the prominence of this
American girl is far greater than people
here realize.
We have never had an actress in Ameri
ca who in any sense entered society. The
fact that the woman has appeared on the
stage seems to be considered as a bane to the
codfish aristocracy and hog-killing nobility
of the Four Hundred. The fact that she is
on the dramatic stage instead of the operatic
is an impenetrable barrier to social recog
nition here. Take JM ary Anderson again.
The extenlTof h"er social, success in New
York has been an occasional reception by a
woman's society of a sort of semi-public
nature in Delmonico's. That is all. The
good and decent people of New York have
left her as severely alone as they would a
leper. Why? She'is a good woman, beau
tiiul, gifted and generous. Her birth is
resectable and her personality is attractive.
Her gentleness and religious devotion are
sincere and the ontcome of a refined and
beautiful nature. The most exclusive and
influential people of England have been
delighted to honor her. She has moved
and is now moving, in a grade of society
there in which no other American woman
has ever found herself secure. It is no
wonder that she goes back there, after the
manner in which she has been treated here.
When Miss Anderson arrived in London
this year there was a considerable commo
tion. The London newspapers had been
filled with cable dispatches 'from the Amer
ican asserting that 'Miss Anderson was in
sane, that she had utterly lost her reason,
and that her health was shattered. On the
arrival of the actress there was a tremen
dous rush of visitors to her house. She was
stopping at a big mansion out toward
Hampstead Heath, with her devoted friend,
the Baroness Yon Hugel, and I drove out
there on the day of her arrival. Just as I
was entering the house William Black, the
novelist, came out. He told me Miss Ander
son had decided to see no one else this day,
so that she might rest from her voyage, and
I did not go in.
Mr. Black and I drove back to the heart
of London together, and on the way I
learned that he had spent nearly an hour
with Miss Anderson, and I do nbtthinkl
ever listened to a more eloquent denuncia
tion of the world of liars than he gave in the
cab that afternoon. He told me that noth
ing in the world could be more absurd than
the allegations concerning thesanityof Miss
Anderson. She was worried and nervous,
and that was all. Her mental poise was as
absolutely perfect as it had always been.
This was'the judgment of a man who knew
Miss Anderson very well, for Mr. and Mrs.
Black are among her warm personal friends
in England. The other day, in talking
with Mr. Henry E. Abbey, who has re
cently relurne'd from Europe, he said:
"What on earth is the use of standing up
and denying a silly rumor all day long. If
people wish to lie about Miss Anderson I
suppose they will do it. I have done every
thing in my power to try and place the true
facts of the case before the public, but if
they will have sensations let them go ahead.
Miss Anderson is too invincible and serene
a figure to be moved in the slightest way by
this sort of talk now that her health has
come back to her. I saw her three times in
England before I left, and during ourtalks
we entered into tne most minute details ot
business, made all the arrangements for the
coming season here, talked about the small
events of the tours, constumes, productions
and so on, and in ail these talks I found Miss
Anderson to have the same keen-witted ideas
of business as of old. She was, in a word, the
thoroughly balanced actress that I have
always known her to be. She had a perfect
command of every point in question, and she
was no more insane than I am 50 feet high.
What pleased me most about her was the
fact that the awful sting arising from the
abuse she received over here had departed
with her returning health. Since I left
London, one of my agents and a member of
our firm have both arrived-rtbe last one
within a few days. They all report Miss
Anderson's health as being even more robust
than when I saw her. All her scenery and
costumes are here, and time is booked for
the theaters next year commencing at the
Broadway Theater, in New York, for the
season ot 1890 and 1891. We open her in
November. Miss Anderson overstrained
her physical powers, but she does not mean
to retire lrom the stage. She has chosen
America for her return of her own free will.
I was quite ready to bring her out for a sea
son or two in England, where we have ex
tensive connections now, but she preferred
this country."
- 1 mention this, because I believe among f
OCTOBER 6, 1889.
the other charges of insanity, hypocrisy,
deceit, and so on, that another charge
against this distinguished and amiable
woman is the assertion that she has come to
be an Anglo-maniac, and no longer cares for
her native shore. This," added Mr. Ab
bey, with a contemplative puff of his cigar,
"is as much of a lie as all the rest of it I
have been more or less in touch with the
condition of public opinion regarding fam
ous people on the stage for a long time, but
lam bound to admit that I have never
known anything more remarkable than the
treatment Miss Anderson received here last
The "notion of writing at suoh length
about Miss Anderson came after a talk I
had yesterday with a California lady who
returned Saturday on the Etruria. Her
familv were originally from Louisville,
and she has been for eight years a warm
personal friend of Miss Anderson's. They
were together for three days In Scotland,
just belore the Etruria sailed, and hence I
am in receipt of the latest news concerning
the actress. She talks, it would seem,
quite freely about her recent experience
here, and says that her first indications ofo
collapse really came from the dancing in
'A Winter's Tale." As Perdita, the ac
tress gave a country dance in the third act.
In England it rarely got more than
one encore. Here there were seldom less
than six. It was a wild frolio in theway
of a dance, and as audiences insisted
upon one encore after another. Miss Ander
son was olten carried in the excitement of
the moment beyond her strength. This,
with the travel, reduced her weight nearly
11 pounds within four weeks after she had
landed in New York. Then came a number
of unfriendly and jeering attacks on her re
ligion by some papers in the West, followed
up by the wildest sort of abuse. She was
utterly unprepared for it, and the eflect was
severe". Now that she has recovered she
talks continually of her coming tour in
America a year hence. What is surprising
is the amiability she displays toward the
people who made so much trouble for her
here. She has reason to complain, but she
does not Blakely Hall.
The Insect Gets tlio Best of the Reptile In a
Pitched Battle.
Atlanta Journal. J
"A battle between a spider and a snake is
an unusual sight," said Mr. Gus Haynes,
the jeweler, "and yet I saw such a battle
once. It was in the fall of the year and I
was out hunting squirrels with my brother
Dick and Jesse Butts. I went on the oppo
site side of a tree up which a squirrel had
run,to Bhake a bush and make him get on the
side were Dick and Jessee were, so they
could get a shot. I heard a rustling sound
among the leaves, and turning saw a large,
gray spider running round and round upon
the leaves. In a moment I saw what he
was alter, a small snake, about a foot long.
The snake was coiled up on the leaves, his
head was lifted in the air, his little eyes
gleamftl, his forked tongue shot swiftly
back and forth and he gradually moved his
body around so as to face his enemy. The
spider's feet pattered over the dead leaves as
he ran around the snake as if daring him to
uncoil himself. With a few short, quick
jumps the spider advanced upon the snake.
With a rapid motion the reptile (struck at
the spider and he fell in full length upon
the leaves. Quick as he had been the spider
was quicker. With a sidelong leap he
evaded the snake, and before he recovered,
sprang upon his tail about three inches
from the end, into which bis jaws were
"The snake seemed astonished, ran a lit
tle way, then stopped, raised his tail in the
air and brought it down upon the ground as
if to shake the spider loose. The insect's
hold was too strong, and then the snake be
gan to fight for his life. Over and over on
the leaves he rolled, thrashing his tail upon
the grass and making franctio effortsto
strike the plucky spider. His efforts were
vain, for while he struggled the spider was
fnawing away at the reptile's tall. Sud
enly the spider fell off to one side, the
snake scurried off into the grass leaving
three inches of his tail squirming on the
leaves. The spider eyed the wriggling tail
for a moment, and then pouncing upon it,
disappeared with it in his hole beneath the
rustling leaves."
A Pnllmnn Condnctor Can't Understand
WIit People Don't Want It.
Chicago Tritmne.l
A Pullman- sleeper conductor: Every
body who wants a berth in a sleeper wants
the lower berth. I have been in the em
ploy of the company for 14 years, and I
have never yet had an application for an
upper berth. Of course, the upper berth is
not so easy of access as the lower, but if
you don't mind climbing to the upper berth
you will at once admit, after the night is
over, that it is the more comfortable of the
two. The ventilation is better and vou
are not so close to the rumbling noise. You
are more private than you are in a lower
berth, and in case of accident you have a
chance of coming out on top. In hot
weather the upper berth is cooler, than the
The lower berth, as you know, is made up
from the cushioned seats, which are of warm
material. I have never known a man to
fall out of an upper berth. I think if the
company would make a difference of a Half
dollar in favor of the upper berth it would
Boon be in demand But I believe the Pull
man company never makes any difference
in the charges.
Visits a Dentist and Asks to Have a Sound
Tooth Palled.
Dr. Bmythe, In Globc-Democrat.I
"A few days ago a man called on me and
asked me to pull one of his teeth. When I
told him to open his mouth and show me
which was the aching tooth, he replied that
he never had toothache in his life but that
he was sick and had been advised to consult
a dentist. There was something so original
in this that I pressed him for an explana
tion, and finally learned that he had con
sulted a faith healer, who had seriously ad
vised him to have a sound tooth extracted
to cure some disease, which I should ima
gine was malaria aggravated by an unlim
ited indulgence in bad beer.
I tried to argue the fellow into sense, but
failed, and he went away in search of some
dentist who, as he politely pnt it, "would
take his money and not use his month quite
so freely." I do not know whether he found
one, but I hope not
Aflordlne H'm All lbs Facilities.
S&& '"
Battery Bill Now, friend, you want to
lay right here.
Lord Uullburton What for, maylawsk?
Battery Bill For jest this. My friend
here, Mike the guide, 's goin' up tcr Canal
street t' scare up a grizzly, an' when the
bear comes runnin' by here you'll git a bully
shot at him. I'll take your gripsack 'round
th' corner, so it won't git mussed up in th'
fight Judge, j-
MSsir- f
Little Strangers Born in This Conn
try of Alien Parents
How the Little Sea Lion Wa3 Taught to
Swim by Its Mother.
tcOErasroNDEKCE or Tni dispatch.
ew Yobk, October 5.
About 54,000 worth oi
babies have been born
in Central Park since
last winter, all of them
curiosities in their way.
A few have two legs and
wear feathers instead of
hair; but most of them
have four legs and horns, and one was born
with no legs at all and has no prospects of
acquiring any as it grow3 older. The Central
Park Menagerie is the birthplace of these
young freaks,' and the picturesque old
arsenal and its surrounding buildings pre
sent nowadays the appearance of a prosper
ous zoological nursery with an ornithologi
cal attachment
The most interesting, though not the
highest-priced, addition to Superintendent
Conklin's happy family, is the baby sea
Hon, who came tor gladden the heart of at
least ono of his parents early last June. He
Young Sea ion and Parents.
was awee, little chap at first, covered with
light brown iur as glossy as plucked seal,
with two very large and very brown eyes
and just the suggestion of a tail. Although
the sea lion Is as much at home in the water
as on the land, his natatorial accomplish
ments are solely artificial. They must be
acquired just as a child learns how to walk.
In the case of our little friend, be was
allowed to spend the first two days of his
existence resting on the stone edge of the
pond, getting acquainted with bis sur
roundings and alternately dozing in the
warm sun and tugging away at his mother's
breast During the third day his mother
began her first attempt to make a sea lion
of him. As a cat lifts her kitten with
her teeth by the nape of the neck, so she
picked up her baby and gently dipped it
into the water. If the present health and
future usefulness of an ordinary infant
may be judged from the strength oi its
lungs, the baby sea lion promises to be a
veritable prodigy. His cries rose above
the din of the other animals and roused a
sympathetic growl from the inmates of the
far-off bear pit
He screamed and splashed, cried and
kicked; all toncuiyail. When his mother.
decideaihelesson had been long enougb,
and'not before, she lifted him out and re-
The lAving Nylghaus.
placed him on the stone to dry. The next
day the lesson was repeated and the next,
until a week was spent. Then she went a
step farther. She lilted him into the water
and let him go. When she saw he was
about to drown she dived in after him and
raised him upon her shoulders. At the end
of the second week he took to the water as
naturally as a duck, and until he had ac
quired sufficient confidence to venture in
alone he made life a burden to her by dis
turbing her naps, coaxing her with, all
manner of infantile caresses to join him in
his'.taquatic gambols. Now he is the most
enthusiastic and expert swimmer in the
The baby sea lion is the first that has even
been born in a menagerie in America. A.
number have come into the world while
their mothers have been in transit between
the Pacific coast and the East, but they have
never lived. He is worth $250 to any man
in the show business, and his value will in
crease a trifle as he grows older.
The most valuable of Dr. Conklin's new
comers are the twiu nylghaus. The nylghaus
is the second , largest antelope in the world.
They come from India, where they are
known to the natives as "blue cowb." Nyl
ghaus are plentiful in that country, but
Young Aoudad at Play.
pairs that will breed in captivity are ex
tremely rare, and these little twins are the
first that have ever been born in America.
The adult male has long horns, and is dark
gray in color; the female is bright red. The
parents are tall, shapely animals, with deli
cate limbs and a stately carriage. The
twins are male and female, and have used
the time since their birth in June in acquir
ing height without the nsnal angdlarity of
most growing deer. They are now nearly
three feet tall, and the male is exceedingly
proud of a small pair of horns just budding
from bis forehead, ane twins are worth $350
each at the present time, and within a few,
months their value will be increased to $500
Short oflegs and stocky of build with
fringe of lone hair like an incipient beafd
under the chin, is the baby Barbary wild.
sheep, the Aoudad of Aortu Ainca. its
nftrpnta ata nnlv children themselves, and
this is their first offspring. This may Ac
count for their timidity in the presence of
visitors and their extreme dislike of any
thing in the way of improper gifts rora
thoughtless .sightseers, such as cigifrctte
stumps and popcorn balls. These theArary
matron carefully examines from a distance
before accepting and usually devours her
self to save her infant's precious health. As
the little sea lion has a pond for his ,-amase-
mentso Dr.-Conklia has furnished for the J
baby sheep a pile of rocks the veriest
mockery of a. mountain peak bat to the
unsuspicious youngster it is a never end
ing source of joy. He bounds, over the
stones, stubbing his toes and narrowly es
caping serious damage to bis anatomy with
the same ardor a baby boy risks his neck
upon his first hobby horse, and with ap
parently an equal amount of delight He
is worth $200 now and six months more will
add $100 to his value,
A proud couple is the pair of spotted axis
deer from India a proud and patriotic
couple who did all they justly could be ex
pected to do in honor of the land of their
adoption when they brought into the world
on the Fourth of July, the littlest, spot
tedest axis la wn. ever seen in the park. It
tCNVflf ffvTrT7r-?v7
Picturesque Lilile Babies.
is a female, otherwise her horn would be ex
pected to take a particularly haughty form
in honor of 'her birthday. She is graceful
and pretty and she knows it She is never
weary of exhibiting herself to the public
gaze and impartially makes friends with all
her visitors without the slightest trace of
fear. She has white spots on a bright red
background and would command $100 at
auction any day in the week.
The baby Indian antelope is also a female
and differs largely from her cousins, the
nylghau twins, in the matter of size and
color. When full grown she will be the
size of a goat and will have a coat of red
dish fur, Bleek and short, and light colored
around the edges. She is the first of her
species to be born in New York, and is
worth $150.
The latest grandson of the camel that
broke Dr. Conklin's leg several years ago,
was born early in the spring and has long
been weaned. He is now about 5 feet tall
and has more joints in his legs than a
museum freak. He is if anvthing uglier
than his parents, and his shabby hair coat
is sadly in need of re-upbolstering. He is
worth $300 and will increase in value with
But the palm for downright homeliness
must be awarded by any judge with no pre
conceived race prejudices to the intant
Charming Miss Kitty CfBrien.
llama. Short and bob-tailed, like a jack
rabbit, long and scrawny necked and cov
ered with shaggy light-brown hair it comes
a.s near helnc an amfmated zoological
j. night-mare" as an '"animal can Tiobe to be,-
It has already learned all the bad habits of
its unpreposessing parents. It is shy in the
presence of visitor, and continually pre
sents its worst side foremost,
and looks angrily back over its shoulders
at all who venture to pay it the compli
ments of the season. It spits when it is ex
cited and stamps with its forefeet It was
once supposed that this spittli was rank
poison, and that is the present belief of na
tive Peruvians, but beyond its rudeness
nothing can be truly said in its blame. The
young llama is worth $250 to any man who
doesn't' care whether his purchase is vulgar
or not, only so it is a llama.
By far the most valuable acquisition to
the menagerie was born a few weeks ago
and only lived a week. Kitty, the hand
some lioness, was the mother, and Jack, her
splendid mate, was the father. The little
cub was a perfect specimen and would have
undoubted rivaled his father in personal
charms had not his mother carelessly rolled
over on him one night during thejcyclone
and smothered him to death. He was worth
$500, and had he lived a year double that
gum would not have bought him.
There are 3 thoroughbred 'herds of
English fallow deer in America, 1 in Phila
delphia, 1 in Cincinnati, ana l in central
Park. The last now contains 15 specimens,
5 of which were born during the spring and
summer. Tbey are the best deer in the,
world for parks, and not one has been born
out of captivity in at least five centuries.
The new arrivals are worth $100 each.
is a diminutive spotted Indian hog deer,
which in spite of its name Is as pretty a
deer as one can find. It is a little fellow,
and is worth about $100 as he stands.
The nack of prairie dogs has been in
creased by a dozen or so of yelping puppies.
These youngsters, however, are not long
lived. The stock needs replenishing with
fresh blood.
Two zebus have been added to the small ',
herd in the cattle paddock. They are no
rareties, and are barely worth more than or
dinary well-bred calves.
The most picturesque babies in the park
are the little black and white swans that
take life easy in the big lake. The mother
of the black swans chose a nest on an un
hospitable rock near the bridge and hatched
out two broods of little, downy, long-necked
youngsters- that to-day bear little evidence
of their future grace and beauty. The young
ones number six and are worth $50 eaob.
The white swans successfully hatched out
five newcomers that have added $35 each to
the park board's assets.
These new babies have quite eclipsed the
imported infants who are last outgrowing
their babyhood. MissMurnhy, the young
rhinoceros, is now 5 years old, and will soon
be old enough to be a matron. Her mate,
Caliph, is three years her elder, and has
ceased to regard her merely as a child. This
pair of amiable children is worth $10,000,
and their infant, had tbey any, would be
worth almost that sum alone.
It willjbe hard for the park student of
natural history to realize that the peren
nially youthful Miss Kitty O'Brien, the
maiden widow of Mr. Crowley, the great
chinipanzee, is getting along in years.
During the late Mr. Crowley's life
time she was regarded as an in
fant, and as such she is now
Held in the memory of the human
Admirers. But candor compel; the chroni
cler to place her age at 4 years, and Dr.
Conklin's records will bear the statement
out. She came here when she was only 6
months old and has long ago outgrown her
babyhood. She is as agile with her four
bands, as chatty with her friends and as ac
complished in her manners as Mr. Crowley
ever was. She has succeeded to his quar
ters and inherited his valuable collection of
household furniture. She presides over the
table where he used to sit and partakes of
her food with all the grace and cbann of
good breeding that was wont to distinguish
Mr. Crowley among his fellows as the great
est ape of modern times.
Benjamin Noetheop.
Johnny has stumped his toe, poor fel
low! Take this 25 cents and buy a bottle
of Salvation OiL, "
ffili ri iiiiTwlWWWM-sr7rslsWsiL t
-. . jjter . ,' i -Vi&Sfc', " - ' ' -.
The First Emigrants to Tk'w Cgl
rrom ine lhu oi we ismrsi
Until Nov There are w 4,M ItftMMl
in Fiiutarg.
Thirty years ago Italians were lew i
ous in Pittsburg than ChiHaaea are s-1kS
Among the earliest of the ifflHpate &
the land of the Caesars were Lew CeB "a4
the father of Joseph Cuaeo, jKesest 9S3j
interpreter. The former atm Iff, at a rftw!
old age, in Oakland, and there spoads tfjaj
evening of his basy day la indBpeinsBJj
His first business enterprise ia nit '
a fruit stand near the Coart Bawe. Tiiil
elder Cuneo some years ago passed imu
Another of the Italian -pioseew mm jfl
sepn Dinaiago, oi jmiiq avenue, wbm i
known to all our citizens. Juris I
is reported the wealthiest of osr Jalfac
izens, being the owner of sease 1 Jwai
whose rental helps to swell his i
The first Italian arrivals were i
province of Genoa, having started mrH
uoiumbus did lrom tne same part, Ja
of fortune in a new world- This fml
gration of Italians to Pittsburg war iff
early fifties, and for many yearn
very few to follow.
John B. Descalzi tbe wholesale i
tropical fruits on Liberty street, i
when he came to this eity ISymwMH
there were less than 908 ItalMM KsVI
These made their homes ohieAyia
ana strawDerry alleys, jam
a rom tne centennial year tbe gjF
our Italian population steadily
until now there are not less tMa i
Pittsburg and Allegheny agaJMt :
in 1876. The earlier ecaigrtHttf, afl
oeen saia, were almost enurwy ma;
and vicinity. Along in the seyscskl
became very burdensome in tfce '
provinces, and multitudes who fewMrfel
possible to support tne
feed and clothe their families tf i12
attention to the land of CriajVj
IF ttaiUUgfcUU, UU d AAXg!3-.eiBJfjVWIVCIVVJ
country was tns result; Xaw
influx of Italians to tee (Jotted
in 1887 and 1878, and Pittetmrc i
share. These later eraieraats
main from Naples aad Sioily.
People by the thousasek sold tfct'l
farms in Italy because the tg wetJMriarj
than they could bear. So grtat.wmmat
drain on tne population tut me mm
ment of that country in a Tear or w
eluded to lighten the burden asd tfc Mmn
gration oi property Heiuers was wmms rm
rested. Of fate years the Italiaae wis tmm
to our snores are cmeny oi taepoewrs
.rroperty noiuers Having rouau Hmr
ment less extortionate, are toe saefe 1
to stick to tbeold home, where thetrs
took root in the long gone yean. Jhrifctef
years Sicily contributes meet to m
population. The Genoese Sad it
the home land than to risk tryiag
in a new and untried country.
Some facts of interest eoa
present Italian population went
in a recent interview with oae f tMrMsV
ing representatives, whieh are
down. frr ;
To bezia with, nearly alt
A Protestant or infidel (Wfco spsiays J
Italian priest was brought froa JUw
and loka after the spiritual lateralis
countrymen here, holding regalar ltm law
the basement of the Cathedral. TtyM
irQta uw mj .vw ib atfceacm&eB sspssvis
ministry at 10 o'clock mass every
morning, xne question oi a
has been taking shape, and a annnwtHsslMi
been appointed to loot npaMHaMeiffi
Tbe committee consists ot ten, amoag i
are Joseph Uaneo. .reter Ms
John B. Descalzi. There is already
in tbe hands of this committee to eamit
lot and $20,000 to $25,000 will be i
ing when the location is sheared. There iMt
also been lately organized aa IteJaaahwunj
Dana, coraposea oi 20 young sws, wsa 1
regularly in a hall on SmitbaeM at
above Strawberry alley. This teadilHksl
succeeded in securing the iawuaW'iasJsHj
rroi. xtocereto, wno came iroa jaaptts
accept tne position, ana waose repataewaj
places him at the front ia his BrofawiCBv?
They expect soon to increase their eJaesjeS
00, and nrst-class Italian music ia 1
assured tact ere many montns asau
rolled. An Italian physician is exasetsiLB
lrom around .New iort shortly to Ieekratter!
the bodily ailments or ins countrymea aeftvg
Concerning the occupations of oar Italia!
fellow citizens the following is gtheVekl
In Pittsbnr? and Allegheny there areoteee!
to 200 engaged in selling- tropical fr&llffS
nuts auu canuiea. vi uiew luuo on iwwir
whose business is exclusively wholesale, a
There are 25 to 80 Italians in the greeerfl
business in the two cities and sose aise er
ten making shoes. One Italian hotel:
and restaurant on Penn avenue aad
Thirteenth street is their qaotota
in this line. A few are workers mfJ
marble and granite, and have proved t-keirji
skill by good work on our publie iHUlaiagffc
and cemetery memorials.
Until a few yean back there was a diflJai
clmation on the part or tna Italian poram-
tion to become naturalized citizens. Thera
are now in the neighborhood of 190 full
fledged American-Italian citizens ia otirtirejj
cities, and 100 more will soon be added to!
their number. f&
Instead, of confining themselves to tMj
alleyways, as they did a very few years a,i
they are now finding homes like other pooptol
in different parts of the city oa the mumi
thoroughfares. Already tney begin te bmx
and mingle with other nationalities, and set
less than 25 to 30 Italians of the city tara
found helpmeets who are or other naeietnv
It is plain from this necessarily oesdosstd
statement that Italy is to be an impute
factor in the future development of oar eity."
Bace prejudice has been the bane of Amer
ica as of other nations, and has bees al
mighty hindrance to the harmony- awiy
proeressot our people in days eoe ot.j
While we welcome to our shores all atiot
alities. it will be well that we recognize the!
great idea of human brotherhood, and seek
to harmonize and promote fraternal leeiHsfsj
among the races that loin together 19 1
Intr ftiti "Rormblirt An nltl fnnndalfnn.
In the coming times, when the strength
our dear land will be tested, as surely it wut
be, though the present generation may, set
live to see it, I doubt not that there wilt W
those from Italy, as well as BriteJaJaii
Germany, who will not be wanting i th
days 01 our country s need. ionsu.1
It Prodaces the Six Tallest Sena taflfe
T171..1. rMH.
..-. ......... ,. Ha
Jrom tne Larayetie (us.) aiessenger.; m
Whenever there is offered ia the TJaftMJ
States a prize open to the whole ceaaWxtj
the family that has the great mw
breadth and thickness Walker oai
throuch the Coulter boys, will be sure to tale 1
it. Oi the six boys, going up by steaafl
commencing at tne lowest. Jim 1 (Sleet'
Mac 6 feet 6, Will 6 feet 6, Tom 6 feitfl
Oscar 6 feet 8, and Bichard 6 feet ltigPto
parents were o leei ana o met a 1
It is unnecessary to say that the bey?l
their rearing had tbe advantage 0 f lianitsi
water. Their weight ran frees 3MJtollM
pounds, Bwkla a.totel o-f i,3W isaajsVatslil
aa average oi &n peases.
&;KVy-TaAst&i3i:i . .
. kAskiiifiMM
j. .. Juvv..- .!. 'fit'-f. .Li.4te';.