Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 15, Image 15

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TheDuche?sGives Seasons Why Some
Persons Should Sot Wed.
LoTe in a Cottage and No Fnnds Only a
Beautiful Sentiment.
The world's mind lias in these later days
turned much upon the strange and impor
tant subject of heredity. It is, perhaps, of
all subjects, the most engrossing, as it is,
beyond question, the most important; espe
cially with regard to the relations existing
between the sexes.
Marriage, where there is a decided im
purity in the blood on either side, should
be forbidden by parents or guardians. In
sanity, scrofula, consumption (another form
of the last-named disease), all should be re
garded as a bar to matrimony.
A severe dictum, no doubt, destroying the
happiness of many, but if faithfully ad
hered to for halt a century or so, would cer
tainly stamp out a great deal ol the disease
that now decimates and renders miserable
the homes of many. The happiness of the
few should give way to the good of the
many, aud if those unfortunately marked
out by nature to be the modern lepers of
societr could have the courage to sacrifice
themselves unspeakable would be the bene
fit to mankind.
But to preach to others is an easy thing;
when it comes to one's own turn to be sac
rificed, we find "the whole head is sick and
the whole heart faint," and we rebel vio
lently against the fate that would chain us
to circumstances.
In truth, when a man loves a woman with
all his heart and mind, it is a cruel rending
of soul and body to separate him from her;
yet, il he or she carry within them the sad
and destructive seeds of madness, or any of
those other well-known hereditary diseases
that destrov humanity, surely it is an in
iquity on their part to" deliberately transmit
the same to postentv.
It is the little children, the flesh of their
flesh, who suffer irresponsible beings
brought into the world without desire ol
their own, without even their permission
being asked. Poor little children! oftimes
doomed from their birth to suffer mourn
fully, and without reproach, the cruelest in
dignities that nature has in store for her off
spring. And it is not only they who suffer.
The mother, the father, whichever it may
be that has given the teirible curse, how
teen must be their remorse as they see the
child of their love dwindle slowly into a
consumptive grave ere yet life has opened
its full charms for it, or else, dragged from
tbcirMepairing arms to an asylum, to end
its life in sccresy and non-comprehension of
anvthing that makes our daily life bearable!
There are, however, other hindrances to
marriage, more easily to be disposed of
want ot monev! We all know melancholy
instances of those married lives, begun in
all good will, on love alone, without a
penny to support that airy little fellow
whose wings are so suggestive of a power to
fly away and rid himself of all responsi
bility and unpleasantness at a moment's
notice. Those melancholy instances should
he a warning to us, and, I hope, sometimes
are, but in spite of all warnings, improvi
dent marriages are as frequent still as they
&re universally disastrous.
Love is delight ul the one real gift of
life, bnt it should not be abused. For a
young man to marry a young woman with
no settle means ot sustaining her through
out the CO odd years or so that Providence
may allot them on this terrestrial plain, ap
proaches almost to a crime in tue estimation
of any thoughtful person.
Here, again.the children come inr They
throughout roust be the real suffeaers those
"fragile beginnings of a mighty end," as
Mrs. Norton has it.
"What a wanton cruelty it is to bring into
the world little souls that should be saved,
to expose them to nothing but the buffets
and misfortunes of a world that has sym
pathy only lor the rich and "well-to-do," as
the phrase goes. 2fo money to educate
them, scarcely enough food to rear them
heartily, a chance of college forever in the
background, even though the father may
have been a college man in his day, and
therefore cognizant of all the advantages to
be derived thereirom. How sad for the
father; how doubly sad for the child! A
bright boy, perhaps who would prob
ably have distinguished himself had
opportunity been given him. Surely
the mother and father of that child, who
have deliberately willed him to a hit of
poverty and insignificance, must feel the
strongest pangs of remorse as they gaze on
him and note the dawmngs of a genius that
might have made his name ring gloriously
in the arena of the world, had they the
means to help him forward in his career.
Of all kinds of selfishness, the man who
makes an improvident marriage is guilty ot
the greatest. For the mere indulgence of
his desires he condemns to misery many a
souL "When the world is a little more per
fect, I hope there will be a law forbidding
people to marry unless they can show a
sufficient income wherewith to keep np the
dignity of the married state.
Another strong hindrance to matrimony
is a difference in religion. People of oppos
ite religious beliefs would do well to avoid
etch other. If one is a Koman Catholic,
the other a Protestant, an unspoken and
often carefully concealed, but nevertheless
strong, antagonism must exist in either
bosom. Each thinks the other in the wrong;
each feels eiger to delcnd his or her own
religion. One with each other as they may
be on all other points, there is ever a reser
vation in the background, a secret differing
that destroys the harmony, the perfect con-
fidenoe that should b- the mainstay of the
relations that bind together the mau and
his wife.
Sadder still, however, is it for the man or
woman with strong spiritual beliefs to wed
an atheist. Two atheists wedded will prob
ably pull along together pretty well (though
what guides them, heaven alone knows),
bnt for one human creature with an earnest
sense of the reality attaching itself to the
divine, to elect to spend a long life with
another who thinks only of the extinction
that, in his estimation, awaits the lower and
higher animals alike, mutt be but a sorrow
ful thing. Here, too, a great gulf is fixed
between the complete trust that married
hearts should know.
There are many minor reasons why cer
tain people should not wed with certain
other people. But they are not "under
Btanded o! the people," as a rule. Others,
again, know and dare all things. It is ex
traordinary how many rush to the alter with
their eyes open io faults fatal to married
happiness. Incongruity of temper tears
larger holes in wedlock than any other fault
we know; yet you will see daily two people
utterly unsuited, barely able to comprehend
each other's character, and totally unable to
deal with them, sign the bond that con
demns them for life to the closest intimacy of
You will see, too, the clever, earnest stu
dent select as his bosom companion the
silly, Irivolous child barely out of her
school room, without depth of mind, with
out the vaguest sense of responsibility, and
with nothing to recommend her save her ,
In vain the husband looks for sympathy
in his work beneath that perfect exterior, in
vain the young wile looks for sympathy in
ter girlish delights from her sobef, thonght
Jul husband. A few months, a year, per
haps, the union lasts, and then the world is
electrified by the news that a separation be
tween them is imminent, or that still sadder
thing a divorce.
The marriage without affection should be
also strongly diseoantenancedi Z know it
has been and can be argued that such ar
rangements in many cases have answered
verv well. But it is not "natural. Nature
revolts ucainst such unions. There should
be marriage of the heart with marriage of
the body. No considerations of wealth or
position should induce either man or woman
to sell the best of them that is, their hearts.
There is always the danger that sooner or
later cither of them, or both, may meet in
their walk through life with that other twin
sonl, that poets tell us (and justly, I tuin)
is wandering aimlessly through the world
looking lor the one who was born to be Us
other self. Such meetings are fraught with
danger. For, says Solomon the wise,
"liove is strong as death.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither
Can the floods drown it."
Therefore, is it well to give it to the one
yonftiarry, rather than wreck your life
Inter on by giving it where in honor it
should be withheld. . The Duchess.
The National Guard of Ohio has been called
into action 16 times in the last ten years.
The conimiisiou of Captain R. W. A. Sim
mons, of Company H, Eighteenth Regiment,
expires on the 27th of this month.
General E. Bdkd Gbcbb, who, up until
a few weeks ago, commanded the Philaaclphia
City Troop, is a candidate for Governor ol
New Jersey.
LlEUTENAirr William Anoloch. of Com
pany E, Eighteenth, has tendered his resigna
tion. Private business absorhmg bis whole
time is the cause.
During tqe mouths of Aneust and Septem
ber, 52 commissions were issued throughout the
State, of which one went to the Fourteenth
Regiment and five to the Eighteenth.
The pay roll of Company C, Fourteenth Reg
iment, for services at Jounbtown amounts to
310,91b. Thoboys are waitingfor it patiently,
and will have a little "blow out" when it ar
rives. Owing to the Inspection ot the Fourteenth
Regiment on October 15, the date of the shoot
for the Brown 4 Hirth medal has been changed
to October 22. Entries can be made tu Lieuten
ant Brown up until October 19. The medal was
won last year by Adjutant Robb, of the Four
teen tli.
The Washington Infantry had a well at
tended drill at the company armory last Friday
evening. Lieutenant fieibaum, who has been
absent from the city for some time on account
of the injuries he received In the West Penn
wreck of a few months ago. is back among the
bo j s again, moie or less recovered.
Captain O. C. Coon, of Company L Mc
Keesport, has offered a very pretty gold medal
to the member of his company who makes the
highest score in qualifying, with sharpshooters
barred. Captain Coon expects to qualify every
member of his company this season, as be
alieadyhas 55 men through, 11 of whom are
The commission of Captain William E.
Thompson, of Company I, Fourteenth Regi
ment, expired last Wednesday, and an election
will shortly be held to fill the vacancy. Captain
Thompson has not made np his mind jet
whether to accept a re-election or not, as be is
somewhat tired of the manner in which certain
things are run in the regiment. He has made
an excellent company commander, and the
Fourteenth will miss him sadly.
A remarkable amount of activity ts at
present being displayed in the National Guard
of Ohio. Besides issuing new overcoats and
rifles throughout the different orcanizations,
the State has decided to form signal and tele
graphic corps, and Lieutenant Walshe, of the
Gternment Signal Office, will probably be
detailed to lend his assistance ana knowledge
in forming the new organizations.
Company C of the Fourteenth Regiment
Captain Nesbit, arrived borne from Johnstown
last Thursday evening, after a tour of almost
four months' continuous duty. Of course there
were numerous changes in the company dur
ing that period, but many of the members re
mained during the entire tour. Some of the
boys have over 100 dais' pay due them from the
State, the funds being expected to arrive last
night. This is the last of the militia which
was flationed at Johnstown.
There is considerable trouole in the Gov
error's Troop, the cavalry organization of the
Third Brigade stationed at Harrisburg. At a
recent meeting of tbe company Captain Per
kins dismissed IS members who were plotting
to have General Gobin, Commander of the
Third Brigade, discharge Perkins for incom
petency and because he was unpopular. The
trouble bezan at ibe Mt. Gretna encatnnment.
nhen Captam Perkins took Lieutenant WalLe-
niyers sworu irotn mm ior msuDoraination,
and now Walkemyers friends are trying to oust
the Captain.
Colonel Norman SI. Smith was unani
mously re-elected Colonel ot the Eighteenth
Regiment last Tuesday evening, and immedi
ately afterward tendered the officers of his
command a banquet at the Suquesne Club.
Colonel Smith has reappointed his entire staff,
which is made up as follows: Surgeon, Dr. C.
C. Wylie; First Assistant Surgeon, Dr. W. T.
English; Second Assistant Surgeon, Dr. O. S.
Brumbaugh: Adjutant, Charles Reese; Quar
termaster, Charles E, Brown; Inspector of
Rifle Practice, A L. Pearson, Jr.; Chaplain,
Rev Milllgan; Commissary, A J. Logan; Pay
master, W. H. Davis, and Assistant Quarter
master, Harry F. Davis.
The date for the inspection of the Four
teenth Regiment by Adjutant General Hast
ings has been chanced to October 15 at II a. m.
The inspection will bo held at Banm's Grove in
the East End, and the companies of the regi
ment are expected to assemble at Union
station at 8 A. M. sharp. Refreshments for
the men will be served on the grounds, and
Colonel Ferchment extends an invitation to
tbe general public to be present on the occas
ion. After the inspection proper, the regiment
will be exercised in battalion movements,guard
mounting, and finish up with a dress parade.
As it is the first inspection of the kind held in
this city for some years, it is expected that
quite a number of visiting officers will be pres
ent. The Second Brigade Examining Board met
at the Monongahela House last Wednesday
and Thursday evenings, and looked into tbe
qualifications of 40 or 50 candidates for com
missions in the National Guard. Applicants
lroin the Tenth, Fourteenth and Eighteenth
Regiments were examined Wednesday even
ing, while those from the other organizations
of the Brigade were heard Thursday evening.
The examinations taken as a whole were tbe
most severe ever given in this ena of the State
since the board was organized, and it is safe to
say that at least half a dozen applicants will be
rejected. Aside from tactical questions, can
didates were rigidly examined in history,
geography, spelling and writing. In fact were
put through as severe a test as generally given
for admission to West Point.
Going Out of Business.
Beginning to-morrow morning I will offer
my entire stock, consisting of fine goods
only, at prices far below common ;oods.
To close out tbe entire stock as quickly as
possible I have named the prices that will
do it. Ladies desiring genuine bargains in
corsets, gloves, hosiery, underwear and la
dies' furnishings in general (fine goods onlv)
should call at once. Those, however, ac
customed to buying the trash generally
thrown ont as bargains in our larger stores,
and intending to buy my goods without
first considering their superior quality, are
respectfully requested to stayaway. All
my goods have been bought within the past
six months, many of them within the last
few weeks, are therefore new, clean and
stylish. Being selected with the greatest
care lor exclusive fine trade only, they
cannot be compared with the usual" line of
goods carried in most stores. My store
being only small I would request that all
who can come in the lorenoon, and ladles
appreciating genuine bargains will be sure
to avail themselves of this unusual oppor
tunity. J?. Schoenthal,
612 Penu ave.
. Ko Superstitions.
A former old maid in Harrisburg, Pa.,
happily married ior some time, said the
other day at a fashionable party of ladies:
I am not superstitious, but I have to ac
knowledge as soon as I began using Drey
doppel Soap a fellow came along, asked me
to be his wife. Ever since I think the
world of Dreydoppel Soap, and most surely
believe there is luck in using it Try your
luckl Use Dreydoppel Soap, the greatest
cleanser, purifier and bleacher on earth.
Probably your fortune will change for the
To Society Daicers.
The newest dance this season is the
Bnssin, which is danced in Newport. Time,
the explanation of steps and movement can
be had by addressing to Prof. J, S. Christy.
Prof. Christy is forming new classes on
Monday evening, Oct. 7, and all those wish
ing lessons In polite dancing will please call
at the academy, No. 1012 Penn are. "Waltz
ing taught in one term.
If Ton Do the Following Will Be of
Great Interest to Ton.
Some ot the Adulterants Used in Pickles
and Catsup.
At this season of the year, when thoughts
of thousands turn oysterward, when visions
of tomato catsup and juicy bivalves force
themselves upon us, when the pickles, too,
an adjunct to these other tasty morsels, be
gin to take the place of some of the sum
mer acid fruit in our daily dietary at this
particular season tomato catsup, vinegar
and piekles become timely topics.
To go to any one of the several catsup
manufactories in this city and see the tons
of tomatoes that are being received at this
season of the year, or a little earlier, one
wonders where and by whom the great quan
tities of catsup will be consumed.
"With a view of ascertaining to what de
gree this product was subject to adultera
tion, samples of six brands ot tomato catsup
were bought from retail dealers in this city,
and subjected to carelul microscopical and
chemical analyses, with the following re
sults: Salicylic acid was found in five samples.
Coloring matters were found in five samples.
Fungi or moulds found io four samples.
Arsenic (traces) found in one sample.
Sulphuric acid found in one sample.
With regard to the salicylic acid found,
it may be stated that it is almost univer
sally used by tomato catsup manufacturers
ior the purpose of cheaply preserving the
catsup from lermentation in other words,
to make it "keep." Almost every housewiie
who annually puts up a number of bottlesof
excellent tomato catsup is much annoyed by
the certain tendency it has to lerment eithei
beiore the bottle is opened lor use or imme
diately after. The mannfacturer overcomes
the difficulty by adding salicylio acid to the
preparation. He also uses it to preserve the
large quantities of tomatoes which he buys
when they are cheapest. The salicylic acid
enables him to make up a sort of mash or
"pulp" that will keep until such a time as
he may wish to prepare and bottle it. The
catsup consumer will want to know, if sali
cylic acid is injurious. It is certainly, when
partaken of in anything more than very
small doses not very frequently repeated.
The person who takes a teaspoon
iul of catsup containing sufficient
salicylic acid to preserve it, not
oftener than once a week, will not, perhaps,
do himself any great injury; but the man
who is in tbe habit of consuming a table
spoonful dailv of such a catsup will inevit
ably injure his stomach. The long con
tinued administration of salicylic acid or
its salts causes emaciation, oi wasting of
the tissues, and large quantities may cause
The coloring matters found in five sam
ples were cochineal, cochineal lake, aniline
red and some vegetable colors. Aniline
red, if pure, is not in anyway deleterious to
health when swallowed; but, as a practical
matter of fact, aniline- colors often contain
arsenic, and for this reason their use to
color food stuffs is dangerous. Cochineal is
in no way deleterious, and is not liable to
contain injurious impurities. But it is
wrong in principle to color food stuffs at all.
If an article is pure it ought to sell without
any dye. How anyone can imagine that
tomatoes could give such a color to catsup,
as is possessed by this article, it is difficult
to conceive.
The presence of lungi or moulds indicates
that the tomatoes had begun to lenient and
grow mouldy beiore the salicylic acid was
added, which latter would of course stop
the growth of the fungus. With regard to
the effect ot the ingestion of this dead monld,
it is only necessary to state that a number of
years ago an experimenter found that when
rabbits were led on mouldy bread their ears
sloughed off, deep ulcerations made their
appearance, and finally death resulted.
xne traces oi arsenic ueiecieu iu one sam
ple were probably derived from the aniline
dye used to color the catsup. While the
quantity found was exceedingly small, yet
it must be remembered that arsenic is not
to be trifled with, and that, like all metals,
it accumulates in the system and even in
small doses, if kept up, may eventually pro
duce dangerous symptoms. Of course the
presence of arsenic in the above-mentioned
case, was entirely unknown to the maker ot
the catsup;' he did not know that aniline
colors often contain arsenic.
The sulphuric acid found was probably
added to give an extra tartness to the cat
sup, without the use of vinegar, which latter
was entirely absent. Sulphuric acid ot ib
self is not injurious in small quantities and
well diluted, but it, too, olten contains
With regard to the physiological effects of
catsup and pickles, it must be said that
when pure they are not of any value as
foods; out as relishes to add zest to the appe
tite and thus indirectly favor digestion, and
also directly by the stimulating effect of the
pepper they contain on the stomachal secret
ory apparatus, they are on the whole quite
beneficial. Of course the eating of pickles
between meals, or in large amounts at any
time, is in most cases a very bad practice;
and a craving for this kind of thing is often
the result of overindulgence in candies and
alcoholic stimulants.
Ten samples of domestic and foreign
pickles were examined, with the result of
finding impurities and adulteration in 32
percent. This may seem rather startling,
and it will be queried whether cucumber
pickles can be made out of anything other
cucumbers. It has been stated on good au
thority that certain vegetable marrows have
been fashioned into clever imitations of
cucumber pickles; and turnips, too, have
been made to masquerade as pickles so suc
cessfully that it is said neither epicure nor
botanist could detect the fraud. However,
none of these spurious pickles were found
in this series of analyses. The adultera
tions referred to were chiefly in the vinegar,
while the impurities were in both vinegarand
pickles. Pure cider vinegar is, or ought to
be, a 4 or 5 per cent solution of acetic acid
in water, with various extractive matters.
There are many different varieties ot vine
gar, according to the source; thus in com
merce we have cider, wine, sugar, malt,
wood and beet vinegars. Of these the cider
and wine products, or what is. sold as such,
are the most commonly used. Each kind
ot vinegar, if pure, has a decided color,
flavor and aroma, derived from the vegeta
ble from which it is prepared.
The examination often samples of pickles
from the general market, including an
analysis ol the vinegar containing them,
vielded the following results:
Copper present in two samples.
Sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) present In seven
Lead nresent in one sample.
Iron present in two samples.
Zinc present in one tample.
The copper found in two samples was
present in considerable amount, aud had
been added for the sole purpose of dyeing
the pickles a bluish green color. A few
years ago it was a very general thing to
color all kinds of pickles with copper; an
examination of the pickle shelves of any
retail grocery would show rows of jars con
taining the cucumbers, etc., of the most un
appetizing color imaginable. But iwithin
the last few years quite a reform has been
established in this respect, and the
pnblio are being educated up to
the fact that pickles of a vivid
green color Invariably contain copper, and
in some Instances when the hue is quite
natural a Blight amount of copper is pres
ent, having been used to recolor encumbers
which save peea pxeacnea pj wo long im
mersion in brine, or by some other cause. It
is still a common practice with manybouse
wives to "green" their pickles by allowing
them, with their vinegar, to stand in brass
or copper kettles for 24 hours or more; and
it is also advised in some cook boofcs to
place a few pennies in the pot while cook
ing the pickles. How it is that anyone
should be so ignorant as to do these things
it is difficult to concieve; yet it is done.
Whether the copper found in the two in
stances mentioned came from the vessels or
'was added in he form of sulphate of copper
(blue stone), makes but little difference; ut
existed in thepicklesas sulphate and acetate
of copper, both ol which are highly poison
ous. Many cases, some fatal, of poisoning
from eating pickles colored with copper
have been reported.
The oil of vitriol found in seven samples
is evidently a very common sophistication.
Its cost is so little, and its strength is so
great, that the temptation to use it as an
adulterant of vinegar is powerful. In addi
tion to adding tartness to a weak vinegar, it
increases the antiseptic or preserving power,
and for this reason the admixture ot a small
amount (1 part to 1,000 parts) is permitted
by the English "lood adulteration act.'
But even this is unnecessary, as shown by
the fact that where the proportion of the
acetic acid and other ingredients are what
they should be, no vitriol nor anything else
is required to give it preserving power. The
amount found in the samples was; in all but
one instance, very much greater in amount
than allowed by the English act, and in all
cases where present there was a notable de
ficiency of acetic acid, the normal sour in
gredient of vinegar. In addition to its own
deleterious effects, commercial sulphuric
acid very
The lead, iron and inc found were pres
ent as a result of the action of the acids on
these metals, with which they had come in
contact, soluble salt of the metals being pro
duced. All these substances are injurious,
though this statement may seem strange to
those who would think iron an exception
on account of its known tonic properties;
but itfmust be remembered that iron is only
a tonic when given in small doses and not
too long continued. If its use is kept up it
will eventually impoverish the blood.
Coming to the remedy for this state of
things, it may be stated that ail pickles con
taining sulphuric acid and copper should he
rejected. You may detect sulphuric acid in
vinegar and pickles in this way: Place a
few drops of the vinegar on a small piece of
granulated whife cane sugar in a saucer;
then set the saucer over the top of atia
kettle or other vessel in which water is kept
boiling for some time. This wiU'evaporate
the water aud acetic acid of the vinegar,
aud then if sulphuric acid is present it will
become concentrated and char the sugar.
This cbarriug of the sugar is a certain and
simple test for the presence of any import
ant quantities of sulphuric acid. Copper is
usually indicated by the bright green color
of the piekles. Chemically, it may be dis
covered by simply immersing a clean pol
ished knife blade into the vinegar. If a
salt of copper is present even in small quan
tities it will be' deposited in the form oi me
tallic copper on tbe knife blade.
Catsup: In the first place, avoid a highly
colored article, for the chances are that
much coloring matter has been added to
disguise the dark color of half-ripened or
rotten tomatoes. Again, don't buy a low
priced article. When you see an array of
catsuo bottles in a window with a price
card on them, showing they are being sold
at half the first grade price, don't buy that
'catsup; it is not fit to go into a human
stomach. The writer has known of a bar
gain hunter who walked four squares out of
her way to get a catsup that was sold 5 cents
cheaper (?) than better grades. Examina
tion showed that catsup to be filthy; it was
a network of moldy fiber. Considering
how long a bottle of catsup will last, 5
cents is a very small saving to the pur
chaser, yet that much difference in price
means a great deal to the manufacturer,
consequently he cannot afiord to out as good
tomatoes in it nor to make it up so care
fully as the better quality, so that this
grade, contains most of the rotten tomatoes,
the sweepings, etc., all colored up nice and
red with rosauiline. Whose fault is it that
this kind of preparation is on the market
the manufacturers' ? Not exactly. It is the
.fault of the bargain hunter, who wants to
get something for nothing the bargain
hunter who holds a 5-cent piece so close to
her eye that she cannot see the dollar be
hind it.
Chetalieb Q. Jackson, M. D.
English, by birth, is the sweet quiet
Lavender perlume. Atkinson's will prove
to you that the French have no right to
claim it.
The Parade of Knights Templar at Wash
ington, D. C,
On Tuesday next will be one of the grandest
sights ever witnessed in this country. The
Pennsylvania Bailroad Company have pro
vided sufficient sleeping cars on train leav
ing this city to-night and to-morrow night at
8:10 P. II. to accommodate all who desire
sleeping car space. Parlor cars are now
running between Pittsburg and Washington
on day train leaving Pittsburg at 8 A. at.,
arriving at Washington at 8:10 P. M., thus
affording a daylight ride over the Alleghe
nies. Through sleeping and parlor cars will
run on trains from Washington to Pitts
burg on tbe return trip. Fare lor the round
trip, J9; tickets good to return until October
31. In addition to this low rate made from
Pittsburg to Washington and return, parties
desiring to visit New York can purchase a
round trip ticket at Washington to New York
for $10, retarning direct via Philadelphia
and Harrisburg.
Rhododendron Park, tbe Highest Point on
tbe Allegheny Mountains.
The Pennsylvania Bailroad Company
have arranged to run a special excursion to
Lloydsville (Rhododendron Park), on Sat
urday, October 12, 1889, leaving Pittsburg
at 8:10 a. 21., stopping at East Liberty,
Wilkinsburg, Swissvale, Braddock, Turtle
Creek, Irwin and principal points east
thereof. Stopping at Altoona at noon for
dinner, reaching Rhododendron Park at 1
P. M., returning, leaving the park at 5 P.
M., stopping at Altoona for supper, reaching
Pittsburg about 9p.m.
This will be tbe last excursion of the sea
son to this beautiful mountain resort, af
fording an elegant opportunity to view the
Alleghenies, clothed in their autumn garb,
and virtually the day of the excursion be
ing a holiday and the rate so low, $3 ior the
round trip, no better opportunity could be
afforded you than on this occasion to wit
ness this beautiful scenery.
Exceeding Anticipation,
The October number of the School Review
is now ready. It is brighter and be ter and
more interesting than any of its predeces
sors; containing aside from the continued
stories, a large amount of general reading
for both old and young. Tbe demand for
the September issue was unprecedented, and
the favorable comments made upon it by
both teachers and pupils were highly grati
fying to tbe publishers.
With the November number wo intend to
introdnce some new and special features,
which will interest especially the little
folks. Look out for them.
Monday, October 7.
Silk remnants below cost.
Silk remnants below cost.
Black silk remnants below cost.
Colored silk remnants below cost. '
Enable & Shustee, 35 Fifth ave.
The values we are showing in black silks
from 65c to $3 a yd., are unequaled.
Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st, ttsu
Come to-morrow to the great closing out
sale at Schoenthal'?, 012 Penn are.
WAlN-WBiOHi'sbeer is refreshing, pleas
ant ana oenenciai, xne tavonte family dot
erage. Tbauknheim & Vilsack's Iron City
beer grows in favor every day. ,'Phone 1188.
Billy Edwards Discusses the Science
of Wrestling and Its Devotees.
Lancashire Purring and Other Cruel Fight
ing Methods.
I suppose that wrestling is the oldest of
all the athletic arts of our race. Long be
fore men boxed, they "bufleted. niB, a
far as we can ascertain, consisted in two
men standing before each other with their
arms down and first one and then the other
striking his opponent on the face, head and
neok with the flat hand. Eichard the Lion
hearted is said to have been buffeted in this
way by Priar Tuck, one of Eobin Hood's
crew, and to have given a blow in return
that knocked that ecclesiastical worthy
completely out, to use the modern sporting
phrase. This ancient sport is not quite yet
extinct, by the way, occurring still in a few
of the country fairs in the by-ways of En
gland. It also reappears in some very cruel
but rare sports. One of these is when each
of the two men gives the other the little finger
of his left hand to chew: another is when each
of the two gives his left arm for the other to
burn with a lighted cigar. The former Invar
iably results in the maiming of both pa"'"
and the latter in the Infliction ot ghastly burns
that require weeks In being cured.
Wrestling In England and the colonies still
retains much of Its old-time popularity. In
every place are professionals and amateurs
who keep the spon alive and who enjoy a local
popularity that is bard for us Americans to un
derstand or appreciate. Every town nas us
champion as has almost every country. On
Sundays and holidays matches are of constant
occurrence, ana victor and vanquished are
rewarded by unlimited applause and equally
unlimited amounts of ale, wine, punch and
other liquid lnxnries. In the Unite i States.
Breaking Bight Leg.
wrestline has never been sucn a popular sport.
In almost every case where a man has dis
played great skill iu some unfamiliar neighbor
hood, he has been pounced upon by sporting
men or managers who saw money in his skill
and transferred to tbe ranks of tbe profes
sionals. This is the history in a nutsbell of
Owen, McLaughlin and McMahon, tbreo of the
greatest of American wrestlers. It is especially
the case of Owen, who was a rosy-cheeked,
beardless country boy from Vermont when he
made his bow before a Boston audience as a
professional. There is no u6 of complaining
about this tendency of affairs in our own
country. '
Professional wrestling isagood, remunerative
business, and pays far better on an average
than the law, pulpit or medicine. Of our great
lights Uuldoon enjoys a superb income from
his exhibitions, while Prof. Miller, Andre
Christol, Bauer, "Strangler" Lewis, Greek
George, Duncan C. Ros and that eccentric
Japanese athlete, Matsada Sorakicbi, seldom if
ever make less than 5,000 a year apiece for
their professional work. In fact it may be
safely said that a first-class wrestler Is always
sore of a nrst-class living.
It is very hard to define accurately what
wrestling is. In the course of tbe years so
many arbitrary systems have been evolved that
no one definition can cover tbe lot of -hem. It
may be roughly called a sport in which two
men endeavor to throw each other down In
some prescribed way without going doirn in
the same way themselves. The average reader
will probably have no idea of the vast differ
ences that are covered by so elastic a defini
tion. In Greco-Roman wrestling, both hips
and one shoulder, or both shoulders and one
hip, of tbe vanquished party must be put in
contact with the ground at the same time. In
this style of nrestliug the contestants are
allowed to strike with tbo open hand, though
never with the clenched or the back: of the
hand, on any part of the body between the
throat and knee. I have seen such great mas
ters as Christol, Bauer and Miller make hand
holds so vigorously that the blood flowed
from the skin of the man they would
grasp. On the other band, in col
lar and elbow wrestling, no blons
are allowed, and the initial hold must not be
broken until the round is determined. In still
another system that of butting which pre
vails in many parts- of EnglaCd, and more
especially in English colonies, the hands and
feet are relegated to an inferior position an
tbe head becomes tbe chief implement of
offense. In this case, men, for the time beinir,
become goats, and probably the sport should
not be called wrestling. Most of the systems
of wrestling can be compared to the wrestling
habits ot tbe loner animals. While "nutting"
may be compared to the habits of the goat, the
"purring" of Lancashire athletes may be
likened to the methods of attack employrd by
jackasses; la savatc" of the French, is like the
fighting of the ostriches; the Grxco-Roman
resembles the struggles of grizzly bears with
one another; catctws-catch-can Is modeled
after the actions of the ordinary European
bear; the collar-and-elbow is like the fights be
tween monkeys, and the Cornish aud North
umberland is like battles among elephants.
"La savatc." or the French system, although
sedulously cultivatcdby the military and naval
authorities of that nation, is unpopular at
home and Is utterly despised by our race. It
consists chiefly in kicking and striking and
leaves little for'the great muscles of the body
to accomplish. The Cornish and Northumber
land allow "hacking," which is a close cousin
of the savate, and also a nnmber of body
throws, which cannot be described in polite
language. Catch-as-catcb-can explains Itself
by its own name, aud is in vogue wherever our
race is. Tbo restrictions are few, but no strik
ing or kicking is allowed. There Is no restric
tion as to the method of grasping, pulling or
throwing an antagonist, excepting those which
common decency dictates.
In measuring tbe values of the different
styles or schools of wrestling, I unhesitatingly
give preference to the cqllar-and-elbow as be
ing the most scientific and beautilulof them
all. Next to It, and verr close behind, is the
Greco-Roman. This last sobool of wrestling
doe s not belong to the Anglo-Saxon race at all,
and has come into vogue in England and Amer-
Breaklng Right Arm.
ica within the last 20 years. Its name is a
frightful misnomer, as it has nothing whatever
to do with the methods known in Greece or
Rome. It ought to be called Franco-German,
for, so far as it can be learned it is an old Ger
man style ot wrestling which was developed
and Unshed In France. It came into vogue in
England some IS years ago, aud three years
afterward was brought over to this country,
where it immediately aroused the enthusiasm
of large audiences, and was adopted as tbe
favorite school of the athletic associations of
the country.
Oddly enough, tho greatest masters of the
Greco-Roman wrestling at the present day are
Next to collar-and elbow, and Gneco-Roman,
catcb-as-catch-can is to le prized as a matter of
science. Below this come tbe various styles
known as Cornish. Northumberland, Scotch
and hlp-and-shoulder. In this class muscularity
ranks higher than science, so that tbe small
man has little or no show when opposed" to one
For this week we will offer Flobert rifles, side extractor, at S2 00; Flobert rifles, Rem
ington aciion, chambered for 22-cal. cartridges, at 13 00; Warnant action Flobert's, 23 caL,
at SI 00; same make, 6Es, at (5 00: Winchester repeating short guns at 118 00; doub'e
barrel muzzle loaders, par lock, at $5 00; double-barrel breech loaders, $7 00 and upward
100 paper shells, 60c; wads, 250 for 10c; loading sets, 25c; belts, 25c.
IC SiMIIT, 934 Liberty St, Cor, Smithfield,
Bead for our mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, tree ot charge.
much larger than himself. Just below this
class comes the Japanese and Chinese school of
wrestling. This has a rude science of its own
and is interesting on account of its noveltv to
occidentals. Below these, and very far below
them are tbe purring Of Lancashire, tbo hack
ing of Cheshire, "la savate" of France and tho
butting of this country and tbe West Indies.
Wrestlers are like boxers. They have their
day. grow superannuated and disappear from
public view. There are a few seeming excep
tions to the rule, just as there are In boxing.
Just as Jem Mace held up for more than SO
years, so Homer Lane is almost as good to-day
as he was when he surprised the sporting
world some 30 years ago. A wrestler seldom
attains bis best form till be is In tbe neighbor
hood of 30 years of age. He then continues
in hit good condition, providing be takes
anytbinc like proper care of himself, until ne
is, say 60. Tbe present champion of England
is 54. Three weeks' ago he threw a man In a
championship match who was 25 years his
junior and 30 pounds his superior in weight.
Ot the great wrestlers of our generation
Clarence Whistler was tbe first in date and
was one ot tbe best tbe world has ever seen.
He was a giant In size and Strength, and had a
body that was as bard as well-seasoned wood.
He died prematurely in Australia of pnen-
The Double Bridge.
monla, shortly after be bad thrown Prof.
Miller. Had it not been for this, he wonld be
to-day tbe closest competitor of Mnldoon him
self. Next to him was Owen, of Vermont, a
smooth-faced boy, with a genius for wrestling
that 1 have never seen surpassed. During his
brief career he did better work than any man
this country has ever seen. Next to bim was
Homer Lane, who, though a middleweight
downed almost every heavyweight he en
countered. Of such men as AL Livingston,
who weighed probably about 230 pounds;
Taylor, who weighed 220. and Kelly,
who weighed 250, all of whom were
giants in physical strength, he simply made
mince-meai. The greatest of all with. It may
be, the exception of Clarence Whistler, is the
E resent champion, William Muldoon. It may
e seriously questioned if there be a man alive
in the world to-day who can meet him on equal
terms. Outside of Muldoon, however, there
are any nnmber of gTeat athletes in this field.
William Johnson, an old-timer, is still a superb
an 1st, Major McLaughlin, of Detroit, is still a
formidable man, although be hat retired per
manently from the busiress. So. too. of re
markaMo skill and strength is "Butcher" Mar
tin, of Ypilanti. He. I believe, has also re
tired from the profession. A greater genius
than either of- these two, is Joe Acton, who Is
known as the "Demon," who is now employed
by the California Athletic Clnb. Were bis size
and strength equal to his skill, he would be the
greatest wrestler In thn world. His specialty
is catch as-catch-can in which he is closely fol
lowed by Evan Lewis, better known as
from two new and original neck-holds which
tbe latter has invented. Lewis is still a young
man and takes good care ot himself. In all
probability he will take a much higher place
than ha now has, and will soma day fill the
place now occupied by Muldoon. James Faulk
ner is a m.ddle-welght who has displayed Borne
cleverness in catch-as-catch-can and deserves
more than apassingnotice. Prof.N. H. Coupe,
the instructor of the Schuylkill Athletic Clnb.
is another magnificent all-round wrestler who
has not been sufficiently brought before the
public Prof. William Miller is one of the
greatest athletes now living, and is good in
every possible line. Though a comparatively
old man, he is one of tbe best men in the world
for all-round work. Of Sebastian Miller, Bauer
aud Christol it Is hardly necessary to say much.
They are great masters of Gneco
Roman wrestling, and besides that
are good general athletes. Tom Can
non and Greek George are two mag-nificentlheavy-weights,aud
do first-class work.
Their muscular strength and vitality are of
most remarkable character. It would not doto
omit comment on that curious little Japanese,
Matsada Sorakicbi. He, though a small man,
Is a solid mass of bone and muscle, and is as
game as a Spanish fighting cock. In his own
national school of wrestling he is without a
peer. In our own systems he is beginning to
take a position which within the next five years
will be that of the first order. There are three
other athletes who deserve mention who, al
though thoy are not professional wrestlers,
have done such good work in wrestling as to
deserve mention. These are Donald Dinnie,
Duncan C. Ross and Captain James C. Daly.
These have attained success In wrostling. notso
much from their science as from their admir
able training and their marvelous physical
strength. Dinnie once threw Wbistler, and
both Ross and Dinnie have bested our most
famous wrestlers in exhibition matches. So
far as I can judge, the trio are of about equal
strength and ability.
It is a very common mistake to suppose that
great pugilists are wrestlers. They are noth
ing of tbe sort. Under either the London or
Queensberry rules all they need to know is bow
to fall easily and safely. This is the limit of
their education In wrestling. There is not a
great pugilist of today who could successfully
wrestle against any one of the men whom I
have named. There is a popular rumor going
around that Sullivan or Rifrain can meet Mul
doon in his own field. This to any man who
understands boxing and wrestling is ridiculous
nonsense. Wm. Edwabtjs.
The Need of Early Correction.
Tbe pranks played by a naughty liver need
earlv correction. Prompt, pleasant discipline
is administered with Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters, which expels bile from the blood and
directs it into tbe proper channel, healthfully
and painlessly relaxes the bowels and renews
obstructed digestion. From malaria and
chronic rheumatism the Bitters affords pro
tection, and it promptly checks kidney and
nerve trouble.
Dress Goods! Dress Goods!
Away down in price.
Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. '
Don't miss this great opportunity of buy
ing fine goods far below tbe priceof common
goods at the great closing out sale at 612
Penn ave.
GUN WA is a Chinese Physician.
Owing to existing laws he cannot practice
medicine in America. So he has prepared a
line of Chinese herb and vegetable specifics,
wbicb, instead of simply relieving symptoms,
strike at the VERY ROOT OF DISEASE, and
perform cures that are nothing ft than mar
velous. A friendly talk and CONSULTATION
with Gun Wa COSTS NOTHING. He charges
but a small sum for his remedlss,which, though
gentle and harmless to take, are certain and
unerring in their effects. They SPEEDILY
CURE all blood, nervous and chronic diseases.
Young, middle-aged or old men. suffering,
quickly restored to PERFECT PHYSICAL
AFFLICTED. If you cannot call, write him,
in perfect confidence. Send for history of his
lire, and his circular on Cancer. Tumors, Tape
Worm, Rheumatim. Catarrb, Femalo Weak
ness, or FHck. Inclose io stamp for reply.
Office hours, 9 A. M.tol2 St.; I 'o 5 and 7 to 9
04,0 Penn A--ve.,IHtts'tmrB, Fa.
NO. 3.
jf Ji nit 9L-jA sel3-65-wrsn
h VflaU
3upfe:w mill
efriMM J
"B - E - A - U -
"Lovelyr "CJiarmiiig!""Exqirisite!f
These adjectives are not printed for effect, they are bat a lew J
of the many exclamations of delight and pleasure that spaata-
ously drop from the lips of the many Ladies who daily visit ad d
" nannifA niif f lii-str flffnartmTlt Tfl crranrl irariiHr rwwilftrw
them, the pretty styles fascinate tnem, tne low prices startle uci
A perfect revelationl t "
A complete revolution!
Said a certain lady the other day:
"Whv it's onlv since Kaufmanni have gone into ike
fJstnb Aic'tcr fhrtt Pittehitirrr rntf hnnvf n-f r wWA&iio
tan Cloak house. It is no longer necessary for th$
fashionable Ladies of Pittsburg to order their garments i
J f VlV iltiv J. v vj yvf .Aj.M'tiy iiHiyii wk dw llr&mr J94lr .j.
To be sure this lady but voices the popular sentiment ia thasJ
giving expression to her opinion. The reputation of oar Cleakv
department, called into existence but two years ago, is already mJ
tablished so firmly and favorably as to count among its patroMjf
the most fastidious and stylish ladies of the two cities- Aad sf--'
rapidly is our trade increasing that we are now (for the fortk if
time) compelled to enlarge our quarters. When the new additia1ff
to our building will have been
will be more than double the
Pittsburg or Allegheny. In the
tinue to supply our patrons with
Special attention is called to our magnificent importations of ji
Berlin Newmarkets, Parisian Wraps, English Walking Jackets aadl
London Dyed Seal and Seal Plush garments. For perfection of i
fit, faultlessness of make, tastefulness of trimmings and geaeral.
beauty and gracefulness these garments are far ahead of anything
of the kind ever shown in this city. And no wonder, for they are 4
the choicest productions of the most celebrated manufacturers of,, ;
the world. .. -
uut wnv aescriDer
"To gilt refined goldj to paint the lily,
To throw a perfume on the violet,
To smooth the ice, or add another hue
Unto the rainbow, or with taper light
To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish
' Is wasteful and ridiculous excess"
Our goods and also our prices will bear the closest
inspection. You will be convinced that these are facts if
you .will call and see for yourselvea Every article marked,
showing former and present (Closing Out) prices. Below wa
give prioes on a few artioles:
Decorated 56-piece Tea Sets at 3 20 per set and ranging op to $20 per
set. Decorated Chamber Sets, complete with jar, at $3 90 per set and rang
ing up to $15 per set. English Decorated 100-piece Dinner Sets, nice goods,
at $13 90 and ranging up to $300. Brass Extension Piano Lamps, with large
burner and umbrella shade, all complete, at $3 90 an'd ranging np to $50.
Decorated Vase or Table Lamps, with large burner and decorated shade to
match, at $3 20 and ranging up to $21, reduced from $35. Banquet .Lamps
(wbicb are all the go iu the East) complete with decorated bisque, or um
brella shade, at $3 95-and ranging np to $26 50. Rogers' Dinner Kniyes at
$1 24 per set. Brass Extension Hanging Lamps at SI 40 each and ranging ia
price up to $24. Gas Fixtures, Bronzes and Clocks, Chandeliers and Hall
Lights, Art Potteries, comprising Bisque, Boral Worcester, Old Hall, Crowa
Derby, Hungarian, Wurtemberg and other famous wares; Pancj Tables, ia
Bronze and Onyx, Pedestals and Easels. Enll line of domestic pressed aad"
rich cat Glassware, for hotel and household. Wedding and Anniversary ,
Gifts at Closing Out Prices.
The J. P.Smith Lampi Glass and China Co..
935,Penn Ave., Between Ninth and Tenth Sts.
P. S. Please call In the morning
T - I - F - U - LI!
amw m. .a-wJ .. r Awwi
- j-
completed our Cloak deoartraeat $
size of that of any other house JaJS
meantime however, we shall cok-
xwiiauiisau i. .
J-i. jfi r.gjCij.n J.aj.r 3C OUKi
Builders ol FINE CARRIAGES. , ,
Our assortment includes light aud beaTy wotfc ;
of erery description. , ,,
See Display at Exposition.
salesrooms, aw ana 320 .penn aTeflse, , 1
and avoid tbe afWaooa raeh. j
r - -r
. "i.JkftiiSfclU.x-