h i- 14 A BEAUTIFUL SPOT. The Cascades of Hoenefos Seen When They Looked Their Trettiest. AN IEXGDRSION TO THE PLACE Enjoyed by the Oriental Congress Before Adjournment. Just t WIKD-UP OF A TRI IMPORTANT ETEKT Christiana,! September 17. The cas cades of Hoenefos lie to the northwest of Christiana, in the midst of the picturesque hill scenery whicn prevails in the sonth of Norway, an attractive and pleasing region, although its features are not wild and Titanic as those of the western coast. By the circuitous railway route they are about 75 miles away, though only at about half this distance in a straight line. Almost the whole of Tuesday was given to an excursion to tnis beantilul spot, a long special train being provided for the members. There had been short sessions at the Uni versity before leaving. Prof. Sayce, of Oxford, the keen decipherer of Assyrian monuments, made a learned re port on the so-called Cappadocian cuneiform inscriptions, and Mr. Dhruva, a native scholar and district judge trom Baroda, laid before the Aryan section seme papers on the history of the Guierat language, in which he is an accomplished student. Be fore noon the members went in procession to the railway station, and started on what proved to be the merriest ot all the outings of the learned gathering. Such "junket ings" are enough to smooth the wrinkles from the. brow of the veriest phonetician, and make a delver in Sanskrit manuscripts forget the routine of his labors. The railway passes along the hilly borders of the Christiana Fjord, giving glimpses of its clear waters and rocky islands, and as cends gradually until bevond Boken it commands a wide view of the fertile valley of Lier, and descends by a magnificent sweep to reach the town of Drammen. Seen from the sea, Norway has the ap pearance of a barren country whose bare rocks have an almost volcanic bleakness and desolateness, but inland one smiling valley opens into another, seemingly fertile enough to support a great population. From Drammen the road follows the course of the Drammen'k Elven, a large mountain torrent which descends to the Jjord. The general character of the scenery is Swiss. As we advanced up the course oi the stream, the gorges became more somber, and the dark river, BROKEN BY MASSIVE BOCKS, came foaming down in greenish-white masses. It is shut in bv straight banks of ray moss-covered rock, and everywhere are the tall tacerinc fir trees, which eive the most characteristic coloring to Norwe gian scenery. Down the river logs were floating to the mills below, and an occasional timbered house with its roof ot bright red tiles gave a brighter color to the picture. Further on there were broad openings with harvest fields in the golden beauty of ripened grain, and rich green pasture lands dotted with farm houses and crossed by hard, smooth roads, with here and there a little white church seen above the trees On the lower slopes were deciduous trees in bright autumn colors, especially the maples in flaming red and yellow, and rising in the background the solemn, fir-covered hills. At 3:30 we stopped for a few minutes at the station of Yikessnnd, which was quite unprepared for the assanlt which was made on its buffet by 400 hungry members who had had no chance to get luncheop be!bre leaving. The at tacking party was about ten deep at the edge ot th- -.nter, and happy was the man who could get a fragment of a biscuit or halt an apple; cue member in our coupe captured a small bag of shrimps, which were impartially divided around. At this station, as well as at others along the route, I had an opportunity of speaking with the people who had come to see the passing of the train, and found that among the middle and poorer classes of society America is well known, and looked to as a sort oi promised land lor the masses. Hardly a person of this class, with whom I have spoken, but has some iriend or relative in "the States," and some have themselves lived there; in fact the large emigration to the United States has proven a serious drain upon the resources oi Norway, and is re garded with not a little apprenension by the upper classes. Among the latter I have not found much enthusiasm for our country, which perhaps can hardly be wondered at. The word "American" is generally spoken with that undefinable but well-known intona tion which implies anything but flattery. 'WHEBEIK' WE ABE CONDEMNED. "Whatever may be said as to the justice of the opinion, I find almost universally among this class a spirit which condemns our institutions as crude and ineffectual, our politics as sordid and utterlv corrupt, our national standards as devoted entirely to material ends and to an all-mastering greed for money-getting. This is fostered by the Scandinavian press and books relat ing to the United States, which devote the best part of their energies to showing the extravagances and excrescences upon our civilization, and are well-nigh silent in regard to those deep and permanent moral forces which are the real strength and glory of the American people. "When we reached the town of Hoenefos we found that the population in general had culled out a holiday in honor of the great occasion, the schools being dismissed, shops closed, and business generally sus pended. As we passed underneath an arch way made by two huge Norwegian flags, we were greeted by the school children, who were drawn up on parade with flags and banners, and formed a guard ot honor to the triumphal procession which marched through the street. The appearance of the town is something like that of Interlaken, with the principal shops contained in one long street, through which we marched, and were greeted by" a pretty surprise, for in nearly every upper window were groups of beautitul Norwegian girls who showered down bunches of flowers as we passed. It must be admitted that they exercised considerable discrimination in bestowing these favors, and that our strangely-dre6ed Oriental members got the greatest share, especial preference being shown by these fine younir women to a young Armenian who wore a long mauve-colored coat set off by gold cartridge-cases, gold belt and dagger, and a tall white turban ot lamb's skin. Our Hoonsh and Arabian delegates had suc cumbed to the climate or the round of Occi dental hospitalities, for they remained be hind in Christiana. THE IANG BRIDGE across the stream in front of the falls was made into a. pons triumphalis by high arches at either end, and was lined with the tops ot birch trees set along alternately with colored pennants. The refreshing sight of the principal falls well repaid the journey. Down the broad steps of black rock the river foams by a hundred chutes, and its broken waters descend lor a long distance in switt rapids. While the cascades cannot be com pared with the descent of the Rhine at Bchaffbausen, and are eqnaled by many in the United States, they are impressive for their size and breadth, though the pictur esque effect is lessened by the building of mills which ntilize the water power. We bad little time to contemplate them, tor the procession moved on half a mile farther to an Alpine hotel, in lrontof which was a great tent set with tables bearing the long expected dinner. It was no small act of self denial to march past thitdisplar to take our places upon a range ot seats which had been built on the steep river bank, while a. photographer trom Christiana took a number of views from a town set tip for the purpose on an island in the middle of the river. At 5 o'clock the patient company was rewarded by a din ner of 18 courses which was well desiened to s&tisfr all our wants. As at the Hub's dinner at "Bygdo," there was a large varietv of fish in different forms, cmnns: I which a national fish pudding with lobster sauce, was particularly good, vnile we ate, the band of the Second Brigade Corps, which had done yeoman's work on our journey, played for our entertainment, and alter dinner, while coffee was being served outside the tent, a chorus ot ladies and gen tlemen sang national songs from the balcony of the hotel, which excited gteat approval, and in the spirit of hilarity which reigned someone began to throw flowers up to v the yonng ladies who were singing. COVERED "WITH BOUQUETS. The example was followed so generally that they were almost overwhelmed with bouquets, and began to return the fire. while the younger members of the congress strug eled" among themselves for the flowers which were tossed down. A venerable university professor led in cheers for Honefos and its ladies, and the procession marched back to the train under the triumphal arches, which now glowed with incandescent electric lights. "We reached Christiana some time after midnight. The formal closing of the con gress took place on Wednesday in the hall of the university. There was the usual press of business just before ad journment, and most of the papers were only read by title; some of these are of considerable scientific value, and their publication in the minutes of the coneress will be waited for with interest The last affair In Christiana was a great civic banqnet in the Free Masons' Hall, given by the Burgomaster and Common Council of the place, which had all the pro fusion, formality and general stiffness of Euch occasions; at its close a special train carried the members to Gothenburg, from wnich they dispersed to various countries of the earth. So has ended the Eighth Oriental Congress, and looking back upon the crowded two weeks oi its duration, we must admire the complete success with which its elaborate programme was carried out. I have had to omit all mention of many special entertainments which filled up the spare hours the various exhibitions, con certs and so on, which were provided for our benefit As lar as a limitless prolusion of hospitality is concerned, there could be nothing to wish for. As to the main object of the congress, namely, the bringing to gether ot the real chiefsof Oriental studies, it must be admitted that the results were satisfactory. A large number of the ac knowledged leaders were actually present, and gave the gathering that tone and dig nity which it demanded. The benefit to younger scholars of meeting these veterans of scholarly attainment face to face is great and the effects and impulses will extend throughout a lifetime. A UTILE TOO STBONG. It is true that too much emphasis was, laid upon (he spectacular and purely ex ternal character of the congress, and that its real design was somewhat overshadowed by those who made use of it for purposes of display. Yet even this may be looked upon with allowance when it is considered how large a part the social success of such a gathering plays in bringing about that friendly personal contact which is one of its best results. The Oriental Congress has now been held in nearly all the great capitals of Europe, and at each meeting has been treat ed with conspicuous and generous hospital ity. Americans have been sharers in these attentions, and have taken creditable part in the work of the sessions. It certainly would seem appropriate that our rich and generous nation should bear its turn in carrying on the work oi scholarship which has to do with the earliest and most important records of the human race. Surely the country which has fnrnished such names as Mor rison atid Hepburn and Williams and "Whitney might appropriately be the gathering place lor the' Orientalists of the world. The financial support which sach a plan requires could hardly be se cured without the help of the Government, but such an expenditure upon a national object would be a very ligitimate one. A meeting of the American members of the congress, numbering about 15 persons, was held in Stockholm on the 3d of September, at the Hotel Konung Karl, at which the American Minister acted as chairman. An informal discussion showed the feel ing that while as individuals it would be premature to take the responsibility of ex tending an invitation, it would be desirable to present the subject to the American Ori ental Society at its next meeting, and to bring it to the attention of the National Government, and a committee was named for the purpose. It was in accordance with the sentiment of this meeting that Dr. Haupt in his paper read belore the King in the general session, expressed the hope that before long the United States of Amer ica might have the honor of welcoming this congress to its hospitality. It is to be hoped that our Government and liberal minded private citizens will join in bearing a part in this movement which is due tojour creditable position among the enlightened nations of the earth. James Taft Hatfield. Human Nature on Top. Stalwart Passenger Do you think there is any hope, Captain ? Indignant Skipper Look here, you big coward, thtt's the fourth time vou've asked me. I believe you're the most thoroughly frightened man on the shipl Stalwart Passenger Sh-sh! No, I'm not Do vou see that old duffer over there by the rail"? Well, that's my rich uncle. I've been more than attentive to him all my life, but it the ship's cuing down, I want time to get in just one kick at him as an evener. Puck. Bern In the Telephone OtQce. Honolulu Gazette.1 A swarm of bees has taken possession of the telephone property at the corner of Young and Kapiolani streets, and the bees seem to be determined to hold the fort against all comers. The insects have been in possession for several days, and brimstone fumes are now to be tried in dislodging them. Beech ait's Pills enre bilious and nervons ills Pears' Soap secures a beautitul complexion Monday Morning-, October 7. Silk salel Silk salel Remnants of silks below cost Enable & Shustek, 35 Filth ave. ExtbA good value in ladies' cloth, G2 in. wide, ouc a yd., worth cue; an leading colors. Hugus & Hacke. TTSSU Cabinet photos, $1 per dor. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st Tl.su All goods must be sold at once regardless of cost or value at Schoenthal's great clos ing out sale, 612 Fenn avc. Fbauenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. LADIES, visit the Casino Museum see the Mastadon Fashion Plate. and "24-Df. plushes, 75c, $1, $1 25 and f 1 50 a yd.; the best values shown; all the new col orings. Huaus & Hacke. xxssa S? --i??vJ Kyli A Xy& MA K '-';- THE" AN OCEAN VOYAGE. Oliver Optic Describes a Trip Across the Atlantic Ocean, LIFE ON BOARD THE STEAMER. Valuable flints for People Who Intend to Travel. THE BASHFUL MAN HAS NO SHOW rWKlTTEN rOR THB DISPATCH.". I have crossed the Atlantic ten times in the last 24 years, in as many different steamers. My first trip was in the Persia, 21 years ago. She was the last but one of the side-wheelers, the Scotia continuing to run a few years longer because she was a favorite steamer. She was a very fine ship, aud quite as comfortable as any of the mod ern craft. She was commanded by Captain Lott, for some time the commodore of the line after the retirement of Captain Judkins. I returned that year in the Australasian, afterward called the Calabria, Captain Cook, who was the senior commander of the line until his recent retirement These trips were made before any of "our boys" were born, and as I am writing mainly for them, they will think my narra tive is rather musty with age. I shall, therefore, tell them something about life on an ocean steamer, what they would have seen if they had been my fellow-voyagers. Three weeks ago I landed from the Urn bria at New York; and perhaps her trip would afford as good a specimen of an ocean voyage as any I could select. The Etruria and the Umbria are the two "crack ships" of the Cunard Link, and till the City of Paris appeared this last summer, they had made the quickest trips on record. They have been beaten in speed, and now it is said that the Cunard Company will build two new steamers to keep the line up to the requirements of the times. The price of passage across the ocean varies from $35 up to $125, though there are staterooms on some of the lines for which $300 a passtneer is paid. Return tickets are sold at a discount ot about $20. I will supnose that you are in Liverpool, my boy, with your ticket in your pocket. If you are not overburdened with baggsge (I "take only a 20-inch valise and a small hand bag), you call a hansom to convey yon to the landing stage, which is a floating wharf, for the tide rises and falls over 20 feet in the Mersey. You will find that this stage is quite a city of itself, covered with storerooms, custom house apartments, re freshment saloons and other rooms, connect ed with the shore by bridges which rise and fall with the tide. BEADY TO STABT. The landing stage is crowded with pas sengers for the Umbria, though there are several steamers alongside of it. The Skirmisher, a very large Cunard tender, takes yon to the steamer, anchored a mile or more up the Mersey. She has been in a dock to discharge and take in cargo, and only came out into the river in the morn ing. A dock in Liverpool or London is an inclosure of water, walled in, large enough to contain a hundred or a thousand vessels. The entrance is provided with immense gates, opened only at high tide, when ves sels go in and out. As the tide goes down the gates close, keeping the water in the dock. It is always high tide within the in closure, so that the ships float in deep water at all times. It is surrounded by warehouses, where vessels load and dis charge cargo. On board of the Umbria, your first care is to find your stateroom, which is No. 78. You are on the upper deck, which has a deck house on nearly its whole length. Near the rail are a dozen or more of large life boats. Near the bow is the bridge, on which the officers are stationed. The ship is steered by steam, and the wheel is in a little room over the house on deck. Forward of the officers' bridge is another for the lookout You find in the house various openings, some ot which lead to staircases, by one ot which you descend to the next deck. By the forward stairs you come to a large cor ridor from which opens the music room, which is a large apartmeut with a piano at one end and an organ at the other, with a cushioned divan all around it It is lighted by round ports, and an immense skylight overhead. In the ' middle it has a large opening in the floor surrounded by a rail ing, by which light is admitted to the din ing saloon below. A door on each side of the corridor leads out on the deck, where you can walk nearly the whole length of the ship, under the upper deck, but with nothing bnt a network railing between you and the water. The open part of the deck is about 12 feet wide, and from it open many doors leading to the engine and fire rooms, the galley or kitchen, the bakery aud other rooms. The doctor and the pur ser are located here, as well as many of the officers. From the corridor you descend to the spar deck, on which is the dining saloon. It is a vast apartment of the entire width of the ship, with tables the whole length, at which about 300 passengers can be seated. It is elegantly fitted up and furnished, with divans on each side and revolving chairs at the tables. From the corridor you find a gangway or passage on each side of the vessel, from which open the state rooms. On this deck you find No. 78. It is rather small, though it contains $200 berths. You find in it a divan, a washstand in which the bowl drops down or is closed up, like a fall lid desk, space for your bag gage under the berth and hooks tor your clothes. There is a ventilator over the upper berth, and vou will sleep with the door of the room about three inches ajar, secured by a hook. THE BUSH FOB SEATS. A steward hasiniormedyou that there are 630 pa-sengers on board, all first-class, and your next care is to look out for your seat at the table. The second steward is giving out the places, and you take your position in a line with about 200 people ahead ot you. You soon find yourself ery impatient, for you wish to go on deck and see the sights on the river or on the coast. You come to the unanimous conclusion that this system of assigning teats is a very stupid and trying one, aud that the seat at the table ought to be given to you when you buy your ticket. About all in front of you have prefer ences. Some wish to be at the captain 's table, some at the doctor's, some near the doors, and some object to sofa seats. The second steward has to discuss all these mat ters with the difficult ones, and it tikes time. Thentwo services are required at table, for the saloon will not seat even halt the passengers, aud some must take their meals in the area further aft' After two hours' waiting vou obtain your seat at the fi(st service. You will breakfast at 8, lunch at 1220, and dine at 5. Then you take a stroll on the upper deck, and yon find that the space between the house anil the boats is crowded with deck chairs, in whirh the passengers are seated. There are 400 or 500 of them, but you find the sitters have lelt a passageway for you. With the help of a deck steward you find yonr own chair and put it in the best available place. But you are not ready to lounge yet and you go down the middle staircase for a further exploration of the interior of the t-hip. Down one flight you come to the smoking room, which is fitted up with small tables and divans and provided witb stools. In the forward part is a bar, and the steward is answering the calls of men seated at the tables for various tipples. Someoftbem are already playing poker, whist and other games. This apartment is the grand resort of the "faster" portion of the masculine passengers, and you will see that there is a great deal of playing for money in progress at almost all times ol day and night, though the place is closed at 11 every night. The gong sounds for your first dinner on board, alter a preparatory one-half an hour before. You find your place at the table, .no. zbu, wnicn vou see on yournapun ring. On the bill of fare you will find oretj possi- ' . y PITTSBURG DISPATCH, ble dish as at a first-class hotel. You have to make some allowance lor the cooking on shipboard; but if you are not an inveterate grumbler you will be satisfied. The stewards are very attentive, though all the dishes may not suit your American palate. If you are a gourmand, yon can have, supper from 8 to 10 tea and toast, Welch rarebit, ham and poached eggs, etc., but I advise you to treat your digestive organs with proper re spect. BASHFUL MEK MUST STAND. When you go on deck you find your chair occupied by a stranger, busily discussing Mrs. Maybrick's case with another stranger. You waik the deck for a couple of hours, only to find that your chair is still occupied and vou are too bashful to .interrupt the dis cussion. You learn that if you want to use your chair you must occupy it; and you have not "cheek" enough to take possession of another. Early or late you "turn in," and when von wake in the morning the ship is at rest. and vou find that you are in the harbor of I Oneenstown. It is Sunday, but it seems just like any other day. Several boats are alongside in which are some of the "finest peasantry in the world," Selling Irish lace, Dogwood canes and ornaments of all sorts. A tug comes off, and with a crowd of others you go on shore for a couple of hours. The mail from London arrives about 1, and alter eight hours' delay the Umbria sails again at 2. No service on board that day, though it is generally held in the cabin on the Cnnard, steamers, when the service is read by the captain, the purser, or some clergyman. Before night the steamer is out of sight of land, ami your sea life really begins. You sit in your chair (if you can obtain the use of it) and watch the "lonely ocean." For a whole day, or even two days, you may not see a single sail. The ship is the whole world to you. You will occasionally see a whale or a school of porpoises, and perhaps a shark or two. The Umbria is so large that the ordinary pulsations of the ocean have no effect upon her. No one is seasick yet In the evening you visit the smoking room again. The cards and chips are still actively employed, and you find that "pools" are a great institution. Ten men put their names on a paper and pay in a dollar apiece. Then thev draw for numbers up to ten. The pool, or bet, is on the last figure of the run of the steamer for the day, ending at noon. Smith has 0, Jones has 5, and so on. The run proves to be 435 miles, and Jones has the last figure and puts the $10 in his pocket? Many parties get up a pool ot this sort At noon, or soon after, the latitude, longitude and the-number of miles run is posted in the smoking room. Pools are made up on the nnmber of the pilot boat as the steamer comes near her port Sometimes a score or more of num bers are sold for a certain sum each. Then these numbers are sold again at auction, and they are valued according to the bid der's estimate of the ship's run. Some num bers bring trom $20 to $30. But, of course, my boy, you do not take part in any such amusements. A STOBM AT SEA. If you are fond of reading and have no books in your bag, you find a library of standard works in the cabin. You get ac quainted with some of the passengers, you walk the deck, you eat and sleep, and one day is very much like another. When you got up Tnesday morning you found it some what difficult to stand up in your state room. The steamer is, pitching a little, but betore noon it is blowing a gale. The water is decidedly "humpy," and it is not easy for you to walk about. You would like to see a storm at sea, and you seat yourself in your chair to see it. It is not much of a storm, but the water slops over the upper deck, and you see the spray carried nearly to the top of the smoke stacks. The lofty bridge of the officers is in a cloud of spray, and the lookout men are sent into the foretop to keep them from be ing washed from the forward bridge. It is too wet for you on the upper deck and you retreat to the music room, where you hear the water slopping on the skylightover you, though it is covered with canvas to save the glass. When yon go down to lunch the guards are on the tables to keep the dishes from sliding off, and not half the usual number are present. Yonr soup is inclined to slide out of your plate, but you are not sick, and you soon put it "where it will do the most good." Once in a while the big ship seems to stagger and almost stop as she runs against a heavy wave. You go to your room, and lying in your berth you listen to the roar all around you, and hear 'the big seas crash against the iron sides of the ship. Then you go on deck again. The officers in oil-cloth garments keep behind their canvas screens on the bridge. They are frequently ducked, but they seem to be quite at home, and you are reconciled to the .situation. There are plenty of seasick ones around you, even ladies' crouching under their wraps in utfgr despair. But by dinner time the gale has abated. When you retire it is comparatively quiet, and you sleep like a top. At noon on Saturday a pilot is taken on board, 200 miles from New York. Later you see the land, and at 10 in the evening you turn in, the ship at anchor. The next morning you land, pass the customs, and go your way rejoicing that you are on shore, and have not been seasick. Oliveb Optic. PIANOS. ORGANS. Olellor 8c Hocne. We can furnish you with the best pianos and organs made, and can give you the best and easiest terms of payment. We have been established since 1831 (nearlv 60 years), and, being the oldest music, firm in the city, we have had more experience than any other house. ( Hardman, Pianos Krakauer, , ( Harrington. Palace, Organs Chase, ( Chicago Cottage. Persons buying from us can be satisfied they are getting the full worth of their money, as the pianos and orsrans we sell are the best made in the United States. Send for circulars and fuil particulars of our easy payment plan. Melloe & Hoene, 77 Filth avenue, Pittsburg. An American Product Carries away the prize over all the Euro pean and American competitors at the World's Fair in Pans. We refer to the matchless White sewing machine, which ob tained the highest award for the best faiuilv sewing machine. The White also carried away the prize at the great Cincinnati Ex position last year. J. jlevan & Co., 12 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, Wylie ave. Call or send by mail, -wsu Extra good value in ladies' cloth, 52 in. wide, 60e a yd., worth 80c; all leading colors. Huaus & Hacke. TTSSU Coats, Wraps nnd Jackets. See ours before vou buv. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave.' Wainweioht's beer is reireshing, pleas ant and beneficial. The favorite family bev erage. Cabhtet photos, $1 per doz. ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st Lies' Pop- TTSU For genuine bargains, come at once to the great closing out sale at 612 Penn ave. Fbauenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. Take the little ones to-see the Earlescott Juvenile Opera Co. at the Casino Museum. Fbauenheim & Vilsack's Iron City beer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186. Ix novelty combination patterns we are showing some handsome new effects at $12 60 and $16 each. ttssu- Huaus 8s Hacks. T V'ffiLT.; r .! "ST )AX, -OOTOBJfiK' v . . -- r, " -- 6, EVElff DAY SCIENCE. Effects of Dnst Inhalation by Workers at Various Trades. PARLOR OARS FOR CABLE ROADS. The Advent of the English Compound Locomotive. SCIESTIFIO ASD INDUSTRIAL HOTES rpr-EPAKiD ros tub dispatcb.i Beaders of The Dispatch who desire information on subjects relating to indus trial development and progress in mechani cal, civil and electrical engineering and the sciences can have their queries answered through this column. Dr. Kunze, of the University of Kiel, has lately given some of the results of his investigations on the effect ol dust inhala tions on the lungs. He says that the de gree of alteration in so-called "dust-lungs" depends not merely on the quantity of dust inhaled, but also on its greater or less morphological power of injuring the tissue. He conclndes that even the greatest altera tions in these lungs such as nodes, indura tions and vomica are mainly produced by the inhaled dust, and that tuberculosis is only an occasional coincidence. The least serious alterations in the lungs resulted from the inhalation of lampblack, the par ticles of which are very fine and little in jurious; the most serious from the dust in haled by earthenware manufacturers and stonemasons. The lungs of a locksmith showed only a moderate hyperplasia of con nective tissue, the dust consisting partly of the finest particles of iron. In a worker in oxides of iron the lungs were found full of small granules, and t e morbid changes in the tissues were very considerable. The lungs of gold miners were generally in durated and atrophied; the dust in these cases is exceedingly fine. Sand produced numerous circumscribed hard nodules and thick indurations. In cloth manufacturers, the lungs, in spite of their contact with an enormous quantity of oreanio dust, present ed but few indurations. In the lungs of two stonemasons indurations and tubercul ous disintegration were observed; all the other lungs submitted to examination were entirely tree lrom tubercles of any kind an observation which was verified' by the absence of bacilli in the muco-pus in the vomicae. Steam Storage Car, The progress made in recent years in electric and cable car propulsion has had the effect ot stimulating very materially the development of steam traction. Of this a notable illustration has just appeared in the form of a steam storage car, which is a motor, involving, as its name indicates, the storage of steam to he used as required. This is accomplished by injecting Bteam and hot water into a reservoir, where the pressure can be safely raised to nearly 1,000 pounds, and these tanks are heavily jacketed to retain the heat None of the steam escapes into the air, but is condensed, and can be again injected into the tank. There is no noise from escaping steam, no cinders or smoke, and the machine or motor can be operated by anyone. It is claimed that by the use of these tanks the motor cun be run nearly 50 miles, and then the tanks can be recharged in the short space ot two minutes. The only plant required aside from the motors is a stationary boiler, located at a suitable point, lrom which a new supply of steam and hot water can be taken when needed. The points aimed at in this motor are the elimination of the elements of noise, smoke, cinders and gas, and by generating steam in one large boiler to secure-the great economy, which, as com pared with a number of small boilers, is said by experts to exist The danger of explosion is also avoided. Simulation of Absinthe. The distillation of absinthe is becoming an important indnstry in France. The npper leaves and twigs of the wormwood plant are macerated with hysop, calamus, citronelle, anise, funnel, badiane and other ivegetable substances, and the decoction thus obtained, after having been distilled, s treated with alcohol, sweetened and col ored. Absinthe is a powerful but de structive nerve stimulant, which may be valuable in cases of exhaustion or extreme fatigue, but, like chloral and opium, it is liable to abuses, which, in the aggregate, far outweigh all the benefits which are de rived lrom its legitimate use. Other profit able industries, peculiar to Southern France, are the distillation of essential oils from wild aromatic plants, the manufacture of perfumes from cultivated flowers, and the preparation of preserved frnits by the pro cess of crystalization. Each has been built up in its separate locality, and become practically a monopoly. The same, may be said of the manufacture of the celebrated liqueurs, benedictine and chartreuse. A fabulous sum was recently offered to the monks of La Grande Chartreuse, not for the secret ot the manufacture, but for the right to use the original labels and Dottles which are the guaranty of the genuineness and purity ot the liqueurs. Cost of Operating Storage Bnttcrj Can. The Julien electric cars have now been in regular passenger service for a little over two years; and a report has just been pre pared of tne cost of motive power during that time. The motive power includes the renewal of batteries, the wear and tear ou motors and machinery, the generating and storing oi the energy, and repairs and re placements generally. The cost of motive power has been a trifle less than 6 cents per car mile; in this, the cost of maintaining the batteries has amounted to 1 3-5 cents per car mile. It is interesting to know that the estimate of the cost of motive power as based on the experiences ot the Julien Com pany on the Fourth and Madison avenues, New York, and prepared prior to the report at Brussels, and without any knowledge of the cost there, is within a traction of being the same. The Julien Company find the cost of motive power on Madison avenue to be 5.3 cents per car mile. In the cost of motive power as estimated m New York, however, was included intereston investment amounting to 1.8 cents, or 3 5 cents per car mile net, including depreciation of battery, cost of generating current and handling of batteries. Novel Device for Clearing Both Land. An invention is said to have been patent ed in New Zealand, and in other colonies, which, if it does all that is claimed for it, will revolutionize the settlement of bush lands. It is a composition which, when trees are inoculated with it, mingles itself 'with the sap and circulates through every branch and leaf, utterly destroying the Hie and rendering the standing tree in three months' time dead and rotten, and sahighly inflammable that when fired it burns away literally root and branch, for the fire creeps down the roots into the ground, consuming them so thoroughly that the land can be plowed afterward. it is available also for old stumps, do ing in a month what nature takes years to accomplish. The process of inoculation is simple. It is the boring ot a hole about six inches into the tree with an inch auger, fill ing with composition and afterward plug ging with cork, tough clay or other suitable substance. It is ulso very inexpensive, cost ingonly a few cents even for a largo tree. Machine for Melting- Ice ana Saovr. A machine which will he much P- I tireciated br street railway men durincr the I coming winter has been brought out. This j iJ ,.- TDT'i.ifcirt . A 1889. machine is used for getting rid of accumu lations of fee and snow, and does its work most effectively. The device consists of a small steam engine, which drives a bIower,the Sturtevant noiseless type being used, and a tank or reservoir, in which, by means of the forced draught thus supplied, an intense heat from coke is created, which makes short work of all the ice or snow which can be fed to it. In operation the machine, which is noiseless and emits neither steam nor smoke, is drawn by a pair or more of horses, as the condition of the ground may permit, to a street corner, and teams are set to wortc hauling snow ana ice to n irom a short distance each way, say on block in .cither direction, and as soon as that space is cleared the machine is moved to another corner, and so on until the work is finished, the water from the melted snow running off hot through the sewers. Parlor Can for Street Car Lines. Parlor cars, to run at intervals in connec tion with the regular service of important ,'street car lines, ore under consideration in different parts of the country. The neces sity for such accommodation has been ques tioned, but it is patent that there is as much reason in having parlor street cars as parlor railway cars. One side of the case is con cisely put recently by a writer in one of ttje New YorK daily papers. "Precisely why I should be compelled," says he, "to ride in close contact with a man whose clothes are dirtv and whose habits are vile, simply be cause he is 'just as good' as I am, has noth ing to do with the case. Men are entitled to all tbey are willing to pay for in this life, and if special cars at higher rates of fare are placed upon our roads, elevated.or surface, it will be an advance much ap proved by common sense." Restricting the Sale of Morphine. In view of the reputed large increase in morphine consumption in this country, it is of interest to note the recent action of the Congress of Legal Medicine in Paris. The use ot morphine has reached such an alarm ing pitch in France that actual deteriora tion ot the race is threatened, and with the purpose of restricting as far as possible the facilities for obtaining the drng, the Con gress has passed resolutions, and asked that they be sanctioned by legislative authority, to the effect that (1) "wholesale druggists and chemical manufacturers shall sell mor phine ana cocaine to pharmacists only, aud deliver the poison at the buyer's house. (2) Pharmacists shall dispense only once, un less the contrary be mentioned by the pre scriber, a prescription containing either morphine or cocaine." Tbe English Compound Locomotive. The advent of the English compound loco motive in America has had the effect of stirring np considerable thought and some action in the matter. At least two locomo tive works in the country are each building a compound engine for trial purposes. This is what is needed for a satisfactory compar ison of compound with, simple engines, as the engines will be of the American type, with the exception of being compound. If it is demonstrated that the compound loco motives will do the work with less fuel, and otherwise work satisfactorily, there are parts of the United States where the cost of coal would make their use a matter of a good deal of fmportance. Engineers will be strongly interested in an impartial trial of the two systems. Underground Wires. The addendum of Prof. J. P. Barrett, of Chicago, to the report of the National Asso ciation of Fire Engiueers at Kansas City, is pregnant'with interest in those days of death by electric wires. "I want to say," said Prof, Barrett, "that in the city of Chicago we have some 3,100 or 3,200 arc lights. Every inch of the wire connected with these lamps is underground. The potential is as high as 3,500 volts, and there is no difficulty in the working of the wires underground. The only objection is that it costs a little more to put tnem underground than over head; and there they are safe." Strychnine In the Alcohol Habit. Dr. Allwright calls attention in the Lancet to the value of hypodermic injec tionsof strychnine in dipsomania. He nses a solution of one grain in 200 drops of water, giving of this five, minims by one in jection in tbe 24 hours. Hygienic and moral forcesarealso invoked in the manage ment of his cases. The drug causes, he says, a positive loathing for alcoholic drinks. Everett Flano Clnb. The piano this week will be delivered to certificate No. 140 held by Wm. E. Hunt, 20 Mulberry st, Allegheny, on payments of ?1 00 per week. Just think of it. We are giving our club members a magnificent up right grand piano on these payments, and at the same time are saving them $75 00 in the price. It is not possible to sell this piano on any other plan less than (425 00; our members pay only 5350 00. The club is not yet full; we commenced delivering pianos before we promised in order to con vince the public that we mean business, and are now sending out pianos every day. Do not wait longer, but send your application for membership at once. Our plan provides for the immediate delivery of pianos to members who pay cash, or $25 cash and $10 monthly. We want all expert judges to call and see the piano. Circulars tree. Alex. Boss, Manager, mwsu 137 Federal st, Allegheny. A Bargain Fine Uprlgbt Flano -8100. A magnificent 7J-octavo upright piano, with very latest improvements, excellent tone and richly carved rosewood case. This instrument is in penect order, and will be sold, fully warranted, for $190. Also three excellent square pianos and two organs of the most celebrated makers at enormous bargains. Call at the music store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smith field street. Agents for the unrivaled Sohmer pianos, Colby pianos and Hallet&Cumston pianos, Newman Bros, and Peloubet reed pipe or gans. New Games or Characters!!! So popular at Chautauqua and elsewhere. Game of Bible characters, 600 questions, Drice 75c Game of the States, 500 questions'! price .60c Gape ol American characters, 600 ques tions, price 75c Game of foreign characters, 600 ques tions, price 75c Game of cities (American and foreign), 600 questions, price 75c Any of above sent, postage paid, on re ceipt of price by L. Brueninger & Co., 535 Smithfield st, Pittsburg, Pa., wholesale and retail stationers. xrsa Heuet Tebheyden, at the old estab lished jewelry house, No. 530 Smithfield st, is now opening for the fall trade a fine se lection of goods, consisting iu part of Mexi-. can onyx tables at 520, S22, S24.S26, $30, 535, $40, S50, 560. Onyx clocks, beautiful and accurate time keepers, lrom $25 to $60. Bronze figures, royal copper vase, ciauo lamps, the latest designs, very handsome. Bronze vases, bisque and royal Worcester; also, a choice stock of diamonds, watches aud jewelry. The goods cannot be excelled, and he cannot be undersold. MWSU Foe a finely cut, neat-fitting suit leave your order with Walter Anderson, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in tbe market; imported exclusively for his trade. su In novelty combination patterns we are showing some handsome new effects at 512 50 and 516 each. ttssu Hcous & Hacks. Underwent-! Underwear! Sec bargains at our store. Kmable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave. WAXtnvaiOHT's beer is refreshing, pleas ,ant and beneficial. The favorite family bev- erage. , . .,. . . XdfciSiU .- NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. -GO W. H. THOMPSON & CO., 305 WOOD ST., , For Chamber Furniture. W. H, THOMPSON & CO. For Parlor Furniture. W. H. THOMPSON & CO. For Dining Kgom and Kitchen Fumturliv W. H. THOMPSON & CO. For Carpets, Lace Curtains, Etc. W. H. THOMPSON & CO. For Either CASH OR CREDIT. ' REMEMBER - W, H, THOMPSON & CD 305 "Wood, Stz?eei33 STORK OPEN PNTTI, 10 P. M. THE BALL Had you seen the rush and bustle In our stores last week you would hatfe thought Christmas had ar rived. The rush in our CLOAK Has been unprecedented. The quality of our stock I such fiat - we cannot help doing the business. New goods censing la by ex press daily. Another lot of those extra fine SEAL PLUSH JACKETS! AT $10, WORTH $15. Another lot of Tailor-made Beaver Jackets at $5. 200 fine English Sealskin Flush Sacqnes at $15 and $16 SO. 250 extra fine Sealskin Plash Sacques, $19 75, worth 130. 840 new Stockinette Jackets, $2 75, $3 50, $4 50 and $5. Hew Irish Peasant Cloaks lor Ladies' and Misses'. New Cloth and Plush Wraps for Middle-azed Ladies, Everything stylish and desirable to be found right here at a substantial saving in price. UNDERWEAR Ladies' Camel's Hair Tests and Pants, 48c. 68c, 75c, $1 20. Children's Camel's Hair Vests and Pants, 25c, 30c to 95c. Gents' Camel's Hair Shirts and Drawers, 75c, ?1, $1 25, $1 50. Gents' Gray Shins and Drawers, satin facings, 50c, worth 75c Gents' Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers. SI. 81 26. Gents' Dr. Warner's Health Underwear, pure Camel's Hair. Ladies' American H. Co. full regular Vests and Pants, $1 25, worth $2.- Ladies' French All-wool Vests, long sleeves, SI, worth SI 50. Ladies' Bibbed Cotton Vests, Ions sleeves, 35c and 50c Ladies! Fine Merino Vests and Pants, 35c, 48c, 50c, 75c Children's White Fine Merino Vests and Pants, 15c to 50c GLOVES AND HOSIERY. These departments nave aouojea ineir we eive better ralne than our competitors. mmiMti! snccusfnlhr with. anr. house In patrons. Space forbids to mention every article in these large departments. ' -viW ZEOHD GLOVES. &A Alfhoneh we have some much cheaper ones, we would only recommend the following as special good value:. 4-Button Sort Kid, 68c, 75c, 89c, 98c, SI 25. 5 Hooks, Bon Hsrcke, r 89c; 7 Hooks, SL Primiere. 5 Hooks, $1; 7 Hooks, SI 50. 8-Button Mosquetaires, 96c a pair; 8-Button Gray Suede Mosquetaires, 98c. Misses' 4-Button Kid, 45c, 65c, 75c, St. 060 . pairs real French Kid, guaranteed, tans, only 89c, fully worth SI CO. Full lines of Cask-. mere Gloves, our own importation. 510. 512. 514 MARKET ST. THEREiONEFIRM Whose Exhibit at the Exposition could not, as far as com- 1 11" J A.1L 1 Ta a. Tt '' pieteness is concerned, oe improved iu we siintest j. flat is HOPPER BROS, & CO,, 307-"WOOD ST.-307 Whose pretty little Cottage in as the Moorish Villa, is always surrounded by a circle" of admirers, who exclaim, "What a Cute Kitchen," "What a Magnificent Parlor," and hundreds of other expressions which convey congratulations to the firm, whose tact and energy can be all the more appreciated by a call at 'their place, of business. REMEMBER WE CARRYIN STOCK Everything that can be possibly used in a completely fur nished house, no matter how expensive or elegant it may be. We make this assertion more we are more complete, carry a designs, and last, but not least, ott:R prices-. are lower than ever. OTTIR, TERMS" are the best and lowest in the city. Now, when we offer such inducements as the above don't you think it to your advantage and to the safety of your pocketbook to deal with us. You need not have the full amount in cash, as we will let you have the goods on EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. HOPPER BROS. & CO. THE COMPLETE 307 yVOOM ST.-3Qa f Jy f , TO -', SATURDAYS. se-' IS ROLLING ROOMS! . 'i j- h '& saies annng last raontn. 'innrn'jrtmnomitnt The experience of over 35 rears esafeles vtt tsM this, line and rive better fndBeesisst. i mi AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. OfftTTSSU the Gallery,- well known toall boldly now than ever, because larger variety, later styles i HOUSEFURNJSHERS, ..a andbg& 5s m di-r .' rim .-!, A . &