vWnMriil EsasamM E.FTHET"Wr" Wrzwtw T-PWPW 19 Y. ZJT to-' wr? y , ' -V T -f , ' V6 ' 1 4 sy - -l' w wmm , GRAND ARMY ECHOES. A SUCCESSFUL G. A. E. DAT. The List of the Contributors Toward the Expenses The Lnst Grand Army Day la rtiburs-XciTs From tbe Posts and Camps. The Grand Army Day Committee met in Common Council chamber yesterday after noon to settle up all business of the commit tee. All bills presented were approved and ordered paid. Chairman John F. Hunter, of the Finance Committee, reported the ex penses in excess of the funds about $150. Any additional contributions will come in Tery nicely. The following; is a complete list of the con tributors toward the lund for defraying the ex penses of the daj, with the amounts. Sirs. J. SI. Gnskr....SWO;J. H. AiVen & Co.... 5 -Mrs kra aiiiw ... 50JK. b. HaTls to, Leader rub Co 15 c Kuben 'iliel'jrh. Times 3Meishman &Co ., Chronicle Telegraph. 3)1. Herzberger.... (feiumirclsl Gazette. S U. R. leshon Press fub. Co. . --5'J. K fetnahan.... 6 10 3 in 5 10 Ulie UKpatcli rati Co 15, B. c .. Illson .. reibelts Fnund .. 15 liilrdi Co 10) Louis Kuppel S (J. itelnrman 5i Hililm-in's sons 5 S3 J. C. btroop S 15,H. Williams 10 lojb Jl. Sillier S 5 James L. (.raliam . S 10 Max Schneider. 8 Volksbiatt Z. WalnrislitiCo. Jos. Home X Co . m.VltlieroMr& Co. Koscnbauin & Co. Danziger Jfc Sboenb'g A. Cannon & son .. John Dimllug . ... fn.l, 6 A. Kocuenaoener... o John aaners 15 11 W Hespcnheld & 1). Lutz&son 1-berharti. Ober.. .. Sirs. m. bcmple. . louclas SlacUe - Co 5 S5A. HUman o 2 J. s. Snyder 5 lOjWm. llader S siax mine ll I'red Anderson. 5 Clias Sleuhlbronner lO.McUrlde Uros S James G. Jinan lOUenThaw 10 SlatUeiss Clarence Goldman. . L. Wcrthclmer Jos. Etchbaum .1 Co. Hon. John Dalzell. Judce F. H. Collier.. KlterJtCon.ey ... . lederal street and Pleasant allevKy. s pane Cbalfant Jt Co. John 0'c.l Edmundsonl'crrlne lO'jadceJ. f. slagle... 10 5Thos. St. Bayne S 5BogpiHnhl 3 10 J. L. Rolshoue 5 10 KcymerBros 6 SOU. ll.ll.lncs&Sons. s Ha worth & Uewhurst S G. hisenbeis 2 Cash 4 1. C Duffy 2 John user Keystone BrewlngCo 10 11. Or. Frank S James J. 1 tannery. Charles Balph 10 The committee adjourned to meet again at the call of the Chair. Tribute to Captain Jones. Tho following official triDute to the estima ble qualities of the lato Captain W. R. Jones have been issued: HFJLDQCARTEB.S DEF'T OF PZVN 5TLVAM X, 1 GEAND AKMY OF THE KEl'CELIC, I 2. E. COR TENTH AXD CHESTMJTSTS., f 1'nILADELrilIA. October 3, s9. J General Orders So. 21. I. Tlie recent sudden death of Past Senior Vice Department Commander W. It. Jones, of Post No. 181, and the death, at an earlier date, of Past Junior Vice Department Commander George K. Bart, of Post So. 27. takes from our ranks two comrades who held high official place in the De partment bnt last year. They were comrades in the highest sense of the term, and were the embodiments of those grand qualities that so endear comrades to each other. Comrade Hart, 6tricken bv disease, patiently awaited the summons that must sooner or later come to alL hu pain and snfferlnit eased by the knowledge that he had made for himself a warm place In the hearts or his comrades. Comrade Jones Tell at his post of duty, his death being the result of a sad accident occurring in the great Industrial establishment in which be oc cupied not only the most important, bit most honored place. In Ills death there was closed a lire of conspicuous citizenship worthy or emulation. In tbe terrible calamity that befell the people of Johnstown, i'a.. he was anion? tbe first to reach that stricken community, lie went with open heart and open purse, with no thoocht of sellout Intent only on relieving the sufferings of the peo ple and his comrades of that place Let our thoughts of these comrades, whose lead we followed but a rear ago, whose places in our ranks are now Tacant, be those of reverence and of love, and emulating their example strive for that bonorand purity or citizenship and sincerity of comradeship that characterized their live. By command of Department Commander, TBOS. J. bTEWAET, JAKES MCCOMIICE, Assistant Adjutant General. From Pott 155. At its last meeting Post 155 adopted the fol lowing: coloxee DEFABTSIENT I'll Whereas. Death Is continuing to Invade the ranks of the G. A It., aud almost dally someone Is called upon to lav aside the implements of this world's warfare and answer to the calling of his name from tbe roll of the inhabitants ol the great , beyond, to which all are hastening: and hereas. The last one of our comrades who has heard tbe call and passed beyond, was no less a person than Pan bcnior Vice Department Com mander llllam K Jones, of Pou 151. G. A B,. who has endeared himself so wonderfully to all old soldiers by his many manly qualifications of heart and soul, in caring magnanimously for the widow and orphan, or by ghlng employment to those who sought it, or lifting op and cheering the dis couraged aud dlsspirlted bv brave, kind words, and ho. in everv way possible, manifested to the world that be was a friend to all old soldiers, maimed, scarred or crippled, in the battles of our country or in civil lire; therefore, be it Besolved. That Co'onel U. H. Sloody Post 155, G.A.I!.. Department or Pennsylvania, teuder to the family of our deceased comrade our warmest sympathy In this their dark hour or bereavement. Kesolved, That we extend to Lieutenant A. SL Harper Post 181, G. A. IS., or which deceased was a member, our assurance that while they and bis family may reel this sudden ending of an honor able and well-spent life more personally, every member of the fa. A. K. realizes that he has lost a li lend whose place lu his heart cannot be filled by another. Itesolved, That a copy oftbese resolutions be sprtad upon our minutes and forwarded to the family of Comrade Jones and to PostM, U. A, B, llepartmcnt of Pennsylvania. By order of Post, T. K. BoB, U It. bllEFLEH. Jab. B.aiimioek. Committee. A Pleasant Camp Fire. ' Abe Patterson Post No. 88, ot Allegheny, held a most delightful camp&re on tbe evening of Grand Army Day. Holliday Post, of 'Wheel ing, W. Va., and Post 62, of Altoona, were the Invited guests of Post 88, aud it was in the honor of their Tisit that the cimpfire was held. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Post 88 supplied the visitors with a bountiful repast, to which every comrade was made(w elcome. and from 11 o'clock until 2 the veterans, their wives, daughters and friends had free access to tbe hall and banquet. The kindness of the ladies in providing din ner and supper lor the veterans and their friends was duly appreciated by alL At the campfire Commander V. H. Lockharr, pre sided. Comrade W. 8. Meek, of AVhcehng, made a rousing speech, and wound it up by telliiig his hearers how he shaved tho Seven- if. teenth army corps. Comrades W. A. Stone, J. " P. Stewart, W. H. Graham and others, of Post 68. and Comrades A. P. Burchfleld and Hamil ton, of Post 1C2, delivered Interesting ad dresses. Miss Mamie Sawyer with her violin, Miss Rosalind Forster, tbe "Daughter of Post 88," with her recitations, and Comrades Fred Dlehl, John L. Brown and J. L. Shook with their songs kept up the interest and fun until the time for partinc came. After singing Marching Through Georgia," by the entire audience the camp&re was put out aud the comrades and their friends went home well pleased with Grand Army Day. Grand Army Day. All the news of Grand Army Day was well covered in the daily press, so it is needless to say much here about it. Tbe weather was pleasant, the parade was a success, the camp fires were very enjoyable, and all in all it was a. most pleasurable occasion. But Pittsburg, according to all the indica cations, will not see another Grand Army Day for some years. The reason of this is that the business men of the city lack a proper appre ciation and do not contribute to the fund suffi ciently. Some who are benefited highly by the day are so short-sichted that they refuse to rive anything. The proper way to do is to celebrate Grand Army Day where it will be ap preciated as it should be. Tho Southwestern G. A It. Association will be formed, and Grand Army Day held each jcar In some smaller town than Pittsburg. Uhiswillbeabad thing for Pittsburg; but for tbe Grand Army of the Republic it is the best thing that can be done. Grand Army Note. -t Geweeax SxiTzmoa was In the city last jjtiweek. jjJa. xleuxiov wm fadd at MiryiTille, Perry county, yesterday under the auspices of Post 188. General Sheejian passed through the city last week. A beitmo- of the Seventy-eighth Pennsyl vania Regiment will be held atPunxsutawney on October 10. The veterans of the Seventy-seventh New York will dedicate their monument on the battlefield of Gettysburg on Wednesday, Octo ber 16. Posr 3 will, on Monday night, October 14, hold memorial services commemorating the deaths that have occurred in tbe post in tho past year. General E.S. Osborne was the only man who spoke at the campfire at Old City Hall who did not tell the boys that they were "pass ing away, one by one." "Constant Reader" asks: "Was there a bill passed granting the lOMays men $100 bounty and a cent a day for every day they were out?" There was not. The annual reunion of tho comrades of Northumberland county will beheld on next Wednesday at Sunbury." A parade, a picnic, a campfire and other pleasant things will attract Post 6S7 at Horton P. O., Indiana county; Post 6!S at Big Run. JeiTersen county, and Post 690 at Westoner. Clearfield county, are recently mustered posts in tho Department of Pennsyl vania. . The third annual reunion of the McKean County G. A. R. Association, which was held at Smotbport last Thursday, was an enjoyable occasion. Many prominent speakers were present. The seventh annual reunion of the Seventy sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers (Keystone Zouaves), was held at Beaver Falls on last Thursday. Fifty survivors from differ ent parts of tbe State were present. The next reunion will be he!d in Pittsburg. Now that Grand Army Day is passed, with the attendant work and worry, let all the en ergies be put forth toward tbe work of recruit in. Commander Stewart thinks that with 'proper work the Department of Pennsylvania should have 50.000 members by January 1, 1S30. General Thomas Circle No. 2i.Ladies of the G. A R., will hold a red, white and blue social on Thursday evening, October 10, at Oad Fellows' Hall, corner Eighteenth and Sarah streets, Southside, the proceeds to bo used for the benefit of the relief fund of the circle. FKOMtbe Washington JVaftonal 2V6une is taken the following: There are whisperings throughout tbe Department that Major A. P. Burchfleld, of Pittsburg, will be the next De partment Commander. Comrade Burchfleld was Senior Vice Department Commander a few years ago. As no affidavits as to the number of men turned out by any post on Grand Army Day have yet been turned into the Committee of Award, the matter of which postgets tbe hand some flag given by tbe late Captain W. R. Jones has not been decided. It appears that cither Post 162 or 208 is entitled to it. Post 162, which was the banner post of Alle gheny conuty at the end of the quarter ending July 1 in regard to the largest percentage of increase in membership, at tho close of the quarter ending October 1 is shown to have a larger increase than ever before. So the ban ner contlnnes to wave in the same place. The Fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, will hold a reunion in this city on Sep tember 17, 1S90, at which CO survivors are ex pected to be present. The newly elected officers are: Captain Mitchell, President: Captain Lardcrbauch,Vice President: C. A. McFarland Secretary; G. R. Beecher, Corresponding Secre tary; G. Boyle, Chaplain; R. J. BoylcTreasurer. Post 235 had a pleasant little campfire of its own on last Tuesday evening. The music and speeches were much enjoyed. The boys did not go hungry, for the ladies of Circle No. 7, Ladles of tbe G. A. R., prepared a tine lunch, to which free access was had by the veterans all day, and they are thankful to Mesdames Corbley, McCabe, Behera, Jones and Wake field. Comrade Eiiil Poerstel, member of Council ot Administration of Post 3, is home from his three months' trip through Europe, where he visited all tbe important cities. His health is much improved. He will likely give the comrades of Post 3 a history of his trip at an early day, which will no doubt be very in teresting. His comrades are glad to see him back, and will give him a hearty welcome. Captain Charles W. Chapman Circle, Ladies of the G. A. R., will be organized and the officers installed by the Department Presi dent, Mrs. Carrie V. Shernff, on Tuesday evening, October 8, at the hall on Federal street, Allegheny, opposite the Ft. Wayne depot. Ihe new circle will start with a mem bership of 60, which will be rapidly added to. Captain Chapman, after whom the circle will be called, commanded Company K, Sixty third Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. He, with Lieutenant James S. Ljsle, was killed while on a scouting expedition near Polick Church, Va., on tbe morning of March 6, 1S62. Sons of Veterans. The general orders of Commander John Vogt were unintentionally omitted from this column last Sunday to the regret of the editor. The turnout of the Sons ot Veterans on Grand Army Day was not very satisfactory. There should haver been 500 in line; there seemed to be not many more than 100. With tbe exception of Camp! 33, no camp made a good showing. Active work is required in the organization. If the right kind of work be done the Sons of Veterans can be made the pride of Pittsburg. Will it be done T PEDAGOGUE AXD PDPIL. The Central Board meets next Tuesday evening. The teachers' autumn outing to Bell's Gap is on the tapis for next Saturday. THE Central Board rooms were unusually unfrequented yesterday. The Booth-Modjeska matinee and tbe Exposition were the taking directions for the teachers. The Executive Committee of the Teachers' Guild met yesterday at the Grant School. Prof. S. A. Andrews was elected Chairman, J. P. Cameron, Secretary, and Miss M. J. Gra ham, Treasurer. The regular meeting of the Guild will occur on the first Saturday in No vember. There will be a general session of the Teachers' Institute next Saturday at the Ral ston School at 930 A. M. Miss L. M. Gardner, of the Bloomfield School, will give a class drill in reading for the benefit of tho teachers of Step L Prof. B. A. Andrews, of the Howard School, will open j. discussion on "The Duties of School Principals." Prof. H. W. Fisher, of tbe Washington schools, will handle the sub ject, "How Can Our Schools be Made More Efficient." Miss Nannie Gillespie, the popular as sistant principal of the Hiland School, has re signed. Miss S. A. Plattf of tho same school, has been elected to the position occupied by Miss Gillespie, and Miss Minnie Kubn, of tbe Grant School, takes Miss Piatt's room. Miss Gillespie's retirement from the profession is due to the late death of her father and the present illness of her mother. Few teachers can leave behind them such a brilliant record of success aud popularity as falls to the lot of this lady. The evening schools will open November 4 for a term of 40 nights. The decision of the Evening School Committee to reduce the num ber of pupils to each teacher will cause tbe night school ma'am" much joy, and additional number of teachers will be employed. Hereto fore tbe rule was that one teachercoula be em ployed for the first 16 pupils, another for an additional 25 pupils and one teacher for every SU pupils more. The new rule allows a teacher for 16 pupils, and others for every additional 20 pupils. It bas been the custom every year, with the exception of the Fresideutal campaigu era, to bold an evening school session of 60 nights, but tbe last month bas had always an enormous decrease in attendance. The 40-night session ol last year seemed very popular, and will hereafter be continued. LITE STOCK MARKETS. The Condition of Business at tbe East Liberty Stock Yards. Office ofPittsbdeo Dispatch, i Batubdat, October 6, ISS8. J Cattle Receipts, b00 head; shipments, 880 bead; market, nothing doing; all through consignments; 15 cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoas Receipts, 3,700 nead; shipments. 3,800 bead; market fair; best cornfed Yorker', S 604 6t); common to fair, $4 404 45; best light Philadelphlas, S4 604 65; heavy hogs, Jl 40i 50; 8 cars of hogs shipped to New York; to-day. Sheep Receipts, COO bead; shipments, 200 bead; market steady at unchanged prices; pros pects lair for good grades. WAnrvrBiOHT's beer is refreshing, pleas ant and beneficial. The favorite family bev erage. Fbauenheim & Vilsack'b Iron City beer grows in lavor every day. 'Phone 1186. The values we are showing in black silks rom 65o to 1 3 a yd., are unequaled. TTSflO. HCGUS & HACEZ. THE THE BUILDING BOOM. Over Two Thousand Permits Taken Out This Year, Involving FIVE MILLI0HS OF DOLLARS. Bird Slaughter in the South to Afford Ornaments for Women's Eats. A BADICAL DEPARTURE IN BUBIHESS- Soms may think it rather cbestnutty to keep repeating what everybody knows, that Pittsburg is growing, but the fact is deemed of sufficient importance to be kept before the people, for proof that Pittsburg is growing it is only necessary to look over the books of the Building Inspector, from these it was ascertained yesterday th.t the number of building permits issued from February 1 the beginning of the munici pal year to October 1 is 1884. Add 1C0 for January and. GS for last week, and the grand total is 2,052. The cost of these buildings Is, in round numbers. $5,000,000. This is considerably more than half the number of houses which it was estimated last spring would be erected during the year. As the busiest part of thebeason is to come the golden days of autumn which are peculiarly, favorable to outdoor work it is almost certain that the full number of 4,000 will be finished or under roof by the time Father Time is ready to strike the knell of the year. This is rapid growth. It is substantial Improvement. It means an accession of 20,000 people to tbe permanent population of the city. This is great, but as capitalists are warming up over real estate, and are beginning to realize the importance of building more bouses, it is safe to predict a better record for next year. There is one Southern industry which is not at all pleasant to contemplate. It is the indis criminate slaughter of birds for their plumage But it is the decree of fashion the crudest and most senseless of tyrants, a tyrant that drives its votaries to some curiously inconsist ent acts. They kneel with devout fervor at the throne of divine mercy, solicit with charming eloquence funds to educate, civilize, and Chris tianize the benighted heathen ot foreign lands, carry flowers and gushing sympathy to the cells of the most infamous and atrocious crim inal in the jails, and offer money inducements for the cold-blooded slaughter of the few plu mage birds that remain on this continent. Nearly 3,000 birds were shipped from Mobile to New York one day lastweeK. They will be used to adorn the hats and bonnets of North ern ladies. One man in Alabama has shipped 10,00 birds to Northern cities since June L This reveals a fruitful field for missionary work. The method of advertising houses to let in this city has been completely revolutionized within the last few years. The old plan was for the landlord to post a notice on the door of an empty house, Informing the public that a tenant was wanted. He then went about his business, and any inquirer who happened along had to hunt him up. This was slow and un satisfactory to both parties, and tho result of it was to leave a great many houses without occu pants. Then the agency business was started, and bills containing lists of empty houses printed for distribution to all wno chose to go ana get them. This plan was also unsatis factory, for these bills fell into the hands of very few persons. There was no general dis tribution of them, but if a renter wanted one ho had to co to the office of the agent for it. Tbey were of no benefit to the general public This method is still pursued to some extent. The latest departure from tbe old method of securing tenants, and one that has yielded satisfactory results, was taken some time ago by Samuel W. Black fc Co. Instead of issuing lists from their office, they leased a column in The Dispatch wherein to make regular an nouncements of vacant houses. They found the venture profitable to them from the start, and are so well pleased with the results that they will keep it up as a leading feature of their business. Both landlords and tenants are pleased with it, and find it a great help to them in leaslnc or renting. Hand-bills necessarily have a limited Influence, even when scattered broadcast, for few people take time to look at them, but the paper is perused by thousands at home, in the store, office and workshop, rfrving it a value as a medium of business communica tion which nothing else can Justly lay claim t o The enterprise of Messrs. Black & Co. is a notable instance of tbe drift ot business in this city toward new ideas and methods, ... The collapse or threatened collapse of one of the largest of the Western farm mortgage companies elicited the following remarks lrom one who is thoroughly familiar with these inse cure security mongers and their risky business methods: "Whether the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, whose finances now seem to be shaky, places mortgages on arid sand wastes in Kansas and Nebraska I do not know, but that such business is being earned on every day by some company or other there is no doubt. Speech on this question should be plain, for too much money is going out West on rotten mortgages. Lured by the promise of hieh interest many companies mortgage land in Western Kansas and Nebraska which is perfectly waste and un fit for farm purposes, and foreclosure is an ab solute certainty. "The truth of thematteris that criminal care lessness is too common in this business. A 6 or 7 per cent mortgage well placed on a West ern farm or town property by a conservative company is a perfectly reliable investment But for any one company that conducts busi ness in this fashion there are half a dozen that are full of financial rottenness." w ft The following in reference to a subject that has been treated at length in The Dispatch, Is self-explanatory i PrrTSBTTEO, October 5. Dear Bras At the last meeting of real es tate agents and owners, called for the purpose of effecting a change of moving day to May 1, I was instructed to have an agreement pre pared for signature of those who were willing to join in tbe movement, of which agreement I inclose a copy, which is almost self-explanatory. It is desired to obtain the co-operation of all real estate owners and agents, and I ask your aid in bringing the matter before the public. Messrs. A. Leggato & Son, No. 31 Federal street, Allegheny, and Messrs. Black 4 Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, Pittsbure, have a supply ot these agreements, and all landlords and agents who rent houses are requested to call for them, and obtain as many signatures thereto as possi ble. The success of the movement depends upon the number signing the agreement, and it now rests with the landlords and agents whether this change, which is admittedly a desirable one, is to be consummated. Yours truly, Leslie Gt-oitiiigeb, Secretary Pro Tempore Real Estate Agents' Organization. The following is the agreement referred to above: We, tbe undersigned real estate agents and owners of real estate situate in the county of Allegheny, Pa., recognizing and appreciating the difficulties and inconveniences suffered by our tenants by reason of the inclemency of the weather about April 1, and desiring to accom plish a change of the moving season to Mayl each year, hereby agree that upon and after the date thereof, we, and each of us, will make any and every article of agreement in relation to tbe letting of bouses and lands under our control In such manner as to cause the term of each annual lease to expire upon May 1 instead of April 1. as heretofore, it being understood that this agreement does not extend to leases expiring in 1890: Provided, however, that this agreement shall be binding upon us only upon condition that it is ratified by a majority ol the signers hereof attending a publio meeting ot reat estate agents and owners of real estate situate In the county of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, to be called by A. Leggate, President pro tempore of the Beal Estate Agents' Organization, notice of the time and place of said meeting to be given by publication In at least three of the daily papers of the city of Pittsburg for a period of ten days prior thereto. Signatures of real estate owners a,nd agents are requested. The statements of tbe local banks, In response to the call of the Controller of the Currency, tkow thftttbMo Initiations are Terrttrosgla PITTSBURG - DISEATOH, resources, the available capital being large enough to assure easy money throughout the fall and winter. An encouraging feature of the reports is the large increase in deposits. This indicates two things: That business is active and that the tollers are amassing wealth, much of which is being invested in lands and houses. Under such conditions it is notre jnarkablo that Pittsbure is prosperous to a degree never excelled, seldom equaled, in her history. Speaking of the urgent demand for small houses, the Heal Estate Record and Builder Guide of this city remarks: 'The real estate agents have more Inquiries for small houses than they can supply. Thedemand atthis time is phenomenal Year after year we have had the same experience. The number of small houses is inadequate to the needs of our com munity. We believe that the demand for houses with from four to six rooms is so urgent that tenants tor a thousand more than we are building could easily be found before April 1. Perseverance conquers fate. That a man is down is lio reason that he should stay down. If he be honest and capable the chances for get. ting on his feet again are all in his favor. Tbe story of the failure of Jay Cooke is a familiar one to Pittsburg people. He went down under a mountain of debt, but with his character untarnished. He went to work to redeem his fortune and succeeded. Mr. Cooke is once more a prominent figure in Philadelphia, and still wears the venerable white hat that made him a familiar figure there 20 years ago. It is currently believed that he made 11,000,000 out of the Horn Silver Mine since his failure in 1873, and that he bas kept the money and added to it. His example is full of encouragement to others with whom fickle fortune has dealt unkindly. WESTINGHOUSE FL00EED. An Adverse Decision by Justice Bradley The Stock Tumbles. There was nothing In the stock market yes terday demanding special mention except a rather bad break in Westlnghouse Electric, as a result of the adverse decision from Washing ton. When it became known that Edison had won, the stock dropped like a plummet from 50 to 48. It was fortunate that the session was about over when the news was promulgated, as otherwise the loss would have been greater. There is a great deal of the stock intbisclty, and considerable in the East, a good deal of which it is feared will be thrown on the market before the flurry is over. This may bring tbe price down to 45, or even 43. Holders ot large blocks may bave nerve enough to withstand the temptation to realize on the slump to avoid possiDly greater loss, but it is thought tne small fry will rush to cover and precipitate a further decline. But this anticipation may be groundless. Common sense should influence the owner of a few shares as much as the bolder of many. It is a matter of money with both. Bnt in any event it is necessary for all holders of the stock to move slowly and with deliberation, and not give way to the first impulse to unload, which would only make bad worse. Tbe Westing house interest is too important and valuable to be annihilated by any number of decisions, let alone one. The stock will rally, and quickly, too, if the holders of it only maintain their souls in patience. A gentleman who has intimate knowledge of the affairs of tbe Westinghouse Company said yesterday evening: "Tho decision may have surprised some, but I expected it. It was too big a thing to be banded over to tne 'control of one corporation. A decision In favor of West inghouse would have made him the most power ful man in America. It would have put tbe stock up to 300 or 400. But he didn't lose every thing by a great deal. He bas many valuable electrical appliances of his own that are m use, and more coming on. The plant-Is still very valuable. Some think the decision makes Westinghouse the under dog In the fight with Edison for the control of the business. This is incorrect. It places them on a perfect equality before tbe public. If the right to dictate terms of consolidation was the object of the litiga tion, the denial of that right to one does not confer it upon the other, and they can now pool their Interests upon a basis of equality, and 1 think this will be tbe result "As to the value of the stock, I do not think the decision bas unpaired it in the least It de clined upon receipt of the news, but if those who hold it are sensible they will lay it away until the scare is over. To unload it now would necessarily result in a further decline. Keep It off the market and a reaction will inevitably result" bank stocks. Bid. Asked. Arsenal,. .., ..,.... 65 .... Bank of Pittsburg 74 Commercial National Bank, 67 Citizens National Hint , G2jj .... City Savings 60 City Deposit 63 Diamond ational Bank 170 .... Duquesne National BanK 160 .... Exchange National Dank 81 .... Farmers' Deposit National Bans: 400 Fifth Avenue 43 freehold 54 Iron City National Bank Su .... Masonic BanK , 60X .... Third National Bank 161 Union National Bank 310 German National, Allegheny 155 ..,. Real Ettato Loan and 1 rust Co 80 Third .National, Allegheny 135 Worklngman's baying 72 INSURANCE STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Insurance Co 7 si Allomannla 48 .... city a) German S3 German American 51 .... Man. iMer 43 leutonia 51 Union 44 Western Insurance Co 60 GAS STOCKS. Bid'. Asked. Allegheny Gas Co. (lllnm.) 33 Consolidated Gas Co. (Ilium.) 33 East End Gas Co. (Ilium.) 55 Pittsburg Gas Co. (Ilium.) 62 South Bide Gas Co (Ilium.) a NATCEAL OAg BTOCKS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Heating Co ill Cliartiers Volley Gas Co so Manufacturers Gas Co 30 People's Natural Gas Co 44 Pennsylvania Gas Co , 15 16 Philadelphia Co Uh 25 Pine Bun Do Wheeling GasCo 23 S8tf OIL COMFAHY STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Columbia Oil CO ZK 3 Forest OH Co 107)1 .... Haielwood Oil Co SO 61 TnnaOHCo 67 Washington Oil Co 81 r-ASBENQEH BAIL WAY STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Central Traction 3lf 32 Citizens' Traction CD 70J4 Pittsburg Traction 4SU Pleasant Valley 18), 19i SAILBOAT STOCKS. ' Bid. Asked. Allegheny Valley 1 Chartlers Hallway 43 Pltls.,Youngstown&Ash.B,K..ptef. 63 Pitts. June K. K. Co iS Pitts., McK. & Yougn. B. B. Co 63 Pitts., Un. & bt. Louis IS 3) " BBIDGE BTOCKS. Bid. Asked. Mononganela Bridge si Pittsburg & Birmingham Bridge. 72 Point Bridge 3,,' .... Do. preferred 1 is ,... XIMNO STOCKS. Bid. Alied. Hidalgo Mining Co IK La N oris Mining Co 94 H Luster Mining Co .... 10 Yankee Girl Mining Co ZH MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Westlnghoaie Electric 47 43 Westinghouse Air Brake Co Ill Pittsburg Plate Glass ISO Tbe sales were: Twenty shares of Chartlers Oas at 49, 25 Electric at 60, 0 at 43, and 0 Cen tral Traction at 31 After call 10 shares of Wheeling Gas sold at 28. Bales on call during the week were 1,203 shares, against 8,672 the previous week, dis tributed as follows: S10 Philadelphia Gas, 190 Citizens' Traction, 222 Electric, 170 Central Traction, 100 La Noria60 Pennsylvania Gas, 51 Air Brake, 05 Wheeling Gas, and 10 Pittsburg Traction. GEEAT FIGDEES. Last Week the Best of tho Year for Pitts bare Banks. last week was a good one-the best of the year, in fact in banking circles. The ex changes yesterday were $2,676,457 80, and the balances 1433,884 S3. 'For this week the ex changes were $3,859,470 00 greater than for tbe same time last year. Several of the banks fell below their daily averages, otherwise the ex changes would have been over $3,000,000. and the gain over tbe corresponding week of 1833 considerably In excess of (4,000,000. But the record is too good to be found fault with, and shows that business Is up and doing all along the line. Tbe Clearing House report for the day, week aod year is full of comfort and instruction. It is as follows: Exchanges. , ,..s 2,676,457 88 Balances 43S.ISS4 39 Exchanges for the week 15,778,823 C4 Balances for tbe week, ,.. 2,774,017 07 ExcbangesweekoflSSS. 11.919,353 61 Balances week or 1S33 l,W,2!&m Exchanges previous week 13,301,C64 53 Exchanges to date 1839 487,233,732 69 Exchanges to date 1833 433,864,273 15 Gala, 1S over 1398. 60,669,479 44 The weekly statement of the New- York banks, Issued yesterday, shows tbe following ahMgess Jtewro, aeot6M1.e190o,89O'lHai,'j SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, decrease, $1,995,200; specie, decrease, 82,252,800: legal tenders, decrease. $1,614,100; deposits, de crease. 85,030,400: circulation, increase, 111,600. The banks now bold $1,668,050 less than the 25 per cent rule calls for. Money on call at New York yesterday was quiet; no loans; closed at 5 per cent Prime mercantile paper, 5H7K- Sterling exchange rather weak, with actual business at $4 82f for 60-day bills, and$l 87 for demand. Closlns; Bond Quotations. r. 8. 4s,reg 121 U. 8. 4vcoup 121 U. S. 4KS, reg 105W U. 8. 4ks, coup.... 1033( Pacific 6s or '95. 118 LoulsianaatampedU 87 Missouri 6s 101 Tenn. new set. 6s... lOSX Tenn. new set, 5s. ...101 Tenn. new set. 3s.... 734f Canada Bo. 2ds 9SJ$ Gen. Pacificists 1131$ Den. &K.G., Ists...l21 Den. &B.G. 4s 7M D.AB.G.West.lsts. 110 M. K. & T. Gen. Ss . SBJt Mutual Union 6s.. ..103 N.W. O.Int Oert...ll3 Northern Pac. lsU..114)i Northern Fac.Ms..ll0 Northw't'n consols. 147W Wnihwn rtebn's..H2 Oregon Trans. .IM,, 8t.L. .M. Gen. SS 86!, 8t,L.&8.K.Gen.il.lIS bt. Paul consols ....IM u. Ut f't.1 lb li- 1lt 11AU T W I. ll.TrRl.tO Tx., PC K. G.1T. KctS 37 Union Pac. lsts lUIi Erie, 2ds 1034t west snore -"; U.K. &T. Gen. 63.. 62 Government and State bonds were steady and featureless. NEWYOBK-Clearings, S147.237.S22; balances, 55,832,038. Boston Clearimrs. J16,059;423; balances, 2,052,73a. For the week Clearings, J104.8JS.289; balances, 81L040,56L- For the corresponding week In 18S8-Clearings, 107,893,796; balances, S10 464,949. BALTIMOEB-Clearings. 42,230,031; balances, K81.148. . Philadelphia. Clearings, 111,323,232: bal ances, J2,095,4DL For the week Clearings, $79,725,847: balances, f 11,362,295. Pabis Threeper cent rentes, 87f 80c for the account. Chicago Money on call, 56 per cent; time loans, 67. Bank clearings. $1.1312,000. St. Louis Clearings, $3,805,422; balances, $623,646. For tho week Clearings, $2L698.183, balances, $4,OLU02. For last week Clearings, $18,064,738; balances, $3,316,728. For correspond ing week last year Clearings, $19,082,542; bal ances, $2,212,519. STUCK IN TUB MUD. Oil Flnuuderinir Alone In Ihe Nineties, With Very Little Doing:. The oil market yesterday was a repetition ot those of the previous days of tbe week dull and featureless. The opening and lowest price was 9Sc, the highest 994c, and the lowest 99.,o. Pittsburg and Oil City were light buyers. New York did nothing. Trading was as narrow as the range of prices. The week's clearings were 2,667.000 barrels better than the previous week, but still only a moderate day's business in flush times. Said a broker: "I was in hopes the return to cash trading would help business, but I see no difference. It may pick up yet. If it does not we will bave to look out for some other way of making a living." Washington county field news was to the fol lowing purport: Donley No 4, which is located farther south than any wells in the vicinity, is two bits in tho sand with a showing of oil. A. J. Clark's LeMoyne well is in the sand, but is shnt down on account of some trouble among the LeMoyne heirs. It Is said that an injunc tion will be the result. Burns 4 Co.'s LeMoyne. eight bits in the sand without any oil. Bayers' So. 1 is good for 100 barrels. Features of tho Market. Corrected dally by John M. Oaxiey ft Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened S8J Lowest 93 Highest WM Closed 99, Barrels. Aversgtruns 57,223 Average shipments 90,340 Average charters .,.,.. 33,518 Refined, New York. 7c liefinerf. London, i)ii. Beflned, Antwerp. 17.Hf. Kenned. Liverpool, GJid. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 88c; calls, 990. Other OH Markets. On. Citt. October 5. National transit certificates opened at 99c; highest, 93c; lowest, 99c; closed, 99c Bradford, October 5. National transit certificates opened at 99c; closed at 99c; highest, 99c; lowest, 9Sc. TmrsviLLK, October 6. National transit certificates opened at 99c; highest, 99c; lowest, 83c; closed at 9sc. DEALS IN REALTY. A Good Wind Up for a Good Week's Busi ness Bis Dickers. Alles 4 Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for John G. Keisel, four brick dwellings of six rooms each, etc, lot 68x00 feet to an alley, on Jones street, neat Wylie avenue, Thirteenth ward, for 56,500 cash. C. Beringer & Son sold for Mrs. M. Magulre two lots on Sheffield Street, Allegheny, 20x138 feet each.to Stewart street,! or $4,000 cash. The buyer will croft two fine dwellings on them early in the spring. They also sold a house and lot, near Freeport, for $675, to Ludwig Voellon. Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to W. F. McBnde lot No. 149 in Charles Meyran's plan, fronting 22 feet on Meyrau avenue by about 141 feet in depth, through to Ward street, for $1,750 cash. They also placed a mortgage of $10,000 on residence property on the Hill for three years at 6 per cent without State tax. Ewing & Byers, No. 93 Federal street, sold for B. S. Ewing to William Sunnel, a two-story frame house of six rooms and hall, with lot 25x80, on Fleming avenue. Eleventh' ward, Allegheny, for $1,600,. L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for Charles A. Warmcastle lot 25x 100 feet to a 20-foot alley, situated on the south east corner of Mathilda and Dearborn streets, Nineteenth ward, to William Veite, for $1,000 cash. John F. Baxter, 512 Smlthfield street, sold lot No. 469, fronting 40 feet on Blackadore avenue by 166 feet to an alley. In the new Villa Park plan, near Brushton station, to Mrs. S. Krotzer, on easy payment, for $400. Kelly & Rogers, No. 6315 Station street, re port having sold for Messrs. Paul & Dubarry their planing mill . property, corner Broad street and Euclid avenue, to Jobn C. Knipp, for 7,700 cash. Mr. Knipp iutends to remove the old mill and erect a number of fine dwell ings on the ground. They also sold a business property on Penn avenue, near St. Clair street, to Henry Schusler, for $7,650 cash; also sold for J. R. Holland to D. N. Mllllgan a new four room frame house and lot on Joseph street. Twenty-first ward, for $1,700, and placed a mortgage for $2,509 at 6 per cent, 8 years, on East End residence Droperty. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, placed a. mortgage on property on Center ave nue. Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg, for $6,000 for three years at 5 3-10 per cent. They also sold a seven-room frame dwelling, with lot 30x120, on Briehton road. West Bellevuc, for $3,400. Reed B. Coyle ft Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold to H. G. Watson a lot in the Marion Place plan for $250. L. O. Frazier, corner of Forty-fifth and But ler streets. Sold for William Velte a new modern frame dwelling of five rooms, lot 20x100 feet to a 20-foot alley, situated on tbe north side of Liberty avenue, near Thirty-ninth street, Six teenth ward, to Mrs. Mary Pilgrim for $2,700 cash. HOLDS ITS OWN. Last Week's Building Record One of the Best of the Tear. Building was active last week. Sixty-eight permits were issued, involving $124,304. The only large one was taken out by Charles Mey ran for a two-story stone structure on Virgin alley, to cost $23,000. The rest were of the kind needed by people ofnoderate means. The list follows: Walter Butler, brick two-story and mansard, 19x48 feet, on Arch street, Eleventh ward. G. Solomon, frame two-story, 16x30 feet, on Bedford avenue, Thirteenth ward. W. H. Borman, frame two-story, 18x48 feet, on Colwell street, Thirteenth ward. Nessin thaler ft Mason, frame one-story, 20x20 feet, on Liberty avenue, Sixteenth ward. A. L. "VVatkins, two frame two-story, 20x18 feet, on Bond street, Nineteenth ward. Joseph Do Werks, brick tts o-story, 33x47 feet, on Lang avenue, Twenty-first ward. J. C. Alden, stone and wood two-story, 40x42 feet, on Linden avenue, Twenty-second ward. Thomas A. Beatty, frame two-story, 20x44 feet, on Becond avenue, Twenty-third ward. A. L. Wallace, brick two-Btory, 16x16 feet, on Sarah street. Twenty-fourth ward. M. J. Hines, frame two-story, 20x34 feet, on Twenty-seventh street. Twenty-fourth ward. Henry Recta roes, brick addition three-story, 20x15 feet, on Carson street. Twenty-sixth ward. Emma Rossmanu, frame one-story addition, 17x17 feet, $2,600, Lebanon street, Twenty seventn ward. Laner Franm. one-story, 17x32 feet, on Ro setta street Nineteentb ward. Miss a W. Brown, frame one-story, 10x32 feet, on Rosette street, Nineteenth ward. Andrew Lay, frame one-story, 16x32 feet, on Rosetta street, Nineteenth ward. James Getty, frame one-story addition, 0x40 feet, on Water street. Second ward. Charles Meyran, stone two-story, 60x120 feet, on Virgin alley, Third ward; cost, $28,000. George Pns, frame two-story addition, 12x14 feet, on Ganzinsch street. Sixteenth ward. W. R. and E. G. Mooney, two brick two-story, 22x45 feet each, on Center avenue. Twentieth ward; oost, $8,000. James B. Dahlem, brick two-story, 30x50 fest, on 219 Franistgwn avenue, Twefity-flnt 1889. C. Mans, frame two-story, 16x18 feet, on Joseph street, Twenty-ntst ward. John Cornyn, two frame two-story, loxii feet, on Holmes avenue. Twenty-second ward. James Croak, frame second story, 18x34 feet, on Marystreet, Twenty-fourth ward. John Hasan, frame two-story, 18x42 feet, on Mary street, Twenty-fourth ward. Margaret McCann, frame two-story, 18x32 feet, on Jane street, Twenty-fourth ward. Louis Wetzel, brick two-story 20x45.. feet, on Twenty-second street. Twenty-fifth ward. John Annlnot, frame two-story, 16x17 feet, on Lebanon street, Twenty-seventh ward. George Bretbauer, brick two-story and man sard, 20x32 feet, on corner of Eleventh, and Frederick streets. Twenty-ninth ward. W. T. Steineck. brick two-story, 40x34 feet,on Harcums alley. Twenty-fifth ward. Adam Weigband, brick two-story, 20x54 feet, on Twenty-second street, Twenty-fif tb ward. Charles Eble. brlck'three-story; 22x50 feet, on Penn avenue. Nineteenth ward. - D. J. Kennedy, frame two-story, 23x45 feet,on Collins avenue Nineteenth ward. George Bendnl, frame two-story, 13x15 f eet,on Bntler street. Eighteenth ward. Thomas Jenny, five two-story brick, 40x47 feet, on (Seventeenth street, Seventeenth ward. Cost $8,900. Morris, Williams ft Bally, frame one-story, 49 x47 feet, on rear of Liberty avenue, Sixteenth ward. Junction Railroad Company.frame one-story, 6x14 feet, on Thirty-third street. Sixteenth ward. Julian Pesorski, frame one-story, 14x31 feet, on Strobo street, Fourteenth ward. John A. Harrison, frame one-story 18x35 feet, on Millwood avenue. Thirteenth ward. M. Geppert. frame two story, 18x32 feet, on Hannar and Wayne streets. Thirteenth ward. T. O'ConnelLframe two-story, 17x32 feet, on Wayne street, Thirteenth ward. J. Shaffer, four brick two-story, 69x24 feet, on Kenney street, Eleventh ward. C. H. Wood, frame two-story, 24x34 feet, on Plymouth street, Tnlrty-flfth ward- . Philip Eilew, brick one-story addition, 18x14 feet, ou rear of Sarah street. Twenty-fifth ward. P. Wisriwskl,; frame one-story, 20x30 feet, on Mingo street. Thirteenth ward, M. Finnegan, frame one story, 20x29 feet on Stockholm street. Twelfth ward. John R. Mellon, brick two-story. 29x48 feet, on St. Clair street, nineteenth ward. FredW. Immskus. frame one-story, 15x19 feet, on Twelfth street, Twenty-ninth ward. John Murry, briek one-story, 12x14 feet, on rear of 152 Third ave, second ward. L. M. Morris, ironclad one-story, 25x40 feet, on Spnng alley. Twelfth ward. David Rogers ft Co., frfcoe one-story, 30x50 feet, on comer of Pike and Twenty-first streets, Twelfth ward. ' W. A. McClurg, two brick two-story and mansard, 20x17 feet, on Atwood street, Four' teenth ward. Dennis Mclntyre, frame three-story, 16x16 f eet,.on Flltn avenue. Fourteenth ward. Owen Reddy, frame one-story, 16x32 feet, on Stobo street. Fourteenth ward. Maria Welsh, frame one-story, 16x32 feet, on Stobo street. Fourteenth ward. Mrs. R. Mertz, brick two-story, 17x46 feet, on Cliff street, Eleventh ward. Miss Kinney, frame two-story, 18x34 feet, on Cabinet alley. Sixteenth ward. Thomas Brown, frame two-story, 18x32 feet, orWolslayer alley. Sixteenth ward. D.Bchreibels, frame two-story, 16x46 feet, on Matilda street. Sixteenth ward. Adolph Zinsel, frame two-story, 20x25 feet, on Dresden alley, Eighteenth ward. G. Hammer, bricktwo-story and mansard, 36x47 feet, on Rebecca street, Twentieth ward. Mrs. Ward, frame two-story, 20x16 feet, on Carver street. Twenty-first ward. H. R. Wiedrick. frame two-Btory. 33x32 feet, on rear of Fifth avenue, Twenty-second ward. Jos. Dietere, Jr., brick two-story, 24x16 feet, on rear of 3022 Carson street, Twenty-fourth ward. R. E. Mercer, frame one-story, 13x13 feet, in Twenty.fourth ward. Emll Rantenberg, frame two-story,16x31 feet, on Monastery street, Twenty-seventh ward. John Wapple, frame one-story, 10x14 feet, on Lebanon street. Twenty-seventh ward. William O. PfeiL frame one-story addition, 12x16 feet, on Washington avenue, Thirty-first ward. Mrs. A C. Virren, frame two-story, 22x57 f eet,on Bingham, Thirty-second ward. EATHEEJEiVY. Sugar the Especial Point of Attack on tho Stock Market Tho Bank Statement Caused Some Uneasiness. NswYobk, October 5. The stock market to-day was rather heavy, which was for the most part the result of the renewal of the pressure upon the trust stocks, though the activity and fluctuations in those shares were much better than yesterday, The feeling in the stocks of the regular list was more bullish and first prices wore generally slight fractions higher than last night's closing figures. There was no pressure to sell, and the tendency in tbe regular listwas upward in the Brst few minutes.' trading, wbenrtho drive at the trusts checked tbe buying again, and the market settled away slowly. Sugar was the special point of attack, and it declined from 86j at tbe opening to 83. Cot ton Oil also dropped from 43Ji to 42. The trad ing was even more than usual confined to a few shares, and among the regular stocks Burling ton, Atchison, Reading and St. Paul were the only' ones showing any animation whatever. The strength in Burlington was the feature of the market, but it moved over a narrow range and lost all of tbe early Improvement toward theelose. Tennessee coal was the one weak spot in the list, but after a drop of 1 per cent it more than recovered the decline. After tbe drive was over, which was toward 11 o'clock, prices rallied all over tbe room, and most of tbe stocks of the regular list were brought up to something better than the open ing prices. Tbe trusts followed, but failed to reach their first figures. On the issue of tbe bank statement, which showed that for the first time in over five years there was a deficit In tbe reserve, there was a renewal of the weak ness, and the market closed quiet but weak at irregular changes of small fractions. Sugars, however, was down 2 and Cotton Oil 1 percent. Railroad bonds were extremely dull to-dav. the sales of all issues reaching only $272,000,and while tbe tone of the dealings was rather heavy to weak there were no changes of importance in quotations. Sales of tbe week were $3,965. 000, against $1,893,000 last week. The exports of specie from tbe port of New York last week amounted to $2,149,401, of which $1,655,181 was in gold and $461,220 in silver; of the total exports $1,532,721 gold and $461,220 silver went to Europe and $155,460 gold to South America. Tbe imports of specie last week to the port of New York amounted to $70,014, of which $64,188 was in gold and $5,826 In silver. Petroleum optned steady at 98c and ad vanced slightly, closing firm at 9sc Stock Total sales. 125.000 barrels. John M. Oakley's New York correspondent wired last night: The sensational events of the week have been the semi-panicky breaks in Sugar Trust and Cotton OiL Sugar had de clined already to such an extent that its friends hoped that further downward progress would be averted, but the bears bad a taste of blood and the banks were coary of loaning on certifi cates, and holders themselves anpeared to lack confidence in the ability of the trnst to con tinue current dividends of 10 per cent, and here there was slaughtering of the values of theso certificate', breaking yesterday 7K per cent to 83 For several davs Cotton Oil manifested symptoms of decided weakness, but it did not collapse until yesterday, when it fell to 40& being nine points break for the week. Tbe management of this trnst and the char acter of its products have inspired confidence In its earning capacity. Fortihed as this opin ion bas been by tbe preliminary statement of earning put out a few months ago, showing at least 6 per cent, earned on the stock, it is not easy to explain why the stock broke so badly, but various theories are current, some of which relate to tbe low price of lard, others to tight money and speculative short sales; others, again, to greater compjtitlon, etc, but it must be admitted that trusts just now are under tho ban of public opinion, and it is nbt improbable that some of them will be driven to the shelter of regularly organized corporations. The following taoie snowg tne prices oractrre stocks on the Hew York atoct Excnange yester day. Corrected dally for Thi DjisrAicn by WinTitBT&aTXPHXNSOif, oldest Pittstmrg mem bers of Hew York btocx Exchange, (7 1'ourth ave- Clos- Open- High- Low- Ing Id. est. est. Bid. Am. Cotton Oil X 41 4l Atcn Top. &a. F.... 3 M m J Canada southern 54 5414 H; y Central of Hew JerieMMS 127M 1M 177)4 Central Pacini J-Hf CheiaoeakeAOhio.... 22? 22' 22 22 C. Bur.ftQali,ey.....l093 1W 109)4 1MJJ d Mil. t StTraul ... 72X 73 71 32 & SW.&81. IV. P1...U4 11l H "H CI BocxL !:... Wig 101H 1IW, IN), C St. L. A PlttS h C St. L.Sc PIUS. Pf.. ; " est. p.. a. to w a a M C A Jforthwestern....lU 1UX 111 113 C.A northwestern, pr. .... .... .... 141 S:g:&&if."p7:::::v gv g, 2S Cc. Coal A iron. MS 30 3 S0H Col. & Hoctlng Val ...... "-. .... If Del., L. 4V ItS 145 145 143M Del. 4 Hudson UI E.T.. Va.40a - 10J E. T.. Vs. Oa. 1st pf. 74J K. T.. Va. JtGa. 2dpf. - )4 Illinois central, US Lake8hbrSM.B IK IgK JOUj lOSM LoulsvlUeMashvllle.77, J7 77 77)4 Michigan central B $2 92 tlfc Mobile Ohio 14ti Ho.. Kan, ATexas 12 Missouri Faolflc 7JH 73 72 TMf Hewxorx:CentnJ.....W7 107 107 JWg 1. V.. L. K. W 28 2S4J M. .. C. t)t. b 17 -N. X C, St, L. Of. ft N.Y.. Ct8t.L.2dpr .... .... .... SU N. I.N. E 43 43H 43. 43 a. y.. u. v....... is , is .Norrolks Western.... .... .... .... Norrolt A WfiMrn-nl. S7J4 Stii 67K Northern PacWc S3 SS llW ertntrn ac!ao nrsf. ISK UH TOM . 73JJ Ohl04ljHlppl...-H , t 'Mv Oregon Tranjcon 32 Pacific Mali .3334; Peo. Dec. & Krans KH SIX 3 39 XX H 20 Pbliadel. & Beading.. 43 .Pullman Palace Car 187 Kienmona & w. p. T.. BtF Minn. 4 Man.,118 SuL. &;3an fran St. L. ft San Jfran pf. 8 St.L. A San jr.lst pf. Texas Paclfle 20 Union I'aclac tVt Wabasn Wabash preferred t Western Union S3 Wheeling 4 L. . 70K Sugar Trust SM4 National Lead Trust.. 23 Chicago (ias Trust.... KX Ex.-dlTidend. Boston Ateh.ftToB..lst7s. 10&S A.4T. LandUr'tTs.lai Ateh. 4 Tod. B. K. . . 30 Ji Boston 4 Maine.... .2134 C. B. &U. ...109H Kastern B. K los Eastern B. B. Ss ....127 K.a.St.J.O.B.7s. S2H Little B. 4 It. S. 7s. 91 Mexican Cen. com.. IS Mei.O.lstmtg. bds. OCX S. r. sjieviw,.. 43 K.Y. 4 h.K.7s....l271, Rutland, com 4)J ttutland preferred.. 43 Stocks. wis. Central, com... 2314 Wis. Central pf.... SO Alloaezilg Co so Calumet A flecta....214 Franxiln...... 8K Osceola. Ioh rewamo ............ i (lufney ...a........... 49 Bell Telepnone... ..19SH Boston Land 6M Mater iower SK Tamaraek... ... 105 San Diego 25,1 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by 'Whitney 4 Stephenson, broken. Ho. 3 Fourth avenue. Alembers Hew York Stock .ex change. Bill. Asked. Pennsylvania Ballroad MJi S4M Heading .-. 22H Buffalo. PltuburgandWestero..... SI 10 Lehigh Valley 53X f?X Lehigh .Navigation 64 U Northern Pacific SlSt . Nortnerafaclnc preferred 'lii Business Notes. Not a lamb was shorn in the oil pit last week. Brokers have forgotten their cunnints. Holders of LaNorla were so bullish yester day that they wouldn't sell any of it at . HOLDE23 of Westinghouse Electric stock will come out all right If they only hold on to it. PmrsBtmo undoubtedly put Baltimore in a bole last week in the matter ot bank clearings. TnzRE is no danger of a money squeeze in Pittsbure. Bankers would welcome'a little of It with open hands. SrxrT-EionT buildlnc permits Issued last week emphasizes the fact that Pittsburg is not ready to be penned In. Real estate la picking up all along the line. The inquiry is for everything, from a building lot to a clock of business houses. Nobthstde street railway deals are on and off with clock-like regularity. The Pleasant Valley will be boss over there yet. Hcoae Trust was the weak brother In "Wall street yesterday. This stuff may be sweet to tbs taste, bnt it is bitter to the pocket. Everybody did a swimming business last week except the speculators. A suspicion of tight money closes them up like an oyster. ' Chicago Grain Slarkcu Chicago The wheat market opened bullish and KXc higher to-day, initial trades in De cember being at822aC It was nations until that future was up to 6383c It may have been that under the influences of yesterday the crowd got short, and were nervous enough to 'want to cover, but there was sufficient stimu lating news to-day to have put prices up a little without any buying pressure from the shorts. Early cables were strong. Free real lzings by longs at around 8Se for December broke the price to 820S2cbat thebnlkof the business done during the first half of the session was at KJS83Jc News from the North west was again bearish, and there were some selling orders from that part of the country. Stocks in the Northwest are now -piling np rapidly. The possible Increase in the next visible supply report is variously estimated at from 1,250,000 to 2,000,000 bushels. A. feature of the market was the widening of the difference between October and December to 2c, and the narrowing nf the premium on May over Decem ber from 2c to 2c Closing public cables called spot wheat in the pool firm, bnt In lim ited demand, with futures d higher. Private cables were generally strong in tone. Half an hour or so before tbe close there was a bulge to the best price of the day on covering by shorts, who appear to take fright easily, Later the market eased off K6KC and at the ad journment showed a net gain for the day of A moderate speculative trade was reported in corn. The feeling developed was weaker. Trading was largely local, and fluctuations within o range. The market opened at about yesterday's closing prices, was easy and sold off iiQC rallied a little and closed shade below yesterday's final quotation. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, sheeriedforCastoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Childrenjhe gave them Castorla ap-77-arwTSu PAMPHLET, 50 Paget; Fall Information of Besstmer, Alsbsms; founded 12th April IB 87; present population, 5,000. Costa ns Ao. curate Maps of Country, with Rich Colored Illustrations of Soenes and Scenery, ERAL ALABAMA Sent free and postage prepaid, on receipt of Address on Postal Card, or otherwise, by The Bessemer Land & Improvem't Co., BESSEMER, ALABAMA. 43-SEND FOB A COPY. ie2&OT 1SBOKERS FINANCIAL. YTrHlTNEY 4 STEPHENSON, , 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap23-l - COMMISSION, 2. Bailroad Mining I fill I "J f Stocks. I Stoclcs. I UIL J0 OUGHT AD SOLD SSiSw" an Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex changes. Loans made at low rates of interest Established 1876. .WWeekly Circular FREE. A. R. CHISHOLM & CO., 61 Broadway, N. Y. mhl3-97-su JOHN M.OAKLEY &C0., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Btocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. 45 SIXTH BT, Pittsburg. mr29-Sl A Home Security, Five Per Cent Interest, FREE OF TAXES. The Fidelity Title and Trust Company offers forsale,at102Kand accrued Interest, a lim ited number ol 80-year first mortgage bonds of the H. O. Frlek Coke Company, tbe capital stock of which is $5,000,000, fully paid in. These bonds are redeemable by a sinking fund at the rate of $100,000 per annum, at f 1 05, commencing July 1, 1894 Interest being payable semi-annually, January and July 1, at the office of this company. We have carefully examined into tbe sound ness of this security, and can rtcommeud it as one ol the most desirable Investments oa the market. , FLDKLTTY TITLE 4TRTTST COMPANY, 12MM Fourth avenue. ' HlM sfMAvftftV 1 4 4614 WJ tf WH 1S7M XS7K 2 2ZX S2H )J SI IIS 117 117 .. . 24 ssx leu ss ..Z .... ho 20 10, 2054 4X f M iai n" asM SS 84 S4 705 704, 70K 66.S S3K S4M ZVi 222 22M 67K KJJ a MLN EROMWESTCHARTIEBBi An Interestine Case Frera fStl Pleasant Little Town. A LADY'S NOTABLE EXPERIEMCE -m About five miles out of 'Pittsfearg oa ifcol Pittsburg and, Lake Brie Bailread, is si i ated the Tillage of Chartters, oe of eJ pieasantest ana at toe mem hbm ose ec wer : busiest of all oar suburban tows. Tissge-; steel works are located there, aa4 tete ys4'i and round houses of the Lake Erie Bali road iorm a big' factor i'a tbe tews." Jast" outside of the town proper ia wkat k oalM A west Chartlers, was where we writer mm ' Mrs. 3. W. Patios, and dariag the oewM of an interview she said: "I have heei troubled for nine years, and it Stat originated with a cold. I paid little altentioa te tt at feet Bt in later years, however. I oastfht aeW ssn easily, and my head began to give me a J'J great deal of trouble. There weald he a? doll, heavy feeling in say forehead set m$ actly a pain, bat a distressing feeW shit it is difficult to describe. My aese w'smldj be stopped np, first oa one side and thea e , the other. I had a raw. aneosafertaWe leetvif ing m my tnroat, ana wouia always, a hawking and raising and tryisg to alewr n.'i "There was a constant ringing aMsnwx$ ling sound in my ears., My ey ea wew ajj fected and discharged a watery sat They became so weak that Z could i see to read. Urt. J. W. Fatton. Wett CMrMers. 4l A Jl. thf1. iL saK1a fc n iM eSh a t3afiiHsssssssstV iSssHsss iPB IB? 'issB asSH t' S V sssssW WBssH Vskv (, .fJm MsJJ , 'I, iuier s wuiic uiv uusun uluuiuu m tend to the lower part of my threat Msi breast. At times there was a diaagMMMbF; tickline sensation in tar threat, gsssi ", thing seesaed to be ttiekisg there " I ;1 cuuiu iiub kc UP " wna, n jm s. uuisns . lie down at night X oeaia feet mm dropping hack into say threat. I slept j poorly and would get up i-a the more tired than whea I west to bed. ). r "I had a dry, haeking ceagh, whieh.we ' always the worst in the morning. At tills rj time I wonld raise large quantities of : ens. Sometimes it wonld be of a greisskv"i yellow, ana at others. oiaeJc aaa Msaaf. .Wight sweats weakened me terriMrr aM X begantolose in weight. My limbs weald sim8, '2 ana my generaineaitnwas Droieo. yaeasssNe failed me. I could not eat anytMB h tae morning. I would feel hungry, bat tae stake ef iooagaveme a nauseating ieeuBg laisy i acb. Sharp pains would take me ia she breast aad side, extending through to the shoaWsr Ma ass. The least exertion wonld Tint sa oat at swudsL and made J3e feel weak aad tired, itefestaa J noos uoctors ana meuiciaes, oat gee Be Best). Some time ago I was advised to see Bn.6sVi iana asa Diair. piacea jaysesi aaasr lasir care. ' "I could see from tbe start teat CwassteaMr lranrovine. The conrrn trradaallv left see sm my beaa became clear. I can atoea wett; aav i get up leeiing reiresuea asa nave a geea ipso 5 uceiorau my meats, in tact i nave aoJKa well for years as I do now. I owe say saotaea tlon to Drs. Copeland and Blair, aad am aiaa ec the orjnortunltv to ra&kn Data stAtftnmnSi'S the opportunity to make this stateseac' Mrs. ration uvea, as stated, la we tiers, and this interview caa be easily Additional Evidence bj MiH. A short time ago Mr. Joha WriglU,;efj Chicago Junction, O., plaeed hiasseU mm treatment by mail with Drs. Co?ekadajtd m Blair. In writing about his trouble he saMc ; "Two years ago I was ill with loag fera; , and never folly recovered iroa it. I oeaM not sleep at sight, Ihe mucus would dee - back into mr throat, and I weald wake as' feeling as though I was choking. Xastjg, scabs wonld comefrommy nostrils whenever I used my handkerchief. They weald ftea -be streaked . with blood. My eyes wew affected and were continually raaniag a ', watery substance. I was unable to attead to my dnties, feeling weak and tired ail the : time. I had a hacking cough andriagiagVj noises in my ears. Gradually I notieed..! ;vj was becoming aeat. x wouia nave aimy.s spells and my memory failed sae. Ibd,v3 pains 1U Uijf vucs. im uia v ajjyvMt. "A short time after I commenced treatfsg with Drs. Copeland & Blair Z notieed aa imnrovement. The dropping in my threat stopped, my cough and the pains ia- say . ; chest left me. J. can now sleep ana eat weu. i The result has been a great surprise to ase, as I had given up all hope of evergetkg1 well again." About the middle of last May Miss Lottie J. Torker. of 299 Arch street Meadville, Pa., placed herself under treatment by mail with Drs. Copeland & Blair. Ia stating her case by letter just previous to the .data, above mentioned she complained of terrible headaches, followed by spells of voaaHree-. which would compel her to lie in beiferJi hours, after which sho would be compte:sly worn out. Sharp pain in the breast, exteadr-c through to the shoulder blades and feUeweei bv others in her stomach aad side. "On Jnna 0 she wrote. "Your medEeise Is doing me good, I do not feel so tired, aad a; '. neaa nas oniy acnea twice, sou uiuh nu caisHts. by a fresh cold 1 caught." On July 2 her letter stated that she was feeti ing very weii. .... . a August zb sne wrote: -i icei quite use a different woman from the one I was whea X commenced your treatment." Some time seo Mr. M. C. Wilson, of Caanoms. bnnr. Fa., placed himself under treatmest, by, - malL with Drs. Copeland & Blair. Ia. Matte' 1 His case uy tetter eany in uujy, ub cuapisweu of a fall, heavy feeling in bis head over the eyes, a bad taste in the mouth, coughing aad raising phlegm, dimness of sight, sharp paias in the chest, with a tight, pinched f eelme aad soreness In the Inngs aud a weak aad shaky condition of the limbs. July 25 ha wrote: "I am improving steadtiyj 'A feel ever so much better than I bave in yean.'' m August 19 he wrote: "l feel luce a diaereot Be ing front the one I was when I commenced vour treatment, and I am aulte willing that a short statement of what your treatment Ha . done for me should be made in tbe papers " - DOCTORS Are located permanently at 66 SIXTH AVENUE, .; g VvTiera they treat with success all eataMe Offlceb0Hrs-StollA.it.j2 te 5 P.v7tolj p. m. (suaaay lcciuueoi. fa Specialties UATAwa, aaa all, jsasva EASES of the EYK, 2AB, T2iOAT, aaeJ JjUHUO. CnasaltaMna. L Address aH osaMte.. uam. wr, eauajw gt sa irsss, t el MMII aT9t lHMHPi aVf 14 P . , .." . - SRa . . -j." li-..