Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 06, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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Said a man, speaking of a long and ex
citing political contest in which he was
specially concerned: "I conld not have en
dured it if everything had not been all right
st home." In that home vtas a wife who,
during those trying weeks, gave herself en
tirely to this one work. 2To matter at what
irregular hours her husband came home she
met him enquestioningly with warm, sub
stantia meals and with every attention to
his comfort. She held herself ready to enter
Eympathizingly and heartily into everything
he chose to tell her concerning the cam
paign, and if his mood was a silent one she
held her peace and attended to his needs.
Halt of her effort and self-sacrifice, no doubt,
he never noticed or appreciated, but it sur
rounded him with such an atmosphere of
comfort and peace that, however trying the
day, he felt that he had a haven of reluge.
Above all he felt that he could bear defeat.
It is this feeling of ability to bear defeat
which must be carried into business and
politics before they are kept pure. The
man who feels that life and happiness de
pend on his success is not apt to hesitate
long before he adopts dishonest means to
that end.
They said I would cease to love her
When her freshness showed decay:
They were wrong, for as tlie river
Wears its channel more away.
Deeper crew my love, and clearer
Seemed her beauties in display.
Bhe grew older, she grew dearer
Dearer c ery day.
Had I loved her for her beauty.
Had lier heart been Mmply clay.
Then might mine bare ceased its worship;
I5ut lier truth's resplendent ray
Filled my soul and drew me nearer
To the fount where sweetness lay.
Still the older, still the dearer
Dearer every day.
Age has laid its hand upon her
Do I realize it? Nay.
Bit youth's bloom my heart remembers
Vears her faithfulness portray.
And it shall be mino to cheer her,
So her winter shall be May.
Etill the older, still the dearer
Dearer every day.
Social Events.
A delightful little social was given by Miss
Mary O'Connell, of Church Hill, Thirty-sixth
ward, last Tuesday. A large number of guests
ci c present, and music added charms to while
away the hour.
A delightful surprise was given Mr. Joseph
McCully at his home on Wylie avenne Tues
day evening of last week by a few of his
friends. Music, euchre and refreshments were
the order of the evenins. Among those pres
ent were Messrs. Harry Lamb, Albert Stimmel,
Jacob Abbey. David Richardson, John Abbey,
"Will Perry, David Wilson, TJlysess Grounds,
Grant Waughton and Robert Stoupe.
Mrs. James McCall and Miss McCall, of New
York City, are visiting Mrs. "Vt. H. Whitney, of
JSreckenndgo avenue. Thirteenth ward. On
Friday Mrs. Whitney give a luncheon to a
number of young ladles in honor of Miss Mc
Call. Among those present were Misses Wil
son, Bissell, Spence-, McCallam, Johnston,
Patterson, Herron. Friend, Marshall, bhan
hoil, Hodkinson, Kammercr and others, about
Is in all.
There was a merry crowd Wednesday even
ing at the residence of Mr. Herron, on Forty
fifth street. All spent a delightful evening.
Good music and a little dancing added to the
pleasures. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Guim, Mr. and Mrs. Lake,
Miss Woods, Miss Mentzer, Mr. Chanv, Mr.
Fred Keil, Miss Rim. Miss Phillips, Mr. J.
Jones, Mis Acme Jones, Miss Maria Jones and
Mr. liarns.
A progressive euchre party was held at the
residence of Mrs. T. J. Bray, Hazelwood, on
Friday evening. Among thoe present were
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Harry Bray, the
Misses Eyth, Hardie, Bootn,Yoang, Matthews,
Eilgad, Jenkins, Grimes, Hively, Clark, and
Messrs. Youcg, Faull, Hardie, Anderson,
bmith, Craig, Beatty, Jenkins, Kinehart,
Clarke and Bray. Card playing, refreshments
and dancing were the order of the evening.
Another medal contest was held in the par
lors of Miss Milly Tutcll last Friday evening.
Music on various instruments and well ren
dered recitations were the order of the pro
gramme, fehort talks were given by Mr. R.
Lvon, Rev. A Rodabaugh, and Rev. Bishop J.
W caver, of Dayton, O., who, with his wife wcra
the guests of Mrs. M. Tutell last week.
Laurence Lutz and Emma teteffler wore the
fcaccessf ul medal w inners. Honorable mention
was made of Eugene Moberly.
Quite an enjoyable surprise was tendered Mr.
Edwin G. Eggers, at his residence on Bojle
street, Allegheny. Cards and dancing were the
chief features of the evening. The following
joung ladies and gentlemen were present.
Misses Minnie and May HukiU, Marcaret,
Anmo and Lyha Wyland. Reese, Eggers, Misses
Kennedy, Plordt, Is eedy, Reese. Schudy, Kamp,
Eiseiibet. Scott and Eggers. Messrs. Wallace,
il.ison, Eggers, Cogan, Pettlgrew, Bayne,
Gromo, Ross. Ballade, Blair, Needy, Kelly,
Blelhrow and Eggers.
The Lake Erie Social met at the residence of
Miss Lottie E. Heideger, Woods' Run, on
Thursday evening. Among the guests present
were Miss Ida Burgy, Tillie Gressel, Laura
Gressel. Emma Gleasencamp, Kittie Langen
lieim. Marv Kmn. Carrie Richards, Emma
Miller, Lizzie Webb, the Misses Smith, Bell
Aikin. Messrs. A Schwerd, B. Langenheim, G.
Langenheim, P. Shuo. M. Coye, W. Webb, C.
Burgy, T. Smith and John and G. Heidegei,
Jr. Dancing and games were indulged in until
a late hour. Some fine music was rendered by
Miss Ida Burgy.
A most enjoyable surprise party was given In
honor of Miss L Blocklnger, of Gray's road,
Southslde, on Thursday last. Dancing and
games were kept up until a late hour. Music
was furnished by the OMalloy Orchestra.
Among those present were Misses Gertie Mc
Cann, Winnie Gould, Lou and Tilly Blockin
ger. Jessie Holmes, Molley Getty, Maud K.
VogeL Mamie Gannon, Leddie Early, Messrs.
T. Connors, S. Brooks, H. Brangwin, J. Con
nors. J. Lehman, T. Ronar, H. Wagner, L.
Ulockincer, A. Parker. A. Mareland, J. Shreve,
W. Welker and J. Harris,
The home of Miss Lillie Hunter, of Arch
street, Allegheny, was brilliantly illuminated in
honor of her friends lastThursday night. Music
and dancing were the order of the evening.
Among those who participated in the evening's
pleasures were Misses Jennie Crow, Ella Win
ter, Maud McCurdy, Birdie Carson. Lola and
Lizzie Elsessor, Maggie Erb, Annie Kelly. Net
tie Henderson, Bessie and Mary Leach and
Kcttie Sawertyj Messrs. F. H. Workmaster.
Will Morrison, waiter Johnston, Robert Mc
Kay, William Ramsey. William Eggers, Will
iam McBrier. Charles Cole, Fred Rebels,
Thomas Boyd and others.
The crystal wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Will Taggart was celebrated on Tnesday
evening at their residence, on Bedford avenue.
Many friends of the family were present to
congratulate the host and hostess. Music,
games, conversation and a good supper made
the evening delightful. Many beautiful pres
ents were given Sir. and MrsTaggart. Among
the guests present were Mr. ana Mrs.Stadle
man. Miss Morrison, Mr. Harry Morrison and
wife. Miss Rav, Mrs. Kerr, son and daughter.
Miss McRobberts and brother. Rev. Knox and
wife, Mrs. Miller and Miss Paggert, Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Getty, Mrs. Law
rence W. Stofiel, Miss Emma Barnes, and many
A most delightful surprise party was ten
dered to Miss EUie G. England, of Butler
street, MUlvale borough, on Thursday evening
by her many friends. All kinds of games were
Indulged in, and afterward dancing was the or
der ot the evening. Later refreshments were
served. The company departed at midnight,
reerettlnr that lime would not star his hand.
Among -those gsetest ""ere: Mists Mariea j
Shearer, Edith Stevens, Mary Jones, Jennie
Stevens, Maruie IBirnes, Katie Barnes, Amelia
Wehrle, Jessie Fife, Lottie Lyon. Mamie Davis,
Lillie Myers, Grace Shearer, Susie Thompson,
Fbcebe vero, Katie England, and Masters
Harry Casper. Walter Horrocks, Willie Hor
rocks, HarrvjFines, Byron Riley, Robbie En
gland. A most enjoyable birthday surprise party
was given Mrs. George England, of Ackley
street, Allegheny, on last Wednesday evening
by a number of her friends. Singing, dancing
and other amusements wero kept up till an
early hour. During the evening refreshments
were served. Among those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. McLuckie, Mr.
and Mrs. Namer. Misses Jean Louden, Mary
and Jessie Hanna, Mary Warner, Mag-
f;ie and Jennie Harper, Mary Doug
as, Agnes and Jennie Napier. Jennie
Weir, Lizzie and Jennie Armour, Hannah En
gland, Bella and Annie Brockie and Miss Fer
guson, of Cumberland; Messrs. Hanna, Hamil
ton, Mitchell, Barr, Pettier? w, McLuckie,
Chisbolm, Douglas, Harper, Humble, Lyons.
R&isback, Weir and England.
Miss Nellie Sullivan, of Ross street, was ten
dered a surprise party on Wednesday evening
by her friends. It was also a farewell, as the
young lady leaves home on Thursday, her 19th
birthday, to enter the novitiate of the Little
Sisters of the Poor. The large parlors were
beautifully decorated with flowers. At 12
o'clock the guests repaired tojthe dining room
where a sumptuous rcnast was laid. Among
those present were Misses Mary Devlin, Mag
gie Crowley, Kate Kelly, Kate Gallagher, Liz
zie Crowley, Kate Frank, Mollie Thurbert,
Annie Hogau, Katie Nemhansen, Nellie Drls
coll, Alice Sullivan, Maggie Halpin, Rose Leni
hen, Annie Eisner, Mrs. Eisner. Mrs. Burns,
Mrs. J. E. Sullivan. Mrs. Frank. Mrs. Gavin.
.Messrs. Robert Dnrbin, Terry HInes, Robert
.nenaerson, Junes iemnen, win rieninen,
James Brislin, John Crowlev, T J. Kennedy,
D. J. Crowlev, Peter Gilfovle, Charles McElroy,
George Sullivan, Robert Ingalls, James Nahn.
J. Foster, P. O'Leary, Alex. Sullivan, of
Monongahela Citv; Mary Hart, of Wellsville,
and Miss Nettie Craig, of New York.
Wedding Belli.
Miss Mary Slocum, sister of Mrs. Dr. Sadler,
and Mrs. Albion Bindley, of this city, was
married in St. John's Church, Omaha, Neb.,
September 25, to Mr. August Kmffln, of that
Mr. Frank A. Cook and Miss Lizzie Williams
were quietly married on last Friday afternoon,
at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John
D. Williams, Stanwix street, Mt. Washington.
The wedding was a family affair, only the two
immediate families being present. After the
ceremony the party sat down to a fine wedding
supper, and about 5 r. M. the happy couple
started on a trip to Cleveland and the lakes
amid showers of rice.
Pittsbnrgers nnd Tbcir Friends.
Miss Ida Gregg, of Allegheny, visited friends
in Sewickley last week.
Mrs. J. Carter Judsou and son, of Washing
ton, Pa., are visiting friends in Allegheny.
Miss Porter, of Allegheny, left during the
week to visit friends in Washington, D. C
Mrs. H. W. Hatch, of Washington street, has
returned from visiting friends in New York.
Rev. Dr. W. F. Brown and Mrs. Brown, of
Canonsburg, have returned from New York.
Miss May Onstott, of Allegheny, who has
been visiting in Cleveland, has returned home.
Mrs. James L. Murphy and her aaughter have
gone to St. Louis to visit her brother, George
Miss Minnie Wood, of Carroll street, Alle
gheny, is visiting friends at Kansas City and
Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Rex and son. of Can
ton, O.. are visiting relatives in Bellevue and
Misses Emily and Onito Miller, of Lancaster,
Pa., are visiting Misses Jennie and Clara Abel,
of Fenn avenue.
Mrs. H. G. Oberdorf, of Miffllnburg, Pa., is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Armagast, of
Federal street, Allegheny.
Mr. T. J. Bray, wife and daughter, of Hazel
wood, left last evening for Washington to at
tend the Knights' conclave.
Miss Tillie Ewmg, of Allecheny, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. N. M. Talcott, of
Chicago, has returned home.
Mrs. ex-Governor A. J. Faulk, of Yankton,
S. Dak., passed through the city Friday to Kit
tanning on a visit to relatives.
Miss Annie E. Osborn, of McKcesport, who
was visiting Miss Kittie Grabenstein, of West
ern avenue, Allegheny, has returned home.
Colonel Charles Duffy and wife, of Philadel
phia, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. C.
Bcrgstresser, Allegheny avenue, Allegheny.
Mr. Charles D. Hughes, who has worked for
some time on Pittsburg papers, is about to re
turn to Florida as a correspondent for North
ern papers.
Misses May and Kettle Pellon, of Cleveland,
are visiting Mrs. Robert Hamilton and Miss
Hattie Gibson, of Neville Island, and other
friends in Allegheny.
Mrs. T. W. Phirney and her daughter Mary,
Miss Jennie Franzheim and Dr. C. . Mason,of
Wheeling, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gor
don, of Miltenberger street.
Misses Anna G. Moranand Bella McKinley,
of Emberton, IPa., are visiting relatives and
friends in this city and Allegheny. They ex
pect to remain several weeks.
Mrs. Mattie Larimer, wife of Mr. Wm. H. H.
Larimer, a prominent business man of Kansas
Citj, with her daughter Annie, are guests of
Mrs. James R. Mellon, Negley avenue.
Messrs. Frank G. Lenz and Charles H. Petti
cord rode to Steubenvillc, O., nn their bicycles
last Sunday, and report a delightful run, Mr.
Lenz taking a number of photographs on the
Sewickley Society Notes.
Mr. Edward Gilmore is home from Findlay,
O., on a short visit. ,
Mrs. William Cunningham left last Thursday
for her home in Clinton, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Fox, of Philadelphia, are visit
ing at Mrs. John A. Warden's.
Several small parties went up to the city last
week to hear Booth andModjeska.
Mrs. Pease is home after spending the sum
mer with relatives in Watertown, N. Y.
Mrs. William Adair has for a guest her
mother, Mrs. Mackintosh, of Elizabeth, N. J.
Mrs. Wilfred Nevin will spend the winter
with her mother, Mrs. Carnahan, in New York
Mrs. and Mrs. R. P. Nevin, Mr. and Mrs.
Ogden, Miss Gilmore, Miss Chaplin, Miss
Whiting, the Misses Odgen, Miss Nevin, Dr.
White, Mr. A. King, Mr. S. L. Standish and
Mr. R. P. Nevin, Jr., were the Sewickley party
that attended the wedding of Miss Ellen Paul
at Oakmont, Pa., last Monday evening.
Miss Bessie Cunningham and brother, Mr.
Robert Cunningham, met with ratbor a serious
accident last Wednesday evening while driving
along Railroad street. The horse took fright
at a passing train, and becoming unmanageable
ran off, throwing Miss Cunningham and her
brother in a ditch near the track. They fortu
nately escaped with slight bruises.
This little valley promises to be quite gay
the coming season. There will be whist cluu,
a series oi poverty germans an d the dramatic,
besides private companies, and then "Dame
Rumor1' says several weddings. Judging from
what one of the Dramatic Committee said, this
season promises to be one of the best the club
has enjoyed since its organization in lbt6.
There will most likely be six entertainments,
the first "A Serious Family," a three-act com
edv, will be given about November 1. The cast
will Include the following ladies and gentle
men: Mrs. A B. Starr, Miss Blair, Miss War
den, Miss Carpenter, Mr. H. Richardson, Mr.
Carpenter and Mr. R. D, Wilson.
How the Service! at St. Phllomeno. Church
Will be Observed.
a Oneof the most conspicuous features of
the festal services at St. Fhilomena's to-day
will be a procession of the congregation
around the square from Fourteenth street,
on P enn avenue, to the church doors on Lib
erty street. The procession will start from
the St. Charles Club House on Penn avenue
at 9:30 in the morning. The bishops will
join it at the clergy house on Liberty street.
The choristers will escort the Bishop to his
throne, from which he will celebrate a pon
tificial high mass. Haydn's music will be
sung at the service.
All kinds of dyeing and dry cleaning
done in first-class style at short notice.
Seasonable prices. Ahebican Steam
Dying and Dey Cleax ino Co., 6 Sixth
street. Miss.S. E. Keyes, Manager, su
Victory for the New No. 9.
At the Exhibition TJniverselle, Paris,
1889 (the great "World's Fair), the highest
possible premium, the only prize for sewing
machines, was awarded to the Wheeler &
Wilson Mfg. Co. Office No. 6, Sixth street,
Fob all the latest styles in ladies' long
and short wraps, jackets, etc., for fall and
winter wear, visit our cloak room.
FBAf EirHEm & VixsACK'a Ifon City
feeer grows in favor every day. 'Phone 1186.
v- ',
EtfOIT TmclTTri?.
j "The sun Alarm"
Wilbur Opera Co.
Grand Opera
Miss Helen Barry
Gns Rill's Novel
ties. Would' s Mpsxcm
Curiosities, etc.
The above are the theatrical attractions for
this week.
The two performances in which Madam Mod
jeska and Mr. Booth figured yesterday at the
Grand Opera House are adverted to critically
on the fourth page of this issne.
The Prosrnmmc.
Maxageb Rddolph AEONSOir supplies the
first operatic novelty of the season at the
Grand Opera House Monday evening, October
14, in the production of "The Brigands," which
achieved a record of 123 performances at the
New York Casino and four weeks In Boston,
where the company is atpresent The success
in both of the above cities is the most pro
nounced ever known In the history of this
management. This event will prove to be one
of more than usual interest, as Mr. Aronson
has established a record for comic opera pro
ductions of tuch a high standard that the
mere mention of the fact that he is to present
a new opera in this city is always hailed with
delight by our theater-goers. The production
of "The Brigands" is sure to prove quite a
sensation, as it is an entirely new style of
operatic production. The music ot the
opera is by Jacques Offenbach, and a
few interpolations by Mr. Gustavo Kerker,
which are said to have made distinct hits.
The musical numbers which have proven most
successful in both cities, are a solo from Miss
Lillian Russell, "A Brigand's Daughter am I;"
a song and dance lor Miss Fanny Rice, "A
Farmer Boy," a chorus for men, "Hail to the
Brigand Chief," and the ensemble and the
famous fivo act finale, which has never failed
to receive from three to four encores at every
performance. In the second act a duet and
chorus for Miss Lillian Russell and Miss Fanny
Rice, known as the "Kiss Duet," is a particu
larly taking musical number. A charming
musical conceit is the entrance song anu
chorus for Miss Isabella Urquhart, "A Spanish
Princess:" a tenor solo for Mr. Henry Hallam,
"It is Different When Both Love?' new topical
song for Mr. Fred Solomon, "I Got It;" then
the finale or the second and third acts and
many more musical numbers that are sure to
become as popular in this city as they have in
New York and Boston. The cast is the origi
nal one and includes some of the most popular
artists of the comic opera stage and is as fol
lows: Lillian Russell, Fanny Rice, Isabella
Urquhart, Anna O'Keefe, Delia Stacey. Laura
Russell and the Messrs. Fred Solomon, George
Olmi. Henrv Hallam. Richard Carroll. Max
Lube, Henry Leoni, A. W. Tarns and others.
The production is given under the direction of
Mr. Max Freeman and Musical Director Gus
tav Kerker.
"The Stilt, Alarm," that tremendous ex
ample of modern melodrama, Is the dramatic
conflagration at the Bijou Theater this week.
No melodrama that comes to Pittsburg is more
popular with the masses. The proof of this
may be seen at the box office on the advance
sale chart. Harry Lacy comes with the play.
He began his season at the Grand Opera
House, New York, and his audiences were of
immense proportions. The advance sale now
indicates that he will, as on former occasions,
fill the cozy Bijou to everflowmg. Some clever
people are noticed among the list of players
and it is promised that the general equipments
of the company will be on a grander scale
than were seen on its last visit here. The mag
nificent trained horses, the new fire engine and
the sensational climaxes are all ready as usual.
So much has already been saidjin these columns
about Mr. Joseph Arthur's play that the read
ers of The Dispatch are well acquainted with
its merits. Lacy is especially fitted for the
part, and his conception of it needs no com
ment. He is a young and handsome fellow,
bright and intelligent, and has worked hard
and patiently to acquire his present position as
one of our formost leading men. The splendid
car, constructed especially for this comoany,
will arrive on the B. &. O. early Monday morn
ing. It will require the services of some 20 ex
tra men to place the scenery, properties and fire
engine in position for Monday night.
The announcement of the return of the ex
cellent comedy, "A Possible Case," that in
genious and original skit of Sydney Rosenfeld's,
will be hailed with delight by all lovers of
pure, clean comedy and legitimate acting. It
will be presented at the Bijou Theater the
week commencing Monday, October 14, by the
Union Square Theater Company, under the
management of J. M. Hill. Some changes
have been made in the cast, but all tending to
make the company stronger than last year.
Sir. M. A. Kennedy remains in his artistic and
luminous creation of the central figure of the
play, OKo Brtnkerhoff. The new people are
Charles Dickson, formerly of the New York
Lyceum Company and recently seen here in
some clever work in "The Wife." Belle and
Herbert Dickey, also of the Lyceum stock and
last seen here in support of E. H. Sothern, in
important roles in "Lord Chumley. Helen
Russell, formerly leading lady at Wallack's
and also with Arthur Reban. Mr. Hill claims
it is the strongest company he ever sent out of
New York. The rest of the cast arc equally
capable If not as well-known. A rare treat is
in store for the patrons of the Bijou. Re
served seats will be on sale at the box office
Thursday morning.
At Harris' Theater another week of comic
opera wfll bo given by the Wilbur Opera Com
pany. That they succeeded in pleasing the
people last week is proven positively by the
fact that they played to packed houses at each
of the 12 performances. MissSnsie Kirwiuis
in good voice, and sings as sweetly as she did In
the days of her early triumphs, when Fred
Parke ran Library Hall. The chorus is a fair
one, being made of young people with pretty
faces and clear, strong voices. The costnmes
are rich and gaudy. The intricate marches
which generally mix up the average chorus
crowd of Pittsburg beauties are executed by
the "Wilbur Girls'' In true military style with
out a mistake. The company is well supplied
with clever comedians who know how to crack
fan without becoming vulgar. The repertoire
for the week is as follows: Monday, "Nanon:"
Tuesday, "1 he Two Vagabonds;" Wednesday,
"The Beggar.Student;" Thursday, "Mascotte;"
Friday, '"The Bohemian Girl?' Saturday,
"Princess of Trebizonde."
Miss Helen Babet is an English actress of
considerable fame on the other side ot the At
lantic. Last season she made a tour of tbo
country playing "A Woman's Stratagem" with
considerable success. Now Miss Barry will ap
pear at the Grand Opera House on Monday in
anew play written especially for her by T.
Malcolm Watson, entitled "Love ana Liberty."
It is a romantic pla, strong in the emotional
element, and bu'lt upon a plot relating mainly
to the Franco-German war. Miss Barry is said
to be well suited m her Dart, and several critics
have praised her acting highly. She has the
support of such excellent actors as Ralph Del
more, Clarence Hand) side, W. B. Arnold and
others. The scenery for the production Is
carried by the company, and is said to be very
handsome. On Tuesday evening "A Woman's
Stratagem," which is spoken of as a charming
comedy in the best sense of the word, will be
given, and It will be repeated on Friday and
the Saturday matinee.
From week to week the tide of laughter rolls
throug'i the Academy of Music without any
great amount of change. This week Gus
Hill's World of Novelties will provide the ex
cuse for merriment. It will be a good excuse
probably, for the programme is all new, and
must ba well interpreted by such clever people
as C. W. Williams, Billy Carter, Charles Harris,
Nnttle Walters, Phil and Chrissie Sheridan,
Lottie Gllson and Gus Hill.
The Wild Girl, whose nature has puzzled all
the doctors in the world, and who Is said to be
more astonishing than Mrs. Potter in "Cleo
patra," is theprime princess on the programme
at the World's Museum In Allegheny this
week. ThenoeticTurtleBoyls to be her side
partner, and in addition there are many won
derful curiosities and a variety entertainment
of a startling character.
The Casino Museum will have a novel and
entertaining attraction this week in the Earl
scott Juvenile Opera Company.
Ptnee Whisper.
Fbakcis WrLSOir will bring his amusing
comic opera, "The Oolah," to the Bijou Theater
in Msrch.
SAiynii opens his season at Palmer's The
ater, New York. October 10, appearing in a
special production of fSamson."
It is said that Joseph Arthur's new play,
"Blue Jeans," will not be$rodnced until next
year, when it will open the season at the Four,
teenth Street Theater.
A M eettho of the directors of the Broadway
Theater Company. In Hew York: was held. at
MSlrtll KlMiQEH
j wmmjrik
"ftSjtyv,' .
that bouse last woek, when a third quarterly
cimuena oi o per cent was aeciareo.
"Mrs. Kendae brines over from London 50
dresses and her husband. The Custom House
Sassed the whole business, and yet poor Wilson
iarrett must pay duties on his scenery before
it can do landed at Boston," says xve uiunreir,
October 14 will be an Interesting night for
New York theater goers, with Booth and
Modieska in "Rifihelinn" at the Broadway
Theater and the Joseph Jefferson-Florence
comedy company at the Star Theater in "The
Geobqe W. Cable, the Southern novelist,
is the most popular reader from his own -waitings
of any man on the platform. He clears
from $8,000 to $8,000 each season. He is con
sidered the lace of the platform and the first
called for by institutions of learning. Hols
dramatizing "Bonaventnre," his now and latest
.a.caaian novel.
The Treasury Department of this United
States has ordered the collector of the noble
port of Boston to levy duties upon the 340 tons
of artistic scenery brought to this country
from England by Wilson Barrett, the scenery
to be used in dramatic plays. This is the workof
ajoui3 Aiancn ana nis gang oi loiotic uamiaf
ters who want to keep out all foreign actors.
Max O'Rell is to arrive from England
early in January to make a tour under the
management of Major Pond. His first enter.
tainment will consist of a causene on his own
book. "Jonathan and His Continent." The
title of bis second subject will be a Na
tional Gallery, Jacques Bonhomme, John
Bull, Sandy MacDonald and Brother Jona-
The Bric-a-Brac company did not close sea
son in Philadelphia last week as reported. It
is "resting," while the author, Frank Tanne
hill, is rewriting the play and putting in an en
tirely new second act, preparatory to resuming
season at Omaha, October 21. For the remain
der of the tour O. B. Hawkins, who has made a
hit in tho role of the countryman, will be
Frohmak's Lyceum Theater Compant
has lost one of its brilliant actors in Charles
Dickson, who has joined the forces of J. M.
Hill, and plays the light comedy role in "A
Possible Case." His excellent work in the role
of the correspondent in "Held by the Enemy'
and more recently "The Wife," will be pleas
antly remembered in this city. He now plays
the role formerly assumed by Bob Billiard.
Stdnet Roseneeld, tho author of "A
Possible Case," says that Helen Russell, who
now plays the role of Violet Mendoza, is the
best exponent of the part of any who have
played in it. She seems to have struck a happy
medium between the two extremes of Genevieve
Lytton and Georgie Drew Barrymore. Pitts
burg audiences will have a chance to judge of
Miss Russell's abilities at the Bijou Theater in
the week of October 14.
M. A. Kennedy, the well-know comedian of
"A Possible Case," is winning even more praise
from the critics this season than ever before.
A writer on the Albany Times says: "Comedy
will never die with Jefferson and Florence as
long as Kennedy is on the stage. He is tho late
John T. Raymond and Ben Maginley rolled
into one in a personality of his own." Another
critic compares him more than favorably with
W, H. Crane, and still another classes his
methods ot naturalness with Den Thompson.
On October 14, dear old gentle-hearted Joe
Jefferson, with his delightful smile and tender
eyes, will trip jauntily forward at the Star as
Sob Acres. By his side, as fiir Lucius O'Trig
ger, will be everybody's friend, "Billy" Flor
ence, the champion fisherman of the Restl
gouche, breezy lion vivant, and splendid actor
all through. American, these, down to tho
ground, and not a foreigner In the whole
shower now pelting down upon us can ever
elbow the happy boys out of the innermost nook
of our hearts.
Adonis Diiey's art may not be high or
important, says Le Chat Noir, but he can cast
a heart-healing glow into tho shadows that
close in on us from time to time, and can
shatter care with the warmth of legitimate
smiles. Even Mr. Daly's family can do no
more. They are but frivolous. light, useless
humming birds. Dixey is as harmless, and he
can be very beautiful; so probably be is as
worthy as any other actor. Beauty, grace and
cleanness are noble 'qualities, and I imagine
Dixey possesses them alL
The No w York TTorlrf labels Steele Mackaye's
new play, 'An Arrant Knave," one of the best
comedies ever written, and says that it places
its ao thor at the head of American playwrights
beyond all peradventure. The dramatic opin
ions of the World are Bnaky as a rule, so per
haps this one is strained, but Mackaye is un
doubtedly a great writer, and no person who
has watched his work would be surprised if ho
should some day make just such a play as the
World man describes. "An Arrant Knave,"
which is the property of Stuart Robson, had its
first production In Chicago on Monday night,
The ChatSfoir adds.
A LOW London paper, called the Wasp, not
long ago libeled Florence St. John in a most
shameful manner, says the New York Mirror.
Elborougb, the proprietor, was promptly prose
cuted. He had no defense or justification to
offer for the outrage and was compelled to
throw himself on the mercy of Miss St. John
and the Court.
The actress was satisfied to let Elborough off
with a public acknowledgement of the falsity
of his publication, an humble apology to her in
open court, the payment of costs of the pro
ceedings and a giftof $250 to the Actors' Benev
olent Fund. The Court was moved to let the
wretch go after these humiliations.
"Some attention, I suppose," says Nym
Crinkle in the -Ifirror, "might bo given to a
form of hallucination which may be called
retrospective. It shows itself in the tendency
to idealize and exaggerate that which is past.
Two or three years ago Lester Wallack was
not as great an actor as he is to-day. Mr.
Burton grew after death at a prodigious rate.
Adelaide Neilson, who was in no sense a great
actress, and not acconnted great by cotem
poraneous opinion, is now spoken of with
something like awe. It is the sime way with
plays and companies. We continually hear of
the unapproachable excellence of this and that
stock company of the past, and continually
forcet that it is the intervening time that has
softened and mellowed everything."
"I noticed the other evening," says tho mu
sical critic of Le Chat JToir, "in the "Pearl of
Pekln,' a remarkably clever bit of work by
.Kerker, which would interest any musician, on
account of its ingennity. It is in the 'Chop
Sticks Polka,' where the xylophone plays a
simple melodic figure, over and over again,
while all about It, above and oclow, is woven a
woof ot vocal and instrumental designs,totally
Independent andyct most pleasing. Theoretic
ally this might perhaps be termed a Passacaglia
in a middlo voice. The Passacaglia being a
constantly reiterated bass, upon which a super
structure is built of constantly varying pro
gressions. Mr. Kerker has thus given to us an
other of thoso proofs, which happily are be
coming more and more lrequent, that a piece
may be tuneful and well written, catchy and
Wnahburn Gnltnrs. .
No better evidence as to the superiority of
the Washburn guitars over all other makes
conld be required than the enormous de
mand for these elegant instruments. The
ready sale of the Washburns has surpassed
the most sanguine expectations of the manu
facturer, and it is only with the greatest ef
fort that the supply can be kept up with the
demand. In viev of this fact H. Kleber &
Bro., who are the exclusive agents lor the
Washburn instruments, a few months ago
placed an order for 160 guitars. This lot has
just been received, and can be seen at Kle
ber's Music Store, No. 606 Wood street
The scale of the "Washburn, from the
smallest three-quarter to that of tho grand
concert size, is guaranteed absolutely cor.
rect. The manufacturers deeming this of
great importance, being the foundation of
the whole instrument, have perfected at
much expense and labor an invention where
by the scale of every one is made an exact
duplicate of its predecessor, no variation or
exception being possible. The neck, also
an important feature, is constructed upon
the same plan and is identical, one with
nHother.and made after such a perfect model
that all possess that pleasant feeling in the
hands of a performer so much desired. The
tone of the Washburn is rich, full and mel
low, at the same time powerful without
harshness. The-finish is the finest of French
polish, being brilliant and lasting, the inlay
ing rich and elepant.
As the Washburn guitars are made in 25
different styles, all tastes can easily be
suited; the low prices bring them within
the reach ot everybody. Special rates to
clubs and to the profession.
A Tough Yonnsiter.
Auirusta (Me.) Journal. 1
A smart Aroostook lassie of three sum
mers lives at Maysville Center. She
tripped and fell while at play the other
day, bnt picking herself up and rubbing the
hurt she exclaimed: "My sakes 'f I wasn't
tough I'd been dead years agol"
24-in. plushes, ISe, $1, 51 25 and $1 60 a
yd.; the best values shown; nil the new col
orings Htiotjs a Hacks.
FBAtraiTHEiM &,Vn.8ACK'B Iron -City
beer grows in faVor, every day. 'Phone 1186(
I J ' ' T j. 1 i
. -!: VmW-n1-i-- n
jaicj uuiujiJjiSr o,
An Instrument Ordered for the AHenbenj
Music Hall An Opportnnlty for Orgnn
KccilnU InaagurntlnB the Hall- Speci
fications of the Inurnment.
All who chanced to read in this column
last week the earnest plea for a complete
and well-balanced organ to be bnilt in Car
negie Musio Hall, Allegheny, will compre
hend with what pleasure it is now an
nounced that the contract for jnst such an
instrument was let last Thursday to
the Roosevelt firm, this country's fore
most builders. By securing an extension of
time unon another large instrument, the firm
is able to contract to have this organ finished
by January 4, the previonslnability to do which
was the only thing that prevented tho deal from
being made some weeks ago.
Mr. Elbert, the representative who figured for
the contract, declares himself to be delighted
with the conditions afforded bv the new hall for
building an organ that shall be in the highest
degree effective both to ear and to eye. The
blank wall behind the stage was so left with
this object in view; and the organ will not only
complete the architectural effect of the hall,
but will also have absolutely no impediments in
the way of tonal perfection. Such conditions
are rarely provided for the builder.
Carnegie Hall, by the way, is in all particu
lars, a remarkably well-planned auditorium.
Its dimensions are 69 feet wide by 115 feet long
in the clear, and 39 feet from floor to apex of
the arched celling. On the main floor 7C8 per
sons will be accommodated in permanent seats
of unusual width over 19 Inches and with
plenty of room between the rows.
The galleries running around three
sides entend the audience capacity to 1,100
seats. The stage, which is in three tiers or
steps, has a total area of about 23x4S feet, capa
ble of accommodating (with the organ occupy
ing most of the highest platform) over 200 per
formers. The location on the ground floor, the
extraordinary number of exits, the convenient
appointments of dressing rooms stage doors,
etc. are among the many points that redound
to the credit of the builders.
The organ specified will stand npon a plat
form 6 feet 8 inches above the main floor, and
will have these as its greatest dimensions: 42
feet wide, 32 feet high and 10 feet deep (not in
cluding keyboard and bench). Its case is to be
of oak, the finish and pipe decorations to be
elaborate and harmonious with the whole
Interior of the halL No decision has yet been
made as between water and electricity as the
motive power for the bellows.
It is expected that in the inaugural cere
monies of the library and hall that one distinct
session, afternoon or evening, will bo wholly
devoted to an organ recital an eminently
proper way of emphasizing the Importance of
the fact that this community will then possess
its first complete organ in a public place avail
able for recital and general concert use That
occasion will be a new birth of the whole de
partment of organ music in our midst, a depart
ment than which as pointed out last week no
other is in greater need of reformation. The
fnli specifications for this important instru
ment are as follows:
Three Manuals Compass CO to a3, 53 notes.
Pedals Compass ccc to F, 30 notes.
1. Double open diapason IS feet, 58 pipes
2. Open diapason 8 feet, S3 pipes
3. tiemshorn S feet, 63 pipes
4. Viola de gambu 8 feet, S3 pipes
t. Doppel floete s feet, S3 pipes
6. Octave 4 feet, 53 pipes
7. Flute harmonlque 4 feet, 68 pipes
8. Octave qnlnt SJffeet, 53 pipes
9. Super octave 2 feet, 63 pipes
10. Mixture 8 and 4 ranks, 193 pipes
11. Trumpet 8 feet, M pipes
X. 11. stops 3 to 11, inclusive, in the choir
12. Bourbon (treble and bass; split
knot) ISfcet, SSplpes
11. Open diapason 8 feet. 63 Dines
11. Spitz floete sfeet, 63 pipes
15. Saliclonal 8 feet, S3 pipes
16. Stopped diapason Sfeet, 63 pipes
17. Gemshorn 4 feet, 63 pipes
IS. Hohl floete 4 feet, 68 pipes
19. Flageolet 2reet, 63 pipes
29. Cornet 3r'ks, 174 pipes
21. Cornopean sfeet, 63 pipes
22. Oboe 8 feet, 63 pipes
23. Vox humana 8 feet, 68 pipes
24. GelRcn principal 8 feet, 53 pipes
25. Dolce 8 feet, 53 pipes
20. Concert flute 8 feet, S3 pipes
27. Klute d'amour 4 feet, 58 pipes
23. l'lccolo harmonlque 2 feet, 68 pipes
29. Clarionet 8 feet, 53 pipes
.N. B. Enclosed in separate swell box.
30-Opendlapason IS feet, 30 pipes
31 Bourdon 16 feet, 30 pipes
32 Violoncello 8 feet, 30 pipes
S3 Trombone 16 feet, SO pipes
34 Swell to great.
35 Choir to great.
3(5 Swell octaves.
37 Swell to choir.
33-Swell to pedal.
39 Great to pedal.
40 Choir to pedal.
41 Swell tremulant 43 Wind Indicator
42 Engine shcnal 44 Choir tremulant
45-47 Three Koosevelt patent automatic adjusta
ble combination pedals, affecting Great and l'edal
stops, and Mos. 31, 35, S3. 33 and 40.
43-50 Three of the same, affecting Swell and
Pedal stops, and Mos. 36, 38. 3D, 40aud 41.
51-52 Two of the same, affecting choir and pedal
stops and ii os. 37, 33, 39, 40 and 44.
53 Full organ pedal; all speaking stops and
54 -Great to pedal reversible coupler.
55 -Balanced swell pedal.
56 Balanced cnolr pedal.
67-redal ventll. ,
58 Engine pedal (or crank. If desired).
Crotchets nnd QaWers.
THE Emperor of Germany has just deco
rated Clara Schumann with the gold medal for
The Oakland Orchestra will meet at the
Oakland M. E. Church on Tuesday evening,
this week instead of to-morrow, the regular
The season of Italian opera, with "Otello"
andTamagnoat the Lyceum Theater, in Lon
don, wound up, says the Trovatore, with a loss
of $32,000. or about 52,500 a night.
iliss Adele Acs see Ohe's manager Is in
correspondence with Mr. J. H. Gittings in re
gard to the fair pianist's appearance here in a
recital, which will probably come oft before tbo
At the concert to be given for the benefit ot
St Leo's Church in Washington Hall, Alle
gheny, Miss Wilma Schuck. Miss Grace Miller
Miss Stella Caliahan and the youthful Misses
Gardner will take part.
Miss Edith Haeeis, lately contralto of thn
Second Presbyterian Church choir, and a highly
popular figure in musical and literary enter-
tainmenis, uaa gone to iiew lorKio pursue
her studies in singing and elocution.
Aoiree musical will be given next Friday
evening at the Pittsburg Female College under
the direction of Mr. Theodore Salmon, assisted
by Miss Lizzie Norcross, Miss Lillian Smith
and Messrs. Carl Better, Ad. M. Foerster,John
Gernert and Harry B. Brbckett.
Special musical features have a prominent
place in the fiftieth anniversary being cele
brated to-day by St. Fhilomena's Church. Tho
large chorus choir will be supplemented by a
professional orchestra of 20 men, with Mr.
jonn a. vogei as organist ana conuuetor.
A concert will be given next Tuesday even
ing in the Wllklnsburg Presbyterian Church,
under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Those
taking part will be Miss Elizabeth Norcross.
Mr J. D. Balte, Messrs. John Gernert, W. &
Weeden, D. 6. Thompson, Ed. Eyth and 8. M.
The excellent four-part singing by male
voices added no small attractiveness to the
Booth-Modjeska performances last week.
What a pity that a few impatient auditors
breaking for the door shonld spoil the
poetically conceived effect of that final tableau
in "The Merchant of Venice," with the sweet
song floating in from the distance.
IE the alleged proprietors of the right to pro
duce Wagner's works in America do not pre
ventwhich is not likely the production of
"Lohengrin'' by the Boston Ideals, will be a
most interesting feature of this season's tour.
Chevalier Edward Scovel, who sings the title
role, has wisely insisted that John P. Jackson's
translation shall be used a point of no small
importance to the full beauty of Wagner's
creation. '
He who wants to hear a lively and interesting
narrative should ask Mr. Carl Maeder to tell
about the reception at "Wahn fried," Mrs.
Wagner's honfe, which he attended while in
Bayreuth for the great festival. Since his re
turn home the Pittsburg violinist has been
taking steps toward establishing yet another
"orchestra'' for playing at dances, receptions
and like engagements. From Walballa to the
workshop of the Nlbelungs; eb, Mr. Maedert
Mb. and Mbs. Etheebebt Neves have been
in this vicinity for the past week, having coma
on to attend the wedding of Mrs. Kevin's sister.
Miss Ellen Paul, to Mr. F. H. Skeldlng, of New
York. Mr. Kevin's visit was turned to good
account by a goodly number of Sewlckleyans,
who organized a class and got him to give a
brief series of Tecital talks on Wagner and the
Nibelnngen Ring." Mr. and Mrs. Nevin re
turned to their Boston home on Friday eve
ning. The opening of the Chicago Auditorium will
be signalized by the production of an original
symphonic cantata by Mr. Frederic Grant
Gleason, of that city, to words by Miss Harriett
Monroe. Patti is to sing "Horn e Sweet Home"
as only she dares sing it, and President Harri
son will bo on hand to look at the big ball
whence the linger of fate pointed him to the
White House. On the second evening Abbey's
extraordinary opera season, with Patti. Ta
magno and all the rest, will be opened.
Although Verdi has declined to take part
in any fetes on the occasion of the fiftieth an
niversary of tho production of his flrst opera,
yet the Italians do not intend to allow the
jubilee to pass unnoticed. The municipality of
Genoa have come to the very sensible decision
to inaugurate, on November 8 next, a new in
stitute of music-to which the name of Verdi
will be given, xhe composer will piobably
appreciate this compliment even mora than the
gold medal which it is proposed to strike in bis
Mb. J. H. GrrrrNGS has declined a proposi
tion from the Boston Quintet Club to come
here under his management in December, but
expects to have them in the spring. The same
statement applies to Mr. Edward B. Perry, who
would like to give a piano recital in the Gaseous
City. The personnel of the quintet this year
s as follows: Miss Anne Carpenter, soprano;
Mr. John P. Rhodes, soloviolinist;PaulMende,
violinist: Adolph Burose, flute virtuoso and vio
linist: Armln Keeker, violin and viola soloist,
Louis Blumenberg, vlolincello virtuoso, pro
prietor. Mb. Gilbert's adaptation of Offenbach's
"Les Brigands," which was seen at the New
York Casino during the summer months, and
will soon be here, has lately been brought out
in London. It appears, from communications
recently made by him to the press, that his
English adaptation of "Les Brigands" was
written with the sole object of seenring the
English copyright of the opera, and was nut In
tended by htm for public performance. It has
proved as successful, however, in the British
metropolis as in ours, thanks to the pretty
music and an elaborate mise-en-scene.
Since the proposed celebrations of Rubin
stein's Jubilee have ludicrously fallen through,
the great pianist-composer has taken an orig
inal way of celebrating it on his own hook. Ho
has deposited with the Bank of Russia the sum
of 25,000 rubles (about (13,000) to found an in
ternational musical scholarship fund for com
posers and pianists. Every Ave years there will
be a competition of two prizes of 2,500 rubles
each, one to the most successful composer, the
other to the most successful pianist; .both may
be won by the same person. The first contest
will take place at Bt. Petersburg in 1890. the
second at Berlin in 1695, the third at Vienna In
1900, the fourth at Paris and so on. Only artists
from 20 to 25 years old will be permitted to
The contract between the Exposition So
ciety and tho Great Western Band expired
last evening and the managers of the big show,
wanting novelty for the remainder of the time,
have engaged the Thirteenth Regiment Band,
of Hew York, led by Fred Inness.the well
known trombone virtuoso. The newcomers,
some 40 or 45 men, aro already here, having
come on from the West, where they have been
playing at the Minneapolis Exposition. It is
rumored quietly that the great and only Gil
more and bis band are to be here for the last
two or three days of the Exposition. The
Great Western Band shonld not be permitted
to close this brilliant engagement without a
full and frank acknowledgement that for the
last few weeks Director Weis has swung his
baton over tho best and most complete military
band ever regularly organized in Pittsburg.
A poeteait of a child, by Mr. Charles Walz,
is on exhibition at Boyd's.
A fine photogravnra of Edwin Long's pict
ure, "Diana or Christ," may be seen at Gilles
pie's. Two small landscape studies in water colon,
tho work ot Mr. J. F. Busman, are shown at
Mb. Frank C. Peneold, of Buffalo, is one
of the few American artists who have sold
pictures to the French Government; bis paint
ing. "Sad News." which was exhibited at the
Paris Salon this year, having been purchased
for the National Museum.
The sketches which Mr. H. S. Stevenson has
brought home with him this yearare among
the best work that be has ever shown. They
are more than usually complete in detail, and
exhibit a greater degree of artistic feeling. In
several instances he has been particularly for
tunate in his choice of subjects.
Dehse crowds have thronged the Exposition
galleries during the week, the attendance in
the evenings being such that the rooms would
bold no more, and progression from place to
place became a matter of some difficulty.
Quite a number of pictnres have been sold,
and Manager Johns Intends to push the sale of
others, as he desires that the gallery should aid
in extending Pittsburg's reputation as an art
center. Mr. Johns is authority for the
statement that the galleries are ex
celled by few in the country in
point of size, and also that we have now held
a larger exhibition of pictures than has been
shown in any Western city, not excepting the
fine exhibits at Chicago. The large skylights
will be pnt in place in time for any future dis
plays, and the walls which are now painted,
will be draped with silk plush. It is probable
that hereafter many exhibitions will be held in
addition to tho annual display In connection
with the Exposition. Efforts will be made to
secure the exhibition ot special collections of
fine art works, such as those of Verestchagin.
Another feature will be the holding of loan ex
hibitions at which, of course, no pictures will
be for sale, but they will serve to convey a
clear Idea of the number and character of the
art works held In this city, rlow that we have
a gallery of the most approved construction,
and larger than -that of the Philadelphia
Academy of Fine Arts, we are not likely to be
much at a loss to find use for it.
The walls of the Gillespie gallery are cov
ered with fine paintings by foreign artists.
They are brought here by Mr. M. Bleiman, of
Broadway, New York, who not long since vis
ited this city with a collection of fine art works,
for the major portion of which be succeeded in
finding purchasers here. The list of pictures
shown comprises some by very ceieDrated
painters, and. as In most collections, there are
some works which are below the usual standard
of the men whose names they bear. As a name
of very high standing may be mentioned that
of Frayon, and the work by him, "After the
Storm,'' is certainly a very pleasant picture.
The subject is a well composed landscape, with
cattle in the foreground and the sky dark with
clouds. An ideal head, by P. de Katow, a pupil
of Henner, bears evidence that the painter has
closely followed the teaching of that master.
"Bound to be a Sailor," by William Feron,
shows the figure ot a young boy,
fairly well executed, but relieved against
a sky that is nothing but a mere daub of paint.
"An Italian Family," by Adrien Moreau, is a
well-composed and broadly-handled work.
Ane f aitnxui unaraian, oy .urj;ei.o, ui re
garded as a fine work, andlt is certainly artistic
in composition. Two pictures of home life by
Haag are both pleasant works. There Is some
very faulty drawing in the "Oft Told Story,"
by Edouard Rlchter, and it will scarcelyadd
anything to that artist's reputation. "Hun
garian Horses," by Piotrowski. is a strong pic
ture, and "Waiting for a Bite," by E. Giroux,
Is a fairly good example of the impressionist
style of painting. There are small examples of
Kossean. Schreyer and Perrault. a fine work
by E. Berne-Bellecour and a fair one by A.
Roestel. The finest picture in the collection is
unquestionably "The Musical Rehearsal," by
Prof. Carl Hesffer, of the Munich Academy,
and the work for which the most is claimed
with thA lAftnt. r9nn fsanlctnre of a ewe and
lamb by Eugene Vesheckhoven. Two pictures
of Venetian canals by Rubens Santaro are
very pleasing; and the landscape with cattle by
U. Wintz is fairly good. Altogether this col
lection is very Interesting and those who value
an opportunity of Inspecting fine paintings
will do well to see it.
It is safe to say that no finer collection of"oil
paintings has ever been brought to this city
than is at present being shown at Boyd's by
Mr. D. A. Mathews, ot New York. Considering
'its size, the collection is a most excellently as
sorted one, consisting of representative works
by various painters, including a number of
masterpieces, and without a poor or weak work
on the list 'Lake Nemi," by Oorot, a nude fe
male figure by Henne, and "Sheep at Pasture,"
by Van Marcke, are good examples of pictures
by men who each possesed a strong individu
ality and a method of working peculiar to him
self. "The Watering Place."a landscape with
cattle, by Frederich Joban Voltz,ls a fine work
in which the animals shown are drawn by a
master's hand. The "Return of the FlocS" is a
very strong work by Charles Jacque. and a
wood scene by Diszisa splendid example of
that artltt's rich coloring and bold composition,
in which his free style of basiling siows to
good advantage. ' ''Watching Grandma," by
Adolph Echtler, and "Tbe'Reverle." by Menz
zler, are both fine works, the last mentioned
in particular being an especially fine composi
tion and of very pleasing color. "The Sisters."
by AdoTphe Piot, a pupil of Cogniet,is very
fine, and a study ot roses by the same artist Is
maeniflcently handled. "Palermo, Sicily," by
F. R. Unterberger, is also a very clever worlc.
A picture by A. Scbenck. showing a number of
sheep canght In a driving snowstorm, is en
titled "Sheep in Distress." The effects of cold
and driving snow are rendered in a manner
that is above criticism. A study of still-llto
entitled "Objects of Art," by Blaise JJesgoffe,
is a beautiful little work both in color and exe
cution. Ferbaostbetwo bestandmost finely fin
ished works in the collection are "Between Two
Fires,'' by Louis Jlminez. and "The Circas
sian Slave," by J L. Gerome. The
former is a splendid composition elaborately
worked out in detail and remarkably true to
nature in its coloring and texture. In the work
by Gerome the interest centers in the nude
figure of the female slave exposed tor sale, and
It is here that the touch of the master's band
is so clearly shown both in drawing and color
ing. The bidders at the sale are seen toward
the background,eacn Indicating by the number
of fingers be has raised the value which he
would put upon the slave. Space will not per
mit of an extended notice of all the pictnres in
portant as some of those above mentioned, not
the this collection. There are many others as im
least of which Is a little gem by E. Berne-Bellecour.
entitled "An Officer ot Artillery." Mr
Matthews will remain here for abont ten days,
daring which time his collection of paintings
will certainly prove a center of attraction to
all lovers of the fine arts.
A Rich American In Ensiand Who Cannot
Return Home.
Atlanta Journal.l
There's a rich man over in England whose
home is in Connecticnt; he can't return to it
and still he is no fugitive from justice. He
went to Albion's isle several years ago, but
was so sick that he came near dying
before the ocean was crossed. He firm
ly believes he will die if he attempts to
recross the ocean, and yet he is miserable in
his new home where he has been placed by
force of circumstances. He has sent for his
family and now transacts his business by
cablegram or letter.
Dr. Lee met this poor miserable American
exile and had a long talk with him. He is
waiting for somebody to bnild a railroad
across the ocean on a bridge supported by
Sranll Acquaintance Among Poets.
Galveston Hews.l
This is a prosaic age, for a, fact Pew
comparatively write poetry andas few readib
The village paper no longer has its poet's
corner, and the yonng poet finds it as hard
to get his rhymes in print as to write them.
If there is any American poet of the pres
ent generation who has a national or even
a State fame the writer cannot name him.
A Queer Social World.
The Tempest.1
Jnst who will constitute the aristocracy
next year is a mystery. The aristocracy
alters with the alternations of finance. The
daughter who reigned a belle yesterday,
may toil a typewriter next year. The man
who blushed a bean, may beg for bread
so runs this world, in our burlesque aristo
cracy. Steadily Growing.
Detroit Free Press.!
The town of' "Windsor, N. H., has in
creased its population by four and its build
ings by two in the last 11 years. There has
been nothing like a boom, bnt the growth
has been onlu merits and steady and per
manent. Windsor flatters herself that she
has come to stay.
New Streets Located.
The Survey Committee of Councils met
yesterday and approved a nnmler of ordi
nances for locating new streets and estab
lishing the grades of others.
e3Sj3 'll,vy M l
In 111 Mv?. HfffnviX jr
B oyThTi i s-ii? I
between the eyebrows, on the hands, arms ana oreast, ana in tnia irom moies ana Birth
marks. This obnoxious growth of hair is surprisingly prevalent We see it In the drawing
room. In the street and wherever ladles congregate. At least one-half of our ladles have
mora or less superfluous hair at sometime in their lives. How often we hear such remarks
as these- MMls- would ba a beautiful girl if It were not for that hair on her face." "I
wonder what Mrs. has ever done to make those hairs grow on her face." Nearly every
reader of this article can call to mind several lady acquaintances whose beauty Is marred
by this hirsutlcal growth. Many ladles resort to tha ne of depilatories, plasters, heated
waxTSveesers. the scissors and razor to disguise the humiliating fact that nature has un-
klndlv nrovlded them withatoolioerai aeveiopiuea UL mmmihii. nut aias. mej booh
JT....k.i. .m . thnnoniii havel that the above methods only stimulates the root
and makes the hair grow coarser, stiffer. darker and more numerous. There Is nothing
more unsiehtl v distressing and humiliating to a sensitive, refined woman than this excess
lve grSwth ot&Si Ira the "face. There is onlyom .method in the .world by which haircan
be destroyed forever, and that is oy me jionwiuu i.u, woaauufl. anis a a
nnrel v scientific nrocess. and is indorsed by all physicians and surgeons of eminence as be
fngheonlymethodkno'irnio science by which the hair papilto can be destroyed so the
t III .:' "V-Zl - : Tr vn TJvek was the second Dhrsician in tha world to perform
this operation, and was the first to use It In Dermatological practice. He commenced op
antlnVK years am? has treated hundreds of cases and has national reputation as an expert
f.i,??il??0, v mSSfrinhia. he has the only establishment In the world that ult.
voSdio JElettFo Surgery alone. 'Last week
manSfoVhisw not treat near all who called, and by tea
urgent reanStofa nomber of society ladles ot Pittsburg and vicinity hej has deeidk to
Sf n temnorarllr in thS city a branch of his Philadelphia establishment. He will be loca
tePd at SfSelAl&marle (Parlors 64 and 65), Sixth street. Pittsburg, for three months from
October L to enable every lady with superfluous hair, moles, etc, to get rid of them forever.
TaiIIm. If von have hair on your lace, ue
.!.. .. t1t JMVW
new engagements positively must be made
this ODKitlon only a limited number can be
now undeftrtatment. Dr. Van Dyck can omyreceive a very umira numoer oi new cases.
Patients treated according to their engagements, whlchjnust be kept promptly.
Bok and full particulars mailed free on application.
Hours-9 to 6: Sundays, 10 to 4. ,,,,,.,
Parlors 54. and 55. Hotel AlDomarle,
HDIR- &-
for the Best Family Sewing
Two great victories for the White. Victory of 1888, Cincinnati Ex
position, FIRST PBBMITJM Victory of 1889, Paris ihcpositlon, FIBST.
Buy the WHITE and
Sewing Machine in the world.
J. KErJNT & GO.,;-
M ri. m&k&
gettfec Jt4y h , ?Jj; "
The steamboat Alans, wMefc" ImsIbmSI
sold by YT. H. Brawn's Boas to New Or
leans men for $12,960, fa being ssa4e ready '
to go aown the river st we urw lay&raBie-?
stage or water. It am sees uuea m ochh-m
by Captain Gavot, and will probaUy de
part in a few days.
9,506 yards Plaid-Dress
Goods, 45c. f
Purchased from Jin importer hard up tat Cask
and who must realize spot cash.
600 rolls Tapestry Car- I
pets. 50c.
The surplus stock of a maker who kjwws t
where to go for the ever needful spot cash to
pay his workmen with- " .
10 cases Children's wool
Underwear, I2c, &
and rise 2o a size. The grandest lot of bun
with the bankrupt Winter Goods of X A Aa-J
aerson, mane this ins puce lor intending pw-
cuaacra w get
Plush Goatsand Jackets
138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
in endorsed and preeerlfeed by leading
physicians because both tbo CoA Liter OH
and Hypophoephltet are the recognized
agents In the cure ot Consumption. It 1
as palatable as milk.
U a wonderful JP Uth Producer. 11 U the-
Best Itemed,, tor COKSUXFTKHT,
Screfkla, Breaciitk, Wartis? B&
eases, Ckresie Ceagks aad Cold.
Ask tor Scott's Bwnin" sad take bo other.
on the upper Up, cheeks, chin, arses, breast,
throat, and hair crowing too low on forehead
and neck, hair on men's cheeks above the beard
line, between the evebrows. ion the nose and
ears; also hair growing from moles, scars and
birthmarks permanently destroyed without
pain, scar, shock, trace or injury, by the ELEC-
iiuurii.tuit. urjiotAiiun, dj ur. j. van
Dyck, Electro Surgeon, Jfhiladelpbla.
Birthmarks, moles, warts, wens, red pose,
enlarged veins of the nose, elongated warty- ex
crescences on eyelids and neck, discolored sad
elevated, scars, cancers and tumors perma
nently aestroyea; ana ine most aencaie surgi
cal operationsperformed by Electro Surgery
by Dr. J. Van Dyck.
Superfluous hair is an excessive growth of
hair on the female face. It appears on the up
per lip. chin, cheeks, upper art of the nose, en
the forehead and throat: also crows sunerSaons
:Dr; Van Vjtk ; was called to 'Pittsburg to .treat
early this month, as owing to the delicacy of
treated dally, and to do Justice to the patients
Awarded the
At the Paris Exposition,
secure the Best Family