mmunjusM ! S7s wttwf1 PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, STJDATyQGTOBER "6,1889, P " 10 ' THE K h POLITICS IN FRANCE. Something About the French Methods of Conducting Elections. HOW PARTIES ARE ORGANIZED. A Clear Account of the Important Struggle Just Ended. PROBABLE EESULT OP TAB COSIEST lconnrsro:"DEi.cEOF Tnr DisrATcn.: Pabis, September 22. To-day, Sunday, September 22, iB the first day of the election for the new Chamber of Deputies. Sunday, October 6, about the date when this letter will appear in your columns, will be the second and final day. From February 8, 1871, date of the first elections after the close of the Franco German war, to the autumn of 1SS5, when the last Chamber of Deputies was elected, the Bepublican side of the House had been slowly increasing in numbers at the expense of the anti-Bepublican side. And what was true of the Chamber, was true of the Senate. "With an anti-Eepublicaa ma jority in 1875, the year when the French Senate was created, each new election strengthened the Bepublican ranks, until to-day the anti-Republicans fill only a few rows of benches on the right in the .Luxem burg Assembly amphitheater. But in October, 18S5, at the moment when the Seriate had decidedly passed orer to the Republic, the elections lor the Chamber snowed for the first time since the establish ment oi the Third Bepublic, a check to the progress of the dominant party; the Anti- Republican minority had been nearly ddubled, and reached the formidable num ber of almost 200, about one-third of the whole body, which consisted oi 584 Depu ties. This triumph of the Bight in the elections of 18S5 was the chief cause of the creation ot Boulangism and gave rise to most of the dangers which have beset the Bepublic dur ing the last two Tears, dangers which will not, probably, be dissipated, as the friends of Bepublican France hope, by the present elections. The Bight in the last Chamber was so strong, that if 100 Republicans tided with it, the enemies of the Govern ment had a majority. And, on more than one occasion during the past four years, Re publicans did side with the Bight, Bepubli can ministries were overturned, stability of Government destroyed, the country became disgusted, Boulanger appeared the savior of France, and to-day Parliamentary Re publicanism is in such bad odor that the very li.e of the Third Bepublic is threat eced. THE SCRUTIN DE LISTE. The Chamber ot 1885, whose rule has been co disastrous to the present Government of France, was elected by what is known as Ecrntin de liste; that is, each Department voted in a body for the whole number of Deputies allotted to that Department, just as in a Presidental election in America a whole State votes for a list of electors. Prior to 1885, Deputies were voted for by districts, as with us. It was Gambetta who induced the Republicans to adopt scrntin de liste. He believed that it would advance the in terests ol the Bepublic. He did not live to see its evil results; for it was due, in large part, to tcrutin de liste that the Right earned so much ground in iboo, and that Bouianger, by the votes ol a hall-dozen De partments, was brought into prominence during the past year. It was only natural, therefore, that the last Chamber, before it died this summer, should have passed a law, which was con curred in by the Senate, returning to the district system and abandoning scrutin de liste. This vote was chiefly directed against Boulanger, who otherwise would have stood jl good chance of election in a large number ot departments, and would have carried ont his plebiscit idea, the favorite political dodge of a bold politician who seeks su preme power in France; a majority of the people would have pronounced in his favor and the ruu-away General could have ex claimed: "Vox pepuli, vox dei. In its fear of General Bonlangr the Chamber did not stop here, but introduced a reform in the French electoral system, which, it I am not mistaken was unknown in this country before. Heretofore a can didate might stand lor election in as many districts as he pleased. For instance, at the general elections of February, 1871, the first alter the war, Gambetta was chosen in nine different col'eges, and Thiers in 36. But the last Chamber decided that, as in Aeerica, a candidate may stand in but one district. This clipped still further the wings of Boulanger and his friends. It killed a plebiscitum evsn in the districts. rAKTX OEGjLXIZATIOX. And this law, this permitting a candidate to present himself belore the voters of but one district, is the most enrious feature of the present campaign, and is sure to produce some very odd and unexpected results. Under the old system, prominent public men wonld often stand simultaneously in two or more districts when there was any doubt of their defeat in their favorite dis trict. In this way a party was sure not to be deprived of the service of a valuable leader. This was the great advantage of the system. But, in the present contest,sev eral prominent candidates are, if I am not greatly mistaken, pretty certain to "get left" The way in which some of these desperate politicians have been running about all over France in the search of a "sure thing" is one of the amusing aspects of the campaign. And this brings me to the interesting question of party organiza tion in France. As yet, the "machine" cannot be said to have become acclimatized in France. Xa lional or general committees do exist in two or three instances, but they possess very limited and poorly defined powers. Speak ing generally, every candidate manages his own affairs. Nominating congresses con ventions as we should say do meet in some cases in certain departments, DUt, as a rule, they have to do with the choice of Senators, who are chosen bjr "second degree" suffrage, much as it was intended our Presidental electors should choose a President, The only well organized electoral bodies in France are the local committees. Almost every deputy or would-be deputy has his committee, whioh is often brought together by him, but which sometimes organizes itself, and then invites a candidate to ap pear under its auspices. At times these committees get to be very powerlul and arbitrary close corporations, and o.ten hold In their hands the fate of the aspiring poli tician. One of the reasons why Gambetta favored scrutin de liste was that he hoped in this way to break the back of this electoral committee oligarchy. So we may say that primaries, caucuses, conventions and national and State committees are Quite un known in France. There Is no machine," no "slate," no "boss" in this happy land. NOT A POLITICAL PjLBADISE. My Mugwump readers will be tempted to exclaim: "What a political paradiseFrance must be J" Not at all. Some order must everywhere be brought out of party chaos. In France this desideratum is obtained by the Central Government; but of course onlv in so far as "the powers that be" are con cerned. The Minister of the Interior, M. Constans at present, is the great boss in French poli tics. He is armed, among other things, with a secret service land, which he uses to advance party ends. Certain candidates are patronized by the Government, and this means pecuniary aid it it is needed. Nor is "boodle" the onlv power in the hands of this French-Minis'tenal Boss. He has in every department an obedient servi tor in the person of the Prefect, or Governor of the department, making in all 86 minor bosses in direct telegraphic communication with the central boss at Paris. Under each Prefect are a thousand and one employes oi ''" fcmues bcauerea inrougnont the de Daxtment. eann tn IiV1v liwa i . I litical ieadehoapei off unless he keeps inj step with thcMinisterof the Interior. "When you add to this the fact that the Prefect su perintends the counting of the votes under the superior direction of the Minister of the Interior, you will see that if the American "machine" is unknown in France, this country is saddled with a worse curse the active participation of the Government itself in the elections. I do not exaggerate this feature of French public life. It is of common occurrence in the history of politics in this country that a Prefect is removed simply because he failed to carry his de partment lor the Government party by "putting the screws on." Paris has no"t yet attained to the political finesse of the New York boys by voting citizens in "blocks ol five." but she surpasses "Wash ington in the use of the people's money to advance party interests. So the friends of reform in America will not find much com fort here. TVHAT THE EESULT MAT BE. I do not cars to make any predictions. Popular elections are always uncertain, especially when there are, as is the case to day, over 1,500 candidates in the field, and particularly when the voters are all French men. Bnt this much can be safely said, that if the Opposition Monarchists, Im perialists and Boulangists succeed in hold ing their own by electing 200 candidates, about a third of the Chamber, the political situation will not have changed. The down hill course ol the Third Republio will not be checked, Boulanger, or some undiscov ered man personifying the general discon tent, will come to the front again, and the overturning of Ministries will go on, as during the past four years, until the final catastrophe arrives. Bnt it the Republicans succeeded in re ducing, say to 100 members, the combined opposition, a result 'which scarcely seems possible, the Government will have gained such a material and moral victory that the republic will be able to bridge the abyss on the very edge oi which it has been trem blingfor the past 12 month so rmore,and will go on its way rejoicing for another term of years. If, however, the Republicans triumph, you must carefully examine, before jump ing to any conclusions, whether it be the Conservative or radical Republicans who have gained in strength. The two groups were about equally divided in the last chamber, each like the right being about 200 strong. BAD FOB THE BEPTTBLIC. If the Radicals increase in numbers and it looks very much as if such would be the case the prospects of the Republic are less bright than if the Conservative Republicans regain the ground which they lost in the election of 1885. There is nothing in the doctrines of French Radicals to serious ly frighten an American, and at heart I should like to see Clemenceau and his friends increase their strength. Bnt France is excessively Conservative, especially pro vincial France, and if this Conservative element sees the Republic in the hands ot the Radicals it will go over to the enemy. and then the third Republic will have lived. Hence, in France, Americans should be Conservative Republicans. To sum up then: If the Right and Bou langer should gain a majority in the Cham ber, say 300 seats, I fear we shall have to bid good by to the Republic, at least in its pres ent form; if they hold their own and come back 200 strong, the old danger exists and the crisis is simply postponed; if the Re publicans as a whole can muster COO votes in the new Chamber, for a good time to come the Repnblic can take care of itself and its enemies; if the Conservative Republicans increase their majority say to 300 it is now about 200 this will be an excellent sign; but if, on the contrary, the Radicals add new recruits to their rather disjointed and ungovernable phalanx of 200, then, as the sailors sav, "look out for squalls." Theodoee Stanton. CASH FE01I HIS OWN POCKETS. A Chicago Man Winn at tfae Card Table Without Sinking Money. Chicago flerald.I On one of the roads which runs through the southern suburbs there is a gay conductor who has charge of the morning and evening trains. He makes about five trips a day and taja layoff of about three hours along at noon time. He knows some of the good people in the heart of the city, and with them it is delight to indulge in a quite game of pedro during his leisure hours. Usually he does this every day. One afternoon last week he fell in with the regular party, and the cards were shuffled up. It was quite warm, and the conductor removed his coat for comfort's sake. In one pocket of this coat he kept the pennies which he gathered up.on his trips, and in the other pocket the nickels. On this occasion he wondered why the other players shonld get up to attack the lnnch table so often, but he gave the matter no serious consideration and thought noth ing of it when he was given his winnings in pennies. His luck with the cards was phenomenal and he won everything. At last, when duty called him, he arose and put on his coat. Incidentally he felt in his pockets and found no coins there. Then he realized he had been winning money belonging to his own exployers, and it cost him a" good portion of it to induce his friends to keep quiet about the matter. DATI CROCKETT'S COMMAND. Orlstnof a Sarins: That Is Known All Over tfae World. Kew England Magazine.) In Jackson's campaign of 1812 originated the now world-wide motto, "Be sur$ you are right and then go ahead." The fact was given me personally by General 'William Moore, in these words: "I was a Captain, but a very young man, in that command. Davy Crockett was in my company, quite young and awkward. I had trouble with my men and told them I wonld go and lay my complaints before the General. I did so, and young Crockett officiously went along. "When I had stated my case, the General said: 'Captain, don't make any orders with out needing them, and then execute them, no matter what it costs.' "Returning to camp the boys wanted to kuow what the General said, when Davy Crockett, with a big laugh, said: 'The General told the Captain to be sure he is right and then go ahead.' " General Moore informed me that the next day Crockett's words were in the mouth of every soldier in the regiment, and they were "used all through the campaign. "Be sure you are right and then go ahead," is a common saying now whereever the English lan guage is spoken. Conflicting Views. CMeaco Trlbane.1 " JTour Honor, this man is pigeon-toed. I object to him on the ground that a juror's understanding should not be biased." "The objection is overruled, Mr. Sharp." "Then 1 challenge him on the ground tbat he is cross-eyed. He takes conflicting views of everything." Her Answer. 'Young man proposed to me last night." "Yon can't mean that?" "Indeed it's true; 5 Asked me to be his wife outright." "Good gracious, dearl What did you do?" "Poor boy! He looked so handsome, Nell." "Handsome! A clerk on weekly pay Asks yon a beauty and a belle! Bnt tell me what be dared to say." "Well first, he loved mel" Oh. that part, "And that OI course! What else?" thought he I was the sort of girl whose heart Would never let itself be bought. "He said bo was a man that I Was just a woman, equal so In youth, health brain we stood, and why. You'd think he never dreamed of no "That he was poor need be no bar" "Weill what an attitude to taker' "For Love would prove the guiding star To fame and fortune, for my sake "And then he begged my heart and hand." "Such lmDudence! who'd ever rn!if I hope you made him understand tui pjacei" "x ua i?oia sua rear " OCEAN GREYHOUNDS. Development in Size, Speed and Comfort of the Atlantic Steamer. WHAT WILL IT BE IN 100 TEARS? Shall Wo Be Able to Cross the Atlantic in 48 Boars? HOW THE RECORD HAS BEEN REDUCED rwniTTEX ron Tint dispjitcii.1 "What will the trans-Atlantic steamship of 1989 be? Measured by the improvements in size, beauty, strength and speed attained during the past half century, she will be a leviathan little short of a quarter ot a mile in length, carryingoverlOO.OOO tons, consuming but lit tle more coal than the trans-Atlantic steamer of to-day and making the trip from Fastnet light to Sandy Hook in 48 hours. Ridiculous as this statement may seem, it is less improbable than would have ap peared a prophecy made SO years ago that the Atlantic would be crossed in less than a week. That it would ever be crossed at all in a vessel propelled by steam seemed almost beyond belief to that knot of people who assembled on August 22, 1818, in the 'upper New Xork bay, about where the Erie basin now is, to witness the launohing of the little 300-ton side-wheel steamer Sa vannah, which was to make the first attempt to accomplish this feat. ,Her builder was FrancisPickitt,andshe was commanded by an old New England sailor. Captain Moses Rogerr, of New London, Conn. She steamed out of New York in the early part of 1819, and on May 25 of that year, 'amid the usual blazing of 'cannon and waving of flags she set sail from Savannah, Ga., for St. Peters burg by way of Liverpool. She could only carry 75 tons of coal and 25 cords of wood. Her engines were, ot course, ot the high pressure order, and were built by Stephen Vail. It took the Savannah 26 dajs to reach Liverpool, bnt she steamed only 18 days, at the end of which time her fuel gave out, and she was compelled to proceed under sail. A MABITIME bensation. She created a great sensation, and it is said that the commander of the British fleet at Cork seeing the smoke emerging from her funnel, sent a boat's crew to extinguish what he took to be a fire on board. Some idea of the crudity of her construction may be had from the accompanying sketch taken Iron) an original print. -?9r The First Trans-Atlantic Steamship, One or two unimportant ocean voyages were attempted during the following 20 years, but it was not until 1838 that another attempt was made to cioss the Atlantic by steam. On April 7 of that year the Sirius left Bristol, England, and made the voyage to New York in 17 days. Two years after ward the Cnnard line was started by the launching of four large side-wheel steamers. Meanwhile the late John Ericcsoa had been experimenting with the screw system of propelling steamers, and on July 131836, he obtained a patent on a spiral screw some what similar, bnt much longer than the one now in use. With It he succeeded in attain ing a speed often knots an hour. Francis P. Smith, a farmer in Hendon, England, was also experimenting in the same line at the same time and accidentally discovered that a short screw would increase the SDeed of the vessel being propelled. Actine unon this idea he built the Archimedes, which was launched October 18, 1838, and made her trial trip to Ports mouth May, 1839. Six years after the- Great Britain, a screw steamer, made a voyage from New York to Liverpool, but her speed proved no greater than that of the side-wheel vessels. Her maiden trip dem onstrated, however, that screw steamers could be rnn with much less expense than could the other kind, because of the reduced consumption of coal. MAKING A RECOBD. In 1850 the Collins Line, the first and only American line between New York and European ports, was established. The ves sels of this line were the Arctic, Baltic,4Pa cific, Atlantic and Adriatic. A year or'two later the Pacific startled the world by mak ing the trip from New York to Liverpool in 9 days and 20 honrs. The next vessel to reduce the record to any appreciable extent was the old Inman Liner the City of Paris, which was built and launched in 1S67. In August, 1869, after having been in use something like two years, she succeeded in covering the distance be tween Qneenstown and Halifax in 6 days, 19 hours and 5 minutes, and to New York in 8 "days 3 hours. In December, 1869, the City of Brussels, of the same line, ran from Liv erpool to New York in 7 days 20 hours 23 minntes. and this record stood unbroken until 1873, when the Baltic, of the "White Star line, broke it. by covering the same distance in 7 days 20 hours 9 minutes. The next racer was the City of Berlin, which in 1875 reduced the record first to 7 days 18 honrs, then to 7 days 15 hours and eventu ally to 7 days 14 hours. By this time the question ot speed had become a vital one to steamship companies, among whom the com petition was very great, and all their interest was being concentrated upon this one point. Trans-Atlantic travel had increased greatly, necessitating a like increase not only in the number, but in the size of the vessels engaged in the traffic. From the 300 tons of the Savannah the growth in size had been gradual until in 1870 a vessel of Latest Steamship Teutonic. 7,000 tons was by no means a curiosity. Becord breaking still went on and in 1881 the Gnion line steamer Arizona crossed in 7 days and 7 hours. On September 19, 1882, the' Alaska astonished everyone by making the trip in less thau 7 days, having taken but 6 days, 18 hours and 37 minutes to run from Sandy Hook to Qneenstown. In 1884 the National line steamer America took about three hours off the Alaska's record and in December of the same year the ill-fated Oregon, whose skeleton lies six fathoms deep off Sandy Hook, came into Queens town in nine hours less time than that made by the America. FLOATING HOTELS. Following closely upon these came the then enormous Cunarders Umbria and Etruria, each being of 8,000 tons burden, and built exactly alike in every respect. The Etruria, however, proved much the faster vessel, and in June, 1888. crossed from Queenstown to Sandy Hook iu 6 days i hour and 55 minutes. Up to this time trans-Atlantic steamers hadbeen built with single screws and single engines of what is known as the triple ex pansion type. By triple expansion is meant an engine that will use the same volume of steam three times before it is exhausted. The Etruria will probably always hold the best record as a single screw steamer, the limit for that class seeming to have been reached in her case. Shipbuilders recog nizing this fact began to turn their attention to improvements in machinery and the shape of the steamer. From the single screw they tnnad fo .TtA j4amT.1a mmw wtff, .nl.f. . -E2 ""- -v. gines. ono for each propeller and sacrificing breadth of beam to speed, began to model their ships more after yachting lines. It is upon this basis that" the new Hamburg American line steamers Columbia and Victoria Augusta, the new White Star lice Teutonic and the new Inman line City of New York, and City of Paris are built. With the exception of the last named steamer the twin screw has not made any appreciable change in speed, but it has demonstrated the fact that vessels built in that way ride the waves much easier ana are therefore, more pleasant for passengers than are the single screw steamers. It has also demonstrated in the case of the City of Paris that the twin screw very materially increased speed. This vessel having made the trip oyer the regulation ocean race course from Sandy Hook to Fastnet Light in 5 days and 19 hours and has attained an average speed of 20 knots an hour, over this course its average is about 4-10 of a knot greater than that of the Etruria which formerly held the best record. POSSIBILITIES OF THE EUTUEE. Increase in size in the trans-Atlantic steamers has kept pace with their increase in speed and none of the recently built ships have less than 10,000 tons capacity. Any one of them will accommodate at least 2.000 people as comfortably in many respects as tney couia De emertaiueu at uuy uoiei. Most of them contain handsome libraries of from 800 to 1,000 volumes each, bathrooms, toilet rooms and every .luxury that can be enjoyed on shore. Of course all this speed has not been at tained without considerable consumption in coal, which in the case of the single-sorew steamers has Bteadily risen as the speed was increased. The Umbria, Etruria and ves sels of that class burned on an average a ton of coal for every knot of progress, or be tween 450 and 500 tons per day. "With the advent of the twin screw, however, the con sumption of fuel decreased, and it is said that the new steamers burn but 300 tons iu the same time. All these figures are interesting because of the fact that they show what can be done by comparison with what has been doue. In the 70 years since it was demonstrated that trans-Atlantic steam traffic was possible the trans-Atlantic steamer has grown Irom a 300-ton vessel to a 12,000-ton vessel, and it has increased iri length from less than 100 feet to almost 600 feet. It has decreased the time required to cross the Atlantic from 26 days to less than six days. The same ratio of increase in size would make the vessel of 1989 something over 3,000 feet in length, with a tonnage reaching up into the hun dreds of thousands. The same ratio ot in crease in speed would cut the time necessary to make a trip across the Atlantic down to 48 if not to 24 hours. Of conrseit will be urged and it must be admitted that there is a limit to capacity and speed, but who in the light of the past would be bold enough te draw this limit at any thing like the present record, especially with the possibilities of electricity as a motive power yet to be developed? A. B. Seajiak. AN EXPERT DRIVER, Bnt He Wii More Familiar With Stakes Than With Horses. Chicago Tribune. 1 An insurance broker on La Salle street says: I recently advertised for a coachman. Among the drivers who applied for the place was a man of rather seedy appearance, but possessing a decidedly interesting face which caught my fancy, notwithstanding the fellow's wearing apparel was somewhat below par. "We talked a few moments and I decided to give the man a trial. "We went to my residence, bitched up a team, and soon were spinning along the boulevard, the applicant driving. The man did not prove to be quite as clever with the lines as he was with his manners, and the fol lowing conversation was started. I said to him: "You say you have been driving for the last ten years?" "Yes, sur; ten years." "Let me see, did I ask you the name of your last employer?" "The last man I driv fur wus Fore paugh." "What! Adam Forepaugh, the circus man?" "That wus the man." "Ah, ha! Drove the 16-horse band wagon, I suppose?" "No, sur; I driv stakes." WHAT CAUSES WRISKLES. Scowling-, Lnuclilnc and Scheming Slake Crow'n Feet on Fcoplo's Faces. Dr. Feppenbrool, In Globe-Democrat.3 The general impression about wrinkles is that they are caused by worry, but the truth is that most of them come from laughing. To know how to laugh is just as important as to know when to do it. If you laugh with the sides of your face the skin will work loose in time, and wrinkles will form in exact accordance with the kind ot laugh you have. The man who always wears a smirk will have a series of semicircular wrinkles covering his cheeks. A gambler, who is accustomed to suppressing his feel ings, generally has a deep line running from each side of his nose to the upper corner of his mouth, which in course of time extends to the chin, forming the shape of a half moon. A cadaverous person is usually marked with two wrinkles, one on the jaw and the other under the eye. meetincr at ricrht an gles at the cheek bones. The scholar's wrinkle forms on the brow, while a schemer's wrinkles come around the eyes, and look like spokes of a wheel. 10 UR ADAM'S APPLE. If It ! Prominent You Blast Wear a Stand- Up Collar. Washington rostl "It is well-known," said Joe Beardsley, "that deformities have often dictated styles, but probably most people do not realize to what extent slight defects control them 'in the most trivial pieces of apparel. This is shown in the case of the prevailing styles of collars worn. "When the style changed from the low collar to the high one it was a sweeping change, so that bnt few people could be seen wearing anything ex cept the 'choaker.' Finally the 'choaker' was modified into a collar with the ends turned down, a good deal of space being left open at the -throat. "That style was never adopted univer sally. Wbyv .For tne reason mat a great portion of the men who have occasion to wear collars at all have prominent 'Adam's apples, which tney are very glad to hide from sight if they find an opportunity. The 'choaker, just suited them, and it will probably be many days before they will be induced to give it up." The Love Tbnt Reached Sir Heart. The sky of my life was overcast. My heart was heavy and sad, I had looked around and caught the last Reflection of all that was glad. A mist of the future bid from sight, And the echo was lost In a sob. As I called aloud for a ray of light And asked that they might not rob A broken heart of all earthly halm: A heart tbat had struggled so long 'Mid tempest and storm to reach a calm Shall the "Fisgah" of hope be lost in the song? I hold a blossom, a flow'ret sweet. And I pluck its petals to learn my lot, As the old, old legend I repeat; "He loves me. He loves me not " Ob. flower that holds my fate so dear, Will yon in mercy fall? Will your snow-white petals shroud my heart Or give life to the love I call? A flood of sunshine covered my heart And a harvest of love I could see " Stamped on the last leaf from which I should part For it said he loves but me. "He loves me not" falls carelessly down, Fori bold the coveted key That with eyes of love counted the leaf That said "He loves but tne." This is the love that reached my heart, And In the darkest hoar I can see The snow-white petal of the flow'ret sweet Which said he loves but me. YiraUQuantrille Brown inWasMnalanPaML. f r w i HUNTING THE 'COON. A Favorite Sport of Sonlhern Gentle men Before the War. MAKING READY .FOR THE CHASE. Uncle Jack Leads the Way to a Good Night's Sport. THE TBIUMPHANT MARCH HOMEWARD rwMTrar ron thi dispatch.". In ante-bellum days the favorite sport of the sons of wealthy planters, barring the fox chase, was hunting the raccoon and opossum at night under the chaperon age of a trusty old slave with five or six younger slaves and two or three trained dogs. The night selected for tUe hunt would be clear aud cold enough that the exercise of a tramp through the woods would not be fatiguing generally from the middle of October till tne last oi piovemoer. xne game men is in fine condition, the plantations of corn, skirted by dense forests, furnishing the 'coons with sumptuous feasts, while the 'possum would fatten on ripe persimmons in every field and thicket. Though but a lad, I frequently enjoyed the fun, and, dressed for the hnnt, would, repair to TJncle Jack's cabin, where the preliminaries would be going on, the younger men preparine bundles of light wood that wonld readily blaze when the match was applied, collecting the best axes, filling a jug with water, and sometimes one with persimmon beer. The dogs in the meantime would be evincing their under standing apd appreciation ot the proceed ings by frequent barking and many lively antics. When all ready the old hunter would give the word to start, and everyone must implicitly obey his every command, for upon his knowledge depended the suc cess of the hunt. Leaving the cabins, or quarters, the party made for the forest in the direction pointed out by the leader, the well-trained dogs fol lowing closely behind. When the forest was reached the old slave called" a halt, examined the sky to see where certain stars were and noted the direction of the wind. If, from his prognostications, the signs were pro pitious, the torches were lighted and the dogs called and separately instructed as though they were rational beings. At the word from their master they wpuld spring into the woods and THE HUNT BEaiN, The hunters following and picking their way where the undergrowth was dense or wet places encountered. Soon the dogs would be heard, and the old man expressed pleasure or disappointment at their peculiar cry. We proceeded just fast enough to keep in hearing of the dogs, for sometimes they only barked at intervals and in differ ent directions. If the hunt was progressing favorably 'twould not be long before "Oh, Bing would tell de news," the other dogs wonld draw on his trail, frequent yelpings would be heard and the pace of the hunters quickened. For a half mile, possibly, the chase would be kept up the forest resound ing with the cries ot the dogs and the shouts of the hunters, and made luminous by the. blazing torches. Finally the doss would cease lor a moment,then all break out at one spot, then we knew the game was "treed," and hurry scurry now to reach the place. When the dogs were reached they were furiously barking and running around a huge gum tree. Ole King, in particular, was springing as far up its sides as possible and biting the bark. Uncle Jack snuffed his torch and prepared "ter shine he eyes." When it was blazing brightly he held it above his head walking around the tree and peering up in its tall branches. After go ing around several time3 he gave a grant of satisfaction and exclaimed: "Car's two big 'coons up dar." Had there been but one thetree, no matter how large, would haveeen felled; but with more than one "varmint" it was climbed and Messrs. 'Coon shaken out one at a time, that none might escape, and the dogs have a fair chance at all. Up started a good climber and the lowest 'coon shaken out. "6uch fun! The dogs were on him when he touched the f round. He was a large fat fellow, and fought ravely, the excited hunters, each with a blazing torch, forming a circle about the combatants, cheering the dogs. AN EXCITING SCENE. Over and over the dogs and 'coon would roll, so rapidly and amid so much confu sion, gnashing of teeth and growls that it was impossible in the dim light to dis tinguish dog from 'coon. One indiscreet hunter got so near he tripped and fell, and for a while the darkey and his fiaming light wood were badly mixed up with the strug gling mass. He'was soon rescued, however, the 'coon dispatched and hnnter No. 2 np the tree, told to shake out the other 'coon. Down he came with a thud, and in falling must have struck his head against a root addling him; for the dogs had him killed in no time with little of the fun and excite ment of the first battle. The panting dogs were allowed a moment's rest while the hunters refreshed themselves with water or beer and prepared the game for carriage. This was done by splitting a four-foot stick about six inches from the big end, so the split would not run out, through which the "varmint's" tail was drawn. The wedge removed caused the sides to go together again, thereby clamping the tail firmly. From this performance is supposed to emanate the expression "his tail in a split stick." These sticks were shouldered by the darkies, the torches snuffed and the dogs again put on the hunt Ten' minutes passed before the dogs "treed" again. This timejit was a 'possum up a large oak. The tree was soon cut down, and as the opossum makes but little resistance, the fun was qnickly over. Again the dogs were put out, leading ns still farther into the depths of the forest. We were having good luck and the hnnters were in high spirits, so did not pause to con sider the probabilities of a long tramp. "Ole Bing" could be heard in the distance and in ten minutes had "treed" again." It proved another 'coon up a tall poplar. The axes were soon ringing on its sides and it lell with a fearful crash, snapping and breaking other trees in its course to the ground. The docs wn at the top in an instant scenting the game ' but not in time to catch him. They pressed him so hard, however, that he ran up the nearest tree a small sapling not over 20 paces from the poplar, and not 15 feet high. Around it the dogs and hunters gathered. The 'coon was shaken out among the dogs and killed by them after another tough battle. A GOOD NIGHT'S SPOET. The hunt was continued until two more 'possums were cauphL Bv now a some miles from home, had crossed a large tract of forest and near the road on the other side. We reached the road, and Uncle Jack scanned the heavens "ter. find de seben stars an' ellen yards." When found he pro nonnced'thetime to be "one hour past mid night" which was within a few minutes of the correct time. Well satisfied with- the hunt, the dogs were whistled, lights extinguished and our step turned toward the plantation. When the cabins were reached the fires, always built out in front of the doors in pleasant weather at night, were still burning. One was "mended up" and gave a bright light. Around it all gathered with the results of the hunt Uncle Jack divided the game, reserving the fattest opossum to be dressed and cooked the next day for me. Incidents of the hunt were recounted a few moments, then the darkies sought their respective quarters. As I was departing for the "great house" Uncle Jack called to me to watt. He went in his cabin and brought out a bottle and glass, saying: "Here, chile, drink sum ov dis medersonj It'll keep yer from catchln' cole." It proved to be excellent apple brandy, and the writer, while not advocat ing the use of stimulants, Is not prepared to say that a drink of good liquor under such circumstances is conducive of harm. -V, COXTEirDOWlflHO. THE OLD MAN PLAIED Oi - Hoir a Maine Teamster Proved That He Knew HIa Business. Lewlston Journal.! The first Colonel of'the First Maine Cav alry was bluff John Goddard, an iron sided old lumberman. Before the war he used to take gangs of men into the woods every winter. Late one fall in the "fifties" a tall, lank Yankee came into Colonel Goddard's office and asked for employment as a teamster. "Do you know how to drive oxen?" asked Goddard. "I rather reckon I do," was1 the bashful response. "Suppose I was a yoke of oxen," said Goddard, getting down on "all fours," on the office floor, "and suppose I would not haul, let see what you would do to make me come np under the yoke." The Yankee objected at first, but when he was told that his winter's work depended upon the trial, he took the long-bradded oaken ox-goad and began to flourish it oyer the kneeling Goddard's head. "HIsb.JBrightjgetuD, there.Golden. Come here, Star; gee off, Liru," he yelled in turn, but never a move did old Goddard make. Finally, getting weary, the teamster in serted the steel brad into Goddard trousers. The coming cavalry Colonel got up in a a. hurry, and the Yankee hired at his own price, proving the best teamster in the gang. When the cavalry regiment was organized the humorous teamster went to the front as a private, and when he fell fighting under Grant he had a set of Lieu tenant's epaulettes on his shoulders. HE SUED HIMSELF. How a Lawyer Secured Business Whllo Faylns- Off a Debt. Some years ago, when Judge G. H. Hicks was not as prosperous as he has been in late years, says the Minneapolis Tribune, he owned a little bill of 25 to a well-known firm and one of the members came to see him about it. The Jndge, then a plain Colonel lately returned from the war, frankly confessed that he was "busted" and asked for an extension of time. "Can't do it," said the gentleman, "if you don't pay it we'll have to sue you. "How can I pay when I haven't got the money?" asked the Colonel. All I want is a little time." "Well, we'll have to bring suit," said the gentleman, as he started off. "Hold on," said the Colonel, as a bright idea struck him. "If you must sne me why not give me the case? You will have to em ploy some lawyer." "That's so," said the gentleman; "all right, bring the suit." Colonel Hicks brought the suit, confessed judgment, sent in his bill for $50 attorney's lees, collected it, then settled the judgment. From that time on he had all the firm's law business. NO SALES 'AT THAT HOUSE. An Irate Lady Hastens the Departnre of a Book Agent. Detroit Tree Press. He rang the door-bell of a house on Sec ond avenue and then sat down. In a min ute he rose up and rang again. Then he waited a spell and rang for the third time. Soon thereafter, the lady of the house, be traying a dozen proofs of sick headache, opened the door and demanded: "Are you trying to pull the honse down?" "No ma'am," he answered. "Have you the 'Lives of Plutarch?' " "No, sir, but if I was a man I'd have ri0 in Arinnf a mtnnfa I "Eh ah! I see, madam. I guess I'd better go." And be took the "Lives of Futarch" under his arm, and his own in his hand, and backed down the steps and ont of the gate and went off with the air of a man who wished he hadn't Can't Remember Everything-. Boston Dad get.1 It must be a great thing for a man to have so many investments as General But ler, who said to a reporter in regard to the company controlling the guano island of Navasso: "I may be an owner in that com pany, but J don't remember that I am." The General has always been credited with possessing an average memory. In the Canal Boat Cabin. o Skipper Swordfish, by guml 'F any one had told me they swum in th' Harlem river I'd said he lied! Skipper's Wife I reckon he won't spear no more coal barges, Hiram. A - i irri Member of the Pastime Club Had you jest as lief back off a little? X'm'fraidl'ja foul of yer, Judge. " ( I.L& Wf in f JTOSHIJA,'- Continuedfrtm Ninth Page and then ta the pasture; so the large yard in front of his house would be full of cattle, farm men and women, carts and field im plements. -The owner himself commonly ordered the going of his beasts, and be and his were to be the first victims of the popu lar rage. The swiftest runners had already reached his spacious farm, and among them Horn echt, the captain of the archers. There lay the house and buildings in the first bright beams of the morning sun, and a brawny smith kicked violently at the closed door; but there bolt, and it flew open so readily that he had to clutch at the door post to save himself Irom falling. Others pushed by him into the courtyard, among them the archer.chiet. But what was the meaning of this? Had some new charm been wrought to show the power of Mesu, who had brought such terrible plagues already on the land, and display the might of his god? . The yard was empty, absolutely empty; only in the stalls lay a few cattle and sheep, slain because thev had suffered some Injury, whilea lame Iam6 hobbled away at the sight of the intruders. Even the carts and bar rows had vanished. The groaning and bleating crowd, which the star-cazer had taken to be the spirits of the damned, was the host of tne Heorews, who had tied by night with all their herds, under tfae guid ance of Moses. The leader dropped his sword, and it might have been thought that the scene before him was to him an agreeable sur prise, but his companion, a scribe from the King's treasury, looked ronnd the deserted courtyard with the disappointed air of a man who has been cheated. The tide of passions and schemes which had risen high during the night ebbed un der the broad light or day! Even the sol dier's easily stirred ire had subsided to comparative calm. The mob might have done their worst to the other Hebrews, but not to Nun, whose son Hosea (Joshua) had been his comrade in battle, one of the most esteemed captains in the field, and a private friend of his own. If Hornecht had fore seen that his father's farmstead would be the first spot to be attacked he would never had led the mob to their revenge, and once more in his life he bitterly rued that he had Deen carried away Dy sudden wrath to iorget the calm demeanor which beseemed his years. And now, while some of the crowd proceeded to rifle and pull down Nun's -deserted dwellings, men and women came running in to say that no. living soul was to be found in any of the other houses near. Some had to tell of veiling cats squatting on vacant hearths, of beasts past service found slaughtered, and broken household gear, till at last the angry crowd dragged forward a Hebrew with his family and a grayhaired, half-witted woman whom they had hunted out among some straw. The old woman laughed foolishly and said that her people had called her till they were hoarse, but Mehela knew better; and as for walking, walking forever, as her people meant to do, she could not; her feet were too tender, and 8he,had not even a pair of san dals. The man, a hideous Hebrew, whom few even of his own race would have regarded with pitv, declared first with humility bor dering on.servility, and then with the inso lent daring that was natural to him, that he had nothing to do with the god ot lies in whose name the imposter Moses had tempted away bis people, but that he and his wife and child had always been friends with the Egyptians. As a matter of fact he was known to many, being an usurer, and when the rest of his tribe had taken up their staves he had hidden himself, hoping to pursue his dishonest dealings and come to no loss." But some of his debtors were among the furious mob; and even withont them he had not a chance for his life, for he was the first object on which the excited multitude could prove that they were in earnest in their re venge. They rushed on him with veils of raze, and in a tew minntes the bodies of the- hapless wretch and'his family lay dead on theeround. No one knew who had done the bloody deed; too many-had fallen on the victims at once. Others who had remained behind were dragged forth from houses or hovels, and they were not a few, though many had time to escape into the country. These all fell victims to" the wrath of the populace; and while their, blood "was flowing,, axes were heaved, and doors and walls were battered down with beams and posts to destroy the dwellings of the detested race from the lace of Che earth. The glowing embers which some furious women had brought with them were extin guished and trodden out, for the more pru dent warnedthem of the danger which must threaten their o'wn adjoining dwellings and' the whole city of Tanis if the strangers' quarter were set in names Thus the homes of the Hebrews were spared from fire, but as the sun rose higher the site of the dwellings they had deserted was wrapped in an impenetrable cloud of white dust from the rmns, and on the spot where bnt yesterday thousands of human beings had had a happy home, and where vast herds had slaked their thirst by fresh waters, nothing was now to be seen but heaps of rubbish and stone, while broken timber and splintered woodwork strewed the scorching soil. Dogs and cats, aban doned by the fugitives, prowled among the ruins, and were presently joined by the women and children who herded in the beg gars' hovels, on the skirts of the neighboring necropolis, and who now, with their hands over their mouths, poked among the chok ing dust and piles of lumber for any vessels or broken victuals which the Hebrewsmight have left behind and the plunderers have overlooked. In the course of the afternoon Baie was borne in his litter past the scene of de vastation. He had not come hither to feast his eyes on the sight of the ruins, bnt be cause tney jay in the nearest way irom tne city of the dead to his own borne. Neverthe less, a smile of satisfaction curled his grave lips as he noted how thoroughly the popu lace had done their work. What he himself had hoped to see had not indeed been car ried out; the leader of the lugitives had evaded their revenge, bnt hatred, thonen it is never satiated, can be easily gratified. Even the smaller woes of an enemy arf joy, and the Driest bad. just quitted the mourn ing Pharaoh, and though he had not yet succeeded in treeing hira completely from the bonds laid upon him by the Hebrew soothsayer, yet he had loosened them. Three words had the proud, ambitions man murmured to himself again and again a stiff-necked man, not wont to talk to him self as he sat alone in the sanctuary, medi tatinenn what had happened and on what had to be done; and those three words were: "Bless me also." Itwas Pharaoh who had spoken them, addressing the petition to another, and that other not old Bnie, the pontiff and high priest, nor Baie himself, the only men liv ing whose privilege it could be to bless the King; no;but the worst of the accursed, the strancer. the Hebrew Mesu, whom he hated as he hated none other on earth. "Bless me also!" That pious entreaty which springs so confidingly from the hu man soul in anguish had pierced his soul like a dagger thrust. He felt as though such a prayer, addressed by such lips to such a man, had broken the staff in the hand of the whole priesthood of Egypt, had wrenched the panther skin from its should ers, and cast a stain on an tne nation be loved. He knew, Mesu well for one of the wisest sages ever produced by the schoolsof Egypt; he knew full well that Pharaoh was spell bound by this man, who had grown up in his house, and had been the friend of the great Barnes;, his father. He had seen the monarch pardon misdeeds in Mesa which any other man, were he the highest in the land, must have expiated with his life; and how dear must this Hebrew have been to Pharaoh the sun god on his earthly throne when he could compel the King, standing by the deathbed of his son, to uplift his bands to him and implore him: "Bless me also!" A.U this he had told himself and weisrhed with due care, and still he. Baie. could not. J wouia not yieia- to ma poweriui lie Brew. k Y3a i . 9 HeliMitgardeat .a ku Beet orgeat awl aaertd daty to fetW totrttUes ea Msa his whole raee. Te falfiif skat ?! would sot have bettaled to lay baads m Mm inroae; indeed, in dm eyes, by tfce uHeraaee: of that blasDhesoBS en treaty. "Bieas bmI also," Pharaoh Menephtah bad forfeited his right to the sovereignty. Moses was the murderer of Pharaoh' first bora, whereas be himself and the venerable high priest oti Amon held the wmI nr- m at Ami .deceased youth's soul in their hand. And this weapon was a keea aad strong one, for he knew iew teMfer and irresolnte was' the Xing' heart. If the high priest of Amon the only maa who stood above him did not contra von e him in some unaccountable fit of seeileea-i price, it would be a small matter teredwe" Pharaoh to sabmission, but the vae-illatiBg monarch might repent to-morrow of what he resolved ere to-day, if the Hebrew should again succeed ia coming between hira aad his Egyptian counselors. Only this very day, on hear! Bg t Ik name of Moses sfekesT in his preseace, the degenerate tea of' Barneses the Great had covered his face aadb qnaked like a frightened gazelle, aad te morrow he might curse hira and proaoBaee sentence of death against him. He saigas perhaps, indeed, be moved to do this, bat even then by the day after be weaWvery snrely recall bias and beseeeh bis WeeeiBgiJ once more. ,..;. Away with such a monarch! Dewa wmi-i tOfi fee hli TPt.r nfiA bat aj-U rliran titsva to the very dust! Bak fo a'fittfeff Successor amon? thn nrlnw al ika Mead1 amon? thn nri rOVSl nnrl 1ia,n i.. :.. y 1 nutiu ItIC tAJXlO BCraUl-U UUtlMJ i when Bnie, the high priesTe Araoa, sieald-f, cross the boundary of the time of JF5J y.,,,u Uj me goos aaa oee bmj eves in death then he, Baie hi awe! f. wM$ nil his place; a new life shonld begin tori Egypt, and Moses and his bribes werel uoomea. As the prophet thns meditate lulnnr-. ravens flattered around his head, aad ttwa, . urua&.jug juuuiy, angntea on meiKMty rnias of one of the wrecked tenement. Aii . involuntarily followed their flight and per- m taey nau seines on tfle Body off a ueaa xiearew, nan onnea In the rabbishvj And again a smile stole over his canning. defiant features, a smile which the inferior. priests wno stood about his litter could by iuusuo laictfjini 4 Ho ae igftiinusa.j Copyrighted, 1. IX 1ES DOLLIES TO SIS A LM1V - The Price Paid by a Mao Wke Tfcoaht Ha -Cot His Moaej'a Wsrta. !i Irom the Boston Post.3 A friend of mine who has fast t from a trip in England aad, by tae wj", 1 is a person of unimpeachable veraeity tell me of something that happened on the vey age out which would make a good ineideat'1 SSfSfK.' lor an "international novel. " Araestf. tne passengers were an .SagNea. t ford and a miner lra Cali fornia (quite the conventional eaaraeter, it will be seen), the latter being a reach, good-" natnred fellow, who kept pretty well sea-' soued with liquor. One day toward the end1 of the voyage, the weather being ' pleasant and everybody on deck, the miner, who had fraternized more or less with his lordship is the smoking room, approached hira and said: "Well, I've always wanted to Know a real live lord, and see what he was; now I fj have done it, and I'm much obliged to you.'. .' Here is a $10 gold pieeer giver it to yonr: baby f I've had the worth of the money." So saying, the Californiaa tacked his coin into some convenient spot about the) aristocratic child, aad strolled off. Thev' Englishman, my friend says, held up the gold piece (hicely wrapped in tisane paper)1 between his thumb and finger, aad piteoas-sj ly inquired of an acquaintance who stood? . by what in the world he shonld do with it." J PABHELL'S INFLUENCE iff IKELllb.'iw Nothing U Ever Done by Bis Frlesda DtKMjr the leader Ia CeasBlted. Hew England Alagizine.1 In no other country" in the world I'does ttrtv nn wrlon niw .vIaIiI lii tnAn.nna wll1 Parnell'exerts in Ireland. Bismarck aadx Gladstonekare the only two personalities be sides Parnell who now dominate over large- masses of men. Bnt neither Bismarck nor Gladstone can nominate and elect candidates for scores ot constituencies or 'carry thVi vote of his party in his pocket. Both these v tbings Parnell does. There is really next to no freedom of election In Ireland. .-, If a Parliamentary vacancy occurs, noth--mg is done till Mr. Parnell is consulted. He decides who the candidate shall be, and, the person selected by him is nominated aad elected without tne voters being in any war considered. Thus Mr. Parnell's party is -dependent upon him, aad each man owes to him something verylike personal alle giance. x An Antnran Reverie. Was It hotter? Did Tom mean all that he said! 'Twas a good chance a hasty word spoken.-, j. mm auu iuc poor uoJETBW awiuuj rea , He was in earnestand I thought so, but then jR Borne tow love without rhyme, without reason!!? There is always something deceptive in men f jl discover it so every season. 5 Every season let's see. why. this is my fourth But sneb short years, and why should J marrjrT .- Though papa this year is exceedingly wrot., He is right 'tis a longtime to tarry. -J5L And Tom's not so bad eb. no, many are woSe?" He is jealous, but wealthy and clever. njr Though I wish he wouldn't address melia; Were we parted, as I said, forever? YCI30 ali Foreverl I see him now tnrnlnc away. -' For be loved me will love Change to hating? No, no, I nray not: What, a card, James, yoa say? Why, it's Tom! Is the gentleman waiting? I will be down at once but why did he call? I had almost expected a letter. Do Iloveblm? Well yes perhaps after all I will take hira for worse or for better. Flavel Scott Mints. The Elect He maketh the winds His angels; His ministers tongues of flame, And these. His oldest evangels, Forever proclaim the same. Eternal gospel of splendor. Wisdom, and power, and love. And of justlcetrae. yet tender As the olive and the dove. At times In their savage madness, His winds in our eyes are bnri'd; Giving us blindness for gladness. And blackness that shrouds the world. Bnt ever his rainbow groweth, Like flowers, out of the dew Of darkness and light He soweth For the broken-hearted few. There are rifts in life's lute, tangles, Ti'la.ftriiai fra Ife lthur innnnii TtlA TCtn va Ima IT- ..! -. ij Toacb in their dally rounds. TT.J3,I?orn in Philadelphia intrfrflr. Golden Sod. In the still field its glory we behold Stretching away It seems a sun-kissed sea, When calm September's smiling zephyr stoled. . riavine wiin giamorea oeanty mil and lea. By the wood edge, with light waves o'er it rolled. It idly flames In undulations free. In lovely miniature an autumn tree. When the wind rustles in iu flakes ot gold. When the leafs curled and colored by the coll When the frost sparkles on the ripened quince, And from the stubble pipes the merry Then in September's beauty we behold In all his graceful majesty the prince Tnftiwl tn ft Ann. in a fttr tllA. JB. K. MunktUHektnBarper't WeeOit j Morning Glories. Over the norrh thn-r dimhsr and twine. And never the breath of a sound they make Blossoms of aznre and rose and wine, Fresh and dainty and wide-awake Our beautiful morning glories! About the perea they frolic ana play. And nit ft Unvhtwud shoatataeyi Steele eyes, Mae eyes, brown eyes, aad any, I Merry aad wtaseraa aad wide-a wake iaa Oar oaaatMal moraiafSKJenesH 4?m ;, Wvr&SSl itLW saB i X .Jf