rasa fe-atl 'irnimr wnilnrn ; t "" ur U UM U ! 1 II IB Br U - i tv. .. - lttllLC l.UiUDEll. i r - III -. I- ., IORTT-F0UHTH YEAH TI BUBBLE BURST, Unmistakably Flat Collapse of the Late Rage Called Boulangerism. HIS MONEY GIVING OUT, And Bis Financial Backers Throw Him Over as a Bad lot. THE SHAH'S f ECULIAR f OEGETFULKESS Boulanger nagging a Delation to His Breast tie Thinks the French Govern ment Mny Fosstbly Commit Suicide Seeking for a Cheap Place to Ure In In His Retirement A Rousing Reception to Mr. Conybeare Fred Leslie Insnlts a Mnsenm Freak A Masterpiece of Lnccwork Two Ocean Steamers Again Bacliii-A Project to Aid Working women in London Boulanger's bubble has burst With his railure to carry France by storm, his finan cial backers hare deserted him, and he is looking for a cheaper place to live in than London. The Shah has sent elegant pres ents to most of England's crowned heads and other notables, but entirely forgets the existence of Queen Victoria. IBT CABLE TO THX DISPATCH. ZiOKSOX, October I. Copyright The Boulangist bubble has burst at last, and tne fact is being brought home to the mind of Boulanger himself in a most unpleasant manner. The Compte de Paris and the Duchess d'Uses have intimated that they can no longer afford to keep in funds the man who boasted he could sweep France at the first general election, and succeed in winning only a paltry score or so of seats. The golden stream, to which place-seeking politicians, fawning dames and selfish spec ulators contributed liberally as long as Boulanger seemed the coming man, has dwindled down to a tiny brooklet, and bids fair to dry up entirely. AS THIBSTT AS ETEB. Yet Boulangor is as thirsty as ever for gold, for he knows he cannot keep up the position or pretender without having it in liberal measure. He is now an outlaw, and disqualified from receiving military pay or pension. Unless he has quietly invested some of the millions received within the last year or two for prapogandist purposes, or unless he has the good fortune, denied to most beaten men, of retaining a few real friends with banking accounts as good as their hearts, he must soon be within a meas urable distance of actual want , EtrHIOEED BECOXCILIATIOB'. It has been asserted here that Bochefprt and Boulanger have become "reconciled; The only ground for the statement is that Bochefort is reported to have asserted that he would reject with scorn any Government offer of pardon, and that if Minister Con stans should insult him by such a proposal he would drag the man Constans through the mud. But it is practically certain that Boche fort would gladly avail himself of amnesty, and it is beyond a doubt true that he will soon part company with Boulanger. The latter has sent an agent to Jersey to secure, if possible, a cheap and secluded house for his chief. Boulanger wants to get away from London. It is too expensive for his straitened means, and he rightly dreads the effect of his reverses upon his social position when society returns to the me tropolis. BEannaNG to forget him. In France people are beginning to forget Boulanger, and the rank and file of his party are losing heart in sympathy with their leaders. The Governmentalready feel themselves strong enough to deal firmly with Boulangerism, and are acting vigorously against leaders and followers alike. Confusion reigns in the Conservative party in general, and the Boulangist faction in particular. In many of the 186 constituencies in which a second ballot will be placed to-morrow, the Bonlangists, Imperialists and Monarch ists are at loggerheads. They refuse to give way to each other, even when their disunion means the certain success of the common foe. To crown all, Figaro, one oi the most influential of the Conservative newspapers, has sensibly admitted the significance of the recent plebiscite, and has given in Jts ad hesion to the moderate republic. LITTLE HOPE LEFT. The Boulangist leaders admittedly have so hope of attaining power unless the Be publicans should commit political suicide. Boulanger himself hugs the delusion that the new Chamber, being largely composed of untried men, will quickly prove unman ageable, and that his chance will come in the conlusion which will ensue. The pros pect is a very remote one, and the Bepubli cans are not at all alarmed, considering that Boulanger has had better chances, and proved himself incapable of utilizing them. OCEAN GREYHOUNDS AGAIN RACING. The City of Sew York nnd the Teutonic Testing; Their Speed. rBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. . London, October 5. The City of New Tors: and the Teutonic, both loaded down with returning American tourists, sailed from Liverpool "Wednesday, within 15 min utes of each other, on another grand race for Sandy Hook. The Teutonic, which has been beaten in all previous races, has had a new propeller put in since her last trip, and her officers are confident of her ability to lead the Inman liner across. The Citv of Eome sailed with the two fast steamers, but her passengers will probably not see much of the race. A EOUSIKG RECEPTION Tendered Mr. Conybeare br Crowds of En- tfanslastic Radicals. rnT CABM TO TBI DISPATCH.'! LONDOK, October 5. Mr. Conybeare, M. P. having served a term in London derry jail for the crime of advocating the plan of campaign, arrived in London at 6 o'clock this evening, and had a rousing re ception fro eaoraou crowds of Badicals. j A procession was formed, and with bands playing and banners waving 10,000 men marched through the muddy streets, right across London, to Clerknwell Green, where, reinforced by several thousand local enthu siasts, a mass meeting was held to protest against Balfour and coercion. Conybeare defied both, and cheerfully an nounced his willingness to go to prison again for the cause ot justice to Ireland. QUEEN TIC. FORGOTTEN. The Shah Sends Presents to All the Big 'Uns Except Her Majesty. tBT CABLE TO TUX DISPATCB.1 London, October 6. Nazir-EI-Din, hav ing settled down again iu Persia, has at last sent the presents and decorations he promised to the distinguished people who entertained him during his tour in England. The Prince gets a diamond star of the Order of Nishan Adjos, the Princess Albert Victor and George, and the Duke of Cambridge have received a portrait of the King of Kings, set in diamonds, and the Princess Louise's wedding present comes along rather taxdidly in the form of a diamond bracelet The Duke of Portland, in whose stables the Shah took special interest, is remembered with a gold snuff-box set in diamonds, and the Lord Mayor, of London, gets the Order ot the Second Class of the Lion and the Sun. A score or more of Englishmen whom the Shah met received such presents as dia mond rings, portraits and snuff-boxes, and third, fourth and fifth Orders of the Lion and the Sun. The Q ueen herself is left out altogether. A MASTERPIECE OP LACEWORK. Two Hundred Slleslans nt Work for Fonr Months on a YelL fBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCU.1 London, October 5. Two hundred Si lesian laceworkers have been uninterrupt edly occupied for four months in the creation of the veil that is to be worn by the Princess Sophia, of Prnssia, at her marriage with the Crown Prince of Greece. This wondrous garment is now solemnly reported as finished by the directors of the lace schools ot TTrnsdorff, Steinseifien and Seidorf, where it has been made. The design was long the subject of anxious consultations between the Empress Frederick and the designer, Burghold. The foundation material is the finest Brus sels tulle. This is trimmed in specially designed Point Venise, with border of Point Gaze, formed of 110 different masterpieces of lacework. TERT MUCH AGGEIETED. Fred Leslie Hurts the Feelings of a Mnsenm Strong Mnn. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, October 6. Fred Leslie has succeeded in wounding the amour propre of another great man. Beside Irving, in "Buy Bias," Leslie dares to burlesque Samson, the strong man at the Aquarium, who breaks chains, snaps coins in half, and performs other extraordinary feats of strength. Leslie comes onto the stage with a huge wooden arm, and offers to break any watch and chain that the audience lend him. As Irving succeeded in inducing the Lord Chamberlain to suppress the burlesque of "Matthias," Samson sees -no reason why that same exalted functionary should not relieve him from the ribaldry of the jester as well, and has written to demand the pro tection of the law for his art AID FOE WORKING WOMEN. A Strong Committee Formed to Help Them to Better Tbclr Lot. IBT OTU.E TO 2BX DISPATCH.! London, October S. A Btrong committee has been formed to assist working women of the East End to better their let The terri ble revelations before the Sweating Com mission had practically borne no frnit until this committee was formed,anditis doubtful if this step would have been taken but for the success of the dockers' strike. It has been recognized at the outset that organization must be their first aim; without that nothing could be done. John Burns is on the committee, and so are many other enthusiasts, so that vigorous work ought to be forthcoming. A SUCCESS IN LONDON. Anna Teresa Berger Catches On Well With Her Cornet. IBT CABLE TO THE DISFATCH.l London, October C The American mu sician who has been one of the successes of the present concert season is Anna Teresa Berger, who plays the cornet, and last even ing she was presented with a gold medal ou the stage of Covent Garden Theater by a number of American admirers. TWO MORE BODIES RECOTERED. rfaere Still Seems to be Work for tbe Stale Forces nt Johnstown. ISrECIALTELXOBAM TO TUB DISPATCH. I Johnstown, October B. Two more bodies were taken out of the river by the State forces which were at work taking out rubbish and opening sewers to-day. From present appearances there are a great many dead yet in the river, and the time allotted by Governor Beaver for the work will be in sufficient to have enough rubbish removed that they may be taken out It ia-now stated that the Board of Health will order the cleaning of a number of cellars that are in bad condition, and it so the funds for the purpose will have to be raised somewhere. The commissary department closed ud to day, and Captain Kuhn, who had it in charge, left to-night for Washington City and points South. There were 461 per sons subsisting from the commissary when it closed. They were given rations sufficient to keep them ten days, by which time it is hoped some of the relief money mav be paid. Should any be found to be really destitute they will be cared for. MARRIED HIS STEPSISTER. A Toung Gentleman nnd Lady Slightly Surprise Their Family. lEFXCIAL TXLXQBAK TO TUX DISPATCH.! Mew Yobk, October 6. Since two years ago Mr. J. Dyneley Prince and Miss Ade line Loomis have been called brother and sister by all the friends of the family. It was then that Miss Loomis' father, Dr. Al fred Loomis, and Mr. Priuce's mother, Mrs. John D. Prince, widow of a Wall street broker, were married. Young Prince did not live with them, though he was a fre quent caller until his studies in the Eastern languages took him to Europe. When, on his return a few months ago he announced his engagement to Miss Loomis, it created as much surprise in his ow'n family as any where else. The ceremony took place at noon to-dav, in the Church of the Holy Communion. The Kev. Henry Motlet, rector of the so ciety of which both the contracting parties are members performed the ceremony. ADMIRAL PORTER TERT ILL. His Family Consider His Sickness ns Ex. eeedingly Serlons. rsrrciAL txleobax to the'dihpatcii.1 Washington, October 5. Information has been received here that Admiral Porter is lying very ill at his summer home at Johnstown, B. I. His family regard his illness as most ser ions, and axe quite apprehensive as to the result. ?a?ar5''sr jf ?Ei rtr A FATHER'S EAGB, He Attacks His Two Children In a Fit of Dranken Frenzy His Son Attempts to Save His Sister's Tjlfe and Both Are Killed. tsrxciAL telxobak to the DISPATCH. 1 Chableston, W. Va., October 5. A fearful tragedy was enacted this morning in a little cabin occupied by Mary and Andrew Kempf, brother and sister, on the hill back of the west end of this city. The father of the two children, in a fit of drunken rage, had attacked the two with a large dirk knife at an early hour in the morning, and when Constable Kelson and two or three citizens entered the premises about half-past nine the children were in a dying condition, while the father was contem plating his bloody work in a dazed sort of a way. He was still armed with the knife, but after a little strategy had been resorted to, the weapon was secured, and he was taken into custody and locked up in jail. A justice Of the peace then accompanied a doctor to the cabin and took the ante mortem statement of the boy, his sister being too weak to relate what had occurred. From the boy's statement the following details of the horrible affair are made up: Felix Kempf. the father, missed come small articles, including some flatirons, from his house, which stands about a quarter of a mile from the cabin occupied by the two children, and going over to the cabin, he ac cused his daughter of having taken the irons. She denied the matter when the father applied a very pro fane and offensive epithet to her and drawing his knife, he plunged it into Mary's stomach and again in the lower portion of the abdomen. As the girl fell she received two more cuts from the frenzied father, one on the face and the other in the right side. The brother sprang on his father in an at tempt to save his sister's life, when the old man stabbed him twice in the abdomen, tho entrails protruding from the wounds in a horrible manner. When the children were discovered they presented a horrible sight, while the floor of the cabin was almost as bloody as a slaughter pen. THE COMPANY RESPONSIBLE. Result of tbe Inquest 'into the Railway Horror at Chicago. Chicago, October 5. The investigation of the South Englewood disasteiTon the Chi cago, Bock Island and Pacific, was resumed to-day by the original jury iu the case. Nominally it was a formal inquest on the body of Michael O'Connor, the last of the victims to die, but as the Coroner said in his brief statement to General Manager St John, who was on the stand: "The ques tion isi who is responsible for the reinstate ment ot a man who had been discharged three times for drunkenness?" At the first inquest the evidence showed that Engineer Twombley's father, the Mas ter Mechanic of the road, had reinstated him on the strength of a sugeestion from Mr. Kimball, assistant to the President of the company, and a number of engineers. To-day Twombley, Senior, corrected his tes timony as to the part Mr. Kimball had taken in having the engineer reinstated, and took the entire responsibility for that act himself. Not only did the elder Twombley assume the entire responsioility for the re instatement of his son after he had been dis charged for drunkenness, but the officials of the road in their testimony all threw the blame on him. After deliberating two hours the jury brought in a verdict censuring the officials of the company severally, and tak ing strong grounds against allowing favor itism or kinship to endanger human life. . CAUGHT AT THEIE OWN GAME. A Gong of Cornerers Who Went for Wool nnd Were Shorn. rSFTCIAL TELXOBAJI TO TUX DISPATCTM NEW Tore, October B. The Commis sioner of Public Works has awarded quite a number of contracts for granite block paving on a concrete foundation, and among the successful bidders are men who were supposed to be on the outside of a combina tion of contractors who thought they had a corner on the visible supply of granite blocks. At one time' it was said to look as though certain contractors were the only ones who could get any chance at the contracts, and 'that they could get their own prices. This re sult was to be brought about by the pur chase they made in joint account, last spring, of 10,000,000 granite blocks, but the other contractors decided that there would be no difficulty in getting stone, and they went in and bid for the paving con tracts. Eleven jobs of good size have fallen to the outsiders already, and now it is said that the gentlemen of the corner are hunt ing up the successful bidders ready to sell them stone or buy their contracts. The 10, 000,000 blocks held by the cornerers are said to be worth $75 a thousand, or $750,000. THE TRAIN BROKE IS TWO. A Peculiar Accident, in Which a Number of Persons Were Injured. Cobby, Pa., October 5. The rear end of the south-bound freight on the Western New York and Pennsylvania Bailroad broke loose as the train was climbing the summit, four miles south of here, this morn ing, and rushing down the hill, crashed into the morning passencer train, which was following, with terrific foice. All of the passengers were bruised, some injured seriously, but none fatally. ' The seriously injured are: Conductor Fox, bad scalp wound and lee injured; Bag gageman L. W. Bessie, of Oil City, head bruised; Engineer Sullivan, of Mayville, badly cut and bruised, leg broken; William Miner, of Spring Creek, leg smashed. TWO LAKE YESSELS WEECKED. They Went to the Bottom, bat Those on Board Were Saved. Chicago, October B. The Lake Superior Transit Company received a dispatch to-day stating that their steamer Bessemer and the schooner Schuylkill had been wrecked at Portage Lake, near Hancock, Mich. The Schuylkill, which is owned by P. H. Flem ming, was towed by the Bessemenand both were running between Ashland, Wis., ami Cleveland, 0. The boats, which were laden with ore, sprang a leas: last night and went down this morning. Captain Hulbat, who was in charge of the boats, telegraphs that both crafts are total wrecks, but that all of the crews are safe at Hancock, Mich. STILL A DARK SECEET. Ko Person but Warner Has Been Offered tho Vacant Pension Place, WASHiNGTON.October B. Secretary No ble was to-day questioned as to how soon a successor to Commissioner Tanner would likely be appointed. The Secretary de clined to say anything upon the subject further than that the position had not been tendered to anyone since Major Warner's declination. Allen O. Myers' Contempt Cose. tSFXCIAL TBLXGBAJt TO THE PIBPATCH.l Columbus, October 5. Allen O. Myers had a rehearing to-day in Common Pleas Court charged with contempt The case came back from the Supreme Court, where it was taken on error. At tbe former trial Myers was sentenced to pay $200 and serve three months in jail. Myers discharged his attorneys to-day and conducted his own case. .Judge Pugh will Tender his decision next Tuesday. PITTSBURG, STJND&Y, NEW T0KKJ0-M0EE To Settle the Highly Important Ques tion of the Presidency; i THE HEW CENSUSMAKES ACHANGE. Senator Biscpck Sajs the Western States Will Now Have a Snow BE00KLIN AND NEW I0EK ETIRED. Other Factors to be, Prominent in tie-" Contests of tbe Future. In a political speech in Brooklyn yester-' day afternoon Senator Hiscock said .New York will not decide the next Presidental contest .The Western States, -under the new census, he said, will defeat; the ex pressed will of New York City and Brook lyn. He bemoaned the defeat of Warner Miller in the interests of sobriety, morality and good government ISFECIAL TELEQEAJf TO THE DISPATCH.! Beooextn, N. Y., October 5. An audi ence of several hundred persons helped the Union League Club this afternoon to lay the corner stone of the club s new building. The club, preceded by a band, marched from its present headquarters In Hancock Hall to the site of the new building. Senator Frank Hiscock, A. W. Tenney, the Hon. Stephen Van Cullen White, J. S. T. Stranahan, and other invited guests were in carriages. The Kev. A. J. F. Behrends 'prayed, and President Francis H. Wilson, of the club, made a speech in which he divided the honors of the'uni verse between the Bepub lican party, the Union League Club, of Brooklyn, and the Hon. J. 5. T. Stranahan. He concluded by handing to Mr. Stranahan a silver trowel, "with a handle of ivory, and asking him to perform the ceremony of laying the corner stone. A DUTX SOON PEEPOBMKD. Mr. Btranahan,with the white locks of his more than 80 years blown by the wind, but with his voice as firm and strong as that of any man who spoke during the day, thanked President Wilson for the honor, and then climbed down around to where the corner stone, upheld by stout ropes, was waiting to be low ered into its place. He poked the silver trowel about in the mortar under the stone, give the stone four whacks with a hammer, pronounced everything all right, and climbed back upon the platform, amid the applause of the spectators. When the people settled down again, A. W. Tenney, being called upon by President Wilson, Btepped out into a little open space, and sailed in to make a speech. He began in a commonplace way hy referring to the greatness of the Brooklyn Union League Club,branched out in a eulogy of the Union League, of New York, to which he ascribed THE SALVATION OP THE COUNTBY and several other things, ind then began to carve thick slices of the real meat of his speech. J "Other days," he said, "are here, freighted with new duties and great respon sibilities. The war drumi are silent and the battle flags are furled, bnt foes as dan gerous as America has ever seen threaten her life to-day. They comi not, as in tbe dark days of the Bebellionl with the thun dering tread of armies, butl with the silent tread of the assassin and thief, Fraud and corruption walked the land! unabashed and unrebuked. Political jugglery is fast taking the place of political integrity. Bights and privileges that iajeCbetisVurchased by blood and made sacred by' tears, are offered for sale by political tradesmen, like peas in the market or meat in the shambles." He closed by diving deep into the evils of trusts and monopolies. After the band had played something soothing, Senator Hiscock strode into the arena, shaking his shaggy mane. After some preliminary taffy for the club, he said: f FUSE rATBIOTISM NEEDED. "We are in a state of national politics when the best thought,the highest morality, and the purest patriotism are required to guide' the course of political parties. It is an undoubted fact that the rewards of pri vate life tend to withdraw men of great capacity from politics, officehnlding, and from the administration of public affairs. The distinction of wealth and social posi tion incident to success in the pursuits of private life are usually superior always equal to the rewards of political life. l nave read tnat someone said he would prefer political support from the saloons rather than from the churches, and I have heard a distinguished official characterized as very shrewd because he could hold the leadership of the criminal class. Intelli gent, honest and patriotic men ought to govern this country. If you find them in the grogshops, then seek political support and party strength by sympathizing with their methods and promoting their pros perity. I don't believe you will. And otherwise our conduct and the principles of our party should command the respect and approval of those to whom the temperance, morality, general welfare and prosperity of the people are dear. HOT SHOT POE THE ENEMY. "It doesn't require shrewdness to lead a mob of criminals to success, but only capacity to descend to their level, and the audacity to keep to their front; and as good Government is to increase or decrease, that leader is to survive or perish. I believe he will perish. A Bepublican triumph this fall in New York will strengthen and in spire the friends of good government for the next great contest for the Governorship of New York, when we must elect a states man in sympathy with a Bepublican Legis lature; when we must demonstrate that grog shops are not more powerful than churches, and that political success cannot be made permanent by an alliance with them. "Who here does not regret the defeat of Warner Miller? Who in the Democratic party, desirous of the best State Government I think there are some in that party do not regret it? Warner Miller stood for temperance and the lightening of taxation upon that property which feeds, clothes and educates. The principle will finally triumph, for it is right New York was the battleground one year ago. Her feleetoral vote was to decide tbe contest I doubt if she retains so power ful a position in 1892. A new census is to be taken, and the largeT proportional in crease in population in the last dec ade will be found in the West ern States and political power will follow it This is encouraging to theBe publicans. New York Citv and Brooklyn will no longer be able to defeat, in the na tional result the 80,000 Bepublican major ity in the balance ot the State by majorities polled by fraud and crime." NEARLY CAUSED A PANIC. Smoke Poors Throush a Clilcnso Play house la Volumes. ESPECIAL TELXaBAU TO TUX DISPATCH. Chicago, October 5. A fierce blaze in the hardware storejof Kellogg, Johnson & Bliss came near creating a panio in the Grand Opera House to-night Smoke poured into the playhouse in volumes. Actor Golden stepped before the footlights as the curtain fell on the first act and dis missed the audience, which waj becoming very uneasy. The people returned to the street without accident The fire burned fiercely, and the smoke was' so dense that several firemen were overcome. The lors is $75,000. -Ef "3 ...MW , & ?JS, OCTOBER 6, 1889. THE CITY OF GUITUBE. - The South American Delegates Spend a Day In Its Vicinity Visiting the Differ- cut BlnnnfactnrlnBEstnb- Ushments.' Boston, October 5. The junketing trip of the International Congress was continued to-day. The delegates, who had break fasted at 6:45 o'clock on board the Puritan, were hungry when they got off the steamer at Waltham to see the watch factory. The party was at once led to a collation spread for their delectation. The music of the band drew almost the entire delegation to the open air windows and encore after en core kept them bnsy. An inspection oi the works followed lunch and tHe establishment was carefully examined. The Brazilians were particularly interested in a completed watch whose rim and cases, indeed the en tire piece save the metal movement, was of "Brazilian pebble stone. The cost of the watch is 51,500, the cost of working the more than1 flinty crystal const ituting the chief expense. Edward Everett Hale was of the party at Waltham. At Framingham all the popula tion of the town outside of the factory work ers appeared to have tnrned out The school children, dressed in their holiday clothes, were drawn up in adoubleline, and as the delegates passed between the lines lit tle girls stepped forward and pinned a bout toniere on every lapel, which theboys cheered vociferously and the spectators waved their handkerchiefs. Again tbe train was boarded, and in a short time Ashland was reached. Here are' I located the leather, boot and shoe works -of Houghton, Coolidge & Co. Superintendents Tilton and Temple escorted the party through the works and showed them the marvelously rapid and accurate machinery by which 3,000 pairs of shoes are turned out daily, a pair being made in 20 minutes. One of the most wonderful ma chines was one which seizes apiece of wood, makes its own pegs and puts them in a double row around a sole iu 14 seconds. Boston was reached at 6:13 o'clock, and the party returned to the hotel. DON'T WANT THE EAETH. The Standard Oil Company Only Desires to bo Compensated for Dnmages The Issnes of tbe Case Not Properlr Stated. Toledo, October 6. The Circuit Court here to-day was engaged in hearing the ap peal of the Ohio Oil Company from the order of the Common Pleas Court at Find lay, dissolving its preliminary injunction against the Toledo, Findlay and Springfield Railway, which bad secured right of way across the land on which the oil company held leases for oil purposes. The pleadings filed before the Circuit Court show that the claim of the oil com pany has been misrepresented in dispatches sent out when the injunction-was obtained. No claim is set up to the exclusive use of the land for all purposes save the owner's use thereof, but only the right to occupy such portions as are necessary for the pro duction and storage of oil. The claims ot the oil company in this case are that the construction of the railway will impair the value of the lease, by prevent ing the use of the land it occupies, bv tear ing up its pipe lines, and compelling a change in their level to suit the railway grades, by exposing its wells and tanks to danger from fire, and therefore, that it is entitled to compensation, and it asks that the railway company shall be restrained from entering its leased lands until it exe cutes a bond to pay whatever proper dam ages the oil company shall sustain through the construction of the road. The decision of the Cirouit Court will be rendered Mon day". A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN SUICIDES. While Suffering- From Nervous Depression She Shoots Herself. Baltimore, October 5. Mrs. Tunstall Smith has committed suicide. She was only 27, beautiful and accomplished, was the wife of one ot Baltimore's substantial busi ness men, of the wholesale drygoods firm of Carey, Bayne & Smith, and the daughter of General B. Snowden Andrews. Mrs. Smith went shopping this morning, and visited her mother. Beturning to her home she talked affectionately with her three small children, and then instructed their nurse to take them into the library. This was at 1 r. M. Her husband drove up to the door half an hour, later and asked a man servant if Mrs. Smith was ready to take a drive. The servant returned and said she could not be found, but that her door was locked. The door was burst in, and there, stretched upon the floor, was the lifeless form of his beauti ful wife. She held a Smith & Wesson revolver in in her hand. Her dark hair was dotted with blood. The bullet had entered one temple and come out the other. The domes tio relationship of husband and wife had been most cordial, but Mrs. Smith had suf fered for some time with insomnia, melan cholia and nervous depression. No other cause can be assigned for the terrible deed. SOMETHING OP A SENSATION. One Promlnent,Business Man Charged With the Murder of Another. Woonsocket, B. L, October 5. Henry Andrews, a prominent business man, died this morning at his home here. He was a large coal dealer, and owner ot the cotton mills at Farnumsville, Mass. The supposed cause of his death constitutes a sensation which has shocked the community. Friday, September 27, he was involved in an alter cation over a business matter with William Blanchard, also a well-known business man. to whom he had recently sold his retail coal business. Bo heated became the quarrel that Blanch ard struck Andrews with a stick of wood, knocking him down and inflicting a wound from the effects of which it is supposed blood poisoning and death ensued. Andrews and his family have, during bis illness, been disposed to exonerate Blanchard from blame. -Mayor Grant, however, has ordered an autopsy and Blanchard has been arrested, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. A BATTLE WITH OFFICERS. The Death of a Young Desperado in the Oklahoma Conntry. Guthbie, I. T., October 5. Charles Da vis, aged only 19 years, but one of the bold est desperadoes in the Indian Territory and the leader of a noted band of horse and cattle thieves, was shot and killed yesterday near Fleetwood, I, T. Deputy United States Marshals Turner, Terry and Hart had pur sued him to a vacant house, which he barri caded, and from Ms, fortress he defied the officers. Deputy Hart went for aid, and as soon as he had left Davis made a break for liberty, carrying in either hand a revolver. The deputies opened fire upon him. He turned in his flight and gave battle, but soon fell to the ground mortally wounded, and died iu halt an hour after the fight ALL BECAUSE OF JACK. One Jealous 14-Yenr-Old Girl Kills a Toung Playmate ot the Same Age. New Yobk, October 6. Julia O'Con ner, aged 14 years, died to-night in the New York Hospital from the effects a beating she i-eceived two months ago at the hands of a girl ot about ber own age, named Maggie Miller. The girls quarreled about a lad named "Jaok," who paid attention to both. Tbe Police sfresearchine tor Mniroln nn a charge of homicide( MFPfrf NOT A MODEL OFFICEJiiFTANA democeatio, Civil Service Commissioner Eoosevelt Boasting the1 Last TWO POSTMASTERS AT BALTIM0EE. Removals Made in a Style That Was More Expeditions Than ACCOEDING TO THE EETI8ED STATUTES. Its Bouncer Himself tt be Bounced In Future Similar Casts. Civil Service Commissioner Eoosevelt has made a report upon the manner in which the Baltimore postoffice has been conducted for some time past The docu ment arraigns the management In the most severe language. Washington, October 6. Theodore Booseyelt, of the Civil Service Commission, has submitted to the full commission a re port of a short examination, made by him some months ago, into management ofihe Baltimore postoffice, in so far as it is af fected by the civil service law. The report says: During the last four years there have been two heads of tbe Baltimore postoffbe Mr. Veazy, who held office abont a year and was ineu allowed to resign, ana nis successor, tne present Incumbent, Mr. 1 runic Brown. Mr. VeazvwBi one ot those nrodacts of tbe pat ronage system whose antics Would be comical were it not for their deeply tragio effect upon the public service and uoon honest political life, and great 'allowance should be made for Mr. Brown because of tbe condition in which tbe office was banded over to him byhia prede cessor; for all tbe evidence tends to show that Mr. Veazy's administration can only be CHABACTEBIZED AS SCANDALOUS. It seems likely that be grossly violated tbe law both as to appointments and removals) he certainly during bis year of office turned out four-fifths ot tbe old employes and filled the places with men, many of them ot such evil character as to greatly demoralise tbe service. According to tbe report of Chief Inspector EL Q. Bathbone, of which Mr. Brown admits tbe substantial accuracy. In a total of Sffl carriers and clerics composing the classified service of tbe Baltimore postofflces, there are now left bat 11, Mr. Brown says 13. wbo were in the public employ four years ago. About 100 additional places have been created, however, daring this period on ac count of tbe growth of business. Therefore, of tbe original force of tbe office, about 90 per cent has been changed during the last four years. Most of this change was due to Mr. Brown's predecessor. Mr. Veazy. Mr. Brown states that when be took the office he found 103 of tbe old employes still remaining; of this number, therefore, which had survived tbe ordeal of Mr. Veazy's rule, Mr. Brown himself removed 88 per cent. So demoralized was tne office that be was likewise forced to dismiss over half of Mr. Veazy's appointees. Even more extraordinary is tbe fact that- he was obHgea to dismiss more tban one-fifth of bis own. One result of this system is sbown'by the seemingly almost universal payment 'of cam paign assessments at election time. Almost all tbe clerks wbo were questioned admitted that tbey had voluntarily paid for campaign purposes sums varying from 2 to 4 per cent of the salaries. BEMOVAL3 rOB CAUSE. Mr. Brown states that all tbe removals he had made were "for cause." and all cases to promote the efficiency of tbe service, and de nies that he was Influenced by political consid erations. Twenty-five of' hisuischarged em ployes wrote him recently, however, stating that when they were removed they supposed it was simply for political reasons and acquiesced without compuumv but Mr. Brown having publicly stated that all removals were made for cause, tbey feel It due to their good- name to aemana tne, particular? cnargeaoiz which tliey were severally dismissed. "" - Mr. Brows says it would now be impossible for him to famish such particulars. What ever may be said in favor of not making charges against a dismissed man, so as to spare bim tbe additional hardship of injuring his character and preventing bis getting employ ment elsewhere, it seems a cruel wrong to assert that a manias been dismissed for ample cause and yet to decline to let him know what the cause is. In view of the condition of tbe office when passed over to Mr. Brown, and in view also of tbe absence, hitherto of any set tled policy in the matter ot removals, I am unwilling td make any recommendation in this case, but I am prepared to recommend what I deem tbe proper course of action for the future in all snch cases. THE PUIUBE PBESUMPTIOir. If In the classified service, an appointing of ficer has made a "clean sweep" in an office, as where 90 odd per cent of the old employes have been dismissed, or if he has removed (or Is removing) a very large percentage of tbe employes whether 80 per cent or a less num ber, but at any rate one so large as to raise the presumption that the removals have been for political reasons and if he can give no ade quate and satisfactory reasons therefor, then be sbonld be deemed to have violated tbe civil service law and sbould be himself dismissed, or bis resignation requested. This report has been forwarded to the Postmaster General by the full commission, who append their approval and suggest that the recommendations contained therein be adopted. HE WAS NOT FOOLING. A Bnltlmoro Man Keeps Tils Threat of Eloping With a Widow. SPECIAL TZLIOBAM TO TBX DISPATCH. 1 Baltimobe, October 5. Mr. Thomas V. Moffett, a well-known citizen of East Balti more, and a dashing widow, have simul taneously disappeared. Moffett leaves a wife and four children, who are now depending on relations for support He had lived very happily with his wife, who had no intimation of her hus band's intentions. Some time in August a relative died, leaving a small estate. Thomas' share amounted to 600. Tom, who had begun to drink, grew worse after this receipt, and for a few days before his departure he was constantly under the in fluence of liquor. One day he surprised his wife by telling her that he intended to leave her and would take the widow with him. Mrs. Moffet paid no attention to the re mark, and thought he was fooling. He did mean it. however, and immediately set about getting ready, to leave town. He made a confident of a colored man named Dan, who took their trunk down to the Baltimore and Ohio depot and had itjput on the Western train that leaves at 10 o'clock. They are thought to be at Kansas City. Moffett is 43 years of age, and the widow about 32. AN HDMBLE APOLOGY MADE. The Swiss Government Is Sorry for tbe Ar rest of Dtr. Coates. Washington, October 5. It is under stood that tbe Swiss Government has made an apology to United States Minister Wash burne for the indignity offered to Mr. Charles E. Coates, of Baltimore, who, while traveling in Switzerland last summer, was arrested and confined iu a filthy and dark cell without anv charge having been pre ferred against him. Dropped Down an Elevator Shaft. SPECIAL TILiaUAAt TO TBX DISPATCH. I Belletohte, October 6. A shocking accident occurred here this evening about 6 o'clock at the stack of the Bellefonte Fur nace Company. The elevator had just ascended with its load, and a Hungarian stepped on to take off the barrow, when sud denly, without any warning, the cable broke. The elevator and Hungarian were precipitated to tbe bottom, breaking nearly every bone in his body, and mashing his head. He died instantly. The shaft was 75 feet deep. iu -". iJ . publicans How Ateost Ready to the Governor and Iegts4- o Beta nave Been Paid T Yet, However. TSn riAtniu, k xn,nA 4a H: ! i " -"- Bepublh wst ready to coneede t. .-J .1.- TT 1ni.A both the to the Demi .- V, x j in i.'A jwui not itowuiu coiyVmade, for the reawra the official that the result isSe enough to warrant them in claiming at least the Legislature. This is no ordinary election. k The re sult in many counties is so close that 20 votes might change it,v and in such a state of affairs the only thing to do is to wait for the full returns. la several country precincts no, tally was made of the vote except that made ,by the judges .of election, and those are now sealed and in tbe hands of tbe various county clerks, awaiting the official count. Acoorcjiug to' the law tbe official count must be made within IB days after the election, or may be made sooner if the returns are all in. It is expected the official count in most of the important counties will, be, made by the middle of next week. On the face of the returns to-night the Democrats have .elected the Governor.and the majority of the Iegtlatare, hut by margins so narrow that tho full coast may upset either. Individual .Senablioans con cede the Governor to .the Deraoorats sad ' are half convinced that tbe legislature Democratic, but the Bepublican Press and State Committee concede neither. Tbe Republicans now claim the Legislature by one or two, while the Democrats claim it by five to seven. The official count In this county will be made Monday. A curious condition of affairs prevails among the sporting fraternity owing to the close election Though Carter, Repub lican, is elected- to Congress by a majority of 1,600 oyer Msginms, Democrat, the Democrats will not give up any bets on Carter's election until the Republicans give up the moneybet on the Governorship, as a contest is hinted at over the latter. The Republicans who bet on Power wisely re fuse to pay their bets until it is decided. Meanwhile, from $70,000 to $100,000 remains idle in the hands of the stakeholders in Helena and Butte. DIED IN THE C0DET HOUSE. A Woman Once Wealthy Expires WfcHe Scrubbing; for Her Zdvlng. SPECIAL nxXO&UC TO THE DHrATCH.1 BEOOKX-srar, N. Y., October B. Mrs, Henry Corr, the widow of a former superin tendent of the poor, died suddenly yester day', in the county Court House, where she was employed as a scrub woman'. She was engaged cleaning the corridor in the morn ing when she complained of a pain in her back. She told a young man employed In the building to go for a priest. She died ' soon after the clergy "man came. "It Is believed' that' death, was due to fatty degeneration of the heart. Her 'husband, Henry Con? was superintendent of the poor long before the present board of commissioners of charities was organized. Before that he had bees both alderman aad assemblyman. t Corr was at one time the owner of consid erable property here, and had a clear, title to some of tbe choicest pieces of real estate in the city, but some unlucky speculations made him poor, and before he died, about five years ago, his houses, fast horses and money had all disappeared. Recently a daughter employed in one of the Brooklyn big dry goods stores died suddenly. 0MLI POOL ROOMS LEIT." A Mew and Fascinating Gams Causes Fmrrir.nr.fiiiuitTnnrlnMpiwvi ' Ne-W Obleans, October B. The Chief of Police has strictly carried out the Mayor's orders in regard to gambling, and closed all gambling institutions. The order embraced poker club rooms, high ball poker, faro and monte bank, roulette, etc. This war on the gamblers, it is said, grew out of the facts that high ball poker had re cently ruined several young men, and that youth of tender age had been enticed into the games and in certain instances accom modations were provided for them, where a 10-cent-limit had been established. "The "high ball" game was being run In several prominent billiard halls In this city, and the game is said to be so fascinating that at least one well-known merchant was wrecked by it. All these places have now been closed, together with the other eaines mentioned. It was understood at first that the poolrooms would be included in the sweep, but they were not disturbed. MURDERED BY HASHED HEN. A Georgia Rearo Shot for Not Leaving When Told to Do So. SPECIAL TSLIOEAM TO TUX DISPATCH.! Atlanta, Ga., October 6. Men who come in from Harris county report that George Washington Gordon and his wife, were picking cotton when a sharp report of a gun was heard and Gordon fell to the ground dead. The murderer wore a mass and nred tne snot from the public road. Then he walked down tbe road, whistling a lively tune. He met Mr. Crockett Whitten, and said: "I killed a negro down there." Some time ago a negro school teacher named Jackson opened a scnool at Brown's ChapeL He told the negroes to insist on being treated as the social equals of the whites. Jackson was run out of the county three weeks ago, and last week the house in which he had been teaching school was "burned. Gordon was one of Jackson's warmest supporters, Ten days ago he re ceived notice to leave the community. HIS FINANCIAL CHARACTER. A Disappointed Banker Brings Salt Against a Commercial Agency. Toledo, October 5. Charles H. Nichols, of Kansas City, brought suit here to-day in the Common Pleas Court against Brad street's, tbe well-known commercial agency, for defamation of character, asking for S50.000 damages. Nichols is an old resident of Toledo, but removed to Kansas City in 1887, where he engaged in business. He claims that Bradstreet't, in their special re port concerning his business standing, rep resented him as dishonest and unworthy of credit. He has recently been attempting f o organ ize a banking company in Kansas City, and claims tbat, through these reports, capital ists who had promised to take stock refused to do so, and the project fell through. Nichols returned to his home in Toledo, where be brings suit, as the allegations of Bradstreet't agency are based, he says, on his former career here. HIS FATHER WILL PAI ALL. The Shortage of the Brown University Keg Istrar to he Ulade Good. gPICIAL TXLXOEAX TO TBX DISPATOTI.1 ' Pbovidence, B. L, October 5. It is es timated that the shortage of Gilman P. Eohinson, Registrar of Brown University, Is about $0,000., His father, Dr. Bobinson, ex-President of the institution, has prom ised to make.tbe amount good. Dr. Bobin son has little property, and it will take nearly all of it to carry out his pledge. Dr.' Bobinson secured the appointment of his son as the registrar for the purpose of keeping him where he could watch him all tbe time, and it was with considerable mis giving that, the board consented to this, but they, did assent for his sake. The objec tions brought up at the time were that he was inclined to be dissipated. flV .msmv vKaas EVWiSistii r ' I wrm OEKTST SOME MOOD SPIL1 4 During a LiYdjyIew'!etWtai tml how yoi mm was ommrm By New JulTUmmt fHtcty m4 Airj vlsVff,Vff& nvni'iaM . J A- IUTTLI MAT LASM JCINX Twaty.RTe Mtoeawa ns MM Is sW , , , ssrifes J ''-yjji AaexeiUw: tjBe washad.osr.ste. bratfea ef Yosa ipr ia KWTrlir The Pioseers' 'of Liberty, me Tswssio4sst1 Hebrews, held a ball d4riaj tfce afcssrvatUa ofthedavbv their orthodeaC BHShl'ia. aostt slittle blood was W & to,sWs4-f wiireu. tSPBCTAL ISMUK TO TMPMeTAVOH. New Yobk: Oetefeer 8. A Mite Mtd was split over fee attempt of fee Ptuaiisajf Liberty fe have fun oa the dy ef Ism jtf brewYom Kimst fast When am tioaof aos-betieving Hebrew was! out of ClareadW Hall es Triday sH leaders made harried holding their bll at Labor Ljuiian ine. 25 East Toarth street. Zm fast ended at sgadown te-day; imi. ia ,io eaphaewerkkeir jeaeotatat e-csv-stta terfereaee ef me orthodox -Hui ? Pioneers of Lty deternsised te Mi 'ball ia the .daytkae, Saturday, within hearing of a big coDpogaHesi etfj lievers. who obeerved the dav wttkaasw priate oereaoaies at Everett Ball, , kj few doors from the Labor,!? protrraasse was earried est, aad and speech making' ia aMernasiaa Bregress from 8 o'eloekr A. at down, at tho Pioaeers headqasHtefe. PTJSnCKLXD BY A OBOW. The sidewalk aad then the street ia -?: ef both halls oa Toarth strew blocked with people earlv'ia 'the There was uo violence until sfeottlr o'clook. aad aeeounts dtffcr about the act of atreressieB. 3be first ftsttss Wsra young Christian, who had. TMea seatfer Hh Jw tin flrnwil m Ha 9ttfnnasd te esBBsr-SsBi" porch. He was badiy poandaa. stdeifq bis clothes were torn off hn Bee esse ajs eseaned Into the buildraz AmtlwHst' - w which bled freely, made hiss aaasarte hafl 'worse hurt tbau he was. A few miaates later twePfaastsg wen seized by the crowd ami. ro-mhiy hasWWad, -tj but tbey saeeeeded la Weenaf away, sssa started oa a ran fer Broadway wttft KEABLT A THOUSAND PaES in full cry parsaiag thesa. The ofcaee-W;' continued into Broadway, where the Asat- tlves met two poUeeatea. The two -- which instantly came late play were l in eheckintt the chase. The crowd. went hack to Fourth street and coaiiaesd. te-j' make things lively in. front of-botl Hall and the headquarters of the of Liberty. Before 11 o'clock, heweVer, ta. Teservea from the Mereer street atatiea swooped down upon them, end the' 8isnfla, fled. Twenty-five policemen Kaed , sides ot the street the rest of the day: -' ane memoers oi oraoeaex iiniigiiisja m tion, which eeeapiad Everett Btsti, assert jf tbrttthe bob-BuHbt bw were resfeeaMs'jr the vieleaee. The Pioneers ef Hearty itmrh - 'this, and declare they slanly asset ted fhsjfc, rights in holding a hall, wakfe did atiftU' teriers witu aayoouy. A BIGHT ZO nrrFBB. as most of the violenee toekp&ee ia fmt ot tne Aycenm onuaing, ana not ia nee ex ' Everett Hall, the story of the Pfeaeestr J seems tne most oreaiDie. use ot ter1wi leaders said: "Some ChrisHaaa aoa't JHse Bob Ingersoll, but I never heard of their at-j tacking him or the people who attsad svia! lectures, w e ciaira ana nave aosertott ectore the same rights that Bob Iagersell aad WJ. followers have. We don't believe isi sh relicion of the orthodox Hebrews. Ikk w7t haven't interferred with them in say wy,,. ana we uon t propose to auow isesa e j-; . e t.L if JF, KZiens wuu us. rv The Pioneers of Liberty have passed rile lutions denouncing the aetiou of Prewlstevl Sharmann, of Clarenda Hall, ia leeksaf-fq uum out on x nuay evening, asu saey wsjbj labor organizations to boycott him. XMtfj say iney wuisue mm rer aamages. THE DISPATCH DIRECTORY. A Few of the Interesting Feataree ef TMa Morning's Issac. Once again The Dispatch presents MeK te j Its readers ia 20-page form, every eelaam of which Is replete with interest: The aes from abroad la bright and chatty,, ' and, among other thisaa, prelates tee complete downfall of Boulaager. The do mestic and local sews Is complete ia every de- i tall, and last, but not least. In the opteJea of baseball enthusiasts, a full account Is gives of tbe New Yorks capture of the League pennants The second and third parts of the paper are devoted largely to articles of pronoun ood IKer-? - ary interest and merits the merelsspertaat ot which are as follows: Part IX 3 Pas . Joshna, a Story of the Exodas.PBOr,exose Bbms A French Vineyard HxsstHatxs A Prince of Acton M. Jf., ragiju. - a - .V pontics in irrsnce.... .viansoss buiih Ocean Qreybonnds A. B. Ssakan' Banting the Coon .W. COTXXKDewf5e ,. .. , -Ti uy. xi. a; Heaven's Open Door Gxoasw HOP HTM Wants, To Lets, iror Bales, etc. Page 13, Society. Dramatic Unite. Art. Badness Cards. Pagan. Q. A. B, Sews Financial. Educational Motes. Business Cards. PagtU. ,'r4' Oriental Congress .JaHISTaTTHattikb An Ocean Voyage OLTVxaOraO Eyery-Dsy Science .........Stati Wbm Business Cards. .Z.2 Bars to Matrimony. Tsx DccimaO Do You Eat Hekles? "$ Cbxvaltxsq.Jacxsos; m.i An Ancient Sport. WmttitlDWirnii national Goard Notes. yK Easiness Card. Page IS. AUeteorle Career Statt ConnxsrosroawT Amusement Announcements. Bnslnesj Cards. T, . TIT If- .. r, "" "' 9 "" s XI Allah Is Great TniSK Q. CaSPAwts Bne is Yet Our Mary ...Blaicblt Babies In the Park ....BEWAXBt .M PltUburg Italians ................Yeess zmt ia -. . . ... Beauty at tbe Bath CLaHABkiji Bismarck: at Work. ITBKjwc Lone Woman's Work........ saaupr Bas A -Nervous People DS. A. MeL. BASS.: Tbe Fireside Bphtnz; E. B. fTTinm nam Business Cards. Page U. The Dragon's ToBjme....KKseTHi Koyaltyat Work 0uva WMtesr l' Paris uooieTaras..... rMjnc leafier Morals and Manners:....... ...A nsTWTUsI Bastaess Gsra. . Page SB. , ,) uns augan meat ia , ...... wkxsx Died la the Slag .,.....: . r:. .-& . ji ; j.. . JMeAA. rAi Jt&tM&XM'- . a f ...4-V.lH !! USES BBBBBBBKBBBkSSBBB