?j t :? "- Jtil - SSTO ? " i :TEE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER " 1889. JTZr. Vnl. !&' nvn ' "v fit : 'D ? s-wY vws FAIRFLOEAEEIGMD. The Fragrance of Flowers Filled the - Exposition Building MUCH TO THE DELIGHT OF WOMEN. A Wedding Canopy and Keception Eoom of flowers and Plants. THE DIBPLAI WILL CONTINUE TO-DAY Flora reigned supreme at the Exposition yesterday. It was flower day, and the fair goddess numbered her Totaries by the thou sand. All through the day and evening the foyer or the main building, which has been set apart for floral displays, was thronged, and the elegance and elaborate ness of the designs, contributed by several of the leading florists of the two cities, was the subject ot much and gratified comment. A bridal canopy, the ground work of which was smilax and the framework of Puritan and La France roses and yellow carnations attracted attention. Beneath it stood a frie Dieu of white and red carna tions. Opposite was a fire place, the grate of which was filled with red carnations, while the mantel piece was banked with the new Duchess of Albany roses. The bridal bouquet was composed of lilies of the vallev and nephetis roses, one bridemaid's boquet' or peri aes jaraen roses, one of apa Gautier and one of Catherine Mermet roses. Another exhibition represented a reception-room. The lace curtains of the bay window of the drawing-room were almost hidden from view under an arrangement of delicate asparagus tenuissinius, smilax and Xa France roses. The tiling of the fire place was represented by a beautiful ar rangement of red and white carnations, while the mantel-piece was banked high with La France, Mermet, pearl, Bennett and brides roses. A centre-piece was a large cylinder composed of crocuses, palms, ferns, white, red, yellow and pink roses. This elaborate floral display will be con tinued throughout to day and to-night, with many additions promised. The attendance yesterday was large and fashionable, the fair sex preponderating throughout the dav. Musical programme for to-day. Afternoon: PART 12 O'CLOCK. 1 March "King Karl" Eilenberg 2. Descnntion "Russian Carriage Song" Thornton 3. Selection "A Night in Granada".. Kreutzer 4. Waltz "tn Passant" Vagoolgyi 5. Patrol The Darkies" Lansing PABT n 4 O'CLOCK. 1. Overture "Raymond" Thomas 2. bnanish Fandango "Pearl of Madrid" Bachmann 8. Medley -1 he Jollv Minstrel" Krooks 4. Fantasie "The Hunt" Boh B. March "Pittsburg Exposition" . Jolin Gerncrt Evening: PABT L 7 O'CLOCK. 1. Polonaise, "Presidental". Lonsa 2. Selection No. 2., "Oifenbachiana" Ait. byBoettger 3. Medley Overture, "A Brass Monkey".. Zimmerman . waltz, "Danube Waves" Franovici 5. Characteristic, Chinese March...Beadorville part n. 9 o'clock. L, Overture. "Die Diebische Elster"... .Rossini 2. Grand Descriptive Piece, A Trip to Coney Island" Moses 3. A Hunting Scene (bv request) Bacalossi 4. "Murmuring of the Forest". Bonillor 5. Galop, "Tally-Ho" Biernstein tnred bv Bair A Razisun limited. No. S6 Third I and No. SI Second avenues, and exhibited just opposite the main entrance in Mechanical Hall, are perhaps the most novel and finely finished machinery In that building.; Parties familiar with machinery will be in terested in seeing them in operation. THE STRIKING FEATURE Ot X C. Crognn'a Opening. A SOUVENIR OP THE PABIS EXPOSITION. The marvelous vase of the Louchet ware, which took the prizes over all competitors at the Paris Exhibition, is so beyond anything ever seen here that one involuntarily holds the breath. This vase. No. 4521 in the Paris cata- ", stanas some three ana a nan ieev "s"i the base, a square of cream and white veined Mexican onyx, with heavy gold plated carved feet; the standard in the same elaborate cold work seems to resemble a wide flaring bell, upon which rests the urn, or bowl of the vase. The ground work is a bluish white, toned off into cream or ivory. The picture on one side represents three cupids disporting themselves in the air. -two of them dropping flowers from a basket, fit enly for such gods, while the cen tral or third waves aloft the torch ot hymen; the messenger dove watching for the minute in which he will bo sent to the fair "ladye" unon whnm thniv 1-hnnp-ht.a nxn centered: turn ing the vase upon its swivel concealed in the gold bell, the cupids and dove are found play ing all kinds of pranks like the tricksy spirits they are, around the "ladye" as she half re clines on the flower-strewn ground. Above the bowl on which are depicted these two ex quisite scenes, rises the long sweeping neck of the vase, with its double curvature. Here begins an entirely different mode of ornamenta tion; these are panels of applied gold leaf, growing from the base up, alternating with those pendant, on the principle of stalag mites and stalactites. Tboselike stalagmites are in scrolls and floriated designs, like finest etch ings, and are on the cream-tinted ground; the stalactites stand out boldly in traits and flowers on a dense white ground above is a heavy col lar of gold alternately dull and bright, support ing the flaring top ot vase. Two Amphitryons serve as handles. The gold work of the stand ard, the rim, the handles,is first of solid bronze, of superb workmanship, with heavy plating of gold, that a century hence will be as bright as to-day. Louchet, a Pansian by birth, has his factory in Paris, and has created a revolution in ceramics. The vase rests unon a handsome Louis XIV. pedestal of Mexican onyx. Assur edly handsome nr it would not serve to hold the great "Louchet." There are other specimens of this ware in smaller forms, and of wondrous beauty, that must be seen at once before they are caught by purchasers hunting absolute novelties. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PIANOS AND ORGANS. Jos. Eiehbanm & Co., 4S Fifth Avenue Quite marked changes have been made in this charming exhibit, under North Gallery. Portieres of bamboo strings, linked with amber beads, separate it from neighbors. Au ex quisite bisque statuette of a Normandie pecheur stands upon a handsome bronze pedes tal at the entrance; this fisherman, holding the end of the seine net from which he has iut squeezed the water, looks the picture of happi ness. Bolique waro decorated, and specimens awaiting the artists' brushes, are in many dainty forms; very beautiful is the toilet and xnanicnre set combined in one case, the backs of brushes, soapcase, etc., all of clouded amber highly polished; banner stands, easels and bookrests in gilt or gilded bronze; artists' alpinestock sketching um brellas; broad embossed leather frames in delicate colorings for cabinet photos; vari ous styles of the art printing done by this firm; foldlnc cases for photos, all of India silks; and that most useful of modern inventions, the "Gates' adjustable table," without which, no home is complete. By means of springs and screws, the table may be placed at any desired height; may have the top pushed over until the edce is right over the standard, that an invalid may breakfast upon it in bed at ease; or by lowering one side it becomes au easel; or in its normal position it is at will, a work or card table; it can rest flat against the wall, and take up no room. They mar be had in plain or elaborate stvles of Eichbaum & Co. One thing is indubitable, and that Is, that every lady shanld possess one, for it is one of the best articles exhibited. Mellor & Hoene, 77 Fifth Avenue. A splendid opportunity is given at this fine exhibit to examine the renowned Hardman pianos, which are favorites with both amateurs and professionals. Of massive construction, grand tone, perfect action and the faculty of "staying in tune," the Hardman pianos have onlv to be seen and heard to carry con viction of their value and desirability. The Krakaner pianos, too, have a large popularity, as have also the Kimballs; Indeed, all of these makes have their strong adherents; only those who don't know a fine instrument when they see It, could feel anything but satisfaction in looking at these superior pianos. Palace, Cbaso and Chicago cottage organs carry themselves bravely in their brincb. and are delicious examples of what may be accom plished in reed instruments. The iEolian or gan, though a "reed organ ' too. belongs to a different category, and is a class to itself as unlike anything else, it is played either by the keyboard or by moving the pedals or bellows with the feet alone. A goodly array, and one that is one of the most highly valued in the building. Dnbba' Ponrnlts. "Visitors to the Art Gallery will do well to critically examine the faces of our prominent men which are collected here. The draping of Mr. William Thawand Captain Jones' portraits tell its own sad story. The comfort of hav ing such truthful, speaking likenesses remains for consolation to friends and relatives. A BEOKtE IN GREAT TKOUBLE. Ij-nch's Grand Opening. The popular store of H. J. Lynch, 43S and 410 Market street, has just received its fall line of goods. In fact, the only thing old about this establishment is that the nsnal low prices pre vail. The stock comprises all the latest lead ing novelties in fall and winter dress coodi, embroidered robes, Gilbert cloths, Henriettas English serges, Jamestown suitings, French cashmeres, plaids and combination stuffs. There are great bargains in gurnets, black cashmeres, silks, velvets, surahs, satins and plashes. Black all wool cashmere of extra value ranges from 45c, 50c, 60c and Toe to SI per yard! On comforts, country blankets country flan nels, yarns, table damasks, napkins and sheet ings, you will find bottom prices. In ladies, gents and children's underwear, in camels' hair, Scotch wool, merino and scarlet, they have a complete stock at the lowest prices ever offered. Handkerchiefs and winter hosiery are very cheap, while new dress trimmings, braids, laces, embroideries, collars, cloves, corsets and but tons are offered at lowest prices. A visit to Lynch's store will convince anyone of the economy of bujing there. Do Ton Love Comfort? Of all the useful and comfortable. nhMn In this world Stevens' Improved adjustable chair Is one or the mo st satisfactory. A blessing in every household. Pleases everyone old or young, sick or well. For the luxury-loving or the weary, delicate person, it is a source of comfort nnattained in any other chair, lounge or bed. This wonderful chair combines all in one. Comfortable, durable and elegant. For birthday or holiday present it is eminently ap propriate. Terms and pnees moderate. Physi cians' chairs, wheel chairs and invalids' goods a specialty. Besides chairs we carry an enor mous stock of office desks. Selling cheap. , STEYEI.S CHATB CO.. X o. S Sixth st. (near Suspension bridge). Pittsburg, Pa. Wcddlns Flowers. The exhibition of floral beauties by Tohn R. & A. Mqrdock is unsurpassed- Thev have taken this opportunity to show the public the exquisite splendor ot their wedding decora tions, including window draping in superb pink roses, smilax and asparagus; a mantle of American beauties; a fireplace of roses and car nations, with the old andirons and tiled hearth; a fine large center piece of ferns and roses, with corners in -scroll work; an exquisite bridal bouquet of orchids; lilies of the valley and bride roses, tied with ribbon, with corsage and buttonhole to match. The noted artist. James DelL of their establishment, -designed these exquisite floral conceits. If Convicted na Indicted, He May Serve the Slnto for Ten Tears. SPECUX TELEQKAM TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 New Yobk, October 4. The grand jury has indicted Alfred Carr,a broker, for grand larceny in the first degree, and Detective Sergeant Von Gerichten, of the district at torney's office, is looking for him with a bench warrant for his arrest. Carr is the broker who invited his customers to see him set sail from Hoboken for Europe, June 22, and who left the affairs of his office in such a condition that within 24 hours after his departure those very same customers were clamoring for settlements on his return. He did return in September, but he landed from the steamship Wen, at Hoboken, and went to his home in Orange, N. J., said to be owned by his mother. Since then it is said he has hngged the Jersey shore of the North river, and has not ventured into the jurisdiction of New York. It was Carr's practice, it is alleged, to accept deposits for his customers to be in vested in stocks, pretending to execute them by telephone through a broker on the floor ot the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange, but no actual purchases were made. The complainants against Carr be fore the grand jury were John Austin Yates, of Scarborough, "Westchester county, who charged that Carr appropriated $4, 666 66 of his money, and Edward S. Wana maker, who lost 51,000 that he entrusted to Carr. If Carr is caught, extradited, tried and, convicted, he may be sentenced to State prison for ten years. O.M'CUNTOCK&CO.'S NEW FALL FURNITURE. The wonderful advance in ar tistic designs and the marvelous re duction in prices in a word the complete revolution which has taken place in the manufacture of Furniture in the past fifteen years, are strikingly illustrated in our new stock for fall sales. Representative selections may also be seen in our EXPOSITION DISPLAY Setting forth a triumphant combi nation of the three cardinal vir tues in Furniture: Artistic Elegance, Faithful "Workmanship, Moderate Prices. The variety of artistic and use ful pieces of Mahogany, Oak, Wal nut, Cherry, and the newer woods and finishes must command your approving taste and judgment, as sound principles of Art are hon estly expressed in them. Material and Art should both be the servant's of Use and there, fore thehigh e s t intelli gence of mod ern Furni ture making, makes useful ness the para mount consideration. Ifere you have a sample of our notions about Furniture. They are carried out all through our stock. Take three other added notions or principles: i First, Our stock must be ex clusive. Second, Our variety must be the greatest Third, Our prices must be the least N. B. Special attention is given to recovering and upholstering old parlor furniture, with a large stock of coverings in our Upholstery Department. OJcCImtock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. OC5-TTS I W& ftEW ADYERnSEMENTB. DANZIGER &SH0ENBERG. KID AND FABRIC GLOVE& Exceptional values this week. Ladies' 4-button Mousquetaire Gloves at $124. Ladies' 4-button: Kid Gloves in black, tan and brown, embroidered back, 60c Ladies' 6-hook Kid Gloves in black, tan, brown and slate at 75c. Ladies' 7-hook Kid Gloves in black, tan, brown and slate at 99c. Ladies' 7-hook Kid Gloves in black, tan, brown and slate afrjl 49. Ladies' 7-hook Pique Kid Gloves' in black, tan, brown and slate at $1 99. Ladies' 4-button Kid Gloves in black, brown, tan and slate at 99c. Ladies' 4-button 'Kid Gloves in black, brown, tan and slate at SI 49. Ladies' 4-button Kid Gloves, back over seam, latest novelty, at 81 99. Children's Kid Gloves at 50c. Children's Kid Gloves at 75c Men's Kid Gloves, two patent rclasps, at 99c. Men's Kid Gloves at $1 24. Men's Kid Gloves, back, latest style, $178. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves at 24c, 29c, 39c, 50c, in black and colored. Ladies' Woolen Mittens at 24c, 29c, 39c, 50c, in black and colored. Ladies' Silk Gloves, self-lined, 99o. Ladies' Silk Mittens, 75c Ladies' Silk Mittens, 99c Ladies' Silk Mittens, $1 24. Also a full line ot Misses', Ladies' and Children's lined Kid Gloves, and fnll line f o Workmen's Gloves. CATCHING PRICES. Have been put on our new Fall Underwear for Men, "Women and Children. A visit to these departments "will convince the most skeptical. Gent's Merino Undershirts and Drawers worth 60c, at 35c. Gents' Taney ocotcn wool starts and Drawers, wortn 51, at 75c each. Gents' All-Wool Shirts and Drawers, Scarlet, white, gray, and natural colored, 75c set, sold elsewhere for SI. Gents' Genuine Vienna and English Oxford Shirts and Drawers, in new and desirable color ings, at 83c each. Gentlemen's Lamb's Wool Shirts and Drawers at 83c each. Ladies' and Children's Underwear Ladies' Merino Vesta and Drawers, trimmed seam, at 25o and 39c each. Ladies' Camel's Hair Vests and Drawers, trimmed seam, ex tra quality, and worth 70c, at 59c each. The Thomas Knit All-Wool Ladies' Vests and Drawers, all colors (ribbed), at 69c and 73c each; other houses get SI lor these goods. Children's Knit All-Wool Vests at 25c, 31c and 39c Children's Gray Vests from 16o up. Children's Natural Wool from 19c up. Children's Scarlet Wool from 25c up. Nottingham Lace Curtains, 69c, 99c, 81 25, Jl 60, SI 99, 8225, J2 50. S2 99, 83 24, $3 99, $4 50, 85 25, per pair, 3 yds. Nottingham Lace Curtains, 4 yds long, 82 60, 83 25, $4 50, 85 50, $6 50. percair. xnsn .romt vanains, special, so Za. So 73. 88 99, $7 50, 88 96, $10 60 to 825 per pair. Nottingham Curtain Nets per yard. 9c. 12c 15c. 19c, 25c. 39c Fancy Pongee Draperies, 12c, 15c, 18c, 25c, per yard. Heavy Portiories, 81 99, 83 75, 85 00, 86 50, $9 60 per yard. BLANKETS. 104 Grey Blankets, 81. 81 25, 81 99. 104 Heavy German Blankets, 81 99. 10-4 All-Wool, 82 2i 82 49.84 99. 10-4 Scarlet. 82 75, 83 25, 84 99, 87 99! 104 White, 81 99, 82 25, 83 50, 84 6US7 99. All. Wool Crib, 81 75. 82 99, t3 25. Large Comfort ables. 99c, SI 25, 81 5a 81 99, 82 25. Satteen Comfortables, 81 99, $2 50, 83 50, 83 99, MILLINERY. (SECOND FLOOR.) The largest and most complete stock of trimmed ana untrimmed millinery in Western Pennsylvania, and a guaranteed saving of dol lars and cents to all purchasers. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. &d B. Satubtjat. October-5. & Sixth street and Penn ave. oc3 Any man who wants any kind of underwear that we do not keep well, we can get it for him if neces sary, but he will not have to look farther than .our great stock for all he can possibly want or need. A few prices to interest you: Natural wool, 50c. Brown Merino, 75c White and Scarlet Merino, $x. Silk Finish Balbriggan, $1 25. Camel's Hair, 1 25. Our Sanitary Wool, 1 50. French Ribbed Wool, $1 75 and $2. Norfolk and New Brunswick, $2 50. Fine Silk and Wool, 3. Genuine Scotch Wool, 4. The prices are on the piece Per suit, multiply by 2. Cardigan Jackets, 1 to $5. Flannel Shirts, excellent quality, $1 to $3. SPECIAL Hosiery Sales To-day. Extraordinary values in our abso lutely complete lines for men, women and children. OUR GLOVES Every idea you can have in the way of Gloves is fully carried out in one way or the other of our many excellent lines. Our prices are exactly right Al most as much care given to make them right as to make the goods right Both goods and prices are right here. Our greatest of all Cloak Depart ments all Fashionable Long Gar ments made (and made well, too) of all fashionable materials, $5 to 50. Thousands of Jackets, 3 50 to 35. Hard to think of a style not here, but the popular ones will go to the early comers. boggsITbuhl, 115,117,119.121 Federal st,,Allegheny. OC5-D "NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 4 Our store CLOSED TO-DAY until SIX JP. M., at which how we shall re-open and business will oe conducted (as usual en Satur days) until 11 o'clock. OUR STAUNCH CRAFT The Fisest Meat-Flavoring Stock LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat, USE IT FOE SOUPS, Beef Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes. Genuine only with f ac-simile of Justus von IJebig's SIGNATURE IN BLUE INK Across label. PREYCE BISMARCK, The Fcalnre of Mechanical Hall Is undoubtedly the Alidpeley wire belt runnino on both the big encines driving tbe shaftlne on both sides ot the buildinc It performed the same office at Toronto, Canada, and has cre ated a profound impression at the Paris Expo sition, representing America aprainst the world on belt and winning the race. The advantages of this belt are that it effects great reduction in the loss 01 power, that it is not affected by climate ox weather, that no tightener Is re quired, that it possesses absolute uniformity of wcigbtnd can be shifted withont loss of time to factory. At a prominent stand next to Bees' engine fullest particulars can be ob tained. t A Very Important Mniter to Fenoni Kced. Ids Spectacles. The expert opticians, Messrs. Gilch A Man nion, in charge of "The International Optical Company's" display in the west gallery, are without doubt most proficient In their line, as the thousands they nave treated will testify. Persons go away happy every day who had already given up all hope of derivfne further benefit from glasses. These skillful opticians accurately test the sight, furnishing only such 6 asses as wUI best remedy the defects in each dividual case. Consultation free. xhssu j . , Flae Machinery. ix Tb HeCoab's broom-sewing machines and' tbe Harrison coalmining machines, manufac- Au characlerU- tirjt mnnnM nt wc ununwuwiutf; vwtk are aescnoea oyjreU eric Sanburn in to-morrow's Dispatch. MnrringTO Licenses Granted Yesterday. 'ft Kesldene& J Albert J. Spurrier Pittsburg 1 Annie Kavenaugh Pittsburg "'orReK. Hartley McKeesport IJuHa May Hams McKeesport Eul f1S.nn,t Pittsburg laiinnleIoe Pittsburg ( Ancust Miller Parker's Landing 1 Annie Smeltz Penn township 5?r50?.en,teln Pittsburg Lizzie Cohen Pittsburg 5 Pafes W. Ball Pittsburg I Gertrude Thomas Pittsburg (Loul3ewman Plttsburif ( Annie bebwartz Pittsburg (JobnPawls.wskI Mansfield (Anna Wodxinska Mansfield SIAKUIED. STEWART HAYS On Thursday evening, October 3, 1889, at the residence of ber nuclei Mr. James R. Redman, at Craf ton, Dy the Rev. David Jones, Miss Hattte Redmas Hats! daughter of Mr. Milton D. Hays, to Mr. Elmer E. E. Stewaet. BEECHAM'S PILLS (THE CREAT ENCL1SH REMEDY.) CureBIL IOTTS and Nervous ILLS. 25ctS. a' Box. OH1 AIJLi DRTJGOISTS. DIED. BLAKE On Friday, October 4, 1889. at 4.30 P. M Lit.t.tas, only child of John and Mary Blake, aged 2 years and 2 months. Funeral from the parents' residence, 2834 Liberty avenue, on Sunday at 3.30 p. h. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. EDGINTON On Thursday. October S. 1889 at noon, CHARI.ES Edoistox, (member of Mnnongabela Lodge No. 27. A. A, of L &. & W.). in his 39th year. Funeral services at his late residence, comer of Cato and Juliet streets. Fourteenth ward, on Sunday, tbe 6th inst, at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. MCCLELLAND Of diphtheria, on Friday October 4, 1S89, at 605 P. H., Gussra, daughter of William and Mary McClelland, at their resi dence. 638 Penn avenue, aged 9 years 6 days. Funeral on Sunday at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 ROWBOTTOM On Friday, October 4. 1889 at 6 A. jl, WnxiAK Rowbottok, in his 61at year. Funeral from his late residence. No. 222 Washington avenue, Allegheny, on Sunday October 6, at 2 p. x. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. luincinnati papers pieaso copy. 2 WEIHHAAR On Thursday. October 3. 18S9 at 5.10 a. M.. Jacob Weishaab, aged 69 years! Fnneral from tbe residence of bis Bon in-law A. Glamser. No. 234 Ohio "street, Allegheny, on Saturday, Octobers, at 9 A.M., to proceed to St Mary's Church. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 JAMES ARCHIBALD A BRO .LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. U7hm.?eJhiTiMexme' V!" doSrsbelow Bmlthfleld st, next door to Central Hotel. Carriagesforfuneralg,J3. Carriages for operas. parties, ftc-at the lowest rates. All new carl riages. Telephone communication. myl-ll-Tra BARGAINS -IN- LADIES' -AND- -pEPRESENTEli IN PITTSBURG IN ISO. Assets - . J9J07L69838. Insurance Co. of Worth America. iSS5f .yMted and PaM r WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. . ja'.y n?, rt GENTLEMEFS UNDERWEA TO CLOSE OUT. We have several broken lines of Ladies Underwear, on which we have marked the prices low enough to make them interesting for any one that desires winter garments. They are all perfect goods, and we reduce, them because room is more important to u than odds and ends. Our first number is a Ladies' Scarlet Merino Vest, one-third cotton, and H. N. L. S. reduced from 85c to 65c each. Ladies' All-wool Ribbed Vests, white and colors, reduced from $1 to 60c. Another lot, same quality as above, with H. N. L. S. reduced from ?1 CO to 51, white and colors. Ladies' Camels' Hair Vests and Drawers, all-wool, reduced from $1 25 to 51. Ladies' Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, all-wool, reduced from 51 75 to $1 25 each. One lot Boys' Gray Natural "Wool Col ored Merino Shirts,Drawers and Pantalettes, at 25c for all sizes in stock. "We have on the Gents' Counter several lots "Winter Underwear, marked down low. One lot White Merino Shirts and Draw ers, 1, reduced from $2. One lot Gray-Mixed Merino Shirts and Drawers, $1, reduced from $2. One lot White All-wool Shirts and Draw ers, 1, reduced from 1 50. One lot White All-wool Shirts and Draw ers, 1 50, reduced from 92. One lot London Tan Merino Shirts and Drawers, 75c, reduced from 5L One lot Striped Merino Shirts and Draw ers, $1 50, rednced from 2. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FULL LINE Gentlemen's Underwear. Gentlemen's Collars and Cuffs. Gentlemen's Suspenders. Gentlemen's Jewelry. Gentlemen's Neckwear. Gentlemen's Gloves. Gentlemen's TJnlaundried Shirts,50e each. Gents' TJnlaundried Shirts, 75e each or 3 for 2. The Celebrated Star Shirt (laundried), ?1, 1 50 and 82. Gentlemen's Norfolk and New Bruns wick Hose, 25c. Gentlemen's Cashmere Hose, 25c each. Gents' Cashmere Hose, 35c a pair, or 3 pair for $1. Gentlemen's Camel's Hair Hose, 25c each. Gents' Camel's Hair Hose, 35c a pair or 3 pair for ?1. ' GRATEFUL COM ORTINU. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition,and and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps hasproridedour breakfast tables with a deli cately flavored beverage which may savo ua many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbytho judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a uroD- erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazeh Made simply with boilingwaterormilk. Sold only In half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps&Co. rfomffifflcSJ: noz n-uvrus 5 ( Vl ' ' -Stak SWIFTLY OYER THE SEA K GLIDES POPULAR :-' PATRON AGrE While the sea of commercial life is strewn with the wrecks of those who, underestimating popular intelligence, thought to make the haven of success by delusive advertising. The sea of public patronage is a florid one for those who know how to take the current when it serves, while it is a mighty rough one for those who set out on it either in a poor craft or try to sail againsfthe wind. THE MAN WHO AIMS AT THE SUN While he will not hit it, is sure to fire higher than one who aims at some thing beneath it Many years ago when the elderly men of to-day were in early manhood, when happy parents of to-day were children we laid the foundation of our present enormous business and we started in with a high aim. We aimed at nothing less than to be the leadinsr clothiers of ' - JlTc itr ayA tit Vi9vt ie wm nlX Vnnm ...- v "" v "" .., eta jvi otx n.uunj am.- ceeded. To-day, thereforcwe stand ore- . 1, eminent in our line of business, this "fev?. too in the face of severe compe- " ' v "'-, ::: tition. ::: Fleishman & Co., McMN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation of the Drug bywhichits in Jurious effects are removed, wbUe the valuable medicinal properties are retained. I possesses all the sedative, anodyne, and antispasmodic powers of Opium, but produces no sickness of thestomacb.no vomiting, no costive ness, no headache. In acute nervous disorder sit is an invaluable remedy, and is recommended by the best physicians. E, FERRETT, Agent, 372 Pearl St, New York. mh30-27-3 For the Very Finest Clothing EQUAL IN EVERY RESPECT TO CUSTOM WORK, YOU MUST SEE OUR MAGNIFICENT AND ELEGANT STOCK DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Admlimlarlnq Dr. Hainet' Uolden Specific. lately harmless, and will effect s nernnn.M.nrt eedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate PITTSBUBGr, PA. ocSd It cm be given in a cup or coffee or tea wltbont the knowledge of the person taking it; 1 abso- SDe arinier or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Uolden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit drinking from their own free will. IT .NT5VER JTAIliS. The system once Impregnated with fee hpeciflc. It becomes an utter Impossibility for tbe . nankin. 1 ,00.. lied by -OS-ITS oEnsriisrcs- week. Don't Fail to See Superb Collection in Every Department ' J. O. GEOGAN, Je-weler aro-cL S-i i vorRTn -i -t-.n-i EVERYTHING that you can expect to find in a .first-class house EVERYTHING is to be found here. The best in every line .that can be offered for the price, is what we give every buyer. It is what we demand as buyers; it is what we offer and engage to give as sellers. When some one can produce something better than the best, or some thing in quality that is higher than the highest, or in price that is lower than the lowest then we will be content to take a back seat But as nothing can be more than the most, or bigger than the biggest, we expect to wear our honors as chiefs of bargain givers as long as we d6 business. FOR FIT, FEHSH AND FASHION -OUB- 443 MABKET ST., PITTSBURG, PA. OC3-21 CAUTION W. L. Douglas' name and tne price are stamped on the bottom ot al Shoes advertised bT him beforn leavfnn hfa fnntnrv. thfa nrittfct. tha wearers against high prices and inferior goods. Take none unless so stamped, nor be deceived by others claimed to be as Rood, on which dealers maKo more profit, but send direct to factory, and receive by return mail what you want. State kind, button, congress or lace, wide or narrow toe, size and width usually worn, and inclose price with order. Prompt delivery and satisfac tion guaranteed. Address, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockion, Mass. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. OCi-D WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OP PITTSBURG. Assets 8,60187 NO. U WOOD 8TBEET. ALEXANDER NIM1CK. President JUtJLW a. JAUKBUJN. Vice Pre(i1m w jh. r , juuuMutx. secretary. ieSB-ae-zTs W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOB GENTLEMEN. over all other S3 shoes Our claims for this sho advertised are: It coniaina boiler material. It is more stylish, better filling and durable. It gives better general satisfaction. Itsaresmore money for the consumer. lis great success is duo to merit. It cannot be duplicated by any other minnfao. turer. It It the best in the world, and hat a larger de mand than any other $3 shoe advertised. CR nfin wi" b0 Pa,d t0 any person who will VUUUU prove tbe above statements tobe untrue. Tbe following line or shoes will be found to be of tbe same hieh standard of excellence. $5 00 GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE. $4 00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. . S3 SO POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. 2 50 EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. $2 25 WORKINGMAN'S SHOE. 2 00 GOOD.WEAR SHOE. S2 00 and $1 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. AU made in Congress, Button and Lace. FOR LADIES. Bothljadies' ShoesaremadAin RfzASfromlto7. inrlnHtnflpiinif iTn nnHn n n u ...itic widths. -" - STYLES OF LADIES' SHOES. a. J'.Th9rilei,.0!pe", '7.h,e 8Pn,Jh Ar.c.h pera,"Th Amerlein Common-Senie," "The Medium Cjmmon.Sense." All made In Button In the Latest Styles. Also, French Opera In Front Lace, on $3 Shoe only. SPECIAL Jl!HV..tiO.yGLA.S83GBA!N,SH.OE.(,"df0'- Gentlemen, with heavy tap sole drfcUinu and .trictly waterproof, It just out W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Matt. FOB SALE BIT n..T. m Gih7J.. t i ; tiriSrv; 0"0". j. xi.r roaring, oro rum avenue, u. aSS f ?!: aJ??e. X. O. Sperber. IMS Carson street. la AUesheny Clty.bv Henrv Rosser. oeuiaBwBauujcu.xioiiafM,riebecca street, HM-as-Tra A W. L DOUGLAS $3 AND $2 SHOES MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS, LIENS, BOYS and CHILDREN'S SUITS, MEN'S, BOYS' and' CHILDREN'S PANTS Beat the World, and we Lead the Land in Low Prices. All the latest and most modern styles are included in our mammoth stock and we show the very newest patterns of the season in all our goods. We recognize no competition with other ready-made 'Clothing houses, knowing as we do that we alone of all the clothing merchant of this city offer Ready-made Clothing fit to compare with Merchant Tailor goods. Our patrons pay only for the goods they actually get the money they spend does not, as is of necessity the case with mer- chant tailors, help to pay for clothing worn by fashionable people who have the bad habit of neglecting to pay their tailor bills. If you desire to get the BEST Clothing in every way and yet pay but from one-third to one-half you'd pay your tailor, "Shake" your tailor and come and see us. WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU IN EVERY WAY. WE HAVE SAID, 80 MUCH ABOUT CLOTHING f That very little space is left us wherein to speak of our GRAND and EXTENSIVE STOCKS -or- Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods and Footwear. We offer the best that money can buy. If we couldn't,, offer you more for your money than any other concern in the country, we wouldn't waste time in inviting you to come and see us. You know what we have done in the past, so now let us tell you that we have goods plain enough and rich enough to suit the tastes and wants of every buyer in Pittsburg and surrounding section. A large and elegant Dinner Bucket given away free, this week with every purchase to the amount of $$ or upward in our Men's Clothing department )-( GUSKY'S GRAND BARGAIN STORE, tr 400-iMel M M 'mi .s m f .-