.' mm t 13 S V mm GROWTH OF CHARITY. 'Kolable Absence pf Creed Barriers at Capt. Jones' Funeral. CATHOLIC AHD METHODIST UHITB. Ifext Week's IT. E. Conference at mory Church in the East End. HAXI CUURCII INTERESTS ARE KOTED The fact that Father Hickey participated in the obsequies of Captain Jones in connec tion with two Methodist ministers, is one of the signs of the times. A generation ago such an act on the part of a Catholic priest wonld hare stirred the ecclesiastical world to its profonndest depths. Now it scarcely causes a ripple. Captain, Jonei belonged to so religious sect, but popular sentiment, which in this instance was correct, recog nized in him a man of large heart, and one who fulfilled the end of the commandments, which is charity. If the eternal destiny of men hinges on their iulfilment or non-fulfilment of this command, Jesus of Nazareth plainly taught in his picture of the last judgment the departed. whose remains were laid away on Thursday, In 1 the presence of weeping multitudes, many of whom had received from his hand substantial tokens of his practical kindliness has entered upon his reward. It is a significant fact that ail religious sects are coming to recognize the truth which the Galli lean prophet lived and died for nearly IV centu ries ago, namely, the great law of kindness as between man and man. We are brothers still, though divided by these thin denominational walls, and, when a noble spirit is smitten down and a great sorrow comes to a community, we forget, and it is well that we should, the little, petty differences and dogmas that divide heart from heart and make man unmerciful to bis brother. In all the re ligious sects are to be found those who are true to the teaching and spirit of the Nazarene; and outside of all. Is there not a good time coming when the great essentials of the Christian religion will furnish a platform on which all may stand whj accept that religion? Tho fact that a repre sentative of Home and a follower of Wesley can lnlnqlo tbeit tears in the services at the grave of a philanthropist, whose only creed was chanty for needy, suffering Drother men.is . an omen of that good time coming, for which the Nazariue prayed: "That they all mav be one; as thou. Father, art in me and I in Thee, that they may be one In us, that the world may believe that tbou hast sent me." In Tennyson's "Locksley Hall" is the signifi cant idea that, Through the ages, one Increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widened- by the process of the suns. Of the truth of this we bad an illustration at the grave of Captain Jones. At Emory Methodist Episcopal Church, East End, there will gather next week, ministers and laymen from all the churches of tho Pitts burg conference. Bishop Foss will preside and will open the proceedings by the administra tion of the ordinance of communion on "Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, after which' the various committees will be appointed. Wednesday evening the anniversary of the Conference Historical Society will be held to be addressed by William Lynch. Thursday afternoon, anniversary of the Woman's For eign Missionary Society; evening, anniversary of the Missionary Society, address by Secretary Feck. Friday afternoon, anniversary of the Woman's Home Missionary Society; evening, anniversary of the Church Extension Society, address by A. J. Kynett. Saturday afternoon, memorial services for deceased members of the conference; evening, missionary sermon by E. J. Knox. Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, love feast led by II. L. Chapman; 10:30, Bishop Foss will preach, after which deacons will be or dained. At 230 R. C. Kelton will preach, fol lowed by ordination of elders by Bishop Foss. The pulpits of the various denominations will be supplied on Sunday, the 13th. by members of the conference. Bishop Foss, with tho presiding elders of the conference. Will meet as a cabinet to locate the ministers for the following year, which appoint ments will be announced on Monday, the last thing before adjournment. While waiting for the Bishop's arrival to make known to them where they will find a field of labor for the year the ministers may sing: I know not what awaits me; Uod kindly veils mine eyes. And o'er each step of my onward way He makes new scenes to rise; And every Jot He sends me Comes a sn eel and glad surprise: Where'er He leads I'll rollow; Sly trust In Him repose. And every hour tn perfect peace I'll sing He knows, He knows. Bo on 1 go, not knowing; 1 onld not if 1 might; I'd rather walk in the dark with God Than go alone In the light: I'd rather walk by faith with Him Than go alone by sUht . Church Notes. Bethel Chtftch Sunday School, Allegheny, has a roll of 400. The work of revising the German Bible is advancing rapidly. The new M. E. church at Sheridan will he dedicated to-morrow. A hew United Presbyterian Church has been organized at Oakdale. A sew Presbyterian Church was organized last evening at Jeannette. Woosteb Presbytery, Ohio, has 21 churches without pastors, out of 40. Scottdale TJ. P. Church has called Rev. J. D. Palmer from Cambridge, O. Eight new members were received in the D. P. Church, Charters, on Sunday last. Stoneboko Presbyterian Church calls Rev. J. P. Stockton. He will be Installed at once. Bradford Presbyterian Church has ac cepted the resignation of Rev. Edward Bryan. Chestnut Street (Erie) Presbyterian Church has called tho Rev. G. V. llelchel, A. M as pastor. Johss Hopkins TJxrvEKsrrT 1b! to have a 820.000 Young Men's Christian Association building. Rev. r. G. Moore has been released from the pastorate of Conneautville and Harmons bnrg churches. The one hundred and seventy-fifth anniver sary of Cold Spring Presbyterian Church was held September 26. Oke of Archdeacon Farrar's daughters has been preach'ine to large audiences in a barn In the South of England. Beater Valley Presbytery holds a Sabbath-school convention at Mountville, beginning Wednesday next at 7 P. M. Leetsdale Presbyterians gave a delightful reception on Tuesday last to their former pastor. Rev. R. S. Van Cleve. Ascension Cmmcn, East End. ladles will cive a "tea" this afternoon at the house of Mrs. Kelson Clark, Firth avenue. Key. Jaues M. Noubse becomes pastor of tho Presbyterian Church of TJhrichsville, O. He was recently in Alexandria, Va. The First Congregational Church, Allegheny, Rev. J. M. Hills pastor, is making preparations to celebrate Its thirtieth anniversary. At the Baptist ministers' conference on Mon day next sketches of sermons wiU be given by Revs. J. Lafayette and D. H. Richards. Rev. J. T. Gibson entered upon his duties as office Secretary and Treasurer of the Pres byterian Board of Freedmen October L Today at the noonday meeting in the rooms of the Y. M. C A. Rev. W. J. Reid, D.D., will resume the teaching of the Sabbath school lessons. Oil Or? First Church (Presbyterian) Is without a pastor. Presbytery having dissolved the relations of Rev. J. M. McGonigle with that church. East Libertt Presbyterian Church has elected four new elders, making the number now 11 Point Breeze Church also elected two additional. Blairsyixxe people during the past week have been pleased to greet their former pastor, Rev. D. W. Collins, D. D. He preached there last Sabbath. The parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal church at Franklin has been extensively re paired. Three acres have been added to the cburcb and cemetery grounds. THE'Woman's Missionary Society of Monon gabela Presbytery, meets at McDonald, Tues day next at 10 A. n.: that of Allegheny Presby tery at the same hour at Etna, Rev. A. McCltjbb, assistant to Rev. George Hodges, thinking it was not good even for min isters to dwell alone, has taken to himself a companion, for better, for worse. Geoeqe H. Hill was ordained and inn stalled pastor of the Beech woods Presbyterian church, his father, Rev. G. Hill, D. D., of Blairsville, preaching the Bermon. Etsoo of Pennsylvania will meet in the Second Presbyterian Church, Altoona, October 17. at 7a) P. M. Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D. D., IXk D., will preach the opening sermon. The twenty-fifth annual convention of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Associa tion will be held in the Second Presbyterian Cburcb, Wllliamsport, October 8, 9 and 10. The annual sermon before th Woman's National Indian Association will be preached bv Rev. E. P. Cowan to-morrow evening at 730 in tho Third Presbyterian Church, Sixth avenue. Seventh U. P. Crotch, Plttsbnrg, will resume the use of its audience room to-morrow. Rer. R. S. Frazier will preach morning and evening. It has been ref rescued, repainted and grained. Pastors and church officers are requested to send items of interest (except regu lar announcements, which are not printed) not later than Thursday evening, addressed to "Church Notes." Providence Church, the pastorate of which has just been given np by Bet- W. M. Robinson, started about 20 years ago as a Sun day school over a lager beer saloon. It is now a large and flourishing church. Quarterlt meeting of the Woman's For eign Missionary Society was held last Thurs day, and was largely attended. Mrs. J. P. E. Kumler presided. A memorial service was held in honor of the late Mrs. Comingo. At tbe fall meeting of Woman's Foreign Missionary Society in connection with Wash ington Presbytery, Miss Davis, of this city, who has been in Japan as a missionary, gave a very Interesting account of her work and tbe people. Rev. T. E. Cummings and wife are to be sent out by the Third II. P. Church, Key. E. E. Fife and wife go from the Second Church, Rev. W. M. Nichols and wife are sent Dy tbe First Church. These all go to Egypt as mis sionaries. Rev. J. T. McCrort, pastor of the Third TJ. P. Church, has recently sent out a "pastoral letter" to each member of bis congregation, in which be incites them to more regular at tendance at the services, and to more earnest, active work. Rev. P. De Veuve, d. D who was killed in, the railroad accident at Palatine bridge. New York, was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Dayton, 0 and was very much beloved by his people, who sincerely mourn their sudden loss. About 60 members of the congregation of the Seventh Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg, have seceded, and been organized into a United Presbyterian Church by tbe Monongahela Presbytery. The trouble arose from the way a former pastor bad been treated. The Woman's Association, connected with the TJ. P. Church, held a meeting In Fifth Church, Allegheny, on Wednesday. The estab lishment of a new borne for aged people was tbe principal matter before them. Fifty chil dren are now inmates of tbe home. Christ Church, Greensburg (Episcopal), laid the cornerstone for a new church on Fri day. It is to be of stone, and will cost about $12,000. Bt. Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead was assisted in the ceremony by Revs, P. Mesny, C A. Bragdon, J. Taylor and Dr. Irvine. Harvest Home festival will be observed at St. John's Episcopal Church, corner Main and Butler streets, to-morrow. The church will be appropriately decorated. Special music will be rendered, including a duet by Mrs. Dr. Fricke and Mr. Joseph Wrigley, and offertory solo by Mrs. Dr. Fricke. Mrs. Frances L. Swift, of Allegheny, widow of the late Rev. E. E. Swift, D.D., will leave for Berlin, Germany, on the 17th Inst She will there superintend tbe education of several American young ladies, among them her own daughter. She will be very much missed in the V. C. T. O". A Susday School Workers' Convention will be held to-morrow, which will be addressed by William Reynolds, of Peoria, andB. F. Jabobs, of Chicago, III. The afternoon session will meet In north Avenue M. E. Church, Alle gheny; that of the evening in tbe Second U. P. Church, Sixth avenue, Pittsburg. A boston pastor has prepared this excellent prescription: UNION CHURCH UISPENSAKY, 4S5 Columbus avenue. Kl portion hospitality (pure). 2 portions cordiality (warm). 3 portions conversation (unstrained). BnAKE well. Repeat the dose once every week. The Presbyterian Ministerial Association win hold a "Quiz" exercise on Monday morn ing. This being the first of these exercises, a good deal of interest is being attached to it. Lev. L N. Hays, D. D., has civen seven ques tions to be answ ered by different ministers in five-minute talks. All who are interested are invited to attend. The meeting is field in the Fourth Presbyterian Church parlors at 10:45. LATE SEWS IN BRIEF. Maurice Adler, who was shot by Frank Ward about fonr mouths ago, in Washington, died Thursday night. The Chicago prand inrvvpRtprHavrptnmpil indictments against James E. Moore and Will iam Wright for selling lottery tickets. Tbe Warebam, Mass., high school build ing was entirely destroyed by fire yesterday morning. Most of tbe contents were saved. A collision occurred yesterday between a passenger and a freight train at La&switz, in Posen, Germany. Four railway officials, who wero on tbe passenger train, were killed, and many of the passengers were injured. Five cars of a west-bound passenger train were ditched near Cheyenne, Wyo., by the spreading of rails. Six persons were injured. Four ladies were seriously bruised, a porter's skull was crushed and the conductor baa a leg crushed. , James 8oward, supposed to he from VIM isica, Iowa, was killed, and an engineer named Dillard and a Pullman car conductor named Putz, seriously injured! by the collision of two freight trains on tbe Union Pacific Railroad near Rosco station, in the Western part ot Ne braska. Two failures In Boston were reported yes terdav. W. F. Johnston fc Co., wholesale deal ers in teas and coffee, assigned. It is said that an offer to settle with creditors at 40 cents on tbe dollar has been made. B. Bernardson, manufacturer of leather, also assigned. Liabilities about $16,000. Two well known gamblers, Joseph M. Mar cus and Napoleon White, committed suicide in New Orleans Thursday, the first named by shoo tin? himself, and White by poisoning. Despondency, brought about by the closing of their gambling houses by the authorities, led them to self-destruction. Three children named Walton obtained ac cess to the powder house of the Gypsum mine at Cayuga, Oat., Thursday afternoon, and one of them lighted a match and Ignited a quantity of powder. One of the children was literally blown to pieces, and the others were so badly injured that they cannot recover. Captain Russell and First Lieutenant Hoh ett of the wrecked British war ship Lily, have been reprimanded and dismissed from the ser vice bv the naval court martial convened at Halifax for the purpose of investigating the disaster. The court has been In session several days, and concluded the Inquiry last night, A canard set afloat several days ago in jest caused a run upon the Dime Savincs Bank, of Peoria, 111., and thousands upon thousands of dollars were withdrawn. All deposits were promptly paid out on demand, and so great was the wish of the officials to do what was right that they kept their doors open till 11 p. m., to give all who wished a chance to withdraw. Tbe Canadian Government will not appoint customs officers along tbe International frontier in the Morthwest, being satisfied that the mounted police can control tbe frontier suffi ciently. The principal articles smuggled are whisky aud cattle. The Government is also satisfied t-iat polygamy is not practiced by the Mormons settled at McLeod, Northwest Terri tory. A boiler explosion occurred at the Indian Creek saw mill and lumber works, near Charles ton, W. Va. A number of men were standing near by. Tom Leach and his son, Dick, a young man. were blown to pieces. Three others were seriously injured. Charles Anderson had an arm torn off. The names of the injured are not known. Tbe cause of tbe explosion is a mys tery, as the boiler had been lately tested, and It was in good repair. ' The figures "3-7-77," tho warning of vigi lantes to bard cases, were chalked on street corners ana printed in tne papers or Helena, Mont., Thursday. This call lor a return to the methods of early days was occasioned by the discovery of fonr fires in as many houses the night bef6re, in the heart of tbe business sec tion. All tbe fires were put out before serious damage was done, and in each case it was found that raps had been saturated with oil and Bred. The city is patrolled by special po lice. Miss Waterman, a teacher at Mount Pleas ant, Providence, R. L, is charged with brutally beating Joseph Luby, a 10-year-old boy, with a. rattan, and throwing him violently to the floor. She Is also accused of walking on his prostrate form and striking him with a ruler, which cut bis flesh and left black and blue marks on his body and face. School Committeeman West, who has looked carefully into the matter, says that Miss Waterman will be made an example of. Miss Waterman says tbat Luby's parents gave her permission to punish Joseph. ,. The managing politicians of the Demo cratic party in Indiana are afraid that tbe fight between Voorhees aud Gray will be car ried into the State campaign. At a meeting of the Executive Committee, to prepare for tbe contest, it was decided tbat it 'was ot the high est importance that tbe rival leaders should bo commanded to avoid anything like -a conflict until after tbe member of tbe Legislature are elected. How it can be prevented, however, is not sipaient,as both Voorneet and Gray are' already hard at work endeavoring to secure the nomination of candidates of their choice. At Chicago, Thursday, Mrs.-Mary O'Brien, 60 years of age, was robbed uf 53,000 that rep resented her savings for years. Mrs. O'Brien came f rom AValtham, Mass., Wednesday after noon, on her way to her son's home at Elgin, and went to a cheap hotel near tbe depot, where she was given a room. The odor of coal gas was noticed coming from tbe room, the door was broken m, and the gray-baifed occupant was found lying on the floor unconscious. Assistance was given with such vigor that, when Mrs. O'Brien returned to consciousness, her money had disappeared. An employe of the house has been arrested. J. Lowry E. Bell.the general superintendent of the railway mail service, has consummated an arrangement with the New YortCentral and the Lake Shore Railroad Companies by which a fast mall train from New York to Chi cago will be established next Sunday.' This train will leave New York City at 8a0 in the morning and reach Chicago at 9:30 o'clock tho next morning. This train will reduce the time of the arrivaTbf tbe moraine null in Chicago over four hours, and will carry a full force of railway postal clerks who will take mails along the entire route. It is proposed to make tbe separation on the postal cars so complete that the letters will be in readiness for delivery im mediately after the train reacnes tnicaga News from Pike county, Kv., is to tho ef fect that the old Hatfleld-McCoyfeud has broken out again, and at least three more lives have been sacrificed In the bloody vendetta which has now lasted' over seven years. The shooting occurred at a marriage at tho farm house of Peter McCoy. His daughter was to become the wife of John Hand, a relative of the Hatfield gang, and members of both fac tions had sworn to prevent tbe union. Hand bad never been connected with the disputes of the factions, and refused to recognize the leaders. Tuesday night the bridal party as sembled in McCoy's house, and just as young Hand and Miss McCoy stood before tbe min ister a volley was poured through a window, which killed both ot tbem and fatally wounded the minister. Reports say tbat the farmers and mountaineers are looking for tbe murder ers, hut no trace of them has neen tonnd. A bill in equity was filed yesterday in the United States Circuit Court at Sbreveport, La., by Neil and McDonald, of New York, against tbe Sbreveport and Houston Railroad Com pany, in which it is alleged by complainant, who Is tbe owner of ST8.00O worth of Certificates issued by Simon Levy, Esq., of Sbreveport, former receiver of the Sbreveport and Hous ton Railroad, that as the defendant company is insolvent, and brfs defaulted on the interest on its mortgage bonds, it is asked that the road be placed in the hands of a receiver, and that it, together with all its rights and franchises, be sold to pay amount ot complainant's indebted ness. Tbe question of appointing a receiver will be beard before Judge Boardman, of the United States' Court, at Monroe, La., on Mon day, October 7. Tbe Mormon ciders have been driven out of Wilson county, Tenn., bv the White Caps. The elders disappeared some time ago, when the agitation was hot against them, but a few days ago returned, believing tbe storm to bavo blown over. However, the people who warned them proposed to make the threats good. For ty men, masked and robed in white, Thursday night visited the houses ot William Barrett, Thomas Smith and Lee Barrett, where the el ders bavo been secluded, but someone bad given them warniug and not an elder was to be found. These men were cautioned against al lowing the elders to ever darken their doors again. The elders left the county Thursday. A number of converts have declared they are done with Mormonism. The experience of a woman of tbe neighborhood, now in Bowles, Ky.. has bad a beneficial effect. She went to Utah as a convert, but is back In her old home warning others. GEAYE OBJECTIONS. Coraopolltnna Do Net Like to Drink Water That Percolates Through a Cemetery A Hitch Possible. There seems to be a kick of considerable dimensions developing in Coraopolis against the location chosen by the. Cemetery Com pany, not so much on sanitary as on gorge rising grounds. A part of the ground chosen is the old Methodist Chnrch grave yard. So long as less than half a dozen bodies a year were interred in it no fanlt was found, but with a regularly incorporated company operating it, it is expected that in terments will increase to an extent sufficient to pollute the soil to 'be extent of contamin ating all tbe springs and wells in a mile or so square of the borough limits. Mr. John Arras, one of the objectors, stated that if an examination were made and the rock found to dip toward the south, much of the opposition wonld cease, but this seems not to have been ascertained. Were water works to be built the ob jectors, or some of them at least, might be easily pacified, but as at present the borough contains some five square miles bf territory in which houses are thinly scat tered, it is argned that it may not be many years until the place is built sufficiently thickly to justify the laying of pipe neces sary to supply a territory so extensive. Whether the kick will develop into or ganized opposition remains to be seen, but the opponents of cremation ought at least to favor tbe location of cemeteries on Ion ground so that the dead may not be a men ace to the living. j2 f r fe a (K ;3 Less House-Cleaning, More Health JLess Annoyance More Comfort Such is the experience of women who use Pearline for house-cleaning, and the degree of health and com fort is largely due to the way they use it. Directions for saving labor on every package. Delicate women can clean house by its aid ; children will be a help, and husbands will never know the work is going on out of the way, and they will be ignorant of it. It is bosh to say that Pearline hurts the clothing, the painty or the hands. Numbers of people clean their teeth with it ; many babes have been washed with it from their birth ; the most delicate of laces and linens have been subjected to the severest of tests, Everything washable, and everybody who must do this work, is benefitted by reason of the use of Pyle's Pearline. It's the modern soap. You'll know it and use it sooner or later. Ydur grocer keeps the goods. Beware ! and besides are dangerous. Soapona ' HANDS UNINJURED. CLOTHES PURE AND SWEET. ' DISHES WASHED CLEAN. THE GREAT WASHING POWDER. BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP ?- ap aaiiB s-jr NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ijjp'fflQ! Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE ANO NUTRITIOUS JUICE OF THE FIG8 OP CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative' to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a. weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS; LIVER AND BOWELS, It is themost excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR "STU.'CnE3 OF 3EXGrj9 MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, fl. i. Jy9-77-TT8 GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO. Are making a Handsome Display of looker's Dutch Cocoa -AT THS- EXPOSITION and request all their friends and patrons to visit tbeir exhibit and try a sample cup FKEE! " . ' This Cocoa is imported by us direct from J. & C. Blooker, manufacturers in Amster dam, Holland, and it is tbe finest quality of Cocoa in the world, being made exclu sively out of the ripest Cocoa beans, from which all the INDIGESTIBLE fats have been removed? myfl-SO-ws AKEC IS THE STRONGEST HORSE BLANKET For sale by all dealem Kane genuine without hone stamped inside. Mudebj'WM.ATEis ASosa, thilsda, who m&lce the strong &A. Horse Blankets, ee4-45-ws JAS. MNEIL & BRO., BOILERS, PLATE 'AND SHEET-IRON WORK. SHEET IRON ANNEALING PATENT BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work In our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val ley Railroad. leo-55-TTS HOUSIJMHu Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are offering imitations which they claim to be Pearline, or " the same as Pearline." IT'S FALSE they are not, 164 JAMES PYLE, New York. se28-66 t-.t. gheiocebxub. OFFIC1AL-PITTSBDKG. TTIEWERB' BEPORX- On the construction of a public sewer on Carey alley, from end of present sener near east line of South Twenty-ninth street, for a distance of 50 feet westwardlv. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of PlttsbW: The undersigned Viewers of Street-Improvements in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by tbe Court of Ctommon Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on tbe 25th day ot March. A. D. 1889, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the'eost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Carey alley, from end of present sewer near east line of Booth Twenty ninth street, for a distance of 460 feet west wardiy, in said city, upon tbe property bene fited thereby under tbe provisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Connciln nt rlttps of the second class to provide for the lmprove- uivuia ui sireeis. iaucs, tuiejD auu puuiic mgn- ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a board of viewers of street improvements, pre scribing tbelr duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, provldine for the assess ment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the nse of private nropcrty and providing for filinz liens and regulating pro ceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils." approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1SS7; re spectfully report: Tbat, having been first dnly sword and quali fied according to law, they proceeded In the manner and according to the directions of said act to discbarge the duties ot their appoint ments; that, having viewed the premise?, they made an assessment of said costs and expense upon tbe property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act,and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the timo and place of meeting; they met on the 18th day of September, A. D. 1889, at the office of tbe Board Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, beard all complaints and evi dence offered, and having made all modifica tions and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of constructing said sewer upon the following property, upon each for the amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, state ment of cost 228 lineal feet 12-inch pipe, sewer. 60c. J 223 74 224 lineal feet 15-inch pipe, sewer.ll 15. 267 6C 1 square drop, $00 60 00 1 alley drop, J15. 45 00 2manholes, $26 62 00 4,400 pounds castings, Jl 68 (to Fisher F.4M, Co.) 73 83 Superintending, engineering, advertis ing 90 00 Printing ordinance and notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 22 00 Making plans and serving notices..... 10 00 Viewers' time 42 00 5 910 26 ASSESSED Carey allev, north side, from Booth Twenty ninth to 450 feet westwardlv R. O'Byrne (28). 34 feet I 29 69 A. Pfefl (15), 25.60 feet 15 91 A. Pfeil, 20 feet. 21 21 C. F. Eenner, 20 feet 21 21 Jones t Laughlin, 60 feet 63 63 Sophia Reibhng,20 feet 21 21 Hartman Coleman, 40 feet 42 42 Cath. Coleman, 20 feet 21 21 Patrick Holmes, 20 feet 21 21 Mary McFarland (39), 20 feet 41 36 Jones A Laughlin. 20 feet .1.. 21 21 J. B. Davis (44). 64 feet 46 66 Cath. Morian, 48 feet B9 90 Fred Benz. M feet 25 45 South side George Geyer (42). 219 feet 44 64 Arthur Wallace. 20 feet 21 21 F. W. Gutton, 20 feet 21 21 M. McNamara, 20 feet 2121 M. Heitz,20 feet 2121 A.Stolts.20 feet 2121 Jones & Laaghlin. 20 feet 2121 Josephine Parrish. 20 feet 21 21 Hugh Kennedy, 20 feet 21 21 Wm. Earley, Jr. (15), 20 feet 15 U Jones & Langhlln, 117.91 feet 134 08 St. Peter's Catholic Church (112), 2S4 feet llg 77 916 28 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN. DANIEL WENKE. .1 Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY. JR., Pittsburo, September IS, 1889. 0C4-79 TTIEWER3' REPORT- On tbe grading and paving of Dresden alley, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street. To the Select aud Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: Tbe undersigned viewers of street improve ments In the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county and authorized by an ordinance passed on the zotn aay ot March, A. 1. 1SS9, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of tbe cost and expense of grading, pav ing and curbing, of Dresden alley, from Fifty second street to McCandless street, in said city npon the property benefited thereby under tbe provisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to pro vide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and side walks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing tbelr duties, grant ing appeals to Councils and Court, providing lor the assessment aud collection of damages and benefits, authorizing tbe use of private property and providing for filing liens and regulatlngproceedlngs thereon, and prohibiting the use of pnblic streets, without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June A. D., 1887; respectfully report: That, haviner been first dnlv sworn and 'qualified according to law, they proceeded in tne manner ana accoruiag io me directions of said act, to discharge tbe duties of their appointments; that having viewed the premises, tbey made an assessment of said cost hnd expense upon the property benefited. and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of tbe time and place of meeting, they met on tbe 26th day of September. A.D. 18S9, at the office of the Board of Viewers. In the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assesed the cost and expense of said grading, paving and curbing upon tbe following property, upon each for the amount set opposite the name of tho owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, statement of cost. 878 cubic yards grading, 0 08 $ 70 24 1,061 square yards paving, SI 35 L432 35 122 square feet crossings, 81 20 146 40 Engineering, advertising, etc., 80 CO 40 00 22 00 10 00 Printing ordinance and notices. Printing viewers'report Making plan and service notices.. Viewers' time 42 00 S 1,842 99 ASSESSED. Dresden alley, north side, from Fifty second street to McCandless. Mary A. Lanahan.14.66 f eet. 828 43 J. McCarthy, 20 feet 40 69 Patrick McCabe. 40 feet 81 19 Samuel Meik. 20 feet 40 49 Patrick McCabe. 140 feet 284 18 Thomas Wild, 20 feet 40 69 P. C. Byrne and P. A. McCabe, 60 feet 121 70 George Metz. 20 feet 40 69 L. McConnell. 20 feet 40 69 P. Btreetor, 40 feet 81 10 C. C. Arensbunr, 41.19 feet 83 24 Patrick McCabe, 20 feet 40 59 South side McCandless M. E. Church, 68.65 feet. . 178 64 James Crltcblaw, 20 feet 0 69 Ausnst Flumhe, 20 f eet 40 59 E. M. Conway, 20 feet 40 69 R. W. Anderson. 20 feet 40 59 John Graitzc 40 feet 81 19 Wm. Mackey, 60 feet 81 19 Sarah A. Rush. 20 feet 40 59 John Walsh. 40 feet 81 19 Peter Hickey, 20 feet 40 69 John Dunn. 20 feet 40 69 Bridget McConnell, 20 feet 40 69 Michael Shey, 20 feet 40 59 J nlla Bulger. 20 feet 40 69 H. Spilker, 20 f eet 40 59 B. Byrnes' heirs, 25.07 feet 60 85 81,844 99 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ? DANIEL WENKE, TIMOTHY O'LEARY, JR. S Pittsbubo, September 28, 1889. Viewers. OC4-79 yiEWERS REPORT- 1 On the grading of Walllngford street from, Neville street to Baiton street. v To the Belect and Common Councils of the city ot Pittsourg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 27th day of September, A. D., 1883. a copy of which is hereto attached, to mako an assessment of the cost and expense of grading of Walllngford street from Neville street to Bar ton street in said city upon tbe property benefited thereby, under the provisions of and In accordance with an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improve ment of streets, lane, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board ot Viewers of Btreet Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and court providing for the assess ment and collection of damages and benefits, authortzlngtbe use of private property and providing for filing Hens and regulating pro ceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A.D. 18S7; re- nAtfnll v wnnrt Ihat having been first duly sworn and qual- OFWCIAIi-FITTSBUKGJ Ifled aeeerdlBjf to Jaw, tfeey proceeded ia the manner and.acconUng to th&directloas of Mid act, t discharge the duties ot tbeir appoint rments: that having vicweil the 'premfaKH. tbey made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and having given to tbe owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting; they met on the 26th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1889. at tbe office of the Board of Viewers, in tbe city of Plttsbnnr. heard all complaints asd evidence offered, and having made all tnodlficttions and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and ex pense of said grading, paving and curbing upon the following property, upon eacb for- the amount set opposite the same of the owner thereof, viz.: CbRf Department Public Works, statement of cost ll,650cabic yards grading; $0 2 s 2,630 33 Engineering, advertising; etc 125 00 Printing ordinances ana notices 40 CO Printing viewers' report. 22 09 Making plans and serving notices 15 00 Viewers' time. 42 00 9 2,894 33 Neville to ASSESSXS. Walllngford, north side, from Barton Charles E. Jones (50), 100 feet .... Charles E. Jones (141), 120 feet.... ..$ 44 50 125 49 37 98 60 73 13 02 80 23 SO 10 159 32 Bella A. Euhn (42), 40 feet Pittsburg Safe Dep.Co.(Trustee) (67), 60 feet . BolIaA.Kubn(18),20leet PittsbnrgSafeDep.Oo. (Trustee) (34), 38.73 feet Mrs-E. A. ianeV9bVi5L'07fVet.".'"'"'." Henry Langhlln (179). 138.15 feet... D. W. C. Bidwell (130), 100 feet 115 71 George Heard(JS).60 feet.....". 80 42 Jas.E.B.Neale(S),COfeet 60 42 8-irab L. Hitchcock (117). 90 feet 104 14 Kate L. Brown (130), 100 feet 115 71 Martin S. Cartar etral. (83), 140 feet... 161 99 E. Z. Smith (65). 60 feet 67 85 Henry Bea (165), 200 feet 116 83 South side Bertha AKuhn (44).40feet 39 16 Charles E. Jones (377). 349.68 feet. 335 54 Willis L. King 08). 67 69 42 Mrs. E. A. King 1125). 100 feet 1U 26 Ellen O. Sneer (451). 381.61 feet...- 401 40 v. w. u. uwweii (ttu). wo feet zn oi P. Barnes (to), 60 feet Laura B. Ctiiids (ISO), 100 feet.. 67 85 115 70 69 63 97 01 D. W. C. Bidwell (67). 5LS8:feet. Emma E.Alldrich (109), 17186feet.... .684 33 Respectfully submitted. EDWA.B.D JAY ALLEN. ) DANIEL WENKE. f Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY. Jr., J Pittsbubq, September 18E9. oc4-79 TIEWIIS' REPORT- On the grading, paving and curbing of Fifth avenue, from Penn avenue to Frankstown ave nue. To the Belect and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: . The undersigned. Viewers of Street Imnrove. ments In the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Conrt of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by n ordinance passed on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1888, copy of which is hereto, at; ached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of grading, paving and curbing of Fifth avenue, from Penn avenue to, Frankstown avenue, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby under the provisions of and in accordance witn an act ot Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled "an act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, re quiring pians oi streets, ?ronuing ior tne ap pointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Im provements, prescribing tbeir dutie, granting appeals to Councils and Court, providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the nse of private prop erty, and providing for filing liens and regulat ing proceedings thereon, and prohibiting tbe use or public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A.D. 1887, respectlully report: That, having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded In the manner and according to the directions of said act to discharge the duties of their appoint ments; that having viewed the premises they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon tbe property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of eacb lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meet ing, tbey met on the 5th day of September, A. D. 1889, at the office of the Board of Viewers, In tbe city of Pittsburg, beard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifi cations and corrections which tbey deem proper, assessed tbe cost and expense of said grading. paving and curbing npon tbe following property,upon each ior tbe amount set opposite the Dame of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department ot Public Works, state ment of cost: 14.751 cubio yards grading. SO 68 f 7,375 60 8,208 cubic yards paving. 13 75 30,780 00 &S84 lineal feet curbing. SO 87. 3.879 08 732 square feet curbing, fa 05. 695 40 Engineering, advertising; etc 625 00 Printing ordinances and notices...... 40 00 Printing viewers' report 1 19 60 Making plan and servingnotices..... 15 00 Viewers' time 68 00 842,893 43 ASSESSES. Fifth avenue, east side, from Penn avenue to Frankstown: Pt. Breeze Presbyterian Church (li6). 17flL61feet $ 1,933 62 J. L. Glonlnger heirs (116). 166.17 feet 1,780 15 G. D. Simen (85). 145.45 feet 1,457 83 u. u. imen ihj, 133.1s ieet 1,47 li) G. D. Simen (93). 143.16 feet 1427 19 O. D. Simen (60). 109.62 feet. 920 77 782 65 p. K. it, (oi), 101 reet , G. W. Jones, 99.53 feet Amelia R. Speer (10). 20.54 feet 1,619 27 153 48 46 03 Amelia it. epeer 13), u.13 feet, J. W.Aqrott 126.45 feet. 1,933 62 J. W. Arrott, m feet... 2.117 77 J.W. Arrott 168.43 feet... 2,678 15 w est siae P. R. R, (1.174). 1,224.41 feet 18,018 40 Amelia R. Speer, 225.49 foet 3,452 88 J. W. Arrott (71). 202.59 feet L089 6S J. W. Arrott (52).5.C8 feet 798 00 Wm. Beam (24). 35 feet. 363 30 Harry H.Huoer (67), 103.17 feet 1028 19 Harry H.Huber (4). 6.16 feet 6138 S42.892 4S DitavAMtni1 enVmlftfljl EDWARD JAY ALLEN, DANIEL WENKE, TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jr.. Pittsbubo, September 6, 1889. Viewers. oc4-79 TTIEWERS' REPORT On the damages by grade of Grazier street from Fifth avenue to Homewood avenue. To tho Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg. The undersigned. Viewers of Street Im provements in tho city of Pittsburg, ap pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Al legheny county, and authorized by a peti tion' passed on tbe 9th day of September, A. D. 1889, a copy of which Is hereto attached, to appraise the damages sustained in the grading of Grazier street from Fifth avenue to Home wood avenue, in tbe citvof Pittsburg, and make an assessment therefor nnder the provis ions of and in accordance with an act of As sembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of tbe second class to pro vide for the improvement of streets, Iane, alleys and public highways, sewers and side walks, requiring plans of streets, providing for tho appointment of a Board ot Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councilsand Court provid ing for the assessment and collection of dam ages and benefits, authorizing the nse of nrivate nronertvand nrovidinc for fillnc liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and pro hibiting the use of public streets without au thority or Councils," approved the 14th day of Jane. A. D. 1887. respectfully report That, having been first duly sworn and quail- fled according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to tbe directions of said act to discharge the duties of tbelr appoint ment; and navmg given tne nonces required ny said act they viewed the premises and heard all the allegations and evidence of the several parties claiming damages, and after full con sideration tnereoi, uiaue a true kuu cuuaejuaa ble appraisement of the same: that after as certaining tbe whole amount of damages, tbey made an assessment of the same npon the properties benefited by said improvement, and caused a plot to be made, and prenared a state ment, as required by said act and having given to tbe owner of each lot ten days' notice ot tne time ana piace oiuicabuig. uic wo uu tbe 23d. day of September, A. D. 1889, at the office of tbe Board of Viewers, in tbe city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence presented, and. after full consideration thereof, do find that tbe following named owners of property will sustain damages for which they are entitled to compensation, each for the amonnt set opposite bis name, respectively, viz: EXPENSES. Printing ordinance and notices 1 40 90 rnnting viewers' report ou Making plan and serving notices 1500 VIahuti' tlm . 63 Viewers' time., 63 00 8152 60 ASS ESS XX) Grazier street Northslde, from Fifth avenue to Homewood street .... J. W. Arrott 606.97 feet S IS 86 John W. Beckett, 409.80 feet 10 88 First National Bank etaL. 97.95 feet.. 2 68 First Nafl G. N. & C. N. Banks. 75 feet 2 00 H. P. Perns, 50 feet 133 Dora Oebmler, 25 feet 66 Oehmler & Seremias, 25 f eet 68 Max Jereinas. 25feet...4. . 66 First Nar G.N. A C. N. Bauks.50 feet X 38 R.A.Beckett36teetrr5. - 68 FlrstNat.,a.N.4C.N. Banks, 75feet 3,00 H. P. Pervis, 25 feet 66" KirstNat..G.N.&C,N.Banks,60Ieet 188 H.P. Pervis, 26 feet.' 98 First Hat Q. N. & C. N, Bftaks, 36 f eet . -.... -:..', , , v -j-- ,"5 . VTBlUlAUri-i 1U1IUJCB,. P.P. Pertie. f4et....4 First Nat Q. N.'fc a 1C Iwks, 87.38' feet. T. YIM11H' fMt I'M IMnt John Kerrler,20 feet.... 2 xvaio Jterrier, 26 feet... John Weisitae.26 feet... N.E. Moore, 26 feet W.B, Wallace. 26 ft A n Avii Tlk. 1 tir John Meusehe.26 feet.., A .-.,L . T J.McQuaide. 25 feet - .e7 jamesj. ti'ouins,2ofeet ., ... John Graham, 26 feet.... vVm.Barr.G0 feet ' " At ex. Denor, 24 feet...... ."..."."". John M.MoreIand, est, 877f eet " Philadelphia Co., 141 feet "."". T. A. Mellon.96 Ieet.. , ".'. Mrs. M. C. Carpenter, 'A feet '.. Samuel Slivers teln, 34 feet T. A. Mellon.48 feet """ L.E.Hald.72feet. 8. Loy d Jones, 38. feet. . . , John McClaraa (SO), 1, US.tt) feet., Boatande George. W. Jones, M0 feet George Relchold, 3?7 feet J. W. Arrott, 384.20 feet..,.......... John W.Beckett. 488.40 feet F. ., O, N. AC. N. Banks, 75 feet.... F. N O. N. & C. N. Banks, 28.W feet. S.E.Jloger,26feet.. i- u.jicjm -- w. .U...UUU., W .CVta,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, F.NG.M.4tT.N.Bank,12.5feet.. ; ...... AR f... S; ijson,3.oieei , V. K. Flister, 37.5feet. 4 F.fl. Flister, 87.5 feet- J veorge JO.iS.eiiy, oofeet. in xk.ouj noagers, a reel -V UytKbdgers.2ofeet , . W-Wi "s in 4 P. Beatty, 50 feet .rJf. SX' ' ' DneJ Evans, 50feet ; X. jl jE n. McHenry, 25 feet ;.- J i H-l?S,Ir. g 'wt...... ....... ...I I. ; x h. Kelly. 23 f eet . T9' N.. O. N. Sl C. N. Rmir. as sa tm .it -m uun ccr. Deal; eainuei Wm. L.H. ueo. H. Kelly. 23 f eet ., :- mm .. ..""I "" 'VH,..,,.,l.,l(iW &.t2.Y'. E-4CN. Banks, 86.89 Seet jg T.smcheYrMVe.r:,1" . g Mary C. Wells, 25 feet jit-m John AIeascbe,50feet ?ifi M..A. Knorr.SOteet rg w:"Rtwai.acrSfeet!!:::: 8. Browneller. 26 feet..".. Jane Nicholai 25 feet!" """I " Joseph P. Blngaman, 1 feet!..'.'.";.;: John M. Murtland estate. 288 feet.,.. Homewood sub-school. 184.37 feet T. A. Mellon. 44.98 reet ;.: W. G. AJexaoder, 34.46 feet Mrs. a Alexander. 34.48 feet I F.B.NewIon, 60.89 feet T. A. Mllon, 6UM feet J. H. McCreory (SO), 10L78 feet.. 1' 158 69 Respectfully submitted, - EDWARD JAY ALLEiT, 1 DNIEL WENKE. VlewH. TmOTHY O'iEARY, Jk PITT3BPBO. September 28, MSB. eeS -VTIEWERS' REPORT T On tbe opening of Eeru alley, froa FeJ alley to Formosa aHey. 4 "n pSr" woman a er of Pittsburg. j-iio uuuemgnea, v lewers or Street iBSSSf-, , t -ments to the city of Ptttrtnrg. appoa&d if Jfv & tbeCourtofCommonPleasafAllecbesyeewtiL'JS and authorized by an ordinance passed m"J3. 2ftl 18th day of March. A. D. 1889. a wSyof wMefc JM u hereto attached, to appraise the damacea - WT1 .-.'M. jy-J. iTi . .," ""F"MB ot JbCTB OUST, JT&a . Felicia alley to Formosa alley. In the eHr-at Plttsbnrg, and make an assessment there for, under tbe provisiraa of and tie. accordance with an act of Assembly of tbe ' Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. ! act authorizing and directing Councils oFeMtM of the second class to provide for tbe teetere--ment of streets, lanes, alleys and public lrigb ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring ptaai of streets, providing for tbe appolutmeat of a Board of Viewers ot Street Improvements, are scribing tbeir duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and Court, providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, author izing the nse of private property and provldiae for filing liuuJWMUd regulating proceed ings thereon, and prohibiting the nee of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of Juno, A. D.1SS7, respectfully report: That, havtee been duly sworn and qualified according to law, they proceeded in the manner and ac cording to the directions of said act, to die charge the duties of their appointment; and having given the notices required by said act. they viewed the premises and beard all the allegations and evidence of the several parties claiming damages, and after full consideration thereof, find that no owner of property has see. tained any damage by reason of said Improve ment; that, after ascertaining the whole amonnt ot costivtbey made an assessment of tbe same upon the properties benefited by said Improve ment and caused a plan to be maoe, and pre Eared a statement, as required by said act and aving given to tbe owner of each ten days' no tice of tbe time and place of meeting, they met on the loth day of September, A. D. Wf, at tbe office of the Boaraof Viewers, in the city o Plttsbnrg, heard all complaints and evideeee: and after full consideration thereof, preseSt" tbe following report showing the amount esefe property holder ix entitled so pay as tbe prayer proportion of said cost: ';, IXPE?tSX3. .3S' Printing ordinances and notices f 49 08 Printing viewers' report 39 68'' Slaking plan and serving notices..;... 19 99 Viewers' time ., 48 89 112 69 9 958. 958 9b- Ecru alley, east side, from Felicia alley to Formosa alley Jacob Berger (70). 135 feet f John F. WelndSngurd (70). 135.5 feet. John F. Welndenenrd (70), 13S feet... Freehold Bank, (70). 13i5 f eet WMiRinp-. 1 ,1 JamesD.Sloan 4260 feet. 'sn ' Margaret J. Wright 4S feet 8 1 Joseph KWrightiS feet -J Mary J. Woolsey2Z50 feet 3 98 Nich. J. Woolsey. 22.50 fee t 3 as Freehold Bank, 135.5 feet...... U1H - t 11369 Respectfully submitted. EDWARD JAY ALLEN, it DANIEL WENKE, J Viewers;,' luimai UiialiAlt X , JR., -r Pittsbubo, September 10. 1889. ocS -TTIEWERS' REPORT On the opening of Zenith alley; from Felicia JM1BJ Ulf UlUlUMSilBf. To the Select and Common Councils of the dtr of Pittsbursrr The undersigned Viewers of Btreet Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas ot Allegheny coaa. ty, and authorized by an ordinance passed o the 18th day of March, A. D. 1889. a copy of which is hereto attached, to appraise the ' damages sustained in the opening of Zenith..' alley, from Felicia alley to Formosa, alley, la tbe city ot Pittsburgh, and make an assessment therefor under tbe provisions of and In accord ance with an act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An set authorizing and directing councils of cities of tbe second class to provide for theJmprcre toent of streets, lanes, alleys and publlohleh wajs, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of Board of Viewers of Btreet Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and court providing for the assess ment and collection of damages and bene- nis, auinonxmg tne use or private property and providing for filing liens and regulating pro ceedings thereon, and prohibiting the nse of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June. A.D. 1887: re spectfully report: That, having been first dnly sworn and quali fied according to law. they proceeded In the manner and according to the directions of said act to discharge the duties of their appoint ments and having given tbe notices required by said act tbey viewed the premises and heard all the allegations and. evidence of the several parties claiming damages, and after full consideration thereof; find that no owner of property has sustained any damage by rea son of said Improvement;. that after ascer taining the whole amount of costs, they mads an assessment of the same upon the properties benefited by said Improvement, and causeds plan to be made, and prepared a statement as required by said act and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice ot the time and place of meeting, they met on the 10th day of September, A. D. 1969, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in thn rltr of Pittitnuv. . heard all complaints and evidence, and after full consideration therMif nnntnt th fnllnw. .uo: lng report showing the amount each property bolder is entitled to pay as the proper proper tlon of said cost: ; IXFSSSIS. Printing ordinances and nonces.. f 40 00 Printing viewers' report. 19 25 fc Making plan and serving notices 10 00 Viewersr time... a 00 frills! rsfif?- r--o- t Hi a AS5XSSXD. Zenith alley, east side, froa Felicia aneyto Formosa alley Mary Crickard, SB feet . 10 64 J. P. Barcklay, 88 feet !...!!!... 10 Isabel Wattat 8a feet 10 64 Mary Ragg, 88 feet................... M W Westsfde Wm. Loeffler, 88.75 feet 23 David RoblnsonL 48.S0.feet"" $ John T. and D. E. Dougherty,23L23 feet J T. H. Given, 86.75 f eetT........ 5 S Belina Poland 22.5 feet....... .-. g Annie K. Little, 22.5 feet . g Norman Rsdlffc K f., aw T.H. Given, 67.5 feet."" Freehold Bank, 46.50 1 eet............. .? T, H. Given, 89 feet........,........ i mar Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, JJAJSlKLi WKN: ENKE. V1WW9.1 O-LEABY.JB-J .SK L-ftnam. Bipiontmr W. to. John H. Harbaugb. 135 feet 18 T f z Charles Strand, 46.50 feet...; 8 39i;- r- ' JSBKa m m 490 X - '117 JH 64 FX ' 1 S ' 188 - 138 - : JB ; & X L&: ::-iiJ aM: jAsfctfSta. i" ' -H- sSEiv !. . ri'.j& sC HHMSk'vianMSKea