V4f PlTTSBTIRGn dispatch; THE FKLD&Y, OCTOBER 4; 1889.' a fi m THE DIAMOND CASE. Don. John Dalzell Mates His Argu ment for the Petitioners. AN ACT OP ASSEMBLY QUESTIONED. 7udg:e White Beads the Eiot Act to Jury men for Xon-Attendance. NO BOODLE FOE HEX WHO DO SOT TTOEK. Two Grcensbniicre Sue to Eecorer $2,000 Paid on Coal Land. Hon. John Dalzell yesterday argued the plaintiffs' side of the case in the application for an injunction restraining the city from widening Diamond alley. He claimed the property holders innst be compensated whether the money is raised by general or local taxation. Other court news. Yesterday afternoon the application of the Howard heirs. Sailers & Co. and other Diamond street property owners for an in junction restraining the city from making the proposed widening of that street, was heard before Judge Ewing. The plaintiffs were represented by Hon. John Dalzell and John H. Hampton, and the city by H. T. Watson, Major Moreland and J. M. Coot The court room was quite crowded with people, showing that the proceedings had awakened considerable interest. Mr. Dalzell opened the argument for the petitioners. He renewed exhaustively the legislation authorizing the taking of property and the assessment of damages and benefits, thou ins that in the present case two separate and distinct sovereign powers of the State are called in to exercise the eminent domain and tax power. By the exercise of one the citizen's property is taken by the other; an attempt is made to compensate the losers. Neither can be exercised except in conformity to constitu tional provisions. The eminent domain can be exercised only by corporations clothed with the power. A grant of eminent domain to w idon a street cannot be given otherwise than by a clear express grant, and only on condition of just compensation by the party taking the property. Just compensation involves an ade quate remedy by which property owners can obtain recompense without delay. In reference to the act providing for the widening of the street, Mr. Dalzell said: "This act violates the Constitution even as it existed prior to 1874. in seekinc to impose special and local taxes for general public advantages. The cases of Hamrnett vs Philadelphia, Washing ton avenue. Sawmill run bridge and Seely vs the city of Pittsburg, treat of improvements which do not involve the taking private property. Those cases decide that local taxa tion for general pnblic use is unconstitutional, and that a street or highway having been once improved, its subsequent improvement is per se a public and not a private benefit, and is to be paid for by general and not local taxation. The plaintiffs' property cannot be taken except for public use. iZln this case the receivers fix the limit which is left to their arbitrary discretion. The Con stitution calls for a limited and uniform power of taxation with the authoritg of levying the tax. There is no rule as to uniformity, and there cannot be equality without a rule of measurement, and the only rule suggested here is again left to a possible arbitrary discretion of the viewers. This act infringes section 3 of article 111 of the Coustitution which says: "No bills except general appropriation bills shall be passed containing more than one subject, which shall be expressed in its title." This act con tains more than than one subject. It pro vides lor the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys, sewers, walks, etc It resulates practice of courts in reference to appeals, provides for a system of Hens and makes provision for compulsory sales. Only one of the subjects is expressed in the title of the act. Classification only is permissible, when founded on necessity, and that in the present case, classifying rights of persons and property, is not permissible. Mr. Dalzell cited numerous cases in support of his argument, and closed by stating that if the position he had taken were right the plaintiffs' property could not be taken. Mr. Watson opened his address, but had only made a few remarks when Judge Ewing adjourned court untd this morning. In the short time allowed him Mr. Watson reviewed the section of the Constitution of 1S74, which had been referred to. and stated that several 'changes had been made. He admitted that the property could not be taken from the plaintiffs without compensation. The city must collect money for damages in some way whether it be by general or local taxation, and that in the widen ing of a street the only proposition to bo con sidered is whether it is a local or general Im provement. WANT THEIR fllOXEV BACK. Messrs. Blrfey and Guffy Claim They Were Defrauded. A bill In equity was filed yesterday by N. J. Blgley and John Guffy against John J. Donglass and Alexander M. McClure. It is stated that in 1SS2 Bicley and Guffy negotiated with Douglass for the purchase of some coal land in Elizabeth township. The ground they wanted contained abont IS acres, all of which Donglass repre sented belonged to him. An agreement was made, and Bigley and Guffy agreed to pay mortgages and judgments not exceeding S12.O00. held against the property by McClure and others. They paid to McClure 52.000 on the judgments held by him, and started to erect coal works. They then learned for the first time that about six acres of the 15 sold to them bv Douglass were really owned by McClure and that a number of other statements made by Douglass were false. The whole transaction, it is claimed, was a scheme on the part of Donglass and JlcClnre to defraud them, and they at once withdrew from the land and re scinded the agreement. McClure, they found out, was insolvent and had assigned for the benefit of creditors. He rerused to pay back the $2,000 or turn it over to bis assignees. He had acreed, it is alleged, to divide the money with Douglass for profits for their fraudulent transaction. It is asked that a decree be issued compellinc McClure to refund the $2,000 and Douglass to pay them $600, the aniouut they had expended on the works. A COSTLY CLOTI1ES WHINGER. Sirs. Knlo Losskninp Makes a Company Dance n Lively Jig. A remarkable case, jndged by results, was adjudicated in Common Pleas Court No. 2 by Judge Ewing. The story was told m The Dis patch last spring. An agent of an install ment company called on Mrs. Kate Losskamp and asked to sell her a clothes wringer. She demurred, but finally, as she alleged, the agent succeeded :n effecting some kind of a trade with her, which eventuated in a suit before a magistrate, and she and Mr. Losskamp were not only forced to pay for a new wringer, but lost their old one. and their tables, beds, chairs, etc, were also sold from them, and they were effectually cleaned out. and had to sleep on the bare floor and borrow a flrygoods box for a dining table. Finally Mrs. Losskamp began to think some thing must be wrong, so she came to J. Wesley Kinnear, Esq., and submitted the case to him. He entered suit for damages on her behalf, and the jury has allowed her $15 for the goods seized by Constable Ed. Friel and $200 dam ages. The jury exonerated Friel. his duty be ing clear enough in the case, and assessed the damage on H T. Galey and the Lovell Manu facturing Company, Limited. NO WORK. NO PAY. Jods White Rendu the Slot Act to Non- Attcndlnc Grand Jnrjmcn. When Criminal Court opened yesterday Judge White gave the Giand Jurors the lecture promised for non-attendance. It was principally a reiteration of what he said to a part of the jurors on Wednesday, and he ordered the clerk to take tho names of the non-attendants, and be would see that their names were stricken from the pav-rolL The following true bills were returned yester day: Mary Brennan, Mary Clifford. Alex and Margaret Fox, selling liquor without a license; Anthony Clark, selling liquor to minors; Nancy Brown, aggravated assault and battery; Rose Fagan, Peter Goryes, Alex Marshall, James Filzsimmons, assault and battery; John Meyers, embezzlement; Alex McCune, larceny and re ceiving stolen goods. Tbeljrnored bills were: P. Naiman. F. E. Nier, G. Schnffint, selling liquor without a license; Paul Bauer, Anthony Clark, furnishing liquor to visibly intoxicated persons of known Intemperate habits: Catharine Kelly, renting a honse lor cambling purposes: E. G. Emmett, larceny; Rose Farrcll, assault and battery. To-Day's Trial Lists. Common Fleas No. 1-CllIo vs Lang et al; Fred erick vi Clark ACo; McUnrgyf Hopp; Brnbaeh vs Crinkle; Kaufman Brewing Co vs Helbllng; llorwitz t Boatman's Insurance Co; Poor r bcaton: Fay vs Tilsney; Whitney etal vs Erskln; Filler rt Morris. Criminal ;Oourt Commonwealth vs Josenh Obristlcwlx. Mary Kamn. Joseph Gilbert, Elijah Hart, Mike Wild, Patrick Manlen, Burt Terney, J. B. Young, M. W. WIsnart, E. P. Uesser, Tborat Powers et al Dennis Davis, Thomas Mdrldre, Kate ScbumlneL Kate Mc Aolley. Mrr iul, tfonu jturnu et so., voaB Aoagesi, n Hllletal., Bridget Flaherty (J), John H&nlon, George McClsgen et al.. Eugene Holdner, Pauline Keller, AntonU Polanito et al., Isaac Rosenblatt, Louisa Fleming. Wbnt Lawjen Hnve Done. In the suit of D. Gray against John Browsle, an action on an account, a verdict was given yesterday for $95 for the plaintiff. F. R. Hutchinson yesterday received a verdict for 575 in his suit acainst Charles W'eitz to recover for goods stolen. Is the salt of John Werner against T. M. Jenkins t Co. to recover property in dispute, a verdict was given yesterday for the plaintiff. The snit of Thomas White against John Dawson for damages for injury to his property by bad drainage is still ou trial before Judge Ewing. THE jury is out in the case of Michael Con nally against the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, a suit for damages for injuries received by being struck by a train. Wir. Mackum, attorney lor the Rov. Father Keenoy, the beneficiary under the will of the Rev. Father Brennan, which the Register re fused to admit to probate yesterday, said that he wished it stated that Father Brennan did not lose consciousness when he. was aDout to sien his will. He wished it understood that Father Brennan was cognizant of what was being done, and could have dissented had he so wished, and that the question before the Reg ister was as to whether or not the will bad been legally executed under the act of 1833. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. General Faulkner was yesterday found guilty of bank wrecking at Buffalo. General Schofleld has been officially desig nated by tLe President to act as Secretary of AVar during the absence of Secretary Proctor. The New York Republican State Commit tee has organized bv the election of JohnN. Knapp, chairman. Frank S. Smith, secretary, and Stephen V. White, of Brooklyn, treasurer. E. C. Baker, representing Victoria, B. C, in the Dominion Parliament, has resigned his scat owing to bis inability to secure redress for those of his constituents who have been seized by the United States cruisers in Behring Sea. Governor Hill has issued a proclamatiou calling a special election in the Ninth Con gressional district of New York to fill the va cancy caused by tho death of Hon. S. S. Cox. It will be held on the day of the general elec tion. Three American ships, tho Jacob E. Itidge war, James Druramond and Bcnj. F. Packard have arrived at San Francisco from Sew York after long and somewhat tempestuous voyages. The Packard was out 172 da s. During a storm Emil Schwab, a sailor on the Kirtgoway, was washed overboard and drowned. A dispatch to the .New York Maritime Ex change, 'dated Nassau, September 30. an nounces that the British steamer Eannore, from Baltimore for Rio Janiero, had foundered at sea in a gale on September 5. All hands w ere lost except seven, who were landed at The Department of State has received a telem-am from General Franklin. United States Commissioner General to the Paris Ex- Eosition, saying that the United States' exhibit as been awarded 63 grand prizes, 199 gold medals, 271 silver medals, 218 bronze medals, 220 honorable mentions, and indicating that the collaborator's rewards, not yet announced, would undoubtedly increase this number. Mrs. Kato M. Nye committed suicide, at Louisville by jumping from the third story window of the house. A child came in with some towels, and Mrs. Nye asked him if he would like to see her jump out of the win dow. He answered that be would. She replied: "All right: I will do it, but you must kiss me good-bye." He did so, and she deliberately sprang out the window. She was instantly killed. Marital unhappiness was the cause. Charles S. Pratt, confidential book-keeper, secretary and cashier of the H. Wales Lines Company, of Meridcn, Conn., was arrested for embezzlement. Pratt's embezzlement amounts to over $10,000, covering various periods since 1SSZ, and was accomplished by false entries, mainly on the pay-rolls. The affair has caused a profound sensation, as Pratt was an officer in several local organizations, treasurer of the First Congressional Society, and a city alder man. Pratt confessed his guilt to his em ployers, saying: "It is the same old story of living beyond one's means. I am a thief." Judge Sawyer, of San Francisco, has ren dered a decision which covers the cases of all sealers seized in Behring Sea. In 1687 the sealing scboonre San Diego, owned by I. N. Handy, was seized b7 the cutter Rush and ordered to Sitka. She went, and nearly 600 skins were condemned, brought to San Fran cisco by Marshal Atkins and sold. Handy tried to enjoin tha sale on the ground that Alaskan court orders didn't hold, but Judgo Sawyer overruled this. The same principle in volved in this decision holds in the cases of the two sealers that came here instead of going to Sitka. It is also claimed that it applies to all seizures by the Rush this year as orders still bold good, no matter where the seized vessels have taken refuge. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE, A Brain nnd Nerve Food, For lecturers, teachers, students, clergymen, lawyers, and brain workers generally. AUTUMNAL CLOTHES For Boys nnd Children Novelties In Shapes nnd Materials. Great skill and taste haye been exercised this season in the production of these gar ments. The styles are very attractive, the fashionable cloths and materials unusually handsome, and the garments made to stand a vast deal ot wear and service. The sole agency for Brokaw Bros. New York cloth ing is Sailor's, 58, GO and C2 Sixth street. The special family tickets issued by Hendricks & Co. have" been so largely ap preciated by the public that they have been requested to extend the time, which they will do, until November 1. Come early and avpid the rush. 68 Federal street. The most reliable stimulant, Klein's "Silver Age," only 81 50 per full quart am Grand Millinery Opening To-dav at Rosenbaum & Co.'s. 30 Days of Grace On Hendricks & Co.'s special family tick ets, good until November 1. Bring the children. The Verdict Reached After hearing the testimony of all who use it, is that Frauenheim & Vilsack's Pilsner beer is the best made. Call for it. Kept by all dealers. All druggists keep it. Klein's Age." Grand Millinery Opening To-day at Rosenbaum & Co.'s. "Silver J1TO Hex's fine neckwear at James H. Aicen & Co.'s, 100 Fifth' ave. A Llfe-Mzo Crayon for $5, Also one doz. cabinets of anybody for $1, at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, C16 Market st, Pittsburg. Bring baby. Use elevator. D LEATEMNG POWER Of the Tarious Baking Ponders illus trated from actual tests. E0TAL (Pure) I Grant's (Alum) . Bumfbrd's (fresh). Hanford'8 (when fresh) . Chana (Alum Powder) . Davis' and O.K. (Alum) I Cleveland's Pioneer (San Francisco) ... Czar ....................a- Dr. Price's Bnow Make (GroflTs) Congress. .Seeker's Gillet's Hartford's (None Such), whea not fresh Pearl (Andrews & Co.) Bumford's (Phosphate), when not fresh Beports of Government Chemists. "The Royal Baking Powder is composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious sub stances. EDWARD G. LOVC, Ph. D." ' The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the ana most reuaoie Dacing powaeronerou ui ie public. HESETA-MOTT, M.D., Ph.D. "The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and highest in strength ot any baking powder of which I have knowledge. "WM. MCMUETEDt, PH.D." All Alum Baking Powders, no matter how high their strength, are to be avoided as dangerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas too freely, or 7iBiUlatoUianes suffer detcrioraUon. i nrJt-in.-MWTga ,-- yx NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FJji0Ba?3O TRADE SOLD BY Druggist anfl Dealers. tHE CHARLES A. VOGELER C0 Baltimore, ltd. Of Pure God Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime and Soda Is endorsod and proscribed by leading physicians because both tho Cod Liver Oil and llypopliospMtes aro the recognized agents In the cure ot Consumption. It la as palatable as mlLfc. Scoff's Emulsion ffi is a teonderful Flesh Producer. It is Uie Best Remedy for CONSUMPTION, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wasting' Dis eases, Chronic Coughs and Colds. Ass: for Scott's Emulsion and tako no other. ociifc-siwysu ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 329 LIBERTY STREET. Anchor specialties, Rheumatic Catarrh Remedy, Remedy, KIDNEY REMEDY, Dyspepsia Remedy, Beef, Wine and Iron, Beef, Wine Iron and Uocoa. Uod .Liver OiL Sarsanarilla. ilver Pills, Liniment, and extra larce strencth- enins; plasters. Wo have thousands of testi monials from pcoplo who have used tho ANCHOR REMEDIES and all commend them as being the best prep arations in the market. We guarantee satis faction in all cases where the directions aro carefully followed. sel8-siWF Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KORNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 60 Fifth avenue, near Wood street Telephone No. 1686. sel9-ssu vafitS2kN.alTS! vzmm?.. m ark. f jT.'.rrj'tfiruL CURES. PERMANENTLY llUlilfeifiQ DOUGLAS IV1ACKIE Would urge and very specially invite your attention to the magnificent range of Ladles', Misses and Children's Cloaks, Wraps, etc., now being displayed in their mammoth Cloak Salons. We've got all tho correct, leading styles, all at prices that'll both please and astonish you. Ladies' Silk Seal Flush Sacques, beautifully fashioned and trimmed, will rango from 15 to S37 50. They're good goods at getatable prices. Then we've got an amazing assortment of Ladies' Silk Seal Plush, tight-fitting garments in Jackets, ModjesKas, Newmarkets, eta, that we'll sell all tho way from 9 to S4U. They're simply marvels of perfection and cheapness. Thousands of Ladies' Newmarkets in all the new shades of Beaver Cloths and numerous other weaves; also in btripes and Plaids. In fact such a cosmopolitan aggregation has never been shown before. Prices vary from $3 to S25. An unusually brilliant display of Ladies' Directoire Jackets in all the lovely shades, newest weaves and fabrics, at prices astonishingly low. Then you shouldn't fail to see our lovely collection of Cloth and Stockinette, from SI 25 on up to?18. NOBODY NEED GO JACKETLESS NOW. Stacks upon stacks of Children's and Misses' Cloaks, Wraps, etc., from 2 to 18 years of age, will be sold from ?1 50 to S25. For general loveliness and comeatability in price they're genuine marvels. IMPOKTANT, VERY From basement to dome in our extensive stores fairly crowded with good, every-day bargains. Dress Goods, Silks, Plnshes, Velvets, Trimmings, Blankets, Flannels, Underwear, etc. etc Newest desiens and weaves. Best makes always. ALL AT OUR EVER POPULAR, WELL-KNOWN, MODERATE PRICES. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. seiJO-irwy rmnjLEss5S..f' n r4lll HR fcH HH Hi lllliiji ' MEDICINE . ..i' For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Bleb Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY, uinuir.9. unisisnoncuon. .every sui. and they trill be acknowledged to be a Every sufferer is u will be acknowledged to be a wonderful Medicine. "Worth a guinea abox." BEECHA3TS PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. For a WEAKSHSH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE MAGIC: a euxJoie will work wonders upon the Vital Organs, Strength ening the muscular System; restoring long-lost Complexion; bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the KOSEBUD OF HEALTH the tehole physical energy ot tha human frame. These aro " facts " admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of tha best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BEECHAH'fl FILLS BATS THE LASSES! SALS OF AUI PATElil 22BICIHE III IHE W02LD. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold by Druggists generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 305 and 307 Canal St., New Yorkt Bole Agents for the United States, who (inquire first), if your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAH'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS A BOX. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR iyL OC2-51-WFSU sel3-b5-"WFSn HADE ONLY By INTH GeoAMacbeth&i use fli:TflP H H B 1 B H m SSWSSM V - I -AT KjLdPST i m- - TUC 1 iTJ - NEW ADVEB.TISEMENT8. The Kabo corset, besides being tough, so tough in its "bones" that they can't be broken or kinked or rolled up or slipped or shifted, has flex ible loop eyelets, instead of metal ones which cut the cor set laces. In no respect will the Kabo corset fail in a year, unless the steels break. No way has yet been discovered to make unbreakable corset steels. If the Kabo "bones" give out in a year, go to the store where you bought your cor set and get your money back. If, after wearing the Kabo two or three weeks, you don't like it, take it back and get your money. There's a primer on Cor sets for vou at the store. Chicago Couse? Co., Chicago and New York. SEAL : KILLING IIV ATiAHKA. J. G. BENNETT & CO., MCAJTDFA.CTXTXIEKS. I AniCQ wishing to purchase Genuine LnUICO Alaska Seal Garments can get them at Bennett's. Wo are direct importers of Sealskins. We know good Sealskins. We cannot he deceived in bad Sealskins. We are manufacturers of Seal Garments, AVe are the only manufacturers of Seal Gar ments in Pittsburg. We can give you a perfect fit. If you wish your old Seal Garments made over or changed into any other shape.no difference how diffi cult it should be, we can do it. Our work will always be the best, our fits perfect and our prices the lowest. J.G.BENNETT&CO., Hatters and Furriers, COR. WOOD oc3-S3-WFSu ST. AND FIFTH AVE. S93W. dfi7; a 'rf rf vmcrfl OU" BO earnestly Invited to try one Box of these Pills, ON THE FEMALE FACE destroyed forever without pain. scar, shock, trace or iniurv, bv the ELECTRIC NEEDLE OPERATION, by Dr. Van Dyck, Electro Surgeon, of Philadel phia. Remember, ladles, this is the only method in the world by w hich the hair can be destroyed forever. Remember, also, that the use of de pilatories, tweezers, scissors and the razor only make the hairs grow coarser, darker and more numerous, as hundreds of ladies know to their sorrow. NOTE By tho urgent request of our society ladies. Dr. Van Dyck has opened a branch of his Philadelphia establishment in Pittsburg, to enable every woman here with hair on her face to get rid of it forever. Therefore, Dr. Van Dyck can be consulted at the Hotel Albemarlo during October. November and December, '89. Consult the doctor at once, as only 4 limited number can be treated daily. Hours, 9 to 6. Sundays, 10 to 4. Never fails. Book free. Thirteen years' experience. Established 1847. Xi. GLE9ENKA3IP & SON, Bnilders of FINE CARRIAGES. Onr assortment includes light and heavy work of every description. See Display at Exposition', .Salesrooms, 318 and 320 Fenn avenne. No connection with any other carriage honse.) LAMP HIMNEYS WORLD .PlTTSBUrWA. KEW ADTERTISEMENTS. HAVE YOU SEEN iRTTBZEOSrS "Ve3?3r Latest? THE BUCKLE HAT. 61 90, $2 20, $2 40, 52 90,83 40. Decidedly the most stylish and original hat ever introduced, and hids fair to become the only popular hat of the season. This is whatlast Sunday's Dispatch says of It: "The very nobby hats introduced by Knben are quite unique. You will recognize the first one on the Btreet on account of tho new wrinkle, which consists in a black buckle set in tho band at a point be tween side and rear." Young Gents ana Stylish Dressers be sure and see this handsome hat. The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfleld St P. S. Mail orders promptly filled se29-WFSu OFFICIAL- FITTSBDnG. TT1EWKRS' REPORT On the grading, paving and curbing of Negley avenue, from Hampton street to Roup street. To tho Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg. The undersigned, Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of CommonPleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 19th day of March, A. D. 1SSS, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assessment of the cost and expense of grading, paving and curbing of Ncgloy avenue from Hampton street to Roup street, in said city, npon the property benefited thereby, under the provisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for tho improve ment of streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board o Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and court, providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, author izing the uso of private property, and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets wlthont authority of Councils," ap proved the I4th day of June, A. D. 1SS7; respect fully report: That, having been first duly sworn and q uali fied according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act to discbarge the duties of their appoint ment; that having viewed the premise, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meet ing, they met on the 27th day of September, A. D. 1889, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of said grading, paving and curbipg upon the follow ing property, upon each for the amount set op posite the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, state ment of cost 42,507 cubic yards grading, 54c 8 22,953 78 29.0S9 square yards paving, 3 25 94.539 25 13.479 lineal feet curbing, S7c 11,728 73 Engineering, advertising, etc 2,600 00 Printing ordinanceand notices 40 00 Printing Viewers' report 32 00 Plaiting pian anuserving nonces za uu Vlowers' time. VInwpri tfm 84 00 S13Z.000 76 ASSESSED. Negley avenue, east side, from Hampton to Roup J. M. Guffy (401,81.91 feet 8 464 47 A. P. Burchfield (130), 168.96 feet: 1,609 53 Jas. R. Mellon (370), 431.69 feet 4,271 35 K. T. Friend, 50 feet 580 59 R.B.Petty, 60 feet 580 59 Jas. R. Mellon, 50 feet 580 59 Mary E. Stewart. 50 feet 680 59 Nancy Duncan, 50 feet 680 59 Jas. R. Mellon. 100 feet 1,16118 W. F. Cost,50feet 580 59 Jas. R. Mellon. 50 feet. 580 59 R. B. Townsend. 50 feet 580 59 Jas. R. Mellon, 50, feet ES0 59 Saml. Galev, 50 feet 580 69 Jas. R. Mellon. 291.31 feet 3,379 02 Levi Harris (65). 125.15 feet. 754 76 Mary Realand (43), 85 feet 499 31 George Bock (4'j), 85 feet 499 31 W. B. Negley, trustco (150), 100 feet.. 1,741 76 H. P. Slatcmeck (88), 145 feet. 1,021 84 Saml. Galey, 145 feet 1,683 71 J. B. Matthews (90). 120 feet 1,045 06 Win. Graham (61), 07 foot 708 32 John P. Ober, 187 feet 2.171 40 Bertha Straub. 9S feet 1.137 95 Samuel W. Galey, 86 feet 1,114 73 Hugh W. McKee (116), 166 feet. 1,316 97 Jas. R. Mellon (151). 201.80 feet 1,753 37 Thos. Mellon, or J. R..101.S) feet 1,172 79 H. P. Nease, 100 feet 1,16118 W. R. Heckert, 70 feet 812 8Z Scott & Rucnctts, 174 feet 2,020 45 George V. Milllken, 60 feet 580 59 VelnaMackey, 50 feet 580 59 Cath.Negley, 834.97 feet 3,878 33 H. S. A. Stewart, 621.88 leet 7,210 91 H. S. A. Stewart (207), 24138 feet 2,403 64 Mrs. Ann Sutton (43), 51 feet 557 36 J. L. Moore (24). 25.5 feet 278 63 C. L. Barrett. 121.5 feet L405 02 Mrs. Jennie Addy, 25.53 feet 290 29 Mrs. S. J. Sargeant (25), 13L44 feet.... 290 29 J. H. McKelvy (133). 332.01 feet 1,514 36 William Frew, 202.44 feet 2,345 63 John Logan, 188.74 feet 2,183 02 Nezley avenue, west side- Kitty Roup estate (130), 1G9.96 feet. 1.509 53 10.915 05 5,502 07 3,676 43 1,741 76 3,25129 1.161 18 Kitty Roup fetate (940), 903 66 feet. Kitty Roup estate (418), 457.21 feet, .paui nuKus estate, 3U8.KJ ieet Paul Hupus cstato (160), 200 feet James Caldwell (280), 330.06 feet Mary Miller, 100 feet Mrs. S. J. Sarceant. 325.72 feet 3,773 82 Henry H. Negley, 104.94 feet 1.207 62 Eliza Evans, 100 feet 1,16118 Thomas A. Mellon. 204.94 feet 2,368 80 Thomas Mellon, 316 feet 3,669 52 John R. Gre?e, 108.43 feet 1,254 07 Hartman & Schwan, 111.43 feet 1,288 91 Charles Lockhart, 191.82 feet 217 85 Charles Lockhart, 7.46 feet 81 28 II. S. A. Stewart. 327.51 feet &797 (u H. S. A. Stewart, 2S8.C9 feet 3,320 90 H. S. A. Stewart. 28139 feet. 3.2OT74 Mrs. S. J. Sargeant, 048.33 feet.. John H. McKelvey. 33198 feet.. JohnH. McKelvey, 302.33 feet.. Mrs. Cath. .Negley, 132.08 feet.... .. 7,60120 .. S,!i78 33 .. 3,506 75 .. L532 75 8132,000 76 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN. DANIEL WENKE. J Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, JE., FiTTSBURa. tseptemDer . wb. oc4-79 -TTIEWERS' REFORT- On the construction of a public sewer on Mey ran street, from crown, between Louisa street and Bates street to Louisa. To tho Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsbortr. The undersigned. Viewers of Street Im provements in the city of Pittsburg, ap pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Al legheny county, and anthorized by an ordi nance passed on the 27th day of February, A. D. 1S89, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assessment of the cost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Meyran street from crown, between Louisa street and Bates street to ixiuisa street in said city, npon the property benefited thereby nnder the provis ions of and in accordance with an act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Conncils of cities of the second class to pro vide for the improvement of streets, lanes, allevs and public highways sewers and Blde walks. requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board ot Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court provid ing for tho assessment and collection of dam ages and benefits, authorizing the uso of private property and providing for filing Hens and regulating proceedings thereon, and pro hibiting the use of public streets without au- thority of Councils," approved the 14th day of junr, a. u. ioo, respectimiy report. ThaybavinE been first duly sworn and quail fled according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act, 10 uutuiarKo me duties 01 tneir appoint ments; that, having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense npon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said not. and havincr frivfln tn thR nnrnnr nf AAfh !nt ten days' notlcg of tha time and place ol meetj RUBEN, OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. in?, they met on the 16th day of September, A. D. 1883, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifica tions and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of constructing said sewer upon the following property, upon each for the amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz.: Chief of Department of Fnbllo Works, state ment of cost: 360 lineal feet 15-inch pipe sewer, JO 82 295 20 2manholes, $28 66 00 1,550 ponnds castings (to fisher F. & M. Co.) $168 28 (M Superintending, engineering, adver tising, etc 75 00 Printing ordinances and notices 40 00 Printinirvlewers'report 21 25 Making plan and serving notices 10 00 Viewers' time , 42 00 8 6G5 40 ASSESSED. Meyran street east side, from crown botween Louisa and Bates to Louisa Frank Shaffer, 44 feet 841 90 S. Adams, 22 feet 20 95 P. H. Spahman. 22 feet 20 95 0. Phillis, 22 feet 20 95 AbbioKeidel,22feet , 20 95 Alex. Hadcliff, 22 feet 20 95 A. McClain, 22 feet 20 94 J. B. Radlangb. 22 feet. 20 94 Daniel Edgar, 22 feet, 20 94 W.Pelsineer,22feet 20 91 A.Leasa,22feet 20 M w. n.n. Chester, a ieet. sin West side O. H. Chance, 22 feet 20 94 C.H. Chance and A. Sroyers, 22 feet.. 20 94 T. P. and A. L. Matthews, feet. 41 90 W. N. Jarrett, 22 feet 20 M wni. Bunion, iu ieet Theo.Frev. 22 feet 20 94 20 91 20 94 20 94 20 94 20 94 3142 George Relneman, 22 feet John Btippick. 22 feet, Chas. E. Koch, 22 feet. Harriet H, Morrow, 22 feet., m. f. Moore. 33 feet,, Is. Getty, 33 feet 3? 42 1565 49 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, DANIEL WENKE. J Viewers, TIMOTHY O'LEARY. JB. PlTTSctma. September 10, 1889. oc4-79 yiEWERS' REPORT On the opening of Omana street, from Blgham street to Merrimac street. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in tho city of Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and anthorized by an ordinance passed on the 21st day of January, A. D. 1889, a copy of which is hereto attached, to appraise the dam ages sustained in the opening of Omaha street from Bigham street to Merrimac street, in the city of Pittsburg, and make an assessment therefor under the provisions of and in accord ance with an act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improve ment of streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and court, providing tor the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, author izing the use of private property and providing for filing Hens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils," ap proved the 14th day of June, A, D. 1887; respect- iuny repori: That, having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, tbey proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said aot to discbarge the duties of their appoint ment; and having given the notices required by said act, tney viewed the premises and heard all the allegations and evidence of the several parties claiming damages, and after full con sideration thereof, find that no owner of prop erty has sustained any damage by reason of said improvement, that, after ascertaining the whole amount of costs, tbey made an assess ment of the same upon the properties bene fited by said improvement, and caused a plan to be made, and prenared a statement, as re quired by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting, they met on the 11th day of September, A. D. 1889, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence, and, after full consideration thereof, present the follow ing report, showing the amount each property holder is entitled to pay as the proper propor tion of said cost: EXPBNSE8. Printing ordinances and notices 8 40 00 Printine viewers renort 20 60 Making plan and serving notices 10 00 Viewers' tune 42 00 5 112 50 ASSESSED. Omaha street, north side, from Blgham to Merrimac street M. A. Remiger. 27 feet S 4 00 J. D. Retnicer, 49 feet 7 27 L. McLean. 24 feet. 3 58 Eph. Ralph (50) lOOieet i 7 41 G.Baltenbereer (50), 100 feet 7 41 C. Baltenberger (50), 100 feet 7 41 South side M. C. Heffennan, 111 feet 16 46 Thomas Flaherty, 50 feet 7 41 O. Frasher, 108.85 feet 16 00 A. C. Patterson, 85 feet. 12 60 Annie R. Rollins. 50 feet. 7 41 G. W. Furcron. 25 feet. 3 70 E. E. Pagett, 25 feet 3 70 E. L. Rollins, 60 feet 7 41 Thomas S.Rollins (5) 25 feet 75 8 11250 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, 1 DAXIEL WENKE, Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, JR., S Pittsburg, September IL 1889. oc4-79 ANo. 105J N ORDINANCE-SETTING ASIDE THE gronnd around Hiland reservoirs for public park purposes and authorizing the Chief ot the Department of Public Works to improve the same and designating the same Hiland Park. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conn cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority 6f tho same, That for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a pnblic park there shall be and is hereby set aside, dedicated and appropriated so much of the ground belonging to said city as is not in dispensably necessary for the safe and proper use of the reservoir known as the Hiland reser voirs. Section 2 That the Chief of the Department of Pnblic Works of said city be and he is hereby authorized and directed to improve all said ground lying around, adjacent to and connected with said reservoirs and which shall not bo found actually necessary for the operation of said reservoirs to be used and enjoyed as a public park to be known as and by the name of the "Hiland Park." Section 3 That any ordinance or part ol ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance he and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 9th day of September, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Coun cil, Attest: GEO. tiHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, Presi dent of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, September 13, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 161, 30th day of September. A. D. 1889. OC4-78 RAILROADS. ALLEGHENY YALLEY KA1LKOAU Tralns leave Union Station (Eastern Standard tlme)i Klttannlng Ac. 6:55 a. m.: Niagara Ex., dally. 8: a. mUulton Ac. 10:10 a.m.: Valley Camp Ac, 12:05 n. m.; Oil City and DnBois Ex pres,z:O0 p.m. ; HulWn Ac.,3KX)p.m. : Klttannlng Ac, 4:00p.m.; Uraebum Ex., 5 p.m. : Jtlttaan lng Ac. ,5.30 p. m.; Uraebnrn Ac, 0 :20p.m.: Hal ton Ac, 7 So p. m.; Buffalo Ex., dally, S-M p. m.; Unlton Ac. 8:43 p.m.: Uraebnrn Ac, U:30 p. m. Church tralns-hraeburn, 12:40 p. m. and 9:35 p. n. Pullman Bleeping Cars between Pittsburg and Buffalo. JAS. P. ANDEKbON, O.T. Aitt.: DAV1U MCOABGU. Oett. Bunt. BALTIMOKE AND OHIO KAILKOAO Schedule in effect May 12, 1SS9. For Washing, ton. V. 0., Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. 8:00 a. m.. and 9:20 p. in. or Cum berland, '8:00 a. m., tl:00, 9 P- ni. For Con liellsTlUe, $8:40 and "SKIO a. m tl:pc, $4:00 and9:20p. m. For Unlontown, $U:40, '8:00a. m.. $1 ao and $4:00 p. m. For Mount Fleasant, $8:40 and $80 a. m and $1:00 and $4:00 p. m. For Washington. Pa., 6:43. $9:40 a. m 3: $5:1) and 8:S0 p. m. For Wheeling. 8:4S, $9:40 a. m., :1:3a, 8:30p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Loms. 0:15a.m., "8:30p.m. ForColumbus. 6:45and9: a. m., 8 JO p. m. For Newark. '8:45, $9:40 a. m. 3:35, 8:a0p. m. ForCblcaso, 6:45. $9:40 a. m., 3:33 and v8:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington, 6:Wa. m. and '8:50 p. m.- From Columbus, Cin cinnati and Chicago. "7:45 a. m. nd:00p. m. From Wheeling, V-.U, '10:50 s. m.. $5:00, "9:00 p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington and Cincinnati. , Wheeling accommodation, 8:50 a. vs.. Sunday only. (Jonnellsvllle accommodation at 58:35a. m. Daily, $Ually except Sunday. SSunday onlr. ThertttaburgTransier Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner Firth avenue and Wood street. CHAS. O. SCULL, Gen. Put. Agt. J.T.OUELL. Oen.Mgr. PITTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON R.K. Summer Time Table. .On and after Marl. 1889, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Frttbarg-:S0.a. m., 7:10 a.m.. 0 a.m., 9:3, a. m.. 1130 a. m 1:40 p. m J: p. m.. 6:10 p. m.. 4:50 p. m., :30p.m.. :30p.m., ll:30p, m. Arllugtou-6:40 a. m., 6:Wa. m., 7:10 a. m., 8:00 a. m., 10:20 a. m 1:00 p. m., 2:40 p. m 4:20 p.m.. 8:10p.m., 3:60 p. m., 7:10 p. m.. 10J p.m. Sunday trains, leaving Plttsburg-10a.ma fc:5up. m.. 2:4) p.m., 8:10 p. m., 7U0 p. m, 930 p. m. Arilngton-:W. m., 12 m., ltfOp. m.. ,,... r"''-"OJAH.Juptvl, HEW ADVXRTIHKHKjrTS BasroTiE. Store will be closed next Saturday until 5 o'clock, at whlcb nosyJ V,iafnnaa uHll Vio rnonmarl and r.rrlAr1 rrt an usual nnWlll rv'nlvdr'P 'TUrfl KJLTJZF MAMMOTH OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT PACKED FROM BASEMENT TO -WITH- FALL and WINTER GOODS A Complete Men's Clothing Store. A Complete Boys' Clothing Store. A Complete Tailoring Store. A Complete Ladies' Cloak Store. A Complete Hat and Cap , ' A Complete Boot and Shoe Store. A Complete Furnishing Goods Store. A Complete Trunk and Satchel Store. ; A Complete MEN'S CLOTHING, READY-MADE Men's Fall Top Coats, $$, $h $10, Rpnrh.marin Rfpn'Q Suite Dress, Semi-Dress and Business Suits: Keaoy-maae men s amis. are cut in the Iatest style and raa up from .the most fashionable and best wearing woolens. Our ready- made garments are considered the best made and best fitting ready-made" garments obtainable, and they are unquestionably far superior to anyjj you'll find in any of the other stores about us. We won't take the space here to mention but a few of the lots represented m. our stock.: Black Cheviot Suits at 10. Black mixed smooth Cassimere Suits at 12. '1 Brown and black mixed smooth Cassimere Suits at $12. A big line of fancy Cassimere Suits at $15. Wide Wale Cheviot Suits at gi8. ; f Plain Worsted Suits at $18. Oxford mixed English Melton Suits at $25. Fancy Scotch Cheviot Suits at $20. Fancy Worsted Suits at 18. Rms' Pfnthinn Rfiariv-marifi. 3 a? J tnc latest novelties in Boys' aad Children's Clothing, and our prices, fit and style of garments, styletaf quality of goods considered, are indeed very low. Boys' Knee-Pan? Suits as low as $2 and up to 20. Overcoats, $$ to $25. Boys' Long-Pant Suits, $5 to $2$. . ," TailOrinQ tO OrdBr. Ve're doing much of it, and it's ndt.surprising " " when you consider the attractiveness and qual j , ity of our woolens and our low prices. Suits to order from fine plain, and fancy Cheviots, Diagonals and Cassimeres, 25 up to $60. Fall Overcoats, to order, 25 to 50. -'... Heavy Overcoats, to order, 523 Trousers, to order, 5 to J5i8. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, &cl Ladies' Newmarkets. ass?,rteJ lot of 20O..ex5a wPJ&a plaids, fancy Scotch mixtures and Jacquard effects, at $10 each; im ported to sell from $16 50 to 20. Ladies' Walking Jackets. 4 asiord lotof 3, Engri a irench Beaver, extra quality German , Stockinette Jackets, many of the lot elegantly trimmed in Astrakhan?' at $$ each; imported to sell from 8 to $10. - r5 Lames anon wraps " -v . -IF "& r w brocaded combinations, silk sicillienneanda French Ladies' Cloth Wraps, all satin-lined and elegantly teimmed,atj $10 each; imported to sell from $15 Ladies' English Seal Plush Wraps, Newmarkets, Directoire .styles, Kaglans, etc. all made 'from genuine English Seal Flushes, guaranteed not to wear off at the edges ::: FURNISHINGS. .:: .Our Furnishings department men's wear. NECK.W1SAK. All Tecks, Puffs and Four-in-Hand Scarfs. HOSIERY. Silk, Merino, Wool, Cashmere and Balbriggan. UNDERWEAR. More than Too different styles and qualities, from 25c to $5 per garment GLOVES. Dent's, F6wn's, Perrin's, Fisk, Clark & Flagg's in all shades and colors. . ENGLISH NOVELTIES. House Coats, Dressing Gowns, Smoking Jackets, etc KAUFMANNRf Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street? RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAILBOAD-ON AND alter September a. 1869. trains leave Union Station, Pittsburg; as follows, Eastern Standard Time: MAIN LINE EASTWABU New York and Chicago Limited ofPuUman Ves tibule dally at 7:13 a. m. . . Atlantic Express dally for th e East, JOB a.m. Man train, dally, except Sunday. 5:30 a. m. Sun- out, mail," s: w a. m. Dav exnresa dall v ay express dally at 3a)0 a. m. all ernreai dall v at 1:00 n. ZU. Mall express dally at 1.-O0 p. m Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. Eastern express dally at 7:13 p. m. Fast Line daily at 8:10 p. m. GreenaDurgeipresa:K)p. m. week days. Derry express II 0 a. m. week days AIM HDl ironzh trains connect at Jersey Qty wlHx rough fi "Broos ?donhle hnatunf "HrnoitlTn Annex" for Brooklyn, a. 1. avoidlngdoubleferrlsge and Journey through Nt Y.Clty. 'ivinl ., iTninn station as follows: Mall Train, dally :l. ia Western Express, dally ,I:S '" Pacific Express, dally hiSSS Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m. FastLlne, dally U&p. m. BOUTHWEST PENN KAILWA1. For Unlontown, 5 JO and 8:35 a. m. and 4:23 p. m.. without change of cars: 12.50 p.m., connect lng at Oreensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m.. 12:2a S:& and 8:10 p. m. WEST PENNSfufANlA DIVISION. From FEDEKAL tff. STATION. Allegheny City, Mall train, connecting for Blalrsville... 6:43 a. m. ExoressTfor BlalrsvlQe, connecting for Butler 1 8u3p.m. Uutler Accem 8:20 a. m., 2:25 and S:43p. m, Sprlngdale Accom9:W 11:50 a.m.3and 8:20p.m. reeplrt Accom 4:15. ?:"": jju OnSnndav 12:50and 9;30p. m. North ApSiloAcconi 11:00 a.m. and SrtOp. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting ror Butier 8:20 a. m. Blalrsville Accommodation ....10:40 p. m. T"s arrive at FEDEKAL STBEET STATION: Express, connecting from Butler 10:33 a. m. Mall Train .1:13 p. m. Butler Accom ?:10a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p.m. Blalrrrille Accommodation.. ....... ...-9:52 p.m. Freenort Aecom.7:4oa.m..ia, cwanaiiuup. m. On Sunday 10:10a. m. and 7.-00 p. m. Springdale Accom....:37,ll:a.m.,3:a6:30p. m. North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 3:40 p. m. MONONQAHELA DIVISION. Trains leave Union station, llnsourg, as follows: For Monongabela City, West Brownsville and Unlontown. io:40a.m. For Monongaheia City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and 10:10 a.m. nnd 4:40 p.m. On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongaheia City, 5:43 p. m., week days. Dravosburg-Ac, weekdays, 8:20p.m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:20a. mn 2:00, 6:2b and 11:35 p. m. Sunday, 9:49 p. m. Ticket offlces Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUOH, J. K. WOOD. General Manager. Oen'l Pass'r Agent. PANHANDLE BOUTE--JULY8. 1889. UNION station. Central Standard Tin t. Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d 8:00 and d 11:13 p. m. Dennlsou, 2:43 p. m. Chicago. 12:05, d 11:15 p.m. WhaaUag; 7:30 a. m., 12:03, 6:10 p.m. Steubennlle, 5:55 a. m. Washington. 6:55, 8:38 a. m.,13, 3130.4:1.5,43 p. m. Bulger, 10:10 a. m. Burgettstown. 311:35 a.m.. 8:25 p. m. Mans field, 7:13, 9:30, 11:00 a. m., 1:03, 6:30, d 8:36; 10:33 p. m. McDonalds, d 4:15. d 9:45 p. m. From tba West, 4 2:10, d 6:00 a. m.. l d 5:53 p.m. Dennlsou. 9:30 a.m. SteubenvUle. 1:05 p. m. Wheeling, 7 10, 8:45 a.m., 3:03. 4:SJp.m. Bnrgetts town. 7:13a. m..S95a.ra. Washington. 6:33.7:30. 8:40, 10:23 a. nu, 2JB, 6:43 p. m. Mansfield, 3:36, 8:30, 11:40a. BU 12:46. 3 J3,. 10:00 and 3 639 p. m. Bulger, l:40p. m. McDonaldJ, d 643 a. nu, d 99 d daHyi S oairt rr trala, exeeyt. numii 'V .a::j?i yw 1 - A - lsriLNrS 'YM v ZOO "5a. ' A Complete Children's Cloak S61 Store. Kobe and Fur Goods SttfrjwJ $12, $1$, $18, $20, $22, $25, htytjfA sf-- ; Ji - Mi, - W-i "fe. " Tbis department is replete with all Children's Jerseys, 3 to ?75ou5w to ?8o. to $22 50. Garments. jfSewaMrneeSck is full of beautiful things for gentle- -i the latest and most beautiful styles'ini 0C3-D-.. RjULBOADS. -w -rENN3VLVANlA COMPANY'S iasSt JL Sept. 22. 1889. Central Standard TlaevV a 'XKA1AS 11EPA1CI Ai follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7iB a. m d 13:20, d 1:00, d7:45. except Saturday. 11:38 p.m.: Toledo, 7:25a. BU dHna. d 1:00 and except ' Saturday. 11 dO p.m.: Crestline 3:43 a. m.: Cleve land, 6:10 a. mn 12:46 and d 116 p. m. and 7:3 a. m.. via P.. F. W. & C. Ky.t New Castlo and Youngstown. 78 a. m 12:20, 1:43 p. m.; YoungstownandNlles, d 12:20 p. m.; Meadvilie, Erie and Ashtabula, 7:06 a. m.. 12:20 p. m.: Klles and Jamestown, i:t3 p. m.; Masslllon. 4:10p.m.: Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10a. su 12:46, tOOp.m.: Beaver Falls. 4:00. 5:03 p. m Heaver Falls. S 88 a. li.: Leetsdale. 3:30 a.m. ALLEGHENY Boehester. 8 JO a. m.: Beaver Falls, 8:13, 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 1.-0S p. m.; Leets dale, 10:00, 11:43 a. m., 2:00, 4:30, 4:46, 5:30, 70, 9.-03 p. mi; Conway, 10:30 p. m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a. m.:Ltetsdale, S8:.lOp. m. TRAIN SAKJUVE Union station from Chicago except Monday 1:30, d6:0O. 4 6:33 a. m., d 6 JO p. m. ; Toledo, except Monday 1:40. d 6:36 a. nu, 630 p. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown aad Newcastle, 9:10a.m., 1:23, 6:50. 10:15 p. m.;NUes suu loungstown. aoaup. m.icieveiana, aauua. je.. 2:25, 7:C0 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9.-00 a. m.. 2:25. 70 n. m.; Erin and Aihtabnla. 15. 10:13 o. m.: Masslllon, 10:00 a. m.: Nlles and Jamestown. 9:10 a. m. : Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. m 1:10 p. m.. Beaver Fails, S 835 p. m.: LeeUdala, 10:40 p. m. AKKrVE ALLEGHENYFrom Enon, 8:00 a. m.; Conway, 8:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.: Beavee Tills, 7a0a. m, 3:46 p. m.: Leetsdale, 30, 6:13. 7:45 & m., 12.-00. 1:45, 40, 6:30, 90 p. St.: Falrrt Oaks. 88:55 a. m.; Leetsdale, S6.-03 p. o. s Beaver' -v FaUs. S 8:13 p.m. S. Sunday only; d, daUy; other trains, tP l ru PITTSBUKO AND LAKE ET1IE KAILROADt COMPANY Schedule In effect June 2, 18i9, Central time. Difabt ror Cleveland, 3:00, 80' a. m., '1:35, 410, "9du p. m. For Cincinnati. Chi cago and St. Louis, 3:00 a. m., ias,.9d0p.m. For Buffalo, 8:00 a. tn.. 4:10, 9 .30 p. m. ForBaU manca, "3:00 a. m.. 4:10 p. m. For Youngstowa and New Castle, 3:00, 860, 10:13 a. m., li!6. 4:10, 9:30 p. m. For Beaver Falla. 8.-oa B:0CL 8:JO. 10:15 a. m '13.3:30.4:10.8:13. "3:300. m. For Chartlers. 50, 13:30 s. 50, 13:30 a. m., 5:33, 6:2a 5.83. 7:13, 30. 9S5, 10:15 a. m., 125. 12:43,, 14:30.4:50 OS, 5:13, "SrtS, 10:30 p. m. -OIVO. O 1:40.3:30 Ar.nivi-From Clereland. SfSl . m.. '12:30, 6JS. 7aS. 9:40 n. m. Vmm lnclnnatL Chicago and St. Louis, I 2:30. 7:53 p. m. Frcm Buffalo, 8:30 a. m., 12:J,0, 9:40 p. m. From Salaman ca, lido, nas p. m. From Youngstown and New Castle. 60, 9:20 a. m., '120. 3:35. "75 :40p. m. From Beaver Falls. 535. 6:30, 7:20, 9j20 a. m., 12M0, 1:10, 6:35, lOi, 9:40 p. m. P., CV & Y. trains from ManiSeld. 8:30 a. m.. ': . 40 n. m. Vn. Vn n ltM.hmAnL &'J0 a. m.. 1:30 p. m. P.. a Jt Y. trains frou1 ,5?" Held, Essen and Beecbmont. 73 a. in.. 11:3? . P. McK. Y. H. K. -DlPJtRT-ForNew "si""; I'jOa. m., "3:3 1 p. m. For West Newton, l"J- 10:03a. m 3:30,3U3p.m. ARBrri-From New Haven, $7i a. m.. 'ii p. m. From West New ton, 6:15. $:50 a. m., 1:23, h-M p. -j?rJS2"' Keesport, Elizabeth and Monongaheia Ciry, V". , 10:03 a.m.. 3:30. 5:13 o.m. From Monongaheia,! aty, Ellxabeth andlcKeesport. 1JO a- m, 10, 1 viviw .0 . , , .Tvtti mn one hour Iste on Sunday. I Will run two, hours Ute oal ounday. City ticket office, 401 smnnnuu .;, TK7T3BUHG ADD WESTERN KAILWAY X Trains (Ct'l Stan'd time) Leave. I Arrive.. Day Ex.. Akron. Toledo, Kane 6:40 a m 8:0O a m 737,pi 1 SM D.l -iuuer Accommouation. .....' Chlcaeo Emm fdallvl.....' 12:40 p m lldOatu New Castle Aeceamodatlon. 413U p m isrm 1db.Uil V&v1u.v I,.. 0:10 y la it a yincetaM re to citicagc. tv jj. &U 68. PsHesA MM U3t U .AS'S-l wU& a.JSBBBBBSSS9BBBBEBSSEBa-s lalBBraSMHriBtMSk.AaSShaaalBSkmSS BJSSBJKB2ABaTaj9SSSBSHaiai