-' -vw . i i BOUND IN 11 BOX CAB, Terrible Night Experience of a Braddock Man. BOBBED AND ABDUCTED. His Captors Drive Him to Fittsbmg in a Covered Wajjon. ALL EIGHT ON 'A PREIGHT TRAIN. liberated at Leetonia, He Manages to Work His Way Back Home. HE DESCRIBES HIS TWO ASSAILANTS A tall, dark bearded man, dressed in his working clothes, went to the Central police station at about 1050 o'clock last night, and told Inspector McAleese a remarkable story of robbery and abduction. He gave his name as J. M. Heed. He appeared to be honest and of sound mind, and attempted to conceal nothing. He said that he worked for the Howard Plate Glass Company, at Cochran station, and lived at Braddock. He had been working in the glass mill since it began operations last M3Y. On "Wednesday he drew his month's pay, SCO, put it in his pocket, crossed the Monongahela river to the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, and took a local train to Braddocc He left the train at Braddock and started to walk to his home, not far nway. It was then after dark. He says he had not proceeded more than 200 yards lrom the depot when he was stopped and knocked down by two men. He was ren dered unconscious" by a blow on the head. HE WAS BOUND WITH KOPES. "When he recovered consciousness he was Iving, tightly bound with ropes, in the b'ottom of a covered wagon, which was rapidly jolting over country roads. Tito men. the same who had assaulted him in Braddock, sat upon the seat. One was a man who talked and looked like an English man. He was of medium height, well built, and wore a full reddish beard. The other man was a negro, probably 6 feet tall, ana weighing something like 200 pounds. Beed could not tell where he was being taken. The wagon entered the city and rattled over paved streets. He was so greatly excited by his condition that he cannot tell whether one or two bridges were crossed, and he is unable to say whether the wagon stopped in Pittsburg or Allegheny. He was driven to a railroad yard, lilted from the wagon and placed iu an empty box car. The door of the car was pulled shut, and he was left alone. CAEKIED FBOSI THE CITY. He thinks it was about 2 o'clork in the morning when he was put into the car. He soon felt that the car was moving swiftly, and he lay all night helpless, wondering whether he were being carried away toward the east, west, north or south. The perspira tion stood upon his forehead and he suffered great mental anguish. Soon alter daylight the car, alter being bumped back and forth, came to a stand. The imprisoned glass worker pushed open the door with his leet and succeeded in attracting the attention ot some railroad men. His bonds were re moved and he was released from his prison. He learned that he was in Leetonia, on the Fort Wayne road, 63 miles west of Pitts burg. EOBBED AKD LEFT ALONE. His money had all been taken, and he was in a strange town. There was nothing to be done but to loot it, and h: waited 23 miles to New Galilee. There, at 6 o'clock, he got on board passenger train No. 4. and succeeded in beating his way to Leetsdale, 35 miles lrom the city. He was put off at that place, but he there found some mem bers of the Junior Order of the United American Mechanics. He secured $3 and came to the city on an accommodation train last night. Beed claims to have lived in McKeesport only six months, and knows few peonle there. He has a wife and several children, who are probably alarmed about his absence. In his coat is a cut about three inches long, which he says was made by a knife in the hand of one o( his assailants. CE0SS SUITS. Two Brothers-In-Law nnd Their Wive Entnnclcd in the Lnir. George Murray and "William Maguire are brothers-in-law and live in the Twelfth ward. Their wives, who are both young and prettv, are sisters. A short time ago Murray and his wife qnarreled and she went to live with her sister, Mrs. Maguire. Mrs. Maggie Murray made an information before Alderman McKenna, charging her husband with assault and battery. Murray then made information against Mrs. Kate Maguire, accusing her of giving medicines to his wife, Maggie, for criminal purposes, and he also sned William Maguire for surety of the peace. The cases against the Maguires were heard by Alderman Mc Kenna at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Major E. A. Montooth defended the Ma guires, out Murray had no lawyer. Several neighbor women testified that Mrs. Murray had told them of her condition, and that Magnire bad said that his wife fixed her sisttr. Murray then called Lis wiie to the stand. She emphatically denied every charge made by her husband, and exonerated her sister. Mrs. Magnire was discharged. In the case of William Maguire.it was proven that he had threatened to beat his brother-in-law. Major Montooth took all parties aside, and after a short talk effected a compromise. The costs in the three suits were paid equally by Murray and Maguire. Alderman McKenna delivered a paternal lecture to the young people. Murray and Magnire became reconciled, but Murrayand his wife could not agree. TO PAVE STOCKTON AVENUE. A. Number of Improvements for Allegheny Streets. The committee on streets and sewers, of Allegheny, met last night. An ordinance was ordered printed ior the paving of Stockton avenue, from Sandusky street to Union avenue with Bheet asphalt The controller was ordered to advertise for bids for the extension of the sewer on Belmont street. Contracts for the grading and pav ing of Irwin avenue for $13,450.40; Clark street, 53,679.65, and Bavine street, $4,345 were awarded to Thomas Carson. SHE WILL RECOVER. Dr. Edmnndson Says Miss Delavtn U Be yond All Danger. Miss Leonora Delavin, the young lady who is supposed to have attempted suicide &t her home, corner of Ann and Van Braam streets, last Tuesday, by taking arsenic, was seen last night at her home. Miss Delavin has recovered sufficient strength to be able to sit up and go about the house. Dr. Edmundson says the danger is over and she will recover. TO LIGHT THE CLOCKS. Alleghenlnns May Jiow See the Time During the Nlshi. The Allegheny Gas Committee met last sight, and, after approving bills to the amount of $5,206 56, passed a motion author izing the lighting of the clock in the sJUbrary tower with electric lights. "'. TmrnmfiiMMir iin r- nnm"TTr i "i.j i - . ., . n -- j.,. -.. ... '-.wbi SIXTY E00MS ENGAGED At the Monongahela Home fortheSonth American Guests of the Government Arranging the Dnnqnct. Colonel Thomas E. "Watt, of the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and Captain Batchelor, of the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday called upon Mr. Anderson, proprietor of the Mo nongabela House, and engaged 60 rooms for the South American guests of the United States Government. The rooms were en gaged for three days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November 6, 7 and 8. That is the period for the distinguished visitors' so journ in Pittsburg, so Colonel Watt has been notified by the Pennsylvania Railroad management at Philadelphia, which has arranged the schedule of the sperial train of Pullman cars that leit "Washington yes terday for a 40 days' tour of the great cities of the United States. Proprietor Anderson is arranging to set aside the rooms fronting on Water and Smithfield for the guesK They will be the very best apartments- The banquet will be held either Thursday or Friday night, at which covers will be laid for 250 persons. me preparations are on a scale or magnifi cence never before witnessed in this city. The very finest plate and china will be brought out, and it is Mr. Anderson's inten tion to lay before the visiting delegates such a menu as they will not before have enjoyed on their tour. Novel devices in electric lighting will be used, the floral decorations will receive elaborate attention, and the af fair in general is intended to create an im pression that Pittsburg can "do things ' when she will. James B. Scott said yesterday that the visitors would be given an opportunity, not so much of visiting art galleries and admir ing the architectural beauties of the city, as to looking into the industrial enterprises special to Pittsburg, and familiarizing themselves with its methods of trade and capacity for extensive commerce. lie did not see, however, how they could get any thing approaching a fair idea of the extent of the city's manufacturing facilities in a visit of a couple of days, and hoped that such arrangements would be made as would give them an adequate conception of at least the most prominent of the local in dustries. FOUR MONTHS OP CAMP LIFE. The Ket of the Fourteenth Boys Return From Johnstown. Captain Nesbit and Company C, of the Fourteenth Regiment, with five men of Company K and two of Company G, num bering in all 45 men, returned from Johns town last night. They have been away just four months, and have had a pretty ex perience of camp life. The boys looked much the worse for wear as thev marched in formation of twos in heavy marching order through the depot, buf they carried them selves as if on dress parade, and it was not until halted to disencumber themselves of their kits that they gave vent to the sigh of relief which would spring up at the thought of the work being over and that they were once more at home. Johnstown is now without military supervision. HITHER AA'D THITHER, Movements of Plttsbnrgers nnd Otbera of Wide Acquaintance. Bev. Father Tahsney, pastor of St. John's Catholic Chnrcb, at Johnstown, which was burned and destroyed during the flood, was in the city yesterday, consulting with Architect Evans in regard to the plans for his new church. The latter will cost about S60.0U0. Part of the convent building, which was left standing, will be remodeled and used as a par sonage. A new convent building and school will have to be built. The total cost of the im provements will be about $90,001). Father Tahaney wishes to correct the statement made by the authors of "The Only Official History of the Flood" that he lost comparatively nothing. He says that his loss was about 5125,000 on church and personal property, and of this amount he secured 20.000 insurance. A special collection will be taken up in all the churches of the diocese Sunday next to raise the funds necessary to bnild the chnrcb. J. J. Johnston, a leading patent lawyer of Washington, is staying for a few days at the Anderson. Mr. Johnston is in the city on legal business connected with the infringement case of Wynland and Lyne versus the Pittsburg Fryecase. He say; that among lawyers in his citv the opinion is rife that Attorney General Miller will be elevated to the vacant seat on the Supreme Bench. The country's Capital is the place, in his opinion, for the eite of the World's Fair, be cause all civic rivalry would be discounted, and, apart from industrial products, there is no city in the States which would so impress foreign visitors with the simplicity as well as the effect iveness of Republican institutions as the Capi tal. 'J ho Capitol and Public Buildings would themselves form no mean attraction while the railroad approaches were sufficient. O. H. Boyer, Assistant Secretary of the National Board of Steam Navigation; M. Moran, of the tug firm of Moran & Stewart, and Alexander Smith, the editor of the New York Seaboard and Reporter, remained in the city yesterday forenoon. Captain W. C. Gray and Captain Joseph H. Dunlap. of Grav's Iron Line, conducted the New York visitors to the Black Diamond Steel Works, where they were shonnthrougn the establishment The visitors departed for the East at abou1: noon. They will stop on their way at Johnstown. Captain Gray is an uncle to the Park Bros., who aro part owners of Giay's Iron Line. James Kearney, civil engineer of St Kitts. West Indies, is in Pittsburg on private business, connected with a farm which he owns at Grapeville. He has made purchases in machinery for sugar refining to the extent of 510,00u. He says that the West India mer chants are trying to turn all the trade ot the Islands to the United States as the most con venient market The people are very anxious to establish a closer bond of onion with North America, and there is a steadily growing feeling In favor of a union with the States. Superintendent Follansbee, of the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday received a communication from the Secretary of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, located at Cal cutta, containing a copy of the "Indian Mer chandise Marks act," and also a copy of the rules as regards "Permissible variations, framed under the authority of section 16 of the act of His Excellency, the Viceroy of India." The communication has been duly acknowl edged by Superintendent Follansbee. J. F. Golding, of Chicago, is staying at the Monongahela. Mr. Golding is the inven tor of a process by which the expanded metal can be employed for such novel purposes as lathing the ceilings of a room and other struc tural purposes. The method is already ex tensively used in this country and Australia, and on Saturday Mr. Golding leaves for Europe to push his business interests there. Captain James Sweeney, of New Or leans, is visitine friends in the city. He is on his homeward journey from the Cast. Captain Sweeney is interested in the Time Coal Com pany, ot this city, and in the New Orleans coal firm of Sweeny, Miltonberger fc Co. Dr. E. T. Painter, who has been sick in Massachusetts for some three months past, has returned to the city -and has resumed the practice of bis profession. Judge Theo. S. Wilson, of Clarion, will be a guest at the Seventh Avenno until after tne silling oi we caprcmo iouri on juonuay. Joseph Ybgel returned to the city from .Lexington, Ky yesterday, where he has been vititing for the last week. Dr. B, C. Flower, the famous Boston physician, is expected to arrive at the Monon gahela House to-day. S. S. Marvin returned from New York last night. He was accompanied by his daugh ter and Mrs. Hirscb. Oscar Bradford, President of the Expanded Metal Company, returned to St. Xiouis last night. J. W. Philitis, concerned in the iron industry in New Castle, is staying at the Monongahela. W. H. Conly, of the firm of Biter & Conly, iron plate manufacturers, left for Chi cago last nignt. H. L. Smith, President of the Petroleum Exchange of New York, is a guest at the Monongahela. J. F. Diffenbacher and wife have re turned home after an extended tour in the Northwest. Dr. B, W. Stewart, of the Mercy Hos pital, returned to Piitsburg yesterday from the T. P. Thompson, an oil producer of Bradford, has registered at the Monongahela. Dr. W. H. Winslov, of Penn avenue, jjn returned from bis summer vacation. THE HIS AMT ABUSED HIM Tonng James Callon Handed Over to Agent Dean's Tender Care. THE BOY GLAD TO BE RELEASED. Cudgeled With a Broom Handle and Turned Away From Home. AN IRISH LAD'S TOUGH EXPERIENCE A sensational case of cruelty was dis closed at Alderman Porter's office yesterday afternoon in which Agent Michael Dean prosecuted Mary Curley, of Carson street, Southside, for abusing her young nephew. The boy, James Callon, is 12 years old, with a bright, open countenance. He came from Ireland. His testimony follows: "I have not been sent to school a day since I have lived with my aunt. She sent me to night school for a few months last winter. I wanted to go to school, but she would not send me. She kept me away so that I might do menial work about the house. I scrubbed the floors, cleaned the windows, washed the dishes, and ran mes sages for her, to the market and the stores. I Irequently went to the store at her request for groceries, misrepresenting who the goods were ior. I knew this was wrong, and that I was telling lies. She used to tell me to say to the storekeeper that the goods wre for Mr. King. "She often beat me and threw shoes at me. and then she would chase me up and down the house, hitting me with a broom handle. One day she violently threw a rongh stone at me and at other times she ill used me by striking me with her hands and kicking me about the floor until I cried with pain. CHASED HIM FBOM THE HOUSE. "About 5 o'clock last Wednesday even ing mv aunt thrashed me with unusual se verity. She kicked me out of the house, and with curses threatened to kill me if I returned. She ran after me in 'he street. I reached the house of Mrs. Kate McCarrol and procured shelter for the night. Every morning she made me get up at 4 o'clock to help her to get the breakfast ready for the boarders. I never had a relaxation from the drudgery from morning until night." Kate McCarrol said: "Mrs. Curley abused Jimmie Collins with great brutality. She did not send him to school. When she beat him she cursed him in a horrible man ner, and I have heard her say that he was like bis druuken mother, who is dead. Last Wednesday night he rushed into my house breathless and deathly pale, and implored me to shelter him from the cruelty ot his aunt. I assented, and kept the boy over night. She made him get np at 4 o'clock. She wonld send him to stores and make him lie for her. The boy is an orphan and came from Ireland." Lord McCain testified as follows : "I have been boarding at Mrs. Curly's house for 14 weeks. I have seen her beat this boy with a broom and otherwise abuse him. She put him out of the house twice after 9 o'clock. She never sent him to school while I was there. I have heard her say that he was like his lazy old mother." HE DID A GIElS WOBK, Maggie Carney testified: "I have seen her make the boy scrub, wash and clean windows; also saw her violently hit him. It is the common talk of the neighborhood. The treatment the boy received was most re pulsive." Miss Mooney testified "that she saw Mrs. Curley kick the boy. She also saw him per form "the work of the house, the same as a girl." Mrs. Mary Curley in a very voluble man ner, testified: "The boy is the child of my dead brother in Ireland. I dent over to Ire land for him before my brother died. He promised to send the boy. He also promised to give me his gold watch and all his money. The boy's mother and father are dead, and I care for him and treat him with motherly love. He is a bad boy. I admit I sent him to the store falsely, bnt if he never does anything worse than that be will get along fairly well. I have slightly tapped- him with" a broomstick, but I did it in a playful way." James McBride.M.Maloney, Thos. Foley, J.W. Hemmerlyand Walker Rosestated that they never saw Mrs. Curley abuse the boy. Agent Dean scored the old lady in a neat speech, and Alderman Porter imposed a fine of 10 and costs and handed over the child to the care of Agent Dean, SMITH TELLS HIS STORY. He Explain Why Ho Murdered His Wife His Health is Better nnd He Will be Moved lo Jail To-Day. William H. Smith, the colored man who shot his wife at Ko. 124 Fulton street on September 4, was last evening removed by Detective Coulson lrom the Mercy Hospital to the Central police station. Smith, after murdering his wife at their home, Ko. 124 Fulton street, attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself through the lungs. He has been in the hospital ever since, and, while not altogether well, was able to walk to the police station. He talked freely to Detective Coulson,and told him the whole story of the crime. He said that his wife had driven him to desper ation by her amours with other men. While he was absent from the city last summer he learned that she was receiving the attentions ot a barber. He discovered, on his return home about the first of September, some let ters which she had received from him. On the evening before the crime, he bought a quart of whisky at a wholesale house on Fifth avenue, near Pride street. He took it home with him and proceeded to reduce the whisky surplus. His wire was quarrelsome. He told her to go to bed and sleep. He then sat up with the whisky. By midnight the liquor had been nearly all translerred from the bottle to Smith's stomach. He was then in condition to com mit murder. He took a revolver from the mantel, went to the bed and shot his wife dead while she was sleeping. He then tried to kill himself, bnt was unsuccessful. Smith will be removed to-day to the county jail. WANTED IX ITALY. Antonio Gallo Arrested Here for Attempted Murder. The following telegram was received from New York last night: Antonio Gallo. 28 years old, was taken before United States Commissioner Shields to-day, to answer the charge of trying to kill Carlo Car lclletti in Fajjano, Italy, four years ago. The two men were rivals for the heart and band of the belle of Fajjano. Carlelletti woti and mar ried her. The night after the wedding the voung husband and Gallo fought at a village ball. Gallo was worsted and swore vengeance. On the next dav Gallo armed himself with a double-barreled shotgnn, which he loaded with buckshot and scraps of iron. He went early to the machine shop where Carlo worked, and secreted himself behind a large tool box. in front of which be knew that Carlo must pass on his way to his workbench. When Carlelletti entered the shop, ten minutes later, Gallo emptied both barrels into his body. Carlelletti felf to the floor, apparently dead. Gallo fled to the mountains and eventually sailed for America, after learning that his victim, though alive, was crippled for life. He settled In Mil ford, Mas"., but was driven from the town two years ago for misusing a little giri. He passed a few months in New York and then went to Pittsburg, where he was arrested yesterday by New York detectives at the instance of the Italian Government, He was committed to jail by Commissioner Shields to-day to await the completion ot the extradition papers by the State Department in Washington. He Win Insane. Coroner McDowell held an inquest yes terday on the body of Joseph Phillips, who committed suicide in Carpenter's alley Wednesday night. A verdict of suicide due to temporary insanity was rendered. Fob a disordered liver try Bee nam's Pills. raABS' csoap the purest ana t ever made 3 PITTSBTJKG DISPATCH, SEWICKLET SALAD Too Pungent for Some Taxpayers, Bnt Dis cussion Gives Road Makers a Pointer Worth Studying. Some of the inhabitants of Sewickley complain bitterly. They say the borough millage for Government schools, street re pairs, etc., is 12 mills, and this added to county tax makes nearly 2 per cent levy on a largely increased valuation. Some claim that there is very little work being done on the streets and that the borough is paying interest on ?65,000 worth of bonds at 8 per cent and on other bonds aggregating in all over 5100,000. The complaint was laid before H. L. Williams and George I Whitney, who both came to the rescue of the bondholders and the Sewickley government. They say that the bonds were placed at a time when even Pittsburg could scarce get better; that they went beggiug and only T. H. Nevin conld see anything in them at 8 per cent. They admitted'that it was somewhat hard to pay interest on bonds at 8 per cent that might now be placed at 4 per cent, but yet believed their consciences would allow them to hold them. They could say nothing as to the charge that the Waterworks Commission did business in a corner. Incidentally, in reference to the com plaint that but little was done on Sewickley streets, Mr. Williams dropped a pointer well worth the attention of supervisors of county roads. Mr. Williams states that Sewickley streets are built by a cheap and at the same time effective method, one so cheap that t might be followed with profit in the farming districts. First, a foundation is well laid of rnbble stone, bnt littleflttentinn beintr naid to size. This js well settled and leveled by breaking prominent points with a knapping hammer. On top of this bed is put a foot of stone broken finely, and on this a coating of two or three inches of gravel. This, Mr. Will iams says, makes a smooth and durable road that will withstand heavy travel and can be kent in renair cheaolv. and all at a cost of a dollar a linear foot on a roadway being 20 feet in width. As Begister Shafer remarks, a width of 15 feet is ample for country roads, so that they could be built for 75 cents a linear foot, or less than $4,000 a mile, and as the majority of roads 5 miles distant from the Pittsburg city line are not more than 10 feet wide, thev could be made good at a cost of 52,500 a mile. HOW HE WAS flURf. A Car Shifter's Amnslng Adventure nt the Union Depot. Tom Pennyman is a car shifter between the Pennsylvania Bailroad yards at the Union depot and Thirty-third Btreet Tom was nonplussed the other day, and in the following manner: It is the custom for the brakemen who run down the cars from Thirty-third street to the depot yards to walk back to the starting point when they had deposited their cars, and Tom, for some time past, had been swearing within his beard at the time thev took to accomplish k. ,. . , ....:. tue oistance ana return, ne decided at last to see how they managed to put in the time, and one day lately when a line of cars had been cut loose, he laid himself down in a car loaded with sand, and awaited develop ments. But they were otherwise than he expected, for the switchman in the lower yards, see ing the cars, as he thought, running away, promptly turned them into a siding with the result that the car containing Tom and the sand bumped with such violence against the buffers at the end of the track as to smash the car and bury Mr. Pennyman in the sand. He was rescued with consider able difficulty, and yesterday he decided to look with a more lenient eye upon his 30 subordinates and their gait ot going. NO ONE TO BLAME. The Brdddock YIctlmsDied From Accidental Causes. The Coroner's jury yesterday decided that Captain William B. Jones, Michael Quinn and Andrew Havilla, who died from the effects of burns received from a break in furnace C at the Edgar Thomson, met their deaths from purely accidental causes, and that proper precautions had been taken about the furnaces. A nnmber of witnesses were examined who saw the accident. They testified that it was nnusual for a furnace to break as this one had done, and that the furnace had never broken before, nor was it patched in any way. The break was about 18 inches by 2 feet. At the time the furnace was not pushed harder than ordinarily, but it re fused to work, and a number of men repeat edly attempted to remove the cinder. James Tola said he rescued Captain Jones from the modoc pit, and the hot cin ders were runnipg into his mouth. Thomas Adenbrook, the furnace builder, testified he had repaired the opposite side of the furnace a tew days before the acci dent. If there had been any breaks the flames would have been seen." So far as he conld see the furnace was all right. Other witnesses testified in a similar strain. THE CALYES TOO I0DNG. A Hearing Given In the Cnie A sains t Win ten & Dcllenbaob. There was a hearing before Alderman Mc Masters yesterday in the case of Humane Agent O'Brien against the firm of "Winters & Dellenbach, who were charged with buy ing some 30 calves from the Sewickley Dairy Company that were found to be too young to be sold for food. Agent O'Brien told how h heard of the calves being shipped to Allegheny to the firm, and learning they were very young secured the assistance of Meat and Milk In spector Lippert, of Allegheny, who con demned them. They found some of them not more than a day or two old. Mr. Del lenbach, of the firm, said he was under the impression the calves he bought were from two to five weeks old, and when he learned differently refused to kill them. The case was continued over until to-day. LOTTIE IS PKEE. She Took the Benefit of Ilio Insolvent Law nnd Is Oat of Jnil. Lottie McDonald was released from jail, yesterday.under the insolvent law. She was convicted of keeping a disorderly house and sentenced to six months in the work house, 5100 fine and the costs. Her time expired and she took the benefit of the insolvent laws to escape paying the fine or costs. LOCAL ITEMS. LIMITED. Incidents of n Dny in Two Cities Condensed for Ready Ucadine; HtJMASE AOENT O'Brien charged F. A. Hazelbart, yesterday, before Alderman Mc Garey, on tho Southside, with maltreating a horse. Agent O'Brien declared that Hazelbart bad been seen to beat and kick his horse brutally on Carson street Tuesday afternoon. A bow between several negroes took place last night on Wylie avenue opposite the new traction power house. One man named Emman uel Tillman was badly hurt, and tne police are on the lookout for bis assailants. The Brigade Examining Board concluded its sessions at the Monongahela last night. It had np before it for examination as to fitness and promotion officers of the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Fifth Begiments. The residents of South Eleventh street are worried over the action of the Monongahela Gas Company because they have laid their pipes in the large Sarah street sewer in their vicinity. A drunken farmer who claimed to be Uncle Jake Zeigler created some amusement around the City Hall yesterday by using the bell cord and bnttoo on the elevator for a telephone. John Vms. an employe In Carnegie's Thirty-third street mill, had his leg crushed by a falling plate yesterday. Be was taken to bis home, on Forty-sixth street Rev. It McGutre will lecture to-morrow evening In tne Centenary M. E. Church, corner Wrlie and Kirknatriek street, on "Wli.t rs.. In ihn Awit'i - ( i 10&3& Af ,..j.V 1. SIL-r . C .- PPJDAT, OCTOBER 4, DR. SHORB'S HISTORY. The Chloroform Victim Well Known tofiesidentsofThisCity, HIS MAEEIAGE WAS A SENSATION. He Wedded a Society Belle and Was Ostra cised -by His family. AN INGENIOUS DETICB TO GET SLEEP Dr. J. Campbell Shorb, who was found dead in bed Tuesday in San Francisco, was very well known in this city among the older residents. The people who read the announcement of his sad' ending and who were familiar with his history could not help but recall the prominent figure Dr. Shorb cut in social circles, both in this city and Philadelphia. The old residenters will remember the sensation he created in Pitts burg at the time of his marriage. About 30 years ago, Dr. Shorb came to this city from Emmettsburg, Md. Ble began the study of medicine at the Mercy Hospital, and became a member of the staff of the institution. After being at the hospital several years, he received the ap pointment of Marine Surgeon at San Francisco where he has been ever since. ' Before going away he became engaged to Miss Sophia Dallas, of Philadelphia. She was a well-known society belle of the Quaker City and a sister ot W. W. Dallas. an attorney of Pittsburg. At that time the latter was a prominent figure at the bar in this city, but afterward moved West. Miss Dallas was a Protestant and Dr. Shorb was a devout Catholic. The former reiused to become converted to the latter's faith and they were not married in the Catholic Church. His family and relatives denounced the action and refused to recognize him afterward. The affair caused quite a sensa tion in social circles on account of the prominence of the parties, and thev im mediately moved to the West. Frank Tier nan, formerly of this city.'who poisoned himself in Chicago a few months ago, was a brother-in-law of Shorb's. After ieaving Pittsburg Mr. Shorb west to California and there drifted into politics. He was a Democrat and filled many high positions of trust. He was a confirmed victim to the use of chloroform, and this caused his death. He took enough of the drug at every dose to kill an ordinary man, and resorted to it to secure sleep. He devised an ingenious apparatus by which a sponge saturated with the drug was suspended directly above his head and in close proximity to his nostrils, while lying in bed. By means of an antomatic arrangement, when his head dropped on the pillow, the sponge was drawn up into the air, and out of his Teach. He tried to conquer the habit, bnt it grew upon him every day. It was supposed that his death was the result of an overdose of the drug. He was an inmate of a private hospital a nnmber of times, bnt he could not be cured of the habit. He "has a brother, who is a millionaire wine merchant in San Gabriel, Cal. ME. LEISUMAN DENIES IT. Andrew Carnegie Is Not Thinking of a New Chlcngo Eond. Andrew Carnegie, who has been in the city for the past ten days looking after some details of his immense interests, will prob ably leave for New York to-day or to-morrow. A call was made at his office yester day aPernoon for the purpose of investi gating the published report in an aternoon paper that he contemplated building a coke railroad from this city to Chicago. The re port stated tbnt Mr. Carnegie wanted a more direct route 'to the West than the Pittsburg and Western, and he would assume control of a line across Northern Ohio to Fort Wayne. The road was to be part of the Pittsburg and Western system, and would go into Chicago over one of the Eastern Illinois lines. Mr. Carnegie was not accessible at the time, and the clipping was shown J. G. Leishman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer of the company. He stated that there was no truth whatever in the statement and the report was without foundation. MASTER BREWERS MEET. Employes Threnten to Strike Unless the Scale is Signed. A meeting of the members of the Alle gheny County Brewers' Association was held yesterday in their hall on Fourth ave nue. The object was to consider the scale presented by Local Union No. 22, composed of the journeymen brewers of the two cities. As yet Spencer & Liddell is the only firm in the county who signed the scale, and the journeymen threaten to strike unless the others do 'likewise. The scale calls for ten hours work per day and extra pay for over time. The men now work from 12 to 15 hours and are not paid anything extra. They are attached to the Federation of Labor, and will interest the officers of that body in the fight At the meeting yesterday a committee was present from the Central Trades Council and requested that the scale be signed by all the brewers. The latter now have the matter uuder consideration. A TRIBUTE TO CAPTALV JONES. He Was Second Holler In the metal lurgical World. Joseph D. Weeks, of this city, pays a high tribute to the worth of Captain W. B. Jones, who was buried at Braddock Wednes day. In his paper Mr. Weeks says: Not since the death of Holley has one dropped out of the ranks of metallurgy whose departure caused so many of his associates to feel that they have lose a personal friend, while the great army of workmen that cheerfully owned bim as their Captain knew bim and now mourn him as their friend "faithful and true." The l osition he filled was one that demanded a higher order of executive ability than that required of the President or the United States or any of his Cabinet, and this fact was recog nized by a salary equal to that of the Presi dent. Tinners' Union Ended. The latest local assembly of the Knights of Labor to lapse in this city is L. A. 1525, composed of tinners. They organized about one year ago, but as most of them were members of the Tin, Sheet Iron and Cor nice Workers' Union they did not take much interest in the other organization. Organizing nt Cumberland. President William Smith, of the Ameri can Flint Glass Workers' Union, has gone East on official business. He will stop at Cumberland and organize a new local nuion in the town. He will also visit Baltimore and other points. Fire Barbers Initiated. The regular meeting of the Barbers' Union was held last evening. Five new members were initiated. APPEALING TO MR. LION. "Boston Bock's" Daaahter Trjing to Get the Old Man Oat or Riverside. "Boston Buck," a notorious counterfeiter of Indiana county, was sent to the peniten tiary about five years ago for a term of seven years. Yesterday his daughter and her husband visited District Attorney Wal ter Lyon and besought him to intercede to secure a pardon for her aged father. "Buck" is now about 73 years old, and has yet to serve one year and ten months. Mr. Lyon was not acquainted with the merits of the case, and reierred the woman to Mr. William A. Stone, who was District Attorney at the time the man was sentenced. "Boston Buck ' had a strange career, and was con nected, during the war, with a "copper head" gang which tried to induce him to enter into a conspiracy to murder President Lincoln. " . 1889." A SITE SELECTED. The Allegheny Electric Plant to be Located at the Foot of Monument Hill The DaflT Co. Will Stay. The question as to the location of the Al legheny electric light power house was set tled last night when the joint sub-Committees on Gas and City Property met They passed a.resolution asking the City Property Committee to frame an ordinance appropri ating the position at the base of Monu ment Hill lying west of the Hope engine house along Martiu street. They asked that the Controller immedi ately advertise for bids for the excavation. The original intention was to use the site npon which the old armory buildings now stand. The Duff Manufacturing Company now occupy that building, and they were notified to vacate within three months. Last night the Duff Company sent a letter to the sub-committee, stating that it would be impossible for them to move before No vember 1, and even then it would be at a great sacrifice to their busi ness, and asked to be given 3,500 damages. The company at the same time submitted a proposition agreeing, to pay a premium of $3,500 besides the annual rent, if they were given a 20-years' lease on the building they are now in. This letter was laid on the table, the members in talking over the question of a site thought it wonld be better to allow the Duff Company to re main where they are, and as there is plenty of room on the west side of the Hope en gine house that is at present of no practical use, the plant could be located there. The City Property Committee met after the adjournmant of the joint committee, and passed the ordinance asked for. TWO STKEET ACCIDENTS. Mr. W. T. Shannon's Leg Broken by the Kick of a Fractions Horse. As the Frauenheim carriage containing Miss Frauenheim was standing at the cor ner of Fifth and Penn avennes, yesterday afternopn, an express wagon minus a driver went tearing down the street, and making a close circle around the Frauenheim carriage completely crnshed one wheel and otherwise wrecking the carriage. The driver showed great presence of mind and retained control of his horse, thus preventing a serious acci dent. Miss Frauenheim was rescued from the wreck in a half' fainting condition, but a severe fright was the most serious result suffered by the young lady. While coming home with his family in a barouche Wednesdav nieht from the Se wickley Presbyterian Church, W. T, Shan non, of Edgeworth, had his leg broken be low the knee by a kick from one of the horses. The bone was set while he remained in the carriage, and the neighbors pulled the vehicle with Mr. Shannon in it to his home. THE KASDALL CLUB MEET. Delegates Selected for the Convention of Democratic Societies. The regular meeting of the Bandall Club was held last night, J. P. Fleming presid ing. Eleven new members were elected. A committee of three was appointed to make arrangements for the annual reception ball. The following delegates were selected to at tend the convention of Democratic societies to be held in Philadelphia October 15: A. F. Keating. Wm. A. McCaffrey, Captain Wm. Webb. John E. McCrickart, B. E. Arons. H. L. McGraw. T. O'Leary. F. A. Gosser. D. O. Barr, J. C. Bobinson, John O'Neil, Joseph Stokely. Genpral P. N. Guthrie, Captain W. H. Barclay, Herman Handle, Alex. Wilson, J. O'Conner, H. T. Morris. W. J4 Welxek A. P. Bnrgwin, J. W. Echols. Charles Carroll, James E. O'Donnell. Lew Cella, J. J. Wallace, B. J. Foley and Edward Busman. UIPiN'OTISM YS. MDSCLE. Christopher Wouldn't be Blnffed, He Tackled the Doctor. Dr. A. "W. Stamford, who sells electric belts in Soho, was giving his usual exhibi tion of mesmerism last night, when Christo pher Wolf mounted the stage, and demand ed to be mesmerized. The doctor refused to comply, and Wolf proceeeed to throw him from the stand. Hypnotism was giving way to muscles, when Officer Dean inter vened, and Wolf was arrested, together with an accomplice named Laugbhn, and lodged in the Fonrteentb ward station. Dr. Stam ford was slightly hurt, bat continued his show. Wo Are Advised By the passenger department of the Penn sylvania Bailroad that arrangements have been made for the sale of round trip tickets from Washington to New York and return at rate of $10 for the round trip, on account of the Triennial Conclave of the Knights Templar, to be held in Washington October 8 to 11, inclusive. Bound trip' tickets sold to New York by the Pennsylvania Bailroad lrom Washington will be sold, good to re turn from New York to Pittsburg direct, by the purchaser depositing with the agent of this company at Washington the return por tion ot his excursion ticket, Pittsburg to Washington and return. By this means, if you desire visiting Eastern cities, the ticket granted at reduced rates to Washington, you can purchase a round trip ticket to New York and return direct to Pittsburg, not re quiring you to return via Washington, D. C. AUTUMNAL CLOTHES For Boys and Children Novelties In Shapes and Materials. Great skill and taste have been exercised this season in the production of these gar ments. The styles are very attractive, the fashionable cloths and materials unusually handsome, and the garments taade to stand a vast deal of wear and service. The sole agency for Brokaw Bros. New York cloth ing is Sailor's 58, 60 and 62 Sixth street. TVF Oar Great Bargains In Fall Dress Goods The reason of our enormous trade these bright autumn days come in the morning if you can. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Photographers Slclt Because they can't compete with Yeager & Co.'s 75c per doz. cabinets. Come early for your sittings. Bring the children. Gallery, 70 Federal st, Allegheny. New Beginners' Class This Evening In Dancing. Thuma's Dancing Academy, 64 Fourth ave., another beginners' class will open this evening. Children's opening to-morrow afternoon. Exposition Splendid wedding designs. Magnificent floral display all day. nonip Industry Deserves supoort Messrs. Frauenheim & Vilsack have for years been making their celebrated Pittsburg beer in this city. Good judges pronounce it pure, wholesome and nutritious. Exposition Floral 'day. Lavish dis play of bridal designs. The Finest $1 Brond Cloth Is Herr, All the new shades 50 inches wide, beau tiful in finish near entrance to dress goods department. Jos. Hobke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Exposition Superb floral display, Watch for the lovely bridal designs. One of the Finest. Klein's "Silver Age" display at the Ex position. Mvr New Beginners' Class This Evening In Dancing. Thuma's Dancing Academy. 64 Fourth ave., another beginners' class will open this evening. Children's opening to-morrow afternoon. Expositioh Splendid wedding designs. Magnificent floral display all day. CORLISS BUKGLAR PfiOOF" SAFEST Tho Demand for. Tbrra ns Shown by Sev ernl of Many Recent Orders. We speak of what is known as the Corliss Safe, made of chilled iron in a semi-spherical form. It is a coinoaratively recent manufacture first exhibited at the Centen nial of '76 the very novel features of its construction, involving principles utterly new in the foundry and machine shop, held it back from very rapid development to the perfection attained in its present making. It can be considered as an invention con sonant with that of the Corliss engine.which latter has indelibly shaped all modern steam engines in all' engide building countries. This invention of the safe, in its inception and fulfillment, is a flight of the eagle; it has solved the problem of the safe keeping of the wealtn of a people, existing in money and securities. But, speaking in every day thoughts, in facts ana figures, the Corliss Safe and Vault Door Company of Providence, B. L, are pressing their indnstry by night as well as by day; the demand for their safes is rapid ly increasing, and even coming from such far away places as Tacoma and Spokane Falls, Washington Territory, where two have just been sent, while in their own State they have recently supplied the Pbcenix National Bank, People's Savings Bank, and Mercantile Trust Company, also the Franklin Sayings Bank, and the First National Bank of Pawtneket with complete outfits of burglar and lire-proof security, which outfits have been duplicated for the Commercial National 'Bank of Omaha, the Union National ot Den ver,and the Lawrence National Bank of Lawrence, Mass. Two of these Corliss safes have just been delivered in this city, one to the Farmers' Deposit Na tional Bank (being the second Corliss safe bought by them); the other goes into the City Deposit Bank. It will be remembered that the Corliss Safe Company made in this city not long ago some startling ocular proofs of the insecurity ot all square safes, and the information then gained by our citi zens seems not to have been lost to them. It is a matter of some general interest to add that the Slater National Bank of Paw tneket, B. I., have adopted the Corliss new safe deposit system, which affords to each box holder all those advantages in certainty of security against burglary possessed by the bank ior its own funds. Grand aiilllnerr Opening To-day at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. See Oar Dew Style Pare Silk Fringes at 8150 A yard, all colors usually sells at $2 a yard see this in trimming department. Jos. Hohne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Astonishing! How mothers save money buying infants' cloaks, slips and caps, at Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. Grand millinery Opening To-day at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. Fob nervous indigestion use "Silver Age." It will help you. Klein's awr LA2INEBB,&- Weakness, Indisposition to Work, Headache, Dullness, Heaviness, Lack of Appetite, Constipation, all Indicate that you need a few doses of 'the genuine Dr. McLane's Celebrated LIYER PILLS. . They strengthen the weak and BLOOD. purify the They are prepared from the pnrest materials and put up with the great est care by FLEMING BROS., PlTTgURG, -PA.S Be sure yon get the genuine' Count erfeits are made in St. Louis. JJ8-1TWT TOURS TBULY, T. T. T., 109 Federal Street. KEEP WARM. KEEP WARM. If1 yon don't keep up a certain tempera ture m your body you will nay the penalty of chills and a severe cold. You can avoid this by investing a little money in our WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. Ladies', Men's and Children's, all sizes and qualities. No trouble to show the stock. T. T. T. THDMPBDN BROTHERS, 109 Federal Street, Allegheny. se30-irw7 -3EEMB DF ARTV MR. D. A. MATHEWS, of New York City, begs leave to call the attention of the connos sleurs of Pittsburg to his UNIQUE AND REPRESENTATIVE -OF- COLLECTION FDREIBN PAINTINGS, By the MOST DISTINGUISHED MODERN MASTERS, and to bespeak for the same the honor of their patronage, at BOYD'S ART ROOMS," (Bear Gallery) No. 435 Wood Street. On exhibition from 9 A. m. to 6 p. h. oc3 11-Thrsa WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS AND WALNSCOTTING, INTERIOR DECORATORS, Manufacturers and Importers of Flno Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete Honse Furnishings. S & - TRTMBY. HUNT 4 CO.. ilaadll Market St, ly9-T6-xa Patedelpkla, Pa.;, new ABmnwsBm. JDB. 'HDRNE I ,CD.'S PENN AVENUE STORES TO THE PURCHASING FTJBUav A fact you Bust remember, naaeijfsbat Hj. b a mistake to delay m makfeg your p4reiaes for fall and wiaier. WHYT Because we have the vsry largest and. complete lines of new goods sow. Because of our very large trad oar tei ' Bargain purchases sell oat very qawic .v Because our assortment of new good! nnequaled in variety la all departeeBts. Because you avoid the rash Oat always et later In the season. Because people who townr" --55 from experience say this lathe best nlaeelto buy. Five excellent reasons, aren't thejr 1 As to our Fall and Winter Wraps and Jack ets for ladles and children, we might fill pages of this paper with words and wood cuts ot the new and taking garments that make up this r wonderful collection. Do you want a good Wrap, short of lossy' small ot large size, plain or elaborate, light fat weight or heavy, for a few dollars or forhaa dredsT This is the Cloak DepartseatjirkefO; you find them. -Vlfc A word about SEALSKIN GARMENTS. . If yon expect to buy a Sealsiin Jacket or C39 or Mantle this season we strongly rage, you inspect our stock of carefully selected aad perfectly shaped and finished. real AltiVi Seal1 goods now You can rely upon these goods fully, sell only the beat and our prices are as low as can be made on first-class goods. We' do a very large business la Use Furs ot all kinds and have Seal ganaeBta made ta order promptly and in the beat manner. f r ' we Latest styles in ready-to-wear Salts, for" street and home wear. 'V Large stock of Tea Gonna and Wrappers a - the most fashionable materials. ' Because we have been extremely busy la oar, Drea Goods Department don't think for a' moment our stock of choice woolen dress? fabrics is In the least brokea. WehaTelottk new goods here to show you this weefc. So' then come in this week. For a speeaal bargaia in low priced dress goods see this lot. Srikj . ? , and Wool Striped Suitings, ag weal,' X feefcs? wide, at 35c ajard. More of those popular SO laches wide, plais and fancy All-wool Suitings at 60c a yard. Our stock of fine All-wool Cashmeres, Hen rietta Cloths and Drap d'Ete Suitings Includes the best values from oOc a yard up to superfine qualities in all the new and fashionable color., ings. " ;' We claim confidently to hare tha largeat stock of Black Dress Goods and Mouraisg wear fabrics, and our prices explain the popu larity of this large department. Don't forget to call and examke our wonder ful Silk Departments, filled with an the newest kinds of best Silks In blacks and colors. We hare new arrival of Colored Gros Grain Sflks that we propose to sell o.ulek.if the profit ul small 60c a yard. 65c a yard, 85c a yard,U a' ' yard. Here is a chance to save mosey. The largest line of new patterns la BUek. Brocade Silks and Satins ever shown ia Pitts burg. & . w- Plushes, 16-lnch wide, at 36c and 45c a yarit 19-inch at 60c a yard; 24-inca at 75c and K'a "Sje yard the best values you can find, and largest assortment of colors. Bargains In plain, colored and fancy Trim ming Velvets. A fall stock of Black Velvets. All the new shades in high grade Costume Velvets that are so fashionable for full dress costumes. ' New Table Linens In our special excellent makes and at popular prices now in stock. Housekeepers will enjoy looking at our lovely sew patterns in Lace Curtains, In Nottingham, Irish Point, Swiss Tambour, Vltrage and other makes. Low prices rule. Also new effects la Portieres and Heavy Curtains in Chenille and Velour. All sizes In Table Covers. New and elegant stock of Upholstering for draperies and Interior decorations. Designs and estV mates famished onappllcation. Work done by experienced men, ' Many other departments deserve mention but cannot be spoken of now. Come and see our store crowded with all that is new and at tractive. We would Insist npon all visitors to the Ex position to make It a point to visit oar im mense establishment, the oldest and largest drygoods house in Western Pennsylvania,. They can depend upon courteous treatmeath and prompt attention. JDS. HDRNE k CD. 'Si PENN AVENUE STORESS 3 tfciitfV;. 1 w-1i mmmMSMmmtlmiMmMMmlKtm