rW MMSi- ;' .yry- swr "- j Wilkie Collins' LasfrSiiry, Joshua, a Biblical Romance, By Pro Georg Ebers, the emi nent novelist and Egyptologist, will commenoa in next Sunday's DISPATCH. pBPwra "OneAugust Night in ei," will be published complete In next San day's DISPATCH. mm FORTY-FOURTH TEAR Wmm. Thirty-Six People Lose Their Lives in a Southern Steam boat Explosion. CALLED WITHOUTWARNING No Cause Can bo Assigned for the Accident That Carried Off Many. SOME TEEE1BLE SCENES Which Were Soon Buried Beneath the Bosom of the Missis sippi River. LISTS OF THE LOST AND SAVED. A Passing Steamer Fortunately Eescnes Many of the Passengers From a Horrible Fate. ANOTHER DISASTER ADDED TO 18S9. The Ouchita Line steamer Corona, bnilt at Wheeling seven years ago, exploded her boilers at noon yesterday, near Batsn Rouge, and immediately sank. Thirty-six people were lost, most of them the boat's crew. A passing steamer rescued many of the passengers, some of them injured, but none, it is thought, fatally. The cause of the explosion is a mystery, as the boat had just been overhauled. ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Netv Oeleans, October 3. The Ouchita steamer Corona exploded her boilers about noon to-day, opposite False Biver settle ment, ten miles above Baton Bouge, and sank in a few minutes, with the loss of 36 lives. It was the first trip of the Corona this season, she having just been repaired at a cost of 512,000, and put, it was sup posed, in complete order. She left New Orleans at 7:30 last evening with a fair cargo, and reached Baton Bouge at about 10:30 o'clock this morning, taking on a num ber of passengers. Unaccountable Explosion. "While opposite False Eiver settlement, one of the boilers exploded suddenly and in a most unaccountable manner, no one who witnessed the explosion directly surviving to tell exactly how the accident did ocenr. The explosion was one of the most violent ever known on a steamboat. It knocked down the root of the cabin and sent splinters flying in every direction, wound ing a number of persons and splitting the vessel so that she sank almost like lead. Although it was in the middle of the day and everyone was on the alert, both passen gers and crew found it Dlfflcnlt to Escape. It is probable that the explosion killed immediately the fireman and a number of the deck hands. Others were seriously hurt by the splinters and escaping steam. There was no time to get out the boats, and some of the passengers, with the greatest difficulty, secured life preservers. Within a few seconds the Corona had sunk in deep water, and nothing was left of her but por tions of the wreck drifting down stream and tbe passengers and crew struggling in the middle of the river aDd clinging to life pre servers and pieces of wreckage. Fortunately, the City of St, Louis hap pened to be descending the river at almost the same time. She came to the relief of those Straggling In (he Wnter, and landing, took on board those who had already been rescued by the people of the neighborhood, bringing all of them to Baton Rouge. Here those who wished to remain were landed, while others were taken to New Orleans. The City of St. Louis re mained at Baton Bonge for some time, so as to allow the wounded passengers to receive the medical treatment they needed. Some of them were badly burnt by the steam, but it is not thought any are fatally hurt "Many of the crew of the Corona were on tbe ill-fated steamer John H. Eana, a sister boat of the same line, the Ouchita Biver Line, which was lost last Christmas with 45, and among the victims to-day were some of ine lew survivors vi mat cusaster. Tbe Entire interior Wrecked. The explosions of the boiler wrected the entire interior of the steamer. Mrs.Eobert son, who was in the ladies' cabin at the time, said that the entire root seemed to fall suddenly in and she was wedged in by the falling timbers and debris, so that she could not move a limb. It was some time before she conld release herself from these timbers,and then the boat seemed to suddenly go down, and she found herself struggling in the water. She conld not swim and had sunk twice, when some one rescued her. She is suffering from a few brnises from the timbers which Jelled her. Hon. L. T. Mason, Secretary of State, who was in the cabin, said that he was in the la dies' boat at the time of the explosion. There was no time for any preparations. The Boat West Down Like Lead in a few minutes. He managed with diffi culty to get lile preservers for himself and two ladies, and the next moment they were struggling in the water. Fortunately, the City of St Louis passed a few minutes aft erward. She was hailed and took on board the passengers and crew not lost, otherwise 11 is probable that more lives would have been lost Mr. L. C. Bawlins, the pilot of the Ccona, was asleep in the Texas at the time of tbe explosion. He was awakened by the noise and painfully burned on both hands by the escaping steam. There was just cnoueh time for him to citrine from tbe boat .when she went down. , None ot the bodies have been recovered except that of one of the barkeepers. The body shows that he was killed by the explosion, and Dot drowned, and the probabilities are that most of the other members of the crew met death in a similar wav. Not the slightest idea prevails as to the cause of the explosion. The Corona was thoroughly overhauled a few days ago, at New Orleans, and tbe vessel's boilers, etc., were supposed to be in perfect order. The following is a list of those who were lost: lAnt or the Lost. CAPTAIN BAKES. MRS. TOM HOUGH, of Opelousa, sister of Captain Banks. MR. WILSON, of Red River Landing. J. V. JORDAN, first clerk. CHARLES CKLLERS, second clerk. SWIMP HANK A, third clerk. FRED DINKLE, barkeeper. FRED YERMAN, barkeeper. PAT RYAN, steward. DICK CURTIS, fireman. TOM SHOOK, engineer. HENRY DOYLE, porter. JAMES SWIPE, porter. MR. TATE, barber. HENRY DAVIS, deckhand. TOM COOK, sailor. BILLY' YOUNG, second mate. SAM STEEL. Texas boy. BOTH CAPTAINS of deck watch. FIFTEEN ROUSTERS. All of the crow. Tne following passengers were lost: DR. ATWELL, corn doctor. FOUR ncsro musicians. MR. SCOTT, Smithland. MR. DAVIS, stockman, Texas. MR. KOENCH. MRS. HUFF, or Ooeleuse. MRS. KAUFMAN'S NURSE and oldest child. A number of persons rescued from the wreck were injured more or lets seriously by the steam or the splinters from the vessel. Among them are: Those Wlio Were Saved. Crew sa ved H. H Jolle, pilot; T. L Rawlins, pilot; Charles Pierce, steersman; J. W.Handly engineer; Jack Miller, mate; Billy Biggins, bill ciers; ltoDert (Jams, carpenter; William Flem ing, second steward; Sam Grce, watchman: Tom Burns, deckhand; Milt Glover, fireman; Dan Shcmtck, pantryman: Frank Reevcs.cook; Joseph Steelmaker: Charity Larabart,chamber maid: Miss Reilly, second maid; Joe Rayman, greaser; several cabin boys. Passengers saved Mrs. Henry Banks and two children, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Robert Robert son, Mrs. Kaufman and children. Captain B. G. Comwell, Mrs. J. R. Brown, Mrs. J. J. Mere dith, Mr. L. F. Mason, Mr. Banghtnan, Mr. Comstock, Donaldsonville; Mr. John Carr. Harrisonburg; Mrs. Kaufman and infant, of Smithland; Hon. L. F. Mason, Baton Roguo. List of the Wounded. The followinc are the wounded: Captain B. Cornwell, slightly; Baughman, residing on Blackey river, hurt internally, not dangerous: Mr. Comstock. Donaldsonville, slightly: J. J. Meredith, Columbia, Ia. slight!; Wayne, a little son of Henry Banks, slightly hurt about face; Charles A. Pearce, "New Orleans, scalded; Pilot Rollings, badly scalded on the hands; Captain T. Sweeney, slightly hurt by fling timbers; Mrs. F. W. Robertson, slightly hurt. Noneare expected to die. THE STEAM ALL EIGHT. Cnplaln Sweeney Is Positive That the Pres sure Was Not Excessive. 1ew Okleahs, October 3. Captain T. C. of tbe owners of the line, who assumed command on the death of Cap tain Banks, says the explosion was not due to too high pressure of steam. He had just had occasion to examine the gauge and is positive there was not a pressure of more than 135 pounds. The boat had a moderate cargo. She was in midstream just below the landing at Arbroth and had just whis tled to pass the City of St Louis, fortun ately coming down at the time. The explosion had a downward tendency and blewont the bottom of the boat, causing her to sink immediately. The cabin was torn in two, the rear portion floating down stream and bearing a number of the saved. Captain Sweeney happened to be forward, and started at once to put out the flames, which began to burn at several places. He says the boat would undoubtedly have burned had she not gone down immediately. None of the books, papers or other valuables were saved, HISTORY OF THE BOAT. The Corona Was Bnilt nt Wheeling Aboot Ten Tears Abo. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH.) Wheeling, October a Captain Camp bell Sweeney, of this city, was a half owner in the Corona, which exploded her boilers near Baton Bouge, Miss., this morning. The boat was built here in 1878 at a cost of about $30,000. She was owned by Captain Banks and Captain Sweeney, and was a part of the fleet of the Ouachita Transporta tion company. Cantain Sweeney was her commander, but Captain Banks was in charge, while Captain Sweeney was at his home here on a visit The latter left to join the boat last Saturday. The boat had a carrying capac ity of abont 2,700 bales of cotton. At the time of the accident she was valued at 520,000. FIFTEEN CERTAINLY DROWNED. Another Vessel Goes Down With All on Board, nnd a Boat Missing. tfrEClAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH. St. Pieeee, Miquelon, October 3. The trans-Atlantic steamer Geographic, of the Bossiere Line, Captain Pausset com manding, bound from Montreal to South ampton with cattle, sheep and a cargo of general merchandise, which left Sydney, C. B., on Tuesday, collided with the Nova Scotian sailing vessel, Minnie Swift 40 miles off St Pierre at 2 o'clock this morning. The Minnie Swift sunk within two min utes, drowning, as nearly as can be ascer tained, 2 women, 3 children and 10 men. The others, with part of the crew of a Nor wegian vessel who had previously been picked up, got on board the steamer, which, despite all efforts, also sunk at 11 o'clock A. M. Two boats, containing about 35 persons, which put off from the steamer early in the morning, arestill missing. Tbe third boat with the captain and 15 others was picked up by the schooner Sister Bell and brought to St. Pierre. GETTING PEESONAL. The Ohio Campalcn Wnxeth Warm CandU date Campbell's Hot Drive nt a For- nker Board Raises Quito a Larue Rampas. rSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THS DISPATCH.: Columbus, O., October 3. Hon. James E. Campbell, Democratic candidate for Governor, in his speech at Cincinnati last night, charged that the Bepublican Board of Public Affairs of that city was rotten to the core, and in support of his assertion produced a letter from George B. Topp, chairman of the board, which he wrote June 9 to one George Campbell, asking him to charge 51 a load for gravel which was being furnished the city, and to give Topp 25 cents on each load, which was that much above the contract price. The letter was published to-day in fac simile. Governor Foraker arrived in this city to night, and has given out for publication a telegram which he sent to-day from Gal lipolis to Hon. Kufus King, J. W. War rington and Jndge Worthington, of Cincin nati, asking them to act as members of an investigating committee to look into the charges made by Mr. Campbell against the board. At 11 o'clock to-night he had re ceived telegrams from the two former de clining to act on the committee. No definite word has been received from Judge Worth ington. The Gopp letter has created a great sensa tion In political circles, and the campaign is rapidly developing into a personal one. APPEALING TO BLAINE. A Quartet of Americans Subjected to a Gross Outrage In Europe Arrested Without CnnsonndConfloedfor Dors In FUlhy Cells. Baltimobe, October 3. Mr. Charles E. Coates, Jr., of this city, a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University, will go to Wash ington in a day or two to lay before Secre tary Blaine a complaint of outrages in flicted upon him while traveling in Switzer land last summer. Mr. Coates has been completing his studies in Germany, and last August, in company with Mr. George D. Mumford, of New York, was making a tour of Switzerland. They journeyed to Berne, and on the train they met a couple of Ameri cans who did not speak German. When Berne was reached all four took a carriage drive about the city, and returned to the depot, took dinner in the restaurant and went out on the platform to wait for the train for Interlaken. While standing quietly Mr. Coates heard his name called, and looking np, saw his acquaintances of the morning being escorted down the platform by an officer. As they passed him, one of them said: "Mr. Coates, what is the matter with the fellow? He must be drunk." Knowing they spoke no German, he asked the officer what he wanted, but was simply told "to come along too." Mr. Mumford was arrested at the same time, and the four were taken into a small room with a glass door opening upon the platform. There they were kept for two hours for the traveling public to look at The detective who made the arrest would not give any reason for his action. They were taken to police headquarters and separated. Mr. Coates was taken before the Justice, searched, questioned and sent to Erison. No charges were laid against him, e had been given no' opportunity to clear himself, and would not let him make a statement He had with him a letter of credit, a passport, private letters and bills of lading on goods shipped to London and considerable money. The cell he was given was very filthy and dark and swarming with vermin. He was kept three davs on prison (are, gruel and black bread, in solitary confinement, all the while ignorant of the charge against him, or when he should be examined. At the end of the fifth day he was released with an apology, and was told it was all a mistake. Mr. Coates and Mr. Mumford then went to see the Judge who was to have tried them. He agreed it was a mistake and an outrage, and that they were entitled to damages, which, however, would have to be awarded by the Federal courts. The two then went to the American Consul and told him their story, but he said he could do nothing. Mr. Coates wrote to Minister Washburn, and the latter stated he would get an official apology from the Swiss Government Mr. Blaine' will be requested to take action in the matter. POWD'ERLY WOBBJED. He is Annoyed Grentlv by the Fight Now Being Made on Him A Little Light on Chicago's Lato Campaign Red Pepper Next. rSPSCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 St. Louis, October 3. The sessions of the Executive Board of the Knights of Labor were devoted to-day to the considera tion of the Musicians Assembly of Pitts burg. A petition had been received asking that the charter of the assembly be taken away, on the grounds that a majority of its members were expelled because of the Knights of Labor. No action had been taken up to a late hour this evemcr: Mr. Powderly is greatly worried over the fight now being made on him. He comes out to-day in a pronouncement against Editor Detwiler, ot Chicago. He charged him with being an Anarchist who was ex pelled for gross violations of the rules of the order. "During the last campaign in Chi cago," said Mr.. Powderly, "the Repub licans were anxious to have a labor ticket in the field to draw votes trom the Democrats. Detwiler undertook to engineer this, and nearly succeeded. He had almost induced the labor men to place a ticket in the 'field, when it was discovered that he was simply an employe of the Bepublican Committee, and the men nominated refused to make the race. Detwiler got hold of a fellow named Ling, and the mo ment that he learned the labor men had withdrawn, ran over to the Bepublican headquarters before they received the news, and told them Ling would head the ticket, and it is said that he received a handsome sum for his services, but Ling did not get 100 votes. There will be an open mass meeting of the Knights to-morrow night, and Pow derlv is preparing some red pepper. The other side charge that Powderly was afraid to come West until the damage suits against the Missouri Pacific and other roads were dismissed, as the company wanted to ex amine him. The suits were dismissed last Monday. DEITEN TO DEATH BY FEAE. A Bridegroom Who Committed Sniclde Rather Thnn Face tbe Music. rErEClAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Bbookxtn, N. X., October 3. -The sui cide of Augustus Stevens Van de Linde.ihe young bridegroom, at the office of his uncle, A. P. Stevens, on Wednesday, is regarded as one of the strangest that has ever taken place in this city. The facts all point to the conclusion that the reading of the unex pected announcement his courtship and secret marriage to Miss Annie Williams, who won tbe prize in tbe beauty contest at the St Augustine's Church fair in May, was the immediate provoking canse of the act. The relations between him and his pretty young bride appear to have been of the most tender description, and both were joyfully looking forward to the speedy restoration of harmony between him and his mother and uncle, and to the subsequent housekeeping on their own account It is said that the boywonld have in formed both bis mother and uncle of his marriage just as soon as they returned from the country, had he not feared that they would have been especially indignant that he had chosen a Catholic girl as his wife, and married her according to the rites of her own church. The widow of the young man is inconsolable over his death. That she is a most worthy and accomplished young woman, as well as beautiful, iB the verdict of all her acquaintances. EOBEET SUES FOE DIVORCE. Mrs. Hamilton Has Not Yet Seea the End of Her Troablc. New Yoke, October 3. Eobert Bay Hamilton has finally begun his action to relieve himself of his disreputable wife. To-day a complaint in a suit brought by him to annul his marriage with Evangeline E. Steele, as she called herself, found its way into the Supreme Court. The papers were presented to Jndge Patterson upon an application ior an order for the service of the summons by publication, and the order was granted. In the complaint the story of the marriage is told again substantially as it has been published, and the plaintiff claims that his consent to the ceremony was gained on his wife's misrepresentations. It is also stated "that at the time of the marriage the defendant bad a husband liv-ing-and that on January 7, 1889, (the date of Hamilton's marriage.) the former mar riage was still in force." Judge Patterson directed the summons to be published, and a copy of papers containing it to be mailed to the defendant at the county jail at Mays Landing, N. J., and to the State prison, ne wart, jx. j. PITTSBURG, FRIDAY, A PROTEST ALREADY. Some Delegates to the American Con gress Kicking Against BLAINE ACTING AS PRESIDENT. EepresentatiYes ot Two of the Countries Befuse to Attend. THE LONG TOUR NOW FAIELT STARTED. West Point Extends a Warm .Welcome to the Distill euiihed Guests. A portion of the delegates to the Inter national American Congress .object to the selection of Mr. Blaine as tho presiding of ficer on the ground that he is not a member of the body. Those from Chili and the Ar gentine Bepublic have refused to attend the session. The Congress was entertained last evening at West Point ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH '. Washington, October 2. It transpires to-day that the International American Congress, whose surface has appeared so tranquil, really started off with a storm which at one time threatened to wreck the hopes ot its projectors. The trouble began when it became apparent that Secretary of State Blaine would be chosen to preside over the deliberations of the congress. The Central and South American delegates went into secret session. No sooner had the doors been closed than the storm broke. In vigorous Spanish the proposition to make Mr. Blaine president of the congress was denonnced as unfair, illegal and unprecedented. "We do not deny the right of the American delegates to elect the president," said one of the dele gates from Chili. "There are precedents for the selection of a president by the members from the country which issued the invita tions to the congress and in which the con gress is held, but TUEBE ABE NO PBECEJJENTS for the election as president of a man who is not a member of the congress. Secretary Blaine is not a member of this congress. The law under which the congress was called provides that the United States shall be represented by ten delegates, to be ap pointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. These ten delegates have been so appointed and Mr. Blame is not one of them." The Chilian delegate was followed by other delegates in tbe same strain. Boque Laenz Pena and Manuel Quintana, dele gates from the Argentine Bepublic, and Minister Varos and Jose Alfonso, of Chili, led the onslaught against Blaine, in which they had the support and sympathy of the other delegates. It was contended that to elect an ontsider president would be to invite the ridicule of the nations of the earth, and that, more over, Mr. Blaine would not be able to pre side continuously, and the congress would thus be left without a responsible head. A proposition was made that the delegates join in a resolution indorsing Mr. Blaine for honorary president, leaving the inference that they would not be satisfied with his selection for president, which feeling was shown in the debate, and at one time there was danger that the anti-Blaine elemest would I SECEDE AND BEFUSE to take part in the deliberations of the con gress. The discussion became so spirited and bitter that the session continued all the afternoon, and at G o'clock adjourned for dinner, to meet again at 8. It was nearly midnight betore the conference finally ad journed, and the Blaine matter was under consideration during nearly all ot the ses sion. On adjournment several of the delegates declared they wonld not attend the meeting of the congress the next day at which Mr. Blaine was to be elected president. The delegates from two nations, Chili and the Argentine Bepublic, kept their word. President Harrison is responsible for Mr. Blaine's selection. The Secretary himself was in favor W. n. xrescott, but tbe Presi dent objected. The delegates to the congress were astir at an early hour this morning to prepare for the long trip arranged for them by the De partment of State. They awoke to enjoy one of tbe most charming of Washington's autumnal mornings. The sky was clear, and the sun shone with just enough inten sity to temper the cool breezes that pre vailed. OFF ON THE1B TOUB. The delegates partook of an early break fast, and then made their way to the Penn sylvania Bailroad station, where ior fully three-quarters of an hour before the sched uled time for starting the train, an nnusual stir and activity were noticeable. The vesti bule train was early an object of admiration by a great crowd of sightseers. Before 8 o'clock the delegates began to arrive and were received at the station by Mr. William E. Curtis, the special agent o'f the State Department in charge of the ex cursion. There was jjo formal leave-taking between the Government officials and the delegates. Many friends of the delegates accompanied them to the station, and for half an hour before the train started the scene was an animated one. At 8:15 the warnine, "All aboard," was given, and promptly on schedule time the train started on its long journey. WARMLY WELCOMED. The Delegates to tbe International Congress Visit West Point on an Interesting Oc casion Speeches by Generals Sbermnn and Fortcr. West Point, N. Y., October 3. West Point to-day was the scene of some impos ing ceremonies which are destined to be come memorable in its annals, and to mark tbe occasion as a red-letter day in its his tory. The visit of the International Amer ican Congress and the unveiling of the por traits of Grant, Sheridan and Sherman were the principal leatures. The special train containing the delegates to the International American Congress did not arrive until about 5 o'clock, an hour later than the time scheduled. The gather ing was probably the most notable that has assembled in many years at the historic academy. Among the noteworthy citizens of the United States present were General Horace Porter, General Fitz John Porter, Collector Erhardt, of New York; General Hastings, the Secretary of War; General Sherman, General VanYliet, Judge Horace Bnssell, Senator Pierce and Wayne Mc Veagh. These were supplemented by the distinguished foreign representatives. The exercises were opened with prayer by the chaplain of the post. Bev. Mr. Postleth waite. The superintendent then said that the next step was the unveiling of the por traits presented to the academy by Mr. Childs. He raised his hands, a tap of the drum followed.the flags fell from the pictures and they stood revealed in all their beauty. The batallion presented arms, the band played "Hail Columbia" and the audience sprang to their feet and cheered. General Horace Porter was then introduced and made the presentation address. The address was followed by "The Star Spangled Ban ner" played by the band, the audience standing. Superintendent Wilson, in a short address, accepted the portraits. The Secretary of War then made a few remarks. ,, lieneraiiBnerman, wno, curing all these OCTOBER 4; 1889. ceremonies, had sat on the platform with folded hands and tear-dimmed and down cast eyes, in response to many calls, was next introduced. As the General arose the assemblage broke forth into wild cheering. ,The remarks of the old soldier were appro priate to the occasion and loudly ap plauded. BRILLIANTLY WED. , The Endicott-Tfaoron Nuptials nt Lenox Mrs. Cleveland' Striking FIgnrc Other Prominent Peoplo Wit ness the Ceremony. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCIL1 Lenox, Mass., October 3. The 'Endi-cott-Thoron wedding has long been looked forward to as the greatest event of what has been a very brilliant season here, and tho londest anticipations were fully realized. The weddlntr was celebrated at the home of Samuel G. Ward, the bride's grandfather, two miles west of tho village, on an emi nence overlooking Stockbridge Bowl, one of Berkshire's prettiest sheets of water. The house is large and handsome, andcom mands'a view ot the finest scenery in the country. The day was pleasant The first event of the day was a luncheon given in honor of ex-Secretary and Mrs. Fairchild, by General Barlow, who is enter taining them. Mrs. Cleveland was one of the guests. The luncheon over, everybody turned toward Mr- Ward's house. The groom, William C. Endicott, Jr., of Salem, and the best man, Charles P. Curtis, Jr., of Boston, drove over soon after noon, and by 1 o'clock some 400 carriages had left guests at the door. Flowers and autumn leaves were used profusely for decorations, and some charming effects were secured in the parlors by massing the materials used. Shortly after 1 o'clock the bridal party entered the parlor, an orchestra playing Mendelssohn's Wedding March. Miss Thoron wore a dress of heavy white satin, pearl ornaments, a bridal veil and orange blossoms. Her bridemaid, Miss Ward, daughter of Thomas Ward, of New York, wore a pink silk dress and diamond orna ments. They took their places in front of the mantel, surrounded by the ushers, who were, Ward Thoron, brother ot the bride; Sicrournev Butler. Dr. H. F. Sears and H B. Cabot, of Boston; George B. Peabody. of Salem, and Thomas Lee, of Washington. The service of the Catholic Church was used in the ceremony, which was performed by the Eev. Father Prendergast, of Washington, assisted by the Bev. Father Smith, of Lee. Alter receiving the con gratulations of the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Endicott drove to Pittsfield, and proceeded thence by rail on their wedding journey. After their departure the guests sat down to a wedding breakfast, and the reception was continued until 4 o'clock. Mrs. Cleveland wore a delicate fawn tinted dress, with point lace trimming, and was a striking figure in the throng ot richly attired women. Among the guests were the Whitneys, the Fairchilds, Baron and Madam Schombe, Mavroyini Bey, the Turkish Minister; A. Le Ghait the Belgian Minister; Herr Echardstein, the Servian Minister; Mr. and Mrs. Sloane, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, Dr. and Mrs. Kennicut, and Mr. and Mrs. Burden. AN IJNDEBGEOTJND EXPLOSION Ellis Three Miners and More or Less Iojares Twenty Others. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Houghton, Mich.', October 3. Two men were instantly killed to-day, another was fatally injured, and about 20 were more or less hurt at the bottom of the Calu- ;.met and Hecla perpendicular shaft usual" blasts oi dynamite were The fired last evening, but one failed to explode. At noon one of the miners at work there accidentally struck the charge with his pick. A deafening crash followed, the dynamite exploding, and sending masses of shattered rock in deadly showers all around the spot. Otto Flink and Alfred Erickson were killed instantly, their bodies being frightfully torn and scarred by the flying pieces of rock. Nelson Boone, who stood a short distance off, was hurled against a rock and sustained a frac ture of the spine, beside other injuries. He cannot live. Captain John Cameron had his right arm broken in two places by pieces of stone, both his legs being also cut in many places. These were the only men who stood close to the place where the charge exploded, but 26 miners who were at work in the vicinity were.all more or less injured. The accident took place 1,000 feet underground. BOBBED AND 1IUEDEEED. A Hackman Gets Drunk nnd Pays for It With Ills Life. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 Sing Sing, N. Y., October 3. Peter Davis, a hackman employed by Liveryman Dolan, of Tarrytown, was found in a door way on Cortlandt street, in that village, at about 1 o'clock this morning. He was un conscious. He had a deep wound on the left side of his head, back of the ear, and his pocketbook was loundt lying empty on his chest His vest pockets were turned inside out. He died at 3 o'clock. He had driven several fares to the picnic of the Tarrytown and North Tarrytown firemen in Beekman's Grove last evening. He got drunk, and a man took the hack to the stable. Davis was known to have sold several tickets to the picnic, besides receiving the fares he carried there. The wound looked as if it bad been done with a club. Coroner Sutton and jury failed to elicit any further evidence. The jury rendered a verdict that he died from com pression of the brain, caused in an unknown manner. Davis was 21 years old. He leaves a widow and three children. A SOCIETY LADY IJNDEE AEEEST. Mrs. ChnrleH H. Moore Charged With Con tempt of Conrt nt Columbus. I SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH. I Columbus, October 3. Mrs. Fannie B. Moore, widow of the late Colonel Charles H. Moore, State Superintendent of Insurance, who is now a resident of New Yort City, but has been visiting friends in Columbus for the past few days, was arrested this morning and taken before the Probate Judge, charged with contempt of Court in refusing to make an accounting of her hus band's estate as administratrix. Mrs. Moore received an insurance on her husband's life of some S15.000, and creditors who hold claims amounting to about 55,000 have brought the proceedings. Mrs. Moore was unable to give bond, and is still in custody of the Sheriff to-night. She expects to secure her release to-morrow. When Colonel Moore .was living she was among the prominent society leaders of Columbus. A DESPEEATE STEEET DUEL. Two Texas Ex-Sheriffs Meet on the Street nnd fSlioot to Kill. ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Llono, Tex, October 3. The most des perate street duel ever fought in Texas took place to-day between W. L. Beeson and Harry Eoberts, ex-Sheriffs of this county. The trouble originated in the last campaign. Eoberts first shot broke Beeson's right wrist. The latter brought np his left arm and fired four shots, one of which struck Eoberts on the side of the face. Roberts fell, but raised himself and emptied his revolver. Two bullets struck Beeson in the body and-one in the head, killing ihlm - instantly, Eoberts cannot re- C? .jfi&fe. I'KINLEYONTHETTJG Of War That Promises to Make the Coming Congress lively. A POSSIBLE SPEAKER ON RULES, The-Modification of Which tho Majority Will Insist Upon. THE EACE PE0BLEM TO BE SETTLED. Tanner and Dab-ell Can't Affect Eoomi He Taints. Ohio's Foraker Congressman McKinley, interviewed at' Findlay.-confirms what The Dispatch has printed from Congressmen of the op posing party, saying the opening of 'the coming Congress promised to be very stormy. He says the majority must "mod ify the rules." He likewise says the Southern vote and the race problem may as well be settled now as later on. He talks of 50,000 majority for Foraker in spite of Tanner and Dalzell. rSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. I Findlat, O., October 3. Major Wil liam McKinley opened the political cam paign for the Bepublicans of this Congres sional district in a great meeting here to night Delegations from all the surround ing cities and towns were present, and when the Major was introduced he faced not less than 6,000 people, who were crowded so closely in and around the wigwam, that standing room was at a premium. The meeting was a success in point of numbers and enthusiasm, and was an occasion of much interest to the party in this part of the State. Previous to the meeting Major McKin ley granted The Dispatch correspondent a very pleasant interview, during which he spoke freely on nearly all the topics now interesting the public and politicians. As Maior McKinley is a candidate for, and may become, the next Speaker of the House of Bepresentatives and as that posi tion would enable him chiefly to shape and guide the national legislation of the next two years, the following utterance from him, on what Congress is likely to do at the out set, is significant: THEN COMES THE TUG. "The first question that will confront the new Congress will be the adoption of rules to govern the body. As you know, each Congress makes its own specific rules for the consideration ot the public business. When we meet there will be no rules, except those of a general parliamentary character, and the first great fight between the two parties will be on this subject "The Democrats, being slightly in the minority, will doubtless contest any effort that may be made to adopt rules which will enable the majority to handle the questions they may be called upon to consider. I apprehend the Democrats will oppose any change in the rules, and the Bepublicans will insist on a modibcation at least; other wise their majority in the House would be no value to them." "What legislation will be considered at this session of importance to the country?" "The revision of tbe tariff will, ot course, receive the consideration promised in the Bepublican national platform," said the Major, "after which will come financial questions, and lastly, but not least in im portance; the. passage of a law to oovebn'fedebai; elections, in order that when a man casts his vote, it matters not in what State, it will be counted. This will, of course, bring up the race ques tion, and we might just as well fight it out this year as any other, because it must in evitably be settled on the side ot right, if the Bepublican party is to retain its influ ence, and the confidence of the country." "What effect upon the Bepublican vote of Ohio will the resignation of Tanner have?" inquired The Dispatch cor respondent. "None whatever," was the short and sharp reply. "Don't the soldiers look upon the seem ingly forced resignation of Tanner as a backdown of the administration from its ante-election promises of liberal construc tion of pension laws, and the consideration of the demands of the veterans before every thing else in the way of legislation?" "I don't think they feel that way," said the Major. "Tanner, while a good soldier, and a popular man with the rank and file, is, after all, but an incident in the life of the administration, and the fact that it be came necessary to relieve him from office will not affect the vote of one soldier in Ohio." "Private Dalzell thinkB otherwise, and he certainly represents a constituency, doesn't he. Major?" "Dalzell's constituency?" interrogated Mr. McKinley; and then added: ''Dalzell has no constituency; he is alone in all he says and does?" confident of forakee's victoet. Begarding the campaign in Ohio, the Major expressed himself Ireely to the effect that his three weeks' campaign work in the State convinced him that Foraker would be elected by the largest plurality he had ever received as a candidate for the Governor ship. "Do you hear anything of the third term opposition, such as General Beatty says will affect not less than 50,000 Bepublicans in the State?" "It is a nightmare; there's nothing in it," was the reply. "How about the Legislature? Will the Bepublicans control it?" "Yes, I think so. Of course, it is not so sure as the election of Foraker; but my im pression is that we will have a good, com fortable majority on joint ballot" "When do you return to Washington?" "Immediately after the election. I will then go into active training, as the pugilists sav, for the Speakership, and trust that my friends will consider that my ambition in this direction will always be judged by what may be regarded as best for the in terests of." the party to which I owe alle giance. "I don't know any more about what my chances for securing the Speakership are than as if I were not a candidate. I have written no letters to my fellow-members asking their support, nor have I opened HEADQUAETEES IN "WASHINGTON, into which to lead such members of the Honse as may stray into the city dnring the vacation. It is true I am not indifferent to the warm expressions which come to me vol untarily from all over the country, pledg ing me support in my candidacy for the Speakership, and I am hopeful I will win the prize; but as to what strength I will have on the first ballot in caucus, or the subsequent ones, should this become necessary, really cannot say, because I don't know. Several very worthy gentle men besides myself are candidates for the place, and, when the break comes in the voting, my friends assure me I will be the beneficiary. Beyond this, I am not any better informed on the Speakership question than yourself." Mr. McKinley refused to express any opinion as to who wonld be chosen United States Senator from Ohio, in the event the next General Assembly should be Bepub lican, but it is understood his preference is for Foraker. Clmlkley LcConey Held Without Ball. Camden, N. J., October 3. Judge Gar rison, of the Supreme Court, to-day re manded Chalkley LeConey without bail for trial on the charge ol muraering ms niece,' jumwiwfir .i-. HE HOLDS THE A Chicago Citizen Kefasei to from Hi Little Shanty With Wife and a Supply of Guns He Defeats All Assailants. Chicago, October 3. There wag quite bit of excitement this morning in the vicinity of Eighteenth and Grove streets, when Deputy Sheriff Leibrant and a half dozen assistants attempted to evict William, O'Donnell and his family from their shanty. The house is not worth more than f25-but the lot is very valuable, and has been con demned for the use of the Santa Fe Railway Company. The price to be paid is 2,000, but owing to litigation as to the ownership the money is now tied up in court An order for the possession of the property has been issued, however. When the Sheriff's posse got to the house this morning they found the head of the family waiting for them with a 44-caliber revolver in each, hand. "Don't you come in, or I'll blow your brains out" shouted William, as the depu ties attempted to enter. "The first man that crosses my threshold will get a ball in his body." "And if that is not enough I'll send in another, "-cried Mrs. O'Donnell, who stood near the window surrounded by half a dozen guns of about the same size. Various tricks were resorted to, but with out success. Not even with the help of the police could an entrance be effected, and alter an hour's parley the officers drew off their forces to go to dinner. One shot was fired by O'Donnell as a deputy tried to sneak in the back way. The bullet whizzed past his ear, and he rapidly made himself scarce. "Give us our money for our home, and we'll get out not before," says William. "Yes, we'll do that same, though God knows I'll never forget my old home," said Mrs. O'Donnell. "Twenty years ago I was married in that shanty, and I had lived there ten years before then. It's money or fight Look to the gun, William, for the dirty spalpeens will be here again soon." William still holds the fort TAB BOGUS DIPLOMA MAN Ia Quietly Captured in Maine, to Go Back to Tfew Hampshire. ISPECIAL TELIGEAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Nob-way, He., October 3. Dr. H. F. Bradbury, the notoruus dispenser of sheep skins, whose career was exposed in The Dispatch last Monday, was arrested here to-day. He has been hiding in this vicinity since Tuesday. Just how he got wind of the fact that the police were alter him is not known, but he disappeared from Nash hua, N. 11., just as the police thought to lay hands upon him. He went to Boston and stayed until Monday night; then he came here. This is one of his old stamping grounds, for his "annual announcements" were made with the Town Clerk of this remote hamlet, and in his annual pilgrimage to perform that duty he saw that the town wonld be a good place of refuge. He was stopping at the hotel, and had just returned from a visit to a neighboring town, wnen tne ponce arrestea mm. lie was dumbfounded but made no resistance and consented to return to New Hampshire without requisition papers. He was taken to Portsmouth to-night and will be ar raigned to-morrow morning. THE CATHOLIC CENTENNIAL. Programme Prepared for tbe Celebration at Baltimore. T rSPSCIAzT TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH.1 Bai-timoee, October 3. Cardinal Gib bons makes pnblic the following programme of the Catholic Centennial: Sunday, November 10 Pontlncal mass In tbe Cathedral here. Archbishop Williams, of Bos ton, celebrant, and a sermon by Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia. Pontifical vespers, Archbishop Helss, celebrant. Sermon by Arch, bishop Ireland, of St. Paul. Monday. November It Meeting of Congress In Concordia Hall, two sessions. ReceDtlon to visiting prelates at the Concordia: In the even ing, addresses by Hon. Charles B. Roberts, of Westminster, Md.. and Martin F. Morris, of Washington,!). C; response by Most Bev. W. H. Elder, of Cincinnati. Grand illumination. Tuesday, November 12. Meeting of Congress; all day session. Torchlight procession at night. S; Wednesday, November 13 Dedication of Catholic University at Washincton by Cardinal Gibbons, in the morning, followed by pontifical mass. Sermon by Right Bev. R. Gilmour, Bishop of Cleveland. Opening of university course. 4 P. x., oration by Bishop Spalding, of jreoria. jjatm poem oy irrox. eenroeaer. HEWITT AND M0ET0N IN IT. West Virginia Incorporates Ooo of the Irftrgeit of Coal Companies. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Charleston, W. Va., October 3. Articles incorporating one of the largest coal mining organizations in this country were issued by the Secretary of State to-day. The incorporators include Abram S. Hewitt, of-New York; Levi P. Morton and his partner, Mr. Bliss, the New York banker. Another large capitalist in terested is W. N. Page, of Ansted, Fayette county, this state. Uhe latter will be gen eral manager of the company. They have leased the property ot the Hawk's Nest Coal Company, in" Fayette county, on the line of the C. & O. B, R., and will at once construct a broad-gauge railroad to take the place of a narrow-gauge line now in use, connecting the mines with the C, & O., the distance to be covered being i4 miles. The mines will have a capacity of 6,000 tons daily, and this out put will be increased. GOT. HILL SEBENADED. Novel Opening of the Democratic Campaign In New York. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Kingston, N. Y., October 3. The Dem ocratic campaign of 1889 opened un der favorable though somewhat unex pected auspices here to-night Governor Hill, accompanied by Colonel E.L. Judson, his military secretary, reached here at 6 o'clock this evening on a West Shore train. He was driven to the residence of Judge Alton B.Parker. To-night the Kingston Democratic Continentals, headed by a brass band and followed by upward of 200 promi nent Democrats, tendered a serenade. tMore than 1,500 citizens cheered and shouted lustily for HilL In response he made his appearance. After thanking the assemblage for this manifestation of esteem, he delivered a lengthy address, embracing all the leading political issues of the day. At the conclusion of the address he held an informal reception. ANXIOUS FOB ANNEXATION. Canadians Hoping to be Taken Into TJnclo Sam's Fold. rSPSCIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH.! Montreal, October 3. Five hundred strong, the First Regiment, Connecticut National Guard, accompanied by Governor Bnlkeley and Mayor Book, of Hartford, ar rived here to-day and were enthusiastically received by Mayor Grenier, leading Alder men and citizens, and large deputations from all the city regiments. The weather, unfortunately, is unpropitious, bat tbe city is gay with the stars and stripes and the Union Jacks. Ex-Mayor Beanirrand welcomed the visi tors in the name of the French Canadians, hoping that Canada and the United States would be soon one. Mayor Grenier wel comed them oa behalf the eitueas in gen ".V5tXW)t V?,TkA bo w'Fii;Cv n!K32&e . - THREE CENTS, ASTE0NGAE6TJMENT. Power of Dynamite Eteetied to bur Times in five Tears ia I3RTT0 SETTLE. STMK. a t'w - tlXWWftV 5H Yesterday's Attempt Wreds tbe Mto f ' "P Diaagflier umc, - t- NOBODY AE0USD TO GIT StAHJ If.' A Determined Boycott on the fart oTaSev In K. tt li. AiseBMj-. ' j A dynamite explosion oooorrad m a Wg slaughtering establishment ii" JTeir Yerfc Vfta yesterday. The office was entirely wrefc4. -No one was hurt This is the fear A exfte.? sion resorted to by strikers ia OatvietaMr4 -in five years. rSPIOAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DHTATOH.I - New Yoek, October 3. For tee few -5 time in five years, and the seeoad Ume Ma, ,; year, pending a strike conducted by DMrisA ' Assembly 49. Kniehfs of Labor; a d -' mite explosion has been resorted t asd acl ii j yet the police have convicted nosa ot & f fivnftmifpa Who .mlAtinn Sin j ---. .uw mjivuvu wruaj nraM o tneomceoi tne big slaughter hense aav wool-pulling establishment of 7. & M. Bs P. Scanlan. of 613, St 617 West Fortieth street TrlastAniK dw W fAAfXlta ..- .. TL ' """" "" AweuiH BTBsaes. AS Bttwj", out the door and windows, destroy& Mm partition separating the offiee frem slaughter floor, utterly destroyed every fcM of furniture in the room exeept Ae anu uiew a ragged note JftXlft eer is MM through the floor and a 12x3-iaek raft or Jatoj! a p obturate escape. No one was hurt Jases SBnnTnn ws- . late at his office, or he would hare feeeaiav the room when the explosion ooeaMosV-. The slaughter house is oa tbe street, and less than, two away from David Stevenson's brew ery, which was dynamited last Febnwrjs,. after an unsuccessful strike on tie part f the Ale and Porter Brewers Uniee,Kalrts' ot Labor District Assembly 40- BaMttfea brewery and the Scanlan slaughter htjasa are in the region of what the poike aii ' "Hell's Kitchen." The trouble between the Scaalass aad tfce Edison Association began l&rt Febrnarr. There were then 16 butchers and 14 or is1 wool pullers belonging to 40 ia tbe firm's employ. The rest of the eaployw were bob union men. The butchers beleaged to Um Prudence Association also a loeal assembly . of 49, but some of them were menabers of the Edison Association, which inclndM all kba. wool pullers. j .? CAUSE OP THE TBOTXBIJt $ ' One day in February a coapie of pigs gat; away, and Manager Michael Scanlaa mado a row about it James McLaughUs, a' butcher, took up the butcher's side ot tbe question, and cursed Scanlaa. Seaa lan discharged him, and whea JM left the building the 15 other batefcW followed. The next day the wool palters demanded the reinstatement of McLaBghUs,, - ana wnen ocanian reiusea, mey jets . nn,K .1... ... :. n. .- ...- i .1 7 J.UV jAauc 1703 ucu up iui lnu unu. BS men new men were got mobs LBHSgt,' the-Seanlsns have sinee tub as a sea-su establishment- Then began a deteraietd:- t boycott on the part ot the strikers. It was conducted in tho usual way, by disiribatiBg circulars, boycotting butchers who par- ' chased of the Scanlans and by preveai&g -purchasers from entering their places. At the moment of the explosion there were in the building 16 batchers, 7 pelt handlers and 18 wool pullers and dryers. There were also several hundred sheep aad. boss on the second floor and stock valued at $45,000. When the frightened workasea- ran out in to the street they were SWALIOWED TJP AT ONCB in the crowd. John Carter, one of the weel ' gatherers, was hustled, and when he freed' himself found that he had been stabbed ia the fleshy part of his right thigh. The stab had come from behind, and had evidently been made with the small blade of a pea knife. Time bombs have been used in all the ex plosions that have occurred in 49's boycotts. The dates of these explosions are: February 1, 1883, Garry Bros.' store on Grand street; January 31, 1887, Old Dominion steamship. Guyandotte; February 8, 1889, Stevenson's brewery; October 3, 1889, J. and M. P. Scanlan's slaughter house. ELOPED WITH THE SHEBIFFS WIFE. The Plan by Which a Bold Highwayman Secured His XJberty. LiTTLETAtrs, Minn., October & Qaite a sensation was created here this morning by the discovery that Mrs. J. P. Sand, wife of the deputy sheriff, had taken her hus band's revolver, keys and 130 and, after liberating John Mitchell, sentenced at tbe late term of the District Court to the State, reformatory at St Cloud, eloped with him. She was seen to board the midnight train north, and it is supposed that he took tbe same train from the side opposite. The Sheriff and deputy are in hot pursuit, bat will probably not get Mitchell, as he is well acquainted with the Cass coonty woods. Mitchell was convicted of highway rob bery, and now that he has robbed the "jailer of bis wife's affections and also his mosey, he is looked upon as quite a novelty ia the way of a crook. Mitchell is 20 years old and the woman 40, and she leaves a hnsb&ad and three children, the oldest about 20. IT WILL BE MONARCH OF ALL. The Juto Bagging to be Pat oa a SiW Firmer Basis. fSPECIAZi TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH.I St. Loots, October 3. The Jute Bagging Trust is consolidating its strength, coaaist-' ing of a combination of almost the entire bag-, ging manufacturing interests of the "United' States by forming one mammoth company of its many members. Inside of two weeks' the American Manufacturing of New York, organized under tbe laws of that State, will stand as the single representative of what; once was a score of jute bagging manufao-. taring companies. In solid combination, with a perfect coa- trol of every yard of basclng produced ia this country, the undisputed right of dic tating the price at which its product shall" be sold will belong to this company. ' $1,000 FOB A COWARDLY MURDEBES. Governor I,owry Donbles a Reward Offered for an Arrest. rsriClAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH.I Jackson, Miss., October 3. Governs' Lowry received the following telegram to day: Moss Point, Mis&. October 3. Last night while services were being held ia the Presbyterian church at this place, soaa unknown person fired tho contents ot a doable- barreled gun Into the congregation, killing Kji lag his daugnter anu uenry uinmer. T&e citizens have offered t00 reward for the arrest' of the assassin. . .- L - The Governor offers an a4dW8al jJewwA of $500 for.the arreet of tbe MaraewtV I us IS-vJ f MP .5 1- ."Sfj