Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 03, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of the Markets at
the East Liberty Yards.
Prime Beeres From Harrison County, Ohio,
Arc Sold Quickly.
Wednesday. October 2. 1889. J
The rnn of cattle for local trade was
larger this week than for many months
past. The total exceeded 200 carloads,
against about 135 last week. A large pro
portion of those received were common and
low grades from Chicago, where there was a
run of 18.000 head in one day this week.
The extraordinary receipts at Chicago very
soon make an impression on onr markets by
oversupply of low-grade stock. It seems to
be the habit of dealers at the Western
lnetrojwlis, after the prime Btock is sold to
exporters, to dump the leavings on onr
cattle market. This has been very much
overdone this week, so that at noon to-day a
very large proportion of this inferior stock
was in the yards unsold.
A Kniurnl Consequence.
On Monday this inferior grade of cattle
started out 10 to 15c lower than the previous
Monday, and has been drifting lower ever
bince. Sellers are wrestling with the problem
of how to dispose ot a largo number of scala
wag cattle, which have already eaten up all
hope of profits, and concessions of as much as
40 per cent have been offered since Monday.
In the supplies this week were some 25 to 30
loads of prime 1.530 to 1,600 pound steers from
the vicinity of Cadix, O., which were bought
for export, at a ranee of 4Jto4c This was
fully up to last week's prices for export cattle;
but the quality this week was better than last.
Exnort rattle have been brmmnir better prices
in Chicago the past few weks than in Pitts
burg, for the reason that those offered in the
former place were better selected stock.
There the average has been brought down by
mixing a few low grade steers in a load. Tho
Cadiz cattle offered this week were not subject
to tins objection, and were quickly taken at
outside rates.
heepnnd iJninbs.
Supply was much larger this week than last,
and markets were slow at a decline of 25c Some
stockmen place the decline at 40c on low grades.
Unfavorable advices from Eastern markets had
a depressing influence on the market here, and
this, on top of large receipts and a generally
poor quality of stock, about knocked the bot
tom out of trade. At this season the general
quality of sheep received is low, the better
grades being kept for wook First-class mutton
will come 1 uer on, but for the present, the con
sumer as a rule must be content with that
which is juicelcss and tough.
llocs Maj Riant There.
'The run varied very little from that of a week
ago. Demand was active for all that were
offered at full last week's prices. Good corn
fed Yorkers have not for some time been in
supply equal to demand. Private advices re
ceived by one of onr leading pork packing
firms from Chicago, are that receipts of bogs
there to-day were 20.000 bead, and the range of
prices Si 50 to $1 60 for packing bogs.
WcCnll fc Co.'a Weekly Review.
The supply of cattle has been heavy, and
with fewer buyers than usual. The market
ruled very slow at a decline on all; grades,
and not all sold at close of market. We give
the following as ruling prices Prime, 1,300
to 1,600 pounds, $4 254 50; good, 1,200 to 1.400
pounds. $3 (i04 90; good butcher grades. 1,000
to 1,200 pounds, $3 10g3 60; rough, fat, 1,100
to 1.300 pounds, $3 003 25; heifers and
mixed lots, $2 002 75; stockers. 12 002 50;
bulls and fat cows, $1 502 59; fresh cows and
springers. J2545 per head.
The receipts of hogs have been fair and
the market active on good cornfed. Other
grades slo. Sales tolav as follows- Phila
delphias, $4 TO4 M; best Yorkers, $4 7o4 85;
common to fair, S4 oOffil 65- roughs. $3 504 25.
The receipts of sheeD this week er fair
and the market slow at a decline of 1525c per
cwt. from last week's prices. We give the
following as ruling prices: Prime Ohio and
Indiana ether, weighing here 110 to 120
pounds, 54 504 75; cood. 80 to 100 pounds, 54 25
4 50; fair to good mixed, 75 to SO pounds, S3 50
64 00: good yearlings. 75 to SO pounds, J4 25
4 50; common to fair, 50 to 60 pounds, S3 5Ug4 UO;
good lambs. 5 2o6 60; veal calves, 110 to 120
pounds,$350600. Heavy calves not wanted.
By Telegraph.
New Yoke Beeves Receipts, 70 carloads
for exportation alive; 29 carloads for home
trade slaughterers direct, and 41 carloads for
the market; good cattle were firm; common
and oi dmary dull and weak: nati e steers, $3 50
64 Co; and fair Colorado. J3 253 35: exports
Irora this port to-day 470 beeves and
300 sheep; 2.6S0 quarters of beef.
Calves Receipts, 1.370; dull at unchanged
prices, with 6u0 to sell at a late hour; veals
ranged from 58r per pound; grassers and
buttermilks from 23c Sheep Receipts, 6,800,
t and 15 carloads were carried over yesterday;
sheep were about steady at3J5Vc per pound;
lambs c per pound higher, with a fair busi
ness and a firm feeling at 56?c per pound.
Hogs Receipts. 8,360: the few sales on the live
weight were at $1 505 10 for hogs, and at 15 15
5 30 for light pigs.
Kahtsas City Cattle Receipts, 7,247 head;
shipments. 4.697 head; good native beef steers
strong to 10c higher; common, slow, but steady:
grass rangers, steady; good cows, steady;
stockers ana feeding steers active: rood tn
clioice cornfed, J4 004 25; common to medium.
S3 00o SO, stockers and feeding steers, SI 60
?i?oy!$-J1 s?2 SO? Cass ranee steers. SI 60
2 .0. H.ig Receipts, 7,272 head; shipments.
.1.515 head; market opened steaay. 5c
lower, dosing fully 10c lower: good to choice
light, S4 log 4 25; heavy and mixed, S3 75 asked.
Sneep Receipts, 310 bead; shipments, 100 head:
market stead): good to choice muttons, S3 60
4 2a; stockers and feeders, S2 OOgl 00,
Chicago The Droter' Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts, lb.000 head: shipments. 4.000
head; market higher for good, others
weaken choice to extra beeves, $4 504 SO:
steers S3 0ul 40; stockers and feeders. SI 90
fC3 00; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 002 85:
2"" ?tfe. S1552 85; Western rangers7S240
(5380. HogwReceipts, 26,000 head: sh.pments.
.,500 head: mirket weak and 10 to 20c loner:
,I.Ic-d' f4. J-beavy, S3 904 SO, light, S4 10
4 8o; skips. S3 5J4 10. Sheep-Receipts. 9 000
head; shipments, 2.000 head; market slow and
10c lower all around: natives. S3 50134 3D
YSr S a1 25: Texans. S3 004 15; lambs'
f4 OU&O 50.
Sr- LojJlS-Cattle-Rcceipts, 3,500 head ship
ments, 400 head; market steadv; choice heavv
native steers, S4 CXKS4 ; fair to good do S3 bO
4 10: stockers nud feeders. S2 102 75; ranee
ytcers. S2 002 50. Hogs Receipts, 6.800 head;
shipments, none: market strong: fair to choice
heavy. S3 90B4 20; packing grades, S3 f04 10
light, fair to best, J4 104 45. Sheep Receipt'
2,500 head: shipments, none; market steadi : fair
U choice. S3 4(g4 SO. J.""
Buffalo Cattle dull, irregular; receipts.
85 loads through, 21 sale. Hogs slow
receipts. 21 lojids through, 25 sale: mixed. S4 73
Yorkers, S4 750)5: mediums and heavy. SI 4048
4 70; pigs. S3 604 80. ' " "
His Two Sons Prevented Him From Com
muting nicnmy.
Samuel E. Jones, of Washington avenne
Allegheny, procured a marriage license to
wed Miss Levina George yesterdav.
The two sons of Mr. Jones called on
Mayor Pearson, shortly after the license
was issued and told h'im that their father
had a wife, their mother, living in England.
The Mayor wrote a note for the boys to their
lamer, in wuicu ne siaiea mat it a marriage
took place a suit for bigamy would be en
teredATbe young men conveyed the note
to their father. At the time ot writing no
marriage has taken place.
A. license was also refused in the Alle
gheny Begister's office between a man of 60
und a girl of 13.
Ax open secret the price of the cele
brated Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is 25 cents
EXPOSITION The famous Mannerchors
at 8 P. M.
Cabinet photos, 51 per doz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. tisu
EXPOSITION' The famons Mannerchors
at 8 P. M.
Fine onyx clocks sold very cheap at
Steinmann's, 107 Federal st ttssu
cat 8 p. m.
-Tbe famons Mannerchors
Wheat Fairly Active, bntWcnker on Private
Cables and Bearish Homo News
Corn Makes n Smnll Gain
Hog Prodocli Un
settled. Chicago There was a rather active but
weaker opening to the wheat market to-day,
local sentiment leaning strongly to the bear
side. In the early dealings the only consider
able buying was by a prominent local operator,
and the reactions from weak spots throughout
the forenoon were generally due to his support.
But the market was so indecisive in its action
that fluctuations up to 12 o'clock were all with
in Jic range, and at an average decline from
yesterday's close of HcQlic December see
sawed between 882tfc and S2S2c with
the bulk ol the business passing at medium
Private cables were generally weak in tone,
and none of them brought buj ing orders for
either spot or futures. The most Important
bull news was the estimate made by a reliable
authentv of Louisiana, Mo., that 70 per cent (Jf
wheat is out of producers' hands in that State,
and an estimate by the Toledo Market Record
that 80 per cent is already out of the farmers'
hands in Ohia. The trade generally expect that
50 per cent of the crop will be back and to come
on January 1 in ordinary years. The close was
tame at a net loss of c May holding
steadier than the less deferred futures.
A better feeling was developed in corn, and
transactions were at slightly higher prices. A
prominent local trader was purchasing fair
quantities of November and year, which also
had a stimulating effect on values. The long
corn seems pretty well placed, ana there was
less disposition to sell than for several days
past. Tbe market opened YA above the closing
prices of yesteraay, was firm and advanced i
e, eased off a little, and closed KJc higher
than yesterday.
Oats again ruled very ouiet and nothing
The market for pork was unsettled. Open
ing sales were at 2c decline. October ad
vanced 70c on purchases by a prominent oper
ator. The other futures were quiet, and prices
declined 712c, which was partly main
tained at the close.
Only a moderate business was transacted in
lard, and a quiet and easier feeling prevailed.
Offerings were fair and prices reduced 2c
and the market closed slow.
Short rib trading was lighter. Prices were
2J4c lower for October early, but later reacted.
January declined 2c
The leading mtures ranged as follows-
Wheat No. X November, 81KS1JS1
em: December. 82S2JiS2K;S2Jic; year,
OKeSlQb0K6S0?Sc; May, 8oie85K85
85k c.
Corn No. 2. November. 31fi)31031?a
31Hc: December. SlJ31Kc; May. 33Ji33
ber. 20l!Kc,
Mess Pobk.
9 65S9 40945- lear. S3 159 259 079 07;
January, S9 259 22&
Laed, par 100 lis. November, $5 905 874:
year. So So5 85; January, So 87KS5 S7U1S 85
5 85.
Shobt Ruts, per 100 Bs. November. 54 82)
4 S24 lo&i 76; January, S4 724 71
Cash quotations were as follows: Flonr
steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
S0K30J(c: No. 3 snnng wheat, 67c; No.
2 red. 808o)c. No. 2 corn. 31c Ho. 2
oats, 19c So. 2 rye. 41Kc No. 2 bar
ley, nominal; No. 1 flaxseed. SI 27. Prime tim
othy seed, SI 23. Mess pork, per bbk Jll 00.
Lard, per 100 pounds, SO 006 02. Short ribs
sides (loose). So 00. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), S4 37KS4 60. Short clear sides
(boxea). So 505 62. Sugars Cut loaf, un
changed. Receipts Flour. 25.000 barrels;
wheat, 131.000 bushels; corn, 371,000 bushels;
oats, 227,000 bushels: rye. 30,000 bnthels;
barley. 109,000 bushels. Shipments Flour,
11.000 barrels; wheat, 28.000 bushels: corn.
207,000 bushels: oats. 86,000 bushels; rye, 5,000
bushels; barley. 90,000 bushels.
On the Produce exchange to-day the butter
market was active. Eggs, 17c.
New York Flour heavy, fairly active and
offered freely. Wheat Snot unsettled, Kc
lower and weak; moderate business, chiefly
milling. Rye dull: western. 4852c Barley
quiet. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot fairly
active and higher, closing easy; options less
active and KJc higher and firm. Oats Spot
firm and fairly active; options firmer and
active. Hay firm and quiet. Hops weak and
quiet. Coflee Options opened steady, Sep
tember 10 points up, others unchanged to 5
points down, closed steady 515 points down;
unsettled cables: sales 51,250 bags, including
October, ia75I5.S0c; November, 15.751580c;
December. 15.G515.S0c; January, 1585c; Feb
rnary 15 75: March. 15.7015.80c: May. 15 75
15.t0c; June, ia7515.S0c; August, 15.70c; spot
Rio, strong, fair cargoes, l3fc. Sugar Raw
easy and dull: fairrefining5 916c; centrifugals.
96 test, CJfc; refined steady, good demind.
Molasses t oreign nominal: ew Orleans quiet.
Rice stronger, quiet, domestic. QiSfSH. Cot
tonseed oil quiet. Tallow firm. Itosin steadv.
quiet. Turpentine firm, quiet. Eggs quiet and
nrm; vtestern, nc; receipts, a.suo pacKages.
Pork firm and quiet. Cutmeals stronger;
pickled bellies. 12 punnds, 7c, 10 pounds. 7?c;
14 pounds, 6Jc; pickled shoulders, 44kc;
pickled hams, 9Ji10Kc Middles firm.
Lard western steam spot nrm; sales, October,
S6 526 53, closing at S6 52; November, S6 32
6 84, closing at S6 32; December. $6 2Sg6 20,
closing at S6 28: January. SB 276 28, closing at
$6 27; February. 86 31; March.1; S6 30; city
steam, $6 2a Butter moderate, demand firm.
Chceese firm.
Philadelphia Flour quiet but firm.
Wheat Options weak and lower; high grades
scarce and firm; steamer No. 2 red. in export
elevator, 76c; No. 2 red October, 82S2c; No
vember. 8S3lc: December. 8484Kc;Janu
ary. 85fi!85Kc. Corn Car low dull but steady
futures dull, but nominally advanced c under
stronger reports from the West: No. 2 low
mlxeiU in Twentieth-street elevator, 39Jc; No.
2 mixed, in do. 40c; No. 2 yellow in do 42c
No 2 mixed, October, 39?i10Xc: November.
4040Xc; December. SSJggc; January, S9
40a Oats Car lots steadv b t demanu
light; No. 3 white. 2325c: No.' 2 white. 26Kc;
futures quiet but steady; No. 2 white, October,
26J426jc; November, 27J28c; December.
2S2c; January, 2929$c. Eggs firm; Penn
svlvania firsts, 23c Cheese firm: part skims.
ST. Lotns Flour inactive and weak. WhMt
lower: weak outside markets and heavy selling
locally caused the market to break sharply,
ana the close was weak and K?c below
yesterday's; No. 2 red, cash, 78c asked; Octo
ber closed at TSJJcasked; December. S05i80Vc:
year, .SJJc nominal; May, 84, Corn easier
and not much done: No. 2 mixed, cash, 29?c
asked; October closed at29Uc; December, 283ic
bid; January. 2SVc: May. 30Kc bid. Oats firm:
No. 2 cash, 19c; May. 22Jc bid: October, 18Uc
bid; November, 19c; January, 20Vc bid. Rye
No. 2. S9c bid. Barley very quiet; Wisconsin
and Minnesota, 64c Flaxseed unchanged at
SI 2a Provisions quiet and unchanged; very
little done.
Milwaukee Flour dnlL Wheat easy
cash, iZ". December, 7(Vc Corn r'nll
No. 3. 3IJi32c.Oats steady: No. 2 white, 22Kc
Rye firm; No. L 4343&c Barley steadv;
No. 2, October. 66c Provisions firm at $11.
Lard, $6 00. Cheese steady; Cheddars. 99c
Baltimoke Provision firm. Butte'- firm;
western packed. 1518c; creimery, 2325e
Eggs steady; western, 22c Coffee steady; Rio.
fairatl9c '
Toledo Cloverseed active and lower: cash
and October. S3 90; November. S3 92lf: Decem
ber, S 00: February, S4 07
A Fair Resident of gtftnbenville Iiosea Her
Ticket, bnt Gets Home.
Miss Alice Campbell, of Steubenville, a
young lady gifted with no small share of
beauty and possessed of engaging manners,
which, no doubt, stood ber in good stead in
ber difficulty, was in a sad predicament for
about five minutes at the Union depot last
night. The young lady had been spending
the day at the Exposition, and it was onlv
on again reaching the depot that she discov-
erea sue naa lett tier purse.wnicn contained
her ticket as well as her money, on a table
in the Exposition. For a moment the fair
expositionist was quite bewildered.
At the barrier, the polite ticket viewers
requested to see ber passport. "Ob, sir,
what shall I do, I have lost my purse and
ticket, and I want to go back to-night and I
haven't any money to pay for another; please
may I pass through." She was at once es
corted to tbe stationmaster's office, where
Mr. McCrea, the General Manager of the
Western lines, who chanced to be present,
on bearing ber case, at once made out a pass
for her to her home. The young and tbe
beautiful generally win their -way, but the
cross and tbe crabbed to get there must pay.
An Italian Concregatlon Negotiating for
tbe Property.
The Catholic Italians of this city are ne
gotiating for the purchase of the Grace Re
formed Church, at the corner of "Web'ster
avenue and Grant street. The price asked
for the property is 521,000, which they con
sider too much. If the purchase is made
they will remodel the church and hold serv
ices in it, instead ol the basement of St.
Paul's Cathedral.
A mission is now being conducted at the
church. Services are held every evening.
WzAEStomacb,Beecbam'sPilIs actlike mage
Pears' Soap secures a beautiful complexion
Fifty Thousand Dollar Transac
tion in Squirrel Hill Ecalty.
The Fifth Avenne Hump, and an Incident
of Major Grant's Defeat There.
The largest real estate transaction that
came to the surface yesterday was reported
by 'W. A. Herron & Sons. They closed the
sale of a block of land in the Twenty-second
ward, adjoining the proposed park, being
37 acres, with a large frame dwelling, barn,
etc., for 550,000 cash. The purchaser is a
well-known capitalist, making an invest
ment with a view to the advance which all
expect will take place in the Twenty-second
ward, Squirrel Hill, property, as a result of
the electric road, now building, which will open
up all that part of tbe East End.
Very few people, not connected with it, are
aware of the great diversity of the insurance
buslncs. as represented in Pittsburg. Asa
matter of information, the following, compiled
by a Fourth avenue agent yesterday. Is given:
Fire and life insurance; rent insurance, pro
tecting owners of buildings against bad ten
ants, steam boiler insurance against all damage
to property and loss or life resulting from ex
plosions; employers' liability assurance, guar
anteeing them against claims mado by employes
for injuries, etc.; marine insurance against loss
on ocean, lake and river; insurance on customs
duties, whisky In bond, etc: live stock insur
ance, including valuable dogs; plate glass In
surance, aPittsbnrg idea; insurance against
accidents of all kinds to tbe person; employes'
bond insurance, and several others, all of
which are doing a paying business, and by
timely assistance prevent many a man from
being forced to tho wall. The company last
named has been called upon during the last
few months to mako good losses amonnting to
about $2,5,000. caused by the dereliction of em
ployes for whom it was bondsman.
The Fifth avenue "hump," the removal of
which has caused an endless amount of discus
sion pro and con, is all that remains of tbe emi
nence mado memorable by the defeat of a reg
ment of Scotch Highlanders under Maior
Grant by a body of French and Indians Sep
tember 14, 1758. One of the incidents of this
battle has been perpetuated by a survivor. "As
Major Lewis was advancing with his men he
met a Scotch Highlander in full flight, and on
inquiring of him how the battle was going, tho
panic-stricken soldier replied: 'We are beaten,
and I have seen Donald Macdonald up to his
hunkers in mud and a' the skin off his head ' "
He had been scalped. No one sticks in tbe
mud there now, but there may be some scalp
ing before the vexed question of hump or no
hump receives its quietus.
Ex-Mayor George Wilson is tearing down
his old house on Smithfield street, adjoining
tbe Marine Bank, and will erect a new one for
business purposes on the same site. In this
connection it may be mentioned that there is a
good inquiry for property in that vicinity, for
which the prospect ot having the postofflce
there some time is mainly responsible. Mr.
Wilson was Mayor in the early sixties.
V m
The following is from tbe Southern Lumber
man: Pittsburg is making an effort to Interest
New York City in a new feature of iron manu
facture. Mr. S. S. Marvin, President of the
W estern Pennsylvania Exposition Society, has
written to Mayor Grant, of New York, remind
ing him that Pittsburg manufacturers are pre
pared to construct a class of portable iron
buildings which would be particularly suitable
for the proposed centennial in the metropolis
in 1S92. Machinery Hall on the Exposition
grounds is a sample of the buildings referred
to by Mr. Marvin, and is the first of the kind
ever constructed in this country. It is a
marvel in itself t, being constructed of cast iron
and glass, with a slate roof. It is a portable
building, and could be removed to any desired
locality. Some of the most noteworthy features
in tbe building are the panels in the sides of
the structure. Some of these castings are
4x12 feet in dimensions, half an inch in thick
ness, and are cast In artistic designs. The
window sashes are cast with 10 to IS lights In
one piece. A great deal of the work about
the building is of a character never attempted
The Bears how Their Hands In tho Iiocnl
mock Marker.
The only stocks making any sort of preten
sions to activity yesterday were La Nona,
Philadelphia Gas, Electric, Wheeling Gas and
Airbrake. All sold at slight concessions. There
was very little support to the marker. The
best features were Pittsburg, Allegheny and
Manchester Railway and Central Traction, both
of which scored advances. The rest of the list
was featureless, a
A broker gave tbe following explanation of
tbe prevailing dulless: "This is an off time for
stocks. It is between two seasons and investors
have not made up their minds what to do. A
great many people are waiting for their quar
terly interest and dividends for capital to work
on. Fear of tight money is also a depressing
factor. I do not think we will feel it here, but
the mere talk of it makes investors bearish.
These influences must pass away before there
can be much of a revival."
Bid. Asked. Rid. Asked.
Diamond Nat. Bank... 170
Misonlc Rank 604
Southslde Gas Co , IlL .... 2S
Charllers Val. Gas Co. 49 0 .... 49f
Ohio Valley Gas 30
PennsvlvanlaGas Co.. 154 16 154 is
Philadelphia Co 344 35J4 35 35J4
Pine Run Gas J
Wheeling Was Co 27X 29 27JS 29
ForestoflCo. 107 .... 107
Haielwood Oil Co GO .... so ....
InnaOlI Company 68 .... 6s
Washington Oil Co 81
Central Traction 31)4 31 31 31J4
Citizens' Traction 69
Pittsburg Traction.... 47 4SJ .... 4SX
Pittsburg Traction S's 104 1U7
Pleasant Valley 18)4 19J 18)4 WH
Pitts. Alle. & Man 220 225 220 240
Pitts. June. R. R. Co 23)4
Union Bridge 164 17( 16)4 ...
La Norla H h H ....
Luster Mining Co 10
bllverton Mining Co 1
Westlnrbonse Klec 50X so si
Union 8. A B. Co 22J 23 22
Union 3. A 3. Co.pref. .... 50
'Westlnghonse A. B 114 UIX 114
At the morning call 100 shares of La Noria
found a buyer at , 20 Philadelphia Gas at35V.
75 at 35, 12 .Electric at 50, 85 at 50J and 45
"Wheeling at 21 In the afternoon 20 shares of
Airbrake went at 114 and 10 Philadelphia Gas
at 35.
John T. Patterson sold 50 shares cf Philadel.
phia Gas at 35 and 10 Iron City Bank at 92.
Henry M. Long bought lOOshares of Electric at
505. A. B. McGrew fc Co. bought 100 shares of
La Norla at . Sprout & Lawrence bought 75
snares ot .rniiaaeipuia uas at jo. ueorce a.
Hill A Co. sold 45 Wheeling Gas at 28.
The total sales ot stocks at 1m ew York yester
dtytwere 137,785 shares, including: Atchison,
19,435, Louisville and Nashville, 11,520; Read
ing, 10,800; St. Paul, 18,115.
Improved and Unimproved Property Reins
Snatched Up All Around.
Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for
Frederick Sehroeder, No. 77 Magee street, a
brick dwelling of six rooms and improvements,
lot 21x62 feet, to Mrs. E. V. Burkle, for $3,000.
Black t Baird, 95 Fourth aveuue, sold to Mrs.
Annie Evans, lot No. 101 In the J. Walter Hay
plan of Valley View place, fronting on Funnel
street, for J200, sold on monthly piyment plan.
They also placed a mortgage on a farm on the
Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad for 51,300 for
three years, at 6 per cent
Charles'E. Cornelius sold ten lots from bis
Elan at Momingside as follows: To Matilda
lune, one lot. 20x100, J100; to Fred Foerever,
one lot. 20x100. $100; to August Miller, two lots,
20x100, $800; to Elmer Small, five lots, 20x100,
J1.000: to Mary Ann LIghtner, one lot, 20x100,
James W. Drape & Co. told a lot on Liberty
avenue. East End, opposite Winebiddle ave
nue, 0x245 feet, for (1,250, cash. They also
placed two mortgages of $5,800 ou properties in
McKeesport, at S per cent; also a mortgage of
$700 on property at Tarentnm, at 6 per cent.
Reed B. Coyle 4 Co., 1S1 Fourth avenne, sold
to Jacob Miller two lots in Marion place plan,
for $350.
Samuel Vf. Black A Co.. 99 Fourth avenue,
sold two more of those fine lots on Lytic street,
near Elizabeth street. Twenty-third ward, be
ins 25x110 each, for 1,00a Tney alio sold lota
Nos. 67 and CS on Paul street, and lots Nos. 16
and 17 on Llndon -street, S. L. Boggs' plan, Al
Ientown station, Pittsburg and Castle Shannon
Railroad, for $800.
The Clearing Honao Dolus Rasblnc Bnsl.
ness About Tight Money.
Checking to make quarterly settlements was
tbe bright soot in tbe local banking situation
yesterday,tbe exchanges footing up $2,852,714 65
and the balances S521.S97 35. The demnd. for
loans indicated steady progression in this line,
and rates were firm at 67, with occasional
shading either way, but less than formerly.
There was no scarcity of f nnds. A cashier
said tbe advance in rates in New York was con
fined to stock collateral, and did not materially
affect commercial paper. It was intended, he
thought, to force Secretary Windom to bid
higher for bonds.
The gentleman added: "Mr. Windom is up
to this scheme. He has declared over and over
again bis readiness to give all needed relief to
the commercial interests of tho country, but
will do nothing for tbe special benefit of Wall
street. Business is not suffering. Money is
already returning from the South and West.
Tho attempt to get up a corner in it will fail."
Money on call at New York yesterday was
stringent, ranging from 3 to 10, last loan 3,
closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 5
7K- Sterling exchange quiet but weak at
U S- for 60-day bills, and f or $4 87H f or de
mand. Closing Bond Quotations.
V. s. ,rcfr 127
U. S. 4s. coun 127
M.K. AT. Gen. M . S3
Mutual Union 6s.... ICO
V. J. c. Int. Cert...lX
Northern Pac. lsts..11S
Northern Pac. 2ds..!10Jf
Northw't'n consols. H3
U.8.4Xs.reK Kb
U. 8. 4Ws. conn.... H
Pacific 6s of 0Sl 118
Loulslanastampedis UShi
Missouri 6s.. 101
Tenn. new set. 6s... loc;
Northw'n debcn'i. 118
Orcron Trans. U HUM
lenn. new set. as....iui
Tenn. new set. 3s.. 73
Canada So. 2ils XH
Ccn. Pacificist 114
Pen. .lit. ., lets... Tim
Den. ill. O. 4s. Tii
U.AK.Q.Weet,lsts. 110
Erie, 2ns 104
U.K.. AT. Gen. 6s.. 63
St. L. ftl.M. Ocn. ss S6
St. I... S.K. Oen.Jl.117
!i. Paul consols ....IK
IX., Pc. L. U. Tr Ks. "O
l'x..lc.lL(i.Tr.Kcts 37k
Union 1'ac. lsts 114
West Shore 105X
Yesterdays bond offerings aggregated $12,
300, as follows: Registered 4s, 511,000 at 123;
coupon is, $1,300 at 127.
New York Clearings, $166,682,003; balances,
Boston Clearings, $22,216,453; balances,
$2,312,114. Money at 45 per cent.
Philadelphia. Clearings, $18,735,914; bal
ances, $2,205.50(1.
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the BanK of England on balance to-day is
Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f 70cfor the
Baltimore Clearings. S2,926,858 balances,
Chicago Money is in fair supply for all
legitimate business needs, but there is no sur
plus. Bankers are asking 6 per cent for call
money of all except their regular gilt-edged
customers, ordinary mercantile time loans are
at 67 per cent. Bank clearings were $13,909,
000. St. LOUIS Clearings, $4,261,639; balances,
$787,009. 2.
OH Anchored Very Close to tbe Dollar Line
Decreased Production.
The oil range yesterday was very narrow.
The opening was 99, tho highest 99&, and the
lowest and closing 99. The market was utterly
featureless, and seemed anchored around 99.
There were a few small sales of cash oil at
R helow November.
Pipe line receipts for September show a fall
ing off of about 2,000 barrels a day as compared
with the previous month and this notwith
standing tbe big wells about which so much
has been said. To counteract the effect of tbe
loss of production the bears point to the weak
ness of refined and tight money in New York.
This mixes the situation so badly as to demand
the services of a Philadelphia lawyer to
straighten it out.
Whether the return to the system of daily
deliveries will help trade remains to be seen,
but in tbe opinion of many brokers it will
make no di&erencc, since the market is en
tirely without outside support.
Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oakley 4 Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened WHI Lowest
Average runs
Average shipments
Average charters
Refined. New York. 7.05c.
Reflnci. London, S)41.
Refined, Antwerp, lTJft.
Refined. Liverpool, 6X1I.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote:
OSJJcj calls, 9&2gc. "
Other Oil Markets.
On. Citt. October 2. National transit
certificates opened at 99Jc; highest, 99iic;
lowest, 99c; closed, 99c.
Bradford, October 2. National transit
artiflcates opened at 99Vc; closed at 99c:
highest, 99J4: lowest, 98c
TrrusviLLE, October 2. National transit
certificates opened at 99ic; highest, 991ic:
lowest, 9Sc: closed at 99c
New York, October 2. Petroleum was very
narrow to-day, opening steady at 99c declined
5c and closed dull at 98c Stock Exchange:
Opening, 99c; highest. 99c; lowest, 9Sc: closing,
&&. Consolidated Exchange: Opening, 9SJc;
highest, 99Kc: lowest, 99c; closing, 99c Total
sales, 279,000 barrels.
In Spite of Tight Money, bat They Give Way
a Trifle on Keports of Beavr Ship '
menu of Gold A Firm Close.
Nkw Yoke, October 2. The bullish feeling;
In the stock market was quite pronounced this
morning. Notwithstanding the condition of tbe
money market, the shipment of gold and Lon
don figures coming higher, and the foreign
houses being liberal purchasers, the confidence
in the immediate future found expresyjbn in
higher opening figures, and on a moderate
business further advances in the early
dealings. The improvement in tbe open
ing prices over last evening's figures extended
to per cent, though Wheeling and Lako
Erie preferred was exceptional with a loss
of per cent, at 70. The dealings were
rather restricted, however, and Atchison, Read
ing, Louisville and Nashville, and St. Paul
with Sugar refineries monopolized the greater
portion of the business done.
Tbe bullish feeling was most pronounced in
Atchison, and it rose 1 per cent in tbe first half
hour, with the rest of the list following. It
was then announced that another half million
gold bad been ordered for export by the Bel
monts, and the buying was checked. It was
asserted that the amount to go out would
be made up to $2,500,000, and though there was
no means of verifying the story, it made a very
Dad impression upon the room, and a reaction
was In order, which, while there was no pressure
to sell soon carried prices down to below tho
opening figures.
Tbe money market ruled tight at from B to
10 per cent,but there was plenty of funds at the
rates. Dullness became the leading feature lu
the market, and prices remained stagnant
until the afternoon, when an attack was made
upon New England bv the bears, which re
tires that stock to 43. a loss of 1 per cent from
its opening figure. Manhattan dropped 2 per
cent on the gold shipment, some stop orders
""S uuuutereu, out wuen incse nau Deen ex
ecuted the recovery was rapid, though all the
loss was not regained. Manitoba was strong
uirougnout, ana tne story mat it is getting into
the bands of an English syndicate obtained
some believers.
The money market eased off materially in the
last hour, and rates went down to 3 per cent, at
which it closed, and tbe buying showed Itself
again with tho result of developing a strong
tone once more, and prices again crept up
ward. There was no special ferture, however,
and the close was quiet and firm at close to
the opening figures. The list is generally
slightly higher this evening, while Sugar is up
2, Manitoba 2, Canada Pacific and Pull
man V4.
Railroad bonds were somewhat more ani
mated to-day. and the sales went up to $878.
000, out of which $102,000 were la Nickel
Plate 4s. The market was decidedly Irregular
however, and the final changes are about
equally divided between gains and losses. Be
side the bonds mentioned, tbe Fort Worth and
Denver lsts. the Louisville Southern lata, and
the Chesapeake and Ohio 5s were prominent in
the trading. Among the advances Delaware
and Hudson, Pennsylvania dividend coupons,
rose 2 to 144, and South Carolina lsts 2 to 101.
Ohio, Indiana and Western lsts lost 2-k at SOli.
The following tame snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the New York stock hxenange yester
day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by
Whitney ft bTEPHKNSOir. oldest Pittsburg mem
bes of .New York stock Exchange, 67 Fourth ave
nue: Clos
ing Kin.
101 S
In r.
Am. Cotton UU 43H
Atch.. Top. & a.f.... 83
Canadian Pacific ..... 70V
Canada southern lH
Central or New Jerier.lM
Central PaeltK ,
Chesapeake A Ohio ... 2S
C. Bur. ft OullT.....108M
C Mil. ft St. Paul.,.. 72
C, Mll.ftst. P.. pr,...117H
C, itocKL AP 101K
C. tit. L. ft Pitts
c., sr. L. ft Pitts, pt. asx
C St. P..AL&0 35
C, Bt.P..H. ft 0 pf. ....
72 W
11X 113
iiu i acino....,
Union Pacific,
63H tSH M
Wabash prererred....
western Union
Wheeling ft L. .....
Jujtar Trust
National Lead Trnst.
Chicago Gas Trnst...
Boaton Stocks.
Ateh. ft Toe. 1st 7s. 100SS,
Wis. Central pf.
Calumet ft Becla.
a.ax. Lianuur'i7s.iOTi
A ten. ft Top. K. K... tt4
Boston ft Aloany...217
lloston ft Maine. ....210U
C.B.4Q 10S
Eastern E. H 103
Mexican Cen. com.. lMf
Mex.O.lstmtpr. bdi. CH
N. r. A JMewKnsr... 48)i
Rutland, com 4
Wla.oentral.com... 27H
rranrun 9
Huron )i
OnlncT 49
Bell Telepnone 193
Boston Land 6)4
Water Power 5)4
Tamarack J03
ban .Diego 25X
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur-
nlshed by Whltne:
' tvnuneyftstepnenson, Droaers ao.su
x ourui avenue,
Members New York Btock Kx-
.. 5K
.. 23J4.
.. 914
.. 53)4
.. 54
.. 32
.. 74X
23 3-K
Pennsylvania Railroad
Bnfialo. Pittsburg and Western. ,
Leblgh Valley ,
LehlKh Navigation ,
Nortnern Pacific ,
Northern Paclfio preferred ,
Mlnlnz Stocka.
New York. Octobers CaledoniaB. H., 260;
Dead wood Territory. 12S; Eureka Consolidated,
200; Hale and Norcross, 285; Homestake, 900;
Horn Silver. 130; Iron Silver. 210; Mutual, 140;
M. Diablo. 150: Ontario. 3409; Plymouth, 225;
Ward Consolidated, 100
Business Motes.
Forty-hike mortgages were recorded yes
terday. The largest was for $12,000.
October disbursements ought to make
money easier, and giro local stocks a boom.
The directors of the Tuna Oil Company have
declared tho usual 4 per cent quarterly divi
dend. National bank statements up to September
SO havo been called by the Controller of the
The nature of the business that will he trans
acted in the Semple building is still an open
The sale of the H C Frick Coke Company
bonds is most gratifying, and they are going
very fast. There is no trouble to get $102 and
interest for them.
A seal has been made between Pennsyl
vania and Reading whereby the former uses the
latter's terminals on the same terms as tbe
Baltimore and Ohio.
The Government yesterday paid Interest on
$6,600,000 4 per cent bonds. This, together with
the Interest on other securities, will easily swell
October disbursements to $15,1)00,000.
The Westinghonse Electric Company leased
the fifth floor of the J. P. Smith building, on
Penn avenue, yesterday. The firm was com
pelled to no this on account of the fire last
Saturday. The lamp socket factory will occupy
the new rooms.
Ceittbai. Pacific's net debt to the Govern
ment Is $52,256,734. The United States has piid
for Interest over all credits $24,401,054. The
Slonx City and Pacific owes tho Government
$3,525,303. The central branch of Union Pacific
owes the Government $3,334,762.
The Garrison Foundry Company has recently
cast successfully the largest chilled roll in the
world, tbe dimensions of which are: Diameter
of bod v. 34 inches; length of body, 120, diameter
of journals, 24; length of journals, 20: coupling
ends, 20; diameter, 9. The weight of this roll Is
9U.UW nounus.
Oakley & Co.'s Chicago special says of yes
terday's wheat market: "Wheat bas not been so
active to-day as of late, and there havo been but
few important features. Hutchinson was the
best buyer, but the general crowd seemed
against him. The outside trade was but a mod
erate buyer to-day. They have not, however,
been shaken out of their long wheat, and are
sending in liberal orders to buy below the mar
ket." Dry Goods.
New York-, October 2 Business in drygoods
was fair with jobbers, with demand distributed
nroportlonately over tho various departments.
With the commission houses there was little
activity in fabrics for current use. though there
were some very good transactions in new arti
cles for spring. Tbe market was unchanged.
Stocks continue under control of business done
and to be completed, though heavy yarn and
medium bleached cottons are in relatively
plentiful supply.
A No. 88.1
constructlou of a sewer on Kirkwood
street, from Collins street to a connection with
a sewer on Kirkwood street, at west line of
Hiland avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of PittBburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same. That
the Chief of the Department of Public Works
be and is herebv authorized and directed to art.
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assembly
ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the
ordinances of the sale city or Pittsbnrg relating
thereto and regulating the same, for proposals
ior me construction ox a Lo-incn pipe sewer on
Kirkwood street; from Collins street to a con
nection with a sewer on Kirkwood street at
west line of Hiland avenue, the contract there
for to be let In the manner directed by the said
acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost
and expense of tbe same to be assessed and
collected in accordance with the provisions of
an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot
Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of the second class,"
approved tbe 16tb day of May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be andthe same is hereby repealed,
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 9th day of September, A. D. 1889.
H.P.FORD. Preident of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, Repteniber IS, 1889. Approved:
VM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
03TEUMA1.U11. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 148,
27th day of September. A. D. 1889. ocl 67
XX. construction of a sewer on Cypress street,
from Osceola street to a connection with a
sewer on Center avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted bv the authority of tbe same. That the
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the
ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relat
ing thereto, and regulating the same for pro
posals for the construction of a pipe sower 15
inches in diameter on Cypress street,
from Osceola street to a con
nection with a seuer on. Center
avenue, the contract therefor to he let in tho
manner directed by the said acts of Assembly
and ordinances. The cost and expense of the
same to be assessed and collected in accord
ance with the provisions of an act of Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled
"an act relating to streets and sewers In cities
of the second class," approved tbe 16th day of
May, A. D 18S9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and the same is hereby re
pealed, so far as tho same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils
this 9th day of September, A. D , 1859.
H. P. FORD, President of Seleot Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President
of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, September 13, 18S9. Approved:
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mavnr'i f'lot-
I Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol, 7, pace 143,
27th day of (September, A. D., 18S9, o4-fiT
C. A .Northwestern.. ..114X
C& .Northwestern; pf. ....
C, C., O. A 1 73
c., c. c. 41., pr. ...iuo
Col. Coal ft iron Z3U
Col. & BocktuK Vat
Dei.. Ik & W. 145iS
Del. ft Uurtson.. ....... 153
Denver &Klo a
Denver ft Bio U.. pi... 51i(
K. T.. Vs. ftUa - lOJj
E. T.. Va. ft Ua. 1st pf. ..
Illinois Central.
Lake Erin ft Western
Lake fcrle ft West. nr.. 64S
Lake Shore il. a 10o
ixjoisvllie ft Nashville. 7K
Michigan central 923i
Mobile ft Ohio
Wo.. Kan. ft Texas
Missouri Pacific 75X
New fork Central 107
N. J.. L. E.A W 29X
N. X.. C. ft St. L,
N. x., U ft St. L. pr.
N.Y.. u. ftHt.ti.2dnr ....
N. X&N. B K
N. i, o. ft W 181?
Norfolk ft Western.... WH
Norroltft westcrn.Dr. ....
Northern Pacific 32J4
Nortnern Pacific Dref. 74"i
UMoft Mississippi 23X
Oregon Improvement. .. .
Oregon Transcon 33
Pacific Mail
Peo. Dec. ft Kvan W4
Phtladel. ft Heading;.. 6K
Pullman Palace Car...lS9K
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 23
Kichmond ft W.P.T.nf ....
St. p., Minn, ft Man..U8
st-L.ft8an Fran
at. L. ft i)an Pran pf.
8t.i.. ft San Jf. 1st pf.
Dairy Products Moving Freely Gen
eral Produce Steady,
Tea and Coffee Furnishing Poor Pickings
to Importers.
outlook good fob iumbeb teade
Office of Tittsburo Dispatch,
Wednesday. October 2. 1889. 1
Country Prodnco Jobbing Prices.
Dairy products are moving freely at outside
quotations. Eggs are firm, and a choice ar
ticle readily brings 20c per dozen. Grapes are
in good supply and demand. Tbe peach sea
son is practically at an end. Tbe few coming
are low grade. Potatoes are quiet on more
liberal receipts. The range to-day for carload
lots was 5055c per bushel. Sweet potatoes
are lower and quiet. Apples are firmer.
Quinces are scarce and higher. Commission
men report a fair trade In general produce, but
notning akin to a boom.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2830c; Ohio do,
2627c; fresh dairy packed, 2325c; country
rolls, 2122c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 252 40:
medium, $2 302 40.
Beeswax 28,J0c ft for choice: lowgrade,
Cidee Sand refined, $6 507 60; common.
$3 504 00; crab cider. $8 00g8 50 $ barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c H per gallon.
CHEESE-Oliio, 10Hc; New York. HKc: Lim
burger. 910c; domestic Sweitzer, 1013c;
imported Sweitzer, 23$c.
Eaos 1920c ?1 dozen for strictly fresh.
Fbuits Apples, $15002 SOW barrel: whortle
berries, 7580c ?? pailr peaches. $1 602 50 iH
bushel box; grapes. Concords, 45c B pound,
catawbas, 6Sc, Delawares. 79c: Bartlett
Eears, $5 00 V barrel; quinces, $6 0Of$7 00 fl
arret, cranberries, Jerseys, $3 003 25 $!
bushel box.
Feathkbs Extra live geese, G060c; No. 1.
do, 4045c; mixed lots.30S35c fl ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4015cS
pair: old, 6570 pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to-bush el. S3 60
V bushel; clover. large English, 62 fts, $6 00;
clover, Alsike. $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 ft. $1 65; blue grass, extra
clean. 14 fts, 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts. $1 65: red top, 14 fts, $1 25;
millet. 50 fts. $1 00: German millet. 60 fts.
$1 0; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, $1 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 W bushel of
14 fts. '
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common. $5 00
5 50; fancy, $6 006 50: oranges, $4 &05 00:
uauauaa, i uu nrsis, 51 ou gooa seconas, f
rel; tomatoes, $1 00 fl bushel; wax beans. 60c
H bushel; green beans. 4050c 1 bushel: cu
cumbers, 75c$l 00 9 bushel; cabbages,$4 00
3o uu a hundred; celerv. 40c V dozen: South
ern sweet potatoes, $2 002 25, Jerseys, $2 75.
Coffee options advanced 10 points in New
York yesterday, and after some fluctuation
Closed at the advance. A leading jobber re
ports that coffee is now selling' in the East
lower than it can be imported for. Either
there must soon come an f drance here or a
drop in coffee countries. Importers of tea are
generally losers on their operations this sea
son. One of our tea merchants received by
mail to-day from New York an offer of a lot
from an importer there at a price which would
not cover cost of Importation. The tea crop is
unusually large this year, and as the cons mo
tion in this country varies very little from year
to year, the importer finds bis stock very
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio. 22K23Kc;
choice Rio. 2021Kc; prime Rio. 20c; low grado
Rio, 1819Kc; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acalbo, 2324c; Mocha, 2829c; Santo, 20
23c; Caracas. 21 23c; peaberry, Rio, 2325c;
La Guayra. 2223c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23$c: high grades. 25K26ic; old Government
Java. bulk. SIKGX&icz Maracaibo. 2ftffl27n;
I Santos. 2123c: peaberry, 26c; choice Rio, 24c:
Tir1mn'RIn 9V. trnnr) T?tn 91A. .-ri.v,im. ot
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 8c;
cassia. 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg. 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c:
10c; globe. i2c; elalne. 15c: carnadine, llKc;
royallne. 14c
SYBUPS Corn syrups. 2629c: choice sugar
syrups, 3338c: prime sugar syrup. 3033c;
strictly prime. 33035c; new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy. 48c: choice, 48c;
medium. 43c: mixed. 4042c
Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 34c; bicarb in Vs.
5Vc; bi-carb, assorted packages, 5J8c; sal
suda In kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles htar, full weight, 9c: stearine, ft
Rice Hoad. Carolina. 77Ve: choice. 6Ji
7c; prime. 5K6c: Louisiana, 6g6&c
Stabch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 66c: gloss
starch, 67c
Fobeiqji Fbuits Layer raisins. $2 65; Lon
don layers, $3 10: California London layers,
$2 50; Muscatels. $2 25; California Muscatels.
$1 83; Valpncia, 7Hc; Ondara Valencia, 9J10c;
sultana, 8kc; currants, 4i5c: Turkey prunes,
4Ji5c; Fieneh prunes, 813c; Saloniea
prunes. In 2-ft packages. -8c: cocoanuts, V 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lan., W ft, 20c: doIvica.I9c:
do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily
fllbfcrts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1216c; new dates,
56c, Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron
per ft. 2l22c; lemon peek fl ft, 1314r; orange
peel, 12Xc
Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c;
apples, evaporated, 6K66Jc; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated. 12k15c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 2494Kc: blackberries, 7K8c; buckle-
erries. luvzuzc
Sugars Cubes, 8Jc; powdered, 8c; granu
lated, 8Jic; confectioners' A, 8jic; standard.
A, 8jc; soft whites. 7V07c: yellow, choice,
7c;ijellow. good, 7Xmc, yellow, fair, 7Jc;
yellow, dark. 6c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 60r medi
um, half bbls (600), $2 75.
Balt-H el,; bbl. 95c; No. 1 ex, f) bbl, It 06;
dairy, ?5 bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal; $ bbl, $1 20:
Hlgglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 12 SO; Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 & pockets, $3 (XX
Canned Goods Standard peaches, $2 00
2 25; 2ds $1 601 65: extra peaches. $2 402 60;
pie peaches, 9ac; finest corn, $101 60; Hid. Co.
corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c$l:Linia beans,
$1 10; soaked do, 85c; string dodo, 75085c; mar
rowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas, 707dc;
iiiuciuuies, 91 4UKU4 uu; j)aaama ao. S2 to: uam-
son plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears. $2 50; do greengages, $2; do.
egg plums. $2; extra white cherries, $2 90; red
cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, II 401 60;
strawberries, $1 10: gooseberries. Jl 301 40;
tomatoes, 90c$l 00; salmon. I-ft, $1 752 10,
blackberries, sue; succotash, 2-ft, cans, soaked:
99c; do green, 2 fts. $1 251 50; corn beef. 2-ft
cans; $2 05; 14 ft cans. $14 00; I aked beans, $1 45
1 60; lobster, 1-ft. $1 75&1 80; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic H
$4 2o4 50; sardines, domestic Ks. $7 257 oO;
sardines, imported, $s. $11 5012 50; sardines.
Imported. s. $18: sardines, mustard, $3 50; sar
dines, spiced, $3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $35 W
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mes, $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
$36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c fl ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large. 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod In blocks, 607Kc Hrring
Round shore. $5 00 91 bbl; split, $7 00: lake.
$2 00 ft 100-ft half bbl. White fish. $7 00 ft 100
& balf bbl. Lake- trout, $5 50 ft ball bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft ft. Pickerel, K barrel, $2 00; i barrel. $1 10;
Potomac herring, $5 00 ft barrel, $2 50 ft U
OATMEAL $8 30S6 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5S57c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Exchange.
32 cars. By Pittsburg; Fort Wayno and
Chicago, 3 cars of oats, 2 of com, 3 of hay, 1 of
wheat, 3 of flour. 1 of straw. By Pittsburg,
Cincinnati and St, Louis. 4 cars of corn. 1 of
barley, 3 of middlings. 5 of oats, 2 of baled
hay, 1 of bran. By Baltimore and Ohto, 2 cars
of hay. By Pittsburg and Western. 2 cars
of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of
wheat. Bales on call, 1 car of middlings, $15 75,
spot, P. R. R.; 1 car sacked w. middlings, $16 50,
P. R.R. Wheat is firm at quotations. Choice
grades of oats and bar are in fair demand.
Flour Is moving freely, but prices are un
changed. The cash customers will find sellers
ready to concede a shade on our quotations for
job lots. Prices below are for carload lots.
Wheat New No. 2 red, 83S4c; No. 3, SOffl
Cobh No. 2 yellow, ear, 4243c; high mixed
ear, 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. 40c; bleb,
mixed, Shelled, .3S39c; mixed, shelled, 3T
Oats-No. 2 white, Z727c; extra No. 8,
2C26Jic: mixed, 23024c
Rye No. I Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60051c;
Nil. 1 Western, 4g49c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
Floub Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, $5 0G5 50; winter straight,
$4 Z-i 60; clear winter, $4 OOgl 25; straight
XXXX bakers', $3 5003 75. Rye flour, $3 500
4 75.
MlILrEED Middlings, fine white. $15 000
16 50 V ton; brown middlings, $12 S013 00; win
ter n beat bran, $11 60011 75; chop feed, $15 500
18 00.
HAY-Baledi timothy, choice, fMOOtfUag;
No. ldo, J12G612 50;No. 2 do, $41 e6ll 56;
loose from wagon, $11 069 13 08, aocord&M: to
quality; No. 1 upland. prairie. 6806 06; No. 2,
$7 007 GO; packing do. $7 7598 Oft
Straw Oats, to 587 00; wheat and rye
straw, $S 006 25.
Sugar-cured bams, large, li$c; sugar-cured
hams, medium. llc; sugar-cured bams,, small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 10Kc;sugar
cured shoulders, 6cr sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured California bams,
7c; sugar-cured dried beef fiats, 10c: sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. 13c; bacon shoulders. 6Vc; bacon
clear sides. 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7KC7 dry
salt shoulders, 5c; dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, heavy, $11 50; mess pork, family,
$12 00. Lard Refined, in tierces. ee; half
barrels. 6c: 60-ft tubs. 6c; 20-ft palls. 7c; 50-
tin cans, bc; 3-ft tin calls. 7c; 5-ft tin pails.
7c; 10-ft tinpails. 6c: 6-ft tin pails. 7c: I0& tin
palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10cK
Pigs feet, half barrel. $4 00; quarter barrel,
$2 15.
Dressed Menf.
Armour &. Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 fts,
6c; 650 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to TSO.lbs, 6g7a
Sheep, 8c V ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, ejc.
Fresh pork loins. 8c
No new features hare been developed tbe
past week In lumber lines. Well-seasoned hem
lock is scarce and in good demand. .Shingles
are firm. An active fall trade is assured.
Prospects were never brighter at this time, and
a general rush Is expected by dealers between
now and cold weather. In this faith and hope
they are well supplied with stock, i
rots ujrPLAirzD tabu quotations.
Clear boards, per M fsoaassrjo
select common boards, per .
Common boards perM
per 11..
30 CO
i eooo
, aooesasoo
biieatblng t.
Pine frame lumber per 31
Shingles, Mo. 1, 18 in. per M...
Shingles, .So. 2, 18 In. per M..
Lath .
Clear boards, peril.
Surface boards
Clear, -lnch beaded celling..
Partition boards, peril
Flooring, No.l
Yellow pine flooring- SO 08040 00
Weathboardlng, moulded. No. 1.... 30 09
Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 26 CO
Weather-boarding. X-lnch . 2000
flooring, no.z..
Ash, l to 4 m S40 C035S 00.
.di&ch waiuoi. Kreeii, log rail. ........... o ujraou w
III ck walnut, dry, log run eooo73 00
Cherry 40 00380 00
ureen white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 2000(323 00
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 22 oaass 00
Dry white oak boards, lln 20 0D&3 00
WestVa. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 OOrass 00
nest vs. Teuoir nine, im men tr
WestVa. yellow poplar, to lln 18
Hickory, itfto Jfn .. IS
(Hemlock building lumber, perM
jaui nun
Boat studding
Coal car plank
Ash 30 00&43 00
v.aiuut log run, green, ........... 20
Walnut log ran. dry......... 35
White oak plank, green...! 18
White oaK plank, dry ,. 18
White oak boards, dry 18
WestVa. yellow pine, lln 20
WestVa. yellow pine, I In 20
Yellow noolar 20
Hickory, W to 8 In. 18 OOOSS 00
Hemlock , ........... U OOgn 00
Bunk rails . 14 00
Boat studding. , . 14 00
Coal car plank uoo
Oletal markets.
New Yobk Pig iron active and firm. Cop
per quiet hut firm; lake, October. $10 85. Lead
steady and dull; domestic, $3 92 Tin easier
and quiet; straits, $20 25.
the testimonials published from day to day of
wonderful cures made by the physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, at 323 Penn
aveT Hare you called upon those patients,
whose address Is always eiTen. to see if thev
really have been cured? Hundreds iof testi
monials have been published, never using the
names of the patients without their full con
sent. Many were of the worst cases of ulcera
tive catarrh, and others who bad been given up
to die with consumption. The treatment of all
patients is done by skilled physicians, who have
for years made tbe treatment of Catarrh. Dys
pepsia and Diseases of Women their specialty.
Their medicines are vegetable remedies, and
always invigorate and budd np the system. If
you are ailing call upon these physician!, whose
consultations are free to all, and if your dis
ease is one of their specialty they will soon in
form you. If not they will as frankly tell you
that. Mrs. Crossley can always be consulted
by ladles suffering with diseases peculiar to
their sex. Office hours. 10 A. if. to 4 P. Jt, and
6 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 12 to 4 p.m. oc3-d
In now admitted by the medical authorities to
De a aeuciency or unaue waste oi uxidizaole
Phosphorus normally existing in the human
economy. The remedv consists In tbe admin
istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being
at occe assimilable and oxidlzable. WINCH ES
aration of Phosphorus which combines tbese
characteristics in tbe highest degree. For
Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Night
Sweats, and Nervous Diseases, it is unequaled.
Recommended by Physicians. Sold by Drug
gists. $1 per bottle. Send for circular.
WINCHESTER & CO.. Chemists,
mySl-24-TTSWk 162 William 8t.. nTY.
Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cared
by Administering Dr. Haines'
Golden Specific.
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without
the knowledge of the person taking It; Is abso
lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and
Seedy core, whether tbe patient Is a moderate
Inker or an alcoholic wreck. Inonsands of
Drunkards have been made temperate men who
havo taken Golden Specific In their coffee without
tbelr knowledge and to-day believe thev quit
drinking from their own free will. ITNEYEU
r A 11.3. 'ine system once impregnated with tbe
63 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Xrade supplied by
Hep. A. Kelly .fc Co.
Plttoburg. Pa.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week m,
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
Blood Purifler.
a. purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
nrel flntaB lthtaa
Mnd fltiniplnjt I mt at
lshtl worse by
i aerucniiigw ii ai.
' Uwtd t Matlaae
fcye;I very sore. SWAYNt-8 IST.
MENT atoya tbe Itehbv and Mtritmg, heals
mleermtion. ud ! wrwlMiMwimiiw ihi t
man. Swim's 0imiiTiis9ktkTdrefsti,mslIdii
uji&tmtmncttpltt Tle,MM.aDx; Sbam,ttJt.
coif as 00
14 00
14 00
14 00
18 09
coast on
ii r :i
"Why foU and slave forever P Life
was meant for Uviagy not eternal
slaving'. Cease this weary droeig
ery. SOAPOJTA. dees year -work,
Itself aad neither bajurea final w4
fabric. Heawhyaouywr uj
nonsense, very hothwthw. Awjussv
Ladies, A-wakel 7our HeaJtU. aM
life are at stake. Use SWAPOiTXf
everywhere. It oleosa like m
R. W. IELL MFS. 60., MMtf H.1
Capital and surplus. $126,088.
Transacts a General Banking
Issue traTders' credits throagh M easts.
morgan auo., xew xorx. paoopofw
A Home SecurilfJ
Five Per Cent Merest".
The FidelitTiUead Trust CHBper
jot saie, at ri ikkiwi accrues interest, i
nea numner oi iw-year nrst mornm
tbe H. C. Frick Coke Cobbbww. 1
Stock ot which is 5.oe.8e8. f uliv hM is.
These "bouds are redeemable by asMhtaaS
f nnd at the rate of SWtlOee ner ana. at it K
.VUiillilBUUlUK iUJT 1, icpt, imtHBOl. U UIU K HfWm9 E
semi-annually. January ana jstr
office of this company. ' a
We have carefully examined iste the sewiaVi
ness of this security, and can rtoommonsI.Kaaj
one ol the most desuaote la vestments ea Mm!
market. , y-s,
121 138 Feartfc avs. ',
sel&63 Pft4Banr.Paje.
Members Chicago Board of Trade a
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange,
45 SIXTH. BT, Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back files of PiUg.ji
burg papers prove. Is the oldest eatabMahotfi
and most prominent physician In tbe city, sle-7
toudc special attention to an enronic c
Fromrespon-MnCrrCIIMTII PIIDCn
Bible personality I lL.Uti I ll.uUilL.LI
MCDWfil ICand mental diseases, nhvstsal
1 1 L n V U U Odecay, nervous debflity. kMk e
amomon ana nope, impairea
ory, disordered sight, self distrust, baskfntassa.'y'.,,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, erapUeas, ta- f'
povensnea diooo, iauing powers, organic wesw-' i
ness. ayspepsia. constipation. consumptieBvaa
ntnng tne person lor Dusinesa, soaeiy aaa raar-
r4..arA wn..n.ntlv .,falv.i,i --
wnnnTiVnnKiTtdSlIw ETS
DLUUU niHU aMItaees. eruMJe',
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, rlinilnhir'b
swelllnss. ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throt,ti
uicers, oiq sores, are curea lor ute, ana Bteea.
poisons tnoroueniy eraaicateairom tne I
1IDIM ADV kidney and bladder d
UnilirMI I sments, weak back, gravel,
tarrbal discharges. Inflammation and oM
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Tt Tiff... .. nrA i- aw.m-4wa .a v.r
ence. insures scientific and reliable treatment S
on common-sense principles. ConsuItaUea.
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated J
asifhere. Office hours 9 a. k. to 8 P. M. Sao-,'
day, 10 A. H. to 1 P. St only. DR. WHITTXER,
oia jrenn avenue, x-ituourgv xra.
Health is Wealth
Dr. i- C West's Nebvx and Bbart
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for nvsterte.
dizziness, convulsions, nts. nervous neuralgia,
headache, nervous prostration cansed by tbe
use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mental '
depression, soueninc ot the brain resulting in
insanity and leading to misery, decay and"?
death, premature old are. barrenness, lofs of
isQajBlB Wl nsBBnL. bBsBBBbbsSSSSbSbW
power In either sii. Involuntary losses asd r,'
BDermaiorTUGea causea ot over-exertion ox iaa s-
braln, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each
box contains one month's treatment. $1 a box,
np ilr Imth Fa. fn lant h. n.4,1 m-avlU j a-V
ceipt of price. ;
To cure any case. With each order received by as , i
lor sue ooxe, accompanieu witn ro uu, we wmr
send the purchaser our written guarantee .is
refund the money if the treatment does not ef
fect a care. Guarantees issued only bv EmH G.
Stucky. Drugjrist, Sole Acent, 1701 and.248 1 Peaa
ave. and cor. Wylie are. and Fulton it. Plttv
burg. Pa. se27.1Ge-TT98u
8PECIAIJST8 In all cases re-,-.
Sulring sclentlnc and connives- ,
al treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lake.
most experienced specialist la
the cltv. Consultation free and.
strictly confidential. O&eaV
hnnrs tn 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.: Sundays. 2 to 4 r.S
iLConsuIt them personally, or write. Docreaat;
iiAKE. :;va i-enn ave., fittsourg; ira.
io3'S Cottoai BOO?
AAunAlllin ..
bumruunu -j-w
iCbmnosed of Cotton Root, Tansy aaa j
PennTToval a recent discovery Br asf
'old nhvsiclan. Is tucctsuftMu ui t
fnonyUj-8afe, liffectual. price $j. By tswsv
sealed, tadies, ask your druzgist lor Cook's
Cotton Root ComDomid and tale no aobaiHiits.'t
. fnntnn 2 ctjimns for aaaled nartlsaVun. AoL
dress POND I.IXY COMPANY. No. 3 7jkhr
Block, 131 woodward ava, Detroit, Juea.
5-tiold in Pittsburg, Pa., by Joseph FisW
rng & son, liiamoou anu jiaraei sts.
MUK AMI Vfc.nrSie:
IYIL.M Vl L I M-sHooU-NervBtwi '
BodyAMlnd. Lackof StrerHrtb. Vljror aad i1
MoPBoruzLr-TBZATxzxr. aad Pros mirTctj
"""" ' uosi-Trsiiwi:
UnMal. nl V Jt -AS mm . '-
For meal Cheeks the worst eases la
uajro, aaa cures i live oayg. PrMeMe$Lat
j. ruLaxnu-aniiutiWTOH