;? . " T 6 THE PITTSBUIIQ- DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1889. L P AHIWEDOWNEDTHEM The Home Team Defeats the Giants and Steps Up INTO TrilH PLAGE AT LAST. Boston Defeats the Clevelands and Goes Into First Place. THE PHILLIES PASS ANSOK'S TEAM. St. Louis and the Athletics Win Games in the Association Eace. GEKEEAL BASEBALL KEWS OP THE DAT The Pittsburg ball team played an impor tant part in the League race yesterday by defeating the 2ew Yorks. The latter were knocked out of first place and the local team gtepped up to filth. The Phillies also passed the Chicagos. Undoubtedly the champions of New York City hare struck a very gigantic snag in Pittsburg. The longer they remain here it seems that the more remote will their pen nant chances become. Certainly the repre sentatives of the treat city of the East are tough and dangerous people, but still there are aggregations scattered here and there who can occasionally tell them where they are wrong. An Instance of this kind took place at Recreation Park yesterday when the local team let loose just as if the destinies of the American continent depended on the Issue. The Giants were laid low and they couldn't help themselves. There was certainly any amount of sympathy for them among the most ardent admirers of the home talent, but it was war to the knife and the big peoplo came out second best It may be a somewhat bitter pill for the champions to swallow to go aronnd the conn try earning laurels only to come here to be slaughtered by a delegation that has merely plajed an obscure part for nearly a whole sea son. However, there is still an opportunity for Pittsburg to gam a coodly amount ol glory yet, andit lies In the tact of killing the cnamplon ship aspirations of such clubs as New York and Boston. The Pittsburgs are also fighting for a position. LIKE THE COVENANTERS of old they have sworn to gain it, though their dearest friends may die. Just at this stage Hanlon and his men are not to be fooled with, and, if possible, Boston will share the fate of the disheartened Giants. The sorrow of the latter is undoubtedl great, just as is the case of all great people who have been knocked off a pedestal of fame. President Day sat in the directors' box yesterday the picture of a sub dued and disconsolate man of intellect. As he saw the glory of New York departing, his expression of countenance became very wearied, indeed. Smiles ho had none. Jim llutrie couldn't be found after the sixth inning, and the conjectures of his whereabouts are numerous ana varied. The game was a good one; one of the best that has been played here. It wasn't bad clay ing that lost the victory to New York. It was the extra good work of the home team. The visitors cannot blame bad or good luck for the result. Of course, with a few more smiles of Same Fortune in their favor, they might have made one or two more runs, but they couldn't have won without hitting the ball consider ably harder than they did. The crowd was a good one. numbering about 3,500 people. It was Grand Army Day, and the audience was mostly made up of holiday seekers. As a re sult, the enthusiasm vtas intense, and at times excitement ran very hich, indeed. To add to the fun of the third inning, AX ATFRIGHTED HORSE, attached to a bugzy, appeared on the ball field, causing the plajers to scamper in all directions. The rnn-away animal took a wild gallop round tbc field amid the deafening yells of the bl caching-board occupants. Even the rigid discipline of Umpire Lynch had no effect whatever on the wild steed. The horse, how ever, soon retraced his steps to where he had come from, and made a costly smash up there. This novel performance was taken as an omen of good for the home team, ancWsuch it turned ont to be. The game was not devoid of kicking at the umpire. The visitors had no close decisions to which they could object, butwing and Welch railed hard about Lyuch's decisions on balls and strikes. On this point Buck and Lynch had general wordy interviews. This only tended to keep up the excitement of the game, however. The game was full of exciting stages from the first inning to the last; indeed, it is difficult to say whether or not the innings or rum made were any more exciting than some of those that were blanks. In the start off the Giants commenced as if they were going to paralyze Stalev. In the very first inning they got three men on bases after two men were out. THE Hir,XEYEB CAME. O'Rourke, however, was not equal to tte emergency, and the single that he longed for never came. Thefieldinc on both sides was good, with the exception of BecUey, who made two errors. The great stumbling block of the visitors, however, was Staley. They could do nothing with him after the second inning. He pitched in excellent form, and his colleagues looked after him to the Queen's taste. Sunday made a brilliant catch of a long fly from E wing's bat in the sixth inning, and Fields did just as well with a foul fly from the bat of Gore in the fifth. Miller caught as ell as ever he did in bis life, bnt his throwing was not very good. Welch was to some extent a mark for the home sluggers, and although they could not touch Mickey up for long hits, they kept pegging away with good singles to au extent that must have made him wearied of his posi tion in the came. In the sixth inning it looked as If they were not going to leave him until not a vcstigeof the smiling little man was left. For once Mickey's proverbial smile banished, but only temporarily. The visitors were first to score, and did so brilliantly. In the second inning Ewing led off with a splendid single to right and Whitney made a successful bunt. Mickey Welch then advanced both runners a stage by a tricky sacrifice. While Gore was at bat Whltnev was playing considerably off second, and Miller tried to nab him. The ball went over Dunlap's bead, however, and Ewing scored, Whitney reaching third. Gore was retired at first and Tiernan went up to bat with 11LOOD IN HIS EYE. After sizing the situation up thoroughly the right fielder banged the ball right info the long crass in deep outer field. Sunday ran for it and could not find it readily, This, with the foolish advice of the corchers, encouraged Tiernan to try and make a home run, bnt be was easily nabbed at the plate. His hit, how ever. erned"the two runs. From that time on the visitors could do nothing with Staley. Matters now looked somen hat blue for the home team, as Welch was pitching in great style. The sixth inning came, however, and with it six runs and six hits a very pleasing combination of sixes for the home fellows. Dunlap led off and was retired at first. Not so with Mr. Staley, as he made a nice single to center, and Midget Millerfollowed his example. Kowe then appeared and knocked the ball over Whitney's bead for another single, and the bases were full. The yells of the cranks and enthusiasts were now echoing over the hills. Beckley sent everybody wild when he made another little hit, sending In Staley, and the scene was like pandemonium when old Deacon kept the kettle boiling with still another little single to left, sending Miller home. THIS TIED THE SCORE and there were still three men on bases and only one man out. Jocko Fields was next at bat, and Mickey looked at him wearily. So much so that Jocko got his base on balls, forcing a run in. The crowd was now wild with delight, and the delight was continued when Hanlon reached first base safely. He knocked a grounder to Richardson, who threw the Dall to .Ewing. wlio muffed the throw and Beckley scored. This w as awful, and President O'Day sighed many a eary sigh as he sat chewing ,tlie end of a bovanna. Sunday, the ninth man at bat, added his quota to the sport, by rap ping tbo ball gently over Connor's head into right field, and this hit sent both Wbltoand Fields home. Duulap again went out at first, and so did Staley, ending the lively Inning. In the ninth it seemed too dark to play, but Lynch persisted. After Beckley was ont White made a single to left, and reached second on O'Rourke's fumble of the ball. Fields got bis base on balls and .Hanlon knocked out a single to center, send-I Ins White home. Fields was put out between I second and third, and Sunday's ont to Rich ardson retired the side. Following is the score: "" FITTSBUKGSn B F AX NEW TOEKS. R B P A I Miller, c... 1 S ItOWC. 8 1 1 Heckler. I... 1 t White, 3..... 2 S Fields, 1 I 0 Hanlon. m.. 0 1 Sunday, r... 0 1 Dunlap, 2... 0 0 btaley, p.... l 2 Gore, m 0 o 5 0 0 Tiernan. r. 0 1 2 0 0 Ward, s 0 0 2 2 0 Kleli'dson.Z. 0 5 5 3 0 Connor, 1... 0 1 11 2 0 O'Konrke, 1. 0 0 0 0 1 Kwlcjr, c... 1 1 2 2 1 Whitney. 3. 1 2 0 2 0 Welch, p.... 0 10 3 0 Totals . 7 11511 S Totals 2 8 17 H 2 Pittshnrfrs 0 A'ew Yorks 0 0006000 1-T 2000000 0-2 Earned runs Plttsburjrs. 4; New Yorks, 2. Three-base hits llermn. Total bases on hlts-Plttsburgs. 13; New Xorfcs, 10. Sacrifice hits-Fields, O'Rourke, Welch. btolen bases Sunday, Richardson. O'Rourke. Double plays Kone and Becaley: Connor and Richardson: Richardson, Connor and Ward. First base on errors ew Yorks, 2. First base on balls-Beckley, White, Fields, 2; Hanlon. Gore, Connor. Struck, out Connor, Ewln. Welch. Left on bases Pittsburgs, 0: New Yorks, 8. lime of game One hour and 45 minutes. Umpire Lynch. WOK WITH EASE. The Senators Altnont Shot the Chicago Team Ont. Chicago, October L Washington won to day's game with ease, and but for their numer ous errors in the seventh would havo shut the Chicago3 out for the first time this season. The Black Stockings played a very loose game, as has been the rule this season when playing at home. Score: CHICAOOS- BBF1I WASITTOJf. 8 B F A E Ryan. m.... 0 0 1 Van Halt'n.1 0 11 Duffy, r 0 3 0 Ansou, 1.... 0 1. 9 Ffeirer. 2.... 0 13 Will'mson, s 0 I 5 Hunts, 3. ... 0 1 I Darling, c. 1 1 3 Dwyer, p... 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 J. Irwin, 3. 1 Hoy, m...... 1 Wllmot, 1... 2 Wise, 2..... I Clark, 0 Dally, 1 0 Riddle, c... 1 Mack, r. .... 1 Keefe, p ... a 0 0 1 2 s : 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 0 Totals. , 2 11 27 15 9 Totals 7 1026 9 S .Van Haltren out-hit by batted ball. Chlcagos 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 CC2 Washlngtons 2 00110300-7 Earned runs Washington, 4. Two-base hit Wllmot. Sacrifice hlt-Keefe. Stolen bases-Dufiy, 3; Bran, Darling, Wllmot, Mack, Wise Double plays Wllmot and Wise, Mack and Dtlly. Williamson alone. First base on balls-Kcefe. 2: Dwyer, 3.- Struck out By Keefe, 2: by Dwyer, L lime of game One hour and 50 minutes. L'mplre-Powers. COULDN'T BUNCH THEIR HITS. The Babies Hit Clnrk.on, bat In a Scnttered Way. Cleveland, October L For once in its his tory, the Cleveland Basball Club hit Carkson's delivery, but the hits were not connected, and the Bostons won without any effort. Score: CLEVELA'B Jt B T A I llOSTONS. B B F A X Radford, r. Strieker, 2.. McKcan,s.. Twltch'U.. Tebcau,3... Gilka. m... Faatz, 1.... Zlmmer, c. timber, p.. Totals .. Richardson 1 2 Kelly, r 2 Nash. i. 0 Brouthers.L 0 4 2 0 10 1 13 3 2 12 0 0 2 0 0 11 0 1 4 2 6 1 10 3 Johnston, m 0 Qulnn, 2.... 0 Smith, s..... 1 Dennett, c. z Clarkson, p. 1 5 11 24 12 3j Totals 8 1127 13 6 Clevelands 1 01200010-5 Bostons 0 0300041-8 Earned runs-Clevelands, 2; Bostons, 4, Two-base hlts-Mrlcker, Richardson, 2. Sacrifice hlu-Radford. 2; Tebeau, Kelly. btolen bases Brouthers, 2. Double plays Faatz (unassisted), Strieker to McKean. First base on balls Clevelands. 1; Bostons, 5. Hit by pitched ball-Faatz, bmith. Struck out Clevelands, 6: Bostons, 3. Wild pitches timber, Clarkson. Timeof game One houand55 minutes. Umpire McQuald. GOT POOR SUPPORT. Fee Pitches Well for ifae Hooslers, but tho Phlllle. Win. Indi ANAPOLIS.October L Inability to bunch their bits and poor fielding was the cause of the Hoosiers' defeat by the Phillies to-day. Fee pitched a good game but was given poor support. Attendance 500. Score: DfDl'POLIS. K B F A E FHILAS. B B r A E Hlnes, 1 1 I Seery, 1 1 0 Andrews, mil Denny. 2.... 0 1 Glasscock, s 0 0 Buckley, 3. .. 1 2 Mcticacby, r 0 0 Sommer,c. 0 I Fee, p 0 0 Deleh'ty. 1.. 0 Myers. 2 1 Fogarty, m. 2 Thnmp.on. 1 1 Mulvey, z... o banders, p . 1 Clements, c. 1 I'arrar. 1.... 1 Hallman. .. 0 0 0 2 3 115 0 0 Totals. ,4 sua 6 Totals. .7 8 27 IS 3 Indianapolis 0 100010204 PMladciphlas 1 0110121' 7 Earned runs IndlanaDolls. 2: PhlladelDhlas. 2. lno-base hits Hlnes 2, Clements. bacrlflce hits -Hallman. Home runs-Buckley. Stolen bascs-lbompson, Sanders, Fogarty, An drews, Glasscock and Buckley, Double play Denny to Hlnes. First base on balls By Fee, 3; by Sanders. I. First base on errors Indianapolis, 3; Philadel phias, 4. Hit by pitched ball Thompson, Hallman and Farrar. Struck ont-By Fee, 1; by Sanders. 4. Passed balls bommers 2, Clements 3. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Knight. MIKE KELLV NEARLY CRAZY. Clarkson So Nearly Played Oat That Yes terday's Change Strikes In. rSPECIAI. TELIGIULM TO THE DISPATCH.'. Cleveland, October L People who have claimed that Mike Kelly was crazy would have felt that their claims were verified had they seen him when New York's defeat was known at tbe end of to-day's game, placing Boston in first place. General Arthur Hit Hil Dlxwell was there and witnessed tbe Bostons climb into the first place. The General and Mike made a splendid team, and after the game wept tears of joy. "We've got that money." said Kelly. "It's ours, it's ours." "Yes," yelled tbe cul tured Bostonian. without retrard to grammar, "and so 's them there rocking chairs," where upon some one suggested that both get a chair and rest their beads. Boston did not feel so sure of winning, and the mighty Clarkson was again put in the box. The strain is telling on him, and be depended more on beadwork than speed. He was hit pretty freely, and was only saved from defeat by the rest of the team making their bits when they were most needed. To-Dny's Home Gome. It was expected yesterday afternoon that there would be two games to-day, that is, that Monday's tie game wonld be played off to-day. Such will not be the case, however, as it is un derstood tbe demands of tbe home team were too exorbitant. In all fairness the New Yorks ought to have been allowed to play two games under the same conditions that have always been recognized. Pittsburg was the first city to inaugurate the donble game plan and it is not creditable to go back on it if certain de mands are not granted. A fair field and no favor is what is wanted at this stage. Keefe and Sowders will likely be the pitchers to-day. Lcnffuo Record. Perl Per Won. I.opt.Ct.l Won. Lost.tt. Bostons- 81 43 .653 Plttsbures...60 68 .469 New Yorks...79 43 .64S Clevelands.. .60 69 .4C5 Pliiladelohlasc: 62 .6iIndlanapnllsS5 74 .X Chlcagos 04 65 .4961 W asblngtons41 80 .339 ASSOCIATION GAMES. Baltimore Drops a Gntne to the Athletics by a Couple of Costly Mistakes The Browns Defeat the Colonels In a Tame Contest. Philadelphia. October L Baltimore had to-day's game well in band up to the sixth inning, when a combined error of judtnnent and a poor throw by Ray permitted tbe Athletics to score threo runs unearned. Score: B.ilttmores 1 00 11010 0-4 Athletics. '...0.0 CO 1 4 0 0 5 Base hlts-Baltlmores, 9; Athletics, 9. ijrors Baltlmores, 1; Athletics, 5. Earned runs Ualtltnorcs.i: Atliletlcs, 2. Two-base bits Tucker, Ray, KUroy, Weltch, Robinson. btruck out By McMahon, 4; byHllroy, L Umpire Hen glc. A TAME APFAIR. Tbe Browns Defeat ibe Colonels In an Un interesting Game. St. Louis, October L The Browns defeated the Louisvilles in a game devoid of interest. Score: M. Louis 3 l s o o o o o Louisvilles 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 Rase lilts St. Louis. 10; Louisvilles, S. Errors bt, Louis, 8; Louisvilles, 4. Earned runs St. Louis, 2. Two-base hlt-Duffee. Three-base hits Stlvetts, Shannon, Wolf. btruck out tiyjjtivetts, 3. . Pasted ball-MllllKan. Wild pitches btlretts, 1; Ehret, I. Dmplre-Oaffncy. 07 0-4 Snm Barkley In Town. Sam Barkley, formerly second baseman of the AUeghenyciuo, ana now ot tbe.Toledos. arrived In the city yesterday accompanied by Mrs. Barkley. During a conversation he com plained much of his injured knee. He stated that the Injury had interfered greatly with his E laying, "but," he added, "I've lost no money yit, as I got my terms to go to Toledo from Kansas City." WIKOFF DIDST GO. Association Blacuate Tired of Him Look las for His Successor. ' (SPECIAL TZLXOItAM TO THE DISPATCH. I St. Louis, October L President Wikoff must go. This is official. The combination that sat down so heavily on Byrne and Gold smith at Cincinnati have got together on the Prcsidental question, and Wikoff is marked for slaughter. W. E. Voltz, of Philadelphia, who is a can didate for the office of President of the Asso ciation, arrived here to-night, and is In confer ence with Von der Abe. It Is said, however, that the next President of the Association will be L. C. Kranthoff, of Kansas City. Although Zacb Phelps and Mr. Voltz are both popular with the'clubs, it is said that things are fixed for Mr. Kranthoff, who is held by all to be especially fitted to fill the position with im partiality and judgment. Support Kranthoff. rsraClAL TKLirBAM TO TUB DISrATCH.1 New York, October L President Byrne, of the Brooklyn club, said to-day that he would be well satisfied to see Mr. Kranthoff made tb.e'president of the American Association, Association Record. Perl Per Won.Lost.CU Won.Lost.Ct. llrooklvns S6 41 .677ICIuclnnstls...G7 01 .524 St. Louis SI 44 .MSIColumbui 55 72 .434 Athletics 70 52 .574 KansasCltys..53 74 .417 Baltimore. ...66 57 .537Loulsvllles....26 102 WOi Games To-Dny. NATIONAL LEAGUE New Yorks at Pitts burg; Bostons at Cleveland; Philadelphias at Indianapolis; Washingtons at Chicago. American association No games sched uled. A LISASTKOUS E1BE. i Forty Buildins In a Michigan Town De stroyed by the Flames An Early Morning Blnzc That Could Not bo Controlled. Grand Haven, Mich., October 1. A large part, and the best part, of the resi dence portion of this city was wiped out by a great fire this morning, The fire broke out in N. V. Slayton's provision store, on "Washington street, at 1 o'clock this morn ing, and in a few minutes it bad communi cated to Mull's meat market, adjoining the Cutler House on the west. The firemen were promptly on hand, but by tbe time they were ready to throw water the flames had caught the cornice of the hotel. A per fect gale was blowing from the "West which drove the flames info the building and in a very short time flame and smoke were pour ing from every window of this magnificent structure, in which were situated the First Nations! Bank, Ffaffs Insurance Agency, the Signal Service, "Western Union Tele graph offices, and N. Beaudry's drygoods store. Grand Rapids and Mnskegon were wired for assistance and both responded promptly, but before they arrived the fire bad crossed the street, burning Mrs. Jones' millinerv store, Messrs. Squires' residence, and with difficulty was kept from the sanitarium. Then crossing Third street, tbe First Re formed Church and parsonage, and the Cut ler livery stable and all the buildings in the block. Grand Bapids acted nobly and did much to assist in controlling the fire, which, how ever, spread through south of Washington street, taking all the residences as far as Fourth street, including that of Mrs. Cut ler, and burning the Unitarian Church and the Telephone Exchange. Crossing Colnm hus street, between Third and Fourth, tbe flames swept out all tbe residences upon the north side as far as Filth street, including the Methodist Episcopal Church, the resi dence of A. S. Kedzie and Postmaster San ford. The vigorous efforts of the county officials and the isolated situation of the jail and court house did much toward saving those buildings from the flames. The total number of buildings destroyed is 41, while the loss is estimated at fully $500,000. Nearly all of the property was more or less insured. A MILITARY ELECTION. Colonel Smith Was Re-Elected ns Colonel ol tho Eighteenth Regiment. An election was held last night for Col onel of the Eighteenth Infantry, N. G. P., at the regimental headquarters, Fifth ave nue. Colonel Hawkins, of the Tenth In fantry, conducted the election, Captain .Murdock, of the Second Brigade staff, and Quartermaster Patterson, ot the Fourteenth Infantry, acting as tellers. Colonel Norman M. Smith, whose com mission expired on Monday night, was unanimously elected, there being no other nominations. Alter the election the officers called on Colonel Smith at the Duquesne Club, where a banquet was served. In addition to the Eighteenth's officers, there were present Adjutant General Hastings, Colonel Haw kins, of the Tenth; Colonel Perchment, of the Fourteenth; Colonel Krepps, of the Fifteenth; Colonel Hudson, of the Gov ernor's staff; General Gutnrie and Colonel McKibben, formerly commanders of the Eighteenth; Major McCandless, Lieutenant Patterson, Lieutenant Foster and Lieuten ant Brown, of the Fourteenth's staff; Lien tenant Shepard, of Battery B, and Captain Murdock, of the Second Brigade staff. Some Pension Applicants In Alaska. "Washington, October 1. The Acting Commissioner of Pensions has designated James Sheakley, United StateCommissioner at Fort Wrangell, Alaska, a pension notary to take the proper legal steps necessary in tbe cases of applications for pensions. This is the first .appointment of the kind in the Territory. Doctors Dissatisfied. Some of the physicians connected with the Southside Hospital are dissatisfied. One of them declared unless the institution was soon made a hospital be would quit. The doctors are not incliued to state the cause or nature of their difficulties. Kobbed of 8100. Andrew "Wilbert, of No. 67 Twelfth street, last night reported that be had been robbed of f 100 by John Jvansen, Swede, who has been boarding at the same place. Jvansen has disappeared. Cholera Epidemic in Bagdad. "Washington, October 1. The Secretary of State is informed that cholera in an epi demic form has appeared at Bagdad and various places on the Euphrates. i ' NOTICE 75 CENTS TER DOZ. Cheapest Gallery in the World. For one month Yeager & Co. will make cabinets for 75 cents per doz., to introduce their fine work, at 70 Federal st., -Allegheny. Bring baby. No stairs to climb. Gallery on first floor. Exposition Vote for nationafflower. Onr Fall Millinery Opening A great success it will last all this week. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Exposition Vote for national flower. It tickles the palate of the best con noisseur, and only $1 CO per full quart. Klein's "Silver Age." MWP Exposition Vote for national flower. Grand millinery opening to-day atBos- enbanm & Co.'s. ai Exposition Vote for national flower. SPORT AT LATQMA. A Large Crowd Sees Some Good, Though Slow, Races. THE FAVORITES ARE WINNERS. Jack Ashton and Godfrey Agree to Hare Another Sattle. ME. FOENEE'S CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. The Owners of Harry Hontas Ready to Tackle louig Stockbridge. The races at Latonia were continued on a slow track.. The favorites were winners. The owners of Harry Hontas put up a for feit lor their horse to go against young Stockbridge. Jack Ashton and George Godfrey arrange to fight again. Cincinnati, October 1. The attend ance at the third day of the Latonia races was good. The track was in bad condition, and in consequence poor time was the rule. First race, selling, purse for 3-year-olds, seven-ei;hths of a mile Starters: Elec tricity, Lucy P, Maylaps, Bettina, Metal, Consignee, Fan King. Post odds Bettina 4 to 5, Metal 8 to 5, Maylaps 8 to 1, others 8 and 10 to 1. Maylaps led at the start, but at the half mile post Metal took the lead to the stretch, where Bettina, who had been close behind, came up and raced neck and neck with Metal down the stretch, Bettina winning by a Bhort neck, Metal second, Maylaps third. Time I:3& Becondrace, selling,purse for 3-year-olds and upward, one mile and 70 yards Starters: Mamie Hunt 107 pounds, Liederkranz 113, Flit ter 110, Bonnie King 95, John Morris 103, Spec tator 109. Deruihment 107. Post odds Bonnie KingS to 1. John Morris 15toL Flitter 7 to 5, Spectator 3 to 1, others 6 and 15 to L Bonnie King led at the start and kept ahead throushout, winning in a walk. John Morns had been last to tbe stretch, but at tbe finish he came up and ran a dead beat with Flitter for place. Third race, Maiden stakes for 2-year olds, three-quarters of a mile Starters: Kittle Cbeatbam 110 pounds, Corticelll 103, Dolikins 105, Experience 108, Eberlee 113, Mount Labanon 103. Good Bye 103, Ban Chief 103, LUHe Lee 100, Happiness 100, Polemus 103, Julia Magee 100. Post odds Cheatham 5 to 1, Mt. Ebanon 10 to 1. Experience 7 to 1, Lilllo Lee 3 to 1, Eberlee 4 to 1, Dollikins 6 to 1, others 6 and 20 to 1. Corticelli was first at the start, Mt. Lebanon second, tbe others behind. Tbe order was the same at the half-mile post. In the stretch, however, Kittie Cheatham came to the front and won, with Experience second, lit. Lebanon third. Timel21K. Fourth race. Sweepstakes for 3-year olds and upwards, one mile Starters: Meckie H 100 pounds, Glockner 103, Leontine 109, Catalpa 119, May O, 100. Post odds Leontine 4 to 1, Catalpa 8 to 6, May O and Glockner 7 to 6, Meckie II 15 to 1. May O led at the start, but was soon headed by Catalpa, and tbey alternated first and sec ond till the stretch, when Leontine came up and won, Catalpa second. May O third. Time,l:i Fifth race, purse for two-year-olds, three quarters of a mile Starters: Valedictory 104 pounds. Little Crete 109. W.G. Morris 108,Sunny Brook 108, Milton 108, Flyer 101, Alarm Bell lib, Rosemont 108. Post odds-Milton i to L W. G. Morris even Alarm Bell 1i to 1, Rosemont 8 to 1, others 20 and 30 to 1. Valedictory got the best of the start, but was headed at tbe half-mile post by Milton and Rosemont, who ran together a head behind W. G. Morris. In the stretch Milton took the lead and won, Alarm Bell second, W. G. Morris third. Time, 1-19. Entries and weights for Latonia races to morrow: First race, three-quarters of amUe Aunt Jennie 93 pounds. Bramba!ator99. Ccntor 100. Uulnare II 100, Jack 100. Cincli ICO, May Blossom 101, Governor Boss 103, Outlaw 103, Daisy Woodruff 108, Burt 109, Royalist 111. Second race five-eighths of a mile Ellen Doug lass 95 notinda. IIllo 96. Henrv Mack 96. Vedana 97. Progress ICO, balute 101, ban Ardo 101, Bamantha 107. Ballyhoo 103, Daylight 110, Wlmmer HI. Third race, seven-eighths of a mile Metal 99 pounds, Lucy P 100, Renounce 104, Qulndaroo Belle 105, Naklr95, New Castle 107, Winning ttays 107, Cora Fisher 1C8, Mamie Hunt 109, Deroche mont 109. faerenader 110. Vinegar Hitters 107, Billy l'lnfeerton 112. Fourth race, one mile Sis Ulmyar 99 pounds, Iago 101. Koko 101, Prlncett 107, Kate Mnlone 103, Uarrv Glenn 110, Arista 110. Filth race, half a mile-Mary Mac 102 pounds, Furlicht M2, Ozzldent 102, Tacoma 102, Fanny Doty 107, Emily S 10A Kettle II 105, Rosalia 103, Camilla 110, Lottie S 110, Martba Page 110. bister Geneva 110, Flyer 110, Cecil B 110. ACCEPTS THE CHALLENGE Tbe Owners of J Hurry Hontas Ready tor a Race. If Mr. Forcer, who issned a challenge for xoung Stockbridge to trot against Harry Hontas means business thero will be a race be tween the two horses sure. Mr. Gallagher, one of the owners ol Harry Hontas, has not duly accepted the challenge, but has put up suffici ent cash as a forfeit to show that he wants a race and for a substantial stake. The follow ing letter of acceptance accompanied by 'a check for 250 was handed to the Sportine ed itor of this paper last evening: West Bbidgewatxr. Px., October 1, 1869 Tothe Sporting Editor of The Dispatch: Please accept 30 as acceptance of a challenge published in DISPATCH of Sunday. September 29, 1889, to Harry Hontas. Will meet owner or rep resentative of Youne Stockbridge at the Dis patch office, 75 Diamond street, on baturday, October 5, at 11 A. M., to arrange match. Yours resp'ct'ly, B. E. Uallaqueb. TALKING FIGHT. Jack Ashton and Godfrey Agree to Have Another Battle. Boston, October 1. There was a good deal of fighting talk about town this evening, but the only result was to postpone to later dates the fisting events that havo been on tbe tapis. Hank Brennan and Geortre Dixon were to fight on October 10, but Brennan weakened to-night and wanted tbe fight postponed. Dixon con siders it an admission of bis superiority. The light is oil indefinitely. Jack Ashton and George Godfrey met at the rooms of the Par ncll Club late this afternoon and agreed to settle their dispnte November 7. The purse will amount to 1,200, all of which will go to the winner. At the Bay State Club Jack Griffin and Hippy Homer signed articles for a 25 round go for a purse of $100. October 10 was agreed uDon as the date. Ike Weir is aeain disposed to dictate terms to the California Athletic Club. President Fulda, of the California club, telegraphed to Captain Cook, of the JPolice Newt, this morning that the club wonld give a $2,000 purse, $1,750 to the winner, for a contest between Weir and Billy Murphy in December or January. 'When Weir was shown the dispatch ho said he would not go to San Francisco unless a $2,500 purse was offered. After talking the matter over with Captain Cook be said he would go if the club would give a $2,250 purse, $2,000 to the winner and both men to weigh not over 120pounds strinped. Weir's offer was wired to President Fulda, and there is but little doubt that the club at its meeting will accept the offer. Tho West Chester Races. New York, October L Following are the entries for to-morrow's races at Westchester: First race, five furlongs Geraldlne 119 pounds Druldess, Ocypete, Peterborough, Minuet, Pearl Set 96 each. Young Duke, Fordbam, Autocrat. Volunteer 122 eacu, Madstone 117, lllue Rock 117 Express 99. ' Second race, one mile-Groomsman. Ben Harrl rlson, Dute of lllgblande. Sorrento, Philander each 115 pounds, Davllglit, Equality, btenhanlo 105 each. Holiday 112, Woodburn 10a Leech Christy 108, Guv Gray 103, Huntoon 108. Third race, three-qnarters or a mile Ballarat. Llsonomy, Onaway, El Rio Rev 111 pounds each Gloaming, Druldess, Homeopathy, Livonia, Palry Queen, Rupert A 108 each. Gregory IIS. rourtu race, une auu uiiiquatier miles La- vlnla 112 pounds Belle 112. Los Angeles Hi Brown Princess 103, Reporter .Og.Tenny 103. Buddhist US. Sol rento 106. Badge 115, Kingston 129. Fifth race, five furlongs-Carrie G 85 pounds. CU1I bervlce 114. Sam Morse 103. Kenwood 103. GunwadlOS, Maria K10S, Gretna 105, RubyRovai 105. Glenrose 01, King William M, Pasednao" Bonnie Leaf colt 100, Queen Toy 10O, Mamie B 101 Bessie K. 101. Pall Mall 91, Spaniard 1M, Little Bill 104, Punster Jr 88. Sixth race, seven furlongs Vlctrlx '106 pounds. Oregon 112, Romp 112, Lafitte 109. Glendale 109 Esquimaux 113, Oarsman 113, King Idle 113, Not Guilty 103, Brown Charlie 117. Gounod 97, Jennlo McFarland 97, Bell Air 110, Young Duke 121 Pontlcolll. Tbo Entries For Jerome. New Yobk, October L Following are the entries for the Jerome Park races to-morrow: First race, flvo furlongs Pontiac 112 pound's. Bradford 112, Enquiry 99. Blue Grass 99, Radi ant 102, Eoroscope luz. Volunteer 122, Cruiser .107, Salisbury 107, Lady Margaret 104, VUIara Maid 104, Thad Rowe ud. g Second race, one and one-eighth miles Lonely Brussels, Kern, 96 pounds each; Dnollclty 93. Aniru race, slx luriougs tournament 114 PQuuub, .MaguaLc, xiuruiigiou, x function, llon- ras. 119 nonnda each. L. Dalmenv 10S. lam 115, Sir John 108. Cyclone 0 108. Fourth race, one and one-quarter miles J, a." l sir John 108. Cyclone 0 108. B. 112 pounds. Caliente 111, Philosophy 104. Kern 104. Longstreet 121. Fifth race, 1.40U yards-Little Hinch 117 pounds, KtnK Crab 112, Auranla. Oradler 111, She S9, Orator 102, J'rose 104, Fred 11 107, Climax 107. Relled'OrlOa, bpeedwell 109, HraTol07. bixtb race, one mile Bordelalse 109 pounds Royal Uarter 106, i.squlmau 112. btanely Sharpe 100, Little Minnie 108, Big Brown Jug 68, Decep tion 83, Pocatello 106, Letrltla 98, Hamburg 97, Maria iw, uuu.jr , jooeiyius, x&uperiiw. Walked for n Wnser. Brownsville, PA.,October L Peter Wood, of this place, started from here at 6.-05 o'clock this morning and walked to Washington. Pa., on a wager of S100, returning at 5.-40 o'clock this evening, having walked the distance. 49 miles, in less than the stipulated time of 12 hours. Upon his return he offered to bet $100 that be could walk to Uniontown without stop ping, a distance of 12 miles, in three hours. There were no takers, however. Wood was sick all day, and was compelled, to stop srx times on tbe road, which was muddy and slip pery. The BrownsviUe sports wagered against the feat Bportlnc Notes. W e'ke in fifth place now to stay. The odds ought to be on Boston now. Tbe pitchers will likely be Sowders and Keefe to-day. The race certainly keeps close enough to ex cite everybody. Clarkson Is still a wonder. Wait nntil he gets to Pittsburg. Chicago and Philadelphia are having as much fun as anybody. The Hubs defeated the Charles Runnettes yesterday in a ball game by 11 to 7. The same teams play again on Saturday. The J. B. Kennedy Baseball Club of Kittac niugwill cross bats with the Leech burg club on Saturday. The battery for the J. B. Kennedys wiU be Johnson and Rease. They have won 14 straight games for tbe J. B. Kennedys this season. THE ALLEGHENY SCHOOLS. The Board of Control Sleets and Has a Talk About Them. The usual meeting of the Allegheny Board of School Control was held last night. The election of the following teach ers was confirmed: Miss Letitia Marshal, First ward; Miss Lizzie Fairleigh, Kobert ina Jones, Mary Longdon, Hattie Palmer and Annie McCune, Second ward; Miss 'Mary L.innon, Sixth "ward. The Evening ucnoois committee reported that they had instructed the principals to open their night schools last Monday, and that their salaries had been fixed at the same figures as last year. The High School committee reported having selected Profs. Tingley, Miller and Paulson to fill the new positions decided on at the last High school. The same committee recommended that a male and female teacher be elected to de liver a series ol lectures on physioldgy and hygiene to the High school pupils at sal aries of 5150 per year. Tbe matter was re ferred back to the committee to investigate as to the legality of the question. Superintendent Morrow reported having received a letter from the residentsof Johns town asking aid lor their schools. As theboard had no authority to help them by an appro priation the matter was placed on file. Bills to the amount of $9,000 were ap proved, the sum including a warrant for work done in the High School building. Mr. Smith offered a resolution that in future writing teachers of 20 pupils or more should be paid $60 a month and, be not connted in the quota of teachers of the ward where so engaged. It was amended to in clude all first-class schools, or where there are 15 or more, and referred to the Commit tee on Teachers and Salaries. The Super intendent's report for September showed a total of 269 teachers in the city and of 12,680 pupils, a gain in the enrollment of 166 pu lls over September ot last year. TESTIMONI AGAINST GIBL1S." Ivldence That He May Have Known Some thing About Counterfeiting. ISFECIAI. TKLEGBAit TO TBE DISPATCH.: New York, October 1. The most damaging testimony yet offered against Charles Giblin, who prays to he spared the death penalty for murdering' Madeline Goetz, was put in to-day betore Beferee Downs. The evidence bore chiefly upon the point that the mnrderer was also a coun terfeiter, and that his errand at the Goetz bakery vjas to pass a bad bill. Practically all the evidence bearing on this branch of the case was excluded by Judge Barrett, at tbe tria , because the indictment alleged that t ie homicide took place while Giblin was enzaged in attackm: Valentine Goetz, and not while ci remitting the feldny of passing spurions money. The counterfeiting matter is, how rar, being fully gone into at thel present . earing, because tbe principal basis of Giblii 's appeal to the Government is his claim ti previous good character, which would i ive weight to his assertion that the killing ras done in self-defense. Jame: J. Scanlan, who was a secret service operative at the time of the murder, identified the copper plates, Confederate nntoa anrl t!n.Hrr fnnml In filhlln'c rnnm the day alter the murder. Other witnesses showed that Giblin had made attempts to get rubber stamps and wood cuts for clumsy counterfeiting. THE LOUISIANA BOND FEAUDS. An Investigation Into the Matter Commenced by the Grand Jury. New Orleans, October 1. The grand jury of tbe parish of Orleans met to-day at 11 o'clock in Section A, Criminal District Court. It had been rumored that they would investigate tbe State bond frauds, and the court room was filled with business men and lawyers. The session of the jury lasted four hours, and four witnesses are known to have been examined. Nine in dictments were found against some person or persons charged with fraud and embezzle ment. No names are given, but it seems to be well understood that ex-Treasurer E. A. Burke is the party in each. The grand jury will be in session next Friday and will examine other witnesses on the same subject. The impression seems to prevail that some 15 indictments will be lound against the ex-Treasurer in regard to the Agricultural and Mechanical College bonds, and that the other charges will be taken up at leisure. C0BEIGAN IS ALL BIGHT. A Report of Dlssntlsfactlou With His Coarse of Action Denied. New York, October 1. There was pub lished to-day a dispatch from Europe stating that the state of things in this archdiocese was not satisfactory to the authorities at the Vatican, and that Archbishop Corrigan has been summoned to Home to explain matters. Bev. Dr. Charles McDonald, the private secretary of the Archbishop, said to-day that there is no truth in the report, and that the Archbishop has not received such a summons. Another member of the Archbishop's household denounced the report as absurd, andtsaid it was only one in a series of similar false rumors that have been set afloat during the past year or two. HAI0B PEAKSON'S KEP0KT. The Receipts of September Were Over $1,200. The Allegheny Police Committee met last night and approved bills to the amount of $7,486 42. Mayor Pearson's report showed 284 arrests for September, 89 paid fines and 109 cases were discharged or with drawn. The receipts ot the office were $1,217 67. The amusement licenses amounted to 175 The report of the pa-, trol service showed 97 alarms for the month and 210 arrests made. Six hundred and sixty miles were traveled. First Season Meeting. The Pittsburg Central Circle of the O. I. S. O. will hold its first meeting to-morrow eveningjutheY. M. C. A. building. Spe cial papers on subjects relating to the course will be read. - CLEVELAPMD HILL Both Indorsed by the New York State Democratic Convention. EACH NAME IS WILDLY CHEERED. The Platform Stands by the Et. Plank Upon the Tariff. Lonid PEOHIBITION &'0T THE PE0PEE THIKG. But a Proper Excise Law Will Eecdre the Support of the Party. The representatives of the Democracy of NeV York met in convention at Syracuse yesterday. A ticket was nominated for the approaching election, a number of the present officers being named again. The platform approves the administration of Governor Hill, and speaks in the highest terms of the course of ez-president Cleve land. Syracuse, October 1. The Democratic State Convention met here to-day. The hall was crowded when, at 12:15, Edward Murphy, Chairman of the State Committee, called the convention to order and an nounced the action of the State Committee in nominating Edward A. Jones for tem porary chairman. The committee's action was unanimously adopted, and a committee was appointed to escort ifr. Jones to the chair. Lieutenant Governor Jones, on taking the chair, thanked the convention for the honor and proceeded to arraign the Repub lican administration in bitter terms. His allusions to both ex-President Cleveland and Governor Hill were received with the utmost enthusiasm. A recess was then taken. The convention hall presented an ex tremely animated appearance when the body was again called to order. James "W. Bidgeway, as Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, reported the following plat form and moved its adoption: THE PLATFORM PROPOSED. The Democratic party of the State of New York, in convention assembled, renews the pledges of its fidelity to Democratic faith and reaffirms tbe doctrines of the national plat form ot 1S8S, adopted at St Louis. We have not advocated and do not advocate free trade, but we steadfastly advocate the principles of tariff reform, believing that adherence to the right alone carries in itself the certainty of triumph. We heartily Indorse the honest and fearless administration of the National Gov ernment ny Grovcr Cleveland. Second-We charge that the RemibHcan party, at the last Federal election, obtained power in the nation by corruption and false pretenses, by intimidation and coercion of voters, and by a shameless trafficking of a Cabinet and other offices in its r?ift to tha highest bidder; and through its candidates bv these unscrupulous means received more than half the votes of the electoral college, its doctrines and principles were repudiated by a majority of the voters of the country. We ar raign the Chief Executive of tbe United Btates for a disgraceful violation of tbe pledges con tained in his letter of acceptance, to-wlt: ''In appointments to every grade and depart ment, fitness and not party service should be the essential and discriminating test, and FIDELITY AND EFFICIENCY the only snre tenure of office," In that, not In exceptional instances, but with sweeping band he has removed hundreds of honest and capa ble officers before the expiration of the terms for which they were appointed. Third Maintaining, as; heretofore, that im proper combinations of capital which limit production, fix the price of commodities re gardless of the cost of production, reduce the wages of labor and crush oat the smaller inde pendent dealers, and thns strangle legitimate competition, are conspiracies: The Republican party in this State is next a arraigned for having last year made the highest tax rate since 1875, beinjr an in crease of from $9,000,000 to $12,500,000. Governor Hill is, on the other hand, lauded for having saved to the people by his vetoes about 52,000,000. The plank dealing with the excise question is in part thus: We do not favor the unrestricted sale of In toxicating liquors on the one hand, nor prohi bition on the other. We believe that tbe liquor traffic should be restrained and regu lated by just and equitable excise laws, rigidly enforced, which laws, in their operation, should be substantially uniform throughout the State. A QUESTION OP REVENUE. We believe all excise revennes, whether called license fees or taxes, should belong to tbe local treasury of the localities under whose authority licenses are issued, to be applied in reducing the burden of local taxation. We op pose the passage of the prohibition amend ment, upon which the next Legislature is re quired to act; and we arraign tbe Republican party lor its dishonest treatment of the tem perance question in this State and the States of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Pennsyl vania, in submitting, or proposing to submit, prohibition amendments, only to defeat them at the polls. In snpport of this last arraignment the Eepublican legislation of last winter is analyzed, the defeat of an excise revision bill and snpport of a higb license bill being characterized as dishonestly inconsistent. Electoral reform next receives renewed pledge of snpport from the party, but not as embodied in the Saxton bill, which was a Eepublican party measure last winter. A CHARGE OF TREASON. The failure of the Eepublican Legislature to pass enumeration or constitutional con vention-bills is a basis of the charge in the platform that the Eepublican party is guilty of treason to tbe Constitution. Home rule for cities and the administration oi Governor Hill are endorsed. The platform was adopted, a resolution of sympathy with Gladstone and Parnell was adopted, and ex-Assemblyman Prank Rice, of Ontario county, was t.ben made nominee for Secretary of State. Edward "Wemple, present incumbent, was then renominated lor Controller. Hon. Elliott Danforth was nominated for State Treasurer. Charles 3?. Tabor, present incumbent, was renominated to be Attorney General. John Bogart, for State Engineer and Surveyor, and Dennis O'Brien, for Court of Appeals Judge, were the other nominees. The7 convention then adjourned. CAPTAIN JONES' OBSEQUIES. Friends From All Parts ol tbo Country As. scmble to Attend. The funeral services over the remains of Captain Jones, late General Manager of the Edgar Thomson Steel "Works at Biaddock, will be held at his residence on Cory street, North Braddock, this afternoon at 250 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. Boyle, of the M. E. Church, will officiate. The pall bearers will be James C.McWilliams.Georee Eeenan, James Muilooley, James To Ian, Luke Higgins, John Martin, Newton Treese and William Purdy. The honorary pall-bearers will include Andrew Carnegie, H. C. Frick, General Lauder, Robert Hunt, of Chicago, formerly Superintendent of the Troy Steel Works; Owen Libert, of Bethle hem; Alexander Hamilton, 01 jonns town, and James Thomas and James Fuller, of Catasauqua. Major A. M. Harper Post No. 181 will act as an escort in the funeraljprocession, followed by the Hileman Lodge of Masons, of East Libertv.and tbe Monongahela Coun cil. Jr. A. W.'A. M., of Braddock. There will be no display of any kind, nor music. Qnitc a number of prominent iron and steel men have already assembled in Brad dock for the funeral. Mr. Andred Carne gie and his wife will go down this morn ing. Largely attended meetings of the firemen and employers of the steel works were held last night and appropriate resolu tions passed. The floral tributes are many and costly. The services at the vault will be according to the ritual of the Masonic order, followed by those of the Mechanio ritual. All druggists keep it- Klein's "Silver Age." " sjwr Exposition, Vote foe national flower. f4$ fPt TUB WEATHEB. For Western Penn sylvania and Ohio, air, clearing on the lakes; slightly cooler, northwesterly winds, fair on Thursday. For West Virginia, fair,cooler to-morrow andThwjsday; north westerly winds. PrrrsBUBO, October 1, 1S39. The United States Signal Berrice .officer la this city furnishes the following: Time. Thr. Tber. .. S3 .. 70 S7 13 8:MA. V SI 12:00 V 69 IrOOF. K .. 2.00 r. M ....69 Cor. x SrGOF.X 61 Mean temp Maximum temp. Minimum temp.. Ranre . Precipitation. ... Trace. RlveratS r.ic, 5.0 leet, a fall of 0.4 feet In U hours. River Telegrams. rSFZCIAL TZLXGHAX8 TO THX D18PATCH.1 Warbkn River stationary at low-water mark. Weather cool and raining. Bbowxsvxluc River 4 feet V inches and. stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer SB3 at7p. M. Moroahtown River 3 feet 6 inches and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 72 at i P. M. ' AMERICAN DAI. Exposition Patrons Will Pick Oat the Favorite Flower. This is American day at the Exposition. One of the features will be the vote taken to decide which is the favorite 'flower of this section. The ugly golden rod seems to be in the lead at present, bnt it may be knocked into a cocked hat after the vote' i taken. To-morrow evening the Eobert Blum and Cecilia mannerchors will sine GermzaJ music. Caught Picking Pockets. Just before the parade yesterday after noon Detectives Shore and Robinson caught two men at work in the pocket picking business in the crowd on Fifth avenue. The men were caught in the act, and when taken to Central station gave the name of Andy Martin and "William Carpenter. Tbe Money Order Report. There is still a balance in favor of the home postofiice in the money order report for September. The Italians are sending their money home, as the report shows $6, 295 21 have goneacross the watei to $38 16 received here. British orders paid amounted to $2,060 74; British ordersissned$14,006 97. ROGERS' ROYAL NERVINE rl extremely palatable to tbe taste and attractive to the eye, resembling rich, red wine but it is guaranteed to be absolutely free from all In jurious substances. It destroys the craving for stron jr drink, substi tuting for that injurious stimulation tbe splendid exhilaration ofeood digestion, free circulation and PraFCT HEALTH. When yoar BHAIN IS 0V1BW0RK1:D through strain of anxiety and press of business, when your HEAD THROBS with a sickening pain. ROYAL NERVINE TONIC will give new vleor tothe nerves and build up and Invigorate theWHOLK SYSTEM in the same way as if tbe partaker tbere- vi H au ucucurcu pj inarp wais or nae on none back. KOYALNEBVJJfE TONIC is warranted on the manufacturers' professional honor to be abio lutely free from, all mineral, or polaonoas'drnjrs.. . seJO-O-W Bake IS THE STRONGEST HORSE BLANKET For sale by all dealers. None genuine without horse stamped inside. MidetyWM.ATKZSiSosa, Pnflada, who make the strong &A Hans Blanket sef-45-ws GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO. Are making a Handsome Display of Blooker's Dutch Cocoa -AT THE "rTYPOSITIQy and request all their friends and patrons to visit their exhibit and try a sample cup FEEE1 This Cocoa is imported by us direct from J. & C. Blooker, manufacturers in Amster dam, Holland, and it is the finest quality of Cocoa in the world, being made exclu sively ont of the ripest Cocoa beans, from which all the INDIGESTIBLE fats have beeD removed. my5-80-ws BLOATER MESS This season's catch of Bloater Mess Mackerel jnst received. MCKEREL GEO. K. srEVENBON A CO. SIXTH AVENUE. Jal-3-JlWT aOKSAHo -Jf-Wl HOT II EVERY DH OCCURRENCE I "We have no hesitation'in making the assertion that we are selling onr goodat prices far below what they can be bought for elsewhere) and shall continue to do so nntil we have sold the last article, as this is a Genuine Closing Out Sale. Below we give prices on a few articles. Decorated 56-piece Tea Sets at S3 20 per set and ranging up to-?20 per set. Decorated Chamber Sets, complete with jar, at $3 90 per Bet and rang ing up to 545 per set. English Decorated 100-piece Dinner Sets, nice goods, at ?13 90 and ranging up to $300. Brass Extension Piano Lamps, with large, burner and umbrella shade, all complete, at $3 90 and ranging up to $50. Decorated Vase or Table Lamps, with large burner and decorated shade to match, at $2 20 andranging up to $24, reduced from $33. Banquet Lamps (which are all the go in the East) complete with decorated bisque, or urn - brella shade, at $3 93 and ranging up to $26 60. Eogers Dinner Knives at $1 24 per set. Brass Extension Hanging Lamps at $1 40 each, and ranging in price up to $24. Gas Fixtures, Bronzes and Clocks, Chandeliers and Hall Lights, Art Potteries, comprising Bisque, Boyal "Worcester, Old Hall, Crown Derby, Hungarian, "Wurtemberg and otherfamous wares; Fancy Tables, in" Bronze and Onyx, Pedestals and Easels. Full line of domestic pressed and rich cut Glassware, for Hotel and household. "Wedding and Anniversary Gifts at Closing Out Prices. The J. P.Smith Lampi 935 Penn Ave., Between KEW ABVXK.TCSBararZS.T2 f'S1 Sweat-Groan-GrowL What eke is lobe expected of the H fashioned way' of bkekiag the shoes? Try the newwaybyasiag WOLFF'S aad the dirty task becomes a dsaaJy pkaswe. coprawrr Iff flHHp"" TV (fJ y Wolff'sAGMEBIackingf REQUIRES NO BRUSH: Sheds Water or Snow. Sees can be washed -dean, requiring dressing oary oaee a Weak for men, once a Month for women. It is also an Elegant Harness DrftMtof.. , WOLFF&RANDOLPH.PMAdeJpW The Highest Praise. lam a Presbyterian clergyman and Doctor of Divinity, but I am not afraid to recommend Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as tbe purest and most efficient preparation as a medicine that I know ot sad my experience Is a large one." REV. B. Mrxxs, LIj. D. ' "I hlrhlr recommend Dnffr's Purs Malt Whiskey and prescribe It extensfvely In my prao ugg." a. n uiiiuauDuji, m. j,, new York. "Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is free from fusel -. oil, adulterations, or foreign Impurities, and. these qualities should recosiisend it to the high-' est puuiic javur. - Pbot. Hxxzr A. Morr, Ph. D., r. u, s.. New York. 'I concur In the Indorsement of all that ha been said of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." F. K. SPECfH, Late Treasurer of tee United Stetes. . Can any higher Indorsements than tbe above be produced for any known article? . no tney not prove the purity and power or MU urcat lurmeuyr He sure, however, and secure only tbe and take none but Daffy's. It Is sold by all reputable drngglsts. GUN WA s a Chinese physician; owing to Amerioanlawfl.'. he cannot practice medicine, so he has pre- ' pared a line of Chinese vegetable and herb remedies, new to America, but old in China," which effect cures that are considered miracu lous. He charges nothing for examination, con sultation or advice. A friendly talk with Gun Wa coits nothing, and he charges but a sasH snm for his remedies: they are pleasant to take, quick to act, harmless in effect and certain to -cure. All blood, nervous or chronic diseases yield quickly. Young; middle-aged or old mea suffering from follies or excesses, qnickly re stored to perfect physical and sexual health Uttit wa nas Inmarsat or tettwionui ire those who have been cored by bis remedies, of various diseases. If yoaoanaot call, wrtte ea.g All interviews or correspondence strictly eonfl-n dential. Send for larre history of his life or bi' circular on Cancer.Tumors, Tape Worm, Rheu matism, Catarrh, Female Weakness, Piles, Blood Diseases or his book (for men only) oh nervous and private diseases. No letters an swered unless Inclosing 4c stamps. Call on or address G-TTIN- -W.A., 940 Perm Avenue, Pltte"trarrjr, Office hours 9 A. Jr. tol2x.;l to 5 and 7 to 9 p. K. aull-75-wsa v- The Finest Hxat-Flavorixo Stock , LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat. USE IT FOB SOUPS, Beef Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes. Genuine only with fac-simile of ' Justus von Liebig's SIGNAITJEE VS BLUE INK Across labeL Sold by storekeepers, grocers and druggist. TJEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO., Xin ited, London. au2! M-T8 ANCHOR RpIEDY C0MFNY, S29 LIBERTY STREET, Anchor specialties, Catarrn Rheumatic Remedy. Remedy, KIDNEY REMEDY, Dyspepsia Remedy, Beef, "Wine and Iron, Beef, Wine Iron and Cocoa. Cod Liver OIL SarsaBarilla. iver Pills. Liniment, and extra larc-e strength. ening nlasters. We have thousands of testi monials from people who have used the ANCHOR REMEDIES and all commend them as being tbe best prep arations In the market. We guarantee satis faction in all cases where the directions are carefully followed. selS-xwr Glass and China Co i) Ninth and Tenth Sts. &- NAKfll 4CT0bl v " i i 8 . ,s - -r - ver. I Ji ," . .?&, jv.j-aAS,f .v- m sBtKoBai mixwmsmsua