Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 02, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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YoL, K 0.537. Entered at Pittsburg l'ostofflce.
November M, isS7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and99FlfthAvenue.
News Booms and Publishing' House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 45, Tribune
Building, IvewYork.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
THE DisrATcn for six months ending August 31,
1SS9, as sworn to before Citj Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition or
Toe Dispatch for three months ending August
u, isss,
Copies per Issue.
Dailt Dispatch, One Year 8 00
Dailt Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00
Dailt Dispatch. OneSlonth 70
Dailt Dispatch. Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00
Daily DI6PATCH. Including Sunday, Sm'ths. 2 SO
Dailt Dispatch, including Sunday. 1 month 90
feuxDAT Dispatch, Onelear 2 50
ft'EEEXT Dispatch, One Year 1 25
The Dailt Dispatch is delivered by carrlersat
35cents per -week, or Including Sunday edition, at
20 cents per week.
How the ocean can alter a coast line, de
vour landmarks, destroy man's buttresses
and build up anew its boundaries the tides
of the Atlantic taught ns but a few weeks
ago. And yet the havoc the Atlantic
wrought and the ravages it made are not
more noticeable than those which the seas
of time are making in the ranks of the vet
erans who celebrated Grand Army Day in
this city yesterday. The tide of time is in
exorable. No man can stay its advance; no
man can stem its flood. It needed not the
charger with the empty saddle and mourn
ing emblems, which made such a piteous
chapter in the procession yesterday, to re
mind us how often death's scythe has swung
in those blue ranks since last they passed
before us. The tide of time flows on; it is
man whose flight is stayed.
Time has riven many gaps in the line
the men who fought for their country are
falling fast. They cannot fight time, and
yet it is no inglorious defeat that awaits
them. If they capitulate at last, they go
out with flags flying and drums beating. A
grateful nation stands ready to minister to
their needs in life, and to honor their mem
ory when death shall have taken them
hence. So, though the tide of time has
overwhelmed bo many, and though, the
spray of invading breakers has touched
with gray the heads of so many more, there
is a grand and a cheerful lesson in the year
ly parade of the veterans, a spur to patriot
ism and a recompense in some slight sort to
We who served and saved their country
when the call came.
The item of local news, to the eflect that
a Pittsburg firm has obtained the contract
for supplying the Philadelphia mint and
the mint of the Argentine Republic with
rolls for rolling out gold, indicates progress
in a direction which Pittsburg has been too
prone to neglect. It is not so much the im
portance of this one contract although it
is gratifying that Pittsburg is obtaining
work that has heretofore only been done by
the Krnpps as that our manufacturers are
turning their attention to the more highly
finished and complete forms of iron and
steel manufacture, that should be taken as
a favorable indication. The tendency in
Pittsburg has been to devote its energies
mainly to the production of iron and steel
in large masses, and let other places work
them up into fine machinery. Everything
that tends to having the complete work done
here is a gratifying sign of progress into a
field that permits infinite growth.
A new race of people has been discovered
in Alaska. Bravery, hardihood and friend
liness to strangers are some of their char
acteristics, but these will not make them
famous, as will the simple fact that they are
absolutely ignorant of any form of intoxi
cating liquor. They live near the nver
Yukon; they bathe in it, and they drink it
exclusively. As far as we are informed,
the waters of the Yukon have not the
strength or body of the Allegheny's pellucid
stream. Yukon water is certainly not in
toxicating, and yet this simple race, from
time immemorial, has been satisfied to drink
it, and nothing else. In fact, Pittsburg,
with its handful of saloons and entire free
dom from speak-easies as Jndge White
believes cannot vaunt its temperance be
side that of the race by the Yukon.
We would not have been surprised to
hear that these poor benighted heathen had
never known the rare beauties of old Mo
nongabela whisky, the gaseous gladness of
Extra Dry, or the frothy appeal of lager
beer, but that they should have never
squeezed intoxication out of root or berry,
fruit or grain is singular indeed. Nearly
every Eavage race has known how to get
drunk by means more or less nauseous to
the civilized taste, but none -the less sure.
The luxury of exaltation in the evening,
and headache in the morning, is still un
known to these benighted Yukonites. Never
have they heard of ten dollars or ten days.
Their murderers have never been able to
save their necks by shifting the blame upon
the demon Hum. They are not civilized,
poor things. Their virtues are old-fashioned,
and their beverage behind the times.
Yet when civilization and fire water and
white men's rifles have removed them from
the face of the earth it may occur to some
of us that it would have been better for the
dwellers by the Yukon had they never been
discovered and civilized.
A rather novel idea in the way of town
building is reported to have taken the form
of an enterprise in Chicago, to build a city
on the lake shore, to the north of the pres
ent city, which shall take away its trade.
A syndicate is stated to have bought the
water front of a comparatively small port
there. They intend to build fine harbors,
to dredge deep channels, to cut up the
neighboring territory into manufacturing
sites, the result of all which, it is asserted,
will be that "in twenty years the present
site of Chicago will have lost its greatness
and that the great inland city of the conti
nent will be established at this new point,"
Such a speculation may have great cap
ital at its back, and yet Chicago can afford
to view it not only without alarm, but with
complacency. A syndicate can build har
bors, lay out manufacturing sites, improve
streets and even build manufactories; but
still may not be able to command the vital
element that will create a great city. The
A4 poetical inquiry, 'What makes a State?"
fee is familiar to ns all, and not less so is its
B answer that it is not high walls, great ships
or wealthy courts, but a brave and inde
pendent people. The contrast is even
stronger when we study the creation of com
mercial centers. The harbors may be
furnished; the manufacturing sites may be
there; but they cannot, except by Chieag6's
own fault, take away the qualities of indi
vidual enterprise and combined public spirit
that have made that city what it k.
It is a vital tact that the last place where
these qualities are likely to be developed is
in the towns that are owned bv a corpora
tion orsyndicate. Where industry is depend
ent on a control of that sort, the qualities
that make cities great are always stifled.
Neither Chicago nor any other city that has
been created byi spontaneous enterprise need
fear the rivalry of syndicate-built towns.
The resolution of the Board of Steam
Navigation, adopted yesterday, indorsing
and welcoming the Pan-American Congress,
is a recognition by that body that the great
est field of expansion for the interest which
it represents is in the cultivation of closer
trade relations with the Spanish-American
countries of South and Central America.
In exactly the same line is the paper of
General Negley on the subject of trade with
those countries. This paper not only showed
most clearly the important aid to the
commerce of European Governments by
their encouragement of steamship lines,
from their ports to South America,
but it also discloses the 'fact
that a trained consular service, instructed to
aid the commerce of Germany is a vigorous
agent with which efforts on behalf of Amer
ican trade must cope. This suggests the
thought that a radically different principle
of selection than the one now prevailing in
filling our consular posts, must be adopted
before that branch of our Government affords
much aid in the work, of extending our com
merce. The subject is a vast one; but all such
discussions will diffuse a better comprehen
sion of its character. It is a sign of the ap
preciation of its importance, that the public
attention is directed to it all over the coun
The recently reported, though still rather
doubtful, large purchases by English syn
dicates of breweries, grain elevators and
flouring mills arouse considerable com
ment and much objection by various lead
ing newspapers. The suspicions of the
American public in connection with such
transactions are natural, in these days of
trusts; and the outgrowth of that suspicion
finds expression in such declarations as this
of the Chicago Tribune: "These bargains
are pleasant for those who sell out, retire
from business, and go to Europe with their
families to enjoy themselves and spend the
money, but they are not agreeable reading
for those who believe that American manu
factories like American lands should be
controlled by Americans and not by
Such an objection would have a good deal
ot foundation if there was any possibility
jfhat British capital could control the indus
tries into which it is purchasing, so as to
freeze out rival establishments, or exact ex
orbitant prices from consumers. But a
study of the list of purchases reported to
have been made will show that everyone of
them is in a line of business which by na
ture if incapable of being monopolized.
The people who have sold out cannot go to
Europe and spend their money without
finding good investments for their capital.
If the British management should put up
prices no better Investment could be found
than in putting up new mills, elevators and
breweries. The investment of foreign cap
ital in competitive enterprises affords no
threat to this country. The creation of
monopoly and bogus capital upon it is a
danger, whether the owners are foreign or
Indeed we think teat the persons most in
peril by these purchases are the investors in
whose hands the stocks of the concerns are
expected to he placed. According to the re
port about SSO.OOO.OOjfof English money has
been put into about twentv concerns, or an
average of about 2,500,000 for each. It is
probable that the total of ?50,000,000 repre
sents the extent to which the stocks are to be
watered, rather than the actual value of
the purchased concerns.
The Philadelphia Ledger calls attention
in a quiet but forcible way to the part
played by two "Presidents' private cars" in
the accident near Palatine Bridge, on the
New York Central Bailroad. Our con
servative cotemporary very rightly remarks
with surprise that one of these cars was
strong enough to resist the onset of a huge
passenger express locomotive, and another
so much stronger than the sleeping car pro
vided for ordinary passengers as to be able
to telescope the sleepers and kill three of
the ordinary passengers. We agree with
the Ledger that it may become a question
sometime, and the quicker the better,
whether cars provided for the public shall
not be made as stout and strung as the
"private cars."
The life of a railroad president is very
precious no donbt, and to his mind its pre
servation is the first consideration. Next
to him the vice presidents, general man
agers, superintendents, and lesser officials
are made the object of especial care. All
of them do most of their traveling in special
cars, which recent events have shown to be
bnilt more substantially than the cars de
signed for everyday mortals. The arrange
ment is delectable enough to the railroad
officers, but the public is beginning to be a
little shy of it What brings safety and life
to the railroad president in his private
coach, may carry destruction and death to
the traveler in the public cars. Hitherto
travelers have been rather inclined to regard
the presence of a president's car in a
train as an assurance of additional
safety. Now the president's car has as
sumed the role of a selfish destroyer, aggres
sively disposed and apparently indestruct
ible, it will not be surprising if the travel
ing public protests against its attachment to
ordinary trains. No matter how picturesque
and humorous the idea may be to a railroad
president to emerge from his unscathed
special car and view the ruins of the common
coaches and locomotives about him, the pub
lic has notjret been educated up to the point
of seeing the incident in the same light.
The brilliant New York Sun, as the
champion of the New York World's Fair
project, interposes the objection to The
Dispatch's support of Washington as the
site, that "Congress would have to make
the entire appropriation." That is a mat
ter, of course; but how great a departure
from that condition will there be at New
York? If all the New Yorkers were ani
mated by the spirit of Mr. Dana and Mr.
Pulitzer, New York might make this argu
ment with some force. But when it is the
fact that of a group of millionaires who
were asked for a response; to Mr. Pulitzer's
proposition to be ode of twenty-five men to
raise 2,500,000, three of the richest de
cline outright, a number of others make
evasive excuses, and exactly one joins iu
the $100,000 subscription, the amount of
money that New York promises to put up
does not shake our conviction that Congress
might as well furnish the entire appropria
tion and make a national affair of it at
the National Capital.
Twenty million of gross earnings on the
Baltimore and Ohio system for the past
year, and about 57,000,000 of net earnings,
does not look as if stock in this company
were as absolutely worthless as some of our
New York friends would have us believe.
With, the regular recurrence of the sea
sons comes the reappearance of the follow
ing item which we discover this time in the
columns of the Minneapolis Tribune; "The
natural gas at Pittsburg is giving out and
many of the factories have gone back to the
use of coal. It will be the 'Smoky City'
again shortly if it has any kind of luck."
We hasten to assure the 2Woune and all
other esteemed colemporaries that the natu
ral gas has not given out, that new gas lines
are being opened and that Pittsburg will
never again be the Smoky City, which will
be its biggest kind of luck.
The report that a volume composed of
Mr. Chauncey M. Depew's after-dinner
speeches is to be published, indicates that
unkind fate is going to subject that genial
talker's humor to the perils of serious analy
sis. An enemy hath done this thing.
If there is any foundation at all for the
report that the officials of the Indian Bureau
have been turning Catholic missionaries
out of the reservations, it is a piece of secta
rian narrowness, that should be sharply
checked. The splendid work of the Catho
lics among the Indians is historical. Any
set of men who can accomplish the results
they have among the Indians should be
welcomed and encouraged to continue their
Chief Justice Fullee is, ot course, in
favor of Chicago for the World's Pair. No
true Chicago citizen could admit the possi
bility of any such thing being located out
side the wide-stretching limits of the push
ing Western metropolis.
The National Board of Steam Navi
gation yesterday developed its support of
Government aid to South American steam
ship lines and its opposition to ocean grey
hounds. The reasoning is good; but it is
much to be feared that if two lines were
running to the South American ports the
members of ths Board who had occasion to
travel there would take the fast steamers,
whether subsidized or not
Singular as it may appear there are in
timations that the weakness in Sugar Trust
certificates indicates that the sugar mono
poly is lacking in sand.
The report that certain naval officers
have objected to taking Mr. Frederick
Douglass, the United States Minister to
Hayti, to his post in their vessels, because
he is a colored man, is a good deal more
severe on the naval officers than on Mr.
Douglass. If true, it should cause some
vacancies in the navy and some promotions
among the officers lower in rank, than the
high-toned negro-haters.
The weather did well for Grand Army
Day after all. Pittsburg will have good
weather for the old soldiers if that article is
ever to be procured.
The New York church that is proposing
to move away from its down town location
because the neighborhood is getting too full
of publicans and other sinners, is evi
dently of the opinion that the kind of Chris
tianity that was founded nineteen centuries
ago, does not fit in the nineteenth century.
Its religion is exclusively intended for work
among the respectable classes.
Boulangeb and Bochefort falsify the
familiar epitaph. In their political death
they are divided.
Mb. Theodobe Roosevelt's assertion
that a Republican attack on Civil Service
reform is a gross breach of faith, is true
enough; but it is not a breach with the prac
tical politicians. The latter interest is the
one whicbiis looked to by General Francis
Hatton the bold leader of the attack on re
form and the bearer of the standard of
Kx-Govekkor Gaston, of Massachusetts,
will begin his 70th year to-day.
Mes. Joseph Woods, of 6105 Walnut street,
will receive invited guests from i to 8 o'clock
next Friday.
A nEcnrTioir was held last evening by the
Colonel J. B. Clark Council, No. IBS, Jr. O. TJ.
A.M.. at Union Rink.
"BadyMcKee" fairy lamps are the latest
They are of delicate china, with band-painted
wild roses on shade and globe.
The Hon. Grover Cleveland is expected to
attend the Pennsylvania State Convention of
Democratic Clubs at Philadelphia on Octo
ber 15.
A cairs', surmounted by a small American
flag, has been erected on Pike's Peak in mem
ory of Lucy Webb Hayes. It was suggested
and begun by Miss ;Fieltt, a Topeka school
Dwight L. Moodt, the evangelist, is back
in Chicago again saving sinners. With the ex
ception that he has grown a little grayer and a
little stouter, he looks much the same as he did
ten years ago.
The ladies of the Ascension Church, East
End, will give a fashionable tea Saturday at
the residence of Mrs. Nelson Clark, Fifth ave
nue, near Aiken. A specialty will be made of
chocolate and coffee ices.
Pope Leo, despite his advanced age, Is an
unusually earlj riser. He Is rarely in bed alter
630, and by 6 he may be seen walking in the
gardens of the Vatican attended bysome mem
bers of his household. Very often ho gives
audience to his secretaries before breakfast.
Colonel W. W. Bockhill, formerly of
Philadelphia and latterly Secretary of legation
at Pekln, China, has just returned to Wash
ington from an exploring tour of 1500 miles
through the Eastern part of Thibet Half tho
country traversed had never been seen before
by either an American or a European.
The President's visitors yesterday included
Judge Marston, of Michigan; William H. Brad
ley, of Chicago; Representatives Lewis, of
Kentucky, and Watson, ot Pennsylvania; a
colored delegation headed by Dr. Townsend,
and Representative Butterworth and three
friends. Secretaries Wlndom and Tracy, Post
master General Wanamaker and ex-Senator
Piatt also called upon the President
THE Rev. John Zollinger, of St. Paul, who
was at one time the tutor of Bismarck's grand
nephews, says that the boys were very fond of
their "Uncle Otto." The future Iron Chan
cellor used to take them out for a romp quite
often, and was always kind and indulgent to
them. Bismarck in those days, says Mr. Zoll
inger, was a remarkably nervous man. He
smoked a groat deal, ate immoderately and
drank a good portion of wine and beer. He had
a strong liking for English literature, andread
frequently from Shakespeare, Shelley, Byron
aid Keats.
Hard to bllrnce Him.
From the "Washington Postl
George Francis Train demonstrates and ex
emplifies the unfortunate paradox that you
can't always shut a man tip by shutting hfm up.
It Is Only Mr. Booth Who Can Draw Oottbo
Fall Critical Power of the Community.
It is a fact that Mr. Booth draws totho
theater some women and still more men who
seldom go there and who are considerably
aboro the average theatergoer in Intellectual
attainments. One of tho results ot this is that
there Is more criticism of Mr. Booth of an In
telligent order than any other actor can ex
tract from the public. The public generally
does notpausa to criticise very often. It likes
an actor or it doesn't, and rarely goes to the
trouble of explaining the why or wherefore
even to itself.
On every occasion during the last three years
that Mr. Booth has visited this city a number
of criticisms of his acting have been received
by THE Dispatch. Two vears ago a gentle
man, who did not sign his name, sent to the
writer a series of criticisms of a singularly
acrid and almost abusive character, with the
apparent purpose of exalting Mr. Barrett at
tho expense ot Mr. Booth. Their lack of signa
ture led them to the waste basket, although
anyhow, clever as they were, they would have
probably landed there.
Below will be found an Interesting letter
treating of Mr. Booth and the possibility of
Improving his acting of Shylock. It Is hardly
necessary to state that The Dispatch does
not indorse tho views expressed in the letter.
In fact the criticism published in thtso columns
yesterday upon "The Merchant of Venice"
affirms tint Mr. Booth succeeds in reproducing
in all essential wajs Shylock as Shakespeare
drew the character, and as the great dramatist
supposed the Venetian Hebrew to be. It must
be remembered that Shakespeare probably
knew little of Venice, or the Hebrew mer
chants there, and painted Shylock from nature
in London, supplying not a littlo of what lie
intended for local color from imagination
purely. I
The letter isjs follows: The recent p r
formance ot tho '"Merchant of Venice" shows
a master hand la its setting; great historial
study and care fo reproduce the surroundlr gs
of man "relating to the play. But there i: a
tinge of disappointment left after the p;r
f ormance. Wi j acknowledge with pleasure me
high treat we Jiave received, but we still till
for more from a man who is capable of much.
It seems to me that what was lacking was the
real man, as h livod in Venice centuries bs :1c
Borne one has defined progress "as tho, gran J ist
transition from tho artificial to the natur: U"
and progress is apparent to anyone who kn ws
of the classic heroes of Corneille and Raci ie.
who dressed, appeared and acted as Frea ;h
menolthe seventeenth century, and of he
later actors whose smll consisted, in the lest
cases, in representing conventional types) as
far as the player could identify himself Wth
them and think how they wonld have aded
really. Realism is growing. The best aefcrs
now carefully study the local conditions) of
time and place and take great pains to re pro
duce them. As far as the Inanimate part of tho
play is concerned, there is little more left tolbe
desired. But, after all, the object of the drama
is representation of the human emotions and
actions; the scenery Is important only in so far
as it explains and conditions these. Now,whilo
the traditional mannerisms, passing from too
actor to mother, have lost a great deal of ttbir
importance, still we cannot say yet that we let
a satisfactory representation of the clasiic
types as they really existed. We all the tl:
see the clever American as he would have di
if placed in these surroundings.
It is but a truism to say that the actions
motives of different nations and times are
ferent, but it takes an extended and dcip
study of men to notice those differences
and talent to reproduce them. The
legitimate next step in the progress of tie
drama must be founded upon observation! of
man, instead of theory; it is to drop traditijn
altogether, to cease thinking out how a certain
person would have acted In real life, and to go
back to nature and observe, minutely how tus
people nearest to his type really do act. Ths
next change is coming on and practiced already
to some little extent, but it is not full
acknowledged yet. W o have historic accuracy,
in the scenery: now we want the same in mans
not In his dress simply, but in his soul. But he
who would do this needs be more than an
ordinary man, because the public are trained
now to conventional standards; If Shylock him
self were to appear, they would estoem him but
a sorry actor, and ridicule him: he might lose
money. But the more honor to the man who
can boldly take this next step and force an
acknowledgement of its truth from prejudice.
Yours, etc., T. Colin.
Mrs. Moss Has a Long Search (o Recover a
Lost Daughter.
New York, October 1. Thomas Moss
was at Waverly Fair with his photographic
tent, and when the fair closed on September 21
he took his wife and daughter, 4 years old, and
boarded a train for New York. He had the
tickets and was in the baggage car attend
ing to his luggage when Mrs. Moss got off with
the child at Emmett street station, Newark.
He went on to Jersey City before missing her.
Mrs. Moss rambled through Newark and
finally stopped at Mrs. Hayhurst's, and on
Sunday morning went away leaving her child
behind. That afternoon Mrs. Moss visited the
Third Precinct station, two miles from Mrs.
Hayhurst's house and told her story to the
Lieutenant in charge
On Sunday night of thU week she was back
at police headquarters with her husband. They
were anxious to find their Tost child, bat the
Woman could not tell anything about the place
where she left it By the merest accident the
child was found this morning. Constable Ed
ward Boylan. of the Essex County Court, was
sent with a snbpccna to Mrs. Hayhurst's house,
and Mrs. Hayhurst called his attention to the
pretty child she had there.
Booth an Hamlet and Modjeska ns Ophelia
at the Opera House.
A crowded house witncssedthe performance
of "Hamlet" at the Opera House last evening.
The demand for seats was so great that Man
ager Wilt placed the orchestra on the stage
and crowded 60 extra chairs into the spaco tbo
orchestra usually occupies.
Edwin Booth's rendition of Hamlet Is gen
erally concedod to bo his masterpiece, and
his interpretation of tho character last
evening was smooth, masterly and
effective Madam Modjeska as Ophelia
lent a winnine grace to that rather
jelly-like creation of Shakespeare, and brought
out as strongly as possible every point in the
character. Both stars were warmly welcomed
by their large audience. The balance of the
cast was good.
Notice to Diplomats.
From the Chicago Wews.l
Mr. Blaino has returned to Washington.
Foreign governments will now bo good enough
to say "please" when making requests of us.
The State Department is star-spangled onco
Mrs. Judge Jones.
Mrs. Louise Jones, the widow of Jude Samuel
Jones, died at Philadelphia yesterday morning.
She had been In poor health all summer, and was
returning from a visit to her daughter In Cape
May when death overlook her. Mrs. Jones lived
for many years on Duqucsne way, and leaves
three unmarried children Miss Ollne, Howard
and Jessie Jones.
Mrs. Jones was a devout Catholic, a prominent
member of St. Paul's Cathedral, and closely
Identified with charitable works In the city. A
woman of broad and liberal Ideas she over
stepped the bounds of creed In relieving the
wants of the poor aud caring for the sick of all
The Sanitary Fair, the Pittsburg Library Loan
Association, the Uazaar of Satlons, the Be
lief Committee for the benefit of the
Chicago sufferers and the recent benefit for
the West PennUospltal arc some of her charitable
achievements. Mrs. Jones was the originator of
the annual lea parties for the orphans in the asy
lum connected with the bt. Paul's Cathedral, and
the little folks win sadly miss the sweet-faced
lady and grarlous hostess. During the Allegheny
County Centennial Mrs. Jones was In charge of
the Ladles' Beceptlon Committee, and for two suc
cessive nights entertained the guests at her home
on Duquesne way wuUo the exhibition of fire
works was In progress. Iler kind deeds and gen
erous actions will be missed, and 'tis a pity such
good women are removed from the face of the
Samuel Moore.
Samuel Moore died on Monday at his residence
In Crafton. Born in 1605, he came to this city In
132), and did business at the corner of Penu ave
nue and Twelfth street lie was an original
member of the Phoenix fire Company, ana of the
Niagara Volunteer Fire llrlgade, Mr. Moore was
a member of Councils when the entire board was
arrested by Uarrlsburg officers ou a coniDlalnt
that It was tartlnp a bank without a charter be
cause H had Issued bonds to pay off the school
deficit The deceased gentleman was a member of
the Smlthfleld street M. K. Church,- and a charter
memoeroi me om wesiey unapei. He i retired
UVU, RVH'V nvt. HVVI 1VM V 0 5uf
1 ,
- M . . L
The Managers Will Take Chance of Their
New Building In Oakland Shortly A
Meeting Yesterday General Society
The managers of the Pittsburg Hospital for
Children held their annual meeting yesterday
and re-elected officers and directors as follows:
President, Judge Aeheson; Secretary, Dr.
Hallock; Treasurer, E. M. Ferguson. Thl
board of illrectors include Dr. and Mrs. La
4UUJ.lt, u.uuu flUli UBUIO UUbUllO.
juagejuagee, iur. James tteeo, urs.ii.il.
Frlck, Mrs. Georgo M. Laughlln, Mrs. O. O.
Beggs, Mrs. H. J. Holland and Mrs. D. A
At the meeting they adopted the bylaws pre
viously drafted and the rules and regulations
by which the hospital will be controlled. A
second meeting will be held next Friday at Dr.
Hallock's office for the purpose of appointing
a matron, surgical staff, resident and assistant
This enterprise, of which Dr. Le Moyna was
the originator, had its birth about a year ago.
Since then the members have been actively en
gaged in collecting money and selecting a site
for the fulfillment of their desires. They
have purchased tho property at the cor
ner of Forbes street and Craft . ave
nue. They will shortly take possession and
transform the residence into a modern hospital.
The idea is to admit children between the ages
of 2 and 12 years who do not receive proper care
in their own homes. Contagious diseases will
not be admitted. The hospital begins life under
the most favorable auspices. It received a
large sum of money from the Jane Holmes
estate, and 870,000 from private collections.
After purchasing the property a surplus of 40.
000 remains in the treasury. The hospital will
have all the advantages of large grounds and
river breezes. It is non-sectarian.
Ills Friends Entertain the Hon.
J. A.
Goulden With n Banqaei.
A farewell banquet was given the Hon. J. A.
Goulden by his numerous friends at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel last evening. The oc
casion was to mark the close of his business
relations in this city consequent on his removal
to New York, whero ho goes to enter into a
wider and more profitable field. Mr. Goulden
was General Superintendent of the Pennsyl
vaniaLife Insurance Company and ex-National
President of the Emerald Boneflt and Literary
Association. It may bo remembered that he
ran for State Senator, two years ago, against
Mr. Newmeyer, and was defeated, and that he
stnmDed Indiana for Cleveland at the last
election. The farewell reunion was organized
by a number of his friends, among whom were
J. B. iMcCallory, Colonel John C. McDonnell, J.
M. Molamphy and Sam H. Gllson, who took a
leading part In the affair.
Tbo banquet was held in the large dining
room and at 830 about ISO people sat down be
fore the well spread board. When the viands
had been duly discussed, the following senti
ments were spoken to: "Our Country," in
happy phrase, by Colonel Molamphy, ."The
Bar" by William J. Carran, "Our Flag" by
John V. Miller, "The Press" by J. C. Bergot
resser, "The Ladies" by Jos. W. Einstein and
the guest of the evening responded to the
toast of "Farewell to Our Guest" A present
ation of a handsome gold watch and chain on
bebalf of the Emerald Benefit and Literary
Association to Mr. Goulden, was made by Sam
H. Gllson. The Lewis quartet furnished
very pleasing mustaJJ. B. McCallery officiated
as M. C. 1. 0. McDonnell as Toast Master and
the Hon. S. F. Patterson as presiding officer.
E. Frnnenhoim's Birthday Sarprlse.
A party of about 0 people consisting of tho
children, grand children and Intimate friends
of Mr. E. Frauenhelm, surprised him at bis
handsome residence, corner Thirty-eighth street
and Penn avenue, last evening. The event was
in honor of the sixty-ninth birthday of mine
host. The merry-makers with wishes for happy
returns of the day greeted Mr. Frauenheim,
and then proceeded to enjoy themselves. Good
music and a delightful lunch, served by Ken
nedy, assisted materially in making tho evening
a pleasant one. The floral decorations were
furnished by Ludwig & Richter.
A Wedding To-Day.
A private wedding will take place this after
noon at the Tesidenco of W. F. Farley, Boston
street Shadyside. The bride. Miss Louisa
Livingston Farley, is a daughter of W. F.
Farley, bookkeeper for the Pennsylvania Com
pany. The groom, Herbert Steele Kellogg, Is
a New York gentleman engaged in tho publish
ing business. The ceremony will be performed
at 5 o'clock by Rev. Dr. Cowan, of the Third
Presbyterian Churclr.
In a Social Way.
IirrtxATioNS have been issued by the
King' ton Qlub for an evening reception, to be
held '. hursday evening, October 17, at Patter
son all. The club is composed of John O.
O'Do nell, John P. Collins, Dr. J. Driscoll and
W. J. McCormick. The Original Royals will
furni b. the music.
Rcmjrknblo Features to be Found Id Next
I Sunday's Dispntch.
Atjbe time of Wllkie Collins' first stroke of
paraisis last summer the great novelist had
two Works in hand. One was a long story
entitled "Blind Love," and the story planned
was in American war romance for The Dis
fati n, to appear in the current series of Sun
day i ovelettes. The plot was provided by Mr.
Coll: is and a fee was paid in advance. Then
cami the fatal disaster to his health, and all
labo was forbidden by his physicians. The
plot or the condensed novelette for our col
umn, to bo entitled "One August Night in
'61," therefore remains at his death his last
cont ibution to fiction.
11b plot for "One August Night in '61, " Is
beiE ; written out from Wilkle Collins' original
sket !h by an American novelist and will ap
pear in The Dispatch next Sunday. The
novdette will have an enhanced interest by
means of its peculiar production. It will be an
epis4dal romance of Missouri during tho War
of the Rebellion, very ingenious in plan and
spirited In execution.
Another remarkable feature of next Sun
day's Dispatch will be tho opening chapters
of "Joshua," a Biblical novel by Prof. Georg
Ebers, treating of the events and times ot-i
Moses. This novel is the first of a series of
romances of Bible times, contributed by Prof.
Georg Ebers, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Rev.
Herbert D. Ward and H. Rider Haggard.
What Are Yon Giving Pit
From the Alta California.
All New Hampshire is excited over a squash
that weighs 100 pounds. Our California
squashes are common at a weight of 200 to 600
pounds, and we don't pass resolutions about
them, either. "Watermelons are frequent here
at 100 pounds.
Absent n Lone Time.
From the Wheeling Register.:
S. M. Fullman, who left Roane county for
tho West in 1330, 13 back on a visit
JTramlated from the German.)
There Is no song like an old song
That we have not heard for years;
Each simple note appears to throng
With shapes that swim In tears.
It may have been a cheerful strain,
But 'twas so long ago
That glee, grown old, has turned to pain,
And mirth nas turSed to woe.
There Is no friend like an old friend,
Whose life-path mates our own.
Whose dawn and noon, whose eve and end
Have Known what we have known.
It may be when we read his face
Wo note a trace of care;
'Tls well that friends In life's last grace
Bhare sighs as smiles they share.
There Is no love like an old love,
A lost, may be. or dead.
Whose place,- since she has gone above.
No other fills Instead.
It Is not we'll ne'er love anew,
For life were drear if so,
But that first love has roots that grew
Where others cannot grow. .
There are no days like old days.
When we, not they, were young;
When all life's rays were golden rays
And wrong had never stung.
Dear Heart 1 If now our steps could pass
Through paths of childhood's morn,
And the dew of yonthlle on the grass
Which Time's fell scythehas shorn!
Old song, old friend, old love, old days;
Old things, yet never old:
A stream that's dark till sunshine plays
And changes It to gold:
Through all winds memory's river on,
'Mid banks of sore regret
Unt a gleam's on the peaks of Iong-agone
That softens sadness yd.
-BfTxngfttn squwean.
J?-- i
2, 1889.
The Origin of Lynch Law.
To the Editor of The iJlspatch:
1 have seen a brief article, copied .from your
cblumns, about the origin of lynch law. In the
article, Colonel Charles Lynch, of Virginia, Is
mentioned as the person from whom this
"law" (T) took its name. The truth is,'that it
is probably as hard to tell who was the founder
ot lynch law as It is to tell "who struck Billy
Appleton's Cyclopedia says; "According to
some authorities, the term was derived from a
Virginia farmer named Lynch, who, having
caught a thief, instead of delivering him to
the law, tied him to a tree and flogged him
with his own hands. Another account says
that In 1687-8 one Lynch was sent to America
to suppress piracy; but as the laws were
not administered with much vigor in
the colonies, owing the the difficulty
of adhering to the usual forms
of law in the newly-established territories, it
is presumed that this Judge Lynch was em
powered to proceed summarily against pirates,
and thus gave rise to the term.' Still another
account, which seems to rest on no good
authority, connects the term with Mr. Lynch,
the founder of Lynchburg, Va. But It can be
traced to a much earlier date in Ireland. In
1493 James Fitzstepbens Lynch was Mayor and
Warden of Galway. He traded largely to
Spain, and sent bis son thither to purchase a
v..bu m mac, mo young man squanaerea
the money entrusted to him for this purpose,
but succeeded In running In debt for a cargo
ouamuru, uy wnose nepnew ne was accom
panied on tho return voyage to Ireland, where
the money was to be paid. Young Lynch, to
conceal his defalcation, caused the Spaniard to
be thrown overboard, ana was received at
home with great honor, as having conducted a
most successful business operation. But a
sailor on his deathbed revealed to the Mayor
of Galwav the crime which his son had com
mitted. The young man was tried before his
own father, convicted, and sentenced to be
hanged. His family and others undertook
to prevent the execution; and the father,
finding that the sentence could not
be carried Into effect in the usual war. con
ducted his son up a winding stairway to a win
dow overlooking the public street, with his
own hands fastened the halter attached to his
neck to a staple in the wall, and acted as execu
tioner." According to the above lynch law is nearly
four centuries old. There Is yet another ac
count of the original Lynch. In the sketch of
the old Pendleton District contained In Robert
Mills' interesting "Statistics of South Caro
lina" (published in 182U), we read the follow
ing: ."At the foot of the mountain resides
Captain John Lynch, the author of the famous
law called by bis name, of very notable effect"
McDonald Ftjemah.
Ramset, a C, September ffl.
Great Britain's Motto.
To the Editor of The Dlsoatcoi
L What is the motto of Great Britain and its
meaningr 2. Whois JoshBilUngaT M.P.
Butleb, OctoberL
TL "Dieu et mon droit," which is French for
"God and my right." 2. Josh Billings was the
nom de plume of Henry W. Shaw, humorist
and lecturer, who died a few years ago.
Washington's Birthday.
To the Editor or The Dispatch!
Please state whether George Washington was
born on the Uth of February or the22d. Isee
that histories disagree.
PlTTSBUBO, OctoberL W. S.
February lL old'style; February 22 accord
ing to the modern style of reckoning.
In 1S63.
To the EdltOl1 Of the Dispatch:
When was the Prince of Wales married.
PrrTsmmo, October L R. p.
Ho Orders His Subordinates Into Aetlve
Service on the Sea.
WASmifaTON. October L-Secretarv Trar
has relieved Commodore John G. Walker from
the head of the Bureau of Navigation of the
Navy Department The text of the order is as
Sib: Yob will proceed to the navy yard at New
York, confer with the commandant and hoist
your flag on board the Chicago as an acting Hear
Admiral, commander In chief of the squadron of
cruiuuou. ion win prepare the squadron for
sea with all proper dispatch, and when in all re-
command orthe European station until further I
orders. ThBinn.drnnwiti rn, .ho ,. -
orders. The squadron will, for the present con
sist oi toe tnicago, Atlanta, Boston and York
town, to which the Enterprise will be added upon
your arrival within the limits orthe European
station. When you have hoisted your flag you
will return to Washington and temporarily re
sume your present do ties In the Navy Depart
ment, b lUtNJAMnr F. TRACT.
(Secretary of the Navy.
The Secretary says that the relief of Com
modore Walker grow out of no personal or of
ficial differences between himself and the Com
modore. The officer has been eight years at
thaheadof the Navigation Bureau, and his
term would soon expire. To reappoint him for
another term would mean Continuous service
on shore and in the department for 12 years, a
precedent which the Secretary does not care to
establish. The vessels which will be under
Commodore Walker's' command aro the pick
of the navy, and in fact with tne exception of
the Charleston and Baltimore, which have not
yet been accepted, they represent all of the
New York Will Soon Have One, Conducted
by Emily Hempen.
Boston, October 1. Some facts abont a
hew law school for ladies, to be opened in New
York in October, are given by Lillie Devereux
Blake in a letter to the Woman' t Journal. The
school is to be started by Dr. Emily Kempen,
who has an office at No. 16S Broadway, where
she prepares cases to be argued in conrt by her
young man assistant. She cannot herself plead
because she is not naturalized.
Dr. Kempen is ;a LL. D which degree was
conferred bytbe university at Zurich before
she came to America. Although she received
a diploma there she was not allowed to prac
tice. Coming to New York, she fonnd that
whllo women could practice in New York
State, there was uo institution where they
could study law. To supply tills deficiency in
the educational system Dr. 'Kempen proposes
to open her school.
Mot ns Greedy as They Might Be.
from the Philadelphia. Inquirer.:
The English syndicates don't want the earth.
They merely desire the profits thereof.
It was reported in South Erie that Henry
DIerks, who bad for some time been digging
for hidden treasures on Gingrich's farm, near
the southern city limits, bad struck it rich by
finding a buried chest filled with gold and sil
ver coins. Mr. DIerks Is said to be the pos
sessor of a magic wand or something of that
sort which indicates the presence of precious
metals underground.
Lee Obweh, of Preston county.W. Vs., was
out gunning on Monday, and experienced
quite an unnatural occurrence. He was re
loading his shotgun, in a close piece of woods,
preparatory to shooting at a squirrel Sud
denly he heard a flapping of wings, a dark ob
ject came through the air at a rapid rate
toward him, and be ford be had time for second
thought a pheasant flew with great force upon
his breast, and hid itself beneath his coat
Orwen was not too much surprised to immedi
ately make the frightened bird a prisoner, and
he now has the bird a captive at bis borne.
The Chester Timet says: A wolf, with a
chain dangling from its neck, yesterday ran
across the Herkness farm. It was chased by
two colored men and a young lady named Har
rison. After a run of about three miles the
lady captured the animal, catching the chain as
it dragged along the ground.
Thirteen thousand gallons of water per
minute aro being flung down tbe shaft of the
Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's blaz
ing colliery at Olypbant which has been on Are
for some days.
James Benson, of Terra Alto, W. Va.,
killed five wild turkeys at one shot last week.
BATS the South Branch (W. Va.) Gazette:
We will tako some potatoes on subscription at
this office.
Lee Teetee, of Union district nearPhll
lppl, W. Va-, Is 14 years old and weighs 25a
Upow the tombstone of a woman In Monon
Jalla county, W. V., can be seen this inscrip
tion: Borne have children and some have none.
Here lies the mother of thirty-one.
An Akron school teacher is making a clock
that will point its hand at pupils who wnisper.
ltfTH.l. n111l.a Id t
, mS& v fmrrWMMfm&Jkt m Tm i raw i rssfii r"' r'la'iifi riJMsFlssssr
Archbishop Corrlcnn's Anniversary.
New Yobk, October L The ninth anniver
sary of the translation of Archbishop Corrlgan
from the diocese of N ew Jersey to that of New
York was celebrated by a solemn high mass at
the Cathedral,- to-day. Rev. Father Lavelle
was the celebrant- The archbishop vested in
cape and miter occupied bis throne between
Manager Preston and the ReV. Dr. McConnell.
Father Lavelle, rector of the parish in which
the big catbedal is, denies the truth of stories
pa the morning papers to the effect that Arch
bishop Corrlgan has been summoned to Borne
to answer charges of maladministration in his
diocese, and Jbat Cardinal Gibbons Is to Inves
tigate Bishop Qilmonr's conduct of the diocese
of Cleveland.
A Good Living Hade by Begging.
Lizzie Scott, 12 years old. and her 9-year-old
twin brothers, Norman and Samuel, are pro
fessional beggars in Jersey City, although
their father and three big brothers earn good
wages as carpenters. Lizzie is one of the best
dressed girls in the public school, which she
attends regularly. In court to-day, however,
several neighbors of the Scotts told how every
day when Lizzie returned home from school
her mother stripped off her finery and attired
her In old, ragged garments, and sent her and
I r. . ,i: IC Z L ,
I ne twin brothers out on begging
I generally told stories of a dead fa'
tours. They
father and sick
mother. Meat given them by the butchers, and
bread and food contributed by families were
sold to restaurant keepers and grocers by the
Scotts, at low prices. The Justice committed
Mrs; Scott and her three children to jail, and
issued a warrant for Mr. Scott's arrest
A Hospital In Trouble.
The authorities of the New York Hospital
were severely censured to-day by the Coroner's
jury, which has been investigating the cause of
the death of young Frederick Doty. About
two weeks ago Doty went on a spree during his
family's absence from town, fell in the street
and Was taken, apparently dead, to the New
York Hospital at i o'clock in the morning. At
10 o'clock an autopsy was held without permis
sion of Coroner or relatives. The indecent
haste of the hospital surgeons in cutting up
Doty's body stirred up the dead man's family
to demand an official investigation of the Case.
The superintendent of the hospital to-day tes
tified before the jury that Doty was received as
an unconscious patient but at some indefinite
time after his arrival be was found to be dead.
The Coroner rebuked the superintendent pub
licly and severely for his confessedly careless
and unlawful action in the case. The investi
gation has excited great interest here, as the
New York Hospital is considered to be the
richest and best managed hospital in the city.
A good many people think that Doty probably
died by the surgeon's knife.
Brooklyn Wonts Tanner's Job.
Brooklyn is loath to lose its grip on the Pen
sion office. This telegram was sent to Secre
tary Tracy this morning by a committee of
King's county soldiers and sailors: "The rep
resentative soldiers ana sailors of King's
county ask. through you the appointment of
General McLeer, of the fighting Fourteenth,
as Pension Commissioner. The Fourteenth.
War Veterans' Association will call a meeting
to urge the appointment of their comrade."
Knocked Oat br the President.
Ex-Governor RufnsB. Bullock, of Georgia,
who is now in the city, has just received Presi
dent Harrison's regrets that official duties will
prevent his attending the opening of the Pied
mont Exposition at Atlanta on Monday next
Governor Bullock Is much disappointed at the
President's refusal to attend, as the feature of
the occasion was to have been a celebration of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of several big bat
tles fought near Atlanta, notably ot the battle
of Peach Tree creek, of which General Har
rison was the hero. This celebration will be
omitted because of the President' absence.
Fred Douglas Sail at Last.
Frederick Douglass, United Btates Minister
to Hayti, with his wife and Secretary E. D.
Bassett, held an improptn reception in the aft
cabin of the Kearsage this morning shortly
sailing away to the Black Repablll
." T. Jin MW,r,.
Among the score or more of friends who had
come to say good-by were C. H. W. Bmitb, ex-
Minister to Hayti; John Little, Past Com
mander of the William Lloyd Garrison Post,
G. A. B.; Miss Zenorah Nahar, a colored elocu
tionist of some repute in Boston, and Mr.
Douglass' two sons. Just as the commander of
the Kearsage ordered the men to cast off the
gangplank a little old woman with a big
umbrella rushed on board, screaming: "I am
Mrs. Zursika, grandniece of Connt Pulaski,
and I must see Mr. Douglass." The grandniece
of Count Pulaski was finally allowed to come
aboard. With both hands she seized the hand,
of the Minister as she cried: "I want to say
good-by to Mr. Douglass. Ton have been so
kind to me when 1 was destitute, and you fed
me whenLwas hungry, and I never want to
forget youxkindness. No,hever." The tears
began to trickle down the cheeks of the little
woman, and the eyes of Douglass moistened in
sympathy. By 10 o'clock the Kearsage was
gotten under.way, and started down the bay
amid tbe booming of cannon. She will arrive
at Port-au-Prince in about a week.
An Indian Piny Prevented.
"The Indian Mail Carrier" was not produced
at Jacob's Hoboken Theater, last night be
cause Mr. Go-Wan-Go, who says he is the hus
band ot the star of the play, prepared to shoot
his wife and her husband. Mr. Go-Wan-Go
says he is an Indian. He met the star, who is
Mrs. Charles Charles, called "the only Indian
actress In the word." down in Mexico, he ays
and she married him and was satisfied to live
with him until Mr. Charles Charles, who was a
cowboy, came along, and then she eloped with
Mr. Charles. He discovered afterward that
Bhe was In Baltimore, but by the tlms he got to
that city she was on her way to Hoboken. He
arrived in Hoboken about the same time she
did with Mr. Charles. He went directly to the
house wbefe Mr. and Mrs, Charles were stay
ing, and on meeting tbe star claimed her as his
wife. She denied it Mr. Charles approached,
and Go-Wan-Go hit him over the head with an
umbrella. Mrs. Charles fainted. Go-Wan-Go
went to the theater to wait for the play to be
gin and shoot Mrs. Charles. At least so he
said. Word was sent to the actress, andshe re
fused to go to the theater. To-day she was
taken ill with nervous prostration, and her
physician says she cabnot play for some time.
Action of the Caraena Rite.
The Supreme Council of Cornean Scottish
Rite Masons, known as the Seymour-Peckham-Corgas
body, has promulgated a long declara
tion to the effect that it has formally "set aside
each and every act and thing done by any in
authority In our rite, wherein or whereby it
might be claimed that fraternal relations bad
been effected between tbe Grand Orient of
France, or any of its bodies and our organiza
tion." The destructive features of the Grand
Orient of France is tbe substitution of the
words "creative being" for the word God in all
Masonic documents. This has generally been
denonnced by masonic bodies of other coun
tries as unMasonio and Infidel. The Scottish
Rite'body, known as the Northern jurisdiction,
has already repudiated the Grand Orient of
France. So also has the Supreme Council of
the United States of America, its Territories
and dependencies.
Passengers From Paris Lacky to Get
Berths After Walling.
Net Yoek, October L The army of
American tourists who began as early as March
last to sweep over Europe, and especially to
concentrate at tbe Paris Exposition, Is now on
its way home. Since the beginning of August
ithas been coming "by thousands every week.
Tbe early beginning of tbe return movement
was a surprise to everybody but tbe steamship
company people, as tho general opinion was
that few wonld think of coming back before
tbe middle of September.
"Nearlv everybody who went to Paris on ac
count of the Exposition," said one of tbe
steamship officials yesterday, "took tickets for
a return passage. But as few fixed upon what
steamers they would return In. there has been
for weeks a great scramble for berths on ocean
steamers bound for New York; Most of those
who have arrived already were obliged to wait
for days and even weeks before they could
soenre their places.
"People on tbe other !dauow who expect to
get back before December who haven't alreadr
secured a berth on one of tbe big-lines will
have to whistle for their trouble. Uy tho end
of October you wHl find thousands of Ameri
cans who wonld ilka tn 1m ham now oa tfcatr
wn.--'nnl IU liti 1a.tfcabaU4 Uta UuLn
I nVBr,jQw,v
I : . i S - - -
. t . i ! f " " L""" T""' Wrm WdaiasK
" f- - . JHfFWHlM JM sssaMlslaMssl 'Kialslag
! - , - & i. . -Si). 'ft,J .. -, - TT; .at - 4 rXslllasVsHsHrsBaSsst
An alligator near Micapope, UlifS
seized a Bone's toll and awoeated K.
Cvquet (O.) has an oil well that bos i,
periodic fits of flowte at lhtervaJ of about
'hree months. What is particularly strange
f .nt ts workings la the fact that it performs
iS. 'I88 Wwy on Sunday, asd sever misses
the honr U a. at. to begin.
The average number of fires in Hew
York Is 2,860 a year, or about Seven a dy. Of
these one-half are due to heating apparatus,
chimneys, stoves, and boilers, and the other
half are due to electrlo llghw, gas, matches
?,?.? J5?.?J2 f ,ksene. Tne number of
ibouta Tear to N York-tt
The work of harvesting the ratUesaako
crop of the season in the Shawaagnnk Mount
ains stHI goes bravely on. A day or twsn&ea
Manly Ltedsler, of Wnrtsbow. N. Y., case
upon a den nf rattlers in the mountains near
that place. He killed 98 of them, old aod young,
the largest being a vicious old settler mcasWr.
Ing over fourfeet In length.
Belfast, Me., has a wonderful ghost.
It is described as a tall man with a waterproof
cloak and a white mask; having; the faculty ot
peeping Into second and third-story windows
and when discovered jumping over all ob
taclMi and dlsappearlBi This spook has
made himself so offensive that certain Betfas ,
citizens think of trying to And oat whether he
is bullet proof. Belfast may hear sesse lead
Last week A. H. Konkle. of Newtea.
was out with a party surveying the ltee over
the Shawangnnk Mountains, between Sassex
and Warren counties. New Jersey. In-tae"
course of his work he stepped upon large at1
Stone, and was startled by hearing BoSTbaSfl
snjrand rattllntr at t.u ir - Z VivrvLT'S
gence from, under the stone or several Me aar3
uuiEnuus parry came ta
his aid. and among them they killed 17 of tea
SS1S .ISPSfJMS A? & ?????? one to
...v S.WU. wus-uoaa. acci. ia leagtav
Asbury Turner, a colored man HyiBjr
v.u Wmii( km urousai into town
Sunday a- huge rattlesnake thathn hrH. j
killed. His snakeship measured Are feet lone
and eigirflnches aronnd its body. ItcarriealS i
rattles and a button, making him. so Asbury
says, 17 years old. Asbury says he has made
arrangements with an "Indian doctor" in AU
lanta to take all the rattlers be could get He
says he is going to take him to the "doctor"
and expects.to realize-J8 or 0 oat of his Bun
day's work. ,
For a moflth past tie. people in 'tho
eastern part.of McLean ceasty, Ut, have been
terrorised by a strange Wild animal which they
thought to he a panther. The aateolkUteda
large number of calves, pigs and sheep, and
would attack larger animals. It waa of a fero
cious nature, and the farmers wre,ey
alarmed at Its presence. Thoy orgateed haat
lng parties, and after several chases sneooeJesl
in killing It, Its skin was preseatea tautaa
Wesieyan University Masenm.afcd tbe aataal
Proves to have been a Canadian lynx, ft was
of a dark brown color and weighed, afeeat MS
, The only Jack rabbit am ia. the
country, so far as known. Is situated on aflat
alkali section near a, town in Central Kansas.
it and its jack rabbits are the property of a
coursing association which will not sell a
rabbit to anyone else, and which depends on
1 farm far the supply of hares taken toother
cities in park coursing events, A year ago the
projectors of this novel farm had only abont
30 jack rabbits, which had for the most part
ben purcbaead when young from farmer boys
who had found them. To-day, owing to ac
cretions from similar sources, and to the very
rapid aulttoUeatlsB of the speeies, there are
botween 300 and 300 full-grown jacks on tbe
laiiu. na tug question oi supply may do fairly 4
said to be, settled.
A nsarvekns bat well aBthestidtee!
snake story comes from the old town of Gull
ford, Chenango county. New York. Mrs. Enos
Barrett, wife of a well-known farmer, wag at
home the other day aloae and at work in the
kitchen. Suddenly sh beard the front door of
the house open with a click. On Investigation
she found a big black snake of the vicious
white-throated species making a toar ot the
ball and parlor. Mrs, Barret plnckily tackled
the saake with a broom, but soon found that
she had undertaken too risky a task, and she
sallied out for help. The reptile was killed
after maklnga desperate tight for life and was
found to measure six feet and two inches rn
length. It had opened tbe door and obtained.
entrance to the house by the neat burglar trick
of colling around and1 turning the knob of the
door leek. ,
The. bass vfcl, fa (be most vxpttSirSU4
all musical instruments to its owner. Its first
cost is not the greatest expense. It is so large
and awkward to carry around that it is con
tinually certine; Injured by accidents walca
would not happen to smaller instruments.
Somebody may kick a hole In it by dancing
against it In a room, or It may be knocked
against something while carrying It around.
It is most frequently Injured on street cars
while the musician is carrying it to the place
where he has to play. After a man has had an
instrument for a long time he comes' to look
upon it as actually worth all the money, that It
has cost him, ind in this way a bass viol some
times Is valued at $1,000 or so by its owner. A,
musician who sued a railroad company for
5,000 for a viol lost In an accident actually got
Florida has some wonderful wells.
Henry Turner lost a calf and supposing it had
fallen into a well. J.H. M. Hodge, of Jones
ville, consented to go down. Descending about
40 feet he discovered a cave. Listening, he
beard at a distance the tinkle of a bell that
was tied to the cairs neck. Caning to the top
for assistance he got his brother to go down
with a lantern. They started tn crawl through
tbe crevice and proceeded about 100 yards
when they came to a large cavern. Before
them was a body of water into which the calf
had fallen. They managed to throw a rope
around it and pull It out. These natural wells
are among the wonders unexplained. It Is be
lieved by many that in ages psstthe ground
sunkin, leaving these round holes in the solid
rock. Mr. Hodge nses tbe water from one of
these wells for drinking. It is 60 feet deep,
and the wafer is cold, clear and pure.
Orlando Brown, of Waterford, Conn.,
had been mowing roadside weeds, and athlrst
be went to drink at a wayside well. Tbe well
was dank and dark and slippery, and overgrown
with tares, and as Orlando stooped to let his
bucket downastnpld adder tbrust Its head
from a crevice in the stone curbing and hissed
at him. Ho stepped aside to seize a club, his
feet flew from beneath him and he slid down
the shaft taking the adder along with him.
The water closed over him with hissing bubbles
and a plaintive plunk. Orlando wasn't gone
long. He camo np spluttering and wrathful,
and the sight of tbo adder, which had betrayed
him into tbe well, gliding across the water into
the wall, did not aid to appease his anger. He
made a grasp for the serpent bnt be didn't get
him. and thoughtfully he climbed out of the
well. He was so Ireful that he went away
without drinking.
AUTuarN occupatios.
In days like these, the maiden fair
Puts on a heavy dress
And goeth forth to take the air
And gather leaves to press.
Although she calls this splendid fna,
Tho charming little elf,
Bow would she feel the cruel one
If she were pressed herseli?
He goeth out to have tome fun v
And roams the fields with dog and run,,
Then home returns by crlef oppressed ,
To have his. wounded angers dressed.
The summer's oyer;
In meads of clover ' ..
The schoolm'm fair we no more discern;
Ihe boys she teaches.
And warms their breeches
'When the tasks she set them they fail to lean.
"When charming faces
Adorned with graces ,
That glad the heart and entrance tbe eys
By dust assailed are.
Then gladly hailed are
The sprinkling cart as they're passing by.
TVhat though the summer has departed?
Tbe gorgeoas autumn's here.
What though the mountains are deserted?
There's elsewhere ample cheer.
What though all lonely aro the beachesf
In town there's lots or fun.
"What though are going out the peaches?
The apple time's begun.
What though the nights are chilly growing,
knA Antalrfn rnnrtlnor's cold?
In parlors where nright fires are glowing
Love's tale may now be told.
Though girls are bathing suits forsaking
In short short skirts forego,
With other charms they're conquests maktag
In corsages cut low.
t& &&
Jfor thankrnlness there's always reaaea;JJSi m
Come sunshine ot come rain, t '1mwSvTB
TVhate'ettha changes, every ss9 SMMsSK IB
BtHab"lnHstnla. ..aJBssBsBSdW
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