V J -' -vr E r memo-rates a new epoch in the commercial history of our American neighbors." He offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the National Board of Steam Navigation, in convention assembled, do most gladly welcome every movement directed to ward us by the representatives of other nation alties, and more especially tlioto delegated from our sister republics to the Congress of all Americas. We extend our warmest felicitations to the distinguished gentlemen who are now officially visiting our country in the interest of peace, unity and commerce, wish the earnest nope that the seed of patriotism and mitcnal advancement they are now sowing will speeilily come to fruition and produce golden sheaves. General Negley then spoke on the estab lishment of an American merchant marine. He did not believe that a great nation, with 6,000 miles of ocean front, could promote and defend its commerce without conduct ing its own carrying trade and mail service. The United States should participate in the advantages of the European trade, and control the markets of all the Americas for its surplus. The pressure of relentless competition has been forcing the United States out of its legitimate markets. This nation produces the best merchandise, but the advantages offered by the commercial codes of France, England and Germany are forcing the United States out of the trade with other countries. The leading European nations are excessively active in fostering private maritime enterprise and in strengthening their relations abroad POSTED CONSULS SEEDED. They send as consuls only persons with commercial and technical experience, who made regular trade reports to their govern ments. General Neglev cpoke particularly of the great efforts being made by Germany tor commercial supremacy. He said that Emperor Wilhelni was greatly underrated, that he had manv qualities of leadership, and was a prodigious and indefatigable worker, as bold in purpose as he was tireless in energy. The United States, he held, mnst push its marine no matter what might be its nrst cost lieneral isegieya address was received with great applause, and was ordered to be spread in full upon the min utes of the board. George W. "Walker, F. W. Munn and V. H. H. Titus, of Philadelphia, end the Southwestern Transportation Company, of Sew Orleans, were elected to membership in the board. At the afternoon session Secretary Bryant presented a resolution asking Congress to prevent the obstruction of the navigable rivers by low and short-spanned bridges. Mr. Bryant referred to the Beaver and Stenbenville bridges, and said that the lower Mississippi was threatened. He rec ognized the right of railways to bridge the free waterways, but heM that bridges should be so built as not to impede the nav igation of the stream. He rcjrrettedthe disposition ot Congress to grant the right to build bridges without considering the interests of navigation. SECKETAItY PEOCTOE FEIENDLY. B.ver competition is the only guarantee of reasonable freight rates, and it should not be impeded for a single day. He thought Congress and the Secretary of "War should regard the importance of freenaviga tion rather than the cost of bridge con struction. Mr. Bryant said that a recent conversation which he had with Secretary Proctor convinced him that steam vessel owners at least have a friend at the head of the War Department Mr. John A. Wood spoke strongly of the impediments to navigation by Dridges over the Ohio. Tows are frequently broken to pieces on the wers, which are only two or three hundred feet apart Formerly 30,000 tons of coal could be taken in one tow. Tows mnst be tied up at night, because they can not trust the narrow bridge spans. Captain Vosburgh, of New 5Tork, spoke of his experience in bridge fighting on the Hudson river. By legislative lobbying he was at lait defeated on one bridge. Captain Holloway, of Cincinnati, also felt strongly on the same subject. He said that capital had been subscribed in New York to put another bridge acress the Ohio at Cincinnati, and at Louisville prepara tions are now making to throw a bridge across the river at the head of the falls, a place where great injury will be done to navigation. Captain John F. Dravo being called out," made an earnest speech against low bridge and short spans, lie said that the case was the people against corporations. The free dom of the waterways should be guarded jealously. He inquired how long a railroad would stand it it its traffic were impeded for a single dav, or it were compelled to "tie up" its trains over night. KIVEBS 3ITT&T BE GUAEDEr. Railroads have rights secured by legisla tion, but the rights of the water highways ante-date all legislation. To impede the carrying of cheap coal rapidly down the river is an invasion of the rights of every fireside in the country. There will be a limit to railroad construction and capacity and the rivers must be guarded for the fut ure. General Negley said that Congress should require higher bridges and longer spans. Spaas of COO and 800 feet are now con structed and piers have been reduced in size. Mr. Bryant said that there was a bridge law for the Ohio river, but that it was evaded by special legislation. Captain Vosburgh said: "If nature had placed in the middle of your river a stone monument like one of these bridge piers, Congress would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, if neces sary, to remove it" He referred to the Baltimore and Ohio bridge across Staten Island Sound at Arthur Kill as the great est outrage ever permitted by Congress. Captain Addison Lyslc described the ob structions placed under the channel span of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie bridge at Beaver and under the Panhandle bridge at Stenbenville, and how they were likely to impede navigation during the fall freshet. 3Ir. Bryant's resolution was unanimously adopted, and turned over for action to the Committee on Legislation. &FFEALINC TO PEOCTOE. On Captain Vosburgh's motion the Com mittee on Legislation was enlarged from three to seven members, three from New York, one from Pittsburg, one from Cin cinnati, one from St. Louis and one from New Orleans. The President will appoint this committee to-day. Captain Dravo presented a resolution re guesting the Secretary of Wartooider the immediate removal of the obstructions at the Beaver and Steubenville bridges, so that the 10,000,000 bushels of coal awaiting ship ment here can be taken down stream during the expected fall freshet The resolution was adopted, and the Secretory was directed to send a copy to Secretary Proctor. Secretary Bryant moved that the Legisla tive Committee be authorized to obtain ex pert testimony relating to the possibilities of bridge construction, that it might be presented to Congress. President Cheney said that the bridge over the Frith of Forth, in Scotland, was of one single span of 1,750 feet It was bqiit without placing any obstructions in the channel. The motion was adopted. Secretary Bryant then called up a subject which excited the most antagonistic debate of the day. He presented a letter from the steamboat men ot New Orleans, urging the National Board to request Congress to so amend the inter-State commerce law as to include water carriers in its provisions. He explained the point to be that the Inter State Commerce Commission had suspended the fourth section ol the act, which forbids a lower rate for a long than for a short haul over the same line, on the plea that steam boat lines were not subject to the law, and were therefore in a position to underbid and destroy the railroad traffic to important competitive points. DESTEOTIN G EIVEE BUSINESS. Under the suspension of that clause, Mr. Bryant explained, the railroads had been able to make their long haul rates to river points so low that they were destroying the business ot the water carriers. The rail roads were able to recoup by high rates on local traffic, bnt the steamboat lines had not this opportunity. They bad no local points which were not reached either by the rail roads directly or by packet lines which they had established: He believed that if the law were extended to include water carriers, the commission would be forced to make the fourth section operative. x Captain Moseet, of Cincinnati, ably sup-. ported Mr. Bryant's plea, but Captain Parker, of the same city, protested, saying that the inter-State commerce law had so many conditions and requirements that it would be-a hardship to steamboat men. Captain Holloway, of Cincinnati, said that he wanted no more legislation. Captain John A. Wood favored Mr. Bryant's propo sition. Mr. Joseph "Walton said that, in con versations had during the summer, Judge Schoonmaker, a member of the commission, had expressed to him a desire to be furnished with complete information concerning dis crimination by railroads against local points by means of excessive charges for short hauls. He had asked Mr. Walton to say to the National Board that he desired all the facts on that point which it could gather, saying that the long-and-short-haul section had given the commission more trouble than any other feature of the law. A TEBY COLD COMMISSION. Mr. Bryant told the board of the rather uncivil treatment which the commission had given to the steamboat men when they argued their claims before it in 1888. He then made up his mind that the water car riers had not one fricnd on the commission. He sincerely hoped that Judge Schoon maker had experienced a change of heart Captain Vosburgh stated that Judge Schoonmaker had been a politician and rail road lawyer for many years, and to Mr. Bryant he put this question: "Do you think you could pass through the United States "Senate any legislation favorable to steamboat lines and detrimental to the rail road interests, at the Senate is now com posed?" Messrs. Munger, Holloway and others op posed action unless the board were united. Mr. Bryant then said that he would not ask positive action by the board, but would move that the Committee on Legislation be directed to sound the Inter-State American Commission with a view to learn its senti ment concerning the enforcement of the fourth section. Alter some further desultory discussion, Mr. Mungar moved to table the whole mat ter. This was defeated by a close vote, and Mr. Bryant's last motion was carried unan imously. The board will meet at 9 o'clock this morning. Its session must be restricted and its business hurried, as the Mayflower ex cursion is booked lor 2 o'clock. Many of the delegates wish to depart for home early in the evening. THE1E SIDE OP THE CASE. The Forty-Third Street Brldco Won't Pny If the Present Tolls Arc Reduced. It has been circulated In Lawrenceville and Millvale that a petition would be pre sented to the board of directors of the Forty- third street bridge asking them to reduce the toll from 2 cents to 1 cent It was also asserted that if the prayer of the petitioners is refused by the board, the residents of Millvale will take the matter to court. T. B. Stewart, a director of the board, ex pressed indifference about the threat of going to court. He said: "There is not enough traffic over the bridge to warrant the directors reducing the tolls. If we lower the rates, the property will not pay. Hith erto we have paid 6 per cent It has been difficult to keep up this dividend. Some vearswedid not declare a dividend, be cause after paying interest on bonds and liquidating others not a cent was leit. "The last bond has been lifted and the bridge is now unencumbered. Next we will have to repair the bridge. A few weeks ago we paid 1,400 to have it re roofed. We are going to refloor it, relay the rails and repair the masonry. If we are relieved ot one expense we are hardened with another." HITHEII AtfD THITHER. Movements of PIttsbarsers nnd Others of Wldo Acaunlntancc William Wanamaker, a brother of the Postmaster General's, was a passenger from Philadelphia to Chicago on the limited last night. His MSit to the Windy City was one of a purely business nature Mr. Wanamaker is of the opinion that the projected working by the Government of the telegraph systems in connection with the postal department wonld be of great advantage to the public No diffi culty would ensue in treating with existing owners of lines, and in every charter granted to such comorations there was a clause under which the Government reserved to itself power to buy up the property at any time. Similar power was reserved in the case of railroad cor porations. Speaking of Quaker Cit affairs, he said that he looked upon Field's occupancy of the Philadelphia postoffice as assured. In relation to national affairs, Mr. Wanamaker said that the assembling of the House in De cember wonld be accomplished without any difficulty or internal disruption, though the nepuuiican majority was smaii. xxc mougm that the Speaker was certain to be an Eastern man, and he regarded Reed, of Maine, as most likely to be elected as presiding officer, whom he regarded as an affable gentleman and a good parliamentarian. The World's Fair would most likely, and properly, be located in Chicago, he thought, as the people there had the requisite money and energy to carry such an affair to a success to a greater degree than New Yorkers. Among those registered at the Duquesno are the following who are here to pay a last tribute of respect to Captain Jones, late gen eral manager of the Edgar Thomson Steel: Works by attending his funeral to-day Captain Rob Hunt, of Chicago, 8. T. Weel man, engaged in the steel trade in Cleveland, Charles Killorgan. superintendent of the iron works, Worcester, Mass., John and D. H. Thomas, of Hokendaugna, and James Numas, an iron man of Catasauqua, Pa, Chief Justice Fuller, his wife and daughters were in the city yesterday morning on their way from Chicago to Washington, D. C. The Chief Justice is firmly persuaded that Chicago is the best place for tne World's Fair. He said that foreign visitors would want to see more of the country than that contained with in the limits of New York. They will want to see the country, and every facility should be afforded them for doing so. James L. Stevens, of Topcka, Kan., is a guest at the Seventh Avenue Hotel Mr. Stevens said that the sorghum sugar industry is bound to become a success in years to come, though its present commercial standing is not very good. He is going largely into the busi ness next spring, tie also tinnKs that a good sugar can be made from watermelons. General Thomas A. Kowley, the white- haired Mexican veteran, rode In a carriage in the parade yesterday. It was thought a tew weeks ago that he wonld not recover from the injuries received in the West Penn Railroad accident But when two wars conld not Knock the valiant General out a railroad wreck could scarcely subdue him. The legal fraternity is very busy these day, as the Supreme Court will soon be here. Law Librarian Percy Digby states that he has handled as high as 800 books a day lately tor lawyers, who are hustling to fortify themselves against the day of wrath. Senator John Sherman and his wife stopped over yesterday morning on their way to Mansfield from Washington. The Senator was more than usually reticent, and refused every inducement to talk. Sergeant Myers, who has been on dnty at Central station, was transferred to the Four teenth ward station yesterday, while Sergeant McElbaney, of the Fourteenth, takes up the position at the Central. llev. Dr. "W". H. Locke, who has been Presiding Elder tor four years in the Akron district nf the Metbodm Cbnrcb, has been as signed to East Liverpool. Ralph Modjeska, of Chicago, who is a son of Madame, and a civil engineer practicing in Porkopolis, is staying with his mother at the Duquesne. Charles Barchfeld, President of the German Fire Insurance Company, returned last evening after a two weeks' stay in New York. E. H. McCleave, of Cumberland, is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Totten, of Forty-third Btreet Miss Mary Huntington and H. S. Huntington, of Canton, O., are guests at the Duquesne Miss Jennie Featherson, of Watson street, returned yesterday from her visit to Bridge vine. Amos M. Kellogg and wife, of New York City, are guests at the Seventh Avenne Hotel. Vjhill "W. Hazzard, of Monongahela, is staying at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. Frederick Venter, of Allegheny, left I ICftflriUdJ AU UUiUlMIUlb VETERANS IN LINE. The Old Boys Marched Once. Again to the Mtisic of Drum and Fife. FLAGS DRAPED FOR CAPT. JONES. Some of the Patriotic Features of the An nual G. A. E. Parade. INCIDENTS OP THE AEMX CAMP FIRES Although the sun of yesterday beamed none too brightly and the streets were none too dry, yet 4,000 old soldiers of the Repub lic may well be congratulated on the favor able weather which greeted their reuuion. Grand Army Day of 1889 was ushered in with lowering skies, and many of the veterans trembled for their war-worn uni forms. But the threatened rain cleared oil, and a long line of boys in blue gray-haired boys, boys with trembling limbs and wrinkled brows marched through the streets with no unkind showers to damp thei r martial ardor. There was j ust enough wind to flutter the honored flags, just enough sunshine to light up the faces in the tramping files. Every coign of vantage iras full of eager sightseers. Black swarms of people hung around the business houses, and pretty faces smiled sweetly down from amid the waving flags that hung at every window. The parade was justly declared to have been the best for many years, and although King Heath has thinned the ranks considerably during the last 12 months, yet there are plenty left to insure a long life to the an nual Grand Army celebration in Western Pennsylvania. The memory of one dead comrade was honored by each and every post, and the sad tale of Captain W. R. Jones' untimely end was forcibly recalled by the long black streamers which hung so mournfully about the flagstaffs. Captain Jones was a member of Post 181, and was also one of the department inspectors. Custer Post showed a special mark of re spect by leading in their midst a bay charger draped with a black mourning cloth and bearing the saddle, bridle, boots, cap and sword ot the deceased captain. Two members of Post 38 led the horse. CHEERS FOE TIIE OLD FLAGS. The rent and shattered flags which were borne in line evoked many hearty cheers from the assembled populace. Many ot the posts carried three, and even four, of these oid relics of the bitter struggle which was lought out zo years ago. Hayes' Post 3 carried 23 corps flags. The first one, the red and white diamond, Phil. Kearney made out of a shirt in the seven days fight Post 128 carried all the corps flags, and had with them their "pony gun," made of shells from Gettysburg field. Allegheny county's war record is a splen did one, no other county in the State coming near it. Prominentin the line marched Fast Liver pool Colored Post 44, headed by Don Ham mond's colored drum corps, of" that town. The Fourth division consisted of the Sons of Veterans, an order instituted in 1881 bv Major A. P. Davis, of Pittsburg, and wliich now numbers 75,000 members throaghout the country. Throughout the day the many bands awakened slumbering recollections of the old war scenes, as they rent the air with the ancient marching tunes. As the long line deployed into Fifth avenue, at least 4,000 men must have followed Commander Brad berry. SOME COTJLDK'T WALK. Many could not follow thei' leader on foot, but they put in an appearance in the carriages. One veteran, determined to play the soldier, marched among his comrades on crutches. His sturdy progression with one weak leg reminded one forcibly of the brave Widdrington in the old ballad of "Chevy Chase," of whom it is said: "For HIddrington we needs must wail As one in doleful dumps. For though his legs were shotten off He tought upon his stumps." Along the sidewalks the good-humored crowd pushed, and jostled and craned their necks, and stood on their neighbors' toes, and otherwise enjoyed themselves. The ubiquitous small boy was there in full force, and indeed the extraordinary amount of children present made a good many rusty old bachelors extremely disagreeable, and indicated the fact that there was a big holi day yesterday afternoon. The loud explana tory remarks of the urchins filled up the intervals admirably, and were decidedly comic. There was one luckless performer on the big drum, down whose red face the hot streams of perspiration poured profuse ly. The man was working most creditably, yet he was greeted with a caution not to "damp the sheepskin with sweat," as the drum "wouldn't play no music if it got wet" There was the usual young gentleman with the usual big market basket, who plunged madly through the crowd in the dear old-time manner, and succeeded in dis turbing the equilibrium of a good many sight-seers. There was the lovely maiden to whom the front rank men were only too happy to concede their places, but then alas there was the attendant "dudes" who insisted on getting a front place too. EVERYBODY IK A GOOD HUMOR. But the occasion was too memorable and the scenes too pleasant for anyone to lose his temper. Besides the waving colors, the quick tramp of the soldiers, and the grand old airs which succeeded one another so rapidly gave one but little time to criticise. The whole parade was a grand historic picture and it would be well it some of Pittsburg's rising artists were to try their hand upon a mighty can vas commemorative of Grand Army Day, for the old forms and faces are passing all too rapidly away. The veterans are march ing one bv one past the last reviewing post, only to be mustered, out forever. If the picture of the great day's parade is to be painted, it should be painted speedily. .Everything in the oroaa picture had a meaning. The brilliant hues ot the stand ards were symbolical of the happy hearts of the old "boys," while the black crape which hung from the staffs, was an image of their deep regret for those who have sunk down and died in the line of life's great march. And so with music and gladness, another of these great reunions of the survivors of the war was over and done. AT THE CAMP FIRES. Prominent Grnnd Army Men Slako Humor ons Speeches Glories nnd Incidents of Army Life Related. The camp fire in old City Hall was at tended by a crowd estimated at 3,000, a large proportion being wives, daughters and sous of veterans. Comrade A. P. Burch ficld called the meeting to order and an nounced Major Joseph F. Denniston as chairman, who, after a few appropriate re marks, spoke feelingly of the death of Cap tain "W. E. Jones, and introduced Eev. J. F. Core, of Wilkinsburg, who referred to the fact that the old veterans trudged on foot iu yesterday's parade, and suggested that they should have ridden, the cavalry on horseback and the infantry in carriages. Ten years from now they will all ride, or there will be no parades. The speaker humorously sketched his soldier experience. General E. S. Osborne, of "Wilkesbarre, dwelt upon the educating influence of the G. A. E. campfires. He held that the conn try's safety lay in the education of youth, and told the women what they might achieve in this direction. He wanted a, new South, and said it would come when Southern chil dren were taught as Northern cl ildren are, the reverence they owe fo the men who saved the country and for the men who fought to destroy it In conclusion he said" the Government conld neve'r extinguish the debt it owed these battle-scarred veterans. , THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, He expressed the hope that Colonel Bow lev would march in next year's parade. Major Montooth spoke briefly, referring feelingly to the absence of Major Samuel Harper, Sidney Oniohundro and Captain W. B. Jones, whose tragic fate at Braddock still shrouds the town in mourning. Major Montooth then took by the back of the neck the wretch who said "These Grand Array reunions are played out," and shook the sawdust out of him, expressing the opinion that there could not be too much done for the soldiers. General James S. Negley spoke for a few minutes, but pleaded an engagement on the Southside. State Chaplain Sayers, of Philadelphia, dwelt on the necessity of mothers' teaching, so that that of the Southern mother might be offset by that of the Northern matron, and bring about the time when there shall be no black flag nor red flag, bnt only the Stirs and Stripes known in the Union. Thomas J. Stewart, of Norristown, agreed with Chaplain Savers that the hall they had left on the Southside was the meanest in the State. Colonel Stewart opened with a humorous story, and then dwelt rapturously on the progress of the great conflict that ended at Appomattox, which place, he said, witnessed tbe grandest event in human history; paid a tribute to Captain Jones, and concluded by expressing the opinion that the effort expended between 1861 and 1665 advanced the period when the doves shall build their nests in cannons' mouths. Colonel McCormick, Adjutant-General of the Department of Pennsylvania, spoke briefly. The sixth reunion of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers was held last night in tbe Council chamber. Chairman A. J. Parsons called the meeting to order and made a humorous speech, in which he re counted the escapades of the regiment and its services. He was followed by many others, who recounted pleasing and laughable anecdotes. Among the speakers were Archibald Blake lv, Esq., Lieutenant Lowry and W. J. Prentice. A permanent organization wns formed of the Seventy-seventh and the following offi cers elected for the year: President, General W. A. Robinson; "Vice Presidents, Captain P. F. Bohbacker. A. J. Parson. Henry Shultz. W. J. Prentice; Secre tary, S3. J. Brauff; Corresponding Secretary, David Lonry; Treasurer, Ed AckerjExecutlve Committee, John W. Krepps. W. W. Barker. Peter Duganne, Henry Schultz and Edward Acker. The windnp was at No. 926 Penn avenue, where lunch was served. The Southside "campfire" was held in Salisbury Hall. There was a very large attendance, including many women and children, not to mention one o'f those dogs of which the Southside is so prolific, and which came in for honorable mention in more than one of the speeches. Addresses were made by Dr. Duff, Thomas J. Stewart, General Negley and Colonel Chill Haz zard. NEGLEY AT CHICKAMAUGA. His Emphatic Reply to Bli Detractor, With More to Follow. General James S. Negley, ex-Congressman from the Pittsburg district, is in the city attending the annual meeting of the National Board of Steam Navigation, of which he is an individual member. He is at present located in New York, and is con nected with the International Bailway and Investors' Construction Company. Yester day he was asked what he had to say con cerning the letter, published last "week, which Charles A. Dana wrote, while Assist ant Secretary of War, to Edwin M. Stanton, in which General Negley was accused of cowardice at the battle 'of Chickamauga. He responded: "It is so contrary to thei truth, and so evidently instigated by the spleen and jealousy of General Wood and General Brannan, that I,m surprised it should be brought to the front That charge was met by me before the Court of Inquiry. I put both Wood and Brannan on the 'stand. They were unable to sub stantiate a single assertion which they had made. They failed so utterly that the board censured them. I have " from Gen eral Longstreet a written communication saying that, at the time when, according to General Brannan, I had left the field, a portion of my artillery fired upon his staff. I have also a telegram from General Gar field to General Bosecranz, dated at 2 o'clock that afternoon, saying that he had seen me in the Dugg Valley road, and that I was organizing troops. A little later than that, I have a telegram from General Bosecranz himself, asking me what was the situation at the front. If there is one part of my career of which I am specially proud, it is my work at Chickamauga. I shall soon make a full statement in relation to this matter, and I will not leave a grease spot of these people." OBJECTING TO THE TOLL. Allegheny Citizens Want the Perrysvlllo Road Condemned. The citizens of Allegheny have risen up in their might to protest against paying toll on the Perrysville road, and ask that the road be condemned by the city. At the meeting of the Survey Committee last even ing a petition from citizens residing on Perrysville avenue within tbe city line was read. They reqnest that that portion of the Perrysville plank road from the head of Federal street to Jacob Born's place be con demned, and the road widened and paved. The matter evoked considerable discus sion. Mr. Kennedy thought1 it was time that the city took some action looking to the abolishment of the plank roads, as they were a nuisance to citizens who, not only had to pay city taxes, but also toll gate fare as well. He moved the matter be referred to City Solicitor Elphinstone, and he take proper steps for condemnation. The motion was finally adopted. Mr. J. B. Scott, representing the Western University, was present to protest against the widening of Observatory street from 30 to 60 feet. He said that such a street would injure tbe university grounds, and had the board known that such a move was intend ed they would never have placed the new building on the present site. Mr. Dihen, a resident of the street, said it would do no harm to take 30 feet off the rear end of the university gronnds. He stated that he was afraid the gronnds would be used as a base ball ground. HER NARROW ESCAPE. Officer Jack Rescues a Yoangstovrn Girl " From a Colored Escort. About 10 o'clock last night Officer Jack was called, while patrolling his beaj, by a young lady at the corner of Cherry alley and Third avenue. The officer answered the call, and, crossing the street, inquired what was wanted. Then he saw that tbe young lady's escort was a colored man. The girl asked if a certain house on Cherry alley was a re spectable hotel. The officer, in some sur prise, answered that it was anything else. She then related that she had come from Youngstown last evening, and when she went to the St James Hotel for accommodations, was told that the house was full. As she was leaving she was accosted by the colored man, who volunteered to take her to a hotel where she could stay. Innocent of danger, the girl consented, and had been walked up and down streets and alleys for over an hour, when her susnicions became aroused and she called the officer. He immediately arrested the colored man and locked bim up in Central station, where he gave his name as John Bronson, and said that he was a carriage driver for Mr. Hans field Brown, ot Mansfield, Pa. Got Ulin Into Trouble. A man who gave his name as Harry Hughes was seen by the police to approach a house on Penn avenue yesterday afternoon and demand food from the lady who opened the door. He was told he was too strong looking a person to be around begging, and when the door had been closed in his face, produced a piece of chalk and made some mysterious marks on the side of the building. Magistrate McKenna sent him for four months to the works. ' - i- J'-?! fVJ.Ii- "?" ,V- i JHH-aBF 1fr?rilfTsssT VTfT OfPt ' faUBSssssssssssssssssssssT v ' . ) ft J&gkst "' " jJtfiiy&si'&b. -53fcaSJfe sliMliMnl7sWlMil 'MssBft LMInK 1 tfsssWssssssssssssssssssf .OCTOBER SIFTING THE ITEMS. The Board of Arbitrators Aro Con sidering McKnight's Claim. GEN. HASTINGS GIVES HIS YIEWS. Judge Kirkpatrick Says the State Not Pay for Belief Work. Will TBIIXG TO SEPARATE THE ACCOUNTS In a quite informal manner last evening at the session of the arbitration board in the McKnight claims against the State for work done under contract at Johnstown, the status of the case and the intentions of the State were clearly presented by Attorney General Kirkpatrick and General Hastings. The evening hearing had been without incident for upward of an hour. Contractor McKnight testified as to tbe amount of money paid out by him and the nature of his contract with General Hastings, mat ters already familiar to the public. Mr. McKnight's bookkeeper, Mr. McClellan, and Mr. Ford, a timekeeper, were also ex amined at some length with no particular results. During the examination of John T. Kinney, Mr. McKnight's general fore man, who was rated at $10 per diem, a mild controversy arose between Attorney General Kirkpatrick and Mr. Charles H. McKee, Mr. McKnight's attorney. The attention of all present immediately became centered in the legal gentlemen, but General Hast ings appearance in the circle broke the spell. A SEPABATION OF ACCOUNTS. Attorney General Kirkpatrick said abruptly: The point of this whole matter must be the separation of the relief and business phases of Contractor McKnight's bill. The State can not be expected to pay for relief work done by Contractor McKnight when a relief fund exists for that definite purpose. Mr. McKee Mr. McKnight shonld be made whole. Ho was given to understand that bis contract with General Hastings implied tbe payment for his services and those of his work men. All of the State officials relied upon Mr. McKnight and a dispute in regard to his claim for payment was farthest from bis thought Judge Kirkpatrick Ought not work dono for relief to be paid for out of relief funds? The mere fact that State officials ordered work done does not hold the State liable. A very large relief fnnd is still in existence, and if Mr. McKnight aid that work ho should be paid out of tbe proper fund. The assumption was all along that the accounts should be separated. While I desire that the testimony shall have the widest range, I propose to stand here to object to the State of Pennsylvania paying one dollar which she is not liable for. There were two kinds of work done; relief, and actual cleaning up of debris and wreckage, in" tbe proper exercise of the police powers vested in tne ijmt xne testimony snouia do siitea auu separated and the accounts individualized. GENEBAL HASTINGS' BEMABKS. General Hastings I am in sympathy with Judge Kirkpatrick upon this matter, and al though not upon the stand I would like to give to this tribunal my views of tbe matter In the hope of assisting tbe present deliberations. So far as State work was concerned I was respon sible, as Governor Beaver's personal represen tative, and I mil not evade any responsibili ties incurred by me. But so far as relief work was concerned I was in Johnstown as an individual. When anything needed to he done I did not stop to question. If it wa3 teams, horses or men, it made no difference I sent to Mr. McKnight u itbont any hesitation for anything he was able to furnish. As I understood tbe agreement be tween us. what he earned was to he paid ont of either the State or the relief funds as tbe work might chance to be classflcd. I think that this board should ascertain which part of the account belongs pronerly to the State's ex penditures, and the balance must come from tbe amply adequate relief fund. It will be easy to decide upon; the amount due in both in stances. Arbitrator Huff I may say for the same the recess the Board of Arbitration decided that the plan as outlined by Judge Kirkpatrick ind yourself, General, would be the most ex pedient for adoption. We agree that the ac count shonld be divided into two Sections. HIS DUTY TO THE STATE. Judge Kirknatrlck It Is my duty to protect the State, and 1 think that the claims can be easily separated, but whether tbe State can pay or not we cannot say. Senator Huff Nevertheless we do not desire to have time wasted by irrelevant testimony. Mr. McKee Was Mr. McKnight aware of the distinctions between State and charity workT General Hastings Colonel Douglas, the en gineer iu charge, was instructed to keep tbe accounts separate. But when teams were wanted to haul bread and provisions, or to convey bodies or coffins, I did not stop to say much. I went ahead. Mr. McKee Did Mr. McKnight f nlly under stand this matter of keeping separate ac counts! General Hastings Colonel Douglas so in strncted him. Mr. McKee Would it not have been impos sible for Mr. McKnight to keep the accounts separate? General Hastings It would bave been pretty hard to do it accurately under the circum stances. It would Judge Kirkpatrick Aren't yon cross-examining General Hastings, Mr. McKee? Mr. McKee I beg your pardon. I would like to ask the General one question. Did not two weeks of Mr. McKnight's work elapse be fore be understood that the accounts were to be separate? THE GENEBAL'S ANSWER. General Hastings Yes. I think two weeks had passed before Colonel Douglas Informed Mr. McKnight But that need not make any difference in the tabulation of these accounts in separate shape. Mr. McKee Thank yon, gentlemen. Yon have relieved my client and myself very much. This ended the colloquy and General Hastings was excused Irom appearance until to-day. There was nothing more of un usual interest on either side and the session adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. A high State official privately vouch safed the opinion that the Flood Commission would not hesitate a moment about paying Mr. McKnight's claim for relief work if passed upon by the Board of Arbitration. Secretary Kremer stated that any bill would receive patient attention Irom the commission, technicalities having been laid aside long ago in the transaction of its business. Mr. McKnight's claim for relief work, in his opinion, would receive ample consideration. THE PAN-AMERICAN JUNKET. General Hastings Will Represent PcnnsyN vanin on tho Konnds. Adjutant General Hastings .will be a guest of the Secretary of the Navy during the entire trip of the Pan-American dele gates The telegraphic arrangements were concluded yesterday by the following Eelf explanatory telegrams: Washington, October L General D. H. Htstlngs, Hotel Anderson: Tbe Secretary of War leaves here for West Point on Thursday morning, October 3, and directs me to say he would be pleased to have you go with him. Answer. Captain Tavxob (of Ordnance). General Hastings answered affirmatively, and shortly afterward received another tele gram as follows: Washington, September SO. General D. H. Hastings, Motel Anderson: Train is special with South American dele gates. Secretaries Blaine and Proctor, and will not stop at Philadelphia. You can Join it Thursday at Jersey City Pennsylvania station at 1:15 p. if., or can catch it at Baltimore at 0 X. M., Baltimore and Potomac station. Captain Taylor (of Ordnance), ANOTHER DISAPPEARANCE. Young Harry Patterson, of Allegheny, Missing In New "York. Harry Patterson, the 18-year-old 6on of H. XT. Patterson, who formerly lived on Bidge avenue, Allegheny, has been missing in New York for the past three weeks. He traveled in Europe this summer with Prof. Crabbe. Eeturning-to New York he went to the home of Vice President Felton, of the New York, Lake Erie and "Western road, who is his relative, and intended to put him into business. When he disap peared Mr. Felton supposed he Lad come to Pittsburg, but he is not here. ThR Not Yors: detective force is looking for . . . - .. - - " i 2, "1889 OUT OP THE DEADLOCK. The Kew Lincoln Hoard Organizes and Elects tbo Two Old Teachers Moior 6r Aull Mnkesn Statement. The new Lincoln School Board met and organized last night. Major W. F. Aull was elected President, and S. W. Jeffries, Secretary. The treasurer was not balloted for. The other members of the Board present were J. B. Van Wagner, G. W. Boessing and J. W. Kerr. A. F. Dinger was detained by sickness. The first business before tbe Board was the election of a writing teacher and a teacher for room 14. Without opposition Miss Gardner was elected writing teacher and Miss McCormack was elected to room 14. A. H. Edwards sent a communication stating that the books of the late board were ready at any moment, to be turned over to the new directors. Major W. F. Aull saidlast night to aDis patch reporter: "The cause of the deadlock, which ex isted so long in the late board, was re ligion. Part ot the School Board were op posed to Miss Gardner simply because she was a Catholic. That this lady is an efficient teacher cannot be disputed. She is able to fill the position with credit to her self, credit to the school, and satisfaction to those who send their children to the.scbool. During Miss Gardner's term of office four of my children have been pupils at the school. They are all excellent writers, and all they know they owe to this lady. I am not a Catholic, nor am I in sympathy with Cath olic doctrine, yet I am not so bigoted that I would ostracise a lady because her religions opinion differed from mine. To do this would be to sweep one of the great bulwarks of our constitntion away. Most of the present board feel as I do. "Miss McCormack made an oral applica tion for the position of writing mistress be cause the old board misled her, 6r she mis understood them. Some oi them came to herand asked her if she would accept the position of writing mistress. She replied that if Miss Gardner had given notice of her intention to leave the school she wonld be glad to accept the position, bnt npon no con sideration would she run against Miss Gard ner. In spite of Miss McCormack's plain statement part of the old board supported her as an opponent of Miss Gardner. When Miss McCormack heard how things stood she personally visited the members of the board and asked them to withdraw her name, which was not done. This is what caused the deadlock and the disruption oi the old board. "The meeting to-night was a peaceable one. A plain, straightforward piece of business had to be done. We did it, and the, school will continne in the old way again." KBEMER LOSING tfLESH. Excessive Work at Johnstown Telling on tho Secretary. In reference to the disbursement of the Johnstown relief moneys, Secretary Kremer, of the Flood Commission, said last night: "The distribution of the $1,600,000 is going on as rapidly as possible. This is being done by the local committee appointed by the citizens of Johnstown for the purpose. As this is finished they are turned over to the Commission; each case is considered in connection with the several statements made by the claimants, and either approved or changed. The result by classes must then be approved and made the work of the Commission, or disapproved and changes ordered. Part of this work is now done, and preparations are being made for pay ment within a short time." Mr. Kremer has lost 25 pounds in weight since he assumed Judge Cummin's place and shonldered the immense job entailed in the carrying out of the payment system of the Commission. He received a telegram yesterday from the Jersey Shore Committee reqn.esting.the privilege of a meeting alter last night's session of the Arbitration -Committee. He was unable to answer the tele gram in time. NOTICE-W CENTS PEE. DOZ. Cheapest Gallery In the World. For one month Yeager & Co. will make cabinets for 75 cents per doz., to introduce their fine work, at 70 Federal st., Alle gheny. Bring baby. No stairs to climb. Gallery on first floor. Call at 82 Federal street before you leave for home and take with you six quarts of six year old, positively pure, Guckenheim er, Finch, Gibson or Overholt rye whisky for $5, or a single quart for $1. We will box and ship it anywhere if you wish. 1IWF Low Kates to tbe West. First-class round trip tickets to Colorado, Utah. New Mexico, Montana, Texas, Kan sas, Nebraska, Idaho and Missonri at half the regular rates via the "Wabash lines" on October 8, 1889. For full information call on H. B. Minor, corner Seventh avenne and Smithfield street, Pittsburg. wf Tbe Pittsburg nnd Lake Erie Railroad Will sell tickets to Beaver Falls and return at one fare for the round trip, Thursday, October 3, good to return until October 4, inclnsive. wsn Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, Wylie ave. Call or send by mail, wsu Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. Finest foreign and domestic goods, brought directly from the mills, at the low est prices for fine tailoring. J. F. Maeder, 142 Fifth avenne, opposite Cathedral. Tbe Paris Bonnets on View To-Day In our millinery show room also Toques and English round hats. JOS. HOgNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Peefect fit, exclusive patterns, stylish, best workmanship and lowest prices for fali and winter suitings and overcoatings at J. F. Maeder's, No. 142 Filth avenue, oppo site Cathedral. ComeNcw. Special lowpricesthis week; child's plush and cashmere coats, caps, and all infants goods. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. ThePnrls Bonnets on View To-Day In our millinery show rooms also Toques and English round hats. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Exposition Vote for national flower. See the elegant styles in fall and winter suitings and 'overcoatings at J. F. Maeder's, 142 Fifth avenne, opposite the Cathedral. The most reliable stimulant, Klein's "Silver Age," only $1 50 per full quart. VWTP Exposition Vote for national flower. Gband millinery opening to-day at Kos enbaum & Co.'s. Exposition Vote for national flower. Get One. Educated turtles given away with 51 purchase. Busy Bee Hive. Exfosiiion Vote for national flower. ' "jyH ALL druggists keep It, Klein's "Silver 109 FEDERAL STREET, - ' iffiB Age." Mwr pENN AVENtje STORES.'fSB Exposition Vote for national flower. "" -, ' -jflBgMsl Allegheny. ;- ; , . : 1 jJHBi Gband millinery opening to-day at Eos- ' Qe" ' I .s!SMi1H iim. enbaum & Co.'s. .Wi",f1s";'. "''' - " f v "T lnTw'Ja& SEJBMsW -X HK!!!sislsHs! HAPPY EANDALL' MEN Celebrate the Fifth Anniversary of the Club's Formation. SPEECHES, MUSIC AND A BAHQUET I Postmaster larkin's Good Advice to Toing Men in Politics. THE .BLAHE F0& CORRUPTION PLACED The honseof the Bandall Club, on Sixth avenue, unusually attractive at all times, was doubly so last night. The occasion was the fifth anniversary of the organiza tion of the club, and the place was filled from basement to garret with smiling mem bers and their friends; In the parlors a large crowd had gathered to enjoy the informal entertainment ar ranged by the committee. Postmaster John B. Larkin made a short address. He reviewed tbe growth of the association since its organization, and then said: "With those who eomprlseits membership the club gives tone, vigor and foroe as a political, social and literary organization. Its aim and objects were the maintenance and perpetuation of Democratic principles The progress of the organization is the best evidence of its success in that direction. The political reverses ot 1888, and the vicis situdes that follow such reverses, seem only to have awakened a new interest in that philosophy that supports tbe weak, steadies the vacillating and lures on the strong, for there has been no halt in your progress, no abandonment of your princi ples, no evasion of duty and no abatement in the assertion of Democratic doctrine. SOME EAKLT STBUGQLHS. "Looking back to tbe birth of the club five years ago, one is amazed at the ze il, industry, self sacrifice and earnest devotion of the little group of Democrats, who organized and stood by it during the early days' of its existence, and who have since seen its expanding power and Influence for good; meet the" full realization of the hopes then entertained for it. We should make the present and future as brilliant as the past, and give the young men of the party an Incentive to that kind" of organization that encourages culture, fosters patriotism, provides for the fnture, and elevates the politics of the country. "Properly conducted, political clubs are of great service to their party. Their growth and support should be recognized by every good citizen. The example set in such a club lias an influence in molding character and in bringing out those traits which often shine in after life as the props and pillars of government, lhe club is tbe training school for young men who like public fife and who must take the places of the older men of tbe country. Here they get the first impressions of government and its organization, and of the science, princi ples and ramifications of government. I know it will be said by many that the field of politics is not an inviting one, and that the methods are corrupt and degrading, with the tendency downward, and that intrigue has taken the place of statesmanship. This is the fault of the people. ALL CITIZEN8 SHOULD TOTE. "Every man in this country who has at tained his majority should be compelled to vote at all elections. To vote intelligently he should belong to some political club where questions of government are discussed, and where men are made familiar with the methods and art of governing, and where they mays learn to respect the sterling patriotism and rugged honesty of the founders of constitutional liberty. "To tbe credit ot tbeclnb, it must be said, that those ho widely differ with us in their political views find much pleasure in the social enjoyments to which tbey are kindly invited and as .generously participate. The temper, good sense, taste, and general tone of these entertainments are tbe'outgrowth of the club's composition, and are the best index of its character." Other addresses were made by Hon. John O'Neil, A. P. Burgwin, Esq., Ti O'Leary, Jr., and others- The Hooper Bros.' Mando lin Quartet rendered some selections. Profs. Hoffman, H. L. Aland, George E. Williams and George Berger also contribu ted to the musical programme. A banquet wound np the festivities. The club was organized in old Ashland Hall, on Wylie avenue, October 1, 1884. James J. Flannery was the first President. He was succeeded by J. E. McCrickart, and since 1886 J. Pressly Fleming has been the head of the association. The club now has 457 members, and will soon more into a new clubhouse of their own. Salvation Oil, the great pain cure, is sold by all drnggiits and dealers in medi cine at 25 cents a bottle. Exposition Vote for national flower. -LA2INESS,&- Weakness, Indisposition to Work, Headache, Dullness, Heaviness, Lack of Appetite, Constipation, ' all indicate that you need a few doses of the genuine Dr. McLano's Celebrated UYER PILLS. They strengthen tbe weak and purify the BLOOD. They are prepared from the purest materials and put np with the great est care by FLEMING BROS., Pittsburg, Pa. Be sure you get the genuine Count erfeits aro made in St. Louis. jy8-Hwr Y0UB3 TKULY. T. T. T., 109 Federal Street. KEEP WABM. KEEP WARM. If you don't keep up a certain tempera ture in your body you will nay the penalty of chills and a severe cold. You can avoid this by Investing a little money in our WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. Ladies', Men's and Children's, all sizes and" qualities. No trouble to show the stock. ... T 1 T ... - H - JDS. HDRNE I Efl.'5'.ji .HEW ABVBRTDWMXSW.", -tf3t JDS. HDRNE R cd:b' PENN AVENUE STORES. TO THE PTIBCHASINQ FV9U0.4& s. A fact yon must remember, Bnaely, tt i is a mistake to delay in making year for fall and wis ter. taek2 WHYf Because we bave the very larzartaadl meet "f .MHt. lt.ArnM.AMiii vnv SL Z Jt WiuiHDWUlinv.iianpwwni ... Because of oar very large fesde ear bargain pasthases sell oat very qwefc. wt(fe: Because our assortment of aew goods 1, unequaled in variety in all departmeats. Because yon avoid the rush tbat always later In the season. Because psesle wko .-3P"w from experience say this is tbe best ptoea buy. Five excellent reasons, aren't tfeeyt As to our Fall and Winter Wraps aad Jaen ets for ladies and ehHdreB, we might' flit page of this paper with words and. wood oats of tha. fpfc UIKSB new and taking garments that sake unt&a?' wonderful collecttea. tmi Do yoa want good Wrap, short es la-ac, , email or large size, plate or elaborate, Hgiit la weight or heavy, for a few debars err fee kssti ' Mil dradsr This J tbe Cloak DeeartMftt jAma . yonSadthea. A word about BRALKglN OABMB3TT& : -yjjgg. If yoa expect to buy a Sealskin Jaekst or geac or Mantle Shis season we strongly arf tk4 yon Imp eet oar stock of caref nHy sslsotsd aaA it.- , perfectly shaped and flatbed reel Atneta Seal ,..mTsM gouuj uuw. . a1rff You can rdy upon these goods faHy.MWe sell only tho best and onr prices are as tow aa can be madeoa first-class goods. . ,..,, We do very large business in fine Fur of r all kinds -aid stare Seal garments made to order proBitly and in the best maansc r Latest 'styles la ready-to-wear Salts, -for street and hose wear. Large stock ot TeaGoww and Wrappsrs la the mottfashleeaMe materials. Because we nave been, extremely busy In our,' 1 m'' Dress Good Departmeat don't think for a moment oar, Steele of choice woolen dress' fabrics la la the least brokea. We hare lots of new goods here to show yoa this veec. So . then coma in this week. For a special bargait In low priced dress, goods see this lot. Sillr ---.. - . . .. . tiv son VYOoistnpca auiangMg ajs wool, oa jfii Wli1 tS!Rn.irrtl9 s5 More of those popular SO lnehes wide, ptela and. fancy All-wool Suitings at 50c a yard. ". Our stock of fine All-wool Cashmeres, Hen-" ' rletta Cloths and Bran d'Jfite Suitings Includes t the best values from 60c a yard up to superfine qualities In all the new aid fashionable color ings. We claim confidently to have the largest stock, of Black Dress Goods and Mourning wear fabrics, and our prices explain the pops larity of this large department Don't forget to call and examine oar wonder-' f ul Silk Departments, filled with all tho newest kinds of best Silks in blacks and colors. We bare new arrival of Colored Gros Grain Silks that we propose to sell auick. If tbe profit Iv small-60oa yard, 65c a yard,86ea yard,l sT yard. Here Is a chance to save money. Tbe largest line of new patterns in Black Brocade Silks and Satins ever shows In Pitts-' bnrfe- - A'tt gjk Plushes, IB-Inch wide, at 35c and 48c a yard; 19-inch at 60c a yard; 24-Inch at75oandJl' yard the best values yon can find, and largest assortment of colors. Bargains in plain, colored and fancy Trim ming Velvets. A full stock of Black Velvets. All the new shades in high grade Costume Velvets that are so fashionable for full dress costumes. Kew Table Linens in our special excellent makes and at popular prices now in stock. Housekeepers will enjoy looking at our lovely new patterns in Lace Curtains, in Nottingham, Irish Point, Swiss Tambour, Vltrage and other makes. Low prices rule. Also new effects in Portieres and Heavy Curtains In Chenille and Velour. Alhsiiesin Table Covers. New and elegant stock of Upholsterings for draperies and interior decorations. Tleiirns and MIL- mates furnished on application. Work dose byp experienced men. Many other departments deserve mention but cannot be spoken of now. Come and see our store crowded with all that-Is new and at tractive. We would Insist upon all visitors to the Ex position to make It a point to visit our im mense establishment, the oldest and largest drygoods house in Western Pennsylvania. They can depend upon courteous treatment and prompt attention. rWk j&&2zj y n i&hM v'f I i. ft OOBMS gLrmar wffint J "LssH cP ' N tJsK