$g$f?X j- pBra m$pmi l - f If you want Bonnl, Rooms, Homes or Ilelp, advertise In THE DISPATCH. Fnrcnmers can be found for everything offered For &nlo In XIIE DISPATCH. THE DIBFATCH Ik the best advertising medium In Western Pennsylvnnla. Try lu ADVERTISE yew ( IMS VU PATCH. Prompt retsrsa mw4. .'., . L-y nAnia Ara always prwwiij iiaiiuaiB 9 10 woen aarenisea h -abb Ao.ir ..... Real Estate can bo soM through adrer. ttoeseat ta THE BISTATCH. -V w FORTY-FOTJUTH TEAE. UNENDING CONGRESS Such is the Necessity Suggested by Senator Harris, a Veteran Solon. THE BLAIR BILL TO PASS. But Tennessee's Statesman Says it TTill be Dear Education. FURTHEE FOKECASTS OF TROUBLE. Congress to be Agitated and Deadlocked by an Election BUI rigorous Opposition to Colonizing the Negro in Mexico ConBrcHsman Strnblr, nn Iowa Lender, on tho House Rules Ho Admits Efforts Will be Made to Choke Off the Minor try A Deadlock at the Outset Tho Tariff" to Take Senate Bill Lines. The trouble ahead for Congress grows more apparent. The Dispatch yesterday gave interviews with eight Congressmen, forecasting dead-locks on organization and rules of the House, on race and electoral questions, on civil service law repeal, etc. This lead is this morning followed tip, and another subject or two of national interest touched upon prophetically by Congressmen now in Washington. I6FECIAL TELEGKAit TO THE PISFATCH.1 Washington, October L Senator Ishaxn C. Harris, of Tennessee, is, in point of service, one of the oldest as well as one of the most experienced members of the Demo cratic side of the Senate, ana at the last session, in the absence of Senator Beck, presided over the Democratic caucus. "Will the next session of Congress be a busy one?" he was asked to-night. "Every session will be a busy one from now on," was the reply. "There has been a vast increase in the busi ness of Congress in the last few years, and this increase is being enlarged from year to year. In my opinion the time will soon be at hand when Congress will haTe to be in continual session. LOST BEYOND BECOYEBY. "As it now is, the time between March 4, when a Congress expires, and the first Monday in December, when the next Congress begins, is lost beyond recovery. The first session can be extended, if it is the will of Congress, until the second begins; but the latter must necessarily end with the 4th of March." "To what do you attribute the increase in the business of Congress to the growth of the country?" "Partly to that, and also to the many personal matters that are brought before Congress, which it was never intended, when the Government was founded, that it should consider. AS UNCONSTITUTIONAL BODY. "The founders of the constitution were wise in decreeing that the Federal Govern ment should be entrusted with the powers enumerated in the constitution; but all rights of person and rights of property were to be left exclusively to the States. With the lapse of time, however, Congress has far exceeded its original functions, until there is hardly a question about which it does not now claim the right to legislate." "Will the Blair educational bill be passed the coming session?" "It is probable that it will. But if it does, it will be the dearest purchased educa tion any people ever obtained." DOWN ON COLONIZATION. "What do you think of Senator Hamp ton's suggestion to colonize the negro as a means of settling race troubles?" I do not consider it practical at -all. The negro doesn't want to be colonized, and. it tne devil only bad those who are trying to make political capital out of him, there would be no trouble to speak about." "Will a national election law be passed, do you think?" "The question will be agitated no doubt; but it will only result in a waste of time that ought to be given to practical business, and have the effect of further stirring up sectional animosities." ALLISON, AND JIOBE ON BTJLES. Congressman Isaac S. Siruble, of Iowa, is in town tor a short time previous to going home to look after the State campaign. "There is no doubt as to who will be Gov ernor Allison's successor in Iowa," he sajd this evening. "He will take that place him self, and the Legislature shortly to be elected will be lor him." "What new legislation will be before the next Congress?" "I presume the first thing in Congress will be an attempt on the part of the ma jority to amend the rules so as to give them an opportunity to legislate and to assume the responsibility therefor. The main fea ture of these amendments, as it occurs to me, will be to give the majority a greater possibility of controlling the work of Con gress in the matter of disposing of bills, giving, of course, to the majority a fair op portunity of a hearing upon any substan tial proposition that they may see proper to bring forward. 'TWOULD CHOKE THEM OFF. "The minority, by the revised rules, would be able to bring forward a certain number of motions, but after they have been disposed of no dilatory motion would be entertained by the chair until the pend ing motion before the House should be dis posed of. I think the minority should have every opportunity to bring forward what motions they like, but to allow one or two men to block the proceedings of the House seems to me degrading. I think the ma joritv should have the right to rule, as it has to assume the responsibility ot the legis lation. "Have you any doubt of the power of the majority to do this?" "Yes, I do entertain some doubt about their ability to amend the rules so as to admit of legislation without serious obstruc tion. I believe it will be the plan of the Democratic managers to defeat such amend ments, and make it Impossible, as they can, for the Republicans to transact anything like business, or for measures that might have a tendency to advance party interest, or in other words, to pass partisan meas ures." XAEIFF OK SESTATS LIKES. "How about the tariff?" l, riTViA .. :r- -. - . k .j3 t I.khm -W MtlU A3 ouxew VU1UG UJ. itUU JL iiVC the Republicans will fight the question as near as possible on the lines of the Senate bill of last session. I thick it best for the Republicans to take up that bill and make it the basis of a party law, and it should be pressed until success or final failure attends the effort. "I believe that the question of irrigation on the plains of the West will take form in the next Congress," continued Mr. Struble, "and possibly national aid will be voted. I don't know whv we should not vote money for the irrigation of Western lands, as we have many times voted improvements in various States. The reclamation of arid lands of the West could readilv be accom plished by storing the water of the mount ains in those sections. Major Powell has estimated that about 100,000,000 acres could be reclaimed in this manner." A JUEY ON A STEIKE. They Demand That More Evidence be Sub mitted, and Rebel Against tho Au thority of the Coroner A Con stable Takes n Hand. Philadelphia, October 1. The singu lar spectacle of a Coroner's jury defying the Coroner, was witnessed at the resump tion of the inqaest in the Le Coney murder case in Camden. The authorities at the two former sessions of the inquest had sub mitted evidence which they deemed suffi cient for the asking of a verdict to-day. It appears, however, that a few of the jurors had determined among themselves to com pel the prosecution to show its hand and place upon the stand its two star witnesses, Murray, the hired man of farmer Lc Coney and Smith, his neighbor. Edward Burrough, foreman of the jury, is a life-long friend of Chalkley Le Coney, the uncle of the girl, who is accused of com plicity in the murder, and has taken no pains to conceal his interest in the suspected farmer's welfare. When Coroner Stanton informed the jury this morning that there would be no further evidence submitted and directed the jurors to retire and deliberate upon a verdict. Burroughs declared that the jury had not heard sufficient evidence to de cide. Two other jurors also objected to re tire without having additional evidence placed before them, and Coroner Stanton, alter expostulating with them for a while, finally called upon the constable to "do his duty." After some further parleying the jury suddenly retired, and at 4 o'clock, after an absence of about four hours, returned with a verdict and a protest. The verdict, signed by the 12 jurymen, was to the eflect that Annie Le Coney came to her death at the hands of parties unknown to them. Tne protest, signed by eight of the jurors was that certain evidence had been withheld from the jury by the Coroner,and to this the jury objected, regarding it as an illegal ac tion and one which interfered with the dis charge ot their dnty. CARNEGIE'S BID TOO HIGH. Tho Linden Steel Company Will Secure a neavy Government Contrnet. Washut gton, October 1. At the Navy Department to-day bids were opened for supplying machines and tools required for the construction department at the Ports mouth, Va., navy yard, material for the monitor Amphitrite at the same yard, ma chine tools required for the New York Navy Yard, and steel plates for the battle ship Texas, building at Portsmouth yard. There were 1 classes in the schedule for the New York vard. comprising larcre en gine lathes, drills, punches and a large number of tools of the most,inodern type, such as electrical drills, so arranged as to be movable to different poinfs of the work, a system of power transmission by wire rope, etc For steel plates for the Texas there were but two bidders, the Linden Steel Company and Carnegie. Phipps &Co., the first named firm bidding lower at 543,532 for 256 tons of protective deck plates, and $73,438 for 415 tons of similar plate for middle layers and redoubts. THE CHICAGO A FLAGSHIP. Now Ready to Join tho Rest of the European Sqnadron. If FECIAL TELEQBAJI TO THE DISPATCH.1 New Yobk. October 1. The new cruiser Chicago was made a flagship to-day. The broad blue pennant, with its two white stars, of Acting Rear Admiral John G. Walker, until to-day Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, was hoisted. Commodore Walker quietly and unannounced boarded the Chicago about 10 o'clock Monday night, and at 9:30 o'clock this morning he came from his cabin in full uniform, to be greeted by the officers and crew, who assembled at quarters. Admiral Walker went to Washington to night to settle up his affairs. He will re turn in a few days to make ready to com mand the European squadron, which will consist of the Chicago, Atlanta, Boston and xorktown. T00KAB0I T0EAISE. A Pretty Woman of 24 Elopes and Marries a Lad ol 14. IfFECTAL TELEQKAM TO THE DISFATC1I.1 TTtica, N. Y., October L Society circles in this city are greatly agitated over the marriage of Annie Lonise Cushing, a pretty young woman of 24, and Eddie Frey, a boy of 14. Miss Cushing has for many years been an organistin the churches of Utica, and it was while acting in that capacity, in St George's Episcopal Church, that she became acquainted with young Frey, who was a member of the boy choir. When Miss Cushing rehearsed in the church Frey was always around pumping the organ. The other day Miss Cushing told her parents she was going to West Bloomfield, a little village near Rochester, to visit rel atives. Frey disappeared at the same time, went to Boston, and from there to Canan daigua, ihere he met Miss Cushing, and they set out to get married. The woman looks old enough to be the boy's mother. RIYALRI TO DO GOOD. Best Rcsnlts Anticipated Under the New Democratic Rules. Itrr.CIAL TELKOItAJI TO THE DISPATCH.1 Habbisbubg, October L Chairman Eis ner, of the Democratio State Committee, re turned from Williamsport this evening, where one of the nine political divisions authorized under the new Democratic rules was organized, with C. L. Munson as Chair man. The last one of these divisions will be formed at Franklin, Venango county, to morrow. Chairman Eisner thinks the selection of nine assistant chairmen will result in a greatly improved organization, from the iact that all will work to make a good show ing in their districts, because of the rivalry that will be excited in the various districts. JUST LIKE AMERICA. A European Bailrond Train Meets With a Serious Disaster. Stuttoabt, October L A train ran off the track near Wild Park station to-day and rolled over an embankment Many persons were killed and injured. Three carriages crowded with passengers were smashed into fragments. Medical assistance was promptly on hand, but the work of extricating the in jured from the wreck wan difficult The official report says that seven persons were killed and 43 severely injured. Many of the injured will probably die. ALL GATE BAIL. Sheriff Flack and His Friends Postpone Pleading to Their Indictments Till Next Week All of Them Give Bonds to Appear. ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCII 1 New Yobk, October 1. Sarah Raymond, otherwise Cherry, otherwise Susan T. Rey nolds, did not appear in the General Ses sions Court, to-day, to answer the indict ments against her in the Flack divorce conspiracy. It is supposed that the detec tives cannot find the Sheriff's mistress. In spector Byrnes says he has had nothing to do with looking her up. Sheriff Flack, his son, William L., referee Joseph Meeks, and George W. Hartt, the Sheriff's brother-in-law, were on hand promptly. Sheriff Flack wore a suit of black diagonal cloth, and swung a glossy new hat in his right hand. His face was pale and set "James A. Flack," said Clerk Hall, "the grand jury has found four indictments against you lor conspiracy to obtain a fraudulent divorce, preparing false evi dence, and lattemptirig subornation of perjury. How sav vou? Are you guilty or not guilty?" Mrl Fullerton asked for ten days to plead in. Judge Gildersleeve gave him until Wednesday of next week, and the pleadings of the others present were postponed to the same day. Mr. Fullerton suggested that only reason ble bail should be exacted, since the persons had voluntarily surrendered themselves and desired only a full and fair investigation. "I have already given the matter of bail some thought," said Judge Gildersleeve, "and I have come to the conclusion that it should be fixed at a substantial sum. I will fix bail in the case of James A. Flack, Joseph Meeks and Ambrose Monell at 55,000, and in the cases of William L. Flack and George H. Hartt at 82,000." All gave bail. ENGLAND FOR ONCE A TICT0R, Tho Chnmplon Sheep-Killer or America Meets His Blotch. rSrECIAI. TELEQBAJI TO THE DISPATCH.! Newabk, N. J., October 1. The sheep killing contest between Henry O'Brien, the champion of America, and Henry Gaile, better known as "English Harry," and who claims the championship of England, took place this afternoon at Shooting Park, and was a novelty to the majority of the 500 spectators present. Before the men started in on their task many bets were made in favor of O'Brien. Each man had 'ten sheep and both were allowed helpers. Mr. May baum told the helpers to kill the sheep, and the contestants would not be allowed to be gin work until tbey had died. Both men worked hard. O'Brien proved to be the more rapid of the two at this point, and he had his first four sheep strung up ready for pelting nearly five minutes ahead of Gaile, and he also managed to place five dressed sheep on the hook before Gaile had one to his credit. But the Englishman was nearly two sheep ahead of O'Brien when the latter gave up, completely exhausted. Gaile never stopped to look at O'Brien's action, but kept right on dressing his sheep, and finished the ten in 32 minutes. The match, was for $250 a side. A LUNATIC FROM DISSIPATION. The Son of a. Millionaire Committed to the Insane Asylum. Chicago, October 1. Benjamin C. Jones, only son of the millionaire street railway magnate, J. Rnssell Jones, has been ad judged insane and committed to the State Asylum at Kankakee. Dissipation was the cause of the young man's mental wreck. About half a dozen years of champagne, absinthe and their accompaniments effected the result Meantime he lost nearly a quarter of a million dollars on the Board of Trade. As an expedient to halt his ex cesses, marriage to a worthy woman was tried, but proved of no permanent avail. Recently young Jones developed a mania for extravagant purchases, spending in six weeks, during the- absence of his father, 525,000 for personal apparel and similar subjects of outlay. One of his orders was for 58,000 worth of fireworks representing scenes from "Little Lord Fauntleroy. As if to make matters worse, suicidal ten dencies were fast becoming manifest in the millionaire son. Thursday last he was taken privately before Judge Prendergast, and on the testimony of Judge Gresham and other prominent people was adjudged a lunatic. A FIERCE ELECTRICAL STORM. Several Persons Killed and a Number Badly Injured by Lightning. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TQE DISPATCH.! Hazelton, October 1. The heaviest storm of the season passed over this section late this afternoon. A house in the course of erection here was struck by lightning, and a carpenter, it is thought, fatally in jured. A man using the telephone in Coxe Bros. & Co.'s office, at Drifton, was knocked senseless and badly injured. The gable end of a house in Freeland was torn away by lightning and its inmates severely injured. Andro Slavolsky, of Trusckow, took refuge under a tree and was instantly killed by lightning, leaving the imprint ot the bark of the tree on his oare arm. Reports from Sugar Loaf Valley say one man and two horses were killed, and the large barn of Horace Smith, with all its contents, destroyed, and one horse killed. The rain fell here in torrents, the lightning being terrific In the Western Union tele graph office the operator had an exciting time, the lightning shocking him severely and setting fire .to some papers. CONGRESS TO BE CALLED ON By the President, to Bear la Mind Alleged Southern Outrages. rSFECIAL TELEOKAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington, October 1. A committee of colored men, headed by Dr. Townsend, of the Land Office, called on President Har rison 'to-day and addressed him on the sub ject of Southern outrages. The committee represented a large body of their people in the District, who held an indignation meet ing a week ago at which resolutions de nunciatory of the outrages were passed, suggesting a course of retaliation "as the quickest solution to the race troubles. The impassioned and incendiary portion of the resolution was eliminated from those which were presented to the President to-day, and those he heard were of the mildest character. The President expressed himself very freely on the subject, and intimated that the question of Southern outrages upon the negroes would form a leading feature in his forthcoming message to congress. IELL0W FEVER ON BOARD. A Sailor Afflicted With tbo Dread Disease Leaps Into tho Sen. New Yobk, October L The bark Jane Low, eight days overdue, from Havana, ar rived to-day. There were reports that yellow fever was raging on the vessel, that all hands had been stricken down and that it had been lost While these storiea were exaggerated, it was learned that yellow fever had been on board the vessel. One of the sailors, E. Spardt. a German, 30 years old, was sick from it for seven days, and then escaped from his confine ment and disappeared. He is supposed to have lumped overboard. Twn other sailors -weie stricken down by the fever, but they recovered. jAue pars is quarantined. PITTSBURG. "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1889. JUST THREE 10 ONE. The Results of the Initial Elections in Those New States. DEM0CEATS CLAIMING MONTANA. While the Two Dakotas and Washington Seem to be Republican. PROHIBITION Bt0TH WINS AND LOSES. Only Meager Belarus Eeeelred, and the Capital Fights Are Undecided. Returns from the new State elections are necessarily slow, but seem to indicate that North and South Dakota and Washington have gone Republican, while Montana is probably Democratic. Prohibition is ahead in South Dakota, but likely defeated in the northern half. The women endeavored to vote in Washington, but with little success. St. Paul, October 1. The elections in the four new States to-day have been held and the voters have given expression to their political views, a sort of announcement of birth, and to their elder brothers in the Union of States congratulations are to be extended for the acquisition of four prosper ous Commonwealths as members in full in the body politic. Beautiful weather was enjoyed throughput the Northwest, and the vote has been a full oue. The capital fight in South Dakota and Washington called out the few voters who might otherwise have been classed as stay-at-homers, while the closeness of the State acted in a similar way in Montana. PBACTICAL POLITICS. Work was not by any means abandoned for votes, the Sunday school children in Aberdeen, S. D., marching in procession during the day to influence the vote on the prohibition amendment Those towns in South Dakota which were not themselves capital aspirants were filled with workers for the contesting cities. The two Dakotas had been conceded to the Republicans early in the day, the point to be settled being only as to the size of the majority. The interest in North Dakota was centered on prohibition, the friends of which were hopeful, and the district Judg ships. Also there was much interest in the Legislature as regards its feelings for or against the Senatorial candidacy of ex-Governors Pierce and Ordway. In the Dakotas the questions to be decided were: In South Dakota, State and legisla tive officers, two Congressmen, and Judges; also voting on the Constitution, on a prohi bition clause, a clause for minority repre sentation in the Legislature, and on the temporary location of the State capital. PEOHIBITION AN ISSUE. North Dakota voted for the same officers, and also on the Constitution and a prohibi tion clause therein. Thus far scattering re turns only have been received, but these in dicate the election of the State tickets in the two Dakotas by the Republicans, and the choice of the majority of the Legislature in the South State by that party. In the North the Legislature :may be closer. Al though there is no doubt that the Constitu tions will be ratified, still there are some towns and counties which are going on rec ord against it. ' These are they who were bitterly oppos ing the locatio'n of the institutions in the Constitution, as was done in North Dakota. Dakota was onejof these towns and the vote there against the Constitution is 60 in the same precincts which report a total vote of 95. In South Dakota the votes thus far re ported on capital location are from points far removed, and Pierre, Watertown, Huron and Sioux Falls are leading, with the votes a little in favor of Pierre. MONTANA LOOKS DEMOCRATIC. The Republicans, llo wever, Aro Still Hoping for Better Knrnl Returns. Helena, Mont., October 1. Since last night the feeling throughout Montana was that the Democrats would carry the State. Bulletins received from all important parts to-day and this evening confirmed this feeling, and at 6 p. u., when the polls closed, the Democratic managers claimed the State, while not venturing on figures in this city. The Republicans scratched the ticket badly, while the Demo crats voted straight. Returns up to 11 o'clock show almost a complete change in the vote in Montana from the last Congressional election. The counties of Deer Lodge and Silver Bow, in which Ana conda and Butte are situated, and which gave, last year, a Republican majority of 2,500, have gone Democratic this year. The Democratic managers claim the State ticket and a majority of the Legislature. The Journal, Republican, claims the State for Carter by 2,500, and says Power will not run 500 behind it, and says the Leg islature cannot be forecast, but is confident of a Republican majority. The Journal says the country districts show large Republican gains over Carter's majority, 5,000 last year, and returns from Butteand Deer Lodge cannot overcome Republican country dis tricts. The result cannot be surely known before to-marrow. PROHIBITION PR0BABLT WINS. South Dakota Is Republican and Wilt Here after bo Legally Dry. Sioux Falls, S. Dak., October 1. The elections in this city and vicinity to-day were conducted in the most quiet and orderly manner, the weather be ing magnificent and from all directions come reports of the heaviest vote ever polled in the history of the Territory. The city of Sioux Falls alone polled a vote of 2,150, and gives a small Re publican majority. Reports from dif ferent parts of the State come in slowly, but enough has been received to show that the Republicans have carried the day. Mellette for Governor, and Pickler and Gifford for Congress will have a major ity of not less than 10,000. Prohibition is running well and has cer tainly been carried by a small majority. Indications point toward Sioux Falls as the selection for the capital. Re ports from different sections indicate that the Republicans have the Legislature by a majority of about 120 on joint ballot This, insures both United States Senators. The State Constitution is carried almost unanimously, but minority representation is defeated. WASHINGTON REPUBLICAN. SIcager Returns Give an Estimated Ma. Jorily of About 4,000 Totes. Tacoma, Wash., October 1. From meager returns received from this and ad jacent counties it seems the vote will be larger than ever before cast in the Territory. Indications all point to the election of Ferry and the entire Republican State ticket, including Wilson for Congress, by a majority averag ing 4,000. Sciatching was general on both tickets throughout the State. The complexion ot the Legislature must remain in doubt until the vote is fully counted, as the battle was concen trated ou that point Woman snf- frage is undoubtedly Tdefeated. The women attempted to vote in various places. Generally they were refused, but in some instances the ballots were deposited in separate boxes. A LITTLE MOIST THERE. North Dakota Rather Close, and Prohibi tion Is a Little Behind. Rismabck, N. Dak., October 1. At this hour few returns from the State at large have been received. In Burleigh county the Republican majority on the State ticket is 400, or 100 in excess of the largest estimate. The Republican Xegislative ticket in this county has been elected by majorities ranging from 100 to 150. Win chester, Republican, carries the district for Judge, bnt runs 1,000 behind the State ticket In Morton county the Repub lican legislative ticket is elected, and in Stark county, where there was a Bharp fight, the Republican legislative ticket is elected. In the Kidder-Emmons district the same is true, the thirteen Re publican candidates for the Legislature in the Bismarck district being elected. Prohibition is defeated in Burleigh county by 400 majority, and in the counties of the Missouri slope by 1,500 majority. The only lawyer candidate for the State Senate, J. S. Frye, Rep., of Jamestown, seema to be defeated by his strong independent opponent, Bailey Fuller. Lamour county elected the Re publican candidates to the Legislature. It looks now like 10,000 Republican majority. A HAMILTON DIYOEOE. This Is tho Next Act Down on tho Bills In the Slay's Landing Drama So Says tho Angered Hus band's Lawyers. SPECIAL TELZGKAM TO THE DI8FATCTI.1 New Yobk, October 1 Mr. Samuel B. Clarke, Robert Ray Hamilton's lawyer, got back to New York to-day, after an absence of several days, and for the first time saw the newspaper account ot Hamilton's meet ging with Evangeline. Mr. Clarke said the published accounts of the interview were es sentially wrong There was no kissing or effectionate embrace when Mr. Hamilton entered the attio room in the third story of Sheriff Johnson's house. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton greeted each other formally. There was a distant bow, and nothing be yond that Mr. Hamilton, according to Mr. Clarke, granted the interview simply because he had received five letters from nis wife, beg ging that he should give her a chance to clear herself from accusationsmadeby his friends, that she declared had beenonade in accord ance with a conspiracy against her. Mrs. Hamilton began her plea by stating that she was really the mother of the baby Beatrice. She said, however, on question ing, that she knew that Mrs. Swinton was negotiating for the disposal of a baby about the time hers was born. Mr. Hamilton took this statement incred ulously and questioned the alleged mother about the time and place of birth. On these points Mr?. Hamilton did not seem to be certain, and would not fix either the date or place of birth. That Mr. Hamilton is en tirely done with Mrs. Hamilton there is no doubt in Mr. Clarke's mind, and that gen tleman says emphatically: I "The result of the interview between Mr. IHamilton and his wife need cause no un 1 easiness to Mr. Hamilton's friends. There was no reconciliation, and he repudiates her in toto. As his lawyers, we are instructed to procure an annulment of the marriage, which was effected by- fraud and-misrepre-sentation.'' ' SULLIVAN DEUNK AND BROKE. Tho Big Chnmplon In a end Stnto of Hilarity and Bankruptcy. ISFECIAL TELEGBAJI TO THE DISPATCH.1 Boston, October 1. John L. Sullivan, self-nominated candidate for Congress and manager of John L. Sullivan, the pugilist, is here in a high state of hilarity and bank ruptcy. Last night about 11:30 o'clock he made his appearance in the Adams House cafe in a silly, drunken state, and he was penniless. He did not have money enough to buy a drink. However, there were plenty of gentlemen who were willing to settle his check in order to es cape trouble. Tommy Kelly, who was the feather-weight champion about 1867, and who fought a desperate battle with George Seddons in October, 1867, accom panied him. Sullivan met a lot of people he knew, and those he didn't know he scraped acquaintance with by force of fist. He hugged and slobbered all over Eugene Tompkins, the, manager and owner of the Boston Theater, and Sculptor Donoghue, who has immortalized Sullivan in a statue called "The Gladiator." They didn't like it, but they did not say a great deal about it Sullivan left in disorder about 11:30 o'clock. Sullivan's business in Boston is to secure money to earry on the sparring show. He had sent his brother Mike on to get 53,000 in the possession of Annie Livingstone. Annie has a wise head, and refused to give up the .money. Then Sullivan came on to get it, but he couldn't find Annie, and there tho matter rests. SECRETARY WIND0M DENIES IT. He Says There Is No Truth In tho Mexican Lead Oro Story. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, October 1. An article published to-day, setting forth the griev ance which the Eastern lead men and West ern smeltershave against Secretary Windom for his failure to collect the duty on lead ore mixed with silver, created much interest here. The charge was made that Mr. Windom's connection with the Texas, Topolobampo and Pacific Railroad is the real cause of his unwillingness to grant the demands of the lead oie men. Secretary Wiudom denies, of course, and those who speak of him say that the best proof of its untruthfulness is the fact that he has already gained the ill-will of the Mexican Government by his actions with regard to the duty on lead ore. IF THE BRIDGE IS NOT BUILT Congress May Take Some Action to Change tho Location. Washington, October 1. The board of army officers appointed to determine the fit ness of the site already selected for the bridge across the Ohio river at Louisville has reported adversely to the building of the bridge on that site which is on Mul berry street and recommended its location at the foot of Wall street. Secretary Proctor, however, does not feel warranted in revoking the consent to build the bridge given by his predecessor and will content himself with a transmission of the report to Congress, which may act upon its recommendations, providing the bridge be not already built by that time. An Investigation Into Army Life. St. Louis, October 1. A military court of inquiry convened at Jefferson Barracks, 12 miles south of here, this morning, to in vestigate the charges of bad treatment of army recruits at that post The Court was organized and three witnesses examined in secret session. Following tho Example of Chicago. Kansas City, October 1. The citizens ofWestport, a suburb of Kansas City, to day voted on the question of annexing the town to that city. A small majority of the votes cast, which were comparatively few, was in favor of annexation. ' A BAD BOOKKEEPER Is the One Who Figures Out ThaMne Great Big-Surplus is Gone, SO SATSBECEETAErBATCHELLEB. He Admits That it Is Seduced. $22,500,000, Bat He Claims That IT BAS ONLY CHANGED ITS FORM. If the Surplus Were All Used Up, He His, it Weald Still Ee There. Assistant Secretary Batcheller says the surplus isn't gone. He insists that it has merely changed its form. It is there yet, he says, but it wouldn't be recognized, perhaps. rtPECIAL TZX.EQBAX TO THE DISrATcn.t Washington, October 1. One of the most remarkable statements that have lately been sent out from here is one that the Treasury is practically bankrupt; that the surplus has been ran down from $107,000,000 to $40,000,000 within a year; that cases pending in the Court of Claims to the amount of $250,000,000 will dispose of the remainder, and so on. It seemed to arouse inquiry, and theref )re the correspondent of The Dispatch this morning tackled Assistant Secretary Batcheller on the sub ject of the bankruptcy of the Treasury. That high official had just returned from New York, and was engaged in the corridor outside his office door, in a critical exami nation of an old desk, which had been re covered and varnished, possibly because the Treasury was so near bankruptcy as not to be able to buy a new one. AT3AD BOOKKEEPEB. "The writer of that story is simply a bad bookkeeper," said the genial General. "He seems to imagine that, because the surplus is reduced, It is destroyed. Take for in stance the reduction of the surplus since August 21. Of 4 and 4 per" cent bonds we have bought upward of $22,500,000 worth, at a less premium than any bonds were bought by the former administration. Now you may say the surplus is reduced to that extent; but the money has really only changed its form. The public debt is re duced to that amount "When a farmer takes money from his bank account to raise a mort?a?e on hU property, he does not reduce his available funds, but puts them in better shape, and if an ot tne surplus were used in tne same way, it would be absurd to say the Treasury is bankrupt -"The United States pays out money no faster than it takes it in, and when appropriations are exhausted before the end of a fiscal year the want must be snpplied by a deficiency appropriation bill, and there is no danger that the revenues will not be kept up to an amount sufficient to meet all demands ex cept in case of a vast sudden expansion of obligations." MAKES THEM SMILE. Officials of the Court of Claims were much amused at the suggestion that the cases pending there could have any appre ciable effect on the surplus. Even after claims are passed by the Court of Claims it is difficult pi get a bill through Congress appropriating money to pay them; The spoliation claims, which have been passed on favorably by the Court of Claims, amount to upward of $6,000,000, as stated in the story above re ferred to. But the writer failed to state that the bill appropriating money to pay them fell a victim to filibustering tactics An other bill cannot make an appropriation available sooner than the latter part of 1890, and the probabilities are no such bill will ever be passed. Of the $250,000,000 of claims, which, are nearly all from the South (the result of the 'war), very few are valid, and even the best of them will have a hard time getting through Congress, even if they should pass the Court of Claims. Only one Southern bill o: anv importance passed the last con gress, and that involved only $95,000. IT IS NOT SETTLED TET. The Scat In the Supreme Conrt not Offered to Anyone. Washington, October 1. It is ex tremely improbable, if not altogether cer tain, that no appointment to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court Bench, caused by the death of Justice Matthews, will be made until after the assembling of Congress. The court will only be in session a few weeks before Congress meets, and since Rutl&dge, of South Carolina, failed to secure confirma tion as justice of the Supreme Court, and was obliged to vacate his seat in conse quence, no justice has taken his place until confirmed by the Senate. There is no press ing emergency demanding that a change from this custom shall be made, and there fore no appointment is likely to be made until December. , Notwithstanding the statements that At torney General Miller has been selected for the place, it can be safely asserted that no lender of the vacant justiceship has yet been made to anyone. The President has had this matter under consideration ever since the vacancy occurred, and only 'to-day he had a talk with Judge Marston, of Michi gan, about the appointment MUST WAIT TILL SHE'S WELL. Proceedings In Marie Blaine's Divorce Snlt Delayed for Awhile. ISFECIAL TELEOEAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 New Yobk, October L General Mc Mahon said to-day, that no proceedings, would be begun in the suit for divorce to be brought by Marie Nevins Blaine against James G. Blaine, Jr., until Mrs. Blaine's physical condition was such that her lawyers might confer with her on the sub ject. At the present time no proceedings for divorce have been instituted. Mr. Philip Carpenter says he did call on Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., Saturday night. He avers, however,' that Mrs. Blaine some time ago wrote him a note asking him to call on her, and at that time told him fully the story of her troubles with the Blaine family. He says his call Saturday night was purely of a personal nature, and that so far as he knew, Mr. James G. Blaine Jr., was not at the hotel while he was there. A JDUI THIS WEEK Thnt Is the Hope of tho Lawyers In tho Cronln Case. Chicago, October 1. A session of Judge McConnell's court was held this afternoon. The Court announced that he had ap pointed Mr. Alphonso B. Shubert a special deputy to serve venires in the Cronin case. Mr. Shubert is an American and has never before held any public office. Both sides expressed themselves as satisfied with the selection. Judge McConnell issued a venire for 100 men. Up to the recess to-night 627 jurors have been excused, four accepted and sworn in, and four are temporarily passed until to morrow. The defense was rather lavish in the use or peremptory challenges to-day, and had only 17 left, 83 having been dis posed of by them to 57 on behalf of the State. Counsel express the hope that a jury will be impaneled this weeK, THBEE SUBJECTS To be Principally Dwelt Upon by tho Pan American Congress 'How Wo Can Best Catch South AraericnnTrade. SPECIAL TELXQBAlt TO THE DISPATCH.1 Washington, October 1. The Inter national American Congress formally opens 'its session in' the old Wallach building, at Eighteenth and I streets to-morrow, but the great part of its work will be performed in November, after theforeign delegates have been given an opportunity to see the great ness of the United. States. Mr. I. G. Pierra, of the Spanish-American Commercial Union, states an important fact when he says: In a general way there are three subjects that will be considered by the congress: firsVan Increase fa- transportation 'facilities) second, the establishment of a banking system, and third, the manufacture of goods which will suit the trade of the countries south of us. The English and French have banking Institu tions which deal exclusively with the trade of those countries. Owing to the fact that they possess but little capital, and need all of their money to use in developing the country, which Js new, the merchants require long credit. The English give them from 9 to 12 months, with In terest at from 6 to t per cent from date of In voice. Notwithstanding this long credit, the English still consider the trade so desirable that they cater to it In every way possible, and the banks In London and Paris engaged In the South American banking business pay from 15 to 18 per cent dividends. If the United States wants the trade it must cater to it. If America will offer South America any thing like the inducements which European nations extend, I am sure they would prefer to deal with this country. They must have what they want, however, and of course cannot af ford to have their goods sent by way of Europe. That Is the only way they can get them now, and unless they can afford the ex pense of chartering a vessel. Another important matter will ha the simpli fication of the tarifis of the different countries. Except to residents, the schedule of duties of most of the countries are unintelligible, and it Is consequently almost impossible to ship any thing there without making a mistake. A friend of mine was telling me of a Chilian mer chant Who had ordered S175 worth of candy from a New York firm. It happened that some gum arabls was shipped in the lot and the merchant, in consequence, was subject to a fine of $2,700. The visiting delegates express themselves as very much pleased at the arrangements that have been made to allow them to see the country before the work proper of the con cress begins. By the time they come back In November they will have gotten folly ac quainted with the American delegates, and will have a much better Idea of the country and its industries than that they obtained through reading: I do not think this people of the United States fully realize as yet the im portance of the congress. In an economic sense it is the greatest event in the history of America. It Is also a great event morally, as it will teach Europe that congresses may profit, ably convene for purposes ot trade as well as for the settlement of wars." TWO WIYES IN C0DRT. Tiro Scenes Attending the Trial of a Clergy man for Bigamy. Chicago, October 1. It was a touching scene that occurred in Justice Prlndeville's dock this morning when the Rev. Fred T. McLeod was charged with bigamy. The complainant, Mary McLeod, wife No. 1. came from Nova Scotia to ascertain the whereabouts of her jtrnant husband. She had not been here long before she located him. He was not alone. An elderly look ing woman bounced a little boy on her knee and taught the child to call Fred' ''father." This settled it as far as Mrs. McLeod, No. 1, was concerned. She obtained warrants for the arrest of the pair, who spent the night in a cell at the armory. ''We ask for a continuance, so as to secure witnesses," said Mrs. McLeod Not l's at torney. McLeod began to tremble. He looked first at No. 2 and then at the Court "They don't need any witnesses," he said. "Do yon wish to waive?" asked the Court "I guess so." But No. 2 hugged her baby closer and re quested to have it so. The matter dawned upon her in all its seriousness. She uttered a loud shriek1 and then stuffed her shawl into her mouth, so as to prevent any further outcry, while the tears flowed in streams from her eyes. "Well, I will continue the case until to morrow. Bonds of $1,000 on each charge for Mr. McLeod, $500 for Mrs. McLeod." HARTRANFT MIGHT NOT ACCEPT. General Bingham Thinks tho Ex-Governor Has Other Fish to Fry. SPECIAL TELEOEAM TO THI DISPATCH.! Washington, October L "I think.the President would appoint General Hartranft Commissioner of Pensions it he were cer tain the General would accept," said Gen eral Harry Bingham, as he met The Dis patch correspondent to-day in the White House grounds. The General had just left the President, but would not say he had conversed with him in regard to the com missionership. "1 don't think, however, the General would accept," added Mr. Bingham, "though I have not had a word from him. He has been Somewhat unfortunate in his business investments, and is comparatively a poor man. X understand he has recently formed business connections that promise well, and infer that he would not be justi fied in accepting the head of the pension office, as it would be no promotion for him. If appointed he would make an exceedingly able and popular Commissioner." A BITE FOR THE FAIR. New York Selects Two of Its Parks for the Big Exposition. ISrECIALTELEQKA-MTO THE DISFATCH.l New Yobk, October L The exact loca tion of the International Exposition for 1892 is probably settled. At a meeting of the sub-Committee of the Executive Committee on Site and Building, held this afternoon, a set of resolutions were adopted which, in substance, embodied the following: The committee recommended the adoption of a site comprising Riverside and Morning side Parks, with adjacent lands. The com mittee further recommended that no portion of Central Park be used for buildings for exhibition purposes. It expresses the be lief, however, that it will be found de sirable and in the true interests of the pub lic to include in the fair inclosure the ad jacent portion of Central Park, to afford amplitude to the ground and the means of obtaining refreshment and repose without surrendering the rights of admission. ALL ABOUT A BICICLE. The Theft of It Leads to the Discovery of an Old Crime. Chicago, October 1. Louis E. Horton, who was indicted recently for the larceny of a bicycle from Hugh E. Whitney, was in court this morning to prosecute another, R. H. Dean, for the same offense. Horton claimed this morning,"and has several wit nesses to snbstatiate his declaration, that he had taken the wheel from R. H. Dean in exchange for 11 weeks board. Dean had assured him he bought the machine. When Horton was arrested, Dean had told him he would go down to the conrt and clear him only he was afraid that the authorities at Albany, N. Y., would learn of his whereabouts and apprehend him. Dean stood in the prisoner's boxjand hung his head, saying nothing.' The police have been investigating his record and believe his real made is n, Reid, and that he is wanted at Albany for a $4,000 forgery. He was held to the Criminal Court in $1,000 bonds. . . if J, VESSEL MEN. al Board of Stwa Kart- in AHBsal Somioi. ISPOfi WICS MSC08S!. CoBgress Askei fe lasfeaia - stractive Bridge SaUte. ! ' -z AS ISIEE-STATJn COMMMCf KHifl. General Xegtey Ufgta.tt Imyrtonie t The. National Board ef Ftoam, NaTifKig began its eighteenth asaaal BUcMag ia IMs city yesterday; Oeeaa, gulf aad iiitnml interests were represented, aael me tapis brought up were of vital nafctenal portance. InternatkaaL oqwioreo wA discussed, and action was takaa oooa .istjf riverbridgea and the relation of taiUoaiie water transportation under the fa tear iMe commerce law. rf-" It was a splendid body of mefi, rcprctnf ing Immense interests, which apooablod sjs 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon la tfce lege' dining ceo a flfce , MoaoDgafcek Seat: It was the eh4aas annual meetwg of the A-iauesat ooars ,! steam NavigaMeaf and the second tiase it has been held la this,... ty. At the oponiay of the session H g- -(lessen, representing ' the steam vessel li .' A. C Cheney, JPretideni, f ests of seven cities, were present Abmut them was Mr. A-a Chenev. PresMest of h THREE CENTS lasmrm teVlavf 'jryJUuflKvEuiMft s AUmUaVK U 1 ur . tho Tisi-nt n.M..t.rti..t c.u -T--ii V?a al Rank of New York City, Presideat of tfc Nicaragua Canal Construction CeswtaT. and head of Cheney's Towing Line. He k a. lt rotuna, genial-looking genQesaaa, with silvering hair. He stands among the, leaders of commercial enterpriseria New York dtp, and his name is a tower of strength to the National Board. A striking figure aaeeg the delegates from New York was General James S..Negley, formerly of thk ojty. He has recently returned from a visit to Barepe, and he was warmly greeted both fcy Ms New . York and Pittsburg friends. He fa the- J unairman ol the Executive CeauaiMee. sad prolific in Ideas for the advancement e American bommeree. 80ME PBOSnNJSNT DELBaATBS. Of other New York delegates Freak W. Vosburh is the manager of the Sehuyler ' ; Line oi new xonc and Albany steam ers, M. Moran and Robert Stewart are associated in the ownership of har bor tugs; Alexan ander Smith is the editor of the New York Seaboard and Reporter; D. X Manger was form erly Superintend ent of tte Pennsyl rania Railroad . pj Gen. Jamet S. ifeyfcK l at utive Committee. ?, steamship service: C. H. Boyer is a ber of the firm of L-. Boyer's Sons, owmag, harbor steamers; C. A. Pool owns barber steamers; L. Luckenbacb. and C. A, Schanze are tug owners. Of the eight Philadelphia delegates F. A. . Churchman, G. W. Pride, A. 8 Hagaes, E. B. Hand, S. B. Boyer, D,B. Helliajrr and J. Gallagher are in the towing business, while William P. Clyde is the head of the firm owning the Clyde Coastwise and "West India Steam Lines. C. M. Holloway, of Cincinnati, is President of the United States Mail Line Company and Superin tendent of the Cincinnati and Big Sandy Packet Company. He was President of the Rivermen's convention held in Cincinnati September 4 and 5. Captain J. S. Alex ander is one of the owners of the steamer New Mary Houston. Gus Mosset is the agent at Cincinnati of the Southern Trans portation Xine, J. A. Blackmore, J. D. Parker and Alexander Montgomery are steamboat owners at Cincinnati. J. H. Stout, of Duquesne, la., is manager of the Knapp, Stout & Company, which is en gaged in the lumber business and own 10O boats on the npper Mississippi. E. W. Poole is a steamboat owner'of St Louis. In the New Orleans delegation M. N. Wood is president of the Coast & La Fourche line of steamers. D. B Wood is a tug owner. He succeeded Major E. A. Burke as director general of the Cotton Ex position in 1885. He is chairman of the Executive Committee on Improvement of the Western Waterways. Secretary J. W. Bryant is the river editor-' of the Times Democrat, and represents generally the steamboat interests of New Orleans. Adolpk. Grivot represents the Southwestern Trans portation Company, which is engaged IsC carrying cotton seed for the Southern Oil Company. Thirty-two Pittsburg gentlemea were present, as follows: PITTSBXTBO WELL BEPBESENTED. John A-Wood and Samuel L. Wood, of the coal shipping Arm of John A. Wood A Son J Addison Lysle and George Lysle, Jr., of George Lysle & Sons; Benjamin F. Wilson, of the Samuel Roberts Coal Company; J. B. Sne ithen,. steamer Onward; Marshall McDonald, steamer: Hornett; Bamnel 8. Brown and W. Harry -Brown, of W. H. Brown's Sons: O.' A. Blackburn, of Blackburn Bros. C. Jutte, Jutto Line of coal boats Thomas M. Jenkins, of T. M. Jenkins &Co coal shippers; S. S. Crump, coal sblppen. Simpson Horner, of Horner Roberts: Joseph. Walton and L N. Bnnton. of Jos. Walton & Co.; James W. Gould, steamer Pacific; W. J. Wood, Monongabela Towing Company; Will iam C. Gray and W. B. Dunlap, Gray's Iron Line; D. E. Park, of Park Bros, dc Co., Lim.; William B. Rogers. Time Coal Company and steamer Tide; John Moren, Moren's coal line; Captain Robert Boyd, steamer Elizabeth; James A. Henderson, Pittsburg and Cincinnati Packet Line; W. W. O'NeiL O'ileil's coal line; Captain T. S. Calhoun, steamer Katie Stock dale: J. O. Phillips, A. Gould, P. J. Forsyth and' W.S.B.Hays. President Cheney called the meeting to order and the minutes were read. The President then read his annual address. He insisted that all sailing vessels should carry stern lights; that wrecks in bays and rivers should be marked with danger signals until cleared away; that rewards should be paid for the annihilation of wrecks on the ocean. and that steam vessels should be compelled to go slow in fog. He said he supposed the craze for swift ocean passage would continue" until two ocean greyhounds meet in a fog. , and a thousand lives are lost He advo cated the appointment of a Committee of . Three to "lay the latter matter before the International Maritime Congress, soon to meet in Washington. His suggestions were referred to the Executive Committee. GENERAL NEGLSY'S SPEECH. Treasurer Addison Lysle reported a cask balance of 1,6S3 46, an increase of $483 11 ' in the year. President Cheney called upon General .Tames S. Nesrlev to present some tosies which he had in mind. General Negley ' first called attention to tne American inter national Congress, soon to meet la Wash-l ington. He said; "A profound moral aadj? political sentiment is apparent la the exlHr bition of good-will and enterprise, it c -i-Sfi M I SjfeodLXA, 3LJiki: .-Su l , &