Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Situation of Markets at the -Kerr's
Island Stock lards.
Good Butchering Stock Steady, but Low
Grades Go Begging.
Mondat, Septembers). i&s.
The ran ot stock was larger than us,ual,
but the demand was good, and markets
were firm at a shade higher prices on good
grades than a week ago; but the misfortune
was that this quality was in a Tcry small
minority. Exporters ot late are gathering in
'the beststoct to ship to foreign shores, and
our markets suffer from the fact that a large
amount of the refuse, which are not consid
ered good enousrh for export purposes, are
sent in this direction. Low grade live
stock is in oversupply, and moves slowly,
while prime stock is active at outside quota
tions. Toor Quality Cnttle.
The receipts varied very little from those
of last Monday, but the quality was not so
good, and, as a result, prices are ofa shade
as compared with last week. Top Chicago
bought beeves, 1,400 to 1,500 pounds, fold
at $4 905 00; medium wciphts and grades, 1.200
to 1,300 pounds, J4 70S1 SO: best lightweights,
BOO to 1,100 pounds, S3 934 10; common to lair
thin steers, $2 953 05. Fresh cows were sold
at a ranee of S2545 per head; calves at 5grJXc
per pound, according to weight and age. The
latter were in good supply. But all the other
butchering stuff was in full supply, and the
demand did not prove equal to it.
The oversupply of low grade cattle had a de
pressing influence on markets, and drovers
lound it difficult to move stock. At latest ac
counts a goodly quantity had foiled to find
Receipts: From Chicago B. Kalehthaler, 22
head:L. Gerson, 111: I. Zeigler, 125: A. Fromra,
87; L. Kothschild fc Co., IIS. From Pennsylva
nia S. Loenstein,5She.id; various owners, 5;
total, 639; last week. 511. previous week, CSS.
frbrrp nnd Lambs.
The supply was large, and the demand good
at a shade higher prices than a week ago.
Prime heavy 'Western wethers sold at 51 bo to
5 00; medium weights, SI 00 to SI 25; mixed
ewes and wethers, common to fair, S3 50 to
S3 75; natives 15 to 20c below these prices.
Lambs were sold at a range of S to 6c per
Receipts: From Chicago L Zeigler, ISO head.
From West Virginia L. Laughlin, 117 head.
From Ohio-J. Cruikshank, S2 head. From
PennsNlvania J. Ackerraan, 220 head: E. D.
Sergeant. 118; J. B. Behler.36; W. Allen. 99; J.
Reiber, 66: T. Allen, 11; Bingham Co., ItS: J.
McSeese. 93; D. O. Fisor, 1 19; V. JlcCreary, 153;
total, 1,419; last week, 1,425; previous week, 1,012.
Hoks Advancing.
Prices were highci at all outside markets,
and. of necessity an advance was submitted
to gracefully here. Cnicago and Ohio hogs
sold at a range of SI 754 95, and natives at
SI 353140-
Receipts: From Chicago L Zeigler, 75 head.
From Ohio Needy & Smith, 259; A. William
son, 3S; J. Langdon, 129; J. Cruikshank, 12.
From Pennsylvania J. Ackerman, 17 head: E.
D. Sergeant. 4S: J. Beliler. 27: W. Allen. 11: J.
Reiber, 39; T. Allen. 25; Bingham & Co.. 41: D.
O. Pisor. 39: W. McCreary. 32; total, 795; last
week. 710: previous week. 353
At East Liberty yards there was a large run
of cattle, and the best were sold at a snade
lower prices than a week ago. The highest
price realized was 4Jc Receipts of sheep
were large, and prices were off. The range was
8K?e. Lambs held their own, selling at
Cc for very choice. Hogs were firm at Lib
erty but a shade lower at Chicago.
The Condition of Buslncsn nt the ai LlDcrty
StocK Yards.
Monday, September 30, 18S9. J
Cattle Receipts. 1,700 head: shipments,
2.260 head; market slow; 10c to 15c lower than
last week's prices; 6 cars of cattle shipped to
Isew York to-day.
Hoas Receipts. 6,200 nead: shipments. 4.600
head: market active; best light Yorkers,
Si 905 00; fair light Yorkers. S4 75S?1 85;
medium and light Philadelpbias, SI 70gl SO;
heavy hogs, SI 701 80; 7 cars.of hogs shipped
to New York to-day.
Sheep Receiot-. 4,200 head; shipments,
2,i00head; market verv duIL
By Telrcrapb.
New York Beeves Receipts. 4,800 head,
making 15,000 head for the week: fresh ar
rivals included 100 car loads for home trade
slaughterers direct, 80 car loads for exporta
tion and 49 car lo.ids fnr the market; the feel
ing was firmer, but sales were slow and sev
eral carloads were to sell at a late hour, com
mon to prime native steers sold at S3 251 65
per 100 pounds; ordinary to fair Colorado do
at S3 10S3 30; native iulls and dry cows at
S150275. Calves Receipts, 1,600 head, mak
ing 6,700 head lor the week: about one-half of
the offerings charged hands at 5Sc per ponnd
for veals, and at i!Ze for gnsers and butter
milks, fcheep Receipts 13.300 head, making
45,200 head for the week; pncc- declined about
Kc per pound on both sheen and lambs, and
the market closed heavy with a dozen car loads
to carryover: common to prime sheep sold at
3 705 00 per 100 pound; common to best
lambs at SI Co-35 65. Hogs Receipts. 12.100
head, making 35,300 head for the week: the
market was a trifle firmer for live hogs at S4 50
5 23.
Buffalo Cattle dull and lower; receipts, 220
loads through, 400 sale; choice and extra ex
port steers, good, S3 754 00: heaw hatchers'.
S3 753 90: light handy. S3 103 25;poor to Com
mon mixed. 2 SAtfj? B.V Mir-hit-on ctnpVarc
S2 &KS2 85; do yearlings, S2 ZHH)2 50; stock bulls,
SI 7542 25; export hull. S2 75Q3 25; cows and
heifers, common to extra, S23; milch cows and
springers, common to extra, t2545. Sheep and
iambs Receipts, 350 loads through, 70 sale;
sheep m fair lemand; lambs dull- sheen, good
to bet. Si 50S5 00: lair to good, SI 001 60:
common, S2 5U2 oO: lambs, good to best. S3 50
66 00; fair to good, S5 00E5 50; common, S3 50
4 50. Hogs Receipts. 95 loads through. 120
KASSAS Cttt The Live Stock nuttmtnr t.
ports: Cattle Receipts, 9.12G head; shipments.
8,64b head; dressed beef and shippers steady to
strong: bet grass range steady; others slow,
weak and 610c lower; cows steadv; stackers
and f eedinc steers firm; good to choice cornfed
steers. $4 004 25: common to medium. S3 00
3 75; stockers and feeding steers, SI 603 15
cows SI 352 50; grass range steers, $1 60ffi2 60.
Hogs Receipts. 2,281 head; shipments. L262
head: market steaav to 5c higher; good to
choice light, S4 054 20; heavv and mixed,
S3 753 95. Sheep Receipts, 1,413 head; ship
ments. 1214 bead: market steady; good to
choice muttons, S3, 504 00; stockers and feed
ers. 2 003 00.
Chicago The Drover? Journal reports:
Cattle Kecelnts. 1.S00 head; shipments, 4,000
head: market irregular; beeves, $4 04 70
steers S2 804 30: stockers and feeders. SI 90
2 b5; cowl bulls and mixed, SI 002 85:
Texas cattle, SI 502 85; Western rangers 2 40
63 70; wintered Texans, S2 503 60. Ho-s
Receipts, 23,000 head: shipments, 9,500 head;
market steady, closing higher: mixed. $4 00
4 55: heavy. S3 854 40; light. Si l.jgi 85; skips.
S3 504 20. Sheen Receipts, 11,000 head: ship
ments 4.000 head; market steady to weak; na
tives S3 504 70: Western, S3 6004 0; Texans
$3 40S! 15: lambs, $1 005 80.
ST- If'"? Cattle-Receipts 3,300 head; ship
ments 1,000 head; market steady; choice hcaw
native steers, 1 004 40; fair to good do. S3 60
4 10; stockers and feeders 2 152 70; range
steers. 2 203 00. Hogs Receipts 2,300 head;
shipments, 909 heart; market steady; fair to
choice heavy, S3 85gl 20; packing grades $3 75
4 15; light, fair to best. $4 154 1.5. Sheep
Receipts 3.600 head; shipments 1.400 head;
market strong; fair to choice. S3 201 35.
Dry Goods.
NEW YORK, September 30. Clothing woolens
were quiet, but there was a good request for
dress good", bleached cottons wide sheetings,
cotton flannels medium fine brown cottons
prints and printed dress goods; other demand
being moderate, though m almost all descrip
tions of cotton goods supplies are in good shape
Orders for spring ginghams white goods cur-
Tains anu uiudm c i;o aim ouiness
promising. The market was unchanged and.
remain firm.
Anarchist Lines' Sweetheart Arrested.
Chicago, September 30. Ida Schmidt,
who is said to have been engaged to Louis
Jjin the Anarchist, has been arrested for
stealing from the lady for whom she worked.
At the girl's room the officers found a large
trunk packed full of fine dress goods and
other costly articles.
The Ylsible Snpply Statement Worlied as a
Bull Card In tho Wheat Pit A Strong
nnd Acllvo Closing nt
niicher Prices,
Chicago Speculative trading in wheat was
fairly active but spasmodic to-day and not as
large as witnessed on some days recently. The
opening was firm on the early cables it being
expected too that the wet weather in the North
west would retard tho movement. Later the
market advanced slightly.it averaging higher
than Saturday's closingall the forenoon. It
was generally expected that the viable supply
increase would show in. the neighborhood of
1,500,000 bushels and this had a tendency to
check reckless buying, but it was noticeable
throughout that the bear element was equally
conservative, and that speculative offerings by
the crowd generally were light. The largest
individual selling, perhaps, was by a local
house with foreign connections which put
300,000 bushels of December at around S2a
Another item quoted by the bears was that
farmers' deliveries United Kingdom last week
were 1,950,000 bushels at an average price of
29s lid, as compared with 1,600,000 bushels for
the previous weekat an average price of 29s 5d.
Information was received toward the close also
that a big movement of wheat has started this
way from the Northwest. The market de
veloped decided strength when the visible sup
ply figures were finally posted, as the increase
was only 656,000 bushels or materially less than
expecte'd. Trading was animated and the
market very strong in tone during the last
hour, final closing figures being within jc of
the extreme top and JSJc higher than the
latest quotations of Satuiday.
A fair speculative trade was witnessed in
corn, and the feeling developed was rather
easier, trading being at blightly lower prices
Transactions consisted chiefly in changing
October to the more distant deliveries which
widened the premium of May to 252c A
prominent local trader was a moderate seller
of September. The market opened at about
Saturday's closing prices was easy and gradu
ally sold off iiSJiJc, the near months show
ing the greatest weakness, and clo-ed with May
a shade higher and other deliveries Ho lower
than Saturday.
Oats were steadier, with a fair volume of
business in October and May, but very little in
other deliveries
There was a little more doing in pork. Early
prices ruled easy, but later w ere stronger and
prices advanced 1215c, closing steady.
Trading in lard was only moderate. Prices
declined 25&
A fair trade was reported in ribs, and the
feeling was easy. Prices averaged about 2c
The leading futures ranged as follows-
Wheat No. 2. October. 81S1KS0K
81c: December. 82S3C82nS3Kc: year. H)
681K0k815c: Mav. !5W86S4KS5?ic
CORN No. 2, October, S313131Kc;
November. 31K31c; Mav. as33c.
Oats No. 2. October, 19iUi)l9iSimie:
December. l?193c; May, 22.2?422J
MESS Pork, per bbL October. $11 25U 50
11 2011 45; November. S9 609 77K69 00
9 CO: January, S9 22J9 3269 209 25.
Lard, per 100 as October, S6 006 00; No
vember. S3 S7X5 905 S7K5 9l; January,
S5 87K5 87J4.
Short Ribs, per 100 Bs. October. S4 S7K
4 9(i4 854 87J4; November, SI 82K4 85
4 824 85; January, S4 704 75.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
firm and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
S0JSIc: No. 3 spring wheat, 6868J5c;
No. 2 red, 80Xc No. 2 corn. SIMc No. Z
oats 31c No. 2 rye. 19c. No. 2 bar
ley, 41c; No. 1 flaxseed, nominal. Prime tim
othy seed, SI 26 Mess pork, per bbl, Sll 25.
Lard, per 100 pounds S6 076 Ofi. Short nbs
sides (loose)," So 00. Dry salted shoulders
(boxpdj, S5 50562K. Short clear sides (boxed.)
So 5U5 63K- Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged.
Receipts flour, 18,000 barrels; wheat, 96.000
bushels; corn, 2SO.,000 bushels; oats 186,000
bushels: rye, 21.000 bushels; barley, 9i,000
bushels Shipments Flonr, 21,000 barrels:
wheat, 72.000 bnsbels: corn. 991,000 bushels:
oats 98,000 bushels; rye, 23,000 bushels; barley,
26.000 bushels. "
On the Produce Exchange to-rtav the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 16fc.
New York Flour unsettled, moderately ac
tive, closing steadier. Cornmeal quiet, weak.
Wheat Spot, unsettled and moderately active,
closirg firmer: options fairly active, and irregu
lar: closing firm at K5c over Satm day. Rye
dnll;Vestern.4S52c. Barley quii-t. Barley malt
dull. Corn Spot, active and ?c lower: free
Fellers; options more active, KJc lower and
heavy. Oats Spot activeand stronger; options
firmer and fairly active. Hay firm and quiet.
Hops easy and quiet. Coflee Options opened
steadv at 515 points np, closing barely steady
at 1020pointsup: sales, SS.000 bags, including
December. 15.7515.90c; January. 15.75Q15.90c;
February. 15&5c, March. 15.8015.90c: May,
15.8015.90c; spot Rio strong; fair cargoes,
19J5c- Sugar Raw steady and qniet; rebned,
steady and in moderate demand. Molasses
Foreign nominal: New Orleans dnll. Rice
quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet: cruiie.
32c: yellow, 3740a Tallow quiet; citv, S2
for packages; 4c bid. Rosin steadv "and
Suiet. Turpentine firm at 48g4Sc Eggs
rmernnd in moderate demand; western, fresh,
2324e; receipts. 6,443 packages Cutmeats
firm: sales bellies. 12 pounds average,
6Jc: pickled hams, 12 pounds 10c. Middles
firm; short clear, 5 75. Lard firmer; moderate
demand; sales western steam. S6 67J6 60,
closing at SG 60: C. & F., J6 406 45: October,
S6 456 52. closing at S6 52; November, S6 S3,
closing at S6 34 bid; December. 6 66 27.
closing at S6 30; Jannarr. 6 2b6 27. closing
at S6 28: February, S6 326 34. rb.sing at S6 33:
March, S6 866 37, closing at S6 31 asked. But
ter in moderate demand and firm; western
dairy, 914c Cheese held higher.
Philadelphia nour Demand moderate,
but prices firm; western winter, clea', $4 00
4 25; western winter, clear, strait, S4 304 55;
winter patent, $4 U)S5;5 00. WJieat
Options quiet and closed $B?c lower.
No. 2 red, September, 82S!C;iic: Octo
ber,S2(ffiS2Kn; November. 83S3Kc: Deeem
ber. 84KS5c. Corn Options declined WfflVr.
but the market was wholly nominal; car lots
demand slow and prices favored buvers: No. 3
low mixed, in grain depot, COJc; No. 2 mixed,
in grain tlepot, 40t10fc; No. 2 high mixed,
in Twentieth-street elevator, 40c; do track,
4IJc: No. 2 mixed. September. 39(5)40tic; Oc
tober, 39X40Jc: November, 40Kc; December.
3939J.Ic. Oats Car lots steady, but demand
light; Vo. 3 white. 25e; do prime, ingrain
depot, 26c; No. 2 white. 27c; do choice, 27c; do
on track, 27Cc: futures dnll and a shade easier;
No. 2 white, September, 2627c: October, 26K
27c; November, 272sjc; December. 2S5
29$c Provisions quiet and steady. Pork
Mess new, Sll 6012 00; do prime mess, new,
Sll 00: do family. 12 6013 60 Ham Smoked,
HK13Kc Lard Western steam. 6 50. Butter
firm; Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 25c; do
prints, extra. 2932c Eggs strong; Pennsvl-
mni, fiesta ( fThppRA firm? nnrt Jtimo VIZI
SKc. Receipts Flour, 4,400 barrels; wheat,
7,200 bushels: corn, 31,400 bushels: oats 21.800
bushels Shipments Wheat. 5.200 bushels;
corn, 18,600 bushels; oats, 24,400 bushels
St. Louis Flour quiet, demand and busi
ness light. Wheat cash lower and unsettled;
options higher; receipts were not up to expec
tations, and, with advances elsewhere, the
market opened strong and Jc higher, later
there was a decline, then a rally followed and
the close was 5? c above Satnrdav: No. 2 red,
cash, 79e bid; September. 7982c closed at
79Vic bid: December, S0XSlc closing at 81
eslic asked; year, 79c, closing at 79c bid; May,
8485c closing sx 85Jc bid. Corn quiet;
No. 2 mixed. Cash. 29jjJ9Mc; October, 29K
29Kc, closed at 29Jc bid; November, 28Ve: De
cember, 2Sc closed at -J&c bid; year, 27c,
closed at 2S2Sc bid: January. 2Sc closed at
28Kc bid: May. 3030Kc. closed at 30Jc
asked. Oats firm: No. 2 cash, 18c bid; Mav,
22?S22?ic; September, 18c bid; October, 18&C
bid. Rve 38c hid,ajjic asked. Barley
steady; Wisconsin, 64a Provisions quiet.
Baltimore Wheat Western firm; No. 2
winter red, spot and October, 81Sllc; Decem
ber, 8481c; Januarv, 85JS5c Corn
Western steady: mixed spot. 4(c; Oc
tober and November, 3910c; Jan
uarv. 3S39Kc Oats Western white,
2527Kc: do. mixed, 2324c Rye Prime
wanted at 5052c. Hav firm; prime to
choice timothy, 13 5014 00. Provisions firm.
Butter active and firm; western packed. 1518c;
creamery, 2325c Eggs firm; 'western, 22c
Coffee dull; Rio cargoes fair, 19c Receipts
Flour, 12,000 barrels; wheat, 42.000 bushels; corn,
28,000 bushels; oats 11.000 bushels: rye, 2,000
bnshels. Shipments Flour, 25,000 barrels
Sales Wheat, 130.000 bushels; corn, 195,000
Milwaukee Flour firm. Wheat steady;
casb,7l$ijc; December, TTJctNo. 1 Northern,
82c Corn dull; No. 3, 31Ji32c Oats steady;
No. 2 white. 22Jc. Rye quiet: No. 1, 4314c.
Barley easier; No. 2, in store, 55c Provisions
firm. Pork Cash. Sll 40; November, 9 75.
Lard Cash, 6 00; November, 6 05.
Toledo Cloverseed active and lower; cash
and October, 4 00; November, SI 05; December,
The Yixible Pnpply of Grain.
Chicago, September SO. The Board of
Trade reportt the visible supply of grain as f ol
lows: Wheat, 17,853,000 bushels: increase, 656,
000 bushels. Corn, 12.933.000 bushels: increase,
271.000 bushels Oats, 5.710,000 bnshels; de
crease 188.000 bushels Rye 1,152,000 bushels;
increase, 20,000 bushels. Barley, 688,000 bushels;
increase, 111,000 bushels
Metnl .Markets.
Nevt York Pig iron quiet; Scotch, S20 00
23 2a. Copper nominal; lake, October, 10 62.
Lead dull and lower; domestic, S3 92. Tin
firmer and quiet at SCO 60..
Brazilian CofTee.
RioDEJANElEOjSeptemberSO. Coffee Reg
ular first, 6,200. Receipts during tho week
41.060 bags; purchases for United States, 33,000;
clearances for do, 43,000; stock, 335,000 bags.
Local Securities Identified With All
the Interests of the City.
So Danger of a Speedy Famine in Building
Sites at Moderate Prices.
Nearly all of the great business interests
of the city are identified in some way with
the corporations whose bonds and stocks
are dealt in at the Stock Exchange. This
being so, it should be the object of every
business man to maintain, and, if possible,
increase their repute as speculative com
modities, or for investment. A serious
break in local securities would touch many
other interests and put Pittsburg in a hole.
On the other hand, companies should act
squarely with the public by avoiding unneces
sary expansion of capital watering, as it is
called and furnishing full and reliable in
formation to stockholders and investors
A bond specialist sums up the market for in
vestment securities during the past week by
saying: "The bond market has been dull so far
as good securities are concerned, the advance in
money rates tending to check inquiry from cor
porations and large private capitalists but
prices were well sustained, and the offerings of
the usual scattered quality. On the otherhand,
the more active bonds weie freely traded in,
and the usual support was supplemented in
some cases by a fair amount of foreign buying,
which had no little effect upon the general mar
ket. This accordingly gave a show of animation
to the general bond trading, while some special
movements of a more er less manipulative
character were recorded."
Fear has been expressed that all the cheap
bnilding lots in and aronnd Pittsburg would
soon be bought up. Speaking on this subject a
Fourth avenue gentleman said yesterday:
"There is no danger. The amount of vacant
land situated within a convenient distance of
the business center of the city is greater than
people think. It amounts to thousands of acres,
considerable ot which has not been put on the
market, but will be whenever there is a demand
for it A trip to the district of which Glenwood
is the center, ont to Oakland and Squirrel Hill,
to Mount Washington and down the Ft. Wayne
road to Bellevue and below would convince
any one that there is land enough for all, and
that plenty of it will be left for the rising gen
eration. Still, this is a good time to buy, as
prices tor desirable properties are hardening.
The inquiry is good, and on the increase."
At Apollo, Armstrong county, the cheapest
gas rates yet announced are now being given.
The Pine Run'Gas Company was the first to
pipe the town, and later the Citizens' Qas Com
pany entered the field. Contracts are now
beine made for supplying gas at the rate of
2 75 per year for a cookstove.
The following is used by the United States
mint for determining whether a coin is good or
bad. Use the liquids as near the edge of the
suspected com as possible, as that is the part
most worn. A drop of the preparation will
have no effect on genuine coin, while it can be
plainly seen on the counterfeit. Heavily
plated coins should be scraped slightly before
using. For gold: Strong nitric acid. 6
drachms; muriatic acid, J drachm, or 15 drops;
water, 5 drachms For silver: Twenty-four
grains nitrate of silver, 30 drops nitric acid, 1
ounce water. The above tests should conform
with diameter, thickness and weight, the tests
used at the mint.
The hardware business is experiencing quite
a revival, and the outlook for fall trade is very
bright. For some time past manufacturers
have been selling hardware at about cost prices
and the recent advance in raw materials will, it
is thought, put up the figures The condition
of business in this line in other cities is re
ported by traveling men as good, but Pittsburg
is rather in the lead in point of activity. Build
ers" hardward is particularly active, manufac
turers being so pushed that dealers experience
a difficulty in having their orders filled; but the
improvement is in nowise confined to that par
ticular branch, as the movement in general
hardware is also qnite brisk. The fall trade
has set in earlier than usual, and the wholesale
dealers in this city state that their business is
better at this season than it has been for years
at a corresponding period, and the indications
point to a continuance of the same. This has
been the result of no one cause, hut it is the
natural outcome of the increased confidence in
the future and the general upward movement
of trade.
Prominent Tennessee and Alabama capital
ists who have been in conference in Nashville,
have just settled the preliminary details ot a
plan to consolidate all the big charcoal and
steel fnrnaces in the two States under one com
pany and begin the manufacture of steel rails.
Their plan embraces the consolidation of the
La Grange, JEtna and Warner furnace com
panies, the Roan Iron Company of Chatta
nooga, the Wayne County Iron Company and
other properties Six furnaces now in opera
tion are involved in the deal, and many
thousand acres of fine ore lands in Pickman,
Stewart and Wayne counties
A movement is on foot to form a stock com
pany to build a new mill at Dunbar, on the
Baltimore and Ohio road. It is proposed to erect
30 puddling furnaces, and manufacture skelp
iron exclusively.
One of the most astonishing engineering feats
of modern times will be the railroad to the
summit of Pike's Peak. The final surveys have
been completed, and construction will be com
menced shortly. The route will be about 0-
miles long, and will follow the old trail a large
part of the way. The road will be built upon
the same principle as tho one that ascends the
Rigi in Switzerland. It is calculated that the
ascent and descent will each occupy about one
one hour and a half. It will be run entirely for
the accommodation of tourists
In Local Stocks, bnt None of Them of Much
Sianlficnnce. '
Stocks were dull yesterday, brokers having
orders making very little effort to fill them.
Only Philadelphia Gas, Citizens' Traction, and
Pennsylvania Gas developed any activity. The
first was a little stronger, and the options a
shade below the best quotations of last week.
The other tractions showed a fractional im
provement Electric was a trifle off, but there
was no anxiety to sell it La Norla was nominal
at Ibid and IK asked. Switch and Signal and
Airbrake about held their own. Holders of
them are confident of better figures in the near
future. .Bids, offers and sales were:
Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked
Masonic Bank 601$
Tradesmen's Nat B'k 225
Philadelphia Co 35J 35 ass 35J5
Pennsylvania Gas K nv.
Wheeling las Co . 2SJ4" 28
Forest OU .Co 110
Hazelwood Oil Co SI
Central Traction 31M 31M 31 315
Cltliens' Traction.... B9X 70 635f U
1'itubure Traction 48
Pleasant Valley 19 11 19 19
Chartiers hallway 45 50
litis. June. K. K. Co.. 28 30 26Jj? 29
P. C.& bt.Ij.lt B.... 18$
Pitts. Western K. H 13 lx
1'. AW. prer. 1SJ 2u
Union Bridge 15 ....
La Norla 1 l'i .... i
1-ankee Ulrl Mining 3V '
WestlDRhonse Klec Sojf .... si
Unlon. AS. Co 23 23
Union a. A S. Co.pref .... 50
Westlnghouse A. B.. 11SX 114
At the morning call 16 shares of Philadelphia
Gas sold at 3 In the afternoon 40 Citizens'
Traction went at 70, 60 at 69, 60 Pennsylvania
Gas at 15. and one membership at 135.
The total sales ot stock at New York yester
dav were 191,606 shares, Including: Atchison.
67,900; Mi-souri Pacific. 6.410; New Jersey Cen
tral, 6,400; Reading, 10,950; St PauL 11,415;
Union Pacific, 6.405.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 87
Fourth avenue. Members Mew York Utoct jSx
change. JBH. Asked.
Pennsylvania Uallroaa... .- 64 M'4
Beading ". 233-15 '25)4
BuCalo. Plttsburs and Western 9j 10
Lehigh Valley........ ..t... ........... te saw
LehlEh .Navigation... 64S ' u
Northern Pactfc 31 2
Horuern fnclflc preferred..,,,,,... 'i liH
ffiSPNP1F8W5i' '.
". ' - -s
pittsbtje? dispatch, .
The Month's Exchanges Show a Big Gain
Over Last Year.
Business was rather slow at most of the
banks yesterday, so far as disbursements on
loans were concerned, bur good in checking and
depositing. The exchanges for the month are
almost 8,000,000 greater than those for the
same period last year, when the speculative in
terest, especially in stocks and oil. was much
greater than now. The Clearing House figures
for the day and month are:
Exchanges f 2,564,707 53
Month'rexchanges 60,60S,S93 94
Month's balances 9-23!'?H ?
Last month's exchanges M-83?!? ?i
Last month's balances.. l-21H2i II
Exchanres September, 1SS8 -K-SiiS
Balances September. 1888 9,774,388 20
Money on call at New York yesterday ruled
tight ranging from 6 to 30, last loan 15. closed
offered at 15. Prime mercantile paper,5M'i
Sterling exchange quiet but steady at 4
for 60-day bills, and for SS for demand.
Closing Bond Qnotniions.
TJ. S. 4s,rejr J27
U.S. 4s. coup 129
U.S.4Hsreif W5J
U. S. 4Ms, coup.... 10o5j
Pacific 6s of '9o. B3
Loulslanas tamped 43 83
Missouri 6s 101
Tenn. new set. 6s... 106
Tenn. new set. 5S....101
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 74,
Canada So. 2ls 96H
Ccn. Pacificists 114
Ben. AK.G., lsts...I21
Den. Alt. G. 4s 79
D.&ItG.Westlsts. HO
Erie, 2ds 104X
M. K. AT. Gen. 5s .MX
Mutual Union 6s. ...103
N.J.C.Int Cert...J3
Northern Pac lsts..l 4H
Northern Pac. 2ds..ll3M
Northw't'n consols.I47J4
Northw'n debens..J12
nm.nn Trans. 63.104
StL. ALSI.Oen.5sW
bti I-.AS.t'.Oen.M.120
Si. Paul-consols ....126
St. PI, ChiAPc.lsts.llS
Tx., Pc.L.G.Tr Ks. SO
union rac. ists ;
West Shore HbJf
M K- AT. nm. 6s.. 6)
Government and State bonds are dull and
Nbtt Yobz -Clearings, 873,338,910; balances,
1811,151 , (
Boston Clearings, 15,1H,695; balances,!
J1.G10.679. MoneyatSper.cent . . I
PHII. A DELPHI A Clearings, 10,39a,033; bal
ances, 1,221,029.
BALTIMOBE-Clearings. 61,893.515; balances,
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is lo0,
000. Paris Three per cent rentes, 86f ITHclor the
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, 812,390,000.
St. Louis-Clearings, 3.450,612; balances,
The Wind-Up of the Month Intensifies Dull
ness in Oil.
The close of the month witnessed a very dull
oil market The influences were generally
bearish. In addition to the wells at Jefferson
Center there is one almost ready near Callery
Junction, which promises to be a regular tearer.
This batch of reports, added to the apathy
which usually distinguishes the last day of a
month, kept feeling at a low ebb all day.
The market opened at 99, which was also
the top price, declined to 93, and then to 9S,
which was the final quotation. John R. Mc
Kee. Jr., sold 10,000 barrels at 9S. This was
more than the market could stand up under in
its sensitive condition and a break was the re
sult He offered 45,000 barrels cash at 99, but
nobody had the nerve to take it Saturday's
clearings were only 100 000 barrels.
That something must be done to infuse life
into the oil market has been admitted by
everybody familiar with the trade for a lone
time. For months it has been almost as life
less as a mummy. Various reasons have been
advanced to account for this extraordinary de
pression, some holding that it is traceable to
the adoption of the rule for trading in future
deliveries. But the market was dull before.
The true reason is lack of outside support and
a steady, though not very slow, diminution of
the working capital, until there is not enough of
It leftto build upa respectable short interest on.
To put the market in better shape, and recover
some of the lost business, if possible, a meeting
was held on the floor of the Exchange yester
day afternoon, the object beine to rescind or
amend the conference rule and restore the
former system of daily deliveries.
Mr. John R. McKee presided. Mr. Harry
Sproul explained that the primary object was
to win back the influential traders in New
York who have held aloof since the chanee was
made. He denied that going back to the old
mctnoo wouia oe crawnsnmg or eating crow.
it was a onsiness move irom wnicn ne antici
nateu cood results. These views met tho ai
proval of the assembled brokers, and the ques-'
tion neing put to a vote, it was carried Dy mor;
tnan a tnree-iourtns majority.
dlonday'fl Oil Range.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co..
Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Jxcnange. f
Opened 99!Lowest 98H
Highest 99Uosed 9d,'
Average runs 51,059
Average shipments sn.377
Average charters 43,560
Refined. New York. 7.05c
Kefinef, London, S 9-lSd. I
Refined, Antwerp, 17Ht I
Refined. Liverpool. 6Jd. ,
A. B. McQrew 4 Co. quote: Pt :S, 9SKc;
calls, 99c.
Other Oil Mnrkels.
On. Citt. September 30. Nation 1 transit
certificates opened at 9Sc; high; it, 99gc;
lowest, 9SKc; closed, 98c.
Bradford, September 30. Natioi il transit
certificates opened at 99cj closed ; t 9Sc;
highest 99; lowest 98c.
TrrusviLLE. September 30. Natioi tl transit
certincates opened at nsjc; nigt
St, 99c;
lowest, slater closed at c.
New York, September 30. Pltroleum
opened steady at USi-Gc. andaxter somi
fluctuations became dull, and remain! so un
til close, which was dull at 98JjjC Stock Ex
change: Opening, 98c; highest !?c: low
est 9S?fe: closing. 9S5c C nsolidafcd Ex
change: Opening, 9SJc; highest 99Uc; low
est 98Kc; closing, 98c. Total saleS 325,000
The Week Opens With a Number I
f Good
Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, :old for
"W. T. Agnew a frame dwelling of fou rooms,
cellar, etc, lot about 26x130 feet, or Oneida
street, near Virginia avenue, Thirty-fifib. ward,
for JL800.
f. A. Herron Sons report the sue of 21
lots near Penn avenue. Nineteenth ward, city,
for $12,000. They also sold lot 3S6 in th Aspin-
wall Lind Comnany's olan. at AsDinwallstalion.
West Penn Railroad, adjoining Shafpsburg,
size 23x100 leet for $300. I
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
through Graebing & Lyon for L. M, flummer
the property No. SO Colwell street, for S5.000
cash. "
Black & Baird, 95;Fourth avenue, sold to
Joseph P. Cappeau lot No. 22 in the Lloyd
estate, Bellefield, fronting 0 feet on Bitbndge
street bv 107 feet in depth, for $3,750
L O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and JButler
streets, sold for the heirs of John Metcalfe,
deceased, Nos. 4505 and 4507 Butler street.
Seventeenth ward, lot 40x100 feet to a -'0-foot
alley, having erected thereon a one-story frame
building, to Henry J. -Lang for $8,000 cash.
Samuel W. Black 4 Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
placed a' mortgage for S3.000 for three years at
6 per cent on property on Isabella street
Minlnc Stocks.
New York. September SO. Caledonia B,
H., 290; Colorado Central, 100: Consolidated
Californiaand Virginla.650: Commnnwealth.250;
Deadwood Territory, 140; Eureka Consolidated,
295; Hale and Norcross, 300; Hoinestake, 900;
Horn Silver. 130; Iron Silver. 210; Mutual, 140;
Ontario. 3,400;i Plymouth, 10U! Savage, 200;
Sierra Nevada. 2Co; Small Hopes, 100; Union
Consolidated, 295.
Business Notes.
The Liverpool cotton corner has collapsed.
The exports of petroleum from Philadelphia
this year amount to 110,108,158 gallons, which is
an increase of 10,000 gallons over last year.
AMj the principal real estate dealers re
ported a better demand yesterday than on any
previous day since the close of the spring
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange has
passed a resolution allowing, its members to
divide commissions with other Stock Ex
changes on stocks and bonds bought iu that
Henry Clews says: "There is no question
but tnat tne movement of the stock market
has been too one-sided for several months past,
and the next few months may witness sharp
fluctuations, offering excellent occasions for
The Pennsylvania Bailroad reports that the
quantity of coal and coke originating on and
carried over its lines east of Pittsburg and
Erie for the week ending September 21, Was
309.656 tons, of which 216,104 tons were coal and
93,552 tons coke.
Charles Meyran took out a permit yes
terday for a stone and brick business house on
Virgin alley which will cost 828,000. A permit
was taken out by Thomas Jenny for five two
story brick dwellings on Fortv-seventh street.
near Butler, to. cost 8,900. - '
A local architect remarked, yesterday:
"Building operations are as brisk as at any
,time tbiseason. Now, and for two or three
weeks Vast, contracts have been let as freely aB
though it was the beginning of the year. One
noteworthy fact in this connection Is the
r Jjt??'W JCV
growth of small houses. There were more of
these erected this year by contractors fpr
speculation than ever before, and they are in
demand, too. Many architects are working on
plans which will be carried out next year."
Causes a Slight Decline In Railroad Shares
Wide movement bnt no Serious:
Losses Strang and Weak Spots
Bonds Extremely Dull.
New York, September 30. The stock
market to-day was generally dull, but a few
leading stocks monpolized the interest in the
trading, while the general list was traded in
OTer an extremely narrow range, the favorites
made some marked movements. The temper
of the room this morning was rather bearish,
though only for a turn, but there was no press
ure to sell stocks, and there was no lack of
stocks to loan at ruling rates. Money, however,
was made extremely tightand tho rate rnled
above 6 per cent all day long with the bulk of
the business done between that figure and 9
per cent until late in the day when the rate
went np to 30 and at the close was offered at 15.
Thfs was partly due to the calling ra of loans
preparatory "to the disbursments for the
October interest and failed to have the effect
upon prices which it might be expected to
have under other circumstances, besides which
the money situation shows ,igns of improve
ment 'The principal Influence tor evil to-day was
the continued liquidation in Atchison and the
vulnerabilitv of that stock to attack. There
i was a further drop in It to-day of 3 per cent.
anu mougn tne liquidation seems to nave run
its courso it had an unsettling effect upon the
rest of the list throughout the day. Sugar
Trust was comparatively quiet and showed
some strength, but fluctuated rather violently
but over a comparatively small range. Among
the other stocks which made wide movements
were Jersey Central, which continued its
extraordinary rise under the influence of the
indefinite rumors of the offering of new stock
to the present holders to retiie the 7 per cent
bonds now coming due. Manitoba also reached
still hiirher fipnrpft than last week and Man
hattan made a spurt of 2 per cent, influenced
5 by the talk in regard to the Exposition of 1892,
iwnicn is expected to oe oi immense aavantaee
'ho the couipinv. The remainder of the list
:was quiet to auii, out generally aispiayea a nrm
': The opening was made at small declines from
Saturday's closing; figures, but the demand for
stocks started the list on the upward tack im
mediately after the first sale", but the pressure
upon Atchison caused a reaction which gener
ally wiped out the early advances in the first
hour. Prices were maintained in the neighbor
hood of first figures, however, Until noon, after
which the market while quiet, gathered
strength and Jersey Central and the other
specialties gave character to the entint market
The high rates for money in the last hour
sagged prices' off slightly, but the close was
generally firm at the figures. The final changes
are irregular, but for small fractions only, ex
cept in the few specialties, and Jersey Central
ro'o 3J4. Manhattan 2 and Manitoba 1, while
i&Jiison is down 1.
sltailroad bonds were extremely dull, the sales
being only 8667,000. The dealings were devoid
of f ga,ture of any kind and the final changes are
f;enerally of little importance. Big Four firsts
ost 2 at 102, Northern Pacific Montana firsts, 2
at 102, and St. Louis and Chicago firsts, 2 at 16.
The advances included Hocking Valley 5s, 2 at
75, Ohio, Indiana and Western firsts, 2 to 83X,
Bnu OOULU laruillli ecuuuus, j.7f a, w.
' The following table snows tne prices oractlve
stocks on the New York Stock xcnange yester
ilar. Torreeted dillv for THE UlSPATCIl br
L.AVUITNKYASTEPnKhSON. oldest PltlsburK mem
,berOf .New York Stoct xchange, 37 Fourth ave
Open- High- Low-
esu est
43 48H
35 32
nn mi
8435 54f
130)4 127
;Am. Cotton OQ 49H
Atch.. Top. & a. F.... 3i
'Canadian Pacific ...... 69
Canada Southern 5494
i Central or.NewJersey.127
Central Paelni
i CtiesaDCake A Ohio.... 23'i
i;.. unr. & ijuiiicr. ....iiTs?fe
'C, Mil. & St Paul.... 73
C. JMl.&St. P- pr....H65f
c, rocel &r 102
i a. st l. & fitts
a, st l. & puts. pt.
C. St. P.ii. SO 34
a. st. p..m. &o pr. ....
C. & .Northwestern.. ..113
C.& .Northwestern, pr. ....
a, a, o. &x ?74
c, a. c. 4i., pr ioo
Col. Coal & Iron 3-'!4
Col. & Hocking Vai
Del.. L. &W. 147
Bel. Hudson 154
Denver&Rlo O
Denver & Rio U.. pt
E.T.. Va. 4Ua luaf
E.T..Va. Ga. let pf. ....
Illinois Central,
Lake Erin & Western.. 10
Lake Erie West. or.. 65
Lake Shore AM. S 106H
L,oulsvllle&lNashvllle. 78
Michigan central 93J4
Mobiles Ohio
Mo.. Kan. & Texas
Missouri Pacific 75X
Mew tforK Central 107$
IN. X.. L. E.& W 292$
jN.Y.,L.E. & W.pref.. 69M
N. V.. C St. Li
iN. I., C & St. L. pf.
N.Y.. C. 4St.L.2d pf ....
iN. Yi.f. E 49
a. y., o. & w i9J6
or folk x Western
NorfolkA Western. pf
.Northern Pacific 31$
Mortnern Pacific nrer. 75
Ohio 4 Mississippi S3
Oregon imnroyement
Oregon Transcon
PacIflcMall 33)f-
1'eo. Dec. Evans 1
Phlladel. 4 Reading.. 461$
Pullman Palace Car...lS)
Richmond & W. P. T.. 23
Richmond W.P.T.pf 62
St. P., Minn. 4 Man.. 115V
St. L. 4 San Fran 26
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific 6i!
Wabash preferred 82
Western Union S5J$
Wheeling & L. . 71)4
Sugar Trust 90'
National Lead Trnst.. 23
Chicago Gas Trust.... 59H
IS w Tift
74 73
100 100
ZZH 31
MX 10M
19tl 19
6??s 61
lOfi'i 10,
ISii 78
93 93M
74 X
65 '4
49X 48W
19 19
s!jf si"
ion lot
nit 23
34" 33V
21 W 20X
1831f 1KH
23)i 23
82 82
118 115V
20K 2S)i
65ff 65"
KH 32'
im 7i
92 , 90
Wi 23X
69 69
Boston Stocks.
Atch. 4 Ton.. 1st 7s. 112 Wis. Central, com.
Atch.4Top.lt K... 325 Wis. Central pf..
Boston 4 Albany.. .215)4 AlIouezMgCo
Boston 4 Maine 2C3t Calumet 4 Becla.,
C, 1!. 40 103i Frantlln
Eastern R. K 107)4IHuron
Flint4PereM. nra. 92 losceola.
Little it 4 Ft. S. 7s. 99 'Pewable ,..,
Mexican Cen. com.. liUulncT
Mex.C.lst mtg. bds. 67 Bell Telepnone...
-N. y. AaNevne... 49 Boston Land ,
. V. 4 2C.E.7S....I28V Water Power
Old Colony 177)5 Tamarack -
,. 2
.. 60
. 8VJ
.. M
,. 10
. 3
. 50
. 6)4
.. Vi
Judge DTcConnell Roles Thnt Tliev Must
Not bo Disclosed A Spectnl Bailiff
Will Now Try to .Get a
Cronin Jury.
Chicago, September 30. "When Judge
McConnell's court was opened this morn
ing, counsel for the defense in the Cronin
case renewed their motion that the summon
ing of veniremen be taken out of the hands
of Sheriff Matson, and be entrusted to a
special bailiff appointed by the Court.
Counsel for the State admitted that the
statute is mandatory on the subject, and the
motioir-was accordingly granted. f
The application oi Defendant Kunze fora
bill of particulars of the evidence on which
the grand jury indicted him also came up,
and Judge McConnell denied the motion.
In denying the application, Judge McCon
nell said:
The Court has given the application of De
fendant Kunze a patient and sympathetic
hearing. In a certain line of cases it Is permis
sible to grant what is asked for, but the Court
must not assume the role of legislator, and in
tho absence of precedents, no matter how
kindly-disposed he might feel, the Judge must
not create new laws. There is no provision for
the publication of the proceedings of the grand
jury. In fact, particular care has been taken
to keep its minutes a secret
As to the other part of the application, which
asks fora synopsis of the circumstances on
which .the State relies for the implication of
Kunze inMhe conspiracy, the Court said that
in all mur&er, cases circumstantial evidence
played an important part Even the testimony
of eye witnesses who saw the killing could not
be said to He positive, since killing alone does
not constitute murder So many incidents of
apparently trivial importance might be ofVast
relevancy as tending to show states of mind,
that telling what they were would be tanta
mount to a disclosure of the State's plan of
Our laws might show themselves to he more
tender of human life if the minutes of the
grand jury had been permitted to be in
spected, but if the defendant be Innocent as he
says he is, he should put bis confidence in the
laws of his adopted State, trnsting to the
potency of truth and tbe ability of his connsel
to bring ,him safely through. I overrule the
motion for particulars.
The defense excepted.
A dooD appetite is generally restored to
adults and children alike by Dr. D. Jayne's
Tonic Vermifuge. A mild tonic, an excel
lent anti-acid, andthe best of vermifuges.
"Where worms are suspected give the ver
milugej' for whether present or not, the
strengthening action of the medicine is
sure to do the child good. Sold by all druggists.
-U8-"-. -
Blue Honday in Produce lines by
Keason of Steady Kains.
Wheat Tends Upward, but Elour Faib to
Respond to Rise.
Office of Pittsbtog Dispatch,
Monday, September 30, 1889. i
Country Prod nee Jobbing Price.
Monday's usual blneness was intensffle'dby
rainy weather. The week is too young to de
velop any new features in produce lines. Dairy
products which have been tending npward for
the past two weeks give no signs of weakness.
All choice grades of butter are is good demand,
and we expect to record still higher prices
before the week is out The only fruits now
in full supply are grapes and apples. Tbe latter
are firm for anything choice. Potatoes are
quiet The upward movement of the past few
weeks has been arrested by liberal supplies.
Before the week Is out. an abundance is ex
pected by commission men from Indiana and
Michigan, where the crop is reported good.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2S30c; Ohio do,
26Q27c; fresh dairy packed, 325c; country
rolls, 2122c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, ?2 252 ;
medium, $2 302 40.
Beeswax 2830c 8 Si for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, 50 607 50; common,
$3 5004 00; crab cider. 18 008 60 f barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c 1 per gallon.
Cheese Ohio, 10c; New York, lie: Lim
burger, 9KlOc; domestic Sweitzer, 1013c;
imported Sweitzer, 23fc.
Eaos 1920c 1 dozen for strictly fresh.
Feuits Apples, SI 5002 50 p barrel: whortle
berries, 75S0c ?? pail; peaches, SI 602 50
bushel box; grapes. Concords, 45c fl pound,
catawbas, 68c Delawares, 79c; Bartlett
pears, $5 00 fl barrel; quinces, 81 001 25 Jt
bushel, cranberries, Jerseys, J3 003 25 $
bushel box.
Feathkbs Extra live geese, 5060c; No. J.
do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c ?l fi.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045cJ
pair; old, 6570 f? pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lis toTbnshel, 85 60
1 bushel; clover, large English, 62 its, S6 00;
clover, Alsike, 8 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 ft', tl 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 lbs, 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 2s. SI 65: red top, 14 fis, 31 25;
millet 50 fbs. 1 00: German millet 60 lbs,
SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 fis. SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, S3 0 3? bushel of
14 fis.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, S5 00
5 60; fancy, S6 006 50; oranges, $4 505 00:
bananas, U 00 firsts. SI 60 good seconds, f)
bunch: cocoanuts, S4 004 50 ' hundred; figs,
8K9c $) fi; dates, 5X6C 31 fi.
Vegetables Potatoes, $1 752 00 bar
rel; tomatoes, home-grown, 1,00 fl bushel:
wax beans. 60c fl bushel; green beans, 4050c fl
bushel; cucumbers, 75cSl 00 fl bushel; cab
bages, 81 251 60 f) barrel; celery, 40c fl dozen;
Southern sweet potatoes, 52 75, Jerseys, S3 25.
- Groceries.
Coffee options keep seesawing tinder the in
fluence of speculators, but it is found lmpossK
ble to bring prices to a lower level. Package
coffee changes not but should be higher to
correspond to the price of the green article.
Sugar is quiet since the late decline, giving
evidence that the trust has temporarily at least
lost its grip. General groceries move along in
their old ruts.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 22iffl23Kc:
choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; low gradd
Rio, lSffilOUn; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2829c; Santos, 20g
23Kc; Caracas. 2123c; peaberry, Rio, 2325c;
La Guayra, 2223c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
23c: high grades. 25K26Kc; old Government
Java. bulk. 31KS32iic: Maracaibo. 286127c:
Santos. 2123c; peaberry, 26c; choice Rio, 24c;
prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 2Mc; ordinary, 21c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 8c;
cassia. 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test 7c;
10c; globe. 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, llKc;
royaline, 14c.
Sybufs Corn syrups, 26029c: choice sugar
syrups, 33S8c: primt1'ugar syrup. 3C33c;
strictly prime. 3335c;new maple syrup, 9uc.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46e;
medium, 43c: mixed. 4042c.
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, SK4c; bi-carb in K3,
5Mc; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; saI
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles star, full weight, 9c; stearine, f)
set, 8Kc; parafflne, ll12c
RICE Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6
7c; prime, 56c: Louisiana, 66c
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss
starch, 67c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, $3 10: California London layers,
$2 60; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels,
SI 85: Valencia. 75c: Ondara Valencia. OVQlOc:
I sultana, SKc; currants, 45c: Turkey prunes,
4?4((goc; rrenca prunes, o?$iac; aaionica
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, 9 100.
S6 00; almonds, Lan., fl fi, 20c: do Ivlca, 19c:
do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c; new dates,
5K0c, Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron
per Si, 2122c; lemon peel, f) fi, 1314c; orange
peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per fi 6c;
apples, evaporated, 6K66Kc; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 12k15c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, lOSliKc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 24S)I4Kc: blackberries, 7K8c; huckle
berries. 10J2c ,
Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8Jc; granu
lated, 8c: confectioners' A, 8c: standard
A, 8c; soft whites. 7fi0nUc: yellow, choice,
7Jic;iyelIow, gpod, 7i7c, yellow, fair, 7jV-8c;
venuw. uarik. utU.
Pickles Medium, hbls (1,200), S4 60; medi
um, half bbls (600). S2 75.
Salt N o. 1. f4 bbl. 95c; No. 1 ex, ft bbl. SI 05;
dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal: fi bbl, $1 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S2 80; Higgins
Eureka, 16-14 fi pockets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00
2 25; 2ds SI 601 65: extra peaches, S2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, Sll 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 70Q90c: red cherries, 90cSl:Linia beans,
51 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c; mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, SI 401 60; Bahama do, $2 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, 51 25; egg plums,
S2; California pears. $2 60; do greengages, J2; do,
egg plums, S2; extra white cherries, S2 90; red
cherries, 2 fis, 90c; raspberries, $1 401 60;
strawberries, SI 10: gooseberries. 51 301 40;
tomatoes, 90cSl 00; salmon, 1-16, SI 752 10,
blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-fi cans, soaked:
99c; do green, 2 ft s, 51 25 1 50; corn beef, 2-fi
cans, S2 05; 14-fi cans, S14 00; 1 aked beans, SI 45
1 60; lobster, 1-B. SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-fi
cans, broiled, SI 50; .sardines, domestic, Js,
S4.2o4 50; sardines, domestic. Ks. S7 25Q7 oO;
sardines, imported, js. Sll 5012 60; sardines,
imported, s, S18; sardines, mustard, S3 60; sar
dines, spiced, S3 50.
Fisn Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 $
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c $1 fi; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 647Kc Herring
Round shore, So 00 fl bbl; split 7 00; lake,
52 00f?100-fihalfbbl. White Hsb, $7 00 100
fi half bbL Lake trout, $5 60 f) halt bbl.
Finnan haddock. 10c fl fi. Iceland halibut 13c
f? fi. Pickerel, barrel, $2 00; i barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, S5 00 fl barrel, S2 60 fl a
Oatmeal S8 30426 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
30 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chi
cago, 4 cars of oats, 2 of hay, 1 of wheat 3 of
flour. 1 of middlings. By Baltimore and Ohio,
1 car of wheat & of hay, lot corn, 3 of oats.
By Pittsburg and Western. 2 cars of bay. 1 of
oats, 1 of corn, 1 of shorts, 2 of flour. By Pitts
burg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of flour. Sales on
call, 1 car of No. 2 white oats, 26Jc October
delivery. P. R.R.;lcarsamplewhite middlings,
$15 25, October delivery. Cereal markets are
unchanged since our last reports. Choice
grades of oats and corn are steady. The recent
advance in wheat was dne largely to specula
tire influences. Flour has not been affected thy
tbe upward movement of wheat Springpatents
are fairly steady. Winter wheat flour was
offered at lower prices to-day than Saturday.
Any bull movement in breadstuffs ls.doomed to
failure, notwithstanding the short crops in
Enrope. In this land there is bread enough
and to spare, and our surplus will be amply
sufficient to make up for the deficiency across
the waters.
Wheat New No. 2 red, 8354c; No. 3, 780
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4243c; high mixed
ear, 40041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 40c: high
mixed, shelled, 3339c; mixed, shelled, 37
' Oats No. ( 2 white, 27027c; extra No. 3,
26026c: mixed, 22023c
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60051c;
No.1 Western, 48049c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,-
Floub Jibbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, 85 0005 60; winter straight
$4 2504 60; clear winter, S4 0004 25; ttraigbt
XXXX bakers', S3 6003 75. Rye flour, S3 60
4 75. ' ..
MjXLFBED-rMiuuiings, una wnue, io WS7
18 50 fl ton; brown middlings, $12 OgU CO: win
ter wheat bran, U 69011 76; chop feed, S15 608
16 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, S14 06fl4 26;
No. 1 do, 812 00012 50; No. 2 do, Sll 06011 66;
loose from wagon, (11 00013 00, according to
quality; No. 1 upland prairie. IB 50e OS; No. 2,
7 007 60: packing do, P 759 00.
Straw Oats. So 6007 00; wheat sad rye
straw, 88 0006 25. '
Sugar-cured hams, large, 1I&:; stigar-eured
hams, medium, llc; sngar-'enred ham?, tm all
Uc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c;sugar.
enred shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 7Kc; sugar-cured California bams.
7c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, lOcr sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. 13c; bacon shoulders, 6Vcj bacon
clear sides. 7c; bacon clear bellies, 7c; dry
salt shoulders, 6; dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork; heavy, Sll W; mess pork, family,
S12 00. Lard Refined, fn tierces, 6cj half
barrels; 6c: 60-fi tubs. GJic; 20-fi palls. 7c; 60-fi
tin cans, 6c; S-fi tin pails. "ic; 6-fi tin pails,
7c; 10-11 Unpads. 6c:6-S tin pails. 7c: 10-B tin
pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 6c.
Fresh "tforlc links, 9c Boneless hams, locjf
Pigs feet, half barrel, S4 00; quarter barrel,
S2 16.
Dressed Heat,
Armour & Co. fumlsSed the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef Carcasses 450 to 650 Its,
5c; 650 to 650 fis, 6c; 650 to 750 fis, 6g7c
Sheep, 8c fi. Lambs, 9c fl fi. Hogs, tc
Fresh pork loins. 8c
A Break In Prices Upsets As Calculations
ef the Speculators.
Liyebfool, September 3d A large number
of operators and others interested in the. cot
ton market gathered In the Cotton Exchange
at a much earlier honrthan usual this morning,'
expecting the greatest crisis of late years.
owing to tne corner in the 8eptember'options
engineered by Mr. Steenstrand. The market
for that option opened quietly at a decline of 1
point Prices immediately dropped 2 points
more, and then steadied. The month went out
at 6 22-64d. sellers 30 points under the highest
prices for that month. Mr. Steenstrand holds
from 70.000 to 100,000 bales of American cotton,
tbe price of which to-morrow will be d below
tbe price obtained Saturday. If the spinners
close their mills for a fortnight, the accumula
tion of cotton will further depreciate prices.
The new crop is pouring in rapidly, and this
will lessen Mr. Steenstrand'! opportunity for
disposing of his stock. It is the general opinion
that the cotton ring is utterly smashed.
The Verdict Reached
After hearing the testimony of all who use
it, is that Frauenheim & Vil sack's Pilsner
beer is the best made Call for it Kept
by all dealers.
Wais-vvbight's beer is the purest and
best flavored. Kept by all dealer?. Try it.
The success that is attending the physicians
of the Polypathlc Institute in the treatment of
all forms of kidney and urinary diseases is truly
wonderful. Among the many patients who
have been cured and have given testimonials
for publication, are Mr. H. Robertson, kidney
disease and dropsy; Mr. A Scbermerhorn. who
naa severe nemorrnages ana lost tnree
quarts of blood at one time: Mr, J. V.
Smith, whose disease canned, him to be in
constant fear of becoming-'irfsaUera lady who
bad a tumor, measured five feet around her ab
domen, and had been unable to lie down for
over three months, received an operation and
over 30 quarts (60 pounds) of 'dropsical flnid
was taken from her; Mr. 'Henry Walter
rheumatism, of many years standing. The
complication of diseases that are the outcome
of diseased condition of the kidneys is really
alarming. If you have weakness or pain across
the small of the back, tired feeling,
with lack of ambition, scanty or copi
ous flow of urine, with pain
in voiding it, with a red or whitish sediment,
a pale, sallow or waxy skin, or pain in different
parts of the body, you have symptoms pointing
unmistakably to a diseased condition ot the
kidneys, and you shonld lose no time in con
sulting some one who makes a specialty of your
disease. Dr. Shafer and his medical associates
rive especial attention to this class of diseases.
Consultation free and price of treatment within
the reach of alL Remember the Polypathlc
Medical Institute is permanently located at
Pittsburg. 420 Penn avenue. Office hours, 10 A.
M. to 4 p.m., and 6 to 8 r. M. Bandars, 1 to 4 p.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
Simply apply "Swatsi'S Olntjiem." No in
ternal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema,
ltcb, erysipelas, all unsightly eruptions on the
face, hands, nose. etc.. leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. IU great heallngand curative
powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask
yoar druggist for SWAVOT'S OINTMENT. sen
sioi Purifier.
A n..1 VaJ.J9iSl
Compound that expels
Bail OKU Jiuiuuro ijruui iu,
(system. Removes blotch-
' es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
A mm rfnQnn lii nAurfpred form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser,: wKhont Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cans, clothes, &c.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus. &e. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
B. W. BELL Hf 6. CO., Bffftfe, . Y.
Capital and surplus. 1126,088.
'Transacts a General Basking
iySTS .7,
Issue travelers' credits through Meows. JJigasyl
Morgan & Co, New York. Paaajoi-H bwomssvI
ap28-l H3rl
A If Am a fiflfniifBi!
" -"" Kjyj""JZ2J&
Fiye Per Cent Meretg
The Fidelity Tltls and Trust (
forsale, atjlteiacd aoerue
ited number ot 80-y ear ftrst iu u I M
tbe H. C. Frlck Coke CofBWUHr.
stock of which Is 6.06l686l f aJlv nM ta.
These bonds are redeemable ky ai
land at the rate of S",we per imw, a
commencing July 1, MM, hMe setae I
semi-annually, January aad Jay J,
office of this compftsv.
We have earef oJir examined teto the :
ness of this securStr.aad can immhmm ..
one ot the most desirable isvestoMats' oa' mm.
market r j
la-las .roans arsaw
Kl5 fftlrtwn3
Members Chicago Board of 1fM
PlttabnTV PArfUAam 'ci ' .
45 SIXTH ST., PiKsburj.
ujiiiTTirn :
nm i i iciy
As old residents know and back was of J
burg papers prove. Is the oldest saw
and most prominent physician la the
vnt1naRTiAnJlal Attpntinn tn All fthr Mri i
enerev. ambition and hope. In lis mi-v
orv. disordered slirht.seir distrust. aMMtjBHsJ.
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimpies, e
noverished blood, fallinsr norrors. c
ness, dyspepsia, constipation. oiiiiiiintia aa- :
fitting the person for business, society jauTiusft 'M
nage, permanently, saieiy ana pnrawiy psisa. .
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, jtaMaiac ,
swellincs, ulcerations of tongue, laoasli, Hjgsat.
ulcers, old sores, are eureaior an,)H ansa..
poisons thorousbly eradicated frea westwt
IIDIMADV kidney and Madtfer detm
UnllMMn I iments. wealc back, crave.-
tarrhal discharires. laSammattoa aad eWnfa
painful symptoms receive searchfee teoatmt,; :i
prompt renei ana real cures. - j
Dr. Whlttier's llfe-lonp. extensive eneperi-
ence, insures scientinc ana reuawe
on common-sense orincinles. Co
free. Patients at a distance as carefaHy
asiinere. umcenonrsa ji.M.tosi'.
dav. 10A.H.tolP. n.only. UK.
SH Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
t Ta!idl;
How Lost! How ReaaM.
mow thyself;
ABdentlfleand BtandardPopnlar WeatosJTraHdl a
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline.Berwsa
and Physical Debility, Impurities otine ,syeeaV
Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorsaee,
cesses or uvertazauon, .nervaung aaa i
tine the victim for Work. Business, afce
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. PssseM.
Treat work. It contains 300 nazes, reral
Beautiful binding, embossed, full gitt. ?,
only SI by mail, postpaid, concealed, iayteh-'
wrapper. Illnstratlve Prospectus Free, Ky.Ji
apply now. The distinguished author. mlU
JTOlKCr. ,T1. JL7.. 1ULDITCU Lilt, UU1-V niTW tf K.
aricer, ai. v., received tne uulu nrtu Jt
ELED MEDAL from the National MedreaJ AS- 1
sociatlon, far this PRIZE ESSAYonNERVOWS
nd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker aed s
corps of Assistant Physicians may be cjb-
sulted. confidentially, by "mall or in person, a i
STITUTE. No. 4 Bulfinch St.. Boston. Max.. to,
whom all orders for books or letters for adnea f !
Buouia uo uirecteu ao huuto. auio-o-j-'j7Bjrz)wj.
Health is Wealth
Dr. h- C. West's Nerve ihd Ukaiic
Treatment, a cnaranteed specific for hysteria, .
aizzmess. convulsions, nis, nervous neBraiiji,;
headache, nervous prostration caused by V
use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, men tat'
depression, softening of the brain resulting ta
insanity ana leaaing to misery, aecar aaas
deatb. premature old age, barrenness, lofs
power in eitner sex, involuntary losses a
spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of t
brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Ba
box contains one month's treatment. 1 a bexA
or six ooxes tor so, sent Dy mail prepata oa n
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by u
for six boxes, accompanied, with 16 08, we wMl
send the purchaser onr mill n I Mill iim-m Iu i
refnnd tba monevlf the treatment does t
fectaenre. Guarantees issued onlTbvBmat!
Stucky. Druggist, Sole Agent, 1701 andjiMI Peea
ave. and cor. Wjlie ave. and Fulton st, Pi i
Durg, Ira. seii-iiw-iKJott -
UTlTrr'T AT.TRTfl In at! muiMIT
quirins scientific and coaftdeaO
Sol treatment! Dr. S. IC LaHUj
M. R, c v. a jstne oiae .
most experienced specialist 1ai
hA nltv rfiTianlta.tfnn frfiAAfWl?
.-,J4-1 MnnfllaTitfai fl IB Art j,
hours 9 to4and7to 8P.K.; Sundas.3to4PV,a
M.ConsuIt them personally, or write. Docxeaaj
ssjl jbp- BUiVUi vw"""-""- - m
'a Ccrtrtoaa.
.Composed of Cotton Boot, Taagra
rt . nm a FOfnnr. i laaaway htv naaar
!T n ftar-.j -t XSAaar1. t fav
fTnt'nn puit. rVimnonnd ana take Jxh-ttSwM9
or inolose 2 stamps for sealed partieates.
dress ronu julljx vu;ix-jiji, . x
THrv-v. Ltl Woodward ave Detroit. Mini.
jS3-8old in Pittsburg; Pa-, by Joseph ytii3
j a- u Tklinnnnil anrl XTilraat aLbASaaat aaafl
Ug Ob OUU 4VWWUUU " aa-w at Pw
For men! Checks the worst cases la.
days, and cures in fi ve days. Priee H W, a j
jaS-S-TTSSU 412 Market stnet?
For LOST or 1
ness. Wtk
Body A Mind, Lack of Strength, Ylrr i
veiopmeni, caused oy errors, fixeesses, i
MODS of SKU-THjtA-nctST. and lrsa
(sealed) free. Address KKJLE MWMtii