Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 01, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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The Home Talent Hold the
Big Giants Even.
Old Sport Gal Yin Shows Up in Great
Style Once More.
Anson's Team Wins and Goes Up to Third
There was an exciting tie game between
lbe Giants and the home players. The
weather was bad and the game was called
at the end of the sixth inning. Boston won
and gained on the champions. Chicago
von and stepped up to third place.
Had the championship season not been
eo near a termination and had the struggle
for the pennant not been so excitingly close
it is safe to say that there would hare been
o ball game at Pittsburg yesterday. Tne
weather was miserable and not more than
400 people were present despite the fact that
the Giants were here. A drizzling rain
fell during the entire afternoon because
when it was considered fair weather there was
more water falling than there does in an ordin
ary Scotch mist. However, w hen the came cot
started the uncertainty of the weather added
to the exciting features of the contest as
nobody knew when Umpire Lynch would call a
halt to the proceedings,
Umpire Lynch was somewhat opposed to
starting the game, but other influences pre
vailed, and after he had displayed his skill in
shoveling mud and Sunday had wheeled two or
three freicht carloads of sawdust on the
diamond, the muddy and wet contest com
menced. "Play ball" was announced 20 min
utes later than the proper time and still a
After a half inninc had been played "time"
was called, and then the little crowd became so
impatient that after about ten minutes' interval
the game was resumed an finally "game" was
called at the end of the sixth inning.
Considering the miserable weather the con
test was an excellent one. and from start to
finish everybody who saw it was on pins and
needles. The Giants were, undoubtedly, given
to understand that they need not expect to
enjoy strawberry pic here, and that if they
want the pennant they will have to pnt up the
Tory best article in the wa) of playing that they
possess. If anj thing, they were outplayed yes
terday, and it is not unreasonable to say fortune
Was to some extent on their side.
Both Kccfe and Galvin seemed well at homo
with a wet ball. The old sport, however, had
considerably the best of Sir Timothy, although
the latter did good work. The champions
could not find the old man's measure to any ex
tent. He was in great form, while Keefe, at
times, was rapped very hard. The diamond
was in a very muddy condition but it did not
seem to interfere with the fielding very much.
Gore did good work in center field and so did
Fields and Hanlon. Had the hitting been
heavy, however, it is likely that numerous mis
takes would have been made.
It was after 4 o'clock when Carroll went to
oat in the first inning. Keefe Boon struck the
lrigman out, and Ruwe was retired at first.
The rain was then falling briskly, and time
was called. After an interval of about ten
nvnutes play was resumed, and big Jake Beck
ley Sent a corking single into right field. Then
Keefe hit White with a pitched ball, and it
looked as if the home fellonsweie going to do
Tiusiness. Fields, however, popped un a little
fly which Whitney caught The visitors were
soon retired in their half, the groat feature
beinca bril'iant double play by White and
Beckley. The former, who was playing close
in for Ward, caught a terrific liner from
"Ward's bat and threw Tiernan out at first
In the third inning, after Galvm and Carroll
were out Rone raised local hopes high by
knocking out a two-bagger to left Had the
ground been level it would have only been a
single, bnt the ball bounded nekt past both
Gore and O'Rourke. Beckley again loomed up
and banged another tw -bagger past O'Rourke,
sendingliowe comfortably home amid cheers.
"White knocked a corker out to Gore, but the
latter was on deck and nabbed it
After the visitors had done nothing in their
lalf they were strongly inclined to have the
came called. Rain was still falling and the at
mosphere was so cloudy that it was difficult to
see the ball. Galvin was pitching in great
"form, and not a hit had been made off his de
lherj; indeed, there only had been nine men at
bat in the three innings. The game pro
ceeded, however, and the home talent did
nothing in their half of the fourth.
Not so with the Giants from the East As if
for revenge they lighted on to oldJeemstoan
effective extent and this turned all notions re
garding the state of the weather. Gore led off
for the visitors, and knocked out a foul fly to
White. Tiernan then sized up Galvin for a
good single to center field, and then Ward flew
out to Fields, the latter making a beautiful
running catch. Richardson, however, was des
tined for something different and he thumped
out a fine single to left Big Roger next got
Bis base on balls, and the bases were full with
two men out According to the notions of the
home team admirer it was now raining much
too hard to play. Still O'Rourke appeared and
he banged out a single to right that sent both
Tiernan and Richardson home. And Buck
wing took a hand in the slaughter, for he
next took up the bat and knocked out a single
to center, sending Connor home.
Now there were strong appeals to call the
came, but Mr. Lynch turned a deaf ear to all
entreaties. His advice had been spurned at
the beginning, and he meant to stay though
the heavens came down.
He hrxl his way, but the rain was coming
down fast The fifth inning was played with
blanks on both sides and Ewing made an earn-
appeal to have the game called then. With
we of the hand, Mr. Lynch dispensed with
k and the game went on. It was another
'ng inning, as at one time matters looked
adeed, for the pennant aspirants. White
and got his base on balls. Fields made a
j two-bagger to center, sending White to
.nird. Hanlon followed with a hot grounder to
"Whitney, which had to be recorded as a single,
scoring White. Fields got no further than
second. Sunday came to bat and it looked as if
the Giants would be passed in the score. Billy,
however, struck out and Dunlap loomed up.
He sent oat a hot single to Tiernan's territory.
Tiernan fumbled the ball long enough to allow
Fields to scoro and Hanlon got to third. Galvin
struck ont and CarroILnent out from Whitney
to Connor. The Giants went out without ever
looking like scoring. It was now really too
dark and too wet to play, and the game was
Called. Following is the score:
Carroll, c... 0
Eowe.6 1
BecUev. L.. 0
White, 3..... 1
Fields, 1 1
Hanlon. m . 0
bunday, r... 0
Dunlap, 2... 0
Ualrin, p.. 0
OiGore, m 0 1
0 Tiernan, r. 1 1
0 Ward, s... 0 0
0 Klcb'dson,2. 1 1
OlLonnor, 1... 1 0
0 U'Kourle, 1. 0 1
0 Ewlcg, c. 0 1
0 Whitney, 3. 0 0
1 Kccfe, p.... 0 0
Totals.... 3 618 5 l Totals S 5 18 4 I
l'KUburg 0 0 10 0 23
2ew Xorks 0 0 0 3 0 0-3
Earned runs PIttsburgs. 2: lcw Yorks, 2.
Tmo-bafcehlts Eowe. Fields, Beckley.
Total bates on hlts-PitUburgs, 9; New Yorks, S.
1 Stolen base-Dunlap.
I First base on crrors-Plttsburgs, 1: New Yorks, L
First base on baUs White, Fields, Tiernan,
Struck, out Carroll, Fields, Hanlon, Sunday.
lalvln. 3; O'Rourke, Keefe. 2.
Double plav W bite and Beckley.
Hit bv pitched balt- hlte.
Lefton bases-Pntsbargs, 7: NewTorks, S.
lime of game-One hoar and 30 minutes.
Lcnsae Record,
Won. LostCti Won. LostCt
J-ewiorM. 79 42 .653Cleveltnds...61 68 .471
uung. ou M .Dsu l-lttsburgs...59 68
Chicago". . b4 64 -SnoiIndlanapollsW 73
jEUUadelohlas61 62 .496WasbinKtons40 SO
Games To-Dbj.
Nathwai. Lsagub New Yorks atTItts-
bnrg; Fhiladelphias at Indianapolis: Washing
tons at Chicago; Bostons at Cleveland.
Amemcan Association No games sched
Boston'a Wonder Fnzzlei the Bablea and
They are Beaten.
Cleveland, September SO. Clarkson, as
usual, was too much for the Clevelanders, and
Boston won easily. Score:
Kidford. r.
McKe&n. &..
Gilt i, m...
Faatz. 1....
Sntclia. c.
Beatln, p...
0 1
0 0
0 0
2 3
0 4
1 2
2 S
Ktchard&on 1 2
Kelly, rtc. I
Nath. i. 0
Brouthers. 1. 1
2 0
3 0
1 2
0 10
1 2
3 3
0 1
1 3
0 0
Johnston, m 1
uuinn, z.... l
smith, s 0
Bennett, c. 0
Clarkson, p. 0
Total .. 3 6 21 7 S
Total. 6 1121 11 1
CleTelands 0 0 0 0 3 0
Bostons 1 0 10 0 0
Earned rnnsCIevelands, 2; Bostons, 4.
Two-base hits-Klchardnon, Kcllv, Mash.
Sacrifice hlu-Faatz, Kelly, Mash, 2; Broutbera,
Double plavs McKean and Satellite; Faatz
and Qulun to lirouthcra.
first las ou balls Kadford, btrlcker.UcKean,
Twttchcll. Teboau, Clarkson, Brouthers.
Hit by pitched ball-Smith, 2.
Struck out Beatln, Gilts, Clarkson.
Time of game One hour and 40 minutes.
Umpire McQuald.
IT WAS very tame.
Anson's Team Have sin Ensy Time With
the Senntor.
Chicago, September SO. To-days game was
devoid of all interesting features. Haddock
was hit very hard and at opportune times.
Washington could do bnt little with Gumbert's
delivery. Attendance, 200. Score:
Ryan. m.... 1
Van Halt' n, 10
DuQr, r 3
Anson. 1.... 1
l'feffer, 2.... 1
Wlll'mson. 1
Burns, X ... I
Darling, c. 0
Gnmbert, p. 1
3 0
1 0
J. Irwin, 3.
Hoy, m
Wllmot, 1..,
Wise. 2.....
Alack, i.
Uy, c
rk, r.,
Haddock, p,
. 9 IS 27 11 3
Totals E
6 24 14 2
Clllcaros 2 1100041 9
aslilnptons 0 901100306
Earned runs Chicago, 6; Washington, 3.
1 wo-base hit Kyan
Home runs-Rvan. Clarke.
Stolen bases Ryan. Uufly. Hov and Irwin.
First base on balls Haddock, 3; G jmbert, 2.
Hit by pltcbed ball-Hoy.
Struck out Haddock, 3; Gumbert, 4.
Umpire Powers.
The Cincinnati Reds Bent the Cowboys
In a Poorly Played Game
The Umpire I Blamed
The Drowns Win.
Kassas City, Mo., September SO. To-day's
was the last championship game that will be
played on the Kansas City grounds this season
and the visitors won it The Cowboys played a
poor game in the field and the umpire seemed
to be against tbem on all close decisions,
three of them beltif ;it the plate. Holliday's
home inn and the fielding of Long and Hamil
ton were the features of the game. Score:
Kansas Cltys 0 000123208
Cincinnati! 1 1200210 2-9
Base hits Kansas Cltvs, 10: Clncinnatis, 8.
Errors Kansas Cltys, 7: Clncinnatis, 4.
1 wo-base hlts-Mattlmore, Swartzel, btearns.
Three-base hlts-Earle.
Home rnn-HoIllday.
Umpire Hecker.
He Pitches a Good Game for the Browns
and Wins.
St. Loins, September SO. The Browns de
feated the LouisviUes to-day in a came abound
ing in pretty plays. Tom Ramsey pitched and
he did splendid work. He had fine command
of the ball and used his famous drop ball
striking out 12 men. McDennot was hit hard
but received excellent support Outside of
Ramsey's pitching, the feature of the came
was a great running catch by McCarthy, on
which he made a double plav. Score:
St. Louis l 30000116
Loulovllles 1 1000010-3
Base lilts bt. l.ouls. II; LonlSTllles, 6.
Errors st Louis, 4: LouisviUes, 0
Earned runs St. Louis, 4; LouisviUes, 1.
Two-base hits-O'U ell, 2; Flanagan, IHUigan,
ihtruck out By Ramsey, 12; ilcDermort, 1.
Umpire -Gaffney.
Association Record.
Perl Per
Won.T-ostCt.l Won.LoitCt
Brooklyns 86 41
bt. Louis 80 44
Athletics C9 52
Baltimore... .66 66
.677iCIncInnitIi...6T 61
.615 Columbus.. ...55 72
.S70lKansasCltys..S3 74
.54IILou!svUles....2S 101
Darkness Helped Them,
rp rrciAL telegram to thi sispatcb.i
East Liverpool, O., September 80. The
game to-day between the Springfields and tho
Crockeries was exciting from start to finish.
The Springfields won by havinc the dark in
ning. The game was called in the seventh on
acconnt of darkness. Score by innings:
Springfields 0 10 3 0 127
Crackenes 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 C
Earned runs Ihree each.
Two-base hlts-McGlnnls. G.! Carey, Hutchin
son 2. Henzel.
Tliree-hase hlts-Hutchlnson.
Batteries-Crockeries, J. Reark andYearsley:
Springfield, VTlttrock and Westlake.
Base hits-Crockeries, 11; Springfields, 8.
WikoiTMav be Retired.
ST.'Loms, September 3a-William H. Volte,
sporting editor of the Philadelphia -Preai, ar
rived in St Louis to-night to consult with Pres
ident Von der Ahe,.of the Brown Stocking
club, as to the Presidency of the American
Association of Baseball Clubs. It is claimed
that President WikoS will be retired at the
next annnal meeting of the Association to be
held in November.
John Jones, a Homestead Lad, Under Ar
rest, Charged With Murder.
Anthony Now, ot Homestead, died yes
terday morning, as the resnlt of an injury
received from the hand ot John Jones, a lad
of 15 years. Now and Jones are employed
in the Homestead Steel Mill. Last Thurs
day, it is said, Now and other workmen
were teasing young Jones. The lad grew
angry and threw a heavy wrench at the
men. It struck Now on the forehead. He
was carried home and grew steadily worse.
Coroner McDowell, upon being notified
of the death, ordered the arrest of Jones.
He was brought to the county jaiL Drs.
Gladden and Osborn were directed to make
a post monem examination, and an inqnest
will be held to-day. Now left a wife and
two children. Jones lived at Homestead
with his widowed mother. The families
were neighbors.
Cheapest Gallery In the World.
For one month Yeager & Co. will make
cabinets for 75 cents per doz., to introduce
their fine work, at 70 Federal st, Alle
gheny. Bring baby. No stairs to climb.
Gallery on first floor.
Do Not be Swindled.
Why waste your money, injure your
health, and destroy the color of yonr clothes
by using soaps containing rosin and in
jurious compounds.
Use "Walker's wax soap,' which is per
fectly pure. If your grocer does not sell it
he will get it for yon. tt
Cheapest Gallery In the World.
For one month Yeager & Co. "will make
cabinets for 75 cents per doz., to introduce
their fine work, at 70 Federal st, Alle
gheny. Bring baby. No stairs to climb.
Gallery on first floor.
Handsome figured gauze de chambry in
black and beautiml light colorings, particu
larly for evening wear.
To-Nlglit Opening Dancing Academy.
Opening of Thnma's Academy, 64 Fourth
Ave., this evening and this week.
Cabinet photos, $1 per dot. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ttsu
Black: trros grain silk, C5c, 75c, 85c and
$1 a yard; the best values ever offered,
nsstt Huous & Hacks.
The favorites fla?o a Losing Day at
Latonia Eaces.
An Interesting Lire Bird Shooting Hatch
at McKee's Rocks.
Gregory Defeats the Speedy Beclare and Creates a
The Latonia races were continued amid
bad weather and the favorites were beaten.
Brooklyn meeting came to a close and
Gregory created a great surprise by defeat
ing Reclare in fast time. John L. Sullivan
apologizes for disappointing his Brooklyn
CtocrNHATi, O., September 30. The
second day of the Latonia races was run to
day on a heavy track under a threatening
sky. A comparatively small number of
people were present In the first race Gover
nor broke a blood vessel, and was pulled up at
the three-quarter post. Tne races, on the
whole, were only fairly interesting, and it was
a poor day for the favorites.
First race, six f nrlongs, selling purse for 3-year-olds
and upward Starters: Tommy R 114
pounds. Myth 111, Event 100, Dahlia 105; Katie
S 103, Governor 102, Boot Jack 102, Climax H
100, Brambeletta lu3, Story Teller 92. Post
odds Katie 83 tol. Governor, Dahlia, Myth
and Story Teller 6 to L, others 15 and 50 to L
Story Teller led at the start but was soon
headed by Event, who gained an easy victory,
winning by five lengths from Story Teller
second. Katie S third. Time, 1:23.
Second race, half mile, purse, for 2-year-old
maiden fillies Starters: Evallna, 110 pounds,
Bessemer 110, Mary Mallory 110, Bettie H 110,
Camilla 110, Twilight 110, Tacoma 110, Bonnie
Taw 110. Post odds Camilla and Tacoma i to
L. Mary Mallory 9 to 6, others 10 and 25 to L
Evallne.Tacoma and Bessemer led at the start
but in the stretch Mary Mallory took the lead
and kept it winning by half a length from
Camilla second, liettio H third. Time, .5
Third race, purse, for 2-year-old maiden colts
and geldings, five furlongs Starters: J. B.
Freed: U5 pounds. Fakir 115, 111 Spent 111, John
McCullough 115, Kemlworth 115. Post odds
Fakir 2 to 1, Kemlworth 2 to L 111 Spent 6 to
L J. B. Freed 6 to L .Tohn ilcCullqugh 12 to I.
John McCullough led to the quarter post
where ne was passed by 111 Spent, who in turn
gave way in the stretch to J. B. Freed, who
won by two lengths. Fakir second, John Mc
Cullough third. Time, 1:0
Fourth race, selling purse, for 3-year-olds and
upward, seven furlongs Starters: Clamor, 107;
Toinmie K. 105; Mackenzie, 103. Post odus
Bonnie King, 4 to 5; Clamor, 8 to 5; Mackenzie,
6 to L
Bonnie King got away first at the start, but
Mackenzie led at the quarter and kept ahead
till the stretch, when Clamor came to the front
and won. Mackenzie second, Bonnie King
third. Time. l:Su.
Fifth race, purse, for all ages, three-quarters
of a mile Starters: Sunday 112 pounds, Alta
109, Mamie Fonso 103, Iago 108, Sis Himyar 101,
Ireland 10L Bonnie Kitty 9S, May Blossom 98.
Post odds May Blossom 5 to 1. Mamie Fonso 7
to 10, Iago G to 1, Sis Himyar 10 and Ireland 12
to 1, others 12 and 25 to L Ireland led at the
start with Mamie Fonso second and Sis Him
yar third. Sis Himyar then took the lead and
ran in front till the stretch, when Ireland shot
ahead and won in a close finish, Sis Himyar sec
ond, four lengths ahead of Iago third. Time,
Entries and weights for Latonia races to
morrow: First race, seven-eighths of a mile Metal 99
pounds, Conscience 101, Fan King 103, Lucr P 104,
ataylaps 107, .Electricity 104, May O 114, Bettlna
Second race, one mile and 70 yards Bonnie
King 95 pounds, Cora Fisher 9S, John Moons 103,
Spectator 1U9, Derochemont 107, Mamie Hunt 107,
Llederkranz 113, Flitter 116.
Third race, three-quarters of a mile Cecil B 100
pounds, Haoplness 10U, Lottie S 100, Llllle Lee 100,
Barney 103, Kitty Cbeatbam 110, Expense 103,
Polemns 103, Mr. LUinan 103, Good-Be 103, Ban
Oiler 103. Mary Malloy 107, DolUklns 105, Exper
ience 108, dimmer I0S, Eberlee 113. Cortlcelll 1U3.
Fourth race, one mile May 0 100 pounds, Glock
nerloJ, MeckieUlOO. Catalpal09, LeontlnelW.
Fifth race, three-quarters of a mile Flyer 101
puuuus, aieuiciury uh, Aima uene jua, itosemom
118, W. G. Morris 103, nanny Brook 103, Milton
103, Little Crete 109.
Gregory Defeats Reclare and Creates a
Very Bis; barprUe.
Gkavxsksd, September 30. The fall meet
ing of the Brooklyn Jockey Clnb closed this
afternoon. It has not been a great success be
cause of the continued rainy weather, yet all
expenses have been met The total amount of
money won by the successful horses amounts to
more .than $95,000. The Dwyer horses have
been the largest winners.
The defeat of Reclare by Gregory was a great
surprise, bnt the latter's form has never been
shown until this race. It has all along been
maintained by Gregory's admirers that be was
a great colt and could beat Reclare. It was not
idle talk, as the time in which the race was run
stamps Gregory as a fit opponent for the
famons EI Rio Key.
First race, one mile-Starters: Wilfred. St.
John, Macbeth, Longstreet Vermont, Glory.
LonR5treetwonlnl:C& St John second, Glory
Second race, one and One-sixteenth miles
Starters: General Gordon, Fleve, Fergus, Hype
rion, Persuader. Topeka. Gendarme, Woodburn,
Equality, Lady KeeL Etruria, Carbine. Lady
Reel won in 1:52X, Etruria second, Persuader
Third race, three-quarters of a mile Starters:
Grammercy, Judge Morrow, June Day, Watter
son. Prodigal Son, Masterlode, Elmstonc, Mamie
B. Maria filly. Judge Morrow won in 1:16, Mamie
B second, Grammercy third.
Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile Starters:
Reclare, Gregory Gregory won in 1:13, which
is the record of the track.
Fifth race, one and one. sixteenth miles Starters:
Kingston. tfelled'Ur, Carroll. Kingston won in
1:M; Belle d'Or second.
Sixth race, one and a quarter miles Starters:
Bronzoniarte, Barrister, Huntress, St. Luke.
Huntress won in 2:10: Bronzomarte second. Bar
rister third.
Seventh race, three-quarters of a mile Starters:
Braltt Guarantee.
Pericles, Uregon,
Colonel Hunt Adol
nb. Freedom. Jennie McFar-
Puzzlc, Redllght Little Addle. Lafittewon
lal:16M; Pericles second, Uregon third.
The Great Pugilist and Politician Makes an
New York. September 30. Champion and
Prospective Congressman J. Lawrence Sulli
van apologized to his friend, Charles Johnston,
last night for disappoiuting the people of
Brooklyn on Monday, and Charley promised to
forgive and forget.
I saw Sullivan at the Vanderbllt Hotel.
"lam very sorry about the unfortunate af
fair of Monday night" he said, "and I intend
to show the people of Brooklyn in a substan
tial manner that I am sorry. When I retnrn
from my tour through the West I shall engaze
the very best talent to be procured and give a
show in Brooklyn. It will be a big success if
money can make it so. and the gross receipts
I shall give to some charitable institution in
that city. In this way I can square myself with
the people. I am tired ot being a good fellow,
and hereafter shall lookout for No. land let
convivial fnends shift for themselves."
Sullivan will go to Syracuse on Saturday
with his company. He remarked incidently
that he was greatly interested in the Baseball
Brotherhood, and hoped that they would get
control oi me league, xie nan many cauers
A Local Shooting Match.
An interesting shooting match took place at
McKee's Rocks yesterday between Ellis Chad
wick, of Columbus, O., and John C. Sanders,
of Mononeahela City. The match was for $25
a side and at 25 birds each. Sanders won, kill
ing 23 to his opponent's 22.
Sporting Notes.
AND still tho race is exciting.
The Giants are still in front
Thk pitchers to-day may be Welch and
Grant Andrews Twenty-one is game in
tho game yon mention.
The McKeesport horse races will take place
on Thursday and Friday.
It Is stated that Bethune. the sprinter, is out
West penniless and broken down in health.
Harry Bruce They have not been beaten
in their first game since they joined the
BaSTIAN has recovered $125 from the Chica
go Club which was withheld from him as a fine
for drinking.
Rain stopped the Indianapolis-Philadelphia
game yesterday, and also the game between
the Athletics ana Baltimores.
ManaQee Mutbie was exceedingly
anxious last evening regarding the results of
the next two games in this city.
The officials of the local club have the
' -V
ife-'&P1' A
,r ,"c?at
Giants placarded as the "present champions."
It may be that this announcement is a little
too previous.
The Brewery Option Don't Explro Before
December 1 Over 860,000,000 Invested
by the Ennllsb Trust.
No word has yet been recived from En
gland in the now famous English syndicate
deals in this city. Mr. J. J. O'Beilly was
seen at his residence on Main street last
night by a .Dispatch reporter, and was
found rather opposed to talking.
"There is no nse," he said, "contradicting
all the wild rumors which are afloat about
the syndicate and its operations. These ru
mors will not hurt the deal; it will go on in
spite of i Jf j. It is not true that the time
for the optiens will expire on Tuesday, as
December 1 is the day fixed for that event.
I do not know where some of the papers get
that positive information which they are so
fond of publishing. The brewers have not
given it to them, and I am sure they hare
not gotten it from me.
"At present we are very much in the
dark as to what may be the outcome of the
deal. A cablegram may arrive any mo
ment stating that the papers in. the case
have been approved, and that the expert ac
countants are on their way to this country,
and again the experts themselves may drop
in upon us at any moment without previous
"The information published by The
Dispatch has been very accurate. The
list of breweries which have been sold, pub
lished in your paper, was correct, but
it was not complete. The total value
of all the plants now owned by the
syndicate, as I told you before, goes above
$60,000,000, and might even approach closely
to the 5100,000,000 mark.
''Some of the reports spread broadcast are
absolutely ridiculous. Why on the very
day that the capitalist was venting his pro
found knowledge of onr operations by deny
ing the existence of the syndicate, one of
the leading English members of that body
was in the city. I conversed with him, and
we both hadahearty laugh over the matter."
The Majority of the Delegates Will Arrive
This Morning.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Washburn, F. "W.
Vosburgh, Captain Stewart and Assistant
Secretary to the Board of Navigation Chas.
H. Bozer, of New York, and F. A. Church
man, of Philadelphia, registered at the Mo
nongahela. They are here to take part in
the sessions of the National Board of Navi
gation, which opens at 10 o'clock this morn
ing. The majority cf those taking part
were expected to have arrived last night and
early this morning. An effort was made to
find some of them, bnt they had scattered.
The National Board of Steam Navigation
meets in its eighteenth annnal session at
the Monongahela Honse this forenoon.
The hour is not definitely decided upon,
and it may be that the session will not con
vene until 11 o'clock. President A. C.
Cheney, of the Garfield National Bank of
New York, will preside. The business to
be attended to relates entirely to steam nav
igation, and has to do almost wholly with
matters of legislation. The National" Board
watches zealously all congressional action
affecting navigation on the ocean, the lakes
and the rivers. In years past its labors
have been prolific in seenringthe enactment
of laws favorable to navigation. It has
seenred also the repeal of hostile statutes,
among them that of the individual li
ability law.
The death of Captain "W. R. Jones has
caused the local Committee on Entertain
ment to modify its plan for the excursion on
the steamer Mayflower to-morrow afternoon.
It had been decided to visit and go through
the Edgar Thomson Steel Works at Brad
dock, but that has been relinquished. The
course of the excursion has not yet been de
termined. It is possible that the banquet
may be given on the Mayflower instead of
at the hotel.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie and his wife will
be at the Monongahela House to-morrow,
and some of the river men rather think that
he will he present at some of their sessions.
The Democratic Execntive Organizes for
tho Coming Fight.
The Democratic Execntive Committee
held a meeting yesterday afternoon at their
County Committee new rooms, No. 138
Fifth avenue. Chairman Watson presided.
The committee has charge of the financial
end of the campaign, and sub-committees
were appointed to solicit subscriptions to
the campaign fund. This was the first
meeting ot the year held by the committee,
and they completed an organization. Ways
and means ware also discussed to carry on
the campaign this fall. Preliminary re
ports from different parts of the county were
said to be encouraging for the election of
the Democratic nominees.
A Pittsburg Engineer Will Supervise Their
G. W. G. Ferris, the bridge engineer of
this city, has the control lor the erection of
two new steel bridges, across the Ohio river
at Wheeling. They will be pnt up by the
Wheeling Bridge Company, and will cost
about 500,000. One"ofthe bridges will
have a span of 525 feet which is said to be
the longest in the country.
Father Callaghan Asking for Funds to Con
tlnne the Mission.
Circulars have been received in this city
from Bev. Father M. Callaghan, who has
charge of the Mission of Our Lady of the
Bosary at Castle Garden, New York, call
ing upon the charitable people of the coun
try to contribute to the support of the mis
sion. It is not a Catholic organization, but
extends help to all needy emigrants arriving
in this country.
Typhoid Increasing.
A number of new cases of typhoid fever
have been reported from the Twelfth and
Seventeenth wards. There are 2 cases in
Dennis court, off Thirtieth street; 1 on
Thirty-third street, 3 cases in one family
on Forty-second street and 1 on Forty-third
street Dr. J. H. Hieber, of the Twelfth
ward, attributes the renewed outbreak to
"atmospheric conditions."
1 Sent lo the Farm.
Mrs. Kose Harkless, of Watts' flats, with
her three small children, were sent to the
Poor Farm yesterday for shelter. She is a
stranger here, and her husband had gone
nnl in ln,V fn, nrn. 1- nn C.Jn-. T:
leaving her alone. He was found drunk at
the Union depot.
A Road lo Spokane Falls.
The Union Pacific Bailroad Company,
having completed an extension of the
Oregon Kailwav and Navigation lines from
Bockford to Spokane Falls, Wash. T., an
nounces that they are now prepared to for
ward both passengers and freight traffic to
that point
Permits Issued.
Building permits were issued yesterday
to Charles Meyran to erect a business house
on Virgin alley costing 528,000. Thomas
Jenny will build five two-story brick
houses on Forty-seventh street. A number
of other permits were issued for smaller
Not to be Dismantled.
The observatory of the Western University
is not to be dismantled, says President
Scott. Some of the instrnments will be
tacen to Africa to be used in observing the
eclipse. Prof. Langley, when he removes to
Washington, will probably take his instru
ments with him.
4 .
That Threatens to Ripple the Surface
of Democratic Waters.
i V
Tammany and the Counties Object to Set
eral of the Candidates.
Bnt neither is Lftely to liore Thaa Threaten to Us)
A little bit of a cloud appears on the
horizon of the Democratic Convention to
open at Syracuse, to-day. Tammany and
the County Democracy for once agree. They
object to the nomination of three of the
probable candidates.
Syracuse, N. Y., September 30. The
New Yorkers have come to Syracuse and
have brought with their swift rolling trains
if palace cars a little breeze that is ruffling
ihe surface of the Democratic waters. It
may develop into half a gale by to-morrow,
but the strong likelihood is that it will die
ont during the night, and that to-morrow's
sun will irradiate a scene as tranquil as
The first ripple on the water followed the
tlrival of the County Democracy, whose
aembers were at first reported as whisper-
e that they had knives up their sleeves
r shedding the gore of Messrs. Wemnle
d Tabor, the men who 3re the favorites
Ebr renomination to the offices of Controller
and Attorney General. It was said that the
Counties were determined to protest against
the renomination of these gentlemen, and
rould refuse to vote for them in convention.
j The Counties made no charge or even in
sinuation against the officials in question.
tcheir point was that it would not be good
politics to nominate anyone ever so re
motely or innocently connected with the
Slbany sensation of last winter, because the
Republicans have decided to make it an
Issue id the campaign it sucn uemocrais
!.re nominated.
After the Counties had been here awhile
hey began to discuss some rumors affecting
Elliot Danforth, who is the general choice
for State Treasurer. The point made
against him was that he had shown fayoritism
in his choice of the banks in which he had
deposited the State money.
When the Tammany men came to Syra
jnse they added to the breeze. The County
Democrats said the Tammany men were
trying to steal their thnnder, because it
teemed that the Tammany contingent was
with regard to Messrs. Wemple and Tabor,
t here was no apparent disposition of the
Cammany folks to join in the flurry over
? The Counties were to meet at 7 o'clock to
lecide upon their course for to-morrow, and
be Tammany men were to meet at 9 o'clock.
Che Connties met, and all they did was to
ippoint Colonel M. C. Murphy chairman of
te delegation, and to appoint a committee
f seven to make up the list of 36 delegates
t the convention. They adjourned to meet
b-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Every famous Democrat except Governor
EM. Grover Cleveland, Smith Weed and
Iamel Scott Lamont is here, and the halls
nie buzzing like a stock exchange in trad
ing hours. Lieutenant Governor Jones is
tojie the temporary Chairman of to-mor-rors
convention, and it is more than likely
he trill be the permanent Chairman also.
ispite possible appearances, the general
talk indicates the nomination of Denis
O'Brien for Judge of Appeals. Charles F.
Tabor for Attorney General, against whom
a local rally for William A. Beach is made,
Frank Bice for Secretary of State, and El
liot Danforth for State Treasurer. State
Engineer JBogart and Contractor Wemple
will be renominated by acclamation. The
gossip abopt a platform is that 'it will re
affirm tha national Democratic platform,
declare that revenue reform is not a failure,
but will bjpersisted in; indorse Governor
Hill's administration, and arraign the Re
publican party for falling short in its per
formance of its promises.
What Preachers Talked About at Yester
dnj's Conference.
Eev. Dr. D. F. McGill, of the Sixth U.
P. Church, Allegheny, yesterday addressed
the United Presbyterian Ministerial Asso
ciation on "What Mode of Preaching Can
be Adopted Better Adapted Than Our Pres
ent One to Make Christians Doers of the
Word and Not Hearers Only?" Dr. Mc
Gill's specific is that preachers must be
"doers" and be specific and not rambling in
their discourses. Dr. W. J. Beid said ser
mons must be graphic, for no matter how
logical they fail ot effect if not made lively
and sprightly. The question ior discussion
at next meeting will De "Should There be
Reform of Funeral Service," Kev. Harsha,
of the Fifth U. P. Church, leading in the
discussion. Expense, mode of conducting,
etc., will be considered.
At the Baptist Ministerial Conference,
Bev. E. D. Hammond, of the Shady Avenue
Baptist Church, talked on "Difficulties
Connected with the Observance of the
Christian Sabbath." He advocated making
Sunday a pleasant one for children, one
that they will long for. At the next meet
ing Eev. S. Lafayette, of Allegheny, and
D. E. Richards, of Sharpsburg, will give
sketches of sermons.
Prof. H. G. McClelland, D. D., of the
Western Theological Seminary, addressed
the Presbyterian Ministerial Association on
"Some Impressions of British Preachers."
The next meeting will be held on Quiz Day.
Dr. I. N. Hays, of Allegheny, is Quiz Mas
ter. The advisability of changing the con
fession; how to keep the choir from talking
during the sermon, and how to treat a man
who admits that he ought to join the church,
but gives no evidence of conversion, are
qnestions to be considered.
At tho meeting of Methodist Episcopal
ministers, Rev. George Holmes read a paper
on "Will Carleton, the Poet"
Stranded In Colnmbus.
G. Brown, wile of a groceryman
Penn avenue, belonged to the
Dramatic Company, which is
Mrs. O.
at 516
beached at Columbus. It is said Mr. Brown
does not propose to assist his wife in her
trouble. Miss Purcell, of Ingram station;
Mrs. Brantwood, of Allegheny City, and
Miss Annie Staley, of this city, also be
longed to the combination. It is said Miss
Stalev's mother will go after Trelegan
legal fy.
Good News for Johnstown.
L B. Kremer, of Carlisle, disbursing
agent ot the Johnstown Relief Committee,
is staying at the Anderson. Mr. Kremer
said last night that the next distribntion,
amounting to 51,600,000, will be mader by
check, and in the course of a week or so.
The people of Johnstown are not more
anxious, he said, to secure the money than
he was to get rid of it.
Earned With Gas.
A young lady named Schmid, daughter
of J. Schmid, of Chartlexs, was severely
burned yesterday afternoon by an explosion
of natural gas while lighting it in a cook
stove. It was supposed that a pipe had
been leaking, but the sufferer was too pinch
agitated to tell how the explosion came
about. i '.'
i - -
v-..- ...'.' .- v v - 3 r - . JunsHKrfac:3.KrTC l.
, A n--, i j- Jm ..w.,r -4tTNy ' , , .X i t,t&i'. . V XHwPlflBHr &TX ssHHkZli
For Western
Pennsylvania, rain,
touthtcesterly winds,
slightly warmer.
For Ohio and In
diana, clearing and
fair; higher temper
ature, westerly
' For West 7irginia,rain, followed by clear
ing weather, higher temperature, westerly
PrrrsBtTRQ, September 30, 1839.
The United States Slirnal Service officer in
this city furnishes the following:
Time. Tiier.
8:00a. m...... 63
12 SO K. 59
Mean temp 60
Maximum temp.... 64
Mlnlmnm temp.... 57
Itanre t
1:00 P. M.
2:00 F. X.
5:00 p. h.
8.-00 F. II.
Precipitation. 25
5.4 wet, a rise of 0.2 feet In 24
River Telegrams.
BEOWNSVILLE-Rlver 4 feet U inches and
falling. Weather rainy. Thermometer 6S
at 7 P. it
MOBOANTOWW RiveT 4 feet and stationary.
Weather cloudy. Thermometer 68 at 4 p. m.
W ABBisir Hiver stationary at low-water
mark. Weather cloudy and cook
Farther Arrangements for the Sad Cere
monial at Brnddock.
The funeral services over the body of
Captain William B. Jones, to-morrow after
noon, will be condncted by the Bev. T. N.
Boyle, of the Braddock U. E. Church,
assisted by Rev. Cornelius Earle, of
Catasanqua, Pa.,, which was the early home
of the deceased.
The pallbearers have been selected from
the oldest employes of the Edgar Thomson
Steel Company and from the mechanical
engineering associates ot the deceased.
The Grand Army posts of this county
have decided that, in the parade to-day, all
the colors shall be draped with monrning as
a mark of respect to the memory of Captain
Jones. Andrew Carnegie telegraphed from
New York City yesterday, that he and his
wife would attend the funeral.
The coffin was 'closed in this city, with
the expectation that it would not be apain
opened. It is reported from Braddock that
Mrs. Jones will demand the removal of the
lid so that she may again look upon the
Post No. 3 of the G. A. R., at a meeting
last evening, adopted a series of resolutions
sincerely monrning Captain Jones' death.
The military order of the Loyal Legion wilt
attend the funeral, meeting at the Union
depot at 1:20 o'clock to-morrow.
Allegheny' Great Dry Goods Establishment
Sold Ont.
The great dry goods store of Allegheny,
which was founded by the lata William
Semple, was closed yesterday. William
Semple, Jr., acting for the Semple estate,
sold the entire stock to Mr. S. Davidson,
the treasurer of the Mercantile Purchasing
Agency ol New York city. This action
was the wish of William Semple. The
price received is said to be very satisfactory
to Mrs. Semple and her family. The build
ing has been rented to a number of lessees.
Six months ago 200 clerks were employed in
the six-story building. The action of yes
terday having been contemplated since Mr.
Semple's. death, the clerks were notified to
seek employment elsewhere. Only 40 re
main, and they are experienced men and
women, who will have no difficulty in se
curing good situations.
William Semple began the dry goods
business in Federal street 35 years ago. The
present structure was built in 1871. The
store was, perhaps, the most widely known
dry goods honss in Western Pennsylvania.
Circulars Sent Ont With the Sknll and Cross
Circulars were received in this city yes
terday from St Louis, abont the fight now
being made by the Federation of Labor,
against the non-union breweries in the beer
trust The circular was of a sensational
character, having the usnal skull and cross
bone attachment in the center. Around it
were the names of the firms who refused to
recognize the brewers' union, and the words
"boycott trust beer." It is not supposed
that the circulars were issued by the Feder
ation. Threatening to Strike.
The employers of the Republic Iron
Works are still threatening to strike on ac
connt of the change made in the working
hours, caused by the insufficient supply of
natural gas.
W. D. Edwards. Palmyra, O., writes: "I have
been a great sufferer from Costlveness and
Sick Headache, and have tried many medi
cines, but
Tutt's Pills
is the only one that gave me relief. I find that
one pill acts better than three of any other
kind, and does not weaken or gripe.' Ele
gantly sugar coated. Dose small. Price, 25c.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 41 Murray street, New Yore.
Snch are the remarks made by onr
best physicians regarding the
Pure Eight-Tear-Old Export
Rye "Wh i s3s:y3
Which we sell you at $1 per quart
bottle, or six for 5.
For Family Use it Has No F?quaL
Its mildness makes it acceptable to the
aged and convalescent
We also carry in stock (our own Importation)
Scotob. and Irish Whisky,
Pure Holland Gin,
Cognac Brandies
and Imported Wines.
One of onr specialties Is pure old California
wines, of which we carry the largest and finest
grades only, and sell at the reasonable price of
60c per quart bottle, or S3 per dozen.
Purity taken into consideration, these wines
are superior to the imported.
ACT T.Tg-q Ata-G-IO
2Sots. &, Box
k L.viir AEfe-rib"r?
Sv" i-tf
" f?-tt -
Headquarters or Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, English JEhtsh and
Alaska Seal Sacques, Newmarkets and Connemaras. ' "
All the New Shapes in Genuine Alaska Seal Skin Sacquee. Bvarr
garment is entirely new, no old stock shown. Prices are 8150. 8175 and
8225 for full length, first-class guaranteed goods.
We have just opened a splendid line of SHORT RTjiat, SKQC
JACKETS, best -goods, at 8100, 8120 and 8135. '
ENGLISH PLUSH SACQUES in most beautiful shapes, nicely mad,
with quilted satin linings, at 818, 820, 825, 828, 830, 835 and 84C
TIGHT PITTING NEWMARKETS of Pine Beaver Cloth, in Black,
Blue, Green, Brown and Garnet; also in Stripes and Plaids, both with
and without BraidingB and Applique, ranging from 87 50 to 828.
MOD JESKA WRAPS of Astrachan. Cloths and Heavy Corded Silks
at 87 60, 810 and 812. ,
DIRECTOrRE CLOSE PiTTlNG JACKETS, in large variety of
weights and fabrics, Black Diagonals, Corkscrews, Wide Wales; also-'
Beavers and Stockinettes, in Black and Colors, Silk Faced and Combi
nation Ve3t, from 85" to 825.
LOOSE PITTING LONG WRAPS, with Pleated Back, finished with
Ornaments, plain and braided, in aU Colors of Beaver Cloth. Prices,
87 50, 810, 812, 815, 818, 820 and 825.
quarter lengths, from 810 to $25. Our 810 Plush Jacket is a Bargain, '
the best in America.
STOCJKTNETTE JAOKETa A Large Line from 82 upward.
and Complete Line of all Sizes, from 2 to 18 years. Everything worth
SHAWLS The Most Complete
rnces wniou uannot do juiscouuiiea.
HERE is an advertisement of Ivory Soap where theyrecommend
it for toilet purposes. I thought it was a laundry soap. "
It is,' but it is so much better, than the ordinary toilet soap.;
that I use it for the bath altogether. Its floating- properties are a.'
great advantange, and after soaping yourself, all you have to do'
is to take a dip and the lather will
vacua cUlU 11CSU U tiUl uc. -
.A I AM 4 4HAAH M ta ak X A
There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' ;" -they
ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of
the genuine, Ask for "IV07" Soap and insist upon getting it
Copyright 1886, by Procter & Gamble.
are requested to look for our exhibit of
We are showing some designs which are entirely novel, possess-,
ing decided merit.
WM. H. ALLEN, 51sS,0i
On account of the agreeable surprise given to onr customers for the past weec we will
coutlnue for one week longer to sell double-barrel, breech-loading shotguns at the following
nnequaled low price: New Baker, top action, etc., $23; top action, steel barrels, rebound
ing hammers, pistol grip, at J10 60; side action, twist barrels, all improvements, at til;
top action, twist barrels, rebounding hammers.patent fore enil,eta,at 312 50; top action, re
bonndln? bar locks, laminatpd steel barrels, at SIS: LX.L. breech-loader at S20: Thomas
Parker, Never Miss, at $2 SO; L. C. Smith, nammerless, at $60. Each gun sold is guaran
teed to give satisfaction or money refunded. f
IC. SdZIl?, 934 Liberty St, Cor. Srrifthfleld.'
Send name and address for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List free of charge. se29-TTS3a
AUTISM W. L. Douglas' name ana tne price are stamped on the bottom or al
vytU I I UN Shoes advertised by him before leaving his factory; this protects the
wearers against high prices and inferior goods. Take none unless so stamped, nor .be deceived
by others claimed to be as good, on which dealers make more proBt, but send direct to factory,
and receive bv retnrn mail what you want. State kind, button, congress or lace, wide or narrow
toe, size and width usually worn, and inclose price with order. Prompt delivery and satisfac
tion guaranteed. Address, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mm.
Ladles' Shoes are made in sizes from 1 to 7, including half sizes, an
Both Ladles' Shoes
"The French Opera," "The Spanish Arch
Medium i;immon-sene." mi maoe in ouuon m ins i-aicii oivies. Also, r ranch. Opera la
Front Lace, on $3 Shoe only.
QPFPIfll W. L DOUGLAS S7GRAIN SHOE (laced) for Gentlemen, wild heavy tan sola
Or fc W AL tnd ,trlcty waterprtof, is just out W. L. DOUGLAS, Brock tonMals.
H.J.4G.M, Lang; Fortv-flfth and Butler streets. J. N. Frohring, 339 Flfth'avenue. B.
Carter, 73 Fifth avenue. E. C. Sperber. 1328 Carson street. In Allegheny City, by Henir Rosser,
108 Federal street, and E. Q. Hollman- 72 Rebecca street. J jejl-ea-rrs
Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured
by Administering Dr. Halnat'
, Golden Specific
It can be given in a cop of coffee or tea without
the knowledge of the person taking it: is abso
lutely harmless, and wul effect a permanent and
peedr cure, whether the patient Is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
Drunkards have been made temperate men who
have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without
their knowledge and to-dar believe thergnlt
drinking from their own Tree will.. ITHEVEK
KA11.S. The system once Impregnated with the
Specific It beeomei an ntter Impossibility ror the
llqnor appetite to exist. For sale brA.J.Bankln,
Sixth and JPenn avcFittsbari; E. Uolden ft Co.,
EiJSL Federal St.. AUechenr. Trade annulled by
(too. A. Kellr A Co.. PlWrtarg, fa. aeJJ-tt-TTS
Stock Ever Offered, in all Styles, at
-. I
disappear, leaving your skin as
, ,
Our claims for this shoe over all other $3 shoes
advertised ars:
It contains better material.
It is more stylish, better fitting and durable.
It gives better general satisfaction.
It saves more money for the consumer.
Its great success is due to merit.
It cannot be duplicated by any other manafat.
It Is the best In the world, and has a larger da-
roand than any other $3 shoe advertised.
S5 nfjnwU1 bl Pad any person who wiU
, ., ?r0T,? the ab0Te statements to be untrue.
The following line of shoes will be found to be of
the same hizh standard of excellence.
.u v.uugiew, joatton and Lace.
audB,C,D, E and SB
Opera," "The American Common-Senie," "Th
if now admitted by the medical authorities to
be a deficiency or nndue waste of Oxidizable
Phosphorus normally existing In the hovan
economy. The remedy consists In the admin
istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being
at once assimilable and oxidizable. WINCHES
aration of Phosphorus which combines these
characteristics in the highest degree. For
Consumption. Brrnehlils, Coughs, Night
Sweats, and Narvout Dlmm. It la nnequaled.
Recommended by Physicians. Sold bf Drag-'
gone.. i per doiuc. oeaa ior circular.
.. WINCHBSTKR nO Chesiata. V
,aiy-TOwic J-T4M8 Willi 8t,iC. T?i