& T 'l.r"'T5 & If yea trout Board, Room, Homes er 'Help, advertise U THE DISPATCH. Purchasers can De fonnd for everything offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH I the ben advertising medlara in Western Pennsylvania. Try It. FOETY-rOUKTH YEAR A CLOUDYCONGRESS Casts Several of Its Most Por tentous Shadows Be fore the Storm. VERY LIVELY INTERVIEWS With Senators and Congressmen, on What They Anticipate. SECTIOKAL ISSUES TO BE UPPERMOST Senator Wade Hampton Would Send All the Negroes to Mexico Breckinridge, tf Arlnmna, on Civil Service and Election Bills Anderson Thinks the Tresis Will Catch It Bntterworth Wants to Absorb Canada A Trip Abroad Doesn't Change TariffVicws Yoder, of Ohio, is tted Hot Acaiost Keiferizine the House Hnrd, f Itllssonri, and McCrcary, of Kentucky, Speak Oat. Congressmen begin to congregate in "Washington. Eight of them were inter Tiewed yesterday and the day before, for The Dispatch. In forecasting their sep arate and individual views of what is on the programme, they agree wonderfully on one point. All of them particularly the Southerners expect a long struggle over the organization of the House. They say they won't submit to any monkeying with the rules or any Keiferization of Congress. Each one talks instructively. HPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. "Washington, September 30. The re turn of Harrison to the "White House has brought a good many Senators and Con gressmen back to 'Washington. Their views, which follow, give a pretty good idea of the foremost legislation that may be expected this winter: "My position in regard to the colonization of the negroes," said Senator "Wade Hamp ton, of South Carolina, to-day, "has been misinterpreted by numbers of people, who think that I am in iavor of using force to get them out of the country. In con sequence of this misinterpretation, I have recently received scores of letters, most of them anonymous, oi an exceedingly abusive and- denunciatory character. I never said a word about forcing the negroes away. There is no doubt in my mind, though, that , it would be better for the South, better for the negro, and better for the whole country, if the 'darkies' could be put by themselves. General Grant favored something of this kind when he advocated the purchase of some of the western islands. .For myself, I would favor a bill giving governmental aid to the removal and settlement of those willing to emigrate. Then the negroes would have an opportunity of seeing what they could do for themselves in the way of self-government. HE SUGGESTS MEXICO. "Would one of the "Western Territories do?" "It would be better to have them go to Mexico or one of the coast islands." "While the race conflict in the South has been exaggerated,"continued Senator Hamp ton, "there is no doubt that the negro is growing restless and dissatisfied. The young negroes are not so thrifty as the old were and the education they are receiving is un fitting them to be laborers. The presence of the negro is also keeping desirable white immigration from the South. Taken alto gether if something is not done to avert it, the friction between the two races must sooner or later end in bloodshed and loss of life." ''One of the most interesting questions to Sonthern members is whether the Republic ans in the coming Congress will try to pass a national election law. It can't be done. If the Republicans aim to change the rules so as to deprive the minority of their rights, the m.notity will resort to the same tactics to prevent a change of the rules as they otherwise would resort to to defeat a meas ure to which they are unalterably opposed." GBEAT WITHOUT PROTECTION. "The South," Senator Hampton said, "is destined to become great as a manufactur ing section, but it does not need protection for its "infant industries." In coarse fabrics South Carolina is already underselling the cotton mills of Lowell. The reason why the South must become the great manufact uring section of the "United States is quite evident. Our climate enables us to work 12 months in the year. Labor is cheaper and the cotton is grown right on' the ground. These inducements are bound to bring capi tal to us. Then, in regard to iron, it we can produce that at $11 per ton, as is done, we nave no need for protection. The South has superior natural advantages, and whatever protection the Government levies simply helps to keep up the competition in the 2forth." Congressman C. B, Breckinbridge, of Arkansas, said: "I have always believed in giving a fair trial to the theory of Civil Service reform we have adopted. I think the term 'civil service reformer is a pretty broad and comprehensive one, and covers people of a great variety of views. BROAD BEFOEM AND THE EACES. "I have always called myself a civil service reformer, though differing radically Jrom many other civil service reformers. I believe in making such changes in the law as experience may dictate and practice has shown what is needed. I dare say there are many abuses and things that need to be cor rected." "How about the passage of an election bill and the revival of the race question?" "The people who make the most fuss about the race question are the people who understand the leastabout it. The electoral bill will have no more to do with the race question than it will have to do with the Chinese question. I judge by what is said by prominent men in public that there will be some legislation at the next session of the character of an electoral bill. The South will have no mere interest in the bill than the Korth, and a bill that is bad in its scope will be no more objectionable there than in the North. MIGHTY SEARCHING ALREADY. We Already haw a great deal of legisla t-''K .3 'V"'- tion in force relating to Federal elections. A great many people seem to think that there is no law on the statute books relating to Federal elections; but there is scarcely any offense that can be conceived of that the Federal Congress doesn't have jurisdiction over, and doesn't come immediately under the eye of the supervisors, and such laws can hardly be more stringent without going behind the Constitution of the United States, in which event they would be a nullity, and would be so declared. "Those who agitate this subject build their theories upon the hypothesis that there is a general and comprehensive falsification of the negro vote in the South. That is false, utterly false, and therefore the South has no concern in such legislation. If the country wants to take the details of elections under immediate Federal supervision and try the experiment, I am inclined to think that those who are making so much iuss about the election bill will be surprised at the cordial support they will have from the South. "We don't care any more about the effects of such a law than they do." CIVIL SERVICE CHANGES. Representative Anderson, of Kansas, said: "I think it very likely the authors of the present Civil Service law will desire its further amendment, and that they will act accordingly. Doubtless its opponents vill desire its repeal, so that amendments of. every possible description will be offered, and doubtless some legislation secured." "Do you think the present method of en forcing the law is calculated to produce the effect its Cramers desired?" "My observation of the present working of the law leads me to believe that the -methods of its enforcement -now in vogue wore great injustice in many cases, ana are far from securing the objects of the law to the extent which its friends desire. For example, the practical tendency is to give lite positions to certain citizens as against other citizens. The extreme tenure of the highest office under our Government that of the President is eight years, and it is somewhat difficult to see why clerical posi-. tions in the departments 'should have a greater tenure than that of the President and his Cabinet. The spirit of our institu tions is against exclusive benefits to one class and against lifelong holdinir of office. I only mention this as an instance of what seems to me a defect in the present law; but, of course, others will see other points on which they will desire amendments." TRUSTS ABE MENACED. "Will any legislation be attempted at the next session on the subject of trusts?" "Beyond all doubt there will. Many efforts will be made to protect the people against the greatest danger now threatening their prosperity. In what particular form the legislation will be presented, no one can now say. But the epidemic of con trolling each class of businessby some trust, which has raged and is raging in the United States to a wholly unprecedented degree, will inevitably and inexorably com pel Congress to di'cuss and act upon that question. In view ot the power of trusts and their interests in drafting legislation, no one can say what the result will be." Representative Ben Butterworth has now settled down to hard work after his Euro-. pean trip. He was seen by a reporter to-day and asked if he would make an effort during the coming session of Congress to a closer relationship between Canada and the United States, as desired by his resolution introduced in the House last winter. He said: ANNEXATION A GEOWINO NEED. "I shall always endeavor to secure a closer relationship between the two branches of the English speaking family on this con tinent in the interest of larger opportunities and progressive civilization. "What will be done this winter in the matter of extending our trade with Canada, I do not know. I am earnestly in favor, and always shall be, of an unrestricted trade with Canada, abso lutely unrestricted commercial intercourse between the people of the two countries." "Have you any way ot judging whether the Canadians look more or less favorably on the proposition to annex their territory to the United States?" "I do not know how the Canadian people feel about that I have felt tbenecessity for the people of the two countries to come nearer together for some time. Our own advantage suggests that which is as appar ent as the advantage it will be to Canada. It is simply a question as to when the peo ple on both sides of the line will come to realize that their interests will require closer relations. I shall introduce a bill in the next Congress looking to closer commercial relations. I have no doubt but that the majority of our Canadians favor the estab lishment of unrestricted commercial inter course. Beyond that I am not advised." "Will the race question be a live issue this winter?" "A race question that cannot solve itself when let absolutely alone is likely to be a problem not capable ot solution by legisla tion." THE TARIFF.jAFTEB A TBIP ABBOAD. "You have had a very satisfactory trip abroad?" "It was a very hurried trip a lively gal lop, in fact, but in the lieht of my reading the places visited were lull of interest, and such a trip is calculated to either broaden one's views or confirm one's convictions on certain subjects." "Have your ideas on the subject of the tariff been at all influenced by what you have seen?" "Not in the slightest degree. I found that my information in many respects was incor rect, but I am thoroughly satisfied that the protective system is a wise, philosophical, and humane one confined to its proper func tions. It is in the interest of our country and every other country. "I do not find, however, a trace of that pauper labor and wretchedness in Germany that I have of'en described with touching earnestness. That is all insufferable rot. The German people are a wonderful people. Tbeyare strong mentally, and those qualities are combined with candor and courage and in dustrial economy, I didn't see a weed or loafer in Germany. 1 didn't see a drunken man In Germany. I heard more music and saw more flowers In one town ot that country than I aid in all of Italy, which is supposed to be the land of flowers. The German soil is thin and poor, and, with abridged opportunities, the Germans accomplish what they do by herculean effort. They are a wonderful people." SOMEWHAT REVOLUTIONARY. Congressman Yoder, of Ohio, when interro gated, said: "An attempt will be make to pass an election bill. I didn't think so until re cently. Senator Sherman's views, published within the oast few da vs. convince me of this. Then the Republican party in New York and Massachusetts both urge such action. I see that Sherman recently said that the repre sentation of the colored people in the South had been raised from three-fifths to five-fifths, and he thought they should have it or the rep resentation of the Sonth should be reduced." "What do you think of such a blllf "I think it wonid be a subversion of the principles of the Government to pass It The first attempt in this direction will be made when Congress meets in an effort to change the roles so that the Republicans will be enabled to turn out 18 Democrats, and do business without a quorum present. In other words, their majority will be so small that they will make an effort to change the rules that they may work readily whether they have a quorum or not, But if they undertake toKeiferize this Congress they will have a big contract on their hands." There will also be an attempt to abolish the internal revenue, for the abolition of which the Republican party Is pledged. They would abolish the entire internal revenue tax before sacrificing the least in ,the way of the customs duty. I don't think they will accomplish their purposes, however. My idea is that the tax sbould first be taken off the necessities of life, and that raw material should be furnished as cheaply as possible to stimulate manufactories The tax on alcohol and tobacco I consider the least odious. I would favor haviDg cheaper blankets, cheaper tin buckets, before cheapen ing whiskv and tobacco." "How about the civil servicer" "An attempt will be made to refuse appro priation for it and my ideals, that it may as well be repealed." CAN'T KEIFEBIZE THE HOUSE. 'What will the Democrats do if the Repub w ir-crmu aiiuA. vflHB ' .vfcTO : - s vt. . r MtSTC-i r ft mmm wst-l licans try to give the seats in the contested cases to RepublicansT" "Well, if any attempt to Kelfenze the House very little business will tB transacted outside of passing the appropriation bill. The Demo crats will stand out for their rights to the last" "I don't see any form that legislative action could take on that subject," said Rcpresenta ilve Hurd, of Missouri, when asked if he thought the race question wonld come before Congress. "The House is so evenly balanced that should such a measure be introduced it would at once become a partisan question the moment It approached Congress. I think there Is likely to be some controversy on the race question, bnt if that is the case it will crow out of the attempt on the part ot the majority to pass some sort of election bilL" "How aboat civil service?" "The objectors to that commission have now been transferred from one party to another be cau'8 of the change of the administration. When the Democrats were in possession of the Saces the complaints came from that side, y judgment is that there will be no legisla tion accomplished in the present Congress re lating to the civil service. I don't believe it is practicable to make any change In the civil service law without a good deal of noise." ,'Wjll there be any Important new legisla tion T" "My idea ts that there will be very little, and that. I think, is the general impression among Congressmen. Very few, if anypeonle, expect any material change In the tariff law. There will probably be an effort to repeal, in part or in whole, the internal revenue law. How tbat contest will come out nobody can tell. It will probably be a very close question. So far as I am concerned 1 am opposed to it. I don't think anyone expects a change in the tariff." Congressman J. M. Farqubar. of Buffalo, Is a strong advocate of Reed for Speaker. "Who will be the leader of the Republican side of the Chamber if Reed is made Speaker?" he was asked. NO LEADER IS NEEDED. "The majority doesn't need any leader," was the reply. "There are 15 committees, and thehairman of each of these is expected to be fully prepared to defend whatever comes from his committee. The Democrats had no leader in the last Congress. The mostim portanttblng that Congress onght to do dur ing the next session, in addition to eleeting Mr. Reed as Speaker, would be to pass the bill eivine a snbsldv to American shins." "If I could have my wav about the adjust ment of the tariff," Mr. Farquhar added, "I would dispose of It in Very short oraer. My bill wouldn't be more than six or eight pages long. I would repeal the Internal revenue, that is the tax on tobacco, except cigars and cigarettes, at any rate." Representative James B. McCreary, of Ken tucky, said: "In giving opinions remember that I speak, only for myself. If the Repub licans attempt to commit arbitrary, unjust and oppressive acts, the Democrats should fiirht them to the uttermost and oppose every parlia mentary obstacle to their attempts. It, they are liberal and just we will meet them half way. If they are not our opposition should extend so far as to prevent the consideration of appro priation bills and other important legislation rather than submit and allow the majority to ride rough-shod over us. Then let the odium and responsibility rest on their shoulders." "WHAT THEY "WILL RESENT. "What would be considered the first overt act of hostility and oppression?" "An attempt to revise the rules of the last House, and impose on the minority an arbitrary and tyrannical code. It is customary for a member of the majority to more that the rules of the preceding House be adopted until other wise ordered by the House. I have looked the matter np for 19 years, and find that the prece dent has not been broken. As soon as possible 1 will traoe the precedent back to its beginning. If the majority fails to present this resolution and proceeds under general parliamentary rules, or limits the rulesof tbeprecedlngHouse to a fixed date. It will be proof that they Intend to revise the rules. I do not object to certain revisions, but I do object to any revision which will give the Republican majority power to oppress the Democratic minority. The minority has richts. and I repeat, if the majority at tempts to unseat Democrats who are fairly and legally elected we will fight them with every parliamentary weapon." "Do you anticipate a vigorous policy by the, maturity!" - --1 "If thp Republicans are sagacious they win rot-attempt it.. At best they can have only three over a quorum, and will be nnable to ac complish anything without Democratic aid. 1 hope they will he wise enough to adopt a mod erate course." "Will Speaker Carlisle be the minority can didate for Speaker." "I judgehewilL He deserves it" KING CAUCUS FOBEVEE. "What do you think the best policy for the Democrats to pursue as regards party manage ment in Congress?" "The caucus plan has the most merits. It al.ows a full and free discussion ot measures, and is far better than management by a com mittee. That plan was tried in the Fiftieth Congress, but was a failure. I saw it tried twice in the Kentucky Legislature with like result. It doesn't work well. The caucus affords the most representative system of man agement. I think that Mr, Carlisle will be elected chairman of the caucus to succeed the late Representative Cox." "What leeislation will be most objectionable to the Democrats?" The Sherman or Chandler Federal election bills, I have examined them carefully, and know that they are designed to disturb the peaceful relations which now exist in the Sonth. Except in Congressional elections we sun noia to me viva voce system oi voting In Kentucky. A man walks up to the polls, is identified, and declares his preference. lie names his candidates, or else says, 'I vote the Republican ticket,' or "I vote the Democratic ticket' and the Democratic and Republican judces of elections record his ballot. It works admirably in Kentucky, and cultivates a spirit of independence and equality. We do not want that svstem disturbed." "How is politics in Kentucky?" "The Democrats carried the State at the last election by over 30,900, and won a substantial victory, though the Republicans had been claiming the State. Kentucky was the first State to go Democratic after the war, and the first State to send a solid Democratic delega tion to Congress. The Democrats are united, sanguine and solid for tariff reform. They are also satisfied with Mr. Cleveland's administra tion." A PLACE FOE GES. GOPP. The President Wants Him to Wheel West Virginia Into Line. rSFECtAI. TKI.EOBXM TO TUB DISPATCH, i "Washington, September 30. The President's new "slate" as now understood, does not put Secretary Tracy into Mr. Mil ler's place, when the latter ascends the Su preme bench, but makes General Golf, the defeated candidate for Governor, of "West Virginia, the Attorney General. The De partment of Justice has an immense amount of powerful political machinery, and Mr. Miller will never be able to handle it suc cessfully, being nothing ot a practical politician. Mr. Gofi is thoroughly trained in politics, and widely popular in the South. The President's idea is that Mr. Goff could so arrange .things as to steer "West Virginia, and possibly some other Southern State into the Republican column in 1892. This would satisfy a pet scheme of his for makine Republican supremacy sure- with out placing iurther dependence on New York, or West Virginia's six electoral votes would do the business at a pinch, he thinks. THE SURPLUS SUEELT GOES. Imported Theatrical Scenery nnd Costumes Must Now Pay Duty. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE PISFATCH.1 Botson, September 30. A decision of the Treasury Department reached Boston to-day in regard to the importation of thea trical scenery, costumes, etc., always looKed upon as tools of trade. Wilson Barrett had with him 310 tons of paraphernelia. The Cunard steamer Cephalonia landed the first installment to-day. In spite of the custom of the department for the past three years, in considering thea trical effects as "tools of trade," Collector Saltonstall was this morning instructed by a telegram from Washington to assess duties on all that was dutiable of this importation by the Barrett Company. Couahl Cold While Chopping. London, September 30. Mr. Gladstone has a slight cold, the result of becoming overheated while felling a iree on Saturday.' He is confined to his room. j3JB? PITTSBURG-, TUESDAY, ILL SPLIT ASUNDER. Dalzell Widens the Pension Breach by Alluding to Lies. MONEY CAH'T BOY THOSE LETTERS Prom Him, Unless Harrison, Sherman or Taylor Impugn Him. THE B0BEAU IN A STATE OF CHAOS. Campbell, of Kansas, is Not Kelished by the President for the Place. .Private Dalzell takes nothing back. Neither will he sell the Harrison, Sherman and Taylor letters bearing on the promises J of his preferment lor a deputyship. The. pension office is reported to be in a chaotio" state. Harrison doesn't -want to appoint Campbell. Hartranft may get it ISFZCIAI. TXXZQBAX TO TUB DIBPATCTLl Caldwell, O., September 30. Private Dalzell having intimated that original an- J tograph letters from President HamsoD,' Corporal Tanner, Senator Sherman and Congressman Taylor corroborate his allega-j tion that the Deputyship of Pensions was expressly promised to him, la Western editor to-day made the Private a liberal offer in cash for the whole batch, with a view to publication. The Private's reply was characteristic, and reads as follows: I will not pretend to feel any indignation at the offer made by you as a business proposi tion solely, of course, nor shall I resent it as an insult as many a saintly sinner would. Grant and Sherman both in their extremity sold alU their correspondence for good money, and saw no harm in it if it affected any public Interest or settled any historic question. Still theso letters you ask for are very sacred to me. I would not part with them for any money. They will not be printed while I live except upon the demand of their authors. Ton need not smile back and say that I printed Tanner's letter. That looked bad. I did not like to doit It was a necessity I could not avoid. I would publish any letter before any man should say I lieu. A CLEAR VINDICATION. My word was called in question. Tanner's letter vindicated me, and I was compelled to publish It There I rest my case. I am corroborated in every statement I have made about Tanner and the Pension Office. Hence these smiles. Poor as Lazarus, I would not sell one of honest John Sherman's letters to be made pub lic for all the wealth of California. I have hl3 letters running back through nearly SO years sacred possessions to me not a lie, not a broken promise In them, though they bear quiet testimony to the treachery, falsehood and double dealing of at least three Presi dents! Colonel J. D. Taylor's letters are equally sacred and equally above all price. I know my duty to the President or the United States too well to commit the indecency of publishing his private letters to me running back through 15 years, Iihave never published a line ot his letters or a word he said to me yet nor will 1 do so unless he demand it My case is concluded. The testimony in chief is all in. If I am not contradicted I shall have nothing to offer In rebuttal: but if I must I must lint when I do publish these letters, I will neither ask nor accept any money for tbem. Pormy own scribbling, I will accept all the money tfco editors give me, but for private lotters, calbd out by their writers, not a-cenc,,T'fin"win'iEs. -them lor nothing, or norat aH."" Dalzell. pension ATPAIES CHAOTIC. As bearing upon another phase of the same live topic treated above, the following special telegram from Washington may be Tend with interest Affairs at the Pension Bureau are in any thing but a satisfactory condition, as may be imacined from the fact tbat business flows In with as much rapidity when there is not a Com missioner as when there is, and that the office has now been for some weeks without a responsible head. The Acting Commissioner, Hiram Smith, Is a man who, like.Tanner, bad his maimed bodv to recommend him to the notice of the administration. Corporal Tanner spends the larger part of his time in seclusion nowadays. Chance visitors at his home in Georgetown are kindly received, but not encouraged to repeat their calls fre quently. His family stands guard over him to see that he does no more talking. In spite of their care, however, he has once or twice burst the bond of silence to speak his mind about Private Dalzell. whom he now says he regards as a greater enemy even than Assistant Secretary Bussey. It would make the Private's ears tingle to be-r the Corporal launch expletives at him; but toere is no question among Tanner's friends here that Dalzell has killed Tanner's chances for any desirable place under the present administration. General Brown's for the Pension Commissionership, and his own for anything in anybody's gift, now and forever more. It may be said, moreover, that any person chosen for Pension Commissioner by the Presi dent if of higher rank than a captain during the war. will have his character thoroughly sifted as soon as his name comes out in the newspapers. BEN AGAINST CAMPBELL The President Unwilling as Tct to Appoint Plnmb and Noble's Mnn From Knnsns It Mar Be Ex Governor Hnrlrnnft. rsrZCUU. TELEORAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 Washington, September 30. The tele graphic indorsements of Private Campbell, of Kansas, for Pension Commissioner, said to have been sent by Governors Poraber, Hovey, Fifer and Humphreys, added to the personal solicitations of Senators Ingalls and Plumb, to say nothing of the letter which Russell A. Alger was reported to have ot its way to the White House under a special delivery stamp, seem to have availed nothing. Secretary Noble was, at last acconnts, fa vorable to the Kansas man, but the Presi dent still held ont He is determined to go slow, and it is not certain that he will let his Cabinet officers help him decide to-morrow who shall succeed Corporal Tanner. Senator Sherman and Congressman But terworth called at the White House to-day, ostensibly in the interest of Colonel Brown, of Cincinnati; but they could get not the slightest intimation of the President's pur pose. If Secretary Noble has his way, Brown is out of it already. The stock of ex-Governor Hartranft, of Pennsylvania, is booming to-night, and what is supposed to be information straying from the Executive mansion is that, if the PennBvlvanians could all unite upon the ex-Collector of he Port of Philadelphia, he wonld pocket the plum. A serious difficulty in the way of a speedy selection oi Peusion Commissioner is the peculiar temperament of the Secretary of the Interior. One promising candidate goes down alter another, because Noble insists upon having something to say with regard to .the management of the bureau if he takes it HOT A TEEI GOOD SHOWING. Failure for the First Nine months of 18S9 Compared With 1SSS. nsrZCIAI. TXLEOBAM TO THB PI8PATCS.1 New Yoek, September 30. Bradstreet'a tables of failures for the first nine months of J889 show the following totals, as compared with the corresponding period last year: Nine months, total assets and liabilities in 1889: Failures8,334; actual assets, $50,751, 994; liabilities", 5101,755,518; per cent assets to liabilitlesCO. In 1888: Failures, 7,330; actual asseti, $44,649,652: liabilities, 583, 941,991; per cent assets to Iiabilitieji53.L There wire 610 iailures in atMiddle States ip the first nine mont j hssO, and 4S0 dunni the corresponding ofl8B8. OCTOBER 1, 1889. NEAELY OFF AT LAST. Fred Douglass and Party to Sail To-Dny A Change That Surprised the En tire Crew Why Some of the Shirting Occurred. rSFXCXAL TH.E011AM TO TUX DISPATCH.! New Yobk, September 30. Another important transferor naval officers, coinci dent with the attempt of the Navy Depart ment to transport Frederick Douglass to his post as Minister to Hayti, was announced this afternoon. Captain Edwin M. Shep ard, of the Kearsarge, which will leave for Port an Prince to-morrow with Mr.Douglass on board was relieved from command by a dispatch from Secretary Tracy, and Captain Whiting, who had been assigned to the Brooklyn yard, was detailed to take the vessel on her mission. The change was a surprise to everybody on board the Kear sage and in the Brooklyn yard. As soon as the message came Commander Shepard packed his baggage and left the ship with out informing any of his officers to what duty hehad been assigned orsaying whether he liad been relieved at his own request. Mr. Douglass arrived in town from "Wash ington early this evening. Alter dining witn a inena he went to the navy vara, ana his quarters on the Kearsage, which will sail at 9 o'clock in the morning, were promptly placed at his disposal. The Com mander's quarters, with two large state rooms, were assigned him, and Captain "Whiting will find accommodations in the wardroom, with the other officers, during the trip. Mr. Douglass is accompanied by his wife, a lady friend, and F. D. Bassett, who will act as interpreter. He had a few callers on board this evening. "I have been most handsomely treated by the Commodore and the officers of the fa mous old ship," Mr. Douglass said to a Dispatch reporter. "Everything possible has been provided for the comfort ot myself and family, and I anticipate a pleasant voy age, There have been some unfortunate de- iaVJj bot ttle reasons ror tnem ave been misstated and misconstrued. There is no truth whatever in some of the pub lished statements about the motives of Commodore Kellogg, of the Ossipee, in ask ing) to be relieved. The real and only reason the Ossipee was not used for the trip as first ordered was because of her unsea worthy condition. No; I don't know Com modore .Kellogg personally, but I know about him, and I am sare he holds no such sentiments as have been ascribed to him in some quarters." WIND0MIN Fv0E IT. Lead Ore Men and Muellers Dave a Griev ance Against Him They Accuse mm of Personal Reasons for Dis criminating Against Tbem. rSFXCIAL TILEQEAJI TO THE DISFATCTM New YOBK, September 30. The lead men of New Tork and the smelters of Colo rado, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Ogden, South Dakota, Utah, Nevada and "Wash ington say they have a grievance against the Hon. "William "Windom, Secretary of the Treasury. They are very positive in their complaints against the Secretary, and base their statements ou official documents on file in the Treasury Department In a' word, they assert that Mr. Windom refuses to exact a custom revenue of 1 cents a pound on Mexican lead ores mixed with silver. They are equally positive that this amount of d'utv is prescribed bv law on the ores in question, and some of those inter- sted are convinced that unless this dnty islw.110 pronouncea the sentence upon the moosed manvot-the Western leaamtnt"rT?Faff".'kew,:?ei?r.lon.!w?,Me- imposed manr"of"the Western leau mines' will have to shut down. As .it is, some of the mines in Montana and Idaho have already stopped; so said an eminent author ity on lead to-day. The imposition of the duty, the lead men say, would shut out the Mexican ores, and, should Mr. "Windom continue to refuse to accept their interpretation of the law, they will have serious apprehensions concerning the future of the lead interests in this country. Mr. "Windom is interested in the Topolobampo Railroad, and, it is said, is withholding his decision in the case until a much needed concession is granted it by Mexico. In this, connections dispatch from "Wash ington savs: Mr. Thomas Ryan, the United States Minister to Mexico, arrived in the city this morning. He is away from his post, for CO days. He could not be found this evening, but it is understood 4hat his return to this country is in part for the pur pose of conferring with Secretary Blaine and the President, in regard to the lead ore question, and ascertaining the policy to be pursued bv the United States. It is also probable that the presence in this country of the delegates to the International Amer ican Congress has had considerable to do with his visit to "Washington. AFTEE HIS HEAD WAS CUT 0FP A Brakemnn Plainly Proved That He Was Btlll Conscious. Negattnee, Mich., September 30. Fireman Matthey Byo had an experience that be will never forget A brakeman named Thomas Higgins slipped between two freight cars on a moving train near Maple Ridge. The signal to stop was given by another brakeman, who saw the fall, and the train stopped and backed up to where Higgins lay. Five cars had passed over his body, which was frightfully mangled. The head was completely severed from the trunk and lay several feet from the track. Fireman Byo picked up the head, and was horror stricken to see the eyelids close and again open and partly close again. This was seen by Engineer William "Whit ney and the brakeman. AH three were badly frightened. This sign of conscious ness was given 'several minutes after the head was severed, from the body. The three witnesses are reliable men, well known here. TESTING THE CIGARETTE LAW. Four Boys Found in Augusta With Faper- Tobncco Bolls In Tbelr Pockets. SPECIAL TXtlOBAM TO THX PISPATcn.1 Augusta, Ga, September 30. The first case of violation of the new State law pro hibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors has been made out in Augusta. Tom Buck, Ed. Butler, Charley Harris and "Will Olio, four white boys, all minors, were up before Re corder Dunbar, this morning, for being drnnk. "When the lads were arrested the officer found several packages of cigarettes upon their person, and after being closely questioned the boys admitted buying the weed from Mr. Mike Sheehan, a dealer ou McKinnis street. Judge Dunbar had a case dooketed againt Sheehan, who will be tried in the County Court for violating the cigarette law. The Augusta Brewery Company will also be prosecnted for selling the boys a keg of beer, off which they got boozy. THE W0EK MAY BE CONTINUED. Governor Benver Likely to Allow SOO Men to Finish denning Up Johnstown. tSFECIAI. TELEGRAM TOgfHXDISPATCIT.I Habbisbueg,' September 30. Repre sentative John Mf Rose.'H. W. Storey and Dr. J. O. Sheridan, representing the citi zens of Johnstown, called on Governor Beaver at the Executive Mansion to-night to urge on him the necessity of retaining a force of laborers in the Conemaugh Valley to remove the debris from cellars and insti tute other needed sanitary; regulations. As a result of the conference 600 laborers, with the necessary carts, will probably be kept at work ten days longer, at an expense of probably $10,000 in addition to the amount that has already been disbursed by authority of the Governor, THAT- PRECIOUS BABT Once More Coos and Crows in Mrs. Robert Bay Bamilton'-s Arms. IT RECEIVES A REGULAR 0YATI02T, All May's Landing Being Gathered at tne Depot to Welcome It. THE SCEHE IS THE ATTIC PBI802T. A Tall and Hyiterioas Blonde From Hew Tort Visits the Prisoner. Mrs. Kobert Ray Hamilton is happy again in the possession of the celebrated baby Beatrice. Sheriff Johnson's wife went to Philadelphia yesterday and obtained the little one from Mrs. Bupp and took it to its alleged mother. The meeting between Mrs. Hamilton and the infant is described as more touching than was that between Ham ilton and his wife. r6PrCIALTILEORAMTO TBI DISPATCH.l Mat's Landing, N. J., September 30. Baby Beatrice was restored to the arms of Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton this afternoon. The mysterions little chunk of humanity reached her at 6 o'clock. She was in the arms of Mrs. Smith Johnson, the benevolent wife of the urbane, accommodating and big hearted Sheriff of this county, "When Mrs. Johnson alighted from the Philadelphia train at the May's Landing Court House she met with a remarkable -reception. Almost the entire population of the Court House district was at hand to receive her. Sheriff Johnson was the only notable absentee. His two sons were at the station, so were the two daughters of S. S. Hudson. Hudson is a candidate for re-election to the Assembly. He is a friend of Sheriff John son. He accompanied Mrs. Smith Johnson to Philadelphia this morning, in a decisive exenrsion for the recovery from Mrs. Bupp of the baby in litigation. taken to the jail. "When Mrs. Johnson stepped from the train, at the Court House, she handed Beatrice to her gallant escort Captain Hudson bore the infant to the jail, heading the procession of curions observers from the landing. Sheriff Johnson stood on the porch of his house. He received the active persons in the case. Then he conscientiously closed his doors. The excluded multitude watched from the street the attic window of Mrs. Hamilton's prison. Captain Hudson, followed emulously by Sheriff and Mrs. Johnson, was seen to pre sent the infant to the prisoner's outstretched arms. Then the curtain was drawn. The agony that ensued was left to the imagina tion. Mrs. Hamilton will not long enjoy, the company of Beatrice. She cannot be held here, according to the statutes of New Jer sey, after October 8. Sheriff Johnson Is disposed to GIVE HEB ALL THE TIME that is in his power to give. It was learned that he had been advised by Judge Reed, who pronounced the sentence upon the This advice lollo wed, the letter written to the Judge by JsrsHawiHaavbn the., day following her sentence. Sheriff Johnson said to-nightthat he had not yet determined when he would take Mrs. Hamilton to Trenton. "I will not take her there for a week yet," was nis answer. Beside babv Beatrice. Mrs. Ham ilton enjoys to-night the. possession of three trunks containing the costly wardrobe that has been in the careful keeping of Mrs. Rupp. Her jewels, or an important part of them, were in her possession when she was first brought to the county jail. Everybody who was present at the trial remembers that Mrs. Hamilton, although MODESTXT DBESSED, wore a scarf pin of clustered diamonds. Her long gloves concealed" her bracelets, studded with precious stones, and her costly rings. A great deal of stuff has been published concerning Mrs. Hamilton's demomrrative interview with her husband, last weet:. The sole witness of that interview wa Mrs. Johnson, who remained in the room! Mrs. Hamilton, on the entrance of her husband and Mrs. Johnson, stood at her window with her face buried in her handkerchief. Ham ilton folded his arms and regarded her for several minutes before a word passed be tween tbem. The wife was the first to break the silence. "Will you desert me, "Ray? she said. Hamilton's rejoinder was the demand that she should disclose the parentage of the child. This Mrs. Hamilton refused to do as she did at the trial. The interview TERMINATED UNSATISFACTORILY'. Hamilton is expected to see her again be fore she is taken to Trenton. Mrs. Hamil ton's lawyer is expected to see her to-morrow. The report that Mrs. Hamilton is in a delicate condition is untrue. The an nouncement emanated from herself. Her physician is authority for the denial. One of Mrs. Hamilton's visitors to-day was a woman who came here this afternoon from New York. She was a tall, striking blonde. She refused to give her name, but she bore a message to Mrs. 'Hamilton from Mrs. Swinton, and she was admitted by the Sheriff to the prisoner's room. She had been traveling all night, and was obliged to lie down at the jail before faking the last train back to New Tork. P0WDEELT NOT THEEE. Pittsburg Troubles to be Considered by the General Board, K. of L. St. Louis, September 30. Outside of the special interests which are to be considered by the General Executive Board, K, of L., at the meeting here there are several matters oi interest to the Knights of Labor at Pitts burg. Local Assembly No. 1653, of Pitts burg, will present an application for a charter to take in all glasshouse packers not covered by Local Assembly 300, the Amer ican Flints and the Green Bottle Blowers' Assemblies. The Slaters, Marble and Tile "Workers" Union and Musicians' Union troubles at Pittsburg will also be consid ered. All complaints, not only from St. Louis and the Southwest, but from all parts of the country, will be fully investigated. At midnight Master "Workman Powderly, who was due at 8 P. M., had not arrived. His failure to put in an appearance has not been explained, and it is thought he is in the city, hiding from reporters. The busi ness meetings ot the Executive Board will commence to-morrow. THE STK1KE A FAILUEE. Rotterdam Dock Laborers Not Likely to Gain What They Desire. , London, September 30. .The attempt of the Socialists to run the strike of the Rot terdam dock laborers has failed utterly, and the strike itself is likely to take a similar turn, partly owing to their inter ference. The disturbed portion of the town is so thoroughly guarded by troops and effectually covered by the arms of war ves sels as to preclude any idea of success on the part of the strikers by violent means, and the ranks of the men who have taken the strikers, places are filling up rapidly. John Uurns sent 225 pounds. f root Lon don for the relief of the strikers, Jiut aside from this the contributions to the strikers' fund havg been surprisingly imau, - fi8W7i8'gSJHR,VL?. FX, . . i' ' , ,; .ADVERTISE year BsfasH h TSS BIS. .PATCH. Prompt reteraa assared. - -- WANTS are always prompter resaesded to when advertised la THE BIS PATCH. Real Estate eaa be saM through: adver tisement In THE DISPATCH. -rM MBS. BLAINE'S DIVOEGE. The Forsakes Wife Determined to Se cure a Legal Separation Jlmrale'a Evident Attempt to Commas icate With Her. rsrXCTAI. TZX.XGBAX TO THS SIIFATCB?.! Ne-wYobk, September 30. On October 23 Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., -was to make her debut in New Tork as a professional ac tress. All her dates for 1889 have been can celled, at a loss to Mr. Frohman, her- man ager. If she is able to leave her bed in an other month ii will be, in all probability, simply to move about her apartments on crutches,crippled by the inflammatory rheu matism, from which she is suffering. Early last Saturday evening a gentleman called at The Percival, where Mrs. Blaine lives, and sent word upstairs that Mr. Philip Carpenter would like to know what Mrs. Blaine's condition of health was. He was assured that she was very ill and could see nobody. About the same time James G. Blaine, Jr., made his appearance and wandered about the lower hall and restaur ant of The Percival, looking, it is supposed, for Mr. Carpenter. He made no inquiries about bis wife. Mr. Carpenter is a friend of young Mr. Elaine, and acted as his lawyer when young Blaine.was sued, some time ago, by a firm of broken on his failure to make good his margins in a stock speculation. Mrs. Blaine's" friends think that young Blaine and his lawyer concluded to investigate lor themselves the newspaper reports of Mrs. Blaine's condition. That Mrs. Blaine has made up her mind to secure a divorce from her husband is certain, and in deter mining ou this course Mrs. Blaine has the full approval of her family and lawyers. Now that there is no present likelihood of her appearing on the stage, she feels that she has an opportunity to secure an abso lute divorce without laying herself open to the accusation that she is advertising her self, and she has practically determined to take the decisive step. "When she has recovered sufficiently to travel Mrs. Blaine will take a course of treatment at some hot springs iu the hope of effecting a permanent recovery. STBUGGLE FOE AN H0N0E. A Mexican Hay be Selected to Preside Over the Pas-American Congress. rSFXCXu. TXLXO&AU TO THX PISPATCB.I "Washington, September 30. A good deal of feelingJs being developed over the question of the election of a presiding offi cer of the congress of the three Americas, which holds its preliminary meeting on "Wednesday. It has been customary to give the position to .the older and more import ant country, and on account of the appoint ment of ex-Senator Henderson, of Mis souri, Chairman of the American delega tion, it was supposed he would have the lead for the place. Notwithstanding this, quite a rivalry has sprung up among the Americans. Blaine, Henderson and Tres cott, of the State Department, each have many advocates, and in view of a struggle a demand is springing up, which promises to become quite general, that the post of honor be accorded to one of the foreign delegates. Senor 'Romero, for long years the Mexican Minister here, is most prominently- men tioned, but among the South and Central American delegates "there are atnumber of gentlemen -who speak" EniSfahtBerfectly. and are well qualified to preside, such as. "areir, of iirazilf tlurUdo, or coxumma; GuimaD, of"Nicaragua,,and-jothers. Per sons Interested in' the Nicaraguan Canal naturally support Guzman, but the popular feeling here is for Romero. The election of Officer 'Will take place Wednesday, and like other business will be transacted, as on Thursday morning the congress will start forth on its brilliant six weess' tour. STANDING DP FOE HEE GIBLS. St. Loois Doesn't Like Commissioner Wright's Latest Report. ISPZCIAL TXLIGKAM TO TUX DISPATCH,! St. Louis, September 30. Carroll D. "Wright, United, States Labor Commis sioner, has issued a report on the condition of the workingwomen of St Louis that causes great indignation here. The lie pvblic has investigated the subject, and will say to-morrow: There is a unity ot opinion among the manu facturers of St Louis concerning" Mr. Wright and his long-distance report, Issued from Washington City. It is claimed that when he says the moral tone of the working girls of St Louis is exceptionally low he is a slanderer, and when be declares tbeyprefer, as a class, the Sunday dance hall to the sanctity ot the church, he Is mistaken. The commissioner says the habits of life of the tobacco workers are often riotous; that the St Louis tailors' back shops were the worst establishments visited during the investigation in the several cities, and makes several other charges equally as grave. t BOTH DUELLISTS DEAD. A Sheriff and an Editor Fight With Pistols, Killing Each Other. Robelieu, La., September 30. For some time past there has been a newspaper controversy between A. C. Poole, editor of the Vernon News, and Lee C. McAIpin, Sheriff of Vernon parish. A few days ago Poole sent McAIpin a challenge, which the latter did not accept Last Friday morn ing the challenge was repeated, and Poole followed it up and went into the Sheriff's office with his pistol in his hand, while McAIpin was reading the challenge, and said to McAIpin: "Now is the best time we will have to settle our differences." McAIpin drew his pistol, Poole opening fire first Several shots were fired by both parties, McAIpin emptying the contents of his pistol in Poole's head and face, killing him Instantly. McAIpin died a few hours later from a wound in the abdomen, it being the effect of the second shot fired by Poole. THE DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. A Minneapolis Miller Thinks He Has Dis covered Perpetual Motion. Minneapolis, September 30. Richard Eobillard, engineer at the PillsburyA mill, has invented a machine which he claims is a solution of the problem of perpetual mo tion. It requires no fuel, and a little oil is all that is required to keep it in motion. Robillard says that at 3 o'clock this p. jr., the machine "has been running exactly seven weeks. The inventor is engaged on a larger machine which will be carefully con structed. He has already taken steps to have his machine patented, and thinks he has made the discovery of the century. Miming Girl Found Murdered. Connerstille, Ind., September 30. This afternoon the dead body of Katie "Wood, of this place, who has been missing since September 21, was found on the canal near here. It bore unmistakable evidence that she had been murdered. There was a deep hole in her head. Her body was much bruised and her clothing torn to pieces. The National Debt Largely Decreased. "Washington, September 30. It is esti mated at the Treasury Department to-day that there has been a decrease of $13,500,000 in the public debt since the 1st instant Where Missing Americans Are. Paeis, September 30. Estimates -made at the United States Legation place the number ot Americans who have viritid the Exposition at w.eea. .-', ?V THREE CENTS Wg JfATAL DAT? nator Paeeed 16 f'Ajjf sppstow Teateriay.5'. ,v& COUGRATULlalOIiS BT MIKM. A Glimpse Iato the Hose-Life efH StfttefiBian af Ksmr. -f A FLASH-LIGHT PI0T6lAfI TAEMT.l m a Seaater Qaays Iteest la WaeUdftia to Ike United States Senator Maitfcew Quay was X years oM yesterday, .jMisv-i mediate relatives gathered as4 qnisWywIfct bratedthe event Tfce taeHsM mMMsk TheJtJt S' strongly was contrasted with tk gesual ad1 aiscursive nost now tae peimecu m enjoys his hoae-life sad faailyisa The fabled shades of Eretms were fatttc nificant in comparison with tke-darksew it Beaver's streets list evening. Bt o lege avenue the home ot Seaate Stanley Quay glowed with a pleasast Mists! a guerdon of hospitable weleesn to Dispatch representative as be the steps and. "plied the kBeker,"i Dickens would say. Mr. Biefcevcl Qamfi opened the door and ushered the i man into the rooms aglow with BmM aMlJ warmth. Senator Quay was in the ! room surrouaded by several oH ftisask. rose with his customary genial ' The public has heard mueh of tb t statesman at Beaver, bat a glinsee Mo 1 home affords a new index of Bis As Chairman of the National : Committee Senator Quay ia silent; as the most distinguished birds of flight through the cordon at Umoa station he is rotuesijMi theleaderof a. host of warm adhspaassiW. may be uncommunicative, bat at Ms MUM hearthstone he Is the geaial beet. solely upon the comfort asd enjejiuBt ( his guests, idolized bv his fesaiy", aaevlsij short- as completely alsosso cintod i hurly-burly of polities, as if a dwssnitf another sphere. THE SENATOE AT HOME. There would be few who could this quiet man, dressed in gray tweed": urging-your acceptance of a Iresb eigar aadf your occupation oi tee most amnmHii chair in the room, with fee dashing loadsr of men, whose tactics eoaW daaife acl baffle the most experienced splitieiaaa iss.jt BV.U.UK U.W.MUW W. Ures. 0.UWOQ tm jw- ij tional headquarters. A CineinaaUw, ah- i " juring nis sworn tor a rural lite ex pewe and freedom from turmoil, might possibly 'V nave nresemea as strong a contrast to mai good people of Athens. ,i- xne smoKing room in which BenatscJ Quay indulges in the harmless rrliTnlioaj made fashionable bv Sir Walter Raleiak.-Is 1 an oiu-iasmonea, low-ceiiea room. UBj.1, walls hang military records and vnnni weapons. On a- cabinet in a oorsor.'fc'al bronze helmet; on the mantel limy mf cient dirk knife, and, crossed above. MfeAsK place is a. nair of "rust swordx. fta a UsssV ' marble pedestal reposes' a handiowe taste, reueving'tne martial aspect ,oc tfce tlnonga yoitnam are.afrMttn . smokfnsr room tsj isdiMte the is a bookisa man. 'The whole the house is a happy combia4io tt fashioned comfort and the modes of l furnishraentand all in-most exquisite 1 There is no lavish display, but the sulHUffl oi common sense pervades the massiea. HIS FIFTY-SIXTH. NATAL SAT. , "You are S6 years old to-day, If tieJieye,' "Yes. This h my fifty-sixth blrfMay.ij was born in York county C6 years aae , iVJ3 little family circle is gathered te-aiakt iit its annual observance of the event. Am i are to few of us that there is a dewnrisAtyj jJiCHU4Q i A4JCGs)AAJ AAA IUIb HAf UUVQ vear. Xo. There are none from etaewBeie.'t' "You areas welcome as any of my g9svIi am sometimes amused at the" nMMerj'llt! which my movements are magnified. I here v been credited with besieging the "WMte House daily in relation to the Pittsbasgft 1-JE 1 l T t 1 .!. .F pusiuiiiuv, uuk A vujjr sjhjjc uuce ui tea uraw ter to president Harrison. Ana so it gees.r ""When do you leave for "Washiagte, SenatorV" ; "My family will go to Washiaetea Thursday next, but I may not leave Beaver for a week or so. I have taken a larger house than I had last year, at No. 18SB:XJ street We may entertain iu a quiet way 'j mis winter, duc notning special. ' r "Some things I am interested in? well. Hon.H. K. Boyer's election by the largest' possible mainritv comes first and TarrmnMi ! I am interested in the Ohio slackwater pktauf and will afTord.it all the aseistaaee possible. a cannot now ininK or anything else ape which I care to express aa opinies. as Ir have been very busy lately. THETE PICTTTEES TAKEN. f The Senator was called upon to parti g 'jj by means of a flash light, one of the ysaagj ladies oi tne iamny nanaiing the mmnrnT with the skill of a veteran, araidet a vaetl deal of desultory merriment as 'the ' was ignited. And the merriest laugh wee that uttered by the "silent Senator." Taea j iuiiuwcu a couTcrMuuu upon asojeevs. ovi-a. ferent and indifferent, while troa tkef parlor floated strains of piano mssie shew ing that no unscuiiui nana was prtsinins; tne Keys; ana later one oi taff senators! nieces sang one of Moskowaki'g seaoa in a really artistic manner. Seaater Qaajtfj inquirea mmuteiy into many mawosg .m? connection with Allegheny eeuatv. nls.ha.jj ana expressea opinions, not lor paMiooWna.y however, which indicate that he has a. seaa-lE ing interest in wnat nappens. - - - Earlv in the evenin? dinner had kii. joyed by the gathering, and oa a fete tatta! tour of those present returned to T itliissgT after being joined by the only outsider area J entin congratulations to the beet of the evening.- C0-EDUCATI05 ADYAJiCES A SflfJ vra Likelihood of Liberal Action by teBUJ verslty of Pennsylvania. ISPXCtAI. TXUGBAK TO THX DISPATSH S Philadelphia, September 30. Ce-3 education has just received the alateet aa- animous approval of the college feeafty-wj the University of Pennsylvania. This:, portant action, the most advanced thai ' yet been taken in the liberalizing of fHSi institution, was the result ofa faculty i ing on Friday, when this resolutiaa.'waej adopted, with out two aisseniing ve That students be admitted without distia tion of sex, to all the courses of the faculty." I The resolution will go befoto the,) and if they shall approve it, ill the clamsJ from freshman to senior, wvu oetepeajj students oi botn sexes, -aireauy laere; a number of young women anxious te eater tne university, wuu ai "v '. aasua the resolution is passed finally by feel trustees. FIFTI KILLED AND IXJ0SEB. M Terrible Result of a Collision Betwees 1 press Trains in Italy. " sXS NAPLES, September 30. A diaaatreael railway accident occurred eetweea teak eMfj and Foegia to-day. Two exmrewnNatMl came into collision while pasaiag thwatVSl tuaael ana 2ti carriages were toloecnsjod. Aae juiieu aau isjureu jmumv asy . - Sj ft . y - j ( s-. v 5as Mr. . -4. I.ilf.I. .A, v.i j v - - -m r r i ,