Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 30, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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rj, , ' ' : i THE PITTSBURG-
Two young men sat at an open window
smokies. Tbey bad had a good gallop, an ex
cellent dinner, and were lazily enjoying their
cigars, and watching the moonlight-flooded
avenue. Out of these elements arose, through
some law ot evolution, a vague, restless sense
or want, which Will Van Alston expressed by
a complaint:
"There is no romance left In life now, John."
John Earle thought a moment, blew the
smoke leisurely away, aud anwcred. "Pretty
near right, Will; in every American Utopia
there is something business-like."
"No Love's young dream. John."
"We live too late in the day, WilL"
And there are no girls who will dream it with
"All to wide-awake no."
"I would like to find a girl who would marry
me for myself utbout caring for a fine house,
a grand trousseau, and a wedding tour."
"Did you ever tell any nice girl thatT"
"I raid something like it to Amelia Schom
berg at Newport, last summer."
She laughed, and answered that the world
knew better what we wanted than we did our
selves, and thatonmost points It was more than
even chance the world was right."
"Well, I don't object to a woman wanting
everything she can get; that is natural. What
I dislike is their knowing everything. They
have all ol them theories,' or missions. or
something or other, and it takes a fellow no
end of review-reading to keep up with those
little Vassar graduates."
"One docs not mind that much, if"
"Oil, yes. one does. When I say something
about the 'lovely moon to a prem girl, and she
quotes Proctor in rcpl, sentiment i out ot the
question; one feels swindled, somehon."
"Well, of course it wouldbe nicer to hear her
quote Tennyson."
"Ivotatall; I would a great deal rather she
would look nrettv. and sav. es. 1 think so.
too. I am going To look for a wife who can't
act like a star, and sing like a prima donna, and
who never haa an Idea that she could lecture,
or write for the newspapers. I shall on'y ask
her to be pretty, st fish, good hearted, and a
thorough believer in John Earle."
"You will find girls by the dozen to fill that
bill, John. My ideal is a far rarer creature;
and yet lonly want a good, simple girl, who has
some Illusions' lelt"
"Where are you going this summer?"
"With Jim Fellows, sketcliiuc. fishing and
camping among the Catskills "
Then you won't find j our ideal tins summer:
country girls are as far removed from "sweet
simplicity' as possible. Of all women, they
love money and show the most."
"Sometimes, John Earle, jou are mistaken.
Where are you goingT"
"Not far. I shall have to be in the city occa
sionally, and the rest of the time I shall share
between the Branch and my sister's little place
on th Hudson."
"Then you won't find yourideal, either. Girls
-who go to the Branch and to nice little places
on the Hudson read everything and tnow every
thing. You bad better get up some social
science and theology, read the last new novels
and poems,study a part in half a dozen favorite
tragedies, and the tenor's role in J-aiist and
Jdignon and the Bohemian GirL It will be a
great deal nicer trailing a line down a trout
Btream you had better come along."
"Can't; brother Dick is going to Europe, and
J must walk into the office once or twice a
week. A man is obliged to be mercenary,
whether a woman is or not. When do you and
Fellows start?"
"To-morrow. We shall bo back in four
"Bring your ideal with von?"
Then the hall-serious and half joking conver
sation chanced into an earnest discussion about
fish, flies, fishing tackle, ramping ores and ac
coutrements, flow far their imaginary wives
were creations of vague unrest, smoke and
moonshine, or embodiments of convictions,
they were not probably themselves able to de
termine. Men have much fewer convictions
than they think they have, for in these days of
rapid changes there is no time for anything but
The next morning John Earle met Will Van
Alston on the shady side of Broadway, with a
creel at his back and fishing-line in Ins band.
"Yon are a pleasant sight. Will, in this heat
and tumult," said John; "you make me think
of dewy, dripping mornings and cool, unplant
ed places. Where is Jim?"
"Gone with the traps and the man to the
steamer. I had to get another dropper and a
surplus reel. Better come along, John."
"No, yon tempter. I hope you will find your
Ideal, and I wish you all the good things in the
old antler's greeting on know it."
"Yes. I know it;" and Will' brisk footsteps
Involuntarily Jet themselves to the breezy
"showers and clouds and winds,
All tblnrs rlcht and titliL
All things well Hiid proper;
Trailer red and white.
Dark and wllv dropper;
Midges true tolling.
Made of plover hackle.
W Hh a gaudv wine.
And a cobweb tackle:
Wih your rod and reel,
t lies of every feather
That can fill your creel,
M Ish you glorious weather," etc
Now it may be good for some men to be
driven into the wilderness; for, relieved from
enforced courtesies, they grow sweet of heart,
but the rule is not a universal one. Thus,
though Jim Fellows forgot his cynicism in
painting grassy dells and bits of water and yel
low sunsets ill, even at first, was tired of the
monotony of their life, and had spasmodic im
poses to run back to New York for a sparkling
draught of society.
After three or fonr weeks of woods and hills
thee impulses became stronger and longer.
"it was all very well for Jim. who made business
oat of purple patches and running becks, to
put up with insects and showers, and meals
without table cloths, and water without ice,
but be was tired or getting wet, and the trout
were not plentv, and be never could hit the
right bait;" in fact, Will was Dored.
He was admitting this very plainly to himself
one afternoon. They bad just made a fresh
camp, and be had not caught a fish all day;
Will wondered if Jim considered the fishing as
mnch as the painting advantages of their loca
tions. Suddenly a little figure stepped lightly
onto a rock nearly opposite to him. He laid bis
rod gently on the ground and watched her: per
haps he had not read Mr. Stoddart's advice to
bachelor anglers: "Xever fall in love with a
woman by the water S'de; there are situations
in which every woman looks an angel."
If be had iead, he did not heed, but watched
-with the liveliest interest thissiner of the
angle. She had a lithe, graceful figure, and it
was clad in white flannel, made jauntily short,
aud looped up'with bows of black velvet. Her
leet were shod in stout English walkine boot.
and she carried a rod that bent almost to her
land. Her face he could not see. for it was
quite shaded by a deep "sundown." Before he-
could decide wnai to do, mere was a sound of
crashing brushwood, and a gentleman joined
her. He was evidently her father, and Will
now determined f retrace his steps a little,
cross the stream above and join them.
In half an hour be had made his introduc
tion, and seen the young lidy lift with a clever
jerk a splendid fish of more than two pounds
"Reckless creature," she said, with a low
laugh; "it just came to see what the matter
"I hare been throwing my line for three
hour s," said Will, 'and 1 could not get a fish to
look at my bait."
"Let me see it."
Will exhibited his fly. She shook her head
and pointed to the bushes. They are full of
tboe very flies; use for bait the flies not there.
There Is a great deal of human nature in fish
nature," and she pushed back her sundown and
looV ed Will pleasantly in the face.
Snch eyesl They took Will captive at once.
He was only too glad to receive a lesson from
such an expert. The animation of her face
and the poises of her fizure, as she kept con
stantly throwing in her lne and pulling it out,
was a succession of charms. It was not Will's
way of fishing, but be was glad it was hers, and
all his objections were soon silenced by her suc
cess. "Human nature again," she said; "not one of
those graylings had any intention of biting;
they came to look at to tamper with to nib
ble at danger. What a temptation that is, even
to men! and women too.'
Will certainly thought so. He bad sense and
experience enough to know that he was in dan
pen but did be wish to avoid it? On the con
trary, he was wondering how to insure a return
to it He could think of no better way than
tnat or asking his new acquaintances to walk
round by their camp to see Jim's pictures
Then Mr. hellers aoked the young men to
come and have a cup of tea at the Manse; and
the tea, and the evening that followed it, were
so charming that it was easy to foresee it would
be the precedent lor many other charming
evenings. Indeed, before very long Will began
to go to the Manse as soon as Jim bc-an to
paint in the morning, bomettmes Mary tellers
and be went fishing, though more frequently
be followed her about the garden, helped her to
pick fruit, or sit by her side while she sewed
in short, behaved as all lovers have behaved
from the beginning of the world.
It was really wonderful to at least Will said
0 to Jim bow exactly Marj's and his ideas
about life coincided. He was full of sentiment,
eo was Mary. He could be happy with Mary in
a cottage, so could Mary with him. He liked
Tennyson, so did Mary. He thought fashion
able society a hollow mockey, so did Mary, eta,
Jim smiled. He had noticed that all Mary's
dresses were very stylishly and becomingly
made, and that (he seemed to have a very clear
idea of what fashionable society indorsed. Will
thought that was natural enough. Mary had
an aunt in New York, a wealthy widow, and
Alary had frequently staid with her; that, of
course, only made Man's simple tastes the
more delightful; it showed that she was proof
against the seuuetions of the gav world.
By-andbyJim got bored, and proposed to
move camp farther into the mountains. Will
was amazed, pointed nut the advantages of the
adjacent village, the exquisite scenery, the fine
fishing, etc.. and declared that he had never
been so hppy in bis life.
Jim thought it likely, but begged Will to con
sider tnat though the world revolved in heaven
for lovers, for ordinary mortals it revolved in
void or ennui.
"For lovers!" The remark set Will thinking,
and Jim let him think during the whole session
or a cigar. When it was finished, he said,
"I believe you are right, Jim. I must be in
"Of course you are. and there is no remedy I
know of, except cutting off the head. What
are you going to do?"
"Ask Sliss Sellers, I supnose."
"All right; but I shall go away to-morrow.
When 'lovely woman' wants my friend. 1 hope
I know enough to beat a hasty retreat."
If we never had come up here, Ji.nl" said
Will, with a sigh.
Jim whistled a stave, and then mockingly
rtw If tMe .Mld Tin I Yiann at fcntn.
Standinp upon dry ground.
i en tnousaml pounds to one penu
lie had not then been drowned.
These 'if' of life. Will, illustrate, I suppose,
Artemus Ward's doctrine of tho cussedness of
things in generaL"'
'Well, what would you do, Jim?"
"In nature it takes an onnce to balance an
ource I suppose it is the same in love. Go
and ask Miss sellers what to do."
This advice was quite in keeping with Will's
inclination; no iooc it, ana .miss hellers ad
vised him to remain at Cedarvllle for the rest
of the summer. Before the summer was over.
Miss Sellers had promised to tell Will wbat to
do during the rest of bis life. In fact, she had
promised to marry him in two month.
Will would hear of no longer delay. They
neither or them wanted a grand wedding, and
Marj's simple toilet could be easily prepared,
especially as she was going to her aunt's to
make the preparations. For Aunt Martha
Sellers had taken the greatest interest in the
whole affair, ana insisted that her niece should
bemaniedlrom her bouse. Will appioved.
At that time ot year it wonld be more con
venient; beside, Mrs. Sellers intended bujing
all Mary's things.
She bought ery splendid things. Poor Marv
made her little complaint to W ill privately; but
tuey ooin agreea it would oe unkind ana nn
graterul to find Tanlt with Aunt Martha's gen
erosity. So one set or finery atier another
camo home, and the whole fashionable world
was talking of Mary Sellere's trousseau. Mary
also b-gan to dress very richly; but she looked
so bewitching in her pale silks, and wore them
with such a pretty, deprecating air, that -Will
could not avoid the double fascination that
bonnd him. Neither was he above feeling
plctsed with the compliments everywhere
given to Miss Scllers's beauty and Miss Sellers' s
graceful toilets.
The aunt having managed the trousseau to
her liking, easily arranged the white satin and
Coint lace, the bndemaids, and the wedding
reakfast. As for the European tour, Mary
and Will looked forward now to that as the
easiest way of escaping from all the formal
visiting and fashionable courtesies thev would
otherwise bo compelled to accept. Indeed,
amid the busy preparations for their wedding
it had been the lovers' chief consolation to re
tire to tbe library and plan little tours in Eng
land and Scotland, where no one would know
anything about them, and they could live
entirely for each other.
. Will had once spent a summer in the English
lake district, and he told Mary about the
"Lovers' Walk" in Ambleside, and the fishing
in Troutbeck, and the romantic life they micbt
live In snch quaint towns as Kendal and Kes
wick, and Mary listened with glowing cheeks
and love lit eves; only s'le was compelled to re
mind Will that Ambleside and Windermere
would be cold and dreary places for some
months yet.
Will, in thecozy library andin his enthusiasm,
had forgotten such a small affair as seasons;
however, be said, "they could go to the south
of Europe first," and Mary heartily agreed to
that arrangement So it was. alter all, to Paris
that tho newly married couple went: Will
somehow had proposed it, and Mary made a
point of always doing what Will proposed.
Tbev arrived there in a very gay season, when
Paris was full of New Yorkers. Many of them
knew Will, some of them had met Mary the
previous winter. The bride becaiusa reigning
favorite, everyone calledonber, she was invited
to court, ber gowns w ere copied, her sayings re
peated, her Deauty and elegance were on every
one's tongue.
Willwasuot Insensible to such homage; it
pleased him to see bis wife's savings andgnirgs
xm chronicled in the daily papers, be desired
Marv to be worthy of ber fame. He found him
self studying wbat modes and colors were most
becoming to her, ordering jewels and costumes,
and urging her to attend balls and dinners.
Mary always found Will Irresistible; her do
cility was not the least of her charms. Thus
they 6pent a very gay winter in Paris, and
slowly moved northward by way of the Ger
man baths. Somehow it seemed impossible for
them to find any seclusion: Mary laid it to
Will's popularity, and Will insisted that it was
Mary's beant;but they generally compromised
on their mutual good-nature and willingness to
oblige neople.
It was actually Autrust before they reached
Ambleside.. Now at last thev would be able to
live a simple, natural life. Mary looked over
the gray waters with dismay; she was getting
very tired of fine scenery. Will was tired too,
only be did not have the courage to sav so.
Mary hazarded a disparaging remark. Will
indorsed it "Lakes and woods and mount
ains, and small country inns! was it worth while
spending monev ana fatiguing one's self for
them?" Marv asked. Will seriously doubted
If It were. Marj said she "must admit she did
not like Europe outside of its great cities."
Will "rather thought she was right: it was
slow." Suddenly Will said: "Let us go back to
New Yorkv" Mary answered, joyfully, that "i
was her native air, and that she was homesick
away from It"
If Will had any lurking sense of disappoint
ment in the" failure of his dream, he had no
time to be conscious of it Mary introduced
the subject of housekeeping: "in their own
home they would find that retirement and
peace they had vainly sought for in Europe."
Then they discussed everything in French,
G -rman and English households that seemed
w rthy of incorporation into the Sellers home
stead; and Will, who was someihingof an artist,
sketched "interiors" and styles of furnishing,
every one of which Mary declared to be 'jost
Of course there was nobody in town when
they arrived In New York. Mary's aunt was at
Saratoga, and Will's friends were here, tbero
and everywhere. They took rooms at a hotel,
and now really began to enjoy each other's
society. No one interfered with their time;
there were no calls to make or return, no trains
to catch, no routes to decide on, no foreign
customs to submit to Life in New York is a
well retrulated institution: Will and Mary fell
naturally and easily into its pace.
Thev remained at thehotel during the decor
ation and relurnishing of their house. It was
to be reaav f,r occupancy in November, and in
tbe meantime itsnpplied them with a never
ceasing source of interest One day they went
tobypher's to try and match a queer bit of
bronze that Mary had picked up in Pans. A
gentleman and lady were in conversation with
a clerk in the shadowof a great Chinese screen.
It was John Earle and his bride. Will took in
at a glance her characteristics "a fair, intel
lectual face, and the air of one used to being in
authority." Mary looked at her dress "iich
material, but out of style." Both comments
were instantaneous; the two friends clasped
hands, and tbe ladies looked into each other's
faces, and bowed to their introduction.
Then John and Will walked away, ostensibly
to examine some antique vases, but really to
exchange a few congratulations. Mrs. Van
Alston and Mil. Earle talked about dwarf
bronzes, and examined each other's toilets.
Both felt that they were under a battery
of criticism, but both stood fire without the
quiver of an eyelash. .
"If she thinks I mind her Frenchified ways,"
thought Mrs. Earle, "she is vastly mistaken."
"if she thinks she snnbs me with her eye
glasses and her know-averythlng airs she fs a
very Ignorant young person," thought Mrs. Van
Alston. But they chatted away about English
dining rooms and French bonnets until John
and Will's return produced the usual regrets
and anticipations.
As they drove away Mary looked complacent
ly down at her Parisian costume. "I think,
Will," she said, "I had the pleasure ot showing
your friend's wife how a woman ought to dress
"I hope you knew all about those bronzes I
saw you examining; because John says his wife
is a connoisseur in such matters,"
"I am sure I do not know what I said about
them; it is a matter of indifference to me. Will,
what women think aoout my intelligence, but I
am sensitive as to what they think about my
"How does Mrs. Earle dress?"
"Now. Will, don't pretend that you did not
see that straight up and down overskirt, and
that pleated waM! '
"I was looking at her face."
"Oh! What was it like?"
"Now, Mary, don't pretend that you did not
see those white, intelligent brows, and those
soft, clear gray eyes."
"Upon my word. Will, I did not I saw her
Will laughed. "John thinks that she is splen
did." "She Is John's wife; that is all right I sup
pose you are not accountable for John's tastes;"
and Mary looked np so bewitchingly that Will
forgot all other women in admiration of his
own wife. , '
Tbeother pair were presently strolling slowly
np Broadway discussing tho merits of two din
ner services, Mrs. Earle inclining to an old
fashioned style of indigo blue and white, and
John hankering after a pretty French set,
adorned with marvelous bouquets and plenty
of purple and gold.
"Your tastes, Jonn dear, want subduing a
little," said Mrs. Earle; "they are too Frenchy
and Bhoppy."
"Perhaps they are. Adelaide. Now I liked
the way in hfch Will Van Alston's wife
dresses herself. I hum risen wonderinc ever
since I saw her, how yon would look in such a
"My dear John, conld yon ever Imagine your
wife making a peacock's tail with her train as
that woman did? Doves cannot be peacocks,
John;" and Adelaide lifted her rair, calm face
In such a way that John found it the easiest
thing in the world to say "he was glad of It"
John's home was just such a one as a woman
like Adelaide would preside over; a handsome
dwelling, pervaded by an atmosphere of order
and repose. Luxurious chairs, suggestive pic
tures, pleasant lights, nothing small, nothing
in the waj; no flowers that would make a litter,
no birds that would sing whether you wanted
them or not: no aquariums or ferneries; no pets
or obligations ot any kind. Her table was
faultless, her servants soft-rooted and low
voiced; tbe whole house went like a noiseless
Eiece of perfect machinery guided by a master
John hardly knew how unconsciously ho had
imbibed its spirit flp was mnch calmer in his
manners, and superficial observers thought
probably be was less happy. But John knew,
alter a bard day's business, now great was tbe
charm" ot his still, peaceful home; how deli
cious the quiet, orderly dinner table; how rest
ful the pleasant lounge in tbe library after
ward, wnere, wnue ne smoked. Aaeiaiae reaa
at intervals amusing or interesting paragraphs
from the book which sho had in ber hand.
Not less interesting were the little discus
sions arising out of these provocative passages.
John's literary tastes were being gradually
educated in the most charming of methods; tor
any man will enjoytheenmpanyot great think
ers if ho may make their acquaintance through
the medium of a lovely woman who has tact
enough to know when to introduce aud when
to dismiss them.
Thev went little out, and as the winter ad
vanced, the cozv library, with its lounge and
cigar, its beautiful mistress, and new books,
grew more and more in favor with John. Will
thought "marrying had qnite ruined John,"
ane Mary said "he did look wretchedly;" but
John himself knew how sweet and deep and
strong vas the source of his happiness a hap
piness which be felt instinctively the world
would not comprehend, and about which,
therefore, he wisely held bis peace.
As time passed on, the old friends, without
any real diminution ot kind feeling, drifted
farther apart Mr. and Mrs. Earle knew
through the newspapers that Mr. and Mrs.
Van Alston were acknowledged leaders of
fashionable society; and that Mary, in a short
visit to Washington, had made a sensation
that must have been highly flattering to those
of her friends who coveted for her the stars
and orders of fashionable fame. These notices
Adelaide generally read in just such a tone
and manner that John unconsciously got the
habit of responding to them, "Poor Will!"
"Poor Will" was, however, doing exceedingly
well, and regarded himself as an object of
envy to all bis acquaintance, for Mary, in the
beginning of their married life, had marked
out the end she meant him to attain nnto, and
all her social successes had been but so many
well considered steps toward it Wnen they
were on their wedding tour she bad said, ono
night after a brilliant court reception, "Will,
you must go into politics; you have the air ot
a foreign Minister, and you are a born dipln
mate." Will was not the man to dispute any
ot Mary's opinions; he liked this idea, and cul-
tivaiea it.
Tho result was that one dav John Earla
brought bis wife an illustrated paper in which
Will's handsome face, and Will "presenting his
credentials to His Majesty ," made the
roost prominent pictures. Perhaps neither
John nor his wile took the Interest in the news
that they might have done under ordinary cir
cumstances; but just at the same time a very
important personam arrived at the Earle man
sionno loss a personage, indeed, than John's
eldest son; and hencelorth the nursery had, in
its degree and way, a charm as great as the
library. Wbat did John care for kings or
courts? Thero was a little autocrat in the
cradle ot the Earle house that ontruled them
all with him.
Besides, during Adelaide's confinement to
her room, John had also discovered a secret of
which he was not a little vain his wife was a
famous writer. Under her nom do plume she
bad been for three years a favorite with him.
Her stories bad charmed away many a pleas
ant evening, and from her graver articles he
had taken his opinions on a good many social
questions. He could not help laughing when
he remembered how often he bad quoted Mrs.
Earle against Mrs. Earle in their evening dis
cussions. Some years have passed away since Willand
John drew in imagination the bacbelorpictures
of their future wives. Will's "simple little
country girl" is the star of a European court,
dances with orluces,and entertains royal dukes;
and John, who only wanted a, ashionable
"know-nnthing" wif e, is now so .proud pf the
clever Mrs. Earle that generally his first re
mirk to a friend is, "Have you seen my wife's
article in the Review" or, "Have you read
Mr. Earle s story in Magazine"
Evidently Amelia Schombcrg's theory has a
principle of truth in it some power or other
"knows better what wewant than we know our
selves." Mary's ambition bas made a clever
di pi ornate out of an idle young man; and John
Earle has received In hi" wife's society such a
noble, elevated and refined education that he
is quite a match now for any "little Vassar
graduate." Harper's Bazar.
Tbe Condition of Business at tho East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, i
Saturday, September 28, 18S9.
Cattle Receipts, 680 head; shipments,
6S0 head; market nothing doing; all through
consignments; 4 cars of cattle shipped to New
York to-day.
Hogs Receipts. 2,700 nead: shipments. 3.100
head; market active; good medium and
Yorkers. S4 905 00; light Philadelphias, S4 75
4 83; grassers and heavy hogs, SI 504 70; 8
cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipt". 1,200 bead; shipments,
200 head; market slow at yesterday's prices.
By Telegraph.
Kansas City The Live Stock Indicator re
ports: Cattle Receipts, 5,161 bead; shipments.
283 head; native beef steers on light supply and
market steady: good Texas steady; Texas
cows lower; native cows steady; stockers and
feeding steers firm; good to choice corn fed
steers. Si OOgI 25; common to medium. S2 90
3 75: stockers and feeding steers, SI C0R3 15;
cows. $1 3o2 50; grass range steers, SI 60ffi2 6J.
Hogs Receipts. 5,245 head; shipments. 3,146
head: market opened steady to 5c hisrher.
closing lower; good to choice Iight,S4 lo4 30;
heavy and mixed, S3 70i 10. Sheep Re
ceipts, 517 head; shipments, none; market
stronger and 10c higher; good to choice mut
tons, $3 60S4 00; stockers and feeders, S2 00
CniCAOO The Droiers' Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 4.500 head: ihipments, 1,500
head; mar&ct quiet and unchanged; choice
to extra beeves, Si 15i 75: steers, 82 S0i 10;
Blockers and feeders. $1 90g3 10; cows, bulls
and mixed, $1 252 75; lexas cattle, tl 50
2 90; natives and half breeds. S2 00S 5U. 'Hogs
Receipts, 15,000 bead: shipments, 7,000 head;
market strong; mixed. Si O04 55: heavv,
53 904 35; light, $4 104 80; skips, $2 75Q3 75.
Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head; shipments. 1.000
bead; market unchanged; natives, CI 754 65;
Western. S3 604 10; Texans. S3 504 10: lambs,
54 005 85.
St. Loots Cattle Receipts, none; ship
ments, 2,300 head; market steady; choice heavv
native steers, 4 W&i 40: fair to good do, S3 20
3 90; stockers and feeders, 2 152 75; range
steers S2 103 00. Hogs Receipts. 400 head;
saipments, 2,500 bead: market higher: fair to
choice heavy, S3 904 25; packing grades, S3 80
m 15; light, fair to best. S4 154 50. Sheep
Receipts, 400 head; shipments, 2,000 head;
market firm; fair to choice, S3 254 5a
Buffalo Cattle steady and unchanged;
receipts, 119 loads through, 4 sale. Sheep and
lamDS siow ana wean: recpipis,i loaas inrougli,
2 sale; sheep, S4 504 75: lambs, So 506 (XX
Hoc steady; receipts. 22 loads through. 30 sale;
corn Yorkers, So 005 05; others unchanged.
movements' of bpecic.
New York, September 28. The exports or
specie from the port of New York last week
amounted to 8161,702, of which S11.C00 was
gold and $450,102 silver. All the gold went to
South America, $446,352 silver went to Europe
and $3,750 silver went to South America.
The imports ot specie amounted to $61 861.
ot which S33.462 was in gold and S28.222 in
Saturday's Oil Unnsc.
Corrected daily by John M. OaEley & Co , 45
Sixth street, members ot the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange
Opened. SSVILowest 93X
Highest MMlClosed K
Average runs 51, Ml
Average shipments Sn.257
Average charters 41,904
Kenned. New Yorfc. 7.10c
Refine.', London, S II-16d.
Refined, Antwerp, 17HC
Refined, Liverpool, tHi.
A. B. McGrew 4 Co. quote: Puts, 98?c:
calls. 99Kc yi '
When baby was sick, vre gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children,she gave them Castoria
ap9-77-atW7T3u ,
All Dairy Products on the Advance,
and Eggs Yery Firm.
Wheat Stronger, Flonr Qniet, Choics Oats
and Hay Steady. ,
Saturday. September 28. 1S89. i
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Cheese of all descriptions is moving upward.
New imported Sweitzer put Inits first appaar
ancefor this season within the past week.
Eggs are firm enough to advance in a day or
two. Creamery butter is active and firm at
the recent advance. It is in the air that bnt
terine Is on the market In considerable quan
tity sinco butter has gone np. A few peaches
were on tbe market to-day, but quality was
poor. Anything choice found ready sale at
outsiae quotations. Grapes are in good de
mand. All prospector a potato shortage has
vanished, and markets are qniet at 60c to 70c
per bushel. There is an improvement in de
mand tor apples since the beginning oi we
week, and choice stock is active and firm.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2S30c; Ohio do,
2627c; fresh dairy packed, 2325c; country
rolls, 2122c
Beai.8 Navy hand picked beans, S2 25 2 40;
medium, $2 J02 40.
Beeswax 28d0c 93 a for choice: lowgrade,
Cider Sand refined, S6 507 50; common,
S3 501 00; crab cider. $8 00S 50 f) barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c 39 per gallon.
Cheese Ohio, 10c; New York, lie: Lim
burger, 9K10c; domestic Sweitzer, 10013c;
imported Sweitzer, 23c
Eoos 1920c 5? dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, SI 502 50 SH barrel: whortle
berries, 75S0c & pail; neaciies. SI 502 50 U
bushel box; grapes. Concords, 45c ?3 pound,
catawbas, 68c, Delawares. l9c; Bartlett
pears, $5 00 V barrel; quinces, SI 001 25 $
bushel, cranberries, Jerseys, S3 003 25 $
bushel box.
Feathers Extra live geese, 50660c; No. 1,
do, 4045c; mixed lots, 30&c 1 9.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4015c?
pair: old, 6570 ?3 pair.
Seed Clover, choice, 62 Bis to'bnshel, 85 60
t$ bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, S6 00;
clover, Alslke, $8 60; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fin. $1 65; blue grass, extra
clean. 14 tts, 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 Ss. SI 65: red top, 14 Us, SI 25;
millet. 60 fcs, SI 00: German millet, 50 As,
SI 60; Hungarian grass. 60 fts, $1 00; lawn
fras, mixture of fine grasses, S2 50 t' bushel of
4 lbs.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, i
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, 85 00
5 50; fancy. $8 006 50; oranges, S4 605 00;
bananas, 82 00 firsts, SI 50 good seconds, 99
bunch; cocoanuts, E4 004 50 ?9 hundred; figs,
8X9c fi; dates. 5K6Xc 3 ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, $1 752 00 ! bar
rel; tomatoes, home-grown, SI 00 $ bushel;
wax beans. 50c $ bushel: creen beans,4050c
bushel; encumbers, 75cSl 00 R bushel: cab
bages SI 251 50 ?! barrel: celerv, 40c ?3 dozen;
Southern sweet potatoes, $2 75, Jerseys, S3 25.
Green Coffee Fansy Rio, 2223)c:
choice Rio, 2021c; primo Rio, 20c; low grado
Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2321c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santo. 20
23Jc; Caracas. 2123cj peaberry, Rio, 2325c;
.La Uuayra, 2223c
RnAKTKTi (m r,ir,orc5(,T,,i,rj v,,.o
23Mc: high grades 25K2bkc: old Government
Java. bulk. 31ffi3Afc: Maracalbo. 2ft3)27c:
Santos. 2123c; peaberrv, 26c; choice Rio, 24c:
prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 2lc; ordinary. 21c
Spices (whole)-Cloves, 2i25c; allspice, 8c;
cassia. 8c; pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c; J
10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, UfaM
lujaiuie, iiu. j
bYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629e; choice sugar
svruns. 33fi)38c: urime sntrar svriin SMt.Xirl
I strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 9uc. '
xi. yj. muhAMts ranry, sc; cnoice, loc;
medium. 43c: mixed. 4042c
SoDA-Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi carb in K,
5Kc; bi-carh, assorted packages, 66c; sal
Soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
CANDLEfa-btar, full weight, 9c; stearine, ?
set, 8&c; parafflne, ll12c .
kioe ueau. uaroiina, 77M": choice. Bits
7c; prime, 6K6jic: Louisiana, 66Kc
QiAuuu re
cornstarch, 66c; gloss
Starch, 57c
Foreign Fruits Laver raisins, 2 B.v Ten
don lasers, S3 10: California London layers.
S2 BO- Muscatels S2 25; California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, 7Kc; Ondara Valencia, 9&10c;
sultana, 8$c; currants. 4K5e; Turkey prunes,
4Jf5c; Fiench prunes, 813c; Salonlca
prunes, in 2-ft packages. 8c: cocoanut', $ 100,
S6 00; almonds, Lan., 6, 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled, 40e: walnuts, nap , 1215c; Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, lijjlGc; new oates,
5XGc, Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan, 11015c; citron
per a, 2122c; lemon peel, $1 ft, 1314c; orange
peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples sliced, per ft 6c;
apples, evaporated, 6fe6Kc; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated. 1216c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 22Z3c; peaches. California evaporated,
unpared, lOQUKc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 2iiS)lKc: blackberries, 7k8c; huckle
berries. 10012c
Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c; granu
lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8Wc: standard
A, 8c; soft whites. 7Ji07Kc: yellow, choice,
1Q yellow, good, 7g7c, yellow, fair, 7J-ac;
yellow, dark. 6Jc
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 50; medi
um, half bbls (600). S2 75.
S lt-N o. 1. ?) bbl 95c; No. 1 er, fl bbl. SI 05:
dairj, f bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal: $ bbl, SI 20;
Higglns' Eureka. 4-bu sacks, 12 b0;Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 (X).
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00
2 25; 2ds SI 501 05: extra peaches. U 402 60:
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. SI1 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 70090c; red cherries, 90cSl:LInia beans,
SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75!5c; mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75; dani
sonplums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
S2; California pears. S2 50;do greengages, $2; do,
egg plums. $2; extra white cherries, S3 90; red
cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 50;
strawberries SI 10; gooseberries. Jl 801 40;
tomatoes, 90cSl 00; salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10,
blackberries, fcOc; succotasb, 2-ft cans, snaked;
99c; do green. 2 fts si 251 50: corn beef. 2-ft
cans. $2 05; 14-ft cans, S14 00; I aked beans, SI 45
1 60; lobster, 1-ft. $1 751 80; mackerel, 1 ft
cans broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic s,
S4 2o4 60; sardines, domestic Ms S7 257 oO;
sardines, Imported, Js. 11 50U 50; sardines,
imported. Xs. S18: sardines, mustard, S3 60; sar
dines, spiced, S3 50.
uish lixtra jso. i bloater mackerel, EJo fl
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, SI0: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Kc H ft; do medium, Georgo's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6f$7Kc Herring
Round shore. So 00 $ bbl; split, $7 00; lake,
S2 00 p 100-ft half bbl. White nsh, S7 00 100
fi hair bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 H half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft. Pickerel, barrel, S2 00; H barrel, $1 10;
Potomac herring, $5 00 barrel, S2 50 f
Oatmeai-S6 80(26 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Groin, Flour and Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
46 cars. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis,
1 car or oats, 7 ot hay, 2 or wheat, 1 ot millfeed,
1 of bran, 5 of barley, 6 of corn, 3 of middlings.
1 of malt, 2 of flour. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 6 cars of oats, 1 of malt, 2 of hay,
1 of flour. 1 of shorts, 2 of feed, 3 of barley. By
Baltimore, and Ohio, 1 car of hay. There was
but one sale on call, viz: a car of No. 2 timothy
hay, S10 60, 6 days, B. fc O. Total receipts for
the week were ls5 carloads, against 140 loads
last week and 209 for the week before. The
situation in cereal lines is practically un
changed since the beginning bt the week.
"Wheat is a shade stronger, but flour is quiet.
Choice grades ot oats and hay are steady. Low
grades are very dull.
WnEAT-New No. 2, red, 83S4c; No. 3, 78
COEN-No. 2jellow, ear, 4243c; high mixed
ear, 40llc; No. 2 yellow, Bhelled, 40c; high
mixed, shelled, 88Jg33c; mixed, shelled, 37
Oats-No. 2 white. 2727Jc; extra No. 3.
2026Kc:mixei2223c a ' '
RYE-No. 1 PennsUvanla and Ohio, 6051c;
No. 1 Western, 4849c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio,
Fiouh Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, S5 005 60; winter straight.
SJ ?;. cIe,ar wi,n,l?.r' H a 25; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 603 7o. lye flour, S3 60
1 75.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S16 00
16 50 ton; brown middlings, $12 6013 00;win
ter wheat bran, Sll 60011 75; chop feed. S15 60
16 00. ,
HAT-Baled timothy, choice. Sll O014 25;
No. 1 do, ilk 00012 50; No. 2 do, Sll 0oll 50
loose from Wagon, Sll 0013 00, accordlne to
I Provisions.
Sngacured hams, large, llc; sugar-cured
hams, inedlum, llc; sngar-cured hams, sm all
12Jic:ugar-cured breakfast bacon, lOXcjSUgar-
enred shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 7Kc; sugar-cured California hams.
7c;sngar-cured dried beef flats, ,10c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sugar-cured dried
beer rounds. 13c; bacon shoulders, 6Vc; bacon
clear sides. 7c; baron clear bellies, 7Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 5e; dry salt clear sides, 7c.
Mess pork, heavy, 11 50; mess pork, family,
S12 00. Lard Refined, in tierces. 6c; half,
barrels, 6c; 60-11 tubs. 6Kc; 20-ft palK 7c; 60-fi
tin cans, 6c; 3-fi tin pails. 7c; 5-ft tin pails,
7c; 10-ft tinpails. Cc:5-B tin pails. 7c: 10-lb tin
pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 5c
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, lUcK.
Pigs feet, half barrel, $4 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meat.
Armour t Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beet carcasses 450 to 650 fts,
5c; 650 to 650 lbs, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 67c
Sheep, 8c $1 ft. Lambs, 9c $ ft. Hogs, Oc.
Fresh pork loins. 8c
Wheat Maintains lis Activity! bnt Prices
Decline Under Depressing Outside In
fluences Final Fisnres Show
a Fractional Loss All
Chicago The volume of business transacted
in wheat to-day was larger than usual for the
closing day of the week, though smaller than
yesterday and on the day before Fluctuations
were within narrower limits, and after JgJd
lower'opening the market weakened a little
more and averaged, most or the session, frac
tionally under yesterday's ruling figures. Part
of tbe gossip received was that Duluth parties
were buying wheat here and that a prominent
local operator was willing to help the crowd
break tbe market, if he could do so without
selling any wheat.
Foreign was said to be "on the fence" to-day.
A.general break of 1 to 2c was expected by
both tbe bulls and bears on tbe depressing in
fluences. The selling pressure, however, was
not especially heavy until late in tbe session,
when realizing by longs became quite large and
general, and December wheat broke to82Jie.
Jiay being carried down to 8iJJc. Final closing
figures showed a net decline ot KK&
Corn was moderately active at times. with tho
feeling developed somewhat easier. The mar
ket opened at about yesterday's closing prices,
was steady for a time, then sold off c ruled
quiet and steady, closing with near months Jic
lower and May about tbe same as yesterday.
A moderate volume or trade was witnessed
in oats. Prices advanced yeic May was
sold freely and prices remained steady.
Trading in pork was rather light, and the .feel
ing easier. Deferred deliveries rather weak
and prices declined 1520c, closing tame.
A light trade reported in lard; prices 25c
lower, the market closing quiet.
Trading was only fair in short ribs and the
feeling easier; prices declined 25c, and the
market closed steady.
The leading futures ranged as follows-
"Wheat No. 2. October. 8181K80K
80c: December. 83SS382k68c: year. 81S
SlK8S0K68l:e: May, 858ofe8i84Kc '
CORN No. 2, October, 31i3l5Q3l431Vc;
November. 81531Kc: December, SlK31?lc;
May, 33&Qa3Jjfei J3c
Oats-No. October. 19'19c; December,
lS&1919gc; Mayi nyMmii.
Mess Pork, per bbL Octoner, 811 25; No
vember. $9 6o9 709 5249 57: January, 89 35
9 40 toS9 2!ii.
LiARD, ner 100 Bs. October, S6 0:
6 07K
0 026 02K; November, 55 955
ary to sttiqo Oiyi.
Short Ribs, .ner lm ,. notnhor si ava
i 9u: November, i4 754 804 76i 80; January,
517204 70. . w , j.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
firm and unchanged. Nn. 2 surlnc whpir
S0S0c; No. 3 spring wheat, 6872c;
jNo. 2 red. 80K80Jic No. 2 corn.31Kc No.
2 oats, 19c No. 2 rye. 44Uc. No. 2 bar
ley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI 28. Prime tim
othy seed, SI 2L Mess pork, per bbl. Sit 00.
1 Lard, per 100 pounds, S6 12K6 15. Short ribs
sides (loose), S3 00. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), unchanged. Short clear sides (boxed).
I unchanged. Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged.
I Receipts-Flour, 18,000 barrels; wheat, 68.000
corn. .S0.1000 bnshels: aits. 162.000
I bushels; rye, 18.000 bushels; barley, 62,000
bushels. Shipments Flour, 27,000 barrels:
wheat, 13,000 bushels: corn. 560,000 bushels;
oats, 61,000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bushels: barley,
67.000 bushels
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was dull but steady. Eggs, blank.
New York Flour dull and easy. Cornmeal
dull. Wheat Spot moderately active
and steady; options fairly active. Rye
quiet: Western, 4S5ic Barley dnll. Barley
malt quiet; Canadian, 8595c Corn Spot
fairly active and weaker; options dull and Ir
regular, closing steady. Oats Spot firm and
qniet; options firmer and quiet Hay qniet
and firm; shipping, 4550c; good to choice, 70
85c Hops quiet and easy. Coffee Options
opened steady at 5 15 points up, closing barely
steady at 152o points up; sales 31,250 bags,
including September, 15.6015.75c: October,
lo-vuc; iMovemoer, io.&uio.7Uc: December,
15.5515.76c; January. 15.7015.75c; March.
15.5515.75e; April, i5.6015.75c; May. 15.55
15.80c; August, 15.65gl5.75c Spot Rio firm;
fair cargoes, 19c Sugar steady and in
fair demand: fair refining, 6q; centri
fugals 96 test, 6c; refined steady and
quiet. Molasses Foreign nominal; New Or
leans dull. Rice steady and quiet; domestic,
i?Ac; Japan. i'A&oMc Cottonseed oil quiet:
cruue, 31c: yellow, 3840c Tallow steady.
Kosm anil; strained, common to good. 5102V
1 05. Turpentine steady and quiet at 47J
47Jc Eggs firm; western, fresh, 22K23c; re
ceipts 2,208 packages. Pork Mess, inspected,
$12 2512 75: do uninspected, $12 25; extra
prime, $10 2510 50. Cntmeats strong; sales:
pickled bellies 12 pounds 6Jc; 10 pounds,
7c. Middles strong. Lard easier and quiet;
western steam. S6 60; sales October, S6 50;
November, S6 35; December, S6 29; January,
S 28fe6 32, closing at S6 28 asked: February.
86 33P 31, closing atSS 33 asked; March, $6 39
8 40, closing at $6 33. Bntter firm and in fair
demand; western dairy, 913c
Philadelphia iHour in fair demand for
desirable trade grades of. both spring and
winter flours and prices rwfed firm. Wheat
Speculative market dull, and options declined
Kc; high grades scarce and firm, with fair
milling inqnirv;'hngraded red in export ele
vator. 87Kc; No. 2 red in export elevator, 82K
83c; No. 2 red, September, H2US2c: Octo
ber,82k82c; November. 83658oMc; Decem
ber, 84g8oc Corn quiet; No. 3 low mixed.
In grain depot, 39c; No. 2 mixed, in grain
depot, 40Uc: No. 2 mixed, Beptember. 40Kc;
October, 4040Kc; November, 40KHc; Decem
ber, 39i39Mc Oats Demand for carlnts
light, aud price irregular: lo 1 mixed. 26c;
No. S white. 2525c; No. 2 white, 2727Mc;
do fancy, 29c: futures dull; No. 2 white, Sep
tember, 26K27c: October. 2(27c; Novem
ber, 282sJic; December, 29294c. Eggs firmer
and active; Pennsylvania firsts, 22c
St. Louis Flour quiet and nnchanged: de
mand and business slight Wheat lower; the
market was extremely unsettled all day, and
with bearish advices the close was lc below
yesterdiy; No. 2 red. cash, 81c; September
closed at 81Uc asked: October, 79c; December,
S0)o asked; May. 84ie asked. Corn lower; No.
2 mixed, cash, 29Jgc; October closed at 29K
29c asked; December, 280 asked; year, 2Sjc
asked; January, 28c; May. 30K30c asked.
Oat wp.lt? Vn 9 Pish lRp- t 11 lVi nnlnlia.
18c; January, 19Jc Bye unsettled; No. &
cash, 38J43!sKc. Barley Onlygood grades are
selling, while poor qualities are neglected:
Minnesota, b7K69e: Wisconsin, 64c Flaxseed
better at 81 28. Provisions dull and weak, with
very light trading.
Milwaukee Flonr nnchanged. Wheat
easier; cash, Ttci October, 74Hc; No. 1 North
ern, 83fc Corn dull; No. 3. 32c Oats quiet;
No. 2 white, 22Kc Rye ensv: 43e. Barley
soft: No. 2, September, 5758Kc Provisions
steady. Fork-Cash, 811 00: October, 811 05.
Lard Cash, $6 00.
Baltimore Provisions firm. Butter active
and nrm: western parked. 1518e: creamery. 22
23c. Eggs firm; Western, 2122c. Coffee
dull; Rio cirgoes, fair, 19.
Toledo Cloverseed steady; cash and Octo
ber, $4 05; November. S4 10; December, 84 12J
Bnslness Notes.
Fifty-two building permits were issued last
week, representing SH9.W.
La Noma is suffering from a very black eye
Her recovery is almost despaired or.
The valne of the mortgages recorded last
week was S2b7,77L Business was light
Real estate is improving in activity all
along the line. All the agencies are busy.
Electric is resting on theshelf awaiting
that decision. It is noticeable that there Is no
anxiety to market It
Local stocks, with one or two exceptions,
closed the week with considerable gains to
their credit The weak spots were the min
ers The Attorney General or the State of New
York has decided that all statements filed with
the Superintendent of Banking by savings
banks are public records, and may be exam
ined by anybody who applies for the privilege
On Friday an important transaction in real
estate was consummated in Hazelwood in tbe
sale or two acres 120 perches or land adjoining
the residence of T. M. Jenklnsfor 86,000. There
is more back of this purchase than appears on
the surface.
Counterfeit silver dollars made their ap
pearance at Grand Forks, North Dakota, last
week. A number have been round dated 1878.
They are almost a perfect Imitation, Dutlighter
than the genuine. There 1 supposed to be a
gang of counterfeiters working in the North
west. Messrs. Zimmerman & Forshat, the ex
hange and specie brokers or Wall street have
discovered the existence of a large number of
counterfeit kronor notes of the Sundsvalls
En8kilda.Bankof Ruudsv&lls, Sweden, dated
1875. Notes of this denomination are being
offered inf New York which came from San
General -Drift of the Week's -Markets
in Produce Lines.
Provisions Fail to Eise, out Hams and lard
1 Eemain Stron?.
office of Pittsburg Dispatch". . 1
Batubdat, September 28, 1889. J
The marked features of the past week's
trade in produce lines were the steady up
ward driit and activity of daily products.
It has been difficult to meet the strong de
mand for choice grades of butter. A lead
ing dealer reports that if he had the stuff he
could readily have doubled his sales. The
same jobber reports this the, best week of the
season in quantity or cheese handled. The
total was not far from 2,600- boxes and
reached 700 boxes on Thursday alone.
Sweitzer cheese has also joined in the up
ward movement The first new imported
Swcitzers reach our markets this week.
Eggs continue as they have been for two
weeks past, bnt are so firm that on advance
within a few days is confidently predicted
by commission men.
a Potnlo States to the Rescue.
The upward movement of potatoes has
been arrested by liberal supplies. Since
the Tennessee potato crop ceased coming to
our markets, tbe quality of supplies bas been
ineneral inrenor. A better grade Is expected
from Indiana and Michigan the coming week.
Advices from three well-known potato sections
indicate large crops and of good quality. The
yield In Western Pennsylvania, is by no means
panning ont, either in quantity or quality, as
the early part of tbe season promised.
Peaches havo been very disappointing all
this season, and now that their time is almost
past the fag ends of the crop are little good.
Ihe demand, however, is good for snch as ap
pear. Fancy apples are doing better every
Our own immediate neighborhood has not
fnrnl3hed its average quantity of grapes this
season; bnt from the lake shore country plenty
of the best varieties are on the market and
are good stock.
With Eesard to Provisions.
Hams and lard are the strong factors of the
provision trade, bnt were not strong enough to
go higher. The entire list remains as last week.
A leading pork packer reports trade better than
last week, and considerably better than at this
time a year ago. The activity, however, falls
to yield as goodieturns as a year ago. Tbe
packing season for the year begins with Oc
tober. For the season now closing margins
were probably never before so narrow. Hogs
failed to follow tbe downward drift of provis
ions, and newcomers in the pork packing line
have found the year a trying one
Chill Roll.
The Phcenix Roll Works, located on the Val
ley Railroad and Forty-first street, have been
crowded with orders, all the past summer, and
are working their 225 men to the full capacity
or tbe works A dozen men are kept bnsy on
night turn, in order to catch np to orders. The
capacity of the works is close to 60 tons a day,
and, when that amount 'is going into rolls at
one of the three establishments of this city, it
is plain that the iron industry is lively.
A workman in the Pbmnlx Works expresses
tbe opinion that renewals required by old iron
and steel mills, from ordinary wear and break
age, will keep np a lively trade for months to
come. This demand, with that from new
works springing up over the land, and addi
tions to old plants,in6ures an active trade in
this department of Pittsburg's iron industries,
certainly for a year to come.
Clearing House Figures Leaving Last Tear's
Record Out of Sight.
Avery good business was transacted at the
banks Saturday, the demand fovdlscounts be
iLg liberal and routine business fair, with
checking a strong feature. There, were no
changes in conditions other" than a steadily
broadening tendency. The week's exchanges
were over S3,000,000 greater than those for the
same week last year. The Clearing House re
port for the day, week and year follows:
Exchanges I 2,09!,S3 88
Halances 566,28917
Exchanges ror the week , 13.304.664 65
Balances for tbe week,..- 3,046,878 36
Exchanges week of 1S8U.... 10.113,288 CO
Balances week or 1S38 1,36123 75
Exchanges previous week. ... 12.213,180 83
Balances previous week 1,092,417 57
Exchanges to date 1839 471.454,923 95
Exchanges to date 1SS8 424,744.814 54
Gain, 1889 over 1888. 41,710, 0W 41
Tbe following taple snows tne prices oraetlve
stocks on the New York Stock Excnange yester
day. Corrected dailv for lm Dispatch by
Whitnit & STZPUKHSOJf, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of .New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth ave
nue: Open
In r.
High Low-
est. est.
49! 47V
35H 34
69H tax
128)i lis"
ioiU io7x
73K 73
117 116 V
USX 101J4
Am. Cotton on.
... 4SU
... 35JJ
Atcn.. lop. & s. F
Canadian I'aciac .
. Kl
Canada Southern
Central ofXiew Jertey.126
Chesaoeake Ohio.,
C. Bur.SOuh.cy.,...108(s
C, Mil. A St. faui.... n'A
V., illl.4 St. P., pr....U7
C, KockL &f 1013
C, St. L. & f ltts
U. St. F...U.&0
C. St. P.. 31. 40., pr. ....
C. & Northwestern.. ..113K
C.A .Northwestern, pf. ....
c, c, c. & i na
c, c, u.il, pr loo
Col. Coal A Iron SiU
Col. A Hocking Val .. ilH
Dei., L. AW ..147S
Del. & Hudson 1SZH
Denver i. Rio O., pr..
E.T., Vs.AOa ....
E.T..VS. AOa.lst pf. ....
E. 1.. Va. A Ga. 2d pf. ....
Illinois Central.
Lake KtIb A Western
Lake late ft West. nr.. M'4
Lake Shore ft M. ii 1G6V
Louisville AN ash vllle. 7g(
Allchljran Central 93
Mobiles Ohio
Mo.. Kan. ft Texas.... 12
Missouri facIBc 73
Jlew Ifork Central 108S
&. V L.E.& W 30
M. I.. C. ASt. L
1. Tt ti A St. L. pr.
N.r.. O. 4 bt.i.. 2d nf ....
N. YAH. E 49
h. Y.. O. A W IS
Norfolk A Western.... 19
.NorfolkA Western. pr. ....
Northern Pacific
Nortnern faclflc nref. UX
Ohloft Mississippi
Oregon improvement
Oregon Transcon 33
FaciflcMall 33
Peo. Dec. AKvani
Philadel. ft Heading.. 461
Pullman Palace Car...l85K
Richmond ft W. P. 1.. 23
Richmond ft W.P.T.nl .. .
St. P., Minn, ft Man..llS
St. L. a San Fran
St. L. A San Kran pr.. ...
st.L. ft San If. 1st pi., .. .
Texas Pacific 20K
UnlonPaclnc 6oj
Wabasb preferred tiii
Western Union ss
Wheeling JL L. 2. 714f
Sugar Trust BO
National Lead Truit.. Z$4
Chicago (las Trait..., 68Jj
106 10-0,
784 T1H
Wi S3
iik ii-
75 J4J4
ios mx
30), 294,
74V 74X
Local Stocks Wind Up the Week In Good
Stocks were generally firm Saturday, but In
active. Tbe sales were 110 shares. The only
thing that exhibited decided weakness was La
Noria. for which 1 was bid. and i asked. It
is doubtful if it soon rallies from the effects of
tbe exposure which has brought it into extreme
disrepute. Traction and natural gas stocks
were fractionally higher, with more buyers
than sellers. Investors, after studying .these
pronerties thoroughly, seem to have made np
their minds that they are good things to have
about the house.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 37
Fourth avenue. Members Xtir York stock Ex
change. Ulil
Pennsylvania Rallrosd ,
Bnflalo. jflttsburs and Western.,
LehUh Valley
Lehigh .Navigation
Northern i'aclflo
Northern faclfie preferred Uh
Mlnlnff Stacks.
"New Yobk. September 2a Aspen, 700;
Belcher, 2d0; Best and Belcher, 323; Caledonia
H. H 300; Chollar. 190; Crown Point, 263;
Cashier, 400; Commonwealth, 280: Colorado Cen
tral, 100; Deadwood Territory, 100: Uduld &
Curry, 100: Hale and Norcross, 280; Home
stake, 000; Horn Silver, 123: Independence. 100;
Mexican, 3W; Mutual, 140; Ontario, 3,490;
--r jr-
Ophir, 480: Occidental, 146; Plymouth, 189;
Savage, 215; Sierra Nevada. 2SSfflaH Hopes,
100: Union Consolidated, 31; Ward Consoli
dated, 110; Yellow Jacket, DM.
BostaB Stacks.
Atcn. JtTop. K. K MS
Wl. Central pC
, as
, to
jHiuaa Aiony,..sa
Boston & Milne.... .9
ii. a. au. its
KuternB, .... ..187
Eutern K. B. U ....128
runt Pen M. srd. S3
Calumet Basts.
Osceola. .... ....
Mexican Cen. com.. UH
Qalser - SO
.oiu.i.iskmig-. oas. i;i
N. Y. tKtwltnr,., 48
X. Y. ft N. E. 7J....lJ8t,
Old uoionr 177k
EniUnd, com 4k
W 1. Central, com. 2S
ueil TtfepBene... ,JW
Boston IBd S
Aster tVwer...... Hi
Tamarack .Ml
Sao IJUgo.... ........ as
Closing Bond Qsetatleni.
U.S. tj.re? v&
U. u. 4s. coud in:
M. K. A T, Gen. U . SS
X Mutual Union SS....1MK
U. s. 4X, rer. iojH
U. 8. 43. conp.. 10SK
t.J.V.LM. rt...iiH
Northern Fsc UU..11 w
Northern FcSJ..lHSi
Nortfiw't'n eoMeis.M7M
Northw'n deben's..m
.racincesoi 'w ..us
Loulslanatumpedto 87
Missouri Si ....101
Tenn. new set 6a... 107
Tenn. new set. Ss 101
Oregon & Trans. 6i.lHV
St. I S. K. Gen.M.lW
Si. fsol consols ....IX
u. t1 .tl.. a. U. .-.- .a,-
Tenn. new let. Is.... 733(
Canada So. Id.... 86H
ixn.scincxszs no
Den. ft K. O- UU...121
rrx., PC.L.U.TT Bs.sex
Den. 4 U. G. 4s 7S
I).K.Q.Wet,Uts. 110
rlc Ml 104J
1I.K.4T, Geo. .. h
umaa cc. .ws.....ii4
West Shore -M6K
Wqo! Martlets.
i "Br. Louis Receipts, 25,462 ponndd. Demand
Improved but prices unchanged.
It tickles the palate of the best con
noisseur, and only $1 60 per full quart
Klein's "Silver Age." irwr
grading of Bayard street from Neville
street to Amberson avenue.
Whereas. It appears by the petition and affi
davit on file In the office of the Clerk of Coun
cils that one-third In interest of tho owners of
property fronting and abutting upon the said
street have petitioned tbe Councils ot said city
to enact an ordinance for the grading of the
same, therefore,'
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, is Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of tho same, Tbat tbe
Chief of tbe Department of Public Works be
and Is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts ot Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regnlating the same for
proposals for tbe grading of Bayard
street, from Neville street to Amberson
avenue, tbe contract therefor to be let
In the manner directed by the said acts of
Assembly and ordinances, Tbe cost and ex4
Sense of the same to be assessed and collected
i accordance with the provisions of an act of
Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and
sewers In cities of the second class," approved
the 16th dav of May, A. D. 1889.
Section Z That any ordinance- or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions M
this ordinance be and tbe same Is hereby re
pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils,
this 9th dav of Beptember, A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk ol Select
council, ubu. u HOLidDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's 0ffice.8eptember 13, 1889. Approved:
WM.McCALLTN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 139,
21th day of September. A. D., 1839. se27-92
No. 82,1
paving and curbing of Amberson avenue,
from Fifth avenue to the Pennsylvania rail
road, in the 1 wentleth ward of Pittsburg.
Whereas, It appears by the petition and
affidavit on file In tbe office of the Cleric of
Councils that one-third in interest of the
owners of property fronting and abutting upon
the said street have petitioned the Councils of
saia city to enact an ordinance lor the paving
and curbing of the same;therefore.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same. That
the Chief of the Department of Public Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed to
advertise, in accordance with the acts of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg
relating thereto and regulating the "same for
proposals for the ia vine "and curbing of
Amberson avenue, from Fifth avenue to the
Pennsylvania railroad. The roadway shall be
paved to a width of thirty (30) feet, and the
sidewalks shall be fifteen (15) feet wide, to
benavedwith flagstones five feac wirto mi
laid in the center of the sidewalk, the contract
therefor to be let In tbe manner directed by the
said acts of Assembly and ordinances. Thn
cost and expense of the same to be assessed
and collectedln accordance with the provisions
of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth
ot Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of thesecond class,"
approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 18W.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 9 th davof September, A. S. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Conn
cIL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of
Belect Council. GEO. I HOLUDAY, Presi
dent of Common Council. Attest: GEO.
ROOTH, Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, September 13, 1889. Approved
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: RC-HERT
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's CleTk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7. pace 144.
25th day of September, A. D. 1889. se27-M
grading, paving and curbing of Wiltnot
street, from Roquet street to bridge near
Bates street, In the Fourteenth ward of Pitts
burg. bereas. It appears by the petition and
affidavit on file in the office of tbe Clerk of
Councils that one-third in interest of tne own
ers or property fronting and abutting upon
tbe said street hare petitioned the Councils of
vuo aam city to enact an ordinance lor the
grading, paring and curbing of the same:
therefore, '
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted-by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enactedhv ttm ftnthnHtr nf tha a.m. Th. .u-
Chief of the Department of Public tyorkibo
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise in accordance with the acts of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg
relating thereto and regulating the same, for
proposals for tbe grading, paving and curbing
of Wilmot street, from Boquet street to bridge
near Bates street. The contract therefor to be
let in the manner directed by the said acts of
Assembly and ordinances. The cost and ex
pense ot tbe same to be assessed and collected
In accordance with the provisions of an act of
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsv.
vania, entitled "An act relating to streets and
sewers in cities of th Mmi !!,--.. A
thelBthdavof MaV.AlD.lHB.-" " -""-"
Rafihrin rTtiM ..- ...si . ,-i
Ar::" r.. .sa" lor. p on
wu.u.Uv.0 .uuuicuuK witume provisions of
this ordinanca.be and tbe same is hereby re
pealed so fa&as the same affecu this ordi
nance. ?r?ajn.ea d enacted Into a law In Councils
this 8th dav of September, A. D. 1889
H. P. FORD, President of 8elect Coun
cil. Attest: GEO. HHKPPmn mi, 5
Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. Presi-
wtSt nY'omm,?, Conncl- Attest: GEO.
BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council.
wm y Mfflf ?'Tpt?mbeS " 1SS9- Approved:
WE McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: KOBT
OSTERMAIER, Assistant MaytrtOerfc
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7. page 143.
25th nay of September, A. D. 18S9. se27-93
(No. 8a I
grading, paving and curblne of Wharton
street, from aoutb Twenty-first street to Bouth
Twenty-Second street.
Whereas, it appears by the petition and affi
davit on file in tbe office ot the Clerk of Coun
cils, tbat one-third in Interest of the owners of
property ironung ana soutane upon the said
street have petitioned the Councils of said
city to enact an ordinance for tbe grading, pav
ing and curbing of the same, tberefore.
Section I Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Belect and Common coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by the anthority of the same, that the
Chier or the Department of PnbUo Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to adver
tise In accordance with the acts ot Assem
bly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania and
the ordinances of tbe said cltv of
Pittsburg relating thereto and regulat
ing tne same, for proposals vfot the
grading; paring and curbing of Whar
ton street, from South Twenty-brst street to
South 'iwenty-second street. The contract
therefor to be let in the- manner directed by
the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The
cost and expense of the same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with the provisions
of an act of Assembly or the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania entitled, "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of the second class,"
approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1S89.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions or
this ordinance be, and the same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 9th day ot September, A. D. 1SSW.
H. P. FORD, President of Belect Council.
Attest.- GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. .GEO, L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common' Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, September 13, 1889. Approved:
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk;.
Recrtded Id Ordinance Book. vet. 7. nacre 14.
aim uay oi BeptesiMr, a, x. osow. sen.
Swift's Specific entirely cured mo(i
casa ol Mood poises which obstiaatats' i
ana reiatea to do oerea tor over x ye
regular medical remedies of m
potash oaly added fast to the flame. Ii
during most of tkis loag time with
blotches and sorea el tbe B6K oSsest
aeter. and wMferalesg ttee jrsnttoailrj
invalid, in less mm at oaysaseei H.H.S
was all cleared np soond aad welt. TMt 1
been nearly a year ago, and w sJajioCaaf
turn oi the old eaecy.
8? Clark street, A taaea, 0a.
Swat's Bpeeifle oared mt at miMo 1
from wfclen I had sasTered isr Wharfes,"
havo bow been entirely weXSsra yeses,
no gn ot any retnra or tMaweeee.
. Rogers, Arfc, May 1,1889. If.SI
Treatise on Hoed and Skis Sieeaeee aeawaj
Ths Swrrr Srscmo Cw
lanta, Ga.
Cor. Weed and LifcrirSli,
Importers and Jobs suet
For largest aaBertaeat aa& tewett
and see us.
Th4a is sew conceded to fee the '
market, s witnessed bvtke I
last secured the DIPLOMA
XJ&HC.E at w Pare Feed
iae held la PMhwWobla.
And with tho bright appelteiaff
ij roaetea oeei.
tact a Gaail Sotfec
Accounts solleited. Issne CtMsssar .
or credit, for nee of travelers, ae
dal Credits,
Available in all puts of the wetM.
For use lathis country. Cauda.
Indies, South and Central America.
JL 121 and is Fourth avev
Acts in all fldueiary espae
able investment seearWes.
innerior vanlt from K ner a.
Receives depeMM and leasts
gages asd apgreved collaterals.
Tarns travelers' eretUts through Mam
Morgan d Co., New York. Passports
A "Home Securil
Five Per Cent Intend
The FldftlltvTitlaaadTTMtl
for sale, at $1 62V and accrued
"eannraoerot BP-year first aertgogs
the H. O. Frlck Coke Compear?
Stock Of Whlcb la Sfi.008 flflB. f nltr sold I
These bonds are redeemable hr ai
tuuu w raw oi nw,uwperanaiM, a
comtaeDCliig July 1,13W. interest beiwri
semi-annually, January and Jaiy V
vmuo vi inn company.
We have carefully examined Into tfce
nessot this security, andean reeoBMses)
one of the most desirable Inyostmonta sail
as oiu residents Know and Base am eel
Durg papers prove, 13 the oldest eg,
and most prominent physician is the
voting special attention to all chreaie i
vuctkj. Biuuiuuu ana nope. JSBs
urv, uisoraerea siKni.seii aisrrast
dizziness. sleenlessneM. nlmnkw. t
poverished Mood, falling powers, e
uesa, ujspcpsiB, consiipstKWl, O
fitting the person for business, i
riage, permanently, safely ana i
di nnn Aiun cihum
ul.juu JtlsLrxHillsa. i
uiuiuues, laiun amr. oones pa
swellings, ulcerations ef tonese. i
ulcers, old sores, are eared for UH, a4
yurauns uiorougniy eraaicaiearrotB tae i
I KIN ANY nM "n waetler
Ullllirin I iments. weak back, an
tarrbal discharges, tnnamaaaUoa sad?
painiui symptoms reeetve searetmg 1
yiuwpb ipiivi auu rea cures.
Dr. Whlttter's Ufe-toB. exteMrn
ence, insures sciennHO ana reUaMe 1
on common-sense orineinten. nu
free. Patients at a distance as oarefaJSr I
..IP f. A A flAllA t. .... A . M . a S
..- wwUUfA1,Br.
aay, iu a. h. to I F. x. OBly. dh.7
811 Ponn avenue, Pittekarc. Pa,
-"' irt!U
jb DUHeusfv la
sent rree. rse i
SpeclSo sold by iaaTm
yellow wrapper. FB-e, i
y-u-.Hc, n mx isc a, or
eipt or nrtee. bt i
lot Of
w- TUff ni?V Udiff'
on rfwe
Sold In Pittsburg by 8. S. HOLLaH
cmunnna ana iiioerty IU.
quiring sclenUHo asd i
tlal treatment! Dr. a.
M.R.C.P. Sistee olekset M
most experienced ipeaisfcti
tne city. voasBJtaues ;
strictly conSfieottoL
hours a to 4 and 7 to ts p. jr.; Senaaya
m. Consult them personally, or write,
IiAkx. sss renn ave riHsserg, jra.
'a Cotton, no
nosed of Cotton Soot. i
Pennyroyal a recent diflobistiW
oia DOTsrcian. im sweeessrtMH i
monuuir Safe, Effeotaal. 'Price ft, r
sealed. Ladles, ask your araagttt
CoUon Root CosapoanaVaad takes
or setose Z stames forseawd l
, 181 Woodward am, Detroit, 3
-S-Sold lnPltts4rg.Pa,yJsse-i!
big & See, Diamond asd Maeket
. -T.61 . .TMff ., k
" &&