iiliC agy? t spko " - v -v v . rnm? PPI!1 S " i ' jRii niii rnn Tiip PIIIITP from toe babies. pnuvvruninLuiaiuoi The Big Champions Arrite, and Are Brimful of Hope. TALCTITH PEES1DENTDAY jHe Points Out the Shortcomings of the Brotherhood Scheme. HEACX GOSSIP FROM CLEVELAND. Jlr. .Christy Wins the Tennis Championship of Western Pa. GENERAL SPORTIKG SEWS OF THE DAI The champion baseball players from Kew Xork arrived in the city. President J. B. Tl.. :... -A. Inc-.vnntiva a n A inf iirACTl nc ci opinions on the Brotherhood scheme. PSpecial correspondents send racy baseball gossip from Cleveland and isew iork. Manager Jim Jlutrie and his gigantic baseball champions arrived in the city yes- l terday aiternoon from Chicago. The team was accompanied by President J. B. Day. It is needless to say that from the President K. down to the most obscure member of the delegation hopes of again winning the t League pennant were very hieh. However, L it was evident that the Giants came here with considerable retard for the local team, j. and players and officials alike are wishing they f were comfortably clear of the city. "1 expect jou Pittsburers will hustle ns," f ca'd Manager Mntrie, "but we hope to beat you f this time. We are in playinjr humor now, and f I cuess it will tale u to be if wecetasmany games as we want here. There is no solt snap inPittsbnrc. However, I am very hopeful that we will win the pennant." President Day talked very frankly and Inter estingly about the pennant struggle and base bill affairs generally. He said: "I'll be satis fied if we cet two games here. I hope we'll win, and it may he we'll lose two. We have no certainties against the Pittsburg club, but our players are all in excellent condition. Of course C the race for the pennant is a desperate one, f and this week w ill, indeed, be eventful. I HOrE AND DESrONDEXCT. ' "One day I think we will win, and then on r another day it looks as if we would be beaten. It seems as if Clarkson had lost his grip, and P if that is so our chances will be brighter. He s done wonderful work, but human nature " has its limits." . Regarding the alleged Brotherhood scheme, r"v President Day said" "I think the matter has JJ been talked over by some of the players or per jr Eons interested in them At any rate. I know V for certain that efforts have been made to lease ' the Chicago grounds in behalf of a syndicate 'connected with the Brotherhood venture. The S names of the parties trying to lease the grounds j are well-known in Chicago, hut so far these efforts have not been successful. I don't take much stock In tbe rumor to the effect that Kew York parties are trying to lease our , grounds and other new ones." Continuing, Mr. Day said: "In my opinion the proposed scheme is too Utopian to ever bo successful. In the first place those who claim to be identified with it don't seem to have any Idea of the amount of money needed to start snch an enterprise. These parties talk about giving a guarantee of $2o.000 for each city. This . estimate is so far belon that which is needed l that it is ridiculous. But 1 don't think that all 5 the League plajers would connect themselves t with any such scheme, even were it put into operation. For instance, I don't know a mem E Tier tn the New York team who is dissatisfied r with his treatment or with the management. This being so tbe players would not leave us without their positions were improved finan cially. Thev would naturally require more xnoneT than they are getting and would demand a sufficient guarantee for it. Further soil, they would want a guarantee for more than one , season; they wonld demand security for several seasons. Men like Roger Connor would not run the risk of a new Utopian like venture for one season; not by any means. Then just con- i sider the large amount of money that would be ' necessary to give all the guarantees that surely would be made. Why, it couldn't be done. v THE SIIABING OF PEOFITS Idea Is also very misleading. Now let us sup . pose that the Brotherhood formed a leagne, and by the most judicious and able manage ment possible, cleared 100,000. Under the most favorable circumstances no more than that could be cleared. Well, the players get half of that, which would be about S500 each. Now, will anybody tell me that first-class players now in the National League would care to run th e risk of leaving large and sure salaries to join something extremely uncertain for $500? I'm certain that the players won't do any such fool Ish thing, and let me add that it seems certain there wonld be no profit at all for a time. Play ers are not playing baseball for charity. They are in the business as a means of making a livelihood, and depend upou it, human nature will prompt them to acton the old principle that a bird in tbe hand is worth two in the . bush." Mr. Day went on to say that the National Leagne would certainly aln at s be ready to lis ten to a statement of real or alleged grievances of the players. "If there be any," he said, "they will be discussed bj the League officials at the annual meeting, and I venture to say that wherever a unevance is clearly pointed out it will be remedied so far as the League can possibly do it." John M. Ward. President of the Players' Brotherhood, declined to talk on the matter at all. He expressed himself to the effect, bow ever. That if the League refused to remedy the 'grievances under which the plavers labor, the flatter would take some very definite and lm aportantstep. This Implies that if tbe plavers 'can have tbe reserve and classification rnles 'modified nothing will be done in the way of organizing a rival to the League. Xeacne Record. cioi V. CLUES. JJCewYorks Host cms ItiUadelDhlas.. 6 12 11 13 .653 8 13 643 49C 496 7 6 ! II JChlcAroE "JCItTelands..... Plttsbnrs Indianapolis.., 4 4T2 6 2 TI10 5 6 10 ,45 434 .341) it atuiuwuB (james lost.. C Saturday's Leairne Gnmei. , .At Pittsburg Pittsburcs .1 02OI0OO1-4 r bUulelphlu 0 000000101 Fl'ltchers bowders and liufflnton. At Indianapolis llndlanapoiii 0 0 06010 110 lUoitoas 0 000000123 "Mtehers Kutle: Clarkson and Madden. At Chicago ChicaFOS 0 0000002002 kew xorK.............u UVVVVUV V A if Pitchers Hutchinson and Welch. LAt Cleveland First game JClevelands. 1 SI 00010 2-7 5W.Mrton8 o oioooooo-i 1ters Benin and Kcere. SiSecotiU came Cleveland) 1 0 3 S 0 0 0-6 jWashlngtons l -j u l z u j 7 Bl'ltchers Gruber and Krock. To-Dnj. Home Game. f Tbe local team will tackle the Giants to-day lat Recreation Park, and tbe contest will, un doubtedly, be one of an exciting series. The result of to-day's came will be watched with (intense Interest all over tbe country. It is '(probable, however, that rittsmirg may no silently weacenea oy tne aosence oi xtowe, "Who left for Buffalo on Saturday evening. If be does not return in time for the game to-day .Kuehne will play short. Galvin and Carroll jwiil be tbe home battery and Keef o and Kwicg twill represent the visitors. fX Games To-Bny. IjNATXoiTAJi League New Torks at Pitts bnrg; Phfladelphias at Indianapolis; Washing tons at Chicaco: Bostons at Cleveland. sSakebicax Association Columbus at Philadelphia. .. HtTC They Are Beady for the Fray The Broth crbood Cranks. ," ICOEEISrOXDINCIOr TBXPTSFA7XH.1 Cleveland, O., September 2& While the New Yorks and Bostons are having a nip-and-tuck race for first place there is a pretty fight on: between Cleveland and Pittsburg for fifth position wbtch attracts about as much atten tion in this locality as the main scrimmage be tween the leaders. The way it looks now Cleveland and Pittsburg are virtually to settle the chances for tbe pennant. Who would have thought at the commencement of the season that the championship was to be thus decided, or that the spurt on the homeward stretch would be a race with a double signification, for first place and for fifth. The home team is In excellent trim and onght to play as strong or stronger game at the wlndup than at the com mencement. None of the pitchers are com plaining, and the cranks are anticipating a a great week of sport with Boston and New York, Of course the alleged Brotherhood deal Is attracting much attention here as in all other League cities, perhaps more because Mr. John son resides here; and by the way, 1 unwittingly did Mr. Johnson an injustice in my last letter to The Dispatch by neglecting to insert a sheet of my correspondence in my hurry to catch the matt. The ohpet in question was the explanation of a scheme reported to mo in which Mr. Johnson and the Cleveland players were alleged to be in a speculation to sell their releases back to League clubs after signing with Jiira. it was this plan to which I had reference when I asserted that I did not be lieve the Cleveland players foolish enough to trust themselves to a concern managed by AL Johnson, since it would not only imperil their prospects but be a lasting disgrace to tbe game and a stigma upon their reputations personally. The scheme thus outlined was tnld me by a bnsom friend of one of the Cleveland players who I know positively has been foremost in promulgating Brotherhood doctrine, and who is one of those individuals, unfortunately, who does not know when he is well off. There is more in the scheme of the Brother hood itself than is generally given credit for. There is no donbt in my mind that the scheme has been thoroughly discussed and planned. I am not so sure that it will go into effect. Noth ing wonld please me more than to see it tried, for I think about 130 men would get a lesson that wonld last them their lifetimes at least. It is not among tbe improbabilities that the concessions demanded will be granted the play ers, and what good will it do them? If they would take tbe pains to argue on both sides of the matter they would not be long in finding out. Tbe Cleveland players don't seem to be in all the secrets of the concern. That is, all of them do not seem to be. There are two or three, possibly, who are in it up to their ears, and of all men in the team thev have the least cause to take such steps. One 'has been next to noth ing bnt a wooden player all the season, has brought the club into considerable dis repute, and has been better treated in Cleveland than any place he ever played ball in his life. Tbe other has had so much Brotherhood on the brain that he has fallen off in his playing, and is such an ardent admirer of all the stars of the profession that it wouldn't take a great deal for him to kneel down and worship them. With the exception of one man, the Cleve land club will be reserved entire for 1890. Lof tus will manage tbe team without any doubt, I think, and it will be his ambition to climb still higher. He would much prefer to do it with a team of youngsters if he can find tbe men to his liking. Messrs. Howe and Hawley, who are really the managing directors of the team, say there , will be a Leagne club in Cleveland next year ' no matter what turns up, and as I know them both to be "stayers," I think there will be. John B. Foster. SODEN'S VIEWS OF IT. He Thinks tho Brotherhood Scheme a Very BIsBlnfC ISrXCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH '. Boston, September 29. President Soden doesu't feel at all worried over the .rumored scheme of tbe baseball brotherhood. "In the first place." said he, "if the scheme is started we will hire a club of players and we can find plenty of players the equals of those at present playirg in League clubs. They may not have their reputations, but it won't take long to work that up. With our grounds and equip ments we will be able to give as good exhi bitions as tho Brotherhood. We don't propose to be run out of the business while we have money to fight it. The players are simply get ting themselves in a position where they think they can dictate terms to the managers of the League at the national meeting next month. It's all a big bluff. No business men are going to invest money in such a riky adventure as baseball has been, and trust the players them selves to manage it. These co-operative schemes always fail and under this new order of things it wonld be impossible to exercise any discipline over the players necessary to put them in con dition and make them play ball." President Soden didn't believe the report that Director Conant bad purchased tbe Omaha club, as he didn't think Conant took enough stock in the Brotherhood scheme to make such a move. President Young has no hesitation in saving that when the annual meeting of the League is held in November tbe members of the Brotherhood will he ac corded a respectful bearing, and honorable, concessions may be expected on both sides. This is the idea conveved by a talk with Presi dent Hewett, of tbe Washingtons. and be has been in correspondence and personal communi cation with Messrs. Day, Spalding and Rogers, all of whom have outlined the same policy. FROM THE GIANTS HOME. Excitement About ibe Pennant Race Tbe -Brotherhood Schtroe. ISFECIAL CORBESrONDENCE OF THE DISPATCH.) New York. September 28. As the Leagne season nears an end the baseball enthusiasts in this city become more and more excited over the closeness of the race. They have not for a moment lost faith in the champions. The fine work which they have done after leaving home has assured the cranks that the team will bring the flag back with tbem if they are able. It looked at one time as though ETeefe andWelch had lost their grip to a certain extent, but tbe nearness of tbe end of tbe season will serve to keep them up and spur them on to do better work. The whole cry, however, is let tho best club win. The wild story of a league that is to be formed by the Brotherhood of Baseball Play ers that was sprung on the public a few days ago has kept the cranks bnsy for tbe past week, and they make fun of the story. It is quite certain that if cuch a league was to be formed tbe clubs in this city and Brook lyn would prove a failure at once and would go under before the league was many days old. Right on top of the Brotherhood story comes another that was Just as silly. It was to the effect that the Boston and Chicago clubs wanted to buy ont two clubs in a Western minor league. These sensations don't do the ballplayers any good, and if tbey have a band in the circulation of the stories tbe fact should he made known at once, and their names placed before the pub lic As to the Brotherhood clubs in this city and Brooklyn the story can be put down as untrue, and the work of some space fiend. As far as this city is concerned the New York players are satisfied, and as to Brooklyn, well, they can put a club over there as soon as thev like, bnt it won't take one silver quarter out of the pockets of the managers of the present Brooklyn club. The whole scheme can be put down as an advertising dodge. J. H. M. RESERVED FOR NEXT YEAR. Players Who Are Claimed br the Inter national LeaffBf Clubs. rSrECIAI. TELEGRAM TO TBB DISPATCH.1 New Yoek, September 3. Secretary White of the International Baseball Association an nounces the reservation of players for next season by clubs as follows: Buffalo W. W. Andrus, Charles Hamburg, M. H. Lehsne. A. Sheppard. James . Whitney, Charles Collins, J. J. Beldy, i'. E. Dealy, J. M. Kalney. W. H. White, W. Calllhan, E. J. Flynn, W. E. Hallican. Det -oil M. J. Goodlellow, Jacob Wells, James BantiirK- J. K. Vlrtoe. J. B. Donnelly, Georee KooVb, llarrv Zell. Frank Knauss, Edgar E. bml h. . 11. illrclns, Charles E. Campau, George ShafiT, W. II. V heeler. Hamilton AbncrIorelL C. F. Swartwood. V. E. Blair, C. E. l'etty. Henry Spies. P. H. Twohev, W. s. Brodles, Krank G. Vard, E. U. Sales, P. It. McShannlc, J. E. Dowie. London John Oampana, F. Scheibeck, V. E. Pcttee, Joe Knight, Thomas K earns, 1. J. Dono van, 1'. H. FrleL, J. W. Hiland, I). F. Couglilln. M. Jones, J. Maguire. T. F. Klnslow, A. Dun ning, W. J. Husted, a Hustcd. ltochester D. McKcouuh, D. J. Burfce. James Foy. K. AL, Barr, S .1. Toole, J. J. Kitzrerald. A nilam O'Brien, Thomas H.O'Brien, Marr Phil lips, James Knowles, Henry blmon, T. U. Grlb bin, J. Pelts. Svracuse C B. Murphy, C. L. Childs, J. V. Battln, T. J. Keefe, D. Connors. V. S. Wrlcht, W. Jt. McQueery, B. McLoughlln, Grant Biers. Toby Lyonl; W.T.Ely. fc" Toledo E. Lushman. Harry Bare, B. W. Bark ley. W. J. VandTkc. Taylor bhafer. J. S. ieed. K. C. bmith, E, Kopers, Ihomas .Nicholson, A. Sunday. Charles b. Prayne, Perry Worden, Wil liam Joyce. Toronto W. J. Hoover, Georjre McMillan, C. Rlckley, 1 J. Hartnett, James McGulre John Grim, A. WstkUon, Thomas Vlckery. Thomas McLaaKhiin, E. 1). Burke, K. H. PetUt, W. T. bersd, I. Tllcomb. Home Boston Baseball Pnrchnses. Boston, September 29. The Boston trium virate has purchased Nichols andNagle. tho crack battery of Omaha, for 3,000 and 2,000 re sp ectively, and have also paid 1,000 for release of Conway, formerly with Kansas City. e . i . -...- isrj twj.witf ,vj.-b t. --!r' mw& . ' iw jsssMMssasHsSMMBsMEtosijtfmAifc. tfTitfi jjjijfrrtjtMAidiiaM.'rtE. ' KjMlafe,t v-Jpfa6fi9aBKMMHMBBuMBMMBHMM " ' . tWKt .wJBsa ASSOCIATION GAMES. The Brooklyn Win Another Gnmo From the Baltimore! by Good Fielding Colambns Defeats the Ath letics In a Good Contcsr. New Yobk, September 29 There was an other big crowd at Ridgewood Park, L. L, to day to witness the game between tbe Brooklyn and Baltimore teams. Every seat in the in. closure was occupied. There were 10,7f8 per sons present. The Bridegrooms won the game through brilliant fielding and timely batting. Score: BALTIMORE. n B P A EIBBOOK'NS. E B P A E Grlffln.m.... Shlnrtle, 3... Tucker. 1.... Kerlns. s.... Slack. 2 Hornunc, 1 0 2 1 0 1 10 O'Brien, L,. 2 Collin:,:.... 4 Koutz. L.... 0 Hums. r.... 0 1 1 2 8 1 11 2 2 PIncknev. 3. 0 CorkhllL, m. 0 Vlsner. c... 0 CaTuthers, p 1 bmlth, s.. .. 0 oommer, r.. Uulnn, h'l oreman, p. Totals 2 7 24 12 i Totals 7 7 27 13 2 Baltlmores 1 100000002 Brooklyns 2 0101030 7 Earned runs Baltlmores, 1; Brooklyns, L, btolen bases Sommer. Qulnn, Collins, 3. Double plays Qulnn and Mack. First base on balls Off Foreman, 2; off Caruth era. 2. Hit by pitched ball-O'Brien. Struck ont-By Foreman, 1: by Caruthers, 2. Wild pitches Foreman, 1: Caruthers, 1. Time of game One hour and 55 minutes. Umpires Dalley and Pike. LOST BY AN ERROR. Fennelly'a mistake Gives tbe Columbus a Game at Philadelphia. PhtlXdelphia, September 29. The Ath letics were beaten byColambns at Gloucester this afternoon in a game which was noticeable for Sharp fielding and light hitting. Fennelly made the only fielding error, and it let in four runs. Weyhlng was very wild, and was suc ceeded by Bauswine in the sixth. Attendance, 3.000. Score: COLUMBUS. B B P A E lATHLETICS. B B P A I McTam'y, m 0 Marr, 3 2 DaUey. 1.... 1 Crooks, 2.... 1 Johnson, r. 1 Orr, 1 0 O'Connor, c. 0 Esterday, s.. 0 Baldwin, p.. 1 Welch, m. . Larkln, 1.... Lyons, 3 Storey, 1 jvroauer, .. PurcelL r. . Fennelly, s Cross, c Weyhlng, p. Bauswine, p. Totals.. ,67090 Totals 3 6 27 12 1 Columbus 0 1004000 1 6 Athletics. 2 0000000 13 Earned runs Athletics, L Tw-basc hit Orr. btolen bases Johnson. Stovcy. Doable play Lyons and Bauer. First base on balls By Weyhlng, 6; by Baus wine, 2; by Baldwin, 6. Hit bv pitched ball Bansewlne, 1. Struck ost By Weyhlng, ; by Bauswine, 3: by Baldwin. &. Passed ball O'Connor, 1. W lid pitches Bildwln, 4; Banswlne, 1. Time of same-One hour and SS minutes. Umpire Carlln. Asaoclmlon Record. Perl Ter Won. Lost. Ct. Won.Trfist.Ct. Brooklyns..... 86 41 .677ICInclnnatls.. 68 61 .53) St. Loul .79 44 .612 Columbus 55 72 .4X4 Athletics 69 S2 .570 KansasCltys..53 73 .421 Baltimore CS 06 .541LouisviUes....26 100 .203 CHRISTY IS CHAMPIOK. He Wins the Tennis Championship Cap ot Western Pennsylvania. Tbe last match in the first annual champion ship tournament of the Pittsburg Tennis Club was finished on Saturday, thus bringing to a close the largest and most successful lawn tennis tournament ever held in Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia. The championship of Western Pennsylvania was carried off by Mr. Marshall Christy, of the Sewickloy club, after the most brilliant and hardest tennis playing ever witnessed in this vicinity. Mr. Christy, in winning first "singles," became the possessor for one year of the beautiful and valuable "challenge cup" presented by Mr. J. C. Grogan. the jeweler, the finest trophy ever offered to tennis players hereabouts. By a misunderstanding Mr. Christy left for college before the match was finished, but upon learning that it was still un decided returned from Princeton, N. J., and defeating Mr. M. K. Coster won the cup. When tbe cup is finished it will be on exhi bition at Mr. Grogan's for a few days. Messrs. Christy and Woods, of the Sewickley club, also won the double championship by winning from Moorhead and Reed, the score standing 26 games to 24 for the latter team. This match also was without doubt the most exciting. From tbe first game to the last point, every point was fought for, and it was only decided when the last ball was netted. Moorhead and Reed won second prize, doubles, and Robert R. Reed took second prize In singles, defeating Mr. M. K. Coster in the final round. Mr. Tbos. Ewing took the consnal tion prize, a handsome smoking jacket offered by Jos. Home fc Co. The next annual tournament of the club will be held the second week in Inly. 1S90, and as the college boys will have just returned home, and in their best form, some great contests will be seen, especially the fight over the Gro gan challenge cup. The last tournament of the season on this club's grounds is being played off now. this one being a "mixed" doubles lor tbe benefit of the lady members. THE BROTHERHOOD'S PLANS. Some Contradictory SMntemcnt Given to tbe Public in New York. New'yokk, September 29. Tbe stories of the alleged secession of the Brotherhood of Baseball Players are still coming. In this morning's papers was an interview with Colonel Coogan, in which he was made to say that a lease had been signed for bis two blocks of ground at Ono Hundred and Fifty seventh to One Hundred and Fiftv-ninth streets and Eighth avenne, and thatErastus Wiman and a number of wealthy and influen tial gentlemen were behind the scheme. Mr. Wiman was seen at his charming villa at St. George, S. L, and when shown the story said: "You may say that I am not interested in the thing in any possible manner. I have never been approached by a member of tho Brother hood, and In fact knew nothing of it until I read this." A Local Sport's Trip. Frank Kastlemeyer, a well-known local sport ing man, has returned home from an extended trip to EuroDe. He saw the Searle and O'Con nor race, and is of opinion that the Australians are away ahead of the English and Americans in sculling. He thinks Searle Is a wonderful rower. Charley Mitchell, the pugilist, he says, lost $2,000 on the race, but subsequently won more than that on the St. Leger. Mr. Kastle meyer was surprised at the extensive system of betting among the English bookmakers. The Mahoning- 'Cyclers. -SPECIAI, TELEGRAM to THE DISPATCH.! Yotngstown, September 29. TheMahoning 'Cycle Club will hold their annual meeting at the fair grounds on Monday, October 7. Many cyclists from a distance, including Will Banker, the champion safetv wheel rider, of Pittsburg, will be In attendance. A number of fine prizes have been offered for the various events. Homestead Men Won. Acifle shooting match took place at Home. Stead on Saturday between Messrs. G. Moore and A Walter, of Pittsburg, on the one part, and A E. Butler and J. Cleary, of Wheeling, on the other. The Pittsburgers won by a total of 392 out of a possible 400. The Wheeling rep resentatives made 874. EOT AFEAID OP GHOSTS. A Chinaman Meets a fepecter and Treats It Umber Roughly. Grass Valley Cab) Union. 1 The Salvation Army of this place has one Chinese convert, who takes his shore in the street exhortations, but has not yet been promoted to the command of a brass musical instrument or a bass drum. He is now faking lessons in English in order to become more proficient in the language. His teacher is a young lady, and a (few nights ago one of her brothers thought he would play a joke on the Celestial by appearing in a ghostly form, by wrapping himself in a sheet and confronting the pupil as he was on his wav home. The scheme did not work according to intention, for instead of tatinc n scare thn Chinaman tackled the Kghost, exclaiming: "Me catchee one IBebbil." and proceeded to pummel his ghostsbip in trne slugging styje. Some companions of the ghost, who had secreted themselves to see the fun, then found it necessary to interfere and save the joker from further punishment. It is now understood among these boys that "ghosts don't go" with Chinamen, at least those who have enlisted as Christian warriors in the Army of Salvation. ' '.' SBXm'G,, .' I)ISFATCH,V 'MONDAY ' SEPTEMBER SIR MIGHTS PI LINE. Preparations for the Triennial Con clave of tho Templars. A LARGE ATTENDANCE ASSURED. Members Will lie Present From Canada and Far California. THE ORDER OF THE GREAT PROCESSION. Peansjlwnia Alone Will Finnish a Fall Diilsloa to Swell the Column. i The final arrangements are being made for the triennial conclave of the Knights Templar at "Washington next week. It will be the most largely attended in the history of the order in the United States. Canada will send a visiting delegation. Washington, September 29. The twenty-fourth Triennial Conclave of the Knizhts Templar of the jurisdiction of the United States will begin in this city one week from to-morrow. The whole week will be a round of festivity. The grand encampment will hold sessions each day, at which busi ness of special interest to members of the fraternity will be transacted. In the parade it is estimated that there will be 22,000 men in line, or more Knights Templar than have ever heretofore marched in procession on one occasiou, and exceed ing by 12,000 the number in line at the last tneonial conclave in St. Louis. The com mandenes come - from all parts of the United States, and every State and Terri tory will be represented either by its Grand Commandery or by subordinate command eries. SOME CANADIAN VISITOES. Although not in this jurisdiction several Canadian pTereptories (as subordinate bodies are denominated in Canada) will be in line. I'ully 250 cities will have separate bodies in line. The States having the largest representation will be Massachusetts and Hhode Island, which comprise one jurisdiction; New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan, there being no less than 27 sub ordinate commanderies from Ohio alone, 29 from Illinois and 28 from Pennsylvania. The parade will be reviewed by President Harrison, who will occupy a stand erected in front of the "White House. Another stand will be erected for tbe Grand Master of the Encampment, Charles Eoome, of New York, who will also review the Knights. The Chief Marshal of the parade will be Myron M. Parker of this citv, with Harri son Dingroan as Chief ot Staff". There will be 12 divisions. The First division will be commanded by Colonel Wm. G. Moore, of this city, and will be headed by the local commanderies. v ABBILIiIANT ABBAY. The officers and delegates to the grand encampment will follow in carriages with a detachment of Coeur de Leon Commandery No. 23, of New Xork City, as a special escort to the Most Eminent Grand Master. Nicholas Van Slicken will command the Second division, comprising Massachusetts and Khode Island commanderies; Austin C. "Wood, the Third, composed of New York commanderies; J. L. Beck, tbe Fourth, made up of Knights from Virginia, Delaware, "Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut. Henry Per kins, the Ohio, Kentucky and Maine paraders, who will form the Fifth division; Terence F. Hippie, the 28 commanderies from Pennsylvania, who will take up the whole of the Sixth division; Duncan T. Bacon, the Seventh division, comprising Sir Knights from Indiana, Texas and Michigan; Norman T. Gassett, tne Eighth division, Illinois Templars; Samuel Hopkins "Wag ner, Division No. 9, including California, Tennessee, "Wisconsin and New Jer sey commanderies; A. G Howard, the Tenth division, having Knights from South Carolina. Georgia, Missouri, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana; "Wal ter H. Sanborn, commanderies from Minne sota, Kansas, Maryland, Nebraska, Arkan sas, "West Virginia, Colorado and North Carolina, and W. D. Stites, the last or TWELFTH DIVISION, in which the Canadian preceptories and Commanderies from Dakota, Montana, "Washington Territory and "Wyoming will march. Many State headquar ters will be established during the conclave. The Ohio Knights have secured the armory of the "Washington Light In fanty, and the Indiana Templars that of the National Eifles. State headquarters will be handsomely decorated, and the armory in which the In diana Knights will be" will represent a tented field. TWO SINGULAR EPITAPHS. Queer Specimens of Tombstone literature Discovered Out In Colorado. "I have read of a great many strange epitaphs and seen some of them," said a traveler to The Coffee of the Omaha Republi can, "but there are a few in the cemetery at Manitou, in Colorado, which are more re markable and more humorous (for there is a certain humor about the dead in this ridiculous world) than anything I have ever read or seen. Scattered about this cemetery are quite a number of slabs ot boards, painted white and lettered by one hand presumably that of a sexton or some public official upon whom the duty of bury ing and commemorating the friendless dead had fallen. This official was in his way the master of a style. Here is the first speci men of his literature that meets the eye of a sight-seer: iwas Shot Pead for Burelerv 5 May 25, 188' "In what year between 1880 and 1889 the unfortunate 'bnrgler' was shot does not ap pear, becanse there was not room on the board for more than the three figures. There is -perhaps a certain fitness in forcing a criminal to confess his crimes throughout the years on a post mortem monument, but there is a grimness which is almost inhuman in another recital: Wm . Stout I was 'Burned in a well ii feet deep Coroner Davis "It may be possible that Coroner Davis paid the sexton something for this unique advertisement, which at once records bis profession and his industry as a digger, but one reads the corpse's narrative of his awful fate with a strange sense of suffocation." Be SInstbe n Tnlunblo Man. "Washington, September 29. Secretary Noble has revoked the appointment of As sistant Indian Commissioner Belt as a mem ber of the Sisseton and "Wabpeton Indian Commission. It is stated that Mr. Belt could not be spared from the department at this time. Smallpox on nn Ocean Steamer. New Yoek, September 29. The steamer Victoria arrived here to-day from Gibraltar with 493 passengers. As smallpox had de veloped among her passengers the steamer was put in quarantine. Head Onr AdrertUement To-Day in Thli Paper, Then come and see the goods Here this is the place. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn 'Avenue Stores. , ' One of the Fineit. Klein's "Silver Age" display nt the Ex position. s .t -MWF r js'kKSj. r ' THE SURP1VDS ALL GONE. So Says a Telccram From Washington, Baaed on tbe Autstnnt Treasurer's Fluoroi Tanner and the Court of Clalmi Made Jt Fir. rSPICUI. TBLBOBAM TO TH DISPATCH.! "Washington, September 29. The sur plus is gone. According to Assistant Sec retary Batcheller's statement, made several days since, it had fallen from $107,000,000, at which pointit stood a yearago, to $40,000, 000. This balance will be practically wiped out by tbe reports and estimates now being prepared for submission to Congress. There are agencies -provided for by law for ascertaining the indebtedness ot the United Slates to its citi zens, which work noiselessly but with marvelous effect. Chief among these is the Court of Claims. Commissioner Tanner was credited with being the champion "surplus ripper." He is not. The Court of Claims beats him 'out of sight and does it, too, in entire accord with the forms of law. i Tbe Court has before it now Sonthern war claims for supplies taken by the Union forces from loyal residents of the South during the war, amounting to $250,000,000; French spoliation cases amounting to about $12,000,000 and snits brought against the United States under the original jurisdiction of the Court in which the amounts claimed aggregate $20,000,000. Looking the facts straight in the face, as any business man would do in figuring on his own affairs, Uncle Sam to day has no surplus to call his own. A BADLY MANGLED MESSAGE. How a Tonus: Officer's Words Were Twisted by a. Trnttr Servant. She was a very pretty girl, says the writer of "Undertones" in the San Francisco Chronicle, At least he says so, and I never contradict a man in what he says about the girl he is in love with. "Why shouldn't they all be pretty? Some of them are poor and need prettiness. Some of them are rich and can get along without it, but still tell them they are pretty. Even xf they know you arc telling what yon know is not the truth, they 11 forgive the lie and admire the liar. He was a simple officer of ma rines. He loved, but he was young, and he calculated on having some fun before he got married, so he loved with a reserva tion. He had made an appointment to go to the theater with her and her married sister, and when the time came a brother officer was taken sickand he had to go on 3uty in his place. He called a colored servant, faithful and true. He could not write a note, so he sent a message. "You tell the lady," he said, "that some thing has happened and I can't join them it the theater. I am awfully sorry, but :an you remember something and repeat it for me?" "Yes, massa." "Well, you can say this: 'Though lost a Bight, to memory dear.' " "Yes, massa." The darky went his way, and arrived in the presence of the ladies he made this tatement: "Massa's awful sorry, ladies, he can t go o the theater this evening. Somcthin flrefful has happeued, and he's lost his lght, but bis memory s cl'ar." C1TCL SEEYICE CHARGES. be CommUiton Itself Snld to be In Need of Reformation. (Washington, September 29. The Post will to-morrow publish a strong editorial in which It charges the Civil Service Commis siohers with persistently violating.the law, and asserts its ability to prove the charge before a Congressional investigating com mittee. It charges that three-fourths of the clerks employed by the commission were not re quired to pass the examination, and that one of the clerks gave out or sold examina tion papers, and that the matter was brought to the attention of President Cleveland by Commissioner Oberley, bnt hushed up for reasons personal to Commissioner Lyman. A COUPLE OP NOYEIr STRIKES. Postal Clerks nnd Scholars Want Their Grievances Adjmted. London, September 29. The postal clerks held two large meetings to-day and formally protected against the rate of pay they are receiving and the treatment of their demands by the secretary. They have decided to form a union, and a strike will probably follow unless their grievances are adjusted. A novel strike has been inauenraled bv the scholars of Harwich school. The pupils demand shorter hours at lessons and better teachers of the daily process observed. They also denounced. the masters. ExIgOYERNOE CORNELL ILL. His Friends Fear That His System Is Poisoned by Malaria. ' ylOTCML TELZOaUI TO THE DI8PATCTI.I New Yoek, September 29. The health of ex-Governor Alonzo B. Cornell is giving his friends great concern. During the Ee pnblican (convention in Saratoga last week they saw that he bad lost much flesh, and that his face was thin and worn. He has been troubled persistently by indiges tion, snd had but recently returned from a Southern trip, taken in hope of benefiting his health. His friends are alio confident that his system is poisoned by malaria. PITTSBURG AT PARIS. Our Schools Receive tbe Gold Medal at the Exposition. rBT CABLE TO TIIE DISPATCS.I f Pabis, September 29. President Carnot to-day awarded the various medals lor dis plays at the Exposition. The Pittsburg schools were awarded the gold needed for their superior educational exhibit. Bnt It's Sort o Mean. Detroit Free lress.l Cast iron potatoes are now made and col ored up to look so natural that no one can detect the cheat except by weight. In Bhode Island they toss a couple of them to a hog, and the porker spends about three hours in experimenting before he is satisfied that he has got hold ot a tuber frozen solid abont five years ago. now n Widow Got Even. Detroit Free Press. 3 The widow Green, of Covington, got a bad half dollar in a Cincinnati drugstore. The druggist refused to take it back,and she found where he lived, dropped in on his family and claimed to be his first wife, and there was a row worth $100 and a separa tion lasting four weeks. Old Mr. "Weller was dead correct. That Trip to Hnytl. "Washington, September 29. Fred Douglass, the new United States Minister to Hayti, will leave this city on the 11 o'clock train to-morrow morning for New York, where he will immediately board the United States Steamship Kearsearge, which will convey him to Hayti. No Iionser a SJonch. Philadelphia ltecord.l North Sixth street father, narrating the effect of love on his son: "Sam used to be the slouchiest fellow in six wards. ,Npw he wears cuffs down to his knuckles', 3nd is constantly dribbling cologne over1 , Tiis UUkUEi ' 1 ( Vr t w $0ty. 1889. -3h LABOE IN AMERICA. Commissioner Carrol D. Wright Paints a Picture From the Life of WORKINGWOMEN IN GREAT CITIES. Despite Thoir Thousand and One Tempta tions, Se Declares Them AS HONEST AND YIRTU0US AS ANT. Why It b So Easy for Working Girls to Start on tie Wrong Path. In bis fourth annual report, Commis sioner of Labor Carrol D. "Wright dwells at length on thecondition of workingwomen in America, His picture- of their life in New York City is drawn with a bold pen. rEPrCIAL TZLECKAM TO TUX PISrATCH.1 "WASHiNOlON,September29. The fourth annual report ot Carrol D. "Wright, Com missioner ofLabor, just issued, is an interest ing addition to the existing information and statistics on the subject of labor in America. The work deals entirely with the qnestion of working women in large cities. Not the least important ieature of the volume is the chapter devoted to tbe character of working women. Original investigations were made in Brooklyn, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Louisville, Newark, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Rich mond, St Xouis and San Francisco. Com missioner Wright says: "From all that can be learned one need not hesitate in asserting that the working women of tbe country are as honest and as virtuous as any class of our citizens." Relative to the condition of the working women in New York City, the report says: TWO CHIEF FEATUEE3. Two features in the conditions ot New York C3ty so largely affect the working women there as to dwarf all other considerations the tene ment house and the influx and concentration of foreign immigration. The existence of sep arate home is a rarity, even among the well-to-do industrial classes. The crowded condition oC the poor and struggling is beyond belief, unless actually witnessed. This brines with it disease, death, im morality, etc. Tall, rear tenements block up tbe small air spaces that are insufficient even for the front, and often a third bouse stands behind the second. Sewerage is lack ing or defective, and stenches of all kinds pre vail in the poorer quarters. The new tenements are built with more attention to air, light and cleanliness, and there is a growing movement toward seenrinc better homes for the working population. Ground being so dear, rents are enormous. The necessaries of life are high, and many of the poor live on tbe refuse of the markets. A DIFFERENT PICTTJBE. On the other hand, the comforts of life are found in the best tenements. Carpets and clean beds, lace curtains, upholstered furni ture, pictures piauos and organs are not infre quent Among the foreign settlers the illiter acy is very irreat. Ambition to learn English, however, fills the night schools with eager pu pils, while the native population is con tent with ignorance. Working girls born In New York are alert and worldly wise rather than well educated, even according to the standard of the public schools. The pressure of necessity drives them early into the workshop. Tbe moral condition of the work ing women is Influenced for evil by the tene ment house home in a way too vastfordisenssion here. One noteworthy cause of immorality is the taking of men as lodgers for the sake of extra income: another is the long distances girls are compelled to traverse after dark, especially on leaving stores which remain open till 10 or 11 o'clock on Satnrday night; another is the crowding of friendless young women to the metropolis, where they live without home restraint, suffering every conceivable discom fort, subject to long periods of idleness, which they often enter upon WITH AN EMPTY PUESE. .Even among the lowest cades, however, there Is already response to gentle treatment, and an innate politeness that can spring only from a kind heart. The truest heroism of life and conduct was found Deneath rags and dirt. In dress and bearing the better class of work ing girls compare favorably with women of leisure and refinement. Tbe almost Invariable church contributions, especially among the foreign population, indicate a steady church attendance. As respects ventilation, a prop erly regulated workshop is the exception. The average room is either stuffy and close, or hot and close, and even where windows abound they are seldom opened. Toilet facili ties are generally scant and inadequate, and 100 workers are dependent, sometimes, on a single closet or sink, and that too often ont of order. Considering the cost of living, wages are little. If any, higher in NewYork than in other cities, though the number of well-paid positions being greater, chances of promotion are better. SCARED BY A RED LIGHT. A Lazy Engineer Cored ot Hli Habit of Sleeping While on Duty. Chicago Herald.: The recent railroad disaster on the Bock Island has recalled a number of stories re garding ths carelessness of engineers and other men in the operating department of railroads. An old railroader was telling yesterday of tbe time when he used to be conductor o a freight train. It was his have an abnormally lazy engi misfortune U neer, who wc lid go to sleep on the slightest provocation. "Whenever the train was side tracked to w; it the passage of an express train the eng neer would lie down oa his seat in the caS, prop his feet np against the boiler head a id go fast asleep. He would remain that ' ray until the noise of the fly ing express awoke him. Then he would yawn and prepare to pull out. The boys in the train crely did not like this. "Why can't he stay awake and watch for signals as we do?" asked one of them one night, as the long train was on a siding waiting for the arrival of "No. 6." "Well, why don't you see that he keeps awake?" asked the old railroader, who was in charge of the train. "I will," Baid the brakeman. With the assistance oi the other boys he firmly set the brakes along the train and then hung a red lantern from tne roof of the engine cab so that it was hanging in front of the window just in front of the slumber ing engineer. These preparations made he put his foot on the oldfashioned crank whistle and there was an awful shriek. The engineer jumped up and saw the red light. Confused for the moment he thought he was about to run into the rear end of another train, so he re versed his engine and jumped into the ditch, nearly breaking his neck. Of course the engine did not move a peg. The boys were all back in the way-car by this time, and when the sleepy engineer recovered himself and limped up out of the ditch he thought he must have been dreaming. However, he lost ayear's growth and never went" to sleep at his post after that He was cured. Terr Noticeable. Detroit Free Press.l "Where people are crowded together wickedness must come to the surface," says Inspector Byrnes. That's correct. Let a man get jammed in a street car coming home from prayer meeting and the first thing he thinks of is to knock someone s head off. ' ROGERS' ROYAL NERVINE TONIC Tones and invigorates the stomsch when weak ened by indigestion, corrects the ippetlte and aidj assimilation ofthe food, while as a nerve tonic It has no equal. .. . It may be taken Immediately after eatlnpror DYSl'EFSIA, FLATULENCY or any IKK1TA TIONS ofthe STOMACH or NEKVES. All druggists sell It. l per bottle. Rogers' Royal Remedies Co., Boston. eawwi t e -i". " r . "VT- fl'," -. 0APT. JONES MOUElflD The CilteeM of , Johnstown WIH Held m Memorial Meeting The PaMfe Schools Will Open To-Day Nelshborhood News. rsrzcTA- tsx-okax to thx nisrATc&i Johnstown September 29. The aa nouncementof the death of Captain W. E. Jones, of Braddock, caused much sorrow here. The people of the stricken cityTe member him with great kindness on ac count of his noble work in the first days of their great sorrow. jA meeting of citizens' of the devastated districts has been called for to-morrow to express their sorrow for his death and sympathy for his bereaved family. The remains of Father Davln, the priest who rendered suclrgreat service to the news paper correspondents in the first days of the flood, have arrived here. The funeral will take place in the morning at 10 o'clock. The Day express from the West will stop at Mor rellyiUe, near tbe church, for tbe accommoda tion of those who want to attend, and services will begin Immediately upon arrival of the train. The public schools in Johnstown and Mill ville boroughs will open in the morning'. The two buildings that have been used as tbe morgues ancT office have been cleaned up and put in repair for use. While digging around m the debris to-day where the workmen left off on Satnrday even ing some strangers came across tbe remains of a young girl, which had almost been uncovered but not noticed when the workmen laid down their tools. Discovery of a Stolen Mall Pouch. SPECIAL TX-XGBAK TO THS DISPATCH.! Youngstown, September 29. William Blackburn, a farmer residing near Leavitts burg, last night found a mall pouch lying on his farm, which had been cut open and rifled ot its contents, the letters being strewn over tbe ground. Near It was a valise, evidently stolen, which bad also been cut open. It was ascertained to-day that the pouch bad been made np at Cleveland for Jamestown, N. Y.. and was probably stolen at Leavittsburg by the thieves. A Struggle for a Senator. rsrXCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THX DISPATCH. J Youir ostown, September 29. The Republi can primaries last night for delegates to the Senatorial Convention at Niles, n Tuesdays- were largely attended. An earnest effort was made to elect delegates favorable to Colonel Evans Morris, of Girard, bnt In most instances unpledged delegates were chosen, the feeling being that Trumbull county shonld select the candidate and Mahoning county indorse him. Of the 27 delegates elected in the city, five are pledged to Morris. He Bhot to Save HI. Comrade. tSr-CTA- T-LXOBJLK TO TEUC I3rTCH.t Chaet-ESTON, W. Va September 29. A boy named Eagansnot and instantly killed a colored man named Joseph Rose, at Green brier. White Sulphur Springs, Friday night. Rose was intoxicated, and catching a boy named Ashby, he held bis back against a hot stove. Egan tried to release Ashby, bnt falling, he ran ont of the depot, procured a revolver and shot Rose through the breast. A Hnncartan Stabbing Affray. rSFXCIAI, T-LZOKAX TO THX DISPATCH.1 Axtoona. September 9. List evening during a drunken quarrel' at Oleu White, Peter Dunconan, Hungarian, was probably fatally stabbed in the left side by George Barnalati. a fellow-countryman. The assailant made his escape. AHEAD OP BALTIMORE. Pltubnrft Again Moves Up In the Clearing Hviiae 1.1st. Boston-, September 29. The following table, compiled from dispatches from the managersoi the Clearing Houses of theTJnited States, shows the gross exchanges for the week ended September28, 1889, with rates per cent of increase or decrease, as compared with the similar amounts lor the corresponding week in 1883: Inc. Dee. Mew York 4634.910.003 .... 0 6 Koston 7&744.SW -.. 5.1 Philadelphia 0e.57ll.S53 14.0 .... Chicago - - 68.S43.O0O 1.8 St. Louis ,,.-' 18.064.738 S- San JFranclscdH;. ..'...-..-... ia.90n,60S .. 6.9, Baltimore. ...i .-... U.001,939 -,.... s'll.r Cincinnati 9.433,900 .... 0.1 Kansas CUT. 8.14XZ73 10 3 .... New Orleans. 8,103.317 4S.8 .. Louisville. s.7f,S5i 19.7 .... Mlnneanolls 4,SC701 73.1 .... Providence 5,087,700 13.8 .... Detroit 4,242.566 1.4 Denver 3,550,149 51.2 .Milwaukee 4.5SB.CO0 14.0 .. Cleveland 4,368.698 39.2 .... St. faul...... 4, Id, 325 23 8 .... Omaha. 3,783.470 11.1 Galveston 2.557,532 81.4 .... Colnmbus 2,562,400 13.9 Indlananolls...., 1.984.243 21.9 .... Richmond 1.850.715 13.1 .... Dallas 1,634,434 51.0 .... Hartford 1,130.221 24 8 .... Memphis. 1,082.340 19.9 Dulnth 1,4.10,83 .... 43.8 Hnnng-eld 1,17,891 8.9 .... Worcester 1,151,-3 13.5 .... Portland, Me. 1.196.981 32.3 .... Peoria. 1,207.049 .... 25.6 MewUaven 1,264,665 16.6 .... Ht. Joseph 1,140,561 .... 12.3 Fort "Worth 859.023 78.1 .... Grand Kaplds 538,421 7.6 .... Wichita , 663,361 17.4 Lowell 681,835 18.4 .... Norfolk 798.142 20.2 .... Los Annies 633,124 .... 26.4 Des Moines. 528.714 6.7 .... Tope It a. 296,446 .... 6.1 Buffalo 2,816,009 Portland, Ore. 1,343.530 Birmingham 576,144 .... .... "Tacoma . 630,035 Slonx Olty 599,094 '. Montreal 8,949.84&, .... .. Total I1,0CU8.763J "T Outside Hew xork 367.216,761)! 8.4 .... Not lnclnded in totals; no Clearing House at this time last year. Sweai-Groan-Growl. 'What eke is to be expected of the old fashioned way of blacking the shoes f Try the new way by using WOLFF'S Acme Blading and the dirty task becomes a cleanly (pleasure. Wolff'sAGMEBIacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Sheds Water or Snow. Shoes can be washed clean, requiring dressing only once a Week for men, once a Month for' women. It is also an Elegant Harness Dressing. WOLFF&RANDOLPH.Phlladeinhla xwrsa . . i -iflf c. - j MJw i HrTr s ceprmcirr FURNITURE AND CARPETS GRANDEST VARIETY! BEST QUALITIES! ' NEWEST STYLES! KEECH'8 Oaslx- am-cL Czr?eLL1 !1Co-ils3 . . fc- . ' .'- 'tl2 . ond.QZS JPenn avenuefrtiHir NUtth,aret. ul-Hs4 -- Ofl.'jBlf.r. '1li &&BMkijwom&ams& ,iv -,?$ ;1 !?!? HIP" Hf l4-Pv-rlRri Til WIATIWL For We tern -A Pennsylvania efewhf p- '" J teeotter on-. V&t&ufi .... ,m'M vnnat; lig fitly; cooler. M nrWeHTirgintaBi -j V . t .tA j.M, ou.io.eriy ? wind; tlightly eeoier. ,Sr5 lUnuiiluU. September 3) ima Ft.-TTnfj1 W taAtm Bftsaal tserriea odU-!. n this city I urni-fee- the fellowtegr . 7A Time. Ter. .54 Meaa tem. '" -& B0 If .. , . Maxtaom tems. 72 ""- ..... f ? iji iiwr. X . Mmimam testa.. 49 J 5 2:00 r.K H-ace ... as . 50 p. K.. ... fre-frit-Uoa. ..-- M, aur. x ,.. Klrerat 5 z.u., 5.2 wet. ferl of 0.S feet is M Jiouri. t 53 Shot n W Ife and HtaMeK. TJi rSPTCl.il, TZLEGEAK TO TBS BWT8. l' ' NewYohk, Sentember-S. JeYe 031 shot his wife and then -inseK at ttVeir.l home in Union TTill h? - - Tai died in a few minutes. She will wetmWeJ.J die. She is 65 -rears old. He was ts Tears I her junior. They had been married about '-i nve years. Rheomatism, BEING due to tbe presence of Brie acid in the blood, k most effectually cored by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa rlllo. Be sure yon get Ayer'a and bo other, and take it till tbe poisonona acid is thoroughly expelled from tfe. eystem. We challenge atteatkm to thk testimony : "Ano-t two years ago, after sageting for nearly two years from rhonmatio goat, being able to walk esly with get discomfort, and having tried varieaa remedies, including- mineral watew, without relief; Isaw by aa advertise-.' xnentm a unicago paper nac aaaaa aao. ceen relieved oi mis -M-ronaing eeea-j plaint, after lose suffering, by taUg Ayers sarsapariiia. x taea aoomoa tai make a trial of tbistraedfeiBe, ad teekj it regularly for eight months, aad aas.1 pleased to state that it baa effected. a j comnlete cure. I have since bad Be re-1 turn of the disease." Mrs. R. Inr-MTu Dodtre.llO West 126th St.. NewYork.' - " One vfiar aco I was taken IB inflammatory rifeumatism, being fined to. my bouse sfcc moates. x ,-, out of tne sicKness -rery-Braea eei-s-w. VUVV14 niH W "KyVVff B-4V H1J , A disordered in every -way. Iuseeedy.jT, nsing Ayer'a Sarsaparilla asd begas te-.f improve at oace, gauu-g iu uuMi--t.. 4 l ha.. Huum.n. . nfiaol 7t ttiiu owu imituiu "J .w..a. fc 1 x cannot say too mucn in praise well-known, medicine." Mrs. L. A. -S Stark, Nashua, N. H. ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PBXT BSD XT Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowed, Mass. -Mcatf;-t bottles, 8)6. Worth ft s bottle- JOmTPLOCJKER & CO.,r , HAXTTF ACTXTBXBS OI1 Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR KALLKOAD UHE. $ 4 Italian and American Hemp P-cMbc; . Clothes Unex. TirlnM. Belt Cord. Fh& Lines. Chalk Lines, Night Lines. Sisal Bala andHWat.T ftviig, rxq .Mii rn, oua t. w ll ' -4-P-bl & rr A5mi 4!fll & '7NH'VV WORKS East street. Alleefceay City, Fa, OFFICE AND SALESROOM- Water ft, -ttshnrc- Telephone No. 1379. mTS-irws n STE-UHEKS AHB EXCUKiHeNS. rrrHiT stab link FOK QCEE38TOWN JlSV LIVEHP OOL. Boyal and United States Mall Steamers. Britannic Oct. t llm Adriatic, Oct.9;5J0pm ' Teutonic, Ue. 16, 10:30am ' Germanic Oct. ,1di Britannic Oct. 30. 10 am 'Adriatic, Nor. . Spm -lenwnic, jtor.iM, vara Germanic Not. 28,3pm from White Star dock. 1 root or west Teeth st. Second cabin on thew teamen. Siloanrate. (SO and apward. Second cabin, 186 and npward. according to iteamerand location of berth. Ex cursion tickets on faTorable tenai. Steerage, t V White Star drafts payable on demand In all the principal banks throoehoat Ureat Britain. Ap plyto JOHN J. MCCOKMICK. 1 SsHhfleld s-. Vlttsuarp. or J.BHliOEiSMJLi, General Aient, 41 Uroadwaj. New York. seft-D fVSJLRO L.1XZ. N EW YOEK TO trVKKPOIlI. VTA. wwj, jnua rK 40 north ex JTAST EXPRESS MATT. SKKVHTK. Berrla. Oct. S. 2:30 r n Bothnia. Oct. L 3 i ' Gallia, Oct. ft. S:30 x HlUmbrta, Ocas,8e AXj xruriB. uck . iwak ocrru. .nor. z, iy ; Anranla. Oct. IS. 1 FH, Gallia. Not. asp: Cabin passage, SSO, 90 and M0; Intermediate. J 136. steerage tickets to and from all parts of .uiura it c'J luw rates. VEJtNON B. 13BOW.N CO., General A rtnU, J. J. MCCOKMICK. Agent. $ Voortb tc and Smlthfleld St., KttsBarayr"- STATE LINE J' To Glasgow. Belfast, DuWfo and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 35 to ISD. according to locaUoa 01 stateroom. Excursion S5 to no. 1 bteerage to and from .Europe ai Lowest Sates, , AUSTIN BALDWIN CO,. General Age-U. ' S3 Broadway, NewYork. , J. J. McCORMlCK. Aflnt, Pittsburg. Pa. sels-D ANCHOR LINE. Atlantio Exprais Service; LIVERPOOL via QUEENSToWm. Steamship CITY OK HOME, ".from New Yorfc, WKDNESUAY7bct.ls7 Saloon passage, M0 and upward: second-class. IS9. GLASGOWSERVICEr Steamers erery Saturday from New York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver pool, S60 and SS0. Second-class. . Steerage passage, either service sao. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Travelers circular letters or credit and draft for any amount Issued at lowest carrent rates. For books or tours, tickets or I a formation, J. J.THCCOKMICK. Fourth and Bmlthfleld- A? U oJUfJC, Jr., lei Federal at., Allegheny. seJ3-WT. LOWEST PRICES! . EASIEST TERMS! BEST TREATMENT! & irah - V r