saBKf-mmm B "- 4M ?m Brr ' If yon want Board, .Roams, Help, advertise In THE DISPATCH. Purcnnners cao bo round for everything offered For Sole In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH Is the best advertising medium in Western f onnsrlrnnln. Try It. V 4am K)RTY-:FOTJItTH TEAIL $ Bogus Medical Mills That Have , Flooded the Country With Sheepskins. TURNING OUT GRADUATES -Authorized to Commit JInrder and Charge a Fee for It. EEAT WEALTH MADE M THESCHEMEES Tito More Bogus Medical Cotleres Ex posed Evidence Against the Promoters Conclusive Diplomas bold by Them for $60 to S300 Anybody Could Become K a Doctor The Aliened Universities Located In Half a Dozen States Copies of Letter That Passed Between n Gen- tleman and the Heads of the Fake Col- leges How the Doctor Manufacturers , Were Trapped. Bogus medical colleges in half a dozen States have been selling diplomas at cheap rates to anyone who had the money to pay iorthem. The scheme was laid bear in an ingenious way. rsrzciu. telegram to the dispatch. 'Boston September 29. Two more bogus diploma mills which have been flooding the country with sheepskins certifying, for the sum of 560 -or more, that the owners have completed a thorough course of study in medicine, and are qualified to practice as physicians, are ex posed to-day. The projectors of the scheme have apparently crown rich at the expense of the public life and health. As the evi dence against them is of the most conclu sive nature, there is every probability that they will be put where they cannot en danger the pnblTc welfare for some time to come. SHEEPSKINS VEEY CHEAP. Investigation has revealed the fact that bogus medical diplomas can be purchased for prices ranging from G0 to 300 in New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Canada. Three years ago a medical diploma mill was unearthed in Augusta, Me., and it is believed that the men engaged in the present scheme received their training in that institution. The first intimation of their operations came from Buffalo, last spring. A man whose shingle advertised him as an "M.D," applied for admission to the association of physicians in that citr. The only creden tial he could show was a diploma bearing the seal of ''Trinity University of Vermont. " None of the older members of the Associa tion had ever heard of such an institution, and rXQUIBY 'WAS MADE as to its standing. The result was a sur prise. The institution was found to be a regularly incorporated body, but it ex isted only on paper. "Under the laws of Vermont any association whose avowed pur pose it is to disseminate knowledge may be formed without making any record of the organization at the office of the Secretary of the State. All that is necessary to equip one of these institutions is to make applica tion to any town 'clerk lor articles of in corporation and they are granted forthwith. The record never gets beyond his office. It was thus that the "Trinity University" sprang into existence. Application for articles of incorporation were filed with the town clerk in Bennington, and the Secre tary of the State knew nothing of the Uni versity's existence. GEADUATES BT THE SCOEE. Since March 29, 1889, the "University" has been in full operation, turning out "graduates" by the score at 560 a head. The sheepskins are all dated at Bennington, bat as a matter of fact tbey are issued from Boston, Lowell or Nashua, N. H. After obtaining the articles of incorpora tion the schemers flooded the country with the circulars, and that they have done a rushing business is shown by the enormous mail which came to them every week. The circular announces the following "Require ments lor Admission:" "" Students desiring to be admitted to this TJni versiu must give evidence of good moral char acter by presenting to the faculty a certificate of the same from some reputable clergyman or physician. They must also have a s fficient knowledge of tbe fundamental branches of education to enable them to profitably pursue tbe study of medicine. Those who have re ceived A COLLEGIATE DEGREE or who bave passed tbe matriculation examina tion of a recognized college or universitj, or who have a certificate covering the required subjects from a recognized normal or high fccbool or other institutions, may enter without examination. Candidates not presenting such evidence of preliminary qualifications will be required to pass an examination in tbe branches of a good English education, includ ing mathematics, English composition and elementary phjsics-or natural philosophy and Latin. Here are the "requirements for gradua tion:" The candidate for the degree of Doctor of Medicine must be 21 years of age, and of pood moral character, and comply with the matricu lation requirements. He must have been en- gaged iu the study of medicine over a period of four years; during that time he must have attended three courses of lectures of six months each, in this or some other college or university, tbe last being at this university. He must bave attended tbe practice of a gen eral hospital or dispensary for 18 months, and had charge of at least six cases of accouche ment. He must present AN ORIGINAL THESIS, in his own handwriting at least 30 days before graduation, to the Dean of the faculty. He must pass a satisfactory examination before the faculty and the Board of Examiners in all tbe branches of medical study. 'One of these circulars Jell into the hands of Alan H. G. Hardwickc. of Buffalo, and he determined to test the legal standing of the so-called "University." Mr. Hardwicke is an iron and brass founder, and has never spent an hour in the study of medicine, yet he received a deploma which certified that he was qualified to practice as a physician. He paid $00 for tbe sheepskin, and then turned it over to the police as evidence against tbe swindlers. A history of the methods employed in getting this diploma will serve as an ex ample of. the operations of the gang. Mr. HardwicWhas a brother who vatands high DIPLOMAS 1 ... . .J Home OP - . l in the medical profession, andthe latter sus pected that the circular was designed as a "feeler." At his instigation Mr. Hard wicke wrote to "Dr. Bradbury," and re ceived in reply this letter: a dead give away. 54 Peael street. 1 Nashua, N.H., April 12, 18S9. A. H. G. Hardwicke, Buffalo. . Y.: Deak Sir Your letter of the 9th Instant at hand. Pleased to hear from yon. I esteem your Dr. W. W. H., of Essex, England, very highly.. We can get you a much better article than the Bellevne. We can pet you an article from a college in Ohio ror $150 dated 1S80. or one from a University in one of the New England States for jSO. The latter will be dated the coming May. Your brother has ordered one of the latter. I inclose circular. All business must be done with me. not sent to the University. I should like very much to see j ou. Wish you could come this way, and when here cet your article. You should send thesis, and also pass some kind of an examination, so you can swear in court of law it was granted after due examination. Send money by ex- Sress. My name is in full, Henry Frceland radbury. In writing on these topics I gener ally use my middle name. Your brother, bow ever, knows my full name. I would be pleased to hear from you by return post. I trust every thing will be confidential. I am, faithfully. Dr. Bradbury. P. S I will not send the circular of the University referred to. NO ATTEMPT AT CONCEALMENT. This letter shows, without any attempt at concealment, the unlawiul character oi the business under consideration. It intimates that a similar work is being carried on in Ohio. The next letter was dated April 22. In it "Dr. Bradbury" wrote: Thesis may be on the treatment of "Chronic Briebt's Disease." Your name goes on the books, and all inquiries v,ill be answered. If vou wish the article by the 1st of May, you had better forward the cash at once. It generally ULes about ten da) s to get them, there is so much red tape to it. All business must be done witn me. not nitb tbe Trinity or its officers. They will not answer your letters at present, for the very reason that such answers would give them aay. They cannot let anybody know they do this. Everything will be all right if you do the business with me. You write your thesis any umo nuuin ou uayg. ii you write a good tnesis we will pass jou on the examination. In another letter "Bradbury" again says he can obtain for Mr. Hardwicke the de sired diploma for ?60, but intimates that it MUST BE TAKEN AT ONCE. But Mr. Hardwicke did not take it then. He had carried the matter as far as he dared without assistance, and he wanted witnesses to the final transactions. He'wrote "Dr." Bradbury that he was ready to bring the ne gotiations to a close. The latter wrote under date of August 18: Your letter was received and answered at once. As I bave not received any reply, I sup pose you are waiting for me to comply with tflnr rpmipsf. namnlr tn caml ln trnnAe r ft r This U something I never did, and it is not cus- tuuiai in iui& uusmp.55. .nowever, u you give me your word as a gentleman that you will take the article from the expressman just as soon as it gets to Buffalo, without any delay or ex posure, I will send it. If you mean what you cay. iet me near irom yon at once. On August 27 the diploma was shipped, as the following letter states: We have shipped to yon this morning, goods, C O. D.. $6U per agreement. We sent by the name of E. L. Needham, as we did not wish to put our name on the express. Please take It as soon as arrived. A GOOD LOOKER. The diploma arrived, and Mr. Hardwicke paid $60 for it It was in Latin, and not unlike the diplomas of the regular schools. Investigating the "Trinity University," a similar institution, under the management of the same men, discovered in New Hamp shire, it was found to have been incorpor ated in the same way as was the Trinity University, and applicants for bogus diplo mas got them as soon as they paid the cash. The bogus diplomas were printed some where in 2sevr York, and the circulars were struck off at a small printing office laXow ell. The plate from which the fraudulent sheepkins were printed has not yet been found. ALL IN HARMONY. Cleveland nnd Hill cvr Yorkers Ready to Lie Down Frncefnlly Together Prfibnble Composition of tbo Coming State Ticket. rSrECIAl. TELEGRAM TO Till DIBPATCH.I Stbacuse, N. Y., September 29. Every preparation has been made for the grand rush of the Democrats to this Bepublican city to-morrow. There is to be no discord upon the business to be transacted. The differences between those who favor Cleve land and those who favor Hill for Presi dental candidates are buried, as far as the coming fight is concerned, and both wings are to share in the formation of the ticket and its subsequent triumph. So far as the ticket is agreed upon, it is the product of harmonious discussion among the leaders from every section of the State. The candidates for nearly all the places are the choice of nearly all who have discussed the ticket Judge Frank Eice, oi Ontario, who is practically agreed on to head the ticket, is a Cleveland man. For Controller and Attorney General, the present incubents seem certain of renomination. The Con troller is Edward Wemple, of Montgomery; the Attornev General is Charles F. Tabor of Buffalo. ' ' Elliott Danforth, the present Deputy Treasurer, is said to be the choice of Gov ernor Hill for the State Treasurership. Ex Pnblic Printer Benedict has pulled out. The candidates who remain are John B. Beilly, of Plattsburgb, who is spoken of as Smith Weed's man, W. A. Beach, a Cleve land man. For Conrt of Appeals, Denis O'Brien, of Jefferson county, is the favorite. It is said that the resolutions thus far tacitly agreed on by most of the leaders will reaffirm the St. Louis platform of 1888, especially with regard to the party position on the tariff. JOHN L'S GOOD DEM0CE1CI. Tbe Champion Gracefully Gives Way to a 1 Stain Convection. SPECIAL TEtXGEAM 10 THE DISPATCH.! Syracuse, N. Y., September 29. John L. Sullivan has sent a very characteristic letter to the sporting men of Syracuse, can celling his engagement to appear in the Alhambra Bink Monday night That is where the Democratic convention is to be held during the next day, and Sullivan appears to think either that two attractions conflict with one another, or that he may not get through his windup in time for the holding of the convention. His letter is as follows: New y ore, September 27, 1889. To Jerry Sullivan, Syracuse, N. Y.: Yank Cancel mv date of September 30 at Alhambra, as f do not v-aut to occupy tbe ball previous to tbe Democratic convention. This is bv request ot friends, and make it right after and as soon as yon can. I will pay all expenses that bave been in curred, and Burnett will explain all to you later. John L. Sullivan. The "big fellow" is to open here on next Saturday. MILLIONAIRE S NELL'S MURDER. An Attempt to Prove Tnscott Not Guilty of tbe Crime. CHICAGO, September 29. Three brand new Tascott stories madetheir appearance to-day. They all purport to solve the mys tery of Millionaire Shell's murder, but agree only in conveying the impression that Tas cott was not the real criminal. The mostim portant of the three narratives quotes as au thority an alleged well-known lawyer, whose name is withheld. He says he was con sulted professionally tbe day after the mur der by one of the two men who did the kill ing, James Gillan, an ex-convict, now dead. The only trouble with the solution was that the convict was under lock and key at tbe time ot the murdsr. The other stories are equally flimsy. tip CBIME LET LOOSE. Burglary and Incendiarism Rampant In Berks and Lancaster A Look List of Barn Burnings and Rob beries Several Sus pects Arrested. ISFECTAZ. TELZGH-UI,TO THE DI8PATCII.3 BrBDSBOEO, September 29. Incendiar ism, combined with burglary, has broken loose in the lower part of Berks and in Lan caster county. A few nights ago a public building at Wrightsville and five barns were set on fire, almost simultaneously, and deStrOVed. On TnociInr niirlit tha firm. house of Allen Correll, near Barnesville, was likewise burned. The Boas Luinbeif Yards have been repeatedly set on fire of late Dy the Incendiaries. In the same intei val burglars have entered and robbed thi Philadelphia and Eeading depot s; Douglassville, have ransacked the postoffics and residences of H. H. Lbrd and Isaac Amole, at the same place, plundered tlfe house aqd barn of Benedict Stengel, near Niantic, and cleaned out the residence f Lewis Turner, at Monocacy. The methods of the "desperadoes, who are believed to number at least a score, were revealed in an attempt to burn prop erty in this town. Shortly before midnight the miscreants were discovered operating in J- H. Prutxman's store, on Main street. They immediatelv fled, leaving behind them their plunder and the inflammable materials with which they had intended burnin? the buildinp in nrrlr in rnnrxaul the robbery. A demijohn of coal oil, some candles and a heap ot shavings were found left in an upper room, and the floor was thoroughly saturated with the oil. Several arrests have been made, but all the suspects have been released excent James Fiestcrand Herman Dersh. Y!IS& MEN IN THE EAST. The Crawford County Political Leaders Meet In Philadelphia. I SPECIAL TXXEGBA1C TO THE DISPATCH. Philadelphia, September 29. Chair man Andrews, of the Bepublican State Committee, arrived at the Continental Hotel this evening, fresh from the "West, where he has been looking after the party organization. "The organization of our party is in first-class condition," said the Chairman. "I will be here for some time yet, busy with the committee work. "We intend shortly to present the prize banners to the four counties which won them and as I intend, if possible, to be in at tendance when the presentations take place, it will keep me busy here in order to keep up with the work. Everything is going smoothly. The talk about the fight lor the nomination for Governor is the veriest nonsense, as the Bepublicans gener ally recognize that we have to get through with the fight for State Treasurer before be ginning next year's fight." Senator Delamatcr, who is at the Lafay ette with some members of his family, called on Chairman Andrews, and the two remained in conversation for some time. Senator Delamatcr will run over to New York to-morrow. AS OLD AS CnClSTIANITT. The First Armenian Church Servico Ever Held in American. tSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New Yoek, September 29. The first ser vice according to the rites of the Armenian Church ever held in this city was cele brated ibis afternoon, by .special sanction of Bishop Potter, in Grace Chapel.yLfter.the service the first Armenian baby evCTb&ptised in this city was made the recipient of the first of the sacraments, according to a ritual which Is nearly or quite as old as Christianity,and in a language which is presumably as 'old as the ritual. The celebrant was the Bev. Dr. Saragian, who has been sent to this countrv by the Armen ians Patriarch of Constantinople to look after the interests of the several thousand Armenians here. The services consisted principally of sine ing orchantine. Scarcely anvof the liturgy was spoken. As in the Greek church, no in strument aided the voices. During the en tire service a censor, swung by one of the deacons, filled the church with its perfume, while the accents of the ancient tongue were chanted in its mystic melody. IN DANGER OP DISRUPTION. Serious Tronble Among the Members of tbe Governor's Troop. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Harrisbueq, September 29. The Gov ernor's troop, organized in this city about a year ago, is in danger of .disintegration, ow ing to the dissatisfaction created by Captain Perkins in dismissing bis First Lieutenant for alleged disobedience of orders. Forty one members of the . cavalry company re quested the Captain's resignation a short time since, and he t as discharged 15 of the men who asked him to resien, it is alleged in retaliation for their course. A committee of these members of the troop visited General Gobin and requested his interference in their behalf, and he promised them a full examination into their grievance by the proper military authori ties. FROM'THE PACIFIC C0AS7 The Knights Templnr Are Coming ts Attend . the Conclave. Sax Feancisco, September 29. The Knights Templar commanderies of Oakland, Los Angeles and Fresno left this evening by special train for Washington to attend the triennial conclave. The party will reach Chicago Saturday morning, and Washington on Monday. The Golden Gate and Sacramento commandreies leave to-morrow morning and will arrive in Washington Snnday. The California Co'mmandery leaves Tues day by the same route as the Golden Gate Commandery, and will arrive in Chicago Saturday, reaching Washington one day later. SAD TATE OP TWO BOYS. Tbe Careless Hnndlinc- of Giant Powder Responsible for Their Death. Helena, Mont., September 29. Albert Nelson and Harry Walton, aged 10 and 12 respectively,, living at Elkhorn, a few miles from Helena, found some giant powder yes terday carelessly left by miners. The boys commenced to experiment with it, when an explosion occurred, killing both. A Coroner's jury is investigating the matter, and as the miners at the camp are greatly enraged over the affair, the boys and their parents being great favorites, if tbe man is found whose carelessness was the cause of the accident he will sutler severely. A DEMOCRAT bLIPS IN. Secretary Noblo Doesn't Care What a Good Fel!ow Politics Are. SPECIAL TELEGBAU TO TDK DtSPATCR.1 Washington, September 29. General B. M. Prentiss, appointed postmaster at Bethany, Mo., is a Democrat. He owes his appointment to Secretary Noble, to whom he applied last spring for a place. Noble speaks of him as a splendid fellow and fine soldier, and adds that he does not in such a case care what a man's politics are. General Prentiss' entire command with himself at its head, was captured at the bat tle of Shiloh, and there has been much con troversy over the fact. PITTSBURG, MONDAY, JTO CANADA IN HIS. An Embezzling Ohio Bank Cashier Who Didn't Join the Colony. - PENNSYLVANIA WAS GOOD ENOUGH (Bat His lawyer Induces Him to Come Home and Give Himself Up. ' BOUND OYER IN THE BDH OP $25,000. He Is Totally Broken Down and All His Kerre; Are Uastrasg. , A defaulting Ohio bank cashier gave him self up to the United States authorities yes terday at Columbus. He was placed under. 525,000 bail, which he cojuldn't procure, and was jailed. He has been in hiding in Penn sylvania for four weeks. ' rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCTt.l Columbus, O,, September 29. Eobert 1?. Halliday, the defaulting cashier of the First National Bank of Mount Gilead, O., gave himself up to the United States au thorities in this city to-day, and this even ing had a hearing betore Commissioner Ifaggerty, who fixed the bond at 525000, which the defendant was unable to give. He was taken to Mount Gilead to-night, where he will be placed in jail to await the effort of his friends to secure bond. Halliday arrived in the city at 3 o'clock this morning and registered at a hotel in his proper name. He was accompanied by his attorney, Mr. Simms, of Mount Gilead. As soon as he had eaten breakfast he started out with his attorney to find the authorities, in order to give himself up, but did not suc ceed in doing so until late in the day. THE CHAEOE AGAINST HIM. The affidavit on which Halliday is to be tried was made by Bank Examiner J. J. Sullivan, and charges him with appropri ating $36,000 of the bank's money. He made a showing, however, to the effect tbat he had turned over all his nronertv. COD- f sisting of stocks and an interest in a build ing, until the total amount embezzled is cnt down to ?16,000. Halliday's attorney stated to the commissioner that tbe total loss to the bank would not be more than 510,000. Mr. Halliday is totally broken down and was a pitiable sight as he stood before tbe Commissioner, and frequently burst out weeping. He has been lor some time try ing to get his courage up to the point of giving himself up to the authorities, hut could not stand the disgrace until his attor ney succeeded in demonstrating to him that it was the best thing he could do. On leav ing Mt Gilead, about four weeks agoVHae went to Beedsville, Mifflin county, Ta., where he remained. He says he never had any idea of going to Canada, and wishes it distinctly understood that ; HE GAVE HIMSELF UP of his own accord. He came from Pennsyl vania to Marengo, O., from where Jre wnt to his home in Mt Gilead and remained two days, and then went out in the country and stayed one day, hiding in a strawstack. His attorney found him in hiding and per,' suaded him to come here. When he went to Pennsylvania, HaBidav states, he had less than f-50. which wt given him byvhis wife and son, and tljaf..! uowjias nonvolatile money-oi -toe oauk. He desired the question asked whether any of the other directors of the bank speculated in grain in New York, through Porter; whether thev have ever speculated in town lots in .Findlay, Fostoria or Kansas City, saying that they secured their money from the bank on which to do the speculat ing. He claims that if the directors had done their duty he would not be where he is, and claims that they did not investigate their business as they should. It is understood that Halliday lost the most of his money in a New York lumber deal, and some through unlortunate friends and habits.' BALTINI'S FAREWELL T0DR, The Great Tfaecdlan Arrives for Bis Last Appearance In America. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 New York, September 29. Among the passengers on the French steamship La Bretagne, which arrived to-day, was Signor Salvini, the Italian, tragedian, who has come to make his fifth and farewell appear ance in this country. He is to make 11 appearances at Palmer's Theater, in this city, beginning Ocfober 10, and will after ward play in Boston, Chicago, Denver, and perhaps San Francisco, and also in the principal intervening cities. He is to appear in "Samson," a play originally written for him; "Othello" and "The Gladiator." He appeared in the first; at his first visit to this country, when he was ac companied by an Italian company, but this time his support will play in English in a version by W. D. Hpwells. Miss .May Brooklyn will be Delilah. She willalso play Lesdemona, while John Malone plays Iago. Miss Virginia Buchanan is also in the company. The tragedian is now 69, and speaks of himself, in the little English he knows, as nn "old man," bnt he looks nothing like his age. He was last here in 1886. A DISCARDED LOVER'S WRATH. He Shoots His Former Sweetheart While rhe Was Walking With a Rival. Baltimore, September. John Friese, a car conductor, to-day shot and fatally wounded Miss Georgia V. Stone, who worked at the Mt. Vernon cotton, mills. Be was her discarded lover. Some time ago Friese came to her honse drank. She refused to see him and returned him all his presents. This afternoon, while walking with George Moore, sort of the mill superin tendent, she noticed Friese sitting on a fence with some of his companions. He demanded to know if she intended having anything further to do with him, and her negative response brought a pistol shot through the right breast and another in the corner of her eye. Friese has escaped. LAUGHED HIMSELF TO DEATH. A Chicago Politician Killed by a Fanny hqalb in tbe Paper. Chicago, September 29. Colonel Wiley S, Scribner, Becorder of Cook countyj a local politician of note, laughed himself to death this morning. He was tellinr a visi tor about a reference to Congressman Mason lie had just been reading in the papers. "That's juit like Billy," be said, and com menced laughing at the joke. The exertion ruptured an artery of the heart, which had been diseased for tbe past lew years, and in five minntes Colonel Scribner was dead. HER AGE IS NO SECRET. niiss Frances Wlllard Celebrates Her Fiftieth Birthday In Style. Chicago, September 29. The fiftieth birthday of Miss Frances E. Willard, President ot the National Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union, was celebrated last night by ahuge gathering in the First Methodist church, Evanston. Messages of congratulation were lead from notables throughout; the country, including the poet iv nitueryanu ex-rresiuent Aumerioru j- Hayes. SEPTEMBER 30, 1889. NO SPARE GEIEF. Sad Now Broken to One of tbo Women Injured at Palatine Bridge Condition of the Patients Funerals of tbo Victims. ' rSFSCIAXi TELEQKAH TO THE DISPATCH. I CAirAJOHABn!,N. X., September 29. The condition of Mrs. William H. Man ning, who was injured at the frightful wreck on the Central Bailroad at Palatine bridge, Friday night, and who is at the Ho tel Wagner, is much improved. Since the arrival of her mother, Mrs. Davis, she has gradually brightened, and now her com plete recovery seems highly probabler The mother broke the news of the death of her husband and maid to the unfortunate lady last night, and she received it with compos ure, saying she had surmised as much from the guarded way the attendants had spoken of them. In her deplorable condition she had no spare griefj and tries to keep up spirit. Her mother says she always was a sensible girl, and could withstand trials "with great Christian fortitude. The remains oi Mr. Manning were sent to AlBany to-day. His father will arrive from Ma quette, Mich., to-morrow night, when the pla e of burial will be decided. The re ma ns of Eev. 'Prentiss Devuve were, sent to Da ton, Ohio, this 'morning in company of a "ft end of the family. Porter Franklin's reminswillbe interred to-morrow. Miss Tat , ot Fredonia, who is also at the Hotel Ws ;ner, is still in a dangerous condition. He; family physician has arrived. She sufi rs much from heinorrhaees and from the njaries to her jawand back. William Mel Iroy, of New York, passed a quiet day, and seems more sore than yesterday. He is, hovt :ver, out of danger. His partner, B. A. Fo ler, and friend, H. L Lewis, returned to 1 ew York to-day on the flyer. T e accident has been the one subject in thi dllage to-day, and the pastors all re ferr d to the accident and spoke feelingly aboi t the afflicted. HANGING NOT A JOKE. Hovf a Miner Discovered That Strnnenla. j tlon Is a Fact. JSFECTALTELEGEAH TO THE DISPATCH.1 Denteb, September 29. A miner em ployed in one ot the mines atLeadville is in Denver, undergoing peculiar treatment at one! of the hospitals.. Several weeks ago thrJe miners, while eating their' morning lunth, discussed various topics. In the. course of the talk death by strangulation came up, and one of the men, Frank Leahey, expressed the opinion that by the exelcise of a little judgment and nerve a max could sustain life ior a considerable Hunk even when suspended by the neck. To t challenge to illustrate his theory in, his ows person, he replied that he was perfectly willing to do so, and a wager ot $50 was mae and accepted. The foolhardy theorist at (ince descended the shaft and commenced preparations, for his experiment. Tying a rop around his neck he gave the signal, an in an instant he was swinging in the airj A few seconds afterward Leahey became pa "n fully aware that he was sacrificing his liff to an idiotic theory. The rope con tracted, the blood in its passage filled his hted almost to bursting, his eyes protruded from the sockets, his swollen tongue bepah Iji'make its way between his lips, and then he became unconscious. His friends, having rjo faith in the experiment, let him down I witn aiacribv. .&.! ursb it was iuuuiiii iuai Ihe'youngjnsrjLwa? d'ea'db'ntafteran.hour'f "hard workconsciousness was restored. AN. IMPORTANT PROJECT. A Bailroad Lino to Connect Hudson Bay With tbe Lakes. Sault Ste. Makes, Mich., September 29. Canadian and American capitalists have applied to the Canadian Parliament for a charter for a railroad from the Cana dian Soo to Hudson Bay. Becent discov eries of coal have been made on the Moose river, about 260 miles north of the Zoo, by the stipendiary magistrate of that district, and some of it has been brought down for examination, creating no little interest in that unfamiliar land, and exciting consid erable comment The road will be 370 miles iu length and will cross the main line of the Canadian Pacific 10 miles due north of the Soo. The country is said to be rich in pine and minerals. , The idea of the men interested is to open up this co'untry and to bnild to Hudson Bavwitha view to making a European route through the Hudson Strait. The dis tance is one-third less than tbe much-talked of route from Winnipeg. The Dominion Government will be asked for aid and a surveying party will start ont from here January 1, under the direction of Joseph Fozens, a well-known Canadian engineer. The line will give the Canadian" Pacific a cut-off to the water. ALL WITH AXES TO GRIND. Mysterious movements ot Politicians la nnd Around Harrisbnrw rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DtSFATCH.I Haebisbubg, September 29. J. H. An drews, Frank Willing Leach, Senator Quay's Private Secretary; the latter's son, Bichard Quay, and James S. McKean, the junior Senator's choice or Postmaster at Pittsburg, arrived here at a late hour last night. McKean's movements were very mysterious, but he is said to have obtained an interview with Senator Cameron, atLoch iel, relative to his candidacy for the Pitts burg postmastership, and to have requested the Senator's influence in having him ap pointed. Senator Cameron was also visited by other politicians to-day, who had politi cal axes to grind. The Senator had a con ference with Quay at Donegal, lasting sev eral days, concerning political appoint ments, and on Saturday they had the lim ited train West stopped at Middletown. Senator Cameron went no further than this city, and Senator Qnay continued his trip to Beaver. McKean, Andrews, young Quay and Leach left here this afternoon. MARIE BLAINE WANTS A DITORCE. Determined That Her nnsband Shall Not Hnve Their Child. rSrECIALTLEGRAMTO THE DtSPATCH.I New Yoek, ' September 29. General Martin T. McMahon,counsel for Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., said to-day that as soon as Mrs. Blaine recovers from her severe illness proceedings will be began against her husband for divorce. It has not yet been determined whether the suit will be for an absolute or limited divorce. It is reported that just before her removal from Prof. Doremus' honse she asked tbat, in case her sickness had a fatal termination, Mr. Blaine should not be allowed to have her child. Mrs. Blaine was reported to be much easier to-day. B0ELANGIST MOVEMENTS. The General's Friends Are Still Showing Some Signs of Life. Paris, September 29. As the result of hisvisitto the Comte de Taris at Sheen House, M. Herve has retired from the elec tion contest in his district in favor oi the Boulangist candidate. A letter from General Boulanger is pub lished in Boulogne, in which the General asks his supporters in that city to transfer their votes to the Conservative candidate. iljDiiki2 JET IrlTCi Ttt T iili r 'tufx LONG TIME G0MING After Thirty-FiYe Years of Interest- ing Diplomatic Dealings A SETTLEMENT 8EEHS IN SIGHT. Half a Million Dollars Wanted. Tim the Danish Government. THE CLAIM GROWS WITH TIE TEARS. An Arlitratsr Appointed Who Is Expected Boon ta Settlo the Case, After 35 years a noted international claim is about to be adjudicated. An arbitrator is expected soon, at Athens, to give a de cision in a case which three Secretaries of State failed to have settled. f SPECIAL TELEGBAH TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington-, September 29. A noted international claim which has been pending for 35 years, and which has been the sub ject of a deal of interesting diplomatic cor respondence, will soon be settled by tbe de cision oi an arbitrator, mainly through the efforts of Washington lawyers, who have for some time been counsel for the claimant, and a few days ago were appointed special counsel for the United States to present the case before the arbitrator. In 1854 the Danish authorities' at the. island of BL Thomas, seized and held" for several months two American vessels, the steamer. General .Franklin and the barque Catherine-Augusta, upon the pretext that they were laden with arms to aid a revolu tion in the Argentine Bepubluv fThe officers showed that the. arms and vessels' were destined for Mexico, had been sold to the Mexican Government, and that the vessels had put into port at St Thomas on account of rough weather. "There was NO EEVOLUTION BBEWINO in the South-American States at that time, and this rendered the'-charge of the Danish officials additionally absurd. ...- . V.U.V UV d.- .MUM,,, fc9 4.W1H.CU, and. pending the release of tbe Augusta. was chartered temporarily by the British-! Government to carry the mail between St Thomas and the Windward Islands. As she was" departing on her first trip she was fired into by the order of Major Castohniere, commandant at Prince Frederic battery, and two shots -penetrated her hull, doing considerable damage and endangering the lives of many passengers. For this the commandant was tiied by court martial and dismissed from the service, and this was the only redress ever received by the owner of tjia VCSSCl Carlos Butterfield, of New York, the owner, and a gentleman quite noted in his day, made a demand" for indemnity, bat the claim was PERSISTENTLY BEPrDIATED," by the Danish Government When the vessels were finally released they were ,soId for only $250,000 to the Mexican Govern menton account of the delay in delivering the arms and the injury done'to them, while $500,000 was the price, originally agreed upon.. Secretaries Cass, Seward and Fish, pf the Department of State, all wrote offi cially to the Danish. Government, reiterat ing; thlej usticejif tbeiaim, bat could Tieyer cet a favorable response. Bntterfield''diMi.i thfi claim passed"' to Lis heirs' and" grSw 'id fcow,vw,t cover tne original demand and the interest, '"' " The case was put in the hands of Wash ington lawyers, who urged Mr. Anderson, United States Minister at Copenhagen, to endeavor to induce the Danish Government to do TABDT JUSTICE, and through influence of the counsel and Minister, a treaty was agreed upon, agree ing to submit the case to arbitration. Sir Edmund Munson, British Minister at Copen hagen, now transferred to Athens, was "chosen as the arbitrator. The lawyers sub mitted their testimony on the part of the United States several days ago, and have just received a cable message from Sir Edmund, stating tbat the Danish Govern ment has filed its side of the case. A short period is allowed for the submission of written arguments, and then the claim will finally be decided. The junior member of the firm mentioned is preparing tbe argu ment, and will probably go to Athens to present the matter in person. REAL SPIRIT PHOTOS. The Verdict of a Spirit Congress That Hear of a Rare Table. rCOBBESFOKSENCZ OT THE DISPATCH. Pabis, Septembes 21. Amont: the other interesting people who have held congresses here during recent days are the Spiritual ists. M. Xermina, their presiding officer, being questioned about the photographs of spirits, said be didn't think that the photos were produced by trickery; he believed that' the so-called spirits that appeared in the photos were emanations of tbe mind of the mediums, which, he said, never contained anything beyond what was in the thought or knowledge of -the persons present when mediums were at work. Mr. Everitt. a London Spiritualist, fold of a curious phenomenon that he had wit nessed at a seance. The surface of a table rose up in the shape of a cone, from which flames broke forth, to the great terror of the ladies present, and then the table returned to its proper shape. Neither he nor his friends could explain this phenomenon, and the spirits who were present couldn't help mem. M. W. Bitricke, a Dutch member, who spoke in English, laid great stress upon the harm done to the cause of Spiritualism by mercenary mediums, who "bartered away the gifts of God for gold." As a rule they were in communication only with the worst class of spirits, and they were the enrse of Spiritualism. A movement was now on foot among the Spiritualists of America to stamp out the practice of paying mediums. BEADY FOR THE CONFERENCE. The Foreign Delegates Are Nearly All at tbe National Capital. , Washington, September 29. Most of the foreign delegates to the International American Congress have reached Washing ton, and will have an informal conference with the delegates on the part of the United States at 11 o'clock to-morrow morning, for the purpose of talking over the order of business, before the formal organization Wednesday. At 11 o'clock on Wednesday the delegates on the part of the United States will have a conference with the Sec retary of State and receive his instructions. Many telegrams have been received from various cities throughout the country which are not included in the programme of the excursion tendered "the foreign delegates, but to all of them the same reply has-been sent It is impossible at this late hour to make any change in tbe route, as every day is 'occupied, and the arrangements for tbe entertainment of the guests have been com pleted in nearly every city to be visited. A Pennsylvania Dies la Colorado. Bueblo, Col., September 29. B. G. Ford, General Manager of the Colorado Coal and Iron Company, died suddenly this morning of heart disease. Mr. Ford came from Altoona, Pa., only a month ago to take charge of the company's affairs here. The remains will be taken East - FAXM He Agrees M Msary a flirt Hr , m4 Tken, Tries to ..Break the Brl Captured by Her Frtead ttd Fereea U Wed.' t ' New Yoke, September 39. A strawe story was told at' poh'co headquarters" to nieht bV two sea about' a yobbo nks, a friend of theirs .named David Kirekaetef', being foreedn to a marriage witfe a Rus sian girl, against his wilt While ' the two men were looking for redress at headqaar 'ters the marriage ceremony wa beiag'per iormed in the Golden Star Hall, 92 Hester street " .The father of.the newly-made wife is a cloakraaker, and his name Is Aronsos. Thinking socae time ago that his daughter Bose should get married, hi paid ftiM to a "Chadchia" to get her a husband. The "Chadchin" got young Kirchneroff -to fill the bilCand, it is said, gave him half of the money. Tbe cottple were made acquainted. but soon the bridegoom that was to be, Han !r.j.J 'I a. 3 LJ- '... TT. uesieu & cooinew uwaru uis, uauurc. .uc made ttp his mind to leave the oity, and tried to carry out the design on Saturday last 'He went down -Grand afreet toward the ferry, bnt was followed by Aroasea and the "Chadchin," who captured him on a Williamsburg ferry boat and' brought Ma back; He was. taken to a house in Christie street and kept there till this afternoon under a guard of six men. To-night he wis com pelled to walsr to the Golden Star Ball, doa a'wedding suit and go through his part of the ceremony. Babbi David Falk. of 65 Canal street,' officiated. It is not yet known what steps will be' taken in'the matter. THE STORIES B0 NOT AGREE. Conlletfag Statements as ta the Operations of the British Syndicate. Minneapolis, September 29. C. A. Billsbury was seen last night regarding the report) 'that British capitalists, acting through an agent is Chicago, had purchased the Pillsbury mills here. Ho declared that he'had. never heard of Hr. Meyer, the alleged Chicago agent, and that there was nothing in the story.. The mills would, of course, be sold provided he could get hie price, "My private opinion," he added, "is that the Yandusen elef at&s are sold, to whom I don't know. I know there was an option oa the Washburn mills; but I think" it would take a good deal more money to get them .now. Mr. Meyer may represent parties who have money enough to carry the deal through. All lean say is that the Pillsbary milk are not sold." iS. D. Cargill, of the Cargill tysteta of elevators, refuses to speak or be sees. Charles M. Harrington, the loeal manager of the Yandnsen and Star elevator systems, denied that there wai any truth in the re port of the sale pf the Yandnsen and Star systems. NEW YORK'S FIRST CHOICE. Reedls Favored for Speaker! With a Chance oa First Ballot. ISPEOAL TXLIOBAU TO THE DISPATCH, J t 'Washington', September 39. John X, Farauhar. Congressman from Buffalo, ar rived to-day. He says that all bnt two of the 21 Bepublican members from New York State had made np their minds, as earlv'as Congressman Belden's dinner at the Arling ton last' spring, thatlhey'were in 'favor of Beed forSpeaker; aid wo'iiW-fieBt' Mhm, fodfeJsflfaJBa'rqnlrriwrsHB ates'Mr." Belden's statement thafcxtfce New York delegation will be boandto sa ironclad arrangement made at thacfirae'llji support the Speakership candidate whoarl two-thirdsof tbe members are in favor o Major Farquhar adds that he saw many of the New York members at the Saratoga Convention, and they. were all determined to stand to their original purpose. He would not be surprised, indeed, to see Beed nominated on the first ballot The New York delegation will meet late in October and organize minutely in behalf of the Maine man's canvass. Major Farquhar says that he will embrace the first opportunity of the season to intro duce his bill to provide subsidies for the American merchant marine. A SERIOUS CONFLAGRATION. One of Montana's Cities Visited by a Hillloa Dollar Biases. Butte Crrr. Mont., September 29. Fire this afternoon destroyed an entire block in the business part of the city. A strong wind prevailed during the fire, and for a time it was feared a disastrous con flagration could not be prevented. It was brought under control with a loss of about $1,000,000. The fire started at noon, and a violent wind fanned the flames into fury, while an insufficient supply of water prevented effective fighting against the flangs. The district burned is in the business por tion, and among the "buildings burned are the Bowes block, First National Bank, Hennessey's drygoods store, Babcock's hat store, the Bernard block, Gamie's shoe store. Several smaller establishments were also bnrned. WARNED BT A GHOST. A Virginia Negro Shot Shortly After Seeing- a Spook. tSFECTAL TILEPBAJC TO TH3I DtSPATCH.1 Alleghajty 8TATION, Ya., Septem ber 29. A month ago Dick Winston, track walker on the Chesapeake and Ohio Bail road, was assassinated by another negro, who claimed that he had con jured a member of his family. Joe Bose succeeded him. No sooner had Joe entered upon his duties than he claimed to see the spirit of the dead Winston. Saturday night at the station he accident ally brushed against a mulatto boy, who shot Bose dead. The negroes connect the visitation and ghostly appearances with this fatality, considering tbem to have been warnings to Bose of his approaching death. HE ,18 INNOCENT, BDT The Remit of nn Investigation Into an Insane Asylum Management. St. Paul, September 29. The report of the Eochester asylum investigating com mittee was made public yesterday. D,r. Bowers is entirely exonerated from any culpable neglect in the management of tbe asylum, but stringent suggestions are made for the regulation of attendants, by whom 20 atrocities are proved to have been commit ted. At the conclusion of the reading of the committee's report and after be had been fully exonerated, Dr. Bowers tendered bis resignation as superintendent, and it was accepted. NO MURDER IN IT. A Dead Woman's Features Show She "Had 'Lost Her Reason. SPECIAL TELEOBAX TO THE DISPATCH.1 New- Yoek, September 29. Deputy Coroner Conway to-day held an autopsy on the body of Miss Anna Lorenza Shaw, who was a daughter of Mrs. Louise Shaw, who died last Thursday, at her mother's house. E. L. Irion, Mrs. Shaw's son-in-law, had told the Coroner that he suspected that Miss Shaw's death was due to ill-treatment received from Dr. F. F. Marsschai, her stepfather. Dr. Conway decided thathe young lady died from atrophy of the heat broaznt on by cedema of the lungs. Drj Conway said that Miss Shaw's face, as she y ia death. snowed mat sne aaa lost aerratses. ?fmssm awe i advertised I THBgE ,OEyg9 MN&'!A m 4 v alarlferi; MCTutS MCIMMI J U Wkrther a Tm Jfert .Ml ' tea fe'PiMtaM m ' EI HI N4W OF. A few fk'xffa The eailt or LmeeeMe (" inHartferdfbr.atwoVfci iiiH 4i wHjiaaea. oy expetnMMI N m aABBwaskoU. DmlewiatMiJ direetiy oontratMtt k ; i ia qaeetiea. - , ispcia& saufcMUx to HASTSOBB, CONX. sVpiMttNTi New York Bwrgae has so iw fee supply tfce-dessand for. Boaderssarier trial ia tae Queer erri4 setae peMfe'km wtr gotoNewTorir,lwt-th9e of k doctors ia the Boeder ease are the that have orepped oat ia Coaaeelle 1 The "fifth titill exailHt" ia' tk I ease was passed aet thai day. ItbadjastwjwlVeaiXwa tbe paper wrappings ware mtKk& blood. Noneoftlwjaryea4 ghastly Uting; William J, Seader, tfce.irhiasr. present ease, is betas Med hr Ht i JobnGalvin, Beta were yoaag i Tin's skull was penetarod wMh a 1 the State's Aitoraey Me u-. bsss to expensteat ia - STABBING HUM AS with knives, to prove Ht,'Ga conld have beea eaaeed la Mm i leged. The defease pitted. Dt 3. Mil against Dr. Cook. He wae al York on the spar of the BMatetjtwi skull that couldn't be stabbed I he hurried back to controvert stateroeaw. It was Dr. Boot wa headed kt t itmlloaFrMay, He testified ikaal gone to New York a, wedaeawsf i aaa aeoat a o ciocxaaa,exa body st the Bellevne u.fle subject was a yeaag years old. a'ae elector, was pnncfnre the skull br strik knife. He struck It-30 tinea. was here haaded over to the jam. i sttncuveiy shrunk, baec ia taatr i re i used to tones it "Skull exhibit No. 6" was faW before the witness, who was asked : was punctured, wbea.follewed ASOTHBB SKULL TULA O made with a small'kaifc "Dr. alter a' critical exaainatiotT, thai a not believe toe skulls eeaMT' punctured with a knife., Here the defease rested and Dr. i retailed by tacSUte ia tied taat- aw nwch. tatawBMa'afetrt aiQ aaea waiehaepaiiien Jaae." Wits a sesafi . the skull tea times la tea ; Xae Kane was. withdrawn vtr the last Then the Made We eral times the blade went taroaga the up to tne nut. UT. UOOK. unon cross eisnn ot another and an earlier nTjirnmiai a a skull in a hospital la New Yotk. fef , .. . ' r two or tnree blows with the knife i the skull. Others did not Tak ska not shown to the jury, oaly PIECES OF BONK the knife had penetrated. The asW v was one of ordinary weight, taek. m be bought for a dollar, Aboat the last February. Dr. Cook said, he hao another experiment on a skull at ta York morgue, to see how easily a : could be made to penetrate it. Dr. Pl?aatitjtj oi .new xorir, was present, aaa ae eae I The subject of the experiment was M man. Three or four ordinary kaives employed. Two of them went tareagpt ssuii. xnese were brought to Hi The others were thrown into the Eaef laearf The witness struck perhaps five bkws,sVl together, that penetrated the skull. Jaaal skull has not yet beea oftsred in evideaee.' The experiment made by the witaess J June was again taken up, and Dr. Ceok muted to lawyer uole, who- was examining him, that the blades of tto knives employed were TIXED ur position- to prevent tbem from closing up aad oatMacl tbe hand. Of this point ia fever of Mai client Mr. Cole made as much as poMlets.' Tha mitnAiur liail ssitiul w!., -? a1 1 V because tbe cut and fissures reeeabled tfeeea "j in the skull of Galvin. Ia oonehtdfaj; ass ; testimony, Air. jooc saia tost sm seeea ex-i periment was made solely for "his ewavi pleasure." The State's atianurr femttr nothing of it until the result was to him. Dr. L. O. Plympton, of the Charity Bee? T,fo1'. T,f, J l.tJ - .!n-X t y., .u.ot.noB .umuu, KHI (H I I II SSSj, pari ia two OI JJr. lOOK 3 SKUtl-SttBDifijf periments at the morgue. Dr. Francis Bacon, of New Havea. i tbe last pbysican put oa the stand. M' told the lawyers that it was mneh awre'aW- ncuit to fracture tbe skull ot a dead than tbat of a live person. He thea weat e to say that Galvin did not die of apeptacy; as nau oeea asserted, txa reasoas far opinion were because of the asaa's and strength, and because the pos; saowea an toe organs neaitay. Here the State rested. The given to the jury late last night IT IS AN ENORMOUS STIAL. w i The Amoaat of the LoaJstaaa Beaa FiVsJjl Over a MiWea Began, NE-W UBLEans, SeBtemher 24. Bh statement is now made upoa what ameiEnf to De good authority, tbat imgulnrimii have been discovered in what is kaewaaii the "Baby" bonds, cesaeMing at '102,000, with some slight &rs)tahnr previous to that number. Nearly 'all tWj these Donas anove luxwu are fraBaafeatfl The State Auditor and Treaaawr'wM! soon take up tnis oranca of HiTnaMjtnta"T Attorney General Rogers admits that tfcei bonds have been abstracted or otaerwate tamnered with to the amount of jastssi According to Judge Sogers figures mWaVj laication aireaay in signs will reaoa than .900.000. ""M wmm B "J-"'" NOT 1 RKWARlTiKr.t! RTtwmam J1 vp. , mi lw ....... - z d .. 3 ih iannamGiB v oinr ciuia I Case Mill aa Experiment. Washington1; September 39.- of Agriculture Ruik baa retaraed ta'Aal city after an inspection of the ailk fer Mi manufacture of sugar fremserghaai eaMfarJ the new diffusion process. Waea nrrij if tne new process naa provea a snnsorjr tary Busk replied: , I cannot sy tbat it has as yet Tae mens cnemists stauonea at tae work to find ways' of lmDroTW oa which we now get; bat neless Am saa tvi im Tery uoHBtim aneniMiinsitf) aagar iroai sergfiam ease. Tfcrea the cheat!, hawevar, are stat. jWsTR MM WM . xaverawMeUM. tz f A - tT$dmli ; -. l 'imUmlsSfiSaffl