1' I- r t. i- A, I 'fV; Vs.1 3i Sfrtf. K S YELLOW JACK FOILED How the Dreaded Scourge Has Been Wholly Kept Out of Florida. THE HAEI5B HOSPITAL SERVICE. Officers Stationed at Every Port and ETen Sent Abroad. BTILL DASGEE THROUGH SMUGGLERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TAKCEED GOING EAST. Preparation! for the Trip to Washington Completed by Knights Templar. In the arrangements made by local Knights Templar for their jonrnevtothe Triennial ConclaTe at "Washington,' D. C, the preparations of Tancred Commandery liaTe heretofore escaped notice. Tancred Commandery will leave next Monday at 9 Jl. m. in its chartered train of six Pullman cars, over the Baltimore and Onio road. I"rom 225 to 250 Knights and their ladies will occupy the coaches, and the 'Washing ton stopping place will be "Willard's HoteL The list of Commandery officers is as fol lows: Eminent Commander, J. B. Arnold; Generalissimo, "William S. Brown, and Captain, N. S. Bishop) The commanderv has recently completed weekly drills under the direction of Lew Brown, who will be in charge of the parade at Washington. Among the figures which will be brought out in the drill are the ob long crosses and hollow squares, showing considerable perfection in drill practice. Tancred Commandery has escorted the Grand Master of the "Grand Lodge of the "United States in the triennial conclave at Cleveland in 1677, being the only Pennsvl TaniaGrand Lodge so honored. James H. Hoptins, of this citv.was at the time Grand blaster of the Grand Lodge. $50 REWARD. A reward of $50 will be paid to anyone fnr Jisnlnp information of the whereabouts of Hugh i D. King, of 242 Center avenue, Pittsburg. IX that will lead to his arrest . ,, B. McKENNA, Alderman, ttJ " Penn avenue, city. -jSSSSljt HEKBEUT VTAI.KEI 331f ARTIFICIAL EYE -ZCW MAKER. m9.rr&- rr,-t, ' . -tttiuv oanui iu ni. umce noon for Inserting eyes, 1 to 3 F.H. Saturdays, 1 to 8 ee26-sa A dispatch from "Washington conveys the information that Surgeon General Hamil ton, of the United States Marine Hospital Bureau, and Health Officer Porter, of Florida, express the opinion that Florida and probably the entire southern coast will this year escape the yellow fever. After the great epidemic last year there was general fear, both among the residents of Florida and other parts of the country, that the peninsula would be again scourged this year. Surprise has been frequently ex pressed in the Xorth because the fever has not reappeared. Light was thrown on the matter yesterdav by information given to The Dispatch by Dr. Paul M. Carring ton, the surgeon oi the Marine Hospital Service located in this city. "I believe," he said, "that the yellow fever has been kept out ot Florida by the measures taken and the vigilance exercised by the United States Marine Hospital ser vice with the co-operation of the local au thorities. The Marine Hospital service took charge last year of the relief measures in Florida, but not much could be done until after the epidemic was over. My in iormation is derived chiefly from the reports sent to me from "Washington. Health Officer Porter, referred to in the "Washing ton dispatches, was formerly Assistant Sur geon General in the army, with the rank of captain. He resigned and volunteered for work in Florida. HOW THET WOBKED, "He was placed in charge in Jacksonville, and did splendid service. During the prevalence of the fever the officers, after a yellow fever patient had recovered or died in a house, stamped all the bedding, cur tains, etc., with the words 'yellow fever.' If the bedding were unfitted for another patient it was at once burned. If it were good it was burned after the epidemic was ended, in December. . "It was after the plague had died out or was extinguished by cold weather, that the JIanne Hospital service officials did the work which has prevented a recurrence ol the fever this year. In Jacksonville and the other towns where the fever raged, every house was inspected. All houses where there had been a case of fever were thoroughly fumigated with sulphur and washed down with bi-chloride of mercury. From 70 to 200 houses were disinfected daily for a period of ten weeks, when the work in Jacksonville was completed. It was a large task, but Mr. Porter an able corps of assistants. In aid of the Federal work the city authorities of Jacksonville drained a large section of low and marshy land about that city. IT COSIES FBOM CUBA. "Yellow fever is brought into Florida from Cnba and other Southern countries. If men or goods can be kept out of this coun try from infected districts there will be no yellow fever here. To do this the Marine Hospital Service has directed its attention during this year. The work has been diffi cult, but it has been well done. Florida has a long seacoast and there are many ports to watch. The bureau has a medical officer stationed regularly at Havana. There is always more or less yellow fever in Cuba. The officer is connected with the United States Consulate at Havana, and persons or goods which come from infected districts and desire to go to United States posts, can not secure a clean bill ot health unless the officer agrees to it. "At every Florida port the Marine Hos pital Service has kept a medical officer or an acting assistant surgeon. Besides that, there is a large staff of sanitary inspectors, -who are medical men. The work of the "bureau duriuj this summer has been prin cipally to keep a close watch. "Whenever a suspicious case which looks like vellow fever is reported, an inspector has been sent to investigate. 2tfo genuine case has been found anywhere in the State during 1889. It was rumored last July that yellow fever had appeared at Tampico, Mexico. The United States service even went so far as to send to that place an acting assistan. sur geon, who reported that the rnmor was false. THE DANGEEOUS SSIUGGLEES. "Although the care exercised has kept out the lever this year, Florida is still menaced with danger. The source is through the smugglers who ply between Cuba and Florida. The peninsular coast is sinuous, indented by innumerable bays and inlets. The vessels used by the smugglers are of light draft, and can slip into the shal low bayous where a revenue cutter could not begin to get near the shore. The coast guard is insuffi ent to prevent smuggling. Last month ex-Mayor Cobb, of Pensacola, wrote to Surgeon General Hamilton on this head. His letter was transmitted to the various agents of the bureau. He asserts that there is practically no protection against smugglers, the Government having only one "tub," as he calls it, to protect the Ion? coast of Florida. He says there are a thousand and one smugglers plying be tween Cuba and our shores mil tin. t,. could be canght daily if there were suffi cient coast guards and armed vessels. That matter has, however.nothing to do with the Marine Hospital Bureau. It is within the work of the Treasury Department, but under another bureau. The Marine Hospi tal Service is doing all it can, and its work is apparent in the clean reports which come from the Alligator State." IN OTJB POPULAR BRAND Old Honesty Will be found a combination not always to be had. A Fine Quality of PLUG TOBAC CO at a Reasonable Price. Look for the red Htin tag on each plug. If you are looking for a FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE -ET- Chewing Tobacco THE HTTSBTTRQ' -DISPATCH,- BDKDTy'SEgTEMBEB'Wag; -;i889. wffljf '. I f w - i. I h NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HAVE TfoU SEEN IRLTIBIEInPS "Very Xjai3si3? DON'T FAIL TO GIVE OLD HONESTY A FAIR TRIAL. Ask your dealer for it. Don't take any other. JNO. FINZER & BROS., LOUISVILLE, Err. mhS-35-SSu Latest improved Spectacles and Eje-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments ana Artificial Eyes. KORNBLUM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. SO Fifth avenue, near Wood street. Telephone No. 1688. selS-ssu THE BUCKLE HAT. $1 90, $2 20, $2 40, $2 90, 83 40, Decidedly the most stylish and original hat ever introduced, and bids fair to become the only popular bat of the season. This is what last Sunday's Dispatch says of It: "The very nobby hats introduced by Ruben are quite unique. You will recognize the first one on the street on account of the new wrinkle, which consists in a black buckle set in the band at a point be tween side and rear." Young Gents ana Stylish Dressers be sure and see this handsome hat. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfleld St P. S. Mail orders promptly filled. Be29-WT8u J. DIAMOND, PBACTICAIi OJPTICIAJPf, 22 SIXTH STREET. The Eye examined free of charge. Spectacles perfectly fitted. ARTIFICIAIj EYES inserted and warranted to suit. sel2-6-TTrsu WM. GRABOWSKY, Renoyator of Ladies' ana Gents' Hats. Gents' light-colored stiff or soft hats dyed black, retrimmed and renovated Into the new fall styles; fast color, correct styles; this means saving $2. Silk hats renovated Into the Broadway, Dun lan or Knox style, well trimmed, fine finish, ap pearance as good as new and a saving of S3 to $4 on each hat. If you wish a fine French mourning band, your hat blocked, a new leather band or binding, come to us; we do our work in pleasing style. Our Ladies' Department, felt and straw hats, is booming. We show the most fashionable styles; our renovatinc Is done .with effect; we recommend THE METROPOLE, The most attractive turban tor the season. You can have your old-fashioned felt or straw hat made into this or any of onr many samples. Flumes and tips dyed to any sample. Get your work done at the reliable old busi ness stand of WILLIAM GRAB0WSKY, PENN AVE., Opp. Penn Bui Idlng. se22w8u JAPANESE WARE V BAZAAR 7 OPENING DAY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3- Our Own Exclusive Importations. WONDERFUL SELECTION. This department will be open during the months of October, November and December only, making it an exclusive HOLIDAY DIS PLAY. No goods sold after January 1, but will again be open the following October. By this arrangement we will be enabled to make a better display, and the goods being principally of a holiday nature, it is useless to keep open the entire year unless at great labor and ex pense, and unsatisfactory returns. This de partment will be on second floor, with a front entrance. Regarding prices on the ware, we can assure you they will be lower than ever before, and, as such prices will b? very close, No Reduction Sales Will be Made DURING THE ENTIRE SEASON. This statement we make on account of the customary habit among some of our merchants in closing out their goods at a big sacrifice price prior to Christmas and New Year's Day, thus making it rather unpleasant for those who bonght beforehand. We hope to have your patronage. Very respectfully. I Select Family Grocers, 18 DIAMOND, Market Square. PITTSBURG, PA Be29 NOT AN EVER? DAY OCCURRENCE ! "We have no hesitation in making the assertion that we are selling our goods at prices far below what they can be bought for elsewhere, and shall continue to do so until we have sold the last article, as this is a Genuine Closing Out Sale. Below we give rices on a few articles. Decorated 56-piece Tea Sets at $3 20 per set and ranging up to 520 per set. Decorated Chamber Sets, complete with jar, at $3 90 per set and rang ing up to $45 per set English Decorated 100-piece Dinner Sets, nice goods, at $13 90 and ranging up to $300. Brass Extension Piano Lamps, with large burner and umbrella shade, all complete, at $8 90 and ranging up to $50. Decorated Vase or Table Lamps, with large burner and decorated shade to match, at $2 20 and ranging up to $24, reduced from $35. Banquet Lamps (which are all the go in the East) complete with decorated bisque, or um brella shade, at $3 95 and ranging up to $26 60. Kogers Dinner Knives at $1 24 per set. Brass Extension Hanging Lamps at $1 40 each and ranging in price up to $24. Gas Fixtures, Bronzes and Clocks, Chandeliers and Hall Lights, Art Potteries, comprising Bisque, Boyal Worcester, Old Hall, Crowa Derby, Hungarian, "Wurtemberg and other famous wares; Fancy Tables, in Bronze and Onyx, Pedestals and Easels. Full line of domestic pressed and rich cut Glassware, for hotel and household. Wedding and Anniversary Gifts at Closing Out Prices. The J. P.Smith Lamp, Glass and China Co 935 Penn Ave., Between Ninth and Tenth Sts. se29-WFSu sel3-fa5-wrsn Established 1817. v X.. GLESENKAJkTjp & SON. Bunders of FINE CARRIAGES. Onr assortment includes light and heavy work of every description. See Display at Exposition, Salesrooms, 818 and 320 Penn avenue. No connection with any other carriage house.) 'ycccL- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. & u - , WBW ABTEKTISEJUM m. .A-ZjIj B. HB3ST2-. 1 I rrwiruna Have you used1 PEARS'soap? V TO EXPOSITION VISITORS' AND MEMBERS OP THE G. A. R. , We extend you, one and all, a most cordial invitation to visit our stores when in the city. You, will see our exhibit at the Exposition. It is as complete as we can make it, but it is nevertheless only a sample, as it were, of the elegant exhibits in all of our 52 de partments at our stores. Every department is filled to overflowing with choice New Goods. All the novelties and the staple goods our own direct importations. Even if you have nothing to buy come and see our stores. If you want to buy, then come to us by all means. You can save money our goods prove that. IFIILSriE! DRESS GOODS, To which give especial attention. 150 different styles of donble width, all-wool goods, at 35, 45 and 50 cents a yard. 100 styles at 65 cents a vard. Prices on the popular Plaids and Stripes range according to actual value, from 35 cts. Tin to S2 50 vard. and on to the finest poods made on through thousands of stvles and ' grades of superior goods (all of extra value) up to the fine Paris Model Dress Patterns at $7 00 to $75 eaoh. You shquld see our cloakings: The finest lines in the country, a special department. Beaver?, v Diagonals, Widewales, Stockinets, Novelty Goods, . Stripes, Checks and Plaids. EXCELLENT VALTJES-POPtTLAE PRICES. ' S XL K S I Our large and perfectly lighted Silk Department is conceded not only to be the lare est and best appointed department in the two cities, but the prices we make on the most complete assortment are invariably far below the average. A line of elegant Black and Colond Armure we sell at 75 cents, bring $1 elsewhere 25 cents a yard saved you. i . Black Silks at 75 cents which cannot be duplicated to sell under $1. We purchased a large lot of 24 incijBIack Silks at a great bargain goods that never sell under $1 25 a yard; our price 88 ceats a yard. Very choice 24-inch Black Silks at 80 and 85 cents prices quoted nowhere ot of our department. All the new weaves here at the veir lowest possible prices. The only really meritorious line of low-priced Novelty Silks in these cities. Hard to get a good reliable line, but we have it prices $1 50 to $2 50. Rich 2-toned effects, and goods in every way desirable and far below their real value, line Brocades GO cents a yard up novelties of the riohest kind, very latest goods on up to $20 a yard. .'..Jan !.. .. Q.ll VI m .. Jh T. A M Alll.L. . A It l.AM..tl...l .ll.!.rf.M Kit ... jlvcuiui; on worth a dollar. Evening Silks Brocade Indlas, 24 jinches wide, beautiful shades, 60 cents a yard Every other material for evenincrorbridal dresses you see these rich roods beautifully exhibited on "The Bride," at our exhilit at the Exposition. Don't fail to see it there and then come to our stores and see the hunireds of pieces the bride had to select her costume from. g SPECIAL VALUES in Black Cashmeres are our 46-inch all-wool French Cashmeres at 50c, 75c and 90c the best values weiver offered superior to Henriettas, good as Hen riettas are. j) Black goods of all descriptions at lowest prices. COLORED CASHMERE BARGAINS: 40-inch all-wool goods 40o a yard 500 pieces 46-inch all-wool Cashmeres, a special lot, at 75c, 90c, $1 and $1 25 a yard. OUR LARGE CLOAK ROOMS, The most popular in Western Pennsylvania The excellent facilities, the unlimited stock and the fairness of the prices are crowding these great rooms from morning to nieht. All the newest materials, popular ihapes and best goods in long garments,$5 to finest. Thousands of Jackets, ciotb, stocknette,,Beaver, Kersey and every other jacket ma terial, all stvles, $4, $5, $8, $10, $12 andijm to finest. PLUSHES Jackets, $10 to $25; Sicques, $15 to $50, all styles. OTJR SEALS READY Jackets, Sacques. Wraps and Ulsters. Genuine Alaska. v . - -m ... " t - . ..- ... .. ' Xionaon -Uye, goods, we win save you money, ana tne gooas ana prices prove it. Children's department doubled. Xlnest.llne of Children s Ulc years) Suits and Overcoats. 4 ig.a.c:e cpiE&T.Ajnsrs, Our own importations all in now and riady for your inspection. Portieres and all household hangings. This is only a hint of what you will ind here. We want you to come, and have made it profitable to all who do come during tils and next month. ioaks and Boys' (3 to 6 BOGGS BXJHL, 115, 117, 119 and 121 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. . se29-74 $50. FREE T&Sd? 50 FREE. $50 A LADY'S WRAP FREE $25. This Antique Chamber Suit $25 EAST TERMS, AS YOf LIKE THEM. $8 DOWN, $1 PER WEEK FOR BALANCE S a '-& a -X35333ES3EKS- !? 'rppj If UN. ,i " 1 II lfjtfN 111 -l--g5? r 'L J,wlJ--nillaBa Barsgi3Bfr Q4SgIXI KlXXlir 1 &JfiQ3T $25. $25. See our 3-piece Chamber Suit,( $16 50. See our 7-piece Chamber Suit,' $22. See our 7-piece Chamber Suit, $30. See our 7-piece Chamber Suit, $37 50. See our 7-piece Parlor Suit, $40. See our 20 yards Carpet, $10. ' See our substantial Bed Lounge, $10. ALL OITEASY TERMS, AS YOU LIKE THEM. HOUSEHOLDCREDIT CO. 405 "Wood. S-biree-fc-f .Acknowledged Champions of Low Prices and Easy Terms. REMEMBER: $50. With every blty of $50 and upward. $50. A LADY'S WRAP FREE. I 2T. R. Luring the Exposition jwe pack and deliver all goods i wrmmvt ntmiH vj ivv nttes. .ri iii - v .,vt-v,j.w - 1 - fciS.isit" vrtte MEAOTT! HBlWiffl MffiCMJ &: THAT HAVE PLACED THEIR- DISTINGUISHING MARKS UPON,' RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THEI "MANUFACTURE OP CLOTHING SHINE FORTH BRILLIANTLY IN KAUFMANNS' GRAND FALL STOCK KP- BOYS' CLOTHING Indeed, the new and lovely styles of Juvenil apparel now shown by us have been made with a degree of care and solicitude that was never lavished on even the finest gar ments for Men. Of course, it must be admitted, there is a greater latitude in the manufacture of Soys' Clothing to exercise one's taste, skill and ingenuity. The very diversity of the styles makes this possible. And these continuous efforts of the designer and maker to produce something nicer and, better than! before are heartily indorsed by the parents. For, where is' the mother, let us ask, who doesn't like to see her boy well and becomingly dressed? She cer tainly doesn't reside in America. When we dwell on this subject so thoroughly does, our enthusiasm carry as away " that we do not know where to stop, eves if we kaew where to begin. We are in A II" P Tl J n 111 TT 1 t i 1 2jW a mm oi iR'auw, onrrouoaea oy a mio oi Miuir The patterns displayed are so dainty, quaint and unique, the curves so graceful and well defined, the little pleats and embellishments so well and thoughtfully placed, the buttons, braids and trimmings so well matched. Here is a charm ing Kilt for a little tot of three years, for instance, there a delicate design for some strapping youngster of seven, over yonder a combination of strength and elegance for Young America, aged 12. What but an artist's dream could have inspired their production. They are clearly triumphs of mind over matter. Much that is utilitarian enters into their composition also, for we well know that boys are hard on Clothing we see to it that the buttons are firmly fastened, the pockets are well -stayed and seams are strongly sewn, and that the materials are selected as muclrfor their wear resisting virtues as for their novelty of pattern. But after all we have said (and justly said) about the quantity and quality, beauty and durability of our Boys' Clothing there still remains undiscussed the most important point OTTIR, PBIOES. Well, we dare say there is not a feature about our establish ment that makes for us more friends than our -prices. As for our Boys' Clothing the unequaled purchasing facilities we enjoyed this season place us in a position to name v ,5 PRICES THAT WILL GMNFOE US THE QOOBWUffi AND FRIENDSHIP OP ALL PURCHASERS. " W "TiV ililBll jr-t ,-iju-i -j-, , ig- r Just look at the tickets hanging on the garments. Ok every one the price the lowest and the only price s marked in plain figures. You ndedn't look -long to be coa vinc ed of the utter inability of other houses to match ear prices. f But it is of no use trying to do this subject justice in "black. and white. We don't believe the pen of a Victor Hugo could adequately do it Suffice it, therefore, to say that we are prepared to "rig out" the youngsters in, new Fall Suits as no other dealer can or wilL And this holds good not only of Boys' Suits, but also of Boys' Overcoats, Boys' Shirt Waists (Flannel or Percale), Kilt Skirts, Boys' Pants, Boys' Shoes (for school or dress), Boys' Hats and Caps, Boys' Shirts and "Underwear, Boys' Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Hosiery, etc., etc. f fail to visit our Boys department A cordial invitation is extended and look over our stock,twhether At all eyenls, don't before buying elsewhere. to the mothers to call they wish to buy or not Out-of-town residents can order pood? hV mail Wirtw? large Illustrated Fashion Catalogue will be sent free onfap pucauuu. rrxuc lur one. - .'. TTT1"T5 "TTI"Cn T One of our Vacuum Tipped Arrow Pistols and target -D Jv I1!!1! I still goes free with every Boy's or Child's Suit or Overcoat AN EARLY BOOM IN MEN'S CLOTHING is what we are experiencing at present. This is probably due to the chilly weather more probably due, however, to the extraordinary inducements we are offering this season. To go into details about our exten sive stock would require pages, but here area few noteworthy facts which we ask you to especially remem ber: There is not an old fashioned or shopworn garment in our house, but everything is fresh and new; all shoddy materials (goods that won't wear or will fade) are rigidly excluded from our stock; prices that will meet with the approbation of the most economically inclined men. If you want a Fall Suit or Overcoat there surely is no better place to buy it than right here. FASHIONABLE HEADGEAR and FIRST-CLASS FOOTWEaS Both are to be found at our store in greater variety and at lower prices than any other house in5'thii section of the country. This claim we can easily substantiate if you but call and look through our stock. - FALL FURNISHINGS AND FIXINGS. .. .Our Furnishing Goods department abounds in that which is new, novel and desirabla in Neckwear, Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, HandkerchiefsSuspenders', etc. On every article you buy from us we guarantee you a sure saving of money, KAUFMANNS' FIFTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. EXPOSITION VISITORS rom the j&J7lliold supply their iwaats from oar store, whem tSSS . ,. - . -,' ji-zr?;rm - "-. -' -.-551 iraveiipg expenses. -J S.StM5 X 'VL T - JsS..? 4': V, - ' , ' M3K,. .i , . j -A. -,, 3 "' .. -."HL feT. Ji ; si &-.