Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 29, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Got. Bearer Will Soon Ap
point the Commission.
The Beaver Kiver Route Has Been
Favorably Canvassed.
1....1 T.lj. Cnw-n flin Tn31nnr7o Pllll' lfnVA
Vtipu XJjaiC PUJ3 me uauivdiuvauv Jiuie
the Local Freight.
Captain Addison Lysle, the veteran ship
owner and riverman, was seen last night at
his home in Allegheny in regard to the ap
proaching convention of the National Board
of Steam Navigation, which will meet in
2?ittsburg on next Tuesday. In the course
of a lengthy interview upon Pittsburg's re
lation to navigation Captain Lysle said:
"I am pleased to see that this administra
tion is taking an active interest in matters
pertaining to waterways within our
boundaries. For years there has been no ac
curate compendium of vessels plying upon
the national waterways.
"Within the last few days I have received,
in common with other Pittsburg shipown
ers, circulars from a new. department of the
Treasury, which might be called a bureau
of tonnage, asking for exact information as
to vessels owned by our firm. Blanks were
enclosed for the tabulation of our ships, and
I sent the filled -out blank to Washington yes
terday. I do not remember of ever receiv
ing a similar request, and it leads me to be
lieve that the Government intends to obtain
exact statistics in regard to our inland ma
rine. It w as a slight surprise to me, as I
watch such things pretty closely, and nan
beard nothing in regard to the establishment
of such a bureau until the circulars and
blanks came to hand.
"I bear that within a few days Governor
Beaver will appoint the commission to ex
amine into the feasibility of a ship canal
from Pittsburg to Lake Erie. The Pittsburg
names recommended to Governor Beaver
bv the local coal men were Captain John A.
"Wood and Engineer "Wainwright, who is in
charge of the Ohio connecting bridge.
"An appropriation of 10,000 was made
available by the Legislature, and I have no
doubt that the Governor would have ap
pointed the commission long ago if he had
sot been so engrossed by Johnstown flood
natters. There will probably be a third
man appointed from the Lake Erie district
in addition to the Pittsbnrgers. There has
never been agitated a movement of more
vital interest to Pittsbur?. Such a canal
would give to this city an annnal tonnage
record larger than New York City
"There are no serious or insuperable
geographical conditions to be overcome. It
teems to be generally admitted that the
Beaver river route is the most available, the
matter having been recently earnestly dis
cussed among rivermen. The Beaver route
would require perhaps 100 miles of con
struction, and there are portions of the old
JSrie Canal not occupied by railroads which
cjuld be used in the present project The
canal was abandoned in 1829, and it is not
to be doubted that it embraced the best
ieatures of a direct route to Lake Erie.
It was, however, even in its palmiest
days, nothing but a barge waterway
The proposed ship canal should be
large enough to accommodate vessels of
1,000 tons burthen. To accomplish this the
depth of water would have to be from 16 to
20 feet. The heaviest sailing vessels of the
lakes could then make trips irom Dulnth
right to Pittsburg's wharfs. This plan, of
course, mut include slackwater to Beaver.
A dam would have to be built at Beaver
with possibly two others between that point
and the Davis Island dam. The wisdom ol
Davis Island dam is now clearly apparent
for it proves further slackwater "plans feasi
ble. I have no idea of the probable cost of
the canals. The three dams necessary to
make slackwater between Pittsburg and
Beaver would cost not far from a million
"Coal could then be shipped in unbroken
packages from Pittsburg to Duluth and the
vessels could return with grain, lumber and
ore to this market, effecting a saving of not
less than half in rates and a great reduction
in present time of transit Both the Mo
aongahela and Allegheny Valleys could be
cure an outlet for vast quantities'of coal and
manufactured products. The ship canal
would move more tonnage both ways than
our present system of railroads, complete
and far-reaching as it is.
"as a matter of fact, the railroads are in
adequate to move Pittsburg's business.
Beside these advantages the leverage of
competition would reduce the cost of
raw materials -to our manufacturers marvel
ously. The reduction in time should not be
lost sight of in connection with this plan. It
is only 48 hours by boat from here to Cin
cinnati when we have water. But by rail
road it is at least a week, and sometimes a
month before we can hope to get freight
through. Railroads are crowded, freight is
sidetracked and manufacturers cannot help
"To give you an illustration of differen
tials by rail and by water, I can send freight
18 miles up the river in a few hours by boat
By rail I have known freight to be three
days on the road. Six miles a day is pretty
slow. So it would be in regard to ore, lum
ber or grain, which are now months upon
the road.
"As to the rates, the railroads charge $2 a
ton for coal from here to Cincinnati. By
boat 25 cents a ton is the nsnal rate. Sup
pose snch a difference could be made from
' Pittsburg to the great Northwest it would
be a grand thing for this locality. Pitts
1 bnrg need, ihat ship canal and she needs
slackwater from Pittsburg to Cineinnati.
' "When she gets these two items she will be
, next to New York, the most important port
ip America. Her immense manufacturing
'4P -"interests would then have an adequate out-
l. j.-oi oniy so, out jrutsDurg snip build
's, now almost extinct, would receive an
tnpetus which would be productive of grati
Hng results in every way.
-While the Board of bteam Aavisation
Iocs not concern itself with direct connec
tion with enterprises relatinc to extensions
"ofhipping interests, being more in the na
ture of a protective organization for ships
anu snip owners, ii is ueepiy interested in
the Ohio and Erie Ship Canal and will do
all in its power to encourage the fruition of
the plan."
Genuine Sorrow Expressed Over Dr. Hum.
mood's Leavi&g.
Last night a reception was given in honor
of Rev. E. D. Hammond at the residence of
Mr. "William Hill, No. 6213 Station street,
East End, by the members of ihe Shadysidc
Baptist Church. Bev. Hammond will
ehortly depart for Brooklyn, where he will
become pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist
Church, and the reception last night
showed plainly the sorrow of the Shady
side congregation at losing their pastor.
The preacher received some handsome pres
ents,!; ,
' i Three and Three Only.
'Messrs. H. C. Little, James McKay and
John Irwin, Jr., are the only Pittsbnrgers
Interested in the Black Jack and Empire
apwie mines in iuaao.
Georgo Knpp, a New York Aldermnn,
Claims Relationship Wlih (lie Dead
Economite Mr. Ilcnrlcl Scorns the
Some days ago there was published in this
paper a telegram stating that one Conrad
Rupp, a German laborer 70 years of age, of
Philadelphia, claimed to be an heir of
George Bnpp, who came from Germany and
settled in Beaver county in 1805, and ac
cumulated a large fortune and died without
children to inherit it It was stated that
the fortune would be 52,500,000 apiece to
numerous heirs, and that Consul Rcmak
had been engaged to go to Germany to make
good Conrad's claim.
At the time of publication it was sug
gested that the orthograpbyof the name had
probably become mixed and that the George
Bupp was reallv George Kapp, known in
his day to all old citizens as once the main
man in the Economite Society. Such proves
to be the case, for now comes a letter from
Edward J. Rapp, No. 166 Essex street,
Alderman, Tenth district, New Yort, di
rected through The Dispatch to Conrad
"W". Bapp, or Bupp.
Edward J. Bapp states that he is the son
of Valentine Bapp, whose father was Jacob
Philip Bapp and his father Jacob Bapp. a
brother of George Bapp, who arrived in this
country in 1804 or 1805, and settled in or
about Economy, Beaver county, Edward
states that his "father, Valentine, had often
told him while tracing np the ancestry of
the family ot George s career. He says his
branch came from Wurtemburg, Germany,
says he:
"Now, not to make any mistake, this
George Bapp, the brother of my father's
grandfather was the founder of the society,
or sect, called the Bappists, and
a granddaughter of his nas lately
celebrated her silver wedding, I believe, in
the town of Economy, Beaver county. Pa."
Edward states tbat George came from
Maulbrumn, Alberaint, province of "W'ur
temburg, and that the family of the writer
have always spelled their names Bapp, and
that if they can be of any use to Conrad
Bupp or Bapp, in establishing his claim, he
can depend upon them. Edward also states
that they know the estate of George Bapp to
be valued at about $50,000,000. Continuing,
he says:
"So that if the Economite Society, or the
firm ot Henrici & Lenztry to hoodwink you
in the matter of the total amount of the es
tate, I believe Consul Remak, or Lawyer
Myers, of Philadelphia, can give itaccording
to Braditrcci's rating. Of course the
firm of Henrici & Lenzsay they know bet
ter, and I believe it is no more than fair to
say that we also know better."
An attempt was made at Economy last
evening to get Mr. Henrici's side of the
story, but he refused to unlimber, would
not even read Edward J. Bapp's letter nor
listen to the reading of it, stating that the
claim was nonsensical. Said Mr. Henrici:
"I was in a posit.on for 63 years to know
of Mr. Bapp's affairs, and I do know all
abont them. If this man were a brother he
could not inherit George Bapp made a
will and a very determined effort to break it
failed, the case being carried through the
Supreme Court No, I won't give you a
history of tbat case. It isn't necessary, and
I have no time to waste on indifferent
For an octogenarian, Mr. Henrici wielded
his umbrella very vigorously for a few mo
ments, being enabled to do so with more
vim than ordinarily, as he was not carrying
the traditional carpetsack, and strove away
with a I-won't-be-interviewed air that
showed that to follow further would be a
weariness of the flesh, vexation of spirit and
loss of opportunity to catch the 6 o'clock
Tho Remains of Judge Iiongbbrldge Pass
Throuch tho City.
The remains of ex-Judge and Congress
man "William Loughbridge passed through
last night from 'Wernersville. where be
died, to his late home at Oscaioosa, la.
They were accompanied by his widow and
and one of his sons, Charles, who is
a Chicago lawyer, and his brother-in-law.
Judge Loughbridge was born and raised in
Youngstown, whence, when he had gradu
ated, he went to practice law in Iowa. After
successfully practicing at the bar, he was
elevated to the bench, and was afterward
returned to Congress. Abont three years
ago he was threatened with paralysis, and
he became a permanent inmate of a medical
establishment in Wernersville, where he
Movements of Fittabargers nnd Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
Senator Mat Quay was a passenger
on the Chicago limited last night. He boarded
the train at Jit. Joy, in company with Bon
Cameron, who alighted at Harrisburg. Mr.
Quay was bound for Rochester. Pa., where the
conductor had orders to stop in order to meet
the convenience of the illustrious gen
tleman. When the train pulled in. tho
two newspaper men present instituted a
search for tho great little man,
uth the result of ultimately locating him in a
sleeping birth, and fast asleep, or presumably
so. The discovery was made froin the side of
the car, and the electric lights shining in
through the unblinded window showed np
liathtew's pale butdeterminedfeaturesin good
relief against the dark background. A series
of taps and sundry noises, failed to rouse the
boss Republican Irom his dreams of Preslden
tal greatness. On the inside a stalwart
porter guarded his berth, and would
permit of no one disturbing the
maker of Presidents. Thus for once be
evaded bis customary pleasant and confiden
tial chat with the reporters. It was learned,
however, that while in Philadelphia he had
been in close confabulation with an emissary
ot Malione with regard to that General's fight
in Virginia, and that the said emissary, when
departing, had extracted something o a more
tangible nature from the reticent Senator
than mere campaign promises.
Alderman A. J. E. Means, ot the Nine
teenth ward, leaves to-day for Woodbury, N.
J., where he will sell horses and other personal
property belonging to C. C. Auehinhaugh, the
proprietor of the hotel at the East End stock
yards. Alderman Means is the assignee for
Mr. Aughinbaugh, and is settling up the prop
erty as rapidly as possible. He will be away
about four days.
The following-named gentlemen, who
are Past Grand Commanders of Pennsylvania,
will attend at the forthcoming Triennial Con
clave, at Washington on October 7, In their ca
pacity as officers of the Knights Templar Tri
ennial Conclave: D. W. C. CarrolU C. W.
Batcbclor, bee 8. Smith and Colonel Samuel
B. Dick, of Meadville, Pa.
Secretary N. E. Dorente and Agent M.
J. Bean, of the Anti-Cruelty Bocicty. will to
day go to Greens burg and thence to Indiana,
where they will investigate reported charges of
cruelty to ageu persons.
James G. Montgomery, "W. E. Newlin,
R. M. Urown, W. S. Ashworth, R. B. Totten
and James D. Murray were admitted to prac
tice in the courts yesterday. The latter is
from Baltimore, JId.
Judge W. S. Kirkpatrick, Attornev
General of Pennsylvania, Is stopping at the
Anderson. General Hastings will arrive on
Monday, for which day a room has been en
caged for him.
Captain Christopher Bush, of Louis
ville, an old river man, is visiting friends in
this city. He has been a steamboat owner for
manv years, and is conducting a boat store in
Messrs. Edwards Aguire and Melchior
Bustamante, of Bnenos Ayres,who are engaced
on a tour of investigation of American rail
roads, are registered at the Monongabela
House. ,
Herm. Meyer, of Kienznacb, Germany,
who is interested in tho wine trade, Is staying
at the Duquesne.
Captain John R. Johnston has gone to
Cincinnati for a visit of five or six days.
Mr. George Howe and family returned
borne jesterday from Europe.
Robert P. Borckman, of Bradford, is a
guest at the Anderson.
D?. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and'
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa, ' e&su
- .
Tailor Erdman's Story of His Mid
night Arrest by a Detective
Kot Even Permitted to See a Physician
When He Was Tery I1L
David Erdman, a well-known merchant
tailor on the Southside, arrived home from
Philadelphia on Friday after a lively ex
perience. As noted in the court news of
The Dispatch, he had been sued by
Klein, Putzel & Co. and S. "Wilson, two
wholesale clothing firms of Philadelphia,
for money due them, the claim be,ing made
that he had fraudulently concealed goods
with intent to defraud, and was about to
leave the State. Mr. Erdman is also a
traveling salesman for a .New York firm,
and was in Indianapolis at the time the snit
was entered last Saturday. His attorney
immediately notified him and he came
home. Mr. Erdman himself tells the re
mainder of the story 'as follows:
"I arrived home last Tuesday and 6pent
all day loitering around the Court House,
so that if a warrant were served on me
there would be no trouble to find me.
Nothing was done, however, and that even
ing I went to lodge. At 11 o'clock that
night, just as I was stepping into my home
on the Southside. Charles Porter, an officer
connected with Heiner's Detective Agency,
nabbed me and started for the Central
Police station. I protested and offered to
furnish bail if he would take me to some
Magistrate before whom a bond conld bo
entered. He refused to do this and de
clined to send to any of my friends. I was,
therefore, locked up. He" told me that his
instructions were that nobody was to see
me, and that I was to be kept away from
everybody. Therefore I was completely
isolated while in the lockup, not being able
to reach any of my friends to let them
know where I was.
"At 2 o'clock A. M. that night I was
taken to the Union depot by force and
started for Philadelphia, Porter still being
my traveling companion. He did not hand
cuff me, bnt he took great pleasure in show
ing me a revolver, with which, he said, Ed
Coffee had shot Policeman Evans. The
worry and excitement made me sick on the
trip, and I told him that the first thing I
wanted, when I got to Philadelphia, 'was to
be taken to a physician. He said I could
not do that until I was out of his charge.
Beaching Philadelphia Wednesday after
noon, he did not take me to the magistrate
before whom the information had been
made, but hurried him to the office ot the
plaintiffs' attorney. Porter afterward told
me that this attorney paid him for his
That afternoon Mr. Erdman was released
on bail furnished by Mr. "Wilson, one of the
business men suing-him. Yesterday his at
torney, S. A. "Will, Esq., took Mr. "Erdman
to Mr. Heiner's office and demanded of Mr.
Heiner the cause of his instructions for such
summary treatment Mr. Erdman says
that Mr. Heiner refused to give the informa
Mr. Erdman has been in business on the
Southside lor 14 years. He denies the
charges made against him by the Philadel
phia firms, and says that a plot has been
batched to ruin him. He proposes, in the
near future, to enter a few suits himself.
A Dispatch reporter called on Detective
Porter, who arrested Mr. Erdman. to ascer
tain his views regarding Mr. Erdman's
statement With great emphasis Mr. Por
ter said, "He's a liar." He refused to say
anything fnrther than that he took Erdman
before Police Magistrate Albert H. Gladd
ner when he arrived at Philadelphia.
Mr. Kerr, connected with Mr. Heiner's
agency, said: "Erdman could not have
seen Mr. Heiner to-day, for he has not been
at the office. He is confined tohis
house with rheumatism. It is a very fine
pointat law whether an officer would be
justifftd in allowing a prisoner to seenre
bail in this county when he was wanted in
another county. It is the general custom for
officers to convey their prisoners directly to
the magistrate who issues the warrant, if it
is in another county."
S. A. Will, the attorney for Erdman, ob
tained a rule yesterday to show cause why
the attachments should net be dissolved.
The rule is returnable on October 9, at 3
o'clock p. si.
The IiOM to the Weitlnchonse Ptnnt Won't
be More Tlinn $40,000.
The origin of the "Westinghouse fire can
not be ascertained.
The company has a number of heavy
orders on band at the present time, and had
the operations of the works been suspended
a loss amounting away up in the hundreds
of thousands would have been sustained by
the company. Machinery for 32 electric
light plants with a capacity for 31,160 in
candescent lights, were being constructed.Be
sides this the company was making machin-'
ery for the Allegheny City light plant, for
the 50,000 light plant in London, England,
and for numerous electric shops, now being
erected in London.
Some reflections have been called forth by
the fire, and one of them by Inspector Mc
Aleese is that some arrangement should be
made in the futnre to raise the hose np
which may happen to cross our tracks on
forks, so that the street cars may not be de
layed for hours as they were last night
J. D. Reno, of Reno & Johns, the firm
that insured the Westinghouse electric
light plant, said yesterday, that he did not
think the loss from the fire wonld be more
than 40,000, if, indeed, it will reach ?30,
000. fie denies that the lire originated
from cross wirs. No wires were attached
to the building at the time, for within the
last week he has been making an examina
tion of the structure and the wires-were cut
He says, too, that the company will not
move to Wilmerding, for the reason that the
officers in charge of that matter are uot in
the city.
A Seriei of Accidents Occur totho Allecheny
Electric Station.
About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon a
cylinder head blew out of one oi the engines
in the electric light house on East Diamond
street, Allegheny. The damage was soon
repaired. About dark the governor of
another engine broke, and for a short time
there was no light in the shops on Federal
and Ohio streets. At abont 10 o'clock an
armatnre in one of the dynamos, which feeds
to the incandescent circuit, burned out
Lights went out again in many stores
and in the market house. The market was
crowded, and the sudden darkness caused
great confusion. In about five minntes an
electric connection was made with the Pitts
burg light station, and the Allegheny
illumination was resumed.
Another Accident, but Xot n Serious One, nt
the Si. Cbnrlei Hotel.
About 10 o'clock last night Michael Mc
Donald, an elevator boy at the St Charles
Hotel, had his legs canght and badly
crushed. In attempting to jump off, his
legs were caught between the elevator and
the wall. The boards bad to be cut before
he conld be released. He was removed to
the Homeopathic Hospital, where an exam
ination showed that no bones were broken.
O'KeepeGas Appliance Co.,34 Fifthay.
The Nevr Lincoln Directors Wnlllnjt for
Their Commissions.
The members of the new Lincoln School
Board did not receive their commissions
fiom the Clerk of the Cpurts yesterday, and,
therefore, could not meet last evening. It
was stated to a reporter by a well-posted
citizen of the Nineteenth ward that there
was no great haste needed in the matter, as
the vacant place is supplied by a reserve
teacher. There are no Catholics on the new
board. Messrs. Anil and Jeffreys are Meth
odists; Messrs. Kirker, Van Wagner and
Boessing, Presbyterians. It could not cer
tainly be learned to what denomination Mr.
Dinger belongs, but it is believed that he is
a Presbyterian. Five members of the new
board are Republicans, Mr. Roessing being
the only Democrat. All the gentlemen are
owners of property in the Nineteenth ward,
and have not meddled in politics. Their
reputations are most excellent as representa
tive men of the ward.
It appears that the election of Miss Gard
ner to a position in the Allegheny Ninth
ward Echool has not removed her from 'the
Lincoln school contest. It is said on ex
cellent authority that Miss Gardner will not
accept the Allegheny position.
PIttsbnrs Delegates Ketnrn From the
Lonisvlilo Convention.
Ex-Mayor George Wilson and daughter
'Edith and Miss Sadie G. Eaton returned
home yesterday from their attendance at the
thirteenth annual convention of the Ameri
can Humane Association, in Louisville,
Ky. Mrs. Lee Mason had intended to go,
but was prevented by sudden illness.
The meeting is reported to have been an in
teresting one. The report of the national
secretary showed much work done during
the year ending August 31, 1889. In the
United States and Cauada the humane soci
eties received reports of 10,974 cases of cru
elty to children. Prosecutions were insti
tuted in 3,167 cases, of which 3,130 were
convicted. There were reported 10,892 cases
of cruelty to animals, for which 1,384 per
sons were sued and 874 convicted. The soci
eties relieved 14,210 children and 14,244
animals. Mr. L. H. Eaton, of Pittsburg,
was elected one of the vice presidents of the
Rcsnlt of tho PostotD.ce Civil Service
The names of those who passed the recent
civil service examination for letter carriers
in this city are as follows:
Wm. R. NieDann, John J. Corbitt, John
Shanahan, Godfrey Truninger. Fred H. Stolte,
FestusTlbboU. John H. PolliU, Wm. WKal
tenbauser, Andrew Shaffer, J. P. Nibli, George
H. Clowes, Albert K Thomas, T. J. Reynolds,
Louis Vockel, Win. E. Thomas, SamucLGib
son, James H. Lewis. John Berry, B. F. Kramer,
Eamund Kirniis, James W. Blakeney, Stephen
Berbig, Alex McD. BosentieL '
For postoffice clerkships the following
persons passed the examination:
James McKirdy, Sadie A Samcks, Laura K,
Scott, J. S. Kelso, Annie M. Guttendorf John
W. Williams. Annie McQuilkin, Louis T.Hess,
Elizabeth V. Jeffrey, V Jlliam C. Evans B.J.
Owens, Augustus C. Frank, Lorenzo Kidder,
Edward. J. Fisher, W. H. Moffltt, James B.
AVestwater, Georgo W. Minnemyer; junior
clerks, Z. Z. Kewcomb, Benjamin Moore.
ItlcMnstcrs Will Probably Have to Appear
Before the Court.
It is hard to decide what has been dote in
regard to the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank
dedication. It was claimed by some of the
papers yesterday that the friends of young
McMasters had effected a settlement upon
the payment of 59,500, bnt those who should
know most about the matter say they know
nothing of such a settlement An effort was
made to see some of the officials of the bans:
last night, but none of them could be found.
Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed
for Bendy ltcadine.
Willie Fritz and Joe Shannon, aged abont
10 and 8 years respectively, were charged before
'Squire Burns yesterday with abstracting a 510
bill from a pocket book which belonged to D.
Saloncci, of Liberty avenue. They had left
$165, attracted by the brightness of the new S10
bill. 'Squire Burns discharged them, as it was
proved that they bad found the pocketbook.
The dead body of Joseph Rosar. shipped to
Scranton from the West Penn Hospital, was
identified there yesterday. There Is a wound
on the left jaw and several other injuries were
discovered on the body, which the west Penn
doctors assert were not there wncn they
shipped the body. At first the parents had
some trouble in recognizing their son.
About 9 A. si. yesterday Michael Kreely, a
pnddler in Carnegie, Phipps & Ca's Union
Mills, was struck by a shifting engine and
hurled across the yard a distance of about 25
feet He was terribly mangled, and rendered
totally unconscious.
Albektina JIott, a girl employed in Mc
Elroy's rag warehouse, tried to pawn a valuable
Masonic pin yesterday. An officer was called
and the pin was taken away from her. She
said she found it in nigs which she was sorting.
Henet McAbule. who works for the Chess
Tack Company, on Sontb Seventeenth street,
was found yesterday by his employer robbing
his fellow workmen's clothes. He was locked
up in the Twenty-eighth ward station house.
Birdie Bateman, aged 7 years, was charged
before Alderman JIcGarey," yesterday, with
felonious assault She bad hit Mrs. Alice
Moore's little son on the head, with a stone,
bhe was held for court in the sum of 300.
The loading of a very heavy consignment of
steel rails into barges of Gray's Iron Line has
been commenced at tho Edgar Thomson Steel
Works. The rails are Intended lor various
points down the Mississippi river.
Chakles Howe was committed to jail yes
terday by 'Squire Gripp, on a charge preferred
by A, M. Boyd, who alleges fraudulent appro
priation of assets by a co-partner. Only a
small amgunt is involved.
On Monday the day express leaving the
Union depot at 8 A. jr. will stop at Morrellville,
Johnstown, for the convenience of passengers
wishing to attend the late Father Davin's
funeraL .
Tiie steamer Scotia was removed yesterday
from the wharf at tho foot of Wood street to
the docks of Reed i. Kreps. in Allegheny,
where its hull will be completely overhauled.
D. C. Bracken was arrested lastnight atNo.
193 Fulton street, Allegheny, on a charge of de
serting his viife, who lives in Lawrencevillc.
For over a month he had been in Cincinnati.
Louis Brady was yesterday sentenced to
three months' imprisonment by Magistrate
Brokaw for making Fanny Ltbig, of Ihirty.
ninth and Pride streets, helplessly drunk.
Noah Jackson had his hand blown off
yesterday by the discharge of his gun while out
hunting. He lived at Coultersville, Pa. He
was brought to tho West Ponn Hospital.
Mike Shielock was struck by a train on
the Pittsburg and Lako Erie Eailroad last
night His left leg was crushed. He was
taken to the West Penn Hospital.
Mrs. Kate Geooheoan had her hnsband
arrested last night for knocking her senseless
with his fist 'Alderman Flack, of the South
side, received the information.
Sneak thieves stole S10 from the house of
Joseph Kramer. Crawford street between
Clark and Beed Btreets. while the family were
away from home last night
The Allegheny Health Committee met on
Wednesday and recommended that Butcher's
run be drained as far asDletz's shop, on East
street extension.
Michael Hopkins, a laborer from the
Edgar Thomson Steel Works, was brought to
the Mercy Hospital yesterday with a crushed
James Allison, an employe of tho Pitts
burg Tube Works at Soho, had two fingers
smashed by tho falling of a large piece of pipe.
Peter Gallagher was lodged in jail for
loafing on the corner of Elm street and Wylie
Struck n Sang.
Peter Doran tried to persnade Inspector
McKelvey, of the Southside, to purchase a
ring from him, which he said was valuable.
The Inspector examined the ring, found it
was worthless, and locked the man up for
his trouble. -
The Furnaces at the Black Diamond
Break the Previous fiecord.
Holders Hold a Meeting to Perfect Their
The output of open hearth steel in the
Black Diamond Steel Works was unusually
large last week. There are two Sieman and
five Lash furnaces in the mill.
The No. 1 and No. 2 Sieman furnaces
were charged with 840,000 pounds of metal,
which includes pig metal, crop ends and
scrap. Out of this charge there was a net
output of steel ingots weighing 784,000
pounds. Between the gross and the net
weights a los3 is shown of 56,000 pounds.
This loss is accounted for by the accumula
tions of dirt in the rough metal. The dirt
melts like the steel, and floats on the sur
face of the steel in the furnace. Both steel
and slag are tapped into the ladle from the
furnace. The slag being lighter) than the
steel, floats on the surface and enables the
furnace men to teem the heat into the
molds without a single ounce of slag mix
ing with it.
The five Lash furnaces each of them able
to hold 55,000 pounds of metal, received a
total charge of 3,300,000 pounds. The net
output irom this charge was 3,izu,uuu
pounds of good steel ingots. The waste be
tween the gross charge and net output was
180,000 pounds,, accounted for as before.
The total charges in all the furnaces at this
mill last week were 4,140,000 pounds. The
net output was 3,904,000 pounds, and the
loss 236,000 pounds. In accounting for the
loss between the gross charge and the net
output. 5 per cent of the metal evaporates
through the stack.
This department now gives employment
to many thousand men. No part of the
country is without an open hearth furnace.
The two largest plants belong to Park Bros.
Black Diamond Steel Works and Carnegie's
at Homestead. The Black Diamond steel
plant is under the able supervision of Mr.
Thomas Carrier. He has most successfully
filled nearly all the great Government
orders for armour plate steel.
Few people recognize how important the
open hearth steel industry has become with
in the last few jears. The business has
only completed its majority. It was first
introduced into America by Cooper Ewart
& Co., of Trenton, N. J., in 1867. The
process was patented by Dr. Sieman, who
had but a few years previous discovered the
method of making it at his celebrated mill
near Swansea, South Wales.
Singer, Nimick &'Co. have the honor of
putting up the first plant in Pittsburg in
the year following its introduction in this
country. They erected- a 4-ton furnace,
which ran on single turn, in 1868, making
six heats a week, with a total charge of 24
tons, and a net output of 20 tons. To run
this first plant, only eight men were em
ployed. These figures, as compared with
the figures of to-day, are startling. The big
strides this industry has taken is a marvel
to the world. Open hearth steel is displac
ing iron on everv hand. In durability and
'adaptability it far excels iron.
Measures Began Toward a Moro Perfect
Union nnd Higher Wnge.
There was an open meeting of molders of
Pittsburg and vicinity in Imperial Hall,
corner of Seventh avenue and Grant street,
last night of all the craft irrespective of or
ganization. Thp object was to form a more
perfect organization that Is to weld all the
diflerent bodies of molders together so as to
move in solid phalanx. The speeches were
spirited but not hostile. Their tenor was
that acting separately they could not work
effectively for the common good no matter
how perfect their organization.
The speakers had evidently been making
extended inquiries into the state of trade
generally, for they had information on the
subject as general in its scope, and at the
same time as explicit as the reports of Brad
street's or Dun's Commercial Agencies. It
was stated that there wasn't an idle molder
in the country unless it might he one that
didn't want work, and that on the Pacific
coast none were working for less than $3 50
per day.
District Master Workman Ross presided.
Joseph McNalty, I. M. U. 46, was Secre
tary, and B. C. Smith, George Gibson, John
Loder, H. Burns, Henry Emericfa, Joseph
Shelby and S. C. McAllister were Vice
Presidents. A committee consisting of
Thomas Tipper, John H. Burns, E.'C.
Smith, Joseph Shelby, John .loder and S.
C.McAllister. representatives of L. A. 1030,
K. of L., I. M. V., N. A. 4G, and Brother
hood of Machinery Molders No. 30, was ap
pointed to procure circulars for distribution
among the craft calling attention to aims
and objects, and to a meeting to be held in
the same hall next Saturday evening to
perfect the work mapped out last night
The Cambria Iron Works Will Pay Cokers
Sir. Prick's Prices.
After a long fight the Cambria Iron Com
pany has come to a satisfactory agreement
with their employes. They positively re
fused to sign the agreement containing the
names of the National or Division officers
of National Trades Assembly 135, but signed
with the members of the local Knights of
Labor committee. The basis of the agree
ment is the same as that on the regular scale,
with the following addition:
We agree to pay the same rate of wages paid
by the H. C. Frick Coke Company, and will
make no changes until there is a change made
by them. Any wages mentioned on our list that
do not agree with the wages paid by the
Frick Coke Company will bo corrected when
proven, and any branches of work not men
tioned on our list will be paid for at the same
rate pud by them. We do further agree to
imke no discrimination on account of strike.
All back house rent due is cancelled up to Sep
tember 1, 1SS9. Tho mines will not be crowded
with men.
The agreement was signed by Isaac Tay
lor, the superintendent, and by the local
committee. By this agreement the Morrell.
Wheeler, Mahoning and Atlas plants will
be started up, which will add 714 ovens to
those a.lread"y working under the scale. The
officers of Division 4, K. of L., have with
drawn the credentials of all parties solicit
ing aid.
The Prlco Is Not Llablo to be Advanced for
Some Time to Come.
During the last week there Iran a large
request for coke, and consumers, anticipating
the advance to $1 50, which takes effect on
October 1, were anxious to stock np at the
current price, 81 35. Cars were, however,
very scarce all last week.
A prominent operator said he did not be
lieve that coke would sustain a further ad
vance by December 1, or January 1. The
demand for coke was governed by the iron
market, and the frick Company, having
much to do with naming prices. Mr. Frick
will see that, with pig iron at 516 or there
abouts, no manufacturer could stand $2 coke
or ?1 75 coke.
Their Application for a National Trado
District Not Allowed.
W. Wright and John Costello of the K.
of L. heardt further eyldence in the mu
sician's trouble yesterday but came to no
District Master Workman Boss said yes
terday that the glass packers application for
a charter to organize a national trade dis-"
trict to include coopers, teamsters and other
glasshonse packers, would never be granted.
If the packers alone wished to organize and
had iufficientmembers to command a char
ter there would be no objection offered.
President Campbell Says the Window Scale
Will bo Accepted.
President James Campbell, of the Win
dow Glass Workers' Association, is home
from the East, where he has been, attending
the meeting of the wage committee during
the past week. Mr. Campbell said last
night that the prospect for glass workers
was very encouraging indeed. The scale of
wages, which goes into operation October 1,
gives an all-round advance of G per cent
to the men. He did not think that there
would be any trouble whatever about the
adoption of the scale, as several large man
ufacturers hud signed it while he was in the
East, and the rest were simply holding back
for a time. By November all the Eastern
manufacturers will have signed the scale.
A General Gathering of Switchmen, Brake
men and Firemen.
On next Monday and Tuesday a federa
tion of railroad employes, comprising the
switchmen, brakemen and firemen's union,
will hold meetings in the Old
City Hall. There will be a secret meet
ing at 1:30 o'clock on Monday, and a
public meeting in the evening. On Tues
day there will be another secret meeting in
the morning, and in the evening there will
be a ball in the Imperial Hall. Major
Montooth and Mayor McCallin have been
invited to speak.
Gone to Ills Best.
The funeral of Mr. William Morgan took
place from the family residence, Southside,
Thursday afternoon last. The beautiful
and impressive servioe of the Episcopal
Church was conducted by the Bev. Mr.
Cameron. The selections were very effect
ively rendered by Messrs. Morris Stevens,
E. H. Dermitt, David Davies, Elmer Car
son and David Thomas. Mr. Morgan was
long and favorably known as a man of ster
ling character and spotless reputation. He
was highly respected by the citizens of the
Twenty-fifth ward, where he was a long
time resident.
He had charge for many years of the
blacksmith shop at Jones & Laughlins',
which position he resigned a little over two
years ago on account of labor troubles. His
sense of honor did not permit him to retain
it. He preferred to and did sacrifice his own
interests to compromising those of his work
men. He served his employers faithfully, and
ably gave them his best days and energies,
but could not be induced to go contrary to
his own sense ot right.
His remains were interred in the family
lot, Allegheny Cemetery. He leaves a
widow, several brothers and sisters, and a
large number of friends to mourn his loss.
Mr. James Morgan, mechanical engineer,
Jones & Laughlins', is a brother.
For Every Member of the Family.
Easy chairs are greatly desired by all, yet
seem difficult to procure. If you are in need
of anything of the kind, do not neglect to
examine the improved reclining chairs,man
ufactured and sold only by the Stevens
Chair Company, No. 3 Sixth street. These
chairs are easily adjustable, and combine
five articles of furniture in one. They are
finished in many styles of upholstery, suit
able for any room in a good house.and afford
more comfort to the square inch than any
article ever devised. The manufacturers
have made adjustable chairs a study for 12
years, and have succeeded in producing an
article that suits every member of the fam
ily who are fortunate enough to possess one.
These chairs are handsome, very strong and
wil) last for years. No better present can ba
suggested, than one of them.
This company makes and carries in stock'
invalid's fracture beds, carrying chain,
wheel chairs and many other conveniences
specially suited to their wants.
Speaking of office desks this company has
an immense stock of them always on hand
and do an enormous business in that line.
Sieyeks Chaib Company,
3 Sixth street.
A Great Day.
Jlonday is always a busy day with us,
but this Monday (to-morrow) we will make
specially interesting with our sale of men's
fine tailor made suits at 12 and $16. They
come in fine cassimeres, imported cheviots,
fancy worsteds and standard dirgonaU in
many patterns. We have divided 'em into
two special prices for to-morrow, $ 12 and
$15. P. C C C,
Cor Grant and Diamond sts., opp., the netr
Court House.
A Great Trip at a Loir Rate via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
No uniformed body of men presents such
a gorgeous spectacle as do the Knights
Templar. It is only once in three years
tbat they assemble in a body in one of the
principal citTes of America, and as they
have selected Washington to be the theater
of their triennial conclave this year, the
double opportunity to witness the brilliant
gathering and to visit the beautiful capital
city on the Potomac will be offered from
every station on the various lines of the
Pennsylvania Eailroad at one 'fare for the
round trip. The conclave will contine from
October 8 to 11, 1889, and tickets will be
sold October 6, 6, 7 and 8, valid lor return
trip until October 31, 1889. Beturning a
stop-off within the limit will be allowed at
Baltimore and Harrisburg. The occasion
will be one of the most enjoyable seasons of
the year to visit Washington. Specific
rates will be furnished by agents on appli
cation. hho Was No Fool.
Got a sample of black silk warp Henrietta
at SI from another firm and found our 69o
quality was the identical goods. What
robberyl I'll never buy a cent's worth of
goods there again. Our representatives
showing their sample lines throughout the
city meet with such remarks every day.
Bring samples, we will save you money
Thobston BEOS., Allegheny;
3,000 tailor made jackets from $2 75 to
$975; best and cheapest in the city at Rosen
bauni & Co's.
Oveeholt, Golden Wedding, Large,
Gibson and Dillinger whisky for sale in
large quantities by Geo. H. Bennett & Bro.,
135 First avenue, second door below Wood
t5. Solid gold spectacles carefully ad
justed to the sight. See them at Stein
mann's, 107 Federal si, Allegheny, jeweler
and optician. ttssu
NatnrnI Gas Sills Reduced 75 Per Cent.
O'Kekfe Gas Appliance Co.,34Fifth av.
Gents' Overcoats
For fall and winter wear at Pitcairn's, 434
Wood st. "htsu
NatnrnI Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent.
O'Keejte Gas Appliance Co.,34 Filth ar.
Black gros grain silk, 65c, 75c, 85c and
$1 a yard; the'best values ever offered.
NatnrnI Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per .Cenf. s
O'Keepe Gas Appliance Co.,34Filth av.
Those celebrated kid gloves with Foster
lacings, the Premiere.Superieur and Sublime
brands can only be had at Bosenbaum &
Cabinet photos, ?1 per doz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st Zisu
Dancing Beginners' Classes.
Thuma's Academy, 64 Fourth ave., will
open next Tuesday" evening. Four classes
each week1 for beginners. Academy now
open. Bee amusement column.
V ' " "
No Nervous Women Are Selected to Care
ibr Sick Patients.
The Homeopathic Hospital, on Second
avenue, is to have a handsome new annex
built on the north side of the, main structure
at acost of $20,000. It was circulated in the
city yesterday that Mr. William Thaw's
bequest, when received, would be appro
priated for this -purpose. It has been de
cided, however, by the hospital authorities
to place the latter, money which the Fidelity
Title and Trust. Company. The hospital
has already invested over $12,000 with this
company, and the $25,000 left by the late
philanthropist will give them a capital of
The new annex, when built will bansed
for a training school and home for nurses.
The building will contain on the lower
floor a lecture room, large drawing, dining
and reception rooms and a kitchen. On the
upper floor will be dormitories, bathrooms,
lavatories and ,linen closets. The place will
be replete with all the latest improvements
so as to maze it attractive ana nome iikb.
The rooms will be prettily furnished and
lighted with electricity. In an interview
with a Dispatch reporter last night Dr.
Bnrgher said:
"The training school for nurses which we
inaugurated some time back has grown so
rapidly that it forces us to build this new
annex. It is our intention to largely in
crease the school bo that we can send out a
trained nurse to a private family if they are
desirous of one. There are 21 nurses now
who are under instruction. Most of these
nurses'are used in the hospital. Onr lim
ited room certainly limits our usefulness.
This school ot onrs is the only one in this
part of the country. Its necessity has been
demonstrated frequently in the hospital and
we take tnis means to broaden its influence.
"The training each nnrse goes through i
thorough. She is admitted into the institu
tion on a month's probation.
"In this period it can be generally ascer
tained whether a ladv has the capacity and
requirements to be successful as a nurse. If
in tnat lengtn ot time we aiscoverany
quality which shows a wavering or nervous
disposition, we are obliged to dismiss them
from the establishment. After the month
exDires the nurses are rieorouilv schooled in
all departments of scientific nursing. They
attend the amphitheater and the operations
they witness are minutely explained to
them. Everv; kind of disease tbat comes
into the hospital they must attend to. It
gives them a practical idea ot all cases so
that they will be able in an emergency to
handle a case properly. At the end of a
year we propose to allow the nurses to go
out among private families, and take charge
of a case under the doctor's instruction.
Kleber'df Bro. Lead as Usual.
No person posted in musical matters will
buy a costly article, such as a piano or an
organ, except from an old established and
well known house such as H. Kleber &
Bro. The Klebers are practically educated
musicians who have grown up with the old
standard piano men. They know their good
and their bad points, and have picked out
the best of them all for their own business,
leaving the indifferent and poor instruments
to be dealt in by others less fortunate than.
themselves. Who would compare a Stein way
oraConover or' an Opera'or Gabler piano
with any other, make?,. Or the Kraed
Vocation church organ, Or the lovely
Burdett organ? The great advantage the
Klebers possess is that people put the fullest
trust in their honesty and. reliability. They
have sold instruments lor the last naif cen
tury, and in most cases the choice is left
altogether in the bands of Mr. Kleber.
Purchasers know ahsolntelv that thev are
sale in his hands; that prices' are the lowest
possible, and terms easy and accommodat
ing. ii-leDer cz lire's stand at tne exposi
tion Fs the finest there, and th'eir warerooms,
506 Wood street, are filled with the most
bcautiiul pianos and organs.
Always prefer an old, tried house to a
iew one.
Will Save Yon Money.
We have been in.business less than three
years, and have the largest retail grocery
trade in western Pennsylvania; employ tne
most clerks 36, or two more than we had a
week ago, and we needed them and have
the most delivery wagons seven in number.
Our friends will excuse us for repeating
these facts so often, for we admit we are
proud of our success. We think it is a'
record ot wnicn we have cause to be proud,
and it shows that the people appreciate fair
dealings and an honest endeavor to save
them money. From the start we have made
it a rule to do business on a strictly square
basis, to avoid "Leaders." or the attempt
to make one cheap article sell a host of
dear ones and other species of joggling
which have become timeworn in all branches
of business.
We have worked hard, early and late, to
increase our business, but we do not take all
the credit to ourselves, for we have been
greatly aided by the efforts of a few of onr
competitors, who, by their constant abuse
and envious assertions, have drawn atten
tion to us and advertised us in a way which
otherwise' would have cost us years of time
and large sums oi money.
We are very grateful to these competitors,
indeed, and sincerely hope they will con
tinue their efforts' in our behalf. For the
first thing their hearers will do will be to-
come to our store to see what sort oi people
we are anyway, and by our fair 'dealings
and honest methods we are confident we can
hold them as customers.
We have a few special bargains in evap
orated fruits which will pay you to exam
ine. Imported prunelles, 4 lbs. 25c; Cali
fornia apricots,4 lbs. 25c; California peaches,
Zi Vat. 25c. These are special prices which
cannot be duplicated. We bought all we
could get one ton of each but even 2,000
lbs. will not last long with trade like ours.
Send for weekly price list and compare
prices all around with the prices you are
paying. Orders amounting to $10, without
counting sugar, packed and shipped free of
charge to any point within 200 miles.
79 & 81 Ohio st., cor. Sandusky, Allegheny.
No You DON'T. Our prices can't be
beat. Special bargain sale of scarlet wool
underwear, men's from 39c, ladies', 59o up,
child's, 12c up. Blankets from 50c to
$5. Comforts, 45c to $2. "Ladies' cashmere
wrappers, $1 75 to $6. Calico wrappers,
50c to $L. Girls' winter dresses, all sizes. 39c
to $7. Ladies' chemise, 19c. Hamburg
drawers, 25c. Lone hubbard gowns, 39e.
Girls' drawers, 10c. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth
and Liberty,
The Lndles
Have taken a great liking to our children's
department, and. Saturday it was thronged
all day with mothers purchasing for their
boys one of our-famous $3 boys' suits; sizes
4 to 14. P. p. C. C,
Opp. new Court House.
Diamond Finger Blags. '
Solitares, clusters and combinations of
ruby, sapphire, emerald and opal. All
sizes and styles at E. F. Boberts & Sons,
who have the largest stock in the city.
All the newest effects in French, Scotch
and,American fancy; flannels for tea gowns,
wrappers, ef; prises from 30o to $1 a yard..
The Homeopathic Hospital Will Coh
strnct a $20,000 BaUding
Tft lt fc stasjrtMwkwtMBriil
days at TIoMmsm M Oe.'s store e ferkt
street. It was tbenepeUr resort e Mm twi
cities daring tfcose days, at hast fer tfee
ladies. Of cosrse s tatlKsMry opening,
which was the oeeasMW that attreeW men
crowds, has always an irresistiWe fwoisa
tlon for the fair sex. Mo weaker the ladies
were delighted wbes thev sw ssefe as
assortment of all die novelties of the sewea.
The oflly trouble was the anaher a4 vari
ety of beautiful hats displayed, waiafc Bta
their choice bewilderiBgly difteak, yet de
lightfully interesting. It weH he iapesei
ble by any description to gives adeqaato
idea of these really arb'atie reajswsloaa.'
Trimmed and untrimmed hats fa arofasioa
and ia all the leading shapes tmi shaaa.
Many Paris pattern hata imported fcr, this
occasion were xtot only artistic,, hat earf
nently stylish.
A novelty a saiwes hat was a hreetf:
TtMssa ismiai JBl42sfaIw AS? fofliLiH V-J - -
soft orswB of velvet ia heater's ftaeavup4
rosettes of wW hrowB, oHveaad areas satfa'. lm
ribbon. MJJ.-5l
pale blue velvet, the front of Mask, eetriaef
bands, with loops of Wqofc velvet rthfceat
canght with exquisitely heasrtifal opal oraa-i
menu. An evening; benaet was a ooabiaa-A
tion of emerald and If Ue green -s1ts
trimmed with dneheeselaee, gtU smhreiisyy, -'
and black flowers. &
jit was the general YenKei ef she visteaail
that novelty, beanty, qaahty and moderate!
prices went hand in band tbreaftheat . ae '
r. - Mir"",""- "r' v"
"" mavis new in oeaiga ana :
From 75 Cents a Pa4r Vw. -
We imported an eaormess 1st at Iimmb.'
tains this fall. .& - -3
We want tor see thesis year windes-a he- 51
lore saew comes. u-
Fonr anndred styles to seJeet from.
if torn 75 cents a pair np. c ,
Look at the geeds, and yes will knew
thsy are worth a great deal mere. -'
Bbwakd Gboetztnses, -
on ana aao jrenn arenas.
Diuauniil Laee Ttuu, Earrtea, Tlsgerj
Rlu. '1
Shirt stads. ete., from $1 ts $M9. Ladle
and jsenta wateaes ia soHd geld -and gold
filled and silver at the fewest prises in the
two cities'. Jeveky, ofeeks, siiysrplatsd
ware, tahieware, relied -plate Jewelry,,
chains, ohansn. ete., aeerei seeieviBiss.
cnanns, etc., esai geM ana saver .-wajsaos,-
cnaias, ete.. tacea la exsaupge. - Waesfc.i
clock and jewelry repakinf. JssjssjfMta
jA.ee, jeweler, 4sw tsmisnaoie. street ooa deepfl
below Diamond, street, formerly 13 MMstl
avenue. Store open every Satarday evaaK''
Ia Seartessea's ClesMaa:
The latest and finest novel ties are to:-Bo'
lound on tne eoanters or J. jr. Maeaera -Emporium,
No. 142 Fifth avesBe, opposite),"
the Cathedral. He has exelaeive and sspersT
patterns of suitings, troaseringa and' over-'
coatings, of both foreign and domoetiea&ke,"
that he makes up at the lowest -prises for
first-class work. Call and inspect the Steele
and be convinced that you can seenre per
fectly fitting and stylish clothes.
FOB the Dbas Babuw. Kedaed"
prices for infeatecleaks, slips, oapes,,eteJ
at Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and LiberW;f!
: , "jm
uaum Baimne-ry opening vt caasoaay.
ana xnarsaay at jsoseniHtani t s.
Nataral Gas BHh Reduced 75 Per Cent?
O'KKBgg Gas Afpliaxcx Co.,34 Fifth av.f.-
Pkhsests gives lais week withflpsrv
chases- Basy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty
The most efficacious stimulant-, to exeitet
the appetite is Angostura Bitters.
Kataral Gas Bills Sedaeed 75 Per
O'Kzeite Gas AsrLUscsCo.,UTim
BIBER iEffiTfflt
505 and 507 MARKET STREET,
nim ENr,Arnicn . t
We have not only added greatly to our spaee,
but by many internal Improvements as to ilgnt,
beat, ventilation, elevator, etchave succeeded1
in adding to the comfort ot all who choose to
Silks for reception, dkner and evening wean
Dress Goods In high class novelties, plain,
mixed and plaid comolaatloBS, Melton and Ox
ford 8uitlnes,Scotch Clan and Tartan Plaids.-'
Combination Bobe Patterns In entirely new
and novel effects, from 16 00 to tie. "V
Onr Trimming room is greatiy enlarged aaeV
will interest you laau tnat goes to mas spa,
very complete ana csreiuiiy ueieetea 1
In English asd French Balbriagan: Ugh,' me
dium and heavy weight in Nataral WoeVWbito
and Colored Merino, etc t; ,
Im t ariij -
On second floor (take elevator.). w
"We call special attention, to oax PBICBB sad
IMMENSE VARIETY In medium weight gar
ments. As we were delayed some weeks wita
our new building we have put a low price on aS
fall weight goods to make a quick tars.
seao-TTSsa '
TTIEW vft-nir :
Ten Show Rooms filled witbtne latest two.
ductlons of the Furniture and Upholstery;
Art from the recognised zaanalactnrins ceav
ters ol the world,
Novelties of London -nreaaetiaa- :
Novelties of Paris nredaetlen. "$.
nuiomra ui v nsu nroanouos.
Our own Importation.
Novelties of American redaction, lactaafea?
those 01 our own raanafaetare.
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