Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 29, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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Bishop F. D. Huntington, in the October
Torum, describes fashionable society "as a
something too formal lor an institution, too
irregular for an organization, too vital for a
machine, too heartless for a fraternity, too
lawless for a school, too decent for a mas
querade, with too much lying lor a bureau,
and too many passions for a pageant. There
are the competitions, matches, risks, calcu
lations of a perilons game, the interchanges
of an imponderable, immaterial commerce,
musical voices lrom inharmonious breasts,
spiteful courtesies, magnificent meannesses.
There are songs of peace, flying arrows ot
malice and revenge, bonds and fragments ol
friendships, charming veils over hidden
horrors, laughter rippling over dark depth's
of silent agony.
One has only to reflect a moment how con
siderable a section of the lives of many men
and more women these activities occupy,
what capacities they include, what forces
they engage, the interplay between life and
life, the issues and destiny of character, the
angnst responsibilitv. to comprehend that
'society, even in this limited sense, is a
stndy for the wisest minds."
She is not dead, and sbe Is not wed!
Bat sbe lores me now. and she loved me tbent
And tbe very first words tbat hcrsu eetlipssald,
JIt beart grew youtbf nl again.
Ana I will marry my own first lore.
With ber primrose face: lor old things are
And tbe flower in ber boom. I prize it above
Tbe broocb In my lady's breast.
The world is filled with folly and sin.
And Love must cling wbere it can, X say;
For Beauty it easy enough to win,
But one isn't loved every day.
And I think, in the lives of most women and
There's a moment when all would go smooth
and even,
If only the dead could find out whnn
To come back and be forgiven.
Owen Meredith.
Social Events.
The Bon Ann Social of Allegheny will give
Its first series of receptions at Cyclorama Hall
on Wednesday evenin;:, October 2. The mem
bers are Charles Mcl'onnell, Harry Ktncaid,
Arthur Hall, Samuel Boyd, Alex Kincaid,
Frank Cabill and Vbarles Green.
The musical recital of the 21th Inst, in the
Opera House, Washington, Pa under the
auspices of Miss Malady was artistically and
financially a treat success. The programme
for tbe occasion was dificult and varied, but
tbe artists more than fulblled its require
ments. A most pleasant reception was held last Mon
day evening at Chn-t's Dancin? Academy.
About 400 people took advantago ot ibe kind
Invitation, and passed tbe evening enjoying the
music and dances. The Mozart Orchestra, en
Jtlarced to 13 pieces, rendered tbe music for the
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGlaughlin were agreea
bly surprised by a party of friends at their
residence on Marie avenue. AUentnwn. last
edneday evenlnc. Among tbo merry
makerswere Misses Lizzie Oclie. Mollic Keefe,
Kate Fllnn. Maggie Kellev. Lizzie Winters,
Mr. McCaulley and wife, Mr. Williams and
wife. Mr. J. Flinn, Mr. Wm. Kearney. Mr. IL
LangstaS. Mr. J. Oclie and others. Dancing
was tbe principal amusement of tbe evening.
Mr. Cass W. Jones, of Warner street, Alle
gheny, was the recipient of a pleasant surptise
on last Thursday evening in honor of his birth
day. Mrs. Jones was instrumental in getting
up the party, and the way all enjoved them
selves more than repaid her fir ber trouble.
Anions: those present were Mr. and Mrs..V.
Croft, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jenkins, Mr. anrl Mrs.
D. L. Evans, Mr. aud Mrs. T. Griffiths, Miss Lis
lle Hams and others.
A party of young folks visited the home of
Mr. Will Zlnn. in Eiuswortb. last Thursday
venint and bad an elegant time. Tbey were
Misses Vfola Browne, Cora M Armstrong.
Nannie Shellaby, Mattie Lent, Jennie Lester
Carrie Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Borgia fn-e
Browne. Mews Gililis. Letter, William Z.nn
Harry Armstrong Will Kegley, Charlie Zinn
Charlie Ellison and Mr. John Peonies. The
young folks returned to the city on tbe 250 A.
X. express.
The Twenty-fifth Ward Debating Society
met at the residence of Miss Ealala Hapenny
and elected the following ofnxers Tor the next
Snarten Mr. Robert J. McCre. President:
Lr.Jonn R. Hpeelinan, Vice Pre-idei-t; Miss
Estella BrooVs, Treasurer; Mr. John K. Henry
Secretary; Mr. George J. Henry. Assistant
Becretarjt Mis Alice bneelman. Miss Mabel
Swearer, Mr. Evan M. Roberts, Programme
Committee. The next meeting will be held at
the borne of Chester IL Early.
The home of Miss Stella Werner, of Penn
averue, was brilliantly illuminated In honor of
her friends on last Friday evening. Tbe young
ladies were attired in light evening dres-rs and
all presented a beautitul appearance a they
participated In the pleasures. After euchre
and dancinE luucheon was serveri- Anmnr
those present were Mises Rutb Reucli. Ia
caret McNeil. Lizzie Aubrey. Lulu Fite. Etta
Weil. Clan Weil, Annie Werner, Messrs.
Thompson, Tinker, Steward, Crozier. AIcEI
haney. The drnm corps connected with the Bedrord
School surprised Miss Annie Oscbman, of the
same school, on Monday evening, tbe occasion
being that joung lady's 13tb birthday. After
the rendition of a number of selections, and a
few gmes, they were In turn surprised with a
very tempting supper. The party was
chaperoned by Mts Lon Hettinger. Anion
those present were the Misies MrKibben.
btone, Thompson, Williams and McGill, and
the Masters Hapznod, Richards, Webbere.
McKibben, Davis, Jones and Smith.
A del'ghtful surprise was given Miss Lizzie
X. Niess, of Arch street, Allegheny, on Thurs
day evening, by a few of ber friends. Music,
dancing and refresbmenta were tbe order of
the evening. Tbe company departed at 12
o'clock, regretting that time would not stav his
band. Among those present were Mises
Minnie Griffith, Emma Harper. Emma Bnd
Ada Reno, Uittie Weeden and Mary MrKefvj:
t Mersrs. Gilbert Wiese. Rob Wiese, Edward
. Biebert. Clarence Slebert. John McGradv Will
r Boyd, T. A. Johnston, Robeit Dalzell, John
j. Swolkey, Charles Palmer and Lee Mendenhal.
A most enjoyable evening was theeeneral
verdict of the friends and relatives who gath
" ered last Tuesday evening to celebrate the
'. twentieth anniversary of tbe birthday of Miss
Jeannette Albright at her borne on Spring Gar
den avenue, Allegheny. Among those present
were: Misses May Boehring, Leona Albright,
Annie Smith, Motile Majer-, Annie Oeste.
Gertie Sickel, Anna Lady, Mary Kit-in, Lvdia
Albright. Margaret hcherer, and Messrs. U'lll
lam Hareum, George Bepler, Fred Stuver. Ed
ward Albright. Nick Vidt, Mck Jordan. Georire
Klein, Alfred Qulnn, Charles Smith aud Will
lam Dietrich, of East Liverpool.
1 A pleasant surprise party was given last
Monday evening to Mist Edna Kiefer at her
borne, on Ohio street. Allegheny. All kinds of
games were indulged In, after which dancing
was tbe order of the evening. Later on re
fresbments were served. Amnnir tbo-e prcs-
p ent were: Misses Birdie Straub, Stella Barker,
Jean Eggere, Rose Kiefer, Bird Hummel,
i Laura Wall, BeSMe Grim. Dora Buebl. Emma
' Hummel, Mamie Letzkus, Mellie Kiefer.
t Mes-rs. Lou Straub. H. W. Powell. Joe Grim.
i Ed Letzkus, Jim Auimnml. Harry Dunmire,
Henry Hummel. Howard Eggrrn, ham Paisley.
Ed Buebl, Lew Swift, A. Hummel and Roy
Tbe numetous friends and relations of Mrs.
b E. Bartholomew, of bedgnick street, Alle
gheny, gathered at tbo family residence last
Monday evening to celebrate ber firtietb birth
day. Among those present ere; Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Tate. Mr. and Mrs. William Tate. Mr.
and Mrs. Griffith Clark, Mr. and Mrs. John D.
iCrea, Mrs. Lvdia Tale and children, of Altoo
jsa; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Wilson, Mrs.
.Echellman and Mrs. Lizzie Crea, Misses Cora
. and Minnie Tate, Sadie Beyer, Myra Boyle,
Ethel Crea. Iva Wilson. Sadie Tate. Minnie
Altman. of Blalrsville, and MagJie Smith, of
Pbillipsburg; Messrs. Job n and Griffith Clark,
Frank Gerard, George Reese, William Tate
and Griffith Cre i.
A pleasant surprise was tendered Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Keefe. 212 Devillier street, on
Thursday evening. It being the thirteenth anni
versary of their marriage. Tbe evening was
spent In dancing to tbe delightful mnslc of
Prof. Voek's Orchestra. Refreshments ere
terved and all bad a pleasant time. Among
those who enjoyed themselves there were Mr.
and Mr. James Kinien. father and mother of
Mrs. Keefe; Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gallagher.
Misses Kinien, Tevans, Katie and Agcie Pen
der, Miss Lawler, Miss Belle Murphy, Miss Mo
Bride, Mis Annie and Ella Kcnnan, Miss
Walsh. Messrs. Fox, Giltinan, Devlin. Galla
Cher, Nash, Moore, McCann, Ward, Lawler,
Walsb, Massengbam and nianj others.
The party given by Misses Mszle and Maggie
O'Brien, or Kerr street, Allegheny, on Thurs
day evening to their friends, was a delightful
succev. A straw ride was taken nut to tbe
head of Wood's Ruu avenue to Smith's par
lors', wbere dancing and slngingkept tbeinerry
makers busy until 12:50 a. II.. ben luncheon
was partaken of, after which tbe fun was kept
going until 2:30 A. t when all boarded the
wagon for home, all voting unanimously that
they bad a very nloe time, and thanking their
bosteses for their kindness. Among those
present were: Misses Msynle Snllivan, Nettle
Andrews. Lizzie and A?gie Quirk, Katie
Pane. Annie Custck, Annie bannders, Maggie
Printer, Mts-cs Fisher: Messrs. Maloney,
Blazttre, Bnggs. Jo'eoh H. levans. William
Murray, Hartman, Theodore Yost, Madden,
fuiey, Davis, Sullivan ana others.
Mr. and Mrs. A. IL Bauer, of Rebecca
street. Allegheny, celebrated the twenty-fifth
anniversary ot their marriage Friday evening,
the 20th lnstt their residence. Among tbe
manv persons present were Mr. and Mrs. T.
McKcnna,Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burrv. Mr. and
Mr. UpkiIs. Mr. and Mrs. Willtam Bauer, Mr.
and Mrs. J. btokes, Mr. and Mrs F. M.Sunp
son, Mrs. Cool, Mrs. Smith, Mi-s Hannah
Btuer. Mrs. Prv, Miss Lizzie and Maggie Clark,
Nana Grove, Nellie Barbour, Mnllie Harvey,
Maggie and Jennie Hood. Lida Rail, Mrs. Car
lisle. Mr. and Mrs. J Mears, Mrs. Maxwell, Mr.
and Mrs. Rhodes ot New Cattle. Mr and Mrs.
C M. Line, of Rochester. Messrs. S. C. Hood,
Guy Kirbt. Rob Prv. Kred Rail. Miss Cora
F-iiirain. Miss Ella White. Mr. Joe and Will
Clark, and manv others. They received very
man) useinland valuable presents. Dancing
was tbe order of tbe evening until 2 A. K.
Weddlne Itells.
On Wednedy evening at 8 o'clock Mr.
William n. Kidd and Miss Mazie E. Lanti
were married at the residence of tbe bride's
parents, nn Stanton avenne. East End, by the
Rev. C. Bntt, of the English Lutheran Church.
Tbe cereninnvwas witnessed byaselect gather
ing of relatives and friends of the bride and
groom. After receiving congratulations and
good wishes tbey left for their new home on
Fortv-fourtb street.
On Wednesday evening Mr. John Mossbrooks
and Miss Alice Terry, of Allegheny, were
united iu marriage at tbe bride's residence.
The presents were numerous and costly. Mr.
Sam R. Johnson and Miss Tillie Mossbrooks
were the attendants. Among tbjs guests were
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Kunsler, Mrs. Ra-del Ledisnn. Miss Hattie
Jeukens Miss M. A. Holt and Mr. Life Wills,
of Allegheny.
The marriage of Miss Jennie B. Adair to Mr.
Edwin F. Welsh was celebrated by tbe Rev.
McGill. at the residence of the bride's mother,
on Manhattan street, Allegheny, on Wednes
day evening. Many friends were present and
presents were numerous.
t, Pittsbnrcer nnd Their Friends.
Mr. W. M. Venter, of Fifth avenue, left last
evening for tbe East.
Mr. W. N. Gordon has returned from a two
weeks' trip in the West,
Captain R. J. Henderson leaves to-morrow
for Chicago to visit his sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Conley, of Third
avenue, bare gone to Uulontown.
Mrs. Mar Henderson left for Chicago to visit
her daughter, Mrs. John Gallagher.
Captain Jame A. Henderson arrived home
Wednesday from a two-weeks' trip.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lies, of Arch street,
Allegheny, have gone for a short visit to Chi
cago. Mrs. W. J. Henderson bas arrived home after
one mouth's absence visiting her father at
Mrs. James B. Boggs, of Denver, CoL, is
visiting ber sister, Mrs. E. H. Dermltt, In tbe
East End.
Miss Helen Harper, of Stenbenvllle. Is vislt
in: the Misses Harper, of Washington avenue,
Mr. W. J. Henderson will leave Colorado
Springs Saturday for his home after an absence
ot two mouths.
Miss Cora Tucker, of Florence, has returned
to ber home arter a brief visit to Miss Cella
Reel, of Allegheny.
Mr. Harry Logan and wife, of Huntingdon,
Pa who have been visiting friends In this city,
lcftyesteiday for home.
Mrs. Theodore Reble left last evening in visit
ber sister, Mr. M. L. Kelly, of St. Louis, ao
cotnpanied by ber two children.
Mrs. W. P. Douslas and son. Master Arthur,
of V ilktnsburg. are spending six weeks with
Mr-. Jobn Gilger, of Minneapolis.
Mr. H. G. Kemmich, editor of tbe Toledo
.M-eir Pretse, formerlv proprietor of the JHitt
burger Sonntagtblat; is in tbe city.
Mrs. Lydia A. Tate, of Altnnna Citv, has re
turned home after a pleasant visit at tbe resi
dence of her mother, Mrs. E. Bartholomew, of
Mrs. 8. C. Weeks and son, of Isabella street,
Allegheny. haTe returned from a five weeks'
visit to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other places
of interest.
Mr. and MrgJoseph Byrne, of Philadelphia,
who have been visiiing Mrs. Byrne's sister,
Mrs. J. Blancbard. of Mifflin street, have re
turned borne. ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sellers, of Plalnfleld, N.
J., formerlv ot tins city, are visiting their
daughter. Mrs. H. D. Sellers, Jr., of Monterey
street, Allegheny.
Mr. C. F. McBride.or Wylie avenue, and Miss
Jennie Fetherston, of Watson street, have re
turned from a two weeks' visit to the home of
Mr. Alex Scott, Sr., Bridgeville.
Messrs. J. R, Deegan and F. G. Hagar, of
Lawrenceville, leave on Saturday for tbe East,
Arter viltlng Philadelphia, New York and
boston, they will spend tw weeks hunting and
fishing among the lakes of Maine.
SewlcUley Society Note.
Miss Annie 8emple leaves to-morrow to at
tend school in Boston.
Mis McKnight left last Monday for Phila
delphia where she will spend tbe winter.
Mis Mr-Cue, of Massillon. O.. is spending a
few days with her cousin. Miss McCleery.
Miss Love entertained a few of her friends
very pleaantly last Sunday afternoon at a
fancy work party.
Miss Porter left during the week for her
hoaie in Culpepper. Vi after spending a few
weeks ven pleasantly with tbe Misses Fleming.
Cadet Rising or the United States Navy iett
lit week to resume his duties at Annapolis
atter a six months' slrk leave, part or which
was spent with Mr. and Mra. Charles McVey.
Messrs. A. B. Starr, R. D. Wilson. D. S. Wol
cott. Charles Atwell. Juhn White. Cbarlc Har
baugh. H. L. H. Blair and W. W. Whitesell ar
rived home the first of the week after a fishing
aud huuunr; trip in Wisconsin.
A party or young people enjoyed a horseback
ride and supper at ELonnmv last Wednesday.
Among the party were Miss Fleming, Miss Por
ter of Virginia, Mis Blair. Miss GHmore, Mr.
McPberson. Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Bwartz
weider and Mr. Osburn.
An unnsnallv enjoyable conversazione was
riven last Friday evenluir bv Miss LUr Nevln
in honor of ber cousin. Miss Stearns, of Chi
cago. Among the large number present were
Miss Blair, Miss Love, the Misses Fleming,
Miss Whitney. Miss Wilon, tbe Misses Ogden,
Miss Graff, the Misses Totten, of Allegheny,
Miss McCue, of Massillon, Ohio, Miss Mc
Cleery. MNs McMillan, Miss Warden, Mr.
Whltisell. Mr Kine, Mr. Oliver, Messrs, Rich-ard-on,
Mr. D. K. Warden, Mr. W. Wat, Mr.
R. U. Wilson, Mr. R. R. Miller, Mr. Robert
Totten, Mr. H. B. McKnight and Mr. McPber
son. Brnddock Prnonala.
Miss Maggie Moran, of North Braddock, Is
visiting friends in John-town.
Miss Lulu Fawcett, who is attending the
Beaver Falls College, Is at home on a short
Rev. James Lane and wife, of Johnstown,
are tbe cuests ot tbe family of Mr. u. CL
Mr. A. L. Beam and family, of Btratton,
Neb., are visiting Mr. J. T. Beam, of Marguer
etta street.
Misses Belle and Sallle Halton, of Bnrton
street, returned borne Wednesday evening
from a tbree weeks' visit in Butler.
Mr. David Bradford and daughter, Maggie,
of North Braddock. departed Thursday to
vit-it relatives in Beaver county.
Miss Mary Lnhinger bas returned borne after
tbree m'ontbs spent at the seashore and among
friends in Euntern Pennsylvania.
Mr. William Dillon, of the clerical force of
theKdar 'IboiuMin, returned borne from a
two weeks' vacation spent among friends at
Bellefonte. Pa.
On Friday e-ening an enjoyable reception
was civen by tbe Lotus Club, recently organ
ized. Mnsic and dancinc with other pleasures,,
combined to make the occasion a happy one. l
vr - vSf
'My Aunt Bridget"
Grand omra House..
Booth ana Mudjessa
Hakxir TnCATXR..
Kenned) 's Bright Lights
World's Musedu...
Curiosities, etc.
The above are the theatrical attractions for
this week,
It is not at all likely that we shall see again
this season so perfect a performance In every
way as "Twelfth Night" in the hands or Mhs
Marie Wainurlght and ber company. In t'ie
first place there is a personal charm about Miss
Wainwright'a Viola and an artistic finish about
all she does in tbat rarely romantic character
that is not often found nowadas. We can
hardly measure the merit of this Fi'olo' now.
Suffice it to say that Miss Wainwnght will be
most welcome in tbat sweet guise whenever sbe
comes this way. Unlike so many of our lead
ing actors. Miss Wainwright has had the
wisdom to gather about her none but artists.
So we have an even performance, and but little
injustice to tbe great master's work. Nobody
can ask for a better Sir Toby than Mr. Owen
bas giveu us; lew will desire a richer
rendering or Malvolio than Mr. Barton
Hills. Acomel), m'eir-witted Maria comes
naturally from Louise Muldener whose
powers iu comedy should bring her a surfeit or
honors someday. With nobody in tbe cast
Call We boneStlT Onarrpl. l!nm-rnrolatlina tit-i,
really due to tbe whole band of plaers,and the
audiences that have been wise euougu to see
.ucu, x mum, wm permit uie to say that tbey
present those cougratulatloua.
In the performance of Shakespeare's plays,
I bold that the grandeur of the story and the
immortal lines do not benefit by scrubby
scenery, fuU of anachronisms and glaring In
congruities, for a background. Nur is it an
excuse for costumes mean, tawdry and untrue
to the time and locality of the play to say that
tbe almost divine poetry of Shakespeare needs
o assistance from milliner and tailor. In
spite of Shakespeare's own assertion that
'good wine needs no bush," I think it looks
better and tastes bettpr if the circumstances
are appropriate; a thin glass suits our modern
lips better than a thick one, and a little ice in
tbe pail is not tu be laughed at.
Hence "1 well tb Night" approaches an ideal
deliverance in this case, because the costumes
are rich and true to the era of the play and as
true in local color as Sbakerpiare intended
and because the scenery is a delight to the ejes
and an aid to the understanding of the story.
What the fate of "The United States Mail"
will be depends upon sevc events. As it is
it is a farce comedy tbat has achieved success
and one thst might be made a still greater suc
cess with little trouble to the author and little
expense. At this writing nothing is really set
tled about the future of tbe play, further than
that It goes to Wheeling next w eek and prob
ably to other towns near Pittsburg. If Mr.
Jeuks were in a position to command the order
ing ot the play from top to bottom with $1,000
or (2,000 to spend; If a manager of experience
bad Lharge of the advance work, and a firm
di-clpllnarian took hold or the company, manv
are or the opinion that "The U. S. Mail would
be a great money maker.
Tbe company needs a new sonbrette. Miss
Kate Davis needs more opportunities to reveal
her abilities, and another comedian would in
crease tbe strength of tbe jU amazingly. It
will be a great pity If Mr. Jeuks clever work
eoes to tbe walL It made a great deal of money
at the Bijou.
Pittsbukp Is honored by the first appear
ance npon the same stage of Madam Modjeska
and Edwin Booth at tbe Grand Opera Houfe
tbls week. Tbeir 'eatnn commences here nn
Monday. Tbe repertoire is a brilliant one,
and as may be seen below, admits of the dis
play of both actors' great talents and ver-atil-ity.
Hepbcen Joints,
Tbe Prosrnmme.
Thtt say that "My Aunt Bridget," which
will be seen at the Bijou Tbeater this week bas
been greatly strengthened since it was last
seen In this city. The cast gives evidence of
tbe truth of this assertion. It Ig unusually
strong and contains such musical comedy
favorites as George W. Monroe, Jobn C Rice.
Bernard Dyllyn. Jobn J. Raffeal. of Mi Canll
Opera Company; W. A. Mack, James Caran
augb, Victor Good. Gus Williams, the West
minster Madngal Bojs, Catherine Lingard, of
the "Little Tycoon" Opera Compam; Mrs. E.
M. Post. Catherine Gerald, Lena Saffi, Nellie
Rosebud ("Little Rosebud"), CarP.ua Baffl.
tbe Neapolitan Trio, and Miss Lena Mer
vtlle. The play is the work of Mr. Scotc
Marble, and is doubtless tbe best tlilntr be has
written. Tbe main chai aiter of Aunt Bridget,
which is taken by Georea W. Monroe, repre
sents a somewhat exaggerated tjpe or an isr
norantlnsu woman. The next character ot
importance Is that of -P. Alton McVeigh, who
came over to this country with a fortune, which
he rapidly squai drred, but in the meantime
bad been surrounded with rather aristocratic
acquaintances, from whom be tries to conceal
the fact tbat be is poor and tbat he has to teach
a dancing school. He bas a maiden aunt in
Ireland who be understands is rich, anu be
Induces ber to come to this country, that he
might benefit by some of her wealth. She, ar
rive at a rather unexpected moment and
shocks her nephew's fnuids by ber lack of re
finement, Mr. Monroe bas always been able to
make bis audiences la agb till tbey are tired.
Mr. Rice is equally good as tbe nephew.
Lena Merrille brings tbe brightness
tbat was last shown In "The
"Oolah"tothepaftot Polly Wider, and one
of tbe hits of tbe pieces U ad to be her sink
ing of the new ong "iou Should Hear Her
Whistling," a take-off on Mrs. Shaw. Mist
Catherine Lingard comes from comic opera to
comedy with great success it is Said, and sbe
bas won gulden opinions for her voice. Tbe
rest of the compaii) should be iu keeping with
the stars, and the Westminster Madrigal Buvj
and tbe Neapolitan two are higbl) spoken of.
Tbe costumes are said to be gorgeous and con
stantly cuanginj. Of mnsic there Is plenty
and all of it is declared to be new. There will
be a matinee on Tuesday, G. A. R. Day.
It Is hardly necessary in referring to the
Grand Opera House's programme for this
week to say more than that Mr. Edwin Booth
and Madame Modjeska mate their first ap
pearance there on Monday evening in "Tbe Mer
chant of Venice." The greatest actor America
bas produced is consotted worthily with the
great actress who bas made this country her
borne. It is a dramatic event of great magni
tude and unique. Tbe company supporting
tbe stars is declared to be excellent, and the
setting of the plajs it is hoped will be worthy.
Tbe repertoire is arranged as follows: Monday.
"The Merchant of Venice," Mr. Booth,
BKylack; Mme. Modjeska. Portia. Tuesday
aud Thursday, "Hamlet," Mr. Booth, Hamlet;
Mme. Modjeska. Ophrlia. Weduesday and
Friday, "Ricnelieu' Mr. Booth. Jtte lelieu;
Mme. Modjeska, Julie. Saturday inaiinee,
"Much Ado About Nothing." Mr. Booth,
Benedick; Mme, Modjeska, Beatrice. Satur
day night, "Ibe Fool's Revenge," Mr. Booth.
J?er(uecfo;and "Donna Diana,"Mme.Modjeika,
Donna Diana.
Thk Wilbur Opera Company will be at Har
ris' Theater this week. Tbe organization is
beaded by Miss Susie Kirwin, an established
Pittsburg favorite. Tnere are 70 people in the
organization. Tbo company travels in their
own private palace car, which cost $.!O,0OQ to
turn out of tbe Pullman shops. It is named
"Susie," in honor of tno talented sluger who
beads tbe company. Tbe reuertnire tor the
week Is as follows. Monday, "Princess of Tre
liizoudef" Tuesday, 'Chimes of Normau.h ;"
Wednesday. "Grand Duchess:" Thursday, "Fra
Diavolo;" Friday. "Merry War;"' Saturday,
Two Vagabonds."
THX Academy or Music offers a worthy suc
cess to Tony Pastor's great company in Ken
nedy's Bright Lights, This combination com
prises Herr Jules Keller, the marvelous
acrobat, Howe and Dovle, De Laner and
Debrimont, Leopold and Keating, 'be Vidocqs,
Sheridan and Flynn, Alltne and Llneard.
Heeley Brothers, Mncs. Emile Chevriel, Latta
and Lynch. Many novelties are produced by
these well-known artists.
AT tbe World's Museum, Allegheny, the
great Babul triumphantly appeals to the public
on the piano, and Miss battle Babul will assist
mm is I
M3SMmmorm" 55
blm on the cornet. Commodore Foote and his
sister, tbe lilliputlans. and other curiosities are
on view, while Harding and Ab Sid, New York
ravorltes, will give their variety perronnance,
concluding with their extravaganza, "Fun In a
Chinese laundry."
Since Whisper.
Matinee at the Bijou on Tuesday, Grand
Army Day.
Harry Laots "The Still Alarm" Company
comes to the Bijou after "My Aunt Bridget"
Why "Hamlet" twice and "Much Ado
About Nothing" oncef Yioe versa would have
been wiser.
In the third act of "Aunt Bridget" Miss
Gerald adorns a reproduction of Miss Langtry'a
most elaborate toiler.
"A Possible Case," which was the comedy
sensation of last season, will be seen at tbe
Bijou in a lew weeks' time.
The Detroit Fiee Prea says that Helen
Dauvray's collapsed tour Is what Brother Wan
namaker mi'ht call a star route canceled.
There will be only one matinee during the
Bootb-Modjeska engagement, namely, on Sat
urday, when "Much Ado About Nothing" will
be given.
Me. and Mrs. Kendal are expected to ar
rive here on tbe Servia to-day. They opeh at
the Fifth Avenue Theater, New York, on
October 7.
There have been no better plays of recent
seasons than "The Wire," "The Henrietta"
and "Shenandoah." All American, too, eh,
Mr. Palmer? asks Le Chat Noir.
"Donna Diana," a comedy. In which Mme.
Modjeska will aupear on Saturday evening, Is
said to be an amusing play or Spanish color,
written by We-tland Marstnn for that actress.
Mr. Albert Ivon Christy, after his re
turn from his Southern tour, will go to Nev
York City, entering upon a dramatic course ft
culture under the famous Mrs. Emma Wallet.
Daly's will open nex't Wednesday night
with an adaptation from Sardou called "Tip
Golden Widow." If the cold Is in the widow's
.hatr, Mr. Daly has Just the lady who can look
the part. I
Mr. Joseph Ha worth has been crowdl
tbe New York Graud Opera House with h
masterly interpretation or Paul Kauvar.
Pittsburg he will be seen in the character i
tne bijou.
In "My Aunt Bridget," at the Bljotr tl
week. Miss Catharine Linyard will wear a f;
simile of Marie Jansen's Oolah dress, a costun
that caused a perturbation amongthe modisti
oijNew xorg.
Bernard Dtllyn sings two newt songs
"My Aunt Bridget," at tbe Bijou this wee
that were written for him by Harrington at
Le Brttn, of London, authors of "Across tb
Bridge" and "Seven Ages."
With Effie Shannon's smile, Viola Allen
sweet vivacity,.Dorothy Dorr's good Intention!
John Kellerd's powerful directness, and a gre-1
piav, cronson HOHaruismaKiniapotoi mom;
out oi -anenanuoan ' at tne star.
Miss Lena Merville sings, by special pe
mission, London's latest pet song, "You Suou
Hear Her Whistle." at the Bijou next weelj
i ins amy is a satire on tne latiy-wuistier craz
and Miss Merville does the vocal theme fn
Great things in the way of dazzling speu
tacular effects and superior ballet dancing ai
promised In "Antiope." Bolossy Kiralfy's ne
York, wben brought out here at tbe Bijou I
tne spring.
THE'foIlowlngletter recently appeared in th:
London Era: Sir As Mrs. Potter's bnsineE
partner, may I ask yon to contradict In you;
next lBite the report, published in the Londoi
and Paris editions of the New York Herald. t
Sunday, September8. of ber "possible retire
ment from the stage?" Yonrs laithfullv,
Kyrle Bet.lew. i
Bill Nye and James Whitcnmb Riley, whi
are reported to have made 521.000 in 21 weeks ii
their joint tour last season, will open their see
ond season October 21. Until January 18 tb
eminent humorist and his partner.the "Hoosie.
poet." will be available for enuarrements it
New England and the Middle States. Theiii
fartnc coast tour negins in Minneapolis Janu
ary 2a
It Is said that tbe elder Dumas wrote in
Madame Patti's album: "Being a man and a
Christian, 1 love to listen to your singing, but
if I were a bird I would die of envy." At a
recent first nlzht, says tbe Mirror, of a 'mu
sical farce comedy" a disgusted reporter pen
ciled upon a card the following, which be
sent behind to tbe acrobatic star: "Being a
newspaper man as well as a Journalist, 1 am
obliged to listen to your singing, but if 1 were
an usher witn six nights of this agony before
me, I would go out and drink myself to death."
Welcome, Mrs. K., to grand and hospitable
America! says Le Chat Noir. We are crude In
our manners and appearances over bere, but we
have hearts tbat are struggling toward better
things from day to day. We have liked jour
press agent, and now we long to study from
lire that great art of yours tbat was nurtured
amid the exultations of maternity and sea
soned by the steam from a snub-nosed teapot.
If there is one tbiug tbat tbe best of us are in
nced'of at tbls time, it is a home-made actress
lady with a soul as perlect as her wardrobe.
Mrs. Kendal, Salve or, as tbe door-mat says,
When Robson and Crane dissolved partner
ship there was a good deal of surmise as to tbe
result of tbelr "going It alone." Mr. Crane
was the first to take to the road, a'nd be bas
now been out nearly a month, playing In De
catur, 111- Milwaukee and Chicago. He bas
been greeted with a succession of crowded
houses, and bis new plajs, tbe four-act Amer
ican comedt. "On Probation,' the adaptation
from the French called "Papa Perrichon." and
the latest London success, "The Balloon," have
all made hits. Mr. Crane's bold on the puMic
seems assured. He will present all tbe plajs
named above in this city during tbe engage
ment be will play here this winter.
IN tbe play of "Eflle Deans" the act con
cludes by tbe judge giving a verdict oT "not
guilty" in lavor of tbe persecuted heroine.-)
According to tbe San Francisco Argonaut, a
novice, who undertook the part at short notice,
got a little mixed, and pronounced the girl
guilty, to the astonishment of tbe audience.
Kteryone on the stage whispered "not guilty,"
and the novice proved equal to tbe occasion.
He rose again, in all the majesty or wig and
ermine, and said: 'Ladiis and gentlemen,
when 1 said just now tbat the younglady was
guilty, the remark was ironical. 1 beg now lo
say the young lady is not guilty, and leaves this
theater without a stain npon ber character."
"I fancy it is rather Interesting to know
that Charles Wyndbam and Mary Moore, who
are noiv at the Gilsey House here," says Mr. C
M. S. McClellan, "are talented far beyond the
usual run of people in the world, and just bow
peculiarly talented they are will be understood
m ben it is said that two seasons ago they played
'David Gurrick' in Berlin, Vienna, Paris, fee
Petersburg and Mo-cow, with a different com
pany in each place, speaking German in ihe
two brat named cities and French in the other
three. I doubt ff we have any girl so absolutely
clever as saeet Mary Moore in this direction,
and du actor that we have could act in any
thing but Knulish, unless it be Richard Mans
field, who speaks German and French with
complete fluency."
At SO Cents a Yard.
Perhaps you have seen tapestry brussels
quoted as low as this before.
We have, but never the same grade oi
goods as this.
Almost utiy merchant would consider it
cheati at 65 cents.
Nothing hut an advantageous purchase
mukes it possible for us to sell at SO cents.
12,000 yards a lew days ago. Come soon
or yon will be late.
Edwaed Groetzinoeh,
627 and 629 Penn avenue.
Easy Chairs.
Twelve years' study bas enabled us to
produce the most com ortable reclining
chairs in the market. They can be instantly
adjusted for reclining chttr, invalid's chair,
easy lounge or bed. They are very band
some, strong and last for years. See them
while on the way to tbe Exposition.
Stevens Uhaib Co., 3 Sixth street
ALL tbe newest effects in French, Scotch
and American fancy flannels for tea gowns,
wrappers, etc.; prices lrom 30c to $1 a yard.
ttssu Hugos & Hacks.
3,000 tailor made jackets from $2 75 to
$9 75; best and cheapest in the city at Boseu
baum Sp Co's.
Cabinet photos, $1 per dog. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 aud 12 Sixth St. ttsu
Geo. H. Bennett & Bbo., 135 First
avenue, second door below Wood street, for
pure rye whiskies.
Those celebrated kid gloves with Foster
lacings, the Pretniere.Superieur and Sublime
brands icaa only be baa at Bosenbaum &
Reports of (be G. A. B, Day Committees
Biff Crowds Expected A Tribute lo Cap
lain W.K. June General Orders News
From Post nnd Cnmp.
The last meeting before Grand Army Day
of the Grand Army Day Committee was
held in Common Council chamber yester
day afternoon, with Comiade A. P. Burch
field in the chair and Comrade H. H. Ben
gougb Secretary.
The Reception Committee reported that
accommodations at tbe Seventh Avenue
Hotel had been secured for invited guests.
The Transportation Committee reported that
all the railroads bad given reduced rates.
The Subsistence Committee reported that
Yestern University Hall and Salisbury
Hull, Snuthside, had been secured, in
which to place cots for the accommodation
of visiting comrades, and that Council
chambers bad been secured for a headquarters
for visiting Posts. The Committee on Invi
tation bad received several communications
from prominent comrades signifying their in
tention of being present.
The Printing Committee reported everything
In good shape. The committee appointed to
select tbe flag kindly donated by Captain W.
R. Jones, reported that a Landsome one bad
been received.
The Finance Committee reported that it
needed about tiCO more to finish def laying the
expenses or the day.
The committee adonted the following resolu
tion with a rising vote:
Wbebeas, This committee bas beard or tbe
serious accident which befell ourcomrade, Will
lain K. Jouei: therefore be It .
Kcsolved. That this committee tender to Com
rade Jones Its sincere sympathy In bis misfor
tune and Its earnest hopes for bis early recovery.
Tbe committee adjourned to meet In Coun
cil chamber at 3.30 r. v. next Saturday.
General Orders.
Tbe following general -orders have been is
ssued in connection with the Grand Army Pa
rade on Tuesday:
Headquarters Commander. )
tiKAND army Day Pakadx,
ALLlOiiENY, beplemberja, 1889. )
General Orders Ko. 4.
I. The committee having In chares tbe award
ing of tbe National colors donated bv Captain W.
E Jones, adopted tbe following form of affidavit,
copies of wlucb tan be secured from Aasl'iant
Adjutant ueneraia to De nilea up ami aitealea ue-
fore the Mayor or l'ltuburg or Allegheny, aud
then placed in possession or Comrade Jo.epli '.
Deiiulston. Chairman Committee of Award, on
or before Saturday. October 6.
Personally appeared before me. Mayor or i
Pa., Commander, and . Adjutant of
Poit No. , Department or . G. A. K., who
being duly sworn according to law, depones and
savs: Tnat by the quarterly report or said post to
Department Headquarters or Septembers, 1SS9,
there were litem ben or said pot In Kood stand
ing: and ol the Individual members so reported.
were In Uie Hue ol procession at t'lttsburg.
Grand Army Day, October I, I8S3, and continued
la said Hue throughout said parade.
i Commander.
I Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Octo
ber U IS9. .
I Mayor.
i. The following alds-de-camp are detailed for
ipeclal duty, and will report lo the CUlel or staff
I I City '1 reasurer's office at II :3U A. M., October 1 1
Comrade. John (J. Sla. Post 131: H. I). 1-ayton, 3;
lnk K. 1'atterson, 32; V. It. Ford, 130; William
JLM-oiik. 157, and J. S. Hllberry. 2).
3 The following aides-de-camp are appointed
and will report as per notice ot detail sent by
mall! Comrades W. It. Jones, Post 181; W. P
Herbert, 249: T.J. McUratu. 5: w. U. Cherry.
Zlv; Charles II. sillier, 2: J. b. Hllberry, 23; II. H.
tell bach. Hi; James Wilson, 162: It. Muuroe, IS2;
Oliver lleatty, 180: Wm. Uclntosb, 189: liurdell
Ualllsuth, 3; Samuel Scott, 63; P. 3. Uuganne,
2G0; J. A. Swearer, 173; Ihoi. J. ISradberrv. 33;
U.E. Loup. 137; Joseph Hearing, Mi; W. K.
Ford, Z3I: lC 11. Lay. on, 3; U in. tiazelwood,
117; Cbirles Shelby, KS: Juhn U. Bias.
lit; Fitufc K. Patterson, 32; W. F.
Morgan, I 178; Kichard Murphy, 2u7:
T. O. Crawford. 69: 1. 1). P. Alexander, 89: John
Werner. Ill: U. J. Logan, 289; John Hancock, 41:
J. U. Frederick, 190; O. W. May, 1M; John Fisher,
88; T. Ri Boss, lb&r W. C. Ulakley, iSB: J. V.
J 01101101,1233; William Logan, 127; H. P. Moore,
3; M. H.lrwln, 32; Jobn 0. awaney, 10 Ohio; A.
M. Carllie, 181.
official". By order
Adjutant General. Commander of the Day.
E. U. itXNGOUOlI, Chief of Staff.
jj Pakade, first tii vision,
Allegheny, Pa.. September. 28, '49.)
GeneralOrder No. 3:
1. The following appointments on the staff of
tbe Contnauder are hereby announced.
Dr. WS. lieuielton, Post 83, Medical Director:
Dr. D. I. Mclutosh, Poat 38, Dr. J. K. ileal tie.
Post 83, and Dr. J. Uuy McCandless. Fust 3, Sur
Iteons: folia G. Lehman. 128. Ambulance Officer;
Wlllian'itostou, lil2. Quartermaster General; It.
S. P. JlclJall. 135, Assistant Quartennasttr Gen
eral; Claries F. Sherrlll, 83. Commissary: John
Cutln, , Bugler; btewart Hamilton, La, Color
hearer. i
Aids-Max Kline. Post 123; H. J. Chandler, 1S3:
W. II. W Hamilton. 23U; Jaiuea Amberson, 132:
John O.ilcOowau, Tod Post 29. Department of
Ohio: C;,W. May, i81: Winn S. Hose, 331; (Jinnies
W eaveu 62; It. A. McClosky, 183; a. G. llalnes.
2b9; Getrge Jellv, SW: George F. Irvln, li2, James
Hays, 13; uennicS. llanna, 238: s. L.Grauain. 33;
ltobert aalie, 16.! i imes Avers, fcS: 'llleo. Kirliart,
33; A. J Jfeutlco :a; A.T. McKnight. 162.
Aids will reuolt to- Uomrade iillain Greene
wait, tblef of staff, at Board or Health office.
City HilL Tuesoay. October 1, 1881. at 12 It., la
till G. v. It. -uliuriu, aud will be obeyed aud re-
pected accordingly.
2. Atib'cloc division headquarters will move
from it 3rd or Health office to corner or Arch
street sad Montgomery avenue. At tne signal,
two rocs n.ed In rapid sacce-sion by the battery
of Llemtnaut James M. Lysle, 1'ost 123, the col
umn will move over the route as announced in
General Order No. 2, vis., down Arch toStoetcton
avenue, to Fedi ral street, to Sixth street, to Mar
Let street, to Water street, to smltbfleld street,
to poiltMit assigned In general formation of the
column. Arter the nialu review at ledernland
bouib Diamond streets, tbe division will be re
viewed by the Division Commander Rnd stair at
Parkway and Federal street, when the column
will proceed to Federal and btoefcton avenue,
where It will break to the lelt, and the posts pro
ceed to tbelr several headquarters by the most di
rect route. T' e column will more In sections of
eight when practicable, particularly when pass
ing in revli w; otherwise In lours, and when pass
ing In review the usual salute will be given by
commanders ouly, and dipping ot colors by color
3. Ambulance Officer, Comrade John G. Leh
man, will have chargeor all tehlrles containing
members or tbe division, and will form them uu
the lelt or tne tut num.
4. "ihe arrangements for the observance or the
day are now about complete; the Indications
point to a large turnout or our comrades or the
sixties: the route is short, and the Commander
earnestly hones that everyone In Hue will observe
the soldierly bearing, neat appearance aud mili
tary decorum that has marked the former parades
or the Graud Army.
Uy command or GEORGE SrrtAD,
Commander rlrst Division.
JortJlS. NicnOL, Assistant Adjutant General.
Wk. UBilNKWALT, Chief or Staff.
Bkadquabtibs U. A. R. DaYPARADIS.
Second Diviruiv
Pitts DUBO, September 28, 1839,
General Orders no. 3.
1. Comiade Dr. Jos. A. Pbllllns, Post 259, Is
hereby appointed Division Surgeon.
2. Comrade 'lhomas J. Laurel, or Post 203, Is
hereby appointed Division Color Dearer.
Z. The lollowlng aids are hereby appointed;
Casper Kaunnann, or Post 8; Jaifiei
Henderson, 41: George W. McCutcheon,
lit: George K I'arkrr. gu: J. 11. Balr, 137; George
T. MiOord, 230: trank Harrows 239: W. D. Cher
ry, 273: David I. Coon. 330. Honorary Aids -W.
It, Jones, Past Senior Ylee Department Com
mander, Post 181 1 beorge H. Heed, 28, Chicago,
111.; C. O. Smith. 26J.
4. Aids de Camp Comrades Casper Kaurmann
and George W. -McCutcheon are hereby detailed
for duty ai the Union aud llaltlmore and Ohio
stations to receive and escort visiting posts to
their position in line.
3. Aids will report to Ciler or Buff Comrade
Edward Fisher, at headquarters, St. dunes
Hotel. Wood street, at II: Jo p. n mounted and In
Grand Army uniform with pant straps.
By command,
TnouAS J. Hodsox, Commander, .
Kdwakd Abkl. Asltant, Adl't Gen.,
BaiDQUARTxitg Thwd Drvtstoir.'t
G band Abut Day Fahad. f
General Order No. si
1. Headquarters rur tbls division will be estab
lished at Salisbury Hall, where all aids will re
port mounted to the Chler or Staff at 12:30 CM.
2. Fost commanders will report their commands
to the Assistant Adjutant General at headquar
ter.. Salisbury Hail, not later than 1:15 r.lt.j
where they win be assigned to poslUon In line.
8. The following order or lormatlHn will be ob
served: Fost No. 131 will occupy ih right or tbe
division, and all others will taket position in
numerical order.
4. 'iha following aids are announced!: David S.
Behanns, Post ,60; W. H. Pollock, 60: A. B. Eagle
son, i;XbomsS. Uarter, 120; JaraeaW, 'Morris,
151; Shadrach foley. 151: James Lewis, IK: Thomas
T. McCor. IN: L. P. Beawll, IN; Wm. M. Hart, lM
James Whalcy. ISO: Jacob U. Moore. ISO, Alex
lion 1 race. 2U7, Jainej K. lily, IU: John L.Martin,
SB: Andrew Friend. 238. Tbey will be obeyed and
respected accordingly.
Ihe Commander desires tbat all the comrades
will so deport themselves that none (bail have
cause to ssy otherwise than that tbey are Indeed
tbe Urand Army.
By Command
J. C. Thomas, Div. Com. '
L. T. MCUB Ti. A'tA'g't Gen.
Jab. Atkinson, Chief of staff.
Grand Army Notes.
It tbe weather be favorable tbe parade will
be a large one.
Post 41 bad a muster last Wednesday even
ing. Tbe meeting was an unusually large oue.
Encampment No 1, U. V. U, will hold me
morial services at the nail, 77 Sixth avenue, to
morrow evening.
will recite at tbe camp tire at Old City Hail on
Tuesday eeniDg.
The Seventy-sixth Beglment, Keystone
Zouaves, will hold Its annual reunion at Beaver
Palls on next Thursday.
All contributions made to defray expenses
of Grand Army Day will be acknowledged in
tbls column next uesk.
Combade Joseph F. Denniston, of Post
117, will preside at the camp fire on Tuesday
evening at Old City HalL
Tills third annual reunion of the Fifth West
Virginia Cavalry Association, which was held
at Grafton on last Wednesday, was a Very en
jo able affair.
Tub basis upon which the flag offered by
Comrade W. K. Jones, uf 181, will be awarded,
will be that of membership in good standing
September 80, to-morrow.
Ts meeting at Cincinnati last week of the
Society or the Army of tbe Tennessee, was a
most enjoyable occasion. The meeting next
year will be held Iu Chicago.
Many prominent comrades will be present
at the camp fire at Old City Hall, on Tuesday
evening, and story and song will be tbe feat
ures, with line musical renditions. All are
Duqussne Post 239 having at its last meet
ing unanimously decided lo turn out on Grand
Aimy Day, the members will 'assemble at 1
o'clock sharp at the post room ou Tuesday
Last Thursday nignt Comrade W. J. Patter
sou delivered by request his oraiion at the ded
ication of the tilxty-secoud Regiment at Gettys
burg at tbe maetiutr of PoL 157. Thera waa a
large audience. '
Comrade Sexbols, of Post 41, who was
borne from Washington for a few days pre
sented each member of bis post with a band
tomocane. Tbe boys will display them In the
parade ou Tuesday.
The last meeting of Post 259, was an enjoy
able one in tbe highest degree. Beside a mus
ter, several eloquent addresses were made by
comrades present, and memories of the dajs uf
'til 63 were vividly recalled.
It has been suggested tbat the orleinal Mon
itor, which sunk off Cape Hatteras December
29, 1662, be raised and brought to New York for
tbe World's Fair In VS32. It is estimated that
this cau be done for 83U0,(J0Q.
The rates fixed by tbe railroad lines for
Grand Army Day are as follows. Pennsylvania
Company lines West and Baltimore and Ohio,
1 cent per mile, and on the Allegheny Valley
aud Pennsylvania road, one fare tor tbe rouua
Hollidat Post, of Wheeling; and Post 62,
of Altouua, will be guests of Post 88 on G. A.
R. Day. Ticket 4,090 drew the cannon at an
open meeting of tbe Ladies' Auxiliary. Tbe
bolder ol tbat number will please come and
get the gun. .
The Grand Army Day Committee aro under
lasting obligations to Mr. Samuel Moody, Dis
trict Passenger Agent of the Pennsylvania
Company, for official courtesies in arranging
for the transportation on Grand Army Day uf
posts and comrades over the lines he repre
sents. These Is a great deal of doubt as to what
post will turn out tbe largest percentage of
members in the parade on Grand Army Day.
All the posts seem to be making a supreme
en ort to turn out every man they can. It la
safe to say that ail will make a very creditable
A numSeb of Individuals In this community
areweariiig O. V. L. shield buttons wbo are
not in ubers of tbat organization, aud there is
a law by which offenders of tbls kia can be
nneu aud Imprisoned. It Is quite likely that an
example will be made of Some of them In the
bear future.
The route of tbe Grand Army Day parade is
republished by request: Along Suilthfleld
street to Second avenue, to Grant street, to
Fittb avenue, to Market street, to Liberty
stieet, to Seventh stieet, across Seventh street
bridge tu Church avenue, to Cedar avenue, to
Not tli avenue, to Federal street, passing in re
view at the Diamond.
wbo is the oldest Grand Army man In Western
Pennsylvania, will not be able to march In the
parade aid bear his old colors on Tuesday, bnt
be Mill turn out with the comrades in carnages.
He was color bearer in the Ulxty-tuird Regi
ment ani was shot down at Malvern Hill; but
be managed to save tbe colors, and bas borne
them on many notable occasions since tbe war.
Legion, Hall, No. 77 Sixth avenue, head
quarters of Encampment No. 1. Union Veteran
Legion, to-morrow night Hill be tbe scene of a
very impressive ceremony, being the annual
memorial .services over tbeir dead for the
year previous. Eight of tbe old veterans have
passed away. CbapIaln-ln-Chief Rev. John A.
Danks will deliver the addre i, and tbe entire
'Boy choir" of St. Peter's Church will
furnish the' Impressive music. Tbe meeting
Hill be open to all, and notwithstanding tbe
fact tbat notice have not been sent out, it Is
expected a large audieuce will be present.
The Wellsburg, W. Va., Light Infantry will
have a sham battle on tbe 12th or October.
Lieutenant James R, Tbeact left for
Chicago last Thursday, to be gone several
weeks on a pleasure trip.
Compant G of the Fourteenth Regiment
proposes having a raffle the latter part of Octo
ber, In order to raise tbe finances or tbe organ
ization, wblch are at present extremely low.
Lieutenant Basnet, of Washington, Pa.,
and a number of otber officers of the Tenth
Regiment, were in the city for a few days dur
ing tbe week attending tbe Republican meet
ing. About 25 members of tbe Eighteenth Regi
ment Band were on tbe rifle range at Uigb
Bridge yesterday, and quite a number of them
succeeded in making the requisite qualifying
Adjutant General Axxinb, of the Ohio
National Guard, Is spending a few days in tbe
city. General Axline won many friends In this
vicinity by bis activity in connection with tbe
Johnstown affair a short time ago.
An election for Second Lieutenant in Com,
pany D of the Eighteenth Regiment will be
held next Wednesday nlgbt by Captain James
R. Murdoclc The successful candidate will
probably be Alonzo, Neveilie, at present a
private In the company.
General Hastings was given qnite a re
ception by the local officers during bis visit to
tbe city last Tnesday and Wednesday. Dnrlng
bis term as Adjutant General he bas made
many warm friends among tnem by his genial
disposition and fairness.
Lieutenant Cbees. Inspector of Rifle
Practice of tbe Fifth Regiment, spent a few
davs In the city during the past week. Lieu
tenant Creed is a hustler, and expects to make
an exceptionally fine showlnz in his report of
target practice tuts season.
The rating of Battery B, of this city, for tbe
inspection made at Mt. Gretna during the
recent encampment, is 62.5 out of possible 70
points. Tbjs is a remarkably good showing,
and reflects well on Lieutenant Shepherd, wbo
has bad charge of the organization fur tbe past
four months.
An interesting match was held at Blairsville,
last Thursday, between teams from each com
pany of the Fifth Regiment. The affair was in
charge of Lieutenant Creed, the Inspector or
Rifle Practice, and was held on the range of
Company D, which is one of tbe finest In this
end ot the State.
Compant L of McEeesport, bad 45 men on
the range yesterday, and Captain Cooc expects
to qualify almost every man In tbe company
by November I. The remarkable score of 11
successive bullseyes and IS bnllseyes oat of 0
shots was made yesterday bj bne of the mem
bers of tbe company.
Baum's Grove bas been selected by Colonel
Perchment for tbe inspection of tbe Four
teenth Regiment, and October 14 is the date.
Adjutant General Hastings will be present
with his staff, aud will be tendered a reception
by tbe offlcrrs of the Fourteenth after the
ceremonies are completed.
The election for Colonel in the Eighteenth
Regiment takes place next Tnesday evening at
8 o'clock at the headquarters of the regiment.
Fifth avenue. It will be conducted by Colonel
A. L. Hawkins, of the Tenth Regiment. A
number of visiting officers are expected to be
present on the occasion. Colonel Smith will
have no opposition.
It la rumored that .Quartermaster Robert 0
Tk, . -
-Patterson, of tbe Fourteenth Regisswt , H
a' candidate for the captaincy of Company Gofi
that organisation, tbe vacancy being- cawed! by
tbe resignation or Captain Hamilton. Lieuten
ant Paitersim has made quite a record as
Quartermaster, and wo id no doubt fill tbe bill,
as Captain equally as well.
Seho BANTS Ewino and Doyle, two of tbe
oldest members of Battery B. have bees honor
ably discharged lrom tbe organization. Both,
gentlemen nave uecome permanently engages
in business away from the city, and could no
lonerr give- their duties in tbe Battery tbe
(mper attention. Tbeir places will, not be
tilled until after Captain Hunt returns from
The contest for tbe Brown & Hirth medal
will take place on Tuesday. October 15. at
the Bait works range of the Fourteenth Regi
ment The shoot U open to all members ot the
Fourteenth and Eighteenth Regiments and
Battery B. Persons desiring to enter shonld
make application to Lieutenant W. fci Brown
before October IX Qu te a number ot entries
for tbe match outslue of the Fourteenth Regi
ment are expected, and no doubt It will prove
au interesting day for shooters in this vicinity.
The Second Brigade Examining Board will
convene- at the Monnnabela House next
Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock.
Officers of the Ten. b, Fourteenth and Eight
eenth Regiments elected to commissions, and
wbo bave not previously been examined, will
be ordered before the board Wednesday even
ing; and officers of tbe Fifth, Fifteenth and
Sixteenth Regiments will he examined Thurs
day evening. Each commander will, before
the first meeting, band Captain J.H. Murdock,
the Brigade Recorder, a list of the officers to
appear for examination.
The Adjutant General's office has adopted
a new and wise plan of furnishing regimental
commanders with a report of tbe inspections of
their companies, thus doing away with tbe
tedious wait each j ear to find out the result in
the annual report of tbe Adjutant General,
Colonel Smith during the week reviewed a
copy of tbe inspections of tbe Eighteenth
Regiment at last camp, tbe ratings being very
fair In evory way, and to a great extent flatter
ing to tbe different companies. Tbe highest
possible general average Is BO, and the stand
ings of tbe different organizations on this basis
are: Company C. fc9; Company G, 19.7: Com
pany 1, 68: Company A, 67: Company D,S6; Com
pany K, 63.6; Company 11, 57; Company F, 60,
and Company B. 49.5. On the figureo! efficiency
tbe averages run pretty much tbe same, the
percantageof attendance present being 97.5.
The lowest figures were given on the schools of
the soldier, company and battalion, those of
tbe ceremonies, discipline and condition of
company property' being exceptionally high.
The report, as far as it goes, shows a marked
improvement in tbe regiment In many respects
over tbe report of last year, but also points out
considerable room fur attention right down Ja
the companies themselves by the line officers.
At 65 Cent a Tard.
Tbls is another of tbe special bargains at
Gmetzinger's special sale.
10,000 yards tapestry brussels at 65 cents
per yard.
Tbe same grade sells everywhere at 80
cents a yard. ,
Edward Groetzthoeb,
8X1 and 629 Penn avenue.
Easy Cbalrss
Twelve rears' study bas enabled us to
produce the most com. ortable reclining
chairs in the market. They can be instantly
adjusted for reclining chair, invalid's chair,
easy lounge or bed. They are very hand
some, strong and last lor years. See them
while on the way to the Exposition.
STETEJI3 Chaib Co., 3 Sixth street.
A Pleasant Beverage
And also conducive to good health is
Fraueriheim & Vil sack's Iron City beer,
Tbe bet and purest materials, skillfully
combined, are used in its making-. It is
kept at ail first-class bars.
THOSfl slightly imperfect drap n' ets,
(2 CO quality, we are selling at $1 25, area
rare bargain. HUOUS 8s Hacks.
3.000 tailor made jackets from $2 75 to
$9 75, best and cheapest in the city atRosen
baum & Co's.
The Plttabarsnnd loike Erie Railroad
"Will sell tickets to Beaver Falls and return
at one fare for the round trip. Thursday,
voiooer a, gooa 10 return until uctoner 4,
inclusive. tvsu
Fikh onyx clocks sold very cheap at
Steinmann's, 107 Federal st, TTSSU
O 00 D
I z,z
uu uu
a r.
v y v
A A Ii
A I.r.T.TT. T.TT.T.T.
a v.r.v.r.v. T.T.T.T.V.
k m
A. cordial invitation is extended to our patrons and the Zadiee
of Fltttburg hnd vicinity. Tou will see, in this, the largest Millinery,
Opening of the season. The newest
510, 512.514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE:'
In 111 iivHinKii ?
inMs7 V4 W9 VaH"WWafc
Warder Bet-iiB, tsrasir Jtti
yesterday uuoa- Dr, xl CarrlBiflsHi.'tfce!
surgeon of the Marine Koopital Betritt, i$
and made a rgarieet to have C. Wi Bafcrnnt. , I
th tn-n ....!.. Sia its fufrst -. i
Missoula, sent to the Gowrisat JtaetHMt
I lor tbe Insane at WasisiisgKw. Ir- Gr-
nngtnn sent a report oi we ease w awssgsoa
General Hamilton. "" ,
ALL the latest novelties in Hiefc bJs
Gipsy rings at M. G. Cohea's, 9JtfcaWl
street, ' j- "J.,
, 1889.
Plush Wraps11
and HsnrieMas
- Zz. J "ior ana asaas insiaeuir uaui.a;t siu
mow worth of Dry Goods, tbe eattfe steek ol
J, n. Anderson s "' 3
m&lca tnlat tfaa nliea wliim a 1-..,, vJg
- a 1. mT J
to stare la this grand sale of s
Carpets and Curtains.
138 Federal St, ANegbsny.
ttstl u9lr"iififllaffljv
w W : , fi
1 IT i
J. G. BRNNETT &r CO'.4f i
I A ntCO wishing to purchase Genates ,
LrtUltO Alaska Heal Garments eaa get, - V
tbsm at Bennett's. " r.
We are direct importers of Sealskins. ., -
We know good Kealskia. '
We cannot be deceived in bad BealskttM.
We are manufacturers of Heal Garments. f
We are tbe only manufacturers of Beat Gar- '
ments in Pittsburg. 7Z -
We can give yon a perfect fit If yoa wis
yonr old Seat Garments made over or charter -.
into any otbef shape, no difference how diS-
cnis it snnpiu do, we can eon. usr wotk wna
alwats be tbe best, oar fits perfect asd oar
prices sae lowest ii
" -V.SS?
TToffAwa nvi4 PTmin r . ,2
"""'" "" """" ., tFXSr
"r"""-" , -. rt
JJ A t
RK KrllT rtO
W SrffJN
g. NHlf IT
a a
n tn!!,-
8P K
n nnn
4 -"V
things will be shown
On the female face destroyed forever wittiest
pain, scar, shock or trace or Injury bv the ELAi.
Electro Surgeon,PhIlatlelpbla. Reaaember, tastes!
this is a purely scientific operation and is Indorsed
oy all physicians and sureeons of eminence as
beine tbe only method In the world by which bate
can be destroyed forever. Rcmemoer tbat the nee
ot depilatories, partes, pia-ters, tbe tweezers a4
razor, all make these nalrs grow larger, coarser,
darker and more numerous.
Note Dr. Van Dyck bas been called to Pits
lure to treat several society ladies, expecting to
remain until September the 26th. Bnwevsr, ow
ing to ibj demand for bis services, will remain a
few days lunger, and can be consulted at tbe Hotel
Albemarle, and all wbo make eneaitemests W-,
tween now as4 Tnesday evening, October 1. eaa
be treated dnrinr thla vflt. '
AtHotst Albemarlo until TUBSDAY,Getarl,j
sv wi ratsswisy m ff WI, JseoK arse.
. xfo&klMStJ&W
si mfSFk
feV. 'it'
. . . ,J - JA
Nsr &e
f - . rf J, J j. At Z. "Sai " iKMSMIufnmtE'- mKitKiSiSBr'SSfmeKrf' AjBtMSIIBEaaSSUUEtBKSUmHKtBlMmlr. .fjjsffflgffl- gEKUliCiWlssswsssssssstsl9ss8Hsts djflBe9HBiXs3KEHHjKHHj