Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 28, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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the -piTTSB-DEQ- -DisPAToslTmiDXyr mSmsmFm! 51SS
Great Three-Ringed Circus !
If o Side-Shows nor Catch-Pennies.
Family Tickets, 5 Cents.
Look at a Few of the Names:
Ella Whxeleb Wilcox. Fraxk Leslie,
"William J. Floeesce,
Frederic Saxbuks,
Charles Victor Bass,
Erxest H. Hexrichs,
Hepburn Johns,
Suielev Dare,
Clara Uelle,
Harrt IIayxie,
Charles Ubandox,
Henrt La Lcreuse,
olive weston,
A Host of Additional Talent Secured From All
Parts of the World will Assist to
Make the Performance
The Performance will commence early to-morrow
morning, when the carriers
will deliver the
Triole Number-20 Pages
Yol.44. 0.133. Entered at Pittsburg 1'ostoEce.
OTcmberll, 1&S7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and.98 Fifth Avenue.
News Rooms and Publishing House75,
77 and 70 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 48, Tribune
Building, hew York.
Avcrape net circulation of the dally edition of
THE Dispatch for six montbi ending August SI,
1SS9, as sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
ATerage net circulation of the Sunday edition of
The Dispatch for three months ending August
SI, 1633.
Copies per issue.
IUiLTDisrATcn. One Year I 8 00
IUILY lliSPATCn, Per Quarter 2 00
Dailt Dispatch. One Month 70
1aily Dispatch, including Sunday, lyear. 10 00
daily Dispatch. including Sunday,3m'fhs. 2 50
Daily Dibi'ATCH,lncludlngSundsy,lmonth 80
bUXDAT DISPATCH. One Year 2 50
Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1S5
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered bv carriersat
IScents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at
IT cents per week.
The Chamber of Commerce meeting with,
regard to the entertainment of the delegates
to the Pan-A. ierican Congress was more
prolific of suggestions than action. The one
step th w-s necessarily first, however, was
taken in the appointment of a Committee
on Programme, and the rest will follow upon
The suggestions that were made were all
more or less valuable. The difficulty will
be to decide which can be adopted as
capable of compression within the period of
a tno days' inspection. In that view the
suggestion of an industrial exhibit at the
Exposition buildings is a valuable one. If
there is time to insure that it shall be
adequate, and to advertise it properly, such
an exhibit might be given a wider scope
than to serve merely for the entertainment
of the Sonthern visitors. Concurrently
with them we might bring the buyers of
Pittsburg's products from all over the coun
trv, if theanair was properly planned and
carried out. The mechanical features of the
present Exposition might be made a
nucleus for this enterprise, and filled ont
and enlarged, could present an exhibit of
Pittsburg products that would spread the
fame of our city everywhere.
"Whether this idea is adopted or not, it is
a good sign that we are awakening to the
importance of improving every opportunity
to pnt our conservative old city in its best
light before the world.
Mr. Powderly's assertion that the Head
ing strike of a year or two ago was planned
and inspired by the Reading officials, in
order 'to permit a stock manipulation, is a
very grave charge. It is such a direct at
tack on the integrity of the management of
that company that it ought not to be made
unless it is backed up with the most con
vincing evidence. It is the presumption
that Mr. Powderly aiipreciates this fact, as
well as anyone, and will be prepared to
produce the proof of his assertion when
called upon todo so by competentlegal author
ity. However that may be his declaration
that the corporations mast be brought into
subjection to the State Constitution is an in
disputable one. That has been the need of
the State for years. It is a good sign that
men of Powderly's stamp are beginning to
perceive the need.
General Howard struck the right note at
the Army of the Cumberland reunion,
when commenting upon violations of the
rights of citizenship in the South, he asked
for a union of the men who wore the gray
with those who wore the blue, to put down
every manifestation ot lawlessness, or en
croachment of the strong upon the weak.
This is really more vital to the South than
to the Xbrth. Every infringement of lib
erty, every showing of race hostility, every
act that disturbs publio confidence in the
perfect reconstruction of the South works
injury to that section. At a time when the
young generation throngh the Southern
States are anxious to share to the full the
prosperous fortunes of the country, the mischief-makers
should be put down by the
common sense of the Southern commun
ities. Bitterness of partisan politics is so excuse
for violence either to the persons or to the
rights of citizens. "When the South fully
understands that every deficiency of pood
government, or of good spirit, counts against
her own interests, General Howard's appeal
will meet with a hearty response from all
sensible people below Mason and Dixon's
The sudden outbreak of fire at the "West-
iofhowe Electric Works last night, though j
Hie Bilpfcii.
brought promptly tinder control, amounts to
an eloquent sermon on the necessity of con
stant precautions against fire. By some un
known oversight a great establishment,
crowded to its capacity with the work of
supplying one of the latest needs produced
by this age of invention, is brought to a
standstill and its valuable plant ruined. Of
course the factory will be replaced, and
operations commenced again at the earliest
possible date; but the loss from stoppage in
addition to the direct destruction of $70,
000, will cost more thau the most costly pre
cautions could have done. Everyone should
be on the watch against fire, especially at
this season when it is the bert of servants
and the worst of masters.
It is a rather singular example of the
different views of things that prevail in dif
ferent communities, that while New York
is rising up in protest against the temporary
occupation of a part of Central Park for a
public enterprise like the World's Fair, the
proposition to permanently occupy a portion
of the Allegheny Park with an electric light
plant is entertained in Councils. The con
trast indicates an undue jealousy of any
encroachments on the parks in New York
and almost as marked a carelessness on that
score in Allegheny.
It is trnc that the corner of the park be
low the railroad is a rather unimportant and
obscure one, as well as that the use of the
ground for a plant which is to be the
property of the city has not the damnatory
characteristics which would be present if
the plant were to be private property.
Nevertheless that segment of park is
a bit of green grass extending down
into a section of the city where it is
of most use; and the cost of leasing or buy
ing property sufficient, to accommodate a
boiler, engine and dynamos is not so great
in Allegheny that there is any need of
breaking over the very valuable rule that
the parks are only to be used for park pur
poses. That rule was decidedly applied
when it was proposed to use the old peni
tentiary site for different purposes; and it
ought to be as valid to-day as ever.
Pittsburg has found in its crowded busi
ness quarter room for electric light plants,
sufficient to light the whole city, without
encroaching upon its park spaces, either on
Second avenue or in front of Municipal
Hall. With cheaper land and much less
electric power required, Allegheny should
be able to do as well.
A little examination of the blocks
within a square of the Court House
show that considerable is now being done in
the way ot tearing down old buildings and
putting up more modern ones, and' that more
will have to be done soon.
Probably among the stores in that section
there are not half a dozen that will not re
quire practical reconstruction in order to be
brought up to the progress of the day. That
reconstruction has been long delayed by the
tendency of the section to lag behind the
other business quarters of the city. But a
cursory examination will show that it is be
ginning now in almost every square next to
the Court House.
This fact should have a decisive influence
on the reduction of the grades about that
building. The necessity of rebuilding is
almost universal in the hump section; the
work can be stimulated and made more gen
eral by bringing down the grades; and, when
it is done, the conversion of the district into
first-class business property will be more
complete than ever. Every new building
that is put up before the hump is cut down
adds to the difficulty of reduction on the
one hand, and by so doing decreases its own
chances of gaining the full value which
property would attain there, with the proper
Now is the time to cut down the hump.
That fact should be kept before the public
as a puolic issue.
The grotesque fable of Brown-Sequard's
elixir of life has had its little day, and the
credulous man who tupposed that a way of
staving off old age and even death had been
discovered, is naturally disappointed. But
there is a good deal of comfort left in the
genuine progress ot medical and surgical
science, if men but knew it. Dr. W. W.
Keen, in the October Harper's Magazine,
very plainly shows how marvelous tne
recent progress in surgery has been. Oper
ations which were not thought of, or if
known were deemed too perilous to make
less than twenty years ago, are to-day re
sorted to in common practice. The knowl
edge of the hnman system has increased im
mensely in extent and its accuracy has been
established firmly. America seemingly
has led the world in effecting the grandest
changes in the practice of surgery.
Some of Dr., Keen's figures are almost in
credible. For instance, in the matter of
antiseptics, or guards against poisoning, em
ployed in surgical operations he shows that
in the days before the necessity of these safe
guards was appreciated the rates of mortal
ity in amputations in different hospitals
ranged from 23 to 53 per cent, whereas the
mortality in such cases now ranges from 1 to 4
percent. During our civil war surgical
fever was expected to follow an amputation,
and a serious.operation from which the pa
tient recovered in less than a month was re
garded as a remarkable case. Since the
adoption of antiseptic methods surgical
fever has been abolished, the temperature of
the patient scarcely rises above the normal,
and anywhere from the fifth to the tenth
day after the operation the wound is well.
Secondary hemorrhage is unknown, and no
complications of any sort ought to occur.
A marvelous advance has been made in
the treatment of the head and abdomen.
Twenty-five years ago the surgeon dared not
open either with his knife; now it is con
sidered Sot only justifiable to open either
region for the removal of tumors or the like,
but in many cases it is the duty to make
such exploratory operations merely for
diagnosis. Surgeons of eminence to-day do
not hesitate to venture into any part of the
human body. They can remove the wall of
the skull and treat an abscess in the brain
itself al confidently and safely as their fore
fathers would have abstracted a thorn from
a finger. The spine, most delicate of human
mechanism, cannot 'defy them, and the
lungs are not secure from their interference
behind a barricade of ribs. And all these
steps forward in the science of surgery tend
to prolong the lives of men. The promise
of even greater triumphs yet in this depart
ment of human knowledge is very bright.
The expiration of the New York Graphic
this week after a lingering moribund condi
tion of some years shows the result of cop
verting a live newspaper into an organ. As
an independent journal the Graphic won
great fame and wide circulation. This
made the politicians conceive the project of
using it as a political orgau. It was bought
for that purpose, and from that day its de
cay began. It has been used as an organ on
both sides of the political fence, and with
each change its character has depreciated
and its circulation and influence decreased.
The successful newspaper must own itself.
The report that hea,vy storms are again
threatening the coast causes the proprietors
of seaside resorts no uneasiness. They can
await the storms with the calm confidence
that there is nothing left for winds and
waves to destroy.
The cable roads, from the reports of new
and faster accommodation trains on the
Pennsylvania Railroad, appear to be
making rapid transit by steam as well as
street lines. There is also a very distinct
intimation in the announcement of the im
proved railroad facilities, that the old
story about the unprofitable nature of
suburban business does not hold good in the
railroad view when it comes to letting it go.
The re-election of Chaplin, the new mem
ber of the Salisbury Cabinet, in its revela
tion of a Liberal vote of 3,000. where, at
the late election, there was no Liberal vote
at all, takes the aspect of a Pyrrhio victory.
The highway robber of Northern Michi
gan is on top once more, having made a
general jail delivery of himself and other
inmates of the jail. It remains to be seen
whether the Michigan law will lay its
clutches on its desperado as promptly as the
Somerset county officials did on theirs. It
is certainly time for the law everywhere to
make a sharp demonstration of its ability to
suppress robbers and murderers.
Dalzell's readiness to let things go for
publication which were confided to his dis
cretion, causes Tanner to reflect on the in
ability to place any confidence in people
who do not know how to keep quiet.
The goose-bone weather prophets are now
in the field with a prediction that the
coming winter is to be an open one. As the
goose bone last year predicted a hard winter
this makes things about even. But as
the result last year was an exceptionally
mild winter, the public may be pardoned
for reversing the goose bone and preparing
for cold weather.
NeabIiT six millions of gross receipts on
the Pennsylvania Railroad's main line for
August, afford a very striking measure of
the activity of the lines of business which
furnish traffic to that great road. '
The nomination of Chalmers, of Fort
Pillow fame, for Congress by a Republican
convention in Mississippi is au evidence
that the Republicans, like the Democrats of
the South, are likely to consider a man's
past record odious or not in accordance with
his adhesion or opposition to their political
The most fashionable Pittsburg invest
ment in Mexican mining property appears
to have produced a maximum of disappoint
ment and a minimum of dividends.
Oite of the French class who exhibit their
foolhardiness by dropping from balloons
with parachutes fell into the sea the other
day and was drowned. This indicates the
conclusion that the ocean is attending to its
business as a foolkiller, much more faith
fully than Niagara Falls.
Vindication for a stock-watering finan
cier consists of getting tried by a New York
jury and obtaining a disagreement.
Colonel John McLean denies that he
is a candidate for the United States Senate
from Ohio. The unanimous opinion of
Ohio Democrats of the McLean, Brice and
Payne stamp is that they are not candidates
until they find whether the seat is in the
market or not.
Pbof. Von Qneist, of Berlin, was made an
honorary member of the Swiss Society of
The Postmaster General is having his Wash
ington house redecorated and refurnished in a
sumptuous manner.
At Concord, N. H., the project of a statue
to President Pierco is discussed. It is to stand
in State House Park.
Mb. Sidney Coopeb, the well-known En
glish, artist and Royal Academician, was 80
years old yesterday. He ism capital health.
and is as fond of his work as ever.
Mr. Fbedebick Peecival Fabbar, a son
of the eminent English Archdeacon, has been
initiated into the Sigma Phi fraternity at
Lehigh University, where he is a student.
First assistant Posthastee Geneeal
Clabkson, accompanied by Colonel Swords,
of the Treasury Department, left Washington
yesterday for a week's rest at Warm Springs,
Mb. William Sharp, the London poet and
critic, and editor of "The Canterbury Poets,"
is spending a fortnight in New York, on a visit
to Mr. Edmund Clarence Stedman. He will be
a guest of the Authors' Clubat its first meet
ing in October.
The Art Association of Montreal sent this
summer an agent to England to solicit paint
ings and sculptures from leading artists. The
exhibition in December will contain a goodly
number of works by Leighton, Poynter, Alma
Tadema, Watts and others.
Mr. Abthub Nikisch, the new leader of
the Boston Symphony Orchestra, landed at
Boston on Sunday last and went straight to
Mr. Hlgginson's home at Manchester, all so
quietly that the Collector of the Port had
never a chance to stop him as a "contract
Prof. Jebb, of Oxford, has issued in pamph
let form bis lecture before the Art Club of
Glasgow on the text, "Has Art Thriven Best
la au Age of Faith!" He thinks that art
should possess a certain moral suggestiveness,
but inclines to the belief that it has not thriven
best in an age of faith.
Ex-Governor William Pitt Kellogg
thinks he has broken the record as a trans
Atlantic traveler. He turned up at the Fifth
Avenue Hotel in New York the other day after
an absence of 28 days, during which he had
spent two days in London, a week at the Paris
Exposition, and half a day at Berlin. "Many
people believe that trouble with Boulanger has
been averted by the Exposition," said he, "but
I believe it has only been postponed. A revolu
tion is sure to come in France."
"Father died this morning."
1'abis, August 1SS9.
From sonny ranee the cable bore
These era el words to his loved home.
To thonsands of onr citizens,
Within whose hearts his memory
Will only die, when life shall cease.
Through all our city's busy marts.
In church. In schools, In all our homes.
These four short words, that said so much.
Were read with sorrow and regret.
The wise, the good, the noble nan,
' Who left onr shores to seek the rest
Bis active life denied him here,
W hose deeds of charity and love
Were f r ee as are the dews bf heaven
To every child of want and woe,
Had died upon a foreign shore.
Men paused, and read again, the line
That sent the blood from cheek and lip;
With tearful eyes and bated breath,
With aching hearts and tones subdued,
Said to each other, can it be
That William Thaw is dead-is dead?
4 '-There is no death! the stars go down,
To rise npqn some fairer shore
And urlpht in heaven's Jeweled crown
They shine lorevennore.
There is no death I au angel form
Walks throngh this earth with silent tread;
He bears our best loved ones away,
And then we call them dead."
Mas. Levi Wadi. .
FmsBUEs, September 27, isse, , '
The Coachman Was Top Wnxy to Talk She
Was Too Heal lo Enjoy It A Cemetery's
Upon the box of one of the carriages exhib
ited by a local manufacturer a coachman sits
firm, stiff and proper. Ho would doubtless get
very tired of so erect an attitude if he were not
wax and full of sawdust or some other insensi
tive material. A very fairly realistic figure ho
cuts, too, although the unswerving stare of his
eyes betrays him to the shy country girls who
look up sideways at his fluffy whiskers.
Some days ago several newspaper men were
comparing their individual tastes as to car
riages in the alcove when two plump and pros
perous looking gentlemeu drew near also. It
was a little cart of light wood that attracted
the attention of this enviable couple enviable
because they certainly camo from Beaver. One
of them presently turned and asked mo what
the price of the cart was. Of course I couldn't
tell him and the stout gentleman wheeling
round caught sight of the coachman on the
box. He raised his umbrella and gave the poor
waxen image a gentle insinuative poke, saying:
"Say, young man can you tell me what" here
ho paused for there was a ripple of laughter
swelling behind him to a roar, and his stout
alloy seizing him by the arm drew him away
into the crowd.
That smart "wax flgger,"as Artemus would
have said, spoiled a sale that day.
No wax images I have ever seen compare
with those to be found in the Eden Musee,
New York; not even the illustrious wax works
of Madame Tussaud, in London, excel them.
A short time ago a party of Pittsburgers
spent the best part of a morning at the Eden
Musee. In the party was a young girl verging
on young ladyhood, remarkable for her eood
looks and her splendid hair, who was greatly
interested in the groups of famous personages.
Once she happened to stay a little behind the
rest, gazing fixedly at Mrs. Cleveland or some
other celebrity in wax. She was awaked from
her reverie by a sharp tue at her hair and a
voice, which said: "Look at this girls! Isn't it
It is questionable who was most embarrassed
the next minute, the girl whose hair was puljed
or the girl who pulled it.
The other day a Pittsburg lady was visiting
a town which is not reraarKable for Its natural
or acquired beauty. In spite of its tame fea
tures, a gentleman of the place insisted on
driving her all over the town. She saw every
thing there was to be seen, and to conclude
with, the horses were turned again toward the
"Where are you taking me to nowT" she
"To the cemetery you must see that," was
the reply.
"To show you how healthy the town Is, to bo
sure. Why, there's hardly anybody burled
there at au."
The Relative Cost of Building In Pittsburg
nnd Elsewhere Answer to Contractor.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
You have in your issue of to-day a communi
cation from "Contractor" as to the relative cost
of building houses in Philadelphia and Pitts
burg, In which he claims that be can build the
same kind of houses asthe Philadelphia houses
10 to 15 per cent cheaper here than they cost in
Philadelphia. That Is exactly what has been
believed here for many years, and vet not a con.
tractor here will attempt to do it. The rooms in
the tenement houses in Philadelphia are small,
but the material is as good as is used in the
same class of houses here or elsewhere. The
cost of material and labor is practically the
same, and yet a contract could not be let here
for the same class of buildings at the same
price as in Philadelphia. The contractors claim
that everything is higher priced as you go
West, and they cannot take a contract here as
contractors can in other cities on account of
the danger of strikes, and that tbey conse
quently are forced to add 10 to 20 per cent to
their bid to cover the danger of a strike.
But, supposing prices are higher as you go
west (which most builders except "Contractor"
allege), how does it come that a resident of the
Twentieth ward could get mechanics to come
from Milwaukee to finish his house in a supe
rior manner to anything -generally done here,
and at a surprisingly lowerprlce than it could
be done for ty local builders? Tno writer,
about one year ago, got a plan and estimates
from Grand Rapids of a house to cost 13,500.
Upon investigation, the prices of labor and
material for all practical purposes were the
same as in Pittsburg. But when that plau was
given to a Pittsburg contractor for a bid on two
bouses on the same plan he refuted to touch
them for less than (10,000 $3,000 more than they
were guaranteed to be built for at Grand Rap
ids; and even at that figure he was to do the
work without the superintendence of an archi
tect, who is a bugaboo to contractors.
The writer bad a bouse built with first-class
materials and in a workmanlike manner for
nearly M.OOl) less than the highest bidder, and
two other bids were over $2,000 higher than the
lowest bidder. Why is this? Perhaps "Con
tractor" can explain such discrepancies.
Pittsbueg, September 27. Bumbalo.
How About the Sidewalks f .
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Business men in some quarters of the city are
beginning to notice that the Department of
Safety is not so particular as it was in keeping
store boxes off the sidewalks. In some in
stances merchants are allowed to set their
goods on the sidewalks, crowding pedestrians
into the gutter and obscuring their neighbors'
premises. If one is allowed to do this so should
all; so Chief Brown should instruct the police
to keep the sidowalks clear, or give all permis
sion. Pedestriax.
A large fish hawk caught a three-pound
bass in the mill pond at Harmonsburg, Pa.,
and after flying some distance with it was
obliged to descend, when it was frightened
away and left its prey.
Mes. Maby Conrad, of Licking county, O.,
died the other day after having fasted 52 days.
She was nearly 85 years of age.
AT Brilliant, O., a dispute concerning the
ownership of two 60-cent turkeys led to a law
sult,in which the costs amounted to 40 and the
attorneys' fees to $35.
A black and tan terrier dog one of the
kind that seem al! nerves and bark came run
ning out of a yard in the neighborhood of
Muench street, Harrisburg, carrying in his
mouth a shoe and followed by a woman with
but one shoe on. It did not take long for the
spectators to connect the shoe in the dog's
mouth with the woman, though courtesy for
bade hilarity under the circumstances. It wan
a funny spectacle. The dog kept jnst out ot
the woman's rtach nntil sL bad chased him
for about a square, when he relented and sur
rendered the missing footgear to the owner,
who doubtless failed to see where the laugh
camo in.
Akron has a "powwow doctor." It is a
woman and she practices her profession only at
nicht, going ont stealthily and digging up roots.
Then she goes itto the bouse, goes through
some ceremony, cbmes out, and digs a bole In
the ground, where' she buries the mysterious
medicine tied up in a white rag. This is sup
posed to effect a cure. It Is said that a lot of
people have great faith in her treatment.
The prize catches ot the season in French
creek, at Cambridge, Pa., were a 27-pound piko
and an eel weighing i pounds 8 ounces.
A Wasswobth, O., man has a pumpkin
which is almost cubic in form and is as large as
a soap box. He will exhibit it at the county
A West VntamiA farmer claims to have
dug three bushels of potatoes from ono bill.
In bis field the ground is very uneven.
. On ilio Decline.
L. From the Chicago Tlmes.I
Sugar Trust certificates are reported "weak
and declining." Somebody must have" watered
them and they ire melting under the process.
Ilnrlt IJnrke.
Mark Burke, tu
oldest clerk In the Delinquent
Tax Collector's!
fflce, died yesterday morning.
Mr. Burke was
veteran-or the late war and a
prominent mem
acted as Alderri
er or Post 151. (i. A. K. He
an of the Kontlislde in 1877. and
since tbat time has been in the Tax Collector's
office. The funral will take, place on buaday
from dumb reaaense, au vrsgajirh
Some Little Pointers for Them The Ladles
Who Go With the Knights Templar
Society News. ,
Parties are organizing everywhere now for
trips to the woods for autumn leaves. What I
don't know about autumn leaves, written by a
person with a skillful pen, would mako a very
interesting article. Whether or not what I do
know, will be worth reading, is a question ad
mitting of serious doubt. However, the woods
are full of them, and they are just as pretty as
they were last year. The fashions neverchange
In autumn leaves. The same colors are to be
seen now that have been raved about by poets
and novelists for centuries back. One thing
about them is that you can "thuse" and
"thuse'yet never become Me-thuse-ah-la, for
where will you find such variety of colors, such
perfect blending of shades and such originality?
In Western Pennsylvania the maple leads
tho trees in the brightness of its coloring, over
100 shades of red and the same of yellow
coming from one tree. Next in order comes
me oaK witn its deeper, richer shades of red
and yellow. In Colorado at this time of the
year, away up in the mountains, the aspen is
dressed in bright yellow, presenting a decided
contrast to the dark brown of the cedar and
pmonpine. So vivid is its coloring that it is
plainly discernible for a distance of 30 or 40
'The uses to which these beautiful produc
tions of nature are put are varied. I have seen
plain rooms, by a little ingenuity, combined
with quantities of leaves, transformed into
Eerfect bowers with no expense whatever.
Ibrary books everywhere you will find pressed
full of them. The florists use them occasion
ally, although they are not as popular with
these merchants as other forms of decorations.
It will be reniemberedat the Knox-Montricolie
marriage, which occurred in Trinity
Church in this city about a
year ago, whole trees were used in
the decorations of the church. A newspaper
man, one of the kind who imagined what he
didn't know, conceived the idea that it would
be romantic to have Miss Knox married under
trees from her childhood's home. Accordingly
he wrote it up in fine style, and Miss Knox her
self to this day believes the trees were cut from
the old Knox farm in Knoxville, when in re
ality they were just plain, common, ordinary,
everyday trees from hills democratio as could
Seated in the artistic littla office nf Mr. Won.
ilton, the Superintendent of Parks, yesterdav,
I endeavored to learn the reason for the change
of color among leaves scientifically, you un
derstand. 1 am not quite sure I can explain it
satisfactorily, for while he talked I was appre
ciating fully a great big banana picked from a
bunch in the greenhouse, and as it was
the first real banana I ever devoured,
of course my attention was divided, the
banana receiving the larger share of it, I am
afraid. But scientifically, remember, the snn
rays consists of every color, and when tbey fall
upon a poor little Inoffensive leaf it absorbs
almost all of them, rebelling, however, at some:
and. as if in punishment lor-its rebelliousness,
the color It assumes is the one it would not ab
sorb. "I hope you caught on to the Idea." That is
what my informer said to me. and I protested
I had, for I didn't like to appear stupid.
America, in this, as in everything but counts
excels England, great quantities of autumn
leaves being shipped to England every year.
Thokne Bbaxch.
With Their Knights on the Pilgrimage to
Washington City.
Yesterday the committee of Pittsburg
Commander No. J, Knights Templar, com
pleted the arrangements for the Washington
pilgrimage to attend the twenty-fourth trien
nial conclave of the Grand Encampment. The
commandery will leave over the B. fe O. R. R.
an Monday, October 7, at 8 P. H. It is expected
that 175 Knights and 75 ladies will be in the
party. As this will be the largest train going
into Washington, it has been decided to appro
priately decorate it, and afterward use the dec
orations at the Hotel Johnson,where Pittsburg
Commandery will have its headquarters while
in Washington. Tuesday and Wednesday will
be spent in Washington; on Thursday the' com
mandery will visit the Luray caverns, and the
return trip will be made on Friday. The com
mandery, however, will not come home in a
body, the tickets helm ?ood nntil rvtnhr 18
Up to last night the following ladies and gen
tlemen bad registered as intending to go on the
James S. McEean and Miss Aggie McKean. D.
K.Torrence and wire, J. B. Youngson and dangh
er and Miss Noble. William Kreder and wife,
Klchard Barrows, wife and daughter, D. H. Cor
bett, wifo and daughter. James Dickson and wife,
J. A. Lebby and wife. Leet 8. .Moore and wife,
William q. Wright and wife, Charles Welgel and
wife. Oeorge Wright, Jr.. nd wife; J. L. flnmn
and wife. Henry Belsmyer. wire and daughter.
Keese Lindsay and wile, Q. T. Crawford anawlfe,
C. P. Sneers and wife. W. L. Lansler And win.
m. n ... . .- -w; .s -f -
iv. r. uernaum ana wue, jonn w. Dot
wife, E. Edmnndson and wife. L. L. Davis and
wire, Herman Junker and wife, George
Heaps and wife, J. Heber and wife,
Eugene Ingold and wife. Dr. W. F. Edmnndson
and wife. Wm. 31. Granger and wife. T. 31.
Hanna and wife, T. W. Irwin and wife, W. A.
Park and wire, Eobt. Smiley and wife, L. p.
Chester and wife, George K. Kress and wire, J.
D. Kramer, wife and Miss Cora McCallln, Noah
Sneers and wife, C. Austin and daughter, L. W.
Jiallasee and wire, A. H. Weaver and wire.
T. C. Reynolds and wire. Dr. J. Hepburn
and wife, John C. JlcConnell and wife, G.
W. King and wife, K. U. Dunn and wire,
Kobert SlcLuckle and wife, J. N. Gamble and
wire, Albert Kelsfar and wife, T. J. Hanna and
wire, Denny Deans and wire, William Lockhart
and wire, Al Hamilton and wire. W. H. Tranter
and wire, J. B. Craig and wife, James Morgan and
sister, C. llrcltweiser, A. W. Frazer, E. Lock
nart, Jr., T. D. Graham, John B. Hair, D. M.
KInzer, George H. West. H. N. Klrkpatrlck,
John E. Brett, Holmes Harger, J. G. Jlorrls, H.
S. Crousc, Hugh B. Hay, D. F. Colllngwood. H.
T. Oluhausen, Thomas B. Murphy, J. W. Craw
ford, Charles H. Tucker, W. D. Spiking. A. C.
MeKean. n. W. Dunlap. George H. Gallagher, J.
R. Bly, J. McC. Hays. F. E. Shollenbergcr. B. A.
SlcDonald, Alex Martin, John T. Magnlre,
William Chatland. W. K. T. Halm, W. P. Hoyl
W. O. Hamilton, M. D. McWhinner. A. 8. Ben
der, J. W. Donthett. U. A. Michel, H. H. Smith,
C. N. Renner. W. H. Grlmn. H. W. Nalr. T. H.
Slacker, F. J. Shldle.J.O. Lindsay, John Blaven,
x.. j. juuuiujcusu auu XT. w. ii. urunn.
St. Owens Commandery No. 7, of Brownsville,
Pa., will accompany Pittsburg Commandery.
The members who will go on the pilgrimage are:
Thomas F. Cock, William Hazen, H. H. Yonnr,
O. C. Faiquhar and wire. William H. Todd, T. C.
Guminert. J. F. Williams. K. L. Johnson. H. S.
Strange, S. H. Pearsall, J. F, Holbert and wile,
William HcWIIliams, George W. Smitb. Harry
Whyel, George W. Jenklnsand T. C. Horton.
Pittsburg Commandery has issued a neat
book of 26 pages, giving the itinerary of the pil
grimage and a guide to Washington. Bronze
badges of the pattern worn by the commandery
have also been prepared for exchange with Sir
Knights of other commanderies.
Oow tho Pooplo Who Attend the Great
Show Dress nnd Act.
Last night was fashionable night at the Ex
position as the throngs of stylishly dressed
people proved. Seme of the street costumes
worn were decidedly new and natty. In no
portion of the building did they show to such
advantage as in the room containing the plant
exhibit. There tho uniform greenness tnrew
in bold relief the pretty colors of the toilets
and the constantly moving throng presented a
strikingly intaresting picture.
Young ladies in groups, and young ladles at
tended by gentlemen young gentlemen in
groups and young gentlemen attended by
ladies, and occasionally a young lady or gentle
man alone all all alone. One of these poor
unfortunates in desperation endeavored to get
up a flirtation with the dummy bride exhibited
in one of the show cases, and only desisted
when a policeman informed him that the bride
smiled just as sweetly on everyone as sho did
on mm.
The interest at the phonograph was just as
great as ever, and the gentleman in charge ex
plained the workings of the machine in such
clear, forcible language tbat all felt what was
A B C to blm wasX x Z to them just the same.
The sextet of colored singers drew around
them a large crowd by their pleasing rendition
of real darky melodies. On every corner and at
every turn was a little boy or girl ready to give
away cards yes, nothlngbut advertising cards;
that's all they give away at the Exposition.
Pleasant Scenes In the Home of Sirs.
A decidedly pleasant reception was given at
the residenco of Mrs. Anderson, on Craft ave
nue, Oakland, Thursday evening. The event
was in honor of Mrs. Hicks and Miss Wood,
of Wheeling, W. Va. The evening was spent
in singing and tripping the light fantastic
The decorations were very pretty and the re
freshments unusually refreshing. Among
those piesent were: Misses Speer, Misses Ste
venson, Mrs. and Misses Craig, Mrs. Hicks
and Misses Wood, of Wheeling; Misses Irwin,
Share, Flack, Woodslde, Cavitt and Mcllwaln,
of Saltsburg; Miss George, Irwin, Pa.; Miss
Bauber, Misses Hardy, Miss Hogson, Miss
Ward and Miss Foster. Messrs. Rock, Griffith.
Gore, Clark, Wood, Lippincot, Wallace, An
derson, Irwin, Hardy, Craig, Murphey, Ward,
Sally, Master Fred Gore and others.
Novel Features of the Reception nt n, Fourth
v Avenne Choreic
Social byname, and social by nature. Is the
verdict of all those who attended the enter-
tainment given in the lecture room of the
Fourth Avenue Baptist Church last evening.
Rev. H. B. Grose is pastor of this oh arch. The
entertainment was given under the auspices ot
the Christian Endeavor 8oclety. A novel idea
was carried into effect by each and everyone
wearing his or her visiting card attached to
their clothing in a conspicuous place, thus
making introductions unnecessary. A vast
amount of amusement was created by the read
ing of the cards. .
The talent of the church was utilized in the
rendition of the programme, which consisted
principally of musical selections. Refresh
ments of cake and cocoa was served.
Utile Bits of Information Interesting to the
Society People.
Atebt excellent method of making the
hands white is to moisten them well at night
with glycerine, and draw on a pair ot gloves.
This must be done for many a night, and to
stop for,a little while may counteract the good
effect of weeks of care. A pair of soft, un
dressed kid gloves are the best for this pur
pose. Mr. and Mrs. John Keei-e, who live in
the Eleventh ward, celebrated their thirteenth
anniversary Thursday evening, or rather their
friends did for them. A surprise pirty of
about 25 couples invaded their home, and with
good music and appetizing lunch the evening
was very delightfully spent.
A swindler is gullingpeople In the southern
part of the State. He sells "Ceylon roses,"
which are nothing but milkweed or, other
plants, sprinkled with attar-of-roses, at from
Si to $2. He sells them as fast as he can handle
A STBncnro feature of the birthday party
given at C C. Mellor's residence in Edgewood
Thursday evening was that the gentlemen
present were all specialists in science and
music, numbering 18 in alL
The Waukenphast shoe is the popular One
for street wear among Pittsburg ladies. Bronze
and russett slippers are still In demand for
honsewear. Undressed kid being preferred.
The first of the monthly soirees that are
given by the young ladies in the Pittsburg
Female College was largely attended last even
ing and proved a very enjoyable affair.
Miss Daist Carpenter, ot South Hiland
avenue, has arrived at Peeksville, N. Y where
for the next three years she will be a member
of St. Gabriel's College.
Autumn house dresses of deep red cloth
striped with black velvet are shown. The
bodices are trimmed with black velvet and
The Industrial School of the Fourth Avenue
Baptist Church will hive its opening session
October L
Panic Caused by Carelessness.
New Yobk. September 27. The carelessness
of old Mrs. Russell, while drunk last night,
almost caused the death of 13 families who lire
in the same uptown tenement house with her.
She left a burning lamp on a trunk in her room
when she went to bed. About midnight the
lamp tumbled to the floor, and in a minute the
room was ablaze. A man who saw the flames
through Mrs. Russell's windows shouted fire.
The other tenants awoke in a panic. Three
men came down Are escapes, three dozen
women and children ran screaming into the
street in their night clothes, and ten others
crawled through the roof scuttle onto an ad
jacent building. A policeman, after turning
on a fire alarm, broke into Mrs. Russell's room
and carried out the drunken old woman. Many
shins were barked and many nightshirts were
scorched and torn during the panic, but no one
was severely injured. The fire was extinguished
without difficulty.
The Cox Memorial Meeting-.
fix-President Grover Cleveland will preside
at the Cooper Union memorial meeting in
honor of tho late S. S. Cox, on October 10.
Archbishop Uorrigan will probably make the
opening prayer.-and a prominent rabbi will ask
the benediction. Ex-Governor Proctor Knott,
of Kentucky, will deliver the oration.
Largest Ship, Largest Cargo.
The Palgravethe biggest sailing ship In the
world, cleared Sandy llook for Java: to-dar.
with 132,000 cases of refined petroleumtln her.
hold. This is the .
in any one vessel.
A Fortune Arrives Too Late.
John Hicks, son of Alfred Hicks, coal mer
chant in Sheffield, England, ran away from
home at the age of18 and snipped before the
mast. He deserted bis ship at-Melbourne,
Australia, After roughing it on the Australian
coast for some time, he worked bis passage
back to England. Trouble with his father and
bis sweetheart sent him off again shortly to
South Africa. Three years later he returned
home, married his old lore and tried to reform.
He couldn't do it. At the end of a three
months' spree he decided to bring his wife to
America and begin all over again. He came
and was employed as driver on the Broadway
street railway. He was discharged for drunken
ness a few months ago. He disappeared shortly
aferward. To-day's papers contain an adver
tisement for him to the effect tbat his father
has died, leaving him $10,000. Hicks is thought
tobelnSouth America.
All Quiet In tho Black Republic.
Among the passeogers which the steamship '
Oranje-Kassan brought Into port from Port-au
Prince to-day, were Count Se Sasmaisois,
French Envoy Extraordinary to Hayti, his
wife and son. The envoy and his family will
sail for France to-morrow. The Oranje-Nassau
was in Port-au-Prince only two hours. Her
Captain says that everything was apparently
quiet and peaceful in the black Republic.
Several United States men-of-war were lying at
anohor In the harbor, and tbs Haytianwar
steamer Belize, once the flag ship of the
Legitime navy, was also at anchor close to
Adventure of a Scnprgrncr.
A red-haired, harum-scarum little Scotch
girl of '15 years has been running wild in the
rooms of Mr. Gerry's humane society for sev
eral weeks. Her namo is Maggie Stewart, and
her home is in Glasgow. She ran away from
her parents to escape being whipped for drop
ping a jug of milk. She sneaked Into a first
class carriage at the Glasgow railway station,
anil was carried for nothing to Greenock.
Thence she sailed as a stowaway to Belfast,
where she boarded a boat for Fleetwood. The
passengers on the Fleetwood steamship paid
her fare, fed her, and gave her a small purse.
She beat her way to several other towns, and
eventually brought up in Liverpool, ant. .
drifted on board the Inman liner City ot New I
York, with a crowd of passengers one morning,
and hid herself so cleverly thift she was not
found till the steamship was almost two days
out. She stole away from the steamship at the
New York dock, whi'.o the steward in charge
of her wasn't looking. At an employment
agency she learned the address of a woman
who bad justarrived in the first cabin of the
City of New York. She applied to this woman
atherParkavenuo residence for protection,
got it, and turned her patroness' household
topsy-turvy for ten days. Then she was given
into the care of Mr. Gerry's society, which at
once called to her, father about her. Mr.
Stewart replied that Maggie was too much for
him, and she had bettor remain in America.
Mr. Gerry's society will try to get the young
scapegrace a position in domestic service.
He's In Earnest.
From.the Chicago Times.! ,
Teddy Roosevelt between his set teeth has
assured the nation that the coming session of
Congress will uphold the civil service law. A3
Mr. Roosevelt is expert with every sort of a
deadly weapon his words are entitled to a great
deal of weight.
By Wny of Illustration.
From the Baltimore American. 1
A traveler declared lately that of all the
large cities he had visited in the world, New
York was the most moral. The Indictment of
her Sheriff for conspiracy on the bcels of this
announcement comes in nicely as an illustra
tion. .
Taking n Dor to llnlsc.
From the New Yorlcjjtar.l
The Hoboicen widow of 43 who married her
erraedboy of 18 evidently believes in matri
mony. It will be interesting to learn her hus
band's opinion when ne gets old enough to
form one, ,. ."k a I
" tn r -irt sz .
A canal 250 miles foBg is to be 1
navigating purposes in New Mexico. Itwfflba'g
80 feet wide. ;? h
A son and two daaghte-rs of William B, .
Weiss, of Doylestown, Pa., all celebrate their .
birthday anniversaries on September 26.
Eer. "Wayland D. Ball, of Baltimore, .
is at home again after having traveled 4,889
miles through Europe on a tandem blejele.
His wife accompanied him.
There is a spot in Siberia about 30 miles
square where the ground has not thawed out
for the last hundred years, and where it is
frozen to a depth ot 60 feet,
When anyone tells von that llghtnlnir '
, doesn't strike twice in the same place refer him i
to the case of JonnHucks. of Urbana, O., whose
barn has been struck, burned and rebaMt four
different times in six years.
"It may seem singular to you," says" a
New York florist, "but I've been keeptoga
record for these 20 years past, and I have f oaad t
mlrers of flowers, and most of them prefer''
daisies and lilies." i) i ; r
Eels in. great number are leaving1 Lake , ;
George through the outlet at the upper faKs.
A few nlcrht ira thav wera so numerous aste
clog and stoo the water wheel at the pulp mil!. Vri
It took several men more than an hour to get-
tne wneei clear of them.
A vmt atrn tM i?nt ihnTK WftrelLTjrisa
fat women on exhibition in this country, bat ''-.
now there are only six. The others have gese t
thewayof allflosb. whether fat or lean,ajw.
will be seen on earth no more. The fatwomaL''-,
xnarxet is now firm, with an upward tendency.
A few days ago a lady who left Lincoln,
DL, for a short journey had her purse an4v,
picket stolen as she got on the car, and the con
ductor dropped her on the track between sm-; '
iiwu ucmuw ajiQ cuuiua 6 raise au ceags. .ihotb
were 23 men in the coach, and not one of h em
offered her the insignificant amount. &
One day last week, sot having anything
particular to do, tho captain of a schooner
lying m Tampa Bay counted the number of
sharks in sight, and he made the figures 7S0.
As he is cross-eyed and near-sighted, he allows
that some of the flsh must nave got away
while he was counting, and are to be lumped in
at about 50.
A church congregation at Bed Bank,
N. J., paid a big price to get a minister who
was a. hustler. Ha-hustled around the first
week and got his facts and figures, and on
Sunday he told them that there -was more
meanness in the town ta the square foot than
m any otner place in tnewona. unmonaay
they paid him a-bonus to hustle away.
Dr. James H. Gordon, of Greenville,
m.. is 72 years old and the father of 2B chil
dren. Seven of these were boys, and.,wih oae
exception, all became physicians ana awaaiea.
more than ordinary success. The exeepdes wm
a son who was accidental! v killed while a
dent at the 8t Louis Medical College. To sake!
the place of this one, though, there is aa oaiyj
living son-in-law who is a medical practteeaer. J
A remarkable fan has just been pur
chased by the Princess deLigne at Brussels.
It was painted by Watteau for Louis XIV,
who presented it to the Duchess of Burgundy,
and it remained in the possession of the reysl
family until the revolution, when it was stolen '
and conveyed to uermany, ana nouuBgraera y
was beard of it until the other day, when it
appeared among a collection which was of
fered for sals at Brussels.
An explanation of the nrofasioa of
colonels in Kentucky is to be found is part is ' ' "J
the Governor's privilege to appoint colonels on -3
his staff ad libitum. Governor Blackburn p- -'
pointed 60 in Louisville alone, with proportion jL
able numbers for the back counties, it is be- . "a
lieved that no Governor of Kentucky ever had - . a
his entire staff together at one time. There Is V, ' 1
no public hall in Kentucky big- enough to boW,a? ,
it. The Texas methud is simpler still. Yo a. .;. ',
have only to drink with the Mayor to be named H
colonel on the spot -ft N
Two mild-eyed, pink-nosed bawling
calves, the property of W. J. Smith, are creat-" T 3
ing considerable of a sensation among the curi- l
ous people of South Minneapolis. The calves
are twins, about S months old. and they have
only six legs between them. One of the crea
tures Is without a foreleg and the other is,
minus a hlndleg. but they are pretty little ani
mals, and hop about as briskly as you please,
apparently not understanding that nature has
cheated them out of one of the legs that are the
due of every well regulated calf. ,
Two' Michigan girls escaped from tke '-&
State Industrial Home and tramped 30 miles ;, .
across country, Degging ioou as iney weatj
ThflT hail a. littlo mosflr. bat ther eeuldA'sl
wMtrt It on foadiftheTcnensbed-lnCbeirsttidftaa
breasts a pure ana lonv lueai. wnicn me pangs -
of mere physical suffering were powerless to tX
remove. Saturday night they arrived at fV
Village,, ana iremoiing vim eagerness b but
propective realization of their hopes they took'
the 50 cents, which was their all, and went to
the barber and got their hair banged.
Hanover, Mich., has a most peculiar
and eccentric young man. He h so bashful
that he does not speak to his nearest neighbors,
and he will go miles ont of his way to avoid
meeting a young lady. A few years ago his
parents sent him to school: he attended only
three days, because about 20 young ladies sur
rounded him at the schoolhouse and teased
him till he nearly fainted. He took his nooks
home that night and has never been inside of a
schoolroom since. Yet this young man has
taken prize after prize for plans for publio
buildings and is a first-class mechanic.
Eliza Jamison Stanton, a colored wo
man who lives at Buffalo Run. near Belief onte.
Pa., is, it is believed, the oldest person in the
State. She says that she has Indian blood in
her veins. Her exact age has been obtained, so
that it is now a certainty. It was gotten from
records in a Bible now ln'possession of a party
in Carlisle. Pa., near which place she was born.
-the Bible record reading: Eliza Jamison Stan
ton was uorn onr me zotn aay oi uecemoer, mi.
She is, therefore, nearly llo years of age. Mrs.
Stanton is still lively and vigorous, going out
to pick berries and carrying them long distances
in baskets.
A German long resident in London,
says James Payne, who left home at 20 years of
age, thereby evading service in the army, has
sent to the papers a communication received
from the authorities in "the Fatherland" in
answer to an application to be permitted to
visit bis father ere he died. "Come by all
means," 'was in effect the astere rejoinder,
"but you will have to pay a flue of 8 IBs,
undergo six weeks' drilling-, and spend six
months in a fortress." This was a little too
much for the correspondent's filial instinct.
"It would have been a great joy to me to have
seen my father,'' he says, "but under these cir
cumstances we shall meet no more."
Nature is about at tbat notch of the year
where she draws the color line. Xonkcri Qtutttt.
Smokeless powder is not a - new
Idea. Manufacturers of cosmetics have had it en
the market for hundreds of years, Chicago Trib
une. .
Minister Johnny, is your father a Chris
tian! Johnny Hot since last week, sir. He has
bought him a cheap typewriter. Jturlington tYu
A Wit Bit. Old Bullion (entering lamp
store) Have you got a gas globe?
TheNew Clerk No; we don't keep balloons.
Old Bullion Bear boy. If I were your employer,
yoa wouldn't keep your Job, either! Pitct.
Aerial Flights. Bussell (relating his ex
perience) In the Eiffel tower, Benny, I went '
nearly 1,000 feet right up in the air. How's that? '
Benny That's nothing. You ought to bave
seen grandpa go into the air when he heard yoov
had been dining with the Queen. Puct.
A Chestnut The family tree.
A Shoplifter A cyclone.
Eastern Time Arabian nights.
A Base Metal Forged steel.
A "Pickle" Dish-The family Jir.-Pue. "
Mr. Boozy Boy, what's the score?
Boy Can't you see the bulletin board?
Mr. Boozy (a moment later In front of a cheap
Sirloin, 25c.
Pork chops, 15c.
( 'Bah for sirloin. Judge.
Nothing Wrong There. "Too bad aoout
Denlo, isn't it?"
"What's' the matter? I hadn't heard, "
'Since he went into the grocery business hs
hasn't made his salt."
"Is It possible! How does that happen?"
"Why. he buys IL' Wild?.
Caught at Last Head Waiter (as guest
rises) Excuse me, sir, but my customary reais a
Stranger How much do vou get a week?
Head Walter Twentv dollars. f -
Btrinrer-All rlrht. Come out to the desk
I'll pay you off. I'm the new proprietor of this
caravansary. Judfc .t .
"Stewart." he said feebly, in the.
hours of.ihe stormy night, trying to turn over,
his berth: "Stewart, what's that?"
Toe sailor on deck, sir."
"Yes, but what dWhesayJastnowJ"
"AUwelLtfr.'' ,
"'My? whets Hsrl" And then he's
sad bwh4 iMiie ssk ow-isi;
-.. i ..