Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 28, 1889, Image 1

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A.t the Branclx Offices of The
Tor to-morrow" issue up to 9 o'clock P. M.
For list of branch offices in the Tanous dis
tricts see THlrtD PAGE.
A Part of the Westinghouse
Electric Light Plant
Was Destroyedj
The Amount is Well Covered With
500,000 in Strong Companies.
A General Alarm Kane In Throe Floors
Completely Destroyed Sevenry-Flvoi
Dynamos Injured by the Water A
Qnnntltr of I'arttallr Prepared Incnn
descent Stock Borned Up -The Origin
of the Fire Unknown Some Blnrae tho
Electric Wires Others Say the Tin
Shop Fires Were the Came The En
tire Premises Corered by Insurance
Jnst 1.1S5 Men Are Employed The
Directors Sleet and Decide Upon Re-palrs-Nono
of tbo Men Will be Dls
conilnned. A fire broke out early last evening in the
plant of the Westinghouse Electric Light
Company, on Garrison alley, damaging
property to the amount of 570,000. The
loss is covered by an insurance of $500,000
in good companies. No apparent cause for
the conflagration can be given. The di
rectors met shortly after the fire and de
cided to rebuild at once. The 1,185 em
ployes Trill not be thrown out of work.
The upper stories of the old building were
badly damaged, and 75 valuable dynamos
were injured by water. -
A portion of the 'Westinghouse Electric
Company's plant, known as the old build
in;:, on Garrison alley, was partially de-
lib j.ll,HTS AND- SHADOWS,
stroved by fire at 9.30 o'clock last nigbt.
The origin of the fire is unknown and the
total loss, as estimated by one of the com
pany's officials during the progress of the
conflagration, will amount to over 70,000.
The whole plant is said to be covered by in
surance to the amount of 500,000.
At the time stated a general alarm was
sounded and soon the strength of four dis
tricts, bringing into requisition 11 engines
and their accompanying hose carriages and
two book and ladder companies was on the
scene. Connections were quickly made and
a dozen streams brought to bear on the high
pile of buildings. By this time, however,
the fire had gotten some headway, and while
a plentiful supply of water was poured into
the burning building, other streams were
directed against the walls facing the more
recent structure which is distant about 20
feet from that which caught fire. Despite
the efforts of the firemen, however, the blaze
shot up in
for many feet above the roof, leaping out
through the skylights and illuminating the
buildings around with weird effect. Every
brick and line in the new "Westinghouse
building on Penn avenue was thrown out
by the fierce glare of the fire with startling
distinctness, and the tall spire of the church
on Fayette street was revealed against the
gloom of the sky.
Owing to the fact that the company
had lately removed a portion of
the plant contained in the building,
to their New York establishment the amount
of combustible matter to be yielded up to
the flames was not so great as it otherwise
would have been, but as it is the three top
most stories were completely destroyed, and
the fine dynamos on the first floor, to the
number of 75, though covered with blankets
and untouched by the fire, were very much
damaged by water. They had been boxed
tip preparatory to removal. One estimate of
their value is placed at 40,000.
The next story was occupied as offices and
was in course of being fixed up as testing
rooms, and the third floor was used) as a
storeroom for carbons in a partially finished
condition. It was on this floor that the fire
was supposed to have originated, but from
what cause could not be determined. The
fourth floor was occupied as a tinner's
shop, wherein some six or seven
men were employed. The fires they
nsed for heating their irons were inclosed in
sheetiiA boxes, ordinary gas being used.
Onitlre" fifth and topmost floor were stored a
number of sockets. The floors were covered
with 2-inch pine boarding, over which was
laid an additional flooring of oak one inch
thick. It is surmised that a quantity of
grease and oil must have accumulated on
the timber from the time the building was
in the occupation of the Union Switch and
Signal Company, which would account for
the rapidity with which the flames spread
from the third floor up to the fourth and
fifth to the roof.
jFor, week past men had been working
ivtke building up to-9.o'clock-in the.even-
inc, and it was not long after tbey had left
last night that the fire broke out. Various
theoires were advanced as to the origin, one
account placing it to the electric wires
which run over the building, while another
charges it to the fires in the tinshop.
At about 10 o'clock the fire was under
control, and fears which had been enter
tained for the safety of the remaining
portion of the plant were removed.
John -B. McGinley, who is secretary to
the Philadelphia Company, and a director
of the Westinghouse Company, said that
about 200 men were employed in the build
ings, but that none of them would be thrown
out of employment. He estimated the loss
to the plant and building at about $70,000,
and stated that the amount of insurance
over the whole of their buildings would
reach 500,000. This sum is spread over a
great many offices, and had been mainly
effected by Major McCandless and Messrs.
Beno and Johns. Bepairs will be begun
at once. Very efficient service was ren
dered by the police under Inspectors Mc
Aleese and McKelvy who drew a cordon of
officers around the approaches to the build
in? to keep back the always too inquisitive
At a point on the avenue not far from
Garrison alley, one of the hose burst, send
ing up a stream of water which descending
in fine spray, gave many an unwary passer
by an unexpected shower bath. A meeting
of some of the directors was held in the
building facing Faveite street last night,
and they consulted with Superintendent
Pease about the necessary repairs,
The Citizens' Traction Eailway Com
pany's receipts were materially diminished.
As soon as a line of hose was laid across
Peun avenue at Garrison alley the nearest
gnpman came to a halt, and soon there was
a line of cars extending nearly as far up as
Union station. It resembled a long railway
rain. "Those caught below, outbound, made
a shorter train. Alter the hose was re
moved, at the expiration of an hour and a
half, the cars began to move, and there was
a jangling of gongs suggestive of a Chinese
attack on Auld Clootie.
The insurance upon the whole plant is
about 500,000 and is placed in about 150
companies by the Beno & Johns agency, of
this city. Major W. G. McCandless, the
well-known agent, in speaking of the matter
list night, said:
"Nearly every company in the country is
interested, but none ot them will suffer to
any great extent. If the fire was confined
to the old bnilding, J, do not think the
damage could be much more than 50,000.
The plant is insured for about 500,000, but
I cannot now say how much was on the old
building. Every local company carries
some of the insurance, with possibly one or
two exceptions.
"The mijority of them have small amounts,
none of them exceeding 25,000. The build
ing was an old one, and, compared to the
rest of the plant, was of little value."
BCho& Johns are the agents of the fol
lowing large companies: Boyal, of Liver
pool; Girard, ot Philadelphia;' Citizens and
Liberty, of New York, and the Lynn Falls,
of Massachusetts.. These comcames have
about 10,000 each.
It wat learned that for a week past the
Board of Pittsburg Underwriters has been
subjecting the interior of the whole West
inghouse buildings to severe scrutiny, and
that much fault was found in the course of
the examination with the inflammable
nature of materials exposed to probable
danger of fire.
When the fire first started all sorts of
wild rumors that employes had been seen
jumping from the windows of the upper
floors were afloat, but they could not be
verified. No one was injured during the
A Sensation Caased In n Religions Conven
tion In Cleveland The Strong State
mentsofn, Clergyman Other
Interesting Feature.
Cleveland, September 27. The meet
ings of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew to
day, which is in annual convention here
were very interesting. There was a sensa
tion when Guy A Hogg, of Chicago, Corre
sponding Secretary of the association, in an
address denounced theaters, dances and card
parties. Ho was loudly cheered, and it was
evident that the sympathy of all was with
In the morning Bev. J. D. S. Huntington,
of New York, asked the convention what
was meant when wage workers were spoken
of. He thought the term workingman was
often misapplied. A lively discussion fol
lowed, and Dr. Holland, of St. Louis in-
creasea it. oaia ne:
All men are not equal: we are not born ennal
and we never can be equal. The Idea that God
created men equal grew out ot the superstition
and the infidel Ignorance of an age that has
passed away. It is God's law that some men
shall be greater than others, and all the anarchv
and tbe commnnim and the atheism of thi
norld cannot change it. Eere in this country
we are ruled by a Government that upholds
this doctrine of equality, and our politicians
and rulers are afraid to speak the truth, be
cause the loner order of society has a vote. I
pray heaven that the clergy may not also be
ruled bv this fear of votes.
Dr. Holland's remarks caused a sensation.
A Statement of tbe Chances In Postcfflees
Bring Prepared.
Washington, September 27. It is be
lieved that Postmaster General Wanamaker
is preparing an elaborate statement to give
to fne President soon, showing the status of
all the Presidental postoffice cases that
have not been disposed of. The President
anticipates an attack of Congressmen at an
early day, and wants to De loaded for
The papers in each case are to be briefed. so
that tbe President can tell at a glance iust
ust oe
nta tit
in- wi
woo me incumoent is, now many applicants
mere are tor me piaca ana who the
doners are
Why Fred Donglass is Unable to
Secure Conveyance to His Post.
The Color Line Drawn Strictly by Officers
of All Steamships.
Oae Commander Eesfcns In Preference to Traveling
frith a Keen.
Fred Douglass is having a hard time get
ting to his post in Hayti. The regular
steamship lines will not take him except as
a steerage passenger or freight, and the
commanders of Government vessels resign
in preference to ' sitting at table with a
negro. Others find flimsy excuses to pre
vent them accompanying the new Minister.
tSrxCIAt, TELXPBAX to tsb msr-ATcn.i
Washington, September 27. Com
mander Kellogg, of the United States steam
ship Ossipee, which was to have started
from Norfolk for Hayti with Minister Fred
Douglass on board, has asked to be de
tached from duty. He assigned no reason.
Secretary Tracy has complied with his re
quest. Lieutenant Commander Evans, who
was left in command of the Ossipee by the
transfer of Commander Kellogg, has dis
covered that the boilers of his vessel are in
such bad condition that it is necessary to co
to Brooklyn for repairs. He has notified the
Navy Department of this, and Secretary
Tracy has countermanded the orders by
which the Ossipee was to sail for Hayti, and
by which Mr. Douglass was to be taken from
Washington to Norfolk in the Dispatch.
There is a suspicion that Commander
Kellogg and Lieutenant Commander Evans
both draw the color line at the Minister to
Hayti, when it comes to sitting at the same
table with him.
This is the second of Minister Douglass'
tribulations, and his trip is not yet begun.
His original intention was to take the regu
lar boat from Washington to Norfolk.
Both of the regular lines refuse to take col
ored passengers and give them first-class
accommodations. That is not the custom on
the railroads of Virginia, but Mr. Douglass
didn't care to take a train. He and the
agents of the steamboat lines all declare
that the Minister did not apply for first
class tickets, but they did not deny that it
would have been impossible for him to get
them, and it is tacitly admitted that the
Navy Department, at the request of the
State Departmen ordered the Dispatch to
take Mr. Douglass and his wife to Nor
folk in order that any scandal might be
The Minister's baggage is piled up in the
veranda of his house in Anacosta, waiting
for word from the navy yard that the Dis
patch was ready to start. She did not ar
rive, as was expected, last night, and, it is
learned, put into Lewes, Del., for safety
from the easterly storm.
Meantime, the order directing that the
Dispatch proceed to Norfolk to connect with
the Ossipee has been revoked, and the com
mander of the Ke-rsage, now at New York,
has been teleg'-phed to be ready as soon as
fiossible to p.oceed direct to Hayti with the
uckless m .ster.
Mr. Douglass will leave for New York by
rail on Monday, at any rate, and wait for
another chance to sail. It was denied by
the Minister when the question of first class
accommodations by the regular Norfolk
boat was discussed that he had been dis
criminated against, but to-night a friend
directly from his own house says that Com
mander Kellogg had an idea that a suite of
rooms and a separate table would be all that
a black passenger could expect, and it is
argued from this that the commanders and
the lieutenant commander's motives are all
It is not thought that Secretary Tracy is
aware of the real state of affairs, or the
second orders and the sudden changes of
plan conldn't have come so suddenly. The
Secretary of the Navy was ill to-night and
could not be communicated with directly.
Flcrco Fighting With Fists Between Sepa
rated United Brethren Liberals Op
posed by Radicals Desperate
Battles on Sunday.
Chambebsbubo, September 27. A ter
rific church fight is in progress among
factions of the United Brethren denomina
tions of Green Castle and Clay Hill, vil
lages a few miles south of this place, over
the ownership of church property. The
congregations- own a church at each place,
and each faction wants to bold them both,
to the exclusion of the other. Both back
up their claims with their fists. As a re
sult, a dozen suits and counter-suits for as
sault and battery have been entered this
week, at the countyjeourt here.
At the recent "conference" of the sect as
York, there was a division between the
"Liberals" and "Badicals" on questions of
religious opinion and church government,
and the former faction withdrew. The Bev.
J. Keister was chosen pastor by the radical
brethren at Green Castle, and the Rev. W.
K. Schleichter by the liberals at Clay Hill.
Last week tbe radicals secured the keys
of the chnrch edifice at Green Castle, and
proposed to shut out the liberals. On
Saturday night, however, eight active lib
erals crawled in through the windows.
They remained inside all night, in order to
bold possession on Sunday, and slept on the
benches. Early on Sunday morning they
were awakened by the unexpected appear
ance ot 16 muscular radicals. They ordered
the liberals out, but the liberals refused to
go. Immediately two stalwart radicals
grabbed the leader of the liberals and
shoved him through the doorway. Then
there was a physical war.
In the struggle that ensued, lasting IS
minutes, both si5es fought desperately and
well, and every man on either side received
vigorous blows and numerous bruises and
black eyes and bleeding noses were ex
changed without remorse, and coats and
neckties were ripped off their wearers, with
out regard to age or position in the church.
The liberals numbered only eight, and,
were at length overpowered by the 15 Badi
cals, and were thrown bodily out of the
open doors and windows. At Clay Hill the
resnlt was otherwise, the liberals there
getting on top.
Any Quantity of Bogus Gold and Silver Coin
Fonnd With Him.
Washington, September 27. Chief
Bell, of the secret service, is advised by
Agent Shaw, of the St, Louis district, of the
arrest to-day, at Solomon City, Kan., of A.
M. Miskimi, manufacturer of counterfeit
coin. Over $2,000 in counterfeit gold and
silver coin was captured, aiul all the para
phernalia for manufacturing the same.
Considerable of this spurious coin has
been put in circulation in the western sec
tion of the country recently, and this arrest
will undoubtedly cut off the shover's source
uppiji .
Two Sections of a Fast Express Train Tele
scopod Three Hundred Passengers on
Board The Loss of Life Fear
fat, bnc No FTgnrcs Yet.
Canajohabie, N. Y., September 28.
The firstsection oNo. 5, "the St. Lonls ex
press, on the Central railroad, due at
Palatine bridge at 12:16 to-night, left
here about on time. The second sec
tion of the same train followed on.and abont
one mile east of Palatine bridge ran into
the first lection, making one of the worst
wrecks which ever occurred on the Central.
Three sleeping cars are telescoped and nearly
all the passengers killed.
A dispatch from Bochester says: A disas
trous railroad accident is reported
late to-night at "Palatine bridge. It
is said that a fast train of five
cars was telescoped by another
train of five cars. It is said that there were
fully 300 people on board the two trains.
Belief trains with surgeons and physicians
on board have gone from Albany to Utica.
A passenger train was running in two sec
tions at the rate of 40 miles an hour, when
the second section ran into the first section,
telescoping the rear car.
A late telegram from Albany says: The
report of the accident on the Central Hud
son has been confirmed. As near as can be
learned the accident occurred two miles east
of Palatine bridge. The telegraph office at
that station is not a night one and no de
tails are available as yet.
The Great Strike on tbe Qllsiourl Paclflo
Bond Recalled Alleged Plot to
Destroy Company Property
Damnge Suits Next.
St. Louis, September 27. It will be
recollected that dnring the great strike on
the Missouri Pacific Railroad system in the
spring of 1886 a freight train was wrecked
near Wyandotte, Kan., and two of its crew
killed, and that a number of Knights of
Labor strikers were arrested, charged with
the act. One of the arrested men, George
Hamilton, was tried and acquitted, and the
other cases were abandoned1. Subsequently
Mike Leary and Robert Geers, two of the
arrestedKnights, brought suit against the
Missouri Pacific Company for damages for
malicious prosecution, and yesterday deposi
tions were taken here in this case by B. P.
Waggoner, of Atchison, Kan., attorney for
we missoun racinc.
These depositions were given by Knights
of Labor said to be more or less dissatisfied
with the order, and it is alleged that they
show that the order took the Wyandotte
train Writers fliiwllir nndav ?to nrnlantinn
and spent some 30,000 of its general fund
in their defense; also, that in" the spirit of
revenge over the failure of the strike, the
Missouri Car Works, at St. Charles, Mo.,
and the Vandalia freight depot, in East St.
Louis, were destroyed by fire, and that a
plan was devised to blow up the bridge here
by floating a dynamite laden barge against
it, but this was not carried out. The names
of the actors in these events were given, and
it was stated that men much higher in the
ranks of the Knights knew much about
these things.
In view of these statements it is said that
Master Workman Powdeily and Secretary
Hays, when they arrive here nexr viiek,
will be put thronghAltf affidavit mill, and
the other members of tbe Executive Board
will be compelled to tell what they know.
The testimony of other local Knights wtll
also be taken. Two or three local labor
leaders, when seen in regard to the dis
closures made in these affidavits say that
the Knights of Labor court the fullest inves
tigation and view the act of the railroad
company as a bold case of bluff intended to
frighten other defendants from suing the
road, and also to scare Powderly from com
ing here to investigate various things in
connection with the indorsement of Thomas
Furlong, the applicant for the position of
head of the United States secret service.
The Insured Person Is Alleged to Have Been
Drowned la Rnssln.
CHICAGO, September 27. An extraordin
ary suit is on tbe docket of the Circuit
Court for trial at an early date. When
Nilson A. Scimischelcwitz went on a visit
to his relatives in Russia last December his
life was insured in the iEtnaLife Insurance
Company in the sum of $17,000, the policy
being made payable, in the event of his
death, to his father. On Christmas night,
while crossing the river Neva, Nilson
drove into a hole that some priests in the
Greek Church had cut in the ice for the pur
pose of immersing the image of the Savior.
After the fathers had performed the cere
mony they very thoughtlessly left the hole
in the ice without any red lanterns or other
danger signals, and Nilson drove in and
was drowned and the body was never re
covered. At least this is the story told by
his father when he made a demand for the
payment of the policy.
The officials of the company declined to
pay. Suit was then commenced by the
father, and if tbe case is pressed tho litiga
tion is likely to be expensive to both sides.
If the company should set up a plea that the
holder of the policy is still alive and in the
flesh, the other side will be compelled to
prove to the satisfaction of a jury that the
river was actually frozen at the time; that
the priests actually cut the holes and im
mersed the image; that Nilson went into it,
and that he never came out alive or was
seen afterward.
One of the Most Noted Diamond Thieves in
America Accidentally Hanlcd In.
Springfield, Mass., September 27.
"B. T. Stewart," who was arrested on the
night of September i prowling around
the corridor of the Warwick Hotel,
with burglar tools in his sleeves, turns
out to be one of the most noted
diamond and store thieves in America. The
police have identified him as Jack Cannon,
alias Davis, alias Stewart, alias Bartlett.
March 10, 188G, he was arrested in New
Orleans, with Tom White, alms "Montreal
Tom," and George Wilton, "The Peoria
Kid," for robbing Effie Hawkins, of Chi
cago, of $8,000 worth of diamonds. His
real name is saicLto be Haonon. His first
step in crime was taken in New Orleans.
Among Hannon's nfcmerous crimes
was the robbery of a store at Jacksonville,
Fla., of diamonds, watches, etc. Another
at Brownsville, Tex., thie in Houston,
another at Galveston, Hote. Roval and th
Cregg House, New Orleani May 15, 1886,
he was sentenced for two years at Baton
The Woman la tho Trouble Will Sao for
Some Froper y.
Atlantic Crnr, N. J., September 27.
Mrs. Hamilton's lawyer v; sited her at the
Mays Landing jail to-day and on his re
turn he stated that his cliei t had instructed
him to commence proceed! gs-against Mrs.
Bupp, the proprietress ofNbll Cottage, who
went to Philadelphia Wednesday, taking
with her several trunks b longing to Mrs.
Hamilton,-with a view oJ recovering her
I riWITl tT r II ' w & to lets. f0 sale,. drw5 -!r.B
ZILPMXP tlilll 11 -' y- TO.MOBBOW'S ISSUE IffliP
fVvTT'v'V ! ' ' i May bo banded In at the main advertising Wf
J& W ' offlceof THKDiSPATajFIfth avenue, up to , '&&.
A Faded Little Woman Proving Her
Devotion to Her Husband.
How They Left "Worcester and Went to
Find Work in New York City,
Heter Drank, and She Is Very Ban He Was Hot a
The faithful little wife of Charles Giblin,
yesterday, told the Eeferee how kind her
husband always was to her, and that he
wasn't in the iabit of drinking to excess.
She also explained where the pieces of cop
per found in his possession came from.
Ne-sv Yobk, September 27. Kate Giblin,
wife of Charles Giblin, the condemned coun
terfeiter, was the first witness to-day in the
hearing which is taking place before Referee
Douras upon the application of his counsel
to Governor Hill for a commutation of his
sentence. She is a faded little woman, with
dark hair and eyes, and a weary look on her
face. She was shabbily dressed in black.
Her babe, born since Giblin was put in
prison,a pretty little girl, tastefully dressed,
was in court with her.
Mrs. Giblin testified that in 1886, in Bos
ton, she married Giblin. He then worked
as a wire drawer in the Washburn & Moen
works at Worcester, Mass., and they went
there to live. She said that he worked
steadily and spent all hi nights at home,
except that occasionally he attended meet
ings of the Boyal Arcanum lodge, of which
he was a member. Most of his wages he
gave to her for household expenses, and
He had never been drnnk since he mar
ried her, and wasn't a drinking man. He
was "very kind, indeed," to her and tbe
child. In the fall of 1887 work was slack
in Worcester, and Mrs. Gibhn's health be
ing bad, Giblin said they would go to New
York and try a change. Theygot three
rooms in a tenement at 450 West Fifty-fifth
street, and started housekeeping therein
the latter part of October.
When they were packing up their furni
ture in Worcester, Mrs. Giblin came across
some pieces ot copper. She asked her hus
band if they itere worth saving, and he told
her to pnt them in with the other things,
that he could use them in making some sort
of battery. She left them in the top
drawer of the bureau, and in it they came to
New York.
They had $200 when they left Worcester.
Giblin read the advertisements in the
papers every morning, and spent the day
in answering them, looking for work. At
evening he would retnrn and spend the
night at home. His search for work was
always unsuccessful.
About Christmas time a man named
Waters, whom they had met on the boat,
called upon them. A week or 'two after
ward a tin type of General Grant came to
their house, addressed to Waters, in her
husband's care. On February 15, the day
of the murder, there was $10 of their $200
left. Giblin went out in the morning, as
.usual, to look for work. He didn't return,
and she stayed up all night waiting for. him.
In the morning the housekeeper told Iter
that her husband was in trouble. She
started ofi at once for the station house, and
had a few moments' talk with him. He
asked her to write to friends in Worcester
and tell them of the trouble he was in, and
that was about all passed between them.
W hen she got Dactc home she found a man
waiting. He told her he sympathized with
her, and he gave her some money. He did
not tell her his name, and she had never
seen nor beard of him since.
Alter Rie had been home an hour or so
two detectives came and asked if they could
search the rooms. She told them they could,
ana sat
while tbey went through all the drawers
and boxes. Tbey found the pieces of copper
in the top bureau drawer, where they had
been ever since the removal from Worcester.
She was sure her husband had never takeo
them ont or used them in any way. They
also found the tintype of General Grant.
The "pieces of copper" were plates al
leged to have been used in making counter
feit money, and the tintype might have
been useful in the same work. They were
the chief basis for the police theory that
Giblin was one of a gang of counterleiters.
Mrs. Giblin said she never heard anr such
charge made against her husband until she
saw it in tbe papers, and that he had never
been arrested or in trouble with the police
before this time.
Preparations by the Government for the
Party Going to Africa.
Washington, September 27. Prof.
Todd, who is in charge of the Government
expedition to observe the total eclipse of the
sun in Africa, has goue to New York to
make sqme preparations for his party. The
Secretary of the Navy has assigned the
Pensacola, now lying in the Brooklyn navy
yard, to the uses of the expedition. The
idea is to embark abont the 10th or 15th of
October. The party, it is now definitely
known, will consist of 20 or 25 men, of whom
only a (6w have thns far received their ap
pointments. Prof. if. it. Bigelow, a Har
vard graduate, lately connected with Bacine
College and now attached to tbe naval ob
servatory in this city, will be Prof. Todd's
chief astronomical assistant. Dr. W. J.
Holland was appointed the naturalist of the
expedition, bat private considerations are
liable to prevent his going.
W. Harvey Brown, of the National Mu
seum, will be the expert in osteology, and
was expected to assist Dr. Holland in his
general work. Anthropology will be looked
after by O. A. Orr, of Clark University.
The United States coast survey has detailed
E. D. Preston to superintend the work in
gravity determination and magnetics; and
Prof. Cleveland Abbe, the leading scientific
expert of the signal office here, will have
charge of the department of meteorology.
Mrs. Hamilton Has Iiost Nonoof Her Power
Over Her Husband.
Mat's Landing, N. J., September 27.
Bobert Bay Hamilton, in company with a
frieud, arrived here at 8:i0 o'clock this
evening. Mr. Hamilton approached his
wife in the Sheriff's house with outstretched
hand, and she clasped it in both hers, while
with his disengaged arm he clasped her to
his bosom. There was a long and tender
embrace. This was in the presence of a
third person. There evidently was some
very earnest conversation.
What the purpose of Mr. Hamilton's visit
was, and what will be the outcome, can only
be conjectured,. but the fact remains that
the frail, but unfortunate, Eva has by no
means lost that power over him which has
caused him so much suffering.
plvet a teriet of vivid pen picture of Balfour,
the hated Chief Becrefary for Ireland,
PAflEa WteBEECENTO, , '.
Why He Doesn't Care a Whit for the Goad
Will of tho Administration He
Thinks He's Folly Able to
Take Care at Himself.
Columbus, O., September 27. Governor
Foraker is actively engaged in the cam
paign, making one or two speeches each day.
This evening he concluded a hard week's
work at Washington Court House, wherebe
addressed an immense audience. His meet
ings so far have been unusually large. At
Bepubllcan headquarters they seem en
thusiastic over the outlook, and are confi
dent that the Governor will be re-elected by
an increased majority. They cannot see
-that there has anything so far happened
Which will detract from his chances be
fore tbe people. The chairman and
others connected with the headquarters
have been frequently asked what
they thought would be the effect of the
Tannir resignation and the subsequent
publication of the letter to Dalzell, and
they are unanimous on the point that it will
cut but little, if any figure, in the cam
paign, or have any effect on the vote. They
do. however, think the naming of an
objectionable successor to Tanner might
result in some dissatisfaction and probably
influence some votes. Governor Foraker
expressed himself some days since on the
subject, in the course of which he under
took to explain what he, had said on that
point in a speech delivered at Xenia. His
explanation was In no wise complimentary
to Secretary Noble, and in the course of
his interview he carried the impres
sion that the National administra
tion had very little to do with
the present contest in Ohio or with what the
result might be. It is well known that Gov
ernor Foraker is asking nothing from Presi
dent Harrison, and says in effect that he
does not care how he settles the Tanner
trouble. As a matter of fact, the Governor
does not care to be hampered in his aspira
tions, which extend beyond the present con
test, with 1892 as an objective point. As an
evidence of how Foraker and his friends
view the Tanner subject and feel toward the
administration, a Republican high in au
thority and connected with the Republican
headquarters stated this evening that it re
mains to be seen whether Harrison has used
excellent judgment in preferring Secretary
Noble to Alger and Foraker and their
friends. The Republicans who 'are at the
front in Ohio politics are not asking any
thing of President Harrison in the way of
recognition in connection with the Pension
Verv Well Sntlsfled With the Prospects for
His Party Plan and Officers of the
, New District Organizations
Regular Headquarters.
Philadelphia, September 27. Elliott
P. Eisner, Chairman of the Democratic
State Committee, and Edmund A BIgler,
the Democratic candidate for State Treas
urer, arrived here to-night. They were
fresh from a visit to the chairmen or the
Democratic County Committees in the
northeastern and central counties of the
State. Candidate Bigler was in a cheerful.
mood as he told of his trip. He said:
We have visited tbe County Chairmen In a
numoer of the counties in tbe northeastern
and central parts otthe State, and we found
that tbey have been attending to the detail
campaign work. The Chairmen speak confi
dently of their ability to get out a good vote
for an off year, and, the spirit of tbe party
. Tr am nhnm vn .n . tf th w .11.. H
nwAAC&0 WAAVfc fije uvv.uw . a- .usj wi.ii4(
their part: I will 4f lean leava Jor theWest
Chairman Kisner readily acquiesced fn
the statement of Candidate Bigler, and
seemed pleased, judging by his manner and
talk, with the reports so far received from
the several districts. The tour which has
jnst been finished in this section of the
Statewill.be continued until all of the
counties have been visited. In accordance
with the decision of tbe last State Conven
tion, which changed the rules of the Demo
cratic State organization, the State has been
divided into nine districts, and a Chairman
appointed for each. It was learned to-night
that eight of the nine had been appointed,
and the counties comprising what is known
Uas the Huntingdon district are expected to
I AlAatfc AltA... l A . ..... A . 4a AHAOT.
Bach chairman of a district will be held
responsible for the result in the counties
thereof, and is expected from time to time
to report to the Chairman of the State Com
mittee its condition of affairs. The eight
who have so far been selected are William
L. Scott, of Eric county; Charles F. Krumb
haar, of Philadelphia; Eckley B. Coxe, of
Luzerne; Congressman-electjKerr, of Clear
field MarshallE. Wright, of Lehigh; Ben
jamin F. Meyers, of Dauphin; Mortimer F.
Elliott, of Tioga, and William J. Brennan,
of Allegheny county.' It is expected that
sub-headquarters will be established by
Chairman Kisner in this city.
The regular are headquarters, it is under
stood, to remain at Harrisburg, where Sec
retary Benjamin M. Nead, in the absence of
Chairman Kisner, has charge of the work.
An Estate In fyglnnd Can't be Divided Until
She Is Foned.
New Yobk, September 27. The follow
ing advertisement was printed in a Jersey
City paper to-day:
The undersigned desire Information of the
present whereabouts of Nina Jeanetta Hart
wen, daughter of 8Ir Broderick Hartwell, who
left Eneland many years ago, with her uncle,
Sydney Holton Hartwell.
Randolph. Conbit & Black;
Attorneys, etc., 1 Montgomery street
!rAt the lawyers' office Mr. Condit said
that Messrs. Lee- & Pemberton, solicitors,
Lincoln's Inn Field, London, had written
him to find the iroman. She left England
in 1871 with Sidney Holton Hartwell, her
father's youngest brother, who was about 30
years old. She was 19. Her family didn't
know where they went, but a letter was re
ceived, dated in this city, September 9,1871,
saying that the uncle was dead.
Sir Broderick Hartwell had three other
children. He was wealthy. He held a
great deal of his fortune in trust, to be
divided equally among his children when he
died. His death occurred recently. The
money held in trust cannot be divided until
tbe missing daughter is fonnd or satisfactory
proof of her death is forthcoming.
One Man and Four Women and Children
Meet Death by Drowning;.
Fall Biveb, Mass., September 27.
Five persons were drowned this afternoon in
WatuppaPond by the capsizing of a row
boat. The drowned are Louis Dnbois, aged
53 years; Nathalie Dubois, his niece, aged
38; Mrs. George Micbaud, her daughter
Leah, aged 7, and BbsannaLevitere.aged 8.
Marie Louise Michaud was rescued un
conscious, but was resuscitated. Dnbois is
said to have been intoxicated, and on empty
whisky bottle was found in the boat.
Tho Blalnes In New York City.
New Yobk, September 27. Mr. and
Mrs. James G. Blaine, Walker Blaine and
James G. Blaine, Jr., arrived fn the city
this afternoon, and went immediately to the
Filth Avenue Hotel. Mr. Blaine remained
in his room and saw very few visitors. The
Secretary and his party will go to Wash
ington to-morrow afternoon on the limited
express, ...
What the VViapf Securing
Pensions Has Eventually
Grown Into,
, i t
Awaitim? an OBBorfnaltT lor Tkair I
. "i". jt .L.- ..,.
. "
.Ur 1
i Eattrtalalac CaleahitlM- far Ps
Fond of Making FloBres Hard Work to
Sift Oat Genuine CUlaM From These
Filed by Sfcysters Many Pensioner
Their Own lawyers The Coarse, el
Sed Tape Tnroah WMek a Feestom
Claim Travels Interesting BtaHstlse
From the Department A Great Seed"
Off for a WaeUsKteB Feaetea Aceat
That buffeted Pension Commission erafcip
may be disposed ot to-day. Campbell,
of Kansas, seems ready for (he trouble.
A staff correspondent of The Dispatch
telegraphs some interesting reading abeat
pension matters, a subject jnst now particu
larly pat. Some singular iaeta are de
WASHraaTOX, September 27. Ohio sea
say that Charles Edward Brown, of Ciaeln
nati, is a probable Pension Coamlseionar,
having Governor Foraker back of him, be
cause he is an Ohio man, unless the corres
pondence which Coleael Brown has bad witk .
Private Dalzell has destroyed his fast'
chance. N
Persons who know tie mind of Secretary
Noble best agree with the guessers, that
A. B. Campbell, of Kansas, Senator
Plumb's man, being a private soldier, e.
lawyer, an ex-Department Commaader of
the Grand Army, and ones aa Isdknian,
has the call.
Senator Blair, of New Hampshire, will
urge the appointment of ex-CongresssBsa
Gallinger upon the President to-Bsrrew.
Tanner's chance for the Recordership or any
other office is admitted to be gone with the
letter to Dalzell. ,
Mr. Campbell lunched with Corporal
Tanner to-day. President Harrison and
Secretary Noble will have a consultation on
Campbell to-morrow, when, It is believed,
the appointment of a Commisriefier will he
decided upon.
With upward of 450,000 pensloaera
ao won, the rolbLjind spore than 469,690
more who possibly have-claims witk a tsb
stantial basis, it will-be coaiied, without
further words, what an Immense business
has grown from a small beginning in tho
Pension Bureau; what influence persons
prominent in the pensions claims and
pension service may wield; what a keen
desire has heretofore sprung np among
leading, veterans to occupy the office of
Commissioner; what discretion of mind and
tongne should control the head of the
bureau; why the President seeks a man of
high reputation for the place, and how
difficult it is to decide where so many Influ
ences are pulling apart in the struggle for
the control of tbe office.
Many queries have appeared touching the
correctness of the statement of "Private",
Dalzell that 800,000 claims await adjudica
tion in the Pension Office. The Private, as
usual, sees with dilated pupils. The aggre
gate of claims of all kinds, good, bad and
indifferent, is only a few more than 600,000.
Ot these it is safe to say, from their charac
ter and from the best authority, that mora
than 150,000 may be considered finally re
jected, and tens of thousands of others will
probably die for lack of evidence to maka
them good. As to the speed with which
pensions are granted, take the record of last
week, as reported in the National Tribune:
last week's becobd.
During tbe weekending September 2L18B9,
5,405 claims were received, of which 1,332 were
original Invalid. 680 widows, 7 Wual 1812,5
bounty land, 39 navy, 3 old war, U on account
of Mexican -service and 3,365 applications for
increase. Tbe names and pos f office addresses
of 3.W0 officers and comrades were furnished
for the use of claimants. There were 68,080
pieces of mall matter received; 23,165 letters,
and blanks sent out. Tbe number of cases de
tailed to special examiners was 609; 835 reports
and cases from special examiners; cases on
hand for special examination, H802.
Report of certificates issued during week
ending September 21, 18S9: Original, 1,386; in
crease. 1,627; reissue. 25: restoration. 4; dupli
cate, 10; accrued, 49: arrears, 0; act of March 3.
1883,0; order April 8, 1881, 0; act of August;
1886,0; supplemental, 0; arrears June 7,1888V 8;
Mexican War, 28; total, 3,02.
Persons fond of making figures can enter
tain themselves with calculations as to how
long it will be before all deserved pensions
will be granted. The trouble is to get at
the nnmber of really substantial claims, for
the nnmber stated as being on file includes
all that are filed by shyster attorneys, all
those rejected but awaiting rehearing, all
which are weak from any cause; and there
fore the number of really good claims on
file, delay in granting of which may cause
hardship to the persons who onght to be on
the rolls, is not so large. Among so 'many
claimants it is inevitable that a vast num
ber of fraudulent claims are filed. .These
require even more careful sifting than the
It is probable the fraudulent claims are
constantly on the Increase, as a class of at
torneys make a practice of inducing sol
diers to file application simply to get the 2
which the law permits them to charge for
postage, etc., and which is
that may be collected previous to the grant-'
ing of a pension. In most cases the cost to
the attorney is not more than a few cents,
and attorneys who can induce a few hun
dred persons to apply may make a nice lit
tle "stake" from the postage and stationery
Beputable attorneys will not file a claim
before they are satisfied that the evidence of
Continued on Smmth page.
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